Matt cd9c158199 loop.cpp cleanups.
make it so non-linux os will break out
of the select() loop eventually even if select()
only gets EINTRs all the time. so we can process
shutdown cmd.
save ips.txt again for qatest123 qa collection.
do not use winnerlist cache when we have 'sitepages'
url filter expression. it messes it up.
2015-02-13 12:07:10 -08:00

746 lines
20 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Msge1.h"
#include "Test.h"
// utility functions
bool getTestIp ( char *url , int32_t *retIp , bool *found , int32_t niceness ,
char *testDir ) ;
bool addTestIp ( char *host , int32_t hostLen , int32_t ip ) ;
bool saveTestBuf ( char *testDir ) ;
Msge1::Msge1() {
m_buf = NULL;
m_numReplies = 0;
Msge1::~Msge1() {
#define SLAB_SIZE (8*1024)
void Msge1::reset() {
m_errno = 0;
m_ipBuf = NULL;
if ( m_buf ) mfree ( m_buf , m_bufSize,"Msge1buf");
m_buf = NULL;
m_numReplies = 0;
// . get various information for each url in a list of urls
// . urls in "urlBuf" are \0 terminated
// . used to be called getSiteRecs()
// . you can pass in a list of docIds rather than urlPtrs
bool Msge1::getFirstIps ( TagRec **grv ,
char **urlPtrs ,
linkflags_t *urlFlags ,//Links::m_linkFlags
int32_t numUrls ,
// if skipOldLinks && urlFlags[i]&LF_OLDLINK, skip it
bool skipOldLinks ,
char *coll ,
int32_t niceness ,
void *state ,
void (*callback)(void *state) ,
int32_t nowGlobal ,
bool addTags ,
char *testDir ) {
// bail if no urls or linkee
if ( numUrls <= 0 ) return true;
// save all input parms
m_grv = grv;
m_urlPtrs = urlPtrs;
m_urlFlags = urlFlags;
m_numUrls = numUrls;
m_skipOldLinks = skipOldLinks;
m_coll = coll;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_nowGlobal = nowGlobal;
m_addTags = addTags;
m_testDir = testDir;
// . how much mem to alloc?
// . include an extra 4 bytes for each one to hold possible errno
int32_t need = 4 + 4; // ip + error
// one per url
need *= numUrls;
// allocate the buffer to hold all the info we gather
m_buf = (char *)mcalloc ( need , "Msge1buf" );
if ( ! m_buf ) return true;
m_bufSize = need;
// clear it all
memset ( m_buf , 0 , m_bufSize );
// set the ptrs!
char *p = m_buf;
m_ipBuf = (int32_t *)p ; p += numUrls * 4;
m_ipErrors = (int32_t *)p ; p += numUrls * 4;
// initialize
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
// . point to first url to process
// . url # m_n
m_n = 0;
// clear the m_used flags
memset ( m_used , 0 , MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE1 );
// . launch the requests
// . a request can be a msg8a, msgc, msg50 or msg20 request depending
// on what we need to get
// . when a reply returns, the next request is launched for that url
// . we keep a msge1Slot state for each active url in the buffer
// . we can have up to MAX_ACTIVE urls active
if ( ! launchRequests ( 0 ) ) return false;
// save it? might be a page parser
if ( m_coll && ! strcmp(m_coll,"qatest123") ) saveTestBuf("qa");
// none blocked, we are done
return true;
// we only come back up here 1) in the very beginning or 2) when a url
// completes its pipeline of requests
bool Msge1::launchRequests ( int32_t starti ) {
// reset any error code
g_errno = 0;
// stop if no more urls. return true if we got all replies! no block.
if ( m_n >= m_numUrls ) return (m_numRequests == m_numReplies);
// if we are maxed out, we basically blocked!
if (m_numRequests - m_numReplies >= MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE1)return false;
// . skip if "old"
// . we are not planning on adding this to spiderdb, so Msg16
// want to skip the ip lookup, etc.
if ( m_urlFlags && (m_urlFlags[m_n] & LF_OLDLINK) && m_skipOldLinks ) {
goto loop;
// grab the "firstip" from the tagRec if we can
TagRec *gr = m_grv[m_n];
Tag *tag = NULL;
if ( gr ) tag = gr->getTag("firstip");
int32_t ip;
// grab the ip that was in there
if ( tag ) ip = atoip(tag->getTagData());
// if we had it but it was 0 or -1, then time that out
// after a day or so in case it works again! 0 and -1 mean
// NXDOMAIN or timeout error, etc.
