Matt Wells 43e40208b8 Merge branch 'master' into diffbot
2013-11-20 15:51:58 -08:00

1559 lines
42 KiB

#include <errno.h>
//#include <plotter.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "Conf.h"
#include "PingServer.h"
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Statsdb.h"
#include "hash.h"
Statsdb g_statsdb;
static void flushStatsWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
class Label {
long m_graphType;
// . SCALED unit max!
// . -1 indicates to auto determine the maximum y value for time window
float m_absYMax;
// for hashing or printing in the map key
char *m_label;
// . min resolution per pixel in the graph
// . pixely1 - pixely2 >= m_minRes
// . compared AFTER applying m_yscalar
float m_minRes;
// for printing the y tick mark labels using sprintf:
char *m_format;
// for scaling the y values when printing tick marks
float m_yscalar;
// use this color
long m_color;
char *m_keyDesc;
// graph hash
unsigned long m_labelHash;
unsigned long m_graphHash;
#define GRAPH_OPS 0
#define GRAPH_RATE 3
static Label s_labels[] = {
// . 30 is the max qps regardless to stop graph shrinkage
// . use .03 qps as the min resolution per pixel
// . changed 30 to 150 and .005 to .020
{ GRAPH_OPS,150,"query" ,.025,"%.1f qps",1.0, 0x753d30, "queries per sec"},
// . 10000 ms is the max latency to stop graph shrinkage
// . use 1 ms as the min resolution per pixel
// . use scalar of 1000 since stored in seconds, and we want ms
{ GRAPH_LATENCY,5000,"query" , 1,"%.0f ms", 1000.0, 0x00b58869,"query latency"},
// . quantity of query stats is the number of query terms
// . 10000 ms is the max latency to stop graph shrinkage
// . use 1 ms as the min resolution per pixel
// . use scalar of 1000 since stored in seconds, and we want ms
{ GRAPH_QUANTITY_PER_OP,10,"query" , .001,"%.0f terms", 1.0, 0x00ffffff,"terms per query"},
// . 300MB/s is max read rate regardless to stop graph shrinkage
// . use 1KB as the min resolution per pixel
// . stored in Bps so use 1/1000 as scalar to get into KBps
{ GRAPH_QUANTITY,200,"disk_read",1,"%.0f MBps",1.0/(1000.0*1000.0),0x000000,
"disk read"},
// . 300MB/s is max write rate regardless to stop graph shrinkage
// . use 1KB as the min resolution per pixel
// . stored in Bps so use 1/1000 as scalar to get into KBps
{GRAPH_QUANTITY,200,"disk_write",1,"%.0f Mbps",1.0/(1000.0*1000.0), 0xff0000,
"disk write"},
// . 20 is the max dps regardless to stop graph shrinkage
// . use .03 qps as the min resolution per pixel
{GRAPH_OPS,10,"parse_doc", .005,"%.1f dps" , 1.0 , 0x00fea915,"parsed doc" },
// . use .1 * 1000 docs as the min resolution per pixel
// . max = -1, means dynamic size the ymax!
// . use 1B for now again...
// . color=pink
{GRAPH_QUANTITY,50000000.0,"docs_indexed", .1,"%.0fK docs" , .001 , 0x00cc0099,"docs indexed" }
//{ "termlist_intersect",0x0000ff00},
//{ "termlist_intersect_soft",0x00008000}, // rat=0
//{ "transmit_data_nice",0x00aa00aa },
//{ "transmit_data", 0x00ff00ff },
//{ "zak_ref_1a", 0x00ccffcc },
//{ "zak_ref_1b",0x00fffacd },
//{ "get_summary", 0x0000ff},
//{ "get_summary_nice", 0x0000b0},
//{ "get_gigabits",0x00d1e1ff },
//{ "get_termlists_nice", 0x00aaaa00},
//{ "get_termlists",0x00ffff00 },
//{ "get_all_summaries", 0x008220ff},
//{ "rdb_list_merge",0x0000ffff },
//{ "titlerec_compress",0x00ffffff },
//{ "titlerec_uncompress", 0x00ffffff} ,
//{ "parm_change",0xffc0c0} // pink?
void drawLine3 ( SafeBuf &sb ,
long x1 ,
long x2 ,
long fy1 ,
long color ,
long width ) ;
Label *Statsdb::getLabel ( long labelHash ) {
Label **label = (Label **)m_labelTable.getValue ( &labelHash );
if ( ! label ) return NULL;
return *label;
Statsdb::Statsdb ( ) {
m_init = false;
m_disabled = true;
bool Statsdb::init ( ) {
// 20 pixel borders
m_bx = 10;
m_by = 40;
// keep it at least at 20MB otherwise it is filling up the tree
// constantly and dumping
long maxTreeMem = g_conf.m_statsdbMaxTreeMem;
if ( maxTreeMem < 10000000 ) maxTreeMem = 10000000;
long nodeSize = sizeof(StatData)+8+12+4 + sizeof(collnum_t);
// for debug
//nodeSize = 50000;
// . We take a snapshot of g_stats every minute.
