2014-06-15 08:26:27 -07:00

3493 lines
95 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Msg0.h"
#include "Msg1.h"
#include "IndexList.h"
#include "Msg20.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "Msg40.h"
#include "SearchInput.h"
#include "PageReindex.h"
#include "PageInject.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "PageTurk.h"
#include "fctypes.h"
#include "Repair.h"
#define ERRORBASEPAY (.02*2.0*1.0)
#define TITLEBASEPAY (.01*2.0*1.0)
#define VENUEBASEPAY (.01*2.0*1.0)
#define DESCRBASEPAY (.01*2.0*1.0)
#define TURKNICE 0
class State60 {
SafeBuf m_sb;
SafeBuf m_tagBuf;
RdbList m_tagdbList;
Msg0 m_msg0;
RdbList m_banTagList;
long m_ban;
bool m_isSuperTurk;
char m_turkUser[256];
// hash64n() of m_turkUser:
long long m_callertuid64;
//char m_turkUserEncoded[512];
char m_showTurkUser[256];
long long m_tuid64;
long m_turkIp;
long m_date1;
long m_date2;
//char m_isAdmin;
char m_coll [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1];
long m_collLen;
TcpSocket *m_socket;
Url m_url;
Msg4 m_msg4;
HttpRequest m_r;
//Msg8a m_msg8a;
//TagRec m_tagRec;
time_t m_t1;
time_t m_t2;
long m_useXml;
char m_mdy1[16];
char m_mdy2[16];
// should be in format like "12/31/11"
time_t getTimet ( char *ds ) {
if ( ! ds ) return 0;
char *p = ds;
long month = atol(p);
// skip to next /
for ( ; *p && *p != '/' ; p++ );
if ( *p != '/' ) return 0;
long day = atol(p);
// skip to next /
for ( ; *p && *p != '/' ; p++ );
if ( *p != '/' ) return 0;
long year = atol(p);
if ( year < 1900 ) year += 2000;
// make the time
tm ts1;
memset(&ts1, 0, sizeof(tm));
ts1.tm_mon = month - 1;
ts1.tm_mday = day;
ts1.tm_year = year - 1900;
time_t timestamp = mktime_utc(&ts1);
// it is localtime, make utc
//timestamp += timezone * 3600;
return timestamp;
static bool sendPageTurkStats2 ( State60 *st ) ;
static void gotTagList ( void *state ) ;
static void addedMetaListWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static bool addedMetaList ( State60 *st ) ;
static bool initBannedTable ( State60 *st ) ;
static bool banTableReady ( State60 *st ) ;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageTurkStats ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_hostId != 0 ) {
log("turk: must be called on host #0 only!");
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"not host #0!");
char *turkUser = r->getString("evaluser",NULL);
if ( ! turkUser ) {
log("turk: must be called with turkuser=...");
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"turkuser required");
// make a state
State60 *st ;
try { st = new (State60); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("PageTagdb: new(%i): %s",
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));}
mnew ( st , sizeof(State60) , "st60" );
// assume no error
g_errno = 0;
st->m_r.copy ( r );
// do not let original free the junk, m_r will do that
st->m_r.m_cgiBuf2 = NULL;
// get collection name and its length
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( r );
if ( ! cr ) {
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
log("turk: bad coll");
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State60) , "state60" );
delete (st);
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
char *coll = cr->m_coll;
long collLen = gbstrlen ( coll );
memcpy ( st->m_coll , coll , collLen );
st->m_coll [ collLen ] = '\0';
// save socket for retuning a page when we're done
st->m_socket = s;
// for partap so we can see how much we owe the turk
st->m_useXml = r->getLong("xml",0);
// did we get a turk user? should be there!
strncpy ( st->m_turkUser , turkUser , 250 );
// and store turk ip as well!
char *tuip = r->getString("evalip",NULL);
if ( tuip ) st->m_turkIp = atoip(tuip);
else st->m_turkIp = 0;
// what turkuser do we want to show or display?
char *showTurkUser = r->getString("showevaluser",NULL);
st->m_showTurkUser[0] = '\0';
if ( showTurkUser ) strncpy ( st->m_showTurkUser,showTurkUser,250);
// get date stuff
char *ds1 = r->getString("mdy1",NULL);
char *ds2 = r->getString("mdy2",NULL);
// save
st->m_mdy1[0] = '\0';
st->m_mdy2[0] = '\0';
if ( ds1 ) strncpy(st->m_mdy1,ds1,15);
if ( ds2 ) strncpy(st->m_mdy2,ds2,15);
// should be in format like "12/31/11"
st->m_t1 = getTimet ( ds1 );
st->m_t2 = getTimet ( ds2 );
// make it right up until the next day!
st->m_t2 += 24*3600 - 1;
if ( ! ds1 || ds1[0]=='\0' ) st->m_t1 = 0;
if ( ! ds2 || ds2[0]=='\0' ) st->m_t2 = 0x7fffffff;
st->m_isSuperTurk = isSuperTurk ( turkUser );
st->m_callertuid64 = hash64n( turkUser );
st->m_ban = r->getLong("ban" ,-1);
// must be super turk
if ( ! st->m_isSuperTurk ) st->m_ban = -1;
// . before doing anything, initialze the table of banned turk
// usernames or turkips
// . returns false if it blocks, true otherwise
return initBannedTable ( st );
// maps the 64 bit hash of a turkusername or turkip (string) to yes|no
static HashTableX s_banTable;
// store all the tags banning someone in here
//static SafeBuf s_banBuf;
static void gotBanTagListWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static bool gotBanTagList ( State60 *st );
// . return true and set g_errno on error
// . return false if blocked
bool initBannedTable ( State60 *st ) {
// only init once!
static bool s_init = false;
// continue processing if table is already set to go
if ( s_init ) return banTableReady ( st );
// only do this once
s_init = true;
if ( ! s_banTable.set ( 8,0,64,NULL,0,false,0,"tbantbl") )
return true;
// read the entire list of turkuser tags from tagdb
// to see what turkusernames and turkips are banned/unbanned
char fakeUrl[1024];
Url u;
u.set ( fakeUrl );
key128_t sk = g_tagdb.makeStartKey ( &u );
key128_t ek = g_tagdb.makeEndKey ( &u );
// shortcut
Msg0 *m = &st->m_msg0;
// get the list
if ( ! m->getList ( -1 , // hostId
0 , // ip
0 , // port
0 , // maxCacheAge
false , // addToCache
st->m_coll ,
(char *)&sk ,
(char *)&ek ,
5000000 , // minRecSizes
st ,
gotBanTagListWrapper ,
TURKNICE )) // niceness
// return false if blocks
return false;
// no waiting
return gotBanTagList ( st );
void gotBanTagListWrapper ( void *state ) {
State60 *st = (State60 *)state;
gotBanTagList( st );
bool gotBanTagList ( State60 *st ) {
// note it
TcpSocket *sock = st->m_socket;
// error?
if ( g_errno ) {
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State60) , "state60" );
delete (st);
// shortcut
RdbList *list = &st->m_banTagList;
//long turkuser = getTagTypeFromStr("turkuser");
// scan the list
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// breathe
// assume no tag, assume end of list
Tag *tag = (Tag *)list->getCurrentRec();
// get tag user
char *data = tag->getTagData();
long dsize = tag->getTagDataSize();
// sanity -- we got type 123456 sometimes!!! wtf?
//if ( tag->m_type != turkuser ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// skip if unbanned
if ( data[dsize-2] =='0' ) continue;
// must be banned!
if ( data[dsize-2] !='1' ) continue;//{char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// must be comma
if ( data[dsize-3] !=',' ) continue;//{char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// null term it
data[dsize-3] = '\0';
// hash the turkip or turkusername that is banned
long long key64 = hash64n(data);
// add to table now. return true w/ g_errno set on error
if ( ! s_banTable.addKey ( &key64 ) ) goto haderror;
return banTableReady ( st );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool banTableReady ( State60 *st ) {
// error?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("turk: stats page: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State60) , "state60" );
delete (st);
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(st->m_socket,500,
// if not banning/unbanning, just print page
if ( st->m_ban == -1 )
return sendPageTurkStats2 ( st );
// id -- might need to write this... if it is basically -1 unsigned
// it would mess up getLongLong()...
// getLongLong() can't handle unsignededness...
// TODO: use strtoull to implement this... or make atoull() for us
// wrapping that...
char *banTurkUser = st->m_r.getString("banevaluser",NULL);
// maybe the ip was passed in
char *banTurkIp = st->m_r.getString("banevalip",NULL);
// make a 64 bit key of what we want to ban/unban
long long key64 = 0LL;
char *data = NULL;
// use ip if that not there
if ( banTurkUser ) {
key64 = hash64n(banTurkUser);
data = banTurkUser;
else if ( banTurkIp ) {
key64 = (long long)atoip(banTurkIp);
data = banTurkIp;
else {
log("turk: not provided with something to ban");
goto hadError;
// add the tag then (overwrite?)
SafeBuf *tbuf = &st->m_tagBuf;
// . make the fake url
// .
// . %llu could be the ip as a 32 bit long or it could be
// a 64 bit hash of the turk user name
char fakebanurl[256];
// use this timesampe
long now = getTimeGlobal();
// must be 0 or 1
if ( st->m_ban != 0 && st->m_ban != 1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// add it to the ban table
if ( st->m_ban == 0 ) s_banTable.removeKey ( &key64 );
// otherwise, add it
if ( st->m_ban == 1 ) s_banTable.addKey ( &key64 );
// make the data (e.g. "mwells,1" or ",1") means that
// mwells and are banned turkusernames/turkips
char dbuf[1024];
// first rdbid
//if ( ! tbuf->pushChar ( RDB_TURKDB ) ) goto hadError;
// add that tag to our buffer
if ( ! tbuf->addTag ( fakebanurl ,
now ,
st->m_turkUser ,
st->m_turkIp ,
gbstrlen(dbuf) ,
true ) )
goto hadError;
// add it to tagdb, no need to wait
if ( ! st->m_msg4.addMetaList ( tbuf->getBufStart() ,
st->m_coll ,
st ,
addedMetaListWrapper ,
TURKNICE )) // niceness
return false;
// we added it
return addedMetaList ( st );
void addedMetaListWrapper ( void *state ) {
State60 *st = (State60 *)state;
addedMetaList ( st );
bool addedMetaList ( State60 *st ) {
// flush it and wait for that... although not implemented yet?
