Matt Wells 8a49e87a61 got code with shard rebalancing compiling.
now we store a "sharded by termid" bit in posdb
key for checksums, etc keys that are not sharded
by docid. save having to do disk seeks on every
host in the cluster to do a dup check, etc.
2014-01-11 16:08:42 -08:00

611 lines
19 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Jun 2001
#ifndef _FCTYPES_H_
#define _FCTYPES_H_
#include <sys/time.h> // gettimeofday()
#include <math.h> // floor()
#include "Unicode.h"
bool verifyUtf8 ( char *txt ) ;
bool verifyUtf8 ( char *txt , long tlen ) ;
bool print96 ( char *k ) ;
bool print96 ( key_t *kp ) ;
bool print128 ( char *k ) ;
bool print128 ( key128_t *kp ) ;
// print it to stdout for debugging Dates.cpp
long printTime ( long ttt );
time_t mktime_utc ( struct tm *ttt ) ;
struct SafeBuf;
// seems like this should be defined, but it isn't
long strnlen ( const char *s , long maxLen );
// this too
char *strncasestr( char *haystack, long haylen, char *needle);
char *strnstr( char *haystack, long haylen, char *needle);
// just like sprintf(s,"%llu",n), but we insert commas
long ulltoa ( char *s , unsigned long long n ) ;
// . convert < to &lt; and > to &gt and & to &amp;
// . store "t" into "s"
// . returns bytes stored into "s"
// . NULL terminates "s"
long saftenTags ( char *s , long slen , char *t , long tlen ) ;
// . basically just converts "'s to &#34;'s
// . store "src" into "dest" and return bytes stored
// . does not do bounds checking in "dest"
// . used to encode things as form input variables, like query in HttpPage0.cpp
long dequote ( char *dest , char *dend , char *src , long srcLen ) ;
// . entity-ize a string so it's safe for html output
// . converts "'s to &#34;'s, &'s to &amps; <'s the &lt; and >'s to &gt;
// . store "src" into "dest" and return bytes stored
// . does not do bounds checking on "dest"
// . encode t into s
char *htmlEncode ( char *s , char *send , char *t , char *tend ,
bool pound = false , long niceness = 0) ;
bool htmlEncode ( SafeBuf* s , char *t , char *tend ,
bool pound = false , long niceness = 0 );
// . like above but src is NULL terminated
// . returns length of string stored into "dest"
// . decode html entities like &amp; and &gt;
long htmlDecode ( char *dst, char *src, long srcLen,
bool doSpecial ,//=false);
long niceness);
// . convert " to %22 , & to %26, is that it?
// . urlEncode() stores the encoded, NULL-terminated URL in "dest"
// . requestPath leaves \0 and ? characters intact, for encoding requests
long urlEncode ( char *dest , long destLen , char *src , long srcLen ,
bool requestPath = false ) ;
// determine the length of the encoded url, does NOT include NULL
long urlEncodeLen ( char *s , long slen , bool requestPath = false ) ;
// decode a url -- decode ALL %XX's
long urlDecode ( char *dest , char *t , long tlen ) ;
// . normalize the encoding
// . like urlDecode() but only decodes chars that should not have been encoded
// . also, will encode characters that should have been encoded
long urlNormCode ( char *dest , long destLen , char *src , long srcLen ) ;
bool is_digit(unsigned char c) ;
// is character, "s", used in textual hexadecimal representation?
bool is_hex ( char s ) ;
bool is_urlchar(char s);
// convert hex digit to value
long htob ( char s ) ;
char btoh ( char s ) ;
// convert hex ascii string into binary
void hexToBin ( char *src , long srcLen , char *dst );
// convert binary number of size srcLen bytes into hex string in "dst"
void binToHex ( unsigned char *src , long srcLen , char *dst );
// the _a suffix denotes an ascii string
bool is_lower2_a (char *s,long len) ;
bool is_lower1_a (char *s) ;
bool is_ascii2 (char *s,long len) ;
bool is_alnum2_a (char *s,long len) ;
bool has_alpha_a (char *s , char *send ) ;
bool has_alpha_utf8(char *s, char *send ) ;
bool is_alpha2_a (char *s,long len) ;
bool is_num (char *s,long len) ;
bool is_upper2_a (char *s,long len) ;
bool is_cap_a (char *s,long len) ;
bool is_cap_utf8 (char *s,long len) ;
bool is_vowel_a ( char s );
bool has_vowel_a ( char *s , long slen );
// does it have at least one upper case character in it?
