
2951 lines
98 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "HashTable.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "Users.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h" // gbzip
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "Proxy.h"
#include "PageCrawlBot.h"
// a global class extern'd in .h file
HttpServer g_httpServer;
// this is defined in PageEvents.cpp
//bool sendPageSiteMap ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) ;
bool sendPageApi ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) ;
bool sendPageAnalyze ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) ;
// we get like 100k submissions a day!!!
static HashTable s_htable;
static bool s_init = false;
static long s_lastTime = 0;
// declare our C functions
static void requestHandlerWrapper ( TcpSocket *s ) ;
static void cleanUp ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) ;
static void getMsgPieceWrapper ( int fd , void *state /*sockDesc*/ );
static void getSSLMsgPieceWrapper ( int fd , void *state /*sockDesc*/ );
// we now use the socket descriptor as state info for TcpServer instead of
// the TcpSocket ptr in case it got destroyed
static long getMsgPiece ( TcpSocket *s );
static void gotDocWrapper ( void *state, TcpSocket *s );
static void handleRequestfd ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) ;
//bool sendPageAbout ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r , char *path ) ;
static long s_numOutgoingSockets = 0;
// reset the tcp servers
void HttpServer::reset() {
s_numOutgoingSockets = 0;
bool HttpServer::init ( short port,
short sslPort,
void handlerWrapper( TcpSocket *s )) {
// our mime table that maps a file extension to a content type
HttpMime mm;
if ( ! mm.init() ) return false;
// make it essentially infinite
//m_maxOpenSockets = 1000000;
//well, not infinite
m_maxOpenSockets = g_conf.m_httpMaxSockets;
m_uncompressedBytes = m_bytesDownloaded = 1;
//if we haven't been given the handlerwrapper, use default
//used only by proxy right now
// qatest sets up a client-only httpserver, so don't set a
// handlerWrapper if no listening port
if (!handlerWrapper && (port || sslPort))
handlerWrapper = requestHandlerWrapper;
if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0xfd , handleRequestfd ) )
return false;
// set our base TcpServer class
if ( ! m_tcp.init( *handlerWrapper ,
getMsgSize ,
getMsgPiece ,
port ,
//&g_conf.m_httpMaxSockets ) ) return false;
&m_maxOpenSockets ) ) return false;
//g_conf.m_httpMaxReadBufSize ,
//g_conf.m_httpMaxSendBufSize ) ) return false;
// set our secure TcpServer class
if ( ! m_ssltcp.init ( handlerWrapper,
true ) ) {
// this was required for communicating with an email alert
// web server, but no longer do i use them
//return false;
// don't break, just log and don't do SSL
log ( "https: SSL Server Failed To Init, Continuing..." );
// log an innocent msg
log(LOG_INIT,"http: Listening on TCP port %i with sd=%i",
port, m_tcp.m_sock );
// log for https
if (m_ssltcp.m_ready)
log(LOG_INIT,"https: Listening on TCP port %i with sd=%i",
sslPort, m_ssltcp.m_sock );
return true;
// . get a url's document
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . IMPORTANT: we free doc/docLen, so NULLify s->m_readBuf if you want it
// . IMPORTANT: same goes for s->m_sendBuf
// . timeout in milliseconds since no read OR no write
// . proxyIp is 0 if we don't have one
bool HttpServer::getDoc ( char *url ,
long ip ,
long offset ,
long size ,
time_t ifModifiedSince ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) ,
long timeout ,
long proxyIp ,
short proxyPort,
long maxTextDocLen ,
long maxOtherDocLen ,
char *userAgent ,
//bool respectDownloadLimit ,
char *proto ,
bool doPost ,
char *cookie ,
char *additionalHeader ,
char *fullRequest ,
char *postContent ) {
// sanity
if ( ip == -1 )
log("http: you probably didn't mean to set ip=-1 did you? "
"try setting to 0.");
// ignore if -1 as well
if ( proxyIp == -1 ) proxyIp = 0;
//log(LOG_WARN, "http: get doc %s", url->getUrl());
// use the HttpRequest class
HttpRequest r;
// set default port
long defPort = 80;
// check for a secured site
TcpServer *tcp = &m_tcp;
if ( url && strncasecmp(url, "https://", 8) == 0 ) {
if (!m_ssltcp.m_ready) {
// TODO: set an error here
log("https: Trying to get HTTPS site when SSL "
"TcpServer not ready: %s",url);
return true;
tcp = &m_ssltcp;
defPort = 443;
long pcLen = 0;
if ( postContent ) pcLen = gbstrlen(postContent);
char *req = NULL;
long reqSize;
// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! fullRequest ) {
if ( ! r.set ( url , offset , size , ifModifiedSince ,
userAgent , proto , doPost , cookie ,
// pass in proxyIp because if it is a
// request being sent to a proxy we have to
// say "GET" the full
// url, not just a relative path.
additionalHeader , pcLen , proxyIp ) )
return true;
reqSize = r.getRequestLen();
req = (char *) mmalloc( reqSize + pcLen ,"HttpServer");
if ( req )
memcpy ( req , r.getRequest() , reqSize );
if ( req && pcLen ) {
memcpy ( req + reqSize, postContent , pcLen );
reqSize += pcLen;
else {
// does not contain \0 i guess
reqSize = gbstrlen(fullRequest);
req = (char *) mdup ( fullRequest , reqSize,"HttpServer");
// . get the request from the static buffer and dup it
// . return true and set g_errno on error
if ( ! req ) return true;
long hostLen ;
long port = defPort;
char *host = getHostFast ( url , &hostLen , &port );
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// log("spider: httprequest = %s", req );
// do we have an ip to send to? assume not
if ( proxyIp ) { ip = proxyIp ; port = proxyPort; }
// special NULL case
if ( !state || !callback ) {
// . send it away
// . callback will be called on completion of transaction
// . be sure to free "req/reqSize" in callback() somewhere
if ( ip )
return m_tcp.sendMsg ( ip ,
port ,
req ,
reqSize ,
reqSize ,
reqSize , // msgTotalSize
state ,
callback ,
timeout ,
maxTextDocLen ,
maxOtherDocLen );
// otherwise pass the hostname
return m_tcp.sendMsg ( host ,
hostLen ,
port ,
req ,
reqSize ,
reqSize ,
reqSize , // msgTotalSize
state ,
callback ,
timeout ,
maxTextDocLen ,
maxOtherDocLen );
// if too many downloads already, return error
//if ( respectDownloadLimit &&
// s_numOutgoingSockets >= g_conf.m_httpMaxDownloadSockets ||
if ( s_numOutgoingSockets >= MAX_DOWNLOADS ) {
mfree ( req, reqSize, "HttpServer" );
log("http: already have %li sockets downloading. Sending "
return true;
// increment usage
long n = 0;
while ( states[n] ) {
// should not happen...
if ( n >= MAX_DOWNLOADS ) {
mfree ( req, reqSize, "HttpServer" );
log("http: already have %li sockets downloading",
return true;
states [n] = state;
callbacks[n] = callback;
// debug
log(LOG_DEBUG,"http: Getting doc with ip=%s state=%lu url=%s.",
iptoa(ip),(unsigned long)state,url);
// . send it away
// . callback will be called on completion of transaction
// . be sure to free "req/reqSize" in callback() somewhere
if ( ip ) {
if ( ! tcp->sendMsg ( ip ,
port ,
req ,
reqSize ,
reqSize ,
reqSize , // msgTotalSize
(void*)n ,
gotDocWrapper ,
timeout ,
maxTextDocLen ,
maxOtherDocLen ) )
return false;
// otherwise we didn't block
states[n] = NULL;
callbacks[n] = NULL;
return true;
// otherwise pass the hostname
if ( ! tcp->sendMsg ( host ,
hostLen ,
port ,
req ,
reqSize ,
reqSize ,
reqSize , // msgTotalSize
(void*)n ,
gotDocWrapper ,
timeout ,
maxTextDocLen ,
maxOtherDocLen ) )
return false;
// otherwise we didn't block
states[n] = NULL;
callbacks[n] = NULL;
return true;
// . get a url's document
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . IMPORTANT: we free doc/docLen, so NULLify s->m_readBuf if you want it
// . IMPORTANT: same goes for s->m_sendBuf
// . timeout in milliseconds since no read OR no write
// . proxyIp is 0 if we don't have one
bool HttpServer::getDoc ( long ip,
long port,
char *request,
long requestLen,
void *state ,
void (* callback)( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) ,
long timeout ,
long maxTextDocLen ,
long maxOtherDocLen ) {
//bool respectDownloadLimit ) {
TcpServer *tcp = &m_tcp;
//stupid incoming request has 1024 bytes mostly, while we need to
//send exactly what was needed
long reqSize = gbstrlen ( request );
char *req = (char *) mdup ( request, reqSize,"HttpServer" );
if ( ! req ) return true;
// if too many downloads already, return error
if ( s_numOutgoingSockets >= MAX_DOWNLOADS ) {
mfree ( req, reqSize, "HttpServer" );
log("http: already have %li sockets downloading",
return true;
// increment usage
long n = 0;
while ( states[n] ) {
// should not happen...
if ( n >= MAX_DOWNLOADS ) {
mfree ( req, reqSize, "HttpServer" );
log("http: already have %li sockets downloading",
return true;
states [n] = state;
callbacks[n] = callback;
// debug
log(LOG_DEBUG,"http: Getting doc with ip=%s state=%lu. %s",
iptoa(ip),(unsigned long)state, req);
// . send it away
// . callback will be called on completion of transaction
// . be sure to free "req/reqSize" in callback() somewhere
if ( ! tcp->sendMsg ( ip ,
port ,
req ,
reqSize ,
reqSize ,
reqSize , // msgTotalSize
(void*)n ,
gotDocWrapper ,
timeout ,
maxTextDocLen ,
maxOtherDocLen ) )
return false;
// otherwise we didn't block
states[n] = NULL;
callbacks[n] = NULL;
return true;
void gotDocWrapper ( void *state, TcpSocket *s ) {
g_httpServer.gotDoc ( (long)state, s );
bool HttpServer::gotDoc ( long n, TcpSocket *s ) {
void *state = states[n];
void (*callback)(void *state, TcpSocket *s) = callbacks[n];
// debug
log(LOG_DEBUG,"http: Got doc with state=%lu.",(long)state);
states[n] = NULL;
callbacks[n] = NULL;
//figure out if it came back zipped, unzip if so.
//if(g_conf.m_gzipDownloads && !g_errno && s->m_readBuf)
// now wikipedia force gzip on us regardless
if( !g_errno && s->m_readBuf) {
// this could set g_errno to EBADMIME or ECORRUPTHTTPGZIP
s = unzipReply(s);
// callback
callback ( state, s );
return true;
// . handle an incoming HTTP request
void requestHandlerWrapper ( TcpSocket *s ) {
g_httpServer.requestHandler ( s );
// . a udp handler wrapper
// . the proxy sends us udp packets with msgtype = 0xfd ("forward")
void handleRequestfd ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) {
// if we are proxy, that is just wrong! a proxy does not send
// this msg to another proxy, only to the flock
// no! now a compression proxy will forward a query to a regular
// proxy so that the search result pages can be compressed to
// save bandwidth so we can serve APN's queries over lobonet
// which is only 2Mbps.