// . Each sample struct taken from g_stats ranges from 1k - 2k
// after compression depending on the state of the
// all errors arrays.
uint32_t maxTreeNodes = maxTreeMem / nodeSize;
uint32_t maxCacheNodes = g_conf.m_statsdbMaxCacheMem / nodeSize;
// assume low niceness
m_niceness = 0;
// init the label table
static char s_buf[576];
if ( ! m_labelTable.set(4,4,64,s_buf,576,false,0,"statcolors") )
return false;
// stock the table
long n = (long)sizeof(s_labels)/ sizeof(Label);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
Label *bb = &s_labels[i];
// hash the label
bb->m_labelHash = hash32n ( bb->m_label );
// then incorporate the bool parm
bb->m_graphHash = hash32h( bb->m_labelHash , bb->m_graphType );
// add it to labeltable... why???
if ( ! m_labelTable.addKey (&bb->m_graphHash,&bb ) ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity test
//Stat ts;
//ts.setKey ( 0x123456789LL , 0x7654321 );
//if ( ts.getTime1() != 0x123456789LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//if ( ts.getLabelHash() != 0x7654321 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//ts.setKey ( 1268261684329LL , -246356284 );
//if ( ts.getTime1() != 1268261684329LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//if ( ts.getLabelHash() != -246356284 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// call this twice per second
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(500,NULL,flushStatsWrapper))
return log("statsdb: Failed to initialize timer callback2.");
m_init = true;
// make the rec cache 0 bytes, cuz we are just using page cache now
if ( ! m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir , // working directory
"statsdb" , // dbname
true , // dedup keys
sizeof(StatData) , // fixed record size
200,//g_conf.m_statsdbMinFilesToMerge ,
maxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , // balance tree?
0 , // m_statsdbMaxCchMem
maxCacheNodes ,
false , // use half keys?
false , // cache from disk?
NULL , // page cache pointer
false , // is titledb?
false ,
sizeof(key96_t) , // key size
false, // bias disk page cache?
true ) ) // is collectionless?
return false;
m_disabled = false;
// normally Collectiondb.addColl() will call Rdb::addColl() which
// will init the CollectionRec::m_rdbBase, which is what
// Rdb::getBase(collnum_t) will return. however, for collectionless
// rdb databases we set Rdb::m_collectionlessBase special here.
return m_rdb.addColl ( NULL );
// Make sure we need this function.
// main.cpp currently uses the addColl from m_rdb
bool Statsdb::addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify ) {
if ( ! m_rdb.addColl ( coll ) ) return false;
return true;
void flushStatsWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
// force a statsdb tree dump if running out of room
Rdb *rdb = &g_statsdb.m_rdb;
RdbTree *tree = &rdb->m_tree;
// if we got 20% room left and 50k available mem, do not dump
if ( (float)tree->getNumUsedNodes() * 1.2 <
(float)tree->getNumAvailNodes () &&
//tree->getNumAvailNodes () > 1000 &&
rdb-> m_mem.getAvailMem() > 50000 )
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return;
// force a dump
rdb->dumpTree ( 1 );
void Statsdb::addDocsIndexed ( ) {
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return;
// only once per five seconds
long now = getTimeLocal();
static long s_lastTime = 0;
if ( now - s_lastTime < 5 ) return;
s_lastTime = now;
long long total = 0LL;
static long long s_lastTotal = 0LL;
// every 5 seconds update docs indexed count
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i];
// must have something
if ( h->m_docsIndexed <= 0 ) return;
// add it up
total += h->m_docsIndexed;
// divide by # of groups
total /= g_hostdb.getNumShards();
// skip if no change
if ( total == s_lastTotal ) return;
s_lastTotal = total;
// add it if changed though
long long nowms = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal();
addStat ( MAX_NICENESS,"docs_indexed", nowms, nowms, (float)total );
// . m_key bitmap in statsdb:
// tttttttt tttttttt tttttttt tttttttt t = time in milliseconds, t1
// tttttttt tttttttt tttttttt tttttttt
// hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh h = hash32 of m_title
// . returns false if could not add stat, true otherwise
// . do not set g_errno if we return false just to keep things simple
// . we only add the stat to our local statsdb rdb, but because
// we might be dumping statsdb to disk or something it is possible
// we get an ETRYAGAIN error, so we try to accumulate stats in a
// local buffer in that case
// . "label" is something like "queryLatency" or whatever
// . [t1,t2] are the time endpoints for the operation being measured
// . "value" is usually "numBytes", or a quantity indicator of whatever
// was processed.
// . oldVal, newVal are reflect a state change, like maybe changing the
// value of a parm. typically for such things t1 equals t2
bool Statsdb::addStat ( long niceness ,
char *label ,
long long t1Arg ,
long long t2Arg ,
float value , // y-value really, "numBytes"
long parmHash ,
float oldVal ,
float newVal ,
long userId32 ) {
if ( ! g_conf.m_useStatsdb ) return true;
// so Process.cpp can turn it off when dumping core
if ( m_disabled ) return true;
// not thread safe!
//if ( g_threads.amThread() ) {
// log("statsdb: called from thread");
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// . for now we can only add stats if we are synced with host #0 clock
// . this is kinda a hack and it would be nice to not miss stats!
