2014-09-22 07:07:40 -07:00

1388 lines
40 KiB

#include "Images.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include "Xml.h"
#include "Words.h"
#include "Sections.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h" // my_system_r()
// TODO: image is bad if repeated on same page, check for that
//static void gotTermFreqWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static void gotTermListWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static void *thumbStartWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *te );
static void getImageInfo ( char *buf, long size, long *dx, long *dy, long *it);
Images::Images ( ) {
void Images::reset() {
m_imgData = NULL;
m_imgDataSize = 0;
m_setCalled = false;
m_thumbnailValid = false;
m_imgReply = NULL;
m_imgReplyLen = 0;
m_imgReplyMaxLen = 0;
m_numImages = 0;
m_imageBufValid = false;
m_phase = 0;
bool Images::hash ( long titleRecVersion ,
Xml *xml ,
Url *pageUrl ,
TermTable *table ,
long score ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numImages ; i++ ) {
// get the node number
long nn = m_imageNodes[i];
// get the url of the image
long srcLen;
char *src = xml->getString(nn,nn+1,"src",&srcLen);
// set it to the full url
Url iu;
// use "pageUrl" as the baseUrl
iu.set ( pageUrl , src , srcLen , true ); // addWWW? yes...
// hash each one
if ( ! table->hash ( titleRecVersion ,
"image" , // desc
5 , // descLen
"gbimage" , // field
7 ,
false , // doSpamDetection?
false , // hashSingletons?
false , // hashPhrases?
true , // hashAsWhole?
false , // useStems?
false , // useStopWords?
true , // hashIfUniqueOnly?
false ))// hashSingletonsIffNotInPhrase
return false;
return true;
void Images::setCandidates ( Url *pageUrl , Words *words , Xml *xml ,
Sections *sections , XmlDoc *xd ) {
// not valid for now
m_thumbnailValid = false;
// reset our array of image node candidates
m_numImages = 0;
// flag it
m_setCalled = true;
// strange...
if ( m_imgReply ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// save this
m_xml = xml;
m_pageUrl = pageUrl;
// if we are a diffbot json reply, trust that diffbot got the
// best candidate, and just use that
if ( xd->m_isDiffbotJSONObject ) return;
// first add any open graph candidate.
// basically they page telling us the best image straight up.
long node2 = -1;
long startNode = 0;
// . field can be stuff like "summary","description","keywords",...
// . if "convertHtmlEntites" is true we change < to &lt; and > to &gt;
// . <meta property="og:image" content=""/>
// . <meta property="og:image" content=""/>
char ubuf[2000];
long ulen = xml->getMetaContent ( ubuf , // store the val here
1999 ,
false, // convertHtmlEntities
startNode ,
&node2 ); // matchedNode
// update this in case goto ogimgloop is called
startNode = node2 + 1;
// see section below for explanation of what we are storing here...
if ( node2 >= 0 ) {
// save it
m_imageNodes[m_numImages] = node2;
Query q;
if ( ulen > MAX_URL_LEN ) goto ogimgloop;
// set it to the full url
Url iu;
// use "pageUrl" as the baseUrl
iu.set ( pageUrl , ubuf , ulen );
// skip if invalid domain or TLD
if ( iu.getDomainLen() <= 0 ) goto ogimgloop;
// for looking it up on disk to see if unique or not
char buf[2000];
// if we don't put in quotes it expands '|' into
// the "PiiPe" operator in Query.cpp
snprintf ( buf , 1999, "gbimage:\"%s\"",iu.getUrl());
// TODO: make sure this is a no-split termid storage thingy
// in Msg14.cpp
if ( ! q.set2 ( buf , langUnknown , false ) ) return;
// sanity test
if ( q.getNumTerms() != 1 ) { char *xx=0;*xx=0; }
// store the termid
m_termIds[m_numImages] = q.getTermId(0);
// advance the counter
// try to get more graph images if we have some room
if ( m_numImages + 2 < MAX_IMAGES ) goto ogimgloop;
//m_pageSite = pageSite;
// scan the words
long nw = words->getNumWords();
nodeid_t *tids = words->getTagIds();
long long *wids = words->getWordIds();
//long *scores = scoresArg->m_scores;
Section **sp = NULL;
if ( sections ) sp = sections->m_sectionPtrs;
// not if we don't have any identified sections
if ( sections && sections->m_numSections <= 0 ) sp = NULL;
// the positive scored window
long firstPosScore = -1;
long lastPosScore = -1;
// find positive scoring window
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) {
// skip if in bad section
if ( sp && (sp[i]->m_flags & badFlags) ) continue;
if ( wids[i] != 0 ) continue;
// set first positive scoring guy
if ( firstPosScore == -1 ) firstPosScore = i;
// keep track of last guy
lastPosScore = i;
// sanity check
if ( getNumXmlNodes() > 512 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . pedal firstPosScore back until we hit a section boundary
