2014-03-16 17:14:47 -07:00

1260 lines
34 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "TcpSocket.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "Indexdb.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "Users.h"
static int defaultSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int pingSort1 ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int pingSort2 ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int pingAgeSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int pingMaxSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int slowDiskSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int splitTimeSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int flagSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int resendsSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int errorsSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int tryagainSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int dgramsToSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int dgramsFromSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
//static int loadAvgSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int memUsedSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int cpuUsageSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
static int diskUsageSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 );
long generatePingMsg( Host *h, long long nowms, char *buffer );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . make a web page displaying the config of this host
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageHosts ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
// don't allow pages bigger than 128k in cache
char buf [ 64*1024 ];
//char *p = buf;
//char *pend = buf + 64*1024;
SafeBuf sb(buf, 64*1024);
// check for a sort request
long sort = r->getLong ( "sort", -1 );
// sort by hostid with dead on top by default
if ( sort == -1 ) sort = 16;
char *coll = r->getString ( "c" );
//char *pwd = r->getString ( "pwd" );
// check for setnote command
long setnote = r->getLong("setnote", 0);
long setsparenote = r->getLong("setsparenote", 0);
// check for replace host command
long replaceHost = r->getLong("replacehost", 0);
// check for sync host command
long syncHost = r->getLong("synchost", 0);
// set note...
if ( setnote == 1 ) {
// get the host id to change
long host = r->getLong("host", -1);
if ( host == -1 ) goto skipReplaceHost;
// get the note to set
long noteLen;
char *note = r->getString("note", &noteLen, "", 0);
// set the note
g_hostdb.setNote(host, note, noteLen);
// set spare note...
if ( setsparenote == 1 ) {
// get the host id to change
long spare = r->getLong("spare", -1);
if ( spare == -1 ) goto skipReplaceHost;
// get the note to set
long noteLen;
char *note = r->getString("note", &noteLen, "", 0);
// set the note
g_hostdb.setSpareNote(spare, note, noteLen);
// replace host...
if ( replaceHost == 1 ) {
// get the host ids to swap
long rhost = r->getLong("rhost", -1);
long rspare = r->getLong("rspare", -1);
if ( rhost == -1 || rspare == -1 )
goto skipReplaceHost;
// replace
g_hostdb.replaceHost(rhost, rspare);
// sync host...
if ( syncHost == 1 ) {
// get the host id to sync
long syncHost = r->getLong("shost", -1);
if ( syncHost == -1 ) goto skipReplaceHost;
// call sync
g_hostdb.syncHost(syncHost, false);
//g_syncdb.syncHost ( syncHost );
if ( syncHost == 2 ) {
// get the host id to sync
long syncHost = r->getLong("shost", -1);
if ( syncHost == -1 ) goto skipReplaceHost;
// call sync
g_hostdb.syncHost(syncHost, true);
//g_syncdb.syncHost ( syncHost );
long refreshRate = r->getLong("rr", 0);
if(refreshRate > 0)
sb.safePrintf("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" "
// ignore
//char *username = g_users.getUsername ( r );
//char *password = NULL;
//User *user = NULL;
//if ( username ) user = g_users.getUser (username );
//if ( user ) password = user->m_password;
//if ( ! password ) password = "";
//if ( ! username ) username = "";
// print standard header
// char *pp = sb.getBuf();
// char *ppend = sb.getBufEnd();
// if ( pp ) {
g_pages.printAdminTop ( &sb , s , r );
// sb.incrementLength ( pp - sb.getBuf() );
// }
char *colspan = "30";
//char *shotcol = "";
char shotcol[1024];
shotcol[0] = '\0';
if ( g_conf.m_useShotgun ) {
colspan = "31";
//shotcol = "<td><b>ip2</b></td>";
sprintf ( shotcol, "<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s"
// print host table
sb.safePrintf (
"<table %s>"
"<tr><td colspan=%s><center>"
//"<font size=+1>"
"<b>Hosts "
"(<a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=%li&reset=1\">"
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=0\">"
"<td><b>host ip</b></td>"
"<td><b>mirror</b></td>" // mirror # within the shard
// i don't remember the last time i used this, so let's
// just comment it out to save space
//"<td><b>group mask</td>"
//"<td><b>udp port</td>"
// this is now more or less obsolete
//"<td><b>priority udp port</td>"
//"<td><b>dns client port</td>"
"<td><b>http port</td>"
// this is now obsolete since ide channel is. it was used
// so that only the guy with the token could merge,
// and it made sure that only one merge per ide channel
// and per group was going on at any one time for performance
// reasons.
