Matt aeaca04df3 fix bug of losing the line waiter header
in linkdb.cpp for incoming msg25 requests.
start to show more info in sockets table
by parsing the request.
2015-11-19 19:40:30 -07:00

1460 lines
46 KiB

// Gigablast, Inc. Copyright April 2007
// Linkdb - stores link information
// . Format of a 28-byte key in linkdb
// . used by Msg25::getPageLinkInfo()
// .
// . pppppppp pppppppp pppppppp pppppppp p = linkEEHash, q = ~linkerSiteRank
// . pppppppp pppppppS qqqqqqqq cccccccc c = lower ip byte, S = isLinkSpam?
// . IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII dddddddd I = upper 3 bytes of ip
// . dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddd00 d = linkerdocid,h = half bit,Z =delbit
// . mmmmmmmm mmmmmm0N xxxxxxxx xxxxxxss N = 1 if it was added to existing page
// . ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss sssssshZ s = sitehash32 of linker
// m = discovery date in days since jan 1
// x = estimated date it was lost (0 if not yet lost)
// NOTE: the "c" bits were the hopcount of the inlinker, but we changed
// them to the lower ip byte so steve can show the # of unique ips linking
// to your page or site.
#ifndef _LINKDB_H_
#define _LINKDB_H_
#define LDBKS sizeof(key224_t)
#define LDB_MAXSITERANK 0xff
#define LDB_MAXHOPCOUNT 0xff
#define LDB_MAXURLHASH 0x00007fffffffffffLL
#define LINKDBEPOCH (1325376000-365*86400*4)
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
//#include "DiskPageCache.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
void handleRequest25 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) ;
// . get the inlinkers to this SITE (any page on this site)
// . use that to compute a site quality
// . also get the inlinkers sorted by date and see how many good inlinkers
// we had since X days ago. (each inlinker needs a pub/birth date)
class Msg25Request {
char m_mode; // bool m_isSiteLinkInfo ;
int32_t m_ip ;
int64_t m_docId ;
collnum_t m_collnum ;
bool m_isInjecting ;
bool m_printInXml ;
// when we get a reply we call this
void *m_state ;
void (* m_callback)(void *state) ;
// server-side parms so it doesn't have to allocate a state
//SafeBuf m_pbuf ;
//SafeBuf m_linkInfoBuf ;
//char *coll ;
//char *qbuf ;
//int32_t qbufSize ;
//XmlDoc *xd ;
int32_t m_siteNumInlinks ;
class LinkInfo *m_oldLinkInfo ;
int32_t m_niceness ;
bool m_doLinkSpamCheck ;
bool m_oneVotePerIpDom ;
bool m_canBeCancelled ;
int32_t m_lastUpdateTime ;
bool m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks ;
bool m_getLinkerTitles ;
int32_t m_ourHostHash32 ;
int32_t m_ourDomHash32 ;
uint8_t m_waitingInLine:1;
uint8_t m_reserved1:1;
uint8_t m_reserved2:1;
uint8_t m_reserved3:1;
uint8_t m_reserved4:1;
uint8_t m_reserved5:1;
uint8_t m_reserved6:1;
uint8_t m_reserved7:1;
// new stuff
int32_t m_siteHash32;
int64_t m_siteHash64;
int64_t m_linkHash64;
// for linked list of these guys in g_lineTable in Linkdb.cpp
// but only used on the server end, not client end
class Msg25Request *m_next;
// the mutlicast we use
class Multicast *m_mcast;
UdpSlot *m_udpSlot;
bool m_printDebugMsgs;
// store final LinkInfo reply in here
SafeBuf *m_linkInfoBuf;
char *ptr_site;
char *ptr_url;
char *ptr_oldLinkInfo;
int32_t size_site;
int32_t size_url;
int32_t size_oldLinkInfo;
char m_buf[0];
int32_t getStoredSize();
void serialize();
void deserialize();
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . your req->m_callback will be called with the Msg25Reply
bool getLinkInfo ( SafeBuf *reqBuf , // store msg25 request in here
Multicast *mcast , // use this to send msg 0x25 request
char *site ,
char *url ,
bool isSiteLinkInfo ,
int32_t ip ,
int64_t docId ,
collnum_t collnum ,
char *qbuf ,
int32_t qbufSize ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
bool isInjecting ,
SafeBuf *pbuf ,
//class XmlDoc *xd ,
bool printInXml ,
int32_t siteNumInlinks ,
//int32_t sitePop ,
LinkInfo *oldLinkInfo ,
int32_t niceness ,
bool doLinkSpamCheck ,
bool oneVotePerIpDom ,
bool canBeCancelled ,
int32_t lastUpdateTime ,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
bool getLinkerTitles , //= false ,
// if an inlinking document has an outlink
// of one of these hashes then we set
// Msg20Reply::m_hadLinkToOurDomOrHost.
// it is used to remove an inlinker to a related
// docid, which also links to our main seo url
// being processed. so we do not recommend
// such links since they already link to a page
// on your domain or hostname. set BOTH to zero
// to not perform this algo in handleRequest20()'s
// call to XmlDoc::getMsg20Reply().
int32_t ourHostHash32 , // = 0 ,
int32_t ourDomHash32 , // = 0 );
SafeBuf *myLinkInfoBuf );
void handleRequest25 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) ;
int32_t getSiteRank ( int32_t sni ) ;
class Linkdb {
void reset();
bool init ( );
bool init2 ( int32_t treeMem );
bool verify ( char *coll );
bool addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify = true );
bool setMetaList ( char *metaList ,
char *metaListEnd ,
class XmlDoc *oldDoc ,
class XmlDoc *newDoc ,
int32_t niceness ,
int32_t *numBytesWritten ) ;
// this makes a "url" key
key224_t makeKey_uk ( uint32_t linkeeSiteHash32 ,
uint64_t linkeeUrlHash64 ,
bool isLinkSpam ,
unsigned char linkerSiteRank , // 0-15 i guess
unsigned char linkerHopCount ,
uint32_t linkerIp ,
int64_t linkerDocId ,
uint32_t discoveryDate ,
uint32_t lostDate ,
bool newAddToOldPage ,
uint32_t linkerSiteHash32 ,
bool isDelete );
key224_t makeStartKey_uk ( uint32_t linkeeSiteHash32 ,
uint64_t linkeeUrlHash64 = 0LL ) {
return makeKey_uk ( linkeeSiteHash32,
false, // linkspam?
