2013-09-13 09:23:18 -07:00

2385 lines
71 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "HashTableT.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "sort.h"
#include "Rdb.h" // RDB_INDEXDB,...
//#include "Indexdb.h"
#include "Posdb.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Tfndb.h"
#include "Dns.h"
#include "Revdb.h"
//extern bool g_isYippy;
// a global class extern'd in .h file
Hostdb g_hostdb;
// the supplemental network used to get titleRecs from by
// for harvesting link text from the larger index
Hostdb g_hostdb2;
HashTableT <unsigned long long, unsigned long> g_hostTableUdp;
HashTableT <unsigned long long, unsigned long> g_hostTableTcp;
Host *g_listHosts [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ];
uint32_t g_listIps [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ];
uint16_t g_listPorts [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ];
long g_listNumTotal = 0;
void Hostdb::resetPortTables () {
static int cmp ( const void *h1 , const void *h2 ) ;
static int cmp2 ( const void *h1 , const void *h2 ) ;
//static void *syncStartWrapper_r ( void *state );
//static void syncDoneWrapper ( void *state );
//static void syncWrapper ( int fd, void *state );
//pid_t g_syncpid = -1;
//long g_syncticker = 0;
//long g_syncTimeout = -1;
Hostdb::Hostdb ( ) {
m_hosts = NULL;
m_numHosts = 0;
m_ips = NULL;
m_syncHost = NULL;
m_initialized = false;
Hostdb::~Hostdb () {
void Hostdb::reset ( ) {
if ( m_hosts )
mfree ( m_hosts, m_allocSize,"Hostdb" );
if ( m_ips ) mfree ( m_ips , m_numIps * 4, "Hostdb" );
m_hosts = NULL;
m_ips = NULL;
m_numIps = 0;
m_syncHost = NULL;
char *Hostdb::getNetName ( ) {
if ( this == &g_hostdb ) return "default";
return m_netName;
// . gets filename that contains the hosts from the Conf file
// . return false on errro
// . g_errno may NOT be set
bool Hostdb::init ( char *filename , long hostId , char *netName ,
bool proxyHost , char useTmpCluster ) {
// reset my ip and port
m_myIp = 0;
m_myIpShotgun = 0;
m_myPort = 0;
//m_myPort2 = 0;
m_numHosts = 0;
m_numHostsPerGroup = 0;
m_loopbackIp = atoip ( "" , 9 );
m_useTmpCluster = useTmpCluster;
m_initialized = true;
// for yippy use host as port
long yippyPort;
if ( g_isYippy ) {
yippyPort = hostId;
hostId = 0;
// save the name of the network... we can have multiple networks now
// since we need to get title recs from separate networks for getting
// link text for
m_netName[0] = '\0';
if ( netName ) strncpy ( m_netName , netName , 31 );
// make sure our hostId is in our conf file
if ( hostId < 0 )
return log(
"conf: Negative hostId %li supplied in "
// set early for calling log()
m_hostId = hostId;
// set clock in sync in fctypes.cpp
//if ( m_hostId == 0 ) g_clockInSync = true;
// log it
if (this == &g_hostdb) logf(LOG_INIT,"conf: HostId is %li.",m_hostId);
// . File::open() open old if it exists, otherwise,
File f;
f.set ( filename );
// . returns -1 on error and sets g_errno
// . returns false if does not exist, true otherwise
long status = f.doesExist();
long numRead;
// skip config file for yippy
if ( g_isYippy ) {
m_bufSize = sprintf(m_buf,
"port-offset: 0\n"
"index-splits: 1\n"
"working-dir: /home/emily/\n"
"proxy \n"
goto skip;
// return false on error (g_errno should be set)
if ( status <= -1 ) return false;
// return false if the conf file does not exist
if ( status == 0 ) {
// hosts2.conf is not necessary
if ( this == &g_hostdb2 ) return true;
"conf: Filename %s does not exist." ,filename);
return false;
// get file size
m_bufSize = f.getFileSize();
// return false if too big
if ( m_bufSize > (MAX_HOSTS+MAX_SPARES) * 128 ) {
return log(
"conf: %s has filesize "
"of %li bytes, which is greater than %li max.",
// open the file
if ( ! ( O_RDONLY ) ) return false;
// read in the file
numRead = ( m_buf , m_bufSize , 0 /*offset*/ );
// ensure g_errno is now set if numRead != m_bufSize
if ( numRead != m_bufSize )
return log(
"conf: Error reading "
"%s : %s." , filename,mstrerror(g_errno));
// NULL terminate what we read
m_buf [ m_bufSize ] = '\0';
// skip:
// how many hosts do we have?
char *p = m_buf;
char *pend = m_buf + m_bufSize;
long i = 0;
m_numSpareHosts = 0;
m_numProxyHosts = 0;
m_numHosts = 0;
for ( ; *p ; p++ ) {
if ( is_wspace_a (*p) ) continue;
// skip comments
if ( *p == '#' ) { while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++; continue; }
// MUST be a number
if ( ! is_digit ( *p ) ) {
// skip known directives
if ( ! strncmp(p,"port-offset:",12) ||
! strncmp(p,"index-splits:",13) ||
! strncmp(p,"working-dir:",12) )
p = p;
// check if this is a spare host
else if ( //pend - p < 5 &&
strncasecmp(p, "spare", 5) == 0 )
// count as a spare
// check if this is a proxy host
else if ( //pend - p < 5 &&
strncasecmp(p, "proxy", 5) == 0 )
// count as a spare
// query compression proxies count as proxies
else if ( strncasecmp(p, "qcproxy", 7) == 0 )
// spider compression proxies count as proxies
else if ( strncasecmp(p, "scproxy", 7) == 0 )
return log("conf: %s is malformed. First "
"item of each non-comment line "
"must be a NUMERIC hostId, "
"SPARE or PROXY. line=%s",filename,
// count it as a host
// skip line
while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++;
// set g_errno, log and return false if no hosts found in the file
if ( i == 0 ) {
"conf: No host entries found in %s.",filename);
g_errno = ENOHOSTS;
return false;
// alloc space for this many Hosts structures
// save buffer size
m_allocSize = sizeof(Host) * i;
m_hosts = (Host *) mcalloc ( m_allocSize ,"Hostdb");
if ( ! m_hosts ) return log(
"conf: Memory allocation failed.");
long maxGroup = 0;
// now fill up m_hosts
p = m_buf;
i = 0;
long line = 1;
long lastGroup = 0;
long proxyNum = 0;
// assume defaults
//long portOffset = -99999;
long indexSplits = 0;
char *wdir2 = NULL;
long wdirlen2 = 0;
for ( ; *p ; p++ , line++ ) {
if ( is_wspace_a (*p) ) continue;
// skip comments
if ( *p == '#' ) { while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++; continue; }
// does the line say "port-offset: xxxx" ?
if ( ! strncmp(p,"index-splits:",13) ) {
p += 13;
// skip spaces after the colon
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
indexSplits = atol(p);
while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++;
// does the line say "working-dir: xxxx" ?
if ( ! strncmp(p,"working-dir:",12) ) {
p += 12;
// skip spaces after the colon
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
wdir2 = p;
// skip until not space
while ( *p && ! is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// set length
wdirlen2 = p - wdir2;
// mark the end
char *end = p;
while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++;
// null term it
*end = '\0';
// skip any spaces at start of line
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// get host in order
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
// clear it
memset ( h , 0 , sizeof(Host) );
// . see what type of host this is
// . proxies are not given numbers as yet in the hosts.conf
// so number them in the order in which they come
if ( is_digit(*p) ) {
h->m_type = HT_GRUNT;
h->m_hostId = atoi(p);
else if ( strncasecmp(p,"spare",5)==0 ) {
h->m_type = HT_SPARE;
h->m_hostId = -1;
else if ( strncasecmp(p,"qcproxy",7)==0 ) {
h->m_type = HT_QCPROXY;
h->m_hostId = proxyNum++;
else if ( strncasecmp(p,"scproxy",7)==0 ) {
h->m_type = HT_SCPROXY;
h->m_hostId = proxyNum++;
else if ( strncasecmp(p,"proxy",5)==0 ) {
h->m_type = HT_PROXY;
h->m_hostId = proxyNum++;
// ignore old version "port-offset:"
else if ( strncasecmp(p,"port-offset:",12)==0 ) {
while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++;
else {
logf(LOG_INFO,"hosts: hosts.conf bad line: %s",p);
return false;
//bool isSpare = false;
//bool isProxy = false;
//if ( i >= m_numHosts && i < (m_numHosts + m_numSpareHosts) )
// isSpare = true;
//if (i >= (m_numHosts + m_numSpareHosts) )
// isProxy = true;
char *wdir;
long wdirlen;
// reset this
h->m_pingMax = -1;
h->m_retired = false;
// skip numeric hostid or "proxy" keyword
while ( ! is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
if ( indexSplits == 0 ) {
log("admin: need index-splits: xxx directive "
"in hosts.conf");
return false;
// read in switch id
//h->m_switchId = atoi(p);
// skip spaces after hostid or "proxy" keyword
//while ( ! is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// skip spaces after hostid/port/spare keyword
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// if proxy get proxy id
if ( ! ( h->m_type & HT_GRUNT ) ) {
// get the hostid
h->m_hostId = atol(p);
// skip that
for ( ; is_digit(*p) ; p++ );
// skip spaces after it
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
long port1 = 6002;
long port2 = 7002;
long port3 = 8002;
long port4 = 9002;
// support old format "000 gk0" and use default ports above
//if ( p[0] == 'g' && p[1] == 'k' ) goto skip;
// sp1 is the proxy
//if ( p[0] == 's' && p[1] == 'p' ) goto skip;
// now the four ports
port1 = atol(p);
// skip digits
for ( ; is_digit(*p) ; p++ );
// skip spaces after it
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
port2 = atol(p);
// skip digits
for ( ; is_digit(*p) ; p++ );
// skip spaces after it
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
port3 = atol(p);
// skip digits
for ( ; is_digit(*p) ; p++ );
// skip spaces after it
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
port4 = atol(p);
// skip digits
for ( ; is_digit(*p) ; p++ );
// skip spaces after it
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// set our ports
h->m_dnsClientPort = port1; // 6000
h->m_httpsPort = port2; // 7000
h->m_httpPort = port3; // 8000
h->m_port = port4; // 9000
// then hostname
char *host = p;
// . sanity check, hostname must start with letter
// . nah, it can be an ip now!
