Matt Wells f8047ac5ef speed up Rdb::attemptMargeAll() because it is a problem
according to the profiler when we got tens of thousands
of collections.
2015-08-08 12:27:18 -07:00

482 lines
16 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Sep 2000
// . the core database class, we have one of these for each collection and
// pointer to them are stored in the new "Rdb" class
// . records stored on disk ordered by lowest key first
// . allows simple key-based record retrieval
// . uses non-blocking i/o with callbacks
// . thread UNsafe for maximum speed
// . has a "groupMask" that allows us to split db between multiple Rdb's
// . uses BigFile class to support files bigger than 2gb
// . can instantly delete records in memory
// . deletes records on disk by re-writing them to disk with key low bit CLEAR
// . we merge files (non-blocking operation) into 1 file to save on disk seeks
// . adding a record with the same key as an existing one we will replace it
// unless you set dedup to false which is yet to be supported
// . when mem is low dumps records from tree to disk, frees as it dumps
// . has a key-to-diskOffset/dataSize map in memory (good for small records)
// for mapping a file of records on disk
// . this key-to-offset map takes up sizeof(key_t)+ bytes per disk page
// . we can map .8 gigs of disk with 1 meg of mem (using page size of 8k)
// . memory is only freed by the Mem.h class when it finds it's running out
// . addRecord will only return false if there's some lack of memory problems
// . we can only dump the RdbTree to disk if it's using at least "minMem" or
// we are shutting down and Rdb::close() was called
#ifndef _RDBBASE_H_
#define _RDBBASE_H_
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "RdbScan.h"
#include "RdbDump.h"
#include "RdbTree.h"
#include "RdbBuckets.h"
#include "RdbCache.h"
#include "RdbMerge.h"
#include "Msg3.h" // MAX_RDB_FILES definition
#include "Dir.h"
#include "RdbMem.h"
// how many rdbs are in "urgent merge" mode?
extern int32_t g_numUrgentMerges;
extern RdbMerge g_merge;
extern RdbMerge g_merge2;
class RdbBase {
RdbBase ( );
~RdbBase ( );
// . the more memory the tree has the less file merging required
// . when a slot's key is ANDed with "groupMask" the result must equal
// "groupId" in order to be in this database
// . "minMem" is how much mem must be used before considering dumping
// the RdbTree (our unbalanced btree) to disk
// . you can fix the dataSize of all records in this rdb by setting
// "fixedDataSize"
// . if "maskKeyLowLong" we mask the lower int32_t of the key and then
// compare that to the groupId to see if the record belongs
// . this is currently just used by Spiderdb
// . otherwise, we mask the high int32_t in the key
bool init ( char *dir , // working directory
char *dbname , // "indexdb","tagdb",...
bool dedup , //= true ,
int32_t fixedDataSize , //= -1 ,
//uint32_t groupMask , //= 0 ,
//uint32_t groupId , //= 0 ,
int32_t minToMerge , //, //= 2 ,
//int32_t maxTreeMem , //= 1024*1024*32 ,
//int32_t maxTreeNodes ,
//bool isTreeBalanced ,
//int32_t maxCacheMem , //= 1024*1024*5 );
//int32_t maxCacheNodes ,
bool useHalfKeys ,
char keySize ,
int32_t pageSize ,
char *coll ,
collnum_t collnum ,
RdbTree *tree ,
RdbBuckets *buckets ,
RdbDump *dump ,
class Rdb *rdb ,
class DiskPageCache *pc = NULL ,
bool isTitledb = false , // use fileIds2[]?