255, // 15, // ~siterank
0, // hopcount
0, // ip
0, // docid
0, //discovery date
0, // lostdate
false, // newaddtopage
0, // linkersitehash
true); // is delete?
key224_t makeEndKey_uk ( uint32_t linkeeSiteHash32 ,
uint64_t linkeeUrlHash64 =
0xffffffffffffffffLL ) {
return makeKey_uk ( linkeeSiteHash32,
true, // linkspam?
0, // ~siterank
0xff, // hopcount
0xffffffff, // ip
MAX_DOCID, // docid
0xffffffff, //discovery date
0xffffffff, // lostdate
true, // newaddtopage
0xffffffff, // linkersitehash
false); // is delete?
int64_t getUrlHash ( Url *url ) {
// . now use the probable docid (UNMASKED)
// . this makes it so we reside on the same host as the
// titleRec and spiderRec of this url. that way Msg14
// is assured of adding the Linkdb rec before the Spiderdb
// rec and therefore of getting its parent as an inlinker.
int64_t h = g_titledb.getProbableDocId(url,false);
// now it is the lower 47 bits since we added the spam bit
return h & 0x00007fffffffffffLL; }
// accessors for "url" keys in linkdb
uint32_t getLinkeeSiteHash32_uk ( key224_t *key ) {
return (key->n3) >> 32; }
uint64_t getLinkeeUrlHash64_uk ( key224_t *key ) {
uint64_t h = key->n3;
h &= 0x00000000ffffffffLL;
h <<= 15;
h |= key->n2 >> 49;
return h;
char isLinkSpam_uk (key224_t *key ) {
if ((key->n2) & 0x1000000000000LL) return true;
return false;
unsigned char getLinkerSiteRank_uk ( key224_t *k ) {
unsigned char rank = (k->n2 >> 40) & 0xff;
// complement it back
rank = (unsigned char)~rank;//LDB_MAXSITERANK - rank;
return rank;
//unsigned char getLinkerHopCount_uk ( key224_t *k ) {
// return (k->n2 >> 32) & 0xff;
int32_t getLinkerIp_uk ( key224_t *k ) {
uint32_t ip ;
// the most significant part of the ip is the lower byte!!!
ip = (uint32_t)((k->n2>>8)&0x00ffffff);
ip |= ((k->n2>>8) & 0xff000000);
return ip;
void setIp32_uk ( void *k , uint32_t ip ) {
char *ips = (char *)&ip;
char *ks = (char *)k;
ks[16] = ips[3];
ks[15] = ips[2];
ks[14] = ips[1];
ks[13] = ips[0];
// we are missing the lower byte, it will be zero
int32_t getLinkerIp24_uk ( key224_t *k ) {
return (int32_t)((k->n2>>8)&0x00ffffff);
int64_t getLinkerDocId_uk( key224_t *k ) {
uint64_t d = k->n2 & 0xff;
d <<= 30;
d |= k->n1 >>34;
return d;
// . in days since jan 1, 2012 utc
// . timestamp of jan 1, 2012 utc is 1325376000
int32_t getDiscoveryDate_uk ( void *k ) {
uint32_t date = ((key224_t *)k)->n1 >> 18;
date &= 0x00003fff;
// if 0 return that
if ( date == 0 ) return 0;
// multiply by seconds in days then
date *= 86400;
// add OUR epoch
// and use that
return date;
// . in days since jan 1, 2012 utc
// . timestamp of jan 1, 2012 utc is 1325376000
void setDiscoveryDate_uk ( void *k , int32_t date ) {
// subtract jan 1 2012
// convert into days
date /= 86400;
// sanity
if ( date > 0x3fff || date < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// clear old bits
((key224_t *)k)->n1 &= 0xffffffff03ffffLL;
// scale us into it
((key224_t *)k)->n1 |= ((uint64_t)date) << 18;
int32_t getLostDate_uk ( void *k ) {
uint32_t date = ((key224_t *)k)->n1 >> 2;
date &= 0x00003fff;
// if 0 return that
if ( date == 0 ) return 0;
// multiply by seconds in days then
date *= 86400;
// add OUR epoch
// and use that
return date;
// . in days since jan 1, 2012 utc
// . timestamp of jan 1, 2012 utc is 1325376000
void setLostDate_uk ( void *k , int32_t date ) {
// subtract jan 1 2012
// convert into days
date /= 86400;
// sanity
if ( date > 0x3fff || date < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// clear old bits
((key224_t *)k)->n1 &= 0xffffffffffff0003LL;
// scale us into it
((key224_t *)k)->n1 |= ((uint64_t)date) << 2;
uint32_t getLinkerSiteHash32_uk( void *k ) {
uint32_t sh32 = ((key224_t *)k)->n1 & 0x00000003;
sh32 <<= 30;
sh32 |= ((key224_t *)k)->n0 >> 2;
return sh32;
Rdb *getRdb() { return &m_rdb; };
//DiskPageCache *getDiskPageCache () { return &m_pc; };
//DiskPageCache m_pc;
Rdb m_rdb;
extern class Linkdb g_linkdb;
extern class Linkdb g_linkdb2;
// . get ALL the linkText classes for a url and merge 'em into a LinkInfo class
// . also gets the link-adjusted quality of our site's url (root url)
// . first gets all docIds of docs that link to that url via an link: search
// . gets the LinkText, customized for our url, from each docId in that list
// . merge them into a final LinkInfo class for your url
//#include "LinkText.h"
#include "Msg2.h" // for getting IndexLists from Indexdb
#include "Msg20.h" // for getting this url's LinkInfo from another cluster
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "HashTableX.h"
#include "Msg22.h"
#include "CatRec.h"
#define MAX_LINKERS 3000
// if a linker is a "title rec not found" or log spam, then we get another
// linker's titleRec. churn through up to these many titleRecs in an attempt
// to get MAX_LINKERS good titlerecs before giving up.
