mwells 538f6103d5 get qa tests working again.
fixed facet links.
made data import function actually work so we can
import data from one collection (files) into another.
made url filters profile compatible with UFP_ stuff.
2014-09-23 17:48:40 -07:00

1820 lines
55 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Msg0.h" // for getRdb(char rdbId)
#include "Msg4.h"
#include "Tfndb.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
#include "Spider.h"
//#include "Checksumdb.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
//#include "Indexdb.h"
#include "Profiler.h"
#include "Repair.h"
#include "Multicast.h"
#include "Syncdb.h"
// Send out our records to add every X ms here:
// Batching up the add requests saves udp traffic
// on large networks (100+ hosts).
// . currently: send out adds once every 500ms
// . when this was 5000ms (5s) it would wait like
// 5s to spider a url after adding it.
//#define MSG4_WAIT 500
// article1.html and article11.html are dups but they are being spidered
// within 500ms of another
#define MSG4_WAIT 100
// we have up to this many outstanding Multicasts to send add requests to hosts
#define MAX_MCASTS 128
Multicast s_mcasts[MAX_MCASTS];
Multicast *s_mcastHead = NULL;
Multicast *s_mcastTail = NULL;
long s_mcastsOut = 0;
long s_mcastsIn = 0;
// we have one buffer for each host in the cluster
static char *s_hostBufs [MAX_HOSTS];
static long s_hostBufSizes [MAX_HOSTS];
static long s_numHostBufs;
// . each host has a 32k add buffer which is sent when full or every 10 seconds
// . buffer will be more than 32k if the record to add is larger than 32k
#define MAXHOSTBUFSIZE (32*1024)
// the linked list of Msg4s waiting in line
static Msg4 *s_msg4Head = NULL;
static Msg4 *s_msg4Tail = NULL;
// . TODO: use this instead of spiderrestore.dat
// . call this once for every Msg14 so it can add all at once...
// . make Msg14 add the links before anything else since that uses Msg10
// . also, need to update spiderdb rec for the url in Msg14 using Msg4 too!
// . need to add support for passing in array of lists for Msg14
static void gotReplyWrapper4 ( void *state , void *state2 ) ;
static void storeLineWaiters ( ) ;
static void handleRequest4 ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) ;
static void sleepCallback4 ( int bogusfd , void *state ) ;
static bool sendBuffer ( long hostId , long niceness ) ;
static Multicast *getMulticast ( ) ;
static void returnMulticast ( Multicast *mcast ) ;
//static void processSpecialSignal ( collnum_t collnum , char *p ) ;
//static bool storeList2 ( RdbList *list , char rdbId , collnum_t collnum,
// bool forceLocal, bool splitList , long niceness );
static bool storeRec ( collnum_t collnum ,
char rdbId ,
unsigned long gid ,
long hostId ,
char *rec ,
long recSize ,
long niceness ) ;
// all these parameters should be preset
bool registerHandler4 ( ) {
// register ourselves with the udp server
if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0x04, handleRequest4 ) )
return false;
// clear the host bufs
s_numHostBufs = g_hostdb.getNumShards();
for ( long i = 0 ; i < s_numHostBufs ; i++ )
s_hostBufs[i] = NULL;
// init the linked list of multicasts
s_mcastHead = &s_mcasts[0];
s_mcastTail = &s_mcasts[MAX_MCASTS-1];
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_MCASTS - 1 ; i++ )
s_mcasts[i].m_next = &s_mcasts[i+1];
// last guy has nobody after him
s_mcastTail->m_next = NULL;
// nobody is waiting in line
s_msg4Head = NULL;
s_msg4Tail = NULL;
// spider hang bug
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"msg4: registering handler.");
// for now skip it
//return true;
// . restore state from disk
// . false means repair is not active
if ( ! loadAddsInProgress ( NULL ) ) {
log("init: Could not load addsinprogress.dat. Ignoring.");
g_errno = 0;
// . register sleep handler every 5 seconds = 5000 ms
// . right now MSG4_WAIT is 500ms... i lowered it from 5s
// to speed up spidering so it would harvest outlinks
// faster and be able to spider them right away.
// . returns false on failure
return g_loop.registerSleepCallback(MSG4_WAIT,NULL,sleepCallback4 );
static void flushLocal ( ) ;
// scan all host bufs and try to send on them
void sleepCallback4 ( int bogusfd , void *state ) {
// wait for clock to be in sync
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return;
// flush them buffers
void flushLocal ( ) {
g_errno = 0;
// put the line waiters into the buffers in case they are not there
// now try to send the buffers
for ( long i = 0 ; i < s_numHostBufs ; i++ )
sendBuffer ( i , MAX_NICENESS );
g_errno = 0;
//static void (* s_flushCallback) ( void *state ) = NULL ;
//static void * s_flushState = NULL;
// for holding flush callback data
static SafeBuf s_callbackBuf;
static long s_numCallbacks = 0;
class CBEntry {
long long m_timestamp;
void (*m_callback)(void *);
void *m_callbackState;
// . injecting into the "qatest123" coll flushes after each inject
// . returns false if blocked and callback will be called
bool flushMsg4Buffers ( void *state , void (* callback) (void *) ) {
// if all empty, return true now
if ( ! hasAddsInQueue () ) return true;
// how much per callback?
long cbackSize = sizeof(CBEntry);
// ensure big enough for first call
if ( s_callbackBuf.m_capacity == 0 ) { // length() == 0 ) {
// make big
if ( ! s_callbackBuf.reserve ( 300 * cbackSize ) ) {
// return true with g_errno set on error
log("msg4: error allocating space for flush callback");
return true;
// then init
// scan for empty slot
char *buf = s_callbackBuf.getBufStart();
CBEntry *cb = (CBEntry *)buf;
CBEntry *cbEnd = (CBEntry *)(buf + s_callbackBuf.getCapacity());
// find empty slot
for ( ; cb < cbEnd && cb->m_callback ; cb++ ) ;
// no room?
if ( cb >= cbEnd ) {
log("msg4: no room for flush callback. count=%li",
return true;
// add callback to list
// time must be the same as used by UdpSlot::m_startTime
cb->m_callback = callback;
cb->m_callbackState = state;
// inc count
//if ( s_flushCallback ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// start it up
// scan msg4 slots for maximum start time so we can only
// call the flush done callback when all msg4 slots in udpserver
// have start times STRICTLY GREATER THAN that, then we will
// be guaranteed that everything we added has been replied to!
