mwells 87285ba3cd use gbmemcpy not memcpy so we can get profiler working again
since memcpy can't be interrupted and backtrace() called.
2015-01-13 12:25:42 -07:00

941 lines
26 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "PageNetTest.h"
//#include "CollectionRec.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Mime.h"
#include "sort.h"
PageNetTest g_pageNetTest;
static void netTestDoneWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t );
static void *netTestStartWrapper_r( void *state , ThreadEntry *t );
static void gotResultsWrapper ( void *state, TcpSocket *s );
int switchSort ( const void *p1, const void *p2 );
int send1Sort ( const void *p1, const void *p2 );
int receive1Sort( const void *p1, const void *p2 );
int send2Sort ( const void *p1, const void *p2 );
int receive2Sort( const void *p1, const void *p2 );
int hostSort ( const void *p1, const void *p2 );
int networkSort ( const void *p1, const void *p2 );
int testId1Sort ( const void *p1, const void *p2 );
int testId2Sort ( const void *p1, const void *p2 );
void controlNetTest( int fd, void *state ) {
if( !g_pageNetTest.isRunning() && g_pageNetTest.runNetTest() ) {
else if( g_pageNetTest.isRunning() && !g_pageNetTest.runNetTest() )
void PageNetTest::destructor() {
int32_t numHst = g_hostdb.getNumHosts();
for( int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_TEST_THREADS; i++ ) {
if( m_hostRates[i] ) mfree( m_hostRates[i],
sizeof(uint32_t *)*numHst,
"NT-fHostRate" );
m_hostRates[i] = NULL;
bool PageNetTest::init() {
// ignore for now
return true;
m_runNetTest = false;
m_running = false;
m_sock[0] = -1;
m_sock[1] = -1;
m_port[0] = 5066;
m_port[1] = 5067;
m_port[2] = 5066;
m_port[3] = 5067;
m_testDuration = 10;
m_testBytes = 10000000;
m_numSwitches = 0;
m_numHostsOnSwitch = 0;
m_fullDuplex = 0;
m_threadNum = 0;
m_hostId = g_hostdb.getHostId( g_hostdb.getMyIp(),
g_hostdb.getMyPort() );
m_switchId = g_hostdb.getHost( m_hostId )->m_switchId;
int32_t numHst = g_hostdb.getNumHosts();
for( int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
m_hostRates[i]=(uint32_t *)mmalloc(sizeof(uint32_t *)*
"NT-HostRate" );
if( !m_hostRates[i] ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log( "net: nettest: could not allocate %"INT32" bytes.",
sizeof(uint32_t *) * numHst);
return false;
memset( m_hostRates[i], 0, numHst * sizeof(uint32_t *) );
int32_t switchId = -1;
for( int32_t i = 0; i < g_hostdb.getNumHosts(); i++ ) {
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost( i );
if( switchId != h.m_switchId ) {
switchId = h.m_switchId;
if( switchId != m_switchId ) continue;
if( !m_firstHostOnSwitch ) m_firstHostOnSwitch = h.m_hostId;
m_lastHostOnSwitch = h.hostId;
if( (m_hostId == m_lastHostOnSwitch) && () ) {
m_testHostId = m_hostId++;
m_type = TEST_SEND;
else if( m_hostId == m_firstHostOnSwitch) {
m_testHostId = m_hostId--;
m_type = TEST_READ;
else {
if( (m_hostId - m_firstHostOnSwitch) % 2 ) {
if( m_hostId % 2 ) {
m_testHostId[0] = m_hostId - 1; m_testHostId[1] = m_hostId - 1;
m_testHostId[2] = m_hostId + 1; m_testHostId[3] = m_hostId + 1;
m_type[0] = TEST_READ ; m_type[1] = TEST_SEND ;
m_type[2] = TEST_READ ; m_type[3] = TEST_SEND ;
else {
m_testHostId[0] = m_hostId + 1; m_testHostId[1] = m_hostId + 1;
m_testHostId[2] = m_hostId - 1; m_testHostId[3] = m_hostId - 1;
m_type[0] = TEST_SEND ; m_type[1] = TEST_READ ;
m_type[2] = TEST_SEND ; m_type[3] = TEST_READ ;
for( int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_TEST_THREADS; i++ ) {
if( m_testHostId[i] < 0 )
m_testHostId[i] = g_hostdb.getNumHosts()-1;
if( m_testHostId[i] >= g_hostdb.getNumHosts() )
