mwells 9bf8bf7712 add spider reply even on g_errno now with an error
code of EINTERNAL error in the spider reply.
no longer just sit on the lock. this was blocking
an entire ip when just lock sitting for 3 hrs.
and only do read rate timeouts if there was at least
one byte read. this was causing diffbot reply to
read rate timeout after just 60 seconds even though
its timeout was specified as 90 seconds.
2013-09-29 09:22:20 -06:00

172 lines
9.0 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Errno.h"
// use our own errno so threads don't fuck with it
int g_errno;
char *mstrerror ( int errnum ) {
return mstrerrno ( errnum );
char *mstrerrno ( int errnum ) {
switch ( errnum ) {
case EDUMPFAILED : return "Tree dump failed";
case ETRYAGAIN : return "Try doing it again";
case ECLOSING : return "Add denied, db is closing";
case ENOTFOUND : return "Record not found";
case EHOSTNAMETOOBIG : return "Hostname too big";
case EOUTOFSOCKETS : return "No more sockets";
case EURLTOOBIG : return "Too many chars in url";
case ENOSITEDEFAULT : return "Could not get the default tagdb record";
case EBADREPLYSIZE : return "Reply is wrong length";
case EBADREPLY : return "Something is wrong with reply";
case EREPLYTOOSMALL : return "Reply is too small";
case EREQUESTTOOSHORT : return "Request length too short";
case EBADREQUESTSIZE : return "Request length not correct";
case EBADREQUEST : return "Bad request";
case ENOTSUPPORTED : return "Operation not yet supported";
case EBADHOSTID : return "Someone tried to use a bad hostId";
case EBADENGINEER : return "Bad engineer";
case EISCLOSING : return "Can not add because db is closing";
case EDATANOTOWNED : return "Trying to write on data not owned";
case EDATAUNPATCHABLE : return "Got corrupt data that cannot be patched";
case EBADRDBID : return "Bad Rdb id";
case EBUFTOOSMALL : return "Buf too small";
case ECOMPRESSFAILED : return "Compress failed";
case EUNCOMPRESSERROR : return "Uncompress failed";
case EBADTITLEREC : return "Bad cached document";
case EMISSINGQUERYTERMS:return "Document is missing query terms";
case EBADLIST : return "Bad list";
case ENODOCID : return "No docid";
case ENOHOSTS : return "Multicast can not find any hosts";
case ENOSLOTS : return "No udp slots available";
case ENOTHREADSLOTS : return "No room for thread in thread queue";
case EBADNUMHOSTS : return "Hostdb error";
case EFILEOPEN : return "Error opening or reading a file in Sitedb";
case EURLTOOLONG : return "Url too long";
case EDOCBINARY : return "Doc binary";
case EDOCADULT : return "Doc adult";
case EDOCBANNED : return "Doc banned";
case EDOCFORCEDELETE : return "Doc force deleted";
case EDOCURLSPAM : return "Url detected as spam or porn";
case EDOCSPAM : return "Doc detected as spam";
case EDOCLINKBANNED : return "Doc is link banned";
case EDOCCGI : return "Doc is CGI";
case EDOCURLIP : return "Doc url is IP based";
case EDOCBADCONTENTTYPE : return "Doc bad content type";
case EDOCQUALITYLOW : return "Doc quality too low";
case EDOCBADHTTPSTATUS : return "Doc bad http status";
case EDOCREDIRECTSTOSELF:return "Doc redirects to self";
case EDOCTOOMANYREDIRECTS: return "Doc redirected too much";
case EDOCSIMPLIFIEDREDIR : return "Doc redirected to simpler url";
case EDOCBADREDIRECTURL : return "Doc bad redirect url";
case EDOCTOOBIG : return "Doc too big";
case EDOCTOOSMALL : return "Doc too small";
case EDOCTOOOLD : return "Doc too old";
case EDOCTOONEW : return "Doc too new";
//case EDOCNOTNEW : return "Doc not new";
//case EDOCNOTOLD : return "Doc not old";
case EDOCNOTMODIFIED : return "Doc not modified";
case EDOCUNCHANGED : return "Doc unchanged";
case EDOCUNCHANGED2 : return "Doc pretty much unchanged";
case EDOCDUP : return "Doc is a dup";
case EDOCDUPWWW : return "Doc is dup of a www url";
case EDOCQUOTABREACH : return "Doc would breach the page quota";
case EDOCDISALLOWED : return "robots.txt disallows this url";
case EDOCNOINDEX : return "Meta robots tag says not to index";
case EDOCNOINDEX2 : return "Sitedb or url filters prohibit indexing";
case EDOCASIAN : return "Asian charset disallowed";
case EDOCWRONGIP : return "Doc has wrong IP";
case EDOCNODOLLAR : return "Doc has no dollar sign";
case EDOCNONUMBERS : return "Doc does not have double digits in url";
case EDOCHASRSSFEED : return "Doc has an RSS to be followed";
case EDOCNOTRSS : return "Doc not linked to by RSS as required";
case EDOCISANCHORRSS : return "Doc's RSS uses relative anchors "