if ( tag && ( ip == 0 || ip == -1 ) )
if ( m_nowGlobal - tag->m_timestamp > 3600*24 ) tag = NULL;
// . if we still got the tag, use that, even if ip is 0 or -1
// . this keeps things fast
// . this makes sure doConsistencyCheck() does not block too in
// XmlDoc.cpp... cuz it cores if it does block
if ( tag ) {
// now "ip" might actually be -1 or 0 (invalid) so be careful
m_ipBuf[m_n] = ip;
// what is this?
//if ( ip == 3 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
goto loop;
// or if banned
Tag *btag = NULL;
if ( gr ) btag = gr->getTag("manualban");
if ( btag && btag->getTagData()[0] !='0') {
// debug for now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugDns )
log("dns: skipping dns lookup on banned hostname");
// -1 means time out i guess
m_ipBuf[m_n] = -1;
goto loop;
// . get the next url
// . if m_xd is set, create the url from the ad id
char *p = m_urlPtrs[m_n];
// if it is ip based that makes things easy
int32_t hlen = 0;
char *host = getHostFast ( p , &hlen );
// reset this again
ip = 0;
// see if the hostname is actually an ip like ""
if ( host && is_digit(host[0]) ) ip = atoip ( host , hlen );
// if legit this is non-zero
if ( ip ) {
// what is this? i no longer have this bug really - i fixed
// it - but it did core here probably from a bad dns reply!
// so take this out...
//if ( ip == 3 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_ipBuf[m_n] = ip;
goto loop;
// use domain, we are "firstip" only now!!!
//int32_t dlen = 0;
//char *dom = getDomFast ( p , &dlen );
// get the length
//int32_t plen = gbstrlen(p);
// look up in our m_testBuf.
if ( m_coll && ! strcmp(m_coll,"qatest123") ) {
bool found = false;
// do we got it?
int32_t quickIp ; bool status = getTestIp ( p , &quickIp, &found);
// error?
if ( ! status ) {
// save it
m_errno = g_errno;
// hard exit
char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
// an ip of 0 means we could not find it
if ( found ) { // quickIp != 0 ) {
// set it
m_ipBuf[m_n] = quickIp;
goto loop;
// . grab a slot
// . m_msg8as[i], m_msgCs[i], m_msg50s[i], m_msg20s[i]
int32_t i;
for ( i = starti ; i < MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE1 ; i++ )
if ( ! m_used[i] ) break;
// sanity check
if ( i >= MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE1 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// normalize the url
//m_urls[i].set ( p , plen );
// save the url number, "n"
m_ns [i] = m_n;
// claim it
m_used[i] = true;
// note it
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: msge1: processing url %s",p);
// . start it off
// . this will start the pipeline for this url
// . it will set m_used[i] to true if we use it and block
// . it will increment m_numRequests and NOT m_numReplies if it blocked
//sendMsgC ( i , dom , dlen );
sendMsgC ( i , host , hlen );
// consider it launched
// inc the url count
// try to do another
goto loop;
static void gotMsgCWrapper ( void *state , int32_t ip ) ;
bool Msge1::sendMsgC ( int32_t i , char *host , int32_t hlen ) {
// we are processing the nth url
int32_t n = m_ns[i];
// set m_errno if we should at this point
if ( ! m_errno && g_errno != ENOTFOUND ) m_errno = g_errno;
// reset it
g_errno = 0;
// using the the ith msgC
MsgC *m = &m_msgCs[i];
// save i and this in the msgC itself
m->m_state2 = this;
m->m_state3 = (void *)(PTRTYPE)i;
// note it
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: msge1: getting ip for %s",
// m_urlPtrs[n]);
//int32_t hlen = 0;
//char *host = getHostFast ( m_urlPtrs[n] , &hlen );
// look up in our m_testBuf.
if ( m_coll && ! strcmp(m_coll,"qatest123") ) {
bool found = false;
// int16_tcut
//char *p = m_urlPtrs[n];
// do we got it?