// . i.e. stop once we hit a front/back tag pair, like <div> and </div>
char tc[512];
memset ( tc , 0 , 512 );
long a = firstPosScore;
for ( ; a >= 0 ; a-- ) {
// get the tid
nodeid_t tid = tids[a];
// remove back bit, if any
// skip if not a tag, or a generic xml tag
if ( tid <= 1 ) continue;
// mark it
if ( words->isBackTag(a) ) tc[tid] |= 0x02;
else tc[tid] |= 0x01;
// continue if not a full front/back pair
if ( tc[tid] != 0x03 ) continue;
// continue if not a "section" type tag (see Scores.cpp)
if ( tid != TAG_DIV &&
tid != TAG_TEXTAREA &&
tid != TAG_TR &&
tid != TAG_TD &&
tid != TAG_TABLE )
// ok we should stop now
// min is 0
if ( a < 0 ) a = 0;
// now look for the image urls within this window
for ( long i = a ; i < lastPosScore ; i++ ) {
// skip if not <img> tag
if (tids[i] != TAG_IMG ) continue;
// get the node num into Xml.cpp::m_nodes[] array
long nn = words->m_nodes[i];
// check width to rule out small decorating imgs
long width = xml->getLong(nn,nn+1,"width", -1 );
if ( width != -1 && width < 50 ) continue;
// same with height
long height = xml->getLong(nn,nn+1, "height", -1 );
if ( height != -1 && height < 50 ) continue;
// get the url of the image
long srcLen;
char *src = xml->getString(nn,"src",&srcLen);
// skip if none
if ( srcLen <= 2 ) continue;
// set it to the full url
Url iu;
// use "pageUrl" as the baseUrl
iu.set ( pageUrl , src , srcLen );
// skip if invalid domain or TLD
if ( iu.getDomainLen() <= 0 ) continue;
// skip if not from same domain as page url
//long dlen = pageUrl->getDomainLen();
//if ( iu.getDomainLen() != dlen ) continue;
// get the full url
char *u = iu.getUrl();
long ulen = iu.getUrlLen();
// skip common crap
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"logo" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"comment" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"print" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"subscribe" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"header" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"footer" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"menu" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"button" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"banner" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"ad.doubleclick.") ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"ads.webfeat." ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"xads.zedo." ) ) continue;
// save it
m_imageNodes[m_numImages] = nn;
// before we lookup the image url to see if it is unique we
// must first make sure that we have an adequate number of
// permalinks from this same site with this same hop count.
// we need at least 10 before we extract image thumbnails.
char buf[2000];
// set the query
Query q;
// if we do have 10 or more, then we lookup the image url to
// make sure it is indeed unique
sprintf ( buf , "gbimage:\"%s\"",u);
// TODO: make sure this is a no-split termid storage thingy
// in Msg14.cpp
if ( ! q.set2 ( buf , langUnknown , false ) )
// return true with g_errno set on error
// store the termid
m_termIds[m_numImages] = q.getTermId(0);
// advance the counter
// break if full
if ( m_numImages >= MAX_IMAGES ) break;
// . returns false if blocked, returns true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool Images::getThumbnail ( char *pageSite ,
long siteLen ,
long long docId ,
XmlDoc *xd ,
collnum_t collnum,//char *coll ,
//char **statusPtr ,
long hopCount,
void *state ,
void (*callback)(void *state) ) {
// sanity check
if ( ! m_setCalled ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// we haven't had any error
m_hadError = 0;
// no reason to stop yet
m_stopDownloading = false;
// reset here now
m_i = 0;
m_j = 0;
m_phase = 0;
// sanity check
if ( ! m_pageUrl ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( ! pageSite ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// we need to be a permalink
//if ( ! isPermalink ) return true;
// save these
//m_statusPtr = statusPtr;
// save this
m_collnum = collnum;
m_docId = docId;
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
// if this doc is a json diffbot reply it already has the primary
// image selected so just use that
m_xd = xd;
if ( m_xd->m_isDiffbotJSONObject )
return downloadImages();
// if no candidates, we are done, no error
if ( m_numImages == 0 ) return true;
//Vector *v = xd->getTagVector();
// this will at least have one component, the 0/NULL component
uint32_t *tph = xd->getTagPairHash32();
// must not block or error on us
if ( tph == (void *)-1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// must not error on use?
