Matt Wells 4e803210ee tons of changes from live github on neo.
lots of core fixes.
took out ppthtml powerpoint convert, it hangs.
dynamic rdbmap to save memory per coll.
fixed disk page cache logic and brought it
2014-01-17 21:01:43 -08:00

1974 lines
62 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Loop.h"
#include "Threads.h" // g_threads.launchThreads()
#include "UdpServer.h" // g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks()
#include "HttpServer.h" // g_httpServer.m_tcp.m_numQueued
#include "Profiler.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "PageParser.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "Stats.h"
// raised from 5000 to 10000 because we have more UdpSlots now and Multicast
// will call g_loop.registerSleepCallback() if it fails to get a UdpSlot to
// send on.
#define MAX_SLOTS 10000
//#define _POLLONLY_
// TODO: . if signal queue overflows another signal is sent
// . capture that signal and use poll or something???
// Tricky Gotchas:
// TODO: if an event happens on a TCP fd/socket before we fully accept it
// we should just register it then call the read callback in case
// we just missed a ready for reading signal!!!!!
// TODO: signals can be gotten off the queue after we've closed an fd
// in which case the handler should be removed from Loop's registry
// BEFORE being closed... so the handler will be NULL... ???
// NOTE: keep in mind that the signals might be delayed or be really fast!
// TODO: don't mask signals, catch them as they arrive? (like in phhttpd)
// . set this to false to disable async signal handling
// . that will make our udp servers less responsive
bool g_isHot = true;
// extern this for all to use
bool g_inSigHandler = false ;
// so we know if interrupts are supposed to be enabled/disabled
bool g_interruptsOn = false;
// are some signals to call g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks() queued?
bool g_someAreQueued = false;
long g_numAlarms = 0;
long g_numQuickPolls = 0;
long g_missedQuickPolls = 0;
// since we can't call gettimeofday() while in a sig handler, we use this
// and update it periodically to keep it somewhat accurate
long long g_now = 0;
//long long g_nowGlobal = 0;
long long g_nowApprox = 0;
char g_inWaitState = false;
// a global class extern'd in .h file
Loop g_loop;
// the global niceness
char g_niceness = 0;
// we make sure the same callback/handler is not hogging the cpu when it is
// niceness 0 and we do not interrupt it, so this is a critical check
class UdpSlot *g_callSlot = NULL;
long g_lastTransId = 0;
long g_transIdCount = 0;
// keep the sig wait time static so we can change it based on m_minTick
static struct timespec s_sigWaitTime ;
static struct timespec s_sigWaitTime2 ;
static struct timespec* s_sigWaitTimePtr ;
// use this in case we unregister the "next" callback
static Slot *s_callbacksNext;
// this is defined in main.cpp
//extern bool mainShutdown ( bool urgent );
// set it from milliseconds
void Loop::setSigWaitTime ( long ms ) {
long secs = ms / 1000;
ms -= secs * 1000;
s_sigWaitTime.tv_sec = secs;
s_sigWaitTime.tv_nsec = ms * 1000000;
// free up all our mem
void Loop::reset() {
if ( m_slots ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"db: resetting loop");
mfree ( m_slots , MAX_SLOTS * sizeof(Slot) , "Loop" );
m_slots = NULL;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS+2 ; i++ ) {
Slot *s = m_readSlots [ i ];
while ( s ) {
Slot *next = s->m_next;
mfree ( s , sizeof(Slot) ,"Loop" );
s = next;
m_readSlots [ i ] = NULL;
s = m_writeSlots [ i ];
while ( s ) {
Slot *next = s->m_next;
mfree ( s , sizeof(Slot) , "Loop" );
s = next;
m_writeSlots [ i ] = NULL;
static void sigHandler_r ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *v ) ;
static void sigHandlerRT ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *v ) ;
static void sigbadHandler ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *y ) ;
static void sigpwrHandler ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *y ) ;
static void sighupHandler ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *y ) ;
static void sigioHandler ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *y ) ;
static void sigalrmHandler( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *y ) ;
void Loop::unregisterReadCallback ( int fd, void *state ,
void (* callback)(int fd,void *state),
bool silent ){
if ( fd < 0 ) return;
// from reading
unregisterCallback ( m_readSlots , fd , state , callback ,
silent );
void Loop::unregisterWriteCallback ( int fd, void *state ,
void (* callback)(int fd,void *state)){
// from writing
unregisterCallback ( m_writeSlots , fd , state , callback );
void Loop::unregisterSleepCallback ( void *state ,
void (* callback)(int fd,void *state)){
unregisterCallback (m_readSlots,MAX_NUM_FDS,state,callback);
void Loop::unregisterCallback ( Slot **slots , int fd , void *state ,
void (* callback)(int fd,void *state) ,
bool silent ) {
// bad fd
if ( fd < 0 ) {log(LOG_LOGIC,
"loop: fd to unregister is negative.");return;}
// set a flag if we found it
bool found = false;
// slots is m_readSlots OR m_writeSlots
Slot *s = slots [ fd ];
Slot *lastSlot = NULL;
// . keep track of new min tick for sleep callbacks
// . sleep a min of 40ms so g_now is somewhat up to date
long min = 40; // 0x7fffffff;
long lastMin = min;
// chain through all callbacks registerd with this fd
while ( s ) {
// get the next slot (NULL if no more)
Slot *next = s->m_next;
// if we're unregistering a sleep callback
// we might have to recalculate m_minTick
if ( s->m_tick < min ) { lastMin = min; min = s->m_tick; }
// skip this slot if callbacks don't match
if ( s->m_callback != callback ) { lastSlot = s; goto skip; }
// skip this slot if states don't match
if ( s->m_state != state ) { lastSlot = s; goto skip; }
// free this slot since it callback matches "callback"
//mfree ( s , sizeof(Slot) , "Loop" );
returnSlot ( s );
found = true;
// debug msg
//log("Loop::unregistered fd=%li state=%lu", fd, (long)state );
// revert back to old min if this is the Slot we're removing
min = lastMin;
// excise the previous slot from linked list
if ( lastSlot ) lastSlot->m_next = next;
else slots[fd] = next;
// watch out if we're in the previous callback, we need to
// fix the linked list in callCallbacks_ass
if ( s_callbacksNext == s ) s_callbacksNext = next;
// advance to the next slot
s = next;
// set our new minTick if we were unregistering a sleep callback
if ( fd == MAX_NUM_FDS ) {
m_minTick = min;
// . set s_sigWaitTime to m_minTick
// . 1 billion nanoseconds = 1 second
// . m_minTick is in milliseconds, 1000 ms in a second
// . multiply m_minTick in ms by 1 million to get nano
setSigWaitTime ( m_minTick );
// return now if found
if ( found ) return;
// . otherwise, bitch if we're not silent
// . HttpServer.cpp always calls this even if it did not register its
// File's fd just to make sure.
if ( silent ) return;
"loop: unregisterCallback: callback not found (fd=%i).",fd);
bool Loop::registerReadCallback ( int fd,
void *state,
void (* callback)(int fd,void *state ) ,
long niceness ) {
// the "true" answers the question "for reading?"
if ( addSlot ( true, fd, state, callback, niceness ) ) return true;
return log("loop: Unable to register read callback.");
bool Loop::registerWriteCallback ( int fd,
void *state,
void (* callback)(int fd, void *state ) ,
long niceness ) {
// the "false" answers the question "for reading?"
