Matt 09de59f026 do not store cblock, etc. tags into tagdb to save
disk space. added tagdb file cache for better performance,
less disk accesses. will help reduce disk load.
put file cache sizes in master controls and if they change
then update the cache size dynamically.
2015-09-10 12:46:00 -06:00

2691 lines
88 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
//#include "Msg35.h"
//#include "Tfndb.h"
//#include "Checksumdb.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
#include "Catdb.h"
#include "Posdb.h"
#include "Cachedb.h"
#include "Monitordb.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Sections.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Statsdb.h"
#include "Linkdb.h"
#include "Syncdb.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
//#include "CollectionRec.h"
#include "Repair.h"
#include "Rebalance.h"
//#include "Msg3.h" // debug include
// how many rdbs are in "urgent merge" mode?
int32_t g_numUrgentMerges = 0;
int32_t g_numThreads = 0;
char g_dumpMode = 0;
//static void doneDumpingWrapper ( void *state );
//static void attemptMergeWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
// since we only do one merge at a time, keep this class static
class RdbMerge g_merge;
// this one is used exclusively by tfndb so he can merge when titledb is
// merging since titledb adds a lot of tfndb records
class RdbMerge g_merge2;
RdbBase::RdbBase ( ) {
m_numFiles = 0;
m_rdb = NULL;
m_nextMergeForced = false;
m_dbname[0] = '\0';
m_dbnameLen = 0;
// use bogus collnum just in case
m_collnum = -1;
//m_dummy = NULL;
void RdbBase::reset ( ) {
char *db = "";
if ( m_rdb ) db = m_dbname;
//log("debug: base resetting db=%s collnum=%"INT32"",db,(int32_t)m_collnum);
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
mdelete ( m_files[i] , sizeof(BigFile),"RdbBFile");
delete (m_files[i]);
mdelete ( m_maps[i] , sizeof(RdbMap),"RdbBMap");
delete (m_maps[i]);
m_numFiles = 0;
m_files [ m_numFiles ] = NULL;
//m_isClosing = false;
//m_isClosed = false;
//m_isSaving = false;
// reset tree and cache
// free the dummy record used for delete recs (negative recs)
//if ( m_dummy ) mfree ( m_dummy , m_fixedDataSize ,"Rdb");
//m_dummy = NULL;
// reset stats
//m_numSeeks = 0 ;
//m_numRead = 0 ;
// reset net stats
//m_numReqsGet = 0 ;
//m_numNetReadGet = 0 ;
//m_numRepliesGet = 0 ;
//m_numNetSentGet = 0 ;
//m_numReqsAdd = 0 ;
//m_numNetReadAdd = 0 ;
//m_numRepliesAdd = 0 ;
//m_numNetSentAdd = 0 ;
// we no longer need to be saved
//m_needsSave = false;
//m_inWaiting = false;
// we're not in urgent merge mode yet
m_mergeUrgent = false;
//m_waitingForTokenForDump = false;
m_waitingForTokenForMerge = false;
m_isMerging = false;
m_hasMergeFile = false;
m_isUnlinking = false;
m_numThreads = 0;
m_checkedForMerge = false;
RdbBase::~RdbBase ( ) {
//close ( NULL , NULL );
bool RdbBase::init ( char *dir ,
char *dbname ,
bool dedup ,
int32_t fixedDataSize ,
//uint32_t groupMask ,
//uint32_t groupId ,
int32_t minToMergeArg ,
//int32_t maxTreeMem ,
//int32_t maxTreeNodes ,
//bool isTreeBalanced ,
//int32_t maxCacheMem ,
//int32_t maxCacheNodes ,
bool useHalfKeys ,
char keySize ,
int32_t pageSize,
char *coll ,
collnum_t collnum ,
RdbTree *tree ,
RdbBuckets *buckets ,
RdbDump *dump ,
class Rdb *rdb ,
void *pc , // DiskPageCache *pc ,
bool isTitledb ,
bool preloadDiskPageCache ,
bool biasDiskPageCache ) {
m_didRepair = false;
// reset all
// sanity
if ( ! dir ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set all our contained classes
//m_dir.set ( dir );
// set all our contained classes
// . "tmp" is bogus
// . /home/mwells/github/coll.john-test1113.654coll.john-test1113.655
char tmp[1024];
sprintf ( tmp , "%scoll.%s.%"INT32"" , dir , coll , (int32_t)collnum );
// logDebugAdmin
log(LOG_DEBUG,"db: "
"adding new base for dir=%s coll=%s collnum=%"INT32" db=%s",
// catdb is collection independent
// make a special subdir to store the map and data files in if
// the db is not associated with a collection. /statsdb /accessdb
// /facebookdb etc.
if ( rdb->m_isCollectionLess ) {
if ( collnum != (collnum_t) 0 ) {
log("db: collnum not zero for catdb.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// make a special "cat" dir for it if we need to
sprintf ( tmp , "%s%s" , dir , dbname );
int32_t status = ::mkdir ( tmp ,
if ( status == -1 && errno != EEXIST && errno )
return log("db: Failed to make directory %s: %s.",
if ( strcmp ( dbname , "catdb" ) == 0 ) {
// if ( strcmp ( dbname , "catdb1" ) == 0 ||
// strcmp ( dbname , "catdb2" ) == 0 ) {
// sanity check, ensure we're zero
if ( collnum != (collnum_t) 0 ) {
log("db: collnum not zero for catdb.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// make a special "cat" dir for it if we need to
sprintf ( tmp , "%scat" , dir );
if ( ::mkdir ( tmp ,
S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ) == -1 && errno != EEXIST )
return log("db: Failed to make directory %s: %s.",
// statsdb is collection independent
else if ( strcmp ( dbname , "statsdb" ) == 0 ) {
// sanity check, statsdb should always be zero
if ( collnum != (collnum_t) 0 ) {
log ( "db: collnum not zero for statsdb." );
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// make a special "stats" dir for it if necessary
sprintf ( tmp , "%sstats" , dir );
if ( ::mkdir ( tmp ,
S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ) == -1 && errno != EEXIST )
return log( "db: Failed to make directory %s: %s.",
tmp, mstrerror( errno ) );
// statsdb is collection independent
else if ( strcmp ( dbname , "accessdb" ) == 0 ) {
// sanity check, accessdb should always be zero
if ( collnum != (collnum_t) 0 ) {
log ( "db: collnum not zero for accessdb." );
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// make a special "stats" dir for it if necessary
sprintf ( tmp , "%saccess" , dir );
if ( ::mkdir ( tmp ,
S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ) == -1 && errno != EEXIST )
return log( "db: Failed to make directory %s: %s.",
tmp, mstrerror( errno ) );
// syncdb is collection independent
else if ( strcmp ( dbname , "syncdb" ) == 0 ) {
// sanity check, statsdb should always be zero
if ( collnum != (collnum_t) 0 ) {
log ( "db: collnum not zero for syncdb." );
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// make a special "stats" dir for it if necessary
sprintf ( tmp , "%ssyncdb" , dir );
if ( ::mkdir ( tmp ,
S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ) == -1 && errno != EEXIST )
return log( "db: Failed to make directory %s: %s.",
tmp, mstrerror( errno ) );
//m_dir.set ( dir , coll );
m_dir.set ( tmp );
m_coll = coll;
m_collnum = collnum;
m_tree = tree;
m_buckets = buckets;
m_dump = dump;
m_rdb = rdb;
// save the dbname NULL terminated into m_dbname/m_dbnameLen
m_dbnameLen = gbstrlen ( dbname );
gbmemcpy ( m_dbname , dbname , m_dbnameLen );
m_dbname [ m_dbnameLen ] = '\0';
// set up the dummy file
//char filename[256];
//m_dummyFile.set ( getDir() , filename );
// store the other parameters
m_dedup = dedup;
m_fixedDataSize = fixedDataSize;
//m_maxTreeMem = maxTreeMem;
m_useHalfKeys = useHalfKeys;
m_ks = keySize;
m_pageSize = pageSize;
//m_pc = pc;
m_isTitledb = isTitledb;
// wa haven't done a dump yet
//m_lastWrite = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//m_groupMask = groupMask;
//m_groupId = groupId;
// . set up our cache
// . we could be adding lists so keep fixedDataSize -1 for cache
//if ( ! m_cache.init ( maxCacheMem ,
// fixedDataSize ,
// true , // support lists
// maxCacheNodes ,
// m_useHalfKeys ,
// m_dbname ,
// loadCacheFromDisk ) )
// return false;
// we can't merge more than MAX_RDB_FILES files at a time
if ( minToMergeArg > MAX_RDB_FILES ) minToMergeArg = MAX_RDB_FILES;
m_minToMergeArg = minToMergeArg;
// . set our m_files array
// . m_dir is bogus causing this to fail
if ( ! setFiles () ) {
// try again if we did a repair
if ( m_didRepair ) goto top;
// if no repair, give up
return false;
//int32_t dataMem;
// if we're in read only mode, don't bother with *ANY* trees
//if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) goto preload;
// . if maxTreeNodes is -1, means auto compute it
// . set tree to use our fixed data size
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
//if ( ! m_tree.set ( fixedDataSize ,
// maxTreeNodes , // max # nodes in tree
// isTreeBalanced ,
// maxTreeMem ,
// false , // own data?
// false , // dataInPtrs?