//if ( g_proxy.isCompressionProxy() ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_type==HT_QCPROXY) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
//UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
// get the request
char *request = slot->m_readBuf;
long requestSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
long requestAlloc = slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
// sanity check, must at least contain \0 and ip (5 bytes total)
if ( requestSize < 5 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// make a fake TcpSocket
TcpSocket *s = (TcpSocket *)mcalloc(sizeof(TcpSocket),"tcpudp");
// this sucks
if ( ! s ) {
log("http: could not allocate for TcpSocket. Out of memory.");
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// HACK: Proxy.cpp crammed the real ip into the end of the request
s->m_ip = *(long *)(request+requestSize-4);
// callee will free this buffer...
s->m_readBuf = request;
// actually remove the ending \0 as well as 4 byte ip
s->m_readOffset = requestSize - 5;
s->m_readBufSize = requestAlloc;
s->m_this = &g_httpServer.m_tcp;
// HACK: let TcpServer know to send a UDP reply, not a tcp reply!
s->m_udpSlot = slot;
// . let the TcpSocket free that readBuf when we free the TcpSocket,
// there in TcpServer.cpp::sendMsg()
// . PageDirectory.cpp actually realloc() the TcpSocket::m_readBuf
// so we have to be careful not to let UdpServer free it in the
// udpSlot because it will have been reallocated by PageDirectory.cpp
slot->m_readBuf = NULL;
// HACK: this is used as a unique identifier for registering callbacks
// so let's set the high bit here to avoid conflicting with normal
// TCP socket descriptors that might be reading the same file! But
// now we are not allowing proxy to forward regular file requests,
// so hopefully, we won't even use this hacked m_sd.
s->m_sd = (long)slot | 0x80000000;
// if we are a proxy receiving a request from a compression proxy
// then use the proxy handler function
if ( g_proxy.isProxy() ) {
// this should call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() which
// should compress the 0xfd reply to be sent back to the
// compression proxy
g_proxy.handleRequest ( s );
// log this out on gk144 to see why dropping
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugBuild )
log("fd: handling request transid=%li %s",
slot->m_transId, request );
// ultimately, Tcp::sendMsg() should be called which will free "s"
g_httpServer.requestHandler ( s );
// . if this returns false "s" will be destroyed
// . if request is not GET or HEAD we send an HTTP 400 error code
// . ALWAYS calls m_tcp.sendMsg ( s ,... )
// . may block on something before calling that however
// . NEVER calls m_tcp.destroySocket ( s )
// . One Exception: sendErrorReply() can call it if cannot form error reply
void HttpServer::requestHandler ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// debug msg
//log("got request, readBufUsed=%i",s->m_readOffset);
// parse the http request
HttpRequest r;
// debug
unsigned char foo[1024];
unsigned char *pp = foo;
pp += sprintf ( (char *)pp,"GET /search?qcs=iso-8859-1&k0c=107207&code=1M9VNT6&spell=1&ns=2&nrt=0&rat=0&sc=1&DR=1&qh=0&bq2&q=");
//pp += sprintf ( (char *)pp,"GET /search?k0c=107207&code=1M9VNT6&spell=1&ns=2&nrt=0&rat=0&sc=1&DR=1&qh=0&bq2&q=");
static char ddd[] = {
0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e, 0xc2,
0xa2, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a,
0xc2, 0xac, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2, 0xa6, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92,
0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xe2,
0x80, 0x9a, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2, 0x81, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92,
0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc2,
0xa2, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xac, 0xc3, 0x82,
0xc2, 0xa1, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80,
0x9e, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xe2, 0x80, 0xb9, 0xc3, 0xa2,
0xe2, 0x82, 0xac, 0xc2, 0xa0, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3,
0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc2, 0xa2,
0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xac, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2,
0xa6, 0x20, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0x8b, 0xc5, 0x93,
0xc3, 0x83, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2, 0xa7, 0xc3,
0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e, 0xc2, 0xa2,
0xc3, 0x83, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2,
0xac, 0xc3, 0x85, 0xc2, 0xbe, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3,
0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc2, 0xa2,
0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xac, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2,
0xa6, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e,
0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80,
0x9a, 0xc2, 0xac, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2, 0xa0, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6,
0x92, 0xc3, 0x8b, 0xc5, 0x93, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a,
0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2, 0xb8, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0xa2,
0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xe2, 0x80, 0xb9,
0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x82, 0xac, 0xc2, 0xa0, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6,
0x92, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0x83,
0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xac, 0xc3,
0x82, 0xc2, 0xa6, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0x8b, 0xc5,
0x93, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2, 0xa9,
0x20, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0x8b, 0xc5, 0x93, 0xc3,
0x83, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2, 0xa7, 0xc3, 0x83,
0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3,
0x83, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0xac,
0xc3, 0x85, 0xc2, 0xbe, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0x8b,
0xc5, 0x93, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2,
0xa8, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e,
0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xe2, 0x80, 0xa6, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2,
0xa0, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0x8b, 0xc5, 0x93, 0xc3,
0x83, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9a, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2, 0xa6, 0xc3, 0x83,
0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x9e, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3,
0x83, 0xe2, 0x80, 0xa6, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2, 0xa0, 0xc3, 0x83,
0xc6, 0x92, 0xc3, 0x8b, 0xc5, 0x93, 0xc3, 0x83, 0xe2, 0x80,
0x9a, 0xc3, 0x82, 0xc2, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda,
0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda,
0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda,
0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0xda, 0x74,
0x65, 0x73, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x68, 0x59, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac,
0xed, 0x3b, 0x09, 0xac, 0xed, 0x3b, 0x09, 0x78, 0x51, 0xa7,
0x24, 0xf8, 0xd0, 0xa7, 0x24, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a,
for ( long i = 0 ; i < 435 ; i++ ) {
// again:
*pp = ddd[i]; // rand() % 256;
//if ( *pp < 0x80 ) goto again;
*pp = 0;
// . since we own the data, we'll free readBuf on r's destruction
// . this returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . but it should still set m_request to the readBuf to delete it
// so don't worry about memory leaking s's readBuf
// . if the request is bad then return an HTTP error code
// . this should copy the request into it's own local buffer
// . we now pass "s" so we can get the src ip/port to see if
// it's from lenny
bool status = r.set ( s->m_readBuf , s->m_readOffset , s ) ;
//bool status = r.set ( (char *)foo , pp - foo , s ) ;
// is this the admin
//bool isAdmin = g_collectiondb.isAdmin ( &r , s );
// i guess assume MASTER admin...
//bool isAdmin = g_users.hasPermission ( &r , PAGE_MASTER , s );
bool isAdmin = r.isLocal();
// never proxy admin pages for security reasons
if ( s->m_udpSlot ) isAdmin = false;
//bool isIpInNetwork = g_hostdb.isIpInNetwork ( s->m_ip );
// . if host does not allow http requests (except for admin) then bail
// . used to prevent seo/email spammers from querying other machines
// and getting around our seo robot protection
//if ( ! g_conf.m_httpServerEnabled ) {
//&& ! isAdmin &&
// quick hack so we can add ips to the connect ips list in
// the master controls security table
// ! g_conf.isConnectIp ( s->m_ip ) ) {
// log("query: Returning 403 Forbidden. HttpServer is disabled "
// "in the master controls. ip=%s",iptoa(s->m_ip));
// sendErrorReply ( s , 403 , "Forbidden" );
// return;
// get the server this socket uses
TcpServer *tcp = s->m_this;
// get the max sockets that can be opened at any one time
long max;
if ( tcp == &m_ssltcp ) max = g_conf.m_httpsMaxSockets;
else max = g_conf.m_httpMaxSockets;
// just a safety catch
if ( max < 2 ) max = 2;
// limit injects to less sockets than the max, so the administrator
// and regular queries will take precedence
long imax = max - 10;
if ( imax < 10 ) imax = max - 1;
if ( imax < 2 ) imax = 2;
if ( strncmp ( s->m_readBuf , "GET /inject" , 11 ) == 0 ) {
// reset "max" to something smaller
max = imax;
// do not consider injects to be coming from admin ever
isAdmin = false;
// enforce open connections here
//if ( used >= g_conf.m_httpMaxSockets + 10 ) {
// log("query: Too many sockets open for ip=%s. Destroying.",
// iptoa(s->m_ip));
// m_tcp.destroySocket ( s );
// return;
// enforce the open socket quota iff not admin and not from intranet
if ( ! isAdmin && tcp->m_numIncomingUsed >= max &&
// make sure request is not from proxy
! s->m_udpSlot &&
!tcp->closeLeastUsed()) {
static long s_last = 0;
static long s_count = 0;
long now = getTimeLocal();
if ( now - s_last < 5 )
else {
log("query: Too many sockets open. Sending 500 "
"http status code to %s. (msgslogged=%li)",
s_count = 0;
s_last = now;
sendErrorReply ( s , 500 , "Too many sockets open.");
// count as a failed query so we send an email alert if too
// many of these happen
// . read Buf should be freed on s's recycling/destruction in TcpServer
// . always free the readBuf since TcpServer does not
// . be sure not to set s->m_readBuf to NULL because it's used by
// TcpServer to determine if we're sending/reading a request/reply
// mfree ( s->m_readBuf , s->m_readBufSize );
// set status to false if it's not a HEAD or GET request
//if ( ! r.isGETRequest() && ! r.isHEADRequest() ) status = false;
// if the HttpRequest was bogus come here
if ( ! status ) {
// log a bad request
log("http: Got bad request from %s: %s",
// cancel the g_errno, we'll send a BAD REQUEST reply to them
g_errno = 0;
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . this sets g_errno on error
// . this will destroy(s) if cannot malloc send buffer
sendErrorReply ( s , 400, "Bad Request" );
// log the request iff filename does not end in .gif .jpg .
char *f = r.getFilename();
long flen = r.getFilenameLen();
bool isGif = ( f && flen >= 4 && strncmp(&f[flen-4],".gif",4) == 0 );
bool isJpg = ( f && flen >= 4 && strncmp(&f[flen-4],".jpg",4) == 0 );
bool isBmp = ( f && flen >= 4 && strncmp(&f[flen-4],".bmp",4) == 0 );
bool isPng = ( f && flen >= 4 && strncmp(&f[flen-4],".png",4) == 0 );
bool isIco = ( f && flen >= 4 && strncmp(&f[flen-4],".ico",4) == 0 );
bool isPic = (isGif | isJpg | isBmp | isPng || isIco);
// get time format: 7/23/1971 10:45:32
// . crap this cores if we use getTimeGlobal() and we are not synced
// with host #0, so just use local time i guess in that case
time_t tt ;
if ( isClockInSync() ) tt = getTimeGlobal();
else tt = getTimeLocal();
struct tm *timeStruct = localtime ( &tt );
char buf[64];
strftime ( buf , 100 , "%b %d %T", timeStruct);
// save ip in case "s" gets destroyed
long ip = s->m_ip;
// . likewise, set cgi buf up here, too
// . if it is a post request, log the posted data, too
char cgi[20058];
cgi[0] = '\0';
if ( r.isPOSTRequest() ) {
long plen = r.m_cgiBufLen;
if ( plen >= 20052 ) plen = 20052;
char *pp1 = cgi ;
char *pp2 = r.m_cgiBuf;
// . when parsing cgi parms, HttpRequest converts the
// &'s to \0's so it can avoid having to malloc a
// separate m_cgiBuf
// . now it also converts ='s to 0's, so flip flop back
// and forth
char dd = '=';
for ( long i = 0 ; i < plen ; i++ , pp1++, pp2++ ) {
if ( *pp2 == '\0' ) {
*pp1 = dd;
if ( dd == '=' ) dd = '&';
else dd = '=';
if ( *pp2 == ' ' ) *pp1 = '+';
else *pp1 = *pp2;
if ( r.m_cgiBufLen >= 20052 ) {
pp1[0]='.'; pp1[1]='.'; pp1[2]='.'; pp1 += 3; }
*pp1 = '\0';
//get this value before we send the reply, because r can be
//destroyed when we send.
long dontLog = r.getLong("dontlog",0);
// turn off for now
//dontLog = 0;
// !!!!