// if msg4 did not block
return sendPageTurkStats2 ( st );
bool printHeader ( char *turkUser , char *turkIp, char *coll , SafeBuf *sb ) {
char turkUserEncoded[512];
// encode
turkUserEncoded[0] = '\0';
// encode if we got it
urlEncode ( turkUserEncoded , 500, turkUser , strlen(turkUser) );
char *sup = "";
if ( isSuperTurk(turkUser) ) sup = " <b>(superuser)</b>";
return sb->safePrintf("<meta "
"http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "
"content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"
"<a name=top></a>\n"
"<div id=\"nav\">"
"<a href=/eval?c=%s&evaluser=%s&evalip=%s&>"
"<b>Evaluate an Event</b></a>"
"&nbsp; | &nbsp;"
"<a href=/evalstats?c=%s&evaluser=%s&evalip=%s&"
"<b>View My Stats</b></a>"
"&nbsp; | &nbsp;"
"<b><a href=/evalstats?c=%s&evaluser=%s&"
"View Leaderboard</a></b>"
"&nbsp; | &nbsp;"
"<b><a href=/account?c=%s&evaluser=%s&"
"My Account</a></b>"
"&nbsp; | &nbsp;"
"<b><a href=/evalhelp?c=%s&evaluser=%s&"
"Logged in as %s.%s"
,turkUserEncoded, sup );
bool sendPageInstructions ( State60 *st ) {
// shortcut
SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb;
if( ! printHeader ( st->m_turkUser,
st->m_coll ,
sb ) ) {
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State60) , "state60" );
delete (st);
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(st->m_socket,500,
char *ins =
"<b><font size=+1>#1</font></b>. "
"Click on the <i>Evaluate an Event</i> link to "
"evaluate an event."
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("%s",ins) ) goto haderror;
bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( st->m_socket,
sb->length() + 1,
false ,
"text/html" );
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State60) , "state60" );
delete (st);
return status;
bool sendPageTurkStats2 ( State60 *st ) {
char *ds1 = st->m_mdy1;
char *ds2 = st->m_mdy2;
if ( ! ds1[0] ) ds1 = "01/01/2000";
if ( ! ds2[0] ) ds2 = "12/31/2029";
// shortcut
SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb;
if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
! printHeader ( st->m_turkUser,
st->m_coll ,
sb ) )
goto hadError;
// print date range input boxes
if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf("<form method=GET action=/evalstats>\n"
"<input type=hidden name=c value=\"%s\">\n"
"<td>Date range: </td>\n"
"<td><input type=text size=10 name=mdy1 "
"<font size=-2><br><i>mm/dd/yyyy</i></font>"
"<td> to </td>\n"
"<td><input type=text size=10 name=mdy2 "
"<font size=-2><br><i>mm/dd/yyyy</i>"
"<td><input type=submit name=submit value=ok>"
,ds2) ) {
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State60) , "state60" );
delete (st);
// we did not block, return true
return true;
// only show hidden turkuser tag if we had one
if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
st->m_turkUser[0] &&
! sb->safePrintf ("<input type=hidden name=evaluser "
"value=\"%s\">\n", st->m_turkUser ) )
goto hadError;
// close up the form
if ( ! st->m_useXml && ! sb->safePrintf("</form>\n") ) goto hadError;
if ( st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" "
"encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n" ) )
goto hadError;
if ( st->m_showTurkUser[0] )
st->m_tuid64 = hash64n ( st->m_showTurkUser );
st->m_tuid64 = 0LL;
char fakeUrl[256];
// . we just use domain for making startkey
// . if searching vote stats from ALL turk users then just use
// the domain name without the tuid64
if ( ! st->m_tuid64 ) sprintf(fakeUrl,"");
// just scan vote stats for that user... should still be sorted
// by Tag::m_timestamp since the tag type is "votestatbydate"
else sprintf(fakeUrl,"",st->m_tuid64);
// . now read in the list of turkvotestatbydate tags
// and skip tags whose username does not match "turkuser"
// . but first we must get the start and end keys
// . this domain must match that in XmlDoc::addVoteStatTag()
Url u;
u.set ( fakeUrl );
key128_t sk = g_tagdb.makeStartKey ( &u );
key128_t ek = g_tagdb.makeEndKey ( &u );
// getDeduphash() now complements the timestamps
unsigned long ct1 = ~((unsigned long)st->m_t1);
unsigned long ct2 = ~((unsigned long)st->m_t2);
// and getDedupHash() uses tag timestamp for turkvotestatbydate tags
// so HACK that in here
sk.n0 = ct2;
sk.n0 <<= 32;
ek.n0 = ct1;
ek.n0 <<= 32;
ek.n0 |= 0xffffffff;
// sanity
if ( st->m_t1 > st->m_t2 ) {
log("turk: bad time range");
goto hadError;
// . if partap is requesting stats less than 24 hours old -- error out!
// . get time now in UTC
unsigned long now = getTimeGlobal();
bool bad = true;
if ( ! st->m_useXml ) bad = false;
if ( (unsigned long)st->m_t2 < now - 24 *3600 ) bad = false;
if ( bad ) {
log("turk: requesting stats < 24 hrs old");
// TODO: re-enable this before launch
char *msg = "requesting stats < 24 hrs old. bad!";
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State60) , "state60" );
delete (st);
return false;
// shortcut
Msg0 *m = &st->m_msg0;
// get the list
if ( ! m->getList ( -1 , // hostId
0 , // ip
0 , // port
0 , // maxCacheAge
false , // addToCache
st->m_coll ,
&st->m_tagdbList ,
(char *)&sk ,
(char *)&ek ,
5000000 , // minRecSizes
st ,
gotTagList ,
TURKNICE )) // niceness
// return false if blocks
return false;
// no waiting
gotTagList ( st );
return true;
static bool printAllUserStats ( SafeBuf *sb , RdbList *list , State60 *st ) ;
static bool printSingleUserStats ( SafeBuf *sb , RdbList *list,char *turkUser,
State60 *st);
void gotTagList ( void *state ) {
// cast it
State60 *st = (State60 *)state;
// note it
TcpSocket *sock = st->m_socket;
// error?
if ( g_errno ) {
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State60) , "state60" );
delete (st);
// print the tags for this turk user
SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb;
// set this up
char *showTurkUser = NULL;
if ( st->m_showTurkUser[0] ) showTurkUser = st->m_showTurkUser;
// shortcut
RdbList *list = &st->m_tagdbList;
if ( showTurkUser &&
! printSingleUserStats ( sb , list , showTurkUser,st ) )
goto haderror;
if ( ! showTurkUser && ! printAllUserStats ( sb , list , st ) )
goto haderror;
char *ctype = "text/html";
if ( st->m_useXml ) ctype = "text/xml";
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( st->m_socket,
sb->length() ,
false ,
ctype );
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State60) , "state60" );
delete (st);
// key is the 64 bit hash of turk user, tuid64
class TurkUserStat {
long m_errorPassed;
long m_errorFailed;
long m_errorUnconfirmed;
long m_errorNone;
long m_titlePassed;
long m_titleFailed;
long m_titleUnconfirmed;
long m_titleNone;
long m_venuePassed;
long m_venueFailed;
long m_venueUnconfirmed;
long m_venueNone;
long m_descrPassed;
long m_descrFailed;
long m_descrUnconfirmed;
long m_descrNone;
float m_totalEarned;
char m_isBanned;
char m_isSuperTurk;
long long m_tuid64;
//long m_numYoungSubmissions; // numyoungvotes
long m_turkUserOff;
long m_turkUserIps[32];
long m_numTurkUserIps;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool printAllUserStats ( SafeBuf *sb , RdbList *list , State60 *st ) {
// store turk usernames in here
SafeBuf usb;
if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf("<br>"
"<h1>Leaderboard</h1>" ) )
return false;
// only count votes >= 24 hrs old for earning money
time_t now = getTimeGlobal();
char datebuf[128];
// print that utc clock
if ( ! st->m_useXml ) {
struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &now );
strftime(datebuf,100,"%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S UTC",timeStruct);
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<font style=\"font-size:12px\">"
"Current Time: %s</font><br>\n",
return false;
// table for turkuserstats, init to 512 slots
HashTableX tust;
if ( ! tust.set ( 8,sizeof(TurkUserStat),512,NULL,0,false,0,"tust") )
return false;
// set to top
// scan tags
//long turkvotestatbydate = getTagTypeFromStr("turkvotestatbydate");
// loop over all tags in the buf, see if we got a dup
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// breathe
// assume no tag, assume end of list
Tag *tag = (Tag *)list->getCurrentRec();
// get tag user
char *user = tag->getUser();
char *data = tag->getTagData();
long dsize = tag->getTagDataSize();
// was good or bad or unconfirmed?
//char vv = data[dsize-3]; // o->good a->bad e->unconfirmed
// make key
long long tuid64 = hash64n ( user );
// already in table?
