2014-03-12 20:56:27 -07:00

178 lines
9.4 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Errno.h"
// use our own errno so threads don't fuck with it
int g_errno;
char *mstrerror ( int errnum ) {
return mstrerrno ( errnum );
char *mstrerrno ( int errnum ) {
switch ( errnum ) {
case EDUMPFAILED : return "Tree dump failed";
case ETRYAGAIN : return "Try doing it again";
case ECLOSING : return "Add denied, db is closing";
case ENOTFOUND : return "Record not found";
case EHOSTNAMETOOBIG : return "Hostname too big";
case EOUTOFSOCKETS : return "No more sockets";
case EURLTOOBIG : return "Too many chars in url";
case ENOSITEDEFAULT : return "Could not get the default tagdb record";
case EBADREPLYSIZE : return "Reply is wrong length";
case EBADREPLY : return "Something is wrong with reply";
case EREPLYTOOSMALL : return "Reply is too small";
case EREQUESTTOOSHORT : return "Request length too short";
case EBADREQUESTSIZE : return "Request length not correct";
case EBADREQUEST : return "Bad request";
case ENOTSUPPORTED : return "Operation not yet supported";
case EBADHOSTID : return "Someone tried to use a bad hostId";
case EBADENGINEER : return "Bad engineer";
case EISCLOSING : return "Can not add because db is closing";
case EDATANOTOWNED : return "Trying to write on data not owned";
case EDATAUNPATCHABLE : return "Got corrupt data that cannot be patched";
case EBADRDBID : return "Bad Rdb id";
case EBUFTOOSMALL : return "Buf too small";
case ECOMPRESSFAILED : return "Compress failed";
case EUNCOMPRESSERROR : return "Uncompress failed";
case EBADTITLEREC : return "Bad cached document";
case EMISSINGQUERYTERMS:return "Document is missing query terms";
case EBADLIST : return "Bad list";
case ENODOCID : return "No docid";
case ENOHOSTS : return "Multicast can not find any hosts";
case ENOSLOTS : return "No udp slots available";
case ENOTHREADSLOTS : return "No room for thread in thread queue";
case EBADNUMHOSTS : return "Hostdb error";
case EFILEOPEN : return "Error opening or reading a file in Sitedb";
case EURLTOOLONG : return "Url too long";
case EDOCBINARY : return "Doc binary";
case EDOCADULT : return "Doc adult";
case EDOCBANNED : return "Doc banned";
case EDOCFORCEDELETE : return "Doc force deleted";
case EDOCURLSPAM : return "Url detected as spam or porn";
case EDOCSPAM : return "Doc detected as spam";
case EDOCLINKBANNED : return "Doc is link banned";
case EDOCCGI : return "Doc is CGI";
case EDOCURLIP : return "Doc url is IP based";
case EDOCBADCONTENTTYPE : return "Doc bad content type";
case EDOCQUALITYLOW : return "Doc quality too low";
case EDOCBADHTTPSTATUS : return "Doc bad http status";
case EDOCREDIRECTSTOSELF:return "Doc redirects to self";
case EDOCTOOMANYREDIRECTS: return "Doc redirected too much";
case EDOCSIMPLIFIEDREDIR : return "Doc redirected to simpler url";
case EDOCBADREDIRECTURL : return "Doc bad redirect url";
case EDOCTOOBIG : return "Doc too big";
case EDOCTOOSMALL : return "Doc too small";
case EDOCTOOOLD : return "Doc too old";
case EDOCTOONEW : return "Doc too new";
//case EDOCNOTNEW : return "Doc not new";
//case EDOCNOTOLD : return "Doc not old";
case EDOCNOTMODIFIED : return "Doc not modified";
case EDOCUNCHANGED : return "Doc unchanged";
case EDOCUNCHANGED2 : return "Doc pretty much unchanged";
case EDOCDUP : return "Doc is a dup";
case EDOCDUPWWW : return "Doc is dup of a www url";
case EDOCQUOTABREACH : return "Doc would breach the page quota";
case EDOCDISALLOWED : return "robots.txt disallows this url";
case EDOCNOINDEX : return "Meta robots tag says not to index";
case EDOCNOINDEX2 : return "Sitedb or url filters prohibit indexing";
case EDOCASIAN : return "Asian charset disallowed";
case EDOCWRONGIP : return "Doc has wrong IP";
case EDOCNODOLLAR : return "Doc has no dollar sign";
case EDOCNONUMBERS : return "Doc does not have double digits in url";
case EDOCHASRSSFEED : return "Doc has an RSS to be followed";
case EDOCNOTRSS : return "Doc not linked to by RSS as required";
case EDOCISANCHORRSS : return "Doc's RSS uses relative anchors "
"(pound sign)";
case EDOCHASBADRSS : return "Doc is linked to by RSS with bad format";
case EDOCISSERP : return "Doc is a search results page";
case ETOOMANYLISTS : return "Too many lists";
case ETOOMANYFILES : return "Too many files already";
case EQUERYTOOBIG : return "Query too big";
case EQUERYTRUNCATED : return "Query was truncated";
case ETOOMANYOPERANDS : return "Boolean query has too many operands";
