Matt Wells e1dbaf81e9 count threads whose callback has not been called
as 'outstanding' for purposes of shutting down so
we can update the rdbmap after having written the rdblist
to disk in rdbdump.cpp.
2015-05-03 10:58:23 -07:00

2750 lines
77 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
//#include "Checksumdb.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
#include "Catdb.h"
#include "Posdb.h"
#include "Cachedb.h"
#include "Monitordb.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
//#include "Revdb.h"
#include "Sections.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Statsdb.h"
//#include "Tfndb.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "PingServer.h"
#include "Dns.h"
#include "Repair.h"
#include "RdbCache.h"
#include "Spider.h"
//#include "Classifier.h"
//#include "PageTopDocs.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Speller.h"
//#include "Thesaurus.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Profiler.h"
//#include "PageNetTest.h"
#include "LangList.h"
#include "AutoBan.h"
//#include "SiteBonus.h"
#include "Msg4.h"
#include "Msg5.h"
//#include "PageTurk.h"
//#include "Syncdb.h"
//#include "Placedb.h"
#include "Wiki.h"
#include "Wiktionary.h"
#include "Users.h"
#include "Proxy.h"
#include "Rebalance.h"
#include "SpiderProxy.h"
#include "PageInject.h"
// the query log hashtable defined in XmlDoc.cpp
//extern HashTableX g_qt;
// normally in seo.cpp, but here so it compiles
SafeBuf g_qbuf;
int32_t g_qbufNeedSave = 0;
// for resetAll()
//#include "Msg6.h"
extern void resetPageAddUrl ( );
extern void resetHttpMime ( );
extern void reset_iana_charset ( );
//extern void resetAdultBit ( );
extern void resetDomains ( );
extern void resetEntities ( );
extern void resetQuery ( );
extern void resetStopWords ( );
extern void resetAbbrTable ( );
extern void resetUnicode ( );
// our global instance
Process g_process;
//static int32_t s_flag = 1;
static int32_t s_nextTime = 0;
char *g_files[] = {
// might have localhosts.conf
// called by gb via system() to convert non-html doc to html
// need for checking hard drive temperature
// used by tagdb i guess
//"7za" , // 7-zip compression
// 'gbfilter' calls these filters to convert various doc types
// into html before being fed to parser
"antiword" , // msword
"pdftohtml", // pdf
"pstotext" , // postscript
//"ppthtml" , // powerpoint
// required for SSL server support for both getting web pages
// on https:// sites and for serving https:// pages
// the main binary!
// for spell checking
// . thumbnail generation
// . i used 'apt-get install netpbm' to install
// gives us siteranks for the most popular sites:
// this junk can be generated
// used to make package to install files for the package.
// so do not include hosts.conf or gb.conf
bool Process::getFilesToCopy ( char *srcDir , SafeBuf *buf ) {
// sanirty
int32_t slen = gbstrlen(srcDir);
if ( srcDir[slen-1] != '/' ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < (int32_t)sizeof(g_files)/4 ; i++ ) {
// terminate?
if ( ! g_files[i] ) break;
// skip subdir shit it won't work
if ( strstr(g_files[i],"/") ) continue;
// if not first
if ( i > 0 ) buf->pushChar(' ');
// append it
, srcDir
, g_files[i] );
// and the required runtime subdirs
buf->safePrintf(" %santiword-dir",srcDir);
buf->safePrintf(" %sucdata",srcDir);
buf->safePrintf(" %shtml",srcDir);
return true;
bool Process::checkFiles ( char *dir ) {
// check these by hand since you need one or the other
File f1;
File f2;
File f3;
File f4;
f1.set ( dir , "allCountries.txt" );
f2.set ( dir , "postalCodes.txt" );
//f3.set ( dir , "places.dat" );
f4.set ( dir , "zips.dat" );
if ( //( ! f3.doesExist() || ! f4.doesExist() ) &&
( ! f4.doesExist() ) &&
( ! f1.doesExist() || ! f2.doesExist() ) ) {
log("db: need either (%s and %s) or (%s and %s)",
f3.getFilename() ,
f4.getFilename() ,
f1.getFilename() ,
f2.getFilename() );
//return false;
// check for email subdir
//f1.set ( dir , "/html/email/");
//if ( ! f1.doesExist() ) {
// log("db: email subdir missing. add html/email");
// return false;
// make sure we got all the files
//if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive ) return true;
bool needsFiles = false;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < (int32_t)sizeof(g_files)/4 ; i++ ) {
// terminate?
if ( ! g_files[i] ) break;
File f;
char *dd = dir;
if ( g_files[i][0] != '/' )
f.set ( dir , g_files[i] );
else {
f.set ( g_files[i] );
dd = "";
if ( ! f.doesExist() ) {
log("db: %s%s file missing."
//log("db: %s%s missing. Copy over from "
// "titan:/gb/conf/%s",dd,g_files[i],g_files[i]);
// i like to debug locally without having to load this!
//if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive &&
// ! strcmp(g_files[i],"dict/unifiedDict") )
// continue;
// get subdir in working dir
//char subdir[512];
//char *p = g_files[i];
//char *last = NULL;
//for ( ; *p ; p++ )
// if ( *p == '/' ) last = p;
// try copying
//char cmd[1024];
//sprintf(cmd,"cp -p /home/mwells/gigablast/%s "
// "%s%s",g_files[i],g_hostdb.m_dir,g_files[i]);
//log("db: trying to copy: \"%s\"",cmd);
needsFiles = true;
if ( needsFiles ) {
log("db: Missing files. See above. Exiting.");
return false;
//if ( needsFiles ) {
// log("db: use 'apt-get install -y netpbm' to install "
// "pnmfiles");
// return false;
// . check for tagdb files tagdb0.xml to tagdb50.xml
// . MDW - i am phased these annoying files out 100%
//for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= 50 ; i++ ) {
// char tmp[100];
// sprintf ( tmp , "tagdb%"INT32".xml" , i );
// File f;
// f.set ( dir , tmp );
// if ( ! f.doesExist() )
// return log("db: %s%s missing. Copy over from "
// "titan:/gb/conf/%s",dir,tmp,tmp);
if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive ) return true;
m_swapEnabled = 0;
// first check to make sure swap is off
SafeBuf psb;
if ( psb.fillFromFile("/proc/swaps") < 0 ) {
log("gb: failed to read /proc/swaps");
//if ( ! g_errno ) g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
//return true;
// if we don't know if swap is enabled or not, use -1
m_swapEnabled = -1;
File f;
f.set ("/proc/swaps");
int32_t size = f.getFileSize() ;
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( size+1, "S99" );
if ( ! buf ) return false;
if ( ! ( O_RDONLY ) )
return log("gb: failed to open %s",f.getFilename());
if ( size != ( buf , size , 0 ) )
return log("gb: failed to read %s: %s",f.getFilename() ,
buf[size] = '\0';
// we should redbox this! or at least be on the optimizations page
if ( m_swapEnabled == 0 ) {
char *buf = psb.getBufStart();
if ( strstr ( buf,"dev" ) )
//return log("gb: can not start live gb with swap "
m_swapEnabled = 1;
// . make sure elvtune is being set right
// . must be in /etc/rcS.d/S99local
f.set ("/etc/rcS.d/S99local" );
size = f.getFileSize() ;
buf = (char *)mmalloc ( size+1, "S99" );
if ( ! buf ) return false;
if ( ! ( O_RDONLY ) )
return log("gb: failed to open %s",f.getFilename());
if ( size != ( buf , size , 0 ) )
return log("gb: failed to read %s",f.getFilename() );
if ( ! strstr (buf,"\n/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sda") ||
! strstr (buf,"\n/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sdb") ||
! strstr (buf,"\n/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sdc") ||
! strstr (buf,"\n/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sdd") )
// just note it now and do not exit since 2.6's elevator
// tuning is totally different. NO! we are not using 2.6
// cuz it sux...