// TcpServer::sendMsg() may free s->m_readBuf if doing udp forwarding
// !!!!
char stackMem[1024];
long maxLen = s->m_readOffset;
if ( maxLen > 1020 ) maxLen = 1020;
stackMem[maxLen] = '\0';
// . sendReply returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . this calls sendErrorReply (404) if file does not exist
// . g_msg is a ptr to a message like " (perm denied)" for ex. and
// it should be set by PageAddUrl.cpp, PageResults.cpp, etc.
g_msg = "";
sendReply ( s , &r , isAdmin) ;
// log the request down here now so we can include
// "(permission denied)" on the line if we should
if ( ! isPic ) {
// what url refered user to this one?
char *ref = r.getReferer();
// skip over http:// in the referer
if ( strncasecmp ( ref , "http://" , 7 ) == 0 ) ref += 7;
// fix cookie for logging
char cbuf[5000];
char *p = r.m_cookiePtr;
long plen = r.m_cookieLen;
if ( plen >= 4998 ) plen = 4998;
char *pend = r.m_cookiePtr + plen;
char *dst = cbuf;
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
*dst = *p;
if ( ! *p ) *dst = ';';
*dst = '\0';
// store the page access request in accessdb
//g_accessdb.addAccess ( &r , ip );
// if autobanned and we should not log, return now
if ( g_msg && ! g_conf.m_logAutobannedQueries &&
strstr(g_msg,"autoban") ) {
else if(isAdmin && dontLog) {
//dont log if they ask us not to.
// . log the request
// . electric fence (efence) seg faults here on iptoa() for
// some strange reason
else if ( g_conf.m_logHttpRequests ) // && ! cgi[0] )
logf (LOG_INFO,"http: %s %s %s %s "
//"cookie=\"%s\" "
//"%s "
// can't use s->m_readBuf[] here because
// might have called TcpServer::sendMsg() which
// might have freed it if doing udp forwarding.
// can't use r.getRequest() because it inserts
// \0's in there for cgi parm parsing.
else if ( g_conf.m_logHttpRequests )
logf (LOG_INFO,"http: %s %s %s %s %s "
//"cookie=\"%s\" "
//"%s "
// if no error, we completed w/o blocking so return
//if ( ! g_errno ) return;
// if g_errno was set then send an error msg
//return sendErrorReply ( s, 500 , mstrerror(g_errno) );
// it's better to hardcode this so we never lose it!
bool sendPageRobotsTxt ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
SafeBuf sb;
sb.safePrintf ( "User-Agent: *\n"
"Disallow: *\n"
//"Disallow: /search?makewidget=1\n"
//"Disallow: /search?clockset=\n"
// this should copy it since sb is on stack
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s ,
sb.m_length ,
0 ,
bool endsWith(char *haystack, int haystackLen, char *needle, int needleLen) {
return haystackLen >= needleLen && !strncmp(haystack + haystackLen - needleLen, needle, needleLen);
// . reply to a GET (including partial get) or HEAD request
// . HEAD just returns the MIME header for the file requested
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . it calls TcpServer::sendMsg(s,...)
// . with a File * as the callback data
// . and with cleanUp() as the callback function
// . if sendMsg(s,...) blocks this cleanUp() will be called before the
// socket gets recycled or destroyed (on error)
bool HttpServer::sendReply ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r , bool isAdmin) {
// get the server this socket uses
TcpServer *tcp = s->m_this;
// if there is a redir=http:// blah in the request then redirect
long redirLen = r->getRedirLen() ;
char *redir = NULL;
// . we may be serving multiple hostnames
// .,,,
// . get the host: field from the MIME
// . should be NULL terminated
char *h = r->getHost();
if(redirLen > 0) redir = r->getRedir();
else if (!isAdmin &&
*g_conf.m_redirect != '\0' &&
// was "raw"
r->getLong("xml", -1) == -1 &&
// do not redirect a 'gb proxy stop' request away,
// which POSTS cast=0&save=1. that is done from the
// command line, and for some reason it is not isAdmin
r->getLong("save", -1) != -1 &&
r->getString("site") == NULL &&
r->getString("sites") == NULL) {
//direct all non-raw, non admin traffic away.
redir = g_conf.m_redirect;
redirLen = gbstrlen(g_conf.m_redirect);
char *hdom = h;
if ( strncasecmp(hdom,"www.",4) == 0 ) hdom += 4;
// auto redirect to so cookies
// are consistent
if ( ! redir &&
( strcasecmp ( h , "" ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp ( hdom , "" ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp ( hdom , "" ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp ( hdom , "" ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp ( hdom , "" ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp ( hdom , "" ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp ( hdom , "" ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp ( hdom , "" ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp ( hdom , "" ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp ( hdom , "" ) == 0 ) ) {
redir = "";
redirLen = gbstrlen(redir);
if ( redirLen > 0 ) {
// . generate our mime header
// . see
HttpMime m;
m.makeRedirMime (redir,redirLen);
// the query compress proxy, qcproxy, should handle this
// on its level... but we will support ZET anyway
return sendReply2 ( m.getMime(),m.getMimeLen(), NULL,0,s);
// . get info about the file requested
// . use a "size" of -1 for the WHOLE file
// . a non GET request should use a "size" of 0 (like HEAD)
char *path = r->getFilename();
long pathLen = r->getFilenameLen();
// paths with ..'s are from hackers!
for ( char *p = path ; *p ; p++ )
if ( *p == '.' && *(p+1) == '.' )
return sendErrorReply(s,404,"bad request");
// dump urls or json objects or pages?
// "GET /crawlbot/downloadurls"
// "GET /crawlbot/downloadobjects"
// "GET /crawlbot/downloadpages"
if ( strncmp ( path , "/crawlbot/download/" ,19 ) == 0 ||
// add 4 to length of needle to account for /vXX.
(pathLen >= 20 && strnstr(path, "/crawl/download/", 20)) ||
(pathLen >= 19 && strnstr(path, "/bulk/download/", 19)) )
return sendBackDump ( s , r );
// "GET /download/mycoll_urls.csv"
if ( strncmp ( path , "/download/", 10 ) == 0 )
return sendBackDump ( s , r );
// . is it a diffbot api request, like "GET /api/*"
// . ie "/api/startcrawl" or "/api/stopcrawl" etc.?
//if ( strncmp ( path , "/api/" , 5 ) == 0 )
// // this will call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send
// // back the reply when it is done generating the reply.
// // this function is in Diffbot.cpp.
// return handleDiffbotRequest ( s , r );
// for adding to browser list of search engines
if ( strncmp ( path, "/eventguru.xml", 14 ) == 0 ) {
SafeBuf sb(256);
"<OpenSearchDescription xmlns=\"\" xmlns:moz=\"\">\n"
"<ShortName>Event Guru</ShortName>\n"
"<Description>Event Guru</Description>\n"
"<Image width=\"16\" height=\"16\" type=\"image/x-icon\"></Image>\n"
"<Url type=\"text/html\" method=\"GET\" template=\"{searchTerms}\"/>\n"
//"<Url type=\"application/x-suggestions+json\" template=\"{searchTerms}&lang={language?}&form=opensearch\"/>\n"
"<Url type=\"application/opensearchdescription+xml\" rel=\"self\" template=\"\"/>\n"
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage(s,
0, false,
-1, NULL,
// if it's,, ... do shortcut
bool isGigablast = false;
if ( strcasecmp ( h , "" ) == 0 ) isGigablast = true;
if ( strcasecmp ( h , "" ) == 0 ) isGigablast = true;
//bool isNewSite = false;
//if ( gb_strcasestr ( h , "" ) ) isNewSite = true;
//if ( gb_strcasestr ( h , "" ) ) isNewSite = true;
//isNewSite = true;
// get the dynamic page number, is -1 if not a dynamic page
long n = g_pages.getDynamicPageNumber ( r );
long niceness = g_pages.getNiceness(n);
niceness = r->getLong("niceness", niceness);
// save it
s->m_niceness = niceness;
// the new cached page format. for twitter.
if ( ! strncmp ( path , "/?id=" , 5 ) ) n = PAGE_RESULTS;
if ( strncmp(path,"/crawlbot",9) == 0 ) n = PAGE_CRAWLBOT;
if (endsWith(path, pathLen, "/crawl", 6)) n = PAGE_CRAWLBOT;
if (endsWith(path, pathLen, "/bulk", 5)) n = PAGE_CRAWLBOT;
if (endsWith(path, pathLen, "/search", 6)) n = PAGE_RESULTS;
bool isProxy = g_proxy.isProxy();
// . prevent coring
// . we got a request for
// POST /%3Fid%3D19941846627.3030756329856867809/trackback
// which ended up calling sendPageEvents() on the proxy!!
if ( isProxy && ( n == PAGE_RESULTS || n == PAGE_ROOT ) )
n = -1;
// map to new events page if we are
//if ( isNewSite && ( n == PAGE_RESULTS || n == PAGE_ROOT ) )
// return sendPageEvents ( s , r );
if ( n == PAGE_RESULTS ) // || n == PAGE_ROOT )
return sendPageResults ( s , r );
// . redirect search traffic to results
// . i think this is a zombie bot click farm!
// . i did a check and its pretty worthless!!
//if ( ! strncmp ( path ,"/search.cfm", pathLen ) )
// return sendPageEvents ( s , r );
// let's try without this for now
//if ( g_loop.m_inQuickPoll && niceness ) {
// //log(LOG_WARN, "saving request for later. %li %li %li",
// // (long)s, (long)r, n);
// addToQueue(s, r, n);
// if(g_errno)
// return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,505,
// mstrerror(g_errno));
// return true;
// for old layout
//if ( ! strncmp ( path ,"/addevent", pathLen ) ) {
// if ( ! isNewSite ) return sendPageAddEvent2 ( s , r );
// else return sendPageAddEvent ( s , r );
// prints out stats for widgetmasters so they can see the traffic
// they sent to us...
//if ( ! strncmp ( path ,"/account", pathLen ) ) {
// return sendPageAccount ( s , r );
// . if not dynamic this will be -1
// . sendDynamicReply() returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . it sets g_errno on error
if ( n >= 0 ) return g_pages.sendDynamicReply ( s , r , n );
//if ( ! strncmp ( path ,"/widget.html", pathLen ) )
// return sendPageWidget ( s , r );
// use a standard robots. do not allow someone to forget to have
// that file in place!! let google hit us now that browse.html
// is dynamic and the urls seem static so they should be digested
// by google bot
//if ( ! strncmp ( path ,"/robots.txt", pathLen ) )
// return sendPageRobotsTxt ( s , r );
//if ( ! strncmp ( path ,"/sitemap.xml", pathLen ) )
// return sendPageSiteMap ( s , r );
//if ( ! isNewSite ) {
// // for the old flurbit layout
// if ( ! strncmp ( path ,"/browse.html", pathLen ) )
// return sendPageBrowse ( s , r );
// comment out for old flurbit layout
//if ( ! strncmp ( path ,"/help.html", pathLen ) )
// return sendPageAbout ( s , r , path );
if ( ! strncmp ( path ,"/api.html", pathLen ) )
return sendPageApi ( s , r );
if ( ! strncmp ( path ,"/print", pathLen ) )
return sendPageAnalyze ( s , r );
// proxy should handle all regular file requests itself! that is
// generally faster i think, and, besides, sending pieces of a big
// file one at a time using our encapsulation method won't work! so
// put a sanity check in here to make sure! also i am not convinced
// that we set s->m_sd to something that won't conflict with real
// TcpSocket descriptors (see m_sd above)
if ( s->m_udpSlot ) {
log("http: proxy should have handled this request");
// i've seen this core once on a GET /logo-small.png request
// and i am not sure why... so let it slide...