TurkUserStat *tus = (TurkUserStat *)tust.getValue(&tuid64);
// make a new one if not there
if ( ! tus ) {
TurkUserStat ntus;
// reset all to 0
memset ( &ntus , 0, sizeof(TurkUserStat) );
// offset into usb buffer for turk username
ntus.m_turkUserOff = usb.length();
if ( ! tust.addKey ( &tuid64,&ntus ) ) return false;
// point to it now
tus = (TurkUserStat *)tust.getValue(&tuid64);
if ( ! usb.safePrintf("%s",user) ) return false;
if ( ! usb.pushChar('\0') ) return false;
// do not compile if < 24 hrs old
if ( now - tag->m_timestamp < 24*3600 ) {
// add in ip
long k; for ( k = 0 ; k < tus->m_numTurkUserIps ; k++ ) {
// breathe
if ( tus->m_turkUserIps[k] == tag->m_ip ) break;
// if already have it, bail
if ( k == tus->m_numTurkUserIps && tus->m_numTurkUserIps < 32){
// add it otherwise
tus->m_turkUserIps[k] = tag->m_ip;
// add stats
//if ( vv=='o' ) tus->m_numGood++;
//else if ( vv=='a' ) tus->m_numBad++;
//else if ( vv=='e' ) tus->m_numUnconfirmed++;
//else { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
char *vv = data+dsize-1;
// back up to comma
for ( ; *vv !=',' ; vv-- );
// skip over comma
// . now the data is a string like 'PPUN'
// . Error|Title|Venue|Descr (TODO: add Image later)
char *pv = vv;
// "Error"
if ( *pv == 'F' ) tus->m_errorFailed++;
else if ( *pv == 'P' ) tus->m_errorPassed++;
else if ( *pv == 'U' ) tus->m_errorUnconfirmed++;
else if ( *pv == 'N' ) tus->m_errorNone++;
else { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// "Title"
if ( *pv == 'F' ) tus->m_titleFailed++;
else if ( *pv == 'P' ) tus->m_titlePassed++;
else if ( *pv == 'U' ) tus->m_titleUnconfirmed++;
else if ( *pv == 'N' ) tus->m_titleNone++;
else { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// "Venue"
if ( *pv == 'F' ) tus->m_venueFailed++;
else if ( *pv == 'P' ) tus->m_venuePassed++;
else if ( *pv == 'U' ) tus->m_venueUnconfirmed++;
else if ( *pv == 'N' ) tus->m_venueNone++;
else { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// "Descr"
if ( *pv == 'F' ) tus->m_descrFailed++;
else if ( *pv == 'P' ) tus->m_descrPassed++;
else if ( *pv == 'U' ) tus->m_descrUnconfirmed++;
else if ( *pv == 'N' ) tus->m_descrNone++;
else { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// only show the turk ips if we are super turk for privacy reasons
char *ipcol1 = "";
char *ipcol2 = "";
// do not even show ips if not super turk for privacy
bool showIps = (bool)(st->m_isSuperTurk);
if ( showIps ) {
ipcol1 = "<td></td>";
ipcol2 = "<td>IPs used</td>";
if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf("<table border=1 cellpadding=3>\n"
// special top header row
"<td colspan=2></td>" // turk
"%s" // turkip
"<td colspan=4>Accept/Reject</td>"
"<td colspan=4>Title</td>"
"<td colspan=4>Venue</td>"
"<td colspan=4>Descriptions</td>"
"<td colspan=2>User</td>"
,ipcol2 ) )
return false;
if ( st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf("<response>\n" ) )
return false;
// put the turk users ptrs into an array for sorting
SafeBuf array;
// alloc for ptrs
if ( ! array.reserve ( 4 * tust.m_numSlotsUsed ) ) return false;
// store ptrs
TurkUserStat **pp = (TurkUserStat **)array.getBufStart();
long npp = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < tust.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// breathe
if ( ! tust.m_flags[i] ) continue;
TurkUserStat *tus = (TurkUserStat *)tust.getValueFromSlot(i);
pp[npp++] = tus;
// calculate m_totalEarned for display
float earned = 0.00;
earned += ERRORBASEPAY * tus->m_errorPassed;
earned += ERRORBASEPAY * tus->m_errorUnconfirmed;
earned += TITLEBASEPAY * tus->m_titlePassed;
earned += TITLEBASEPAY * tus->m_titleUnconfirmed;
earned += VENUEBASEPAY * tus->m_venuePassed;
earned += VENUEBASEPAY * tus->m_venueUnconfirmed;
earned += DESCRBASEPAY * tus->m_descrPassed;
earned += DESCRBASEPAY * tus->m_descrUnconfirmed;
tus->m_totalEarned = earned;
// set tuid64 of this turk
char *tun = usb.getBufStart() + tus->m_turkUserOff;
tus->m_tuid64 = hash64n ( tun );
// are they superturk?
tus->m_isSuperTurk = false;
if ( isSuperTurk ( tun ) )
tus->m_isSuperTurk = true;
// are they banned?
tus->m_isBanned = false;
// see if any of their ips are banned
for ( long k = 0 ; k < tus->m_numTurkUserIps ; k++ ) {
// breathe
long ip = tus->m_turkUserIps[k];
// . if any ips are banned, user is banned!
// . show partap 0.00 pay then
if ( ! isTurkBanned ( NULL, ip ) ) continue;
tus->m_isBanned = true;
// see if their username is banned
if ( isTurkBanned ( &tus->m_tuid64, 0 ) )
tus->m_isBanned = true;
// now bubble sort those ptrs so highest earning on top!!
char flag = 1;
flag = 0;
for ( long i = 1 ; i < npp ; i++ ) {
if ( pp[i]->m_totalEarned <= pp[i-1]->m_totalEarned ) continue;
// swap em
TurkUserStat *tmp = pp[i-1];
pp[i-1] = pp[i];
pp[i] = tmp;
flag = 1;
if ( flag ) goto bubbleLoop;
// print out the turk user stats table
for ( long i = 0 ; i < npp ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// shortcut
TurkUserStat *tus = pp[i];
// get name
char *tun = usb.getBufStart() + tus->m_turkUserOff;
float earned = tus->m_totalEarned;
// print username and earned if doing xml only
if ( st->m_useXml ) {
char *banStr = "";
if ( tus->m_isBanned ) {
banStr = "\t\t<banned>1</banned>\n";
// . make sure partap does not pay
// . no, he needs to know...
//earned = 0.0;
char *supStr = "";
if ( tus->m_isSuperTurk )
supStr = "\t\t<superTurk>1</superTurk>\n";
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("\t<record>\n"
return false;
// do not print out this user if they are banned and they
// are not the one's requesting the leaderboard
if ( tus->m_isBanned &&
st->m_callertuid64 != tus->m_tuid64 &&
! st->m_isSuperTurk )
// nothing if accept/reject is wrong though!
//if ( tus->m_errorFailed ) earned = 0.0;
// print username and stat counts
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<tr>" ) )
return false;
bool targetSuper = false;
if ( isSuperTurk ( tun ) ) targetSuper = true;
// only print ban/unban link if they are superturk
if ( st->m_isSuperTurk && ! targetSuper ) {
// is the turkusername banned?
long ban = 1;
//long long tuid64 = hash64n(tun);
//Tag *btag = (Tag *)s_banTable.getValue ( &tuid64 );
//if ( btag ) ban = 0;
if ( tus->m_isBanned ) ban = 0;
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<td><a href=/evalstats?"
return false;
// store turk username url encoded
if ( ! sb->urlEncode ( tun ) ) return false;
// print cmd
char *cmd = "ban";
if ( ! ban ) cmd = "<font color=red>unban</font>";
// finish it up
if ( ! sb->safePrintf(">%s</a></td><td>",cmd))
return false;
else if ( st->m_isSuperTurk && targetSuper ) {
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<td>super</td><td>"))
return false;
else {
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<td colspan=2>"))
return false;
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<a href=\"/evalstats?"
// scroll to bottom to show most
// recent votes... "#bottom"
return false;
// end the cell and start new one for ip
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("</td>" ) ) return false;
bool showBanLink = true;
// only show if superturk
if ( ! st->m_isSuperTurk ) showBanLink = false;
// and target is not super
if ( targetSuper ) showBanLink = false;
// start cell
if ( showIps && ! sb->safePrintf("<td>" ) ) return false;
// print all the ips they came from when voting so
// we can ban individual ips from being turks
for ( long k = 0 ; k < tus->m_numTurkUserIps ; k++ ) {
// breathe
if ( ! showIps ) break;
long ip = tus->m_turkUserIps[k];
long ip64 = (long long)ip;
long ban = 1;
char *cmd = "banip";
Tag *btag = (Tag *)s_banTable.getValue ( &ip64 );
if ( btag ) {
cmd = "<font color=red>unbanip</font>";
ban = 0;
char *ips = iptoa(ip);
// skip if bad ip
if ( ! strcmp (ips,"" ) ) continue;
// the enginx gateway!
if ( ! strcmp (ips,"") ) continue;
// the new ip
if ( ! strcmp (ips,"") ) continue;
if ( ! strncmp(ips,"192.168.",8 ) ) continue;
if ( ! strncmp(ips,"10.",3 ) ) continue;
// separate, one ip per line
if ( k > 0 && ! sb->safePrintf("<br>") )
return false;
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<nobr>") ) return false;
if ( showBanLink &&
! sb->safePrintf("<a href=banevalip=%s&"
"ban=%li>%s</a> &nbsp; "
,cmd) )
return false;
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("%s",ips) )
return false;
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("</nobr>") ) return false;
// end the IP cell if we printed it
if ( showIps && ! sb->safePrintf("</td>" ) )
return false;
// print vote count stats
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<td>%li</td>"
,tus->m_errorNone ) )
return false;
// print vote count stats
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<td>%li</td>"
,tus->m_titleNone ) )
return false;
// print vote count stats
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<td>%li</td>"
,tus->m_venueNone ) )
return false;
// print vote count stats
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<td>%li</td>"
,tus->m_descrNone ) )
return false;
float numPass = 0.0;
numPass += tus->m_errorPassed;
numPass += tus->m_titlePassed;
numPass += tus->m_venuePassed;
numPass += tus->m_descrPassed;
float numFail = 0.0;
numFail += tus->m_errorFailed;
numFail += tus->m_titleFailed;
numFail += tus->m_venueFailed;
numFail += tus->m_descrFailed;
// print voting accuracy
float total = numPass + numFail;
if ( total > 0 ) {
float accuracy = numPass / total;
if ( !sb->safePrintf("<td>%.0f%%</td>",accuracy*100.0))
return false;
else {
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<td>--</td>") )
return false;
// print money earned
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<td>$%.02f</td>",earned) )
return false;
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("</tr>\n" ) )
return false;
if ( st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf("</response>" ) )
return false;
if ( st->m_useXml ) return true;
// end table
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("</table>\n"
"* <i>Votes less than 24 hours old are "
"subject to confirmation before "
"being paid.</i>" ) )
return false;
return true;
// return false with g_errno set on error
bool printSingleUserStats ( SafeBuf *sb , RdbList *list, char *showTurkUser ,
State60 *st ) {
char *sutu = "";
if ( isSuperTurk ( showTurkUser ) ) sutu = " (superuser)";
if ( st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf("<response>\n" ) )
return false;
if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf("<br>"
"<h1>%s's Statistics%s</h1>"
, showTurkUser ,sutu) )
return false;
// current time in UTC!
time_t now = getTimeGlobal();
char datebuf[128];
// print that utc clock
if ( ! st->m_useXml ) {
struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &now );
strftime(datebuf,100,"%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S UTC",timeStruct);
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<font style=\"font-size:12px\">"
"Current Time: %s</font><br><br>\n",
return false;
if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf("<br>"
"<table border=1 cellpadding=3>"
"<td>Vote Time (UTC)</td>"
"<td>Voting IP</td>"
"<td>Vote review</td>"
//"<td>vote status</td>"
"<td>$ Earned</td>"
//"<td>vote weight</td>"
"</tr>\n" ) )
return false;
long lastDayNum = -1;
long dayNum = -1;
//long numGood = 0;
//long numBad = 0;
//long numUnconfirmed = 0;
float dailyEarned = 0.0;
long count = 0;
// 2 cents per good vote
// scan tags
long turkvotestatbydate = getTagTypeFromStr("turkvotestatbydate");
// loop over all tags in the buf, see if we got a dup
for ( ; ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// breathe
// assume no tag, assume end of list
Tag *tag = NULL;
// only set tag if not end of list
if ( ! list->isExhausted() ) {
// get it
tag = (Tag *)list->getCurrentRec();
// must be a turk vote
if ( tag->m_type != turkvotestatbydate ) continue;
// get tag user
char *user = tag->getUser();
// if we had a turk user, must match, otherwise skip it
if ( showTurkUser && strcmp(user,showTurkUser) )
// get day
dayNum = tag->m_timestamp / 86400;
// print out date if different than last
if ( (lastDayNum != -1 && lastDayNum != dayNum) || ! tag ) {
// total votes
//float total = (float)(numGood+numBad+numUnconfirmed);
// the top of the fraction
//float top = (float)(numGood+numUnconfirmed);
// percent good
//float accuracy = 0.0;
// . only compute if had some data
// . assume the unconfirmed votes were good! give
// them the benefit of the doubt. it is up to us
// to confirm them...