if ( ! tph ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . see DupDetector.cpp, very similar to this
// . see how many pages we have from our same site with our same
// html template (and that are permalinks)
char buf[2000];
char c = pageSite[siteLen];
// site MUST NOT start with "http://"
if ( strncmp ( pageSite , "http://", 7)==0){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// this must match what we hash in XmlDoc::hashNoSplit()
sprintf ( buf , "gbsitetemplate:%lu%s", (unsigned long)*tph,pageSite );
// TODO: make sure this is a no-split termid storage thingy
// in Msg14.cpp
Query q;
if ( ! q.set2 ( buf , langUnknown , false ) )
// return true with g_errno set on error
return true;
// store the termid
long long termId = q.getTermId(0);
key144_t startKey ;
key144_t endKey ;
g_posdb.makeEndKey (&endKey ,termId);
// get shard of that (this termlist is sharded by termid -
// see XmlDoc.cpp::hashNoSplit() where it hashes gbsitetemplate: term)
long shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNumByTermId ( &startKey );
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugImage )
log("image: image checking %s list on shard %li",buf,shardNum);
// if ( ! m_msg36.getTermFreq ( m_collnum ,
// 0 , // maxAge
// termId ,
// this ,
// gotTermFreqWrapper ,
// true , // exact count?
// false , // inc count?
// false , // dec count?
// false )) // is split?
// return false;
// just use msg0 and limit to like 1k or something
if ( ! m_msg0.getList ( -1 , // hostid
-1 , // ip
-1 , // port
0 , // maxAge
false , // addToCache?
m_collnum ,
&m_list , // RdbList ptr
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
1024 , // minRecSize
this ,
gotTermListWrapper ,
false , // err correction?
true , // inc tree?
true , // domergeobsolete
-1 , // firstHostId
0 , // start filenum
-1 , // numFiles
30 , // timeout
-1 , // syncpoint
-1 , // preferlocalreads
NULL , // msg5
NULL , // msg5b
false , // isRealMerge?
true , // allow pg cache
false , // focelocalindexdb
false , // doIndexdbSplit?
shardNum ))// force paritysplit
return false;
// did not block
return gotTermFreq();
// void gotTermFreqWrapper ( void *state ) {
// Images *THIS = (Images *)state;
// // process/store the reply
// if ( ! THIS->gotTermFreq() ) return;
// // all done
// THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
// }
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool Images::gotTermFreq ( ) {
// error?
if ( g_errno ) return true;
// bail if less than 10
//long long nt = m_msg36.getTermFreq();
// each key but the first is 12 bytes (compressed)
long long nt = (m_list.getListSize() - 6)/ 12;
// . return true, without g_errno set, we are done
// . if we do not have 10 or more webpages that share this same
// template then do not do image extraction at all, it is too risky
// that we get a bad image
// . MDW: for debugging, do not require 10 pages of same template
//if ( nt < 10 ) return true;
if ( nt < -2 ) return true;
// now see which of the image urls are unique
if ( ! launchRequests () ) return false;
// i guess we did not block
return true;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . see if other pages we've indexed have this same image url
bool Images::launchRequests ( ) {
// loop over all images
for ( long i = m_i ; i < m_numImages ; i++ ) {
// advance
// assume no error
m_errors[i] = 0;
// make the keys. each term is a gbimage:<imageUrl> term
// so we are searching for the image url to see how often
// it is repeated on other pages.
key144_t startKey ;
key144_t endKey ;
g_posdb.makeEndKey (&endKey ,m_termIds[i]);
// get our residing groupid
//unsigned long gid = g_indexdb.getNoSplitGroupId(&startKey);
// no split is true for this one, so we do not split by docid
//uint32_t gid = getGroupId(RDB_INDEXDB,&startKey,false);
unsigned long shardNum;
//shardNum = getShardNum(RDB_POSDB,&startKey);
//uint32_t getShardNum (char rdbId, void *key );
//uint32_t getShardNumFromDocId ( long long d ) ;
// assume to be for posdb here
shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNumByTermId ( &startKey );
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugImage )
log("image: image checking shardnum %li (termid0=%llu)"
" for image url #%li",
shardNum ,m_termIds[i],i);
// get the termlist
if ( ! m_msg0.getList ( -1 , // hostid
-1 , // ip
-1 , // port
0 , // maxAge
false , // addToCache?
m_collnum ,
&m_list , // RdbList ptr
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
1024 , // minRecSize
this ,
gotTermListWrapper ,
false , // err correction?
true , // inc tree?
true , // domergeobsolete
-1 , // firstHostId
0 , // start filenum
-1 , // numFiles
30 , // timeout
-1 , // syncpoint
-1 , // preferlocalreads
NULL , // msg5
NULL , // msg5b
false , // isRealMerge?
true , // allow pg cache
false , // focelocalindexdb
false , // doIndexdbSplit?