bool has_upper_a (char *s,long len) ;
bool has_binary_a (char *s,long len) ;
void to_lower3_a (char *s,long len, char *buf) ;
void to_lower1 (char *s) ;
long to_lower_alnum (char *s,long len, char *buf) ;
long to_lower_utf8 (char *dst , char *src ) ;
long to_lower_utf8 (char *dst , char *dstEnd, char *src ) ;
long to_lower_utf8 (char *dst , char *dstEnd, char *src, char *srcEnd) ;
long to_lower_utf8_32 (char *src ) ;
long to_cap_alnum (char *s,long len, char *buf) ;
long to_alnum (char *s,long len, char *buf) ;
void to_upper3_a (char *s,long len, char *buf) ;
void to_cap (char *s,long len, char *buf) ;
// . approximate # of non-punct words
// . s must be NULL terminated
// . used by LinkInfo.cpp to weight link text based on # of words
long getNumWords ( char *s );
// true if character should be stripped from the end/beginning of the title
// error! make a map of this
bool is_title_junk(char c) ;
// . get the # of words in this string
long getNumWords ( char *s , long len, long titleVersion ) ;
long atol2 ( const char *s, long len ) ;
long long atoll1 ( const char *s ) ;
long long atoll2 ( const char *s, long len ) ;
double atof2 ( const char *s, long len ) ;
double atod2 ( char *s, long len ) ;
bool atob ( const char *s, long len ) ;
// like strstr but haystack need not be NULL terminated
char *strncasestr ( char *haystack , char *needle , long haystackSize ) ;
char *strncasestr ( char *haystack , char *needle ,
long haystackSize, long needleSize ) ;
char *strnstr ( char *haystack , char *needle , long haystackSize ) ;
// independent of case
char *gb_strcasestr ( char *haystack , char *needle );
char *gb_strncasestr ( char *haystack , long haystackSize , char *needle ) ;
// updates our static var, s_adjustment to keep our clock in sync to hostId #0
void settimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal ( long long newTime ) ;
// convert global to local time in milliseconds
long long globalToLocalTimeMilliseconds ( long long global ) ;
long long localToGlobalTimeMilliseconds ( long long local ) ;
// the same thing but in seconds
long globalToLocalTimeSeconds ( long global ) ;
long localToGlobalTimeSeconds ( long local ) ;
// we now default this to local time to avoid jumpiness associated with
// having to sync with host #0. most routines calling this usually are just
// taking deltas.
long long gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal() ; // synced with host #0
long long gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobalNoCore() ; // synced with host #0
long long gettimeofdayInMillisecondsSynced() ; // synced with host #0
long long gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal () ;// this is local now
long long gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() ;// this is local now
uint64_t gettimeofdayInMicroseconds(void) ;
// . get time in seconds since epoch
// . use this instead of call to time(NULL) cuz it uses adjustment
time_t getTime (); // this is local now
time_t getTimeLocal ();
time_t getTimeGlobal (); // synced with host #0's system clock
time_t getTimeGlobalNoCore (); // synced with host #0's system clock
time_t getTimeSynced (); // synced with host #0's system clock
long stripHtml( char *content, long contentLen, long version, long strip );
extern const char g_map_is_vowel[];
extern const char g_map_to_lower[];
extern const char g_map_to_upper[];
extern const char g_map_to_ascii[];
extern const char g_map_is_upper[];
extern const char g_map_canBeInTagName[];
extern const char g_map_is_control[];
extern const char g_map_is_binary[];
extern const char g_map_is_wspace[];
extern const char g_map_is_vspace[];
extern const char g_map_is_hspace[];
extern const char g_map_is_lower[];
extern const char g_map_is_ascii[];
extern const char g_map_is_ascii3[];
extern const char g_map_is_iso[];
extern const char g_map_is_punct[];
extern const char g_map_is_alnum[];
extern const char g_map_is_alpha[];
extern const char g_map_is_digit[];
extern const char g_map_is_hex[];
extern const char g_map_is_tagname_char[];
extern const char g_map_is_tag_control_char[];
//extern bool g_clockInSync;