//#define MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE 25000
// on, 22393 of the 25000 are link spam, and we only end
// up getting 508 good inlinks, so rais from 25000 to 50000
//#define MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE 50000
// try a ton of lookups so we can ditch xfactor and keep posdb key as
// simple as possible. just make sure we recycle link info a lot!
#define MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE 1000000
// go down from 300 to 100 so XmlDoc::getRecommendLinksBuf() can launch
// like 5 msg25s and have no fear of having >500 msg20 requests outstanding
// which clogs things up
// crap, no, on gk144 we got 128 hosts now, so put back to 300...
// if we have less hosts then limit this proportionately in Linkdb.cpp
#define MAX_NOTE_BUF_LEN 20000
//#define MSG25_MAX_REPLY_SIZE 1024
void handleRequest25 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) ;
class Msg25 {
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . this sets Msg25::m_siteRootQuality and Msg25::m_linkInfo
// . "url/coll" should NOT be on stack in case weBlock
// . if "reallyGetLinkInfo" is false we don't actually try to fetch
// any link text and return true right away, really saves a bunch
// of disk seeks when spidering small collections that don't need
// link text/info indexing/analysis
bool getLinkInfo2 (char *site ,
char *url ,
bool isSiteLinkInfo ,
int32_t ip ,
int64_t docId ,
//char *coll ,
collnum_t collnum,
char *qbuf ,
int32_t qbufSize ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
bool isInjecting ,
//SafeBuf *pbuf ,
bool printDebugMsgs , // into "Msg25::m_pbuf"
//class XmlDoc *xd ,
bool printInXml ,
int32_t siteNumInlinks ,
//int32_t sitePop ,
LinkInfo *oldLinkInfo ,
int32_t niceness ,
bool doLinkSpamCheck ,
bool oneVotePerIpDom ,
bool canBeCancelled ,
int32_t lastUpdateTime ,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
bool getLinkerTitles , //= false ,
// if an inlinking document has an outlink
// of one of these hashes then we set
// Msg20Reply::m_hadLinkToOurDomOrHost.
// it is used to remove an inlinker to a related
// docid, which also links to our main seo url
// being processed. so we do not recommend
// such links since they already link to a page
// on your domain or hostname. set BOTH to zero
// to not perform this algo in handleRequest20()'s
// call to XmlDoc::getMsg20Reply().
int32_t ourHostHash32 , // = 0 ,
int32_t ourDomHash32 , // = 0 );
SafeBuf *myLinkInfoBuf );
void reset();
// . based on the linkInfo, are we banned/unbanned/clean/dirty
// . the linking url may set these bits in it's link: term score
// . these bits are set based on the linker's siteRec
//bool isBanned () {return (m_msg18.isBanned () || m_isBanned ); };
//bool isUnbanned () {return (m_msg18.isUnbanned() || m_isUnbanned); };
//bool isDirty () {return (m_msg18.isDirty () || m_isDirty ); };
//bool isClean () {return (m_msg18.isClean () || m_isClean ); };
// we also set these bits from looking at url's link scores
//bool m_isBanned;
//bool m_isUnbanned;
//bool m_isDirty;
//bool m_isClean;
//char getMinInlinkerHopCount () { return m_minInlinkerHopCount; };
// a new parm referencing the request we got over the network
class Msg25Request * m_req25;
class Msg20Reply *getLoser (class Msg20Reply *r, class Msg20Reply *p);
char *isDup (class Msg20Reply *r, class Msg20Reply *p);
bool addNote ( char *note , int32_t noteLen , int64_t docId );
//class LinkInfo *getLinkInfo () { return m_linkInfo; };
// m_linkInfo ptr references into here. provided by caller.
SafeBuf *m_linkInfoBuf;
SafeBuf m_realBuf;
// private:
// these need to be public for wrappers to call:
bool gotTermFreq ( bool msg42Called ) ;
bool getRootTitleRec ( ) ;
bool gotRootTitleRec ( );
bool gotDocId ( ) ;
//bool gotRootQuality2 ( ) ;
bool gotRootLinkText ( ) ;
bool gotRootLinkText2 ( ) ;
bool getLinkingDocIds ( ) ;
bool gotList ( ) ;
bool gotClusterRecs ( ) ;
bool sendRequests ( );
bool gotLinkText ( class Msg20Request *req ) ; //int32_t j );
bool gotMsg25Reply ( ) ;
bool doReadLoop ( );
// input vars
//Url *m_url;
//Url m_tmpUrl;
char *m_url;
char *m_site;
int32_t m_ourHostHash32;
int32_t m_ourDomHash32;
int32_t m_round;
uint64_t m_linkHash64;
key224_t m_nextKey;
bool m_retried;
bool m_prependWWW;
bool m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks;
bool m_getLinkerTitles;
int64_t m_docId;
//char *m_coll;
collnum_t m_collnum;
//int32_t m_collLen;
//LinkInfo *m_linkInfo;
void *m_state;
void (* m_callback) ( void *state );
int32_t m_siteNumInlinks;
//int32_t m_sitePop;
int32_t m_mode;
bool m_printInXml;
//class XmlDoc *m_xd;
// private:
// url info
int32_t m_ip;
int32_t m_top;
int32_t m_midDomHash;
bool m_gettingList;
// hack for seo pipeline in xmldoc.cpp
int32_t m_hackrd;
// . we use Msg0 to get an indexList for href: terms
// . the href: IndexList's docIds are docs that link to us
// . we now use Msg2 since it has "restrictIndexdb" support to limit
// indexdb searches to just the root file to decrease disk seeks
//Msg0 m_msg0;
Msg5 m_msg5;
RdbList m_list;
class Inlink *m_k;
// for getting the root title rec so we can share its pwids
Msg22 m_msg22;
int32_t m_maxNumLinkers;
// should we free the m_replyPtrs on destruction? default=true
bool m_ownReplies;
// Now we just save the replies we get back from Msg20::getSummary()
// We point to them with a LinkTextReply, which is just a pointer
// and some access functions.