//if ( ! is_alpha_a(*p) ) {
// log("admin: hostname %s is bad",p);
// g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
// return false;
// skip hostname (can be an ip now)
while ( *p && (*p=='.'||is_alnum_a(*p)) ) p++;
// get length
long hlen = p - host;
// limit
if ( hlen > 15 ) {
log("admin: hostname too long in hosts.conf");
return false;
// copy it
memcpy ( h->m_hostname , host , hlen );
// null term it
h->m_hostname[hlen] = '\0';
// need this for hashing
// if hostname is an ip that's ok i guess
long ip = atoip ( h->m_hostname );
// for localhost
//if ( ! ip && host &&
// ! strncasecmp(host,"localhost",9) ) {
// ip = atoip("");
// if not an ip, look it up
if ( ! ip ) {
// get key
key_t k = hash96 ( host , hlen );
// get eth0 ip of hostname in /etc/hosts
g_dns.isInFile ( k , &ip );
//g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
//log("admin: hostname \"%s\" in "
// "hosts.conf "
// "not in /etc/hosts",h->m_hostname);
//return false;
// still bad?
if ( ! ip ) {
log("admin: no ip for hostname \"%s\" in "
"hosts.conf in /etc/hosts",
return false;
// store the ip
h->m_ip = ip;
// get possible 2nd hostname
// skip spaces or until \n
for ( ; *p == ' ' ; p++ );
// must be a 2nd hostname
char *hostname2 = NULL;
long hlen2 = 0;
if ( *p != '\n' ) {
hostname2 = p;
// find end of it
for ( ; *p=='.' ||
is_digit(*p) ||
is_alnum_a(*p) ; p++ );
hlen2 = p - hostname2;
long inc = 0;
long ip2 = 0;
// was it "retired"?
if ( hostname2 && strncasecmp(hostname2,"retired",7) == 0 ) {
h->m_retired = true;
hostname2 = NULL;
//goto retired;
// if no secondary hostname for "gk2" (e.g.) try "gki2"
char tmp2[32];
if ( ! hostname2 && host[0]=='g' && host[1]=='k') {
long hn = atol(host+2);
hostname2 = tmp2;
// limit
if ( hlen2 > 15 ) {
log("admin: hostname too long in hosts.conf");
return false;
// a direct ip address?
if ( hostname2 ) {
memcpy ( h->m_hostname2,hostname2,hlen2);
h->m_hostname2[hlen2] = '\0';
ip2 = atoip ( h->m_hostname2 );
if ( ! ip2 && hostname2 ) {
// set this ip
//long nextip;
// now that must have the eth1 ip in /etc/hosts
key_t k = hash96 ( h->m_hostname2 , hlen2 );
// get eth1 ip of hostname in /etc/hosts
if ( ! g_dns.isInFile ( k , &ip2 ) ) {
log("admin: secondary host %s in hosts.conf "
"not in /etc/hosts. Using secondary "
"ethernet (eth1) ip "
"of %s",hostname2,iptoa(ip));
//nextip = ip;
// just use the old ip then!
//g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
//return false;
// if none, use initial ip as shotgun as well
if ( ! ip2 ) ip2 = ip;
// store the ip, the eth1 ip
h->m_ipShotgun = ip2; // nextip;
// . "p" should not point to first char after hostname
// . a special inc
inc = 0;
if ( useTmpCluster ) inc = 1;
// proxies never get their port inc'd
if ( h->m_type & (HT_ALL_PROXIES) ) inc = 0;
// . now p should point to first char after hostname
// . skip spaces and tabs
while ( *p && (*p==' '|| *p=='\t') )p++;
// is "RETIRED" after hostname?
if ( strncasecmp(p,"retired",7) == 0 )
h->m_retired = true;
// for qcproxies, the next thing is always an
// ip:port of another proxy that we forward the
// queries to.
if ( h->m_type & HT_QCPROXY ) {
char *s = p;
for ( ; *s && *s!=':' ; s++ );
long ip = 0;
if ( *s == ':' ) ip = atoip(p,s-p);
long port = 0;
if ( *s ) port = atol(s+1);
// sanity
if ( ip == 0 || port == 0 ) {
log("admin: bad qcproxy line. must "
"have ip:port after hostname.");
return false;
h->m_forwardIp = ip;
h->m_forwardPort = port;
// skip that to port offset now
for ( ; *p && *p!=' ' && *p !='\t' ; p++);
// then skip spaces
for ( ; *p && (*p==' '|| *p=='\t') ; p++ );
// yippy hack
//if ( g_isYippy ) {
// h->m_httpPort = yippyPort; // 80;
// and other stuff
//h->m_ideChannel = 0;
// our group is based on our split!
//h->m_group = i % g_hostdb.m_indexSplits; // # grps
h->m_group = i % indexSplits; // # grps
// i guess proxy and spares don't count
if ( h->m_type != HT_GRUNT ) h->m_group = 0;
// are we a compression proxy?
//h->m_isCompressionProxy = false;
//bool isLocal = false;
//uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)&h->m_ip;
//if ( p[0] == 10 ) isLocal = true;
//if ( p[0] == 192 && p[1] == 168 ) isLocal = true;
//if ( h->m_ip == 16777343 ) isLocal = true;
// compression proxies are off network so they can
// compress the spidered docs before sending to our
// network to save our bandwidth costs since our local
// fiber connection is expensive
//if ( isProxy && ! isLocal )
// h->m_isCompressionProxy = false;
// this is the same
wdir = wdir2;
wdirlen = wdirlen2; // gbstrlen ( wdir2 );
// and skip the old parsing junk
//goto skip;
// check for working dir override
if ( *p == '/' ) {
wdir = p;
while ( *p && ! isspace(*p) ) p++;
wdirlen = p - wdir;
if ( ! wdir ) {
log("admin: need working-dir for host "
"in hosts.conf line %li",line);
return false;
// check for something after the working dir
h->m_note[0] = '\0';
if ( *p != '\n' ) {
// save the note
char *n = p;
while ( *n && *n != '\n' && n < pend ) n++;
long noteSize = n - p;
if ( noteSize > 127 ) noteSize = 127;
memcpy(h->m_note, p, noteSize);
*p++ = '\0'; // NULL terminate for atoip
*p = '\0';
sscanf ( p ,
"%li %s %s %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %li %li %s" ,
&h->m_hostId ,
ipbuf1 ,
ipbuf2 ,
&h->m_port ,
&h->m_port2 ,
&h->m_dnsClientPort ,
&h->m_httpPort ,
&h->m_ideChannel ,
wdir );
// keep these the same for now
h->m_externalHttpPort = h->m_httpPort;
h->m_externalHttpsPort = h->m_httpsPort;
// get max group number
if ( h->m_group > maxGroup && h->m_type==HT_GRUNT )
maxGroup = h->m_group;
if ( h->m_group <= lastGroup && h->m_group != 0
&& !(h->m_type&(HT_ALL_PROXIES)) ) {
return log("conf: Host has bad group id in %s line %li. "
"Group ids must be strictly increasing, with "
"the exception of going from the last "
"group id to the group id of zero.",
lastGroup = h->m_group;
// skip line now
while ( *p && *p != '\n' )
// ensure they're in proper order without gaps
if ( h->m_type==HT_GRUNT && h->m_hostId != i ) {
g_errno = EBADHOSTID;
return log(
"conf: Unordered hostId of %li, should be %li "
"in %s line %li.",
// and working dir
if ( wdirlen > 127 ) {
return log(
"conf: Host working dir too long in "
"%s line %li.",filename,line);
if ( wdirlen <= 0 ) {
return log(
"conf: No working dir supplied in "
"%s line %li.",filename,line);
// make sure it is legit
if ( wdir[0] != '/' ) {
return log(
"conf: working dir must start "
"with / in %s line %li",filename,line);
// add slash if none there
if ( wdir[wdirlen-1] !='/' )
wdir[wdirlen++] = '/';
//wdir [ wdirlen ] = '\0';
// copy it over
//strcpy ( m_hosts[i].m_dir , wdir );
memcpy(m_hosts[i].m_dir, wdir, wdirlen);
m_hosts[i].m_dir[wdirlen] = '\0';
// reset this
m_hosts[i].m_lastPing = 0LL;
// and don't send emails on him until we got a good ping
m_hosts[i].m_emailCode = -2;
// we do not know if it is in sync
m_hosts[i].m_syncStatus = 2;
// not doing a sync right now
m_hosts[i].m_doingSync = 0;
// so UdpServer.cpp knows if we are in g_hostdb or g_hostdb2
m_hosts[i].m_hostdb = this;
// reset these
m_hosts[i].m_flags = 0;
m_hosts[i].m_cpuUsage = 0.0;
m_hosts[i].m_loadAvg = 0.0;
// point to next one
//m_numHosts = i;
m_numTotalHosts = i;
// how many groups are we configure for?