return log("gb: %s does not contain "
"/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sd[a-d]" ,
mfree ( buf , size+1, "S99" );
// now that we are open source skip the checks below
return true;
// check kernel version
FILE *fd;
fd = fopen ( "/proc/version" , "r" );
if ( ! fd ) {
log("gb: could not open /proc/version to check kernel version:%s",
return false;
// read in version
char vbuf[4000];
fgets ( vbuf , 3900 , fd );
fclose ( fd );
// compare it
if ( strcmp ( vbuf , "Linux version 2.4.31-bigcore "
"(jolivares@voyager) (gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 "
"(Debian prerelease)) #2 SMP Fri Apr 14 12:48:46 "
"MST 2006\n") == 0 )
return true;
if ( strcmp ( vbuf , "Linux version 2.4.31-bigcore "
"(msabino@voyager) (gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 "
"(Debian prerelease)) #7 SMP Mon Aug 21 18:09:30 "
"MDT 2006\n") == 0 )
return true;
// this one is for the dual and quad core machines i think
if ( strcmp ( vbuf , "Linux version 2.4.34-e755 (jolivares@titan) "
"(gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)) "
"#22 SMP Tue May 15 02:22:43 MDT 2007\n")==0 )
return true;
// temp hack test
//if ( strcmp ( vbuf , "Linux version 2.6.30 (mwells@titan) (gcc "
// "version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-"
// "21)) #4 SMP Thu Jun 18 12:56:50 MST 2009\n")==0 )
// return true;
// this is used for router0 and router1
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy &&
strcmp ( vbuf , "Linux version (mwells@titan) "
"(gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) "
"(Debian 4.1.1-21)) #9 SMP Sun Oct 12 15:23:40 "
"MST 2008\n")== 0)
return true;
log("gb: kernel version is not an approved version.");
//return false;
return true;
static void powerMonitorWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
static void fanSwitchCheckWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
static void gotPowerWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) ;
static void doneCmdWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static void hdtempWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
static void hdtempDoneWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) ;
static void *hdtempStartWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) ;
static void heartbeatWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
//static void diskHeartbeatWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
static void processSleepWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
Process::Process ( ) {
m_mode = NO_MODE;
m_exiting = false;
m_powerIsOn = true;
m_totalDocsIndexed = -1LL;
bool Process::init ( ) {
// -1 means unknown
m_diskUsage = -1.0;
m_diskAvail = -1LL;
// we do not know if the fans are turned off or on
m_currentFanState = -1;
m_threadOut = false;
m_powerReqOut = false;
m_powerIsOn = true;
m_numRdbs = 0;
m_suspendAutoSave = false;
// . init the array of rdbs
// . primary rdbs
// . let's try to save tfndb first, that is the most important,
// followed by titledb perhaps...
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_tfndb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_titledb.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_revdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_sectiondb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_posdb.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_datedb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_spiderdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_clusterdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_tagdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_catdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_statsdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_linkdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_cachedb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_serpdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_monitordb.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_placedb.getRdb ();
// save what urls we have been doled
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_doledb.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_syncdb.getRdb ();
// secondary rdbs (excludes catdb)
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_tfndb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_titledb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_revdb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_sectiondb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_posdb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_datedb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_spiderdb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_checksumdb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_clusterdb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_tagdb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_statsdb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_linkdb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_placedb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_tagdb2.getRdb ();
// Add any new rdbs to the END of the list above so
// it doesn't screw up Rebalance.cpp which uses this list too!!!!
//call these back right before we shutdown the
m_callbackState = NULL;
m_callback = NULL;
// do not do an autosave right away
m_lastSaveTime = 0;//gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
// reset this
m_sentShutdownNote = false;
// this is used for shutting down as well
m_blockersNeedSave = true;
m_repairNeedsSave = true;
// count tries
m_try = 0;
// reset this timestamp
m_firstShutdownTime = 0;
// set the start time, local time
m_processStartTime = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
// reset this
m_lastHeartbeatApprox = 0;
m_calledSave = false;
// heartbeat check
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(100,NULL,heartbeatWrapper,0))
return false;
// we use SSDs now so comment this out
//if ( !g_loop.registerSleepCallback(500,NULL,diskHeartbeatWrapper,0))
// return false;
// get first snapshot of load average...
// . continually call this once per second
// . once every half second now so that autosaves are closer together
// in time between all hosts
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(500,NULL,processSleepWrapper))
return false;
// . hard drive temperature
// . now that we use intel ssds that do not support smart, ignore this
// . well use it for disk usage i guess
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(10000,NULL,hdtempWrapper,0))
return false;
// power monitor, every 30 seconds
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(30000,NULL,powerMonitorWrapper,0))
return false;
// check temps to possible turn fans on/off every 60 seconds
if ( !g_loop.registerSleepCallback(60000,NULL,fanSwitchCheckWrapper,0))
return false;
// -99 means unknown
m_dataCtrTemp = -99;
m_roofTemp = -99;
// success
return true;
bool Process::isAnyTreeSaving ( ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
if ( rdb->m_isCollectionLess ) continue;
if ( rdb->isSavingTree() ) return true;
// we also just disable writing below in Process.cpp
// while saving other files. so hafta check that as well
// since we use isAnyTreeSaving() to determine if we can
// write to the tree or not.
if ( ! rdb->isWritable() ) return true;
return false;
void powerMonitorWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
if ( g_isYippy ) return;
// only if in matt wells datacenter
if ( ! g_conf.m_isMattWells )
// are we in group #0
bool checkPower = false;
// get our host
Host *me = g_hostdb.m_myHost;
// if we are not host #0 and host #0 is dead, we check it
if ( me->m_shardNum == 0 && g_hostdb.isDead((int32_t)0) )
checkPower = true;
// if we are host #0 we always check it
if ( me->m_hostId == 0 ) checkPower = true;
// proxy never checks power
if ( me->m_isProxy ) checkPower = false;
// if not checking, all done
if ( ! checkPower ) return;
// only if live
//if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive ) return;
// skip if request out already
if ( g_process.m_powerReqOut ) return;
// the url
char *url = "";
// download it
//log(LOG_INFO,"powermo: getting %s",url);
// for httpserver
//Url u; u.set ( url , gbstrlen(url) );
// mark the request as outstanding so we do not overlap it
g_process.m_powerReqOut = true;
// get it
bool status = g_httpServer.
getDoc ( url , // url to download
0 , // ip
0 , // offset
-1 , // size
0 , // ifModifiedSince
NULL , // state
gotPowerWrapper , // callback
30*1000 , // timeout
0 , // proxy ip
0 , // proxy port
1*1024*1024 , // maxLen
1*1024*1024 , // maxOtherLen
"Mozilla/4.0 "
"(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; "
"Win 9x 4.90)" ,
//false , // respect download limit?
"HTTP/1.1" );// fake 1.1 otherwise we get error!
// wait for it
if ( ! status ) return;
// i guess it is back!
g_process.m_powerReqOut = false;
// call this to wrap things up
g_process.gotPower ( NULL );
void gotPowerWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
g_process.gotPower ( s );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Process::gotPower ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// i guess it is back!
g_process.m_powerReqOut = false;
if ( ! s ) {
log("powermo: got NULL socket");
return true;
// point into buffer
char *buf ;
int32_t bufSize ;
// assume power is on
int32_t val = 0;
HttpMime mime;
char *content;
int32_t contentLen;
char *p;
char *dataCtrTempStr;
char *roofTempStr;
char *tag1,*tag2;
float newTemp;
if ( g_errno ) {
log("powermo: had error getting power state: %s. assuming "
"power on.",
//return true;
// assume power went off
//val = 1;
goto skip;
// point into buffer
buf = s->m_readBuf;
bufSize = s->m_readOffset;
// note it
//log(LOG_INFO,"powermo: got power reply");
if ( ! buf ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"powermo: got empty reply. assuming power on.");
// return true;
// assume power went off
//val = 1;
goto skip;
mime.set ( buf , bufSize , NULL );
content = buf + mime.getMimeLen();
contentLen = bufSize - mime.getMimeLen();
// get the state of the power!
p = strstr ( content ,"\"power\",status:" );
// panic?
if ( ! p ) {
log("powermo: could not parse out power from room alert. "
"assuming power on. "
"content = %s",content);
//return true;
// assume power went off
//val = 1;
goto skip;
// . get the value
// . val is 0 if the power is ON!!!!
// . val is non-zero if the power is OFF!!!
val = atoi ( p + 15 );
// random values for testing!!