//"<td><b>token group</td>"
//"<td><b>best switch id</td>"
//"<td><b>actual switch id</td>"
//"<td><b>switch id</td>"
// this is now fairly obsolete
//"<td><b>ide channel</td>"
"<td><b>HD temps (C)</b></td>"
//"<td><b>resends sent</td>"
//"<td><b>errors recvd</td>"
//"<td><b>ETRYAGAINS recvd</td>"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=3\">"
"<b>dgrams resent</a></td>"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=4\">"
"<b>errors recvd</a></td>"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=5\">"
"<b>ETRY AGAINS recvd</a></td>"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=6\">"
"<b>dgrams to</a></td>"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=7\">"
"<b>dgrams from</a></td>"
//"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=8\">"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=13\">"
"<b>avg split time</a></td>"
"<td><b>splits done</a></td>"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=12\">"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=15\">"
"<b>slow reads</a></td>"
"<td><b>docs indexed</a></td>"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=9\">"
"<b>mem used</a></td>"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=10\">"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=17\">"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=14\">"
"<b>max ping1</a></td>"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=11\">"
"<b>ping1 age</a></td>"
"<td><a href=\"/admin/hosts?c=%s&sort=1\">"
"%s"// "<td><b>ip2</td>"
//"<td>avg roundtrip</td>"
//"<td>std. dev.</td></tr>"
colspan ,
coll, sort,
shotcol );
// loop through each host we know and print it's stats
long nh = g_hostdb.getNumHosts();
// should we reset resends, errorsRecvd and ETRYAGAINS recvd?
if ( r->getLong("reset",0) ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nh ; i++ ) {
// get the ith host (hostId)
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( i );
h->m_totalResends = 0;
h->m_errorReplies = 0;
h->m_etryagains = 0;
h->m_dgramsTo = 0;
h->m_dgramsFrom = 0;
// sort hosts if needed
long hostSort [ MAX_HOSTS ];
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nh ; i++ )
hostSort [ i ] = i;
switch ( sort ) {
case 1: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), pingSort1 ); break;
case 2: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), pingSort2 ); break;
case 3: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), resendsSort ); break;
case 4: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), errorsSort ); break;
case 5: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), tryagainSort ); break;
case 6: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), dgramsToSort ); break;
case 7: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), dgramsFromSort ); break;
//case 8: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), loadAvgSort ); break;
case 9: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), memUsedSort ); break;
case 10:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), cpuUsageSort ); break;
case 11:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), pingAgeSort ); break;
case 12:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), flagSort ); break;
case 13:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), splitTimeSort ); break;
case 14:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), pingMaxSort ); break;
case 15:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), slowDiskSort ); break;
case 16:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), defaultSort ); break;
case 17:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), diskUsageSort ); break;
// we are the only one that uses these flags, so set them now
static char s_properSet = 0;
if ( ! s_properSet ) {
s_properSet = 1;
long long nowmsLocal = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
// print it
//long ng = g_hostdb.getNumGroups();
for ( long si = 0 ; si < nh ; si++ ) {
long i = hostSort[si];
// get the ith host (hostId)
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( i );
// get avg/stdDev msg roundtrip times in ms for ith host
//long avg , stdDev;
//g_hostdb.getTimes ( i , &avg , &stdDev );
char ptr[256];
long pingAge = generatePingMsg(h, nowmsLocal, ptr);
char pms[64];
if ( h->m_pingMax < 0 ) sprintf(pms,"???");
else sprintf(pms,"%lims",h->m_pingMax);
// the sync status ascii-ized
char syncStatus = h->m_syncStatus;
char *ptr2;
if (syncStatus==0)
ptr2 ="<b>N</b>";
else if (syncStatus==1)
ptr2 ="Y";
ptr2 ="?";
char ipbuf1[64];
char ipbuf2[64];
char hdbuf[128];
char *hp = hdbuf;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++ ) {
long temp = h->m_hdtemps[k];
if ( temp > 50 )
hp += sprintf(hp,"<font color=red><b>%li"
hp += sprintf(hp,"%li",temp);
if ( k < 3 ) *hp++ = '/';
*hp = '\0';
//long switchGroup = 0;
//if ( g_hostdb.m_indexSplits > 1 )
// switchGroup = h->m_group%g_hostdb.m_indexSplits;
// the switch id match
//char tmpN[256];
//if ( ! h->m_onProperSwitch )
// sprintf(tmpN, "<font color=#ff0000><b>%li</b></font>",
// (long)h->m_switchId);
// sprintf(tmpN, "%li", (long)h->m_switchId);
// host can have 2 ip addresses, get the one most
// similar to that of the requester
long eip = g_hostdb.getBestIp ( h , s->m_ip );
char ipbuf3[64];
char *fontTagFront = "";
char *fontTagBack = "";
if ( h->m_percentMemUsed >= 98.0 ) {
fontTagFront = "<font color=red>";
fontTagBack = "</font>";
float cpu = h->m_cpuUsage;
if ( cpu > 100.0 ) cpu = 100.0;
if ( cpu < 0.0 ) cpu = -1.0;
char diskUsageMsg[64];
if ( h->m_diskUsage < 0.0 )
if ( h->m_diskUsage >= 98.0 )
sprintf(diskUsageMsg,"<font color=red><b>%.1f%%"
// split time, don't divide by zero!