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return true;
RdbTree *tree = &m_rdb.m_tree;
// do not add stats to our tree if it is loading
if ( tree->m_isLoading ) return true;
// convert into host #0 synced time
t1Arg = localToGlobalTimeMilliseconds ( t1Arg );
t2Arg = localToGlobalTimeMilliseconds ( t2Arg );
// sanity check
if ( ! label ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
long labelHash;
if ( parmHash ) labelHash = parmHash;
else labelHash = hash32n ( label );
// fix it for parm changes, and docs_indexed stat, etc.
if ( t1Arg == t2Arg ) t2Arg++;
// how many SECONDS did the op take? (convert from ms to secs)
float dtms = (t2Arg - t1Arg);
float dtSecs = dtms / 1000.0;
// we have already flushed stats 30+ seconds old, so if this op took
// 30 seconds, discard it!
if ( dtSecs >= 30 ) {
//log("statsdb: stat is %li secs > 30 secs old, discarding.",
// (long)dtSecs);
return true;
long long nextup;
// loop over all "second" buckets
for ( long long tx = t1Arg ; tx < t2Arg ; tx = nextup ) {
// get next second-aligned point in milliseconds
nextup = ((tx +1000)/ 1000) * 1000;
// truncate if we need to
if ( nextup > t2Arg ) nextup = t2Arg;
// . how much of the stat is in this time interval?
// . like if operation took 3 seconds, we might cover
// 50% of the first 1-second interval. so we use this
// as a weight for the stats we keep for that particular
// second. then we can plot a point for each second
// in time which is an average of all the queries that
// were in progress at that second.
float fractionTime = ((float)(nextup - tx)) / dtms;
// . get the time point bucket in which this stat belongs
// . every "second" in time has a bucket
unsigned long t1 = tx / 1000;
StatKey sk;
sk.m_zero = 0x01; // make it a positive key
sk.m_time1 = t1;
sk.m_labelHash = labelHash;
// so we can show just the stats for a particular user...
if ( userId32 ) {
sk.m_zero = userId32;
// make it positive
sk.m_zero |= 0x01;
// if we already have added a bucket for this "second" then
// get it from the tree so we can add to its accumulated stats.
long node1 = tree->getNode ( 0 , (char *)&sk );
long node2;
StatData *sd;
// get that stat, see if we are accumulating it already
if ( node1 >= 0 )
sd = (StatData *)tree->getData ( node1 );
// make a new one if not there
else {
StatData tmp;
// init it
tmp.m_totalOps = 0.0;
tmp.m_totalQuantity = 0.0;
tmp.m_totalTime = 0.0;
// save this
long saved = g_errno;
// need to add using rdb so it can memcpy the data
if ( ! m_rdb.addRecord ( (collnum_t)0 ,
(char *)&sk,
(char *)&tmp,
niceness ) ) {
if ( g_errno != ETRYAGAIN )
log("statsdb: add rec failed: %s",
// caller does not care about g_errno
g_errno = saved;
return false;
// caller does not care about g_errno
g_errno = saved;
// get the node in the tree
//sd = (StatData *)tree->getData ( node1 );
// must be there!
node2 = tree->getNode ( 0 , (char *)&sk );
// must be there!
if ( node2 < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// point to it
sd = (StatData *)tree->getData ( node2 );
// use the milliseconds elapsed as the value if none given
//if ( value == 0 && ! parmHash )
// value = t2Arg - t1Arg;
// if we got it for this time, accumulate it
// convert x into pixel position
sd->m_totalOps += 1 * fractionTime;
sd->m_totalQuantity += value * fractionTime;
sd->m_totalTime += dtSecs * fractionTime;
if ( ! parmHash ) continue;
sd->m_totalOps = 0;
sd->m_totalQuantity = oldVal;
sd->m_newVal = newVal;
// no fractions for this!
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"statsdb: sp=0x%lx",(long)sp);
return true;
#define MAXSAMPLES 1000
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Statsdb::makeGIF ( long t1Arg ,
long t2Arg ,
long samples ,
SafeBuf *sb2 ,
void *state ,
void (* callback) (void *state) ,
long userId32 ) {
if ( t1Arg >= t2Arg ) {
return true;
if ( t1Arg < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( t2Arg < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// # of samples in moving average
m_samples = samples;
if ( m_samples > MAXSAMPLES ) m_samples = MAXSAMPLES;
if ( m_samples < 1 ) m_samples = 1;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_t1 = t1Arg;//(long long)t1Arg * 1000LL;
m_t2 = t2Arg;//(long long)t2Arg * 1000LL;
if ( m_t1 >= m_t2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_sb2 = sb2;
// print graph in here as a bunch of divs now:
// . start at t1 and get stats lists, up to 1MB of stats at a time
// . subtract 60 seconds so we can have a better shot at having
// a moving average for the last SAMPLE points
m_startKey.n1 = m_t1 - 60;
if ( m_startKey.n1 < 0 ) m_startKey.n1 = 0;
m_startKey.n0 = 0x0000000000000000LL;
m_endKey.n1 = m_t2;
m_endKey.n0 = 0xffffffffffffffffLL;
m_done = false;
if ( ! m_ht0.set ( 4 , 4,256,NULL,0,true,m_niceness,"statht0") )
return true;
if ( ! m_ht3.set ( 4 , 4,256,NULL,0,true,m_niceness,"statht3") )
return true;
// open the file for the gif
char fname [ 1024 ];
sprintf ( fname , "%s/stats%li.gif" ,
g_hostdb.m_httpRootDir , g_hostdb.m_hostId );
m_fd = fopen ( fname,"w" );
if ( ! m_fd ) {
log("admin: Statsdb::makeGIF: fopen ( %s , \"w\" ) : %s",
fname , mstrerror(errno) );
return true;
return gifLoop ();
#define POINTWIDTH 8
#define MAX_POINTS 6000
#define MAX_WIDTH 6
#define DY2 600 // pixels vertical
#define DX2 1000 // pixels across
#define MAX_LINES2 (DY2 / (MAX_WIDTH+1)) // leave free pixel above each line
long Statsdb::getImgHeight() {
return (long)DY2 + m_by * 2;
long Statsdb::getImgWidth() {
return (long)DX2 + m_bx * 2;
// these are used for storing the "events"
class EventPoint {
// m_a and m_b are in pixel space
long m_a;
long m_b;
long m_parmHash;
float m_oldVal;
float m_newVal;
//long m_colorRGB;
long m_thickness;
static void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list, Msg5 *msg5 ) ;
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool Statsdb::gifLoop ( ) {
// shortcut
Msg5 *m = &m_msg5;
//#ifndef _USEPLOTTER_
//return true;
// loop over all the lists in the time range, [m_t1,m_t2]
for ( ; ! m_done ; ) {
if ( ! m->getList ( (char)RDB_STATSDB ,
"statsdb" , // coll
&m_list ,
(char *)&m_startKey ,
(char *)&m_endKey ,
32000 , // requested scan size
true , // include tree?
