Matt Wells cd6069e5a6 send single space to socket if not streaming
and search results still not ready after 10 seconds.
send it every 10 seconds to prevent client from closing socket.
sped up all downloads, json and csv, but not doing "fuzzy"
deduping of search results, but just deduping on page
content hash. added TcpSocket::m_numDestroys to ensure we
do not send heartbeat on a socket that was closed and
re-opened for another client.
2014-02-13 08:45:13 -08:00

2345 lines
79 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "TcpServer.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "Profiler.h"
#include "PingServer.h"
//#include "AutoBan.h"
// . TODO: deleting nodes from under Loop::callCallbacks is dangerous!!
static void gotTcpServerIpWrapper ( void *state , long ip ) ;
static void readSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) ;
static void writeSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) ;
static void readTimeoutPollWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) ;
static void acceptSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) ;
static void timePollWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
static void logSSLError(SSL *ssl, int ret) {
switch (SSL_get_error(ssl, ret)) {
log("net: ssl: No Error.");
log ("net: ssl: Error: Zero Return");
log ("net: ssl: Error: Want Read");
log ("net: ssl: Error: Want Write");
log ("net: ssl: Error: Want Connect");
// log ("net: ssl: Error: Want Accept");
// break;
log ("net: ssl: Error: Want X509 Lookup");
log ("net: ssl: Error: Syscall");
log ("net: ssl: Error: SSL");
// free all TcpSockets and their bufs
void TcpServer::reset() {
// set not ready
m_ready = false;
// clean up the sockets
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_TCP_SOCKS ; i++ ) {
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
destroySocket ( s );
// do we got a valid listen socket?
if ( m_sock < 0 ) return;
// if so, stop listening, may block
close ( m_sock );
// shutdown SSL
if (m_useSSL && m_ctx) {
// clean up the SSL crap
m_ctx = NULL;
static void sigpipe_handle(int x) {
// . port will be incremented if already in use
// . use 1 socket for receiving and sending
// . requestHandler() is called when we read a request on "s"
// . getMsgSize() is called when we read a PACKET(s) on "s" to get the size of
// the entire request beforehand for allocation purposes
// . getMsgSize() must return -1 if it cannot determine the size of the request
bool TcpServer::init ( void (* requestHandler)(TcpSocket *s) ,
long (* getMsgSize )(char *msg , long msgBytesRead,
TcpSocket *s ),
long (* getMsgPiece )(TcpSocket *s ),
short port ,
long *maxSocketsPtr ,
bool useSSL ) {
//long maxReadBufSize ,
//long maxSendBufSize ) {
// don't be ready until we succeed
m_ready = false;
m_doReadRateTimeouts = true;
// store the handlers
m_requestHandler = requestHandler;
m_getMsgSize = getMsgSize;
m_getMsgPiece = getMsgPiece;
// init the sockets array to hold our TcpSockets
memset ( m_tcpSockets , 0 , sizeof(TcpSocket *) * MAX_TCP_SOCKS );
// clear the actual tcp sockets array
memset ( m_actualSockets , 0 , sizeof(TcpSocket)* MAX_TCP_SOCKS );
m_lastFilled = 0;
m_numUsed = 0;
// remember our port
m_port = port;
// point to dummy if we need to
m_dummy = MAX_TCP_SOCKS;
if ( ! maxSocketsPtr ) maxSocketsPtr = &m_dummy;
if ( *maxSocketsPtr > MAX_TCP_SOCKS ) maxSocketsPtr = &m_dummy;
// we can only have this many sockets open at any one time
m_maxSocketsPtr = maxSocketsPtr;
// set the useSSL flag
m_useSSL = useSSL;
// claim sd 0 so it is not used
static FILE *s_stdinSock ;
static bool s_openned = false;
if ( ! s_openned ) {
s_stdinSock = fopen ( "stdin" , "r" );
// sanity - make sure 0 was opened as stdin!