Msg20Reply *m_replyPtrs [ MAX_LINKERS ];
int32_t m_replySizes [ MAX_LINKERS ];
int32_t m_numReplyPtrs;
//LinkText *m_linkTexts [ MAX_LINKERS ];
Msg20 m_msg20s [ MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING ];
Msg20Request m_msg20Requests [ MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING ];
char m_inUse [ MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING ];
// for "fake" replies
Msg20Reply m_msg20Replies [ MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING ];
// make this dynamic to avoid wasting so much space when must pages
// have *very* few inlinkers. make it point to m_dbuf by default.
//int64_t m_docIds [ MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE ];
//char m_hasLinkText [ MAX_LINKERS ];
// make this dynamic as well! (see m_docIds comment above)
//char m_scores [ MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE ];
int32_t m_numDocIds;
int32_t m_cblocks;
int32_t m_uniqueIps;
// new stuff for getting term freqs for really huge links: termlists
//int64_t m_termId;
//Msg42 m_msg42;
int32_t m_minRecSizes;
//int32_t m_termFreq;
// Msg20 is for getting the LinkInfo class from this same url's
// titleRec from another (usually much larger) gigablast cluster/netwrk
Msg20 m_msg20;
// how many msg20s have we sent/recvd?
int32_t m_numRequests;
int32_t m_numReplies;
int32_t m_linkSpamOut;
// have we had an error for any transaction?
int32_t m_errno;
// this is used for link ban checks
//Msg18 m_msg18;
SafeBuf m_tmp;
SafeBuf *m_pbuf; // will point to m_tmp if m_printDebugMsgs
// for holding the final linkinfo output
//SafeBuf m_linkInfoBuf;
// copied from CollectionRec
bool m_oneVotePerIpDom ;
bool m_doLinkSpamCheck ;
bool m_isInjecting ;
char m_canBeCancelled ;
int32_t m_lastUpdateTime ;
Multicast m_mcast;
//char **m_statusPtr;
int32_t m_good;
int32_t m_errors;
int32_t m_noText;
int32_t m_reciprocal;
bool m_spideringEnabled;
//TermTable m_ipTable;
//int32_t m_ipdups;
int32_t m_dupCount;
int32_t m_vectorDups;
int32_t m_spamLinks;
int32_t m_niceness;
int32_t m_numFromSameIp;
int32_t m_sameMidDomain;
// stats for allow some link spam inlinks to vote
int32_t m_spamCount;
int32_t m_spamWeight;
int32_t m_maxSpam;
char m_siteQuality;
int32_t m_siteNumFreshInlinks;
// this is used for the linkdb list
//HashTableT <int32_t, char> m_ipTable;
HashTableX m_ipTable;
HashTableX m_fullIpTable;
HashTableX m_firstIpTable;
// this is for deduping docids because we now combine the linkdb
// list of docids with the old inlinks in the old link info
//HashTableT <int64_t, char> m_docIdTable;
HashTableX m_docIdTable;
// special counts
int32_t m_ipDupsLinkdb;
int32_t m_docIdDupsLinkdb;
int32_t m_linkSpamLinkdb;
int32_t m_lostLinks;
int32_t m_ipDups;
uint32_t m_groupId;
int64_t m_probDocId;
LinkInfo *m_oldLinkInfo;
char m_buf [ MAX_NOTE_BUF_LEN ];
char *m_bufPtr;
char *m_bufEnd;
HashTableX m_table;
char m_request [ MSG25_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE ];
int32_t m_requestSize;
//char m_replyBuf [ MSG25_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE ];
// hop count got from linkdb
//char m_minInlinkerHopCount;
HashTableX m_adBanTable;
// for setting <absScore2> or determining if a search results
// inlinkers also have the query terms. buzz.
char *m_qbuf;
int32_t m_qbufSize;
// used by Msg25::addNote()
class NoteEntry {
int32_t m_count;
char *m_note;
int64_t m_docIds[MAX_ENTRY_DOCIDS];
// . takes a bunch of Msg20Replies and makes a serialized buffer, LinkInfo
// . LinkInfo's buffer consists of a bunch of serialized "Inlinks" as defined
// below
// . THINK OF THIS CLASS as a Msg25 reply ("Msg25Reply") class
#include "Xml.h"
// how big can the rss item we store in the Inlink::ptr_rssItem be?
#define MAX_RSSITEM_SIZE 30000
class LinkInfo {
int32_t getStoredSize ( ) { return m_lisize; };
int32_t getSize ( ) { return m_lisize; };
time_t getLastUpdated ( ) { return (time_t)m_lastUpdated; };
//int32_t getNumTotalInlinks ( ) {
// if ( this == NULL ) return 0; return m_numTotalInlinks; };
int32_t getNumLinkTexts ( ) {
if ( this == NULL ) return 0; return m_numStoredInlinks; };
int32_t getNumGoodInlinks ( ) {
if ( this == NULL ) return 0; return m_numGoodInlinks; };
// how many of the inlinks are from the same ip top?
//int32_t getNumInternalInlinks( ) {
// if ( this == NULL ) return 0; return m_numInlinksInternal; };
// how many inlinks are from a different ip top?
