Matt Wells 8a49e87a61 got code with shard rebalancing compiling.
now we store a "sharded by termid" bit in posdb
key for checksums, etc keys that are not sharded
by docid. save having to do disk seeks on every
host in the cluster to do a dup check, etc.
2014-01-11 16:08:42 -08:00

1649 lines
49 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Msg0.h"
#include "Tfndb.h"
//#include "Checksumdb.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
#include "Catdb.h"
#include "Posdb.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Linkdb.h"
#include "Msg5.h" // local getList()
#include "XmlDoc.h"
static void handleRequest0 ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) ;
static void gotMulticastReplyWrapper0( void *state , void *state2 ) ;
static void gotSingleReplyWrapper ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) ;
static void gotListWrapper ( void *state, RdbList *list, Msg5 *msg5);
static void gotListWrapper2 ( void *state, RdbList *list, Msg5 *msg5);
static void doneSending_ass ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) ;
Msg0::Msg0 ( ) {
void Msg0::constructor ( ) {
m_msg5 = NULL;
m_msg5b = NULL;
//for ( long i = 0; i < INDEXDB_SPLIT; i++ )
//for ( long i = 0; i < MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT; i++ )
// m_mcast[i].constructor();
m_mcasts = NULL;
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
//m_numSplit = 1;
m_errno = 0;
// reply buf
m_replyBuf = NULL;
m_replyBufSize = 0;
Msg0::~Msg0 ( ) {
void Msg0::reset ( ) {
if ( m_msg5 && m_deleteMsg5 ) {
mdelete ( m_msg5 , sizeof(Msg5) , "Msg0" );
delete ( m_msg5 );
if ( m_msg5b && m_deleteMsg5b ) {
mdelete ( m_msg5b , sizeof(Msg5) , "Msg0" );
delete ( m_msg5b );
m_msg5 = NULL;
m_msg5b = NULL;
if ( m_replyBuf )
mfree ( m_replyBuf, m_replyBufSize, "Msg0" );
m_replyBuf = NULL;
m_replyBufSize = 0;
if ( m_mcasts ) {
m_mcasts = NULL;
// no longer do this because we call reset after the msg5 completes
// and it was destroying our handylist... so just call freelist
// in the destructor now
bool Msg0::registerHandler ( ) {
// . register ourselves with the udp server
// . it calls our callback when it receives a msg of type 0x0A
if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0x00, handleRequest0 ))
return false;
//if ( ! g_udpServer2.registerHandler ( 0x00, handleRequest0 ))
// return false;
return true;
// . THIS Msg0 class must be alloc'd, i.e. not on the stack, etc.
// . if list is stored locally this tries to get it locally
// . otherwise tries to get the list from the network
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . NOTE: i was having problems with queries being cached too long, you
// see the cache here is a NETWORK cache, so when the machines that owns
// the list updates it on disk it can't flush our cache... so use a small
// maxCacheAge of like , 30 seconds or so...
bool Msg0::getList ( long long hostId , // host to ask (-1 if none)
long ip , // info on hostId
short port ,
long maxCacheAge , // max cached age in seconds
bool addToCache , // add net recv'd list to cache?
char rdbId , // specifies the rdb
char *coll ,
RdbList *list ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
long minRecSizes , // use -1 for no max
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state ),//, RdbList *list ) ,
long niceness ,
bool doErrorCorrection ,
bool includeTree ,
bool doMerge ,
long firstHostId ,
long startFileNum ,
long numFiles ,
long timeout ,
long long syncPoint ,
long preferLocalReads ,
Msg5 *msg5 ,
Msg5 *msg5b ,
bool isRealMerge ,
bool allowPageCache ,
bool forceLocalIndexdb ,
bool noSplit , // doIndexdbSplit ,
long forceParitySplit ) {
// bool allowPageCache ) {
// this is obsolete! mostly, but we need it for PageIndexdb.cpp to
// show a "termlist" for a given query term in its entirety so you
// don't have to check each machine in the network. if this is true it
// means to query each split and merge the results together into a
// single unified termlist. only applies to indexdb/datedb.
//if ( doIndexdbSplit ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// note this because if caller is wrong it hurts performance major!!
//if ( doIndexdbSplit )
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"net: doing msg0 with indexdb split true");
// warning
if ( ! coll ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL collection. msg0.");
//if ( doIndexdbSplit ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// reset the list they passed us
// get keySize of rdb
m_ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
// if startKey > endKey, don't read anything
//if ( startKey > endKey ) return true;
if ( KEYCMP(startKey,endKey,m_ks)>0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }//rettrue
// . reset hostid if it is dead
// . this is causing UOR queries to take forever when we have a dead
if ( hostId >= 0 && g_hostdb.isDead ( hostId ) ) hostId = -1;
// no longer accept negative minrecsize
if ( minRecSizes < 0 ) {
"net: msg0: Negative minRecSizes no longer supported.");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return true;
// debug msg
//if ( niceness != 0 ) log("HEY start");
// ensure startKey last bit clear, endKey last bit set
//if ( (startKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x01 )
// log("Msg0::getList: warning startKey lastbit set");
//if ( (endKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x00 )
// log("Msg0::getList: warning endKey lastbit clear");
// remember these
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_list = list;
m_hostId = hostId;
m_niceness = niceness;
//m_ip = ip;
//m_port = port;
m_addToCache = addToCache;
// . these define our request 100%
//m_startKey = startKey;
//m_endKey = endKey;
m_minRecSizes = minRecSizes;
m_rdbId = rdbId;
m_coll = coll;
m_isRealMerge = isRealMerge;
m_allowPageCache = allowPageCache;
// . group to ask is based on the first key
// . we only do 1 group per call right now
// . groupMask must turn on higher bits first (count downwards kinda)
// . titledb and spiderdb use special masks to get groupId
// if diffbot.cpp is reading spiderdb from each shard we have to
// get groupid from hostid here lest we core in getGroupId() below.