shardNum ))// force paritysplit
return false;
// process the msg36 response
gotTermList ();
// i guess we didn't block
return downloadImages();
// we got a reply
void gotTermListWrapper ( void *state ) {
Images *THIS = (Images *)state;
// process/store the reply
// try to launch more, returns false if it blocks
if ( ! THIS->launchRequests() ) return;
// all done
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
void Images::gotTermList ( ) {
long i = m_i - 1;
// i guess get errors too
if ( g_errno ) m_errors[i] = g_errno;
// set a globalish flag
if ( ! m_hadError ) m_hadError = g_errno;
// on error skip this
if ( g_errno ) return;
// check docids in termlist
// loop over it
for ( ; ! m_list.isExhausted() ; m_list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// get the first rec
long long d = m_list.getCurrentDocId();
// note it
//log("dup: image is dupped");
// is it us? if so ignore it
if ( d == m_docId ) continue;
// crap, i guess our image url is not unique. mark it off.
m_errors[i] = EDOCDUP;
// no need to go further
bool Images::downloadImages () {
// all done if we got a valid thumbnail
//if ( m_thumbnailValid ) return true;
long srcLen;
char *src = NULL;
long node;
// downloading an image from diffbot json reply?
if ( m_xd->m_isDiffbotJSONObject ) {
// i guess this better not block cuz we'll core!
char **iup = m_xd->getDiffbotPrimaryImageUrl();
// if no image, nothing to download
if ( ! *iup ) {
//log("no diffbot image url for %s",
// m_xd->m_firstUrl.m_url);
return true;
// force image count to one
m_numImages = 1;
// do not error out
m_errors[0] = 0;
// set it to the full url
src = *iup;
srcLen = gbstrlen(src);
// need this
m_imageUrl.set ( src , srcLen );
// jump into the for loop below
//if ( m_phase == 0 ) goto insertionPoint;
// . download each leftover image
// . stop as soon as we get one with good dimensions
// . make a thumbnail of that one
for ( ; m_j < m_numImages ; m_j++ , m_phase = 0 ) {
// did collection get nuked?
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_collnum);
if ( ! cr ) { g_errno = ENOCOLLREC; return true; }
// clear error
g_errno = 0;
if ( m_phase == 0 ) {
// advance
// only if not diffbot, we set "src" above for it
if ( ! m_xd->m_isDiffbotJSONObject ) {
// get img tag node
node = m_imageNodes[m_j];
// get the url of the image
src = getImageUrl ( m_j , &srcLen );
// use "pageUrl" as the baseUrl
m_imageUrl.set ( m_pageUrl , src , srcLen );
// if we should stop, stop
if ( m_stopDownloading ) break;
// skip if bad or not unique
if ( m_errors[m_j] ) continue;
// set status msg
sprintf ( m_statusBuf ,"downloading image %li",m_j);
// point to it
if ( m_xd ) m_xd->setStatus ( m_statusBuf );
// get image ip
if ( m_phase == 1 ) {
// advance
// this increments phase if it should
if ( ! getImageIp() ) return false;
// error?
if ( g_errno ) continue;
// download the actual image
if ( m_phase == 2 ) {
// advance
// download image data
if ( ! downloadImage() ) return false;
// error downloading?
if ( g_errno ) continue;
// get thumbnail using threaded call to netpbm stuff
if ( m_phase == 3 ) {
// advance
// call pnmscale etc. to make thumbnail
if ( ! makeThumb() ) return false;
// error downloading?
if ( g_errno ) continue;
// error making thumb or just not a good thumb size?
if ( ! m_thumbnailValid ) {
// free old image we downloaded, if any
// i guess do this too, it was pointing at it in msg13
m_imgReply = NULL;
// try the next image candidate
// it's a keeper
long urlSize = m_imageUrl.getUrlLen() + 1; // include \0
// . make our ThumbnailArray out of it
long need = 0;
// the array itself
need += sizeof(ThumbnailArray);
// and each thumbnail it contains
need += urlSize;
need += m_thumbnailSize;
need += sizeof(ThumbnailInfo);
// reserve it
m_imageBuf.reserve ( need );
// point to array
ThumbnailArray *ta =(ThumbnailArray *)m_imageBuf.getBufStart();
// set that as much as possible, version...
ta->m_version = 0;
// and thumb count
ta->m_numThumbnails = 1;
// now store the thumbnail info
ThumbnailInfo *ti = ta->getThumbnailInfo (0);
// and set our one thumbnail
ti->m_origDX = m_dx;
ti->m_origDY = m_dy;
ti->m_dx = m_tdx;
ti->m_dy = m_tdy;
ti->m_urlSize = urlSize;
ti->m_dataSize = m_thumbnailSize;
// now copy the data over sequentially
char *p = ti->m_buf;
// the image url
p += urlSize;
// the image thumbnail data
p += m_thumbnailSize;
// update buf length of course
m_imageBuf.setLength ( p - m_imageBuf.getBufStart() );
// validate the buffer
m_imageBufValid = true;
// save mem. do this after because m_imgData uses m_msg13's
// reply buf to store the thumbnail for now...