m_numGroups = maxGroup + 1; // g_conf.m_numGroups;
m_indexSplits = indexSplits;
// assign spare hosts
if ( m_numSpareHosts > MAX_SPARES ) {
log ( "conf: Number of spares (%li) exceeds max of %i, "
"truncating.", m_numSpareHosts, MAX_SPARES );
m_numSpareHosts = MAX_SPARES;
for ( i = 0; i < m_numSpareHosts; i++ ) {
m_spareHosts[i] = &m_hosts[m_numHosts + i];
// assign proxy hosts
if ( m_numProxyHosts > MAX_PROXIES ) {
log ( "conf: Number of proxies (%li) exceeds max of %i, "
"truncating.", m_numProxyHosts, MAX_PROXIES );
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
m_numProxyHosts = MAX_PROXIES;
for ( i = 0; i < m_numProxyHosts; i++ ) {
m_proxyHosts[i] = &m_hosts[m_numHosts + m_numSpareHosts + i];
m_proxyHosts[i]->m_isProxy = true;
// sanity
if ( m_proxyHosts[i]->m_type == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// log discovered hosts
log ( LOG_INFO, "conf: Discovered %li hosts and %li spares and "
"%li proxies.",m_numHosts, m_numSpareHosts, m_numProxyHosts );
// if we have m_numGroups we must have
long hostsPerGroup = m_numHosts / m_numGroups;
// must be exact fit
if ( hostsPerGroup * m_numGroups != m_numHosts ) {
return log("conf: Bad number of hosts for %li groups "
"in hosts.conf.",m_numGroups);
// count number of hosts in each group
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numGroups ; i++ ) {
long count = 0;
for ( long j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ )
if ( m_hosts[j].m_group == i ) count++;
if ( count != hostsPerGroup ) {
return log("conf: Number of hosts in each group "
"in %s is not equal.",filename);
// assume no ide sharing
//m_ideSharing = false;
// . print warning
// . TODO: speed this up when we get a lot of hosts
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
long count = 0;
for ( long j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ ) {
if ( m_hosts[i].m_ip == m_hosts[j].m_ip &&
m_hosts[i].m_ideChannel ==m_hosts[j].m_ideChannel)
// do we have any ide sharing going on?
if ( count >= 2 ) m_ideSharing = true;
// . make sure this is a legit # of hosts
// . numGroups should divide it evenly
// . TODO: actually should be a power of 2!!
//if ( getNumBitsOn ( (unsigned long)m_numHosts ) != 1 ) {
// g_errno = EBADNUMHOSTS;
// return log(
// "conf: Number of hosts in %s is not power "
// "of 2",hostsPerGroup,filename);
if ( getNumBitsOn ( (unsigned long)m_numHosts ) != 1 ) {
return log(
"conf: Number of hosts in %s is not power "
"of 2",filename);
// set the groupId for each host
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
m_hosts[i].m_groupId = g_hostdb.makeGroupId ( i, m_numGroups);
// set group #
//for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
// m_hosts[i].m_groupNum = i / hostsPerGroup;
// now sort hosts by GROUP id then HOST id (both ascending order)
gbsort ( m_hosts , m_numHosts , sizeof(Host), cmp );
// ensure hosts in order of groupId then hostId
for ( i = 1 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
if ( m_hosts[i-1].m_groupId < m_hosts[i].m_groupId)continue;
if ( m_hosts[i-1].m_groupId == m_hosts[i].m_groupId &&
m_hosts[i-1].m_hostId < m_hosts[i].m_hostId )continue;
return log(
"conf: Hosts in %s not sorted correctly. "
"Check order of hostId and groupId.",filename);
// . set m_groups array
// . m_groups[i] is the first host in groupId "i"
// . any other hosts w/ same groupId immediately follow it
// . loop through each group
long j;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numGroups ; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ )
if ( m_hosts[j].m_hostId == i ) break;
// this points to list of all hosts in group #j since
// we sorted m_hosts by groupId
m_groups[i] = &m_hosts[j];
// . set m_hostPtrs now so Hostdb::getHost() works
// . the hosts are sorted by groupId so we must be careful
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
long j = m_hosts[i].m_hostId;
m_hostPtrs[j] = &m_hosts[i];
// reset this count to 1, 1 counts for ourselves
if(proxyHost) {
//m_numHostsAlive = 1;
m_numProxyAlive = 1;
//m_numProxyAlive = m_numProxyHosts;
else {
m_numHostsAlive = 1;
//m_numProxyAlive = m_numProxyHosts;
// sometimes g_conf is not loaded, so fake it
long deadHostTimeout = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout;
// make sure it is bigger than anything
if ( deadHostTimeout == 0 ) deadHostTimeout = 0x7fffffff;
// reset ping/stdDev times
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
//m_hosts[i].m_pingAvg = 100; // 100 ms
//m_hosts[i].m_pingStdDev = 50; // with a of 50 ms
// assume everybody is dead, except us
m_hosts[i].m_ping = deadHostTimeout;
m_hosts[i].m_pingShotgun = deadHostTimeout;
m_hosts[i].m_loadAvg = 0.0;
// no, we want Multicast to obey QueryRouter's first hosts
// on startup
//m_hosts[i].m_ping = 0;
// assume dead until we can ping it
//m_hosts[i].m_ping = DEAD_HOST_PING + 1;
// but we're not dead
//if ((this == &g_hostdb2) || (m_hosts[i].m_hostId == hostId)) {
// m_hosts[i].m_ping = 0;
// m_hosts[i].m_pingShotgun = 0;
// m_hosts[i].m_loadAvg = g_process.getLoadAvg();
// not in progress
m_hosts[i].m_inProgress1 = false;
m_hosts[i].m_inProgress2 = false;
m_hosts[i].m_numPingReplies = 0;
m_hosts[i].m_preferEth = 0;
// reset m_ping
//for ( long j = 0 ; j < 4; j++ ) m_hosts[i].m_pings[j] = 100;
// a debug note
//log("########## FIX ME ###########");
// . set the m_machineNum of each host
// . hostPtrs are sorted by hostId which means should also be sorted
// by IP so we can get a good machine number assignment
if ( m_numHosts > 0 ) m_hostPtrs[0]->m_machineNum = 0;
long next = 1;
for ( long i = 1 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// see if on a machine we already numbered
// debug comment out
for ( j = 0 ; j < i ; j++ )
if (m_hostPtrs[i]->m_ip == m_hostPtrs[j]->m_ip) break;
// if it matches the ip of another host it's on the same machne
if ( j < i ) {
m_hostPtrs[i]->m_machineNum =
// otherwise, a new one
// put this back to the bootom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
m_hostPtrs[i]->m_machineNum = next++;
// set # of machines
m_numMachines = next;
// now set m_myIp, m_myPort, m_myPort2 and m_myMachineNum
Host *host = getHost ( hostId );
if ( proxyHost )
host = getProxy ( hostId );
if ( ! host )
return log(
"conf: Could not find host with hostId %li in "
m_myIp = host->m_ip; // internal IP
m_myIpShotgun = host->m_ipShotgun;
m_myPort = host->m_port; // low priority udp port
//m_myPort2 = host->m_port2; // hi priority udp port
m_myMachineNum = host->m_machineNum;
m_myHost = host;
// set our ping to zero
host->m_ping = 0;
host->m_pingShotgun = 0;
host->m_loadAvg = g_process.getLoadAvg();
// Token Groups for Merging
// set the m_tokenGroupNum member of each Host class we have
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
m_hosts[i].m_tokenGroupNum = -1;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
m_hosts[i].m_tokenGroupNum = getTokenGroupNum ( &m_hosts[i] );
// do a second pass to resolve indirections
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
m_hosts[i].m_tokenGroupNum = getTokenGroupNum ( &m_hosts[i] );
// . order the hostIds by their token group num
// . if they are on the same host (IP) using the same ide channel OR
// they are in the same mirror group, then they are in the same
// token group (only one host in group can have the token and the
// token is required for merging if "use merge token" is "YES")
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) m_hostPtrs2[i] = &m_hosts[i];
gbsort ( m_hostPtrs2 , m_numHosts , sizeof(Host *) , cmp2 );
// now set m_hostIdToTokenGroupNum for fast lookups by Msg35.cpp
// for call to Hostdb::getTokenGroup()
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// find first host in token group #i
long j = 0;
for ( j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ )
if ( m_hostPtrs2[j]->m_tokenGroupNum == i ) break;
// if nobody start with host #i, try next one
if ( j >= m_numHosts ) continue;
// mark him
long start = j;
// map all hosts in group #i to the jth host, the starter
long gsize = 0;
for ( j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ )
if ( m_hostPtrs2[j]->m_tokenGroupNum == i ) {
long hid = m_hostPtrs2[j]->m_hostId;
m_hostIdToTokenGroupNum[hid] = start;
// otherwise, set the first ptr to this group
m_groupSize [ start ] = gsize;
// debug the token groups out
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
long n;
Host **g = getTokenGroup ( i , &n );
char buf [ 1024 ];
char *p = buf;
sprintf ( p , "db: Token group of hid #%li is", i );
p += gbstrlen ( p );
for ( long j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ ) {
sprintf ( p , " %li." , g[j]->m_hostId );
p += gbstrlen ( p );
log ( LOG_DEBUG , "%s", buf );
// THIS hostId
m_hostId = hostId;
// set hosts per group
m_numHostsPerGroup = m_numHosts / m_numGroups;
// groupId and groupmask should be -1 for proxy but they
// are declared as unsigned :(
// CALCULATE groupId of THIS host from hostId and numGroups
m_groupId = g_hostdb.makeGroupId ( m_hostId , m_numGroups );
// make groupMask - same for the whole network
m_groupMask = g_hostdb.makeGroupMask ( m_numGroups );
// set m_stripe (aka m_twinNum) for each host
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// get this host
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
// get his group ptr
Host *group = getGroup ( h->m_groupId );
// how many hosts in the group?