if ( addSlot ( false, fd, state, callback, niceness ) )return true;
return log("loop: Unable to register write callback.");
// tick is in milliseconds
bool Loop::registerSleepCallback ( long tick ,
void *state,
void (* callback)(int fd,void *state ) ,
long niceness ) {
if ( ! addSlot ( true, MAX_NUM_FDS, state, callback , niceness ,tick) )
return log("loop: Unable to register sleep callback");
if ( tick < m_minTick ) m_minTick = tick;
// wait this long in the sig wait loop
setSigWaitTime ( m_minTick );
return true;
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Loop::addSlot ( bool forReading , int fd, void *state,
void (* callback)(int fd, void *state), long niceness ,
long tick ) {
// ensure fd is >= 0
if ( fd < 0 ) {
return log(LOG_LOGIC,"loop: fd to register is negative.");
// sanity
if ( fd > MAX_NUM_FDS ) {
log("loop: bad fd of %li",(long)fd);
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// . ensure fd not already registered with this callback/state
// . prevent dups so you can keep calling register w/o fear
Slot *s;
if ( forReading ) s = m_readSlots [ fd ];
else s = m_writeSlots [ fd ];
while ( s ) {
if ( s->m_callback == callback &&
s->m_state == state ) {
// don't set g_errno for this anymore, just bitch
//g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
log(LOG_LOGIC,"loop: fd %i is already registered.",fd);
return true;
s = s->m_next;
// . make a new slot
// . TODO: implement mprimealloc() to pre-alloc slots for us for speed
//s = (Slot *) mmalloc ( sizeof(Slot ) ,"Loop");
s = getEmptySlot ( );
if ( ! s ) return false;
// for pointing to slot already in position for fd
Slot *next ;
// store ourselves in the slot for this fd
if ( forReading ) {
next = m_readSlots [ fd ];
m_readSlots [ fd ] = s;
// fd == MAX_NUM_FDS if it's a sleep callback
//if ( fd < MAX_NUM_FDS ) {
//FD_SET ( fd , &m_readfds );
//FD_SET ( fd , &m_exceptfds );
else {
next = m_writeSlots [ fd ];
m_writeSlots [ fd ] = s;
//FD_SET ( fd , &m_writefds );
// set our callback and state
s->m_callback = callback;
s->m_state = state;
// point to the guy that was registered for fd before us
s->m_next = next;
// save our niceness for doPoll()
s->m_niceness = niceness;
// store the tick for sleep wrappers (should be max for others)
s->m_tick = tick;
// and the last called time for sleep wrappers only really
if ( fd == MAX_NUM_FDS ) s->m_lastCall = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// debug msg
//log("Loop::registered fd=%i state=%lu",fd,state);
// if fd == MAX_NUM_FDS if it's a sleep callback
if ( fd == MAX_NUM_FDS ) return true;
// watch out for big bogus fds used for thread exit callbacks
if ( fd > MAX_NUM_FDS ) return true;
// set fd non-blocking
return setNonBlocking ( fd , niceness ) ;
// . now make sure we're listening for an interrupt on this fd
// . set it non-blocing and enable signal catching for it
// . listen for an interrupt for this fd
bool Loop::setNonBlocking ( int fd , long niceness ) {
int flags = fcntl ( fd , F_GETFL ) ;
if ( flags < 0 ) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry;
g_errno = errno;
return log("loop: fcntl(F_GETFL): %s.",strerror(errno));
if ( fcntl ( fd, F_SETFL, flags|O_NONBLOCK|O_ASYNC) < 0 ) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry9;
g_errno = errno;
return log("loop: fcntl(NONBLOCK): %s.",strerror(errno));
// tell kernel to send the signal to us when fd is ready for read/write
if ( fcntl (fd, F_SETOWN , getpid() ) < 0 ) {
g_errno = errno;
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry8;
return log("loop: fcntl(F_SETOWN): %s.",strerror(errno));
// . tell kernel what signal we'd like to recieve when this happens
// . additional signal info (including fd) should be available
#ifdef _POLLONLY_
return true;
// truncate nicess cuz we only get GB_SIGRTMIN+1 to GB_SIGRTMIN+2 signals
if ( niceness < -1 ) niceness = -1;
if ( niceness > MAX_NICENESS ) niceness = MAX_NICENESS;
// debug msg
//log("fd on niceness = %li sig = %li",niceness,GB_SIGRTMIN +1+niceness);
// . tell kernel to send this signal when fd is ready for read/write
// . reserve GB_SIGRTMIN for unmaskable interrupts (niceness = -1)
// as used by high priority udp server, g_udpServer2
if ( fcntl (fd, F_SETSIG , GB_SIGRTMIN/*32?*/ + 1 + niceness ) < 0 ) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry6;
g_errno = errno;
return log("loop: fcntl(F_SETSIG): %s.",strerror(errno));
return true;
// . if "forReading" is true call callbacks registered for reading on "fd"
// . if "forReading" is false call callbacks registered for writing on "fd"
// . if fd is MAX_NUM_FDS and "forReading" is true call all sleepy callbacks
void Loop::callCallbacks_ass ( bool forReading , int fd , long long now ,
long niceness ) {
// debug msg
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp ) log("callCallbacks_ass start");
//if ( fd != 1024 ) {
//if (forReading) fprintf(stderr,"got read sig on fd=%li\n",(long)fd);
//else fprintf(stderr,"got write sig on fd=%li\n",(long)fd);
// save the g_errno to send to all callbacks
int saved_errno = g_errno;
// get the first Slot in the chain that is waiting on this fd
Slot *s ;
if ( forReading ) s = m_readSlots [ fd ];
else s = m_writeSlots [ fd ];
// ensure we called something
long numCalled = 0;
// a hack fix
if ( niceness == -1 && m_inQuickPoll ) niceness = 0;
// . now call all the callbacks
// . most will re-register themselves (i.e. call registerCallback...()
//long long startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
while ( s ) {
// skip this slot if he has no callback
if ( ! s->m_callback ) continue;
// NOTE: callback can unregister fd for Slot s, so get next
//Slot *next = s->m_next;
s_callbacksNext = s->m_next;
// watch out if clock was set back
if ( s->m_lastCall > now ) s->m_lastCall = now;
// if we're a sleep callback, check to make sure not premature
if ( fd == MAX_NUM_FDS && s->m_lastCall + s->m_tick > now ) {
s = s_callbacksNext; continue; }
// skip if not a niceness match
if ( niceness == 0 && s->m_niceness != 0 ) {
s = s_callbacksNext; continue; }
// update the lastCall timestamp for this slot
if ( fd == MAX_NUM_FDS ) s->m_lastCall = now;
// . debug msg
// . this is called a lot cuz we process all dgrams/whatever
// in one clump so there's a lot of redundant signals
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp && fd != 1024 )
// log("Loop::callCallbacks_ass: for fd=%li state=%lu",
// fd,(long)s->m_state);
// do the callback
//long address = 0;
// unsigned long long profilerStart,profilerEnd;
// unsigned long long statStart, statEnd;
//statStart = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// log it now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLoop )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"loop: enter fd callback fd=%li "
// sanity check. -1 no longer supported
if ( s->m_niceness < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// save it
long saved = g_niceness;
// set the niceness
g_niceness = s->m_niceness;
// make sure not 2
if ( g_niceness >= 2 ) g_niceness = 1;
// sanity check -- need to be able to quickpoll!