m_imgReply = NULL;
g_errno = 0;
return true;
// don't tell caller EBADIMG it will make him fail to index doc
g_errno = 0;
return true;
static void gotImgIpWrapper ( void *state , long ip ) {
Images *THIS = (Images *)state;
// control loop
if ( ! THIS->downloadImages() ) return;
// call callback at this point, we are done with the download loop
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Images::getImageIp ( ) {
if ( ! m_msgc.getIp ( m_imageUrl.getHost () ,
m_imageUrl.getHostLen() ,
&m_latestIp ,
this ,
gotImgIpWrapper ))
// we blocked
return false;
return true;
static void downloadImageWrapper ( void *state ) {
Images *THIS = (Images *)state;
// control loop
if ( ! THIS->downloadImages() ) return;
// all done
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Images::downloadImage ( ) {
// error?
if ( m_latestIp == 0 || m_latestIp == -1 ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"images: ip of %s is %li (%s)",
// ignore errors
g_errno = 0;
return true;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_collnum);
if ( ! cr ) { g_errno = ENOCOLLREC; return true; }
// assume success
m_httpStatus = 200;
// set the request
Msg13Request *r = &m_msg13Request;
r->m_maxTextDocLen = 200000;
r->m_maxOtherDocLen = 500000;
r->m_urlIp = m_latestIp;
// no, this slows down image stuff too much for now!! so take out
// MDW 9/10/14
// if ( ! strcmp(cr->m_coll,"qatest123")) {
// r->m_useTestCache = 1;
// //if ( g_conf.m_qaBuildMode ) r->m_addToTestCache = 1;
// r->m_addToTestCache = 1;
// }
// url is the most important
r-> ptr_url = m_imageUrl.getUrl();
r->size_url = m_imageUrl.getUrlLen()+1; // include \0
// . try to download it
// . i guess we are ignoring hammers at this point
if ( ! m_msg13.getDoc(r,false,this,downloadImageWrapper))
return false;
return true;
static void makeThumbWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
Images *THIS = (Images *)state;
// control loop
if ( ! THIS->downloadImages() ) return;
// all done
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Images::makeThumb ( ) {
// did it have an error?
if ( g_errno ) {
// just give up on all of them if one has an error
log ( "image: had error downloading image on page %s: %s. "
"Not downloading any more.",
// stop it
m_stopDownloading = true;
return true;
char *buf;
long bufLen, bufMaxLen;
HttpMime mime;
m_imgData = NULL;
m_imgDataSize = 0;
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: gotImage() entered." );
// . if there was a problem, just ignore, don't let it stop getting
// the real page.
if ( g_errno ) {
log( "ERROR? g_errno puked: %s", mstrerror(g_errno) );
//g_errno = 0;
return true;
//if ( ! slot ) return true;
// extract image data from the socket
buf = m_msg13.m_replyBuf;
bufLen = m_msg13.m_replyBufSize;
bufMaxLen = m_msg13.m_replyBufAllocSize;
// no image?
if ( ! buf || bufLen <= 0 ) {
g_errno = EBADIMG;
return true;
// we are image candidate #i
//long i = m_j - 1;
// get img tag node
// get the url of the image
long srcLen;
char *src = NULL;
if ( m_xd->m_isDiffbotJSONObject ) {
src = *m_xd->getDiffbotPrimaryImageUrl();
srcLen = gbstrlen(src);
else {
src = getImageUrl ( m_j , &srcLen );
// set it to the full url
Url iu;
// use "pageUrl" as the baseUrl
iu.set ( m_pageUrl , src , srcLen );
// get the mime
if ( ! mime.set ( buf, bufLen, &iu ) ) {
log ( "image: MIME.set() failed in gotImage()" );
// give up on the remaining images then
m_stopDownloading = true;
g_errno = EBADIMG;
return true;
// set the status so caller can see
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
// check the status
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) {
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: http status of img download is %li.",
// give up on the remaining images then
m_stopDownloading = true;
g_errno = EBADIMG;
return true;
// make sure this is an image
m_imgType = mime.getContentType();
if ( m_imgType < CT_GIF || m_imgType > CT_TIFF ) {
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: gotImage() states that this image is "
"not in a format we currently handle." );
// try the next image if any
g_errno = EBADIMG;
return true;
// get the content
m_imgData = buf + mime.getMimeLen();
m_imgDataSize = bufLen - mime.getMimeLen();
// Reset socket, so socket doesn't free the data, now we own
// We must free the buf after thumbnail is inserted in TitleRec
m_imgReply = buf;//slot->m_readBuf;
m_imgReplyLen = bufLen;//slot->m_readBufSize;
m_imgReplyMaxLen = bufMaxLen;//slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
// do not let UdpServer free the reply, we own it now
//slot->m_readBuf = NULL;
if ( ! m_imgReply || m_imgReplyLen == 0 ) {
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Returned empty image reply!" );
g_errno = EBADIMG;
return true;
// get next if too small
if ( m_imgDataSize < 20 ) { g_errno = EBADIMG; return true; }
long imageType;
getImageInfo ( m_imgData, m_imgDataSize, &m_dx, &m_dy, &imageType );
// log the image dimensions
log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Image Link: %s", iu.getUrl() );
log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Max Buffer Size: %lu bytes.",m_imgReplyMaxLen);
log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Image Original Size: %lu bytes.",m_imgReplyLen);
log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Image Buffer @ 0x%lx - 0x%lx",(long)m_imgReply,
(long)m_imgReply+m_imgReplyMaxLen );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Size: %lupx x %lupx", m_dx, m_dy );
// what is this?