// m_dbname ) )
// return false;
// now get how much mem the tree is using (not including stored recs)
//dataMem = maxTreeMem - m_tree.getTreeOverhead();
//if ( fixedDataSize != 0 && ! m_mem.init ( &m_dump , dataMem ) )
// return log("db: Failed to initialize memory: %s.",
// mstrerror(g_errno));
// . scan data in memory every minute to prevent swap-out
// . the wait here is in ms, MIN_WAIT is in seconds
// . call this every now and then to quickly scan our memory to
// prevent swap out
static bool s_firstTime = true;
if ( !g_loop.registerSleepCallback(MIN_WAIT*1000,this,scanMemWrapper)){
log("RdbMem::init: register sleep callback for scan failed. "
"Warning. Mem may be swapped out.");
g_errno = 0;
else if ( s_firstTime ) {
s_firstTime = false;
log("RdbMem::init: scanning mem every %"INT32" secs with "
// create a dummy data string for deleting nodes
//if ( m_fixedDataSize > 0 ) {
// m_dummy = (char *) mmalloc ( m_fixedDataSize ,"RdbDummy" );
// m_dummySize = sizeof(key_t);
// if ( ! m_dummy ) return false;
//m_delRecSize = sizeof(key_t);
//if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) m_delRecSize += m_dummySize + 4;
//if ( m_fixedDataSize > 0 ) m_delRecSize += m_dummySize;
// load any saved tree
//if ( ! loadTree ( ) ) return false;
// now diskpagecache is much simpler, just basically rdbcache...
return true;
// . init BigFile::m_fileSize and m_lastModifiedTime
// . m_lastModifiedTime is now used by the merge to select older
// titledb files to merge
int64_t bigFileSize[MAX_RDB_FILES];
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
BigFile *f = m_files[i];
bigFileSize[i] = f->getFileSize();
// if minimizingDiskSeeks, we need to know what files are going to be
// stored in the cache
if ( m_pc && m_numFiles > 0 && m_pc->m_minimizeDiskSeeks ){
int32_t maxMem = m_pc->getMemMax();
while ( maxMem > 0 ){
int32_t minIndex = 0;
int64_t minFileSize = -1;
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < m_numFiles; i++ ){
if ( bigFileSize[i] < 0 ) continue;
if ( minFileSize < 0 ||
minFileSize > bigFileSize[i] ){
minIndex = i;
minFileSize = bigFileSize[i];
// don't use it again
bigFileSize[i] = -1;
if ( minFileSize == -1 ) break;
// mark in that bigFile that it can use diskcache
BigFile *f = m_files[minIndex];
f->m_vfdAllowed = true;
maxMem -= minFileSize;
// sanity check
if ( m_pc && m_pc->m_diskPageSize!=m_pageSize) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// now fill up the page cache
// preload:
if ( ! preloadDiskPageCache ) return true;
if ( ! m_pc ) return true;
char buf [ 512000 ];
int32_t total = m_pc->getMemMax();
log(LOG_DEBUG,"db: %s: Preloading page cache. Total mem to use =%"UINT32"",
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
if ( total <= 0 ) break;
BigFile *f = m_files[i];
int64_t fsize = f->getFileSize();
int64_t off = 0;
// for biasing, only read part of the file
if ( biasDiskPageCache ) {
int32_t numTwins = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
int32_t thisTwin = g_hostdb.m_hostId/g_hostdb.m_numShards;
off = (fsize/numTwins) * thisTwin;
if ( thisTwin < numTwins-1 )
fsize = (fsize/numTwins) * (thisTwin+1);
// read the file
for ( ; off < fsize ; off += 256000 ) {
if ( total <= 0 ) break;
int64_t toread = fsize - off;
if ( toread > 256000 ) toread = 256000;
f->read ( buf , toread , off );
total -= toread;
// reset m_hits/m_misses
// now m_minToMerge might have changed so try to do a merge
//attemptMerge ( );
// debug test
//BigFile f;
//f.set ( "/gigablast3" , "tmp" );
// ( O_RDWR | O_CREAT );
//char buf[128*1024*5+10];
//int32_t n = f.write ( buf , 128*1024*5+10 , 0 );
return true;
// . move all files into trash subdir
// . change name
// . this is part of PageRepair's repair algorithm. all this stuff blocks.
bool RdbBase::moveToTrash ( char *dstDir ) {
// get current time as part of filename
//uint32_t t = (uint32_t)getTime();
// loop over all files
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
// . rename the map file
// . get the "base" filename, does not include directory
BigFile *f ;
//char dstDir [1024];
//sprintf ( dstDir , "%s" , subdir );
char dstFilename [1024];
f = m_maps[i]->getFile();
sprintf ( dstFilename , "%s" , f->getFilename());
// ALWAYS log what we are doing
logf(LOG_INFO,"repair: Renaming %s to %s%s",
if ( ! f->rename ( dstFilename , dstDir ) )
return log("repair: Moving file had error: %s.",
// move the data file
f = m_files[i];
sprintf ( dstFilename , "%s" , f->getFilename());
// ALWAYS log what we are doing
logf(LOG_INFO,"repair: Renaming %s to %s%s",
if ( ! f->rename ( dstFilename, dstDir ) )
return log("repair: Moving file had error: %s.",
// now just reset the files so we are empty, we should have our
// setFiles() called again once the newly rebuilt rdb files are
// renamed, when RdbBase::rename() is called below
// success
return true;
// . newly rebuilt rdb gets renamed to the original, after we call
// RdbBase::trash() on the original.
// . this is part of PageRepair's repair algorithm. all this stuff blocks.
bool RdbBase::removeRebuildFromFilenames ( ) {
// loop over all files
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
// . rename the map file
// . get the "base" filename, does not include directory
BigFile *f = m_files[i];
// return false if it fails
//if ( ! removeRebuildFromFilename(f) ) return false;
// rename the map file now too!
f = m_maps[i]->getFile();
// return false if it fails
//if ( ! removeRebuildFromFilename(f) ) return false;
// reset all now
// now PageRepair should reload the original
return true;
bool RdbBase::removeRebuildFromFilename ( BigFile *f ) {
// get the filename
char *ff = f->getFilename();
// copy it
char buf[1024];
strcpy ( buf , ff );
// remove "Rebuild" from it
char *p = strstr ( buf , "Rebuild" );
if ( ! p ) return log("repair: Rebuild not found in filename=%s",
// bury it
int32_t rlen = gbstrlen("Rebuild");
char *end = buf + gbstrlen(buf);
int32_t size = end - (p + rlen);
// +1 to include the ending \0
memmove ( p , p + rlen , size + 1 );
// now rename this file
logf(LOG_INFO,"repair: Renaming %s to %s",
if ( ! f->rename ( buf ) )
return log("repair: Rename to %s failed",buf);
return true;
// . this is called to open the initial rdb data and map files we have
// . first file is always the merge file (may be empty)
// . returns false on error
bool RdbBase::setFiles ( ) {
// set our directory class
if ( ! ( ) )
// we are getting this from a bogus m_dir
return log("db: Had error opening directory %s", getDir());
// note it
log(LOG_DEBUG,"db: Loading files for %s coll=%s (%"INT32").",
m_dbname,m_coll,(int32_t)m_collnum );
// . set our m_files array
// . addFile() will return -1 and set g_errno on error
// . the lower the fileId the older the data
// (but not necessarily the file)
// . we now put a '*' at end of "*.dat*" since we may be reading in
// some headless BigFiles left over froma killed merge
char *filename;
// did we rename any files for titledb?
bool converting = false;
// getNextFilename() writes into this
char pattern[8]; strcpy ( pattern , "*.dat*" );
while ( ( filename = m_dir.getNextFilename ( pattern ) ) ) {
// filename must be a certain length
int32_t filenameLen = gbstrlen(filename);
// we need at least "indexdb0000.dat"
if ( filenameLen < m_dbnameLen + 8 ) continue;
// ensure filename starts w/ our m_dbname
if ( strncmp ( filename , m_dbname , m_dbnameLen ) != 0 )
// then a 4 digit number should follow
char *s = filename + m_dbnameLen;
if ( ! isdigit(*(s+0)) ) continue;
if ( ! isdigit(*(s+1)) ) continue;
if ( ! isdigit(*(s+2)) ) continue;
if ( ! isdigit(*(s+3)) ) continue;
// optional 5th digit
int32_t len = 4;
if ( isdigit(*(s+4)) ) len = 5;
// . read that id
// . older files have lower numbers
int32_t id = atol2 ( s , len );
// skip it
s += len;
// if we are titledb, we got the secondary id
int32_t id2 = -1;
// . if we are titledb we should have a -xxx after
// . if none is there it needs to be converted!
if ( m_isTitledb && *s != '-' ) {
// critical
log("gb: bad title filename of %s. Halting.",filename);
return false;
// flag it
converting = true;
// for now, just use the primary id as the secondary id
id2 = id;
else if ( m_isTitledb ) { id2 = atol2 ( s + 1 , 3 ); s += 4; }
// don't add if already in there
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ )
if ( m_fileIds[i] >= id ) break;
if ( i < m_numFiles && m_fileIds[i] == id ) continue;
// assume no mergNum
int32_t mergeNum = -1;
// if file id is even, we need the # of files being merged
// otherwise, if it is odd, we do not
if ( (id & 0x01) == 0x01 ) goto addIt;
if ( *s != '.' ) continue;
if ( ! isdigit(*(s+0)) ) continue;
if ( ! isdigit(*(s+1)) ) continue;
if ( ! isdigit(*(s+2)) ) continue;
mergeNum = atol2 ( s , 3 );
// sometimes an unlink() does not complete properly and we
// end up with remnant files that are 0 bytes. so let's skip
// those guys.
File ff;
ff.set ( m_dir.getDir() , filename );
// does this file exist?
int32_t exists = ff.doesExist() ;
// core if does not exist (sanity check)
if ( exists == 0 )
return log("db: File %s does not exist.",filename);
// bail on error calling ff.doesExist()
if ( exists == -1 ) return false;
// skip if 0 bytes or had error calling ff.getFileSize()
if ( ff.getFileSize() == 0 ) {
// actually, we have to move to trash because
// if we leave it there and we start writing
// to that file id, exit, then restart, it
// causes problems...
char src[1024];
char dst[1024];
sprintf ( src , "%s/%s",m_dir.getDir(),filename);
sprintf ( dst , "%s/trash/%s",
log("db: Moving file %s/%s of 0 bytes into trash "
"subdir. rename %s to %s", m_dir.getDir(),filename,
if ( ::rename ( src , dst ) )
return log("db: Moving file had error: %s.",
// . put this file into our array of files/maps for this db
// . MUST be in order of fileId for merging purposes
// . we assume older files come first so newer can override
// in RdbList::merge() routine
if (addFile(id,false/*newFile?*/,mergeNum,id2,converting) < 0)
return false;
// everyone should start with file 0001.dat or 0000.dat
if ( m_numFiles > 0 && m_fileIds[0] > 1 && m_rdb->m_rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB ) {
log("db: missing file id 0001.dat for %s in coll %s. "
"Fix this or it'll core later. Just rename the next file "
"in line to 0001.dat/map. We probably cored at a "
"really bad time during the end of a merge process.",
m_dbname, m_coll );
// do not re-do repair! hmmm
if ( m_didRepair ) return false;
// just fix it for them
BigFile bf;
SafeBuf oldName;
bf.set ( m_dir.getDir() , oldName.getBufStart() );
// rename it to like "spiderdb.0001.dat"
SafeBuf newName;
bf.rename ( newName.getBufStart() );
// and delete the old map
SafeBuf oldMap;
File omf;
omf.set ( oldMap.getBufStart() );
// get the map file name we want to move to
BigFile cmf;
SafeBuf curMap;
cmf.set ( m_dir.getDir(), curMap.getBufStart());
// rename to to
cmf.rename ( oldMap.getBufStart() );
// replace that first file then
m_didRepair = true;
return true;
//char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
// ensure files are sharded correctly
if ( ! converting ) return true;
// now if we are converting old titledb names to new...