//if ( s->m_niceness > 0 && ! g_loop.m_canQuickPoll ) {
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
s->m_callback ( fd , s->m_state );
// restore it
g_niceness = saved;
// log it now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLoop )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"loop: exit fd callback fd=%li "
"nice=%li", (long)fd,(long)s->m_niceness);
//profilerEnd =gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
if(!g_profiler.endTimer(address, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
log(LOG_WARN,"admin: Couldn't add the fn %li",
// . debug msg
// . this is called a lot cuz we process all dgrams/whatever
// in one clump so there's a lot of redundant signals
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp && fd != 1024 )
// log("Loop::callCallbacks_ass: back");
// inc the flag
// reset g_errno so all callbacks for this fd get same g_errno
g_errno = saved_errno;
// get the next n (will be -1 if no slot after it)
s = s_callbacksNext;
s_callbacksNext = NULL;
// long long now2 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// long long took = now2 - startTime;
// if(g_conf.m_profilingEnabled && took > 10) {
// g_stats.addStat_r ( 0 ,
// startTime,
// now2,
// 0 ,
// if(g_conf.m_sequentialProfiling) {
// log(LOG_TIMING,
// "admin: loop time to do %li callbacks: %lli ms",
// numCalled,took);
// }
// }
// log an error if nothing called
//if ( ! called ) log("Loop::callCallbacks: no callback for signal");
// debug msg
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp ) log("callCallbacks_ass end");
Loop::Loop ( ) {
// . default sig wait time to 10 ms (10,000,000 nanoseconds)
// . 1 billion nanoseconds = 1 second
setSigWaitTime ( 1000 /*ms*/ );
s_sigWaitTime2.tv_sec = 0;
s_sigWaitTime2.tv_nsec = 0;
s_sigWaitTimePtr = &s_sigWaitTime;
m_inQuickPoll = false;
m_needsToQuickPoll = false;
m_canQuickPoll = false;
// set all callbacks to NULL so we know they're empty
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS+2 ; i++ ) {
m_readSlots [i] = NULL;
m_writeSlots[i] = NULL;
// the extra sleep slots
//m_readSlots [ MAX_NUM_FDS ] = NULL;
m_slots = NULL;
// free all slots from addSlots
Loop::~Loop ( ) {
// returns NULL and sets g_errno if none are left
Slot *Loop::getEmptySlot ( ) {
Slot *s = m_head;
if ( ! s ) {
log("loop: No empty slots available. "
"Increase #define MAX_SLOTS.");
return NULL;
m_head = s->m_nextAvail;
return s;
void Loop::returnSlot ( Slot *s ) {
s->m_nextAvail = m_head;
m_head = s;
bool Loop::init ( ) {
// redhat 9's NPTL doesn't like our async signals
if ( ! g_conf.m_allowAsyncSignals ) g_isHot = false;
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
g_isHot = false;
// sighupHandler() will set this to true so we know when to shutdown
m_shutdown = 0;
// . reset this cuz we have no sleep callbacks right now
// . sleep a min of 40ms so g_now is somewhat up to date
m_minTick = 40; //0x7fffffff;
// reset the need to poll flag
m_needToPoll = false;
// let 'em know if we're hot
if ( g_isHot ) log ( LOG_INIT , "loop: Using asynchronous signals "
"for udp server.");
// make slots
m_slots = (Slot *) mmalloc ( MAX_SLOTS * (long)sizeof(Slot) , "Loop" );
if ( ! m_slots ) return false;
// log it
log(LOG_DEBUG,"loop: Allocated %li bytes for %li callbacks.",
MAX_SLOTS * (long)sizeof(Slot),(long)MAX_SLOTS);
// init link list ptr
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_SLOTS - 1 ; i++ ) {
m_slots[i].m_nextAvail = &m_slots[i+1];
m_slots[MAX_SLOTS - 1].m_nextAvail = NULL;
m_head = &m_slots[0];
m_tail = &m_slots[MAX_SLOTS - 1];
// an innocent log msg
//log ( 0 , "Loop: starting the i/o loop");
// . when using threads GB_SIGRTMIN becomes 35, not 32 anymore
// since threads use these signals to reactivate suspended threads
// . debug msg
// . block the GB_SIGRTMIN signal
// . anytime this is raised it goes onto the signal queue
// . we use sigtimedwait() to get signals off the queue
// . sigtimedwait() selects the lowest signo first for handling
// . therefore, GB_SIGRTMIN is higher priority than (GB_SIGRTMIN + 1)
//sigfillset ( &sigs );
// set of signals to block
sigset_t sigs;
sigemptyset ( &sigs );
sigaddset ( &sigs , SIGPIPE ); //if we write to a close socket
#ifndef _VALGRIND_
sigaddset ( &sigs , GB_SIGRTMIN );
sigaddset ( &sigs , GB_SIGRTMIN + 1 );
sigaddset ( &sigs , GB_SIGRTMIN + 2 );
sigaddset ( &sigs , GB_SIGRTMIN + 3 );
sigaddset ( &sigs , SIGCHLD );
// now since we took out SIGIO... (see below)
// we should ignore this signal so it doesn't suddenly stop the gb
// process since we took out the SIGIO handler because newer kernels
// were throwing SIGIO signals ALL the time, on every datagram
// send/receive it seemed and bogged us down.
sigaddset ( &sigs , SIGIO );
// . block on any signals in this set (in addition to current sigs)
// . use SIG_UNBLOCK to remove signals from block list
// . this returns -1 and sets g_errno on error
if ( sigprocmask ( SIG_BLOCK, &sigs, 0 ) < 0 ) {
g_errno = errno;
return log("loop: sigprocmask: %s.",strerror(g_errno));
// . we turn this signal on/off to turn interrupts off/on
// . clear all signals from the set
//sigemptyset ( &m_sigrtmin );
// tmp debug hack, so we don't have real time signals now...
//sigaddset ( &m_sigrtmin, GB_SIGRTMIN );
// now set up a signal handler to handle just/only SIGIO
struct sigaction sa;
// . sa_mask is the set of signals that should be blocked when
// we're handling the GB_SIGRTMIN, make this empty
// . GB_SIGRTMIN signals will be automatically blocked while we're
// handling a SIGIO signal, so don't worry about that
sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
// . these flags determine the signal handling process
// . SA_SIGINFO means to use sa.sa_sigaction() as the sig handler
// and not sa_.sa_handler() (added in Linux 2.1.86)
// . this allows us to get the siginfo_t structure to get the fd
// that generated the signal
// . SA_ONESHOT restores the handler to the default state when
// our sig handler is called so we don't get interuppted by another
// signal when we're handling that one
// . incoming GB_SIGRTMIN sigs should be queued (sigtimedwait())
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO ; //| SA_ONESHOT;
// the handler for unblocked signals, same as other signals really
sa.sa_sigaction = sigHandlerRT;
// clear g_errno
g_errno = 0;
// now when we got an unblocked GB_SIGRTMIN signal go here right away
#ifndef _VALGRIND_
if ( sigaction ( GB_SIGRTMIN, &sa, 0 ) < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno ) log("loop: sigaction GB_SIGRTMIN: %s.", mstrerror(errno));
// set it this way for SIGIO's
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO ; // | SA_ONESHOT;
// . define the actual routine that handles the SIGIO signal
// . void (*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
sa.sa_sigaction = sigioHandler;
// . register our sigHandler() to handle the GB_SIGRTMIN signal
// . when a file/socket is made non-blocking it should have done a:
// fcntl(fd,SET_SIG,GB_SIGRTMIN) so we're notified with that signal
// . this returns -1 and sets g_errno on error
// . TODO: is this the SOURCE signal or the altered signal?
#ifndef PTHREADS
// i think this was supposed to be sent when the signal queue was
// overflowing so we needed to do a poll operation when we got this
// signal, however, newer kernel seems to throw this signal all the
// time when it just gets IO causing cpu to be 100% floored!
// i'm afraid without this code we might miss data on a socket
// or not read it promptly, but let's see how it goes.
if ( sigaction ( SIGIO, &sa, 0 ) < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno ) log("loop: sigaction SIGIO: %s.", mstrerror(errno));
// handle HUP signals gracefully by saving and shutting down
sa.sa_sigaction = sighupHandler;
if ( sigaction ( SIGHUP , &sa, 0 ) < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno ) log("loop: sigaction SIGHUP: %s.", mstrerror(errno));
if ( sigaction ( SIGTERM, &sa, 0 ) < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno ) log("loop: sigaction SIGTERM: %s.", mstrerror(errno));
// we should save our data on segv, sigill, sigfpe, sigbus
sa.sa_sigaction = sigbadHandler;
if ( sigaction ( SIGSEGV, &sa, 0 ) < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno ) log("loop: sigaction SIGSEGV: %s.", mstrerror(errno));
if ( sigaction ( SIGILL , &sa, 0 ) < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno ) log("loop: sigaction SIGILL: %s.", mstrerror(errno));
if ( sigaction ( SIGFPE , &sa, 0 ) < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno ) log("loop: sigaction SIGFPE: %s.", mstrerror(errno));
if ( sigaction ( SIGBUS , &sa, 0 ) < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno ) log("loop: sigaction SIGBUS: %s.", mstrerror(errno));
// if the UPS is about to go off it sends a SIGPWR
sa.sa_sigaction = sigpwrHandler;
if ( sigaction ( SIGPWR, &sa, 0 ) < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
//now set up our alarm for quickpoll
m_quickInterrupt.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
m_quickInterrupt.it_value.tv_usec = QUICKPOLL_INTERVAL * 1000;
m_quickInterrupt.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
m_quickInterrupt.it_interval.tv_usec = QUICKPOLL_INTERVAL * 1000;
m_noInterrupt.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
m_noInterrupt.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
m_noInterrupt.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
m_noInterrupt.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
// set the interrupts to off for now
//setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &m_quickInterrupt, NULL);
//setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &m_quickInterrupt, NULL);
sa.sa_sigaction = sigalrmHandler;
//if ( sigaction ( SIGALRM, &sa, 0 ) < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
if ( sigaction ( SIGVTALRM, &sa, 0 ) < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno ) log("loop: sigaction SIGBUS: %s.", mstrerror(errno));
if ( g_errno ) return log("loop: sigaction: %s.", mstrerror(errno));
// success
return true;
// TODO: if we get a segfault while saving, what then?