long splitTime = 0;
if ( h->m_splitsDone )
splitTime = h->m_splitTimes / h->m_splitsDone;
//char flagString[32];
char tmpfb[64];
SafeBuf fb(tmpfb,64);
//char *fs = flagString;
//*fs = '\0';
// does its hosts.conf file disagree with ours?
if ( h->m_hostsConfCRC &&
h->m_hostsConfCRC != g_hostdb.getCRC() )
fb.safePrintf("<font color=red><b title=\"Hosts.conf "
"in disagreement with ours.\">H"
// recovery mode? reocvered from coring?
if ( h->m_flags & PFLAG_RECOVERYMODE )
fb.safePrintf("<b title=\"Recovered from core"
// rebalancing?
if ( h->m_flags & PFLAG_REBALANCING )
fb.safePrintf("<b title=\"Currently "
// has recs that should be in another shard? indicates
// we need to rebalance or there is a bad hosts.conf
if ( h->m_flags & PFLAG_FOREIGNRECS )
fb.safePrintf("<font color=red><b title=\"Foreign data "
"detected. Needs rebalance.\">F"
// if it has spiders going on say "S"
if ( h->m_flags & PFLAG_HASSPIDERS )
fb.safePrintf ( "<span title=\"Spidering\">S</span>");
// say "M" if merging
if ( h->m_flags & PFLAG_MERGING )
fb.safePrintf ( "<span title=\"Merging\">M</span>");
// say "D" if dumping
if ( h->m_flags & PFLAG_DUMPING )
fb.safePrintf ( "<span title=\"Dumping\">D</span>");
// say "y" if doing the daily merge
if ( !(h->m_flags & PFLAG_MERGEMODE0) )
fb.safePrintf ( "y");
// clear it if it is us, this is invalid
if ( ! h->m_gotPingReply ) {
if ( fb.length() == 0 )
char *bg = LIGHT_BLUE;
if ( h->m_ping >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout )
bg = "ffa6a6";
// print it
sb.safePrintf (
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><a href=\"http://%s:%hi/admin/hosts?"