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // start file number
-1 , // number of files
NULL , // state
gotListWrapper, // callback
m_niceness , // niceness
false , // do error correction?
NULL , // cache key pointer
0 , // # retries
-1 , // max # retries
true , // compensate for merge?
-1 , // sync point
NULL ) ) // msg5b
return false;
// . process list
// . returns false with g_errno set on error
if ( ! processList() ) return true;
// define time delta - commented out because it's currently not used.
long dt = m_t2 - m_t1;
//#ifdef _USEPLOTTER_
// gif size
//char tmp[64];
// dimensions of the gif
//sprintf ( tmp , "%lix%li", (long)DX2+m_bx*2 , (long)DY2+m_by*2 );
//GIFPlotter::parampl ( "BITMAPSIZE" , (void *)tmp );
// create one
//GIFPlotter plotter ( NULL , m_fd , NULL );
// open it
//plotter.openpl ( );
// define the space with boundaries 100 unit wide boundaries
// ( 0 , 0 , DX2 + m_bx * 2 , DY2 + m_by * 2 );
// line thickness in user coordinates (pixels for us)
//plotter.linewidth ( 1 );
// set bg color to gray (r/g/b)
//plotter.bgcolor ( 0xd600 , 0xce00 , 0xd600 );
// erase Plotter's graphics display
//plotter.erase ();
// draw axises in black
//plotter.pencolorname ("black");
// main graphing window
m_gw.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:relative;"
// the tick marks we print below are based on it
// being a window of the last 20 seconds... and using
// DX2 pixels
,(long)DX2 + 2 *m_bx
,(long)DY2 + 2*m_by);
// draw the x-axis
//plotter.line ( m_bx , m_by , DX2 + m_bx , m_by );
// 10 x-axis tick marks
for ( int x = DX2/20 ; x <= DX2 ; x += DX2/20 ) {
// tick mark
//plotter.line ( x , -20 , x , 20 );
m_gw.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
, m_bx + (long)x-1
long xv = (long)(dt * (long long)x/(long long)DX2)-(long)dt;
m_gw.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
, (long)x-10 + m_bx
// the label:
, xv
HashTableX tmpht;
long col = 0;
m_sb2->safePrintf("<table border=1 width=100%%>\n");
// label offset to prevent collisions of superimposing multiple
// graph calbrations
long zoff = 0;
// point to the triplets in m_sb1's buffer (x,y,c)
char *p = m_sb1.getBufStart();
char *pend = p + m_sb1.length();
for ( ; p < pend ; p += 12 ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get graph hash of this point
long gh = *(long *)(p +8);
// if we already did this graph, skip it
if ( tmpht.isInTable ( &gh ) ) continue;
// . graph this single graph of this color
// . returns ptr to first point of different color!