//int32_t getNumExternalInlinks( ) {
// if ( this == NULL ) return 0;
// return m_numInlinks - m_numInlinksInternal; };
//int32_t getNumInlinksExtrapolated ( ){
// if ( this == NULL ) return 0;return m_numInlinksExtrapolated;};
// update them for each Inlink. calls for each Inlink.
void updateStringPtrs ( );
// this returns a ptr to a static Inlink in some cases, so beware
//class Inlink *getNextInlink ( class Inlink *k ) ;
class Inlink *getNextInlink ( class Inlink *k ) ;
bool getItemXml ( Xml *xml , int32_t niceness ) ;
bool hasLinkText ( );
bool hash ( TermTable *table ,
int32_t externalLinkTextWeight ,
int32_t internalLinkTextWeight ,
int32_t ip ,
int32_t version ,
int32_t siteNumInlinks ,
TermTable *countTable ,
char *note ,
int32_t niceness ) ;
// for PageTitledb
bool print ( class SafeBuf *sb , char *coll );
// adds up the page pops of the inlinkers as int32_t as they are from
// a different site than "u" is
//int32_t computePagePop ( class Url *u , char *coll ) ;
bool hasRSSItem();
// a small header, followed by the buf of "Inlinks", m_buf[]
char m_version;
// we only keep usually no more than 10 or so internal guys, so this
// can be a single byte
char m_numInlinksInternal;
char m_reserved1; // was m_siteRootQuality
char m_reserved2;
// includes Inlinks in m_buf[] below
int32_t m_lisize;
// this is really a time_t but that changes and this can't change!
int32_t m_lastUpdated;
// this is precisely how many inlinks we stored in m_buf[] below
int32_t m_numStoredInlinks;//m_numTotalInlinks;
// . only valid if titleRec version >= 119, otherwise its always 0
// . this count includes internal as well as external links, i.e. just
// the total inlinks we got, counting at most one inlink per page.
// it is not very useful i guess, but steve wants it.
int32_t m_totalInlinkingDocIds;//reserved3;
// . how many inlinks did we have that were "good"?
// . this is typically less than the # of Inlinks stored in m_buf below
// because it does not include internal cblock inlinks
int32_t m_numGoodInlinks;
// . # of c blocks linking to this page/site
// . only valid if titlerecversion >= 119
// . includes your own intenral cblock
int32_t m_numUniqueCBlocks;//m_pagePop;
// . # of IPs linking to this page/site
// . only valid if titlerecversion >= 119
// . includes your own internal ip
int32_t m_numUniqueIps;//numInlinksFresh; // was m_reserved3;
//int32_t m_sitePop;
//int32_t m_siteNumInlinks;
// serialize "Inlinks" into this buffer, m_buf[]
char m_buf[0];
class Inlink { // : public Msg {
//int32_t *getFirstSizeParm () { return &size_urlBuf; };
//int32_t *getLastSizeParm () { return &size_rssItem; };
//int32_t *getFirstOffPtr () { return &off_urlBuf; };
//int32_t getBaseSize () { return sizeof(Inlink);};
//char *getStringBuf () { return m_buf; };
//int32_t getBaseNumStrings() {
// return (char **)&size_urlBuf - (char **)&off_urlBuf; };
// zero ourselves out
void reset() ;
void set ( class Msg20Reply *reply );
// set ourselves from a serialized older-versioned Inlink
void set2 ( class Inlink *old );
bool setXmlFromRSS ( Xml *xml , int32_t niceness ) ;
//bool setXmlFromLinkText ( Xml *xml ) ;
// . set a Msg20Reply from ourselves
// . Msg25 uses this to recycle old inlinks that are now gone
// . allows us to preserve ptr_rssInfo, etc.
void setMsg20Reply ( class Msg20Reply *r ) ;
int32_t getStoredSize ( ) ;
// . return ptr to the buffer we serialize into
// . return NULL and set g_errno on error
char *serialize ( int32_t *retSize ,
char *userBuf ,
int32_t userBufSize ,
bool makePtrsRefNewBuf ) ;
//int32_t updateStringPtrs ( char *buf );
// returns a ptr into a static buffer
char *getLinkTextAsUtf8 ( int32_t *len = NULL ) ;
int32_t m_ip ; //0
int64_t m_docId ; // 4
int32_t m_firstSpidered ; // 12
int32_t m_lastSpidered ; // 16
int32_t m_nextSpiderDate ; // 20
// like in the titleRec, the lower 2 bits of the datedbDate have
// special meaning.
// 0x00 --> datedb date extracted from content (pubdate)
// 0x01 --> datedb date based on estimated "modified" time (moddate)
// 0x10 --> datedb date is when same-site root was estimated to have
// first added that url as an outlink (discoverdate) (TODO)
int32_t m_datedbDate ; // 24
// this date is used as the discovery date for purposes of computing
// LinkInfo::m_numInlinksFresh
int32_t m_firstIndexedDate ; // 28
//int32_t m_baseScore ;
int32_t m_pageNumInlinks ; // 32
int32_t m_siteNumInlinks ; // 36
// record the word position we hashed this link text with
// so we can match it to the DocIdScoringInfo stuff
int32_t m_wordPosStart;//reservedc;//pagePop // 40
int32_t m_firstIp;//wordPosEnd;//reservedd;//sitePop // 44
// . int32_t m_reserved1 ;
// . how many strings do we have?
// . makes it easy to add new strings later
uint16_t m_reserved_NumStrings ; // 48
// . and were our first string ptrs starts
// . allows us to set ourselves from an "old" Inlink
uint16_t m_reserved_FirstStrPtrOffset ; // 50
uint16_t m_numOutlinks ; // 52
// i guess no need to store this stuff if we are storing the url
// in ptr_urlBuf below. we can call Url::set() then Url::getHostHash()
// NO, because the site is now only contained in the TagRec now and
// we compute the site in SiteGetter.cpp, so it is more complicated!!!