case ENOTLOCAL : return "DocId is not local";
case ETCPTIMEDOUT : return "Tcp operation timed out";
case EUDPTIMEDOUT : return "Udp reply timed out";
case ESOCKETCLOSED : return "Device disconnected (POLL_HUP)";
case EBADMIME : return "Bad mime";
case ENOHOSTSFILE : return "No hosts.conf file";
case ENOHOSTIP : return "hosts.conf file missing an IP entry for a "
case EURLHASNOIP : return "Url has no IP";
case EBADIP : return "Bad IP";
case EMSGTOOBIG : return "Msg is too big";
case EDNSBAD : return "DNS sent an unknown response code";
case EDNSREFUSED : return "DNS refused to talk";
case EDNSDEAD : return "DNS hostname does not exist";
case EDNSTIMEDOUT : return "DNS timed out";
case ECOLLTOOBIG : return "Collection is too long";
case ESTRIKEOUT : return "Retried enough times, deleting doc";
case ENOPERM : return "Permission Denied";
case ECORRUPTDATA : return "Corrupt data";
case ENOCOLLREC : return "No collection record";
case ESHUTTINGDOWN : return "Shutting down the server";
case EHOSTDEAD : return "Host is marked as dead";
case EBADFILE : return "File is bad";
case ETOOEARLY : return "Need to wait longer";
case EFILECLOSED : return "Read on closed file";//close on our thread
case ELISTTOOBIG : return "List is too big";
case ECANCELLED : return "Transaction was cancelled";
//case EHAMMERIP : return "Downloading page would hammer IP";
//case EHAMMERDOMAIN : return "Downloading page would hammer domain";
case EDOCLANG : return "Document is wrong language";
case EBUYFEED : return "Contact us to buy a search feed";
case EBADCHARSET : return "Unsupported charset";
case ETOOMANYDOWNLOADS : return "Too many outstanding http downloads";
case EBADPROXY : return "Admin request not supported by proxy";
case ELINKLOOP : return "Url is repeating path components";
case ENOCACHE : return "Page disallows caching";
case EREPAIRING : return "Can not add data to host in repair mode";
case ECANCELACK : return "Read a cancel ack, destroy the slot";
case EBADURL : return "Malformed url";
case EDOCFILTERED : return "Doc is filtered by URL filters";
case ESSLNOTREADY : return "SSL tcpserver not ready";
case ERESTRICTEDPAGE : return "Page is /admin or /master and restricted";
//case ESPIDERRECDUP : return "Duplicate spiderdb record";
case EDOCISERRPG : return "Doc is error page";
case EFORCED : return "Doc was force respidered";
case EDISABLED : return "Injection is disabled in Master Controls";
case ETAGBREACH : return "Sections parser ran out of tag stack space";
case EDISKSTUCK : return "Disk is stuck";
case EDOCHIJACKED : return "Doc is hijacked";
case EDOCREPEATSPAMMER: return "Doc is repetitive spam";
case EDOCEVILREDIRECT : return "Doc evil redirect url";
case EDOCBADSECTIONS : return "Doc has malformed sections";
case EDOCBADDATES : return "Doc has malformed dates or dates overflow";
case EBADGEOCODERREPLY: return "Geocoder returned bad reply or timed out";
case EBUFOVERFLOW : return "Static buffer overflow";
case EPLSRESUBMIT : return "The system was restarted. Please resubmit your evaluation.";
case EURLBADYEAR : return "Url contained an out of usable range year";
case EABANDONED : return "Injection is abandoned";
case ECORRUPTHTTPGZIP : return "Http server returned corrupted gzip";
case EDOCIDCOLLISION : return "DocId collision in titledb";
case ESSLERROR : return "SSL error of some kind";
case EPERMDENIED : return "Permission denied";
case ENOFUNDS : return "Not enough funds in account";
case EDIFFBOTINTERNALERROR: return "Diffbot internal error";
case EDIFFBOTMIMEERROR: return "Diffbot mime error";
case EDIFFBOTBADHTTPSTATUS: return "Diffbot reply bad http status";
case EHITCRAWLLIMIT: return "Hit the page download limit";
case EHITPROCESSLIMIT: return "Hit the page process limit";
case EINTERNALERROR: return "Internal error";
case EBADJSONPARSER: return "Bad JSON parser";
case EFAKEFIRSTIP: return "Fake firstIp";
case EBADHOSTSCONF: return "A hosts.conf is out of sync";
case EWAITINGTOSYNCHOSTSCONF: return "Wait to ensure hosts.conf in sync";
case EDOCNONCANONICAL: return "Url was dup of canonical page";
case ECUSTOMCRAWLMISMATCH: return "Job name/type mismatch. Job name has already been used for a crawl or bulk job.";
// if the remote error bit is clear it must be a regulare errno
//if ( ! ( errnum & REMOTE_ERROR_BIT ) ) return strerror ( errnum );
// otherwise, try it with it cleared
//return mstrerrno ( errnum & (~REMOTE_ERROR_BIT) );
return strerror ( errnum );