2014-01-15 14:49:11 -08:00

376 lines
9.7 KiB

// Matt Wells, 2014
// TODO: if a host is being removed put # removed after it like we do # retired
// and we can at least load it up and it will move its records to the
// new guys.
#include "Rebalance.h"
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Msg4.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "PingServer.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Parms.h"
Rebalance g_rebalance;
Rebalance::Rebalance ( ) {
m_inRebalanceLoop = false;
m_numForeignRecs = 0;
// reset
m_rdbNum = 0;
m_collnum = 0;
KEYMIN ( m_nextKey , MAX_KEY_BYTES );
KEYMIN ( m_endKey , MAX_KEY_BYTES );
m_needsRebalanceValid = false;
m_needsRebalance = false;
m_warnedUser = false;
m_userApproved = false;
m_isScanning = false;
m_blocked = 0;
// . returns NULL if we don't know yet if we need to rebalance
// . otherwise returns ptr to the bool we want
char *Rebalance::getNeedsRebalance ( ) {
if ( m_needsRebalanceValid )
return &m_needsRebalance;
// wait for collections and parms to be in sync. new hosts won't
// have the collection recs and subdirs...
if ( ! g_parms.m_inSyncWithHost0 ) return NULL;
// wait for all hosts to agree
if ( ! g_pingServer.m_hostsConfInAgreement ) return NULL;
// for simplicty, only gb shards on stripe 0 should run this i guess
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_stripe != 0 ) {
m_needsRebalanceValid = true;
m_needsRebalance = false;
return &m_needsRebalance;
// the last time we loaded hosts.conf we saved the checksum.
// if it changed we should think about auto-scaling. spidering
// can only occur once g_hostdb.m_hostsConfInAgreement is true.
SafeBuf sb;
sb.load ( g_hostdb.m_dir , "rebalance.txt");
// if we did not note any foreign recs, and file not there, save it
// so next time we startup we can tell if hosts.conf changed
if ( sb.length() <= 1 && m_numForeignRecs == 0 ) {
// save it!
// assume we do not need a rebalance
m_needsRebalanceValid = true;
m_needsRebalance = false;
return &m_needsRebalance;
// if does not exist, do the scan if we noted some foreign recs
if ( sb.length() <= 10 ) {
// we need it!
m_needsRebalanceValid = true;
m_needsRebalance = true;
return &m_needsRebalance;
// otherwise, get data from the file if it is there
// we are shard #x of a total of y. if that changed or
// crc-saved.dat does not exist we have to scan. we can
// periodically save our scan progress in case we get shutdown
// mid-stream i guess.
unsigned long x = 0;
long y = 0;
long rebalancing = 0;
long cn;
// parse the file
char keyStr[128];
"myshard: %li\n"
"numshards: %li\n"
"rebalancing: %li\n"
"collnum: %li\n"
"rdbnum: %li\n"
"nextkey: %s\n",
// were we rebalancing last time?
// how far did we get?
// convert m_nextKey into an ascii string and store into keyStr
hexToBin(keyStr,gbstrlen(keyStr), (char *)&m_nextKey);
m_collnum = cn;
// we are valid now either way
m_needsRebalanceValid = true;
// assume ok
m_needsRebalance = false;
// if hosts.conf is different and we are part of a different
// shard then we must auto scale
if ( x != g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_shardNum ) m_needsRebalance = true;
if ( y != g_hostdb.m_numShards ) m_needsRebalance = true;
if ( rebalancing ) m_needsRebalance = true;
// how can this be?
if ( m_numForeignRecs ) m_needsRebalance = true;
// and we don't need user consent, they already did last time
if ( rebalancing ) {
m_warnedUser = true;
m_userApproved = true;
return &m_needsRebalance;
// . this is called every 500ms from Process.cpp
// . if all pings came in and all hosts have the same hosts.conf
// and if we detected any shard imbalance at startup we have to
// scan all rdbs for records that don't belong to us and send them
// where they should go
void Rebalance::rebalanceLoop ( ) {
// once this knows, it returns right away. so it is super fast
char *np = getNeedsRebalance();
// if we don't know yet, this np is NULL
if ( ! np ) return;
// if we do not need to rebalance just return
if ( *np == 0 ) return;
// note in log
if ( ! m_warnedUser ) {
m_warnedUser = true;
log("db: CRITICAL. please click on the rebalance "
"link in master controls");
// . ok, we need to rebalance
// . require user to push the rebalance link to MAKE SURE!!