if ( s_stdinSock != NULL ) {
log("tcp: stdinSock = %li != 0", (long)s_stdinSock);
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
s_openned = true;
// can't exceed hard limit
//if ( m_maxSockets > MAX_TCP_SOCKS ) m_maxSockets = MAX_TCP_SOCKS;
// how many bytes we can read into memory before calling putMsgPiece()
//m_maxReadBufSize = maxReadBufSize;
// how many bytes we can hold to send at one time
//m_maxSendBufSize = maxSendBufSize;
// sockaddr_in provides interface to sockaddr
struct sockaddr_in name;
// parm
int options;
// if port is -1 don't set up a listening socket
if ( m_port == -1 || m_port == 0 ) goto skipServer;
// . set up our connection listening socket
// . sets g_errno and returns -1 on error
m_sock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM , 0 );
//if ( m_sock == 0 ) log ( "tcp: socket1 gave sd=0");
while ( m_sock == 0 ) {
int newSock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
log ( "tcp: socket gave sd=0, reopenning1 to sd=%i", newSock );
m_sock = newSock;
if (m_sock < 0 ) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry13;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
return log("tcp: Failed to create socket for "
"listening :%s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
// reset it all just to be safe
bzero((char *)&name, sizeof(name));
name.sin_family = AF_INET;
name.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; /*INADDR_ANY;*/
name.sin_port = htons(port);
// . we want to re-use port it if we need to restart
// . sets g_errno and returns -1 on error
options = 1;
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry14;
g_errno = errno;
return false;
// bind this name to the socket
if ( bind ( m_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&name, sizeof(name)) < 0) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry15;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
//if ( g_errno == EINVAL ) { port++; goto again; }
close ( m_sock );
return log("tcp: Failed to bind socket on port %li: %s.",
// now listen for connections
if (listen ( m_sock , 128 ) < 0 ) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry16;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
close ( m_sock );
return log("tcp: Failed to listen on socket: %s.",
// setup SSL
if (m_useSSL) {
// init SSL
// older ssl does not use "const". depends on the include files
//#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER <= 0x009080bfL
//SSL_METHOD *meth = NULL;
const SSL_METHOD *meth = NULL;
signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe_handle);
meth = SSLv23_method();
m_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth);
// get the certificate location
char sslCertificate[256];
sprintf(sslCertificate, "%sgb.pem", g_hostdb.m_dir);
//char sslBundleFilename[256];
//sprintf(sslBundleFilename, "%sgd_bundle.crt",g_hostdb.m_dir);
log(LOG_INFO, "https: Reading SSL certificate from: %s",
// Load the keys
if (m_ctx == NULL)
return log("ssl: Failed to set up an SSL context\n");
if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file ( m_ctx,
sslCertificate ) )
return log("ssl: Failed to read certificate file");
//if ( !SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert ( m_ctx,
// sslBundleFilename ) )
// return log("ssl: Failed to add extra "
// "certificate chain");
if (!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file ( m_ctx,
return log("ssl: Failed to read Private Key File");
if (!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations( m_ctx,
0 ) )
return log("ssl: Failed to read Certificate");
// . register this fd with the Loop class
// . this will make it nonBlocking and sigio based
// . when m_sock is ready for reading Loop calls acceptSocketWrapper()
// . this also makes m_sock nonBlocking, etc...
// . this returns false and sets g_errno if it couldn't register
// . we do our accept and connect callbacks like a write
// . accept/connects generate both POLLIN and POLLOUT bands @ same time
// . use a niceness of 0 so traffic from our server to a browser takes
// precedence over spider traffic
if ( ! g_loop.registerReadCallback (m_sock,this,acceptSocketWrapper,0))
return false;
// if port is -1 we skip listening to a socket
// . register to receives wake up calls every 500ms so we can
// check for TcpSockets that have timed out
// . check every 500ms now since we have timeout of 1000ms for ads
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback (500,this,readTimeoutPollWrapper,0))
return false;
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback (30*1000,this,timePollWrapper,0))
return false;
// return true on success
m_ready = true;
return true;
// this wrapper is called every 15 ms by the Loop class
void timePollWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
TcpServer *THIS = (TcpServer *)state;
if ( g_inSigHandler ) return;
// close ANY socket that is just reading and OVER 60 secs idle
