Matt 09de59f026 do not store cblock, etc. tags into tagdb to save
disk space. added tagdb file cache for better performance,
less disk accesses. will help reduce disk load.
put file cache sizes in master controls and if they change
then update the cache size dynamically.
2015-09-10 12:46:00 -06:00

743 lines
27 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
#include "RdbMerge.h"
#include "Msg3.h"
#include "Indexdb.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Spider.h"
// declare the lock unlocked
//static bool s_isMergeLocked = false;
static void getLockWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
static void dumpListWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) ;
static void tryAgainWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
RdbMerge::RdbMerge () {};
RdbMerge::~RdbMerge () {};
void RdbMerge::reset () { m_isMerging = false; m_isSuspended = false; }
// . buffer is used for reading and writing
// . return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . if niceness is 0 merge will block, otherwise will not block
// . we now use niceness of 1 which should spawn threads that don't allow
// niceness 2 threads to launch while they're running
// . spider process now uses mostly niceness 2
// . we need the merge to take priority over spider processes on disk otherwise
// there's too much contention from spider lookups on disk for the merge
// to finish in a decent amount of time and we end up getting too many files!
bool RdbMerge::merge ( char rdbId ,
//char *coll , //RdbBase *base ,
collnum_t collnum,
BigFile *target ,
RdbMap *targetMap ,
int32_t id2 , // target's secondary id
int32_t startFileNum ,
int32_t numFiles ,
int32_t niceness ,
//class DiskPageCache *pc ,
void *pc ,
int64_t maxTargetFileSize ,
char keySize ) {
// reset ourselves
// set it
m_rdbId = rdbId;
Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( rdbId );
// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
RdbBase *base; if (!(base=getRdbBase(m_rdbId,collnum))) return true;
// don't breech the max
//if ( numFiles > m_maxFilesToMerge ) numFiles = m_maxFilesToMerge;
// reset this map! it's m_crcs needs to be reset
// remember some parms
//if ( ! coll && rdb->m_isCollectionLess )
// strcpy ( m_coll , rdb->m_dbname );
// strcpy ( m_coll , coll );
m_collnum = collnum;
if ( rdb->m_isCollectionLess ) m_collnum = 0;
m_target = target;
m_targetMap = targetMap;
m_id2 = id2;
m_startFileNum = startFileNum;
m_numFiles = numFiles;
m_dedup = base->m_dedup;
m_fixedDataSize = base->m_fixedDataSize;
m_niceness = niceness;
//m_pc = pc;
m_maxTargetFileSize = maxTargetFileSize;
m_doneMerging = false;
m_ks = keySize;
// . set the key range we want to retrieve from the files
// . just get from the files, not tree (not cache?)
// if we're resuming a killed merge, set m_startKey to last
// key the map knows about.
// the dump will start dumping at the end of the targetMap's data file.
if ( m_targetMap->getNumRecs() > 0 ) {
log(LOG_INIT,"db: Resuming a killed merge.");
//m_startKey = m_targetMap->getLastKey();
//m_startKey += (uint32_t) 1;
// if power goes out and we are not doing synchronous writes
// then we could have completely lost some data and unlinked
// a part file from the file being merged, so that the data is
// gone. to be able to resume merging, we must increment the
// startKey until it references a valid offset in all the
// files being merged. invalid offsets will reference parts
// that have been chopped.
