2014-11-10 14:45:11 -08:00

333 lines
7.8 KiB

#include "Msg6b.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
void gotDocIdListWrapper(void* state);
void gotMsg22Wrapper(void *state);
void gotMsg8aWrapper(void *state);
Msg6b::Msg6b() {
m_msg22s = NULL;
m_msg8as = NULL;
//m_siteRecs = NULL;
m_tagRecs = NULL;
m_numMsg22s = 0;
// reset();
void Msg6b::reset() {
m_numToGet = 0;
m_numToKeep = 0;
m_docIdPtr = NULL;
m_lastDocIdPtr = NULL;
if(m_numMsg22s <= 0) return;
if(m_msg22s) {
delete [] (m_msg22s);
m_numMsg22s * sizeof(Msg22),
m_msg22s = NULL;
if(m_msg8as) {
delete [] (m_msg8as);
mdelete( m_msg8as, m_numMsg22s * sizeof(Msg8a),
"Msg6bMsg8as" );
m_msg8as = NULL;
//if(m_siteRecs) {
// delete [] (m_siteRecs);
// mdelete(m_siteRecs, m_numMsg22s * sizeof(SiteRec),
// "Msg6bSiteRecs" );
//m_siteRecs = NULL;
if ( m_tagRecs ) {
delete [] (m_tagRecs);
mdelete ( m_tagRecs , m_numMsg22s * sizeof(TagRec) , "msg6btb");
m_tagRecs = NULL;
m_numMsg22s = 0;
Msg6b::~Msg6b() { reset(); }
bool Msg6b::getTitlerecSample(char* query,
char* coll,
int32_t collLen,
int32_t numSamples,
int32_t numToKeep,
void *state,
bool (*recordCallback) (void *state,
TitleRec* tr,
TagRec *tagRec),
void (*endCallback) (void *state),
bool doSiteClustering,
bool doIpClustering,
bool getTagRecs,
int32_t niceness) {
//clear it out;
strcpy(m_coll, coll);
m_collLen = collLen;
m_callbackState = state;
m_recordCallback = recordCallback;
m_endCallback = endCallback;
CollectionRec* cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_coll );
if ( ! cr ) {
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
log("admin: no collection record found ");
return true;
m_query.set ( query , gbstrlen(query) , m_coll , m_collLen , 0 /*boolFlag*/ );
//log(LOG_WARN, "Msg6b got %s query.",query);
m_numToGet = numSamples;
m_numToKeep = numToKeep;
if(m_numToGet < m_numToKeep) m_numToGet = m_numToKeep;
//get twice as many docids as they want to account for errors
int32_t docsWanted = m_numToGet * 2;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_getTagRecs = getTagRecs;
int32_t tierStage0 = cr->m_tierStage0;
int32_t tierStage1 = cr->m_tierStage1;
int32_t tierStage2 = cr->m_tierStage2;
// set our request
Msg39Request req;
req.ptr_coll = m_coll;
req.size_coll = m_collLen+1;
req.m_docsToGet = docsWanted;
req.m_niceness = m_niceness;
req.m_doSiteClustering = doSiteClustering;
req.m_doIpClustering = doIpClustering;
req.m_doDupContentRemoval = false;
req.m_tierSize0 = tierStage0 ;
req.m_tierSize1 = tierStage1 ;
req.m_tierSize2 = tierStage2 ;
req.ptr_query = m_query.m_orig;
req.size_query = m_query.m_origLen+1;
req.m_timeout = 100000; // very high
g_errno = 0;
// . get the docIds
// . this sets m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[] for us
if ( ! m_msg3a.getDocIds ( &req ,
&m_query ,
this ,
gotDocIdListWrapper ))
return false;
return gotDocIdList();
void gotDocIdListWrapper(void* state) {
Msg6b* THIS = (Msg6b*)state;
if(THIS->gotDocIdList()) {
bool Msg6b::gotDocIdList() {
m_docIdPtr = m_msg3a.getDocIds();
m_lastDocIdPtr = m_docIdPtr + m_msg3a.getNumDocIds();
//log(LOG_WARN, "Msg6b got %"INT32" docids.",m_msg3a.getNumDocIds());
if(m_docIdPtr == m_lastDocIdPtr) return true;
m_numMsg22s = m_numToKeep;
//sanity check:
if (m_msg22s || m_msg8as || m_tagRecs ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: trying to reuse msg6b object "
"without freeing");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