//val = rand()%2;
// . now get the temperature in the data ctr and the roof
// . log it every hour i guess for shits and giggles
// . if the roof temp is less than the data ctr temp then
// we want to keep the fans on, otherwise we need to send an
// http request to the power strip control to turn the fans off
tag1 = "\"Exit Temp\",tempf:\"" ;
dataCtrTempStr = strstr( content, tag1 );
if ( ! dataCtrTempStr ) {
log("powermo: could not parse our data ctr temp from "
"room alert.");
goto skip;
newTemp = atof ( dataCtrTempStr+ gbstrlen(tag1) );
if ( newTemp != m_dataCtrTemp )
log("powermo: data ctr temp changed from %0.1f to %.01f",
m_dataCtrTemp = newTemp;
tag2 = "\"Roof Temp\",tempf:\"";
roofTempStr = strstr( content, tag2 );
if ( ! dataCtrTempStr ) {
log("powermo: could not parse out roof temp from "
"room alert.");
goto skip;
newTemp = atof ( roofTempStr+gbstrlen(tag2));
if ( newTemp != m_roofTemp )
log("powermo: roof temp changed from %0.1f to %.01f",
m_roofTemp = newTemp;
// 0 means the alert is not triggered and power is on
if ( val == 0 && m_powerIsOn == true ) {
//log("powermo: power is still ON.");
return true;
// if it is off and was off before, don't do anything
if ( val && m_powerIsOn == false ) {
log("powermo: power is still OFF.");
return true;
char *up = NULL;
// if it was off before, tell everyone it is back on
if ( val == 0 && m_powerIsOn == false ) {
log("powermo: power is back ON!");
up = "/master?haspower=1&username=msg28&cast=0";
// update ourselves to prevent sending these multiple times
//m_powerIsOn = true;
else if ( val && m_powerIsOn == true ) {
log("powermo: power is OFF!");
up = "/master?haspower=0&username=msg28&cast=0";
// . update ourselves to prevent sending these multiple times
// . no, we need to make sure to save in Parms.cpp::
// CmdPower
//m_powerIsOn = false;
// how did this happen?
if ( m_powerReqOut ) return true;
// the request url
//Url ru; ru.set ( up , gbstrlen(up) );
// set the http reqeust
if ( ! m_r.set ( up ) ) {
log("powermo: got httpreqeust set error: %s",
return true;
// we are out again...
g_process.m_powerReqOut = true;
log("powermo: sending notice to all hosts.");
SafeBuf parmList;
// add the parm rec as a parm cmd
if ( ! g_parms.addNewParmToList1 ( &parmList,
NULL, // parmval (argument)
-1, // collnum (-1 -> globalconf)
"poweron") ) // CommandPowerOn()!
return true;
// . use the broadcast call here so things keep their order!
// . we do not need a callback when they have been completely
// broadcasted to all hosts so use NULL for that
g_parms.broadcastParmList ( &parmList , NULL , NULL );
// . turn off spiders
// . also show that power is off now!
//if ( ! m_msg28.massConfig ( m_r.getRequest() ,
// NULL , // state
// doneCmdWrapper ) )
// // return false if this blocked
// return false;
// . hmmm.. it did not block
// . this does not block either
doneCmdWrapper ( NULL );
return true;
void doneCmdWrapper ( void *state ) {
// we are back
g_process.m_powerReqOut = false;
// note it
log("powermo: DONE sending notice to all hosts.");
void hdtempWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
// also download test urls from spider proxies to ensure they
// are up and running properly
// reset this... why?
g_errno = 0;
// do not get if already getting
if ( g_process.m_threadOut ) return;
// skip if exiting
if ( g_process.m_mode == EXIT_MODE ) return;
// current local time
int32_t now = getTime();
// or if haven't waited int32_t enough
if ( now < s_nextTime ) return;
// set it
g_process.m_threadOut = true;
// . call thread to call popen
// . callThread returns true on success, in which case we block
NULL , // this
hdtempDoneWrapper ,
hdtempStartWrapper_r ) ) return;
// back
g_process.m_threadOut = false;
// . call it directly
// . only mention once to avoid log spam
static bool s_first = true;
if ( s_first ) {
s_first = false;
log("build: Could not spawn thread for call to get hd temps. "
"Ignoring hd temps. Only logging once.");
// MDW: comment these two guys out to avoid calling it for now
// get the data
//hdtempStartWrapper_r ( false , NULL ); // am thread?
// and finish it off
//hdtempDoneWrapper ( NULL , NULL );
// come back here
void hdtempDoneWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
// we are back
g_process.m_threadOut = false;
// current local time
int32_t now = getTime();
// if we had an error, do not schedule again for an hour
//if ( s_flag ) s_nextTime = now + 3600;
// reset it
//s_flag = 0;
// send email alert if too hot
Host *h = g_hostdb.m_myHost;
// get max temp
int32_t max = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
int16_t t = h->m_pingInfo.m_hdtemps[i];
if ( t > max ) max = t;
// . leave if ok
// . the seagates tend to have a max CASE TEMP of 69 C
// . it says the operating temps are 0 to 60 though, so
// i am assuming that is ambient?
// . but this temp is probably the case temp that we are measuring
if ( max <= g_conf.m_maxHardDriveTemp ) return;
// leave if we already sent and alert within 5 mins
static int32_t s_lasttime = 0;
if ( now - s_lasttime < 5*60 ) return;
// prepare msg to send
char msgbuf[1024];
Host *h0 = g_hostdb.getHost ( 0 );
snprintf(msgbuf, 1024,
"hostid %"INT32" has overheated HD at %"INT32" C "
"cluster=%s (%s). Disabling spiders.",
// send it, force it, so even if email alerts off, it sends it
g_pingServer.sendEmail ( NULL , // Host *h
msgbuf , // char *errmsg = NULL ,
true , // bool sendToAdmin = true ,
false , // bool oom = false ,
false , // bool kernelErrors = false ,
false , // bool parmChanged = false ,
true );// bool forceIt = false );
s_lasttime = now;
// set Process::m_diskUsage
float getDiskUsage ( int64_t *diskAvail ) {
// first get disk usage now
char cmd[10048];
char out[1024];
snprintf(cmd,10000,"df -ka %s | tail -1 | "
"awk '{print $4\" \"$5}' > %s",
errno = 0;
int err = system ( cmd );
if ( err == 127 ) {
log("build: /bin/sh does not exist. can not get disk usage.");
return -1.0; // unknown
// this will happen if you don't upgrade glibc to 2.2.4-32 or above
if ( err != 0 ) {
log("build: Call to system(\"%s\") had error: %s",
return -1.0; // unknown
// read in temperatures from file
int fd = open ( out , O_RDONLY );
if ( fd < 0 ) {
//m_errno = errno;
log("build: Could not open %s for reading: %s.",
return -1.0; // unknown
char buf[2000];
int32_t r = read ( fd , buf , 2000 );
// did we get an error
if ( r <= 0 ) {
//m_errno = errno;
log("build: Error reading %s: %s.",out,mstrerror(errno));
close ( fd );
return -1.0; // unknown
// clean up shop
close ( fd );
float usage;
int64_t avail;
sscanf(buf,"%"INT64" %f",&avail,&usage);
// it is in KB so make it into bytes
if ( diskAvail ) *diskAvail = avail * 1000LL;
return usage;
// . sets m_errno on error
// . taken from Msg16.cpp
void *hdtempStartWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
// run the df -ka cmd
g_process.m_diskUsage = getDiskUsage( &g_process.m_diskAvail );
// ignore temps now. ssds don't have it
return NULL;
static char *s_parm = "ata";
// make a system call to /usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sda,b,c,d
//char *cmd =
// "/usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sda > /tmp/hdtemp ;"
// "/usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sdb >> /tmp/hdtemp ;"
// "/usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sdc >> /tmp/hdtemp ;"
// "/usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sdd >> /tmp/hdtemp ";
// linux 2.4 does not seem to like hddtemp
char *path = g_hostdb.m_dir;
//char *path = "/usr/sbin/";
char cmd[10048];
sprintf ( cmd ,
"%ssmartctl -Ad %s /dev/sda | grep Temp | awk '{print $10}' > /tmp/hdtemp2;"
"%ssmartctl -Ad %s /dev/sdb | grep Temp | awk '{print $10}' >> /tmp/hdtemp2;"
"%ssmartctl -Ad %s /dev/sdc | grep Temp | awk '{print $10}' >> /tmp/hdtemp2;"
"%ssmartctl -Ad %s /dev/sdd | grep Temp | awk '{print $10}' >> /tmp/hdtemp2" ,
path,s_parm ,
path,s_parm ,
path,s_parm ,
path,s_parm );
// the output
char *out = "/tmp/hdtemp2";
// timeout of 5 seconds
//int err = my_system_r ( cmd , 5 );
int err = system ( cmd );
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"proc: system \"%s\"",cmd);
if ( err == 127 ) {
//m_errno = EBADENGINEER;
log("build: /bin/sh does not exist.");
return NULL;
// this will happen if you don't upgrade glibc to 2.2.4-32 or above
if ( err != 0 ) {
//m_errno = EBADENGINEER;
log("build: Call to system(\"%s\") had error.",cmd);
//s_flag = 1;
// wait 5 minutes
s_nextTime = getTime() + 300; // 3600;
return NULL;
// read in temperatures from file
int fd = open ( "/tmp/hdtemp2" , O_RDONLY );
if ( fd < 0 ) {
//m_errno = errno;
log("build: Could not open %s for reading: %s.",
return NULL;
char buf[2000];
int32_t r = read ( fd , buf , 2000 );
// maybe try the marvell option?