"(pound sign)";
case EDOCHASBADRSS : return "Doc is linked to by RSS with bad format";
case EDOCISSERP : return "Doc is a search results page";
case ETOOMANYLISTS : return "Too many lists";
case ETOOMANYFILES : return "Too many files already";
case EQUERYTOOBIG : return "Query too big";
case EQUERYTRUNCATED : return "Query was truncated";
case ETOOMANYOPERANDS : return "Boolean query has too many operands";
case ENOTLOCAL : return "DocId is not local";
case ETCPTIMEDOUT : return "Tcp operation timed out";
case EUDPTIMEDOUT : return "Udp reply timed out";
case ESOCKETCLOSED : return "Device disconnected (POLL_HUP)";
case EBADMIME : return "Bad mime";
case ENOHOSTSFILE : return "No hosts.conf file";
case ENOHOSTIP : return "hosts.conf file missing an IP entry for a "
case EURLHASNOIP : return "Url has no IP";
case EBADIP : return "Bad IP";
case EMSGTOOBIG : return "Msg is too big";
case EDNSBAD : return "DNS sent an unknown response code";
case EDNSREFUSED : return "DNS refused to talk";
case EDNSDEAD : return "DNS hostname does not exist";
case EDNSTIMEDOUT : return "DNS timed out";
case ECOLLTOOBIG : return "Collection is too long";
case ESTRIKEOUT : return "Retried enough times, deleting doc";
case ENOPERM : return "Permission Denied";
case ECORRUPTDATA : return "Corrupt data";
case ENOCOLLREC : return "No collection record";
case ESHUTTINGDOWN : return "Shutting down the server";
case EHOSTDEAD : return "Host is marked as dead";
case EBADFILE : return "File is bad";
case ETOOEARLY : return "Need to wait longer";
case EFILECLOSED : return "Read on closed file";//close on our thread
case ELISTTOOBIG : return "List is too big";
case ECANCELLED : return "Transaction was cancelled";
//case EHAMMERIP : return "Downloading page would hammer IP";
//case EHAMMERDOMAIN : return "Downloading page would hammer domain";
case EDOCLANG : return "Document is wrong language";
case EBUYFEED : return "Contact us to buy a search feed";
case EBADCHARSET : return "Unsupported charset";
case ETOOMANYDOWNLOADS : return "Too many outstanding http downloads";
case EBADPROXY : return "Admin request not supported by proxy";
case ELINKLOOP : return "Url is repeating path components";
case ENOCACHE : return "Page disallows caching";
case EREPAIRING : return "Can not add data to host in repair mode";
case ECANCELACK : return "Read a cancel ack, destroy the slot";
case EBADURL : return "Malformed url";
case EDOCFILTERED : return "Doc is filtered by URL filters";
case ESSLNOTREADY : return "SSL tcpserver not ready";
case ERESTRICTEDPAGE : return "Page is /admin or /master and restricted";
//case ESPIDERRECDUP : return "Duplicate spiderdb record";
case EDOCISERRPG : return "Doc is error page";
case EFORCED : return "Doc was force respidered";
case EDISABLED : return "Injection is disabled in Master Controls";
case ETAGBREACH : return "Sections parser ran out of tag stack space";
case EDISKSTUCK : return "Disk is stuck";
case EDOCHIJACKED : return "Doc is hijacked";
case EDOCREPEATSPAMMER: return "Doc is repetitive spam";
case EDOCEVILREDIRECT : return "Doc evil redirect url";
case EDOCBADSECTIONS : return "Doc has malformed sections";
case EDOCBADDATES : return "Doc has malformed dates or dates overflow";
case EBADGEOCODERREPLY: return "Geocoder returned bad reply or timed out";
case EBUFOVERFLOW : return "Static buffer overflow";
case EPLSRESUBMIT : return "The system was restarted. Please resubmit your evaluation.";
case EURLBADYEAR : return "Url contained an out of usable range year";
case EABANDONED : return "Injection is abandoned";
case ECORRUPTHTTPGZIP : return "Http server returned corrupted gzip";
case EDOCIDCOLLISION : return "DocId collision in titledb";
case ESSLERROR : return "SSL error of some kind";
case EPERMDENIED : return "Permission denied";
case ENOFUNDS : return "Not enough funds in account";
case EDIFFBOTINTERNALERROR: return "Diffbot internal error";
case EDIFFBOTMIMEERROR: return "Diffbot mime error";
case EDIFFBOTBADHTTPSTATUS: return "Diffbot reply bad http status";
case EHITCRAWLLIMIT: return "Hit the page download limit";
case EHITPROCESSLIMIT: return "Hit the page process limit";
case EINTERNALERROR: return "Internal error";
// if the remote error bit is clear it must be a regulare errno
//if ( ! ( errnum & REMOTE_ERROR_BIT ) ) return strerror ( errnum );
// otherwise, try it with it cleared
//return mstrerrno ( errnum & (~REMOTE_ERROR_BIT) );
return strerror ( errnum );