THIS->closeLeastUsed( 60 );
bool TcpServer::testBind ( unsigned short port ) {
// assign port for the test
m_port = port;
// sockaddr_in provides interface to sockaddr
struct sockaddr_in name;
// parm
int options;
// if port is -1 don't set up a listening socket
if ( m_port == -1 || m_port == 0 ) return true;
// . set up our connection listening socket
// . sets g_errno and returns -1 on error
m_sock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM , 0 );
//if ( m_sock == 0 ) log ( "tcp: socket2 gave sd=0");
while ( m_sock == 0 ) {
int newSock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
log ( "tcp: socket gave sd=0, reopenning2 to sd=%i", newSock );
m_sock = newSock;
if (m_sock < 0 ) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry17;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
return log("tcp: Failed to create socket for "
"listening :%s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
// reset it all just to be safe
bzero((char *)&name, sizeof(name));
name.sin_family = AF_INET;
name.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; /*INADDR_ANY;*/
name.sin_port = htons(port);
// . we want to re-use port it if we need to restart
// . sets g_errno and returns -1 on error
options = 1;
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry18;
g_errno = errno;
return false;
// bind this name to the socket
if ( bind ( m_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&name, sizeof(name)) < 0) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry19;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
//if ( g_errno == EINVAL ) { port++; goto again; }
close ( m_sock );
return log("tcp: Failed to bind socket: %s.",
close ( m_sock );
return true;
// . we use this temp structure to hold our state while we call g_dns
// to translate a hostname to an ip
// . make this into a class now so m_msgc's constructor gets called
class TcpState {
char m_hostname[256];
short m_port;
char *m_sendBuf;
long m_sendBufSize;
long m_sendBufUsed;
long m_msgTotalSize;
TcpServer *m_this;
void *m_state ;
void (* m_callback ) ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) ;
long m_timeout;
long m_maxTextDocLen;
long m_maxOtherDocLen;
long m_ip;
MsgC m_msgc;
bool TcpServer::sendMsg ( char *url ,
char *sendBuf ,
long sendBufSize ,
long sendBufUsed ,
long msgTotalSize ,
void *state ,
void (* callback )( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) ,
long timeout ,
long maxTextDocLen , // -1 for no max
long maxOtherDocLen ) {
Url u;
u.set ( url );
char *host = u.getHost();
long hostLen = u.getHostLen();
long port = u.getPort();
return sendMsg ( host ,
hostLen ,
port ,
sendBuf ,
sendBufSize ,
sendBufUsed ,
msgTotalSize ,
state ,
callback ,
timeout ,
maxTextDocLen ,
maxOtherDocLen );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . we do not copy "sendBuf"
// . you must free sendBuf when we call your callback
// . if this returns true you must free sendBuf then
// . if "msgTotalSize" > "sendBufUsed" we should be notified by a routine
// like HttpServer::getMsgPiece() by having him load the sendBuf and
// call g_loop.callCallbacks(sd) or something
// . those bytes should be stored in m_sendBuf, but not overwrite what
// has not been sent yet
bool TcpServer::sendMsg ( char *hostname ,
long hostnameLen ,
short port ,
char *sendBuf ,
long sendBufSize ,
long sendBufUsed ,
long msgTotalSize ,
void *state ,
void (* callback )( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) ,
long timeout ,
long maxTextDocLen , // -1 for no max
long maxOtherDocLen ) {
// a quickie
char *h = hostname;
long hlen = hostnameLen;
// make sure hostname not too big
if ( hlen >= 254 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"tcp: tcpserver: sendMsg: hostname length is "
"too big. it's %li, max is 254." , hostnameLen );
mfree ( sendBuf , sendBufSize ,"TcpServer");
return true;
// . make a state for calling dns server
// . TODO: speed up by checking dns cache first
// . TODO: use a TcpSocket structure instead of TcpState to hold this
// . return true and set g_errno on error
// . malloc() should set g_errno on error
//TcpState *tst=(TcpState *) mmalloc (sizeof(TcpState),"TcpServerTS");
TcpState *tst;
try { tst = new (TcpState); }
// bail on failure
catch ( ... ) {
return true;
// register this mem with g_mem
mnew ( tst , sizeof(TcpState) , "TcpServer" );
// fill up our temporary state structure
memcpy ( tst->m_hostname , h , hlen );
// NULL terminate the hostname in tst
tst->m_hostname [ hlen ] = '\0';
// set the other members of tst
tst->m_port = port;
tst->m_sendBuf = sendBuf;
tst->m_sendBufSize = sendBufSize;
tst->m_sendBufUsed = sendBufUsed;
tst->m_msgTotalSize = msgTotalSize;
tst->m_state = state;
tst->m_callback = callback;
tst->m_this = this;
tst->m_timeout = timeout;
tst->m_maxTextDocLen = maxTextDocLen;
tst->m_maxOtherDocLen = maxOtherDocLen;
//very bad. was passing this local var ptr to msgc which blocks!