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
// . get the actual secondary to correspond with tfndb
// . generate secondary id from primary id
m_fileIds2[i] = (m_fileIds[i] - 1)/ 2;
// . titledbRebuild? use m_dbname
// . rename it
char buf1[1024];
sprintf ( buf1, "%s%04"INT32".dat", m_dbname,m_fileIds[i] );
BigFile f;
f.set ( g_hostdb.m_dir , buf1 );
char buf2[1024];
sprintf ( buf2 , "%s%04"INT32"-%03"INT32".dat",
m_dbname, m_fileIds[i] , m_fileIds2[i] );
// log it
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Renaming %s to %s",buf1,buf2);
if ( ! f.rename ( buf2 ) )
return log("db: Rename had error: %s.",
// otherwise, success
return log("db: Rename succeeded.");
// return the fileNum we added it to in the array
// reutrn -1 and set g_errno on error
int32_t RdbBase::addFile ( int32_t id , bool isNew , int32_t mergeNum ,
int32_t id2 , bool converting ) {
int32_t n = m_numFiles;
// can't exceed this
if ( n >= MAX_RDB_FILES ) {
"db: Can not have more than %"INT32" files. File add "
return -1;
// HACK: skip to avoid a OOM lockup. if RdbBase cannot dump
// its data to disk it can backlog everyone and memory will
// never get freed up.
int64_t mm = g_conf.m_maxMem;
g_conf.m_maxMem = 0x0fffffffffffffffLL;
BigFile *f ;
try { f = new (BigFile); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_conf.m_maxMem = mm;
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("RdbBase: new(%i): %s",
return -1;
mnew ( f , sizeof(BigFile) , "RdbBFile" );
// set the data file's filename
char name[512];
if ( mergeNum <= 0 && m_isTitledb )
m_dbname,id,id2 );
else if ( mergeNum <= 0 )
snprintf ( name ,511,"%s%04"INT32".dat" , m_dbname, id );
else if ( m_isTitledb )
snprintf ( name ,511,"%s%04"INT32"-%03"INT32".%03"INT32".dat",
m_dbname, id , id2, mergeNum );
f->set ( getDir() , name , NULL ); // getStripeDir() );
// if new insure does not exist
if ( isNew && f->doesExist() ) {
log("rdb: creating NEW file %s/%s which already exists!",
mdelete ( f , sizeof(BigFile),"RdbBFile");
delete (f);
return -1;
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
RdbMap *m ;
try { m = new (RdbMap); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_conf.m_maxMem = mm;
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("RdbBase: new(%i): %s",
mdelete ( f , sizeof(BigFile),"RdbBFile");
delete (f);
return -1;
mnew ( m , sizeof(RdbMap) , "RdbBMap" );
// reinstate the memory limit
g_conf.m_maxMem = mm;
// sanity check
if ( id2 < 0 && m_isTitledb ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
CollectionRec *cr = NULL;
// if we're converting, just add to m_filesIds and m_fileIds2
if ( converting ) {
log("*-*-*-* Converting titledb files to new file name format");
goto skip;
// debug help
if ( isNew )
log("rdb: adding new file %s/%s",// m_numFiles=%"INT32"",
// rename bug fix?
if ( ! isNew && id != 1 && m_isTitledb && m_rdb->m_rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB ) {
char newf[10245];
log("cmd: f->rename(%s%04"INT32"-%03"INT32".dat,%s)",m_dbname,id,id2,newf);
g_conf.m_useThreads = 0;
f->rename ( newf );
g_conf.m_useThreads = 1;
// if not a new file sanity check it
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; ! isNew && j < f->m_maxParts - 1 ; j++ ) {
// might be headless
File *ff = f->getFile2(j);//m_files[j];
if ( ! ff ) continue;
if ( ff->getFileSize() == MAX_PART_SIZE ) continue;
log ( "db: File %s/%s has length %"INT64", but it should be %"INT64". "
"You should move it to a temporary directory "
"and restart. It probably happened when the power went "
"out and a file delete operation failed to complete.",
ff->getFilename() ,
return -1;
// set the map file's filename
sprintf ( name , "%s%04"INT32".map", m_dbname, id );
m->set ( getDir() , name , m_fixedDataSize , m_useHalfKeys , m_ks ,
m_pageSize );
if ( ! isNew && ! m->readMap ( f ) ) {
// if out of memory, do not try to regen for that
if ( g_errno == ENOMEM ) return -1;
g_errno = 0;
log("db: Could not read map file %s",name);
// if 'gb dump X collname' was called, bail, we do not
// want to write any data
if ( g_dumpMode ) return -1;
log("db: Attempting to generate map file for data "
"file %s* of %"INT64" bytes. May take a while.",
f->getFilename(), f->getFileSize() );
// debug hack for now
// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! m->generateMap ( f ) ) {
log("db: Map generation failed.");
log("db: Moving .dat and .map file to trash dir");
SafeBuf tmp;
// take off .dat and make it * so we can move map file
int32_t len = tmp.getLength();
char *str = tmp.getBufStart();
str[len-3] = '*';
str[len-2] = '\0';
SafeBuf cmd;
cmd.safePrintf("mv %s/%s %s/trash/",
log("db: %s",cmd.getBufStart() );
gbsystem ( cmd.getBufStart() );
mdelete ( f , sizeof(BigFile),"RdbBase");
delete (f);
mdelete ( m , sizeof(RdbMap),"RdbBase");
delete (m);
return -1;
log("db: Map generation succeeded.");
// . save it
// . if we're an even #'d file a merge will follow
// when main.cpp calls attemptMerge()
log("db: Saving generated map file to disk.");
// turn off statsdb so it does not try to add records for
// these writes because it is not initialized yet and will
// cause this write to fail!
g_statsdb.m_disabled = true;
// true = alldone
bool status = m->writeMap( true );
g_statsdb.m_disabled = false;
if ( ! status ) return log("db: Save failed.");
if ( ! isNew ) log(LOG_DEBUG,"db: Added %s for collnum=%"INT32" pages=%"INT32"",
name ,(int32_t)m_collnum,m->getNumPages());
// open this big data file for reading only
if ( ! isNew ) {
if ( mergeNum < 0 )
// otherwise, merge will have to be resumed so this file
// should be writable
f->open ( O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK | O_ASYNC , NULL );//pc
// find the position to add so we maintain order by fileId
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) if ( m_fileIds[i] >= id ) break;
// cannot collide here
if ( i < m_numFiles && m_fileIds[i] == id ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: addFile: fileId collided."); return -1; }
// shift everyone up if we need to fit this file in the middle somewher
if ( i < m_numFiles ) {
int nn = m_numFiles-i;
memmove ( &m_files [i+1] , &m_files[i],nn*sizeof(BigFile *));
memmove ( &m_fileIds[i+1] , &m_fileIds[i],nn*sizeof(int32_t));
memmove ( &m_fileIds2[i+1], &m_fileIds2[i],nn*sizeof(int32_t));
memmove ( &m_maps [i+1] , &m_maps [i],nn*sizeof(RdbMap *));
// insert this file into position #i
m_fileIds [i] = id;
m_fileIds2 [i] = id2;
m_files [i] = f;
m_maps [i] = m;
// debug point
//log("map #0 is %s ptr=%llx (nf=%i)",
// m_maps[0]->getFilename(),(long long)m_maps[0],m_numFiles);
// to free up mem for diffbot's many collections...
cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
if ( ! isNew && cr && cr->m_isCustomCrawl )
// are we resuming a killed merge?
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode && ((id & 0x01)==0) ) {
log("db: Cannot start in read only mode with an incomplete "
"merge, because we might be a temporary cluster and "
"the merge might be active.");
// inc # of files we have
// debug note
//log("rdb: numFiles=%"INT32" for collnum=%"INT32" db=%s",
// m_numFiles,(int32_t)m_collnum,m_dbname);
// keep it NULL terminated
m_files [ m_numFiles ] = NULL;
// if we added a merge file, mark it
if ( mergeNum >= 0 ) {
m_hasMergeFile = true;
m_mergeStartFileNum = i + 1 ; //merge was starting w/ this file
return i;
// this is obsolete now
// returns -1 and sets g_errno if none available
int32_t RdbBase::getAvailId2 ( ) {
// . otherwise we're titledb, find an available second id
// . store id2s here as we find them
char f[MAX_RDB_FILES];
memset ( f , 0 , MAX_RDB_FILES );
int32_t i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
// sanity check
if ( m_fileIds2[i] < 0 || m_fileIds2[i] >= MAX_RDB_FILES ) {
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// flag it as used
f [ m_fileIds2[i] ] = 1;
// find the first available one
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_RDB_FILES ; i++ ) if ( f[i] == 0 ) break;
// . error if none! return -1 on error
// . 255 is reserved in tfndb for urls just in spiderdb or in
// titledb tree
if ( i >= MAX_RDB_FILES || i >= 255 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: No more secondary ids available for "
"new titledb file. All in use. This should never happen. "
"Are your hard drives extremely slow?");
return -1;
return i;
int32_t RdbBase::addNewFile ( int32_t id2 ) {
int32_t fileId = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ )
if ( m_fileIds[i] >= fileId ) fileId = m_fileIds[i] + 1;
// . if not odd number then add one
// . we like to keep even #'s for merge file names
if ( (fileId & 0x01) == 0 ) fileId++;
// otherwise, set it
return addFile(fileId,true/*a new file?*/,-1 /*mergeNum*/,id2 );
static void doneWrapper ( void *state ) ;
// . called after the merge has successfully completed
// . the final merge file is always file #0 (i.e. "indexdb0000.dat/map")
bool RdbBase::incorporateMerge ( ) {
// some int16_thand variable notation
int32_t a = m_mergeStartFileNum;
int32_t b = m_mergeStartFileNum + m_numFilesToMerge;
// shouldn't be called if no files merged
if ( a == b ) {
// unless resuming after a merge completed and we exited
// but forgot to finish renaming the final file!!!!
log("merge: renaming final file");
// decrement this count
if ( m_isMerging ) m_rdb->m_numMergesOut--;
// exit merge mode
m_isMerging = false;
// return the merge token, no need for a callback
//g_msg35.releaseToken ( );
//return true;
// file #x is the merge file
int32_t x = a - 1;
// . we can't just unlink the merge file on error anymore
// . it may have some data that was deleted from the original file
if ( g_errno ) {
log("db: Merge failed for %s, Exiting.", m_dbname);
// print mem table
// we don't have a recovery system in place, so save state
// and dump core
char *p = NULL;
*p = 0;
//m_isMerging = false;
// return the merge token, no need for a callback
//g_msg35.releaseToken ( );
return true;
// note
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Writing map %s.",m_maps[x]->getFilename());
// . ensure we can save the map before deleting other files
// . sets g_errno and return false on error
// . allDone = true
m_maps[x]->writeMap( true );
// tfndb has his own merge class since titledb merges write tfndb recs
RdbMerge *m = &g_merge;
//if ( m_rdb == g_tfndb.getRdb() ) m = &g_merge2;
// print out info of newly merged file
int64_t tp = m_maps[x]->getNumPositiveRecs();
int64_t tn = m_maps[x]->getNumNegativeRecs();
"merge: Merge succeeded. %s (#%"INT32") has %"INT64" positive "
"and %"INT64" negative recs.", m_files[x]->getFilename(), x, tp, tn);
if ( m_rdb == g_posdb.getRdb() ) // || m_rdb == g_tfndb.getRdb() )
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Removed %"INT64" dup keys.",
m->getDupsRemoved() );
// . bitch if bad news
// . sanity checks to make sure we didn't mess up our data from merging
// . these cause a seg fault on problem, seg fault should save and
// dump core. sometimes we'll have a chance to re-merge the
// candidates to see what caused the problem.