// it does that for dumping spiderdb to the client browser. they
// can download the whole enchilada.
if ( hostId >= 0 && m_rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB )
m_shardNum = 0;
// did they force it? core until i figure out what this is
else if ( forceParitySplit >= 0 )
//m_groupId = g_hostdb.getGroupId ( forceParitySplit );
m_shardNum = forceParitySplit;
//m_groupId = getGroupId ( m_rdbId , startKey , ! noSplit );
m_shardNum = getShardNum ( m_rdbId , startKey );
// if we are looking up a termlist in posdb that is split by termid and
// not the usual docid then we have to set this posdb key bit that tells
// us that ...
if ( noSplit && m_rdbId == RDB_POSDB )
m_shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNumByTermId ( startKey );
// how is this used?
//if ( forceLocalIndexdb ) m_groupId = g_hostdb.m_groupId;
if ( forceLocalIndexdb ) m_shardNum = getMyShardNum();
// . store these parameters
// . get a handle to the rdb in case we can satisfy locally
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( m_rdbId );
if ( ! rdb ) return true;
// we need the fixedDataSize
m_fixedDataSize = rdb->getFixedDataSize();
m_useHalfKeys = rdb->useHalfKeys();
// . debug msg
// . Msg2 does this when checking for a cached compound list.
// compound lists do not actually exist, they are merges of smaller
// UOR'd lists.
if ( maxCacheAge != 0 && ! addToCache && (numFiles > 0 || includeTree))
log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: "
"Weird. check but don't add... rdbid=%li.",(long)m_rdbId);
// set this here since we may not call msg5 if list not local
//m_list->setFixedDataSize ( m_fixedDataSize );
// . now that we do load balancing we don't want to do a disk lookup
// even if local if we are merging or dumping
// . UNLESS g_conf.m_preferLocalReads is true
if ( preferLocalReads == -1 )
preferLocalReads = g_conf.m_preferLocalReads;
// . always prefer local for full split clusterdb
// . and keep the tfndb/titledb lookups in the same stripe
// . so basically we can't do biased caches if fully split
//if ( g_conf.m_fullSplit ) preferLocalReads = true;
preferLocalReads = true;
// it it stored locally?
bool isLocal = ( m_hostId == -1 && //g_hostdb.m_groupId == m_groupId );
m_shardNum == getMyShardNum() );
// only do local lookups if this is true
if ( ! preferLocalReads ) isLocal = false;
m_numSplit = 1;
if ( g_hostdb.m_indexSplits > 1 &&
( rdbId == RDB_POSDB || rdbId==RDB_DATEDB)&&
! forceLocalIndexdb && doIndexdbSplit ) {
isLocal = false;
//m_numSplit = INDEXDB_SPLIT;
m_numSplit = g_hostdb.m_indexSplits;
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
long long singleDocIdQuery = 0LL;
if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB ) {
long long d1 = g_posdb.getDocId(m_startKey);
long long d2 = g_posdb.getDocId(m_endKey);
if ( d1+1 == d2 ) singleDocIdQuery = d1;
// . try the LOCAL termlist cache
// . so when msg2 is evaluating a gbdocid:| query and it has to
// use msg0 to go across the network to get the same damn termlist
// over and over again for the same docid, this will help alot.
// . ideally it'd be nice if the seo pipe in xmldoc.cpp can try to
// send the same gbdocid:xxxx docids to the same hosts. maybe hash
// based on docid into the list of hosts and if that host is busy
// just chain until we find someone not busy.
if ( singleDocIdQuery &&
getListFromTermListCache ( coll,
list ) )
// found!
return true;
// but always local if only one host
if ( g_hostdb.getNumHosts() == 1 ) isLocal = true;
// force a msg0 if doing a docid restrictive query like
// gbdocid:xxxx|<query> so we call cacheTermLists()
//if ( singleDocIdQuery ) isLocal = false;
// . if the group is local then do it locally
// . Msg5::getList() returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . Msg5::getList() sets g_errno on error
// . don't do this if m_hostId was specified
if ( isLocal ) { // && !g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) {
if ( msg5 ) {
m_msg5 = msg5;
m_deleteMsg5 = false;
else {
try { m_msg5 = new ( Msg5 ); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("net: Local alloc for disk read failed "
"while tring to read data for %s. "
"Trying remote request.",
goto skip;
mnew ( m_msg5 , sizeof(Msg5) , "Msg0" );
m_deleteMsg5 = true;
// same for msg5b
if ( msg5b ) {
m_msg5b = msg5b;
m_deleteMsg5b = false;
else if ( m_rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB ) {
try { m_msg5b = new ( Msg5 ); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("net: Local alloc for disk read failed "
"while tring to read data for %s. "
"Trying remote request. 2.",
goto skip;
mnew ( m_msg5b , sizeof(Msg5) , "Msg0b" );
m_deleteMsg5b = true;
if ( ! m_msg5->getList ( rdbId,
coll ,
m_list ,
m_startKey ,
m_endKey ,
m_minRecSizes ,
includeTree , // include Tree?
addToCache , // addToCache?