extern long long g_adjustment;
bool isClockInSync();
bool setTimeAdjustmentFilename ( char *dir, char *filename ) ;
bool loadTimeAdjustment ( ) ;
bool saveTimeAdjustment ( ) ;
// . convert "c" to lower case
#define is_vowel_a(c) g_map_is_vowel[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_lower_a(c) g_map_is_lower[(unsigned char)c]
#define to_lower_a(c) g_map_to_lower[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_upper_a(c) g_map_is_upper[(unsigned char)c]
#define to_upper_a(c) g_map_to_upper[(unsigned char)c]
// c is latin1 in this case:
#define to_ascii(c) g_map_to_ascii[(unsigned char)c]
#define canBeInTagName(c) g_map_canBeInTagName[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_control_a(c) g_map_is_control[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_binary_a(c) g_map_is_binary[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_wspace_a(c) g_map_is_wspace[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_vspace_a(c) g_map_is_vspace[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_hspace_a(c) g_map_is_hspace[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_ascii(c) g_map_is_ascii[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_ascii9(c) g_map_is_ascii[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_ascii3(c) g_map_is_ascii3[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_punct_a(c) g_map_is_punct[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_alnum_a(c) g_map_is_alnum[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_alpha_a(c) g_map_is_alpha[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_digit(c) g_map_is_digit[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_hex(c) g_map_is_hex[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_tagname_char(c) g_map_is_tagname_char[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_tag_control_char(c) g_map_is_tag_control_char[(unsigned char)c]
#define is_matchskip_a(c) g_map_is_matchskip[(unsigned char)c]
inline bool is_upper_utf8 ( char *s );
inline bool has_vowel_a ( char *s , long slen ) {
char *send = s + slen;
for ( ; s < send ; s++ )
if ( is_vowel_a(*s) ) return true;
return false;
// is character, "s", used in textual hexadecimal representation?
inline bool is_hex ( char s ) {
if ( is_digit(s)) return true;
if ( s >= 'a' && s <= 'f' ) return true;
if ( s >= 'A' && s <= 'F' ) return true;
return false;
// convert hex digit to value
inline long htob ( char s ) {
if ( is_digit(s) ) return s - '0';
if ( s >= 'a' && s <= 'f' ) return (s - 'a') + 10;
if ( s >= 'A' && s <= 'F' ) return (s - 'A') + 10;
return 0;
inline char btoh ( char s ) {
if ( s >= 16 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( s < 10 ) return s + '0';
return (s - 10) + 'a';
// have to put an extra "s" on function name to avoid macro conflict
inline bool is_lower_as(char *s,long len) {
for (long i=0;i<len;i++)
if (!is_lower_a(s[i]))
return false;
return true;
// have to put an extra "s" on function name to avoid macro conflict
inline bool is_lower_as(char *s) {
for (long i=0;s[i];i++)
if (!is_lower_a(s[i]))
return false;
return true;
inline bool is_ascii2_a(char *s,long len) {
for (long i=0;i<len;i++)
if (!is_ascii(s[i]))
return false;
return true;
inline bool is_alnum2_a(char *s,long len) {
for (long i=0;i<len;i++)
if (!is_alnum_a(s[i]))
return false;
return true;
inline bool is_alpha2_a(char *s,long len) {
for (long i=0;i<len;i++)
if (!is_alpha_a(s[i]))
return false;
return true;
inline bool is_num(char *s,long len) {
for (long i=0;i<len;i++)
if (!is_digit(s[i]))
return false;
return true;
inline bool is_upper2_a (char *s,long len) {
for (long i=0;i<len;i++)
if (!is_upper_a(s[i]))
return false;
return true;
inline bool is_cap_a (char *s,long len) {
if (!is_upper_a(s[0]))
return false;
for (long i=1;i<len;i++)
if (!is_lower_a(s[i]))
return false;
return true;
inline bool is_cap_utf8 (char *s,long len) {
if ( ! is_upper_utf8 ( s ) ) return false;
char *send = s + len;
for ( ; s < send ; s += getUtf8CharSize ( s ) )
if ( is_upper_utf8 ( s ) ) return false;
return true;
// does it have at least one upper case character in it?