// . only do these checks for indexdb, titledb can have key overwrites
// and we can lose positives due to overwrites
// . i just re-added some partially indexed urls so indexdb will
// have dup overwrites now too!!
if ( tp > m_numPos ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: %s gained %"INT64" positives.",
m_dbname , tp - m_numPos );
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
if ( tp < m_numPos - m_numNeg ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: %s: lost %"INT64" positives",
m_dbname , m_numPos - tp );
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
if ( tn > m_numNeg ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: %s: gained %"INT64" negatives.",
m_dbname , tn - m_numNeg );
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
if ( tn < m_numNeg - m_numPos ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: %s: lost %"INT64" negatives.",
m_dbname , m_numNeg - tn );
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// assume no unlinks blocked
m_numThreads = 0;
// . before unlinking the files, ensure merged file is the right size!!
// . this will save us some anguish
m_files[x]->m_fileSize = -1;
int64_t fs = m_files[x]->getFileSize();
// get file size from map
int64_t fs2 = m_maps[x]->getFileSize();
// compare, if only a key off allow that. that is an artificat of
// generating a map for a file screwed up from a power outage. it
// will end on a non-key boundary.
if ( fs != fs2 ) {
log("build: Map file size does not agree with actual file "
"size for %s. Map says it should be %"INT64" bytes but it "
"is %"INT64" bytes.",
m_files[x]->getFilename(), fs2 , fs );
if ( fs2-fs > 12 || fs-fs2 > 12 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// now print the exception
log("build: continuing since difference is less than 12 "
"bytes. Most likely a discrepancy caused by a power "
"outage and the generated map file is off a bit.");
// on success unlink the files we merged and free them
for ( int32_t i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) {
// incase we are starting with just the
// linkdb0001.003.dat file and not the stuff we merged
if ( ! m_files[i] ) continue;
// debug msg
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Unlinking merged file %s/%s (#%"INT32").",
// . append it to "sync" state we have in memory
// . when host #0 sends a OP_SYNCTIME signal we dump to disk
//g_sync.addOp ( OP_UNLINK , m_files[i] , 0 );
// . these links will be done in a thread
// . they will save the filename before spawning so we can
// delete the m_files[i] now
if ( ! m_files[i]->unlink ( doneWrapper , this ) ) {
m_numThreads++; g_numThreads++; }
// debug msg
// MDW this cores if file is bad... if collection
// got delete from under us i guess!!
else log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Unlinked %s (#%"INT32").",
// debug msg
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Unlinking map file %s (#%"INT32").",
if ( ! m_maps[i]->unlink ( doneWrapper , this ) ) {
m_numThreads++; g_numThreads++; }
// debug msg
else log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Unlinked %s (#%"INT32").",
//if ( i == a ) continue;
//delete (m_files[i]);
//delete (m_maps[i]);
// save for re-use
m_x = x;
m_a = a;
// save the merge file name so we can unlink from sync table later
strncpy ( m_oldname , m_files[x]->getFilename() , 254 );
// . let sync table know we closed the old file we merged to
// . no, keep it around until after the rename finishes
//g_sync.addOp ( OP_CLOSE , m_files[x] , 0 );
// wait for the above unlinks to finish before we do this rename
// otherwise, we might end up doing this rename first and deleting
// it!
// if we blocked on all, keep going
if ( m_numThreads == 0 ) { doneWrapper2 ( ); return true; }
// . otherwise we blocked
// . we are now unlinking
// . this is so Msg3.cpp can avoid reading the [a,b) files
m_isUnlinking = true;
return true;
void doneWrapper ( void *state ) {
RdbBase *THIS = (RdbBase *)state;
log("merge: done unlinking file. #threads=%"INT32"",THIS->m_numThreads);
THIS->doneWrapper2 ( );
static void doneWrapper3 ( void *state ) ;
void RdbBase::doneWrapper2 ( ) {
// bail if waiting for more to come back
if ( m_numThreads > 0 ) {
if ( --m_numThreads > 0 ) return;
// debug msg
log (LOG_INFO,"merge: Done unlinking all files.");
// could be negative if all did not block
m_numThreads = 0;
int32_t x = m_x;
int32_t a = m_a;
// . the fileId of the merge file becomes that of a
// . but secondary id should remain the same
m_fileIds [ x ] = m_fileIds [ a ];
if ( ! m_maps [x]->rename(m_maps[a]->getFilename(),doneWrapper3,this)){
m_numThreads++; g_numThreads++; }
// sanity check
m_files[x]->m_fileSize = -1;
int64_t fs = m_files[x]->getFileSize();
// get file size from map
int64_t fs2 = m_maps[x]->getFileSize();
// compare
if ( fs != fs2 ) {
log("build: Map file size does not agree with actual file "
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
if ( ! m_isTitledb ) {
// we are kind opening this up now for writing
//g_sync.addOp ( OP_OPEN , m_files[a]->getFilename() , 0 );
// debug statement
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Renaming %s of size %"INT64" to %s",
m_files[x]->getFilename(),fs , m_files[a]->getFilename());
// rename it, this may block
if ( ! m_files[x]->rename ( m_files[a]->getFilename() ,
doneWrapper3 , this ) ) {
m_numThreads++; g_numThreads++; }
else {
// rename to this (titledb%04"INT32"-%03"INT32".dat)
char buf [ 1024 ];
// use m_dbname in case its titledbRebuild
sprintf ( buf , "%s%04"INT32"-%03"INT32".dat" ,
m_dbname, m_fileIds[a], m_fileIds2[x] );
// we are kind opening this up now for writing
//g_sync.addOp ( OP_OPEN , buf , 0 );
// rename it, this may block
if ( ! m_files [ x ]->rename ( buf , doneWrapper3, this ) ) {
m_numThreads++; g_numThreads++; }
// if we blocked on all, keep going
if ( m_numThreads == 0 ) { doneWrapper4 ( ); return ; }
// . otherwise we blocked
// . we are now unlinking
// . this is so Msg3.cpp can avoid reading the [a,b) files
m_isUnlinking = true;
void doneWrapper3 ( void *state ) {
RdbBase *THIS = (RdbBase *)state;
log("rdb: thread completed rename operation for collnum=%"INT32" "
THIS->doneWrapper4 ( );
static void checkThreadsAgainWrapper ( int fb, void *state ) {
RdbBase *THIS = (RdbBase *)state;
g_loop.unregisterSleepCallback ( state,checkThreadsAgainWrapper);
THIS->doneWrapper4 ( );
void RdbBase::doneWrapper4 ( ) {
// bail if waiting for more to come back
if ( m_numThreads > 0 ) {
if ( --m_numThreads > 0 ) return;
// some shorthand variable notation
int32_t a = m_mergeStartFileNum;
int32_t b = m_mergeStartFileNum + m_numFilesToMerge;
// wait for all threads accessing this bigfile to go bye-bye
log("db: checking for outstanding read threads on unlinked files");
bool wait = false;
for ( int32_t i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) {
BigFile *bf = m_files[i];
if ( g_threads.isHittingFile(bf) ) wait = true;
if ( wait ) {
log("db: waiting for read thread to exit on unlinked file");
if (!g_loop.registerSleepCallback(100,this,
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . we are no longer unlinking
// . this is so Msg3.cpp can avoid reading the [a,b) files
m_isUnlinking = false;
// file #x is the merge file
//int32_t x = a - 1;
// rid ourselves of these files
buryFiles ( a , b );
// sanity check
if ( m_numFilesToMerge != (b-a) ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: Bury oops."); char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// we no longer have a merge file
m_hasMergeFile = false;
// now unset m_mergeUrgent if we're close to our limit
if ( m_mergeUrgent && m_numFiles - 14 < m_minToMerge ) {
m_mergeUrgent = false;
if ( g_numUrgentMerges > 0 ) g_numUrgentMerges--;
if ( g_numUrgentMerges == 0 )
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Exiting urgent "
"merge mode for %s.",m_dbname);
// decrement this count
if ( m_isMerging ) m_rdb->m_numMergesOut--;
// exit merge mode
m_isMerging = false;
// return the merge token, no need for a callback
//g_msg35.releaseToken ( );
// the rename has completed at this point, so tell sync table in mem
//g_sync.addOp ( OP_CLOSE , m_files[x] , 0 );
// unlink old merge filename from sync table
//g_sync.addOp ( OP_UNLINK , m_oldname , 0 );
// . now in case dump dumped many files while we were merging
// we should see if they need to be merged now
// . Msg35 may bitch if our get request arrives before our release
// request! he may think we're a dup request but that should not
// happen since we don't allow getToken() to be called if we are
// merging or have already made a request for it.