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . where do they want us to start sending from in the file
// . 0 is the default, if none specified
long offset = r->getFileOffset();
// make sure offset is positive
if ( offset < 0 ) offset = 0;
// . how many bytes do they want of the file?
// . this returns -1 for ALL of file
long bytesWanted = r->getFileSize();
// create a file based on this path
File *f ;
try { f = new (File) ; }
// return true and set g_errno if couldn't make a new File class
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("HttpServer: new(%i): %s",sizeof(File),mstrerror(g_errno));
return sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
mnew ( f, sizeof(File), "HttpServer");
// note that
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: new file=0x%lx",(long)f);
// don't honor HUGE requests
if ( pathLen > 100 ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: deleting file=0x%lx [1]",(long)f);
mdelete ( f, sizeof(File), "HttpServer");
delete (f);
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
return sendErrorReply(s,500,"request url path too big");
// set the filepath/name
char fullPath[512];
// if it's,, ... do shortcut
//if ( strcasecmp ( h , "" ) == 0 ) goto skip;
//if ( strcasecmp ( h , "" ) == 0 ) goto skip;
if ( isGigablast ) goto skip;
// otherwise, look for special host
sprintf(fullPath,"%s/%s/%s", g_hostdb.m_httpRootDir, h, path );
// set filename to full path
f->set ( fullPath );
// if f does not exist then try w/o the host in the path
if ( f->doesExist() <= 0 ) {
// skip to here if we're the gigablast host
// use default page if does not exist under host-specific path
if (pathLen == 11 && strncmp ( path , "/index.html" ,11 ) ==0){
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: deleting file=0x%lx [2]",(long)f);
mdelete ( f, sizeof(File), "HttpServer");
delete (f);
return g_pages.sendDynamicReply ( s , r , PAGE_ROOT );
// otherwise, use default html dir
sprintf(fullPath,"%s/%s", g_hostdb.m_httpRootDir , path );
// now retrieve the file
f->set ( fullPath );
// if f STILL does not exist (or error) then send a 404
if ( f->doesExist() <= 0 ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: deleting file=0x%lx [3]",(long)f);
mdelete ( f, sizeof(File), "HttpServer");
delete (f);
return sendErrorReply ( s , 404 , "Not Found" );
// when was this file last modified
time_t lastModified = f->getLastModifiedTime();
long fileSize = f->getFileSize();
// . assume we're sending the whole file
// . this changes if it's a partial GET
long bytesToSend = fileSize;
// . bytesWanted is positive if the request specified it
// . ensure it's not bigger than the fileSize itself
if ( bytesWanted >= 0 ) {
// truncate "bytesWanted" if we need to
if ( offset + bytesWanted > fileSize )
bytesToSend = fileSize - offset;
else bytesToSend = bytesWanted;
// . only try to open "f" is bytesToSend is positive
// . return true and set g_errno if:
// . could not open it for reading!
// . or could not set it to non-blocking
// . set g_errno on error
if ( bytesToSend > 0 && ! f->open(O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_ASYNC)) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: deleting file=0x%lx [4]",(long)f);
mdelete ( f, sizeof(File), "HttpServer");
delete (f);
return sendErrorReply ( s , 404 , "Not Found" );
// are we sending partial content?
bool partialContent = false;
if ( offset > 0 || bytesToSend != fileSize ) partialContent = true;
// . use the file extension to determine content type
// . default to html if no extension
char *ext = f->getExtension();
// . generate our mime header
// . see
// . this will do a "partial content" mime if offset!=0||size!=-1
HttpMime m;
// . the first "0" to makeMime means to use the browser cache rules
// . it is the time to cache the page (0 means let browser decide)
// . tell browser to cache all non-dynamic files we have for a day
long ct = 0; // 60*60*24;
// hmmm... chrome seems not to cache the little icons! so cache
// for two hours.
ct = 2*3600;
// but not the performance graph!
if ( strncmp(path,"/diskGraph",10) == 0 ) ct = 0;
// if no extension assume charset utf8
char *charset = NULL;
if ( ! ext || ext[0] == 0 ) charset = "utf-8";
if ( partialContent )
m.makeMime (fileSize,ct,lastModified,offset,bytesToSend,ext,
else m.makeMime (fileSize,ct,lastModified,0 ,-1 ,ext,
// sanity check, compression not supported for files
if ( s->m_readBuf[0] == 'Z' ) {
long len = s->m_readOffset;
// if it's null terminated then log it
if ( ! s->m_readBuf[len] )
log("http: got ZET request and am not proxy: %s",
// otherwise, do not log the request
log("http: got ZET request and am not proxy");
// bail
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: deleting file=0x%lx [5]",(long)f);
mdelete ( f, sizeof(File), "HttpServer");
delete (f);
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
return sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
// . move the reply to a send buffer
// . don't make sendBuf bigger than g_httpMaxSendBufSize
long mimeLen = m.getMimeLen();
long sendBufSize = mimeLen + bytesToSend;
if ( sendBufSize > g_conf.m_httpMaxSendBufSize )
sendBufSize = g_conf.m_httpMaxSendBufSize;
char *sendBuf = (char *) mmalloc ( sendBufSize ,"HttpServer" );
if ( ! sendBuf ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: deleting file=0x%lx [6]",(long)f);
mdelete ( f, sizeof(File), "HttpServer");
delete (f);
return sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
memcpy ( sendBuf , m.getMime() , mimeLen );
// save sd
int sd = s->m_sd;
// . send it away
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . this sets g_errno on error
// . this will destroy "s" on error
// . "f" is the callback data
// . it's passed to cleanUp() on completion/error before socket
// is recycled/destroyed
// . this will call getMsgPiece() to fill up sendBuf from file
long totalToSend = mimeLen + bytesToSend;
//if ( ! m_tcp.sendMsg ( s ,
if ( ! tcp->sendMsg ( s ,
sendBuf ,
sendBufSize ,
mimeLen ,
totalToSend ,
f , // callback data for getMsgPiece()
cleanUp ) ) return false;
// . otherwise sendMsg() blocked, so return false
// . just return false if we don't need to read from f
// (mdw) if ( bytesToSend <= 0 ) return false;
// . if it did not block , free our stuff
// . on error "s" should have been destroyed and g_errno set
// . unregister our handler on f
// . return true cuz we did not block at all
//delete (f);
// . tcp server may NOT have called cleanup if the socket closed on us
// but it may have called getMsgPiece(), thus registering the fd
// . if we do not unregister but just delete f it will cause a segfault
// . if the above returned true then it MUST have freed our socket,
// UNLESS s->m_waitingonHandler was true, which should not be the
// case, as it is only set to true in TcpServer::readSocketWrapper()
// which should never be called by TcpServer::sendMsg() above.
// so let cleanUp know it is no longer valid
if ( ! f->isOpen() ) f->open( O_RDONLY );
int fd = f->getfd();
cleanUp ( f , NULL/*TcpSocket */ );
s->m_state = NULL; // do we need this? yes, cuz s is NULL for cleanUp
// . AND we need to do this ourselves here
// . do it SILENTLY so not message is logged if fd not registered
if (tcp->m_useSSL)
g_loop.unregisterReadCallback ( fd,(void *)(sd),
getSSLMsgPieceWrapper , true /*silent?*/);
g_loop.unregisterReadCallback ( fd,(void *)(sd),
getMsgPieceWrapper , true /*silent?*/);
// TcpServer will free sendBuf on s's recycling/destruction
// mfree ( sendBuf , sendBufSize );
return true;
bool HttpServer::sendReply2 ( char *mime,
long mimeLen ,
char *content ,
long contentLen ,
TcpSocket *s ,
bool alreadyCompressed ,
HttpRequest *hr ) {
char *rb = s->m_readBuf;
// shortcut
long ht = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_type;
// get the server this socket uses
TcpServer *tcp = s->m_this;
// . move the reply to a send buffer
// . don't make sendBuf bigger than g_httpMaxSendBufSize
long sendBufSize = mimeLen + contentLen;
// if we are a regular proxy and this is compressed, just forward it
//if ( (ht & HT_PROXY) && *rb == 'Z' && alreadyCompressed ) {
if ( alreadyCompressed ) {
sendBufSize = contentLen;
//if ( mimeLen ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// what the hell is up with this???
//if ( sendBufSize > g_conf.m_httpMaxSendBufSize )
// sendBufSize = g_conf.m_httpMaxSendBufSize;
char *sendBuf = (char *) mmalloc (sendBufSize,"HttpServer");
// the alloc size is synonymous at this point
long sendBufAlloc = sendBufSize;
//if ( ! sendBuf )
// return sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
// . this is the ONLY situation in which we destroy "s" ourselves
// . that is, when we cannot even transmit the server-side error info
if ( ! sendBuf ) {
log("http: Failed to allocate %li bytes for send "
"buffer. Send failed.",sendBufSize);
// set this so it gets destroyed
s->m_waitingOnHandler = false;
tcp->destroySocket ( s );
return true;
// we swap out the GET for a ZET
bool doCompression = ( rb[0] == 'Z' );
// qtproxy never compresses a reply
if ( ht & HT_QCPROXY ) doCompression = false;
// . only grunts do the compression now to prevent proxy overload
// . but if we are originating the msg ourselves, then we should
// indeed do compres
//if ( ! ( ht & HT_GRUNT) && ! originates ) doCompression = false;
if ( alreadyCompressed ) doCompression = false;
// p is a moving ptr into "sendBuf"
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)sendBuf;
unsigned char *pend = (unsigned char *)sendBuf + sendBufAlloc;
// if we are fielding a request for a qcproxy's 0xfd request,
// then compress the reply before sending back.