// . if re-starting in the middle of a prior rebalance we should
// have set this to true automatically above so we do not require
// approval each time a host is restarted
if ( ! m_userApproved ) return;
// if already scanning, we are good, just bail. check this since
// we are called from Process.cpp every 500 ms
if ( m_isScanning ) return;
// ok, flag it has officially scanning now
m_isScanning = true;
// start scanning
void Rebalance::scanLoop ( ) {
// scan all rdbs in each coll
for ( ; m_collnum < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; m_collnum++ ) {
// scan all rdbs in that collection
for ( ; m_rdbNum < g_process.m_numRdbs ; m_rdbNum++ ) {
// skip if not good
Rdb *rdb = g_process.m_rdbs[m_rdbNum];
// not an RDB2
if ( rdb->isSecondaryRdb() ) continue;
// scan it. returns true if done, false if blocked
if ( ! scanRdb ( ) ) return;
// all done
m_isScanning = false;
m_needsRebalance = false;
// save the file then, but with these stats:
m_collnum = 0;
m_rdbNum = 0;
bool Rebalance::saveRebalanceFile ( ) {
char keyStr[128];
// convert m_nextKey
binToHex ( (unsigned char *)&m_nextKey , MAX_KEY_BYTES , keyStr );
SafeBuf sb;
sb.safePrintf (
"myshard: %li\n"
"numshards: %li\n"
"rebalancing: %li\n"
"collnum: %li\n"
"rdbnum: %li\n"
"nextkey: %s\n",
// were we rebalancing last time?
// how far did we get?
return ( g_hostdb.m_dir , "rebalance.txt" );
static void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list, Msg5 *msg5 ) {
// this never blocks
// init another rdb scan pass
bool Rebalance::scanRdb ( ) {
// get collrec i guess
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[m_collnum];
Rdb *rdb = g_process.m_rdbs[m_rdbNum];
// skip empty collrecs, unless like statsdb or something
if ( ! cr && ! rdb->m_isCollectionLess ) return true;
char *coll = NULL;
if ( cr ) coll = cr->m_coll;
if ( ! m_msg5.getList ( rdb->m_rdbId ,
coll ,
&m_list ,
m_nextKey ,
m_endKey , // should be maxed!
1024 , // min rec sizes
true , // include tree?
false , // includeCache
false , // addToCache
0 , // startFileNum
-1 , // m_numFiles
this , // state
gotListWrapper , // callback
MAX_NICENESS , // niceness
true , // do error correction?
NULL , // cache key ptr
0 , // retry num
-1 , // maxRetries
true , // compensate for merge
-1LL , // sync point
return false;
// msg5 did not block on i/o if we made it here
// all done if list empty
if ( m_list.isEmpty() ) return true;
// process that list
// get another list
goto readAnother;
static void doneAddingMetaWrapper ( void *state ) {
if ( g_rebalance.m_blocked <= 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// wait for other msg4 add to complete
if ( g_rebalance.m_blocked > 0 ) return;
// ok, both msg4s are done, resume
// scan that list
void Rebalance::gotList ( ) {
Rdb *rdb = g_process.m_rdbs[m_rdbNum];
char rdbId = rdb->m_rdbId;
long keySize = rdb->m_ks;//getKeySize();
long myShard = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_shardNum;
for ( ; ! m_list.isExhausted() ; m_list.skipCurrentRec() ) {
// get tht rec
char *rec = m_list.getCurrentRec();
// get shard
long shard = getShardNum ( rdbId , rec );
// skip it if it belongs with us
if ( shard == myShard ) continue;
// otherwise, it does not!
//long recSize = m_list.getCurrentRecSize();
// copy the full key into "key" buf because might be compressed
char key[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
m_list.getCurrentKey ( key );
// store rdbid
m_posMetaList.pushChar ( rdbId );
// first key
m_posMetaList.safeMemcpy ( key , keySize );
// then record
long dataSize = rdb->m_fixedDataSize;
if ( rdb->m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) {
dataSize = m_list.getCurrentDataSize();
m_posMetaList.pushLong ( dataSize );
// then data
if ( dataSize ) {
char *data = m_list.getCurrentData();
m_posMetaList.safeMemcpy ( data , dataSize );
// store rdbid
m_negMetaList.pushChar ( rdbId );
// make key a delete
key[0] &= 0xfe;
// and store that negative key
m_posMetaList.safeMemcpy ( key , keySize );
if ( ! m_blocked ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( ! m_msg4a.addMetaList ( &m_posMetaList ,
m_collnum ,
this ,
doneAddingMetaWrapper ,
rdb->m_rdbId ,
-1 ) ) // shard override, not!
if ( ! m_msg4b.addMetaList ( &m_negMetaList ,
m_collnum ,
this ,
doneAddingMetaWrapper ,
rdb->m_rdbId ,
myShard ) ) // shard override, not!
if ( m_blocked ) return;