if ( m_dx <= 0 || m_dy <= 0 ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "image: Image has bad dimensions.");
g_errno = EBADIMG;
return true;
// skip if bad dimensions
if( ((m_dx < 50) || (m_dy < 50)) && ((m_dx > 0) && (m_dy > 0)) ) {
"image: Image is too small to represent a news article." );
g_errno = EBADIMG;
return true;
// skip if bad aspect ratio. 5x1 or 1x5 is bad i guess
if ( m_dx > 0 && m_dy > 0 ) {
float aspect = (float)m_dx / (float)m_dy;
if ( aspect < .2 || aspect > 5.0 ) {
"image: Image aspect ratio is worse that 5 to 1");
g_errno = EBADIMG;
return true;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_collnum);
if ( ! cr ) { g_errno = ENOCOLLREC; return true; }
// save how big of thumbnails we should make. user can change
// this in the 'spider controls'
m_xysize = cr->m_thumbnailMaxWidthHeight ;
// make it 250 pixels if no decent value provided
if ( m_xysize <= 0 ) m_xysize = 250;
// and keep it sane
if ( m_xysize > 2048 ) m_xysize = 2048;
// update status
if ( m_xd ) m_xd->setStatus ( "making thumbnail" );
// log it
log ( LOG_DEBUG, "image: gotImage() thumbnailing image." );
// create the thumbnail...
// reset this... why?
g_errno = 0;
// reset this since filterStart_r() will set it on error
m_errno = 0;
// callThread returns true on success, in which case we block
this ,
makeThumbWrapper ,
thumbStartWrapper_r ) ) return false;
// threads might be off
logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Calling thumbnail gen without thread.");
thumbStartWrapper_r ( this , NULL );
return true;
void *thumbStartWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
Images *THIS = (Images *)state;
THIS->thumbStart_r ( true /* am thread?*/ );
return NULL;
void Images::thumbStart_r ( bool amThread ) {
long long start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//static char scmd[200] = "%stopnm %s | "
// "pnmscale -xysize 100 100 - | "
// "ppmtojpeg - > %s";
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: thumbStart_r entered." );
//DIR *d;
//char cmd[2500];
//sprintf( cmd, "%strash", g_hostdb.m_dir );
// get thread id
long id = getpidtid();
// pass the input to the program through this file
// rather than a pipe, since popen() seems broken.
// m_dir ends in / so this should work.
char in[364];
snprintf ( in , 363,"%strash/in.%li", g_hostdb.m_dir, id );
unlink ( in );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: thumbStart_r create in file." );
// collect the output from the filter from this file
// m_dir ends in / so this should work.
char out[364];
snprintf ( out , 363,"%strash/out.%li", g_hostdb.m_dir, id );
unlink ( out );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: thumbStart_r create out file." );
// ignore errno from those unlinks
errno = 0;
// Open/Create temporary file to store image to
int fhndl;
if( (fhndl = open( in, O_RDWR+O_CREAT, S_IWUSR+S_IRUSR )) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not open file, %s, for writing: %s - %d.",
in, mstrerror( m_errno ), fhndl );
m_imgDataSize = 0;
// Write image data into temporary file
if( write( fhndl, m_imgData, m_imgDataSize ) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not write to file, %s: %s.",
in, mstrerror( m_errno ) );
close( fhndl );
unlink( in );
m_imgDataSize = 0;
// Close temporary image file now that we have finished writing
if( close( fhndl ) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not close file, %s, for writing: %s.",
in, mstrerror( m_errno ) );
unlink( in );
m_imgDataSize = 0;
fhndl = 0;
// Grab content type from mime
//long imgType = mime.getContentType();
char ext[5];
switch( m_imgType ) {
case CT_GIF:
strcpy( ext, "gif" );
case CT_JPG:
strcpy( ext, "jpeg" );
case CT_PNG:
strcpy( ext, "png" );
case CT_TIFF:
strcpy( ext, "tiff" );
case CT_BMP:
strcpy( ext, "bmp" );
//long xysize = 250;//100;
// make thumbnail a little bigger for diffbot for widget
//if ( m_xd->m_isDiffbotJSONObject ) xysize = 250;
// i hope 2500 is big enough!