UdpSlot *slot = g_udpServer.getActiveHead();
long long max = 0LL;
for ( ; slot ; slot = slot->m_next ) {
// get its time stamp
if ( slot->m_msgType != 0x04 ) continue;
// must be initiated by us
if ( ! slot->m_callback ) continue;
// get it
if ( max && slot->m_startTime < max ) continue;
// got a new max
max = slot->m_startTime;
// set time AFTER the udpslot gets its m_startTime set so
// now will be >= each slot's m_startTime.
cb->m_timestamp = max;
// can we sometimes flush without blocking? maybe...
//if ( ! hasAddsInQueue () ) return true;
// assign it
//s_flushState = state;
//s_flushCallback = callback;
// we are waiting now
return false;
// used by Repair.cpp to make sure we are not adding any more data ("writing")
bool hasAddsInQueue ( ) {
// if there is an outstanding multicast...
if ( s_mcastsOut > s_mcastsIn ) return true;
// if we have a msg4 waiting in line...
if ( s_msg4Head ) return true;
// if we have an host buf that has something in it...
for ( long i = 0 ; i < s_numHostBufs ; i++ ) {
if ( ! s_hostBufs[i] ) continue;
if ( *(long *)s_hostBufs[i] > 4 ) return true;
// otherwise, we have nothing queued up to add
return false;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
// . forceLocal was removed because if you want to delete a corrupt key in
// spiderdb, it should be removed in a merge or something...
bool Msg4::addList ( RdbList *list ,
char rdbId ,
char *coll ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
bool forceLocal ,
bool splitList ) {
// warning
if ( ! coll ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL collection. msg4.cpp.");
return true;
// save it
strcpy ( m_coll , coll );
// make it a collnum
collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( coll );
// is it non-existent
if ( collnum == (collnum_t)-1 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"build: msg4: bad coll %s",coll);
return true;
// then re-call
return addList ( list , rdbId , collnum ,
state , callback , niceness,
forceLocal, splitList);
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Msg4::addList ( RdbList *list ,
char rdbId ,
collnum_t collnum ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
bool forceLocal ,
bool splitList ) {
// sanity check
//if ( niceness != MAX_NICENESS ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// clear it
g_errno = 0;
// if list has no records in it return true
if ( ! list || list->isEmpty() ) return true;
// save it
m_rdbId = rdbId;
m_niceness = niceness;
// this is only valid if storeList() ends up returning false, otherwise
// the caller may free it
m_list = list;
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
m_forceLocal = forceLocal;
m_splitList = splitList;
// MDW: make sure we point to start of the list
// MDW: need to reset the list ptr, otherwise twin might not get the
// recs if we are adding to spiderdb
// . store the list in the buffer for each hostid
// . have a buffer for each host and each rdb
// . and each collnum
// . this returns true if stored, false if could not store
if ( ! storeList ( list , rdbId , collnum ) ) return false;
// launch anyone that needs it
//launchBuffers ( );
// otherwise, g_errno should be set
return true;
// . split the list up into pieces based on hostname
// . call storeSubList() on each piece
// . returns false and sets g_errno on failure
bool Msg4::storeList ( RdbList *list , char rdbId , collnum_t collnum ) {
// sanity check
if ( rdbId < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// nobody is after us in the linked list
m_next = NULL;
// . if others are waiting in line, we must wait in line to in case
// there is an order dependency in the records being added
// . however, if we are the head of the list we are being called from
// handleReply4() and this is an attempt to finish processing this
// list.
//if ( s_msg4Tail && this != s_msg4Head ) {
if ( s_msg4Tail ) {
// sanity check -- detect re-use of a blocked msg4!
if ( this == s_msg4Head ) { char *xx =NULL; *xx=0; }
if ( ! s_msg4Head ) { char *xx =NULL; *xx=0; }
// spider hang bug
// "db: msg4 blocked. adding to tail. msg4=%li",(long)this);
s_msg4Tail->m_next = this;
s_msg4Tail = this;
return false;
// this returns true if all of the records in the list were
// successfully stored in the s_hostBufs[] buffers for sending,
// otherwise it returns false and we must call storeList2() again
// for this list when a Multicast becomes available.
if ( storeList2 ( list , rdbId , collnum , m_forceLocal, m_splitList,
m_niceness ) )
return true;
// spider hang bug
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: msg4 first in line. msg4=%li",(long)this);
// sanity check
if ( s_msg4Head || s_msg4Tail ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// . wait in line
// . when the s_hostBufs[hostId] is able to accomodate our
// record this loop will be resumed and the caller's callback
// will be called once we are able to successfully queue up
// all recs in the list
// . we are the only one in line, otherwise, we would have exited
// the start of this function
s_msg4Head = this;
s_msg4Tail = this;
// return false so caller blocks. we will call his callback
// when we are able to add his list to the hostBufs[] queue
// and then he can re-use this Msg4 class for other things.
return false;
bool storeList2 ( RdbList *list ,
char rdbId ,
collnum_t collnum ,
bool forceLocal,
bool splitList ,
long niceness ) {
// get groupId of each key
unsigned long gid;
char key[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// sanity check
if ( rdbId < 0 ) {
log("repair: Consider erasing repair.dat and "
"repair-addsinprogress.dat to restart the repair IF "
"you were doing a repair.");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// store each record in the list into the send buffers
while ( ! list->isExhausted() ) {
// get the key of the current record
list->getCurrentKey ( key );
// . if key belongs to same group as firstKey then continue
// . titledb now uses last bits of docId to determine groupId
// . but uses the top 32 bits of key still
// . spiderdb uses last 64 bits to determine groupId
// . tfndb now is like titledb(top 32 bits are top 32 of docId)
if(forceLocal) gid = g_hostdb.m_groupId;
else gid = getGroupId ( rdbId , key , splitList );
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
long recSize = list->getCurrentRecSize();
// i fixed UdpServer.cpp to NOT call msg4 handlers when in
// a quickpoll, in case we receive a niceness 0 msg4 request
// convert the gid to the hostid of the first host in this
// group. uses a quick hash table.
long hostId = g_hostdb.makeHostIdFast ( gid );
// . add that rec to this groupId, gid, includes the key
// . these are NOT allowed to be compressed (half bit set)
// and this point
// . this returns false and sets g_errno on failure
if ( storeRec ( collnum, rdbId, gid, hostId, rec, recSize ,
niceness )) {
// . point to next record
// . will point past records if no more left!