//attemptMerge ( 1/*niceness*/ , false /*don't force it*/ ) ;
// try all in case they were waiting (and not using tokens)
//g_tfndb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_clusterdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_linkdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
//g_sectiondb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_tagdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
//g_checksumdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_titledb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_doledb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_catdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
//g_clusterdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_statsdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_syncdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_cachedb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_serpdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_monitordb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
//g_linkdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
//g_indexdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_posdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
//g_datedb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
g_spiderdb.getRdb()->attemptMerge ( 1 , false );
// try to merge more when we are done
attemptMergeAll2 ( );
void RdbBase::buryFiles ( int32_t a , int32_t b ) {
// on succes unlink the files we merged and free them
for ( int32_t i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) {
mdelete ( m_files[i] , sizeof(BigFile),"RdbBase");
delete (m_files[i]);
mdelete ( m_maps[i] , sizeof(RdbMap),"RdbBase");
delete (m_maps [i]);
// bury the merged files
int32_t n = m_numFiles - b;
gbmemcpy (&m_files [a], &m_files [b], n*sizeof(BigFile *));
gbmemcpy (&m_maps [a], &m_maps [b], n*sizeof(RdbMap *));
gbmemcpy (&m_fileIds [a], &m_fileIds [b], n*sizeof(int32_t ));
gbmemcpy (&m_fileIds2[a], &m_fileIds2[b], n*sizeof(int32_t ));
// decrement the file count appropriately
m_numFiles -= (b-a);
// sanity
log("rdb: bury files: numFiles now %"INT32" (b=%"INT32" a=%"INT32" collnum=%"INT32")",
// ensure last file is NULL (so BigFile knows the end of m_files)
m_files [ m_numFiles ] = NULL;
void attemptMergeWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
Rdb *THIS = (Rdb *) state;
// keep sleeping if someone else still merging
if ( g_merge.isMerging() ) return;
// if no one else merging, stop the sleep-retry cycle
//g_loop.unregisterSleepCallback ( state , attemptMergeWrapper );
// now it's our turn
THIS->attemptMerge ( 1, THIS->m_nextMergeForced );// 1=niceness
//static void gotTokenForMergeWrapper ( void *state ) ;
// . the DailyMerge.cpp will set minToMergeOverride for titledb, and this
// overrides "forceMergeAll" which is the same as setting
// "minToMergeOverride" to "2". (i.e. perform a merge if you got 2 or more
// files)
// . now return true if we started a merge, false otherwise
// . TODO: fix Rdb::attemptMergeAll() to not remove from linked list if
// we had an error in addNewFile() or rdbmerge.cpp's call to rdbbase::addFile
bool RdbBase::attemptMerge ( int32_t niceness, bool forceMergeAll, bool doLog ,
int32_t minToMergeOverride ) {
// don't do merge if we're in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return false;
// or if we are copying our files to a new host
//if ( g_hostdb.m_syncHost == g_hostdb.m_myHost ) return;
// nor if EITHER of the merge classes are suspended
if ( g_merge.m_isSuspended ) return false;
if ( g_merge2.m_isSuspended ) return false;
// shutting down? do not start another merge then
if ( g_process.m_mode == EXIT_MODE ) return false;
// sanity checks
if ( g_loop.m_inQuickPoll ) {
log("rdb: cant attempt merge in quickpoll");
return false;
if ( niceness == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( forceMergeAll ) m_nextMergeForced = true;
if ( m_nextMergeForced ) forceMergeAll = true;
if ( forceMergeAll )
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: forcing merge for "
"for %s. (collnum=%"INT32")",m_dbname,(int32_t)m_collnum);
// if we are trying to merge titledb but a titledb dump is going on
// then do not do the merge, we do not want to overwrite tfndb via
// RdbDump::updateTfndbLoop()
char rdbId = getIdFromRdb ( m_rdb );
if ( rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB && g_titledb.m_rdb.m_dump.isDumping() ) {
if ( doLog )
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Can not merge titledb while it "
"is dumping.");
return false;
// or if in repair mode, do not mess with any files in any coll
// unless they are secondary rdbs... allow tagdb to merge, too.
// secondary rdbs are like g_indexdb2, and should be merge. usually
// when adding to g_indexdb, it is in a different collection for a
// full rebuild and we are not actively searching it so it doesn't
// need to be merged.
if ( g_repair.isRepairActive() &&
//! g_conf.m_fullRebuild &&
//! g_conf.m_removeBadPages &&
! isSecondaryRdb ( (uint8_t)rdbId ) &&
rdbId != RDB_TAGDB )
// if a dump is happening it will always be the last file, do not
// include it in the merge
int32_t numFiles = m_numFiles;
if ( numFiles > 0 && m_dump->isDumping() ) numFiles--;
// need at least 1 file to merge, stupid (& don't forget: u r stooopid)
// crap, we need to recover those tagdb0000.002.dat files, so
// comment this out so we can do a resume on it
//if ( numFiles <= 1 ) return;
// . wait for all unlinking and renaming activity to flush out
// . otherwise, a rename or unlink might still be waiting to happen
// and it will mess up our merge
// . right after a merge we get a few of these printed out...
if ( m_numThreads > 0 ) {
if ( doLog )
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Waiting for unlink/rename "
"operations to finish before attempting merge "
"for %s. (collnum=%"INT32")",m_dbname,(int32_t)m_collnum);
return false;
if ( g_numThreads > 0 ) {
// prevent log spam
static int32_t s_lastTime = 0;
int32_t now = getTimeLocal();
if ( now - s_lastTime > 0 && doLog )
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Waiting for another "
"collection's unlink/rename "
"operations to finish before attempting merge "
"for %s (collnum=%"INT32").",
s_lastTime = now;
return false;
// set m_minToMerge from coll rec if we're indexdb
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs [ m_collnum ];
// now see if collection rec is there to override us
//if ( ! cr ) {
if ( ! cr && ! m_rdb->m_isCollectionLess ) {
g_errno = 0;
log("merge: Could not find coll rec for %s.",m_coll);
// set the max files to merge in a single merge operation
m_absMaxFiles = -1;
m_absMaxFiles = 50;
if ( cr && m_rdb == g_indexdb.getRdb() ) {
m_absMaxFiles = cr->m_indexdbMinTotalFilesToMerge;
// watch out for bad values
if ( m_absMaxFiles < 2 ) m_absMaxFiles = 2;
if ( cr && m_rdb == g_datedb.getRdb() ) {
m_absMaxFiles = cr->m_indexdbMinTotalFilesToMerge;
// watch out for bad values
if ( m_absMaxFiles < 2 ) m_absMaxFiles = 2;
// m_minToMerge is -1 if we should let cr override but if m_minToMerge
// is actually valid at this point, use it as is, therefore, just set
// cr to NULL
m_minToMerge = m_minToMergeArg;
if ( cr && m_minToMerge > 0 ) cr = NULL;
// if cr is non-NULL use its value now
if ( cr && m_rdb == g_posdb.getRdb() )
m_minToMerge = cr->m_posdbMinFilesToMerge;
if ( cr && m_rdb == g_titledb.getRdb() )
m_minToMerge = cr->m_titledbMinFilesToMerge;
//if ( cr && m_rdb == g_spiderdb.getRdb() )
// m_minToMerge = cr->m_spiderdbMinFilesToMerge;
//if ( cr && m_rdb == g_sectiondb.getRdb() )
// m_minToMerge = cr->m_sectiondbMinFilesToMerge;
//if ( cr && m_rdb == g_sectiondb.getRdb() )
// m_minToMerge = cr->m_sectiondbMinFilesToMerge;
//if ( cr && m_rdb == g_checksumdb.getRdb() )
// m_minToMerge = cr->m_checksumdbMinFilesToMerge;
//if ( cr && m_rdb == g_clusterdb.getRdb() )
// m_minToMerge = cr->m_clusterdbMinFilesToMerge;
//if ( cr && m_rdb == g_datedb.getRdb() )
// m_minToMerge = cr->m_datedbMinFilesToMerge;
//if ( cr && m_rdb == g_statsdb.getRdb() )
//if ( m_rdb == g_statsdb.getRdb() )
// m_minToMerge = g_conf.m_statsdbMinFilesToMerge;
if ( m_rdb == g_syncdb.getRdb() )
m_minToMerge = g_syncdb.m_rdb.m_minToMerge;
if ( cr && m_rdb == g_linkdb.getRdb() )
m_minToMerge = cr->m_linkdbMinFilesToMerge;
if ( cr && m_rdb == g_cachedb.getRdb() )
m_minToMerge = 4;
if ( cr && m_rdb == g_serpdb.getRdb() )
m_minToMerge = 4;
if ( cr && m_rdb == g_monitordb.getRdb() )
m_minToMerge = 4;
if ( cr && m_rdb == g_tagdb.getRdb() )
m_minToMerge = cr->m_tagdbMinFilesToMerge;
// if we are reblancing this coll then keep merges tight so all
// the negative recs annihilate with the positive recs to free
// up disk space since we could be int16_t on disk space.
//if ( g_rebalance.m_isScanning &&
// // if might have moved on if not able to merge because
// // another was merging... so do this anyway...
// g_rebalance.m_collnum == m_collnum )
// m_minToMerge = 2;
// secondary rdbs are used for rebuilding, so keep their limits high
//if ( m_rdb == g_indexdb2.getRdb () ) m_minToMerge = 50;
// TODO: make this 200!!!
//if ( m_rdb == g_posdb2.getRdb () ) m_minToMerge = 10;
//if ( m_rdb == g_spiderdb2.getRdb () ) m_minToMerge = 20;
//if ( m_rdb == g_sectiondb2.getRdb () ) m_minToMerge = 200;
//if ( m_rdb == g_checksumdb2.getRdb () ) m_minToMerge = 20;
//if ( m_rdb == g_clusterdb2.getRdb () ) m_minToMerge = 20;
//if ( m_rdb == g_datedb2.getRdb () ) m_minToMerge = 20;
//if ( m_rdb == g_tfndb2.getRdb () ) m_minToMerge = 2;
//if ( m_rdb == g_tagdb2.getRdb () ) m_minToMerge = 20;
//if ( m_rdb == g_statsdb2.getRdb () ) m_minToMerge = 20;
// always obey the override
if ( minToMergeOverride >= 2 ) {
log("merge: Overriding min files to merge of %"INT32" with %"INT32"",
m_minToMerge,minToMergeOverride );
m_minToMerge = minToMergeOverride;
// if still -1 that is a problem
if ( m_minToMerge <= 0 ) {
log("Got bad minToMerge of %"INT32" for %s. Set its default to "
"something besides -1 in Parms.cpp or add it to "
//m_minToMerge = 2;
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// mdw: comment this out to reduce log spam when we have 800 colls!
// print it
//if ( doLog )
// log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Attempting to merge %"INT32" %s files on disk."
// " %"INT32" files needed to trigger a merge.",
// numFiles,m_dbname,m_minToMerge);
// . even though another merge may be going on, we can speed it up
// by entering urgent merge mode. this will prefer the merge disk
// ops over dump disk ops... essentially starving the dumps and
// spider reads
// . if we are significantly over our m_minToMerge limit
// then set m_mergeUrgent to true so merge disk operations will
// starve any spider disk reads (see Threads.cpp for that)
// . TODO: fix this: if already merging we'll have an extra file
// . i changed the 4 to a 14 so spider is not slowed down so much
// when getting link info... but real time queries will suffer!
if ( ! m_mergeUrgent && numFiles - 14 >= m_minToMerge ) {
m_mergeUrgent = true;
if ( doLog )
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Entering urgent merge mode for %s.",
// tfndb has his own merge class since titledb merges write tfndb recs
RdbMerge *m = &g_merge;
if ( m->isMerging() )
return false;
// if we are tfndb and someone else is merging, do not merge unless
// we have 3 or more files
int32_t minToMerge = m_minToMerge;
//if (g_tfndb.getRdb()==m_rdb&& g_merge.isMerging() && minToMerge <=2 )
// minToMerge = 3;
// do not start a tfndb merge while someone is dumping because the
// dump starves the tfndb merge and we clog up adding links. i think
// this is mainly just indexdb dumps, but we'll see.
//if(g_tfndb.getRdb() == m_rdb && g_indexdb.m_rdb.isDumping() ) return;
// are we resuming a killed merge?
bool resuming = false;
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < numFiles ; j++ ) {
// skip odd numbered files
if ( m_fileIds[j] & 0x01 ) continue;
// yes we are resuming a merge
resuming = true;
// this triggers the negative rec concentration msg below and
// tries to merge on one file...
if ( ! resuming && m_numFiles <= 1 ) {
m_nextMergeForced = false;
return false;
// what percent of recs in the collections' rdb are negative?