RdbMap **maps = rdb->getMaps();
BigFile **files = rdb->getFiles();
for ( int32_t i=m_startFileNum;i<m_startFileNum+m_numFiles;i++){
int64_t minOff = 0LL;
int32_t k = 0;
while ( k < files[i]->m_maxParts &&
! files[i]->m_files[k] ) {
minOff += MAX_PART_SIZE;
int32_t pn0 = maps[i]->getPage ( m_startKey );
int32_t pn = pn0;
while ( maps[i]->getAbsoluteOffset(pn) < minOff ) pn++;
if ( pn != pn0 ) {
log("db: Lost data during merge. Starting "
"merge at page number %"INT32" from %"INT32" for "
m_startKey = maps[i]->getKey ( pn );
// free our list's memory, just in case
// . we may have multiple hosts running on the same cpu/hardDrive
// . therefore, to maximize disk space, we should only have 1 merge
// at a time going on between these hosts
// . now tfndb has own merge class since titledb merge writes url recs
if ( s_isMergeLocked ) {
//log("RdbMerge::merge: someone else merging sleeping.");
log("RdbMerge::merge: someone else merging. bad engineer.");
return false;
// if it fails then sleep until it works
return gotLock();
// . called once every 5 seconds or so (might be 1 second)
void getLockWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
RdbMerge *THIS = (RdbMerge *) state;
// . try getting the file again
// . now tfndb has own merge class since titledb merge writes url recs
//if ( s_isMergeLocked ) {
// log("RdbMerge::merge: someone else merging sleeping.");
// return;
// if we got the file then unregister this callback
g_loop.unregisterSleepCallback ( THIS, getLockWrapper );
// . and call gotLock(), return if it succeeded
// . it returns false if it blocked
if ( ! THIS->gotLock() ) return;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool RdbMerge::gotLock ( ) {
// get total recSizes of files we're merging
//int32_t totalSize = 0;
//for ( int32_t i=m_startFileNum ; i < m_startFileNum + m_numFiles ; i++ )
//totalSize += m_base->m_files[i]->getSize();
// . grow the map now so it doesn't have to keep growing dynamically
// which wastes memory
// . setMapSize() returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . we return true if it had an error
//if ( ! m_targetMap->setMapSizeFromFileSize ( totalSize ) ) {
//log("RdbMerge::getLockFile: targetMap setMapSize failed");
//return true;
// . get last mapped offset
// . this may actually be smaller than the file's actual size
// but the excess is not in the map, so we need to do it again
int64_t startOffset = m_targetMap->getFileSize();
// if startOffset is > 0 use the last key as RdbDump:m_prevLastKey
// so it can compress the next key it dumps providee m_useHalfKeys
// is true (key compression) and the next key has the same top 6 bytes
// as m_prevLastKey
//key_t prevLastKey;
//if ( startOffset > 0 ) prevLastKey = m_targetMap->getLastKey();
//else prevLastKey.setMin();
char prevLastKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
if ( startOffset > 0 ) m_targetMap->getLastKey(prevLastKey);
else KEYMIN(prevLastKey,m_ks);
// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
RdbBase *base; if (!(base=getRdbBase(m_rdbId,m_collnum))) return true;
// . set up a a file to dump the records into
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . this will open m_target as O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK | O_ASYNC ...
m_dump.set ( m_collnum ,
m_target ,
m_id2 ,
//m_startFileNum - 1 , // merge fileNum in Rdb::m_files[]
(m_rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB||m_rdbId== RDB2_TITLEDB2) ,
NULL , // buckets to dump is NULL, we call dumpList
NULL , // tree to dump is NULL, we call dumpList
m_targetMap ,
NULL , // for caching dumped tree
0 , // m_maxBufSize. not needed if no tree!
true , // orderedDump?
m_dedup ,
m_niceness , // niceness of dump
this , // state
dumpListWrapper ,
base->useHalfKeys() ,
startOffset ,
prevLastKey ,
m_ks ,
NULL,//m_pc ,
m_maxTargetFileSize ,
NULL ); // set m_base::m_needsToSave? no.
// what kind of error?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("db: gotLock: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno) );
return true;
// . create a new msg3
// . don't keep static because it contains a msg3, treeList & diskList
// . these can take up many megs of mem
// . yes, but we need to avoid fragmentation, so hold on to our mem!
//m_msg3 = new (Msg3);
//if ( ! m_msg3 ) return false;
// we're now merging since the dump was set up successfully
m_isMerging = true;
// make it suspended for now
m_isSuspended = true;
// grab the lock
//s_isMergeLocked = true;
// . this unsuspends it
// . this returns false on error and sets g_errno
// . it returns true if blocked or merge completed successfully
return resumeMerge ( );
void RdbMerge::suspendMerge ( ) {
if ( ! m_isMerging ) return;
// do not reset m_isReadyToSave...
if ( m_isSuspended ) return;
m_isSuspended = true;
// we are waiting for the suspension to kick in really
m_isReadyToSave = false;
// . we don't want the dump writing to an RdbMap that has been deleted
// . this can happen if the close is delayed because we are dumping
// a tree to disk
m_dump.m_isSuspended = true;
void RdbMerge::doSleep() {
log("db: Merge had error: %s. Sleeping and retrying.",
g_errno = 0;
g_loop.registerSleepCallback (1000,this,tryAgainWrapper);
// . return false if blocked, otherwise true
// . sets g_errno on error
bool RdbMerge::resumeMerge ( ) {
// return true if not suspended
if ( ! m_isSuspended ) return true;
// turn off the suspension so getNextList() will work
m_isSuspended = false;
// the usual loop
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . we return true if it blocked
if ( ! getNextList ( ) ) return false;
// if g_errno is out of memory then msg3 wasn't able to get the lists
// so we should sleep and retry...
