Matt Wells 8a49e87a61 got code with shard rebalancing compiling.
now we store a "sharded by termid" bit in posdb
key for checksums, etc keys that are not sharded
by docid. save having to do disk seeks on every
host in the cluster to do a dup check, etc.
2014-01-11 16:08:42 -08:00

886 lines
26 KiB

#include "Images.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include "Xml.h"
#include "Words.h"
#include "Sections.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
#include "Threads.h"
//#include "Msg16.h" // my_system_r()
#include "XmlDoc.h" // my_system_r()
// TODO: image is bad if repeated on same page, check for that
static void gotTermFreqWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static void gotTermListWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static void gotImageWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static void *thumbStartWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *te );
static void thumbDoneWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *te );
static void getImageInfo ( char *buf, long size, long *dx, long *dy, long *it);
Images::Images ( ) {
void Images::reset() {
m_imgData = NULL;
m_imgDataSize = 0;
m_setCalled = false;
m_thumbnailValid = false;
m_imgBuf = NULL;
m_imgBufLen = 0;
m_imgBufMaxLen = 0;
m_numImages = 0;
bool Images::hash ( long titleRecVersion ,
Xml *xml ,
Url *pageUrl ,
TermTable *table ,
long score ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numImages ; i++ ) {
// get the node number
long nn = m_imageNodes[i];
// get the url of the image
long srcLen;
char *src = xml->getString(nn,nn+1,"src",&srcLen);
// set it to the full url
Url iu;
// use "pageUrl" as the baseUrl
iu.set ( pageUrl , src , srcLen , true ); // addWWW? yes...
// hash each one
if ( ! table->hash ( titleRecVersion ,
"image" , // desc
5 , // descLen
"gbimage" , // field
7 ,
false , // doSpamDetection?
false , // hashSingletons?
false , // hashPhrases?
true , // hashAsWhole?
false , // useStems?
false , // useStopWords?
true , // hashIfUniqueOnly?
false ))// hashSingletonsIffNotInPhrase
return false;
return true;
void Images::setCandidates ( Url *pageUrl , Words *words , Xml *xml ,
Sections *sections ) {
// not valid for now
m_thumbnailValid = false;
// reset our array of image node candidates
m_numImages = 0;
// flag it
m_setCalled = true;
// strange...
if ( m_imgBuf ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// save this
m_xml = xml;
m_pageUrl = pageUrl;
//m_pageSite = pageSite;
// scan the words
long nw = words->getNumWords();
nodeid_t *tids = words->getTagIds();
long long *wids = words->getWordIds();
//long *scores = scoresArg->m_scores;
Section **sp = NULL;
if ( sections ) sp = sections->m_sectionPtrs;
// not if we don't have any identified sections
if ( sections && sections->m_numSections <= 0 ) sp = NULL;
// the positive scored window
long firstPosScore = -1;
long lastPosScore = -1;
// find positive scoring window
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) {
// skip if in bad section
if ( sp && (sp[i]->m_flags & badFlags) ) continue;
if ( wids[i] != 0 ) continue;
// set first positive scoring guy
if ( firstPosScore == -1 ) firstPosScore = i;
// keep track of last guy
lastPosScore = i;
// sanity check
if ( getNumXmlNodes() > 512 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . pedal firstPosScore back until we hit a section boundary
// . i.e. stop once we hit a front/back tag pair, like <div> and </div>
char tc[512];
memset ( tc , 0 , 512 );
long a = firstPosScore;
for ( ; a >= 0 ; a-- ) {
// get the tid
nodeid_t tid = tids[a];
// remove back bit, if any
// skip if not a tag, or a generic xml tag
if ( tid <= 1 ) continue;
// mark it
if ( words->isBackTag(a) ) tc[tid] |= 0x02;
else tc[tid] |= 0x01;
// continue if not a full front/back pair
if ( tc[tid] != 0x03 ) continue;
// continue if not a "section" type tag (see Scores.cpp)
if ( tid != TAG_DIV &&
tid != TAG_TEXTAREA &&
tid != TAG_TR &&
tid != TAG_TD &&
tid != TAG_TABLE )
// ok we should stop now
// min is 0
if ( a < 0 ) a = 0;
// now look for the image urls within this window
for ( long i = a ; i < lastPosScore ; i++ ) {
// skip if not <img> tag
if (tids[i] != TAG_IMG ) continue;
// get the node num into Xml.cpp::m_nodes[] array
long nn = words->m_nodes[i];