if ( doCompression ) {
// store uncompressed size1 and size1
*(long *)p = mimeLen + contentLen; p += 4;
// bookmarks
long *saved1 = (long *)p; p += 4;
long *saved2 = (long *)p; p += 4;
unsigned long used1 = pend - p;
int err1 = gbcompress ( p , &used1,
(unsigned char *)mime,mimeLen );
if ( mimeLen && err1 != Z_OK )
log("http: error compressing mime reply.");
p += used1;
// update bookmark
*saved1 = used1;
// then store the page content
unsigned long used2 = 0;
if ( contentLen > 0 ) {
// pass in avail buf space
used2 = pend - p;
// this will set used2 to what we used to compress it
int err2 = gbcompress(p,
(unsigned char *)content,
if ( err2 != Z_OK )
log("http: error compressing content reply.");
p += used2;
// update bookmark
*saved2 = used2;
// note it
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"http: compressing. from %li to %li",
// mimeLen+contentLen,(long)(((char *)p)-sendBuf));
// change size
sendBufSize = (char *)p - sendBuf;
// if we are a proxy, and not a compression proxy, then just forward
// the blob as-is if it is a "ZET" (GET-compressed=ZET)
else if ( (ht & HT_PROXY) && (*rb == 'Z') ) {
memcpy ( sendBuf , content, contentLen );
// sanity check
if ( sendBufSize != contentLen ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// note it
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"http: forwarding. pageLen=%li",contentLen);
else {
// copy mime into sendBuf first
memcpy ( p , mime , mimeLen );
p += mimeLen;
// then the page
memcpy ( p , content, contentLen );
p += contentLen;
// sanity check
if ( sendBufSize != contentLen+mimeLen) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// . store the login/logout links after <body> tag
// . only proxy should provide a non-null hr right now
if ( hr ) {
long newReplySize;
char *newReply = g_proxy.storeLoginBar ( sendBuf,
hr );
// different? no, we free it in storeloginbar
//if ( newReply != sendBuf )
// mfree ( sendBuf , sendBufSize ,"sbufa" );
// and do it
sendBuf = newReply;
sendBufSize = newReplySize;
sendBufAlloc = newReplySize;
// . send it away
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . this sets g_errno on error
// . this will destroy "s" on error
// . "f" is the callback data
// . it's passed to cleanUp() on completion/error before socket
// is recycled/destroyed
// . this will call getMsgPiece() to fill up sendBuf from file
if ( ! tcp->sendMsg ( s ,
sendBuf ,
sendBufAlloc ,
sendBufSize ,
sendBufSize ,
NULL , // data for callback
NULL ) ) // callback
return false;
// it didn't block or there was an error
return true;
// . this is called when our reply has been sent or on error
// . "s" should be recycled/destroyed by TcpServer after we return
// . this recycling/desutruction will free s's read/send bufs
// . this should have been called by TcpServer::makeCallback()
void cleanUp ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
// free the send buffer
//mfree ( s->m_sendBuf , s->m_sendBufSize );
//mfree ( s->m_readBuf , s->m_readBufSize );
//s->m_sendBuf = NULL;
//s->m_sendBufSize = 0;
File *f = (File *) state;
if ( ! f ) return;
long fd = -1;
// debug msg
//log("HttpServer: unregistering file fd: %i", f->getfd());
// unregister f from getting callbacks (might not be registerd)
if ( s ) {
// set this
fd = f->getfd();
// get the server this socket uses
TcpServer *tcp = s->m_this;
// do it SILENTLY so not message is logged if fd not registered
if (tcp->m_useSSL)
g_loop.unregisterReadCallback ( fd,//f->getfd(),
(void *)(s->m_sd),
true );
g_loop.unregisterReadCallback ( fd,//f->getfd(),
(void *)(s->m_sd),
getMsgPieceWrapper ,
true );
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: deleting file=0x%lx fd=%li [7] s=0x%lx",
// this should also close f
mdelete ( f, sizeof(File), "HttpServer");
delete (f);
// . i guess this is the file state!?!?!
// . it seems the socket sometimes is not destroyed when we return
// and we get a sig hangup and call this again!! so make this NULL
if ( s && s->m_state == f ) s->m_state = NULL;
// . send an error reply, like "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool HttpServer::sendErrorReply ( TcpSocket *s , long error , char *errmsg ,
long *bytesSent ) {
if ( bytesSent ) *bytesSent = 0;
// clear g_errno so the send goes through
g_errno = 0;
// sanity check
if ( strncasecmp(errmsg,"Success",7)==0 ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// get time in secs since epoch
time_t now ;//= getTimeGlobal();
if ( isClockInSync() ) now = getTimeGlobal();
else now = getTimeLocal();
// . buffer for the MIME request and brief html err msg
// . NOTE: ctime appends a \n to the time, so we don't need to
char msg[1024];
// if it's a 404, redirect to home page
if ( error == 404 )
sprintf ( msg ,
"HTTP/1.0 301 Moved\r\n"
"Content-length: 0\r\n"
"Connection: Close\r\n"
"Date: %s\r\n\r\n",
ctime ( &now ) );
char *tt = asctime(gmtime ( &now ));
tt [ gbstrlen(tt) - 1 ] = '\0';
sprintf ( msg ,
"HTTP/1.0 %li (%s)\r\n"
"Content-Length: %li\r\n"
"Connection: Close\r\n"
"Date: %s UTC\r\n\r\n"
"<html><b>Error = %s</b></html>",
error ,
errmsg ,
(long)(gbstrlen("<html><b>Error = </b></html>")+
tt , // ctime ( &now ) ,
errmsg );
// . move the reply to a send buffer
// . don't make sendBuf bigger than g_conf.m_httpMaxSendBufSize
long msgSize = gbstrlen ( msg );
// record it
if ( bytesSent ) *bytesSent = msgSize;//sendBufSize;
// use this new function that will compress the reply now if the
// request was a ZET instead of a GET
return sendReply2 ( msg , msgSize , NULL , 0 , s );
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . this sets g_errno on error
// . this will destroy s on error
//if ( ! m_tcp.sendMsg ( s ,
if ( ! tcp->sendMsg ( s ,
sendBuf ,
sendBufSize ,
sendBufSize , // sendBufUsed
sendBufSize , // msgTotalSize (total to send)
NULL , // callbackData passed 2 cleanUp()
cleanUp ) )
return false;
// . TcpServer will free bufs on recycle/destruction
// . free all if sendReply() did not block
// mfree ( sendBuf , sendBufSize );
return true;
bool HttpServer::sendQueryErrorReply( TcpSocket *s , long error ,
char *errmsg,
//long rawFormat,
char format ,
int errnum, char *content) {
// clear g_errno so the send goes through
g_errno = 0;
// get time in secs since epoch
time_t now = getTime();
// . buffer for the MIME request and brief html err msg
// . NOTE: ctime appends a \n to the time, so we don't need to
char msg[2048];
char *tt = asctime(gmtime ( &now ));
tt [ gbstrlen(tt) - 1 ] = '\0';
// fix empty strings
if (!content) content = "";
// sanity check
if ( strncasecmp(errmsg,"Success",7)==0 ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( format == FORMAT_HTML ) {
// Page content
char cbuf[1024];
sprintf (cbuf,
"<html><head><title>Gigablast Error</title></head>"
"<body><b>Error = %s</b><br><br>"
errmsg, content);
// Header and content prepared for sending
sprintf ( msg ,
"HTTP/1.0 %li (%s)\r\n"
"Content-Length: %i\r\n"
"Connection: Close\r\n"
"Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n"
"Date: %s UTC\r\n\r\n"
error ,
errmsg ,
tt ,
cbuf );
// XML error msg. This needs to contain information that is useful to
// an xml parser (and not break it with invalid syntax)
// Page content
char cbuf[1024];
sprintf (cbuf, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
"<error status=\"%d\" msg=\"%s\">"
(int)error, errmsg, content);
sprintf ( msg ,
"HTTP/1.0 %li (%s)\r\n"
"Content-Length: %i\r\n"
"Connection: Close\r\n"
"Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n"
"Date: %s\r\n\r\n"
error ,
errmsg ,
tt , // ctime ( &now ) ,
cbuf );
// . move the reply to a send buffer
// . don't make sendBuf bigger than g_conf.m_httpMaxSendBufSize
long msgSize = gbstrlen ( msg );
return sendReply2 ( msg , msgSize , NULL , 0 , s );
long sendBufSize = msgSize;
char *sendBuf ;
//if ( sendBufSize <= TCP_READ_BUF_SIZE )
// sendBuf = s->m_tmpBuf;
sendBuf = (char *) mmalloc ( sendBufSize , "HttpServer");
// . this is the ONLY situation in which we destroy "s" ourselves
// . that is, when we cannot even transmit the server-side error info
if ( ! sendBuf ) {
log("http: Failed to allocate %li bytes for send "
"buffer. Send failed.",sendBufSize);
// set this so it gets destroyed
s->m_waitingOnHandler = false;
//m_tcp.destroySocket ( s );
tcp->destroySocket ( s );
return true;
memcpy ( sendBuf , msg , msgSize );
// erase g_errno for sending
g_errno = 0;
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . this sets g_errno on error
// . this will destroy s on error
//if ( ! m_tcp.sendMsg ( s ,
if ( ! tcp->sendMsg ( s ,
sendBuf ,
sendBufSize ,
sendBufSize , // sendBufUsed
sendBufSize , // msgTotalSize (total to send)
NULL , // callbackData passed 2 cleanUp()
cleanUp ) )
return false;
// . TcpServer will free bufs on recycle/destruction
// . free all if sendReply() did not block
// mfree ( sendBuf , sendBufSize );
return true;
// . this is called by the Loop class
// . getMsgPiece() is called by TcpServer cuz we set it in TcpServer::init()
void getMsgPieceWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
// NOTE: this socket 's' may have been closed/destroyed,
// so let's use the fd on the tcpSocket
//TcpSocket *s = (TcpSocket *) state;
long sd = (int) state;
// ensure Socket has not been destroyed by callCallbacks()
TcpSocket *s = g_httpServer.m_tcp.m_tcpSockets[sd] ;
// return if it has been destroyed (cleanUp() should have been called)
if ( ! s ) return;
// read some file into the m_sendBuf of s
long n = getMsgPiece ( s );
// return if nothing was read
if ( n == 0 ) return;
// . now either n is positive, in which case we read some
// . or n is negative and g_errno is set
// . send a ready-to-write signal on s->m_sd
// . g_errno may be set in which case TcpServer::writeSocketWrapper()
// will destroy s and call s's callback, cleanUp()
g_loop.callCallbacks_ass ( false /*for reading?*/, sd );
// break the loop if n is -1, that means error in getMsgPiece()
if ( n < 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"http: getMsgPiece returned -1.");
// keep reading more from file and sending it as long as file didn't
// block
goto loop;
// . this is called by the Loop class
// . getMsgPiece() is called by TcpServer cuz we set it in TcpServer::init()
void getSSLMsgPieceWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
// NOTE: this socket 's' may have been closed/destroyed,
// so let's use the fd on the tcpSocket
//TcpSocket *s = (TcpSocket *) state;
long sd = (int) state;
// ensure Socket has not been destroyed by callCallbacks()
TcpSocket *s = g_httpServer.m_ssltcp.m_tcpSockets[sd] ;
// return if it has been destroyed (cleanUp() should have been called)
if ( ! s ) return;
// read some file into the m_sendBuf of s
long n = getMsgPiece ( s );
// return if nothing was read
if ( n == 0 ) return;
// . now either n is positive, in which case we read some
// . or n is negative and g_errno is set
// . send a ready-to-write signal on s->m_sd
// . g_errno may be set in which case TcpServer::writeSocketWrapper()
// will destroy s and call s's callback, cleanUp()
g_loop.callCallbacks_ass ( false /*for reading?*/, sd );
// keep reading more from file and sending it as long as file didn't
// block
goto loop;
// . returns number of new bytes read
// . returns -1 on error and sets g_errno
// . if this gets called then the maxReadBufSize (128k?) was exceeded
// . this is called by g_loop when "f" is ready for reading and is called
// by TcpServer::writeSocket() when it needs more of the file to send it
long getMsgPiece ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// get the server this socket uses
TcpServer *tcp = s->m_this;
//CallbackData *cd = (CallbackData *) s->m_callbackData;
File *f = (File *) s->m_state;
// . sendReply() above should have opened this file
// . this will be NULL if we get a signal on this file before
// TcpServer::sendMsg() was called to send the MIME reply
// . in that case just return 0
if ( ! f ) {
return log(LOG_LOGIC,"http: No file ptr.") - 1;
// if the we've sent the entire buffer already we should reset it
if ( s->m_sendBufUsed == s->m_sendOffset ) {
s->m_sendBufUsed = 0;
s->m_sendOffset = 0;
// how much can we read into the sendBuf?
long avail = s->m_sendBufSize - s->m_sendBufUsed;
// where do we read it into
char *buf = s->m_sendBuf + s->m_sendBufUsed;
// get current read offset of f
long pos = f->getCurrentPos();
// now do a non-blocking read from the file
long n = f->read ( buf , avail , -1/*current read offset*/ );
// cancel EAGAIN errors (not really errors)
if ( g_errno == EAGAIN ) { g_errno = 0; n = 0; }
// return -1 on real read errors
if ( n < 0 ) return -1;
// mark how much sendBuf is now used
s->m_sendBufUsed += n;
// how much do we still have to send?