if ( r == 0 && s_parm[0]!='m' ) {
log("gb: smartctl did not work. Trying marvell option.");
s_parm = "marvell";
goto retry;
else if ( r == 0 ) {
log("gb: Please run apt-get install smartmontools to install "
"smartctl and then chown root:root %ssmartctl ; "
"chmod +s %ssmartctl. cmd=%s",path,path,cmd);
// wait 5 mins
s_nextTime = getTime() + 300;
// did we get an error
if ( r < 0 ) {
//m_errno = errno;
log("build: Error reading %s: %s.",out,mstrerror(errno));
close ( fd );
return NULL;
// clean up shop
close ( fd );
// . typical file from hddtemp:
// /dev/sda: ST3400620AS: 39 C
// /dev/sdb: ST3400620AS: 39 C
// /dev/sdc: ST3400620AS: 39 C
// /dev/sdd: ST3400620AS: 39 C
// . typical file from smartctl
// 39\n37\n37\n37\n
char *p = buf;
// end
char *pend = buf + gbstrlen(buf);
// store the temps here
int16_t *temp = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_pingInfo.m_hdtemps;
// there are 4
int16_t *tempEnd = temp + 4;
// parse output from smartctl
while ( temp < tempEnd ) {
// get temp
*temp++ = atoi(p);
// skip til after \n
while ( p < pend && *p != '\n' ) p++;
// skip \n
// done? strange.
if ( p >= pend ) return NULL;
// done
return NULL;
// parse output from hddtemp
// get all 4
while ( temp < tempEnd ) {
// skip till after 2nd colon
while ( p < pend && *p!=':' ) p++;
// skip over colon
// skip until we hit 2nd colon
while ( p < pend && *p!=':' ) p++;
// skip colon and space
p += 2;
// get temp
*temp++ = atoi(p);
return NULL;
void Process::callHeartbeat () {
heartbeatWrapper ( 0 , NULL );
void heartbeatWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
static int64_t s_last = 0LL;
static int64_t s_lastNumAlarms = 0LL;
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if ( s_last == 0LL ) {
s_last = now;
s_lastNumAlarms = g_numAlarms;
// . log when we've gone 100+ ms over our scheduled beat
// . this is a sign things are jammed up
int64_t elapsed = now - s_last;
if ( elapsed > 200 )
// now we print the # of elapsed alarms. that way we will
// know if the alarms were going off or not...
// this happens if the rt sig queue is overflowed.
// check the "cat /proc/<pid>/status | grep SigQ" output
// to see if its overflowed. hopefully i will fix this by
// queue the signals myself in Loop.cpp.
log("db: missed heartbeat by %"INT64" ms. Num elapsed alarms = "
"%"INT32"", elapsed-100,(int32_t)(g_numAlarms - s_lastNumAlarms));
s_last = now;
s_lastNumAlarms = g_numAlarms;
// save this time so the sig alarm handler can see how long
// it has been since we've been called, so after 10000 ms it
// can dump core and we can see what is holding things up
g_process.m_lastHeartbeatApprox = g_nowApprox;
void diskHeartbeatWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
// skip this now that we use SSDs
bool stuck = false;
// do we have reads waiting?
bool isWaiting =
( g_threads.m_threadQueues[DISK_THREAD].m_hiReturned <
g_threads.m_threadQueues[DISK_THREAD].m_hiLaunched ) ;
// . must have been more than 1.5 secs since last read finished
// . if the disk read queue is empty when we add a new read thread
// request in BigFile.cpp, we set g_diskRequestAdded to g_now
if ( isWaiting &&
g_now - g_lastDiskReadCompleted >= 1500 &&
g_now - g_lastDiskReadStarted >= 1500 )
stuck = true;
// return if not stuck
if ( ! stuck ) {
// if we just got unstuck, log that
if ( g_diskIsStuck )
log("gb: disk is now unstuck.");
g_diskIsStuck = false;
// if first time, log that
if ( ! g_diskIsStuck )
log("gb: disk appears to be stuck.");
// flag it so BigFile.cpp and File.cpp just return EDISKSTUCK and so
// we do not kill all disk read threads again
g_diskIsStuck = true;
// now call the callback of all disk read threads that have niceness
// 0 but set g_errno to EDISKSTUCK. when the actual read finally does
// complete it should just basically stop...
// take this out now that we have solid states!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// called by PingServer.cpp only as of now
int64_t Process::getTotalDocsIndexed() {
if ( m_totalDocsIndexed == -1LL ) {
Rdb *rdb = g_clusterdb.getRdb();
// useCache = true
m_totalDocsIndexed = rdb->getNumTotalRecs(true);
return m_totalDocsIndexed;
void processSleepWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
if ( g_process.m_mode == EXIT_MODE ) {g_process.shutdown2(); return; }
if ( g_process.m_mode == SAVE_MODE ) {g_process.save2 (); return; }
if ( g_process.m_mode == LOCK_MODE ) {g_process.save2 (); return; }
if ( g_process.m_mode != NO_MODE ) return;
// update global rec count
static int32_t s_rcount = 0;
// every 2 seconds
if ( ++s_rcount >= 4 ) {
s_rcount = 0;
// PingServer.cpp uses this
Rdb *rdb = g_clusterdb.getRdb();
g_process.m_totalDocsIndexed = rdb->getNumTotalRecs();
// do not do autosave if no power
if ( ! g_process.m_powerIsOn ) return;
// . i guess try to autoscale the cluster in cast hosts.conf changed
// . if all pings came in and all hosts have the same hosts.conf
// and if we detected any shard imbalance at startup we have to
// scan all rdbs for records that don't belong to us and send them
// where they should go
// . returns right away in most cases
// in PageInject.cpp startup up any imports that might have been
// going on before we shutdown last time.
// if doing the final part of a repair.cpp loop where we convert
// titledb2 files to titledb etc. then do not save!
if ( g_repairMode == 7 ) return;
// autosave? override this if power is off, we need to save the data!
//if (g_conf.m_autoSaveFrequency <= 0 && g_process.m_powerIsOn) return;
if ( g_conf.m_autoSaveFrequency <= 0 ) return;
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return;
// skip autosave while sync in progress!
if ( g_process.m_suspendAutoSave ) return;
// need to have a clock unified with host #0. i guess proxy
// does not sync with host #0 though
//if ( ! isClockInSync() && ! g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy ) return;
// get time the day started
int32_t now;
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy ) now = getTimeLocal();
else {
// need to be in sync with host #0's clock
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return;
// that way autosaves all happen at about the same time
now = getTimeGlobal();
// set this for the first time
if ( g_process.m_lastSaveTime == 0 )
g_process.m_lastSaveTime = now;
// we now try to align our autosaves with start of the day so that
// all hosts autosave at the exact same time!! this should keep
// performance somewhat consistent.
// get frequency in minutes
int32_t freq = (int32_t)g_conf.m_autoSaveFrequency ;
// convert into seconds
freq *= 60;
// how many seconds into the day has it been?
int32_t offset = now % (24*3600);
int32_t dayStart = now - offset;
// how many times should we have autosaved so far for this day?
int32_t autosaveCount = offset / freq;
// convert to when it should have been last autosaved
int32_t nextLastSaveTime = (autosaveCount * freq) + dayStart;
// if we already saved it for that time, bail
if ( g_process.m_lastSaveTime >= nextLastSaveTime ) return;
//int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
// . get a snapshot of the load average...
// . MDW: disable for now. not really used...
// convert from minutes in milliseconds
//int64_t delta = (int64_t)g_conf.m_autoSaveFrequency * 60000LL;
// if power is off make this every 30 seconds temporarily!