long ng = getNumHostsPerGroup();
// hosts in group should be sorted by hostid i think, anyway,
// they *need* to be. see above, hosts are in order in the
// m_hosts[] array by groupId then by hostId, so we should be
// good to go.
for ( long j = 0 ; j < ng ; j++ ) {
if ( &group[j] != h ) continue;
h->m_stripe = j;
// get THIS host
Host *h = getHost ( hostId );
if ( proxyHost )
h = getProxy ( hostId );
if ( ! h ) return log(
"conf: HostId %li not found in %s.",
// set m_dir to THIS host's working dir
strcpy ( m_dir , h->m_dir );
// likewise, set m_htmlDir to this host's html dir
sprintf ( m_httpRootDir , "%shtml/" , m_dir );
sprintf ( m_logFilename , "%slog%03li", m_dir , hostId );
long gcount = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_KSLOTS && m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// set its group id from groupNum, which is "gcount"
m_map[i] = getGroupId ( gcount++ );
// wrap group Num
if ( gcount >= m_numGroups ) gcount = 0;
// set our group
m_myGroup = getGroup ( m_myHost->m_groupId );
// has the hosts
return hashHosts();
bool Hostdb::hashHosts ( ) {
// this also holds g_hosts2 as well as g_hosts so we cannot preallocate
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
// init shotgun bit here, 0 or 1 depending on our hostId
h->m_shotgunBit = m_hostId & 0x01;
long ip;
ip = h->m_ip;
if ( ! hashHost ( 1,h,ip, h->m_port )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpPort )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpsPort)) return false;
// . only hash this if not already in there
// . just used to see if ip is in the network (local)
if ( ! hashHost ( 1 , h , ip, 0 )) return false;
// only hash shotgun ip if different
if ( h->m_ip == h->m_ipShotgun ) continue;
ip = h->m_ipShotgun;
if ( ! hashHost ( 1,h,ip, h->m_port )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpPort )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpsPort)) return false;
// . only hash this if not already in there
// . just used to see if ip is in the network (local)
if ( ! hashHost ( 1 , h , ip, 0 )) return false;
// . hash loopback ip to point to us
// . udpserver needs this?
// . only do this if they did not already specify a in
// the hosts.conf i guess
long lbip = atoip("");
Host *hxx = getHost ( lbip , m_myHost->m_port );
// only do this if not explicitly assigned to in hosts.conf
if ( ! hxx && (long)m_myHost->m_ip != lbip ) {
long loopbackIP = atoip("",9);
if ( ! hashHost(1,m_myHost,loopbackIP,m_myHost->m_port))
return false;
// and the proxies as well
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numProxyHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = getProxy(i);
// init shotgun bit here, 0 or 1 depending on our hostId
h->m_shotgunBit = m_hostId & 0x01;
long ip;
ip = h->m_ip;
if ( ! hashHost ( 1,h,ip, h->m_port )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpPort )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpsPort)) return false;
// . only hash this if not already in there
// . just used to see if ip is in the network (local)
if ( ! hashHost ( 1 , h , ip, 0 )) return false;
// only hash shotgun ip if different
if ( h->m_ip == h->m_ipShotgun ) continue;
ip = h->m_ipShotgun;
if ( ! hashHost ( 1,h,ip, h->m_port )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpPort )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpsPort)) return false;
// . only hash this if not already in there
// . just used to see if ip is in the network (local)
if ( ! hashHost ( 1 , h , ip, 0 )) return false;
// verify g_hostTableUdp
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// get the ith host
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
Host *h2 ;
h2 = getUdpHost ( h->m_ip , h->m_port );
if ( h != h2 )
return log("db: Host lookup failed for hostId %li.",
h2 = getUdpHost ( h->m_ipShotgun , h->m_port );
if ( h != h2 )
return log("db: Host lookup2 failed for hostId %li.",
if ( ! isIpInNetwork ( h->m_ip ) )
return log("db: Host lookup5 failed for hostId %li.",
// verify g_hostTableTcp
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// get the ith host
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
Host *h2 ;
h2 = getTcpHost ( h->m_ip , h->m_httpPort );
if ( h != h2 )
return log("db: Host lookup3 failed for hostId %li. "
"ip=%s port=%hu",
h2 = getTcpHost ( h->m_ip , h->m_httpsPort );
if ( h != h2 )
return log("db: Host lookup4 failed for hostId %li.",
return true;
bool Hostdb::hashHost ( bool udp , Host *h , uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
// if we are g_hostdb2, do not add if host is in g_hostdb
// otherwise PingServer.cpp updates hdtemps, etc. on the wrong host
Host *hh = NULL;
if ( udp ) hh = getHost ( ip , port );
if ( hh && this == &g_hostdb2 ) return true;
// no proxies from hosts2.conf
if ( this == &g_hostdb2 && h->m_isProxy ) return true;
// debug
char *hs = "unknown.conf";
if ( this == &g_hostdb2 ) hs = "hosts2.conf";
if ( this == &g_hostdb ) hs = "hosts.conf";
//logf(LOG_INFO,"db: adding %s ip=%s port=%li isUdp=%li",// (%s)",
// h->m_hostname,iptoa(ip),(long)port,(long)udp);//,hs);
if ( hh && port ) {
log("db: Must hash hosts.conf first, then hosts2.conf.");
log("db: or there is a repeated ip/port in hosts.conf.");
log("db: repeated host ip=%s name=%s",iptoa(ip),h->m_hostname);
return false;//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// . keep a list of the udp ips for pinging
// . do not ping hostdb2 hosts though!
if ( udp && port != 0 && this == &g_hostdb ) {
// add the ip port for pinging purposes
g_listHosts [g_listNumTotal] = h;
g_listIps [g_listNumTotal] = ip;
g_listPorts [g_listNumTotal] = port;
// shortcut
HashTableT <unsigned long long, unsigned long> *t;
if ( udp ) t = &g_hostTableUdp;
else t = &g_hostTableTcp;
// get his key
unsigned long long key = 0;
// masking the low bits of the ip is not good because it is
// the same for every host! so reverse the key to get good hash
char *dst = (char *)&key;
char *src = (char *)&ip;
dst[0] = src[3];
dst[1] = src[2];
dst[2] = src[1];
dst[3] = src[0];
// port too
char *src2 = (char *)&port;
dst[4] = src2[1];
dst[5] = src2[0];
// look it up
long slot = t->getSlot ( key );
// see if there is a collision
Host *old = NULL;
if ( slot >= 0 ) {
// ports of 0 mean we are just adding an ip, and we can
// have multiple hosts on the same ip. this call was just
// to make isIpInNetwork() function work.
if ( port == 0 ) return true;
old = (Host *)t->getValueFromSlot(slot);
return log("db: Got collision between hostId %li and "
"%li(proxy=%li). Both have same ip/port. Does "
"hosts.conf match hosts2.conf?",
// add the new key with a ptr to host using m_port
return t->addKey ( key , (unsigned long)h ) ;
long Hostdb::getHostId ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
Host *h = getUdpHost ( ip , port );
if ( ! h ) return -1;
return h->m_hostId;
Host *Hostdb::getHostByIp ( uint32_t ip ) {
return getHostFromTable ( 1 , ip , 0 );
Host *Hostdb::getHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
return getHostFromTable ( 1 , ip , port );
// . get Host entry from ip/port
// . port defaults to 0 for no port
Host *Hostdb::getUdpHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
return getHostFromTable ( 1 , ip , port );
// . get Host entry from ip/port
// . port defaults to 0 for no port
Host *Hostdb::getTcpHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
return getHostFromTable ( 0 , ip , port );
bool Hostdb::isIpInNetwork ( uint32_t ip ) {
// use port of 0
if ( getHostByIp ( ip ) ) return true;
// not found
return false;
// . get Host entry from ip/port
// . this works on proxy hosts as well!