// the rdbmaps hold this info
int64_t totalRecs = 0LL;
float percentNegativeRecs = getPercentNegativeRecsOnDisk ( &totalRecs);
bool doNegCheck = false;
// 1. if disk space is tight and >20% negative recs, force it
if ( doNegCheck &&
g_process.m_diskAvail >= 0 &&
g_process.m_diskAvail < 10000000000LL && // 10GB
percentNegativeRecs > .20 ) {
m_nextMergeForced = true;
forceMergeAll = true;
log("rdb: hit negative rec concentration of %f "
"(total=%"INT64") for "
"collnum %"INT32" on db %s when diskAvail=%"INT64" bytes",
// 2. if >40% negative recs force it
if ( doNegCheck &&
percentNegativeRecs > .40 ) {
m_nextMergeForced = true;
forceMergeAll = true;
log("rdb: hit negative rec concentration of %f "
"(total=%"INT64") for "
"collnum %"INT32" on db %s",
// . don't merge if we don't have the min # of files
// . but skip this check if there is a merge to be resumed from b4
if ( ! resuming && ! forceMergeAll && numFiles < minToMerge ) {
// now we no longer have to check this collection rdb for
// merging. this will save a lot of cpu time when we have
// 20,000+ collections. if we dump a file to disk for it
// then we set this flag back to false in Rdb.cpp.
m_checkedForMerge = true;
return false;
// bail if already merging THIS class
if ( m_isMerging ) {
if ( doLog )
"merge: Waiting for other merge to complete "
"before merging %s.",m_dbname);
return false;
// bail if already waiting for it
if ( m_waitingForTokenForMerge ) {
if ( doLog )
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Already requested token. "
"Request for %s pending.",m_dbname);
return false;
// score it
m_waitingForTokenForMerge = true;
// log a note
//log(0,"RdbBase::attemptMerge: attempting merge for %s",m_dbname );
// this merge forced?
//m_nextMergeForced = forceMergeAll;
// . bail if already merging
// . no, RdbMerge will sleep in 5 sec cycles into they're done
// . we may have multiple hosts running on the same cpu/hardDrive
// . therefore, to maximize disk space, we should only have 1 merge
// at a time going on between these hosts
// . we cannot merge files that are being dumped either because we'll
// lose data!!
// . obsolete this shit for the token stuff
if ( g_merge.isMerging() ) {
// if we've been here once already, return now
if ( m_inWaiting ) return;
// otherwise let everyone know we're waiting
log("RdbBase::attemptMerge: waiting for another merge to finish.");
// set a flag so we don't keep printing the above msg
m_inWaiting = true;
// if it fails then sleep until it works
g_loop.registerSleepCallback (5000,this,attemptMergeWrapper);
if ( m_dump.isDumping() ) {
// bail if we've been here
if ( m_inWaiting ) return;
// otherwise let everyone know we're waiting
log("RdbBase::attemptMerge: waiting for dump to finish.");
// set a flag so we don't keep printing the above msg
m_inWaiting = true;
// . if it fails then sleep until it works
// . wait int16_ter to try and sneak a merge in if our
// buffer is so small that we're always dumping!
// should the next merge we do be forced?
g_loop.registerSleepCallback (5000,this,attemptMergeWrapper);
// remember niceness for calling g_merge.merge()
m_niceness = niceness;
// debug msg
//log (0,"RdbBase::attemptMerge: %s: getting token for merge", m_dbname);
// . get token before merging
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
// . returns true if we always have the token (just one host in group)
// . returns false if blocks (the usual case)
// . higher priority requests always supercede lower ones
// . ensure we only call this once per dump we need otherwise,
// gotTokenForMergeWrapper() may be called multiple times
// . if a host is always in urgent mode he may starve another host
// whose is too, but his old request has an low priority.
//int32_t priority = 0;
// save this so gotTokenForMerge() can use it
m_doLog = doLog;
//if ( m_mergeUrgent ) priority = 2;
//else priority = 0;
// tfndb doesn't need token, since titledb merge writes tfndb recs
// if ( //m_rdb != g_tfndb.getRdb() &&
// ! g_msg35.getToken ( this , gotTokenForMergeWrapper, priority))
// return ;
// bitch if we got token because there was an error somewhere
if ( g_errno ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"merge: attemptMerge: %s failed: %s",
g_errno = 0 ;
log(LOG_LOGIC,"merge: attemptMerge: %s: uh oh...",m_dbname);
// undo request
m_waitingForTokenForMerge = false;
// we don't have the token, so we're fucked...
return false;
// debug msg
//if ( doLog )
//log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Got merge token for %s without blocking.",
// m_dbname);
// if did not block
gotTokenForMerge ( );
void gotTokenForMergeWrapper ( void *state ) {
RdbBase *THIS = (RdbBase *)state;
void RdbBase::gotTokenForMerge ( ) {
// debug mg
//log("RdbBase::gotTokenForMerge: for %s",m_dbname);
// don't repeat
m_waitingForTokenForMerge = false;
// if a dump is happening it will always be the last file, do not
// include it in the merge
//int32_t numFiles = m_numFiles;
//if ( numFiles > 0 && m_dump->isDumping() ) numFiles--;
// . if we are significantly over our m_minToMerge limit
// then set m_mergeUrgent to true so merge disk operations will
// starve any spider disk reads (see Threads.cpp for that)
// . TODO: fix this: if already merging we'll have an extra file
// . i changed the 4 to a 14 so spider is not slowed down so much
// when getting link info... but real time queries will suffer!
if ( ! m_mergeUrgent && numFiles - 14 >= m_minToMerge ) {
m_mergeUrgent = true;
if ( m_doLog )
"merge: Entering urgent merge mode for %s.", m_dbname);
// tfndb has his own merge class since titledb merges write tfndb recs
//RdbMerge *m = &g_merge;
//if ( m_rdb == g_tfndb.getRdb() ) m = &g_merge2;
// sanity check
if ( m_isMerging || m->isMerging() ) {
//if ( m_doLog )
//"merge: Someone already merging. Waiting for "
//"merge token "
//"in order to merge %s.",m_dbname);
return false;
// or if # threads out is positive
if ( m_numThreads > 0 ) return false;
// clear for take-off
//m_inWaiting = false;
// log(0,"RdbBase::attemptMerge: someone else merging"); return; }
// . i used to just merge all the files into 1
// . but it may be more efficient to merge just enough files as
// to put m_numFiles below m_minToMerge
// . if we have the files : A B C D E F and m_minToMerge is 6
// then merge F and E, but if D is < E merged D too, etc...
// . this merge algorithm is definitely better than merging everything
// if we don't do much reading to the db, only writing
int32_t n = 0;
int32_t mergeFileId;
int32_t mergeFileNum;
float minr ;
int64_t mint ;
int32_t mini ;
bool minOld ;
int32_t id2 = -1;
//int32_t minToMerge;
bool overide = false;
//int32_t smini = - 1;
//int32_t sn ;
//int64_t tfndbSize = 0;
int32_t nowLocal = getTimeLocal();
// but if niceness is 0 merge ALL files
//if ( niceness == 0 ) {
// n = m_numFiles;
// i = -1;
// goto skip;
//char rdbId = getIdFromRdb ( m_rdb );
// if one file is even #'ed then we were merging into that, but
// got interrupted and restarted. maybe the power went off or maybe
// gb saved and exited w/o finishing the merge.
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < numFiles ; j++ ) {
// skip odd numbered files
if ( m_fileIds[j] & 0x01 ) continue;
// hey, we got a file that was being merged into
mergeFileId = m_fileIds[j];
// store the merged data into this file #
mergeFileNum = j ;
// files being merged into have a filename like
// indexdb0000.003.dat where the 003 indicates how many files
// is is merging in case we have to resume them due to power
// loss or whatever
char *s = m_files[j]->getFilename();
// skip "indexdb0001."
s += gbstrlen ( m_dbname ) + 5;
// if titledb we got a "-023" part now
if ( m_isTitledb ) {
id2 = atol2 ( s , 3 );
if ( id2 < 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx =0; }
s += 4;
// get the "003" part
n = atol2 ( s , 3 );
// sanity check
if ( n <= 1 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"merge: attemptMerge: Resuming. bad "
return false;
// make a log note
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Resuming killed merge for %s coll=%s.",
// compute the total size of merged file
mint = 0;
int32_t mm = 0;
for ( int32_t i = mergeFileNum ; i <= mergeFileNum + n ; i++ ) {
if ( i >= m_numFiles ) {
log("merge: Number of files to merge has "
"shrunk from %"INT32" to %"INT32" since time of "
"last merge. Probably because those files "
"were deleted because they were "
"exhausted and had no recs to offer."
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
if ( ! m_files[i] ) {
log("merge: File #%"INT32" is NULL, skipping.",i);
// only count files AFTER the file being merged to
if ( i > j ) mm++;
mint += m_files[i]->getFileSize();
if ( mm != n ) {
log("merge: Only merging %"INT32" instead of the "
"original %"INT32" files.",mm,n);
// cause the "if (mm==0)" to kick in below
if ( mm == 1 || mm == 0 ) {
mm = 0;
// fix renaming final merged file tagdb-001.dat
mergeFileId = 2;
m_fileIds[j] = 1;
// how many files to merge?
n = mm;
// allow a single file to continue merging if the other
// file got merged out already
if ( mm > 0 ) overide = true;
// if we've already merged and already unlinked, then the
// process exited, now we restart with just the final
// merge final and we need to do the rename
if ( mm == 0 && rdbId != RDB_TITLEDB ) {
m_isMerging = false;
// make a fake file before us that we were merging
// since it got nuked on disk
char fbuf[256];
if ( m_isTitledb )
log("merge: renaming final merged file %s",fbuf);
// this does not use a thread...
//File *mf = m_maps[j]->getFile();
log("merge: renaming final merged file %s",fbuf);
return false;
// resume the merging
goto startMerge;
minToMerge = m_minToMerge;
// if we are reblancing this coll then keep merges tight so all
// the negative recs annihilate with the positive recs to free
// up disk space since we could be int16_t on disk space.
//if ( g_rebalance.m_isScanning &&
// // if might have moved on if not able to merge because
// // another was merging... so do this anyway...
// g_rebalance.m_collnum == m_collnum )
// minToMerge = 2;
//if (m_rdb==g_tfndb.getRdb()&& g_merge.isMerging() && minToMerge <=2 )
// minToMerge = 3;
// look at this merge:
// indexdb0003.dat.part1
// indexdb0003.dat.part2
// indexdb0003.dat.part3
// indexdb0003.dat.part4
// indexdb0003.dat.part5
// indexdb0003.dat.part6
// indexdb0003.dat.part7
// indexdb0039.dat
// indexdb0039.dat.part1
// indexdb0045.dat
// indexdb0047.dat
// indexdb0002.002.dat
// indexdb0002.002.dat.part1
// it should have merged 45 and 46 since they are so much smaller
// even though the ratio between 3 and 39 is lower. we did not compute
// our dtotal correctly...