m_testHostId[i] = 0;
m_testIp[i] = g_hostdb.getHost( m_testHostId[i] )->m_ip;
if( (uint32_t)m_testIp[i] == g_hostdb.getMyIp() )
log( "net: nettest: cannot test two processes on the "
"same IP." );
char buf [16];
strcpy( buf, iptoa(g_hostdb.getMyIp()) );
char buf2[16];
strcpy( buf2, iptoa(m_testIp[0]) );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "net: nettest: hostId %"INT32" (%s) is on switch %"INT32" and "
"will test hostId %"INT32" (%s) as a %s on port %"INT32" first", m_hostId,
buf, m_switchId, (int32_t)m_testHostId, buf2,
(m_type[0] == TEST_SEND)?"sender":"receiver", m_port[0] );
memset ( m_sdgram , 'X' , NTDGRAM_SIZE );
memset ( m_calcTable, 0, MAX_TEST_THREADS*AVG_TABLE_SIZE );
return true;
void PageNetTest::reset() {
m_threadNum = 0;
m_threadReturned = 0;
memset ( m_calcTable, 0, MAX_TEST_THREADS*AVG_TABLE_SIZE );
for( int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
memset( m_hostRates[i], 0,
g_hostdb.getNumHosts() * sizeof(uint32_t *) );
bool PageNetTest::stop() {
m_running = false;
m_runNetTest = false;
m_numResultsSent = 0;
m_numResultsRecv = 0;
if( m_hostId == 0 ) collectResults();
return true;
bool PageNetTest::start() {
// MTS: Just in case someone finds a way to start this...
return false;
if( !m_runNetTest ) return false;
if( (m_threadNum % 2) == 0 ){
this ,
netTestDoneWrapper ,
netTestStartWrapper_r ) ) goto read;
netTestStart_r( false/*am thread?*/, m_threadNum );
goto read2;
else goto read2;
log( LOG_DEBUG, "net: nettest: called thread 1" );
if( !m_fullDuplex ) return false; //Wait until the thread returns
while((m_threadNum%2) != 1);
if( (m_threadNum % 2) == 1 ) {
this ,
netTestDoneWrapper ,
netTestStartWrapper_r ) ) {
return false;
netTestStart_r( false/*am thread?*/, m_threadNum );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "net: nettest: called thread 2" );
return true;
void netTestDoneWrapper( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
PageNetTest *THIS = (PageNetTest *)state;
void *netTestStartWrapper_r( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
PageNetTest *THIS = (PageNetTest *)state;
THIS->netTestStart_r( true /*am thread?*/, THIS->m_threadNum-1 );
return NULL;
bool PageNetTest::collectResults() {
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_coll );
if( m_numResultsSent >= g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ) return true;
char temp[64];
int32_t ip = g_hostdb.getHost( m_numResultsSent )->m_ip;
int32_t port = g_hostdb.getHost( m_numResultsSent )->m_httpPort;
//int32_t len = 0;
sprintf(temp, "http://%s:%"INT32"/get?rnettest=1", iptoa(ip), port);
log( LOG_DEBUG, "net: nettest: queried results from: %s", temp );
//Url u;
//u.set( temp, len );
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( temp ,// &u ,
0 , // ip
0 , //offset
-1 , //size
0 , //modifiedSince
this , //state
gotResultsWrapper , //callback
30*1000 , //timeout
cr->m_proxyIp , //proxyIp
cr->m_proxyPort , //proxyPort
200 , //maxTextLen
200 ) ) return false;
if ( g_errno ) {
g_errno = 0;
return gotResults ( NULL );
return true;
void gotResultsWrapper ( void *state, TcpSocket *s ) {
PageNetTest *THIS = (PageNetTest *)state;
if( !THIS->gotResults( s ) ) return;
bool PageNetTest::gotResults( TcpSocket *s ) {
char *buf;
int32_t bufLen, bufMaxLen;
HttpMime mime;
if ( g_errno ) {
log( "net: nettest: g_errno: %s", mstrerror(g_errno) );
g_errno = 0;
return false;
if ( !s ) return false;
buf = s->m_readBuf;
bufLen = s->m_readOffset;
bufMaxLen = s->m_readBufSize;
char temp[64];
int32_t len = 0;
len = sprintf(temp, "http://%s:%i/get?rnettest=1",
iptoa(s->m_ip), s->m_port);
Url u;
u.set( temp, len );