inline bool has_upper_a (char *s,long len) {
for (long i=0;i<len;i++)
if ( is_upper_a(s[i]))
return true;
return false;
// does it have at least one binary character in it?
inline bool has_binary_a (char *s,long len) {
for (long i=0;i<len;i++)
if ( is_binary_a(s[i]))
return true;
return false;
inline void to_lower3_a(char *s,long len, char *buf) {
for (long i=0;i<len ;i++)
buf[i]=to_lower_a((unsigned char)s[i]);
inline void to_lower1_a(char *s) {
for (long i=0;s[i] ;i++)
s[i]=to_lower_a((unsigned char)s[i]);
inline long to_lower_alnum_a(char *s,long len, char *buf) {
long j=0;
for (long i=0;i<len ;i++)
if (is_alnum_a(s[i]))
buf[j++]=to_lower_a((unsigned char)s[i]);
return j;
inline long to_cap_alnum_a(char *s,long len, char *buf) {
buf[0] = to_upper_a(s[0]);
long j=1;
for (long i=1;i<len ;i++)
if (is_alnum_a(s[i]))
buf[j++]=to_lower_a((unsigned char)s[i]);
return j;
inline long to_alnum_a(char *s,long len, char *buf) {
long j=0;
for (long i=0;i<len ;i++)
if (is_alnum_a(s[i]))
return j;
inline void to_upper3_a(char *s,long len, char *buf) {
for (long i=0;i<len;i++)
inline void to_cap_a(char *s,long len, char *buf) {
for (long i=1;i<len;i++)
inline bool is_binary_utf8 ( char *p ) {
if ( getUtf8CharSize((uint8_t *)p) != 1 ) return false;
// it is ascii, use that table now
return is_binary_a ( *p );
inline bool is_lower_utf8 ( char *src ) {
// if in ascii do it quickly
if ( is_ascii3(*src) ) return is_lower_a ( *src );
// convert to a code point
UChar32 x = utf8Decode(src);
// is this codepoint lower?
return ucIsLower ( x );
inline bool is_upper_utf8 ( char *src ) {
// if in ascii do it quickly
if ( is_ascii3(*src) ) return is_upper_a ( *src );
// convert to a code point
UChar32 x = utf8Decode(src);
// is this codepoint upper?
return ucIsUpper ( x );
inline bool is_alnum_utf8 ( char *src ) {
// if in ascii do it quickly
if ( is_ascii3(*src) ) return is_alnum_a ( *src );
// convert to a code point
UChar32 x = utf8Decode(src);
// is this codepoint lower?
return ucIsAlnum ( x );
inline bool is_alnum_utf8 ( unsigned char *src ) {
// if in ascii do it quickly
if ( is_ascii3(*src) ) return is_alnum_a ( *src );
// convert to a code point
UChar32 x = utf8Decode((char *)src);
// is this codepoint lower?
return ucIsAlnum ( x );
inline bool is_alpha_utf8 ( char *src ) {
// if in ascii do it quickly
if ( is_ascii3(*src) ) return is_alpha_a ( *src );
// convert to a code point
UChar32 x = utf8Decode(src);
// is this codepoint lower?
return ucIsAlpha ( x );
inline bool is_punct_utf8 ( char *src ) {
// if in ascii do it quickly
if ( is_ascii3(*src) ) return is_punct_a ( *src );
// convert to a code point
UChar32 x = utf8Decode(src);
// is this codepoint lower?
if ( ucIsAlnum ( x ) ) return false;
else return true;
inline bool is_wspace_utf8 ( uint8_t *src ) {
// if in ascii do it quickly
if ( is_ascii3(*src) ) return is_wspace_a ( *src );
// convert to a code point
UChar32 x = utf8Decode((char *)src);
// is this codepoint a whitespace?
return is_wspace_uc ( x );
inline bool is_wspace_utf8 ( char *src ) {
// if in ascii do it quickly
if ( is_ascii3((uint8_t)*src) ) return is_wspace_a ( (uint8_t)*src );
// convert to a code point
UChar32 x = utf8Decode((char *)src);
// is this codepoint a whitespace?