// . use greedy method
// . just merge the minimum # of files to stay under m_minToMerge
// . files must be consecutive, however
// . but ALWAYS make sure file i-1 is bigger than file i
n = numFiles - minToMerge + 2 ;
// . limit for posdb since more than about 8 gets abnormally slow
// . no this was a ruse, the spider was evaluating firstips in the
// bg slowing the posdb merge down.
//if ( m_rdb && m_rdb->m_rdbId == RDB_POSDB && n > 8 )
// n = 8;
// titledb should always merge at least 50 files no matter what though
// cuz i don't want it merging its huge root file and just one
// other file... i've seen that happen... but don't know why it didn't
// merge two small files! i guess because the root file was the
// oldest file! (38.80 days old)???
if ( m_isTitledb && n < 50 && minToMerge > 200 ) {
// force it to 50 files to merge
n = 50;
// but must not exceed numFiles!
if ( n > numFiles ) n = numFiles;
// NEVER merge more than this many files, our current merge routine
// does not scale well to many files
if ( m_absMaxFiles > 0 && n > m_absMaxFiles ) n = m_absMaxFiles;
//smini = -1;
// but if we are forcing then merge ALL, except one being dumped
if ( m_nextMergeForced ) n = numFiles;
// or if doing relabalncing, merge them all. tight merge
//if ( g_rebalance.m_isScanning && g_rebalance.m_collnum == m_collnum)
// n = numFiles;
//else if ( m_isTitledb ) {
// RdbBase *base = g_tfndb.getRdb()->m_bases[m_collnum];
// tfndbSize = base->getDiskSpaceUsed();
minr = 99999999999.0;
mint = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL ;
mini = -1;
minOld = false;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i + n <= numFiles ; i++ ) {
// oldest file
time_t date = -1;
// add up the string
int64_t total = 0;
for ( int32_t j = i ; j < i + n ; j++ ) {
total += m_files[j]->getFileSize();
time_t mtime = m_files[j]->getLastModifiedTime();
// skip on error
if ( mtime < 0 ) continue;
if ( mtime > date ) date = mtime;
// does it have a file more than 30 days old?
bool old = ( date < nowLocal - 30*24*3600 );
// not old if error (date will be -1)
if ( date < 0 ) old = false;
// if it does, and current winner does not, force ourselves!
if ( old && ! minOld ) mint = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL ;
// and if we are not old and the min is, do not consider
if ( ! old && minOld ) continue;
// if merging titledb, just pick by the lowest total
if ( m_isTitledb ) {
if ( total < mint ) {
mini = i;
mint = total;
minOld = old;
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: titledb i=%"INT32" n=%"INT32" "
"mint=%"INT64" mini=%"INT32" "
((float)nowLocal-date)/(24*3600.0) );
// . get the average ratio between mergees
// . ratio in [1.0,inf)
// . prefer the lowest average ratio
double ratio = 0.0;
for ( int32_t j = i ; j < i + n - 1 ; j++ ) {
int64_t s1 = m_files[j ]->getFileSize();
int64_t s2 = m_files[j+1]->getFileSize();
int64_t tmp;
if ( s2 == 0 ) continue;
if ( s1 < s2 ) { tmp = s1; s1 = s2 ; s2 = tmp; }
ratio += (double)s1 / (double)s2 ;
if ( n >= 2 ) ratio /= (double)(n-1);
// sanity check
if ( ratio < 0.0 ) {
logf(LOG_LOGIC,"merge: ratio is negative %.02f",ratio);
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// the adjusted ratio
double adjratio = ratio;
// . adjust ratio based on file size of current winner
// . if winner is ratio of 1:1 and we are 10:1 but winner
// is 10 times bigger than us, then we have a tie.
// . i think if we are 10:1 and winner is 3 times bigger
// we should have a tie
if ( mini >= 0 && total > 0 && mint > 0 ) {
double sratio = (double)total/(double)mint;
//if ( mint>total ) sratio = (float)mint/(float)total;
//else sratio = (float)total/(float)mint;
adjratio *= sratio;
// debug the merge selection
char tooBig = 0;
int64_t prevSize = 0;
if ( i > 0 ) prevSize = m_files[i-1]->getFileSize();
if ( i > 0 && prevSize < total/4 ) tooBig = 1;
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: i=%"INT32" n=%"INT32" ratio=%.2f adjratio=%.2f "
"minr=%.2f mint=%"INT64" mini=%"INT32" prevFileSize=%"INT64" "
"mergeFileSize=%"INT64" tooBig=%"INT32" oldestfile=%.02fdays "
prevSize , total ,(int32_t)tooBig,
((float)nowLocal-date)/(24*3600.0) ,
// . if we are merging the last file, penalize it
// . otherwise, we dump little files out and almost always
// merge them into the next file right away, but if we
// merged two in the back instead, our next little dump would
// merge with our previous little dump in no time. so we
// have to look into the future a step...
// . count the next to last guy twice
//if ( n == 2 && i + n == numFiles && i + n - 2 >= 0 )
// total += m_files[i+n-2]->getFileSize();
// bring back the greedy merge
if ( total >= mint ) continue;
//if ( adjratio > minr && mini >= 0 ) continue;
//if ( ratio > minr && mini >= 0 ) continue;
// . don't get TOO lopsided on me now
// . allow it for now! this is the true greedy method... no!
// . an older small file can be cut off early on by a merge
// of middle files. the little guy can end up never getting
// merged unless we have this.
// . allow a file to be 4x bigger than the one before it, this
// allows a little bit of lopsidedness.
if (i > 0 && m_files[i-1]->getFileSize() < total/4 ) continue;
//min = total;
minr = ratio;
mint = total;
mini = i;
minOld = old;
// . if titledb, merge at least enough titledb recs to equal the size
// of tfndb times three if we can, without going too far overboard
// because we have to read the *entire* tfndb just to merge two
// titledb files... for now at least
// . save the settings that work in case we have to pop them
// . times 6 is better than times 3 because reading from tfndb can
// be cpu intensive if we have to merge in the list from the rdb tree
//if ( m_isTitledb && mint<6*tfndbSize && mini>=0 && n<numFiles ) {
// smini = mini;
// sn = n;
// // but try increasing n unti we bust
// n++;
// goto tryAgain;
// bring back saved if we should
//if ( smini >= 0 ) {
// mini = smini;
// n = sn;
// if no valid range, bail
if ( mini == -1 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"merge: gotTokenForMerge: Bad engineer. mini "
"is -1.");
return false;
// . merge from file #mini through file #(mini+n)
// . these files should all have ODD fileIds so we can sneak a new
// mergeFileId in there
mergeFileId = m_fileIds[mini] - 1;
// get new id, -1 on error
id2 = -1;
if ( m_isTitledb ) {
//id2 = getAvailId2 ( );
// this is obsolete, make 000 for now
id2 = 000;
if ( id2 < 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"merge: attemptMerge: could not add "
"new file for titledb. No avail ids.");
g_errno = 0;
return false;
// . make a filename for the merge
// . always starts with file #0
// . merge targets are named like "indexdb0000.dat.002"
// . for titledb is "titledb0000-023.dat.003" (23 is id2)
// . this now also sets m_mergeStartFileNum for us... but we override
// below anyway. we have to set it there in case we startup and
// are resuming a merge.
mergeFileNum = addFile ( mergeFileId , true/*new file?*/ , n , id2 ) ;
if ( mergeFileNum < 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"merge: attemptMerge: Could not add new file.");
g_errno = 0;
return false;
// we just opened a new file
//g_sync.addOp ( OP_OPEN , m_files[mergeFileNum] , 0 );
// is it a force?
if ( m_nextMergeForced ) log(LOG_INFO,
"merge: Force merging all %s "
"files, except those being dumped now.",
// clear after each call to attemptMerge()
m_nextMergeForced = false;
// sanity check
if ( n <= 1 && ! overide ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"merge: gotTokenForMerge: Not merging %"INT32" files.",
return false;
// . save the # of files we're merging for the cleanup process
// . don't include the first file, which is now file #0
m_numFilesToMerge = n ; // numFiles - 1;
m_mergeStartFileNum = mergeFileNum + 1; // 1
//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
char *coll = "";
if ( cr ) coll = cr->m_coll;
// log merge parms
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Merging %"INT32" %s files to file id %"INT32" now. "
"collnum=%"INT32" coll=%s",
// print out file info
m_numPos = 0;
m_numNeg = 0;
for ( int32_t i = m_mergeStartFileNum ;
i < m_mergeStartFileNum + m_numFilesToMerge ; i++ ) {
m_numPos += m_maps[i]->getNumPositiveRecs();
m_numNeg += m_maps[i]->getNumNegativeRecs();
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: %s (#%"INT32") has %"INT64" positive "
"and %"INT64" negative records." ,
m_files[i]->getFilename() ,
i ,
m_maps[i]->getNumNegativeRecs() );
log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Total positive = %"INT64" Total negative = %"INT64".",
// assume we are now officially merging
m_isMerging = true;
//char rdbId = getIdFromRdb ( m_rdb );
// sanity check
if ( m_niceness == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0 ; }
// . start the merge
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise & sets g_errno
if ( ! m->merge ( rdbId ,
m_collnum ,
m_files[mergeFileNum] ,
m_maps [mergeFileNum] ,
id2 ,
m_mergeStartFileNum ,
m_numFilesToMerge ,
m_niceness ,
NULL,//m_pc ,
mint /*maxTargetFileSize*/ ,
m_ks ) )
// we started the merge so return true here
return true;
// hey, we're no longer merging i guess
m_isMerging = false;
// decerment this count
// . if we have no g_errno that is bad!!!