void sigpwrHandler ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *y ) {
// let main process know to shutdown
g_loop.m_shutdown = 3;
// TODO: if we get a segfault while saving, what then?
void sigbadHandler ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *y ) {
// thread should set it errno to 0x7fffffff which means that
// Threads.cpp should not look for its ThreadEntry::m_isDone flag
// to be set before calling waitpid() on it
if ( g_threads.amThread() ) errno = 0x7fffffff;
log("loop: sigbadhandler. disabling handler from recall.");
// . don't allow this handler to be called again
// . does this work if we're in a thread?
struct sigaction sa;
sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO ; //| SA_ONESHOT;
sa.sa_sigaction = NULL;
sigaction ( SIGSEGV, &sa, 0 ) ;
sigaction ( SIGILL , &sa, 0 ) ;
sigaction ( SIGFPE , &sa, 0 ) ;
sigaction ( SIGBUS , &sa, 0 ) ;
sigaction ( SIGALRM, &sa, 0 ) ;
// if we've already been here, or don't need to be, then bail
if ( g_loop.m_shutdown ) {
log("loop: sigbadhandler. shutdown already called.");
// if we're a thread, let main process know to shutdown
g_loop.m_shutdown = 2;
log("loop: sigbadhandler. trying to save now. mode=%li",
// . this will save all Rdb's
// . if "urgent" is true it will dump core
// . if "urgent" is true it won't broadcast its shutdown to all hosts
//#ifndef NO_MAIN
// mainShutdown ( true ); // urgent?
g_process.shutdown ( true );
void sigalrmHandler ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *y ) {
// see if a niceness 0 algo is hogging the cpu
if ( g_callSlot && g_niceness == 0 ) {
// are we handling the same request or callback?
if ( g_callSlot->m_transId == g_lastTransId ) g_transIdCount++;
else g_transIdCount=1;
// set it
g_lastTransId = g_callSlot->m_transId;
// sanity check
//if ( g_transIdCount >= 10 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
bool logIt = false;
if ( g_transIdCount >= 4 ) logIt = true;
// do not spam for msg99 handler so much
if ( g_callSlot->m_msgType == 0x99 && g_transIdCount != 50 )
logIt = false;
// it's not safe to call fprintf() even with
// mutex locks for sig handlers with pthreads
// going on!!!
logIt = false;
// panic if hogging
if ( logIt ) {
if ( g_callSlot->m_callback )
log("loop: msg type 0x%hhx reply callback "
"hogging cpu for %li ticks",
log("loop: msg type 0x%hhx handler "
"hogging cpu for %li ticks",
g_nowApprox += QUICKPOLL_INTERVAL; // 10 ms
// stats
// sanity check
if ( g_loop.m_inQuickPoll &&
g_niceness != 0 &&
// seems to happen a lot when doing a qa test because we slow
// things down a lot when that happens
! g_conf.m_testParserEnabled &&
! g_conf.m_testSpiderEnabled &&
! g_conf.m_testSearchEnabled &&
// likewise if doing a page parser test...
! g_inPageParser &&
! g_inPageInject ) {
#ifndef PTHREADS
// i guess sometimes niceness 1 things call niceness 0 things?
log("loop: crap crap crap!!!");
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// basically ignore this alarm if already in a quickpoll
if ( g_loop.m_inQuickPoll ) return;
if ( ! g_conf.m_useQuickpoll ) return;
g_loop.m_needsToQuickPoll = true;
// another missed quickpoll
if ( g_niceness == 1 ) g_missedQuickPolls++;
// reset if niceness is 0
else if ( g_niceness == 0 ) g_missedQuickPolls = 0;
// if we missed to many, then dump core
if ( g_niceness == 1 && g_missedQuickPolls >= 4 ) {
//g_inSigHandler = true;
// NOT SAFE for pthreads cuz we're in sig handler
#ifndef PTHREADS
log("loop: missed quickpoll");
//g_inSigHandler = false;
// seems to core a lot in gbcompress() we need to
// put a quickpoll into zlib deflate() or
// deflat_slot() or logest_match() function
// for now do not dump core --- re-enable this later
// mdw TODO
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// . see where we are in the code
// . for computing cpu usage
// . if idling we will be in sigtimedwait() at the lowest level
Host *h = g_hostdb.m_myHost;
// . i guess this means we were doing something... (otherwise idle)
// . this is KINDA like a 100 point sample, but it has crazy decay
// logic built into it
if (h) {
if ( ! g_inWaitState )
h->m_cpuUsage = .99 * h->m_cpuUsage + .01 * 100;
h->m_cpuUsage = .99 * h->m_cpuUsage + .01 * 000;
// if it has been a while since heartbeat (> 10000ms) dump core so
// we can see where the process was... that is a missed quick poll?
if ( g_process.m_lastHeartbeatApprox == 0 ) return;
if ( g_conf.m_maxHeartbeatDelay <= 0 ) return;
if ( g_nowApprox - g_process.m_lastHeartbeatApprox >
g_conf.m_maxHeartbeatDelay ) {
#ifndef PTHREADS
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"gb: CPU seems blocked. Forcing core.");
//char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
//logf(LOG_DEBUG, "xxx now: %lli! approx: %lli", g_now, g_nowApprox);
// shit, we can't make this realtime!! RdbClose() cannot be called by a
// real time sig handler
void sighupHandler ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *y ) {
// let main process know to shutdown
g_loop.m_shutdown = 1;
// . keep a timestamp for the last time we called the sleep callbacks
// . we have to call those every 1 second
long long s_lastTime = 0;
bool Loop::runLoop ( ) {
#ifndef _POLLONLY_
// set of signals to watch for
sigset_t sigs0;
//sigset_t sigs1;
// clear all signals from the set
sigemptyset ( &sigs0 );
//sigemptyset ( &sigs1 );
// . set sigs on which sigtimedwait() listens for
// . add this signal to our set of signals to watch (currently NONE)
sigaddset ( &sigs0, SIGPIPE );
#ifndef _VALGRIND_
sigaddset ( &sigs0, GB_SIGRTMIN );
sigaddset ( &sigs0, GB_SIGRTMIN + 1 );
sigaddset ( &sigs0, GB_SIGRTMIN + 2 );
sigaddset ( &sigs0, GB_SIGRTMIN + 3 );
sigaddset ( &sigs0, SIGCHLD );
//sigaddset ( &sigs0, SIGVTALRM );
// . TODO: do we need to mask SIGIO too? (sig queue overflow?)