// long ip;
tst->m_ip = 0;
// debug
log(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: Getting IP for %s using msgc.",
tst->m_hostname );
long status;
// if no hosts we are being called by monitor.cpp
if ( g_hostdb.m_numHosts == 0 ||
// or if we are spider proxy...
g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy )
status = g_dns.getIp ( h ,
hlen ,
tst ,
gotTcpServerIpWrapper );
// . this returns false if blocks, true otherwise
// . it also sets g_errno on error
// . seems like this single msgc's multicast was being shared by
// the multiple calls, too... use a private msgc now
status = tst->m_msgc.getIp(h,hlen,&(tst->m_ip),tst,
// return false if blocked
if ( status == 0 ) return false;
// . gotIp() returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
return gotTcpServerIp ( tst , tst->m_ip ) ;
// called by Dns class when ip (or g_errno) is ready
void gotTcpServerIpWrapper ( void *state , long ip ) {
// our state ptr ptrs to a TcpState struct
TcpState *tst = (TcpState *) state;
// save the callback and state since gotIp frees tst
void *tststate = tst->m_state;
void (* tstcallback )( void *state , TcpSocket *s );
tstcallback = tst->m_callback;
// get ptr to our tcp server
TcpServer *THIS = tst->m_this;
// get ip
//long ip = tst->m_ip;
// . call gotIp()
// . return if it blocked (returned false)
if ( ! THIS->gotTcpServerIp ( tst , ip ) ) return;
// . tstcallback can be NULL if caller did not care about the reply
// . now it the transmission was completed w/o further blocking
// . call the callback
// . g_errno may be set
// . we have no TcpSocket at this point, so use NULL
if ( tstcallback ) tstcallback ( tststate , NULL );
// . returns false if TRANSACTION blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool TcpServer::gotTcpServerIp ( TcpState *tst , long ip ) {
// debug
log(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: Got ip of %s for %s err=%s.",
iptoa(ip),tst->m_hostname , mstrerror(g_errno) );
// set g_errno if unable to get ip for this hostname
if ( ip == 0 ) g_errno = EBADIP;
// free "ts" and return true on error
if ( g_errno ) {
// we are responsible for freeing the send buffer
mfree ( tst->m_sendBuf , tst->m_sendBufSize ,"TcpServer");
mdelete ( tst , sizeof(TcpState) , "TcpServer" );
delete ( tst ) ;
return true;
// . now call the ip-based sendMsg()
// . this return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . it also sets g_errno on error
bool status = sendMsg ( ip ,
tst->m_port ,
tst->m_sendBuf ,
tst->m_sendBufSize ,
tst->m_sendBufUsed ,
tst->m_msgTotalSize ,
tst->m_state ,
tst->m_callback ,
tst->m_timeout ,
tst->m_maxTextDocLen ,
tst->m_maxOtherDocLen );
//mfree ( tst , sizeof(TcpState),"TcpServer");
mdelete ( tst , sizeof(TcpState) , "TcpServer" );
delete ( tst ) ;
// return false if this send blocked
if ( ! status ) return false;
// if no error then we've blocked on waiting for the reply
if ( ! g_errno ) return false;
// otherwise, return true on error
return true;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . NOTE: should not be called by user since does not copy "msg"
// . NOTE: we do not copy "msg" so keep it on your stack
bool TcpServer::sendMsg ( long ip ,
short port ,
char *sendBuf ,
long sendBufSize ,
long sendBufUsed ,
long msgTotalSize ,
void *state ,
void (* callback )( void *state, TcpSocket *s) ,
long timeout ,
long maxTextDocLen , // -1 for no max
long maxOtherDocLen ) {
// debug
log(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: Getting doc for ip=%s.", iptoa(ip));
// . get an unused socket that's pre-connected to this ip/port
// . returns NULL if it can't
TcpSocket *s = getAvailableSocket ( ip , port );
// . sendMsg(...) returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . it also sets g_errno on error
if ( s ) return sendMsg ( s ,
sendBuf ,
sendBufSize ,
sendBufUsed ,
msgTotalSize ,
state ,
callback ,
timeout ,
maxTextDocLen , // -1 for no max
maxOtherDocLen );
// . otherwise, create a new socket
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
// . adds socket to array for us and sets the fd non-blocking, etc.