// get next rec
// g_errno is not set if the store rec could not send the
// buffer because no multicast was available
if ( g_errno )
log("build: Msg4 storeRec had error: %s.",
// clear this just in case
g_errno = 0;
return false;
return true;
// returns false if blocked
bool Msg4::addMetaList ( char *metaList ,
long metaListSize ,
char *coll ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
char rdbId ) {
collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( coll );
return addMetaList ( metaList ,
metaListSize ,
collnum ,
state ,
callback ,
niceness ,
rdbId );
bool Msg4::addMetaList ( SafeBuf *sb ,
collnum_t collnum ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
char rdbId ,
long shardOverride ) {
return addMetaList ( sb->getBufStart() ,
sb->length() ,
collnum ,
state ,
callback ,
niceness ,
rdbId ,
shardOverride );
bool Msg4::addMetaList ( char *metaList ,
long metaListSize ,
collnum_t collnum ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
char rdbId ,
// Rebalance.cpp needs to add negative keys to
// remove foreign records from where they no
// longer belong because of a new hosts.conf file.
// This will be -1 if not be overridden.
long shardOverride ) {
// not in progress
m_inUse = false;
// empty lists are easy!
if ( metaListSize == 0 ) return true;
// sanity
//if ( collnum < 0 || collnum > 1000 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( collnum < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if first time set this
m_currentPtr = metaList;
m_metaList = metaList;
m_metaListSize = metaListSize;
m_collnum = collnum;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_rdbId = rdbId;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_next = NULL;
m_shardOverride = shardOverride;
// get in line if there's a line
if ( s_msg4Head ) {
// add ourselves to the line
s_msg4Tail->m_next = this;
// we are the new tail
s_msg4Tail = this;
// debug log. seems to happen a lot if not using threads..
if ( g_conf.m_useThreads )
log("msg4: queueing body msg4=0x%lx",(long)this);
// mark it
m_inUse = true;
// all done then, but return false so caller does not free
// this msg4
return false;
// then do it
if ( addMetaList2 ( ) ) return true;
// . sanity check
// . we sometimes get called with niceness 0 from possibly
// an injection or something and from a quickpoll
// inside addMetList2() in which case our addMetaList2() will
// fail, assuming s_msg4Head got set, BUT it SHOULD be OK because
// being interrupted at the one QUICKPOLL() in addMetaList2()
// doesn't seem like it would hurt.
// . FURTHEMORE the multicast seems to always be called with
// MAX_NICENESS so i'm not sure how niceness 0 will really help
// with any of this stuff.
//if ( s_msg4Head || s_msg4Tail ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
if ( s_msg4Head || s_msg4Tail ) {
log("msg4: got unexpected head"); // :)
goto retry;
// . spider hang bug
// . debug log. seems to happen a lot if not using threads..
if ( g_conf.m_useThreads )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"msg4: queueing head msg4=0x%lx",(long)this);
// mark it
m_inUse = true;
// . wait in line
// . when the s_hostBufs[hostId] is able to accomodate our
// record this loop will be resumed and the caller's callback
// will be called once we are able to successfully queue up
// all recs in the list
// . we are the only one in line, otherwise, we would have exited
// the start of this function
s_msg4Head = this;
s_msg4Tail = this;
// return false so caller blocks. we will call his callback
// when we are able to add his list to the hostBufs[] queue
// and then he can re-use this Msg4 class for other things.
return false;
bool isInMsg4LinkedList ( Msg4 *msg4 ) {
Msg4 *m = s_msg4Head;
for ( ; m ; m = m->m_next )
if ( m == msg4 ) return true;
return false;
bool Msg4::addMetaList2 ( ) {
char *p = m_currentPtr;
// get the collnum
//collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( m_coll );
char *pend = m_metaList + m_metaListSize;
//if ( m_collnum < 0 || m_collnum > 1000 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( m_collnum < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// store each record in the list into the send buffers
for ( ; p < pend ; ) {
// first is rdbId
char rdbId = m_rdbId;
if ( rdbId < 0 ) rdbId = *p++;
// get nosplit
//bool nosplit = ( rdbId & 0x80 ) ;
// mask off rdbId
rdbId &= 0x7f;
// get the key of the current record
char *key = p;
// negative key?
bool del ;
if ( *p & 0x01 ) del = false;
else del = true;
// tmp debug
//if ( del ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// get the key size. a table lookup in Rdb.cpp.
long ks ;
if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB || rdbId == RDB2_POSDB2) ks = 18;
else if ( rdbId == RDB_DATEDB ) ks = 16;
else ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
// skip key
p += ks;
// set this
//bool split = true; if ( nosplit ) split = false;
// . if key belongs to same group as firstKey then continue
// . titledb now uses last bits of docId to determine groupId
// . but uses the top 32 bits of key still
// . spiderdb uses last 64 bits to determine groupId
// . tfndb now is like titledb(top 32 bits are top 32 of docId)
//uint32_t gid = getGroupId ( rdbId , key , split );
unsigned long shardNum = getShardNum( rdbId , key );
// override it from Rebalance.cpp for redistributing records
// after updating hosts.conf?
if ( m_shardOverride >= 0 ) shardNum = m_shardOverride;
// get the record, is -1 if variable. a table lookup.
long dataSize;
if ( rdbId==RDB_POSDB || rdbId==RDB2_POSDB2) dataSize = 0;
else if ( rdbId == RDB_DATEDB ) dataSize = 0;
else dataSize = getDataSizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
// . negative keys have no data
// . this unfortunately is not true according to RdbList.cpp
if ( del ) dataSize = 0;
// if variable read that in
if ( dataSize == -1 ) {
// -1 means to read it in
dataSize = *(long *)p;
// sanity check
if ( dataSize < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
//if ( rdbId == RDB_DOLEDB &&
// (*key & 0x01) == 0x01 && // positive key
// dataSize <= 0 ) {
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// skip dataSize
p += 4;
// skip over the data, if any
p += dataSize;
// breach us?
if ( p > pend ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// i fixed UdpServer.cpp to NOT call msg4 handlers when in
// a quickpoll, in case we receive a niceness 0 msg4 request
QUICKPOLL(m_niceness); // MAX_NICENESS);
// convert the gid to the hostid of the first host in this
// group. uses a quick hash table.