plotGraph ( p , pend , gh , m_gw , zoff );
// prevent collisions
zoff += 20;
// get the label based on graphHash
Label *bb = getLabel ( gh );
// add to key
if ( col == 0 )
m_sb2->safePrintf("<td bgcolor=#%06lx>&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>"
bb->m_color ,
bb->m_keyDesc );
if ( col == 1 )
// inc column and wrap
if ( ++col >= 2 ) col = 0;
// . do not re-display
// . TODO: deal with error
tmpht.addKey ( &gh );
// clear that up
// now plot the events, horizontal line segments like the performance
// graph uses
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_ht3.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if slot empty
if ( ! m_ht3.m_flags[i] ) continue;
// get the offset into m_sb3
long offset = *(long *)m_ht3.getValueFromSlot(i);
// get buf start
char *bufStart = m_sb3.getBufStart();
// get the ptr
EventPoint *pp = (EventPoint *)(bufStart + offset);
// get name of parm
Parm *m = g_parms.getParmFromParmHash ( pp->m_parmHash );
// make sure we got it
if ( ! m ) {
log("statsdb: unrecognized parm hash = %li",
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set the line width
//plotter.linewidth ( pp->m_thickness );
// get parm hash
long colorHash = pp->m_parmHash;
// add in old/new values to make it different
colorHash = hash32h ( (long)pp->m_oldVal , colorHash );
colorHash = hash32h ( (long)pp->m_newVal , colorHash );
// . get color
// . is really the parm hash in disguise
long c1 = colorHash & 0x00ffffff;
// use the color specified from addStat_r() for this line/pt
//plotter.pencolor ( ((c1 >> 16) & 0xff) << 8 ,
// ((c1 >> 8) & 0xff) << 8 ,
// ((c1 >> 0) & 0xff) << 8 );
long x1 = pp->m_a;
long x2 = pp->m_b;
long y1 = *(long *)m_ht3.getKey(i); // i value
// ensure at least 3 units wide for visibility
if ( x2 < x1 + 10 ) x2 = x1 + 10;
// . flip the y so we don't have to scroll the browser down
// . DY2 does not include the axis and tick marks
//long fy1 = DY2 - y1 + m_by ;
// plot it
//plotter.line ( x1 , fy1 , x2 , fy1 );
drawLine3 ( m_gw , x1 , x2 , y1 , c1 , pp->m_thickness );
// add to map key? only if we haven't already
if ( tmpht.isInTable ( &colorHash ) ) continue;
// add it
if ( col == 0 )
char *title = "unknown parm";
if ( m ) title = m->m_title;
m_sb2->safePrintf("<td bgcolor=#%06lx>&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>",c1);
// print the parm name and old/new values
if ( pp->m_oldVal != pp->m_newVal )
m_sb2->safePrintf(" (%.02f -> %.02f)",
if ( col == 1 )
// inc column and wrap
if ( ++col >= 2 ) col = 0;
// . do not re-display
// . TODO: deal with error
tmpht.addKey ( &colorHash ) ;
// clear that up
// and stat states
// all done free some mem
// but not m_sb2 cuz that has the html in it!!
// all done
//if ( plotter.closepl () < 0 )
// log("admin: Could not close performance graph object.");
// close the file
//fclose ( m_fd );
// close main graphing window
return true;
char *Statsdb::plotGraph ( char *pstart ,
char *pend ,
long graphHash ,
//GIFPlotter *plotter ,
SafeBuf &gw ,
long zoff ) {
// . use "graphHash" to map to unit display
// . this is a disk read volume
Label *label = getLabel ( graphHash );
if ( ! label ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("stats: plotting %s",label->m_keyDesc) ;
// let's first scan m_sb1 to normalize the y values
bool needMin = true;
bool needMax = true;
float ymin = 0.0;
float ymax = 0.0;
char *p = pstart;
for ( ; p < pend ; p += 12 ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get the y
float y2 = *(float *)(p+4);
// get color of this point
long gh = *(long *)(p +8);
// stop if not us
if ( gh != graphHash ) continue;
// put into scaled space right away
y2 = y2 * label->m_yscalar;
// . limit y to absolute max
// . these units should be scaled as well!
if ( y2 > label->m_absYMax && label->m_absYMax > 0.0 )
y2 = label->m_absYMax;
// get min and max
if ( y2 < ymin || needMin ) ymin = y2;
if ( y2 > ymax || needMax ) ymax = y2;
needMin = false;
needMax = false;
// force to zero for now
ymin = 0.0;
// . and force to ymax for now as well
// . -1 indicates dynamic though!
if ( label->m_absYMax > 0.0 ) ymax = label->m_absYMax;
// add a 20% ceiling
else ymax *= 1.20;
// return that!
char *retp = p;
// set the line width
//plotter->linewidth ( 1 );
long color = label->m_color;
// use the color specified from addStat_r() for this line/pt
//plotter->pencolor ( ((color >> 16) & 0xff) << 8 ,
// ((color >> 8) & 0xff) << 8 ,
// ((color >> 0) & 0xff) << 8 );
// . the minimum difference between ymax and ymin is minDiff.
// . this prevents us from zooming in too close!
float minDiff = (float)DY2 * label->m_minRes ;
// we are already scaled!
float ourDiff = (ymax - ymin) ;
// . pad y range if total range is small
// . only do this for certain types of stats, like qps and disk i/o
if ( ourDiff < minDiff ) {
float pad = (minDiff - ourDiff) / 2;
// pad it out
ymin -= pad ;
ymax += pad ;
// fix it some
if ( ymin < 0 ) {
ymax += -1*ymin;
ymin = 0;
// limit again just in case
if ( ymax > label->m_absYMax && label->m_absYMax > 0.0 )
ymax = label->m_absYMax;
// set the line width
//plotter->linewidth ( 2 );
// reset for 2nd scan
p = pstart;
long lastx = -1;
float lasty ;
bool firstPoint = true;
// now the m_sb1 buffer consists of points to make lines with
for ( ; p < pend ; ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// first is x pixel pos
long x2 = *(long *)p; p += 4;
// then y pos
float y2 = *(float *)p; p += 4;
// scale it right away
y2 *= label->m_yscalar;
// adjust
if ( y2 > ymax ) y2 = ymax;
// then graphHash
long gh = *(long *)p; p += 4;
// skip if wrong graph
if ( gh != graphHash ) continue;
// set first point for making the line
long x1 = lastx;
float y1 = lasty;
// normalize y into pixel space
y2 = ((float)DY2 * (y2 - ymin)) / (ymax-ymin);
// set lasts for next iteration of this loop
lastx = x2;
lasty = y2;
// . flip the y so we don't have to scroll the browser down
// . DY2 does not include the axis and tick marks
// . do not flip y any more for statsdb graphs
long fy1 = (long)(y1+.5);// + m_by ;
long fy2 = (long)(y2+.5);// + m_by ;
// how are we getting -.469 for "query" point?