maxCacheAge ,
startFileNum ,
numFiles ,
this ,
gotListWrapper2 ,
niceness ,
doErrorCorrection ,
NULL , // cacheKeyPtr
0 , // retryNum
-1 , // maxRetries
true , // compensateForMerge
syncPoint ,
NULL,//m_msg5b ,
m_isRealMerge ,
m_allowPageCache ) ) return false;
// nuke it
return true;
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"net: msg0: Sending request for data to "
"shard=%lu listPtr=%li minRecSizes=%li termId=%llu "
//"startKey.n1=%lx,n0=%llx (niceness=%li)",
"startKey.n1=%llx,n0=%llx (niceness=%li)",
//g_hostdb.makeHostId ( m_groupId ) ,
m_minRecSizes, g_posdb.getTermId(m_startKey) ,
//m_startKey.n1,m_startKey.n0 , (long)m_niceness);
char *replyBuf = NULL;
long replyBufMaxSize = 0;
bool freeReply = true;
// adjust niceness for net transmission
bool realtime = false;
//if ( minRecSizes + 32 < TMPBUFSIZE ) realtime = true;
// if we're niceness 0 we need to pre-allocate for reply since it
// might be received within the asynchronous signal handler which
// cannot call mmalloc()
if ( realtime ) { // niceness <= 0 || netnice == 0 ) {
// . we should not get back more than minRecSizes bytes since
// we are now performing merges
// . it should not slow things down too much since the hashing
// is 10 times slower than merging anyhow...
// . CAUTION: if rdb is not fixed-datasize then this will
// not work for us! it can exceed m_minRecSizes.
replyBufMaxSize = m_minRecSizes ;
// . get a little extra to fix the error where we ask for 64
// but get 72
// . where is that coming from?
// . when getting titleRecs we often exceed the minRecSizes
// . ?Msg8? was having trouble. was short 32 bytes sometimes.
replyBufMaxSize += 36;
// why add ten percent?
//replyBufMaxSize *= 110 ;
//replyBufMaxSize /= 100 ;
// make a buffer to hold the reply
if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) {
m_replyBufSize = replyBufMaxSize * m_numSplit;
replyBuf = (char *) mmalloc(m_replyBufSize, "Msg0");
m_replyBuf = replyBuf;
freeReply = false;
replyBuf = (char *) mmalloc(replyBufMaxSize , "Msg0");
// g_errno is set and we return true if it failed
if ( ! replyBuf ) {
log("net: Failed to pre-allocate %li bytes to hold "
"data read remotely from %s: %s.",
return true;
// . make a request with the info above (note: not in network order)
// . IMPORTANT!!!!! if you change this change
// Multicast.cpp::sleepWrapper1 too!!!!!!!!!!!!
// no, not anymore, we commented out that request peeking code
char *p = m_request;
*(long long *) p = syncPoint ; p += 8;
//*(key_t *) p = m_startKey ; p += sizeof(key_t);
//*(key_t *) p = m_endKey ; p += sizeof(key_t);
*(long *) p = m_minRecSizes ; p += 4;
*(long *) p = startFileNum ; p += 4;
*(long *) p = numFiles ; p += 4;
*(long *) p = maxCacheAge ; p += 4;
*p = m_rdbId ; p++;
*p = addToCache ; p++;
*p = doErrorCorrection; p++;
*p = includeTree ; p++;
*p = (char)niceness ; p++;
*p = (char)m_allowPageCache; p++;
KEYSET(p,m_startKey,m_ks); ; p+=m_ks;
KEYSET(p,m_endKey,m_ks); ; p+=m_ks;
// NULL terminated collection name
strcpy ( p , coll ); p += gbstrlen ( coll ); *p++ = '\0';
m_requestSize = p - m_request;
// ask an individual host for this list if hostId is NOT -1
if ( m_hostId != -1 ) {
// get Host
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( m_hostId );
if ( ! h ) {
g_errno = EBADHOSTID;
log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: Bad hostId of %lli.",
return true;
// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
UdpServer *us ;
unsigned short port;
//if ( niceness <= 0 || netnice == 0 ) {
//if ( realtime ) {
// us = &g_udpServer2; port = h->m_port2; }
//else {
us = &g_udpServer ; port = h->m_port ;
// . returns false on error and sets g_errno, true otherwise
// . calls callback when reply is received (or error)
// . we return true if it returns false
if ( ! us->sendRequest ( m_request ,
m_requestSize ,
0x00 , // msgType
h->m_ip ,
port ,
m_hostId ,
NULL , // the slotPtr
this ,
gotSingleReplyWrapper ,
timeout ,
-1 , // backoff
-1 , // maxwait
replyBuf ,
replyBufMaxSize ,
m_niceness ) ) // cback niceness
return true;
// return false cuz it blocked
return false;
// timing debug
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet )
m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
m_startTime = 0;
//if ( m_rdbId == RDB_INDEXDB ) log("Msg0:: getting remote indexlist. "
// "termId=%llu, "
// "groupNum=%lu",
// g_indexdb.getTermId(m_startKey) ,
// g_hostdb.makeHostId ( m_groupId ) );
// make the cache key so we can see what remote host cached it, if any
char cacheKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
//key_t cacheKey = makeCacheKey ( startKey ,
makeCacheKey ( startKey ,
endKey ,
includeTree ,
minRecSizes ,
startFileNum ,
numFiles ,
cacheKey ,
m_ks );
// . get the top long of the key
// . i guess this will work for 128 bit keys... hmmmmm
long keyTop = hash32 ( (char *)startKey , m_ks );
// allocate space
if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) {
long need = m_numSplit * sizeof(Multicast) ;
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( need,"msg0mcast" );
if ( ! buf ) return true;
m_mcasts = (Multicast *)buf;
for ( long i = 0; i < m_numSplit ; i++ )
// . otherwise, multicast to a host in group "groupId"
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . calls callback on completion
// . select first host to send to in group based on upper 32 bits
// of termId (m_startKey.n1)
// . need to send out to all the indexdb split hosts
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
//for ( long i = 0; i < m_numSplit; i++ ) {
//long gr;
char *buf;
if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) {
gr = g_indexdb.getSplitGroupId ( baseGroupId, i );
buf = &replyBuf[i*replyBufMaxSize];
else {
//gr = m_groupId;
buf = replyBuf;
// get the multicast
Multicast *m = &m_mcast;
//if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) m = &m_mcasts[i];
if ( ! m->send ( m_request ,
// if ( ! m_mcast.send ( m_request ,
0x00 , // msgType 0x00
false , // does multicast own request?