// . i would think so, because what if we tried to queue an important
// handler to be called in the high priority UdpServer but the queue
// was full? Then we would finish processing the signals on the queue
// before we would address the excluded high priority signals by
// calling doPoll()
sigaddset ( &sigs0, SIGIO );
// . set up a time to block waiting for signals to be 1/2 a second
// . 1 billion nanoseconds = 1 second
//struct timespec t = { 0 /*seconds*/, 500000000 /*nanoseconds*/};
//struct timespec t = { 0 /*seconds*/, 10000000 /*nanoseconds*/};
// grab any high priority sig first
siginfo_t info ;
long sigNum ; //= sigwaitinfo ( &sigs1, &info );
s_lastTime = 0;
// . allow us to be interrupted
// . makes g_udpServer2 quite jumpy
long long elapsed;
// . now loop forever waiting for signals
// . but every second check for timer-based events
do {
g_now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//set the time back to its exact value and reset
//the timer.
g_nowApprox = g_now;
// MDW: won't this hog cpu? just don't disable it in
// Process::save2() any more and it should be ok
m_lastPollTime = g_now;
m_needsToQuickPoll = false;
// test the heartbeat core...
if ( g_numAlarms > 100 ) {
long j;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < 2000000000 ; k++ ) {
j=k *5;
goto goo;
g_errno = 0;
if ( m_shutdown ) {
// a msg
if (m_shutdown==1)
log(LOG_INIT,"loop: got SIGHUP or SIGTERM.");
else if (m_shutdown==2)
log(LOG_INIT,"loop: got SIGBAD in thread.");
log(LOG_INIT,"loop: got SIGPWR.");
// . turn off interrupts here because it doesn't help to do
// it in the thread
// . TODO: turn off signals for sigbadhandler()
// if thread got the signal, just wait for him to save all
// Rdbs and then dump core
if ( m_shutdown == 2 ) {
//log (0,"Thread is saving and shutting down urgently.");
//while ( 1 == 1 ) sleep (50000);
log("loop: Resuming despite thread crash.");
m_shutdown = 0;
// otherwise, thread did not save, so we must do it
log ( LOG_INIT ,"loop: Saving and shutting down urgently.");
// . this will save all Rdb's and dump core
// . since "urgent" is true it won't broadcast its shutdown
// to all hosts
//#ifndef NO_MAIN
//mainShutdown( true ); // urgent?
g_process.shutdown ( true );
//g_udpServer2.process_ass ( g_now );
// MDW: see if this works without this junk, if not then
// put it back in
g_udpServer.sendPoll_ass (true,g_now);
g_udpServer.process_ass ( g_now );
// and dns now too
g_dns.m_udpServer.process_ass ( g_now );
// if there was a high niceness http request within a
// quickpoll, we stored it and now we'll call it here.
//g_udpServer.printState ( );
if ( g_someAreQueued ) {
// assume none are queued now, we may get interrupted
// and it may get set back to true
g_someAreQueued = false;
//g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks_ass ( 0 );
//g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks_ass ( 1 );
// if ( g_threads.m_needsCleanup ) {
// // bitch about
// static bool s_bitched = false;
// if ( ! s_bitched ) {
// log(LOG_REMIND,"loop: Lost thread signal.");
// s_bitched = true;
// }
// }
//cleanup and launch threads:
g_threads.timedCleanUp(4, MAX_NICENESS ) ; // 4 ms
// do it anyway
while ( m_needToPoll ) doPoll();
long elapsed = g_now - s_lastTime;
// if someone changed the system clock on us, this could be negative
// so fix it! otherwise, times may NEVER get called in our lifetime
if ( elapsed < 0 ) elapsed = m_minTick;
// call this every (about) 1 second
if ( elapsed >= m_minTick ) {
// MAX_NUM_FDS is the fd for sleep callbacks
callCallbacks_ass ( true , MAX_NUM_FDS , g_now );
// note the last time we called them
//g_now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
s_lastTime = g_now;
#ifndef _POLLONLY_
// hack
//char buffer[100];
//if ( recv(27,buffer,99,MSG_PEEK|MSG_DONTWAIT) == 0 ) {
//g_errno = 0;
//check for pending signals, return right away if none.
//then we'll do the low priority stuff while we were
//supposed to be sleeping.
g_inWaitState = true;
sigNum = sigtimedwait (&sigs0, &info, s_sigWaitTimePtr ) ;
// if no signal, we just waited 20 ms and nothing happened
if ( sigNum == -1 )
sigalrmHandler( 0,&info,NULL);
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"loop: sigNum=%li signo=%li alrm=%li",
// (long)sigNum,info.si_signo,(long)SIGVTALRM);
// no longer in a wait state...
g_inWaitState = false;
if ( sigNum < 0 ) {
if ( errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR ||
errno == EILSEQ || errno == 0 ) {
sigNum = 0;
errno = 0;
else if ( errno != ENOMEM ) {
log("loop: sigtimedwait(): %s.",strerror(errno));
if ( sigNum == 0 ) {
//no signals pending, try to take care of anything left undone:
long long startTime = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
if(g_now & 1) {
g_udpServer.makeCallbacks_ass ( 2 );
// g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks_ass ( 2 );
if(gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal() -
startTime > 10)
goto notime;
g_threads.timedCleanUp(4 , // ms
else {
g_threads.timedCleanUp(4 , // ms
if(gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal() -
startTime > 10)
goto notime;
g_udpServer.makeCallbacks_ass ( 2 );
// g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks_ass ( 2 );
//if we still didn't get all of them cleaned up set
//sleep time to none.
if(g_udpServer.needBottom() ) {
//g_udpServer2.needBottom()) {
s_sigWaitTimePtr = &s_sigWaitTime2;
else {
//otherwise set it to minTick
s_sigWaitTimePtr = &s_sigWaitTime;
else {
if ( info.si_code == SIGIO ) {
log("loop: got sigio");
m_needToPoll = true;
// handle the signal
else sigHandler_r ( 0 , &info , NULL );
} while (1);
g_now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
g_errno = 0;
// debug msg
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp ) log("Loop: top of loop");
// shutdown if we got a critical signal
if ( m_shutdown ) {
// a msg
if ( m_shutdown == 1 )
log("loop: got SIGHUP or SIGTERM.");
else if ( m_shutdown == 2 )
log("loop: got SIGBAD in thread.");
log("loop: got SIGPWR.");
// . turn off interrupts here because it doesn't help to do
// it in the thread
// . TODO: turn off signals for sigbadhandler()
// if thread got the signal, just wait for him to save all
// Rdbs and then dump core
if ( m_shutdown == 2 ) {
log("loop: Cored in thread.");
//log ("Thread is saving and shutting down urgently.");
//while ( 1 == 1 ) sleep (50000);
//log("loop: Resuming despite thread crash.");
//m_shutdown = 0;
//goto resume;
// otherwise, thread did not save, so we must do it
log ( "loop: Saving and shutting down urgently.");
// sleep forver now so we can call findPtr() function
// after calling g_mem.printBreeches(0)
log("loop: sleeping forever.");
// . this will save all Rdb's and dump core
// . since "urgent" is true it won't broadcast its shutdown
// to all hosts
//#ifndef NO_MAIN
//mainShutdown( true ); // urgent?
// urgent = true
g_process.shutdown ( true );
// resume:
// . get the time now, sigHandlerRT() can use this, cuz gettimeofday()
// ain't async signal safe
// . g_now only used in hot udpServer for doing time outs really
g_now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// clear any g_errno before possibly calling sendPoll_ass()
g_errno = 0;
// occasionaly call to sendto() will not send a dgram and since we
// don't count on receiving ready-to-write signals on our
// UdpServer's fds we check them here... it sucks, but hopefully it
// fixes the problem of requests not getting fully transmitted
// and stagnating in the UdpServer.
//if (g_udpServer2.m_needToSend) g_udpServer2.sendPoll_ass(true,g_now);
//if (g_udpServer.m_needToSend ) g_udpServer.sendPoll_ass (true,g_now);
// . well, sender may be choking even with m_needsToSend var
// . i bet we're just losing signals
// . TODO: do we lose them when in the handler? if so, send a signal
// so loop will read/write after coming out of the async handler
// and also read just in case, too
//g_udpServer2.process_ass ( g_now );
// and the low priority guy
g_udpServer.sendPoll_ass (true,g_now);
g_udpServer.process_ass ( g_now );
// and dns now too
g_dns.m_udpServer.process_ass ( g_now );
// tcp server contained in http server has the same problem
//if ( g_httpServer.m_tcp.m_numQueued > 0 )
// g_httpServer.m_tcp.writeSocketsInQueue();
// . likewise, we may have not got the SIGQUEUE signal from when
// UdpServer wanted to call a callback but couldn't because it was
// in an async signal handler, and then at SIGQUEUE sig got lost...