//bool status = getTestIp ( p , &m_ipBuf[n], &found);
bool status = getTestIp ( host, &m_ipBuf[n],&found,m_niceness,
m_testDir );
// error?
if ( ! status ) {
// save it
m_errno = g_errno;
// hard exit
char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
// an ip of 0 means we could not find it
if ( found )
return addTag(i);
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
if ( ! m->getIp ( host ,
hlen ,
&m_ipBuf[n] ,
m , // state
gotMsgCWrapper ))// callback
return false;
return doneSending ( i );
void gotMsgCWrapper ( void *state , int32_t ip ) {
MsgC *m = (MsgC *)state;
Msge1 *THIS = (Msge1 *)m->m_state2;
int32_t i = (int32_t )(PTRTYPE)m->m_state3;
if ( ! THIS->doneSending ( i ) ) return;
// try to launch more, returns false if not done
if ( ! THIS->launchRequests(i) ) return;
// . save it if we should. might be a page parser
// . mdw i uncommented this when we cored all the time
if ( THIS->m_coll&&!strcmp(THIS->m_coll,"qatest123"))saveTestBuf("qa");
// must be all done, call the callback
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
void doneAddingTagWrapper ( void *state ) ;
bool Msge1::doneSending ( int32_t i ) {
// we are processing the nth url
int32_t n = m_ns[i];
// save the error
m_ipErrors[n] = g_errno;
// save m_errno
if ( g_errno && ! m_errno ) m_errno = g_errno;
// clear it
g_errno = 0;
// get ip we got
int32_t ip = m_ipBuf[n];
// what is this?
//if ( ip == 3 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//log ( LOG_DEBUG, "build: Finished Msge1 for url [%"INT32",%"INT32"]: %s ip=%s",
// n, i, m_urls[i].getUrl() ,iptoa(ip));
// store it?
if ( ! strcmp(m_coll,"qatest123") ) {
// get host
int32_t hlen = 0;
char *host = getHostFast ( m_urlPtrs[n] , &hlen );
// use domain, we are "firstip" only now!!!
//int32_t dlen = 0;
//char *dom = getDomFast ( m_urlPtrs[n] , &dlen );
// add it to "./test/ips.txt"
addTestIp ( host , hlen ,ip);
//addTestIp ( dom,dlen ,ip);
// . all done if invalid
// . otherwise, add the "firstip" tag to this the domain in tagdb
// . we now add invalid ips to keep doConsistencyCheck() from
// blocking as well as to keep performance fast so we do not
// have to keep re-looking up bad ips to get their "firstip",
// but we only respect bad "firstips" for 1 day (see above)
// before we try to recompute them
//if ( ip == 0 || ip == -1 ) {
// // close it up
// doneAddingTag ( i );
// return true;
return addTag ( i );
bool Msge1::addTag ( int32_t i ) {
// we are processing the nth url
int32_t n = m_ns[i];
// get ip we got
//int32_t ip = m_ipBuf[n];
// HACK: hijack this MsgC to use as a "state" for call to msg9a
// so we can add the "firstip" tag, since we did not have one!
// using the the ith msgC
MsgC *m = &m_msgCs[i];
// save i and this in the msgC itself
m->m_state2 = this;
m->m_state3 = (void *)(PTRTYPE)i;
// store the domain here
//char *domBuf = m->m_request;
// get the domain
//int32_t dlen = 0;
//char *dom = getDomFast ( m_urlPtrs[n] , &dlen );
// make it all host based
//char *hostBuf = m->m_request;
// get the host
int32_t hlen = 0;
char *host = getHostFast ( m_urlPtrs[n] , &hlen );
// if invalid or ip-based, skip it!
//if ( ! dom || dlen <= 0 )
if ( ! host || hlen <= 0 )
return doneAddingTag ( i );
if ( ! m_addTags )
return doneAddingTag ( i );
// now let xmldoc add the firstip tags of each outlink!
return doneAddingTag ( i );
// store it
//strncpy ( domBuf , dom , dlen );
strncpy ( hostBuf , host , hlen );
// NULL term it
//domBuf[dlen] = '\0';
hostBuf[hlen] = '\0';
// get time now synced with host #0
//int32_t nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
// put in buf
char ipbuf[32];
sprintf(ipbuf,"%s",iptoa(ip) );
// . make the tag rec to add
// . msg9a copies it into a request buffer, so no need to be persistent
TagRec gr;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( !gr.addTag("firstip",m_nowGlobal,"msge1",ip,ipbuf,gbstrlen(ipbuf))){
// should never have error
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// int16_tcut
Msg9a *m9 = &m_msg9as[i];
// . now add to "firstip" in tagdb
// . borrow the ith msg9a (only 40 bytes each)
// . this should only return control to us once it is safely in tagdb!