//if ( ! g_process.m_powerIsOn ) delta = 30000;
// return if we have not waited int32_t enough
//if ( now - g_process.m_lastSaveTime < delta ) return;
// update
g_process.m_lastSaveTime = nextLastSaveTime;//now;
// save everything
logf(LOG_INFO,"db: Autosaving.");;
bool Process::save ( ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// bail if doing something already
if ( m_mode != 0 ) return true;
// log it
logf(LOG_INFO,"db: Entering lock mode for saving.");
m_mode = LOCK_MODE; // SAVE_MODE;
m_urgent = false;
m_calledSave = false;
return save2();
bool Process::shutdown ( bool urgent ,
void *state,
void (*callback) (void *state )) {
// bail if doing something already
if ( m_mode != 0 ) {
// if already in exit mode, just return
if ( m_mode == EXIT_MODE )
return true;
// otherwise, log it!
log("process: shutdown called, but mode is %"INT32"",
return true;
m_mode = EXIT_MODE;
m_urgent = urgent;
m_calledSave = false;
// check memory buffers for overruns/underrunds to see if that
// caused this core
if ( urgent ) g_mem.printBreeches(false);
if(!shutdown2()) {
m_callbackState = state;
m_callback = callback;
return false;
return true;
// return false if blocked/waiting
bool Process::save2 ( ) {
// MDW: why was this here? i commented it out. we need to do
// quickpolls when autosaving for sure.
// only the main process can call this
if ( g_threads.amThread() ) return true;
// . wait for any dump to complete
// . when merging titldb, it sets Rdb::m_dump.m_isDumping to true
// because it is dumping the results of the merge to a file.
// occasionally it will initiate a dump of tfndb which will not be
// possible because Rdb/RdbDump checks g_process.m_mode == SAVE_MODE,
// and do not allow dumps to begin if that is true! so we end up in
// deadlock! the save can not complete
if ( isRdbDumping() ) return false;
// ok, now nobody is dumping, etc. make it so no dumps can start.
// Rdb.cpp/RdbDump.cpp check for this and will not dump if it is
// set to SAVE_MODE
m_mode = SAVE_MODE;
logf(LOG_INFO,"gb: Saving data to disk. Disabling writes.");
// . disable adds/deletes on all rdb trees
// . Msg1 requests will get ETRYAGAIN error replies
// . this is instantaneous because all tree mods happen in this
// main process, not in a thread
disableTreeWrites( false );
bool useThreads = true;
// . tell all rdbs to save trees
// . will return true if no rdb tree needs a save
if ( ! saveRdbTrees ( useThreads , false ) ) return false;
// . save all rdb maps if they need it
// . will return true if no rdb map needs a save
// . save these last since maps can be auto-regenerated at startup
if ( ! saveRdbMaps ( useThreads ) ) return false;
// . save the conf files and caches. these block the cpu.
// . save these first since more important than the stuff below
// . no, to avoid saving multiple times, put this last since the
// stuff above may block and we have to re-call this function
if ( ! saveBlockingFiles1() ) return false;
// save addsInProgress.dat etc. if power goes off. this should be the
// one time we are called from power going off... since we do not
// do autosave when the power is off. this just blocks and never
// returns false, so call it with checking the return value.
if ( ! g_process.m_powerIsOn ) saveBlockingFiles2() ;
// for Test.cpp parser test we want to save the waitingtree.dat
else if ( g_threads.m_disabled ) saveBlockingFiles2() ;
// until all caches have saved, disable them
g_cacheWritesEnabled = false;
// . save caches
// . returns true if NO cache needs to be saved
//if ( ! saveRdbCaches ( useThreads ) ) return false;
// bring them back
g_cacheWritesEnabled = true;
// reenable tree writes since saves were completed
enableTreeWrites( false );
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: Saved data to disk. Re-enabling Writes.");
// update
//m_lastSaveTime = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
// unlock
m_mode = NO_MODE;
return true;
// . return false if blocked/waiting
// . this is the SAVE BEFORE EXITING
bool Process::shutdown2 ( ) {
// only the main process can call this
if ( g_threads.amThread() ) return true;
if ( m_urgent )
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: Shutting down urgently. "
"Timed try #%"INT32".",
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: Shutting down. Timed try #%"INT32".",
// switch to urgent if having problems
if ( m_try >= 10 )
m_urgent = true;
// turn off statsdb so it does not try to add records for these writes
g_statsdb.m_disabled = true;
if ( g_threads.areThreadsEnabled () ) {
log("gb: disabling threads");
// now disable threads so we don't exit while threads are
// outstanding
// . suspend all merges
g_merge.suspendMerge () ;
g_merge2.suspendMerge() ;
// assume we will use threads
// no, not now that we disabled them
bool useThreads = false;//true;
// if urgent do not allow any further threads to be spawned unless
// they were already queued
if ( m_urgent ) {
// do not use thread spawning
useThreads = false;
// turn off all threads just in case
if ( ! useThreads ) g_threads.disableThreads();
static bool s_printed = false;
// wait for all threads to return
int32_t n = g_threads.getNumThreadsOutOrQueued() ;
if ( n != 0 && ! m_urgent ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: Has %"INT32" threads out. Waiting for "
"them to finish.",n);
return false;
else if ( ! s_printed && ! m_urgent ) {
s_printed = true;
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: No threads out.");
// disable all spidering
// we can exit while spiders are in the queue because
// if they are in the middle of being added they will be
// saved by spider restore
// wait for all spiders to clear
// don't shut the crawler down on a core
//g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = false;
//g_conf.m_injectionEnabled = false;
// make sure they are in a saveable state. we need to make sure
// they have dumped out the latest merged list and updated the
// appropriate RdbMap so we can save it below
bool wait = false;
if ( g_merge.m_isMerging && ! g_merge.m_isReadyToSave ) wait = true;
if ( g_merge2.m_isMerging && ! g_merge2.m_isReadyToSave ) wait = true;
// wait for any dump to complete
if ( isRdbDumping() ) wait = true;
// . wait for the merge or dump to complete
// . but NOT if urgent...
if ( wait && ! m_urgent ) return false;
// . disable adds/deletes on all rdb trees
// . Msg1 requests will get ECLOSING error msgs
// . this is instantaneous because all tree mods happen in this
// main process, not in a thread
disableTreeWrites( true );
// . tell all rdbs to save trees
// . will return true if no rdb tree needs a save
if ( ! saveRdbTrees ( useThreads , true ) )
if ( ! m_urgent ) return false;
// save this right after the trees in case we core
// in saveRdbMaps() again due to the core we are
// handling now corrupting memory
if ( m_repairNeedsSave ) {
m_repairNeedsSave = false;;
// . save all rdb maps if they need it
// . will return true if no rdb map needs a save
if ( ! saveRdbMaps ( useThreads ) )
if ( ! m_urgent ) return false;
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
if ( m_firstShutdownTime == 0 ) m_firstShutdownTime = now;
// these udp servers will not read in new requests or allow
// new requests to be sent. they will timeout any outstanding
// UdpSlots, and when empty they will return true here. they will
// close their m_sock and set it to -1 which should force their
// thread to exit.
// if not urgent, they will wait for a while for the
// sockets/slots to clear up.
// however, if 5 seconds or more have elapsed then force it
bool udpUrgent = m_urgent;
if ( now - m_firstShutdownTime >= 3000 ) udpUrgent = true;
if ( ! g_dns.m_udpServer.shutdown ( udpUrgent ) )
if ( ! udpUrgent ) return false;
// . send notes to all the hosts in the network telling them we're
// shutting down
// . this returns false if it blocks
// . we don't care if it blocks or not
// . don't bother asking the hosts to send an email alert for us
// since we're going down gracefully by letting everyone know
// . don't send this unless we are very sure we can shutdown NOW
// . i.e. no blocking after this call!
if ( ! m_sentShutdownNote && ! m_urgent ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: Broadcasting shutdown notice.");
m_sentShutdownNote = true;
g_pingServer.broadcastShutdownNotes ( false , //sendEmailAlert?