// . use a port of 0 if we should disregard port
Host *Hostdb::getHostFromTable ( bool udp , uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
// shortcut
HashTableT <unsigned long long, unsigned long> *t;
if ( udp ) t = &g_hostTableUdp;
else t = &g_hostTableTcp;
// reset key
unsigned long long key = 0;
// masking the low bits of the ip is not good because it is
// the same for every host! so reverse the key to get good hash
char *dst = (char *)&key;
char *src = (char *)&ip;
dst[0] = src[3];
dst[1] = src[2];
dst[2] = src[1];
dst[3] = src[0];
// port too
char *src2 = (char *)&port;
dst[4] = src2[1];
dst[5] = src2[0];
// look it up
long slot = t->getSlot ( key );
// return NULL if not found
if ( slot < 0 ) return NULL;
return (Host *) t->getValueFromSlot ( slot );
Host **Hostdb::getTokenGroup ( unsigned long hostId , long *numHosts ) {
// map groupId to hostId
long hid = m_hostIdToTokenGroupNum [ hostId ];
if ( numHosts ) *numHosts = m_groupSize [ hid ];
return &m_hostPtrs2 [ hid ];
// . use the lowest hostId of the all the hosts that are in our token group
// as our token group number
// . ha's must be passed in order of the hostId
long Hostdb::getTokenGroupNum ( Host *ha ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *hb = m_hostPtrs [ i ];
// is he the lowest hostid so far? yes... return the hostid
if ( hb->m_groupId == ha->m_groupId ) goto gotit;
if ( hb->m_ideChannel != ha->m_ideChannel) continue;
if ( hb->m_machineNum != ha->m_machineNum) continue;
// start a new token group if we have to
long tg1 = ha->m_tokenGroupNum;
long tg2 = hb->m_tokenGroupNum;
// if both negative, use hostId to start new token group
if ( tg1 < 0 && tg2 < 0 ) return hb->m_hostId;
// if it is us, skip
if ( ha->m_hostId == hb->m_hostId ) continue;
// pick the smallest, non-negative
if ( tg1 < tg2 && tg1 >= 0 ) return tg1;
else return tg2;
// if only one host, this happens on the second call
if ( ha->m_tokenGroupNum >= 0 ) return ha->m_tokenGroupNum;
// force seg fault if none found, that's bad
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
return -1;
// . this is used by gbsort() above
// . sorts Hosts by their groupId
int cmp2 (const void *v1, const void *v2) {
Host *h1 = *(Host **)v1;
Host *h2 = *(Host **)v2;
// return if groups differ
return h1->m_tokenGroupNum - h2->m_tokenGroupNum;
// . this is used by gbsort() above
// . sorts Hosts by their groupId
int cmp (const void *v1, const void *v2) {
Host *h1 = (Host *)v1;
Host *h2 = (Host *)v2;
// return if groups differ
if ( h1->m_groupId < h2->m_groupId ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_groupId > h2->m_groupId ) return 1;
// otherwise sort by hostId
return h1->m_hostId - h2->m_hostId;
// . returns the first host in the group "groupId"
// . this host has the lowest hostId of all hosts in that group
// . reverse bit order to get hostId from groupId
// . this hostId will be the lowest numbered hostId in the group
long Hostdb::makeHostId ( unsigned long groupId ) {
return reverseBits ( groupId );
long Hostdb::makeHostIdFast ( unsigned long groupId ) {
// sanity check
if ( m_numHosts > 655536 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// init a table that takes the top 2 bytes of the groupId
// and maps to a table
static bool s_init = false;
static unsigned short s_gidTable [ 64*1024 ];
// sanity check -- temporary (REMOVE!!)
if ( s_init ) {
long tmpHostId = makeHostId ( groupId );
if ( tmpHostId != s_gidTable [ groupId>>16 ] ) {
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
if ( s_init ) return s_gidTable[ groupId>>16 ];
memset ( s_gidTable , 0 , 2*64*1024 );
// init s_gidTable
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numGroups ; i++ ) {
// get their groupId
unsigned long groupId = m_groups[i]->m_groupId;
// make the table entry using the top 2 bytes of the groupId,
// those are the only bits that matter
s_gidTable [ groupId>>16 ] = m_groups[i]->m_hostId;
// table is initialized
s_init = true;
// return the answer
return s_gidTable[ groupId>>16 ];
// . hi bits are set
// . we need to reverse the order of the bits in "hostId" to get the "groupId"
// . if we have 8 hosts but only 4 groups, we mask the hostId with (4 - 1):
// hostId = 0 , groupId = 1 & 0x03 = 0
// hostId = 1 , groupId = 1 & 0x03 = 1
// hostId = 2 , groupId = 2 & 0x03 = 2
// hostId = 3 , groupId = 3 & 0x03 = 3
// hostId = 4 , groupId = 4 & 0x03 = 0
// hostId = 5 , groupId = 5 & 0x03 = 1
// hostId = 6 , groupId = 6 & 0x03 = 2
// hostId = 7 , groupId = 7 & 0x03 = 3
unsigned long Hostdb::makeGroupId ( long hostId , long numGroups ) {
return reverseBits ( hostId & (numGroups - 1) );
// hi bits are set
unsigned long Hostdb::makeGroupMask ( long numGroups ) {
return makeGroupId ( numGroups - 1 , numGroups );
// return first alive host in a group/shard
Host *Hostdb::getLiveHostInGroup ( long groupId ) {
Host *group = getGroup ( groupId );
Host *live = NULL;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHostsPerGroup ; i++ ) {
// get it
Host *h = &group[i];
// skip if dead
if ( isDead(h->m_hostId) ) continue;
// return it if alive
return h;
// return first one if all dead
return &group[0];
// . get the Hosts in group with "groupId"
Host *Hostdb::getGroup ( unsigned long groupId , long *numHosts ) {
// set hosts per group
if ( numHosts ) *numHosts = m_numHostsPerGroup;
// . translate groupId to a hostId
// . this hostId should be the lowest hostId in this groupId
long hostId = makeHostId ( groupId );
// watch out for bogus groupIds
if ( hostId >= m_numHosts ) {
if ( numHosts ) *numHosts = 0;
log("conf: Received request for "
"group of hosts based on bad groupId.");
return NULL;
// . get first host that has this groupId (in the m_groups array)
// . m_groups sorts the Hosts by groupid then hostId
return m_groups [ hostId ];
Host *Hostdb::getFastestHostInGroup ( unsigned long groupId ) {
Host *hosts = getGroup ( groupId );
if ( ! hosts ) return NULL;
// scan for smallest average roundtrip time (i.e. ping time)
long minPing = 0x7fffffff;
long mini = -1;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHostsPerGroup ; i++ ) {
//if ( hosts[i].m_pingAvg >= minPing ) continue;
if ( hosts[i].m_ping >= minPing ) continue;
//minPing = hosts[i].m_pingAvg;
minPing = hosts[i].m_ping;
mini = i;
// how can this happen?