//long hostId = g_hostdb.makeHostIdFast ( gid );
Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getShard ( shardNum );
long hostId = hosts[0].m_hostId;
// . add that rec to this groupId, gid, includes the key
// . these are NOT allowed to be compressed (half bit set)
// and this point
// . this returns false and sets g_errno on failure
if ( storeRec ( m_collnum,
key, // start of rec,
p - key , // recSize
m_niceness )) {
// . point to next record
// . will point past records if no more left!
m_currentPtr = p; // += recSize;
// get next rec
// g_errno is not set if the store rec could not send the
// buffer because no multicast was available
if ( g_errno )
log("build: Msg4 storeRec had error: %s.",
// clear this just in case
g_errno = 0;
// if g_errno was not set, this just means we do not have
// room for the data yet, and try again later
return false;
// . send out all bufs
// . before we were caching to reduce packet traffic, but
// since we don't use the network for sending termlists let's
// try going back to making it even more real-time
//if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return true;
// flush them buffers
// in case this was being used to hold the data, free it
return true;
// . modify each Msg4 request as follows
// . collnum(2bytes)|rdbId(1bytes)|listSize&rawlistData|...
// . store these requests in the buffer just like that
bool storeRec ( collnum_t collnum ,
char rdbId ,
unsigned long shardNum, //gid
long hostId ,
char *rec ,
long recSize ,
long niceness ) {
// loop back up here if you have to flush the buffer
// sanity check
//if ( recSize==16 && rdbId==RDB_SPIDERDB && *(long *)(rec+12)!=0 ) {
// char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// . how many bytes do we need to store the request?
// . USED(4 bytes)/collnum/rdbId(1)/recSize(4bytes)/recData
// . "USED" is only used for mallocing new slots really
long needForRec = sizeof(collnum_t) + 1 + 4 + recSize;
long needForBuf = 4 + needForRec;
// 8 bytes for the zid
needForBuf += 8;
// how many bytes of the buffer are occupied or "in use"?
char *buf = s_hostBufs[hostId];
// if NULL, try to allocate one
if ( ! buf || s_hostBufSizes[hostId] < needForBuf ) {
// how big to make it
// must accomodate rec at all costs
if ( size < needForBuf ) size = needForBuf;
// make them all the same size
buf = (char *)mmalloc ( size , "Msg4a" );
// if still no luck, we cannot send this msg
if ( ! buf ) return false;
if(s_hostBufs[hostId]) {
//if the old buf was too small, resize
memcpy( buf, s_hostBufs[hostId],
mfree ( s_hostBufs[hostId],
s_hostBufSizes[hostId] , "Msg4b" );
// if we are making a brand new buf, init the used
// size to "4" bytes
// itself(4) PLUS the zid (8 bytes)
*(long *)buf = 4 + 8;
// add it
s_hostBufs [hostId] = buf;
s_hostBufSizes[hostId] = size;
// . first long is how much of "buf" is used
// . includes everything even itself
long used = *(long *)buf;
// sanity chec. "used" must include the 4 bytes of itself
if ( used < 12 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// how much total buf space do we have, used or unused?
long maxSize = s_hostBufSizes[hostId];
// how many bytes are available in "buf"?
long avail = maxSize - used;
// if we can not fit list into buffer...
if ( avail < needForRec ) {
// . send what is already in the buffer and clear it
// . will set s_hostBufs[hostId] to NULL
// . this will return false if no available Multicasts to
// send the buffer, in which case we must tell the caller
// to block and wait for us to call his callback, only then
// will he be able to proceed. we will call his callback
// as soon as we can copy... use this->m_msg1 to add the
// list that was passed in...
if ( ! sendBuffer ( hostId , niceness ) ) return false;
// now the buffer should be empty, try again
goto retry;
// point to where to store the list
char *start = buf + used;
char *p = start;
// store the record and all the info for it
*(collnum_t *)p = collnum; p += sizeof(collnum_t);
*(char *)p = rdbId ; p += 1;
*(long *)p = recSize; p += 4;
memcpy ( p , rec , recSize ); p += recSize;
// update buffer used
*(long *)buf = used + (p - start);
// all done, did not "block"
return true;
// . returns false if we were UNable to get a multicast to launch the buffer,
// true otherwise
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool sendBuffer ( long hostId , long niceness ) {
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: sending buf");
// how many bytes of the buffer are occupied or "in use"?
char *buf = s_hostBufs [hostId];
long allocSize = s_hostBufSizes[hostId];
// skip if empty
if ( ! buf ) return true;
// . get size used in buf
// . includes everything, including itself!
long used = *(long *)buf;
// if empty, bail
if ( used <= 12 ) return true;
// grab a vehicle for sending the buffer
Multicast *mcast = getMulticast();
// if we could not get one, wait in line for one to become available
if ( ! mcast ) {
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: no mcast available");
return false;
// NO! storeRec() will alloc it!
// make it point to another
char *newBuf = (char *)mmalloc ( MAXHOSTBUFSIZE , "Msg4Buf" );
// assign it to the new Buf
s_hostBufs [ hostId ] = newBuf;
// reset used
if ( newBuf ) {
*(long *)newBuf = 4;
s_hostBufSizes[hostId] = MAXHOSTBUFSIZE;
else s_hostBufSizes[hostId] = 0; //if we were oom reset size
// get groupId
//unsigned long groupId = g_hostdb.getGroupIdFromHostId ( hostId );
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(hostId);
unsigned long shardNum = h->m_shardNum;
// get group #
//long groupNum = g_hostdb.getGroupNum ( groupId );
// sanity check. our clock must be in sync with host #0's or with
// a host from his group, group #0
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) { char *xx=NULL ; *xx=0; }
// try to keep all zids unique, regardless of their group
static uint64_t s_lastZid = 0;
// select a "zid", a sync id
uint64_t zid = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// keep it strictly increasing
if ( zid <= s_lastZid ) zid = s_lastZid + 1;
// update it
s_lastZid = zid;
// shift up 1 so Syncdb::makeKey() is easier
zid <<= 1;
// set some things up
char *p = buf + 4;
// . sneak it into the top of the buffer
// . TODO: fix the code above for this new header
*(uint64_t *)p = zid;
p += 8;
// syncdb debug
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"syncdb: sending msg4 request zid=%llu",zid);
// this is the request
char *request = buf;
long requestSize = used;
// . launch the request
// . we now have this multicast timeout if a host goes dead on it
// and it fails to send its payload
// . in that case we should restart from the top and we will add
// the dead host ids to the top, and multicast will avoid sending
// to hostids that are dead now
key_t k; k.setMin();
if ( mcast->send ( request , // sets mcast->m_msg to this
requestSize, // sets mcast->m_msgLen to this
0x04 , // msgType for add rdb record
false , // does multicast own msg?
shardNum,//groupId , // group to send to (groupKey)
true , // send to whole group?