// check width to rule out small decorating imgs
long width = xml->getLong(nn,nn+1,"width", -1 );
if ( width != -1 && width < 50 ) continue;
// same with height
long height = xml->getLong(nn,nn+1, "height", -1 );
if ( height != -1 && height < 50 ) continue;
// get the url of the image
long srcLen;
char *src = xml->getString(nn,nn+1,"src",&srcLen);
// skip if none
if ( srcLen <= 2 ) continue;
// set it to the full url
Url iu;
// use "pageUrl" as the baseUrl
iu.set ( pageUrl , src , srcLen );
// skip if invalid domain or TLD
if ( iu.getDomainLen() <= 0 ) continue;
// skip if not from same domain as page url
//long dlen = pageUrl->getDomainLen();
//if ( iu.getDomainLen() != dlen ) continue;
// get the full url
char *u = iu.getUrl();
long ulen = iu.getUrlLen();
// skip common crap
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"logo" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"comment" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"print" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"subscribe" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"header" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"footer" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"menu" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"banner" ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"ad.doubleclick.") ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"ads.webfeat." ) ) continue;
if ( strncasestr(u,ulen,"xads.zedo." ) ) continue;
// save it
m_imageNodes[m_numImages] = nn;
// before we lookup the image url to see if it is unique we
// must first make sure that we have an adequate number of
// permalinks from this same site with this same hop count.
// we need at least 10 before we extract image thumbnails.
char buf[2000];
// set the query
Query q;
// if we do have 10 or more, then we lookup the image url to
// make sure it is indeed unique
sprintf ( buf , "gbimage:%s",u);
// TODO: make sure this is a no-split termid storage thingy
// in Msg14.cpp
if ( ! q.set2 ( buf , langUnknown , false ) )
// return true with g_errno set on error
// store the termid
m_termIds[m_numImages] = q.getTermId(0);
// advance the counter
// break if full
if ( m_numImages >= MAX_IMAGES ) break;
// . returns false if blocked, returns true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool Images::getThumbnail ( char *pageSite ,
long siteLen ,
long long docId ,
XmlDoc *xd ,
char *coll ,
char **statusPtr ,
long hopCount,
void *state ,
void (*callback)(void *state) ) {
// sanity check
if ( ! m_setCalled ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// we haven't had any error
m_hadError = 0;
// no reason to stop yet
m_stopDownloading = false;
// reset here now
m_i = 0;
m_j = 0;
// sanity check
if ( ! m_pageUrl ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( ! pageSite ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// we need to be a permalink
//if ( ! isPermalink ) return true;
// save these
m_statusPtr = statusPtr;
// save this
m_coll = coll;
m_docId = docId;
// if no candidates, we are done, no error
if ( m_numImages == 0 ) return true;
//Vector *v = xd->getTagVector();
// this will at least have one component, the 0/NULL component
uint32_t *tph = xd->getTagPairHash32();
// must not block or error on us
if ( tph == (void *)-1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// must not error on use?
if ( ! tph ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . see DupDetector.cpp, very similar to this
// . see how many pages we have from our same site with our same
// html template (and that are permalinks)
char buf[2000];
char c = pageSite[siteLen];
// site MUST NOT start with "http://"
if ( strncmp ( pageSite , "http://", 7)==0){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// this must match what we hash in XmlDoc::hashNoSplit()
sprintf ( buf , "gbsitetemplate:%lu%s", (unsigned long)*tph,pageSite );
// TODO: make sure this is a no-split termid storage thingy
// in Msg14.cpp
Query q;
if ( ! q.set2 ( buf , langUnknown , false ) )
// return true with g_errno set on error
return true;
// store the termid
long long termId = q.getTermId(0);
if ( ! m_msg36.getTermFreq ( coll ,
0 , // maxAge
termId ,
this ,
gotTermFreqWrapper ,
true , // exact count?
false , // inc count?
false , // dec count?