m_shardNum ,
// gr , // group + offset
// m_groupId , // group to send to (groupKey)
false , // send to whole group?
//m_startKey.n1, // key is passed on startKey
keyTop , // key is passed on startKey
this , // state data
NULL , // state data
gotMulticastReplyWrapper0 ,
timeout , // timeout in seconds (was 30)
niceness ,
realtime ,
firstHostId ,
// &replyBuf[i*replyBufMaxSize] ,
// replyBuf ,
buf ,
replyBufMaxSize ,
freeReply , // free reply buf?
true , // do disk load balancing?
maxCacheAge ,
//(key_t *)cacheKey ,
// multicast uses it for determining the best
// host to send the request to when doing
// disk load balancing. if the host has our
// data cached, then it will probably get to
// handle the request. for now let's just assume
// this is a 96-bit key. TODO: fix...
0 , // *(key_t *)cacheKey ,
rdbId ,
minRecSizes ) ) {
log("net: Failed to send request for data from %s in shard "
"#%lu over network: %s.",
getDbnameFromId(m_rdbId),m_shardNum, mstrerror(g_errno));
// no, multicast will free this when it is destroyed
//if (replyBuf) mfree ( replyBuf , replyBufMaxSize , "Msg22" );
// but speed it up
m_errno = g_errno;
if ( m_numRequests > 0 )
return false;
// m_mcast.reset();
return true;
// we blocked
return false;
// . this is called when we got a local RdbList
// . we need to call it to call the original caller callback
void gotListWrapper2 ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) {
Msg0 *THIS = (Msg0 *) state;
THIS->reset(); // delete m_msg5
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );//, THIS->m_list );
// . return false if you want this slot immediately nuked w/o replying to it
void gotSingleReplyWrapper ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) {
Msg0 *THIS = (Msg0 *)state;
if ( ! g_errno ) {
long replySize = slot->m_readBufSize;
long replyMaxSize = slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
char *reply = slot->m_readBuf;
THIS->gotReply( reply , replySize , replyMaxSize );
// don't let UdpServer free this since we own it now
slot->m_readBuf = NULL;
// never let m_request (sendBuf) be freed
slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL;
// do the callback now
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );// THIS->m_list );
void gotMulticastReplyWrapper0 ( void *state , void *state2 ) {
Msg0 *THIS = (Msg0 *)state;
//if ( g_hostdb.m_indexSplits > 1 ) {
if ( THIS->m_numSplit > 1 ) {
if ( ! g_errno ) {
// for split, wait for all replies
if ( THIS->m_numReplies < THIS->m_numRequests )
else {
// got it all, call the reply
// watch out for someone having an error
if ( ! THIS->m_errno )
g_errno = THIS->m_errno;
else {
// got an error, set an error state and wait for all
// replies
THIS->m_errno = g_errno;
if ( THIS->m_numReplies < THIS->m_numRequests )
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );//, THIS->m_list );
else {
if ( ! g_errno ) {
long replySize;
long replyMaxSize;
bool freeit;
char *reply = THIS->m_mcast.getBestReply (&replySize,
THIS->gotReply( reply , replySize , replyMaxSize ) ;
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );//, THIS->m_list );
// . we are responsible for freeing reply/replySize
void Msg0::gotSplitReply ( ) {
// sanity check
if ( m_numSplit <= 1 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// i don't think we use this, otherwise need to update for posdb
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// get all the split lists
long totalSize = 0;
RdbList *listPtrs[MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT];
for ( long i = 0; i < m_numSplit; i++ ) {
listPtrs[i] = &lists[i];
long replySize;
long replyMaxSize;
bool freeit;
char *reply = m_mcasts[i].getBestReply ( &replySize,
&freeit );
lists[i].set ( reply,
m_ks );
totalSize += lists[i].m_listSize;
//log(LOG_INFO, "Msg0: ls=%li rs=%li rms=%li fi=%li r=%lx",
// lists[i].m_listSize, replySize,
// replyMaxSize, (long)freeit, reply);
//log(LOG_INFO, "Msg0: ------------------------------------");
// empty list?
if ( totalSize <= 0 ) {
m_list->set ( NULL,
m_ks );
// init the list
char *alloc = (char*)mmalloc(totalSize, "Msg0");
if ( !alloc ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log ( "Msg0: Could not allocate %li bytes for split merge",
totalSize );
m_list->set ( alloc,
m_ks );
// merge them together into one list
// NOTE: This should only be happening for index lists
char prevKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
memset(prevKey, 0, MAX_KEY_BYTES);
long prevCount = 0;
long dupsRemoved = 0;
long filtered = 0;
m_list->indexMerge_r ( (RdbList**)listPtrs,
m_minRecSizes, // minRecSizes
false, // remove negative keys
(char*)prevKey, // prevKey
&prevCount, // prevCountPtr
0x7fffffff, // truncLimit
&dupsRemoved, // dupsRemoved
m_rdbId, // rdbId
&filtered, // filtered
false, // doGroupMask
false , // isRealMerge
false , // fast merge?
m_niceness );
//log(LOG_INFO, "Msg0: ------------------------------------");
//log(LOG_INFO, "Msg0: ls=%li",
// m_list->m_listSize);
// cache?
if ( ! m_addToCache ) return;
// cache...