0 , // key is useless for us
(void *)allocSize , // state data
(void *)mcast , // state data
gotReplyWrapper4 ,
// this was 60 seconds, but if we saved the
// addsinprogress at the wrong time we might miss
// it when its between having timed out and
// having been resent by us!
999999999 , // timeout in secs
MAX_NICENESS, // niceness
false , // realtime
-1 , // first host to try
NULL , // replyBuf = NULL ,
0 , // replyBufMaxSize = 0 ,
true , // freeReplyBuf = true ,
false , // doDiskLoadBalancing = false ,
-1 , // no max cache age limit
k , // cache key
RDB_NONE , // bogus rdbId
-1 , // unknown minRecSizes read size
true )) { // sendToSelf?
// . let storeRec() do all the allocating...
// . only let the buffer go once multicast succeeds
s_hostBufs [ hostId ] = NULL;
// success
return true;
// g_errno should be set
log("net: Had error when sending request to add data to rdb shard "
"#%lu: %s.", shardNum,mstrerror(g_errno));
returnMulticast ( mcast );
return false;
Multicast *getMulticast ( ) {
// get head
Multicast *avail = s_mcastHead;
// return NULL if none available
if ( ! avail ) return NULL;
// if all are out then forget it!
if ( s_mcastsOut - s_mcastsIn >= MAX_MCASTS ) return NULL;
// remove from head of linked list
s_mcastHead = avail->m_next;
// if we were the tail, none now
if ( s_mcastTail == avail ) s_mcastTail = NULL;
// count it
// sanity
if ( avail->m_inUse ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// return that
return avail;
void returnMulticast ( Multicast *mcast ) {
// return this multicast
// we are at the tail, nobody is after us
mcast->m_next = NULL;
// if no tail we are both head and tail
if ( ! s_mcastTail ) s_mcastHead = mcast;
// put after the tail
else s_mcastTail->m_next = mcast;
// and we are the new tail
s_mcastTail = mcast;
// count it
// just free the request
void gotReplyWrapper4 ( void *state , void *state2 ) {
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: got msg4 reply");
long allocSize = (long)state;
Multicast *mcast = (Multicast *)state2;
// get the request we sent
char *request = mcast->m_msg;
//long requestSize = mcast->m_msgSize;
// get the buffer alloc size
//long allocSize = requestSize;
//if ( allocSize < MAXHOSTBUFSIZE ) allocSize = MAXHOSTBUFSIZE;
if ( request ) mfree ( request , allocSize , "Msg4" );
// make sure no one else can free it!
mcast->m_msg = NULL;
// get the udpslot that is replying here
UdpSlot *replyingSlot = mcast->m_slot;
if ( ! replyingSlot ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
returnMulticast ( mcast );
storeLineWaiters ( );
// now if all buffers are empty, let any flush request know that
// bail if no callbacks to call
if ( s_numCallbacks == 0 ) return;
//log("msg4: got msg4 reply. replyslot starttime=%lli slot=0x%lx",
// replyingSlot->m_startTime,(long)replyingSlot);
// get the oldest msg4 slot starttime
UdpSlot *slot = g_udpServer.getActiveHead();
long long min = 0LL;
for ( ; slot ; slot = slot->m_next ) {
// get its time stamp
if ( slot->m_msgType != 0x04 ) continue;
// must be initiated by us
if ( ! slot->m_callback ) continue;
// if it is this replying slot or already had the callback
// called, then ignore it...
if ( slot->m_calledCallback ) continue;
// ignore incoming slot! that could be the slot we were
// waiting for to complete so its starttime will always
// be less than our callback's m_timestamp
//if ( slot == replyingSlot ) continue;
// log it
//log("msg4: slot starttime = %lli ",slot->m_startTime);
// get it
if ( min && slot->m_startTime >= min ) continue;
// got a new min
min = slot->m_startTime;
// log it
//log("msg4: slots min = %lli ",min);
// scan for slots whose callbacks we can call now
char *buf = s_callbackBuf.getBufStart();
CBEntry *cb = (CBEntry *)buf;
CBEntry *cbEnd = (CBEntry *)(buf + s_callbackBuf.getCapacity());
// find empty slot
for ( ; cb < cbEnd ; cb++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( ! cb->m_callback ) continue;
// debug
//log("msg4: cb timestamp = %lli",cb->m_timestamp);
// wait until callback's stored time is <= all msg4
// slot's start times, then we can guarantee that all the
// msg4s required for this callback have replied.
// min will be zero if no msg4s in there, so call callback.
if ( min && cb->m_timestamp >= min ) continue;
// otherwise, call the callback!
cb->m_callback ( cb->m_callbackState );
// take out of queue now by setting callback ptr to 0
cb->m_callback = NULL;
// discount
// of course, skip this part if nobody called a flush
//if ( ! s_flushCallback ) return;
// if not completely empty, wait!
if ( hasAddsInQueue () ) {
// flush away some more just in case
// and wait
// seems good to go!
//s_flushCallback ( s_flushState );
// nuke it
//s_flushCallback = NULL;
void storeLineWaiters ( ) {
// try to store all the msg4's lists that are waiting in line
Msg4 *msg4 = s_msg4Head;
// now were we waiting on a multicast to return in order to send
// another request? return if not.
if ( ! msg4 ) return;
// grab the first Msg4 in line
if ( ! msg4->addMetaList2 ( ) ) return;
// hey, we were able to store that Msg4's list, remove him
s_msg4Head = msg4->m_next;
// empty? make tail NULL too then
if ( ! s_msg4Head ) s_msg4Tail = NULL;
// . if his callback was NULL, then was loaded in loadAddsInProgress()
// . we no longer do that so callback should never be null now
if ( ! msg4->m_callback ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// log this now i guess. seems to happen a lot if not using threads
if ( g_conf.m_useThreads )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"msg4: calling callback for msg4=0x%lx",
// release it
msg4->m_inUse = false;
// call his callback
msg4->m_callback ( msg4->m_state );
// ensure not re-added - no, msg4 might be freed now!
//msg4->m_next = NULL;
// try the next Msg4 in line
goto loop;
#include "Process.h"
// . destroys the slot if false is returned
// . this is registered in Msg4::set() to handle add rdb record msgs
// . seems like we should always send back a reply so we don't leave the
// requester's slot hanging, unless he can kill it after transmit success???
// . TODO: need we send a reply back on success????