// we get the tag rec of each outlink, and get the site from that
// and hash that and store it here
// we got a 2 byte padding before this PADPADPADPADP
int32_t m_siteHash ; // // 56
//int32_t m_hostHash ; //
//int32_t m_midDomHash ; // the ibm in
// single bit flags
uint16_t m_isPermalink : 1 ; // 60
uint16_t m_outlinkInContent : 1 ;
uint16_t m_outlinkInComment : 1 ;
uint16_t m_isReserved : 1 ; // was u-n-i-c-o-d-e- bit
uint16_t m_isLinkSpam : 1 ;
//uint16_t m_isAnomaly : 1 ;
// when Msg20Request::ptr_qbuf is set and
// Msg20Request::m_computeLinkInfo is true, Msg20 calls Msg25, which
// in turn calls one Msg20 for each inlinker the doc has, thereby
// passing the ptr_qbuf into each of those Msg20s. if the inlinker
// matches the query then it sets m_hasAllQueryTerms to true and
// returns the Msg20Reply to Msg25. When Msg25 is done it calls
// makeLinkInfo() to make a LinkInfo out of all those Msg20Replies.
// We use m_hasAllQueryTerms to display the absScore2 of each inlinker
// in the raw xml search results feed for buzz.
uint16_t m_hasAllQueryTerms : 1 ;
// if we imported it from the old LinkInfo. helps us preserve rssInfo,
// hopcounts, etc.
uint16_t m_recycled : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved4 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved5 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved6 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved7 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved8 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved9 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserveda : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reservedb : 1 ;
uint16_t m_country ; // 62
uint8_t m_language ; // 64
//char m_docQuality ;
char m_siteRank; // 65
//char m_ruleset ;
char m_hopcount ; // 66
char m_linkTextScoreWeight ; // 0-100% (was m_inlinkWeight) //67
char *getUrl ( ) {
if ( size_urlBuf == 0 ) return NULL;
return m_buf ;//+ off_urlBuf;
char *getLinkText ( ) {
if ( size_linkText == 0 ) return NULL;
//return m_buf + off_linkText;
return m_buf +
char *getSurroundingText ( ) {
if ( size_surroundingText == 0 ) return NULL;
//return m_buf + off_surroundingText;
return m_buf +
size_urlBuf +
char *getRSSItem ( ) {
if ( size_rssItem == 0 ) return NULL;
//return m_buf + off_rssItem;
return m_buf +
size_urlBuf +
size_linkText +
char *getCategories ( ) {
if ( size_categories == 0 ) return NULL;
//return m_buf + off_categories;
return m_buf +
size_urlBuf +
size_linkText +
size_surroundingText +
char *getGigabitQuery ( ) {
if ( size_gigabitQuery == 0 ) return NULL;
//return m_buf + off_gigabitQuery;
return m_buf +
size_urlBuf +
size_linkText +
size_surroundingText +
size_rssItem +
char *getTemplateVector ( ) {
if ( size_templateVector == 0 ) return NULL;
//return m_buf + off_templateVector;
return m_buf +
size_urlBuf +
size_linkText +
size_surroundingText +
size_rssItem +
size_categories +
// add new non-strings right above this line
// . the url, link text and neighborhoods are stored in here
// . no need to store vector for voting deduping in here because
// that use MsgE's Msg20Replies directly
// . this is just stuff we want in the title rec
int32_t off_urlBuf ; // 68
int32_t off_linkText ;
int32_t off_surroundingText ; // neighborhoods
// . this is the rss item that links to us
// . if calling Msg25::getLinkInfo() with getLinkerTitles set to
// true then this is the title!
int32_t off_rssItem ;
// . zakbot and the turk categorize site roots, and kids inherit
// the categories from their parent inlinkers
// . we can't really use tagdb cuz that operates on subdirectories
// which may not be upheld for some sites. (like!, the
// stories are not proper subdirectories...)
// . so inherit the category from our inlinkers. "sports", "world", ...
// . comma-separated (in ascii)
int32_t off_categories ;
// . augments our own gigabits vector, used for finding related docs
// . used along with the template vector for deduping pgs at index time
// . now we used for finding similar docs AND categorizing
// . comma-separated
// . each gigabit has a count in []'s. score in body x1, title x5,
// and inlink text x5. i.e. "News[10],blue devils[5],...
// . always in UTF-8
int32_t off_gigabitQuery ;
// . the html tag vector.
// . used for deduping voters (anti-spam tech)
// . used along with the gigabit vector for deduping pgs at index time
// . now we used for finding similar docs and for categorizing (spam)
int32_t off_templateVector ;
// add new strings right above this line
int32_t size_urlBuf ;
int32_t size_linkText ;
int32_t size_surroundingText ;
int32_t size_rssItem ;
int32_t size_categories ;
int32_t size_gigabitQuery ;
int32_t size_templateVector ;
// . this function is normally called like "info = makeLinkInfo()"
// to create a new LinkInfo based on a bunch of Msg20 replies
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
LinkInfo *makeLinkInfo ( char *coll ,
int32_t ip ,
//char siteRootQuality ,
//int32_t sitePop ,
int32_t siteNumInlinks ,
Msg20Reply **replies ,
int32_t numReplies ,
//int32_t extrapolated ,
//int32_t xfactor ,
// if link spam give this weight
int32_t spamWeight ,
bool oneVotePerIpTop ,
int64_t linkeeDocId ,
int32_t lastUpdateTime ,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
int32_t niceness ,
class Msg25 *msg25 ,
SafeBuf *linkInfoBuf ) ;
// . set from the Msg20 replies in MsgE
// . Msg20 uses this to set the LinkInfo class to the "outlinks"
// . if an outlink has no docid, it is not stored, because it was
// therefore not in the index.