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . we are responsible for freeing reply/replySize
void Msg0::gotReply ( char *reply , long replySize , long replyMaxSize ) {
// timing debug
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet && m_rdbId==RDB_POSDB && m_startTime > 0 )
log(LOG_TIMING,"net: msg0: Got termlist, termId=%llu. "
"Took %lli ms, replySize=%li (niceness=%li).",
g_posdb.getTermId ( m_startKey ) ,
// TODO: insert some seals for security, may have to alloc
// separate space for the list then
// set the list w/ the remaining data
m_list->set ( reply ,
replySize ,
reply , // alloc buf begins here, too
replyMaxSize ,
m_startKey ,
m_endKey ,
m_fixedDataSize ,
true , // ownData?
m_useHalfKeys ,
m_ks );
// return now if we don't add to cache
//if ( ! m_addToCache ) return;
// add posdb list to termlist cache
//if ( m_rdbId != RDB_POSDB ) return;
// add to LOCAL termlist cache
// ignore any error adding to cache
//g_errno = 0;
// . NO! no more network caching, we got gigabit... save space
// for our disk, no replication, man, mem is expensive
// . throw the just the list into the net cache
// . addToNetCache() will copy it for it's own
// . our current copy should be freed by the user's callback somewhere
// . grab our corresponding rdb's local cache
// . we'll use it to store this list since there's no collision chance
//RdbCache *cache = m_rdb->getCache ();
// . add the list to this cache
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . will not be added if cannot copy the data
//cache->addList ( m_startKey , m_list ) ;
// reset g_errno -- we don't care if cache coulnd't add it
//g_errno = 0;
// this conflicts with the State0 class in PageResults.cpp, so make it State00
class State00 {
Msg5 m_msg5;
//Msg5 m_msg5b;
RdbList m_list;
UdpSlot *m_slot;
long long m_startTime;
long m_niceness;
UdpServer *m_us;
char m_rdbId;
//static RdbCache s_sectiondbCache;
//static bool s_initCache = false;
HashTableX g_waitingTable;
void callWaitingHandlers ( void *state ) {
long saved = g_errno;
XmlDoc *xd = (XmlDoc *)state;
//slot = xd->m_hackSlot;
//long netnice = 1;
//xd->m_hackSlot = NULL;
long niceness = xd->m_niceness;
long long docId = xd->m_docId;
delete ( xd );
// call everyone in wait queue's handler0 now
long tableSlot = g_waitingTable.getSlot ( &docId );
if ( tableSlot < 0 ) return;
// get the udp socket that was waiting for the termlists to be cached
UdpSlot *x = *(UdpSlot **)g_waitingTable.getValueFromSlot(tableSlot);
// delete it after calling handler
g_waitingTable.removeSlot ( tableSlot );
// breathe
// re-instate error
g_errno = saved;
// re-call handler now that all termlists should be cached
handleRequest0 ( x , 99 ); //netnice );
// get the next guy waiting
goto slotLoop;
// . reply to a request for an RdbList
// . MUST call g_udpServer::sendReply or sendErrorReply() so slot can
// be destroyed
void handleRequest0 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) {
// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
//if ( netnice == 0 ) us = &g_udpServer2;
// get the request
char *request = slot->m_readBuf;
long requestSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
// collection is now stored in the request, so i commented this out
//if ( requestSize != MSG0_REQ_SIZE ) {
// log("net: Received bad data request size of %li bytes. "
// "Should be %li.", requestSize ,(long)MSG0_REQ_SIZE);
// us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADREQUESTSIZE );
// return;
// parse the request
char *p = request;
long long syncPoint = *(long long *)p ; p += 8;
//key_t startKey = *(key_t *)p ; p += sizeof(key_t);
//key_t endKey = *(key_t *)p ; p += sizeof(key_t);
long minRecSizes = *(long *)p ; p += 4;
long startFileNum = *(long *)p ; p += 4;
long numFiles = *(long *)p ; p += 4;
long maxCacheAge = *(long *)p ; p += 4;
char rdbId = *p++;
char addToCache = *p++;
char doErrorCorrection = *p++;
char includeTree = *p++;
// this was messing up our niceness conversion logic
long niceness = slot->m_niceness;//(long)(*p++);
// still need to skip it though!
bool allowPageCache = (bool)(*p++);
char ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
char *startKey = p; p+=ks;
char *endKey = p; p+=ks;
// then null terminated collection
char *coll = p;
// error set from XmlDoc::cacheTermLists()?
if ( g_errno ) {
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); return;}
// is this being called from callWaitingHandlers()
//bool isRecall = (netnice == 99);
// . get the rdb we need to get the RdbList from
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
//Msg0 msg0;
//Rdb *rdb = msg0.getRdb ( rdbId );
Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( rdbId );
if ( ! rdb ) {
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); return;}
// keep track of stats
rdb->readRequestGet ( requestSize );
// keep track of stats
if ( ! isRecall ) rdb->readRequestGet ( requestSize );
long long singleDocId2 = 0LL;
if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB && maxCacheAge ) {
long long d1 = g_posdb.getDocId(startKey);
long long d2 = g_posdb.getDocId(endKey);
if ( d1+1 == d2 ) singleDocId2 = d1;
// have we parsed this docid and cached its termlists?
bool shouldBeCached2 = false;
if ( singleDocId2 &&
isDocIdInTermListCache ( singleDocId2 , coll ) )
shouldBeCached2 = true;
// if in the termlist cache, send it back right away
char *trec;
long trecSize;
if ( singleDocId2 &&
&trecSize) ) {
// if in cache send it back!