// or if no thread slots were available...
if ( g_errno == ENOMEM || g_errno == ENOTHREADSLOTS ) {
doSleep(); return false; }
// if list is empty or we had an error then we're done
if ( g_errno || m_doneMerging ) { doneMerging(); return true; }
// . otherwise dump the list we read to our target file
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
if ( ! dumpList ( ) ) return false;
// repeat ad nauseam
goto loop;
static void chopWrapper ( void *state ) ;
// . return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool RdbMerge::getNextList ( ) {
// return true if g_errno is set
if ( g_errno || m_doneMerging ) return true;
// it's suspended so we count this as blocking
if ( m_isSuspended ) {
m_isReadyToSave = true;
return false;
// if the power is off, suspend the merging
if ( ! g_process.m_powerIsOn ) {
m_isReadyToSave = true;
return false;
// no chop threads
m_numThreads = 0;
// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
RdbBase *base = getRdbBase(m_rdbId,m_collnum);
if ( ! base ) {
// hmmm it doesn't set g_errno so we set it here now
// otherwise we do an infinite loop sometimes if a collection
// rec is deleted for the collnum
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
return true;
// . if a contributor has just surpassed a "part" in his BigFile
// then we can delete that part from the BigFile and the map
for ( int32_t i = m_startFileNum ; i < m_startFileNum + m_numFiles; i++ ){
RdbMap *map = base->m_maps[i];
int32_t page = map->getPage ( m_startKey );
int64_t offset = map->getAbsoluteOffset ( page );
BigFile *file = base->m_files[i];
int32_t part = file->getPartNum ( offset ) ;
if ( part == 0 ) continue;
// i've seen this bug happen if we chop a part off on our
// last dump and the merge never completes for some reason...
// so if we're in the last part then don't chop the part b4 us
if ( part >= file->m_maxParts - 1 ) continue;
// if we already unlinked part # (part-1) then continue
if ( ! file->doesPartExist ( part - 1 ) ) continue;
// . otherwise, excise from the map
// . we must be able to chop the mapped segments corresponding
// EXACTLY to the part file
// . therefore, PAGES_PER_SEGMENT define'd in RdbMap.h must
// evenly divide MAX_PART_SIZE in BigFile.h
// . i do this check in RdbMap.cpp
if ( ! map->chopHead ( MAX_PART_SIZE ) ) {
// we had an error!
log("db: Failed to remove data from map for "
return true;
// . also, unlink any part files BELOW part # "part"
// . this returns false if it blocked, true otherwise
// . this sets g_errno on error
// . now we just unlink part file #(part-1) explicitly
if ( ! file->chopHead ( part - 1 , chopWrapper , this ) )
if ( ! g_errno ) continue;
log("db: Failed to unlink file %s.part%"INT32".",
return true;
// wait for file to be unlinked before getting list
if ( m_numThreads > 0 ) return false;
// otherwise, get it now
return getAnotherList ( );
void chopWrapper ( void *state ) {
RdbMerge *THIS = (RdbMerge *)state;
// wait for all threads to complete
if ( --THIS->m_numThreads > 0 ) return;
// return if this blocks
if ( ! THIS->getAnotherList ( ) ) return;
// otherwise, continue the merge loop
bool RdbMerge::getAnotherList ( ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"db: Getting another list for merge.");
// clear it up in case it was already set
g_errno = 0;
// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
RdbBase *base; if (!(base=getRdbBase(m_rdbId,m_collnum))) return true;
// if merging titledb files, we must adjust m_endKey so we do
// not have to read a huge 200MB+ tfndb list
//key_t newEndKey = m_endKey;
char newEndKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
//char *coll = cr->m_coll;
if ( m_rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB ) { // && m_rdbId == RDB_TFNDB ) {
//int64_t docId1 = g_titledb.getDocIdFromKey ( m_startKey );
int64_t docId1=g_titledb.getDocIdFromKey((key_t *)m_startKey);
//int64_t docId2 = g_titledb.getDocIdFromKey ( m_endKey );
// tfndb is pretty much uniformly distributed
RdbBase *ubase = getRdbBase(RDB_TFNDB,m_coll);
if ( ! ubase ) return true;
int64_t space = ubase->getDiskSpaceUsed();
//int64_t readSize = (space * (docId2-docId1)) / DOCID_MASK;
int64_t bufSize = g_conf.m_mergeBufSize;
// for now force to 100k