if ( !mime.set ( buf, bufLen, &u ) ) {
log( "net: nettest: MIME.set() failed." );
return false;
if ( mime.getHttpStatus() != 200 ) {
log( "net: nettest: MIME.getHttpStatus() failed." );
return false;
int32_t state = 0;
int32_t hostId = 0;
int32_t testId = 0;
if( !bufLen ) log( LOG_INFO, "net: nettest: we got an empty doc." );
buf += mime.getMimeLen();
bufLen -= mime.getMimeLen();
for( int32_t i = 0; i < bufLen; i++ ){
if( buf[i] == ' ' ) continue;
if( buf[i] == '\r' ) continue;
if( buf[i] == '\n' ) continue;
if( buf[i] < '0' ) continue;
if( state == 0 ) {
hostId = atoi(&buf[i]);
log( LOG_DEBUG, "net: nettest: host id is %"INT32"",
state = 1;
else if( state == 1 ) {
testId = atoi(&buf[i]);
log( LOG_DEBUG, "net: nettest: test id is %"INT32"",
state = 2;
else if( state == 2 ){
if( ((testId < hostId) || !hostId) && (testId) ) {
if( !m_hostRates[0][hostId] )
m_hostRates[0][hostId] = atoi(&buf[i]);
m_hostRates[2][hostId] = atoi(&buf[i]);
else {
if( !m_hostRates[2][hostId] )
m_hostRates[2][hostId] = atoi(&buf[i]);
m_hostRates[0][hostId] = atoi(&buf[i]);
state = 3;
log( LOG_DEBUG, "net: nettest: send rate is %d",
else if( state == 3 ) {
if( ((testId < hostId) || !hostId) && (testId) ) {
if( !m_hostRates[1][hostId] )
m_hostRates[1][hostId] = atoi(&buf[i]);
m_hostRates[3][hostId] = atoi(&buf[i]);
else {
if( !m_hostRates[3][hostId] )
m_hostRates[3][hostId] = atoi(&buf[i]);
m_hostRates[1][hostId] = atoi(&buf[i]);
state = 0;
log( LOG_DEBUG, "net: nettest: rcv rate is %d",
while( buf[i+1] >= '0' ) i++;
if( m_numResultsSent < g_hostdb.getNumHosts() )
return collectResults();
if( ++m_numResultsRecv < m_numResultsSent )
return false;
return true;
void PageNetTest::threadControl() {
//Increment done thread count
// If num of thread calls is equal to max, then we have
// completed our task and may exit now.
if( m_threadNum >= (MAX_TEST_THREADS)
&& m_threadReturned >= (MAX_TEST_THREADS) ) {
// If the num of threads is greater than
// the number of threads returned, we wait until it
// has returned.
if( m_threadNum > m_threadReturned ) return;
// If we have a full duplex test, we need 2 threads outstanding
if( m_fullDuplex && (m_threadNum % 2) ) {
bool PageNetTest::netTestStart_r( bool amThread, int32_t num ) {
int64_t endTime = 0;
int64_t calcTime = 0;
int32_t count;
int32_t index = 0;
m_running = true;
m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
endTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if( (m_sock[num] = openSock( num, m_type[num], &m_name[num],
m_port[num])) == -1 )
return false;
while( (endTime - m_startTime) < (m_testDuration * 1000) ) {
count = 0;
calcTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if( m_type[num] == TEST_READ )
count = readSock( m_sock[num] );
else if( m_type[num] == TEST_SEND )
count = sendSock( m_sock[num] );
endTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
float secs = (endTime - calcTime)/1000.0;
float mb = (float)count * 8.0 / (1024.0 * 1024.0);
float mbps = mb/secs;
log( LOG_INFO, "net: nettest: took %"INT64" ms to %s %"INT32" bytes at "
"%.2f Mbps", endTime - calcTime,
(m_type[num] == TEST_READ)?"receive":"send", count, mbps );
log( LOG_INFO, "net: nettest: run time %"INT64" s",
(endTime-m_startTime)/1000 );
m_calcTable[num][index] = (uint32_t)mbps;
if( ++index >= AVG_TABLE_SIZE ) index = 0;
if( !m_runNetTest ) break;
m_sock[num] = closeSock( m_sock[num] );
return true;
int PageNetTest::openSock( int32_t num, int32_t type, struct sockaddr_in *name,
int32_t port ) {
// set up our socket
int sock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM , 0 );
if ( sock < 0 ) {