// if should be cached but was not found then it's probably a
// synonym form not in the doc content. make an empty list then.
if ( shouldBeCached2 ) {
// send back an empty termlist
// MUST be in termlist cache! if not in there it is a probably
// a synonym term termlist of a word in the doc.
if ( isRecall ) {
// send back an empty termlist
// init waiting table?
static bool s_waitInit = false;
if ( ! s_waitInit ) {
// do not repeat
s_waitInit = true;
// niceness = 0
if ( ! g_waitingTable.set(8,4,2048,NULL,0,true,0,"m5wtbl")){
log("msg5: failed to init waiting table");
// error kills us!
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID );
// wait in waiting table?
if ( singleDocId2 && g_waitingTable.isInTable ( &singleDocId2 ) ) {
g_waitingTable.addKey ( &singleDocId2 , &slot );
// if it's for a special gbdocid: query then cache ALL termlists
// for this docid into g_termListCache right now
if ( singleDocId2 ) {
// have all further incoming requests for this docid
// wait in the waiting table
g_waitingTable.addKey ( &singleDocId2 , &slot );
// load the title rec and store its posdb termlists in cache
XmlDoc *xd;
try { xd = new ( XmlDoc ); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
mnew ( xd, sizeof(XmlDoc),"msg0xd");
// always use niceness 1 now even though we use niceness 0
// to make the cache hits fast
//niceness = 1;
// . load the old title rec first and just recycle all
// . typically there might be a few hundred related docids
// each with 50,000 matching queries on average to evaluate
// with the gbdocid:xxxx| restriction?
if ( ! xd->set3 ( singleDocId2 , coll , niceness ) ) {
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); return;}
// init the new xmldoc
xd->m_callback1 = callWaitingHandlers;
xd->m_state = xd;
// . if this blocks then return
// . should call loadOldTitleRec() and get JUST the posdb recs
// by setting m_useTitledb, etc. to false. then it should
// make posdb termlists with the compression using
// RdbList::addRecord() and add those lists to
// g_termListCache
if ( ! xd->cacheTermLists ( ) ) return;
// otherwise, it completed right away!
callWaitingHandlers ( xd );
// init special sectiondb cache?
if ( rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB && ! s_initCache ) {
// try to init cache
if ( ! s_sectiondbCache.init ( 20000000 , // 20MB max mem
-1 , // fixed data size
false , // support lists?
20000 , // 20k max recs
false , // use half keys?
"secdbche", // dbname
false, // load from disk?
sizeof(key128_t), //cachekeysize
0 , // data key size
20000 )) // numPtrs max
log("msg0: failed to init sectiondb cache: %s",
s_initCache = true;
// check the sectiondb cache
if ( rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB ) {
//long long sh48 = g_datedb.getTermId((key128_t *)startKey);
// use the start key now!!!
char *data;
long dataSize;
if (s_sectiondbCache.getRecord ( coll,
true, // docopy?
600, // maxage (10 mins)
true, // inc counts?
NULL, // cachedtime
true // promoteRec?
// debug
//log("msg0: got sectiondblist in cache datasize=%li",
// dataSize);
// send that back
g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( data ,
dataSize ,
data ,
dataSize ,
slot ,
60 ,
doneSending_ass ,
-1 ,
-1 ,
true );
// . do a local get
// . create a msg5 to get the list
State00 *st0 ;
try { st0 = new (State00); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("Msg0: new(%i): %s", sizeof(State00),mstrerror(g_errno));
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
mnew ( st0 , sizeof(State00) , "State00" );
// timing debug
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet )
st0->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// save slot in state
st0->m_slot = slot;
// save udp server to send back reply on
st0->m_us = us;
// init this one
st0->m_niceness = niceness;
st0->m_rdbId = rdbId;
// debug msg
if ( maxCacheAge != 0 && ! addToCache )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: check but don't add... rdbid=%li.",
// . if this request came over on the high priority udp server
// make sure the priority gets passed along
// . return if this blocks
// . we'll call sendReply later
if ( ! st0->m_msg5.getList ( rdbId ,
coll ,
&st0->m_list ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
includeTree , // include tree?
addToCache , // addToCache?
maxCacheAge ,
startFileNum ,
numFiles ,
st0 ,
gotListWrapper ,
niceness ,
doErrorCorrection ,
NULL , // cacheKeyPtr
0 , // retryNum
2 , // maxRetries
true , // compensateForMerge
syncPoint ,
NULL,//&st0->m_msg5b ,
allowPageCache ) )
// call wrapper ouselves
gotListWrapper ( st0 , NULL , NULL );
#include "Sections.h" // SectionVote
// . slot should be auto-nuked upon transmission or error
// . TODO: ensure if this sendReply() fails does it really nuke the slot?