"<td>%s</td>" // hostname
"<td>%li</td>" // group
"<td>%li</td>" // stripe
//"<td>0x%08lx</td>" // group mask
//"<td>%s</td>" // ip1
//"<td>%s</td>" // ip2
//"<td>%hi</td>" // port
//"<td>%hi</td>" // client port
"<td>%hi</td>" // http port
//"<td>%li</td>" // token group num
//"<td>%li</td>" // switch group
//"<td>%s</td>" // tmpN
//"<td>%li</td>" // ide channel
// hd temps
// resends
// error replies
// etryagains
// # dgrams sent to
// # dgrams recvd from
// loadavg
// split time
// splits done
// flags
// slow disk reads
// docs indexed
// percent mem used
// cpu usage
// disk usage
// ping max
// ping age
// ping
"<td nowrap=1>%s</td>"
"</tr>" ,
ipbuf3, h->m_httpPort,
coll, sort,
i ,
// group mask is not looked at a lot and is
// really only for indexdb and a few other rdbs
//g_hostdb.makeGroupId(i,ng) ,
//h->m_port ,
//h->m_dnsClientPort ,
h->m_httpPort ,
//switchGroup ,
//h->m_loadAvg, // double
h->m_percentMemUsed, // float
cpu, // float
// ping max
// ping age
//avg ,
ptr ,
//ptr2 ,
h->m_note );
// end the table now
sb.safePrintf ( "</table><br>\n" );
// print spare hosts table
sb.safePrintf (
"<table %s>"
"<tr class=hdrow><td colspan=10><center>"
//"<font size=+1>"
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><b>host name</td>"
//"<td><b>udp port</td>"
//"<td><b>priority udp port</td>"
//"<td><b>dns client port</td>"
"<td><b>http port</td>"
//"<td><b>switch id</td>"
// this is now fairly obsolete
//"<td><b>ide channel</td>"
for ( long i = 0; i < g_hostdb.m_numSpareHosts; i++ ) {
// get the ith host (hostId)
Host *h = g_hostdb.getSpare ( i );
char ipbuf1[64];
char ipbuf2[64];
// print it
sb.safePrintf (
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
//"<td>%hi</td>" // priority udp port
//"<td>%i</td>" // switch id
//"<td>%li</td>" // ide channel
"</tr>" ,
i ,
//h->m_port ,
//h->m_port2 ,
//h->m_dnsClientPort ,
h->m_httpPort ,
//h->m_ideChannel ,
h->m_note );
sb.safePrintf ( "</table><br>" );
// print proxy hosts table
sb.safePrintf (
"<table %s>"
"<tr class=hdrow><td colspan=12><center>"
//"<font size=+1>"
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><b>host name</b></td>"
//"<td><b>udp port</td>"
//"<td><b>priority udp port</td>"
//"<td><b>dns client port</td>"
"<td><b>http port</b></td>"
//"<td><b>switch id</td>"
"<td><b>max ping1</b></td>"
"<td><b>ping1 age</b></td>"
// this is now fairly obsolete
//"<td><b>ide channel</td>"
for ( long i = 0; i < g_hostdb.m_numProxyHosts; i++ ) {
// get the ith host (hostId)
Host *h = g_hostdb.getProxy ( i );
char ptr[256];
long pingAge = generatePingMsg(h, nowmsLocal, ptr);
char ipbuf1[64];
char ipbuf2[64];
// host can have 2 ip addresses, get the one most
// similar to that of the requester
long eip = g_hostdb.getBestIp ( h , s->m_ip );
char ipbuf3[64];
char pms[64];
if ( h->m_pingMax < 0 ) sprintf(pms,"???");
else sprintf(pms,"%lims",h->m_pingMax);
// the sync status ascii-ized
char *type = "proxy";
if ( h->m_type == HT_QCPROXY ) type = "qcproxy";
if ( h->m_type == HT_SCPROXY ) type = "scproxy";
// print it
sb.safePrintf (
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><a href=\"http://%s:%hi/admin/hosts?"
//"<td>%hi</td>" // priority udp port
//"<td>%i</td>" // switch id
"<td>%s</td>" // ping max
"<td>%ldms</td>" // ping age
"<td>%s</td>" // ping
//"<td>%li</td>" // ide channel
"<td>%s </td>"
"</tr>" ,
i ,
//h->m_port ,
//h->m_port2 ,
//h->m_dnsClientPort ,
h->m_httpPort ,
//h->m_ideChannel ,
h->m_note );
sb.safePrintf ( "</table><br><br>" );
".poo { background-color:#%s;}\n"
"</style>\n" ,
// print help table
sb.safePrintf (
"<table %s>"
"<tr class=hdrow><td colspan=10><center>"
//"<font size=+1>"
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>host ip</td>"
"<td>The primary IP address of the host."
"<tr class=poo>"
"The index is split into shards. Which shard does this "
"host serve?"