bufSize = 100000;
if ( bufSize > space ) bufSize = space;
int64_t docId3 = (int64_t) (((double)bufSize /
(double)space) *
(double)DOCID_MASK + docId1);
// constrain newEndKey based on docId3
if ( docId3 < 0 ) docId3 = DOCID_MASK;
//if ( docId3 >= DOCID_MASK ) newEndKey.setMax();
if ( docId3 >= DOCID_MASK ) KEYMAX(newEndKey,m_ks);
//else newEndKey = g_titledb.makeLastKey ( docId3 );
else {
key_t nk = g_titledb.makeLastKey(docId3);
KEYSET(newEndKey,(char *)&nk,m_ks);
//log(LOG_DEBUG,"build: remapping endkey from %"XINT32".%"XINT64" to "
// "%"XINT32".%"XINT64" to avoid big tfndb read.",
// m_endKey.n1,m_endKey.n0, newEndKey.n1,newEndKey.n0);
log(LOG_DEBUG,"build: remapping endkey from %"XINT64".%"XINT64" to "
"%"XINT64".%"XINT64" to avoid big tfndb read.",
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . we return false if it blocked
// . m_maxBufSize may be exceeded by a rec, it's just a target size
// . niceness is usually MAX_NICENESS, but reindex.cpp sets to 0
// . this was a call to Msg3, but i made it call Msg5 since
// we now do the merging in Msg5, not in msg3 anymore
// . this will now handle truncation, dup and neg rec removal
// . it remembers last termId and count so it can truncate even when
// IndexList is split between successive reads
// . IMPORTANT: when merging titledb we could be merging about 255
// files, so if we are limited to only X fds it can have a cascade
// affect where reading from one file closes the fd of another file
// in the read (since we call open before spawning the read thread)
// and can therefore take 255 retries for the Msg3 to complete
// because each read gives a EFILCLOSED error.
// so to fix it we allow one retry for each file in the read plus
// the original retry of 25
int32_t nn = base->getNumFiles();
if ( m_numFiles > 0 && m_numFiles < nn ) nn = m_numFiles;
// don't access any biased page caches
bool usePageCache = true;
if ( m_rdbId == RDB_CLUSTERDB )
usePageCache = false;
// . i don't trust page cache too much (mdw)... well, give it a shot
// . see if ths helps fix WD corruption... i doubt it
usePageCache = false;
// for now force to 100k
int32_t bufSize = 100000; // g_conf.m_mergeBufSize , // minRecSizes
// get it
return m_msg5.getList ( m_rdbId ,
m_collnum ,
&m_list ,
m_startKey ,
newEndKey , // usually is maxed!
bufSize ,
false , // includeTree?
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age for lookup
m_startFileNum , // startFileNum
m_numFiles ,
this , // state
gotListWrapper , // callback
m_niceness , // niceness
true , // do error correction?
NULL , // cache key ptr
0 , // retry #
nn + 75 , // max retries (mk it high)
false , // compensate for merge?
-1LL , // sync point
&m_msg5b ,
true , // isRealMerge? absolutely!
usePageCache );
void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) {
// get a ptr to ourselves
RdbMerge *THIS = (RdbMerge *)state;
// if g_errno is out of memory then msg3 wasn't able to get the lists
// so we should sleep and retry
if ( g_errno == ENOMEM || g_errno == ENOTHREADSLOTS ) {
THIS->doSleep(); return; }
// if g_errno we're done
if ( g_errno || THIS->m_doneMerging ) { THIS->doneMerging(); return; }
// return if this blocked
if ( ! THIS->dumpList ( ) ) return;
// return if this blocked
if ( ! THIS->getNextList() ) return;
// otherwise, keep on trucking
goto loop;
// called after sleeping for 1 sec because of ENOMEM or ENOTHREADSLOTS
void tryAgainWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
// if power is still off, keep things suspended
if ( ! g_process.m_powerIsOn ) return;
// get a ptr to ourselves
RdbMerge *THIS = (RdbMerge *)state;
// unregister the sleep callback
g_loop.unregisterSleepCallback ( THIS, tryAgainWrapper );
// clear this
g_errno = 0;
// return if this blocked
if ( ! THIS->getNextList() ) return;
// if this didn't block do the loop
gotListWrapper ( THIS , NULL , NULL );
// similar to gotListWrapper but we call getNextList() before dumpList()
void dumpListWrapper ( void *state ) {
// debug msg
log(LOG_DEBUG,"db: Dump of list completed: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
// get a ptr to ourselves
RdbMerge *THIS = (RdbMerge *)state;
// collection reset or deleted while RdbDump.cpp was writing out?