//broadcastShutdownNotes uses g_udpServer so we do this last.
if ( ! g_udpServer.shutdown ( udpUrgent ) )
if ( ! udpUrgent ) return false;
// save the conf files and caches. these block the cpu.
if ( m_blockersNeedSave ) {
m_blockersNeedSave = false;
if (!g_conf.m_readOnlyMode)
logf(LOG_INFO,"gb: Saving miscellaneous data files.");
saveBlockingFiles1() ;
saveBlockingFiles2() ;
// . save all rdb caches if they need it
// . do this AFTER udp server is shut down so cache should not
// be accessed any more
// . will return true if no rdb cache needs a save
//if ( ! saveRdbCaches ( useThreads ) ) return false;
// always diable threads at this point so will
// always return false and we do not queue any new threads for
// spawning
// urgent means we need to dump core, SEGV or something
if ( m_urgent ) {
// log it
log("gb: Dumping core after saving.");
// at least destroy the page caches that have shared memory
// because they seem to not clean it up
// let's ensure our core file can dump
struct rlimit lim;
lim.rlim_cur = lim.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;
if ( setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE,&lim) )
log("gb: setrlimit: %s.", mstrerror(errno) );
// . force an abnormal termination which will cause a core dump
// . do not dump core on SIGHUP signals any more though
// keep compiler happy
return true;
// cleanup threads, this also launches them too
// wait for all threads to complete...
//int32_t n = g_threads.getNumThreadsOutOrQueued() ;
//if ( n > 0 )
// return log(LOG_INFO,
// "gb: Waiting for %"INT32" threads to complete.",n);
//log(LOG_INFO,"gb: Has %"INT32" threads out.",n);
//ok, resetAll will close httpServer's socket so now is the time to
//call the callback.
if(m_callbackState) (*m_callback)(m_callbackState);
// tell Mutlicast::reset() not to destroy all the slots! that cores!
m_exiting = true;
// let everyone free their mem
// show what mem was not freed
// kill any outstanding hd temp thread?
if ( g_process.m_threadOut )
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: still has hdtemp thread");
// exit abruptly
// keep compiler happy
return true;
void Process::disableTreeWrites ( bool shuttingDown ) {
// loop over all Rdbs
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
// if we save doledb while spidering it screws us up
// because Spider.cpp can not directly write into the
// rdb tree and it expects that to always be available!
if ( ! shuttingDown && rdb->m_rdbId == RDB_DOLEDB )
// don't save spider related trees if not shutting down
if ( ! shuttingDown ) return;
// disable all spider trees and tables
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderCollIffNonNull(i);
if ( ! sc ) continue;
sc->m_waitingTree .disableWrites();
sc->m_doleIpTable .disableWrites();
void Process::enableTreeWrites ( bool shuttingDown ) {
// loop over all Rdbs
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
// don't save spider related trees if not shutting down
if ( ! shuttingDown ) return;
// enable all waiting trees
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderCollIffNonNull(i);
if ( ! sc ) continue;
sc->m_waitingTree .enableWrites();
sc->m_doleIpTable .enableWrites();
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . calls callback when done saving
bool Process::isRdbDumping ( ) {
// loop over all Rdbs and save them
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
if ( rdb->m_dump.m_isDumping ) return true;
return false;
bool Process::isRdbMerging ( ) {
// loop over all Rdbs and save them
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
if ( rdb->isMerging() ) return true;
return false;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . calls callback when done saving
bool Process::saveRdbTrees ( bool useThread , bool shuttingDown ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// no thread if shutting down
if ( shuttingDown ) useThread = false;
// debug note
log("gb: shuttingdown=%i",(int)shuttingDown);
// turn off statsdb until everyone is done
//g_statsdb.m_disabled = true;
// loop over all Rdbs and save them
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
if ( m_calledSave ) {
log("gb: already saved trees, skipping.");
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
// if we save doledb while spidering it screws us up
// because Spider.cpp can not directly write into the
// rdb tree and it expects that to always be available!
if ( ! shuttingDown && rdb->m_rdbId == RDB_DOLEDB )
// note it
if ( ! rdb->m_dbname || ! rdb->m_dbname[0] )
log("gb: calling save tree for rdbid %i",
log("gb: calling save tree for %s",
rdb->saveTree ( useThread );
// . save waitingtrees for each collection, blocks.
// . can we make this non-blocking?
// . true = "usethreads"
// . all writes have been disabled, so should be cleanly saved
// . if this did not block that means it does not need any saving
// . this just launched all the write threads for the trees/tables
// that need to be saved. it sets m_isSaving once they are all
// launched.
// . and sets m_isSaving=false on SpiderCache::doneSaving when they
// are all done.
if ( shuttingDown ) ( useThread );
// do not re-save the stuff we just did this round
m_calledSave = true;
// quickly re-enable if statsdb tree does not need save any more
//if ( ! g_statsdb.m_rdb.needsSave() ) g_statsdb.m_disabled = false;
// check if any need to finish saving
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
// do not return until all saved if we are shutting down
if ( shuttingDown ) break;
//if ( rdb->needsSave ( ) ) return false;
// we disable the tree while saving so we can't really add recs
// to one rdb tree while saving, but for crawlbot
// we might have added or deleted collections.
if ( rdb->isSavingTree ( ) ) return false;
// only save spiderdb based trees if shutting down so we can
// still write to them without writes being disabled
if ( ! shuttingDown ) return true;
// . check spider cache files (doleiptable waitingtree etc.)
// . this should return true if it still has some files that haven't
// saved to disk yet... so if it returns true we return false
// indicating that we are still waiting!
if ( ! shuttingDown && g_spiderCache.needsSave () ) return false;
// reset for next call
m_calledSave = false;
// everyone is done saving
return true;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . calls callback when done saving
bool Process::saveRdbMaps ( bool useThread ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
useThread = false;
// loop over all Rdbs and save them
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
rdb->saveMaps ( useThread );
// everyone is done saving
return true;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . calls callback when done saving
bool Process::saveRdbCaches ( bool useThread ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
//useThread = false;
// loop over all Rdbs and save them
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
// . returns true if cache does not need save
// . returns false if blocked and is saving
// . returns true if useThreads is false
// . we return false if it blocks
if ( ! rdb->saveCache ( useThread ) ) return false;
// everyone is done saving
return true;
bool Process::saveBlockingFiles1 ( ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// save user accounting files. 3 of them.
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost && g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy )
// save the Conf file now;
// save the conf files;
// . save repair state
// . this is repeated above too
// . keep it here for auto-save;
// save our place during a rebalance
// save the login table;
// save stats on spider proxies if any
// save the query log buffer if it was modified by the
// runSeoQueryLoop() in seo.cpp which updates its
// QueryLogEntry::m_minTop50Score member and corresponding timestamp
if ( g_qbufNeedSave ) {
char fname[1024];
log("process: saving changes to %s",fname);
g_qbufNeedSave = false;
// . save the add state from Msg4.cpp
// . these are records in the middle of being added to rdbs across
// the cluster
// . saves to "addsinprogress.saving" and moves to .saved
// . eventually this may replace "spiderrestore.dat"
if ( g_repair.isRepairActive() ) saveAddsInProgress ( "repair-" );
else saveAddsInProgress ( NULL );
// . save the syncdb quicktree and insync.dat file, very important!!
// . must do this LAST so we truly no if in sync or not!!
// in fctypes.cpp. save the clock offset from host #0's clock so
// our startup is fast again
return true;
#include "PageTurk.h"
bool Process::saveBlockingFiles2 ( ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// the spider dup request cache
// false ); // use threads?
// save waitingtrees for each collection, blocks.
//if ( ! ) return false;
// save what templates each turk has turked
// g_hostdb.m_dir , "turkedtemplates.dat" );
// the robots.txt cache
Msg13::getHttpCacheRobots()->save( false ); // use threads?
// save our caches
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_GENERIC_CACHES; i++ ) {
if ( g_genericCache[i].useDisk() )
// do not use threads
g_genericCache[i].save( false );
// save dead wait cache
//if ( g_deadWaitCache.useDisk () )
// g_deadWaitCache .save ();
//if ( g_forcedCache.useDisk () )
// g_forcedCache .save ( false ); // use threads?
//if ( g_alreadyAddedCache.useDisk () )
// ( false ); // use threads?
// save dns caches
RdbCache *c ;
c = g_dns.getCache();
if ( c->useDisk() ) c->save( false ); // use threads?
// save quota cache
//c = &g_qtable;
//if ( c->useDisk() ) c->save( false ); // use threads?