false )) // is split?
return false;
// did not block
return gotTermFreq();
void gotTermFreqWrapper ( void *state ) {
Images *THIS = (Images *)state;
// process/store the reply
if ( ! THIS->gotTermFreq() ) return;
// all done
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Images::gotTermFreq ( ) {
// error?
if ( g_errno ) return true;
// bail if less than 10
long long nt = m_msg36.getTermFreq();
// return true, without g_errno set, we are done
if ( nt < 10 ) return true;
// now see which of the image urls are unique
if ( ! launchRequests () ) return false;
// i guess we did not block
return true;
bool Images::launchRequests ( ) {
// loop over all images
for ( long i = m_i ; i < m_numImages ; i++ ) {
// advance
// assume no error
m_errors[i] = 0;
// make the keys
key_t startKey = g_indexdb.makeStartKey(m_termIds[i]);
key_t endKey = g_indexdb.makeEndKey (m_termIds[i]);
// get our residing groupid
//unsigned long gid = g_indexdb.getNoSplitGroupId(&startKey);
// no split is true for this one, so we do not split by docid
//uint32_t gid = getGroupId(RDB_INDEXDB,&startKey,false);
unsigned long shardNum;
shardNum = getShardNum(RDB_INDEXDB,&startKey);
// get the termlist
if ( ! m_msg0.getList ( -1 , // hostid
-1 , // ip
-1 , // port
0 , // maxAge
false , // addToCache?
m_coll ,
&m_list , // RdbList ptr
startKey ,
endKey ,
1024 , // minRecSize
this ,
gotTermListWrapper ,
false , // err correction?
true , // inc tree?
true , // domergeobsolete
-1 , // firstHostId
0 , // start filenum
-1 , // numFiles
30 , // timeout
-1 , // syncpoint
-1 , // preferlocalreads
NULL , // msg5
NULL , // msg5b
false , // isRealMerge?
true , // allow pg cache
false , // focelocalindexdb
false , // doIndexdbSplit?
shardNum ))// force paritysplit
return false;
// process the msg36 response
gotTermList ();
// i guess we didn't block
return downloadImages();
// we got a reply
void gotTermListWrapper ( void *state ) {
Images *THIS = (Images *)state;
// process/store the reply
// try to launch more, returns false if it blocks
if ( ! THIS->launchRequests() ) return;
// all done
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
void Images::gotTermList ( ) {
long i = m_i - 1;
// i guess get errors too
if ( g_errno ) m_errors[i] = g_errno;
// set a globalish flag
if ( ! m_hadError ) m_hadError = g_errno;
// on error skip this
if ( g_errno ) return;
// check docids in termlist
// loop over it
for ( ; ! m_list.isExhausted() ; m_list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// get the first rec
long long d = m_list.getCurrentDocId();
// is it us? if so ignore it
if ( d == m_docId ) continue;
// crap, i guess our image url is not unique. mark it off.
m_errors[i] = EDOCDUP;
// no need to go further
bool Images::downloadImages () {
// all done if we got a valid thumbnail
if ( m_thumbnailValid ) return true;
// if not valid free old image
if ( m_imgBuf ) {
mfree ( m_imgBuf , m_imgBufMaxLen , "Image" );
m_imgBuf = NULL;
// . download each leftover image
// . stop as soon as we get one with good dimensions
// . make a thumbnail of that one
for ( long i = m_j ; i < m_numImages ; i++ ) {
// advance now
// if we should stop, stop
if ( m_stopDownloading ) break;
// skip if bad or not unique
if ( m_errors[i] ) continue;
// set status msg
sprintf ( m_statusBuf ,"downloading image %li",i);
// point to it
*m_statusPtr = m_statusBuf;
// get the url of the image
long srcLen;
char *src = m_xml->getString(i,i+1,"src",&srcLen);
// set it to the full url
Url iu;
// use "pageUrl" as the baseUrl
iu.set ( m_pageUrl , src , srcLen );
// assume success
m_httpStatus = 200;
// set the request
Msg13Request *r = &m_msg13Request;
r->m_maxTextDocLen = 200000;
r->m_maxOtherDocLen = 500000;
if ( ! strcmp(m_coll,"test")) {
r->m_useTestCache = 1;
r->m_addToTestCache = 1;
// url is the most important
// . try to download it
// . i guess we are ignoring hammers at this point
if ( ! m_msg13.getDoc(r,false,this,gotImageWrapper))
return false;
// handle it
gotImage ( );
// now get the thumbnail from it
return gotImage ( );
void gotImageWrapper ( void *state ) {
Images *THIS = (Images *)state;
// process/store the reply
if ( ! THIS->gotImage ( ) ) return;
// download the images. will set m_stopDownloading when we get one
if ( ! THIS->downloadImages() ) return;
// all done
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Images::gotImage ( ) {
// did it have an error?