char cmd[2501];
//sprintf( cmd, scmd, ext, in, out);
char *wdir = g_hostdb.m_dir;
// can be /dev/stderr or like /var/gigablast/data/log000 etc.
char *logFile = g_log.getFilename();
// wdir ends in / so this should work.
snprintf( cmd, 2500 ,
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s %s%stopnm %s 2>> %s | "
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s %spnmscale -xysize %li %li - 2>> %s | "
// put all its stderr msgs into /dev/null
// so "jpegtopnm: WRITING PPM FILE" doesn't clog console
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s %sppmtojpeg - > %s 2>> %s"
, wdir , wdir , ext , in , logFile
, wdir , wdir , m_xysize , m_xysize , logFile
, wdir , wdir , out , logFile
// if they already have netpbm package installed use that then
static bool s_checked = false;
static bool s_hasNetpbm = false;
if ( ! s_checked ) {
s_checked = true;
File f;
s_hasNetpbm = f.doesExist() ;
if ( s_hasNetpbm )
snprintf( cmd, 2500 ,
"%stopnm %s 2>> %s | "
"pnmscale -xysize %li %li - 2>> %s | "
"ppmtojpeg - > %s 2>> %s"
, ext , in , logFile
, m_xysize , m_xysize , logFile
, out , logFile
// Call clone function for the shell to execute command
// This call WILL BLOCK . timeout is 30 seconds.
//int err = my_system_r( cmd, 30 ); // m_thmbconvTimeout );
int err = system( cmd ); // m_thmbconvTimeout );
//if( (m_dx != 0) && (m_dy != 0) )
// unlink( in );
unlink ( in );
if ( err == 127 ) {
log("image: /bin/sh does not exist.");
unlink ( out );
m_stopDownloading = true;
// this will happen if you don't upgrade glibc to 2.2.4-32 or above
if ( err != 0 ) {
log("image: Call to system(\"%s\") had error.",cmd);
unlink ( out );
m_stopDownloading = true;
// Open new file with thumbnail image
if( (fhndl = open( out, O_RDONLY )) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not open file, %s, for reading: %s.",
out, mstrerror( m_errno ) );
unlink ( out );
m_stopDownloading = true;
if( (m_thumbnailSize = lseek( fhndl, 0, SEEK_END )) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Seek of file, %s, returned invalid size: %ld",
out, m_thumbnailSize );
m_stopDownloading = true;
unlink ( out );
if( m_thumbnailSize > m_imgReplyMaxLen ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"image: Image thumbnail larger than buffer!" );
log(LOG_DEBUG,"image: File Read Bytes: %ld", m_thumbnailSize);
log(LOG_DEBUG,"image: Buf Max Bytes : %ld",m_imgReplyMaxLen );
log(LOG_DEBUG,"image: -----------------------" );
log(LOG_DEBUG,"image: Diff : %ld",
m_imgReplyMaxLen-m_thumbnailSize );
unlink ( out );
if( lseek( fhndl, 0, SEEK_SET ) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Seek couldn't rewind file, %s.", out );
m_stopDownloading = true;
unlink ( out );
// . Read contents back into image ptr
// . this is somewhat of a hack since it overwrites the original img
if( (m_thumbnailSize = read( fhndl, m_imgData, m_imgDataSize )) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not read from file, %s: %s.",
out, mstrerror( m_errno ) );
close( fhndl );
m_stopDownloading = true;
unlink( out );
if( close( fhndl ) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not close file, %s, for reading: %s.",
out, mstrerror( m_errno ) );
unlink( out );
m_stopDownloading = true;
unlink ( out );
fhndl = 0;
unlink( out );
long long stop = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// tell the loop above not to download anymore, we got one
m_thumbnailValid = true;
// MDW: this was m_imgReply
getImageInfo ( m_imgData , m_thumbnailSize , &m_tdx , &m_tdy , NULL );
// now make the meta data struct
// <imageUrl>\0<width><height><thumbnailData>
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Thumbnail size: %li bytes.", m_imgDataSize );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Thumbnail dx=%li dy=%li.", m_tdx,m_tdy );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Thumbnail generated in %lldms.", stop-start );
// . *it is the image type
void getImageInfo ( char *buf , long bufSize ,
long *dx , long *dy , long *it ) {
// default to zeroes
*dx = 0;
*dy = 0;
char *strPtr;
// get the dimensions of the image
if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "Exif" )) ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "image: Image Link: ");
log(LOG_DEBUG, "image: We currently do not handle EXIF image "