// save current spidering process, "spiderrestore.dat"
// save autoban stuff;
// if doing titlerec imports in PageInject.cpp, save cursors,
// i.e. file offsets
// this one too
// save state for top docs
// save the turk url cache, urls and user states
return true;
void Process::resetAll ( ) {
g_log .reset();
g_hostdb .reset();
g_hostdb2 .reset();
g_spiderLoop .reset();
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
g_catdb .reset();
g_collectiondb .reset();
g_categories1 .reset();
g_categories2 .reset();
//g_robotdb .reset();
g_dns .reset();
g_udpServer .reset();
//g_dnsServer .reset();
//g_udpServer2 .reset();
g_httpServer .reset();
g_loop .reset();
g_speller .reset();
//g_thesaurus .reset();
g_spiderCache .reset();
g_threads .reset();
g_ucUpperMap .reset();
g_ucLowerMap .reset();
g_ucProps .reset();
g_ucScripts .reset();
g_profiler .reset();
g_langList .reset();
g_autoBan .reset();
//g_qtable .reset();
//g_pageTopDocs .destruct();
//g_pageNetTest .destructor();
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_GENERIC_CACHES; i++ )
// reset disk page caches
// termfreq cache in Posdb.cpp
// in Msg0.cpp
// in msg5.cpp
// reset other caches
// Msg20.cpp's parser cache
// query log table
// query log buffer
void Process::resetPageCaches ( ) {
log("gb: Resetting page caches.");
g_posdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
//g_datedb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_linkdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_titledb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_sectiondb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_tagdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_spiderdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
//g_tfndb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
//g_checksumdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_clusterdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_catdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
//g_placedb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_doledb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
//g_statsdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
// ============================================================================
// load average shedding via /proc/loadavg and an async BigFile
typedef struct {
char buf[20]; // read buffer
double load_average; // last parsed load avg.
int64_t time_req; // time of last parse
int64_t time_parse;
bool waiting; // waiting on async result?
bool closing; // shutting down...
BigFile bigfile;
FileState filestate;
} loadavg_state;
static loadavg_state s_st_lavg;
static void loadavg_callback(loadavg_state* state) {
if (state == NULL)
if (s_st_lavg.closing)
// MDW: stop doing it for now, it is not accurate
state->load_average = 0.00;
if (s_st_lavg.filestate.m_errno != 0) {
// do not thrash!
// leave time_req alone so next open will occur in 5 seconds...
// do not deadlock!
// set load_average=0 until file can be successfully re-read.
s_st_lavg.load_average = 0.0;
log(LOG_INFO, "build: errno %"INT32" reading /proc/loadavg",
s_st_lavg.filestate.m_errno = 0;
state->time_parse = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
state->waiting = false;
state->load_average = atof(state->buf);
log(LOG_DEBUG, "build: loadavg currently: %.2f latency %lld ms",
state->load_average, state->time_parse - state->time_req);
static loadavg_state* s_state_ptr = NULL;
static void update_load_average(int64_t now) {
// initialize loadavg collection...
if (s_state_ptr == NULL) {
s_st_lavg.load_average = 0.0;
s_st_lavg.time_req = 0;
s_st_lavg.time_parse = 0;
s_st_lavg.waiting = false;
s_st_lavg.closing = false;
s_st_lavg.bigfile.set("/proc", "loadavg");
s_state_ptr = &s_st_lavg;
if (s_st_lavg.closing)
if (s_st_lavg.waiting)
// the 2.4 kernel updates /proc/loadavg on a 5-second interval
if (s_st_lavg.waiting == false && now - s_st_lavg.time_req < (5 * 1000))
s_st_lavg.time_req = now;
s_st_lavg.waiting = true;
s_st_lavg.filestate.m_errno = 0;
if (! s_st_lavg.buf,
// if we did not block (as is normal for _this_ file), then
// call callback directly and update state struct.
double Process::getLoadAvg() {
return s_st_lavg.load_average;
void Process::resetLoadAvg() {
if (s_state_ptr == NULL)
s_st_lavg.closing = true;
s_state_ptr = NULL;
// ============================================================================
// event nightly stats process
// copied from main.cpp dumpEvents() function
static int32_t s_lastRunTime = 0;
void eventStatSleepWrapper ( void *state , int fd ) {
// why even register it if not host #0?
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHostId != 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// local time. we are on host #0
int32_t now = getTimeLocal();
// wait at least one hour
if ( now - s_lastRunTime < 3600 ) return;
// wait until midnight us time
int32_t tod = now % 86400;
// or int16_tly after
if ( tod > 1500 ) return;
// ok, execute it
s_lastRunTime = now;
// send to everyhost
for ( int32_t i = 0 ;i < g_hostdb.m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
// reset his stats
// skip if dead
if ( h->isDead() ) continue;
g_udpServer.sendRequest ( 0xdd ,
gotStatReply ,
&h->m_eventStats );//store reply here
// wait for replies!
s_numReplies = 0;
void gotStatReply ( UdpSlot *slot ) {
// wait for all replies to come in
if ( s_numReplies < s_numRequests ) return;
// ok, tally up
EventStats total;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
EventStats *es = &h->m_eventStats;
total.m_active += es->m_active;
SafeBuf sb;
// email cruft
//"MAIL from:<>\r\n"
"MAIL From:<>\r\n"
"RCPT To:<%s>\r\n"
"From: mwells <>\r\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"
"To: %s\r\n"
"Subject: Event Stats\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed\r\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"
// mime header must be separated from body by
// an extra \r\n
sb.safePrintf("total expired events %"INT32"\n\n", total.m_expired );
sb.safePrintf("total active events %"INT32"\n\n", total.m_active );
// print the stats now a
fprintf(stdout,"expired %"INT32"\n",expiredCount);
fprintf(stdout,"active %"INT32"\n",activeCount);
fprintf(stdout,"expired+active %"INT32"\n",expiredCount+activeCount);
fprintf(stdout,"activeresultset1 %"INT32"\n",activeResultSet1Count);
fprintf(stdout,"activeexperimental %"INT32"\n",activeExperimentalCount);
fprintf(stdout,"activeresultset1+activeexperimental %"INT32"\n",
fprintf(stdout,"activefacebook %"INT32"\n",facebookCount);
fprintf(stdout,"activebadgeocoder %"INT32"\n",badGeocoderCount);
// by country
fprintf(stdout,"active by country\n");
for ( int32_t i = 0 ;i < 256 ; i++ ) {
if ( ! cctable[i] ) continue;
char *cs = getCountryCode ( (uint8_t)i );
if ( ! cs ) continue;
fprintf(stdout,"%s %"INT32"\n",cs,cctable[i]);
sb.safePrintf("%"INT32" of %"INT32" hosts reporting.\n\n",
s_numReplies, g_hostdb.m_numHosts );
// email that to
int32_t ip = atoip ( "" ); // gk37, our mail server
if ( ! ts->sendMsg ( ip,
25, // smtp (send mail transfer protocol) port
NULL, // es,
NULL, // gotEmailReplyWrapper,
1000*1024 ) )
log("estats: sent event stats email to");
// we did not block, so update facebook rec with timestamps
//gotEmailReply( es , NULL );
// we did not block
log("estats: tcp sendMsg did not block!");
// defined in XmlDoc.cpp:
bool isExpired ( EventDisplay *ed , int32_t nowUTC , int32_t niceness );
// defined in Address.cpp
uint8_t getCountryIdFromAddrStr ( char *addr );
// . host #0 call this around midnight on every host...
// . dd is the stat dump
// . returns the stats
void handleRequestdd ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) {
// set stats
EventStats es;
// use msg5 to get the list, should ALWAYS block since no threads
if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_TITLEDB ,
coll ,
&list ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
true,//includeTree ,
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0,//startFileNum ,
-1,//numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
0 , // niceness
false , // err correction?
NULL , // cache key ptr
0 , // retry num
-1 , // maxRetries
true , // compensate for merge
-1LL , // sync point
&msg5b )){
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: getList did not block.");
// all done if empty
if ( list.isEmpty() ) goto done;
// loop over entries in list
for ( list.resetListPtr() ; ! list.isExhausted() ;
list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
key_t k = list.getCurrentKey();
char *rec = list.getCurrentRec();
int32_t recSize = list.getCurrentRecSize();
int64_t docId = g_titledb.getDocIdFromKey ( k );
if ( k <= lastKey )
log("key out of order. "
"lastKey.n1=%"XINT32" n0=%"XINT64" "
"currKey.n1=%"XINT32" n0=%"XINT64" ",
lastKey = k;
// print deletes
if ( (k.n0 & 0x01) == 0) {
fprintf(stdout,"n1=%08"XINT32" n0=%016"XINT64" docId=%012"INT64" "
k.n1 , k.n0 , docId );
// . make this
// . (there's a mem leak so just new each time!)