return is_wspace_uc ( x );
// . returns bytes stored into "dst" from "src"
// . just do one character, which may be from 1 to 4 bytes
// . TODO: make a native utf8 to_lower to avoid converting to a code point
inline long to_lower_utf8 ( char *dst , char *src ) {
// if in ascii do it quickly
if ( is_ascii3(*src) ) { *dst = to_lower_a ( *src ); return 1; }
// convert to a code point
UChar32 x = utf8Decode(src);
// covert to lower
UChar32 y = ucToLower ( x );
// put it back to utf8. return bytes stored.
return utf8Encode ( y , dst );
// store answer in the long and return that!
inline long to_lower_utf8_32 ( char *src ) {
// if in ascii do it quickly
if ( is_ascii3(*src) ) return (long) to_lower_a ( *src );
// convert to a code point
UChar32 x = utf8Decode(src);
// covert to lower
UChar32 y = ucToLower ( x );
// give that back
return y;
inline long to_upper_utf8 ( char *dst , char *src ) {
// if in ascii do it quickly
if ( is_ascii3(*src) ) { *dst = to_upper_a ( *src ); return 1; }
// convert to a code point
UChar32 x = utf8Decode(src);
// covert to lower
UChar32 y = ucToUpper ( x );
// put it back to utf8. return bytes stored.
return utf8Encode ( y , dst );
inline long to_lower_utf8 (char *dst, char *dstEnd, char *src, char *srcEnd ){
char *dstart = dst;
for ( ; src < srcEnd ; src += getUtf8CharSize((uint8_t *)src) )
dst += to_lower_utf8 ( dst , src );
// return bytes written
return dst - dstart;
inline long to_lower_utf8 (char *dst, char *dstEnd, char *src ){
char *dstart = dst;
for ( ; *src ; src += getUtf8CharSize((uint8_t *)src) )
dst += to_lower_utf8 ( dst , src );
// return bytes written
return dst - dstart;
void getCalendarFromMs(long long ms,
long* days,
long* hours,
long* minutes,
long* secs,
long* msecs);
//long u16UrlEncode(char *d, long dlen, char *s, long slen,
// bool requestPath = false){
// char u8Buf[2048];
// long u8Len = utf16ToUtf8(u8Buf, 2048, s, slen);
// return urlEncode(d, dlen, u8Buf, u8Len, requestPath);
unsigned long calculateChecksum(char *buf, long bufLen);
char* getNextNum(char* input, char** numPtr);
// use ucIsAlnum instead...
inline bool ucIsWordChar(UChar32 c) {
if (!(c & 0xffffff80)) return is_alnum_a(c);
//if (c < 256) return is_alnum(c);
void *p = g_ucProps.getValue(c);
if (!p) return false;
return *(UCProps*)p & UC_WORDCHAR;
// don't allow "> in our input boxes
long cleanInput(char *outbuf, long outbufSize, char *inbuf, long inbufLen);
// not in math.h?
inline double round(double x) {
return floor(x+0.5);
// like strcpy but return the length and always null terminates
// dst should be of size maxDstLen + 1
inline long setstr ( char *dst,
long maxDstLen,
char *src,
long srcLen ) {
// get the proper length
long dstLen = srcLen;
if ( srcLen > maxDstLen ) dstLen = maxDstLen;
// copy the string
memcpy ( dst, src, dstLen );
// NULL terminate
dst[dstLen] = '\0';
// return the proper length
return dstLen;
// these three functions replace the Msg.cpp/.h class
// actually "lastParm" point to the thing right after the lastParm
long getMsgStoredSize ( long baseSize,
long *firstSizeParm,
long *lastSizeParm ) ;
// . return ptr to the buffer we serialize into
// . return NULL and set g_errno on error
char *serializeMsg ( long baseSize ,
long *firstSizeParm ,
long *lastSizeParm ,
char **firstStrPtr ,
void *thisPtr ,
long *retSize ,
char *userBuf ,
long userBufSize ,
bool makePtrsRefNewBuf ) ;
// convert offsets back into ptrs
long deserializeMsg ( long baseSize ,
long *firstSizeParm ,
long *lastSizeParm ,
char **firstStrPtr ,
char *stringBuf ) ;