if ( fy1 < 0 ) continue;
if ( fy2 < 0 ) continue;
// skip if can't make a line
if ( firstPoint ) {
//plotter->circle ( x2 , fy2 , 2 );
long width = POINTWIDTH;
// draw a 4x4 box now:
firstPoint = false;
// log it
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"plot: (%li,%.02f) - (%li,%.02f) [%s]",
// x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , label->m_label );
// ensure at least 3 units wide for visibility
//if ( x2 < x1 + 10 ) x2 = x1 + 10;
// plot it
// BUT only iff not more than 5 seconds difference
//float secondsPerPixel = (m_t2-m_t1)/(float)DX2;
// avoid this for now. mdw oct 14 2013.
//float dt = (x2 - x1) * secondsPerPixel;
//if ( dt <= 13 || x2 - x1 <= 10 )
// plotter->line ( x1 , fy1 , x2 , fy2 );
// circle second point
//plotter->circle ( x1 , fy1 , 2 );
//plotter->circle ( x2 , fy2 , 2 );
// draw a 4x4 boxes now:
long width = POINTWIDTH;
drawLine3 ( m_gw,x1-width/2, x1+width/2, fy1,color, width);
drawLine3 ( m_gw,x2-width/2, x2+width/2, fy2,color, width);
//plotter->linewidth ( 1 );
// plot unit lines
float deltaz = (ymax-ymin) / 6;
if ( strstr(label->m_keyDesc,"latency" ) ) {
// draw it
drawHR ( 400.0 - 111.0 , ymin,ymax,m_gw,label,zoff,0xff0000);
drawHR ( 600.0-111.0,ymin,ymax,m_gw,label,zoff,color);
if ( strstr(label->m_keyDesc,"queries per sec" ) ) {
// draw it
//deltaz /= 2;
//drawHR(120.0, ymin , ymax , plotter , label , zoff , color );
//drawHR(130.0, ymin , ymax , plotter , label , zoff , color );
drawHR ( 140.0 , ymin , ymax ,m_gw , label , zoff , color );
for ( float z = ymin ; z < ymax ; z += deltaz ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// draw it
drawHR ( z , ymin , ymax , m_gw , label , zoff , color );
return retp;
void Statsdb::drawHR ( float z ,
float ymin ,
float ymax ,
//GIFPlotter *plotter ,
SafeBuf &gw,
Label *label ,
float zoff ,
long color ) {
// convert into yspace
float z2 = ((float)DY2 * (float)(z - ymin)) /(float)(ymax-ymin);
// avoid collisions with other graphs
z2 += zoff;
// border
//z2 += m_by;
// round off error
z2 += 0.5;
// for adjusatmnet
float ptsPerPixel = (ymax-ymin)/ (float)DY2;
// make an adjustment to the label then! -- Commented out because it's currently not used.
float zadj = zoff * ptsPerPixel;
//#ifdef _USEPLOTTER_
// use the color specified from addStat_r() for this line/pt
//plotter->pencolor ( ((color >> 16) & 0xff) << 8 ,
// ((color >> 8) & 0xff) << 8 ,
// ((color >> 0) & 0xff) << 8 );
// horizontal line
//plotter->line ( m_bx, (long)z2 , DX2 + m_bx, (long)z2 );
long width = 1;
drawLine3 ( m_gw, 0, DX2 , (long)z2,color, width);
// make label
char tmp[128];
// . use "graphHash" to map to unit display
// . this is a disk read volume
sprintf(tmp,label->m_format,z +zadj);//* label->m_yscalar);
// a white shadow
plotter->pencolor ( 0xffff,0xffff,0xffff );
plotter->move ( m_bx + 80 + 2 , z2 + 10 - 2 );
plotter->alabel ( 'c' , 'c' , tmp );
// a black shadow
plotter->pencolor ( 0 , 0 , 0 );
plotter->move ( m_bx + 80 + 1 , z2 + 10 - 1 );
plotter->alabel ( 'c' , 'c' , tmp );
//long color = label->m_color;
// use the color specified from addStat_r() for this line/pt
plotter->pencolor ( ((color >> 16) & 0xff) << 8 ,
((color >> 8) & 0xff) << 8 ,
((color >> 0) & 0xff) << 8 );
// move cursor
plotter->move ( m_bx + 80 , z2 + 10 );
// plot label
plotter->alabel ( 'c' , 'c' , tmp );
gw.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
, (long)(m_bx)
, (long)z2 +m_by
, color
// the label:
, tmp
void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list, Msg5 *msg5 ) {
// add in some graph points
// do more, return if blocked
if ( ! g_statsdb.gifLoop() ) return;
// call callback
g_statsdb.m_callback ( g_statsdb.m_state );
bool Statsdb::processList ( ) {
if ( m_list.isEmpty() )
m_done = true;
else {
// update start key for next disk read
m_list.getLastKey ( (char *)&m_startKey );
// add one
m_startKey += 1;
// done if wrapped
if ( m_startKey.n0 == 0LL && m_startKey.n1 == 0 )
m_done = true;
// all these points are accumulated into 1-second buckets
long n = (long)sizeof(s_labels)/ sizeof(Label);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// get the label we want to graph
Label *bb = &s_labels[i];
// add the points to m_sb1
if ( ! addPointsFromList ( bb ) ) return false;
if ( ! addEventPointsFromList ( ) )
return false;
return true;
// so we do not have to rescan the same lists for every stat we graph
class StatState {