//if ( total > 0 ) accuracy = top / total;
// xml output for partap's payment process...
if ( st->m_useXml &&
lastDayNum != -1 &&
! sb->safePrintf ("\t<record>\n"
// date of last turk for day
,dailyEarned) )
return false;
// print out accuracy for last day
else if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf ("<tr>"
"<td colspan=10>"
//"votes=%li "
//"passedvotes=%li "
//"failedvotes=%li "
//"unconfirmedvotes=%li "
//"accuracy=%.0f%% "
"earned=<b>$%.02f</b> "
,dailyEarned) )
return false;
// reset for next guy
//numGood = 0;
//numBad = 0;
//numUnconfirmed = 0;
dailyEarned = 0.0;
count = 0;
// stop if no more tags remain to print
if ( ! tag ) break;
// hash of url event being voted on is contained in
unsigned long long tagUh48;
// address/date content hash of event voted on
unsigned long tagAdch;
// good|bad|unconfirmed
char status[16];
// set these
char *data = tag->getTagData();
long dsize = tag->getTagDataSize();
// TODO: binary encode the tag data for speed?? it breaks
// our rules for tagdb, but might be worth it
sscanf ( tag->getTagData(),"%llu,%lu,%s",
// update this for printing out daily stats at end of day
lastDayNum = dayNum;
// print time it was turked in "datebuf"
//struct tm *timeStruct = localtime ( &tag->m_timestamp );
struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &tag->m_timestamp );
strftime(datebuf,100,"%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S UTC",timeStruct);
if ( tag->m_timestamp == 0 ) sprintf(datebuf,"---");
// make the link to the event
char link[256];
"<a href=\"/eval?evaluser=%s&evalip=%s&c=%s&"
// only if we directly turked it!
// on there are event's with same
// adch32 but in different places on page
// print it out
if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf ( "<tr>"
// turk was voting from this ip
,link) )
return false;
//float earned = 0.00;
//if ( status[0] == 'g' ) earned = base; // 2 cents usually
char *vv = data+dsize-1;
// back up to comma
for ( ; *vv !=',' ; vv-- );
// skip over comma
// point to it
char *pv = vv;
char *str = NULL;
// print error vote status
if ( *pv == 'U' )
str = "tbd";//unconfirmed";
else if ( *pv == 'P' )
str = "<b><font color=green>passed</font></b>";
else if ( *pv == 'F' )
str = "<b><font color=red>failed</font></b>";
else if ( *pv == 'N' )
str = "&nbsp;";//none";
else { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
if ( ! st->m_useXml && ! sb->safePrintf("<td>%s</td>",str) )
return false;
// print title vote status
if ( *pv == 'U' )
str = "tbd";
else if ( *pv == 'P' )
str = "<b><font color=green>passed</font></b>";
else if ( *pv == 'F' )
str = "<b><font color=red>failed</font></b>";
else if ( *pv == 'N' )
str = "&nbsp;";//none
else { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
if ( ! st->m_useXml && ! sb->safePrintf("<td>%s</td>",str) )
return false;
// print venue vote status
if ( *pv == 'U' )
str = "tbd";
else if ( *pv == 'P' )
str = "<b><font color=green>passed</font></b>";
else if ( *pv == 'F' )
str = "<b><font color=red>failed</font></b>";
else if ( *pv == 'N' )
str = "&nbsp;";//none";
else { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
if ( ! st->m_useXml && ! sb->safePrintf("<td>%s</td>",str) )
return false;
// print descr vote status
if ( *pv == 'U' )
str = "tbd"; // unconfirmed";
else if ( *pv == 'P' )
str = "<b><font color=green>passed</font></b>";
else if ( *pv == 'F' )
str = "<b><font color=red>failed</font></b>";
else if ( *pv == 'N' )
str = "&nbsp;";//none";
else { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
if ( ! st->m_useXml && ! sb->safePrintf("<td>%s</td>",str) )
return false;
float earned = 0.0;
// point to the voting record again
pv = vv;
if ( *pv == 'P' || *pv == 'U' )
if ( *pv == 'P' || *pv == 'U' )
if ( *pv == 'P' || *pv == 'U' )
if ( *pv == 'P' || *pv == 'U' )
// nothing if accept/reject is wrong though!
if ( vv[0] == 'F' ) earned = 0.0;
// but if less than 24 hours old do not pay!!!
// put asterisk after it?
char *ast = "*";
if ( now - tag->m_timestamp >= 24*3600 ) {
//earned = 0.0;
ast = "";
// accumulate per day -- onve over 24 hrs old!!
//dailyEarned += earned;
// accumulate for all now
dailyEarned += earned;
// print it out
if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf ( "<td>%.02f%s</td></tr>\n",earned,ast))
return false;
if ( ! st->m_useXml && ! sb->safePrintf("</table>") )
return false;
// scroll to bottom to show latest
if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf("<a name=bottom></a>") )
return false;
// explain asterisk
if ( ! st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf("<br>* <i>Votes less than 24 hours old are "
"subject to confirmation before "
"being paid.</i>") )
return false;
if ( st->m_useXml &&
! sb->safePrintf("</response>" ) )
return false;
return true;
// . for receving a submission from a turk
// . adds the appropriate tags to the appropriate tagdb record
// . then reindexes the document with the event
// . may also query the eventtagformathash and add ALL the docids in that
// set of search results so that they might benefit from the turking
class Msg1e {
bool processLoop ( ) ;
bool addSupplementalVoteTags ( char *furl ,
long now,
char *turkUser,
class TurkLock *tk ,
unsigned long mainSentch32,
unsigned long mainSentth32,
char *votePrefix ,
char *hiddenPrefix,
long votePower,
SafeBuf *sb );
TcpSocket *m_socket;
HttpRequest *m_r;
void *m_state;
void (*m_callback)(void *state);
long m_stage;
//Msg12 m_msg12;
// let Msg7 supply this
//XmlDoc m_xd;
// for re-injecting the doc
Msg7 m_msg7;
Msg1c m_msg1c;
SafeBuf m_sb;
char m_queryBuf[256];
class CaptchaState {
void (*m_callback)(void *state);
void *m_state;
bool m_passed;
class State61 {
SafeBuf m_sb;
CaptchaState m_cst;
bool m_isSuperTurk;
long long m_tuid64;
//char m_isAdmin;
char m_coll [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1];
long m_collLen;
TcpSocket *m_socket;
Msg40 m_msg40;
SearchInput m_si;
Query m_qq;
long m_round;
HttpRequest m_r;
Msg1e m_me;
long m_i;
// this means the user supplied the query, not us!
bool m_isTurkSpecialQuery;//m_checkTemplateTable;
bool m_showTurkInstructions;
//long m_lastLaunched;
static bool getResults ( State61 *st ) ;
static bool gotResults ( State61 *st ) ;
static void gotResultsWrapper ( void *st ) {gotResults ( (State61 *)st); }
static void doneReindexing ( void *state ) ;
static bool presentTurkForm ( State61 *st ) ;
static bool printCaptcha ( State61 *st );
// Public Key: 6Lcbz8YSAAAAAKpdFkMMgC_hbqS7chAELn-RdEvO
// Private Key:6Lcbz8YSAAAAAPj32r2DiHFGMHzJj7Jd5siFpt6R
//char *g_pubKey = "6LfD0sYSAAAAAPHUcvW0561zGy2tKuZNHzCBKJc_";
//char *g_privKey = "6LfD0sYSAAAAAGqm_MTJuley77B3PtauGoKNVt68";
char *g_pubKey = "6LfG0sYSAAAAAGjlvIQm53qJ1LK41lSFM7ya9Qy7";
char *g_privKey = "6LfG0sYSAAAAAJIZqEYvnRgISrwB_u_schINl1ro";
static HashTableX s_captchaTable;
static char s_capbuf[1024];
bool isCaptchaReplyCorrect ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// get the doc content
char *reply = s->m_readBuf;
// point to html
char *content = NULL;
if ( reply ) content = strstr ( reply , "\r\n\r\n" );
if ( content ) content += 4;
// check status
if ( content && strncasecmp(content,"true",4) == 0 )
return true;
if ( content ) log("captcha: failed: %s",content);
else log("captcha: failed: no answer");
return false;
// did we get a captcha reply?
void gotGoogleCaptchaReply ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
// cast it
State61 *st = (State61 *)state;
// is it correct?
bool passed = isCaptchaReplyCorrect ( s );
// if we passed reset this and present the next item to turk
if ( passed ) {
// store in table ...
if ( s_captchaTable.m_numSlots > 0 )
s_captchaTable.addTerm64 ( &st->m_tuid64 );
presentTurkForm ( st );
// shortcut
SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb;
// print the full response
//sb->safePrintf ( "Last Captcha Result: %s<br><br>",content);
// otherwise, print another captcha!
printCaptcha ( st );
// and try again
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( st->m_socket,
sb->length() ,
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State61) , "state61" );
delete (st);
// . from
// . use POST to
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . otherwise your callback will be called
bool verifyCaptchaInput ( TcpSocket *socket ,
HttpRequest *r ,
void *st ,
void (callback)(void *state,TcpSocket *s) ) {
long ip = socket->m_ip;
char *challenge = r->getString("recaptcha_challenge_field",NULL);
char *response = r->getString("recaptcha_response_field",NULL);
char rubuf[1024];
// the input. make this a POST!
char *u = rubuf;
u += sprintf(u,
// response has spaces in it so encode to %20 etc.
u += urlEncode ( u , 100 , response , gbstrlen(response) );
// null terminate
*u = '\0';
char *agent = "RecaptchaAgent/1.0";
//char *agent = "Gigabot/2.0";
// "Mozilla/5.0 "
// "(X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: "
// "Gecko/20100715 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.7";
// send it out
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( rubuf,
0 , // ip of google unknown
0 , // offset
-1 , // size unknown
0 , // if modified since
st , // state
callback,//gotGoogleCaptchaReply ,
10*1000 , // 10 second timeout
0 , // proxy ip
0 , // proxy port
5000 , // max text doc len
5000 , // max other doc len
agent ,
"HTTP/1.0" , // proto
true )) // do POST?
// return true if blocked
return true;
// error?
return log("captcha: answer fetch error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageTurk ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
// are we the admin?