log( "net: nettest: socket-%s",strerror(errno) );
return false;
// reset it all just to be safe
bzero((char *)name, sizeof(*name));
name->sin_family = AF_INET;
name->sin_addr.s_addr = 0; /*INADDR_ANY;*/
name->sin_port = htons(port);
// we want to re-use port it if we need to restart
int options = 1;
if ( setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR ,
&options,sizeof(options)) < 0 ) {
log( "net: nettest: setsockopt-%s", strerror(errno) );
return -1;
if( type == TEST_READ ) {
struct timeval timeo;
timeo.tv_sec = 0;
timeo.tv_usec = 500000;
if ( setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO,
&timeo,sizeof(timeo)) < 0 ) {
log( "net: nettest: setsockopt-%s", strerror(errno) );
return -1;
// bind this name to the socket
if ( bind ( sock, (struct sockaddr *)name, sizeof(*name)) < 0) {
close ( sock );
log( "net: nettest: bind on port %"UINT32": %s", port,
strerror(errno) );
return -1;
if( type == TEST_SEND ) {
m_to.sin_family = AF_INET;
m_to.sin_addr.s_addr = m_testIp[num];
m_to.sin_port = htons ( port );//2000 ) ; // m_port );
bzero ( &(m_to.sin_zero) , 8 );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "net: nettest: open socket for %s on port %"INT32" to %s",
(type == TEST_SEND)?"sending":"receiving", port,
iptoa(m_testIp[num]) );
return sock;
int PageNetTest::closeSock( int sock ) {
close( sock );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "net: nettest: socket closed" );
return -1;
int32_t PageNetTest::readSock( int sock ) {
int n;
unsigned int fromLen;
int32_t count = 0;
// send more than expected to make up for losses
while( count < m_testBytes ) {
if( !m_runNetTest ) return count;
fromLen = sizeof ( struct sockaddr );
n = recvfrom( sock, m_rdgram, NTDGRAM_SIZE, 0,
(sockaddr *)&m_from, &fromLen );
if ( n <= 0 ) {log( "net: nettest: recvfrom:%s",
strerror(errno) );}
else {count += n;}
if( (gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - m_startTime) >
(m_testDuration * 1000) )
return count;
return count;
int32_t PageNetTest::sendSock( int sock ) {
int n;
unsigned int toLen;
int32_t count = 0;
// send more than expected to make up for losses
int32_t nn = m_testBytes * 10;
toLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
while( count < nn ) {
if( !m_runNetTest ) return count;
n = sendto( sock, m_sdgram, NTDGRAM_SIZE, 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&m_to, toLen );
if ( n != NTDGRAM_SIZE ) log("net: nettest: sendto:%s",
else count += n;
if( (gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - m_startTime) >
(m_testDuration * 1000) )
return count;
return count;
bool PageNetTest::controls( TcpSocket *s, HttpRequest *r ) {
char buf [ 64*1024 ];
char *p = buf;
char *pend = buf + 64*1024;
// password, too
int32_t pwdLen = 0;
char *pwd = r->getString ( "pwd" , &pwdLen );
if ( pwdLen > 31 ) pwdLen = 31;
char pbuf [32];
if ( pwdLen > 0 ) strncpy ( pbuf , pwd , pwdLen );
int32_t hids[MAX_HOSTS];
int32_t numHosts = g_hostdb.getNumHosts();
int32_t len = 0;
char *coll = r->getString( "c", &len );
gbmemcpy( m_coll, coll, len );
//int32_t ntnd = r->getLong( "ntnd", 0 );
//int32_t rcv = r->getLong( "ntrs", 0 );
m_testBytes = r->getLong( "ntb" , m_testBytes );
m_port[0] = r->getLong( "ntp1" , m_port[0] );
m_port[1] = r->getLong( "ntp2" , m_port[1] );
m_port[2] = m_port[0];
m_port[3] = m_port[1];
m_testDuration = r->getLong( "ntd" , m_testDuration );
m_fullDuplex = r->getLong( "ntfd" , m_fullDuplex );
int32_t sort = r->getLong( "sort", 7 );
m_runNetTest = r->getLong( "rnt", m_runNetTest );
//if( ntnd ) return true;
p = g_pages.printAdminTop ( p , pend , s , r );
// PageNetTest html controls page goes below.