// . this should clear those completed transactions we sometimes
// see in the UdpServer socket table
if ( g_someAreQueued ) {
// assume none are queued now, we may get interrupted
// and it may get set back to true
g_someAreQueued = false;
//g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks_ass ( 0 );
//g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks_ass ( 1 );
// clean up threads in case signal got lost somehow
if ( g_threads.m_needsCleanup ) {
// bitch about
static bool s_bitched = false;
if ( ! s_bitched ) {
log(LOG_REMIND,"loop: Lost thread signal.");
s_bitched = true;
// assume not any more
g_threads.m_needsCleanup = false;
// check thread queue for any threads that completed
// so we can call their callbacks and remove them
g_threads.cleanUp ( 0 , 1000/*max niceness*/);
// launch any threads in waiting since this sig was
// from a terminating one
// clear any g_errno before calling sleep callbacks
g_errno = 0;
// get time difference
elapsed = g_now - s_lastTime;
// if someone changed the system clock on us, this could be negative
// so fix it! otherwise, times may NEVER get called in our lifetime
if ( elapsed < 0 ) elapsed = m_minTick;
// print log msgs we accumulated while in a signal handler
//if ( g_log.needsPrinting() ) g_log.printBuf();
// . poll if we need to
// . make it a while loop incase a hot sig handler resets m_needToPoll
// . CAUTION: WE CAN LOOP IN HERE FOR ~ A MINUTE! I've seen it happen
// when RdbDump was going...
while ( m_needToPoll ) doPoll();
// call this every (about) 1 second
if ( elapsed >= m_minTick ) {
// MAX_NUM_FDS is the fd for sleep callbacks
callCallbacks_ass ( true , MAX_NUM_FDS , g_now );
// note the last time we called them
s_lastTime = g_now;
// just do polls if this linux doesn't support this:
#ifdef _POLLONLY_
#ifndef _POLLONLY_
// cancel silly errors
//if ( g_errno == EAGAIN ) { sigNum = 0; g_errno = 0; }
//if ( g_errno == EINTR ) { sigNum = 0; g_errno = 0; }
// if sigNum is valid then handle it
//sigHandler_r ( 0 , &info , NULL );
// subloop:
// debug msg
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp ) log("Loop: entering sigwait");
// . this has a timer resolution of 20ms, I imagine due to how the
// kernel time slices between processes
// . this means UdpServer can not effectively have a wait between
// resends of less than 20ms which makes it a little less zippy
sigNum = sigtimedwait (&sigs0, &info, &s_sigWaitTime ) ;
// cancel silly errors
if ( sigNum < 0 && errno == EAGAIN ) {
sigNum = 0; errno = 0; }
if ( sigNum < 0 && errno == EINTR ) {
sigNum = 0; errno = 0; }
// a zero signal is no signal, just a wake up call
if ( sigNum == 0 ) goto loop;
// sigNum is < 0 on error
if ( sigNum < 0 ) {
// this error happens on the newer libc for some reason
// so ignore it
if ( errno != ENOMEM )
log("loop: sigtimedwait(): %s.",strerror(errno));
goto loop;
// sleep test
//for ( long long i = 0 ; i < 1000000000000LL ; i++ );
// . we use g_now in UdpServer.cpp and should make it
// as accurate as possible
// . but it's main use is because gettimeofday() is not async sig safe
g_now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// debug msg
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp ) log("Loop: processing signal");
// call sighandler on other queued signals and continue looping
//log("Loop::runLoop:got queued signum=%li",sigNum);
// was it a SIGIO?
if ( info.si_code == SIGIO ) doPoll();
// handle the signal
else sigHandler_r ( 0 , &info , NULL );
// don't call any time handlers until no more signals waiting
//goto subloop;
// we need to make g_now as accurate as possible for hot UdpServer...
goto loop;
// make compiler happy
return 0;
// . the kernel sends a SIGIO signal when the sig queue overflows
// . we resort to polling the fd's when that happens
void sigioHandler ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *y ) {
// set the m_needToPoll flag
g_loop.m_needToPoll = true;
//--- TODO: flush the signal queue after polling until done
//--- are we getting stale signals resolved by flush so we get
//--- read event on a socket that isnt in read mode???
// TODO: set signal handler to SIG_DFL to prevent signals from queuing up now
// . this handles high priority fds first (lowest niceness)
void Loop::doPoll ( ) {
// set time
g_now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// debug msg
//log("**************** GOT SIGIO *************");
// . turn it off here so it can be turned on again after we've
// called select() so we don't lose any fd events through the cracks
// . some callbacks we call make trigger another SIGIO, but if they
// fail they should set Loop::g_needToPoll to true
m_needToPoll = false;
// debug msg
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLoop ) log(LOG_DEBUG,"loop: Entered doPoll.");
log(LOG_DEBUG,"loop: Entered doPoll.");
// print log
if ( g_log.needsPrinting() ) g_log.printBuf();
// sigqueue() might have been called from a hot udp server and
// we queued some handlers to be called
if ( g_someAreQueued ) {
// assume none are queued now, we may get interrupted
// and it may get set back to true
g_someAreQueued = false;
//g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks_ass ( 0 );
//g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks_ass ( 1 );
if(g_udpServer.needBottom()) g_udpServer.makeCallbacks_ass ( 1 );
//if(g_udpServer2.needBottom()) g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks_ass ( 1 );
bool processedOne;
long n;
// long repeats = 0;
// skipLowerPriorities:
// descriptor bits for calling select()
fd_set readfds;
fd_set writefds;
fd_set exceptfds;
// clear fds for select()
FD_ZERO ( &readfds );
FD_ZERO ( &writefds );
FD_ZERO ( &exceptfds );
timeval v;
v.tv_sec = 0;
v.tv_usec = 0;
// set descriptors we should watch
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS ; i++ ) {
if ( m_readSlots [i] ) {
FD_SET ( i , &readfds );
FD_SET ( i , &exceptfds );
if ( m_writeSlots[i] ) {
FD_SET ( i , &writefds );
FD_SET ( i , &exceptfds );
// poll the fd's searching for socket closes
n = select (MAX_NUM_FDS, &readfds, &writefds, &exceptfds, &v);
if ( n < 0 ) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto again;
g_errno = errno;
log("loop: select: %s.",strerror(g_errno));
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLoop)
log(LOG_DEBUG,"loop: Got %li fds waiting.",n);
// . reset the need to poll flag if everything is caught up now
// . let's take this out for now ... won't this leave some
// threads hanging, they do not always generate SIGIO's if
// the sigqueue is full!! LET'S SEE... mdw
//if ( n == 0 ) {
// // deal with any threads before returning
// g_threads.cleanUp ( NULL , 1000 /*max niceness*/ );
// g_threads.launchThreads();
// return;
processedOne = false;
// a Slot ptr
Slot *s;
g_now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// call g_udpServer sig handlers for niceness -1 here
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS ; i++ ) {
// continue if not set for reading
if ( ! FD_ISSET ( i , &readfds ) ) continue;
// if niceness is not -1, handle it below
s = m_readSlots [ i ];
if ( s && s->m_niceness != -1 ) continue;
callCallbacks_ass (true,i, g_now); // for reading = true
processedOne = true;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS ; i++ ) {
if ( ! FD_ISSET ( i , &writefds ) ) continue;
// if niceness is not -1, handle it below
s = m_writeSlots [ i ];
if ( s && s->m_niceness != -1 ) continue;
callCallbacks_ass (false,i, g_now); // for reading = false
processedOne = true;
// handle returned threads for niceness -1
// . call the callback for each fd we got
// . only call callbacks for fds that have a nice of 0 here
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS ; i++ ) {
// continue if not set for reading
if ( ! FD_ISSET ( i , &readfds ) ) continue;
// if niceness is not 0, handle it below