s = getNewSocket ( );
// return true if s is NULL and g_errno was set by getNewSocket()
if ( ! s ) { mfree ( sendBuf , sendBufSize,"TcpServer"); return true; }
// set up the new TcpSocket for connecting
s->m_state = state;
s->m_callback = callback;
s->m_this = this;
s->m_ip = ip;
s->m_port = port;
s->m_sockState = ST_CONNECTING;
s->m_sendBuf = sendBuf;
s->m_sendBufSize = sendBufSize;
s->m_sendBufUsed = sendBufUsed;
s->m_totalToSend = msgTotalSize;
s->m_sendOffset = 0;
s->m_totalSent = 0;
s->m_waitingOnHandler = false;
s->m_timeout = timeout;
s->m_maxTextDocLen = maxTextDocLen ;
s->m_maxOtherDocLen = maxOtherDocLen ;
s->m_ssl = NULL;
s->m_udpSlot = NULL;
s->m_streamingMode = false;
// . call the connect routine to try to connect it asap
// . this does not block however
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . it also sets g_errno on error
// . it should destroy socket on error
// . TODO: ensure this always blocks, otherwise we must redo this code
connectSocket ( s ) ;
// . destroy s on error and return true since we did not block
// . this will close the socket descriptor and make the callback
if ( g_errno ) { destroySocket ( s ); return true; }
// . we're blocking on the reply so return false always
// . reply can't be gotten until readSocket() is called
return false;
// . returns false if TRANSACTION blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . destroys socket, "s", on error
// . recycles socket, "s", on done writing and reading
// . "s" must be a pre-connected (available) TcpSocket
// . this is called by m_requestHander() to send a reply
// . this is called by sendMsg(ip,...) above to send a request
bool TcpServer::sendMsg ( TcpSocket *s ,
char *sendBuf ,
long sendBufSize ,
long sendBufUsed ,
long msgTotalSize ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state,TcpSocket *s) ,
long timeout ,
long maxTextDocLen , // -1 for no max
long maxOtherDocLen ) {
//reset any previous g_errno so we don't think it was our call to write
g_errno = 0;
// HACK: the proxy encapsulates http requests in udp datagrams with
// msgtype 0xfd. so do a udp reply in that case to the proxy.
if ( s->m_udpSlot ) {
g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( sendBuf ,
sendBufUsed ,
sendBuf ,
sendBufSize ,
s->m_udpSlot ,
timeout , // timeout?
state ,
NULL );// callback
// we now free the read buffer here since PageDirectory.cpp
// might have reallocated it.
if ( s->m_readBuf )
mfree (s->m_readBuf, s->m_readBufSize,"TcpUdp");
// free it! we allocated in HttpServer.cpp handleRequestfd()
mfree ( s , sizeof(TcpSocket) , "tcpudp" );
// assume did not block
return true;
// reset the parms in the pre-connected TcpSocket, "s"
s->m_state = state;
s->m_callback = callback;
// ensure the correct TcpServer
if (s->m_this != this) {
log("tcpserver: Socket comming into incorrect TcpServer!");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
s->m_this = this;
// s->m_ip = ip;
// s->m_port = port;
s->m_sockState = ST_WRITING;
s->m_sendBuf = sendBuf;
s->m_sendBufSize = sendBufSize;
s->m_sendBufUsed = sendBufUsed;
s->m_totalToSend = msgTotalSize;
s->m_sendOffset = 0;
s->m_totalSent = 0;
s->m_waitingOnHandler = false;
s->m_timeout = timeout;
s->m_maxTextDocLen = maxTextDocLen ;
s->m_maxOtherDocLen = maxOtherDocLen ;
// . try to send immediately
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error (and returns true)
if ( ! writeSocket ( s ) ) return false;
// . the write completed writing a REPLY OR REQUEST
// . or g_errno was set
// . do not make callbacks if it did not block
// makeCallback ( s );
// . destroy the socket on error
// . this will also unregister all our callbacks for the socket
// . TODO: deleting nodes from under Loop::callCallbacks is dangerous!!
if ( g_errno ) { destroySocket ( s ); return true; }
// if in streaming mode just return true, do not set sockState
// to ST_NEEDS_CLOSE lest it be destroyed. streaming mode needs
// to get more data to send on the socket.
if ( s->m_streamingMode ) return true;
// reset the socket iff it was a reply that we finished writing
// hmmm else if ( s->m_readBuf ) { recycleSocket ( s ); return true; }
// we can't close it here any more for some reason the browser truncats
// the content we transmit otherwise... i've tried SO_LINGER and
// couldnt get that to work...