if ( g_errno ) {
// just give up on all of them if one has an error
log ( "image: had error downloading image on page %s: %s. "
"Not downloading any more.",
// stop it
m_stopDownloading = true;
return true;
char *buf;
long bufLen, bufMaxLen;
HttpMime mime;
m_imgData = NULL;
m_imgDataSize = 0;
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Msg16::gotImage() entered." );
// . if there was a problem, just ignore, don't let it stop getting
// the real page.
if ( g_errno ) {
log( "ERROR? g_errno puked: %s", mstrerror(g_errno) );
g_errno = 0;
return true;
//if ( ! slot ) return true;
// extract image data from the socket
buf = m_msg13.m_replyBuf;
bufLen = m_msg13.m_replyBufSize;
bufMaxLen = m_msg13.m_replyBufAllocSize;
// no image?
if ( ! buf || bufLen <= 0 ) return true;
// we are image candidate #i
long i = m_j - 1;
// get the url of the image
long srcLen;
char *src = m_xml->getString(i,i+1,"src",&srcLen);
// set it to the full url
Url iu;
// use "pageUrl" as the baseUrl
iu.set ( m_pageUrl , src , srcLen );
// get the mime
if ( ! mime.set ( buf, bufLen, &iu ) ) {
log ( "image: MIME.set() failed in gotImage()" );
// give up on the remaining images then
m_stopDownloading = true;
return true;
// set the status so caller can see
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
// check the status
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) {
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: http status of img download is %li.",
// give up on the remaining images then
m_stopDownloading = true;
return true;
// make sure this is an image
m_imgType = mime.getContentType();
if ( m_imgType < CT_GIF || m_imgType > CT_TIFF ) {
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: gotImage() states that this image is "
"not in a format we currently handle." );
// try the next image if any
return true;
// get the content
m_imgData = buf + mime.getMimeLen();
m_imgDataSize = bufLen - mime.getMimeLen();
// Reset socket, so socket doesn't free the data, now we own
// We must free the buf after thumbnail is inserted in TitleRec
m_imgBuf = buf;//slot->m_readBuf;
m_imgBufLen = bufLen;//slot->m_readBufSize;
m_imgBufMaxLen = bufMaxLen;//slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
// do not let UdpServer free the reply, we own it now
//slot->m_readBuf = NULL;
if ( ! m_imgBuf || m_imgBufLen == 0 ) {
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Returned empty image data!" );
return true;
// get next if too small
if ( m_imgDataSize < 20 ) return true;
long imageType;
getImageInfo ( m_imgData, m_imgDataSize, &m_dx, &m_dy, &imageType );
// log the image dimensions
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Image Link: %s", iu.getUrl() );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Max Buffer Size: %lu bytes.",m_imgBufMaxLen );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Image Original Size: %lu bytes.",m_imgBufLen);
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Image Buffer @ 0x%lx - 0x%lx.",(long)m_imgBuf,
(long)m_imgBuf+m_imgBufMaxLen );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Size: %lupx x %lupx", m_dx, m_dy );
// skip if bad dimensions
if( ((m_dx < 50) || (m_dy < 50)) && ((m_dx > 0) && (m_dy > 0)) ) {
log( "image: Image is too small to represent a news article." );
return true;
// update status
*m_statusPtr = "making thumbnail";
// log it
log ( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Msg16::gotImage() thumbnailing image." );
// create the thumbnail...