sprintf( p, "<table width=100%% bgcolor=#%s border=1 cellpadding=4>"
"<tr><td bgcolor=#%s colspan=2><center><font size=+1><b>"
"Network Test/Discovery Tool</b></font></center></td></tr>",
p += gbstrlen( p );
char temp[20];
sprintf( temp, "&ntfd=%d&cast=1", (m_fullDuplex)?0:1 );
sprintf( p, "<tr><td><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Test Duration"
"</span><br><font size=-1>The number of seconds each test "
"should last. Default: 10</font></td>"
"<td><input name=ntd value=%"INT32" type=text></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Test Port 1"
"</span><br><font size=-1>The port number to use for testing."
" Default:5066</font></td>"
"<td><input name=ntp1 value=%"INT32" type=text></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Test Port 2"
"</span><br><font size=-1>The port number to use for testing."
" Default:5067</font></td>"
"<td><input name=ntp2 value=%"INT32" type=text></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Test Bytes"
"</span><br><font size=-1>The number of bytes to test the "
"transfer rate. Default:10000000</font></td>"
"<td><input name=ntb value=%"INT32" type=text></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Test Full Duplex"
"</span><br><font size=-1>Tests full duplex (transmit and "
"receive simultaneously) otherwise runs half duplex. "
"Requires threads to be enabled. Default: OFF</font>"
"</td><td bgcolor=#%s "
"style=\"font-weight:bold;text-align:center;\"><a "
"<tr><td><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Run Test"
"</span><br><span style=\"float:left;font-size:smaller;\">"
"Starts/stops the network test.</span>"
"<span style=\"float:right;font-weight:bold;color:red;\">"
"<td bgcolor=#%s "
//"<a href=\"/admin/nettest?c=%s&pwd=&rnt=%d&cast=1\">"
"<span style=\"text-decoration:underline;\">%s</span>"
"<input name=submit value=Submit type=submit></center>",
m_testDuration, m_port[0], m_port[1], m_testBytes,
(m_fullDuplex)?"00ff00":"ff0000", coll,
(g_conf.m_useThreads)?((m_fullDuplex)?"ON":"OFF"):"THREADS OFF",
//coll, (m_runNetTest)?0:1,
(m_runNetTest)?"ON":"OFF" );
p += gbstrlen( p );
// only print on Host 0 page
if( m_hostId ) goto sendPage;
for( int32_t i = 0; i < numHosts; i++ ) hids[i] = i;
switch( sort ) {
case 1: gbsort( hids, numHosts, sizeof(int32_t), switchSort ); break;
case 2: gbsort( hids, numHosts, sizeof(int32_t), networkSort ); break;
case 3: gbsort( hids, numHosts, sizeof(int32_t), send1Sort ); break;
case 4: gbsort( hids, numHosts, sizeof(int32_t), receive1Sort ); break;
case 5: gbsort( hids, numHosts, sizeof(int32_t), send2Sort ); break;
case 6: gbsort( hids, numHosts, sizeof(int32_t), receive2Sort ); break;
case 7: gbsort( hids, numHosts, sizeof(int32_t), hostSort ); break;
case 8: gbsort( hids, numHosts, sizeof(int32_t), testId1Sort ); break;
case 9: gbsort( hids, numHosts, sizeof(int32_t), testId2Sort ); break;
// width=100%% ??