// . we should dump core here or something cuz we have to remove the
// merge file still to be correct
//if ( ! g_errno )
// log(LOG_INFO,"merge: Got token without blocking.");
// we now set this in init() by calling m_merge.init() so it
// can pre-alloc it's lists in it's s_msg3 class
// g_conf.m_mergeMaxBufSize ) ) return ;
// bitch on g_errno then clear it
if ( g_errno )
log("merge: Had error getting merge token for %s: %s.",
g_errno = 0;
// give token back
// try again
//m_rdb->attemptMerge( m_niceness, false , true );
// how did this happen?
log("merge: did not block for some reason.");
return true;
// . use the maps and tree to estimate the size of this list w/o hitting disk
// . used by Indexdb.cpp to get the size of a list for IDF weighting purposes
//int32_t RdbBase::getListSize ( key_t startKey , key_t endKey , key_t *max ,
int64_t RdbBase::getListSize ( char *startKey , char *endKey , char *max ,
int64_t oldTruncationLimit ) {
// . reset this to low points
// . this is on
//*max = endKey;
bool first = true;
// do some looping
//key_t newGuy;
char newGuy[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
int64_t totalBytes = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
// the start and end pages for a page range
int32_t pg1 , pg2;
// get the start and end pages for this startKey/endKey
m_maps[i]->getPageRange ( startKey ,
endKey ,
&pg1 ,
&pg2 ,
//&newGuy ,
newGuy ,
oldTruncationLimit );
// . get the range size add it to count
// . some of these records are negative recs (deletes) so
// our count may be small
// . also, count may be a bit small because getRecSizes() may
// not recognize some recs on the page boundaries as being
// in [startKey,endKey]
// . this can now return negative sizes
// . the "true" means to subtract page sizes that begin with
// delete keys (the key's low bit is clear)
// . get the minKey and maxKey in this range
// . minKey2 may be bigger than the actual minKey for this
// range, likewise, maxKey2 may be smaller than the actual
// maxKey, but should be good estimates
int64_t maxBytes = m_maps[i]->getMaxRecSizes ( pg1 ,
pg2 ,
endKey ,
true );//subtrct
// get the min as well
int64_t minBytes = m_maps[i]->getMinRecSizes ( pg1 ,
pg2 ,
endKey ,
true );//subtrct
int64_t avg = (maxBytes + minBytes) / 2LL;
// use that
totalBytes += avg;
// if not too many pages then don't even bother setting "max"
// since it is used only for interpolating if this term is
// truncated. if only a few pages then it might be way too
// small.
if ( pg1 + 5 > pg2 ) continue;
// replace *max automatically if this is our first time
//if ( first ) { *max = newGuy; first = false; continue; }
if ( first ) {
KEYSET(max,newGuy,m_ks); first = false; continue; }
// . get the SMALLEST max key
// . this is used for estimating what the size of the list
// would be without truncation
//if ( newGuy > *max ) *max = newGuy;
if ( KEYCMP(newGuy,max,m_ks)>0 ) KEYSET(max,newGuy,m_ks);
// debug
// log("PHASE1: sk=%s ek=%s bytes=%i"
// ,KEYSTR(startKey,m_ks)
// ,KEYSTR(endKey,m_ks)
// ,(int)totalBytes);
// TODO: now get from the btree!
// before getting from the map (on disk IndexLists) get upper bound
// from the in memory b-tree
//int32_t n=getTree()->getListSize (startKey, endKey, &minKey2, &maxKey2);
int64_t n;
if(m_tree) n = m_tree->getListSize ( m_collnum ,
startKey , endKey , NULL , NULL );
else n = m_buckets->getListSize ( m_collnum ,
startKey , endKey , NULL , NULL );
// debug
// RdbList list;
// m_buckets->getList ( m_collnum,
// startKey,
// endKey,
// 10000000,
// &list ,
// NULL,
// NULL,
// true);
// g_posdb.printList ( list );
totalBytes += n;
//if ( minKey2 < *minKey ) *minKey = minKey2;
//if ( maxKey2 > *maxKey ) *maxKey = maxKey2;
// ensure totalBytes >= 0
if ( totalBytes < 0 ) totalBytes = 0;
// debug
// log("PHASE2: sk=%s ek=%s bytes=%i"
// ,KEYSTR(startKey,m_ks)
// ,KEYSTR(endKey,m_ks)
// ,(int)totalBytes);
return totalBytes;
int64_t RdbBase::getNumGlobalRecs ( ) {
return getNumTotalRecs() * g_hostdb.m_numShards;
// . return number of positive records - negative records
int64_t RdbBase::getNumTotalRecs ( ) {
int64_t numPositiveRecs = 0;
int64_t numNegativeRecs = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
// skip even #'d files -- those are merge files
if ( (m_fileIds[i] & 0x01) == 0 ) continue;
numPositiveRecs += m_maps[i]->getNumPositiveRecs();
numNegativeRecs += m_maps[i]->getNumNegativeRecs();
// . add in the btree
// . TODO: count negative and positive recs in the b-tree
// . assume all positive for now
// . for now let Rdb add the tree in RdbBase::getNumTotalRecs()
if(m_tree) {
numPositiveRecs += m_tree->getNumPositiveKeys(m_collnum);
numNegativeRecs += m_tree->getNumNegativeKeys(m_collnum);
else {
// i've seen this happen when adding a new coll i guess
if ( ! m_buckets ) return 0;
//these routines are slow because they count every time.
numPositiveRecs += m_buckets->getNumKeys(m_collnum);
//numPositiveRecs += m_buckets->getNumPositiveKeys(m_collnum);
//numNegativeRecs += m_buckets->getNumNegativeKeys(m_collnum);
//int64_t total = numPositiveRecs - numNegativeRecs;
//if ( total < 0 ) return 0LL;
//return total;
return numPositiveRecs - numNegativeRecs;
// . how much mem is alloced for all of our maps?
// . we have one map per file
int64_t RdbBase::getMapMemAlloced () {
int64_t alloced = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ )
alloced += m_maps[i]->getMemAlloced();
return alloced;
// sum of all parts of all big files
int32_t RdbBase::getNumSmallFiles ( ) {
int32_t count = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ )
count += m_files[i]->getNumParts();
return count;
int64_t RdbBase::getDiskSpaceUsed ( ) {
int64_t count = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ )
count += m_files[i]->getFileSize();
return count;
// . convert a tfn (title file num)(encoded in tfndb recs) to a real file num
// . used by Msg22
// . tfndb maps a docid to a tfn (tfndb is like an RdbMap but fatter)
// . if id2 is not present, it is because of our old bug: some middle files
// got merged and the file nums changed, so all the old tfns are mapping to
// an older file than they should! so if 2 merges happened, if the merge
// above the other merge
// . IMPORTANT: de-compensate for merge file inserted before us
int32_t RdbBase::getFileNumFromId2 ( int32_t id2 ) {
int32_t prev = -1;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
if ( m_fileIds2[i] == id2 ) {
if ( m_hasMergeFile && i >= m_mergeStartFileNum ) i--;
return i;
if ( m_fileIds2[i] < id2 ) prev = i;
// if not there, must have been merged below, use prev
if ( m_hasMergeFile && prev >= m_mergeStartFileNum ) prev--;
// debug msg
//log("Rdb:getFileNumFromId2: id2 of %"INT32" is invalid. returning "
// "startFileNum of %"INT32".",id2,prev,id2);
log("db: titledb*-%"INT32".dat file in collection \"%s\" "
"is referenced but no longer exists. "
"To fix this do a tight merge on titledb; you may have to delete "
"tfndb* and regenerate it using the 'gb gendbs' command after the "
"tight merge completes if the document is indeed missing. Cause "
"may have been an improper shutdown, or not saving tfndb or "
"titledb, or a missing document in titledb.",id2,m_coll);
//log("DISK: titledb*-%"INT32".dat file is referenced but no longer exists."
// " See section on Database Repair in overview.html to fix it.",id2);
return -1; // prev;
// . used by Sync.cpp to convert a sync point to a list of file nums
// to read from for syncing
// . if it is m_savedFile then return -2
// . if it is not found then return -1
int32_t RdbBase::getFileNumFromName ( char *fname ) {
// this is a special case
if ( strstr ( fname , "-sav" ) ) return -2;
// scan our current files
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
char *ff = m_files[i]->getFilename();
if ( strcmp ( ff , fname ) == 0 ) return i;
return -1;
void RdbBase::closeMaps ( bool urgent ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ )
m_maps[i]->close ( urgent );
void RdbBase::saveMaps ( bool useThread ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
if ( ! m_maps[i] ) {
log("base: map for file #%i is null",i);
m_maps[i]->writeMap ( false );
void RdbBase::verifyDiskPageCache ( ) {
//if ( !m_pc ) return;
// disable for now
// for ( int32_t i = 0; i < m_numFiles; i++ ){
// BigFile *f = m_files[i];
// m_pc->verifyData(f);
// }
bool RdbBase::verifyFileSharding ( ) {
if ( m_rdb->m_isCollectionLess ) return true;
// if swapping in from CollectionRec::getBase() then do
// not re-verify file sharding! only do at startup
if ( g_loop.m_isDoingLoop ) return true;
// skip for now to speed up startup
static int32_t s_count = 0;
if ( s_count == 50 )
log("db: skipping shard verification for remaining files");
if ( s_count >= 50 )
return true;
Msg5 msg5;
//Msg5 msg5b;
RdbList list;
char startKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char endKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
int32_t minRecSizes = 64000;
char rdbId = m_rdb->m_rdbId;
if ( rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB ) minRecSizes = 640000;
log ( "db: Verifying shard parity for %s of %"INT32" bytes "
"for coll %s (collnum=%"INT32")...",
m_dbname ,
m_coll , (int32_t)m_collnum );
if ( ! msg5.getList ( m_rdb->m_rdbId, //RDB_POSDB ,
m_collnum ,
&list ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree ,
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
0 , // niceness
false , // err correction?
0 ,
-1 ,
true ,
-1LL ,
NULL , // &msg5b ,
true )) {
return log("db: HEY! it did not block");
int32_t count = 0;
int32_t got = 0;
int32_t printed = 0;
char k[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
for ( list.resetListPtr() ; ! list.isExhausted() ;
list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
//key144_t k;
// skip negative keys
if ( (k[0] & 0x01) == 0x00 ) continue;
//uint32_t groupId = k.n1 & g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
//uint32_t groupId = getGroupId ( RDB_POSDB , &k );
//if ( groupId == g_hostdb.m_groupId ) got++;
uint32_t shardNum = getShardNum( rdbId , k );
if ( shardNum == getMyShardNum() ) {
if ( ++printed > 100 ) continue;
// avoid log spam... comment this out. nah print out 1st 100.
log ( "db: Found bad key in list belongs to shard %"INT32"",
//if ( got )
// log("db: verified %"INT32" recs for %s in coll %s",
// got,m_dbname,m_coll);
if ( got == count ) {
//log("db: passed on %"INT32" recs (count=%"INT32")",got,count);
return true;
// tally it up
g_rebalance.m_numForeignRecs += count - got;
log ("db: Out of first %"INT32" records in %s for %s.%"INT32", only %"INT32" belong "
"to our group.",count,m_dbname,m_coll,(int32_t)m_collnum,got);
// exit if NONE, we probably got the wrong data
//if ( got == 0 ) log("db: Are you sure you have the "
// "right data in the right directory? ");
//log ( "db: Exiting due to Posdb inconsistency." );
return true;//g_conf.m_bypassValidation;
//log(LOG_DEBUG, "db: Posdb passed verification successfully for %"INT32" "
// "recs.", count );
//return true;
float RdbBase::getPercentNegativeRecsOnDisk ( int64_t *totalArg ) {
// scan the maps
int64_t numPos = 0LL;
int64_t numNeg = 0LL;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFiles ; i++ ) {
numPos += m_maps[i]->getNumPositiveRecs();
numNeg += m_maps[i]->getNumNegativeRecs();
int64_t total = numPos + numNeg;
*totalArg = total;
float percent = (float)numNeg / (float)total;
return percent;