//bool isAdmin = g_collectiondb.isAdmin ( r , s );
// . must always be on host #0
// . that way we can prevent lock leak
// . so when a turk reloads the /eval page he gets back the same
// event he had locked... unless it got unlocked because it
// was like an hour old
// . use g_lockerTable for this
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_hostId != 0 ) {
log("turk: must be called on host #0 only!");
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"not host #0!");
// did we get a turk user? should be there!
char *turkUser = r->getString("evaluser",NULL);
char *turkIpStr = r->getString("evalip",NULL);
// if no user, print empty with form for entering user
if ( ! turkUser )
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
"no evaluser supplied");
if ( ! turkIpStr )
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
"no evalip supplied");
// make a state
State61 *st ;
try { st = new (State61); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("PageTagdb: new(%i): %s",
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));}
mnew ( st , sizeof(State61) , "st61" );
st->m_r.copy ( r );
// do not let original free the junk, m_r will do that
st->m_r.m_cgiBuf2 = NULL;
// get the collection record
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( r );
// the pages.cpp should always verify this for us!
if ( ! cr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get collection name and its length
char *coll = cr->m_coll;
long collLen = gbstrlen ( coll );
memcpy ( st->m_coll , coll , collLen );
st->m_coll [ collLen ] = '\0';
// save socket for retuning a page when we're done
st->m_socket = s;
//st->m_isSuperTurk = r->getLong("superturk",0);
st->m_isSuperTurk = isSuperTurk ( turkUser );
// did we get a turk user? should be there!
//char *turkUser = r->getString("turkuser",NULL);
// convert to 64-bit hash
st->m_tuid64 = hash64n(turkUser);
// this means the user supplied the query, not us!
char *sq = st->m_r.getString("q",NULL);
if ( sq ) st->m_isTurkSpecialQuery = true;
else st->m_isTurkSpecialQuery = false;
// default to yes!
st->m_showTurkInstructions = st->m_r.getLong("showins",-1);
// print the admin top junk for page
//g_pages.printAdminTop ( &st->m_sb , s , r );
// . did we get a turk submission?
// . let msg1e process it
if ( r->getLong("eval",0) == 1 ) {
// reset
st->m_me.m_stage = 0;
// reference our copied version of httpRequest
st->m_me.m_r = &st->m_r;
// set its callback
st->m_me.m_callback = doneReindexing;
st->m_me.m_state = st;
// handle the input
if ( ! st->m_me.processLoop ( ) )
return false;
// is it a captcha reply? let's verify it if so
char *captchasubmit = st->m_r.getString("captchasubmit",NULL);
// if they hit reload on the page that appeared right after they
// solved the captcha, fix that!
long score3 = s_captchaTable.getScore ( &st->m_tuid64 );
if ( score3 != 0 ) captchasubmit = NULL;
if ( captchasubmit ) {
// . send out request to google
// . this returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . returns true if blocked and will call callback
if ( verifyCaptchaInput ( s , r , st ,gotGoogleCaptchaReply ) )
return false;
// we had an error
char *errmsg = mstrerror(g_errno);
bool ss = g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(st->m_socket,500,errmsg);
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State61) , "state61" );
delete (st);
// we did not block
return ss;
// trick em
long turkIp = atoip(turkIpStr);
if ( isTurkBanned ( &st->m_tuid64, turkIp ) ) {
goto hadError;
if ( ! g_conf.m_turkingEnabled ) {
char *errmsg = "Evaluating is temporarily disabled while we "
"are upgrading the system";
bool ss = g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(st->m_socket,500,errmsg);
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State61) , "state61" );
delete (st);
// we did not block
return ss;
// before displaying the page to be turked, see if we already
// evaluated it. sometimes the server cores before it can fully
// inject the evaluated page, so we think it hasn't been evaluated,
// but we have already added the turk tag votes to turkdb...
// thus we get locked up. we see the page with our votes in red,
// and we have no submit button to re-inject it.
// or, just display the page again, but with a submit button that
// will just reinject the page... or allow them to re-vote on it
// but only if we set cored=1 or something...
static bool s_init = false;
if ( ! s_init ) {
s_init = true;
// assume do not have to do a captcha yet
bool doCaptcha = false;
// since we are always host #0, just keep a global table
// that has how many times each turk user has voted today without
// having a captcha!
long score = s_captchaTable.getScore ( &st->m_tuid64 );
// 20 votes or more means do a captch
if ( score == 0 ) doCaptcha = true;
// but not super turk!
if ( st->m_isSuperTurk ) doCaptcha = false;
// turn off for debugging now!
doCaptcha = false;
// before doing a search query, see if we shold do a captcha
if ( doCaptcha ) {
// shortcut
SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb;
// sometimes provide a captcha
if ( ! printCaptcha ( st ) ) goto hadError;
// ok, print it out!
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( st->m_socket,
sb->length() ,
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State61) , "state61" );
delete (st);
return true;
// how many times they've turked an event without answering a captcha
s_captchaTable.addTerm64 ( &st->m_tuid64 );
// if now 30, remove! next time they will see a captcha
if ( score >= 29 ) s_captchaTable.removeKey ( &st->m_tuid64 );
// now do the search and present the turk form
return presentTurkForm ( st );
void doneReindexing ( void *state ) {
State61 *st = (State61 *)state;
presentTurkForm( st );
bool presentTurkForm ( State61 *st ) {
// set stuff now
//st->m_isAdmin = isAdmin;
// if g_errno was set then the last injection did not go through
// perhaps because of ENOMEM or the geocoder was down!
// so just note that here
if ( g_errno ) {
char *errmsg = mstrerror(g_errno);
log("turk: injection had an error: %s",errmsg);
bool x=g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(st->m_socket,500,errmsg);
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State61) , "state61" );
delete (st);
return x;
// reset round
st->m_round = 0;
HttpRequest *r = &st->m_r;
// did we get a turk user? should be there!
char *turkUser = r->getString("evaluser",NULL);
// convert to 64-bit hash
//st->m_tuid64 = hash64n(turkUser);
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( &st->m_r );
SearchInput *si = &st->m_si;
// init it
//si->set ( st->m_socket , r , &st->m_qq );
// default this up. niceness = 0.
si->setToDefaults ( cr , 0 );
// the most important!
si->m_q = &st->m_qq;
// some search parms
si->m_skipEventMerge = 1;
si->m_niceness = 0;// TURKNICE;
si->m_doSiteClustering = false;
si->m_doIpClustering = false;
si->m_doDupContentRemoval = false;
si->m_docsWanted = 300; // endNum - startNum;
si->m_firstResultNum = 0; // startNum;
si->m_getTurkForm = true;
si->m_showTurkInstructions = st->m_showTurkInstructions;
// this means the user supplied the query, not us!
si->m_isTurkSpecialQuery = st->m_isTurkSpecialQuery;
si->m_compoundListMaxSize = 1000000;
si->m_numTopicGroups = 0;
si->m_clockOff = 0;
si->m_clockSet = 0;
// it is not super critical machine clock is synced right away.
// it could take a second or so after we come up to sync with host #0
if ( isClockInSync() ) si->m_nowUTC = getTimeGlobal();
else si->m_nowUTC = getTimeLocal ();
// . sort by next upcoming time of event (if any)
// . TODO: make sure does not include expired events
si->m_sortBy = SORTBY_TIME;
// coll
//strncpy ( si->m_coll , st->m_coll , MAX_COLL_LEN-1);
si->m_coll2 = st->m_coll;
si->m_collLen2 = st->m_collLen;
// store turk user in search input
//strncpy ( si->m_turkUser , turkUser , 100 );
si->m_turkUser = turkUser;
// store turk ip in search input
char *tips = r->getString("evalip",NULL);
if ( tips ) si->m_turkIp = atoip ( tips );
return getResults ( st );
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool getResults ( State61 *st ) {
// nothing to turk?
if ( st->m_round >= 3 )
// nothing too turk!
return gotResults ( st );
// prefer getting the stuff turked first so we can confirm it
// and get people paid!!
long turked = 1;
if ( st->m_round == 0 ) turked = 1;
if ( st->m_round == 1 ) turked = 0;
// . if no results from the first 2 rounds, now we try a 3rd
// query that allows us to directly turk pages that we have
// turked indirectly and are still not confirmed (i.e. no consensus)
// . so we can end up directly turking every event if we do not
// have 5 total turks that whose 5 indirect votes are required
// to give consensus/confirmation on an event.
long long tuh64 = st->m_tuid64;
if ( st->m_round == 2 ) tuh64 = 0;
// advance!
st->m_round = st->m_round + 1;
// sometimes we restrict turking to a city so this might
// be gbcity:albuquerque for example
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( &st->m_r );
char *suppq = "";
if ( cr ) suppq = cr->m_supplementalTurkQuery;
// construct the query
char tq[1024];
sprintf ( tq,
// avoid events we already turked directly
"-gbturkeddirectlyby:%llu "
// if NOT all (error,title,venue) got an indirect vote
// from us, then we should directly turk it! its like
// a half ass indirect turk ...
"-gberrortitlevenueturkedindirectlyby:%llu "
// avoid events with outlinked titles ALWAYS. i only
// added these back in so that if the turks cause an event
// to get an outlinked title we do not lose all the voting
// info because before EV_OUTLINKED_TITLE bit was part
// of the EV_BAD_FLAGS bits and the event would not get
// indexed or stored.
//"-gbtitleinoutlink:1 "
// this now also includes EV_OLD_EVENT and EV_DEDUPED that
// were still indexed because they were directly turked
// at one time, otherwise, we'd lose that voting info and
// the voting turk could not look at their record. of course
// if the page is updated and the event is dropped we will
// lose the voting record that way, anyway...
"-gbbadevent:1 "
// avoid events whose title and status are confirmed already
"-gbturkconfirmed:1 "
// avoid store hours for now...
// . no because we now set EV_STORE_HOURS if the event
// title equals the event venue name, and we might have
// picked the wrong title, so we need the turks to
// decide!
// . and besides the store hours seems to be a small
// percent
// . to fix this may maybe index gbstorehoursbytime:1
// or something...
"-gbstorehours:1 "
// sometimes do initial eval, sometimes confirm old eval...
"+gbturked:%li "
// use a fake value of 0 for this to turn it off!
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"turk: q=%s",tq);
// set query. bool flag = 0 --> not bool
st->m_qq.set ( tq , 0 );
// check template table by default
//st->m_checkTemplateTable = true;
//st->m_isTurkSpecialQuery = false;
// . use provided query if superturk
// . regular turk does a query to show past turked things!!