if ( s->m_readBuf ) { s->m_sockState = ST_NEEDS_CLOSE; return true; }
// we're blocking on the reply (readBuf is empty)
return false;
// . TcpSockets are 1-1 with socket descriptors
// . returns NULL if no available sockets w/ this ip/port were found
TcpSocket *TcpServer::getAvailableSocket ( long ip, short port ) {
// . search for an available socket already connected to our ip/port
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= m_lastFilled ; i++ ) {
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
if ( s->m_ip != ip ) continue;
if ( s->m_port != port ) continue;
if ( ! s->isAvailable()) continue;
// reset the start time
s->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
s->m_lastActionTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
s->m_shutdownStart = 0;
// debug msg
//log("........... TcpServer found available sock "
return s;
// return NULL if none pre-connected and available for this ip/port
return NULL;
static long s_lastTime = 0;
// . gets a new TcpSocket
// . returns NULL and set g_errno on error
// . sets socket to non-blocking and sets up signal generation (SIGMINRT)
// so Loop class can handle the signals and route to our handlers
TcpSocket *TcpServer::getNewSocket ( ) {
// . if outta sd's we close least used socket first
// . if they're all in use set g_errno and return NULL
if ( m_numIncomingUsed >= *m_maxSocketsPtr )
if ( ! closeLeastUsed () ){
// note it in the log
long now = getTimeLocal();
static long s_last = 0;
static long s_count = 0;
if ( now - s_last < 5 )
else {
log("tcp: Out of sockets. Max sockets = %li. "
s_count = 0;
s_last = now;
// another stat
// send email alert
g_pingServer.sendEmailMsg ( &s_lastTime ,
"out of sockets on https");
return NULL;
// now make a new socket descriptor
int sd = socket ( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0 ) ;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
logf (LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: ...... created new socket sd=%li",
//if ( sd == 0 ) log ( "tcp: socket3 gave sd=0");
while ( sd == 0 ) {
errno = 0;
int newSock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
log ( "tcp: socket gave sd=0, reopenning3 to sd=%i", newSock );
sd = newSock;
if ( sd >= MAX_NUM_FDS ) {
log("tcp: using statically linked libc that only supports "
"an fd of up to %li, but got an fd = %li. fd_set is "
"only geared for 1024 bits of file descriptors for "
"doing poll() in Loop.cpp. Ensure 'ulimit -a' limits "
"open files to 1024. "
"Check open fds using ls /proc/<gb-pid>/fds/ and ensure "
"they are all BELOW 1024.",
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// return NULL and set g_errno on failure
if ( sd < 0 ) {
// valgrind. interrupted system call
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry4;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
log("tcp: Failed to create new socket: %s.",
log("tcp: numopensocks = %li",m_numUsed);
log("tcp: try editing /etc/security/limits.conf and "
"restarting in fresh shell.");
log("tcp: try using multiple spider compression proxies on "
"same server.");
return NULL;
// ssl debug
//log("tcp: open socket fd=%i",m_sock);
// . create a new TcpSocket around this socket descriptor
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
// . use a maximum niceness for spidering
TcpSocket *s = wrapSocket ( sd , MAX_NICENESS , false /*incoming?*/) ;
// . close sd on failure
// . TODO: ensure this blocks even if sd was set nonblock by wrapSock()
if ( ! s ) {
if ( sd == 0 ) log("tcp: closing1 sd of 0");
if ( ::close(sd) == -1 )
log("tcp: close2(%li) = %s",(long)sd,mstrerror(errno));
return NULL;
// return it on success
return s;
TcpSocket *TcpServer::getSocket ( int sd ) {
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[sd];
if ( s ) return s;
log(LOG_LOGIC,"tcp: tcpserver: getSocket: sd=%i has no TcpSocket.",sd);
return NULL;
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error, true otherwise
// . make a TcpSocket around "sd", a socket descriptor
// . makes the socket non-blocking and sets up signal catching
// . Loop class will receives signals and call the handlers we register with
// . the Loop class
// . NOTE: it's up to the caller to fill in the details of the TcpSocket!