void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *listb , Msg5 *msg5xx ) {
// get the state
State00 *st0 = (State00 *)state;
// extract the udp slot and list and msg5
UdpSlot *slot = st0->m_slot;
RdbList *list = &st0->m_list;
Msg5 *msg5 = &st0->m_msg5;
UdpServer *us = st0->m_us;
// sanity check -- ensure they match
//if ( niceness != st0->m_niceness )
// log("Msg0: niceness mismatch");
// debug msg
//if ( niceness != 0 )
// log("HEY! niceness is not 0");
// timing debug
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet || g_conf.m_logDebugNet ) {
//log("Msg0:hndled request %llu",gettimeofdayInMilliseconds());
long size = -1;
if ( list ) size = list->getListSize();
"net: msg0: Handled request for data. "
"Now sending data termId=%llu size=%li"
" transId=%li ip=%s port=%i took=%lli "
gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - st0->m_startTime ,
st0->m_niceness );
// debug
//if ( ! msg5->m_includeTree )
// log("hotit\n");
// on error nuke the list and it's data
if ( g_errno ) {
mdelete ( st0 , sizeof(State00) , "Msg0" );
delete (st0);
// TODO: free "slot" if this send fails
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// point to the serialized list in "list"
char *data = list->getList();
long dataSize = list->getListSize();
char *alloc = list->getAlloc();
long allocSize = list->getAllocSize();
// tell list not to free the data since it is a reply so UdpServer
// will free it when it destroys the slot
list->setOwnData ( false );
// keep track of stats
Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( st0->m_rdbId );
if ( rdb ) rdb->sentReplyGet ( dataSize );
// TODO: can we free any memory here???
// keep track of how long it takes to complete the send
st0->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// debug point
long oldSize = msg5->m_minRecSizes;
long newSize = msg5->m_minRecSizes + 20;
// watch for wrap around
if ( newSize < oldSize ) newSize = 0x7fffffff;
if ( dataSize > newSize && list->getFixedDataSize() == 0 &&
// do not annoy me with these linkdb msgs
dataSize > newSize+100 )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: Sending more data than what was "
"requested. Ineffcient. Bad engineer. dataSize=%li "
// always compress these lists
if ( st0->m_rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB ) { // && 1 == 3) {
// get sh48, the sitehash
key128_t *startKey = (key128_t *)msg5->m_startKey ;
long long sh48 = g_datedb.getTermId(startKey);
// debug
//log("msg0: got sectiondblist from disk listsize=%li",
// list->getListSize());
if ( dataSize > 50000 )
log("msg0: sending back list rdb=%li "
"listsize=%li sh48=0x%llx",
// save it
long origDataSize = dataSize;
// store compressed list on itself
char *dst = list->m_list;
// warn if niceness is 0!
if ( st0->m_niceness == 0 )
log("msg0: compressing sectiondb list at niceness 0!");
// compress the list
uint32_t lastVoteHash32 = 0LL;
SectionVote *lastVote = NULL;
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( st0->m_niceness );
// get rec
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
// for ehre
key128_t *key = (key128_t *)rec;
// the score is the bit which is was set in
// Section::m_flags for that docid
long secType = g_indexdb.getScore ( (char *)key );
// 0 means it probably used to count # of voters
// from this site, so i don't think xmldoc uses
// that any more
if ( secType == SV_SITE_VOTER ) continue;
// treat key like a datedb key and get the taghash
uint32_t h32 = g_datedb.getDate ( key );
// get data/vote from the current record in the
// sectiondb list
SectionVote *sv=(SectionVote *)list->getCurrentData ();
// get the average score for this doc
float avg = sv->m_score ;
if ( sv->m_numSampled > 0.0 ) avg /= sv->m_numSampled;
// if same as last guy, add to it
if ( lastVoteHash32 == h32 && lastVote ) {
// turn possible multi-vote into single docid
// into a single vote, with the score averaged.
lastVote->m_score += avg;
// otherwise, add in a new guy!
*(key128_t *)dst = *key;
dst += sizeof(key128_t);
// the new vote
SectionVote *dsv = (SectionVote *)dst;
dsv->m_score = avg;
dsv->m_numSampled = 1;
// set this
lastVote = dsv;
lastVoteHash32 = h32;
// skip over
dst += sizeof(SectionVote);
// update the list size now for sending back
dataSize = dst - data;
// if the list was over the requested minrecsizes we need
// to set a flag so that the caller will do a re-call.
// so making the entire odd, will be the flag.
if ( origDataSize > msg5->m_minRecSizes &&
dataSize < origDataSize ) {
*dst++ = '\0';
// debug
//log("msg0: compressed sectiondblist from disk "
// "newlistsize=%li", dataSize);
// use this timestamp
long now = getTimeLocal();//Global();
// finally, cache this sucker
s_sectiondbCache.addRecord ( msg5->m_coll,
(char *)startKey,//(char *)&sh48
dataSize ,
now );
// ignore errors
g_errno = 0;
// for linkdb lists, remove all the keys that have the same IP32
// and store a count of what we removed somewhere
if ( st0->m_rdbId == RDB_LINKDB ) {
// store compressed list on itself
char *dst = list->m_list;
// keep stats
long totalOrigLinks = 0;
long ipDups = 0;
long lastIp32 = 0;
char *listEnd = list->getListEnd();
// compress the list
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( st0->m_niceness );
// count it
// get rec
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
long ip32 = g_linkdb.getLinkerIp_uk((key224_t *)rec );
// same as one before?
if ( ip32 == lastIp32 &&
// are we the last rec? include that for
// advancing the m_nextKey in Linkdb more
// efficiently.
rec + LDBKS < listEnd ) {
// store it
memcpy (dst , rec , LDBKS );
dst += LDBKS;
// update it
lastIp32 = ip32;
// . if we removed one key, store the stats
// . caller should recognize reply is not a multiple of
// the linkdb key size LDBKS and no its there!