"types." );
// try the nextone
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "GIF" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_GIF;
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: GIF INFORMATION:" );
if( bufSize > 9 ) {
*dx = ((unsigned long)buf[7]) << 8;
*dx += (unsigned char)buf[6];
*dy = ((unsigned long)buf[9]) << 8;
*dy += (unsigned char)buf[8];
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "JFIF" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_JPG;
long i;
for( i = 0; i < bufSize; i++ ) {
if( bufSize < i+8 )
if( (unsigned char)buf[i] != 0xFF ) continue;
if( (unsigned char)buf[i+1] == 0xC0 ){
*dy = ((unsigned long)buf[i+5]) << 8;
*dy += (unsigned char)buf[i+6];
*dx = ((unsigned long)buf[i+7]) << 8;
*dx += (unsigned char)buf[i+8];
else if( (unsigned char) buf[i+1] == 0xC2 ) {
*dy = ((unsigned long)buf[i+5]) << 8;
*dy += (unsigned char)buf[i+6];
*dx = ((unsigned long)buf[i+7]) << 8;
*dx += (unsigned char)buf[i+8];
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "PNG" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_PNG;
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: PNG INFORMATION:" );
if( bufSize > 25 ) {
*dx=(unsigned long)(*(unsigned long *)&buf[16]);
*dy=(unsigned long)(*(unsigned long *)&buf[20]);
// these are in network order
*dx = ntohl(*dx);
*dy = ntohl(*dy);
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "MM" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_TIFF;
long startCnt = (unsigned long)buf[7]+4;
for( long i = startCnt; i < bufSize; i += 12 ) {
if( bufSize < i+10 )
if( buf[i] != 0x01 ) continue;
if( buf[i+1] == 0x01 )
*dy = (unsigned long)
(*(unsigned short *)&buf[i+8]);
else if( buf[i+1] == 0x00 )
*dx = (unsigned long)
(*(unsigned short *)&buf[i+8]);
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "II" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_TIFF;
long startCnt = (unsigned long)buf[7]+4;
for( long i = startCnt; i < bufSize; i += 12 ) {
if( bufSize < i+10 )
if( buf[i] == 0x01 && buf[i+1] == 0x01 )
*dy = (unsigned long)
(*(unsigned short *)&buf[i+8]);
if( buf[i] == 0x00 && buf[i+1] == 0x01 )
*dx = (unsigned long)
(*(unsigned short *)&buf[i+8]);
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "BM" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_BMP;
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: BMP INFORMATION:" );
if( bufSize > 27 ) {
*dx=(unsigned long)(*(unsigned long *)&buf[18]);
*dy=(unsigned long)(*(unsigned long *)&buf[22]);
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Image Corrupted? No type found in "
"data." );
// container is maxWidth X maxHeight, so try to fix widget in there
bool ThumbnailInfo::printThumbnailInHtml ( SafeBuf *sb ,
long maxWidth ,
long maxHeight,
bool printLink ,
long *retNewdx ,
char *style ,
char format ) {
if ( ! style ) style = "";
// account for scrollbar on the right
//maxSide -= (long)SCROLLBAR_WIDTH;
// avoid distortion.
// if image is wide, use that to scale
if ( m_dx <= 0 ) return true;
if ( m_dy <= 0 ) return true;
float xscale =
float yscale =
float min = xscale;
if ( yscale < min ) min = yscale;
long newdx = (long)((float)m_dx * min);
long newdy = (long)((float)m_dy * min);
// might be FORMAT_AJAX!
if ( printLink && format !=FORMAT_XML && format != FORMAT_JSON )
sb->safePrintf("<a href=%s>", getUrl() );
if ( format !=FORMAT_XML && format != FORMAT_JSON )
sb->safePrintf("<img width=%li height=%li align=left "
, newdx
, newdy
, style
if ( format == FORMAT_XML )
if ( format == FORMAT_JSON )
// encode image in base 64
sb->base64Encode ( getData(), m_dataSize , 0 ); // 0 niceness
if ( format !=FORMAT_XML && format != FORMAT_JSON ) {
if ( printLink ) sb->safePrintf ("</a>");
if ( format == FORMAT_XML )
if ( format == FORMAT_JSON )
// widget needs to know the width of the thumb for formatting
// the text either on top of the thumb or to the right of it
if ( retNewdx ) *retNewdx = newdx;
return true;
char *Images::getImageUrl ( long j , long *urlLen ) {
long node = m_imageNodes[j];
long srcLen = 0;
char *src = m_xml->getString(node,"src",&srcLen);
// maybe it was an og:image meta tag
if ( ! src )
src = m_xml->getString(node,"content",&srcLen);
// wtf?
if ( ! src )
log("image: image bad/null src");
*urlLen = srcLen;
return src;