//if ( st->m_isSuperTurk ) {
char *sq = st->m_r.getString("q",NULL);
// bool flag = 2 --> autodecide
if ( sq ) st->m_qq.set ( sq, 2 );
// get search results
SearchInput *si = &st->m_si;
// reset result for loop index
st->m_i = 0;
//st->m_lastLaunched = -1;
// try to verify events even if they are expired
if ( turked ) si->m_showExpiredEvents = 1;
else si->m_showExpiredEvents = 0;
// get results
if ( ! st->m_msg40.getResults ( si ,false,st,gotResultsWrapper ) )
// return false if we blocked
return false;
// . this returns false if blocks, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on failure
if ( ! gotResults ( st ) ) return false;
// did not block...
return true;
class TurkLock {
long long m_tuid64;
long m_turkIp;
unsigned long m_adch32;
unsigned long m_adth32;
bool m_isSuperTurk;
long long m_uh48;
time_t m_addTime;
unsigned long long m_templateHash64;
bool m_isTurkSpecialQuery;
static HashTableX g_lockerTable;
static bool s_init = false;
RdbCache g_templateCache;
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool gotResults ( State61 *st ) {
// shortcut
Msg40 *m40 = &st->m_msg40;
// have we exhausted all queries?
bool exhausted = (st->m_round >= 3);
long numResults = m40->getNumResults();
// if no results, try another query or print empty page if can't
if ( numResults <= 0 && ! exhausted ) return getResults (st);
Msg20Reply *mr = NULL;
if ( ! s_init ) {
s_init = true;
// . init the lock table, send back error msg
// . now we allow dups so superturks can lock something
// in addition to one regular turk
if ( ! g_lockerTable.set (8,(long)sizeof(TurkLock)
,64,NULL,0,true,0,"lckrtbl") ){
char *errmsg = mstrerror(g_errno);
bool x;
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State61) , "state61" );
delete (st);
return x;
// init this if we need to
static bool s_ttinit = false;
if ( ! s_ttinit ) {
if ( ! g_templateCache.init(300000,
300000/16, // maxCacheNodes
false , // usehalfkeys
8, // cachekeysize
0 ) )// datakeysize
// return true with g_errno set on error
return true;
s_ttinit = true;
// shortcut
//Msg12 *m12 = &st->m_me.m_msg12;
// debug for now
//g_conf.m_logDebugSpider = true;
unsigned long long templateHash64 ;
// . scan lockertable and remove any old lock you may have had
// . like if you are a super turk and decide to spot turk another
// url and abandon the page you are on, let's release the lock
// . or if you are a regular turk viewing your past voting history
// because you clicked on the "link" in your "My Stats" page.
// . ALSO, to fix turks from leaving the page on their browser we
// remove their lock so others can turk the page
// . and if the try to submit the turk form after an hour
// it will probably log the fradulated comment below
long now = getTimeGlobal();
HashTableX *ht = &g_lockerTable;
// come up here if we did remove something
// timeout old locks first (cleanup)
for ( long i = 0 ; i < ht->m_numSlots ; i ++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if empty
if ( ! ht->m_flags[i] ) continue;
// get slot
TurkLock *tk = (TurkLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot(i);
// get timestamp
time_t addTime = tk->m_addTime;
// skip it?
bool nuke = false;
// expired?
if ( now - addTime >= 3600 ) nuke = true;
// or if us!
if ( tk->m_tuid64 == st->m_tuid64 ) nuke = true;
// remove it?
if ( ! nuke ) continue;
// get key
long long uh48 = tk->m_uh48;
// ok, it is expired
log("turk: force releasing turk lock on uh48=%llu",uh48);
// do it
ht->removeSlot ( i );
// re do full loop
goto redo;
// scan each result and get try to get the turk lock for it!
for ( ; st->m_i < numResults ; st->m_i++ ) {
// breathe
// get result #i reply
mr = m40->m_msg20[st->m_i]->m_r;
// no need to do lock checking if doing a direct query
if ( st->m_isTurkSpecialQuery ) break;
// shortcut
long long uh48 = mr->m_urlHash48;
// shortcut
HashTableX *ht = &g_lockerTable;
// check our lock table
long tslot = ht->getSlot(&uh48);
// assume we own it
bool available = true;
// iterate over locks
for ( ; tslot >= 0 ; tslot = ht->getNextSlot(tslot,&uh48) ) {
// breathe
// cast it
TurkLock *tk = (TurkLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot(tslot);
// skip if superturk
if ( tk->m_isSuperTurk ) continue;
// ignore also if just looking at stats
if ( tk->m_isTurkSpecialQuery ) continue;
// stop if us
if ( tk->m_tuid64 == st->m_tuid64 ) break;
// i guess another turk has locked this url
available = false;
// skip result if not ours exclusivelt
if ( ! available ) continue;
// stop if no need to check
//if ( ! st->m_checkTemplateTable ) break;
// now we also skip it if we already turked this TEMPLATE
// . crap what if the template has no definitive title tag
// hash that identifies the title, then the indirect votes
// aren't good enough and we have to turk each event
// directly. so the turks will have to re-turk the same
// template... so this doesn't cut it...
templateHash64 = hash64h ( st->m_tuid64 , mr->m_adth32 );
// incorporate domain hash too now
templateHash64 = hash64h ( mr->m_domHash , templateHash64 );
// . only check if round excludes pages indirectly turked
// by this turk to get around the "crap" note above
// . round was incremented, so use <= 2
if ( st->m_round <= 2 &&
// use -1 for maxAge --> no expiration date since
// once we've indirectly turked a format for a site then
// we've always indirectly turked it...
g_templateCache.isInCache ( 0,(char *)&templateHash64,-1))
// otherwise, not there or it is our lock
// . try to get lock if we have not launched m_i request yet
// . this returns false if blocked
if ( st->m_lastLaunched != st->m_i ) {
// launch lock request
bool status = m12->getLocks ( mr->m_urlHash48 ,
mr->ptr_ubuf ,
st ,
gotResultsWrapper );
// note it
st->m_lastLaunched = st->m_i;
// return false if blocked
if ( ! status ) return false;
// ok, did not block... or last reply returned with lock!
if ( m12->m_hasLock ) break;
// if all were locked try the query again but for stuff
// that has not yet been turked! fixes an issue where
// zak has lock on the only turked page becaues he's turking
// a 2nd event on that same page.
if ( st->m_i >= numResults && ! exhausted )
return getResults (st);
char *turkUser = st->m_r.getString("evaluser",NULL);
char *turkIp = st->m_r.getString("evalip",NULL);
// where to store?
SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb;
if ( ! printHeader ( turkUser, turkIp, st->m_coll , sb ) )
goto hadError;
// if they were following a "link" on the stats page and the event
// got dropped from the page, then it will be a not found!
if ( st->m_i >= numResults && st->m_isTurkSpecialQuery ) {
// tell them
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<b>Sorry, the event that you evaluated "
"no longer exists in the index. Most "
"likely the web page was updated and "
"the event was dropped by the "
goto hadError;
// no lock? nothing to turk then...
else if ( st->m_i >= numResults ) {
// tell them
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<b>Sorry, nothing available to turk. "
"Are you sure <font color=red>\"%s\""
"</font> is the right "
"collection? "
"Please try again later.</b>",
st->m_coll) )
goto hadError;
else {
// make tbl so right pane is iframe of the page being turked
//if ( ! sb->safePrintf("<TABLE border=1 width=100%%>") )
// goto hadError;
//if(!sb->safePrintf("<TR><TD bgcolor=lightgreen valign=top>"))
// goto hadError;
if ( ! sb->safePrintf("\n"
"<div id=\"eval-main\" "
"<div id=\"eval-left\" style="
goto hadError;
// . make a turk lock
// . save XmlDoc::getTurkForm() from having to relay this info
// back to us when we process the form inputs
// . also makes it harder for turks to hack us
TurkLock tk;
tk.m_tuid64 = st->m_tuid64; // turkuser hash
//tk.m_eventHash64 = mr->m_eventHash64;
//tk.m_eventId = mr->m_eventId;
//tk.m_docId = mr->m_docId;
tk.m_turkIp = st->m_si.m_turkIp;
tk.m_adch32 = mr->m_adch32; // address date content hash
tk.m_adth32 = mr->m_adth32; // address date tag hash
tk.m_isSuperTurk = st->m_isSuperTurk;
tk.m_uh48 = mr->m_urlHash48;
tk.m_addTime = getTimeGlobal(); // now;
tk.m_templateHash64 = templateHash64;
tk.m_isTurkSpecialQuery = st->m_isTurkSpecialQuery;
// if we are doing a special query, do not bother with lock!
// no, otherwise it say fradulated...
if ( //! st->m_isTurkSpecialQuery &&
// otherwise, add a lock to it...
! g_lockerTable.addKey(&mr->m_urlHash48,&tk))
goto hadError;
// log that too
log("turk: adding lock uh48=%llu for %s",
// now display the first search result
// use this for now
if ( ! sb->safeMemcpy ( mr->ptr_turkForm ,
mr->size_turkForm - 1 ) )
goto hadError;
// need to set this junk
char ebuf[65];
ebuf[0] = '\0';
EventIdBits eib;
eib.addEventId ( mr->m_eventId );
binToHex((uint8_t *)eib.m_bits,32,ebuf);
ebuf[64] = '\0';
if ( ! sb->safePrintf(//"</TD><TD valign=top "
// end the left pane div
// begin the iframe div
"<div id=\"eval-right\" style="
"<iframe "
"height:100%%; "
// the cached url
// cnsp=1 means do not print disclaimer
// "This is Gigablast's cached page..."
"\" "
"scrolling=yes "
"align=top "
//"width=1000 "
"Your browser does not support iframes. "
"You may not evaluate this event "
"information until you upgrade to "
"a browser that does. "
goto hadError;
// now the content
// ok, print it out!
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( st->m_socket,
sb->length() ,
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State61) , "state61" );
delete (st);
return true;
// Msg1e
// adds turk votes to tagdb and reindexes turked urls
static void processLoopWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msg1e *THIS = (Msg1e *)state;
if ( ! THIS->processLoop() ) return;
// all done, call callback
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
// see XmlDoc::getTurkForm() to see where the form we process here is created
bool Msg1e::processLoop ( ) {
// * the taghash is the hash of the first tag's id containing the event
// line combined with the hashes of the next four tag parents' ids.
// this allows us to apply what we learn here to other pages on the
// same site.
// * the contenthash is already given in EventDesc::m_contentHash and
// was taken from the content hash of the sentence section.
// TODO: set EDF_VENUE_NAME bits in each EventDesc class
// TODO: add the venue names as AF_TURKED_NAME to placedb so
// that the turk is verifying venue names for us.
// TODO: make tagdb lookup url as a whole for getting tagdb record of
// page so eventreject can be applied to all events on a
// particular url.
// Then when we calculate the event title, etc. we grab the tags
// mentioned above and use them to increase/decrease the title score,
// desc score and venue name scores.