if ( mini == -1 ) return NULL;
// return the fastest host
return &hosts[mini];
// TODO: speed this up when we get a *lot* of hosts
Host *Hostdb::getSharer ( Host *h ) {
// return quickly if we know nobody shares an ide channel
if ( ! m_ideSharing ) return NULL;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// skip self
if ( m_hosts[i].m_hostId == h->m_hostId ) continue;
if ( m_hosts[i].m_ip != h->m_ip ) continue;
if ( m_hosts[i].m_ideChannel != h->m_ideChannel ) continue;
return &m_hosts[i];
return NULL;
bool Hostdb::hasDeadHost ( ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
if ( isDead ( i ) ) return true;
return false;
bool Hostdb::isDead ( long hostId ) {
Host *h = getHost ( hostId );
return isDead ( h );
bool Hostdb::isDead ( Host *h ) {
// retired is basically dead
if ( h->m_retired ) return true;
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost == h ) return false;
if ( ! g_conf.m_useShotgun )
return ( h->m_ping >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout);
if ( h->m_ping < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) return false;
if ( h->m_pingShotgun < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) return false;
return true;
long Hostdb::getAliveIp ( Host *h ) {
if ( ! g_conf.m_useShotgun )
return h->m_ip;
if ( h->m_ping < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout )
return h->m_ip;
if ( h->m_pingShotgun < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout )
return h->m_ipShotgun;
return h->m_ip;
long long Hostdb::getNumGlobalRecs ( ) {
long long n = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
n += getHost ( i )->m_docsIndexed;
return n / m_numHostsPerGroup;
long long Hostdb::getNumGlobalEvents ( ) {
long long n = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
n += getHost ( i )->m_eventsIndexed;
return n / m_numHostsPerGroup;
bool Hostdb::setNote ( long hostId, char *note, long noteLen ) {
// replace the note on the host
if ( noteLen > 125 ) noteLen = 125;
Host *h = getHost ( hostId );
if ( !h ) return true;
//h->m_note[0] = ' ';
//h->m_note[1] = '#';
memcpy(h->m_note, note, noteLen);
h->m_note[noteLen] = '\0';
// write this hosts conf out
return saveHostsConf();
bool Hostdb::setSpareNote ( long spareId, char *note, long noteLen ) {
// replace the note on the host
if ( noteLen > 125 ) noteLen = 125;
Host *h = getSpare ( spareId );
if ( !h ) return true;
//h->m_note[0] = ' ';
//h->m_note[1] = '#';
memcpy(h->m_note, note, noteLen);
h->m_note[noteLen] = '\0';
// write this hosts conf out
return saveHostsConf();
bool Hostdb::replaceHost ( long origHostId, long spareHostId ) {
Host *oldHost = getHost(origHostId);
Host *spareHost = getSpare(spareHostId);
if ( !oldHost || !spareHost )
return log ( "init: Bad Host or Spare given. Aborting." );
// host must be dead
if ( !isDead(oldHost) )
return log ( "init: Cannot replace live host. Aborting." );
Host tmp;
memcpy ( &tmp , oldHost , sizeof(Host) );
memcpy ( oldHost , spareHost , sizeof(Host) );
memcpy ( spareHost , &tmp , sizeof(Host) );
// however, these values need to change
oldHost->m_hostId = origHostId;
oldHost->m_groupId = spareHost->m_groupId;
//oldHost->m_groupNum = spareHost->m_groupNum;
oldHost->m_stripe = spareHost->m_stripe;
oldHost->m_group = spareHost->m_group;
oldHost->m_isProxy = spareHost->m_isProxy;
oldHost->m_type = HT_SPARE;
oldHost->m_hostdb = spareHost->m_hostdb;
oldHost->m_inProgress1 = spareHost->m_inProgress1;
oldHost->m_inProgress2 = spareHost->m_inProgress2;
oldHost->m_lastPing = spareHost->m_lastPing; // last ping timestamp
// and the new spare gets a new hostid too
spareHost->m_hostId = spareHostId;
// reset these stats
oldHost->m_pingMax = 0;
oldHost->m_gotPingReply = false;
oldHost->m_loadAvg = 0;
oldHost->m_percentMemUsed = 0;
oldHost->m_firstOOMTime = 0;
oldHost->m_cpuUsage = 0;
oldHost->m_docsIndexed = 0;
oldHost->m_eventsIndexed = 0;
oldHost->m_slowDiskReads = 0;
oldHost->m_kernelErrors = 0;
oldHost->m_kernelErrorReported = false;
oldHost->m_flags = 0;
oldHost->m_dailyMergeCollnum = 0;
oldHost->m_ping = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout;
oldHost->m_pingShotgun = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout;
oldHost->m_emailCode = 0;
oldHost->m_wasAlive = false;
oldHost->m_etryagains = 0;
oldHost->m_totalResends = 0;
oldHost->m_errorReplies = 0;
oldHost->m_dgramsTo = 0;
oldHost->m_dgramsFrom = 0;
oldHost->m_repairMode = 0;
oldHost->m_splitsDone = 0;
oldHost->m_splitTimes = 0;
oldHost->m_hdtemps[0] = 0;
oldHost->m_hdtemps[1] = 0;
oldHost->m_hdtemps[2] = 0;
oldHost->m_hdtemps[3] = 0;
// . just swap ips and ports and directories
// . first store all the old info so we can put it away
unsigned long oldIp = oldHost->m_ip;
unsigned long oldIp2 = oldHost->m_ipShotgun;
unsigned short oldExtHttpPort = oldHost->m_externalHttpPort;
unsigned short oldExtHttpsPort = oldHost->m_externalHttpsPort;
unsigned short oldPort = oldHost->m_port;
unsigned short oldPort2 = oldHost->m_port2;
unsigned short oldHttpPort = oldHost->m_httpPort;
unsigned short oldHttpsPort = oldHost->m_httpsPort;
long oldMachineNum = oldHost->m_machineNum;
long oldIdeChannel = oldHost->m_ideChannel;
char oldSwitchId = oldHost->m_switchId;
unsigned short oldDnsPort = oldHost->m_dnsClientPort;
char oldDir[128];
memcpy(oldDir, oldHost->m_dir, 128);
char oldNote[128];
memcpy(oldNote, oldHost->m_note, 128);
// . now copy in the spare's info
oldHost->m_ip = spareHost->m_ip;
oldHost->m_ipShotgun = spareHost->m_ipShotgun;
oldHost->m_externalHttpPort = spareHost->m_externalHttpPort;
oldHost->m_externalHttpsPort = spareHost->m_externalHttpsPort;
oldHost->m_port = spareHost->m_port;
oldHost->m_port2 = spareHost->m_port2;
oldHost->m_httpPort = spareHost->m_httpPort;
oldHost->m_httpsPort = spareHost->m_httpsPort;
oldHost->m_machineNum = spareHost->m_machineNum;
oldHost->m_ideChannel = spareHost->m_ideChannel;
oldHost->m_switchId = spareHost->m_switchId;
oldHost->m_dnsClientPort = spareHost->m_dnsClientPort;
memcpy(oldHost->m_dir, spareHost->m_dir, 128);
memcpy(oldHost->m_note, spareHost->m_note, 128);
// . now store the old info off
spareHost->m_ip = oldIp;
spareHost->m_ipShotgun = oldIp2;
spareHost->m_externalHttpPort = oldExtHttpPort;
spareHost->m_externalHttpsPort = oldExtHttpsPort;
spareHost->m_port = oldPort;
spareHost->m_port2 = oldPort2;
spareHost->m_httpPort = oldHttpPort;
spareHost->m_httpsPort = oldHttpsPort;
spareHost->m_machineNum = oldMachineNum;
spareHost->m_ideChannel = oldIdeChannel;
spareHost->m_switchId = oldSwitchId;
spareHost->m_dnsClientPort = oldDnsPort;
memcpy(spareHost->m_dir, oldDir, 128);
memcpy(spareHost->m_note, oldNote, 128);
// write this hosts conf out
// . now we need to replace the ips and ports in the hash tables
// just clear the hash tables and rehash
// reset pingserver's list too!
g_listNumTotal = 0;
// now restock everything
// replace ips in udp server
g_udpServer.replaceHost ( spareHost, oldHost );
//g_udpServer2.replaceHost ( spareHost, oldHost );
// return success
// update Host::m_onProperSwitch
return true;
void Hostdb::setOnProperSwitchFlags ( ) {
long split = g_hostdb.m_indexSplits;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
// get switch group
long switchGroup = 0;
if ( split > 0 ) switchGroup = h->m_group % split;
// and switch id
long switchId = h->m_switchId;
// reset counts
long diffSwitch = 0;
long sameSwitch = 0;
char inMajority = true;
unsigned long minIp = 0;
// does his switch id match the majority of the hosts
// with his same switch group? if so, he is on the proper
// switch, otherwise, he is not
for ( long j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ ) {
// get the jth host
Host *h2 = &m_hosts[j];
// get his switch group
long switchGroup2 = 0;
if ( split > 0 ) switchGroup2 = h2->m_group % split;
// skip if not a match
if ( switchGroup2 != switchGroup ) continue;
// get group with lowest ip
if ( minIp == 0 || h2->m_ip < minIp ) {
// update minIp
minIp = h2->m_ip;
// if it switchId matches "switchId" then
// "h" is in the majority group
if ( h2->m_switchId == switchId )
inMajority = true;
inMajority = false;
// if not on same switch do not count this one
if ( h2->m_switchId != switchId ) diffSwitch++;
// a good match
else sameSwitch++;
// if "h" is in majority he is on proper switch
// but, if no majority, (split 50/50), then the group with
// the lowest ip is the correct group
if ( sameSwitch > diffSwitch ) {
h->m_onProperSwitch = true;
if ( sameSwitch < diffSwitch ) {
h->m_onProperSwitch = false;
// otherwise, half are on a different switch, so the half
// that has the lowest ip is the correct half
h->m_onProperSwitch = inMajority;
bool Hostdb::saveHostsConf ( ) {
// open the hosts.conf file
char filename[1024];
sprintf ( filename, "%shosts.conf", m_dir );
log ( LOG_INFO, "conf: Writing hosts.conf file to: %s",
filename );
long fd = open ( filename, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC,
if ( !fd ) {
log ( "conf: Failed to open %s for writing.", filename );
return false;
char temp[1024];
// write a header
// 000xx 00000 00000
sprintf(temp, "#ID IP LINKIP UDP1 UDP2 "
// 00000 00000 00000 0 0 000 ...