// . NOTE: Must always call g_udpServer::sendReply or sendErrorReply() so
// read/send bufs can be freed
void handleRequest4 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) {
// easy var
UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
// if we just came up we need to make sure our hosts.conf is in
// sync with everyone else before accepting this! it might have
// been the case that the sender thinks our hosts.conf is the same
// since last time we were up, so it is up to us to check this
if ( g_pingServer.m_hostsConfInDisagreement ) {
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// need to be in sync first
if ( ! g_pingServer.m_hostsConfInAgreement ) {
// . if we do not know the sender's hosts.conf crc, wait 4 it
// . this is 0 if not received yet
if ( ! slot->m_host->m_hostsConfCRC ) {
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// compare our hosts.conf to sender's otherwise
if ( slot->m_host->m_hostsConfCRC != g_hostdb.getCRC() ) {
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: handling msg4 request");
// extract what we read
char *readBuf = slot->m_readBuf;
long readBufSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
// must at least have an rdbId
if ( readBufSize < 7 ) {
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
//char *p = readBuf;
//char *pend = readBuf + readBufSize;
// get total buf used
long used = *(long *)readBuf; //p += 4;
// sanity check
if ( used != readBufSize ) {
// if we send back a g_errno then multicast retries forever
// so just absorb it!
log("msg4: got corrupted request from hostid %li "
"used=%li != %li=readBufSize msg4",
us->sendReply_ass ( NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 , slot ) ;
bool skipSyncdb = false;
// skip syncdb if we are just one host!
if ( g_hostdb.m_numHosts == 1 ) skipSyncdb = true;
// if we did not sync our parms up yet with host 0, wait...
if ( g_hostdb.m_hostId != 0 && ! g_parms.m_inSyncWithHost0 ) {
// limit logging to once per second
static long s_lastTime = 0;
long now = getTimeLocal();
if ( now - s_lastTime >= 1 ) {
s_lastTime = now;
log("msg4: waiting to sync with "
"host #0 before accepting data");
// tell send to try again shortly
g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
// OK, just to get the ball rolling let's delay using/debugging
// syncdb until after launch in order to move up the launch date.
// we are going to be running solid states so there should be a lot
// fewer hardware issues...
skipSyncdb = true;
if ( skipSyncdb ) {
// this returns false with g_errno set on error
if ( ! addMetaList ( readBuf , slot ) ) {
// good to go
us->sendReply_ass ( NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 , slot ) ;
// . add to syncdb tree
// . a key_t is now before the "used"
// . this returns false and sets g_errno if we could not add it to
// syncdb OR if there were some msg4 requests we should have got
// before this one!
// . in the first case it will set g_errno to ETRYAGAIN probably,
// but if out of order it will just set g_errno to EOUTOFSYNC i guess
if ( ! g_syncdb.gotMetaListRequest ( slot ) ) {
us->sendErrorReply(slot,g_errno);return; }
// . chalk it up
// . it may have multiple different rdb items in the list now!
//rdb->sentReplyAdd ( 0 );
// . send an empty (non-error) reply as verification
// . slot should be auto-nuked on transmission/timeout of reply
// . udpServer should free the readBuf
us->sendReply_ass ( NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 , slot ) ;
// . Syncdb.cpp will call this after it has received checkoff keys from
// all the alive hosts for this zid/sid
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, returns true otherwise
bool addMetaList ( char *p , UdpSlot *slot ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"syncdb: calling addMetalist zid=%llu",
*(long long *)(p+4));
// get total buf used
long used = *(long *)p;
// the end
char *pend = p + used;
// skip the used amount
p += 4;
// skip zid
p += 8;
Rdb *rdb = NULL;
char lastRdbId = -1;
// . this request consists of multiple recs, so add each one
// . collnum(2bytes)/rdbId(1byte)/recSize(4bytes)/recData/...
// extract collnum, rdbId, recSize
collnum_t collnum = *(collnum_t *)p; p += sizeof(collnum_t);
char rdbId = *(char *)p; p += 1;
long recSize = *(long *)p; p += 4;
// shortcut
//UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
// . get the rdb to which it belongs, use Msg0::getRdb()
// . do not call this for every rec if we do not have to
if ( rdbId != lastRdbId ) {
rdb = getRdbFromId ( (char) rdbId );
//if ( rdbId == RDB_FAKEDB ) {
// // do special handler process
// processSpecialSignal ( collnum , p );
// // skip the fakedb record
// p += recSize;
// // drop it for now!!
// if ( p < pend ) goto loop;
// // all done
// return true;
// an uninitialized secondary rdb? it will have a keysize
// if 0 if its never been intialized from the repair page
if ( rdb && rdb->m_ks <= 0 ) {
log("msg4: oops. got an rdbId key for a secondary "
"rdb and not in repair mode! fix xmldoc!");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
if ( ! rdb ) {
if ( slot )
log("msg4: rdbId of %li unrecognized from "
"hostip=%s. "
"dropping WHOLE request", (long)rdbId,
log("msg4: rdbId of %li unrecognized. "
"dropping WHOLE request", (long)rdbId);
// drop it for now!!
//if ( p < pend ) goto loop;
// all done
//return true;
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// silently drop it, the WHOLE thing, it seems
// corrupted!!!
return true;
//g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
//return false;
//if ( ! rdb ) return false;
// . if already in addList and we are quickpoll interruptint, try again
// . happens if our niceness gets converted to 0
if ( rdb->m_inAddList ) {
g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
return false;
// sanity check
if ( p + recSize > pend ) { g_errno = ECORRUPTDATA; return false; }
// reset g_errno
g_errno = 0;
// . make a list from this data
// . skip over the first 4 bytes which is the rdbId
// . TODO: embed the rdbId in the msgtype or something...
RdbList list;
// sanity check
if ( rdb->getKeySize() == 0 ) {
log("seems like a stray /e/repair-addsinprogress.dat file "
"rdbId=%li. not in repair mode. dropping.",(long)rdbId);
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// drop it for now!!
p += recSize;
if ( p < pend ) goto loop;
// all done
return true;
// set the list
list.set ( p ,
recSize ,
p ,
recSize ,
rdb->getFixedDataSize() ,
false , // ownData?
rdb->useHalfKeys() ,
rdb->getKeySize () );
// advance over the rec data to point to next entry
p += recSize;
// keep track of stats
rdb->readRequestAdd ( recSize );
// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool status =rdb->addList(collnum, &list, MAX_NICENESS );
// bad coll #? ignore it. common when deleting and resetting
// collections using crawlbot. but there are other recs in this
// list from different collections, so do not abandon the whole
// meta list!! otherwise we lose data!!
if ( g_errno == ENOCOLLREC && !status ) { g_errno = 0; status = true; }
// do the next record here if there is one
if ( status && p < pend ) goto loop;
// no memory means to try again
if ( g_errno == ENOMEM ) g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
// doing a full rebuid will add collections
if ( g_errno == ENOCOLLREC &&
g_repairMode > 0 )
//g_repair.m_fullRebuild )
g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
// ignore enocollrec errors since collection can be reset while
// spiders are on now.