// We still index rejected events, for debugging and re-turking
// purposes, but we index the gbtagreject:1 term for them. if an event
// was accepted and not rejected, and it was turked, we index
// gbtagaccept:1
// this happens if ENOME but more often if geocoder is down!!
if ( g_errno ) {
log("turk: got error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
// shortcut for all stages to use
XmlDoc *xd = &m_msg7.m_xd;
// STAGE 0
if ( m_stage == 0 ) {
long long docId = m_r->getLongLong("docid",0LL);
log("turk: loading old title rec for turked docid=%llu "
if ( docId == 0LL ) { g_errno = ENODOCID; return true; }
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_r );
char *coll = cr->m_coll;
// . try a niceness of 0
// . should not block, but just returns false on error
if ( ! xd->set3 ( docId , coll , TURKNICE ) ) return true;
// use this msg and function as the callback function
xd->m_state = this;
xd->m_callback1 = processLoopWrapper;
// advance stage
m_stage = 1;
// this usually blocks
if ( ! xd->loadFromOldTitleRec ( ) )
return false;
// get key
long long uh48 = xd->getFirstUrlHash48();
char *url = xd->getFirstUrl()->getUrl();
// need this now i guess
char *turkUser = m_r->getString("evaluser",NULL);
long long tuid64 = hash64n ( turkUser );
// shortcut
HashTableX *ht = &g_lockerTable;
// . make sure this is the url they had locked
// . prevents turk from turking a url they should not be
// . try to find the lock that belongs to us
long tslot = ht->getSlot(&uh48);
// assume no lock
TurkLock *tk = NULL;
// iterate over locks
for ( ; tslot >= 0 ; tslot = ht->getNextSlot(tslot,&uh48) ) {
// breathe
// cast it
tk = (TurkLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot(tslot);
// stop if us
if ( tk->m_tuid64 == tuid64 ) break;
// needs to be there
if ( ! tk ) {
log("turk: turk fradulated bogus docid uh48=%llu",uh48);
return true;
// see if banned
//long turkIp = atoip(turkIpStr);
if ( isTurkBanned ( &tk->m_tuid64, tk->m_turkIp ) ) {
log("turk: turk is banned. wtf uh48=%llu",uh48);
return true;
// must match us
if ( tk->m_tuid64 != tuid64 ) {
log("turk: wrong turkuser for lock uh48=%llu",uh48);
return true;
if ( ! tk->m_adch32 ) {
log("turk: missing adch32 for lock uh48=%llu",uh48);
return true;
// not while repairing
if ( g_repairMode ) {
log("turk: can't turk while repairing.");
g_errno = EREPAIRING;
return true;
// STAGE 1
if ( m_stage == 1 ) {
// log the stages
log("turk: adding turk votes for uh48=%llu url=%s",
// info on turk's ip
//char *turkUser = m_r->getString("turkuser",NULL);
//char *userIpStr = m_r->getString("turkip",NULL);
//long turkIp = 0;
//if ( userIpStr ) turkIp = atoip(userIpStr);
// get long longs since they are printed as 32-bit unsigned
// so if they exceed 3 billion or so HttpRequest::getLong()
// would falter!
//longlong adch64=m_r->getLongLong("addressdatecontenthash",0);
//long long adth64=m_r->getLongLong("addressdatetaghash",0);
// but ultimately they are 32 bit unsigned
//unsigned long adch32 = (unsigned long)adch64;
//unsigned long adth32 = (unsigned long)adth64;
// shortcuts
long now = getTimeGlobal();
SafeBuf *sb = &m_sb;
long votePower = 1;
//char isSuperTurk = m_r->getLong("superturk",0);
if ( tk->m_isSuperTurk ) votePower = 5;
long reject = m_r->getLong ( "reject" , 0 );
// error?
if ( reject <= -1 || reject >= 10 ) {
log("turk: reject code error = %li",reject);
return true;
// banned turk?
if ( isTurkBanned ( &tuid64, tk->m_turkIp ) ) {
log("turk: avoided adding banned turk votes");
return true;
// make a special fake site so we just store all votes
// for the same adth32 together
char fakeSite[64+MAX_URL_LEN];
char *dom = xd->getFirstUrl()->getDomain();
long dlen = xd->getFirstUrl()->getDomainLen();
char c = dom[dlen];
dom[dlen] = '\0';
sprintf(fakeSite,"adth32-%lu-%s",tk->m_adth32,dom );
dom[dlen] = c;
// add vote for error (accept/reject)
// . add the turkaccepted/turkrejected tag
// . did the turk reject the event using the place date hash?
// add it
char dataVal[256];
// data=<uh48>,<adch32>,<adth32>>,<sentch32>
// <sentth32>,<"title"|"venue"|"descr"|"error">,[0|1+]
sprintf ( dataVal,"%llu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%li,error,%li",
// since we do not have a single sentence
// for this vote, it is for the event
// as a whole, so use adch32/adth32
// put tag into this rdb
//if ( ! sb->pushChar ( (char)RDB_TURKDB ) )
// return true;
if ( ! sb->addTag ( fakeSite,//xd->getFirstUrl()->getUrl() ,
"turkvote" ,
now ,
turkUser ,
tk->m_turkIp ,
dataVal ,
true ) )
return true;
// add vote for title
if ( reject == 0 ) {
// get the title value
char *title = m_r->getValue("turktitle",NULL);
// must be there if not rejected
if ( ! title ) {
log("turk: no title given!");
return true;
// its format is like %lu-%li = (sentch32-sentth32)
unsigned long titlech32 = 0;
unsigned long titleth32 = 0;
sscanf ( title , "%lu-%lu", &titlech32, &titleth32 );
// add vote tag into here
char dataVal[256];
// sanity check
if ( titlech32 == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// data=<uh48>,<adch32>,<adth32>>,<sentch32>
// <sentth32>,<"title"|"venue"|"descr"|"error">,[0|1+]
sprintf ( dataVal,"%llu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%li,title,1",
// put tag into this rdb
//if ( ! sb->pushChar ( (char)RDB_TURKDB ) )
// return true;
if ( ! sb->addTag ( fakeSite,
"turkvote" ,
now ,
turkUser ,
tk->m_turkIp ,
dataVal ,
gbstrlen(dataVal) ,
true ) )
return true;
// crap, now we must add all of our sentences that
// have that content hash but a different tag hash
// because the turk doesn't know which one is the
// right one! and neither do we!!
// so scan all of our cgis...
if ( ! addSupplementalVoteTags ( fakeSite,
// vote prefix
return true;
// add vote for venue
if ( reject == 0 ) {
// get the title value
char *venue = m_r->getValue("turkvenue",NULL);
// must be there if not rejected
if ( ! venue ) {
log("turk: no venue given!");
return true;
// if none, do not add
if ( strcmp ( venue, "none" ) == 0 ) goto skipVenue;
// its format is like %lu-%li = (sentch32-sentth32)
unsigned long venuech32 = 0;
unsigned long venueth32 = 0;
sscanf ( venue , "%lu-%lu", &venuech32, &venueth32 );
// add vote tag into here
char dataVal[256];
// data=<uh48>,<adch32>,<adth32>>,<sentch32>
// <sentth32>,<"title"|"venue"|"descr"|"error">,[0|1+]
sprintf ( dataVal,"%llu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%li,venue,1",
// put tag into this rdb
//if ( ! sb->pushChar ( (char)RDB_TURKDB ) )
// return true;
if ( ! sb->addTag ( fakeSite,
"turkvote" ,
now ,
turkUser ,
tk->m_turkIp ,
dataVal ,
gbstrlen(dataVal) ,
true ) )
return true;
// sometimes there are multiple sections with
// different turktaghashes but the same content hash.
// these are dups. and we should add them all!
if ( ! addSupplementalVoteTags ( fakeSite,
// vote prefix
return true;
// add votes for description
// scan the cgi inputs for tags we need to add
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_r->m_numFields ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// not if rejected!
if ( reject ) break;
// get it
char *name = m_r->m_fields[i];
// . skip if not an initial checkbox value
// . "i-venue-*-*", "i-title-*-*" or "i-desc-*-*"
if ( strncmp(name,"i-",2) ) continue;
// get its initial value
char *ival = m_r->m_fieldValues[i];
// . was it checked initially then?
// . sometimes this is 9 which really means '0'
// see below for explanation
bool initiallyChecked = ( ival[0] == '1');
// ok, now see if it changed because the turk
// checked/unchecked the checkbox
char *val = m_r->getValue ( name+2 );
// assume not checked now
bool nowChecked = false;
// if empty checkbox does not submit!!
if ( val && val[0] == '1' ) nowChecked = true;
// assume this checkbox value was unchanged by the turk
bool changed = false;
// if it was set to '9' that means record it
// regardless because it might now NOT be part
// of the default event description because it
// is above the event title, but if the event title
// changes, then it will become part of the event
// title. so we need to record the turk votes on
// these "pretty" sentences. SENT_PRETTY. those
// are the only ones that isIndexable() will return
// true on basically, and thus not set the
// EventDesc::m_dscore to 0.
// . now accomplish the same thing with just
// an extra hidden tag
// . 'r' means REcord. should we record the vote?
//if ( ival[0]=='9' ) record = true;
long record = m_r->getLong ( name, 0 );
// always record if not description vote
if ( name[2] != 'd' ) record = 1;
// we always add the title regardless. that way any
// events from this same site will be guaranteed to
// get the turkeventtitletaghash tag and know that
// their format has been turked
if ( name[2]=='t' && nowChecked ) changed = true;
// skip if unchanged
if ( initiallyChecked != nowChecked ) changed = true;
// skip if unchanged and not title
if ( ! record && ! changed ) continue;
// assume this
long modVotePower = votePower;
// HACK: skip is true just use a voting power of 0 to
// indicate we did not change the default vote. because
// we only want to compare the changes a turk made to
// the default event description. that is what we
// compare to other turks to decide if they have
// an agreement of 50% in order to "pass" vs "fail"
if ( ! changed ) modVotePower = 0;
// cgi parm name is like "desc-ch32-th32"
char *sub1 = name + 2;
// skip to first hyphen
for ( ; *sub1 && *sub1 != '-' ; sub1++ );
// advance over that
// now find the end
char *subend1 = sub1;
// find end
for ( ; *subend1 && *subend1 != '-'; subend1++ );
// error?
if ( *subend1 != '-' ) {
return true;
// now get the "content hash" from the cgi parm name
char *sub2 = subend1 + 1;
char *subend2 = sub2;
// find end
for ( ; *subend2 ; subend2++ );
// make it easy
*subend1 = '\0';
char *voteField = NULL;
long favor = 1;
if ( name[2] == 'd' && nowChecked )
voteField = "descr";
else if ( name[2] == 'd' && ! nowChecked ) {
voteField = "descr";
favor = 0; // a "not" vote
// otherwise, do not add a tag
else continue;
// put tag into this rdb
//if ( ! sb->pushChar ( (char)RDB_TURKDB ) )
// return true;
//if ( strncmp(sub1,"155591542",9)==0 )
// log("poo");
// and the content hash as ascii
char dataVal[256];
// . content hash based tag
// . sub1 is contenthash32
// . sub2 is taghash32
sprintf ( dataVal ,"%llu,%lu,%lu,%s,%s,%li,%5s,%li",
if ( ! sb->addTag3 ( fakeSite,
"turkvote" ,
now ,
turkUser ,
tk->m_turkIp ,
dataVal ,
return true;
Msg4 *m = &xd->m_msg4;
char *metaList = sb->getBufStart();
long metaListSize = sb->length();
// advance stage
m_stage = 2;
if ( ! m->addMetaList ( metaList ,
metaListSize ,
xd->m_coll ,
this ,
processLoopWrapper ,
0 ) ) // TURK_NICE // m_niceness ) )
// return false if blocked
return false;
// STAGE 2
if ( m_stage == 2 ) {
// advance stage
m_stage = 3;
// log the stages
log("turk: flushing msg4 buffers for uh48=%llu url=%s",
// flush it. true = wait?
if ( ! flushMsg4Buffers ( this , processLoopWrapper ) )
// return false if blocked
return false;
// wait for flush. may be forever if host is dead.
