mwells 37a9e82060 update the dirty word list. but we still
should remove tags, except maybe outlinks,
and detect the dirty words on what remains.
getting too many false positives in tags still.
2013-10-15 01:01:19 -07:00

179 lines
5.3 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Jun 2000
// . class to parse an html MIME header
#ifndef _HTTPMIME_H_
#define _HTTPMIME_H_
#include <time.h>
void getTime ( char *s , int *sec , int *min , int *hour ) ;
long getMonth ( char *s ) ;
long getWeekday ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime1 ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime2 ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime3 ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime4 ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime5 ( char *s ) ;
// the various content types
#define CT_UNKNOWN 0
#define CT_HTML 1
#define CT_TEXT 2
#define CT_XML 3
#define CT_PDF 4
#define CT_DOC 5
#define CT_XLS 6
#define CT_PPT 7
#define CT_PS 8
// images
#define CT_GIF 9
#define CT_JPG 10
#define CT_PNG 11
#define CT_TIFF 12
#define CT_BMP 13
#define CT_JS 14
#define CT_CSS 15
#define CT_JSON 16
#define CT_IMAGE 17
#define ET_IDENTITY 0
#define ET_GZIP 1
#define ET_COMPRESS 2
#define ET_DEFLATE 3
extern char *g_contentTypeStrings[];
#include <time.h> // time_t mktime()
#include "Url.h"
class HttpMime {
bool init ( ) ;
void reset() ;
HttpMime () ;
// . returns false and sets errno if could not get a valid mime
// . just copies bits and pieces so you can free "mime" whenever
// . we need "url" to set m_locUrl if it's a relative redirect
bool set ( char *httpReply , long replyLen , Url *url );
// these 2 sets are used to dress up a fake mime for passing
// to TitleRec::set() called from Msg16 getDoc() routine
void setLastModifiedDate ( time_t date ) { m_lastModifiedDate = date;};
void setContentType ( long t ) { m_contentType = t; };
void setHttpStatus ( long status ) { m_status = status; };
// http status: 404, 200, etc.
long getHttpStatus () { return m_status; };
char *getContent () { return m_content; };
long getContentLen () { return m_contentLen; };
time_t getLastModifiedDate() { return m_lastModifiedDate; };
long getContentType () { return m_contentType; };
bool isEmpty () { return ( m_status == -1); };
Url *getLocationUrl () { return &m_locUrl; };
char *getCookie () { return m_cookie; };
long getCookieLen () { return m_cookieLen; };
// new stuff for Msg13.cpp to use
char *getLocationField () { return m_locationField; }
long getLocationFieldLen () { return m_locationFieldLen; }
// compute length of a possible mime starting at "buf"
long getMimeLen ( char *buf , long bufLen , long *boundaryLen ) ;
// . used to create a mime
// . if bytesToSend is < 0 that means send totalContentLen (all doc)
// . if lastModified is 0 we take the current time and use that
// . cacheTime is how long for browser to cache this page in seconds
// . a cacheTime of -2 means do not cache at all
// . a cacheTime of -1 means do not cache when moving forward,
// but when hitting the back button, serve cached results
// . a cache time of 0 means use local caching rules
// . any other cacheTime is an explicit time to cache the page for
// . httpStatus of -1 means to auto determine
void makeMime ( long totalContentLen ,
long cacheTime =-1 , // -1-->noBackCache
time_t lastModified = 0 ,
long offset = 0 ,
long bytesToSend =-1 ,
char *ext = NULL,
bool POSTReply = false,
char *contentType = NULL ,
char *charset = NULL ,
long httpStatus = -1 ,
char *cookie = NULL );
// make a redirect mime
void makeRedirMime ( char *redirUrl , long redirUrlLen );
char *getMime ( ) { return m_buf; };
// does this include the last \r\n\r\n? yes!
long getMimeLen ( ) { return m_bufLen; };
long getBoundaryLen ( ) { return m_boundaryLen; };
char *getCharset ( ) { return m_charset ; };
long getCharsetLen ( ) { return m_charsetLen; };
long getContentEncoding () {return m_contentEncoding;}
char *getContentEncodingPos() {return m_contentEncodingPos;}
char *getContentLengthPos() {return m_contentLengthPos;}
// private:
// . sets m_status, m_contentLen , ...
// . we need "url" to set m_locUrl if it's a relative redirect
bool parse ( char *mime , long mimeLen , Url *url );
// converts a string contentType like "text/html" to a long
long getContentTypePrivate ( char *s ) ;
// convert a file extension like "gif" to "images/gif"
const char *getContentTypeFromExtension ( char *ext ) ;
// used for bz2, gz files
const char *getContentEncodingFromExtension ( char *ext ) ;
// these are set by calling set() above
long m_status;
char *m_content;
long m_contentLen;
time_t m_lastModifiedDate;
long m_contentType;
Url m_locUrl;
char *m_locationField ;
long m_locationFieldLen ;
// buf used to hold a mime we create
char m_buf[1024];
long m_bufLen;
long m_contentEncoding;
char *m_contentEncodingPos;
char *m_contentLengthPos;
// the size of the terminating boundary, either 1 or 2 bytes.
// just the last \n in the case of a \n\n or \r in the case
// of a \r\r, but it is the full \r\n in the case of a last \r\n\r\n
long m_boundaryLen;
// Content-Type: text/html;charset=euc-jp // japanese (euc-jp)
// Content-Type: text/html;charset=gb2312 // chinese (gb2312)
char *m_charset;
long m_charsetLen;
char *m_cookie;
long m_cookieLen;