s = m_readSlots [ i /*fd*/ ];
if ( s && s->m_niceness != 0 ) continue;
callCallbacks_ass (true/*forReading?*/,i, g_now);
processedOne = true;
// only call callbacks for fds that have a nice of 0 here
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS ; i++ ) {
if ( ! FD_ISSET ( i , &writefds ) ) continue;
// if niceness is not 0, handle it below
s = m_writeSlots [ i /*fd*/ ];
if ( s && s->m_niceness != 0 ) continue;
callCallbacks_ass (false/*forReading?*/,i, g_now);
processedOne = true;
// handle returned threads for niceness 0
g_threads.timedCleanUp(3,0); // 3 ms
#if 0
if(processedOne && repeats < QUERYPRIORITYWEIGHT) {
//m_needToPoll = true;
goto skipLowerPriorities;
// log(LOG_WARN,
// "Loop: repeated %li times before moving to lower priority threads",
// repeats);
// handle low priority fds here
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS ; i++ ) {
// continue if not set for reading
if ( ! FD_ISSET ( i , &readfds ) ) continue;
// if niceness is 0, we already handled it above
s = m_readSlots [ i /*fd*/ ];
if ( s && s->m_niceness <= 0 ) continue;
callCallbacks_ass (true/*forReading?*/,i, g_now);
// only call callbacks for fds that have a nice of 0 here
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS ; i++ ) {
if ( ! FD_ISSET ( i , &writefds ) ) continue;
// if niceness is 0, we already handled it above
s = m_writeSlots [ i /*fd*/ ];
if ( s && s->m_niceness <= 0 ) continue;
callCallbacks_ass (false/*forReading?*/,i, g_now);
// handle returned threads for all other nicenesses
g_threads.timedCleanUp(4,MAX_NICENESS); // 4 ms
// set time
g_now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// call sleepers if they need it
// call this every (about) 1 second
long elapsed = g_now - s_lastTime;
// if someone changed the system clock on us, this could be negative
// so fix it! otherwise, times may NEVER get called in our lifetime
if ( elapsed < 0 ) elapsed = m_minTick;
if ( elapsed >= m_minTick ) {
// MAX_NUM_FDS is the fd for sleep callbacks
callCallbacks_ass ( true , MAX_NUM_FDS , g_now );
// note the last time we called them
s_lastTime = g_now;
// handle returned threads for all other nicenesses
g_threads.timedCleanUp(4,MAX_NICENESS); // 4 ms
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLoop ) log(LOG_DEBUG,"loop: Exited doPoll.");
// for FileState class
#include "BigFile.h"
// call this when you don't want to be interrupted
void Loop::interruptsOff ( ) {
// . debug
// . until we have our own malloc, don't turn them on
if ( ! g_isHot ) return;
// bail in already in a sig handler
if ( g_inSigHandler ) return;
// if interrupts already off bail
if ( ! g_interruptsOn ) return;
// looks like sigprocmask is destructive on our sigset
sigset_t rtmin;
sigemptyset ( &rtmin );
// tmp debug hack, so we don't have real time signals now...
#ifndef _VALGRIND_
sigaddset ( &rtmin, GB_SIGRTMIN );
// block it
if ( sigprocmask ( SIG_BLOCK , &rtmin, 0 ) < 0 ) {
log("loop: interruptsOff: sigprocmask: %s.", strerror(errno));
g_interruptsOn = false;
// debug msg
// and this to resume being interrupted
void Loop::interruptsOn ( ) {
// . debug
// . until we have our own malloc, don't turn them on
if ( ! g_isHot ) return;
// bail in already in a sig handler
if ( g_inSigHandler ) return;
// if interrupts already on bail
if ( g_interruptsOn ) return;
// looks like sigprocmask is destructive on our sigset
sigset_t rtmin;
sigemptyset ( &rtmin );
// uncomment this next line to easily disable real time interrupts
#ifndef _VALGRIND_
sigaddset ( &rtmin, GB_SIGRTMIN );
// debug msg
// let everyone know before we are vulnerable to an interrupt
g_interruptsOn = true;
// unblock it so interrupts flow
if ( sigprocmask ( SIG_UNBLOCK, &rtmin, 0 ) < 0 ) {
log("loop: interruptsOn: sigprocmask: %s.", strerror(errno));
// handle hot real time signals here
void sigHandlerRT ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *v ) {
// if we're not hot, what are we doing here?
if ( ! g_isHot ) {
// bitch if we shouldn't have gotten this
// fprintf(stderr,"Hey! why are we here?\n");
if ( ! g_interruptsOn ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"loop: Interrupts not on. Bad engineer.");
//fprintf (stderr,"in rt handler\n");
// let everyone know it
// MDW: turn this off for now, how is it getting set? we dont use
// real time signals any more. maybe a pthread is getting such
// a signal?
//g_inSigHandler = true;
// debug msg
//if ( g_conf.m_timingDebugEnabled )
// log("sigHandlerRT entered");
// save errno
long old_gerrno = g_errno;
int old_errno = errno;
// call normal handler
sigHandler_r ( x , info , v );
// restore
errno = old_errno;
g_errno = old_gerrno;
// debug msg
//if ( g_conf.m_timingDebugEnabled )
// log("sigHandlerRT exited");
// revert
g_inSigHandler = false;
// debug msg
//fprintf (stderr,"out of rt handler\n");
// come here when we get a GB_SIGRTMIN+X signal
void sigHandler_r ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *v ) {
// extract the file descriptor that needs attention
int fd = info->si_fd;
// debug note
//if ( fd == g_httpServer.m_tcp.m_sock )
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"loop: got http server activity");
// print signal number for debugging purposes (should be SIGPOLL/IO)
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"got sigcode=%i\n",info->si_code );
//fprintf(stderr,"got signo =%i\n",info->si_signo);
//if ( info->si_signo == SIGCHLD )
// fprintf(stderr,"got SIGCHLD\n");
//if ( info->si_code == SIGCHLD )
// fprintf(stderr,"got SIGCHLD2\n");
//fprintf(stderr,"got sigval =%i\n",(int)(info->si_value.sival_int) );
// clear g_errno before callling handlers
g_errno = 0;
// info->si_band values:
//#define POLLIN 0x0001 /* There is data to read */
//#define POLLPRI 0x0002 /* There is urgent data to read */
//#define POLLOUT 0x0004 /* Writing now will not block */
//#define POLLERR 0x0008 /* Error condition */
//#define POLLHUP 0x0010 /* Hung up */
//#define POLLNVAL 0x0020 /* Invalid request: fd not open */
int band = info->si_band;
fprintf(stderr,"got fd = %i\n", fd );
fprintf(stderr,"got band = %i\n", band );
fprintf(stderr,"band & POLLIN = %i\n", band & POLLIN );
fprintf(stderr,"band & POLLPRI = %i\n", band & POLLPRI );
fprintf(stderr,"band & POLLOUT = %i\n", band & POLLOUT );
fprintf(stderr,"band & POLLERR = %i\n", band & POLLERR );
fprintf(stderr,"band & POLLHUP = %i\n", band & POLLHUP );
// translate SIGPIPE's to band of POLLHUP
if ( info->si_signo == SIGPIPE ) {
band = POLLHUP;
log("loop: Received SIGPIPE signal. Broken pipe.");
// . SI_QUEUE signals used to just be from BigFile
// . but now they're used by threads so we can call a callback
// when the thread is completed
if ( g_someAreQueued && ! g_inSigHandler ) {
g_someAreQueued = false;
//g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks_ass ( 0 );
//g_udpServer2.makeCallbacks_ass ( 1 );
if ( g_threads.m_needsCleanup && ! g_inSigHandler ) {
// assume not any more
//g_threads.m_needsCleanup = false;
// get the value
//int val = (int)(info->si_value.sival_int);
// debug msg
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugThreadEnabled )
// log("Loop: got thread done signal");
// check thread queue for any threads that completed
// so we can call their callbacks and remove them
g_threads.timedCleanUp(4,MAX_NICENESS); // 4 ms
// // g_threads.cleanUp ( (ThreadEntry *)val , x/*max niceness*/);
// g_threads.cleanUp ( (ThreadEntry *)val , 1000/*max niceness*/);
// // launch any threads in waiting since this sig was
// // from a terminating one
// g_threads.launchThreads();
// if we just needed a cleanup
if ( info->si_signo == SIGCHLD ) return;
// if we don't got a signal for an fd, just a sigqueue() call, bail now
if ( info->si_code == SI_QUEUE ) return;
// . call the appropriate handler(s)
// . TODO: bitch if no callback to handle the read!!!!!!!