// . do a quick reinject of just that particular url,
// . mark as accepted/rejected
// . should disappear from the search results either way if you have
// a gbturked:0 term in your query
// STAGE 3
if ( m_stage == 3 ) {
m_stage = 4;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_r );
char *coll = cr->m_coll;
// log the stages
log("turk: calling msg7 inject on turked uh48=%llu url=%s",
//if ( ! xd->m_contentTypeValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// make it call set3 on the xmldoc just once
m_msg7.m_needsSet = true;
if ( ! m_msg7.inject ( xd->getFirstUrl()->getUrl() ,
xd->m_firstIp ,
NULL, // content
0 , // contentLen
true , // recycle?
CT_HTML, // doesn't matter! cont is null
coll ,
false , // quickreply?
NULL, // usenrmame
NULL, // pwd
// we really don't want a page that
// takes forever to parse to hold
// up the query pipeline, so make
// sure this is 1! do use niceness 0
// for certain msg requests like msg2c
// which i already did!
processLoopWrapper ) )
// return false if blocked
return false;
// STAGE 4
// add the remaining urls to spiderdb i guess
if ( m_stage == 4 ) {
// log it now
log("turk: done indexing injected doc uh48=%llu url=%s",
m_stage = 5;
char *dom = xd->getFirstUrl()->getDomain();
long dlen = xd->getFirstUrl()->getDomainLen();
char c = dom[dlen];
dom[dlen] = '\0';
// reindex all OTHER pages that have an event with this
// same address/date tag hash. they are likely made from
// the same template
"gbadth32:%lu "
"-gbuh48:%llu "
// put it back
dom[dlen] = c;
// dedup docids, and reindex all but the one we injected
if ( ! m_msg1c.reindexQuery ( m_queryBuf ,
0, // startNum ,
999999, // endNum ,
this ,
processLoopWrapper ) )
// return false if blocked
return false;
// release the lock!!
if ( m_stage == 5 ) {
m_stage = 6;
// force this on, we are host #0 so it should auto propagate
// to all hosts in the network
if ( m_msg1c.m_numDocIdsAdded )
g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = true;
//m_msg12.m_uh48 = uh48;
//m_msg12.m_firstIp = xd->getFirstIp();
// so it doesn't dump core, return false if blocked
//m_msg12.m_state = this;
//m_msg12.m_callback = processLoopWrapper;
// and do not make this turk re-turk this same template hash
if ( !g_templateCache.addRecord( 0 , //collnum
(char *)&tk->m_templateHash64,
log("turk: failed to add template key");
//if ( ! m_msg12.removeAllLocks() ) return false;
// shortcut
HashTableX *ht = &g_lockerTable;
// . make sure this is the url they had locked
// . prevents turk from turking a url they should not be
// . try to find the lock that belongs to us
long tslot = ht->getSlot(&uh48);
// assume no lock
TurkLock *tk = NULL;
// iterate over locks
for ( ; tslot >= 0 ; tslot = ht->getNextSlot(tslot,&uh48) ) {
// breathe
// cast it
tk = (TurkLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot(tslot);
// stop if us
if ( tk->m_tuid64 == tuid64 ) break;
// remove it
if ( tk ) ht->removeSlot ( tslot );
// info on turk's ip
//char *turkUser = m_r->getString("turkuser",NULL);
// log it
log("turk: releasing lock on uh48=%llu for turk=%s url=%s",
// . give him back his search results page now
// . might have to propagate his query in hidden input tags
// . maybe change XmlDoc::getTurkForm() to do that
// . in fact i think there is already code to do that with the
// search parms already for generating the next 10 links, etc.
// . it's the PROPAGATE descriptor...
// . or better yet maybe zak should just re-do the query on his end
// when we deliver a simple response...
return true;
// . deal with duplicate sentences
// . when we vote on a title or venue, often, there are other sentences
// that are exactly the same but have a different tag hash
// . so now we must add a vote tag for them as well because it isn't clear
// if either is the true one...
bool Msg1e::addSupplementalVoteTags ( char *furl ,
long now,
char *turkUser,
TurkLock *tk ,
unsigned long mainSentch32,
unsigned long mainSentth32,
// votePrefix is "titl" or "venu"
char *votePrefix ,
// "i-desc-" or "venue-"
char *hiddenPrefix ,
long votePower,
// store tagdb recs into here
SafeBuf *sb ) {
char dbuf[1024];
HashTableX dedup;
long count = 2;
long hplen = gbstrlen(hiddenPrefix);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_r->m_numFields ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// get it
char *name = m_r->m_fields[i];
// . skip if not an initial checkbox value
// . "i-venue-*-*", "i-title-*-*" or "i-desc-* or "venue-"
if ( strncmp(name,hiddenPrefix,hplen) ) continue;
// decompose into ch32-th32
unsigned long sentch32 = 0;
unsigned long sentth32 = 0;
sscanf(name+hplen,"%lu-%lu", &sentch32,&sentth32);
// skip if ch32 does not match
if ( sentch32 != mainSentch32 ) continue;
// skip if taghash already matches
if ( sentth32 == mainSentth32 ) continue;
// make sure this is not a dup for us
if ( dedup.isInTable ( &sentth32 ) ) continue;
// add it
if ( ! dedup.addKey ( &sentth32 ) ) return false;
// ok, we gotta add it!
char dataVal[256];
// data=<uh48>,<adch32>,<adth32>>,<sentch32>
// <sentth32>,
// <"title"|"venue"|"descr"|"error">,
// [0|1+]
// titl2-4
sprintf ( dataVal,"%llu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu,"
sentth32, // the new one
// put tag into this rdb
//if ( ! sb->pushChar ( (char)RDB_TURKDB ) )
// return true;
if ( ! sb->addTag(furl,
"turkvote" ,
now ,
turkUser ,
tk->m_turkIp ,
dataVal ,
true ) )
return true;
// limit to up to 3 supplemental votes
if ( count == 4 ) break;
// inc for next
// only do one now
// only do padding for superturk since non-superturks can't re-vote
// on the same event! so no point in overriding old votes
if ( ! tk->m_isSuperTurk ) return true;
// if no count add null 2ndary title to remove any
// old one that might be in there
for ( ; count <= 4 ; count++ ) {
// ok, we gotta add it!
char dataVal[256];
// data=<uh48>,<adch32>,<adth32>>,<sentch32>
// <sentth32>,
// <"title"|"venue"|"descr"|"error">,
// [0|1+]
sprintf ( dataVal,"%llu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu,"
(unsigned long)0,//titlech32,
(unsigned long)0,//sentth32,
(unsigned long)0,//votePower,
(unsigned long)count);
// put tag into this rdb
//if ( ! sb->pushChar ( (char)RDB_TURKDB ) )
// return true;
if ( ! sb->addTag(furl,
"turkvote" ,
now ,
turkUser ,
tk->m_turkIp ,
dataVal ,
gbstrlen(dataVal) ,
true ) )
return true;
return true;
// captcha stuff
// from
bool printCaptcha2 ( SafeBuf *sb ) {
return sb->safePrintf ("<script type=\"text/javascript\""
"<iframe src=\""
"api/noscript?k=%s\" "
"height=\"300\" width=\"500\" "
"<textarea name=\"recaptcha_challenge_field\" "
"rows=\"3\" cols=\"40\">\n"
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"recaptcha_"
"response_field\" value=\"manual_challenge\">\n"
"</html>\n" ,
g_pubKey) ;
bool printCaptcha ( State61 *st ) {
// shortcuts
SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb;
// did we get a turk user? should be there!
char *turkUser = st->m_r.getString("evaluser",NULL);
char *turkIpStr = st->m_r.getString("evalip",NULL);
if ( ! sb->safePrintf( "<html>\n"
"Please answer the following captcha: <br>"
"<form method=POST action=/eval>\n"
"<input type=hidden name=evaluser value=\"%s\">"
"<input type=hidden name=evalip value=\"%s\">"
"<input type=hidden name=c value=\"%s\">"
"<input type=hidden name=captchasubmit value=1>"
return false;
char *qq = st->m_r.getString("q",NULL);
if (qq&&!sb->safePrintf("<input type=hidden name=q value=\"%s\">",qq))
return false;
return printCaptcha2 ( sb );
bool isTurkBanned ( long long *tuid64 , long turkIp ) {
// is the turkusername banned?
if ( tuid64 ) {
Tag *btag = (Tag *)s_banTable.getValue ( tuid64 );
if ( btag ) return true;
if ( turkIp ) {
long ip64 = (long long)turkIp;
Tag *btag = (Tag *)s_banTable.getValue ( &ip64 );
if ( btag ) return true;
return false;
bool isSuperTurk ( char *turkUser ) {
// get the list of superturks
char *tt = g_conf.m_superTurks;
// length of it
long tulen = gbstrlen(turkUser);
// scan for turkuser
char *p = tt;
char lastChar = ' ';
for ( ; *p ; p++ ) {
// if last char was not space or comma then skip
if ( lastChar != ' ' && lastChar != ',' ) {
lastChar = *p;
// skip if no match
if ( *p != turkUser[0] ) {
lastChar = *p;
// check it
if ( strncmp(p,turkUser,tulen) ) {
lastChar = *p;
// make sure on boundary
if ( p[tulen] &&
p[tulen] != '\r' &&
p[tulen] != '\n' &&
p[tulen] != ' ' &&
p[tulen] != ',' ) {
lastChar = *p;
// got a match
return true;
return false;