2014-09-27 08:39:22 -07:00

274 lines
7.3 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
unsigned long long g_hashtab[256][256] ;
// . now we explicitly specify the zobrist table so we are compatible
// with cygwin and apple environments
// . no, let's just define the rand2() function to be compatible then
//#include "hashtab.cpp"
// . used for computing zobrist hash of a string up to 256 chars long
// . first array component is the max length, 256, of the string
bool hashinit () {
static bool s_initialized = false;
// bail if we already called this
if ( s_initialized ) return true;
// show RAND_MAX
//printf("RAND_MAX = %lu\n", RAND_MAX ); it's 0x7fffffff
// seed with same value so we get same rand sequence for all
srand ( 1945687 );
//if ( g_hashtab[0][0] != 6720717044602784129LL ) return false;
//s_initialized = true;
//return true;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ ) {
for ( long j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++ ) {
g_hashtab [i][j] = (unsigned long long)rand();
// the top bit never gets set, so fix
if ( rand() > (0x7fffffff / 2) )
g_hashtab[i][j] |= 0x80000000;
g_hashtab [i][j] <<= 32;
g_hashtab [i][j] |= (unsigned long long)rand();
// the top bit never gets set, so fix
if ( rand() > (0x7fffffff / 2) )
g_hashtab[i][j] |= 0x80000000;
// fixes for cygwin/apple
//if ( j+1<256 ) fprintf(stdout,",");
//fflush ( stdout );
if ( g_hashtab[0][0] != 6720717044602784129LL ) return false;
s_initialized = true;
return true;
// TODO: ensure this wraps over properly
unsigned char hash8 ( char *s , long len ) {
unsigned char h = 0;
long i = 0;
while ( i < len ) {
h ^= (unsigned char) g_hashtab [(unsigned char)i]
[(unsigned char)s[i]];
return h;
unsigned short hash16 ( char *s , long len ) {
unsigned short h = 0;
long i = 0;
while ( i < len ) {
h ^= (unsigned short) g_hashtab [(unsigned char)i]
[(unsigned char)s[i]];
return h;
unsigned long hash32n ( char *s ) {
unsigned long h = 0;
long i = 0;
while ( s[i] ) {
h ^= (unsigned long) g_hashtab [(unsigned char)i]
[(unsigned char)s[i]];
return h;
uint64_t hash64n ( char *s, unsigned long long startHash ) {
unsigned long long h = startHash;
for ( long i = 0 ; s[i] ; i++ )
h ^= g_hashtab [(unsigned char)i] [(unsigned char)s[i]];
return h;
uint64_t hash64n_nospaces ( char *s, long len ) {
unsigned long long h = 0LL;
long k = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i<len ; i++ ) {
if ( s[i] == ' ' ) continue;
h ^= g_hashtab [(unsigned char)k] [(unsigned char)s[i]];
return h;
unsigned long hash32 ( char *s, long len, unsigned long startHash ) {
unsigned long h = startHash;
long i = 0;
while ( i < len ) {
h ^= (unsigned long) g_hashtab [(unsigned char)i]
[(unsigned char)s[i]];
return h;
unsigned long hash32Lower_a ( char *s,long len,unsigned long startHash){
unsigned long h = startHash;
long i = 0;
while ( i < len ) {
h ^= (unsigned long) g_hashtab [(unsigned char)i]
[(unsigned char)to_lower_a(s[i])];
return h;
u_int96_t hash96 ( char *s, long slen, u_int96_t startHash ) {
u_int96_t h;
h.n0 = hash64 ( s , slen , startHash.n0 );
h.n1 = hash32 ( s , slen , startHash.n1 );
return h;
u_int96_t hash96 ( u_int96_t h1 , u_int96_t h2 ) {
h1.n0 = hash64 ( h1.n0 , h2.n0 );
h1.n1 = hash32h ( h1.n1 , h2.n1 );
return h1;
u_int96_t hash96 ( long h1 , u_int96_t h2 ) {
h2.n0 = hash64 ( h1 , h2.n0 );
h2.n1 = hash32h ( h1 , h2.n1 );
return h2;
u_int128_t hash128 ( u_int128_t h1 , u_int128_t h2 ) {
h1.n0 = hash64 ( h1.n0 , h2.n0 );
h1.n1 = hash64 ( h1.n1 , h2.n1 );
return h1;
u_int128_t hash128 ( long h1 , u_int128_t h2 ) {
h2.n0 = hash64 ( h1 , h2.n0 );
h2.n1 = hash64 ( h1 , h2.n1 );
return h2;
// . combine 2 hashes into 1
// . TODO: ensure this is a good way
// . used for combining words' hashes into phrases (also fields,collections)..