bool preloadDiskPageCache = false ,
bool biasDiskPageCache = false );
void closeMaps ( bool urgent );
void saveMaps ( bool useThread );
// . frees up all the memory and closes all files
// . suspends any current merge (saves state to disk)
// . calls reset() for each file
// . will cause any open map files to dump
// . will dump tables to backup or store
// . calls close on each file
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
//bool close ( void *state ,
// void (* callback)(void *state ) ,
// bool urgent ,
// bool exitAfterClosing );
//bool close ( ) { return close ( NULL , NULL ); };
// used by PageMaster.cpp to check to see if all rdb's are closed yet
//bool isClosed ( ) { return m_isClosed; };
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . caller should retry later on g_errno of ENOMEM or ETRYAGAIN
// . returns the node # in the tree it added the record to
// . key low bit must be set (otherwise it indicates a delete)
//bool addRecord ( key_t &key, char *data, int32_t dataSize );
// returns false if no room in tree or m_mem for a list to add
//bool hasRoom ( RdbList *list );
// . returns false on error and sets errno
// . return true on success
// . if we can't handle all records in list we don't add any and
// set errno to ETRYAGAIN or ENOMEM
// . we copy all data so you can free your list when we're done
//bool addList ( RdbList *list );
// . add a record without any data, just a key (faster)
// . returns the node # in the tree it added the record to
//int32_t addKey ( key_t &key );
// . uses the bogus data pointed to by "m_dummy" for record's data
// . we clear the key low bit to signal a delete
// . returns false and sets errno on error
//bool deleteRecord ( key_t &key ) ;
// TODO: this needs to support
// . we split our data over rdbs across the network based on masks
// . we now just use g_conf.m_groupMask, g_hostdb.m_groupId, ...
//int32_t getGroupId ( key_t &key ) { return (key.n1 & m_groupMask); };
//uint32_t getGroupMask ( ) { return m_groupMask; };
//uint32_t getGroupId ( ) { return m_groupId ; };
// . when a slot's key is ANDed with "groupMask" the result must equal
// "groupId" in order to be in this database
// . used to split data across multiple rdbs
//void setMask ( uint32_t groupMask , uint32_t groupId );
// get the directory name where this rdb stores it's files
char *getDir ( ) { return m_dir.getDirname(); };
char *getStripeDir ( ) { return g_conf.m_stripeDir; };
int32_t getFixedDataSize ( ) { return m_fixedDataSize; };
bool useHalfKeys ( ) { return m_useHalfKeys; };
//RdbTree *getTree ( ) { return &m_tree; };
//RdbCache *getCache ( ) { return &m_cache; };
RdbMap **getMaps ( ) { return m_maps; };
BigFile **getFiles ( ) { return m_files; };
BigFile *getFile ( int32_t n ) { return m_files [n]; };
int32_t getFileId ( int32_t n ) { return m_fileIds [n]; };
int32_t getFileId2( int32_t n ) { return m_fileIds2[n]; };
RdbMap *getMap ( int32_t n ) { return m_maps [n]; };
int32_t getFileNumFromId ( int32_t id ) ; // for converting old titledbs
int32_t getFileNumFromId2 ( int32_t id2 ) ; // map tfn to real file num (rfn)
//RdbMem *getRdbMem () { return &m_mem; };
float getPercentNegativeRecsOnDisk ( int64_t *totalArg ) ;
// how much mem is alloced for our maps?
int64_t getMapMemAlloced ();
int32_t getNumFiles ( ) { return m_numFiles; };
// sum of all parts of all big files
int32_t getNumSmallFiles ( ) ;
int64_t getDiskSpaceUsed ( );
// returns -1 if variable (variable dataSize)
int32_t getRecSize ( ) {
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) return -1;
//return sizeof(key_t) + m_fixedDataSize; };
return m_ks + m_fixedDataSize; };
// use the maps and tree to estimate the size of this list
//int32_t getListSize ( key_t startKey ,key_t endKey , key_t *maxKey ,
int64_t getListSize ( char *startKey ,char *endKey , char *maxKey ,
int64_t oldTruncationLimit ) ;
// positive minus negative
int64_t getNumTotalRecs ( ) ;
int64_t getNumRecsOnDisk ( );
int64_t getNumGlobalRecs ( );
// used for keeping track of stats