TcpSocket *TcpServer::wrapSocket ( int sd , long niceness , bool isIncoming ) {
// debug
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: wrapsocket sd=%li",sd);
// refuse to wrap it if too many used already
//log(LOG_WARN, "incoming socket %li incoming %li %li %li", sd, (long)isIncoming,
// m_numIncomingUsed , *m_maxSocketsPtr);
if ( isIncoming && m_numIncomingUsed >= *m_maxSocketsPtr )
if ( ! closeLeastUsed () ) {
// note it in the log
long now = getTimeLocal();
static long s_last = 0;
static long s_count = 0;
if ( now - s_last < 5 )
else {
log("tcp: Out of sockets. Max sockets = %li. "
s_count = 0;
s_last = now;
// another stat
// send email alert
g_pingServer.sendEmailMsg ( &s_lastTime ,
"out of sockets on https");
return NULL;
// sanity check
if ( sd < 0 || sd >= MAX_TCP_SOCKS ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"tcp: Got bad sd of %li.",(long)sd);
// another stat
// send email alert
g_pingServer.sendEmailMsg ( &s_lastTime ,
"out of sockets on https2");
return NULL;
// alloc a new TcpSocket
//TcpSocket *s=(TcpSocket *) mcalloc (sizeof (TcpSocket),"TcpServerC");
//if ( ! s ) return NULL;
TcpSocket *s = &m_actualSockets[sd];
// . sanity check, it should be clear always! it means "in use" or not
// . this has happened a few times lately...
if ( s->m_startTime != 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"tcp: sd of %li is already in use.",(long)sd);
if ( sd == 0 ) log("tcp: closing2 sd of 0");
if ( ::close(sd) == -1 )
log("tcp: close3(%li) = %s",(long)sd,mstrerror(errno));
// send email alert
g_pingServer.sendEmailMsg ( &s_lastTime ,
"out of sockets on https3");
return NULL;
// save this i guess
long saved = s->m_numDestroys;
// clear it
memset ( s , 0 , sizeof(TcpSocket) );
// restore
s->m_numDestroys = saved;
// store sd in our TcpSocket
s->m_sd = sd;
// store the last action time as now (used for timeout'ing sockets)
s->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
s->m_shutdownStart = 0;
// just make sure this is not 0 because we use it to mean "in use"
if ( s->m_startTime == 0 ) s->m_startTime = 1;
s->m_lastActionTime = s->m_startTime;
// set if it's incoming connection or not
s->m_isIncoming = isIncoming;
// turn this off
s->m_streamingMode = false;
// . a 30 sec timeout, we don't want slow guys using all our sockets
// . they could easily flood us anyway though
// . we need to wait possibly a few minutes for a large inject of
// 100's of MBs to finish, so make it 10 minutes
//s->m_timeout = 30*1000;
//s->m_timeout = 10*60*1000;
// we have code that closes the sockets when it needs to i think
// so let's go to 100 minutes so we can deal with reranked queries
// (Msg3b) that take like an hour.
s->m_timeout = 1000*60*1000;
// a temp thang
int parm;
// . TODO: make sure this sd will NEVER exist!!
// . throw our TcpSocket into the array
// . this returns -1 on error, otherwise >= 0 of the node #
m_tcpSockets [ sd ] = s ;
if ( sd > m_lastFilled ) m_lastFilled = sd;
// count connections to us separately for limiting to m_maxSockets
if ( isIncoming ) m_numIncomingUsed++;
// . we should also set TCP_CORK
// . NOTE: we must unset this when we've written out the last bytes
// to the send buffer
parm = 1;
if ( setsockopt ( sd , SOL_TCP , TCP_CORK , &parm , sizeof(int)) < 0) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
log("tcp: Failed to set TCP_CORK on socket: setsockopt: %s.",
goto hadError;
// try this to fix bug of not sending all data to browser
//struct linger ggg;
//ggg.l_onoff = 1; // non-zero to linger on close
//ggg.l_linger = 1000; // time to linger
//if ( setsockopt ( sd , SOL_SOCKET , SO_LINGER , &ggg , sizeof(ggg)) < 0) {
// // copy errno to g_errno
// g_errno = errno;
// log("tcp: Failed to set SO_LINGER on socket: setsockopt: %s.",
// mstrerror(g_errno));
// goto hadError;
// save this in here too
s->m_niceness = niceness;
// . now we must successfully register it
// . this also sets the sock to nonblocking, etc...