// reset this... why?
g_errno = 0;
// reset this since filterStart_r() will set it on error
m_errno = 0;
// callThread returns true on success, in which case we block
this ,
thumbDoneWrapper ,
thumbStartWrapper_r ) ) return false;
// threads might be off
logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Calling thumbnail gen without thread.");
thumbStartWrapper_r ( NULL , NULL );
return true;
void thumbDoneWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
Images *THIS = (Images *)state;
// . download another image if we ! m_thumbnailValid
// . should also free m_imgBuf if ! m_thumbnailValid
if ( ! THIS->downloadImages() ) return;
// all done
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
void *thumbStartWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
Images *THIS = (Images *)state;
THIS->thumbStart_r ( true /* am thread?*/ );
return NULL;
void Images::thumbStart_r ( bool amThread ) {
long long start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
static char scmd[200] = "%stopnm %s | "
"pnmscale -xysize 100 100 - | "
"ppmtojpeg - > %s";
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: thumbStart_r entered." );
//DIR *d;
char cmd[250];
sprintf( cmd, "%strash", g_hostdb.m_dir );
// get thread id
long id = getpid();
// pass the input to the program through this file
// rather than a pipe, since popen() seems broken
char in[64];
sprintf ( in , "%strash/in.%li", g_hostdb.m_dir, id );
unlink ( in );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: thumbStart_r create in file." );
// collect the output from the filter from this file
char out[64];
sprintf ( out , "%strash/out.%li", g_hostdb.m_dir, id );
unlink ( out );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: thumbStart_r create out file." );
// ignore errno from those unlinks
errno = 0;
// Open/Create temporary file to store image to
int fhndl;
if( (fhndl = open( in, O_RDWR+O_CREAT, S_IWUSR+S_IRUSR )) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not open file, %s, for writing: %s - %d.",
in, mstrerror( m_errno ), fhndl );
m_imgDataSize = 0;
// Write image data into temporary file
if( write( fhndl, m_imgData, m_imgDataSize ) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not write to file, %s: %s.",
in, mstrerror( m_errno ) );
close( fhndl );
unlink( in );
m_imgDataSize = 0;
// Close temporary image file now that we have finished writing
if( close( fhndl ) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not close file, %s, for writing: %s.",
in, mstrerror( m_errno ) );
unlink( in );
m_imgDataSize = 0;
fhndl = 0;
// Grab content type from mime
//long imgType = mime.getContentType();
char ext[5];
switch( m_imgType ) {
case CT_GIF:
strcpy( ext, "gif" );
case CT_JPG:
strcpy( ext, "jpeg" );
case CT_PNG:
strcpy( ext, "png" );
case CT_TIFF:
strcpy( ext, "tiff" );
case CT_BMP:
strcpy( ext, "bmp" );
sprintf( cmd, scmd, ext, in, out);
// Call clone function for the shell to execute command
// This call WILL BLOCK . timeout is 30 seconds.
int err = my_system_r( cmd, 30 ); // m_thmbconvTimeout );
//if( (m_dx != 0) && (m_dy != 0) )
// unlink( in );
unlink ( in );
if ( err == 127 ) {
log("image: /bin/sh does not exist.");
unlink ( out );
m_stopDownloading = true;
// this will happen if you don't upgrade glibc to 2.2.4-32 or above
if ( err != 0 ) {
log("image: Call to system(\"%s\") had error.",cmd);
unlink ( out );
m_stopDownloading = true;
// Open new file with thumbnail image
if( (fhndl = open( out, O_RDONLY )) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not open file, %s, for reading: %s.",
out, mstrerror( m_errno ) );
m_stopDownloading = true;
if( (m_thumbnailSize = lseek( fhndl, 0, SEEK_END )) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Seek of file, %s, returned invalid size: %ld",
out, m_thumbnailSize );
m_stopDownloading = true;
if( m_thumbnailSize > m_imgBufMaxLen ) {
log( "image: Image thumbnail larger than buffer!" );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "\t\t\tFile Read Bytes: %ld", m_thumbnailSize);
log( LOG_DEBUG, "\t\t\tBuf Max Bytes : %ld", m_imgBufMaxLen );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "\t\t\t-----------------------" );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "\t\t\tDiff : %ld",