long needToSend = s->m_totalToSend - s->m_totalSent;
// how much is left in buffer to send
long inBufferToSend = s->m_sendBufUsed - s->m_sendOffset;
// if we read all we need from disk then no need to register
// since we did not block this time
if ( needToSend == inBufferToSend ) {
// do a quick filter of to to
// prevent those god damned google map api pop ups
char *p = s->m_sendBuf;
char *pend = p + s->m_sendBufUsed;
// skip if not a doc.234567 filename format
if ( ! gb_strcasestr(f->m_filename,"/doc." ) ) p = pend;
// do the replace
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
if ( strncasecmp(p,"google",6)) continue;
// replace it
return n;
// if the current read offset of f was not 0 then no need to register
// because we should have already registered last call
if ( pos != 0 ) return n;
// debug msg
log(LOG_DEBUG,"http: Register file fd: %i.",f->getfd());
// . TODO: if we read less than we need, register a callback for f HERE
// . this means we block, and cleanUp should be called to unregister it
// . this also makes f non-blocking
if (tcp->m_useSSL) {
if ( g_loop.registerReadCallback ( f->getfd(),
(void *)(s->m_sd),
getSSLMsgPieceWrapper ,
s->m_niceness ) )
return n;
else {
if ( g_loop.registerReadCallback ( f->getfd(),
(void *)(s->m_sd),
getMsgPieceWrapper ,
s->m_niceness ) )
return n;
// . TODO: deal with this better
// . if the register failed then panic
log("http: Registration failed.");
exit ( -1 );
// . we call this to try to figure out the size of the WHOLE HTTP msg
// being recvd so that we might pre-allocate memory for it
// . it could be an HTTP request or reply
// . this is called upon reception of every packet
// of the msg being read until a non-negative msg size is returned
// . this is used to avoid doing excessive reallocs and extract the
// reply size from things like "Content-Length: xxx" so we can do
// one alloc() and forget about having to do more...
// . up to 128 bytes of the reply can be stored in a static buffer
// contained in TcpSocket, until we need to alloc...
long getMsgSize ( char *buf, long bufSize, TcpSocket *s ) {
// . if the msg ends in \r\n0\r\n\r\n that's an end delimeter
// . this is part of HTTP/1.1's "chunked transfer encoding" thang
if ( bufSize >= 7 ) {
if ( buf [ bufSize - 1 ] == '\n' &&
buf [ bufSize - 2 ] == '\r' &&
buf [ bufSize - 3 ] == '\n' &&
buf [ bufSize - 4 ] == '\r' &&
buf [ bufSize - 5 ] == '0' &&
buf [ bufSize - 6 ] == '\n' &&
buf [ bufSize - 7 ] == '\r' )
return bufSize;
// make sure we have a \n\n or \n\c\n\c or \c\c
long i;
long mimeSize = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bufSize ; i++ ) {
if ( buf[i] != '\r' && buf[i] != '\n' ) continue;
// boundary check
if ( i + 1 >= bufSize ) continue;
// prepare for a smaller mime size
mimeSize = i+2;
// \r\r
if ( buf[i ] == '\r' && buf[i+1] == '\r' ) break;
// \n\n
if ( buf[i ] == '\n' && buf[i+1] == '\n' ) break;
// boundary check
if ( i + 3 >= bufSize ) continue;
// prepare for a larger mime size
mimeSize = i+4;
// \r\n\r\n
if ( buf[i ] == '\r' && buf[i+1] == '\n' &&
buf[i+2] == '\r' && buf[i+3] == '\n' ) break;
// \n\r\n\r
if ( buf[i ] == '\n' && buf[i+1] == '\r' &&
buf[i+2] == '\n' && buf[i+3] == '\r' ) break;
// return -1 if could not find the end of the MIME
if ( i == bufSize ) {
// some mutha fuckas could send us a never ending mime!
if ( bufSize < 20*1024 ) return -1;
// in that case bitch about it
log("http: Could not find end of HTTP MIME in at least "
"the first 20k. Truncating MIME to %li bytes.",
return bufSize;
// . don't read more than this many bytes!
// . this may change if we detect a Content-Type: field in the MIME
long max = s->m_maxTextDocLen + 10*1024;
if ( s->m_maxTextDocLen == -1 ) max = 0x7fffffff;
// hey, now, requests can have this to if they're POSTs
// is it a reply?
bool hasContent = ( bufSize>=4 && buf[0]=='H' && buf[1]=='T' &&
buf[2]=='T' && buf[3]=='P' );
// POSTs have content as well
bool isPost = false;
if ( ! hasContent && bufSize>=4 && buf[0]=='P' && buf[1]=='O' &&
buf[2]=='S' && buf[3]=='T' ) {
hasContent = true;
// don't allow posts of more than 100k
max = 200*1024;
// point to requested url path
char *pp = buf + 5;
char *ppend = buf + bufSize;
while ( pp < ppend && is_wspace_a(*pp) ) pp++;
// if post is a /inject allow 10 megs
if ( pp + 7 < ppend && strncmp ( pp ,"/inject" , 7 ) == 0 )
max = 0x7fffffff; // maxOtherDocLen not available
if ( pp + 13 < ppend && strncmp ( pp ,"/admin/inject" ,13)==0 )
max = 0x7fffffff; // maxOtherDocLen not available
// if post is a /cgi/12.cgi (tagdb) allow 10 megs
//if ( pp + 11 < ppend && strncmp ( pp ,"/cgi/12.cgi",11)==0)
if ( pp + 12 < ppend && strncmp ( pp ,"/admin/tagdb",12)==0)
max = 10*1024*1024;
if ( pp + 4 < ppend && strncmp ( pp ,"/vec",4)==0)
max = 0x7fffffff;
// bulk job. /v2/bulk
if ( pp + 4 < ppend && strncmp ( pp ,"/v",2)==0 &&
// /v2/bulk
( ( pp[4] == 'b' && pp[5] == 'u' ) ||
// /v19/bulk
( pp[5] == 'b' && pp[6] == 'u' ) ) )
max = 0x7fffffff;
// flag it as a post
isPost = true;
// if has no content then it must end in \n\r\n\r or \r\n\r\n
if ( ! hasContent ) return bufSize;
// look for a Content-Type: field because we now limit how much
// we read based on this
char *p = buf;
char *pend = buf + i;
// if it is pointless to partially download the doc then
// set allOrNothing to true
bool allOrNothing = false;
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
if ( *p != 'c' && *p != 'C' ) continue;
if ( p + 13 >= pend ) break;
if ( strncasecmp ( p, "Content-Type:", 13 ) != 0 ) continue;
p += 13; while ( p < pend && is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
if ( p + 9 < pend && strncasecmp ( p,"text/html" , 9 )==0)
if ( p + 10 < pend && strncasecmp( p,"text/plain",10)==0)
// . we cannot parse partial PDFs cuz they have a table at the
// end that gets cutoff
// . but we can still index their url components and link
// text and it won't take up much space at all, so we might
// as well index that at least.
if ( p + 15 < pend && strncasecmp( p,"application/pdf",15)==0)
allOrNothing = true;
// adjust "max to read" if we don't have an html/plain doc
if ( ! isPost ) {
max = s->m_maxOtherDocLen + 10*1024 ;
if ( s->m_maxOtherDocLen == -1 ) max = 0x7fffffff;
// now look for Content-Length in the mime
for ( long j = 0; j < i ; j++ ) {
if ( buf[j] != 'c' && buf[j] != 'C' ) continue;
if ( j + 16 >= i ) break;
if ( strncasecmp ( &buf[j], "Content-Length:" , 15 ) != 0 )
long contentSize = atol2 ( &buf[j+15] , i - (j+15) );
long totalReplySize = contentSize + mimeSize ;
// all-or-nothing filter
if ( totalReplySize > max && allOrNothing ) {
"http: pdf reply/request size of %li is larger "
"than limit of %li. Cutoff pdf's are useless. "
// do not read any more than what we have
return bufSize;
// warn if we received a post that was truncated
if ( totalReplySize > max && isPost ) {
log("http: Truncated POST request from %li "
"to %li bytes. Increase \"max other/text doc "
"len\" in Spider Controls page to prevent this.",
// truncate the reply if we have to
if ( totalReplySize > max ) {
log("http: truncating reply of %li to %li bytes",
totalReplySize = max;
// truncate if we need to
return totalReplySize;
// if it is a POST request with content but no content length...
// we don't know how big it is...
if ( isPost ) {
log("http: Received large POST request without Content-Length "
"field. Assuming request size is %li.",bufSize);
return bufSize;
// . we only need to be read shit after the \r\n\r\n if it is a 200 OK
// HTTP status, right? so get the status
// . this further fixes the problem of the befsr81 router presumably
// dropping TCP FIN packets. The other fix I did was to close the
// connection ourselves after Content-Length: bytes have been read.
// . if first char we read is not H, stop reading
if ( buf[0] != 'H' ) return bufSize;
// . skip over till we hit a space
// . only check the first 20 chars
for ( i = 4 ; i < bufSize && i < 20 ; i++ ) if ( buf[i] == ' ' ) break;
// skip additional spaces
while ( i < bufSize && i < 20 && buf[i] == ' ' ) i++;
// 3 digits must follow the space, otherwise, stop reading
if ( i + 2 >= bufSize ) return bufSize;
if ( i + 2 >= 20 ) return bufSize;
if ( ! is_digit ( buf[i] ) ) return bufSize;
// . if not a 200 then we can return bufSize and not read anymore
// . we get a lot of 404s here from getting robots.txt's
if ( buf[i+0] != '2' ) return bufSize;
if ( buf[i+1] != '0' ) return bufSize;
if ( buf[i+2] != '0' ) return bufSize;
// . don't read more than total max
// . was sending us an infinite amount
// of content (no content-length) very slowly
if ( bufSize >= max ) return bufSize;
// otherwise, it is a 200 so we need a content-length field or
// we just have to wait for server to send us a FIN (close socket).
// if it's not there return -1 for unknown, remote server should close
// his connection on send completion then... sloppy
return -1;
// . this table is used to permit or deny access to the serps
// . by embedding a dynamic "key" in every serp url we can dramatically reduce
// abuse by seo robots
// . the key is present in the <form> on every page with a query submission box
// . the key is dependent on the query (for getting next 10, etc) and the day.
// . a new key is generated every 12 hours.
// . only the current key and the last key will be valid.
// . the key on the home page use a NULL query, so it only changes once a day.
// . we allow any one IP block to access up to 10 serps per day without having
// the correct key. This allows people with text boxes to gigablast to
// continue to provide a good service.
// . we do not allow *any* accesses to s=10+ or n=10+ pages w/o a correct key.
// . we also allow any site searches to work without keys.
// . unfortunately, toolbars will not allow more than 10 searches per day.
// . byt seo robots will be limited to ten searches per day per IP block. Some
// seos have quite a few IP blocks but this should be fairly rare.
// . if permission is denied, we should serve up a page with the query in
// a text box so the user need only press submit and his key will be correct
// and the serp will be served immediately. also, state that if he wants
// to buy a search feed he can do so. AND to obey robots.txt, and people
// not obeying it risk having their sites permanently banned from the index.
// . the only way a spammer can break this scheme is to download the homepage
// once every day and parse out the key. it is fairly easy to do but most
// spammers are using "search engine commando" and do not have that level
// of programming ability.
// . to impede a spammer parsing the home page, the variable name of the
// key in the <form> changes every 12 hours as well. it should be
// "k[0-9][a-z]" so it does not conflict with any other vars.
// . adv.html must be dynamically generated.
// . this will help us stop the email extractors too!! yay!