if ( ipDups ) {
//*(long *)dst = totalOrigLinks;
//dst += 4;
//*(long *)dst = ipDups;
//dst += 4;
// update list parms
list->m_listSize = dst - list->m_list;
list->m_listEnd = list->m_list + list->m_listSize;
data = list->getList();
dataSize = list->getListSize();
//log("sending replySize=%li min=%li",dataSize,msg5->m_minRecSizes);
// . TODO: dataSize may not equal list->getListMaxSize() so
// Mem class may show an imblanace
// . now g_udpServer is responsible for freeing data/dataSize
// . the "true" means to call doneSending_ass() from the signal handler
// if need be
st0->m_us->sendReply_ass ( data ,
dataSize ,
alloc , // alloc
allocSize , // alloc size
slot ,
60 ,
st0 ,
doneSending_ass ,
-1 ,
-1 ,
true );
// . this may be called from a signal handler
// . we call from a signal handler to keep msg21 zippy
// . this may be called twice, onece from sig handler and next time not
// from the sig handler
void doneSending_ass ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) {
// point to our state
State00 *st0 = (State00 *)state;
// this is nULL if we hit the cache above
if ( ! st0 ) return;
// this might be inaccurate cuz sig handler can't call it!
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// log the stats
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet ) {
double mbps ;
mbps = (((double)slot->m_sendBufSize) * 8.0 / (1024.0*1024.0))/
log("net: msg0: Sent %li bytes of data in %lli ms (%3.1fMbps) "
slot->m_sendBufSize , now - slot->m_startTime , mbps ,
st0->m_niceness );
// can't go any further if we're in a sig handler
//if ( g_inSigHandler ) return;
// . mark it in pinkish purple
// . BUT, do not add stats here for tagdb, we get WAY too many lookups
// and it clutters the performance graph
if ( st0->m_rdbId == RDB_TAGDB ) {
else if(slot->m_niceness > 0) {
g_stats.addStat_r ( slot->m_sendBufSize ,
st0->m_startTime ,
now ,
else {
g_stats.addStat_r ( slot->m_sendBufSize ,
st0->m_startTime ,
now ,
0x00ff00ff );
// release st0 now
mdelete ( st0 , sizeof(State00) , "Msg0" );
delete ( st0 );
RdbCache g_termListCache;
RdbCache *getTermListCache ( ) {
RdbCache *c = &g_termListCache;
// init the cache
static bool s_init = false;
if ( s_init ) return c;
// 100MB!
long maxMem = 100000000;
long maxNodes = maxMem / 25;
if ( ! c->init( maxMem ,
-1 , // fixed data size
false, // support lists?
maxNodes ,
false , // use half keys?
"termlist" , // dbname
false, // load from disk?
8 , // cache key size
0 )) {// data key size {
log("msg0: termlist cache init failed");
return NULL;
s_init = true;
// ignore errors
g_errno = 0;
return c;
// for posdb only!
long long getTermListCacheKey ( char *startKey , char *endKey ) {
// make the cache key by hashing the startkey + endkey together
long ks = sizeof(POSDBKEY);
long conti = 0;
long long ck64;
ck64 = hash64_cont ( startKey , ks, 0LL, &conti );
ck64 = hash64_cont ( endKey , ks , ck64, &conti );
return ck64;
bool addRecToTermListCache ( char *coll,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
char *list ,
long listSize ) {
RdbCache *c = getTermListCache();
if ( ! c ) return false;
long long ck64 = getTermListCacheKey ( startKey , endKey );
//long recSize = list->getListSize();
//char *rec = list->getList();
return c->addRecord ( coll ,
(char *)&ck64 ,
list ,
listSize );
bool getListFromTermListCache ( char *coll,
char *startKey,
char *endKey,
long maxCacheAge,
RdbList *list ) {
RdbCache *c = getTermListCache();
if ( ! c ) return false;
long long ck64 = getTermListCacheKey(startKey,endKey);
long recSize;
char *rec;
// return false if not found
if ( ! c->getRecord ( coll ,
(char *)&ck64 ,
&rec ,
&recSize ,
true , // doCopy?
maxCacheAge ,
true ) ) // inc counts?
return false;
// set the list otherwise
list->set ( rec ,
recSize ,
rec ,
recSize ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
0 , // posdb keys
true , // own data?
true , // use half keys? yes for posdb.
// true means found
return true;
bool getRecFromTermListCache ( char *coll,
char *startKey,
char *endKey,
long maxCacheAge,
char **rec ,
long *recSize ) {
RdbCache *c = getTermListCache();
if ( ! c ) return false;
long long ck64 = getTermListCacheKey(startKey,endKey);
// return false if not found
if ( ! c->getRecord ( coll ,
(char *)&ck64 ,
rec ,
recSize ,
true , // doCopy?
maxCacheAge ,
true ) ) // inc counts?
return false;
// true means found
return true;
bool isDocIdInTermListCache ( long long docId , char *coll ) {
RdbCache *c = getTermListCache();
char *rec;
long recSize;
// return false if not found
if ( ! c->getRecord ( coll ,
(char *)&docId, // docid is the key!
&rec ,
&recSize ,
false , // doCopy?
-1 , // maxCacheAge -- -1 means no limit
true ) ) // inc counts?
return false;
// true means found
return true;
bool addDocIdToTermListCache ( long long docId , char *coll ) {
RdbCache *c = getTermListCache();
char data = 1;
bool status = c->addRecord ( coll ,
(char *)&docId ,
1 );
if ( ! status ) return false;
// sanity!
//if ( ! isDocIdInTermListCache ( docId , coll)){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
return true;