LinkInfo *makeLinkInfo ( class MsgE *m , int32_t niceness ) ;
//typedef int16_t linkflags_t;
typedef int32_t linkflags_t;
// all the links (urls), separated by \0's, are put into a buf of this size
#define LINK_BUF_SIZE (100*1024)
// we allow up to this many links to be put into m_buf
//#define MAX_LINKS 10000
//#define MSR_HAD_REC 0x80
//#define NUM_TYPES_IN_MSR 2
//class MiniSiteRec {
// bool hadRec() { return m_flags & MSR_HAD_REC; };
// int16_t m_siteOffset;
// int16_t m_siteLen;
// int32_t m_filenum;
// uint8_t m_flags;
// char m_siteQuality;
// SiteType m_types[NUM_TYPES_IN_MSR];
// SiteType m_lang;
// Link Flags
#define LF_SAMEHOST 0x0001 // same hostname
#define LF_SAMEDOM 0x0002 // same domain
#define LF_SITEROOT 0x0004 // for blogrolls
#define LF_SAMESITE 0x0008 // only get offsite outlink info in Msg20.cpp
#define LF_OLDLINK 0x0010 // set this if it was on the pg last spider tim
#define LF_RSS 0x0020 // is it from an rss <link href=> tag?
#define LF_PERMALINK 0x0040 // a probable permalink? of permalink format?
#define LF_SUBDIR 0x0080 // is the outlink in a subdir of parent?
#define LF_AHREFTAG 0x0100 // an <a href=> outlink
#define LF_LINKTAG 0x0200 // a <link> outlink
#define LF_FBTAG 0x0400 // a feed burner original outlink
#define LF_SELFLINK 0x0800 // links to self
#define LF_SELFPERMALINK 0x1000 // has "permalink" "link text" or attribute
#define LF_STRONGPERM 0x2000 // is permalink of /yyyy/mm/dd/ format
#define LF_EDUTLD 0x4000
#define LF_GOVTLD 0x8000
#define LF_NOFOLLOW 0x10000
bool isPermalink ( //char *coll ,
class Links *links ,
class Url *u ,
char contentType ,
class LinkInfo *linkInfo ,
bool isRSS ,
char **note = NULL ,
char *pathOverride= NULL ,
bool ignoreCgi = false ,
linkflags_t *extraFlags = NULL ) ;
class Links {
void reset();
// call this before calling hash() and write()
bool set ( bool useRelNoFollow ,
Xml *xml,
Url *parentUrl ,
bool setLinkHashes ,
// use NULL for this if you do not have a baseUrl
Url *baseUrl ,
int32_t version,
int32_t niceness ,
//bool addSiteRootFlag = false ,
//char *coll = NULL ,
bool parentIsPermalink , // = false ,
Links *oldLinks , // for LF_OLDLINKS flag
// this is used by Msg13.cpp to quickly get ptrs
// to the links in the document, no normalization!
bool doQuickSet = false ,
class SafeBuf *diffbotReply = NULL );
// set from a simple text buffer
bool set ( char *buf , int32_t niceness ) ;
bool print ( SafeBuf *sb ) ;
// Link in ascii text
bool addLink(char *link,int32_t linkLen,int32_t nodeNum,bool setLinkHashes,
int32_t titleRecVersion, int32_t niceness , bool isRSS ,
int32_t tagId , linkflags_t flagsArg );
// . link spam functions. used by linkspam.cpp's setLinkSpam().
// . also used by Linkdb.cpp to create a linkdb list to add to rdb
// . we do not add outlinks to linkdb if they are "link spam"
bool setAllSpamBits ( char *note ) { m_spamNote = note; return true; }
void setSpamBit ( char *note , int32_t i ) { m_spamNotes[i] = note; }
void setSpamBits ( char *note , int32_t i ) {
for (int32_t j=i ; j<m_numLinks ; j++) m_spamNotes[j] = note;};
// . m_spamNote is set if it is ALL link spam... set above
// . internal outlinks are never considered link spam since we "dedup"
// them by ip in Msg25/LinkInfo::merge() anyway
bool isLinkSpam ( int32_t i ) {
if ( isInternalDom(i) ) return false;
if ( m_spamNote ) return true;
return m_spamNotes[i];
const char *getSpamNote ( int32_t i ) {
if ( isInternalDom(i) ) return "good";
if ( m_spamNote ) return m_spamNote;
if ( m_spamNotes[i] ) return m_spamNotes[i];
return "good";
// for spidering links purposes, we consider "internal" to be same
// hostname
bool isInternal ( int32_t i ) {return (m_linkFlags[i] & LF_SAMEHOST);}
bool isInternalHost ( int32_t i ) {return (m_linkFlags[i] & LF_SAMEHOST);}
// we do not subjugate same domain links to link spam detection in
// linkspam.cpp::setLinkSpam()
bool isInternalDom ( int32_t i ) { return (m_linkFlags[i] & LF_SAMEDOM);}
bool isOld ( int32_t i ) { return m_linkFlags[i] & LF_OLDLINK; };
// remove all links from the link buf that do not have the same
// hostname as "url". Used in Msg14 to avoid adding such links and
// avoid getting link info for such links.
//void removeExternalLinks ( );
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . remove links from our m_linkPtrs[] if they are in "old"
bool flagOldLinks ( class Links *old ) ;
// does this page have a subtantial amount of links with naughty words
// in their hostnames?
//bool isPageDirty ( );
// . hash the link: and href: terms
// . we need SiteRec of the url that supplied these links so we
// might set hi bits in the link: terms scores to represent:
// banned, unbanned, clean, dirty links if the SiteRec says so
// . returns false and set errno on error
bool hash ( TermTable *table , // SiteRec *sr ,
Url *url ,
Url *redirUrl ,
int32_t version,
int32_t niceness ,
bool isRSSFeed );
// hash for Linkdb keys
//bool hash ( class HashTableX *dt , // <key128_t,char> *dt ,
// class XmlDoc *xd ,
// int32_t niceness );
// . does link #n have link text that has at least 1 alnum char in it?