if ( ! m9->addTags ( NULL ,
//&domBuf ,
&hostBuf ,
1 ,
m_coll ,
m , // state
doneAddingTagWrapper ,
m_niceness ,
&gr ,
false ,
&ip ))
// we blocked
return false;
return doneAddingTag ( i );
void doneAddingTagWrapper ( void *state ) {
// get the hijacked msgc
MsgC *m = (MsgC *)state;
Msge1 *THIS = (Msge1 *)m->m_state2;
int32_t i = (int32_t )(PTRTYPE)m->m_state3;
// return if that blocked
if ( ! THIS->doneAddingTag ( i ) ) return;
// loop back for more
if ( ! THIS->launchRequests ( i ) ) return;
// must be all done, call the callback
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Msge1::doneAddingTag ( int32_t i ) {
// unmangle
//*m_pathPtr[i] = '/';
// free it
m_used[i] = false;
// we did not block
return true;
#include "HashTableX.h"
static char *s_testBuf = NULL ;
static char *s_testBufPtr ;
static int32_t s_testBufSize ;
static char *s_testBufEnd ;
static char s_needsReload = true ;
static char *s_last = NULL ;
static int32_t s_lastLen = 0 ;
static HashTableX s_ht;
// . only call this if the collection is "qatest123"
// . we try to get the ip by accessing the "./test/ips.txt" file
// . we also ad ips we lookup to that file in the collection is "qatest123"
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, true on success
bool getTestIp ( char *url , int32_t *retIp , bool *found , int32_t niceness ,
char *testDir ) {
// set the url from the url string, "us"
Url u; u.set ( url );
// get host of the url
char *host = u.getHost();
int32_t hlen = u.getHostLen();
// if it is an ip, that is easy!
if ( is_digit(host[0]) ) {
int32_t aip = atoip(host,hlen);
if ( aip ) return aip;
// assume not found
*found = false;
// . if we are the "qatestq123" collection, check for "./test/ips.txt"
// file that gives us the ips of the given urls.
// . if we end up doing some lookups we should append to that file
if ( ! s_testBuf || s_needsReload ) {
// assume needs reload now
s_needsReload = true;
// free it
if ( s_testBuf ) mfree ( s_testBuf , s_testBufSize, "msge1" );
// hashtable set, map urlhash32 to ip
if ( !s_ht.set(4,4,400000,NULL,0,false,niceness,"msge1tab")) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// null it out now, we freed it
s_testBuf = NULL;
//char *testDir = g_test.getTestDir();
// filename
char fn[100];
// set it
File f; f.set ( fn );
// get size
int32_t fsize = f.getFileSize ( );
// < 0 means error? does not exist?
if ( fsize < 0 ) fsize = 0;
// how much to alloc? 1MB for all for now
int32_t need = 3000001;
// and what we had
need += fsize;
// make buf big enough to hold the read
s_testBuf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "tmsge1" );
// this for freeing
s_testBufSize = need;
s_testBufEnd = s_testBuf + need;
// error?
if ( ! s_testBuf ) {
// note it
log("test: failed to alloc %"INT32" bytes for ip buf",need);
// error out
return false;
// assign end to the beginning, assume nothing to read
s_testBufPtr = s_testBuf;
// read in the file, if it was there
if ( fsize > 0 ) {
// open it ( O_RDWR );
// read it in
int32_t rs = ( s_testBuf , fsize , 0 ) ;
// check it
if ( rs != fsize ) {
// note it
log("test: failed to read %"INT32" bytes of "
"./%s/ips.txt file",fsize,testDir);
// close it
// error out
return false;
// recompute the end of s_testBuf
s_testBufPtr = s_testBuf + fsize;
// trim off ending punct like \n
for ( ; is_punct_a(s_testBufPtr[-1]) ; s_testBufPtr--);
// and null term
*s_testBufPtr = '\0';
// close it
// good to go
s_needsReload = false;
// fill hashtable, s_ht
char *p = s_testBuf;
// breathe
// skip over spaces
for ( ; p < s_testBufPtr && is_wspace_a(*p) ; p++ );
// assign the url string, "us" to "p"
char *us = p;
// skip over that url
char *next = p;
for (;next<s_testBufPtr && !is_wspace_a(*next);next++);
// update
p = next;
// get hash of that host
int32_t u32 = hash32 ( us,next-us);
// if no match, try the next hostname in s_testBuf
//if ( strncasecmp ( us , host , hlen ) ) goto loop;
// the url in the buf must be same length to be a match
//if ( ! is_wspace_a(us[hlen]) ) goto loop;
char *ips = next;
// skip spaces
for ( ; ips < s_testBufPtr && is_wspace_a(*ips) ; ips++ );
// all done? not found...