// . NOTE: when it's connected it sets both POLLIN and POLLOUT
// . NOTE: or when a socket is trying to connect to it if it's listener
//if ( band & (POLLIN | POLLOUT) == (POLLIN | POLLOUT) )
// g_loop.callCallbacks_ass ( true/*forReading?*/ , fd );
if ( band & POLLIN ) {
//log("Loop: read %lli",gettimeofdayInMilliseconds());
g_loop.callCallbacks_ass ( true , fd );
else if ( band & POLLPRI ) {
//log("Loop: read %lli",gettimeofdayInMilliseconds());
g_loop.callCallbacks_ass ( true , fd ) ;
else if ( band & POLLOUT ) {
//log("Loop: read %lli",gettimeofdayInMilliseconds());
g_loop.callCallbacks_ass ( false , fd );
//else if ( band & POLLERR )
//g_loop.callCallbacks_ass ( false , fd );
// this happens if the socket closes abruptly
// or out of band data, etc... see "man 2 poll" for more info
else {
// i see these all the time for fd == 0, so don't print it
if ( fd != 0 )
log(LOG_INFO,"loop: Received hangup on fd=%i.",fd);
g_loop.callCallbacks_ass ( false , fd );
struct pollfd pfd;
printf ("Trying fallback poll()\n");
pfd.fd = info.si_fd; = POLLIN|POLLOUT|POLLHUP;
if (poll (&pfd, 1, 0) < 0) {
p_error ("poll(): %s", strerror (g_errno));
exit (1);
info.si_band = pfd.revents;
void Loop::startBlockedCpuTimer() {
if(m_inQuickPoll) return;
m_lastPollTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
void Loop::quickPoll(long niceness, const char* caller, long lineno) {
if ( ! g_conf.m_useQuickpoll ) return;
// convert
//if ( niceness > 1 ) niceness = 1;
// sometimes we init HashTableX's with a niceness of 0 even though
// g_niceness is 1. so prevent a core below.
if ( niceness == 0 ) return;
// sanity check
if ( g_niceness > niceness ) {
log(LOG_WARN,"loop: niceness mismatch!");
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity -- temporary -- no quickpoll in a thread!!!
//if ( g_threads.amThread() ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if we are niceness 1 and not in a handler, make it niceness 2
// so the handlers can be answered and we don't slow other
// spiders down and we don't slow turks' injections down as much
if ( ! g_inHandler && niceness == 1 ) niceness = 2;
// reset this
g_missedQuickPolls = 0;
if(m_inQuickPoll) {
"admin: tried to quickpoll from inside quickpoll");
// this happens when handleRequest3f is called from
// a quickpoll and it deletes a collection and BigFile::close
// calls ThreadQueue::removeThreads and Msg3::doneScanning()
// has niceness 2 and calls quickpoll again!
//if(g_conf.m_quickpollCoreOnError) {
// }
// else return;
long long now = g_now;
//long long took = now - m_lastPollTime;
long long now2 = g_now;
long gerrno = g_errno;
now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
took = now - m_lastPollTime;
g_profiler.pause(caller, lineno, took);
if(took > g_conf.m_minProfThreshold) {
if(g_conf.m_dynamicPerfGraph) {
g_stats.addStat_r ( 0 ,
0 ,
if(g_conf.m_sequentialProfiling) {
log(LOG_TIMING, "admin: quickpolling from %s "
"after %lli ms", caller, took);
m_inQuickPoll = true;
//g_udpServer2.process_ass ( g_now , 0 );
g_udpServer.process_ass ( g_now , 0 );
g_threads.timedCleanUp( 100 , 0 ); // ms ms, niceness 0
long n;
fd_set readfds;
fd_set writefds;
fd_set exceptfds;
// clear fds for select()
FD_ZERO ( &readfds );
FD_ZERO ( &writefds );
FD_ZERO ( &exceptfds );
timeval v;
v.tv_sec = 0;
v.tv_usec = 0;
// set descriptors we should watch
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS ; i++ ) {
if ( m_readSlots [i] && m_readSlots[i]->m_niceness == 0 ) {
FD_SET ( i , &readfds );
FD_SET ( i , &exceptfds );
if ( m_writeSlots[i] && m_writeSlots[i]->m_niceness == 0 ) {
FD_SET ( i , &writefds );
FD_SET ( i , &exceptfds );
// poll the fd's searching for socket closes
// this is for httpServer, since we handled
// udpserver and diskthreads above
n = select (MAX_NUM_FDS, &readfds, &writefds, &exceptfds, &v);
// a Slot ptr
Slot *s;
if ( n <= 0 ) goto theend;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS ; i++ ) {
// continue if not set for reading
if ( ! FD_ISSET ( i , &readfds ) ) continue;
// if niceness is not -1, handle it below
s = m_readSlots [ i /*fd*/ ];
// now we have niceness 2 if Sections.cpp
if ( s && s->m_niceness >= niceness ) continue;
callCallbacks_ass (true/*forReading?*/,i, now);
// sanity check
if ( g_niceness > niceness ) { char*xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_FDS ; i++ ) {
if ( ! FD_ISSET ( i , &writefds ) ) continue;
// if niceness is not -1, handle it below
s = m_writeSlots [ i /*fd*/ ];
// now we have niceness 2 if Sections.cpp
if ( s && s->m_niceness >= niceness ) continue;
callCallbacks_ass (false/*forReading?*/,i, now);
// sanity check
if ( g_niceness > niceness ) { char*xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// now we can have niceness 0 dns slots because of the niceness
// conversion algorithm...
g_dns.m_udpServer.process_ass ( g_now );
// reset this again
g_missedQuickPolls = 0;
// . avoid quickpolls within a quickpoll
// . was causing seg fault in diskHeartbeatWrapper()
// which call Threads::bailOnReads()
m_canQuickPoll = false;
// . call sleepcallbacks, like the heartbeat in Process.cpp
// . MAX_NUM_FDS is the fd for sleep callbacks
// . specify a niceness of 0 so only niceness 0 sleep callbacks
// will be called
callCallbacks_ass ( true , MAX_NUM_FDS , now , 0 );
// sanity check
if ( g_niceness > niceness ) {
log("loop: niceness mismatch");
//char*xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
now2 = g_now;
if(g_conf.m_profilingEnabled) {
took = now2 - now;
//log(LOG_WARN, "xx quickpolled took %lli, waited %lli from %s",
// now2 - now, now - m_lastPollTime, caller);
m_lastPollTime = now2;
m_inQuickPoll = false;
m_needsToQuickPoll = false;
m_canQuickPoll = true;
g_errno = gerrno;
// reset this again
g_missedQuickPolls = 0;
void Loop::canQuickPoll(long niceness) {
if(niceness && !m_shutdown) m_canQuickPoll = true;
else m_canQuickPoll = false;
void Loop::disableTimer() {
//logf(LOG_WARN,"xxx disabling");
m_canQuickPoll = false;
setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &m_noInterrupt, NULL);
void Loop::enableTimer() {
m_canQuickPoll = true;
// logf(LOG_WARN, "xxx enabling");
setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &m_quickInterrupt, NULL);
//setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &m_quickInterrupt, NULL);
//calling with a 0 niceness will turn off the timer interrupt
void Loop::setitimerInterval(long niceness) {
if(niceness) {
setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &m_quickInterrupt, NULL);
m_canQuickPoll = true;
else {
setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &m_noInterrupt, NULL);
m_canQuickPoll = false;