if ( g_errno == ENOCOLLREC ) { THIS->doneMerging(); return; }
// return if this blocked
if ( ! THIS->getNextList() ) return;
// if g_errno is out of memory then msg3 wasn't able to get the lists
// so we should sleep and retry
if ( g_errno == ENOMEM || g_errno == ENOTHREADSLOTS ) {
// if the dump failed, it should reset m_dump.m_offset of
// the file to what it was originally (in case it failed
// in adding the list to the map). we do not need to set
// m_startKey back to the startkey of this list, because
// it is *now* only advanced on successful dump!!
THIS->doSleep(); return; }
// . if g_errno we're done
// . if list is empty we're done
if ( g_errno || THIS->m_doneMerging ) { THIS->doneMerging(); return; }
// return if this blocked
if ( ! THIS->dumpList ( ) ) return;
// otherwise, keep on trucking
goto loop;
// . return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . set g_errno on error
// . list should be truncated, possible have all negative keys removed,
// and de-duped thanks to RdbList::indexMerge_r() and RdbList::merge_r()
bool RdbMerge::dumpList ( ) {
// return true on g_errno
if ( g_errno ) return true;
// . it's suspended so we count this as blocking
// . resumeMerge() will call getNextList() again, not dumpList() so
// don't advance m_startKey
if ( m_isSuspended ) {
m_isReadyToSave = true;
return false;
// . set the list to only those records that should be in our group
// . filter the records that don't belong in this group via groupId
//filterList ( &m_list );
// keep track of how many dups we removed for indexdb
m_dupsRemoved += m_msg5.getDupsRemoved();
// . compute the new m_startKey to get the next list from disk
// . m_list was formed via RdbList::merge()
// . m_list may be empty because of negative/positive collisions
// but there may still be data left
//m_startKey = m_list.getLastKey() ;
//m_list.getLastKey(m_startKey) ;
// if we use getLastKey() for this the merge completes but then
// tries to merge two empty lists and cores in the merge function
// because of that. i guess it relies on endkey rollover only and
// not on reading less than minRecSizes to determine when to stop
// doing the merge.
m_list.getEndKey(m_startKey) ;
//m_startKey += (uint32_t)1;
// dedup for spiderdb before we dump it. try to save disk space.
if ( m_rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB )
// removeNegRecs? = false
// if the startKey rolled over we're done
//if ( m_startKey.n0 == 0LL && m_startKey.n1 == 0 ) m_doneMerging=true;
if ( KEYCMP(m_startKey,KEYMIN(),m_ks)==0 ) m_doneMerging = true;
// debug msg
log(LOG_DEBUG,"db: Dumping list.");
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"list startKey.n1=%"UINT32",n0=%"UINT64", endKey.n1=%"UINT32",n0=%"UINT64","
// " size=%"INT32"\n",
// m_list.getStartKey().n1,
// m_list.getStartKey().n0,
// m_list.getLastKey().n1,
// m_list.getLastKey().n0, m_list.getListSize() );
// . send the whole list to the dump
// . it returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . it sets g_errno on error
// . it calls dumpListWrapper when done dumping
// . return true if m_dump had an error or it did not block
// . if it gets a EFILECLOSED error it will keep retrying forever
return m_dump.dumpList ( &m_list , m_niceness , false/*recall?*/ ) ;
void RdbMerge::doneMerging ( ) {
// save this
int32_t saved = g_errno;
// let RdbDump free its m_verifyBuf buffer if it existed
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"exiting, g_errno=%s!\n",mstrerror(g_errno));
// . free the list's memory, reset() doesn't do it
// . when merging titledb i'm still seeing 200MB allocs to read from
// tfndb.