// . TODO: also allow banning by user agents...
// support up to 100,000 or so ips in the access table at one time
#define AT_SLOTS 1000*150
// . how many freebies per day?
// . an ip domain can do this many queries without a key
#define AT_FREEBIES 15
void HttpServer::getKey ( long *key, char *kname,
char *q , long qlen , long now , long s , long n ) {
// temp debug
//*key=0; kname[0]='k'; kname[1]='x'; kname[2]='x'; kname[3]=0;
getKeys ( key , NULL , kname , NULL , q , qlen , now , s , n );
// . get the correct key for the current time and query
// . first key is the most recent, key2 is the older one
// . PageResults should call this to embed the keys
void HttpServer::getKeys ( long *key1, long *key2, char *kname1, char *kname2,
char *q , long qlen , long now , long s , long n ) {
// debug msg
//log("q=%s qlen=%li now/32=%li s=%li n=%li",q,qlen,now/32,s,n);
// new base key every 64 seconds
long now1 = now / 64;
long now2 = now1 - 1;
// we don't know what query they will do ... so reset this to 0
// unless they are doing a next 10
if ( s == 0 ) qlen = 0;
unsigned long h = hash32 ( q , qlen );
h = hash32h ( s , h );
h = hash32h ( n , h );
long h1 = hash32h ( now1 , h );
long h2 = hash32h ( now2 , h );
// get rid of pesky negative sign, and a few digits
h1 &= 0x000fffff;
h2 &= 0x000fffff;
// set the keys first
if ( key1 ) *key1 = h1;
if ( key2 ) *key2 = h2;
// key name changes based on time
kname1[0] = 'k';
kname1[1] = '0' + now1 % 10;
kname1[2] = 'a' + now1 % 26;
kname1[3] = '\0';
// debug msg
//log("kname1=%s v1=%lu",kname1,*key1);
if ( ! kname2 ) return;
kname2[0] = 'k';
kname2[1] = '0' + now2 % 10;
kname2[2] = 'a' + now2 % 26;
kname2[3] = '\0';
// . returns false if permission is denied
// . HttpServer should log it as such, and the user should be presented with
// a query submission page so he can get the right key by hitting "blast it"
// . q/qlen may be a 6 byte docid, not just a query.
bool HttpServer::hasPermission ( long ip , HttpRequest *r ,
char *q , long qlen , long s , long n ) {
// time in seconds since epoch
time_t now ;//= getTimeGlobal(); //time(NULL);
if ( isClockInSync() ) now = getTimeGlobal();
else now = getTimeLocal();
// get the keys name/value pairs that are acceptable
long key1 , key2 ;
char kname1[4], kname2[4];
// debug msg
//log("get keys for permission: q=%s qlen=%li",q,qlen);
getKeys (&key1,&key2,kname1,kname2,q,qlen,now,s,n);
// what value where in the http request?
long v1 = r->getLong ( kname1 , 0 );
long v2 = r->getLong ( kname2 , 0 );
// for this use just the domain
//unsigned long h = iptop ( s->m_ip );
unsigned long h = ipdom ( ip );
// init the table
if ( ! s_init ) {
s_htable.set ( AT_SLOTS );
s_init = true;
// do they match? if so, permission is granted
if ( v1 == key1 || v2 == key2 ) {
// only reset the count if s = 0 so bots don't reset it when
// they do a Next 10
if ( s != 0 ) return true;
// are they in the table?
long slotNum = s_htable.getSlot ( h );
// if so, reset freebie count
if ( slotNum >= 0 ) s_htable.setValue ( slotNum , 1 );
return true;
// debug msg
//log("NO!!!! input--> kname1=%s kname2=%s v1=%li v2=%li",
// kname1,kname2,v1,v2);
// . you always need key if you specifiy s= or n=, no freebies for that
// . no, cuz they could wait a minute before hitting "Next 10" and pass
// in an expired key
//if ( r->getLong ( "s" , 0 ) != 0 ) return false;
//if ( r->getLong ( "n" , 10 ) != 10 ) return false;
// . clean out table every 3 hours
// . AT_FREEBIES allowed every 3 hours
if ( now - s_lastTime > 3*60*60 ) {
s_lastTime = now;
// . if table almost full clean out ALL slots
// . TODO: just clean out oldest slots
long partial = (AT_SLOTS * 90) / 100 ;
if ( s_htable.getNumSlotsUsed() > partial ) s_htable.clear ();
// . how many times has this IP domain submitted?
// . allow 10 times per day
long val = s_htable.getValue ( h );
// if over 24hr limit then bail
if ( val >= AT_FREEBIES ) return false;
// otherwise, inc it
// add to table, will replace old values if already in there
s_htable.addKey ( h , val );
return true;
// . called by functions that generate dynamic pages to send to client browser
// . send this page
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . cacheTime default is 0, which tells browser to use local caching rules
// . status should be 200 for all replies except POST which is 201
bool HttpServer::sendDynamicPage ( TcpSocket *s ,
char *page ,
long pageLen ,
long cacheTime ,
bool POSTReply ,
char *contentType ,
long httpStatus ,
char *cookie ,
char *charset ,
HttpRequest *hr ) {
// how big is the TOTAL page?
long contentLen = pageLen; // headerLen + pageLen + tailLen;
// get the time for a mime
time_t now ;//= getTimeGlobal();
if ( isClockInSync() ) now = getTimeGlobal();
else now = getTimeLocal();
// guess contentype
char *ct = contentType;
if ( ! ct ) {
if ( page && pageLen > 10 && strncmp(page,"<?xml",5)==0)
ct = "text/xml";
// make a mime for this contentLen (no partial send)
HttpMime m;
// . the default is a cacheTime of -1, which means NOT to cache at all
// . if we don't supply a cacheTime (it's 0) browser caches for its
// own time (maybe 1 minute?)
// . the page's mime will have "Pragma: no-cache\nExpiration: -1\n"
m.makeMime ( contentLen ,
cacheTime , // 0-->local cache rules,-1 --> NEVER cache
now , // last modified
0 , // offset
-1 , // bytes to send
NULL , // extension of file we're sending
POSTReply , // is this a post reply?
ct, // contentType ,
charset , // charset
httpStatus ,
cookie );
return sendReply2 ( m.getMime(),m.getMimeLen(),page,pageLen,s,
false, hr);
// get mime length
long mimeLen = m.getMimeLen();
// 0 content length for POST replies
//if ( POSTReply ) { *page='X'; }; //contentLen = 0; pageLen = 0; }
// get total bytes to send
long sendBufAlloc = mimeLen + contentLen;
// shortcut
long ht = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_type;
// did requester want a compressed reply?
char *rb = s->m_readBuf;
// special forwarding case
if ( (ht & HT_PROXY) && *rb == 'Z' ) sendBufAlloc = pageLen;
// extra room?
//if ( s->m_udpSlot ) sendBufSize += 12;
// make a sendBuf
char *sendBuf ;
//if ( sendBufSize <= TCP_READ_BUF_SIZE )
// sendBuf = s->m_tmpBuf;
sendBuf = (char *) mmalloc ( sendBufAlloc , "HttpServer2");
// destroy s on mmalloc() error and return
if ( ! sendBuf )
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
// p is a moving ptr into "sendBuf"
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)sendBuf;
unsigned char *pend = (unsigned char *)sendBuf + sendBufAlloc;
// by default assign size to what was allocated
long sendBufSize = sendBufAlloc;
// we swap out the GET for a ZET
bool doCompression = ( *rb == 'Z' );
// only grunts do the compression now to prevent proxy overload
if ( ! ( ht & HT_GRUNT) ) doCompression = false;
// if we are fielding a request for a qcproxy's 0xfd request,
// then compress the reply before sending back.
if ( doCompression ) {
// store uncompressed size1 and size1
*(long *)p = mimeLen + pageLen; p += 4;
// bookmarks
long *saved1 = (long *)p; p += 4;
long *saved2 = (long *)p; p += 4;
unsigned long used1 = pend - p;
int err1 = gbcompress ( p , &used1,
(unsigned char *)m.getMime(),mimeLen );
if ( err1 != Z_OK )
log("http: error compressing mime reply.");
p += used1;
// update bookmark
*saved1 = used1;
// then store the page content
unsigned long used2 = pend - p;
int err2 = gbcompress(p,&used2,(unsigned char *)page,pageLen );
if ( err2 != Z_OK )
log("http: error compressing content reply.");
p += used2;
// update bookmark
*saved2 = used2;
// note it
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"http: compressing. after=%li",
(long)(((char *)p)-sendBuf));
// change size
sendBufSize = (char *)p - sendBuf;
// if we are a proxy, and not a compression proxy, then just forward
// the blob as-is if it is a "ZET" (GET-compressed=ZET)
else if ( (ht & HT_PROXY) && *rb == 'Z' ) {
memcpy ( sendBuf , page , pageLen );
// sanity check
if ( sendBufSize != pageLen ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// note it
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"http: forwarding. pageLen=%li",pageLen);
else {
// copy mime into sendBuf first
memcpy ( p , m.getMime() , mimeLen );
p += mimeLen;
// then the page
memcpy ( p , page , pageLen );
p += pageLen;
// sanity check
if ( sendBufSize != pageLen+mimeLen ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// . send if off
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
//if ( ! m_tcp.sendMsg ( s ,
if ( ! tcp->sendMsg ( s ,
sendBuf ,
sendBufSize ,
sendBufSize ,
cleanUp ) ) return false;
// . free all if sendReply() did not block
// . socket should have been reset() (destroyed on g_errno) byTcpServer
// . TcpServer will free bufs on recycle/destruction
// mfree ( sendBuf , sendBufSize );
return true;
bool HttpServer::addToQueue(TcpSocket *s, HttpRequest *r, long page) {
if(m_lastSlotUsed == MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE) {
//not enough room to handle another request!
g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
return false;
QueuedRequest* qr = &m_requestQueue[m_lastSlotUsed++];
qr->m_s = s;
qr->m_page = page;
return true;
bool HttpServer::callQueuedPages() {
if(m_lastSlotUsed == 0) return true;
for(long i = 0; i < m_lastSlotUsed; i++) {
QueuedRequest* qr = &m_requestQueue[i];
g_pages.sendDynamicReply (qr->m_s , &qr->m_r , qr->m_page);
m_lastSlotUsed = 0;
return true;
TcpSocket *HttpServer::unzipReply(TcpSocket* s) {
//long long start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
HttpMime mime;
if(!mime.set(s->m_readBuf,s->m_readOffset, NULL)) {
g_errno = EBADMIME;
return s;
// . return if not zipped,
// . or sometimes we get an empty reply that claims its gzipped
long zipLen = s->m_readOffset - mime.getMimeLen();
if(mime.getContentEncoding() != ET_GZIP ||
zipLen < (int)sizeof(gz_header)) {
m_bytesDownloaded += zipLen;
m_uncompressedBytes += zipLen;
return s;
//long newSize = getGunzippedSize(s->m_readBuf, s->m_readOffset);
long newSize = *(long*)(s->m_readBuf + s->m_readOffset - 4);
if(newSize < 0 || newSize > 500*1024*1024) {
log("http: got bad gzipped reply1 of size=%li.",
newSize );
return s;
//if the content is just the gzip header and footer, then don't
//bother unzipping
if(newSize == 0) {
s->m_readOffset = mime.getMimeLen();
return s;
//make the buffer to hold the new header and uncompressed content
long need = mime.getMimeLen() + newSize + 64;
char *newBuf = (char*)mmalloc(need, "HttpUnzip");
if(!newBuf) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
return s;
char *pnew = newBuf;
char *pold = s->m_readBuf;
char *mimeEnd = pold + mime.getMimeLen();
// copy header to the new buffer, do it in two parts, since we
// have to modify the encoding and content length as we go.