//if ( g_errno == ENOCOLLREC )
// g_errno = 0;
// are we done
if ( g_errno ) return false;
// success
return true;
// serialization code
// . when we core, save this stuff so we can re-add when we come back up
// . have a sleep wrapper that tries to flush the buffers every 10 seconds
// or so.
// . returns false on error, true on success
// . does not do any mallocs in case we are OOM and need to save
// . BUG: might be trying to send an old bucket, so scan udp slots too? or
// keep unsent buckets in the list?
bool saveAddsInProgress ( char *prefix ) {
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// this does not work so skip it for now
//return true;
// open the file
char filename[1024];
// if saving while in repair mode, that means all of our adds must
// must associated with the repair. if we send out these add requests
// when we restart and not in repair mode then we try to add to an
// rdb2 which has not been initialized and it does not work.
if ( ! prefix ) prefix = "";
sprintf ( filename , "%s%saddsinprogress.saving",
g_hostdb.m_dir , prefix );
long fd = open ( filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC ,
if ( fd < 0 ) {
log ("build: Failed to open %s for writing: %s",
return false;
log(LOG_INFO,"build: Saving %s",filename);
// the # of host bufs
write ( fd , (char *)&s_numHostBufs , 4 );
// serialize each hostbuf
for ( long i = 0 ; i < s_numHostBufs ; i++ ) {
// get the size
long used = 0;
// if not null, how many bytes are used in it?
if ( s_hostBufs[i] ) used = *(long *)s_hostBufs[i];
// size of the buf
write ( fd , (char *)&used , 4 );
// skip if none
if ( ! used ) continue;
// if only 4 bytes used, that is basically empty, the first
// 4 bytes is how much of the total buffer is used, including
// those 4 bytes.
if ( used == 4 ) continue;
// the buf itself
write ( fd , s_hostBufs[i] , used );
// scan in progress msg4 requests too!
UdpSlot *slot = g_udpServer.m_head2;
for ( ; slot ; slot = slot->m_next2 ) {
// skip if not msg4
if ( slot->m_msgType != 0x04 ) continue;
// skip if we did not initiate it
if ( ! slot->m_callback ) continue;
// skip if got reply
if ( slot->m_readBuf ) continue;
// write hostid sent to
write ( fd , &slot->m_hostId , 4 );
// write that
write ( fd , &slot->m_sendBufSize , 4 );
// then the buf data itself
write ( fd , &slot->m_sendBuf , slot->m_sendBufSize );
// MDW: if msg4 was stored in the linked list then caller
// never got his callback called, so the spider will redo
// this url later...
// . serialize each Msg4 that is waiting in line
// . need to preserve their list ptrs so to avoid re-adds?
Msg4 *msg4 = s_msg4Head;
while ( msg4 ) {
msg4->save ( fd );
// next msg4
msg4 = msg4->m_next;
// all done
close ( fd );
// if all was successful, rename the file
char newFilename[1024];
// if saving while in repair mode, that means all of our adds must
// must associated with the repair. if we send out these add requests
// when we restart and not in repair mode then we try to add to an
// rdb2 which has not been initialized and it does not work.
sprintf ( newFilename , "%s%saddsinprogress.dat",
g_hostdb.m_dir , prefix );
::rename ( filename , newFilename );
return true;
bool Msg4::save ( int fd ) {
short collLen = gbstrlen(m_coll);
// collLen
write ( fd , &collLen , 2 );
// coll, as a string in case coll is deleted and another added
write ( fd , coll , collLen + 1 );
// offset
long offset = m_currentPtr - m_metaList;
// might as well avoid re-adds
write ( fd , (char *)&offset , 4 );
// list size (4 bytes)
write ( fd , (char *)&m_metaListSize , 4 );
// list data
write ( fd , m_metaList , m_metaListSize );
return true;
// . returns false on an unrecoverable error, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool loadAddsInProgress ( char *prefix ) {
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// open the file
char filename[1024];
// . a load when in repair mode means something special
// . see Repair.cpp's call to loadAddState()
// . if we saved the add state while in repair mode when we exited
// then we need to restore just that
if ( ! prefix ) prefix = "";
sprintf ( filename, "%s%saddsinprogress.dat",
g_hostdb.m_dir , prefix );
// if file does not exist, return true, not really an error
struct stat stats;
stats.st_size = 0;
int status = stat ( filename , &stats );
if ( status != 0 && errno == ENOENT ) return true;
// get the fileSize into "pend"
long p = 0;
long pend = stats.st_size;
long fd = open ( filename, O_RDONLY );
if ( fd < 0 ) {
log ("build: Failed to open %s for reading: %s",
g_errno = errno;
return false;
log(LOG_INFO,"build: Loading %li bytes from %s",pend,filename);
// . deserialize each hostbuf
// . the # of host bufs
long numHostBufs;
read ( fd , (char *)&numHostBufs , 4 );
p += 4;
if ( numHostBufs != s_numHostBufs ) {
return log("build: addsinprogress.dat has wrong number of "
"host bufs.");
// deserialize each hostbuf
for ( long i = 0 ; i < s_numHostBufs ; i++ ) {
// break if nothing left to read
if ( p >= pend ) break;
// USED size of the buf
long used;
read ( fd , (char *)&used , 4 );
p += 4;
// if used is 0, a NULL buffer, try to read the next one
if ( used == 0 || used == 4 ) {
s_hostBufs [i] = NULL;
s_hostBufSizes[i] = 0;
// malloc the min buf size
long allocSize = MAXHOSTBUFSIZE;
if ( allocSize < used ) allocSize = used;
// alloc the buf space, returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( allocSize , "Msg4" );
if ( ! buf ) return log("build: Could not alloc %li bytes for "
"reading %s",allocSize,filename);
// the buf itself
long nb = read ( fd , buf , used );
// sanity
if ( nb != used ) {
// reset the buffer usage
*(long *)(p-4) = 4;
// return false
return log("build: error reading addsinprogress.dat: "
"%s", mstrerror(errno));
// skip over it
p += used;
// sanity check
if ( *(long *)buf != used ) {
log("build: file %s is bad.",filename);
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// set the array
s_hostBufs [i] = buf;
s_hostBufSizes [i] = allocSize;
// scan in progress msg4 requests too that we stored in this file too
for ( ; ; ) {
// break if nothing left to read
if ( p >= pend ) break;
// hostid sent to
long hostId;
read ( fd , (char *)&hostId , 4 );
p += 4;
// get host
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(hostId);
// must be there
if ( ! h ) {
close (fd);
return log("build: bad msg4 hostid %li",hostId);
// host many bytes
long numBytes;
read ( fd , (char *)&numBytes , 4 );
p += 4;
// allocate buffer
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( numBytes , "msg4loadbuf");
if ( ! buf ) {
close ( fd );
return log("build: could not alloc msg4 buf");
// the buffer
long nb = read ( fd , buf , numBytes );
if ( nb != numBytes ) {
close ( fd );
return log("build: bad msg4 buf read");
p += numBytes;
// send it!