unsigned long hash32h ( unsigned long h1 , unsigned long h2 ) {
// treat the 16 bytes as a string now instead of multiplying them
unsigned long h = 0;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 0] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[0] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 1] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[1] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 2] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[2] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 3] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[3] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 4] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[0] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 5] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[1] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 6] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[2] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 7] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[3] ] ;
return h;
uint64_t hash64h ( uint64_t h1 , uint64_t h2 ) {
// treat the 16 bytes as a string now instead of multiplying them
uint64_t h = 0;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 0] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[0] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 1] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[1] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 2] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[2] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 3] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[3] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 4] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[4] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 5] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[5] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 6] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[6] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 7] [ ((unsigned char *)&h1)[7] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 8] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[0] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [ 9] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[1] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [10] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[2] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [11] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[3] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [12] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[4] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [13] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[5] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [14] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[6] ] ;
h ^= g_hashtab [15] [ ((unsigned char *)&h2)[7] ] ;
return h;
void hash2string ( unsigned long long h , char *buf ) {
// sprintf(buf, "%016lx", h );
sprintf(buf , "%08lx", (unsigned long)(h >> 32) );
sprintf(buf+10, "%08lx", (unsigned long)h );
// only utf8 allowed now
uint32_t hash32d ( char *p, char *pend ) {
return (uint32_t)hash64d ( p , pend - p);
// . only utf8 allowed now
// . stole this from hash.h hash64LowerE()
unsigned long long hash64d ( char *p, long plen ) {
char *pend = p + plen;
uint64_t h = 0;
uint8_t i = 0;
char cs = 0;
for ( ; p < pend ; p += cs ) {
// get the size
cs = getUtf8CharSize ( p );
// deal with one ascii char quickly
if ( cs == 1 ) {
// clean it up here
uint8_t c = getClean_a ( *p );
h ^= g_hashtab [i++] [c];
// filter it
UChar32 x = getClean_utf8 ( p );
// back to utf8
uint8_t tmp[4];
char ncs = utf8Encode ( x , (char *)tmp );
// sanity check
if ( ncs > 4 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// hash it up
h ^= g_hashtab [i++][tmp[0]];
if ( ncs == 1 ) continue;
h ^= g_hashtab [i++][tmp[1]];
if ( ncs == 2 ) continue;
h ^= g_hashtab [i++][tmp[2]];
if ( ncs == 3 ) continue;
h ^= g_hashtab [i++][tmp[3]];
return h;
uint8_t getClean_a ( char c ) {
if ( is_alnum_a ( c ) ) return to_lower_a(c);
if ( c == '\n' ) return '\0';
if ( c == '-' ) return c;
if ( c == '\'' ) return c;
if ( c == '\0' ) return c;
return ' ';
UChar32 getClean_utf8 ( char *src ) {
// do ascii fast
if ( is_ascii ( *src ) ) return (UChar32)getClean_a(*src);
// otherwise, lower case it
UChar32 x = utf8Decode(src);
// convert to upper
x = ucToLower (x);
// return if alnum
if ( ucIsAlnum ( x ) ) return x;
// everything else is converted to space
return (UChar32)' ';
// was inlined in hash.h below here