// . used for scoring link: terms to make link-text adds more efficient
bool hasLinkText ( int32_t n, int32_t version );
// . returns false on error and sets errno
// . get our outgoing link text for this url
// . store it into "buf"
int32_t getLinkText ( char *linkee ,
bool getSiteLinkInfo ,
char *buf ,
int32_t maxBufLen ,
//bool filter ,
char **itemPtr ,
int32_t *itemLen ,
int32_t *retNode1 , // = NULL ,
int32_t *retLinkNum ,
int32_t niceness );
int32_t getLinkText2 ( int32_t i,
char *buf ,
int32_t maxBufLen ,
//bool filter ,
char **itemPtr ,
int32_t *itemLen ,
int32_t *retNode1 , // = NULL ,
int32_t niceness );
// quick n dirty check for substrings in linktext
char *linkTextSubstr(int32_t linkNum, char *string, int32_t niceness);
// returns list of \0 terminated, normalized links
char *getLinkBuf () {
return m_allocBuf;
int32_t getLinkBufLen () {
if ( m_allocBuf ) return m_bufPtr - m_allocBuf;
return 0;
//return m_allocBuf?m_bufPtr-m_allocBuf:0;
//uint32_t *getLinkHashes () { return m_linkHashes; };
int32_t getNumLinks () { return m_numLinks; };
// was there a link to or
bool linksToGigablast() { return m_linksToGigablast; };
int32_t getLinkLen ( int32_t i ) { return m_linkLens [i]; };
char *getLink ( int32_t i ) { return m_linkPtrs [i]; };
char *getLinkPtr ( int32_t i ) { return m_linkPtrs [i]; };
uint32_t getLinkHash32 ( int32_t i ) {
return (uint32_t)m_linkHashes[i]; };
uint64_t getLinkHash64 ( int32_t i ) { return m_linkHashes[i]; };
uint64_t getHostHash64 ( int32_t i ) { return m_hostHashes[i]; };
int32_t getDomHash32 ( int32_t i ) { return m_domHashes[i]; };
int32_t getNodeNum ( int32_t i ) { return m_linkNodes[i]; };
bool hasRelNoFollow() { return m_hasRelNoFollow; };
char *getLinkHost ( int32_t i , int32_t *hostLen ) ;
int32_t findLinkNum(char* url, int32_t urlLen);
int32_t getMemUsed () { return m_allocSize; };
bool hasSelfPermalink ( ) { return m_hasSelfPermalink; };
bool hasRSSOutlink ( ) { return m_hasRSSOutlink; };
bool hasSubdirOutlink ( ) { return m_hasSubdirOutlink; };
// . make an RdbList for adding to spiderdb
// . returns -1 and sets g_errno on error
// . otherwise returns # of outlinks added to "list"
// . used by Msg14.cpp for adding outlinks to spiderdb
char *addToMetaList ( char *p , // metalist start
char *pend , // metalist end
class TitleRec *tr ,
class XmlDoc *old ,
char *coll ,
class MsgE *msge ,
int32_t niceness ,
Url *quickLink = NULL ,
linkflags_t quickLinkFlags = 0 ,
bool isAddUrl = false ,
bool forceAll = false ,
bool skipExternalLinks = false ,
bool unforceAll = false ,
int32_t explicitPriority = -1 );
// private:
Xml *m_xml;
Url *m_baseUrl;
Url *m_parentUrl;
bool m_parentIsPermalink;
char *m_baseSite;
int32_t m_baseSiteLen;
// set <base href>, if any, into m_tmpUrl so m_baseUrl can point to it
Url m_tmpUrl;
// . we store all links in this buf
// . each link ends in a \0
// . convenient for passing to Msg10
// . each link is in complete http:// format with base url, etc.
char *m_buf;// [LINK_BUF_SIZE];
// pointer to the end of the buffer
char *m_bufPtr;
// running count of the bufsize, including static and dynamic
// int32_t m_bufSize;
// this is non-NULL if all outlinks are considered link spam,
// otherwise, individual outlinks will have their m_spamNotes[i] be
// non-NULL, and point to the string that describes why they are
// link spam.
char *m_spamNote;
char **m_linkPtrs;// [MAX_LINKS];
int32_t *m_linkLens;// [MAX_LINKS];
int32_t *m_linkNodes;// [MAX_LINKS];
uint64_t *m_linkHashes;// [MAX_LINKS];
uint64_t *m_hostHashes;// [MAX_LINKS];
int32_t *m_domHashes;// [MAX_LINKS];
linkflags_t *m_linkFlags;
char *m_linkContactyTypes; // for XmlDoc's isContacty() algo
char **m_spamNotes;
bool m_doQuickSet;
// do we have an rss link? i.e. are we an RSS feed
bool m_hasRSS;
bool m_isFeedBurner;
char *m_linkBuf;
int32_t m_allocLinks;
int32_t m_numLinks;
int32_t m_numNodes;
// . should we extract redirects from links? (like for yahoo's links)
// . this is set based on the SiteRec
//bool m_extractRedirects;
bool m_linksToGigablast;
bool m_hasRelNoFollow;
bool m_stripIds;
uint32_t m_allocSize;
char *m_allocBuf;
// queue the blog roll links into the turk for voting
bool queueBlogRoll ( class TagRec **tagRecPtrs , int32_t niceness ) ;
bool m_addSiteRootFlags;
char *m_coll;
char m_flagged;
char m_hasSelfPermalink;
char m_hasRSSOutlink;
char m_hasSubdirOutlink;
char *m_rssOutlinkPtr;
int32_t m_rssOutlinkLen;
// . returns 0 if probably not a permalink
// . returns 1 if probably is a permalink
// . returns -1 if not enough information to make a decision
char isPermalink ( char **note ) { return -1; };
int32_t m_numOutlinksAdded;
int32_t getRegExpNumOfOutlink ( Url *up ,
linkflags_t linkFlags ,
TagRec *tagRec ,
int32_t quality ,
int32_t ip ,
CollectionRec *cr ,
Url *parentUrl ,
int32_t sourceHostHash ,
int32_t parentHopCount ,
int32_t parentPriority ,
int32_t hopCount , // our hop count
int32_t h , // hostHash
bool newOutlink , // are we new?
bool isAddUrl , // from addUrl?
// use -1 if unknown for these 3 values
char isParentRSS ,
char parentIsNew ,
char parentIsPermalink ,
char isIndexed ); // -1--> unknown