m_imgBufMaxLen-m_thumbnailSize );
if( lseek( fhndl, 0, SEEK_SET ) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Seek couldn't rewind file, %s.", out );
m_stopDownloading = true;
// . Read contents back into image ptr
// . this is somewhat of a hack since it overwrites the original img
if( (m_thumbnailSize = read( fhndl, m_imgData, m_imgDataSize )) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not read from file, %s: %s.",
out, mstrerror( m_errno ) );
close( fhndl );
m_stopDownloading = true;
unlink( out );
if( close( fhndl ) < 0 ) {
log( "image: Could not close file, %s, for reading: %s.",
out, mstrerror( m_errno ) );
unlink( out );
m_stopDownloading = true;
fhndl = 0;
unlink( out );
long long stop = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// tell the loop above not to download anymore, we got one
m_thumbnailValid = true;
getImageInfo ( m_imgBuf , m_thumbnailSize , &m_tdx , &m_tdy , NULL );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Thumbnailed size: %li bytes.", m_imgDataSize );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Thumbnaile dx=%li dy=%li.", m_tdx,m_tdy );
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Thumbnail generated in %lldms.", stop-start );
// . *it is the image type
void getImageInfo ( char *buf , long bufSize ,
long *dx , long *dy , long *it ) {
// default to zeroes
*dx = 0;
*dy = 0;
char *strPtr;
// get the dimensions of the image
if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "Exif" )) ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "image: Image Link: ");
log(LOG_DEBUG, "image: We currently do not handle EXIF image "
"types." );
// try the nextone
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "GIF" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_GIF;
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: GIF INFORMATION:" );
if( bufSize > 9 ) {
*dx = ((unsigned long)buf[7]) << 8;
*dx += (unsigned char)buf[6];
*dy = ((unsigned long)buf[9]) << 8;
*dy += (unsigned char)buf[8];
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "JFIF" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_JPG;
long i;
for( i = 0; i < bufSize; i++ ) {
if( bufSize < i+8 )
if( (unsigned char)buf[i] != 0xFF ) continue;
if( (unsigned char)buf[i+1] == 0xC0 ){
*dy = ((unsigned long)buf[i+5]) << 8;
*dy += (unsigned char)buf[i+6];
*dx = ((unsigned long)buf[i+7]) << 8;
*dx += (unsigned char)buf[i+8];
else if( (unsigned char) buf[i+1] == 0xC2 ) {
*dy = ((unsigned long)buf[i+5]) << 8;
*dy += (unsigned char)buf[i+6];
*dx = ((unsigned long)buf[i+7]) << 8;
*dx += (unsigned char)buf[i+8];
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "PNG" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_PNG;
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: PNG INFORMATION:" );
if( bufSize > 25 ) {
*dx=(unsigned long)(*(unsigned long *)&buf[16]);
*dy=(unsigned long)(*(unsigned long *)&buf[20]);
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "MM" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_TIFF;
long startCnt = (unsigned long)buf[7]+4;
for( long i = startCnt; i < bufSize; i += 12 ) {
if( bufSize < i+10 )
if( buf[i] != 0x01 ) continue;
if( buf[i+1] == 0x01 )
*dy = (unsigned long)
(*(unsigned short *)&buf[i+8]);
else if( buf[i+1] == 0x00 )
*dx = (unsigned long)
(*(unsigned short *)&buf[i+8]);
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "II" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_TIFF;
long startCnt = (unsigned long)buf[7]+4;
for( long i = startCnt; i < bufSize; i += 12 ) {
if( bufSize < i+10 )
if( buf[i] == 0x01 && buf[i+1] == 0x01 )
*dy = (unsigned long)
(*(unsigned short *)&buf[i+8]);
if( buf[i] == 0x00 && buf[i+1] == 0x01 )
*dx = (unsigned long)
(*(unsigned short *)&buf[i+8]);
else if( (strPtr = strncasestr( buf, 20, "BM" )) ) {
if ( it ) *it = CT_BMP;
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: BMP INFORMATION:" );
if( bufSize > 27 ) {
*dx=(unsigned long)(*(unsigned long *)&buf[18]);
*dy=(unsigned long)(*(unsigned long *)&buf[22]);
log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Image Corrupted? No type found in "
"data." );