XmlDoc *xd;
try { xd = new (XmlDoc); }
catch ( ... ) {
fprintf(stdout,"could not alloc for xmldoc\n");
// uncompress the title rec
if ( ! xd->set2 ( rec , recSize , coll ,NULL , 0 ) )
// now log each event we got that we hashed
char *p = xd->ptr_eventData;
char *pend = xd->ptr_eventData + xd->size_eventData;
// scan them
for ( ; p < pend ; ) {
// cast it
EventDisplay *ed = (EventDisplay *)p;
// skip this event display blob
p += ed->m_totalSize;
// ok, transform the offsets into ptrs
ed->m_desc = (EventDesc *)((int32_t)ed->m_desc +
ed->m_addr = (char *)((int32_t)ed->m_addr +
ed->m_int = (int32_t *)((int32_t)ed->m_int +
ed->m_normDate=(char *)((int32_t)ed->m_normDate +
// do not repeat!
ed->m_eventFlags |= EV_DESERIALIZED;
// compile into EventStats class
addInEventStats ( es , &es, nowUTC ) ;
mdelete ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "mainxd" );
delete xd;
startKey = *(key_t *)list.getLastKey();
startKey += (uint32_t) 1;
// watch out for wrap around
if ( startKey >= *(key_t *)list.getLastKey() ) goto loop;
void addInEventStats ( EventDisplay *ed , EventStats *es , int32_t nowUTC ) {
// count expired
if ( isExpired(ed,nowUTC,MAX_NICENESS)) {
// count bad geocoder (lat=999.000|888.000)
if ( ed->m_geocoderLat > 180.0 ||
ed->m_geocoderLon < -180.0 )
// count resultset1 unexpired
bool hasTitle = false;
if ( ed->m_eventFlags & EV_HASTITLEWORDS) hasTitle = true;
if ( ed->m_eventFlags & EV_HASTITLEBYVOTES) hasTitle = true;
bool hasDate = false;
if ( ed->m_eventFlags & EV_HASTIGHTDATE ) hasDate = true;
if ( hasTitle && hasDate ) es->m_resultSet1++;
else es->m_otherResultSet++;
// facebook
if ( ed->m_eventFlags & EV_FACEBOOK ) es->m_facebook++;
// counts by country. if 'us' will be empty
uint8_t crid = getCountryIdFromAddrStr(ed->m_addr);
static void gotFanReplyWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
g_process.gotFanReply ( s );
void fanSwitchCheckWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
g_process.checkFanSwitch ();
void Process::checkFanSwitch ( ) {
// skip if you are not me, because this controls my custom fan
if ( ! g_conf.m_isMattWells )
// are we in group #0
bool check = false;
// get our host
Host *me = g_hostdb.m_myHost;
// if we are not host #0 and host #0 is dead, we check it
if ( me->m_shardNum == 0 && g_hostdb.isDead((int32_t)0) )
check = true;
// if we are host #0 we always check it
if ( me->m_hostId == 0 ) check = true;
// proxy never checks power
if ( me->m_isProxy ) check = false;
// if not checking, all done
if ( ! check ) return;
// only if live
//if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive ) return;
// skip if request out already
if ( m_fanReqOut ) return;
// both must be legit
if ( m_roofTemp <= -99.0 ) return;
if ( m_dataCtrTemp <= -99.0 ) return;
// for shits and giggles log it every 10 minutes
int32_t now = getTimeLocal();
static int32_t s_lastLogTime = 0;
if ( s_lastLogTime - now > 60*10 ) {
s_lastLogTime = now;
log("powermo: dataCtrTemp=%.1f roofTemp=%.1f",
m_roofTemp );
// what is the desired state? assume fans on.
m_desiredFanState = 1;
// if roof is hotter then fans off! we don't want hotter air.
if ( //m_roofTemp > m_dataCtrTemp &&
// even if roof temp is slightly cooler, turn off fans. it
// needs to be more than 5 degrees cooler.
m_roofTemp + 5.0 > m_dataCtrTemp )
// 0 means we want fans to be off
m_desiredFanState = 0;
// if matches, leave alone
if ( m_currentFanState == m_desiredFanState ) return;
// ok change! the url
// . the IP9258 power controller
// . default ip=
// . default user=admin
// . default pwd=12345678
// . default mac=00:92:00:00:00:3D
// . the instruction sheet says to run IPEDIT on the cd with your
// computer directly connected to the IP9258 via the eth port in
// order to get the default ip address of it.
// . i changed the ip to since the roomalert is at
// . turn all 4 ports on or off so we can plug the fans into two
// separate ports
char *url ;
if ( m_desiredFanState )
url = ""
"P60_TS=0&" // timer seconds?
"P60_TC=Off&" // timer control?
url = ""
"P60_TS=0&" // timer seconds?
"P60_TC=Off&" // timer control?
// . make a cookie with the login info
// . on chrome open the console and click "Network" tab
// to view the http network requests and replies
char *cookie = "admin=12345678; Taifatech=yes";
// the new power switch is hopefully less flaky!
SafeBuf urlBuf;
if ( m_desiredFanState ) {
// this turns it on
if ( !urlBuf.safePrintf(""
(uint32_t)getTimeGlobal()) )
else {
// this turns it off
if ( !urlBuf.safePrintf(""
(uint32_t)getTimeGlobal()) )
// . make a cookie with the login info
// . on chrome open the console and click "Network" tab
// to view the http network requests and replies
//char *cookie = "admin=12345678; Taifatech=yes";
char *cookie = NULL;
// mark the request as outstanding so we do not overlap it
m_fanReqOut = true;
log("process: trying to set fan state to %"INT32"",m_desiredFanState);
// get it
bool status = g_httpServer.
getDoc ( urlBuf.getBufStart() , // url to download
0 , // ip
0 , // offset
-1 , // size
0 , // ifModifiedSince
NULL , // state
gotFanReplyWrapper , // callback
30*1000 , // timeout
0 , // proxy ip
0 , // proxy port
1*1024*1024 , // maxLen
1*1024*1024 , // maxOtherLen
"Mozilla/4.0 "
"(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; "
"Win 9x 4.90)" ,
//false , // respect download limit?
"HTTP/1.1" ,// fake 1.1 otherwise we get error!
true , // doPost? converts cgi str to post
cookie ,
// additional mime headers
"Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46^C");
// wait for it
if ( ! status ) return;
// i guess it is back!
m_fanReqOut = false;
// call this to wrap things up
gotFanReply ( NULL );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Process::gotFanReply ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// i guess it is back!
m_fanReqOut = false;
if ( ! s ) {
log("powermo: got NULL socket in fan reply");
return true;
if ( g_errno ) {
log("powermo: had error getting fan state: %s.",
return true;
// point into buffer
char *buf = s->m_readBuf;
int32_t bufSize = s->m_readOffset;
if ( ! buf ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"powermo: got empty fan state reply.");
return true;
HttpMime mime;
mime.set ( buf , bufSize , NULL );
char *content = buf + mime.getMimeLen();
int32_t contentLen = bufSize - mime.getMimeLen();
// get the state of the power! (from old power switch)
//char *p = strstr ( content ,"\"power\",status:" );
// get the state of the power! (from new power switch)
char *tag = "<outlet1_status>";
int32_t tagLen = gbstrlen(tag);
char *p = strstr ( content, tag );
// panic?
if ( ! p ) {
log("powermo: could not parse out fan power state "
"from power strip. "
"content = %s",content);
return true;
// . get the value
// . val is 0 if the fan power off, 1 if on?
int32_t val = atoi ( p + tagLen );
m_currentFanState = val;
if ( m_currentFanState == m_desiredFanState )
log("powermo: desired fan state, %"INT32", achieved",
log("powermo: fan state is %"INT32", but needs to be %"INT32"",
return true;
// make sure ntpd is running, we can't afford to get our clock
// out of sync for credit card transactions
bool Process::checkNTPD ( ) {
if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive ) return true;
FILE *pd = popen("ps auxww | grep ntpd | grep -v grep","r");
if ( ! pd ) {
log("gb: failed to ps auxww ntpd");
if ( ! g_errno ) g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
return false;
char tmp[1024];
char *ss = fgets ( tmp , 1000 , pd );
if ( ! ss ) {
log("gb: failed to ps auxww ntpd 2");
if ( ! g_errno ) g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
return false;
// must be there
if ( ! strstr ( tmp,"ntpd") ) {
log("gb: all proxies must have ntpd running! this "
"one does not!");
if ( ! g_errno ) g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
return false;
return true;