sprintf( p, "<br><br>"
"<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">"
"Results (in Mbps)</div>"
"<table border=1 cellpadding=4 "
"style=\"empty-cells: hide;\" bgcolor=#%s>", LIGHT_BLUE );
p += gbstrlen( p );
for( int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_TEST_THREADS + 5; i++ ) {
if ( i == 1 ) sprintf( p, "<tr><th width=20 bgcolor=#%s>"
"<a href=\"/admin/nettest?c=%s&"
"sort=1\">Switch Id</a></th>",
DARK_BLUE, coll );
else if( i == 2 ) sprintf( p, "<tr><th bgcolor=#%s>"
"<a href=\"/admin/nettest?c=%s&"
"sort=2\">Switch Id</a></th>",
DARK_BLUE, coll );
else if( i == 3 ) sprintf( p, "<tr><th bgcolor=#%s>"
"<a href=\"/admin/nettest?c=%s&"
"sort=8\">Test #1 Host Id</a></th>",
DARK_BLUE, coll );
else if( i == 4 ) sprintf( p, "<tr><th bgcolor=#%s>"
"<a href=\"/admin/nettest?c=%s&"
"sort=3\">Test #1 Send</a></th>",
DARK_BLUE, coll );
else if( i == 5 ) sprintf( p, "<tr><th bgcolor=#%s>"
"<a href=\"/admin/nettest?c=%s&"
"sort=4\">Test #1 Recv</a></th>",
DARK_BLUE, coll );
else if( i == 6 ) sprintf( p, "<tr><th bgcolor=#%s>"
"<a href=\"/admin/nettest?c=%s&"
"sort=9\">Test #2 Host Id</a></th>",
DARK_BLUE, coll );
else if( i == 7 ) sprintf( p, "<tr><th bgcolor=#%s>"
"<a href=\"/admin/nettest?c=%s&"
"sort=5\">Test #2 Send</a></th>",
DARK_BLUE, coll );
else if( i == 8 ) sprintf( p, "<tr><th bgcolor=#%s>"
"<a href=\"/admin/nettest?c=%s&"
"sort=6\">Test #2 Recv</a></th>",
DARK_BLUE, coll );
else sprintf( p, "<tr><th bgcolor=#%s>"
"<a href=\"/admin/nettest?c=%s&"
"sort=7\">Host Id</a></th>",
DARK_BLUE, coll );
p += gbstrlen( p );
for( int32_t j = 0; j < numHosts; j++ ) {
if ( i == 1 ) {
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(hids[j]);
int32_t switchGroup = 0;
if ( g_hostdb.m_indexSplits > 1 )
switchGroup = h->m_shardNum %
sprintf( p, "<td>%"INT32"</td>", switchGroup );
else if( i == 2 ) {
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(hids[j]);
sprintf( p, "<td>%d</td>", h->m_switchId );
else if( i == 0 ) {
sprintf( p, "<th bgcolor=#%s>%"UINT32"</th>",
DARK_BLUE, hids[j] );
else if( i == 3 ) {
int32_t tid = (hids[j]%2)?(hids[j]+1):(hids[j]-1);
if( tid < 0 ) tid = numHosts-1;
if( tid >= numHosts ) tid = 0;
sprintf( p, "<td>%"UINT32"</td>", tid );
else if( i > 3 && i < 6 ) {
sprintf( p, "<td>%"UINT32"</td>",
m_hostRates[i-4][hids[j]] );
else if( i == 6 ) {
int32_t tid = (hids[j]%2)?(hids[j]-1):(hids[j]+1);
if( tid < 0 ) tid = numHosts-1;
if( tid >= numHosts ) tid = 0;
sprintf( p, "<td>%"UINT32"</td>", tid );
else if( i > 6 ) {
sprintf( p, "<td>%"UINT32"</td>",
m_hostRates[i-5][hids[j]] );
p += gbstrlen( p );
sprintf( p, "</tr>" );
p += gbstrlen( p );
sprintf( p, "</table>" );
p += gbstrlen( p );
// PageNetTest html control page ends here.
int32_t bufLen = p - buf;
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , buf , bufLen );
bool sendPageNetTest( TcpSocket *s, HttpRequest *r ) {
return g_pageNetTest.controls( s, r );
//This page is retrieved via the PageGet class.
//The url would look like http://host:port/get?rnettest=1
bool PageNetTest::resultsPage( TcpSocket *s ) {//, HttpRequest *r ) {
char buf [ 64*1024 ];
char *p = buf;
// PageNetTest results page starts here.