if ( ! g_udpServer.sendRequest ( buf ,
numBytes ,
0x04 , // msgType
h->m_ip ,
h->m_port ,
h->m_hostId ,
NULL , // state data
NULL , // callback
999999999)){// seconds timeout
close ( fd );
// report it
return log("build: could not resend reload buf: %s",
// MDW: if msg4 was stored in the linked list then caller
// never got his callback called, so the spider will redo
// this url later...
// . deserialize each Msg4 that is waiting in line
// . need to preserve their list ptrs so to avoid re-adds?
// . format:
// rdbid(1 byte)
// collLen(2 byte)
// coll(\0 terminated string)
// listOff(4 bytes)
// listSize(4 bytes)
// list(listSize bytes)
while ( p < pend ) {
// make a new msg4 to hold this
Msg4 *msg4 ;
try { msg4 = new (Msg4); }
catch ( ... ) {
// return false and set g_errno on error
g_errno = ENOMEM;
return log("build: Msg4 new failed. Could not read in "
// register with Mem.cpp's table
mnew ( msg4 , sizeof(Msg4) , "Msg4c");
char rdbId ;
short collLen ;
char coll[MAX_COLL_LEN+1];
long listOff ;
long listSize ;
bool err = false;
// read in rdbid, collLen, coll, listSize, listOffset, listData
if ( read ( fd, &rdbId , 1 ) != 1 ) err = true;
if ( read ( fd, &collLen , 2 ) != 2 ) err = true;
if ( read ( fd, coll , collLen+1 ) != collLen+1) err =true;
if ( read ( fd, &listOff , 4 ) != 4 ) err = true;
if ( read ( fd, &listSize, 4 ) != 4 ) err = true;
// advance read head
p += 1 + 2 + collLen + 1 + 4 + 4;
// make a buf for the list
char *listBuf = (char *)mmalloc ( listSize , "Msg4d" );
if ( ! listBuf )
return log("build: Failed to load addsinprogress.dat.");
if ( read ( fd , listBuf , listSize ) != listSize ) err = true;
p += listSize;
// handle read errors, return false with g_errno set
if ( err ) {
mfree ( listBuf , listSize , "Msg4d" );
mdelete ( msg4 , sizeof(Msg4), "Msg4" );
delete ( msg4 );
return log("build: addsinprogress.dat: %s",
// no callback, so it will be deleted when fully added
msg4->m_callback = NULL;
msg4->m_state = NULL;
// use our own internal list
msg4->m_list = &msg4->m_myList;
Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( rdbId );
// if had a bad rdbId, try reading the next queue
if ( ! rdb ) {
log("build: had bogus rdbId of %li.",(long)rdbId);
mfree ( listBuf , listSize , "Msg4d" );
mdelete ( msg4 , sizeof(Msg4), "Msg4" );
delete ( msg4 );
return log("build: addsinprogress.dat: %s",
// otherwise, set the list to wait in line, our linked list
msg4->m_list->set ( listBuf ,
listSize ,
listBuf ,
listSize ,
rdb->getFixedDataSize() ,
true , // ownData?
rdb->useHalfKeys() ,
rdb->getKeySize () );
// force set the current rec ptr
msg4->m_list->m_listPtr = listBuf + listOff;
// init for linked list
msg4->m_next = NULL;
// store in linked list
if ( ! s_msg4Tail ) {
// hey, we are the first in the linked list
s_msg4Head = msg4;
s_msg4Tail = msg4;
// otherwise, we are not the first
s_msg4Tail->m_next = msg4;
s_msg4Tail = msg4;
// all done
close ( fd );
return true;
// right now the FAKEDB record is a signal to remove the spider lock
// from the lock table because we are done spidering it.
void processSpecialSignal ( collnum_t collnum , char *p ) {
key_t *fake = (key_t *)p;
// use a uh48 of 0 to signify an unlock operation
//g_titledb.getUrlHash48 ( (key_t *)key ) == 0LL ) {
// must be 96 bits
//if ( m_ks != 12 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get docid that was locked
//long long d = g_titledb.getDocId ( (key_t *)key);
long long d = fake->n0;
// . make it the first probable, that is the lock key
// . we do that so if we are locking a new url that
// is not yet indexed, its probable docid may collide
// and be incremented, so we do not know what its
// actual docid will end up being...
long long lockKey = g_titledb.getFirstProbableDocId(d);
// log debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider)
// log debug
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"msg4: got FAKE titledb "
"key for lockkey=%llu - removing spider lock",
// shortcut
HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValue ( &lockKey );
time_t nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpiderFlow )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spflow: scheduled lock removal in 5 secs for "
"docid=lockkey=%llu", lockKey);
// test it
//if ( m_nowGlobal == 0 && lock )
// m_nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
// we do it this way rather than remove it ourselves
// because a lock request for this guy
// might be currently outstanding, and it will end up
// being granted the lock even though we have by now removed
// it from doledb, because it read doledb before we removed
// it! so wait 5 seconds for the doledb negative key to
// be absorbed to prevent a url we just spidered from being
// re-spidered right away because of this sync issue.
if ( lock ) lock->m_expires = nowGlobal + 5;
// bitch if not in there
if (!lock&&g_conf.m_logDebugSpider)//ht->isInTable(&lockKey))
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: rdb: lockkey %llu "
"was not in lock table",lockKey);
// now unlock on that
// do not actually add this fake key to titledb!
//return true;