// Basically we are unzipping the http reply into a new buffer here,
// so we need to rewrite the Content-Length: and the
// Content-Encoding: http mime field values so they are no longer
// "gzip" and use the uncompressed content-length.
char *ptr;
char *ptr1;
char *ptr2;
if(mime.getContentEncodingPos() &&
mime.getContentEncodingPos() < mime.getContentLengthPos()) {
ptr1 = mime.getContentEncodingPos();
ptr2 = mime.getContentLengthPos();
else {
ptr1 = mime.getContentLengthPos();
ptr2 = mime.getContentEncodingPos();
ptr = ptr1;
while(ptr) {
long segLen = ptr - pold;
memcpy(pnew, pold, segLen);
pold += segLen;
pnew += segLen;
if(ptr == mime.getContentEncodingPos())
pnew += sprintf(pnew, " identity");
else pnew += sprintf(pnew, " %li",newSize);
// scan to end of mime field line so we skip the value
while(*pold != '\r' && *pold != '\n') pold++;
// then skip the \r\n at end of line
//if (*pold == '\r' && pold[1] == '\n') {
// *pnew++ = *pold++;
// *pnew++ = *pold++;
// if we just got done with the 2nd field, then stop.
// we will copy the rest with "restLen" below
if(ptr == ptr2) break;//ptr = NULL;
// otherwise, point to the 2nd mime field and remove its
// value and replace it with the new content-length or
// "identity"
else ptr = ptr2;
long restLen = mimeEnd - pold;
// before restLen was negative because we were skipping over
// leading \n's in the document body because the while loop above
// was bad logic
if ( restLen < 0 || ! ptr1 ) {
log("http: got bad gzipped reply2 of size=%li.",
newSize );
mfree (newBuf, need, "HttpUnzipError");
return s;
memcpy(pnew, pold, restLen);
pold += restLen;
pnew += restLen;
long unsigned int uncompressedLen = newSize;
long compressedLen = s->m_readOffset-mime.getMimeLen();
int zipErr = gbuncompress((unsigned char*)pnew, &uncompressedLen,
(unsigned char*)pold,
if(zipErr != Z_OK ||
uncompressedLen != (long unsigned int)newSize) {
log("http: got gzipped unlikely reply of size=%li.",
newSize );
mfree (newBuf, need, "HttpUnzipError");
return s;
mfree (s->m_readBuf, s->m_readBufSize, "HttpUnzip");
pnew += uncompressedLen;
if(pnew - newBuf > need - 2 ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
*pnew = '\0';
//log("http: got compressed doc, %f:1 compressed "
//"(%li/%li). took %lli ms",
//gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - start);
m_bytesDownloaded += compressedLen;
m_uncompressedBytes += uncompressedLen;
s->m_readBuf = newBuf;
s->m_readOffset = pnew - newBuf;
s->m_readBufSize = need;
return s;
bool sendPageApi ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
SafeBuf sb;
"<span style=\"font-size:16px;\">"
"For developers that require the highest level "
"of control, "
"we can return search results in XML "
"format using a url like: "
"<a href=/?xml=1&q=test>"
"The only thing we request is that if you use "
"this then you please place a link like<br>"
"&lt;a href=;"
"Search Results&lt;/a&gt; powered by"
"<br>on the page that is displaying the events."
"<a href=#output>Jump to the XML Output "
"<table cellpadding=10>"
"<tr height=22px><td colspan=10 class=gradgreen>"
"<center><b>Input Parameters</b></center>"
sb.safePrintf ("<tr><td><b>Name</b></td>"
"</tr>\n" );
long count = 0;
// from SearchInput.cpp:
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_parms.m_numSearchParms ; i++ ) {
Parm *parm = g_parms.m_searchParms[i];
// check if we should print it...
if ( ! ( parm->m_flags & PF_API ) ) continue;
//if ( parm->m_flags & PF_SUBMENU_HEADER ) continue;
//if ( ! parm->m_flags ) continue;
// print it
if ( ! parm->m_sparm ) continue;
// use m_cgi if no m_scgi
char *cgi = parm->m_cgi;
if ( parm->m_scgi ) cgi = parm->m_scgi;
// alternat bg color
char *bgcolor = "";
if ( ++count % 2 == 1 )
bgcolor = " bgcolor=lightgray";
// print the parm
sb.safePrintf ( "<tr><td%s><b>%s</b></td>"
"<td%s>", bgcolor,cgi,bgcolor );
if ( parm->m_type == TYPE_BOOL2 )
sb.safePrintf ( "0 or 1" );
else if ( parm->m_type == TYPE_BOOL )
sb.safePrintf ( "0 or 1" );
else if ( parm->m_type == TYPE_CHAR )
sb.safePrintf ( "CHAR" );
else if ( parm->m_type == TYPE_CHAR2 )
sb.safePrintf ( "CHAR" );
else if ( parm->m_type == TYPE_FLOAT )
sb.safePrintf ( "FLOAT" );
else if ( parm->m_type == TYPE_IP )
sb.safePrintf ( "IP" );
else if ( parm->m_type == TYPE_LONG )
sb.safePrintf ( "INT32" );
else if ( parm->m_type == TYPE_LONG_LONG )
sb.safePrintf ( "INT64" );
else if ( parm->m_type == TYPE_STRING )
sb.safePrintf ( "STRING" );
else if ( parm->m_type == TYPE_STRINGBOX )
sb.safePrintf ( "STRING" );
sb.safePrintf ( "OTHER" );
char *def = parm->m_def;
if ( ! def ) def = "";
char *desc = parm->m_desc;
if ( ! desc || ! desc[0] )
desc = "Show events from this category.";
sb.safePrintf ( "</td>"
"<td%s>%s</td>" // default
//"<td nowrap=1>%s</td>"
"<td%s><font size=-1>%s</font>"
desc );
// close it up
sb.safePrintf ( "</table><br><br>" );
sb.safePrintf ( "<a name=output></a>");
"<span style=\"font-size:14px;\">"
sb.safePrintf("<table cellpadding=10>"
"<tr height=22px><td colspan=10 "
"<center><b>XML Output Description</b></center>"
// . print out a sample in preformatted xml
// . just use &xml=1&help=1 then each field will be
// described in line!!
// . so we can use an iframe for this...
// . or just do a query and paste it into here!!!
char *xmlOutput =
"# The first xml tag is the response tag.\n"
"# This is the current time in UTC that was used for the "
"# This is the latitude and longitude location of the user.\n"
"# Based on the user's IP address or her GPS coords\n"
"# or based on the city derived from the entered location\n"
"# This is the lat/lon bounding box to which the search\n"
"# was constrained.\n"
"# This is how long the search took in milliseconds\n"
"# This is how many events are contained in this response\n"
"# This is '1' if more events follow or 0 if not\n"
"# This is the current time in the timezone of that of\n"
"# the majority of the events in the contained herein\n"
"<![CDATA[ Thu Mar 22, 3:57 PM MDT ]]>"
"# This is the indicator of an event\n"
"# This is the title of the event\n"
"<![CDATA[ UNM'S Poli Sci 101: Pimping IS Easy! ]]>"
"# This is a 32-bit hash of the event's summary\n"
"# This is the summary of the event\n"
"\tNot just by cheering me on when I announce myself or the general radness I've come to expect from you, but the fact that there was a friggin' waiting list of teams to buy me drinks. All of you knew Vanilla Ice, which I suppose says something about the longevity of crap."
"Sorry Lauryn Hill, a white boy named Bob Van Winkle has stood the <font style=\"color:black;background-color:yellow\">test</font> of time better than you."
"# This represents all the date intervals the event occurs\n"
"# at over the next year or two. The two numbers in each\n"
"# closed interval are UNIX timestamps in UTC.\n"
"# There can be hundreds of intervals.\n"
"# This is how long until the next occurence of this event\n"
"<![CDATA[ in 5 hours 2 minutes on Thu, Mar 22 @ 9pm ]]>"
"# This is the canonical time of the event\n"
"<![CDATA[ every Thursday at 9 pm ]]>"
"# This is the canonical time of the event, truncated, in\n"
"# case it is a huge list of times.\n"
"<![CDATA[ every Thursday at 9 pm ]]>"
"# This is the url the event came from\n"
"# This is the url of the cached copy of that page\n"
"# This is the size of that web page in Kilobytes\n"
"# This is the numeric Document Identifier of that page\n"
"# The timzone the event is in. Goes from -11 to 11.\n"
"# Does the location the event is in use Daylight "
"Savings Time?\n"
"# When is the next start time of the event in UTC?\n"
"# If event is in progress, this is when it started\n"
"# When is the next end time of ths event in UTC?\n"
"# When is the next start monthday, month and year of the\n"
"# event in UTC? If event is in progress, this is when it\n"
"# started\n"
"# How far away is the event in Manhattan distance?\n"
"# The address broken down into separate tags\n"
"# The state here is always a two character abbreviation.\n"
"# The country here is always a two character abbreviation.\n"
"<![CDATA[ Wendy's ]]>"
"<![CDATA[ 410 Eubank Boulevard Northeast ]]>"
"<![CDATA[ Albuquerque ]]</b>"
"<![CDATA[ NM ]]>"
"<![CDATA[ US ]]>"
"# The latitude and longitude of the event according to\n"
"# The geocoder, if available.\n"
"# The latitude and longitude of the centroid of the city\n"
"# that the event is taking place in, if available\n"
"# The final latitude and longitude of the event\n"
"# You can count on this to be there.\n"
"# The website the event came from and the 32-bit\n"
"# hash of that site and its domain.\n"
"# The last time the event was spidered. A UNIX timestamp\n"
"# in UTC.\n"
"# The last time the event was successfully indexed\n"
"# A UNIX timestamp in UTC.\n"
"# The content type of the page the event was indexed from.\n"
"# Values can be 'xml' or 'html'\n"
"# The language of the page the event was on.\n"
"# Values are the standard two-letter abbreviations, like\n"
"# 'en' for english. It uses 'Unknown' if unknown.\n"
"<![CDATA[ Unknown ]]>"
"# That does it!\n"
// reserve an extra 3k
sb.reserve ( 25000 );
// get ptr
char *dst = sb.getBuf();
char *src = xmlOutput;
bool inBold = false;
bool inFont = false;
// copy into sb, but rewrite \n as <br> and
// < as &lt; and > as &gt;
for ( ; *src ; src++ ) {
if ( *src == '#' ) {
memcpy ( dst,"<font color=gray>",17);
dst += 17;
inFont = true;
if ( *src == '<' ) {
memcpy ( dst , "&lt;",4);
dst += 4;
// boldify start tags
//if ( src[1] != '/' && src[1] !='!' ) {
// memcpy(dst,"<b>",3);
// dst += 3;
// inBold = true;
else if ( *src == '>' ) {
// end bold tags
if ( inBold ) {
dst += 4;
inBold = false;
memcpy ( dst , "&gt;",4);
dst += 4;
else if ( *src == '\n' ) {
if ( inFont ) {
dst += 7;
inFont = false;
memcpy ( dst , "<br>",4);
dst += 4;
// default
*dst = *src;
// just in case
*dst = '\0';
// update sb length
sb.m_length = dst - sb.getBufStart();
sb.safePrintf ( "</span>" );
sb.safePrintf ( "</html>" );
char *charset = "utf-8";
char *ct = "text/html";
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s ,
25 , // cachetime in secs
// pick up key changes
// this was 0 before
false , // POSTREply?
ct , // content type
-1 , // http status -1->200
NULL, // cookiePtr ,
charset );
return true;