// Information is printed out as:
// HostId TestHostId SendRate RcvRate\r\n (TEST #1)
// HostId TestHostId SendRate RcvRate\r\n (TEST #2)
int64_t avg[4];
for( int32_t j = 0; j < 4 ; j++ ) {
avg[j] = 0;
int32_t i;
for( i = 0; i < 50 && m_calcTable[j][i]; i++ )
avg[j] += m_calcTable[j][i];
if( i ) avg[j] /= i;
if( m_type[0] == TEST_SEND )
sprintf( p, "%"INT32" %"INT32" %"UINT64" %"UINT64"\r\n", m_hostId, m_testHostId[0],
avg[0], avg[1] );
sprintf( p, "%"INT32" %"INT32" %"UINT64" %"UINT64"\r\n", m_hostId, m_testHostId[0],
avg[1], avg[0] );
p += gbstrlen( p );
if( m_type[2] == TEST_SEND )
sprintf( p, "%"INT32" %"INT32" %"UINT64" %"UINT64"\r\n", m_hostId, m_testHostId[1],
avg[2], avg[3] );
sprintf( p, "%"INT32" %"INT32" %"UINT64" %"UINT64"\r\n", m_hostId, m_testHostId[1],
avg[3], avg[2] );
p += gbstrlen( p );
// PageNetTest results page ends here.
int32_t bufLen = p - buf;
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , buf , bufLen );
bool sendPageNetResult( TcpSocket *s ) {//, HttpRequest *r ) {
return g_pageNetTest.resultsPage( s );
//Results Table Sort Functions
//Sort switch groups ascending.
int switchSort( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost(*(int32_t *)p1);
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost(*(int32_t *)p2);
int32_t sg1 = 0;
int32_t sg2 = 0;
if ( g_hostdb.m_indexSplits > 1 ) {
sg1 = h1->m_shardNum % g_hostdb.m_indexSplits;
sg2 = h2->m_shardNum % g_hostdb.m_indexSplits;
return (sg1-sg2);
//Sort left neighbor send descending.
int send1Sort( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) {
int32_t s1 = g_pageNetTest.getSend1(*(int32_t *)p1);
int32_t s2 = g_pageNetTest.getSend1(*(int32_t *)p2);
return (s2-s1);
//Sort left neighbor receive descending.
int receive1Sort( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) {
int32_t r1 = g_pageNetTest.getReceive1(*(int32_t *)p1);
int32_t r2 = g_pageNetTest.getReceive1(*(int32_t *)p2);
return (r2-r1);
//Sort right neighbor send descending.
int send2Sort( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) {
int32_t s1 = g_pageNetTest.getSend2(*(int32_t *)p1);
int32_t s2 = g_pageNetTest.getSend2(*(int32_t *)p2);
return (s2-s1);
//Sort right neighbor receive descending.
int receive2Sort( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) {
int32_t r1 = g_pageNetTest.getReceive2(*(int32_t *)p1);
int32_t r2 = g_pageNetTest.getReceive2(*(int32_t *)p2);
return (r2-r1);
//Sort host ids ascending.
int hostSort( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) {
return ((*(int32_t *)p1) - (*(int32_t *)p2));
//Sort switch ids ascending.
int networkSort( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) {
Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost(*(int32_t *)p1);
Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost(*(int32_t *)p2);
return (h1->m_switchId-h2->m_switchId);
//Sort test #1 host ids ascending.
int testId1Sort( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) {
int32_t id1 = ((*(int32_t *)p1)%2)?((*(int32_t *)p1)+1):((*(int32_t *)p1)-1);
int32_t id2 = ((*(int32_t *)p2)%2)?((*(int32_t *)p2)+1):((*(int32_t *)p2)-1);
int32_t numHosts = g_hostdb.getNumHosts();
if( id1 < 0 ) id1 = numHosts-1;
if( id1 >= numHosts ) id1 = 0;
if( id2 < 0 ) id2 = numHosts-1;
if( id2 >= numHosts ) id2 = 0;
return (id1 - id2);
//Sort test #2 host ids ascending.
int testId2Sort( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) {
int32_t id1 = ((*(int32_t *)p1)%2)?((*(int32_t *)p1)-1):((*(int32_t *)p1)+1);
int32_t id2 = ((*(int32_t *)p2)%2)?((*(int32_t *)p2)-1):((*(int32_t *)p2)+1);
int32_t numHosts = g_hostdb.getNumHosts();
if( id1 < 0 ) id1 = numHosts-1;
if( id1 >= numHosts ) id1 = 0;
if( id2 < 0 ) id2 = numHosts-1;
if( id2 >= numHosts ) id2 = 0;
return (id1 - id2);