void didSeek ( ) { m_numSeeks++; };
void didRead ( int32_t bytes ) { m_numRead += bytes; };
int64_t getNumSeeks ( ) { return m_numSeeks; };
int64_t getNumRead ( ) { return m_numRead ; };
// net stats for "get" requests
void readRequestGet ( int32_t bytes ) {
m_numReqsGet++ ; m_numNetReadGet += bytes; };
void sentReplyGet ( int32_t bytes ) {
m_numRepliesGet++ ; m_numNetSentGet += bytes; };
int64_t getNumRequestsGet ( ) { return m_numReqsGet; };
int64_t getNetReadGet ( ) { return m_numNetReadGet; };
int64_t getNumRepliesGet ( ) { return m_numRepliesGet; };
int64_t getNetSentGet ( ) { return m_numNetSentGet; };
// net stats for "add" requests
void readRequestAdd ( int32_t bytes ) {
m_numReqsAdd++ ; m_numNetReadAdd += bytes; };
void sentReplyAdd ( int32_t bytes ) {
m_numRepliesAdd++ ; m_numNetSentAdd += bytes; };
int64_t getNumRequestsAdd ( ) { return m_numReqsAdd; };
int64_t getNetReadAdd ( ) { return m_numNetReadAdd; };
int64_t getNumRepliesAdd ( ) { return m_numRepliesAdd; };
int64_t getNetSentAdd ( ) { return m_numNetSentAdd; };
// used by main.cpp to periodically save us if we haven't dumped
// in a while
int64_t getLastWriteTime ( ) { return m_lastWrite; };
// private:
void attemptMerge ( int32_t niceness , bool forceMergeAll ,
bool doLog = true ,
// -1 means to not override it
int32_t minToMergeOverride = -1 );
bool gotTokenForDump ( ) ;
void gotTokenForMerge ( ) ;
// called after merge completed
bool incorporateMerge ( );
// . you'll lose your data in this class if you call this
void reset();
// . load the tree named "saved.dat", keys must be out of order because
// tree is not balanced
//bool loadTree ( ) ;
// . write out tree to a file with keys in order
// . only shift.cpp/reindex.cpp programs set niceness to 0
//bool dumpTree ( int32_t niceness ); //= MAX_NICENESS );
// . set the m_files, m_fileMaps, m_fileIds arrays and m_numFiles
bool setFiles ( ) ;
// . called when done saving a tree to disk (keys not ordered)
//void doneSaving ( ) ;
// . called when we've dumped the tree to disk w/ keys ordered
//void doneDumping ( );
void verifyDiskPageCache ( );
bool verifyFileSharding ( );
// . add a (new) file to the m_files/m_maps/m_fileIds arrays
// . both return array position we added it to
// . both return -1 and set errno on error
int32_t addFile ( int32_t fileId, bool isNew, int32_t mergeNum, int32_t id2 ,
bool converting = false ) ;
int32_t addNewFile ( int32_t id2 ) ;
//int32_t getAvailId2 ( ); // used only by titledb
// used by the high priority udp server to suspend merging for ALL
// rdb's since we share a common merge class, s_merge
//void suspendAllMerges ( ) ;
// resume ANY merges
//void resumeAllMerges ( ) ;
//bool needsDump ( );
// these are used by Msg34 class for computing load on a machine
bool isMerging ( ) { return m_isMerging; };
bool isDumping ( ) { return m_dump->isDumping(); };
bool hasMergeFile ( ) { return m_hasMergeFile; };
// used for translating titledb file # 255 (as read from new tfndb)
// into the real file number
int32_t getNewestFileNum ( ) { return m_numFiles - 1; };
// Msg22 needs the merge info so if the title file # of a read we are
// doing is being merged, we have to include the start merge file num
int32_t getMergeStartFileNum ( ) { return m_mergeStartFileNum; };
int32_t getMergeNumFiles ( ) { return m_numFilesToMerge; };
// used by Sync.cpp to convert a file name to a file number in m_files
int32_t getFileNumFromName ( char *filename );
// bury m_files[] in [a,b)
void buryFiles ( int32_t a , int32_t b );
void doneWrapper2 ( ) ;
void doneWrapper4 ( ) ;
int32_t m_x;
int32_t m_a;
// PageRepair indirectly calls this to move the map and data of this
// rdb into the trash subdir after renaming them, because they will
// be replaced by the rebuilt files.
bool moveToDir ( char *dstDir ) { return moveToTrash ( dstDir ); };
bool moveToTrash ( char *dstDir ) ;
// PageRepair indirectly calls this to rename the map and data files
// of a secondary/rebuilt rdb to the filenames of the primary rdb.