try { m_msg22s = new Msg22[m_numMsg22s]; }
catch ( ... ) {
log("admin: Msg6b could not malloc enough memory for TitleRec sample.");
return true;
mnew(m_msg22s, sizeof(Msg22)*m_numMsg22s, "Msg6bMsg22s");
if(m_getTagRecs ){
try { m_msg8as = new Msg8a[m_numMsg22s]; }
catch ( ... ) {
log("admin: Msg6b could not malloc enough memory.");
return true;
mnew( m_msg8as, m_numMsg22s * sizeof(Msg8a), "Msg6bMsg8as" );
//try { m_siteRecs = new SiteRec[m_numMsg22s]; }
//catch ( ... ) {
// log("admin: Msg6b could not malloc enough memory.");
// return true;
//mnew( m_siteRecs, m_numMsg22s * sizeof(SiteRec), "Msg6bSiteRecs" );
try { m_tagRecs = new TagRec[m_numMsg22s]; }
catch ( ... ) {
log("admin: Msg6b could not malloc enough memory.");
return true;
mnew( m_tagRecs, m_numMsg22s * sizeof(TagRec), "Msg6bTagRecs" );
else {
m_msg8as = NULL;
//m_siteRecs = NULL;
m_tagRecs = NULL;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_numMsg22s; i++) {
m_msg22s[i].m_slot = i;
m_msg22s[i].m_parent = this;
if(m_getTagRecs ) {//SiteRecs) {
m_msg8as[i].m_slotNum = i;
m_msg8as[i].m_parent = this;
m_numGotten = 0;
m_lastSlotUsed = 0;
bool noBlock = true;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_numToKeep; i++) {
noBlock &= getMsg22s(i);
return noBlock;
bool Msg6b::getMsg22s(int32_t sampleNum) {
//just send them over the network now, matt seems to think
//that it will not slow things down much
int64_t goodDocId = -1;
if(m_docIdPtr < m_lastDocIdPtr &&
m_numOutstanding < m_numToKeep &&
m_numGotten < m_numToGet ) {
goodDocId = *m_docIdPtr++;
} else {
return true;
if ( ! m_msg22s[sampleNum].getTitleRec ( NULL ,
goodDocId ,
true ,
m_coll ,
m_collLen ,
false ,
false ,
false ,
&m_msg22s[sampleNum] ,
m_niceness ,//niceness
false ,
false ,
60*60*24 , //maxcacheage
60 )) {
return false;
return gotMsg22s(sampleNum);
void gotMsg22Wrapper(void *state) {
Msg22* m22 = (Msg22*)state;
Msg6b* THIS = (Msg6b*)m22->m_parent;
if(THIS->gotMsg22s(m22->m_slot)) {
bool Msg6b::gotMsg22s(int32_t sampleNum) {
if(!m_getTagRecs) return gotMsg8as(sampleNum);
TitleRec* tr = m_msg22s[sampleNum].getTitleRec();
if(tr->isEmpty()) return getMsg22s(sampleNum);
if(m_msg22s[sampleNum].m_errno != 0) return getMsg22s(sampleNum);
if ( ! m_msg8as[sampleNum].getTagRec ( tr->getUrl(),
m_coll ,
m_collLen ,
true , // useCanonicalName?
m_niceness , // niceness
&m_msg8as[sampleNum] ,
gotMsg8aWrapper ,
&m_tagRecs[sampleNum] ))
return false;
return gotMsg8as(sampleNum);
void gotMsg8aWrapper(void *state){
Msg8a* m8a = (Msg8a*)state;
Msg6b* THIS = (Msg6b*)m8a->m_parent;
if(THIS->gotMsg8as(m8a->m_slotNum)) {
//note: we also come here if we were not getting siterecs
bool Msg6b::gotMsg8as(int32_t sampleNum) {
if(m_msg22s[sampleNum].m_errno != 0) return getMsg22s(sampleNum);
TitleRec* tr = m_msg22s[sampleNum].getTitleRec();
if(tr->isEmpty()) return getMsg22s(sampleNum);
//we call their callback, if they return true we keep this slot
//for them, i.e. we can't relaunch a request reusing the titlerec.
bool keepSlot = false;
if(m_recordCallback) {
//SiteRec* sr = NULL;
TagRec *tagRec = NULL;
if(m_getTagRecs) tagRec =&m_tagRecs[sampleNum];
keepSlot = m_recordCallback(m_callbackState, tr, tagRec);
if(m_numGotten < m_numToGet) {
if(keepSlot) {
if(m_lastSlotUsed < m_numToKeep)
return getMsg22s(m_lastSlotUsed);
return getMsg22s(sampleNum);
return true;
bool Msg6b::callbackIfDone() {
if(m_numOutstanding != 0) return false;
return true;