"# the new hosts.conf format:\n"
"# <hostId> <hostname> [portoffset] [# <comment>]\n"
"# spare <hostname> [portoffset] [# <comment>]\n"
"# proxy <hostname> [portoffset] [# <comment>]\n"
"# we use /etc/hosts to get the ip of eth0\n"
"# we insert an 'i' into hostname to get ip of eth1\n"
"working-dir: %s\n"
//"port-offset: %li\n"
"index-splits: %li\n"
//(long)g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_httpPort - 8000,
g_hostdb.m_indexSplits );
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
// loop over each host and write the conf line
for ( long i = 0; i < m_numTotalHosts; i++ ) {
Host *h;
if ( i < m_numHosts )
h = getHost(i);
else if ( i < m_numHosts + m_numSpareHosts )
h = getSpare(i - m_numHosts);
h = getProxy(i - m_numHosts - m_numSpareHosts);
// generate the host id
if ( i >= m_numHosts + m_numSpareHosts )
sprintf(temp, "proxy ");
else if ( i >= m_numHosts )
sprintf(temp, "spare ");
else if ( i < 10 )
sprintf(temp, "00%li ", i);
else if ( i < 100 )
sprintf(temp, "0%li ", i);
sprintf(temp, "%li ", i);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
long spaces;
long g;
// the new format is just the hostname then note
sprintf(temp,"%s ",h->m_hostname);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
goto skip;
// generate the ip string
strcpy(temp, iptoa(h->m_ip));
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 16 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( long s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// generate the ip2 string
strcpy(temp, iptoa(h->m_ipShotgun));
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 16 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( long s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// udp1 port
sprintf(temp, "%hu ", h->m_port);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 6 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( long s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// udp2 port
//sprintf(temp, "%hu ", h->m_port2);
sprintf(temp, "0 " );
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 6 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( long s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// dns port
sprintf(temp, "%hu ", h->m_dnsClientPort);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 6 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( long s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// http port
sprintf(temp, "%hu ", h->m_httpPort);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 6 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( long s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// https port
sprintf(temp, "%hu ", h->m_httpsPort);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 6 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( long s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// IDE channel
sprintf(temp, "%li ", h->m_ideChannel);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
// switch ID
sprintf(temp, "%li ", (long)h->m_switchId);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
// Group ID
g = h->m_group;
if ( g < 10 )
sprintf(temp, "00%li ", g);
else if ( g < 100 )
sprintf(temp, "0%li ", g);
sprintf(temp, "%li ", g);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
// directory
write(fd, h->m_dir, gbstrlen(h->m_dir));
// note
write(fd, h->m_note, gbstrlen(h->m_note));
// end line
write(fd, "\n", 1);
// close else the file
return true;
void syncDoneWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
Hostdb *THIS = (Hostdb*)state;
void *syncStartWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
Hostdb *THIS = (Hostdb*)state;
return NULL;
// sync a host with its twin
bool Hostdb::syncHost ( long syncHostId, bool useSecondaryIps ) {
// can't do two syncs
if ( m_syncHost )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Cannot manage two syncs on this "
"host. Aborting.");
// log the start
log ( LOG_INFO, "init: Syncing host %li with twin.", syncHostId );
// if no twins, can't do it
if ( m_numHostsPerGroup == 1 )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Cannot sync host, no twins. "
// spiders must be off
if ( g_conf.m_spideringEnabled )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Syncing while spiders are on is "
"disallowed. Aborting.");
// first, the host must be marked as dead
Host *h = getHost(syncHostId);
if ( ! h )
log("conf: Cannot get host with host id #%li",
if ( !isDead(h) )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Cannot sync live host. Aborting.");
// now check it for a clean directory
long ip1 = h->m_ip;
if ( useSecondaryIps ) ip1 = h->m_ipShotgun;
char ip1str[32];
sprintf ( ip1str, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu",
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 0)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 8)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 16)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 24)&0xff );
char cmd[1024];
sprintf ( cmd, "ssh %s \"cd %s; du -b | tail -n 1\" > ./synccheck.txt",
ip1str, h->m_dir );
log ( LOG_INFO, "init: %s", cmd );
long fd = open ( "./synccheck.txt", O_RDONLY );
if ( fd < 0 )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Unable to open synccheck.txt. "
long len = read ( fd, cmd, 1023 );
cmd[len] = '\0';
// delete the file to make sure we don't reuse it
system ( "rm ./synccheck.txt" );
// check the size
long checkSize = atol(cmd);
if ( checkSize > 4096 || checkSize <= 0 )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Detected %li bytes in "
"directory to "
"sync. Must be empty. Aborting.",
// set the sync host
m_syncHost = h;
m_syncSecondaryIps = useSecondaryIps;
h->m_doingSync = 1;
// start the sync in a thread, complete when it's done
this ,
syncDoneWrapper ,
syncStartWrapper_r ) ) return true;
// error
h->m_doingSync = 0;
m_syncHost = NULL;
return log ( LOG_WARN, "conf: Could not spawn thread for call to sync "
"host. Aborting." );
int my_system_r ( char *cmd , long timeout );
int startUp ( void *cmd );
void Hostdb::syncStart_r ( bool amThread ) {
// get the twin we'll copy from
long numHostsInGroup;
Host *hostGroup = getGroup(m_syncHost->m_groupId, &numHostsInGroup);
if ( numHostsInGroup == 1 ) {
m_syncHost->m_doingSync = 0;
m_syncHost = NULL;
log (LOG_WARN, "sync: Could not Sync, Host has no twin.");
Host *srcHost = &hostGroup[numHostsInGroup - 1];
if ( srcHost == m_syncHost ) srcHost = &hostGroup[numHostsInGroup-2];
// create the rcp command
char cmd[1024];
long ip1 = m_syncHost->m_ip;
if ( m_syncSecondaryIps ) ip1 = m_syncHost->m_ipShotgun;
char ip1str[32];
sprintf ( ip1str, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu",
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 0)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 8)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 16)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 24)&0xff );
long ip2 = srcHost->m_ip;
if ( m_syncSecondaryIps ) ip2 = srcHost->m_ipShotgun;
char ip2str[32];
sprintf ( ip2str, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu",
(unsigned char)(ip2 >> 0)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip2 >> 8)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip2 >> 16)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip2 >> 24)&0xff );
// now we also remove the old log files and *.cache files because
// they do not apply to this new host
// . TODO :
// need the -f flag for rm in case those files do not exist, it
// would error out then
sprintf ( cmd, "ssh %s \"rcp -pr %s:%s* %s ; "
"rcp -pr %s:%s.antiword %s ; "
"rm -f %slog* %s*.cache %s*~ %stmplog* ; "
"rm -f %scoll.*.*/waiting* ;" // waitingtree & waitingtable
"rm -f %scoll.*.*/doleiptable.dat* ;"
// the new guy is NOT in sync!
"echo 0 > %sinsync.dat\"",
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir );
log ( LOG_INFO, "init: %s", cmd );
int err = my_system_r ( cmd, 3600*24 );
if ( err != 0 ) {
log ( "conf: Call to system(\"%s\") had error %s.", cmd ,
strerror(err) );
m_syncHost->m_doingSync = 0;
m_syncHost = NULL;
void Hostdb::syncDone ( ) {
// now make a call to startup the newly synced host
if ( !m_syncHost ) {
log ( "conf: SyncHost is invalid. Most likely a problem "
"during the sync. Ending synchost." );
log ( LOG_INFO, "init: Sync copy done. Starting host." );
m_syncHost->m_doingSync = 0;
char cmd[1024];
sprintf(cmd, "./gb start %li", m_syncHost->m_hostId);
log ( LOG_INFO, "init: %s", cmd );
m_syncHost = NULL;
// use the ip that is not dead, prefer eth0
long Hostdb::getBestIp ( Host *h , long fromIp ) {
// if shotgun/eth1 ip is dead, returh eth0 ip
if ( h->m_pingShotgun >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) return h->m_ip;
// if eth0 dead, return shotgun ip
if ( h->m_ping >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) return h->m_ipShotgun;
// default to eth0 if both dead
return h->m_ip;
unsigned char *a = (unsigned char *)&h->m_ipShotgun;
unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *)&fromIp;
// we assume shotgun is the internal ip address, but it may not be
unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)&h->m_ip;
// return the closest match, iff there is a match
if ( a[3] == b[3] && a[2] == b[2] )
return h->m_ipShotgun;
if ( c[3] == b[3] && c[2] == b[2] )
return h->m_ip;
// if our primary ip is internal, return the shotgun
bool isPrimaryInternal = false;
bool isShotgunInternal = false;
if ( a[0]==192 && a[1]==168 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( a[0]==10 && a[1]==1 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( a[0]==127 && a[1]==0 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==192 && c[1]==168 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==10 && c[1]==1 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==127 && c[1]==0 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
// if primary is not internal, use that then
if ( ! isPrimaryInternal ) return h->m_ip;
// if primary is internal, and so is shotgun, prefer primary
if ( isShotgunInternal ) return h->m_ip;
// if primary is internal, and shotgun is not, use shotgun
return h->m_ipShotgun;
// . "h" is from g_hostdb2, the "external" cluster
// . should we send to its primary or shotgun ip?