// after that, RdbBase::setFiles() is called to reload them into
// the primary rdb. this is called after moveToTrash() is called for
// the primary rdb.
bool removeRebuildFromFilenames ( ) ;
bool removeRebuildFromFilename ( BigFile *f ) ;
// keep a copy of these here so merge can use them to kick out
// records whose key when, ANDed w/ m_groupMask, equals
// m_groupId
//uint32_t m_groupMask;
//uint32_t m_groupId;
// . we try to minimize the number of files to minimize disk seeks
// . records that end up as not found will hit all these files
// . when we get "m_minToMerge" or more files a merge kicks in
// . TODO: merge should combine just the smaller files... kinda
// . files are sorted by fileId
// . older files are listed first (lower fileIds)
// . filenames should include the directory (full filenames)
// . TODO: RdbMgr should control what rdb gets merged?
BigFile *m_files [ MAX_RDB_FILES ];
int32_t m_fileIds [ MAX_RDB_FILES ];
int32_t m_fileIds2 [ MAX_RDB_FILES ]; // for titledb/tfndb linking
RdbMap *m_maps [ MAX_RDB_FILES ];
int32_t m_numFiles;
// this class contains a ptr to us
class Rdb *m_rdb;
bool m_dedup;
int32_t m_fixedDataSize;
Dir m_dir;
char m_dbname [32];
int32_t m_dbnameLen;
char *m_coll;
collnum_t m_collnum;
bool m_didRepair;
//RdbCache m_cache;
// for storing records in memory
RdbTree *m_tree;
RdbBuckets *m_buckets;
// for dumping a table to an rdb file
RdbDump *m_dump;
// memory for us to use to avoid calling malloc()/mdup()/...
//RdbMem m_mem;
// . this is now static in Rdb.cpp
// . for merging many rdb files into one
// . no we brought it back so tfndb can merge while titledb is merging
//RdbMerge m_merge;
//BigFile m_saveFile; // for saving the tree
//bool m_isClosing;
//bool m_isClosed;
//bool m_haveSavedFile; // we only unlink this file when we dump
// this callback called when close is complete
//void *m_closeState;
//void (* m_closeCallback) (void *state );
int32_t m_maxTreeMem ; // max mem tree can use, dump at 90% of this
int32_t m_minToMergeArg;
int32_t m_minToMerge; // need at least this many files b4 merging
int32_t m_absMaxFiles;
int32_t m_numFilesToMerge ;
int32_t m_mergeStartFileNum ;
// a dummy data string for deleting records when m_fixedDataSize > 0
//char *m_dummy;
//int32_t m_dummySize ; // size of that dummy data
//int32_t m_delRecSize; // size of the whole delete record
// for keeping stats
int64_t m_numSeeks;
int64_t m_numRead;
// network request/reply info for get requests
int64_t m_numReqsGet ;
int64_t m_numNetReadGet ;
int64_t m_numRepliesGet ;
int64_t m_numNetSentGet ;
// network request/reply info for add requests
int64_t m_numReqsAdd ;
int64_t m_numNetReadAdd ;
int64_t m_numRepliesAdd ;
int64_t m_numNetSentAdd ;
// should our next merge in waiting force itself?
bool m_nextMergeForced;
// do we need to dump to disk?
//bool m_needsSave;
// . when we dump list to an rdb file, can we use int16_t keys?
// . currently exclusively used by indexdb
bool m_useHalfKeys;
// key size
char m_ks;
bool m_checkedForMerge;
int32_t m_pageSize;
// are we waiting on another merge/dump to complete before our turn?
bool m_inWaiting;
// . is our merge urgent? (if so, it will starve spider disk reads)
// . also see Threads.cpp for the starvation
bool m_mergeUrgent;
// are we saving the tree urgently? like we cored...
//bool m_urgent;
// after saving the tree in call to Rdb::close() should the tree
// remain closed to writes?
//bool m_isReallyClosing;
bool m_niceness;
//bool m_waitingForTokenForDump ;
bool m_waitingForTokenForMerge;
// we now determine when in merge mode
bool m_isMerging;
// have we create the merge file?
bool m_hasMergeFile;
// rec counts for files being merged
int64_t m_numPos ;
int64_t m_numNeg ;
// so only one save thread launches at a time
//bool m_isSaving;
class DiskPageCache *m_pc;
bool m_isTitledb;
int32_t m_numThreads;
bool m_isUnlinking;
// filename of merge file for passing to g_sync to unlink it from there
char m_oldname [ 256 ];
//BigFile m_dummyFile;
int64_t m_lastWrite;
char m_doLog;
extern int32_t g_numThreads;
extern char g_dumpMode;