"<tr class=poo>"
"A shard can be mirrored multiple times for "
"data redundancy."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>The secondary IP address of the host."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>udp port</td>"
"<td>The UDP port the host uses to send and recieve "
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>dns client port</td>"
"<td>The UDP port used to send and receive dns traffic with."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>http port</td>"
"<td>The port you can connect a browser to."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>best switch id</td>"
"<td>The host prefers to be on this switch because it "
"needs to send a lot of data to other hosts on this swtich. "
"Therefore, ideally, the best switch id should match the "
"actual switch id for optimal performance."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>switch id</td>"
"<td>Hosts that share the same switch id are "
"physically on the same switch."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>dgrams resent</td>"
"<td>How many datagrams have had to be resent to a host "
"because it was not ACKed quick enough or because it was "
"fully ACKed but the entire request was resent in case "
"the host was reset."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>errors recvd</td>"
"<td>How many errors were received from a host in response "
"to a request to retrieve or insert data."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>ETRYAGAINS recvd</td>"
"<td>How many ETRYAGAIN were received in response to a "
"request to add data. Usually because the host's memory "
"is full and it is dumping its data to disk. This number "
"can be high if the host if failing to dump the data "
"to disk because of some malfunction, and it can therefore "
"bottleneck the entire cluster."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>dgrams to</td>"
"<td>How many datagrams were sent to the host from the "
"selected host since startup. Includes ACK datagrams. This "
"can actually be higher than the number of dgrams read "
"when the selected host is the same as the host in the "
"table because of resends. Gigablast will resend datagrams "
"that are not promptly ACKknowledged."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>dgrams from</td>"
"<td>How many datagrams were received from the host by the "
"selected host since startup. Includes ACK datagrams."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>avg split time</td>"
"<td>Average time this host took to compute the docids "
"for a query. Useful for guaging the slowness of a host "
"compare to other hosts."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>splits done</td>"
"<td>Number of queries this host completed. Used in "
"computation of the <i>avg split time</i>."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>Status flags for the host. See key below."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>slow reads</td>"
"<td>Number of slow disk reads the host has had. "
"When this is big compared to other hosts it is a good "
"indicator its drives are relatively slow."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>docs indexed</td>"
"<td>Number of documents this host has indexed over all "
"collections. All hosts should have close to the same "
"number in a well-sharded situation."
//"<tr class=poo>"
//"<td>1-minute sliding-window load average from "
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>mem used</td>"
"<td>Percentage of memory currently used."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>cpu usage</td>"
"<td>Percentage of cpu resources in use by the gb process."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>disk usage</td>"
"<td>Percentage of disk in use. When this gets close to "
"100%% you need to do something."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>max ping1</td>"
"<td>The worst ping latency from host to host."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>ping1 age</td>"
"<td>How long ago the last ping request was sent to "
"this host. Let's us know how fresh the ping time is."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>Ping time to this host on the primary network."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>Ping time to this host on the seconday/shotgun "
"network. This column is not visible if the shotgun "
"network is not enabled in the master controls."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>M (status flag)</td>"
"<td>Indicates host is merging files on disk."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>D (status flag)</td>"
"<td>Indicates host is dumping data to disk."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>S (status flag)</td>"
"<td>Indicates host has outstanding spiders."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>y (status flag)</td>"
"<td>Indicates host is performing the daily merge."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>R (status flag)</td>"
"<td>Indicates host is performing a rebalance operation."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>F (status flag)</td>"
"<td>Indicates host has foreign records and requires "
"a rebalance operation."
"<tr class=poo>"
"<td>x (status flag)</td>"
"<td>Indicates host has abruptly exited due to a fatal "
"error (cored) and "
"restarted itself."
sb.safePrintf ( "</table><br></form><br>" );
//p = g_pages.printAdminBottom ( p , pend );
// calculate buffer length
//long bufLen = p - buf;
// . send this page
// . encapsulates in html header and tail
// . make a Mime
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , (char*) sb.getBufStart() ,
sb.length() );
long generatePingMsg( Host *h, long long nowms, char *buf ) {