float m_ringBuf [MAXSAMPLES];
long m_ringBufTime [MAXSAMPLES];
char m_valid [MAXSAMPLES];
long m_numSamples ;
float m_sumVal ;
long m_i ;
long m_lastx;
float m_lasty;
float m_lastWeight;
// this preserves a particular stats state when scanning multiple rdb lists
// so we do not have to rescan the same lists for every stat we graph
StatState *Statsdb::getStatState ( long us ) {
// get the offset
long *offsetPtr = (long *)m_ht0.getValue ( &us );
// if there, return it
if ( offsetPtr ) {
// sanity check
if ( *offsetPtr < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( *offsetPtr >= m_sb0.length() ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get buf start
char *buf = m_sb0.getBufStart();
// point to it
StatState *ss = (StatState *)(buf + *offsetPtr);
// return if there
return ss;
// reserve
if ( ! m_sb0.reserve2x ( sizeof(StatState ) ) ) return NULL;
// make it otherwise
StatState *ss = (StatState *)m_sb0.getBuf();
// store the offset
long offset = m_sb0.length();
// skip that
m_sb0.incrementLength ( sizeof(StatState) );
// store that - return NULL with g_errno set on error
if ( ! m_ht0.addKey ( &us , &offset ) ) return NULL;
// reset its member vars
memset ( ss->m_valid , 0 , m_samples );
ss->m_numSamples = 0;
ss->m_sumVal = 0.0;
ss->m_i = 0;
ss->m_lastx = -1;
// got it
return ss;
// . return false with g_errno set on error, true otherwise
// . looking at the number of points per second
// . average query latency for last 20 queries
// . average disk bytes read for last 20 accesses
// . val is the State::m_value measurement, a float
// . also each point may represent a number of bytes transferred in which
// case we use that number rather than "1", which is the default
bool Statsdb::addPointsFromList ( Label *label ) {
StatState *ss = getStatState ( label->m_graphHash );
// return false with g_errno set
if ( ! ss ) return false;
// scan the list for our junk
for ( ; ! m_list.isExhausted() ; m_list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// breathe
// get that
StatKey *sk = (StatKey *)m_list.getCurrentRec();
// and data
StatData *sd = (StatData *)m_list.getCurrentData();
// must be a "query" stat
if ( sk->m_labelHash != label->m_labelHash ) continue;
// add that
addPoint ( sk , sd , ss , label );
return true;
bool Statsdb::addPoint(StatKey *sk,StatData *sd,StatState *ss , Label *label){
// if measuring "queries per second" or "disk reads per sec"
// then compare our start time to start time of the operation
// before us.
float val;
if ( label->m_graphType == GRAPH_QUANTITY )
val = sd->m_totalQuantity;
else if ( label->m_graphType == GRAPH_OPS )
val = sd->m_totalOps;
else if ( label->m_graphType == GRAPH_LATENCY )
val = sd->m_totalTime / sd->m_totalOps;
else if ( label->m_graphType == GRAPH_RATE )
val = sd->m_totalQuantity / sd->m_totalTime;
else if ( label->m_graphType == GRAPH_QUANTITY_PER_OP )
val = sd->m_totalQuantity / sd->m_totalOps;
else { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// remove tail
long k = ss->m_i;
for ( ; ss->m_valid[k] ; ) {
// remove from accumulated sum
ss->m_sumVal -= ss->m_ringBuf[k];
// this too
// invalidate it
ss->m_valid[k] = false;
// stop if time within range
if ( ss->m_ringBufTime[k] >= sk->m_time1 - m_samples )
// otherwise, keep removing them
if ( ++k >= m_samples ) k = 0;
// must not be valid!
if ( ss->m_valid[ss->m_i] ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// we are valid now
ss->m_valid[ss->m_i] = true;
// set time stamp
ss->m_ringBufTime[ss->m_i] = sk->m_time1;
// set value
ss->m_ringBuf[ss->m_i] = val;
// show the individual point
//if ( doLatency )
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"statsdb: (%llu, %llu) [%s]",
// sp->getTime1(),delta,label->m_label);
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"statsdb: (%llu, %.03f) [%s]",
// sp->getTime1(),quantity,label->m_label);
// inc and wrap
if ( ++ss->m_i >= m_samples ) ss->m_i = 0;
// add it up
ss->m_numSamples += 1;
// . quantity should always be one
ss->m_sumVal += val;
// do not destroy ourselves
if ( ss->m_numSamples > m_samples )
log("statsdb: bad engineer.");
// . do not add it if before m_t1
// . we set m_startKey lower than m_t1 in order to get
// a running start on our moving average algorithm
if ( sk->m_time1 < m_t1 ) return true;
// do not start showing points until we got 20 so we can
// make a decent average and avoid initial spikes!!!