// . this returns which ip we should send to
long Hostdb::getBestHosts2IP ( Host *h ) {
// sanity check
if ( this != &g_hostdb ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// get external ips
unsigned char *a = (unsigned char *)&h->m_ipShotgun;
unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)&h->m_ip;
char isShotgunInternal = false;
char isPrimaryInternal = false;
if ( a[0]==192 && a[1]==168 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( a[0]==10 && a[1]==1 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( a[0]==127 && a[1]==0 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==192 && c[1]==168 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==10 && c[1]==1 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==127 && c[1]==0 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
// get this host
Host *local = g_hostdb.getMyHost();
unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *)&local->m_ipShotgun;
unsigned char *d = (unsigned char *)&local->m_ip;
char onSameNetwork = false;
// if ip "a" in hosts2.conf is NOT INTERNAL (192.168.*) then see
// if it matches any ip (top 2 bytes) in hosts.conf
if ( ! isShotgunInternal ) {
// it is PROBABLY on the same net if the top two bytes match!
if ( a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1] ) onSameNetwork = true;
if ( a[0] == d[0] && a[1] == d[1] ) onSameNetwork = true;
// likewise, see if the shotgun ip in hosts2.conf matches the top two
// bytes of either of our IPs
if ( ! isPrimaryInternal ) {
// it is PROBABLY on the same net if the top two bytes match!
if ( c[0] == b[0] && c[1] == b[1] ) onSameNetwork = true;
if ( c[0] == d[0] && c[1] == d[1] ) onSameNetwork = true;
// use internal ip if available and on same network
if ( onSameNetwork && isPrimaryInternal ) return h->m_ip; // c
if ( onSameNetwork && isShotgunInternal ) return h->m_ipShotgun; // a
// otherwise, if none are internal, just make it primary
if ( onSameNetwork ) return h->m_ip;
// ok, not on the same network, use external
if ( ! isPrimaryInternal ) return h->m_ip;
if ( ! isShotgunInternal ) return h->m_ipShotgun;
// otherwise, make a guess, both are internal!!
static time_t s_last = 0;
// log it every 10 seconds
time_t t = getTime();
if ( t - s_last > 10 ) {
log("db: All hosts2.conf IPs are internal! Please fix!");
s_last = t;
// just try the primary then
return h->m_ip;
// . if false, we don't split index and date lists, other dbs are unaffected
// . this obsolets the g_*.getGroupId() functions
// . this allows us to have any # of groups in a stripe, not just power of 2
// . now we can use 3 stripes of 96 hosts each so spiders will almost never
// go down
uint32_t Hostdb::getGroupId ( char rdbId,void *k,bool split ) {
if ( ! split ) {
// based on termid for nosplits
if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB || rdbId == RDB2_POSDB2 ) {
// use top 13 bits of key
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 16))>>3];
//if ( rdbId == RDB_INDEXDB || rdbId == RDB2_INDEXDB2 ) {
// // use top 13 bits of key
// return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 10))>>3];
// . i don't think we need this one now
// . XmlDoc::hashNoSplit() only seems to use indexdb
// . no, now events have gbeventdeduphash!
if ( rdbId == RDB_DATEDB || rdbId == RDB2_DATEDB2 ) {
// . use termid
// . this is kinda slow, but since it is rare, that
// is fine
uint64_t tid = g_datedb.getTermId ( (key128_t *)k );
// use lower 16 bits of termid i guess
return m_map [ (*((uint16_t *)&tid)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1)];
// this one is the same as below! just makes calls to
// getGroupId() more flexible i guess
else if ( rdbId == RDB_TAGDB ) {
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 10))>>3];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_CATDB ) {
// use top 13 bits of key, just like indexdb above
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 10))>>3];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_LINKDB || rdbId == RDB2_LINKDB2 ) {
//return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 14))>>3];
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 26))>>3];
// treat this key like a datedb key
else if ( rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB || rdbId == RDB2_SECTIONDB2){
// use top 13 bits of key
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 14))>>3];
// treat this key like a datedb key
else if ( rdbId == RDB_PLACEDB || rdbId == RDB2_PLACEDB2){
// use top 13 bits of key
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 14))>>3];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_REVDB || rdbId == RDB2_REVDB2 ) {
// key is formed like title key is
//long long d = g_titledb.getDocId ( (key_t *)k );
unsigned long long d = g_revdb.getDocId( (key_t *)k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
// nobody else can be "no split" i guess
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// try to put those most popular ones first for speed
if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB || rdbId == RDB2_POSDB2 ) {
unsigned long long d = g_posdb.getDocId ( k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
//if ( rdbId == RDB_INDEXDB || rdbId == RDB2_INDEXDB2 ) {
// unsigned long long d = g_indexdb.getDocId ( (key_t *)k );
// return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_DATEDB || rdbId == RDB2_DATEDB2 ) {
unsigned long long d = g_datedb.getDocId ( k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_LINKDB || rdbId == RDB2_LINKDB2 ) {
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 26))>>3];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_TFNDB || rdbId == RDB2_TFNDB2 ) {
unsigned long long d = g_tfndb.getDocId ( (key_t *)k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB || rdbId == RDB2_TITLEDB2 ) {
unsigned long long d = g_titledb.getDocId ( (key_t *)k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB || rdbId == RDB2_SPIDERDB2 ) {
//long long d = g_spiderdb.getDocId ( (key_t *)k );
//return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
// HACK:!!! only the responsible group can nuke a spiderdb key
//if ( ( ((char *)k)[0] & 0x01 ) == 0x00 )
// return g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_groupId;
// . otherwise, check the ip!
// . this must be a full rec... cast it
//SpiderRequest *sreq = (SpiderRequest *)k;
long firstIp = g_spiderdb.getFirstIp((key128_t *)k);
// use that for getting the group
return g_spiderdb.getGroupId( firstIp );
else if ( rdbId == RDB_CLUSTERDB || rdbId == RDB2_CLUSTERDB2 ) {
unsigned long long d = g_clusterdb.getDocId ( k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_TAGDB ||
rdbId == RDB2_TAGDB2 ) {
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 10))>>3];
// based on url hash, top 32 bits
else if ( rdbId == RDB_CACHEDB || rdbId == RDB_SERPDB ) {
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 10))>>3];
// . base this on city/adm1/city/streetname hash bits,
// . see Events::makePlacedbKey()
// . we got 8+16+25+16 bits = 65 bits
// . least significant bits are first
else if ( rdbId == RDB_PLACEDB || rdbId == RDB2_PLACEDB2 ) {
// hash those guys hashes into a single hash
unsigned long h = hash32 ( ((char *)k) + 8 , 8 );
// use that to lookup in m_map then
return m_map [ h & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_DOLEDB ) { // || rdbId == RDB2_DOLEDB2 ) {
// HACK:!!!!!! this is a trick!!! it is us!!!
return g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_groupId;
else if ( rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB || rdbId == RDB2_SECTIONDB2 ) {
// use top 13 bits of key
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 14))>>3];
//unsigned long long d = g_datedb.getDocId ( k );
//return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_REVDB || rdbId == RDB2_REVDB2 ) {
// key is formed like title key is
//long long d = g_titledb.getDocId ( (key_t *)k );
unsigned long long d = g_revdb.getDocId( (key_t *)k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
//else if ( rdbId == RDB_CATDB || rdbId == RDB2_CATDB2 ) {
// return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 10))>>3];
// core -- must be provided
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
//groupId=key.n1 & g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
//return (((key_t *)key)->n1) & g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
return 0;
uint32_t Hostdb::getGroupIdFromDocId ( long long d ) {
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
Host *Hostdb::getBestSpiderCompressionProxy ( long *key ) {
static long s_numTotal = 0;
static long s_numAlive = 0;
static Host *s_alive[64];
static Host *s_lastResort = NULL;
static bool s_aliveValid = false;
if ( ! s_aliveValid ) {
// come up to "redo" from below if a host goes dead
s_aliveValid = true;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numProxyHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = getProxy(i);
if ( ! (h->m_type & HT_SCPROXY ) ) continue;
// if all dead use this
s_lastResort = h;
// count towards total even if not alive
// now must be alive
if ( g_hostdb.isDead (h) ) continue;
// stop to avoid breach
if ( s_numAlive >= 64 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// add it otherwise
s_alive[s_numAlive++] = h;
// if no scproxy in hosts.conf return NULL
if ( s_numTotal == 0 ) return NULL;
// if none alive, use last resort, a non-null dead host
if ( s_numAlive == 0 ) return s_lastResort;
// pick one based on the key
long ni = hash32((char *)key , 4 ) % s_numAlive;
// get it
Host *h = s_alive[ni];
// if dead, recompute alive[] table and try again!
if ( g_hostdb.isDead(h) ) goto redo;
// got a live one
return h;