// nuke our msg3
//delete (m_msg3);
// log a msg
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Merge status: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
// . reset our class
// . this will free it's cutoff keys buffer, trash buffer, treelist
// . TODO: should we not reset to keep the mem handy for next time
// to help avoid out of mem errors?
// . do we really need these anymore?
// . turn these off before calling incorporateMerge() since it
// will call attemptMerge() on all the other dbs
m_isMerging = false;
m_isSuspended = false;
// if collection rec was deleted while merging files for it
// then the rdbbase should be NULL i guess.
if ( saved == ENOCOLLREC ) return;
// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
RdbBase *base; if (!(base=getRdbBase(m_rdbId,m_collnum))) return;
// pass g_errno on to incorporate merge so merged file can be unlinked
base->incorporateMerge ( );
// nuke the lock so others can merge
//s_isMergeLocked = false;
// . do not call this if "list" is empty
// . remove records whose keys don't belong
// . when we split the db cuz we scaled to more groups this will rid us
// of data we no longer control
// . a split is done by turning on the next bit in m_groupMask starting
// at the highest bit going down
// . this spiderdb thang is a HACK
// . TODO: now tfndb and titledb are special kinda like spiderdb
// so use g_tfndb.getGroupId() and g_titledb.getGroupId()
void RdbMerge::filterList ( RdbList *list ) {
// set these for ease of use
uint32_t gid = g_hostdb.m_groupId;
uint32_t gmask = g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
// return if no mask specified
if ( gmask == 0 ) return;
// return if list is empty
if ( list->getListSize() == 0 ) return;
// since list was formed via RdbList::merge() it's getLastKey()
// should be valid
key_t lastKey = list->getLastKey ();
key_t firstKey = list->getFirstKey();
// reset the list ptr since we might scan records in the list
// . spiderdb masks on the key's low int32_t because it stores
// a timestamp for ordering it's urls in the high int32_t
// . every other db masks on the high int32_t
// . it's easy to mask on the high int32_t cuz we're sorted by that!
if ( m_rdb != g_spiderdb.getRdb() ) {
// determine if firstKey and lastKey are in our group now
// TODO: if we're rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB filter by n0, not n1
bool in1 = ( (firstKey.n1 & gmask) == gid );
bool in2 = ( (lastKey.n1 & gmask) == gid );
// bail quickly if we don't need to remove anything
if ( in1 && in2 ) return;
// erase list's records if both are bad
if ( ! in1 && ! in2 ) { list->reset(); return; }
// . otherwise find the boundary between what we want and don't
// . if the first key is chop off the bad tail
if ( in1 ) {
while ( (list->getCurrentKey().n1 & gmask) == gid )
list->m_listSize = list->m_listPtr - list->m_list;
list->m_listEnd = list->m_listPtr ;
// . otherwise, move the good tail over the bad head
// . but find the boundary this way (!=)
while ( (list->getCurrentKey().n1 & gmask) != gid )
// get size of list/recs we haven't visited yet
int32_t backSize = list->m_listEnd - list->m_listPtr ;
// have those bury what we did visit
memmove ( list->m_list , list->m_listPtr , backSize );
list->m_listSize = backSize;
list->m_listEnd = list->m_list + backSize;
// . TODO: each file should have a groupId/groupMask from when it
// was formed so we can even avoid this check most of the time
// . now we must filter out records that don't belong in spiderdb
// . changing the groupMask/groupId is somewhat rare so first
// do a check to see if anything needs to be nuked
while ( (list->getCurrentKey().n0 & gmask) == gid )
if ( ! list->skipCurrentRecord () ) break;
// return if nothing needs to be nuked
if ( list->isExhausted() ) return;
// otherwise let's remove the records that don't belong in this list
char *addPtr = list->m_list;
char *rec;
int32_t recSize;
bool status;
// reset m_listPtr since we're scanning again
// . skip over records that don't belong in our group, groupId
// . skipCurrentRecord() returns false if skipped to end of list
while ( (list->getCurrentKey().n0 & gmask) != gid )
if ( ! list->skipCurrentRecord() ) goto done;
// now copy this record that does belong to "addPtr"
rec = list->getCurrentRec ();
recSize = list->getCurrentRecSize();
status = list->skipCurrentRecord();
gbmemcpy ( addPtr , rec , recSize );
addPtr += recSize;
if ( status ) goto loop;
// now set our new list size
list->m_listSize = addPtr - list->m_list;
// and listEnd...
list->m_listEnd = list->m_list + list->m_listSize;