if ( ! ips[0] ) { *retIp = 0; return true; }
// sanity check, each line must have an IP!
if ( ips >= s_testBufPtr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// must be number
if ( ! is_digit(*ips) ) {
// there is a single line that is \0 0.0.0.\n
// so let's fix this by skipping until \n
for ( ; p<s_testBufPtr&& *p!='\n';p++);
goto loop;
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// advance to end
char *ie = ips;
for ( ; *ie && ie < s_testBufPtr ; ie++ )
// stop if not good char
if ( ! is_digit(*ie) && *ie != '.' ) break;
// get it
int32_t ip = atoip ( ips , ie - ips );
// store in hash table for lookup below
if ( u32 && ! s_ht.addKey ( &u32 , &ip ) ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// advance p for next round
p = ie;
// skip over spaces
for ( ; p < s_testBufPtr && is_wspace_a(*p) ; p++ );
// do more if we should
if ( p < s_testBufPtr ) goto loop;
// assume none found
*retIp = 0;
// return 0 if no ips.txt data
//if ( ! s_testBuf || s_testBufPtr == s_testBuf ) return true;
// look it up in hash table now
int32_t h = hash32 ( host,hlen);
int32_t *ipPtr = (int32_t *)s_ht.getValue(&h);
// if missed, return now
if ( ! ipPtr )
return true;
// set it
*retIp = *ipPtr;
// flag it
*found = true;
// note it
//log("test: found ip %s for %s in ips.txt",iptoa(ip),url);
// that is it
return true;
void resetTestIpTable ( ) {
// returns false if unable to add, returns true if added
bool addTestIp ( char *host , int32_t hostLen , int32_t ip ) {
// must have first tried to get it
if ( s_needsReload ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// must have allocated this
if ( ! s_testBuf )
return log("test: no test buf to add ip %s",iptoa(ip));
// make sure enough room
int32_t need = 1 + hostLen + 1 + (4*3+3) + 1;
// add it to test buf
if ( s_testBufPtr + need >= s_testBufEnd )
return log("test: no room to add ip %s",iptoa(ip));
// did we just add this one? prevent dups this way...
if ( s_last && hostLen==s_lastLen && !strncmp(s_last,host,hostLen))
return true;
// preserve ptr to last one we added
s_last = s_testBufPtr;
s_lastLen = hostLen;
// print it
gbmemcpy ( s_testBufPtr , host , hostLen );
// skip it
s_testBufPtr += hostLen;
// then space and ip
int32_t ps = sprintf ( s_testBufPtr , " %s\n",iptoa(ip));
// skip that
s_testBufPtr += ps;
// add to hash table too
int32_t u32 = hash32 ( host , hostLen );
if ( ! s_ht.addKey ( &u32 , &ip ) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// success
return true;
void makeQADir();
// . save it back to disk
// . we should call this from Test.cpp when the run is completed!!
bool saveTestBuf ( char *testDir ) {
//char *testDir = g_test.getTestDir();
// ensure ./qa/ subdir exsts. in qa.cpp
// filename
char fn[100]; sprintf(fn,"%s/%s/ips.txt",g_hostdb.m_dir, testDir);
// set it
File f; f.set ( fn );
// open it ( O_RDWR | O_CREAT );
// how much to write?
int32_t size = s_testBufPtr - s_testBuf;
// write it out
int32_t ws = f.write ( s_testBuf , size , 0 );
// close it
// bitch?
if ( ws != size )
return log("test: failed to write %"INT32" bytes to %s",size,fn);
// note it
log("test: saved ips.txt");
// ok
return true;