//if ( ss->m_numSamples < m_samples ) // 5 )
// continue;
// . plot that point
// . should make a line between it and the last point added
//if(! addPoint ( sp->getTime1() , val , colorRGB , weight ) )
if ( ! addPoint ( sk->m_time1 ,
ss->m_sumVal / (float)ss->m_numSamples ,
label->m_graphHash ,
1 ,
ss ) )
return false;
return true;
bool Statsdb::addPoint ( long x ,
float y ,
long graphHash ,
float weight ,
class StatState *ss ) {
// convert x into pixel position
float xf = (float)DX2 * (float)(x - m_t1) / (float)(m_t2 - m_t1);
// round it to nearest pixel
long x2 = (long)(xf + .5) ;//+ m_bx;
// make this our y pos
float y2 = y;
// average values if tied
if ( x2 == ss->m_lastx ) {
// weighted average
y2 = (y2*weight +
ss->m_lasty * ss->m_lastWeight)/
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"statsdb: collision "
// "x=%lu x2=%li y=%.02f yt=%.02f",
// x,x2,y,y2);
// update these
ss->m_lasty = y2;
ss->m_lastWeight += weight ;
// delete old point, we'll replace it
m_sb1.popLong ();
m_sb1.popFloat ();
m_sb1.popLong ();
else {
ss->m_lastx = x2;
ss->m_lasty = y2;
ss->m_lastWeight = weight;
// make room
if ( ! m_sb1.reserve2x ( 64 ) ) return false;
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"statsdb: addPoint "
// "x=%lu x2=%lu y=%.02f y2=%.02f gh=%lu",x,x2,y,y2,graphHash);
// store into array, safe buf
m_sb1.pushLong ( x2 );
m_sb1.pushFloat ( y2 );
m_sb1.pushLong ( graphHash );
return true;
// . add EventPoints to m_sb3/m_ht3
// . these basically represent binary events or parm state changes
// . i.e. "a merge operation"
// . i.e. "changing a parm value"
bool Statsdb::addEventPointsFromList ( ) {
// scan the list for our junk
for ( ; ! m_list.isExhausted() ; m_list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// breathe
// get that
StatKey *sk = (StatKey *)m_list.getCurrentRec();
// and data
StatData *sd = (StatData *)m_list.getCurrentData();
// must be an "event" stat... i.e. a status change
if ( ! sd->isEvent() ) continue;
// make sure to stack lines so they do not touch
// each other...
if ( ! addEventPoint ( sk->m_time1 ,
sk->m_labelHash , // parmHash
sd->getOldVal () ,
sd->getNewVal () ,
10 )) // thickness
return false;
return true;
bool Statsdb::addEventPoint ( long t1 ,
long parmHash ,
float oldVal ,
float newVal ,
long thickness ) {
// convert t1 into pixel position
float af = (float)DX2 * (float)(t1 - m_t1) / (float)(m_t2 - m_t1);
// round it to nearest pixel
long a = (long)(af + .5) ;//+ m_bx;
// convert t2 into pixel position
//float bf = (float)DX2 * (float)(t2 - m_t1) / (float)(m_t2 - m_t1);
// round it to nearest pixel
//long b = (long)(bf + .5) + m_bx;
//if ( a > b ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// 5 pixel width when rendering the square, 2 pixel boundary
long b = a + 7;
// make sure we got it
Parm *m = g_parms.getParmFromParmHash ( parmHash );
if ( ! m ) {
log("statsdb: unrecognized parm hash = %li",parmHash);
return true;
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// go down each line of points
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_LINES2 ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// . is there room for us in this line?
// . see what other lines/events are on this line
long slot = m_ht3.getSlot ( &i );
// loop over all events on this line
for ( ; slot >= 0 ; slot = m_ht3.getNextSlot ( slot , &i ) ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get the offset
long offset = *(long *)m_ht3.getValueFromSlot ( slot );
// get buffer
char *buf = m_sb3.getBufStart();
// get its value
EventPoint *p = (EventPoint *)(buf + offset);
// check its boundaries, require 2 pixel spacing
if ( a < p->m_a && b >= p->m_a ) break;
if ( b > p->m_b && a <= p->m_b ) break;
if ( a >= p->m_a && b <= p->m_b ) break;
// we collided with another event on this line, try next line
if ( slot >= 0 ) continue;
// make sure we got room
if ( ! m_sb3.reserve2x ( sizeof(EventPoint) ) ) return false;
// add it in
EventPoint *pp = (EventPoint *)m_sb3.getBuf();
// set it
pp->m_a = a;
pp->m_b = b;
//pp->m_colorRGB = colorRGB;
pp->m_parmHash = parmHash;
pp->m_oldVal = oldVal;
pp->m_newVal = newVal;
pp->m_thickness = thickness;
// store the offset incase m_sb3 reallocates
long length = m_sb3.length();
// tell safebuf to skip over it now
m_sb3.incrementLength ( sizeof(EventPoint) );
// add line to hashtable
if ( ! m_ht3.addKey ( (void *)&i , &length ) ) return false;
// all done now
return true;
// crap no room!
log("stats: no room in graph for event");
return true;
// draw a HORIZONTAL line in html
void Statsdb::drawLine3 ( SafeBuf &sb ,
long x1 ,
long x2 ,
long fy1 ,
long color ,
long width ) {
// do not draw repeats in the case we have a ton of points to plot
long key32 ;
key32 = hash32h ( x1 , 0 );
key32 = hash32h ( x2 , key32);
key32 = hash32h ( fy1 , key32);
key32 = hash32h ( color , key32);
key32 = hash32h ( width , key32);
if ( m_dupTable.isInTable(&key32) ) return;
sb.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
, x1 + m_bx
, (fy1 - width/2) + m_by
, color
, width
, x2 - x1