long ping = h->m_ping;
// show ping age first
long pingAge = nowms- h->m_lastPing;
// if host is us, we don't ping ourselves
if ( h->m_hostId == g_hostdb.m_hostId && h == g_hostdb.m_myHost)
pingAge = 0;
// if last ping is still 0, we haven't pinged it yet
if ( h->m_lastPing == 0 ) pingAge = 0;
// ping to string
sprintf ( buf , "%lims", ping );
// ping time ptr
// make it "DEAD" if > 6000
if ( ping >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) {
// mark SYNC if doing a sync
if ( h->m_doingSync )
sprintf(buf, "<font color=#ff8800><b>SYNC</b></font>");
sprintf(buf, "<font color=#ff0000><b>DEAD</b></font>");
// for kernel errors
else if ( h->m_kernelErrors > 0 ){
if ( h->m_kernelErrors == ME_IOERR )
sprintf(buf, "<font color=#ff0080><b>IOERR"
else if ( h->m_kernelErrors == ME_100MBPS )
sprintf(buf, "<font color=#ff0080><b>100MBPS"
sprintf(buf, "<font color=#ff0080><b>KERNELERR"
if ( ! g_conf.m_useShotgun ) return pingAge;
char *p = buf + gbstrlen(buf);
p += sprintf ( p , "</td><td>" );
// the second eth port, ip2, the shotgun port
long pingB = h->m_pingShotgun;
sprintf ( p , "%lims", pingB );
if ( pingB >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) {
// mark SYNC if doing a sync
if ( h->m_doingSync )
sprintf(p,"<font color=#ff8800><b>SYNC</b></font>");
sprintf(p,"<font color=#ff0000><b>DEAD</b></font>");
return pingAge;
return pingAge;
int defaultSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
// float up to the top if the host is reporting kernel errors
// even if the ping is normal
if ( h1->m_kernelErrors > 0 && h2->m_kernelErrors <= 0 ) return -1;
if ( h2->m_kernelErrors > 0 && h1->m_kernelErrors <= 0 ) return 1;
if ( h2->m_kernelErrors > 0 && h1->m_kernelErrors > 0 ) {
if ( h1->m_hostId < h2->m_hostId ) return -1;
return 1;
if ( g_hostdb.isDead(h1) && ! g_hostdb.isDead(h2) ) return -1;
if ( g_hostdb.isDead(h2) && ! g_hostdb.isDead(h1) ) return 1;
if ( h1->m_hostId < h2->m_hostId ) return -1;
return 1;
int pingSort1 ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
// float up to the top if the host is reporting kernel errors
// even if the ping is normal
if ( h1->m_kernelErrors > 0 ) return -1;
if ( h2->m_kernelErrors > 0 ) return 1;
if ( h1->m_ping > h2->m_ping ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_ping < h2->m_ping ) return 1;
return 0;
int pingSort2 ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
// float up to the top if the host is reporting kernel errors
// even if the ping is normal
if ( h1->m_kernelErrors > 0 ) return -1;
if ( h2->m_kernelErrors > 0 ) return 1;
if ( h1->m_pingShotgun > h2->m_pingShotgun ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_pingShotgun < h2->m_pingShotgun ) return 1;
return 0;
int pingMaxSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_pingMax > h2->m_pingMax ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_pingMax < h2->m_pingMax ) return 1;
return 0;
int slowDiskSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_slowDiskReads > h2->m_slowDiskReads ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_slowDiskReads < h2->m_slowDiskReads ) return 1;
return 0;
int pingAgeSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_lastPing > h2->m_lastPing ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_lastPing < h2->m_lastPing ) return 1;
return 0;
int splitTimeSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
long t1 = 0;
long t2 = 0;
if ( h1->m_splitsDone > 0 ) t1 = h1->m_splitTimes / h1->m_splitsDone;
if ( h2->m_splitsDone > 0 ) t2 = h2->m_splitTimes / h2->m_splitsDone;
if ( t1 > t2 ) return -1;
if ( t1 < t2 ) return 1;
return 0;
int flagSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_flags > h2->m_flags ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_flags < h2->m_flags ) return 1;
return 0;
int resendsSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_totalResends > h2->m_totalResends ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_totalResends < h2->m_totalResends ) return 1;
return 0;
int errorsSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_errorReplies > h2->m_errorReplies ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_errorReplies < h2->m_errorReplies ) return 1;
return 0;
int tryagainSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_etryagains > h2->m_etryagains ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_etryagains < h2->m_etryagains ) return 1;
return 0;
int dgramsToSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_dgramsTo > h2->m_dgramsTo ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_dgramsTo < h2->m_dgramsTo ) return 1;
return 0;
int dgramsFromSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_dgramsFrom > h2->m_dgramsFrom ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_dgramsFrom < h2->m_dgramsFrom ) return 1;
return 0;
int loadAvgSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_loadAvg > h2->m_loadAvg ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_loadAvg < h2->m_loadAvg ) return 1;
return 0;
int memUsedSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_percentMemUsed > h2->m_percentMemUsed ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_percentMemUsed < h2->m_percentMemUsed ) return 1;
return 0;
int cpuUsageSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_cpuUsage > h2->m_cpuUsage ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_cpuUsage < h2->m_cpuUsage ) return 1;
return 0;
int diskUsageSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 );
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 );
if ( h1->m_diskUsage > h2->m_diskUsage ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_diskUsage < h2->m_diskUsage ) return 1;
return 0;