// . TODO: we'd have to set timestamps in Loop to check for timeou
// . use niceness levels of 0 so this server-to-browser traffic takes
// precedence over spider traffic
if (!g_loop.registerReadCallback (sd,this,readSocketWrapper,niceness))
goto hadError;
g_loop.unregisterReadCallback(sd,this , readSocketWrapper );
goto hadError;
// return "s" on success
return s;
// otherwise, free "s" and return NULL
log("tcp: Had error preparing socket: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
m_tcpSockets [ sd ] = NULL;
// clear it, this means no longer in use
s->m_startTime = 0LL;
//mfree ( s , sizeof(TcpSocket) ,"TcpServer" );
// uncount
if ( isIncoming ) m_numIncomingUsed--;
return NULL;
// . if maxIdleTime > 0 we close all sockets idle "maxIdleTime" seconds
// . if maxIdleTime > 0 we may not close ANY sockets
// . if maxIdleTime <= 0 then we ALWAYS close the least used
bool TcpServer::closeLeastUsed ( long maxIdleTime ) {
//log(LOG_WARN, "closing. %li used!", m_numUsed);
unsigned long times [MAX_TCP_SOCKS];
short indices [MAX_TCP_SOCKS];
unsigned char numSocks[MAX_TCP_SOCKS];
memset(times , 0xff, sizeof(long) * MAX_TCP_SOCKS);
memset(indices , 0, sizeof(short) * MAX_TCP_SOCKS);
memset(numSocks, 0, sizeof(char) * MAX_TCP_SOCKS);
long numSocksMask = MAX_TCP_SOCKS - 1;
short biggestHogNdx = -1;
unsigned char biggestHogNum = 0;
long long nowms;
if ( maxIdleTime > 0 ) nowms = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// conver it to milliseconds
long long maxms ;
if ( maxIdleTime > 0 ) maxms = maxIdleTime * 1000;
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= m_lastFilled ; i++ ) {
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
//don't close stuff that gigablast is working on.
if(!(s->isReading()|| s->isAvailable())) continue;
// . chose either an available socket or a non paying
// . customer: ...lousy cheapskates...
// . prefLevel is set by autoban once we find a valid code.
if ( ! s->isAvailable() &&
!(s->m_isIncoming && s->m_prefLevel == 0) ) continue;
// if we were given a VALID maxIdleTime, close any socket
// past that idle time
if ( maxIdleTime > 0 ) {
// keep chugging if socket is <= the max
if ( nowms - s->m_lastActionTime <= maxms ) continue;
// log it
log(LOG_INFO,"tcp: closing socket. ip=%s. "
"idle time was %lli ms > %lli ms",
// set g_errno? i guess to zero
g_errno = 0;
// otherwise destroy the socket
makeCallback ( s );
destroySocket ( s );
long index = s->m_ip & numSocksMask;
if(++numSocks[index] > biggestHogNum) {
biggestHogNum = numSocks[index];
biggestHogNdx = index;
if(times[index] < (unsigned long)s->m_lastActionTime) continue;
times[index] = (unsigned long)s->m_lastActionTime;
indices[index] = i;
// if everything was in use we're SOL
if ( biggestHogNdx == -1 ) return false;
// get the socket we're closing
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[ indices[biggestHogNdx] ];
log(LOG_WARN, "tcp: closing least used! sd=%li idle=%llims",
(long)s->m_sd, nowms - s->m_lastActionTime);
// set g_errno? i guess to zero
g_errno = 0;
// call the callback of the socket we're destroying (if exists)
makeCallback ( s );
// this frees and removes TcpSocket from the array
destroySocket ( s );
// send email alert
//g_pingServer.sendEmailMsg ( &s_lastTime ,
// "out of sockets on https5");
// return true cuz we closed the least-used socket
return true;
// // . close the least use TcpSocket that is in an "available" state
// // . "available" means not being used but still connected
// // . return false if we could not close any cuz they're all used
// bool TcpServer::closeLeastUsed ( ) {
// // . see who hasn't been used in the longest time
// // . only check the available sockets (m_state == ST_AVAILABLE)
// long long minTime = (long long) 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
// long mini = -1;
// for ( long i = 0 ; i <= m_lastFilled ; i++ ) {
// TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
// if ( ! s ) continue;
// if ( ! s->isAvailable() &&
// !(s->m_isIncoming && s->m_prefLevel == 0) ) continue;
// if ( s->m_lastActionTime > minTime ) continue;
// mini = i;
// minTime = s->m_lastActionTime;
// }
// // if everything was in use we're SOL
// if ( mini == -1 ) return false;
// // get the socket we're closing
// TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[mini];
// // call the callback of the socket we're destroying (if exists)
// makeCallback ( s );
// // this frees and removes TcpSocket from the array
// destroySocket ( s );
// // return true cuz we closed the least-used socket
// return true;
// }
// . this is called by Loop::gotSig() when "sd" is ready for reading
// . we registered it with Loop::registerReadCallback(sd) in wrapSocket()
// . g_errno will be set by Loop if there was a kinda socket reset error
void readSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) {
// debug msg
//log("........... TcpServer::readSocketWrapper %li\n",sd);
// extract our this ptr
TcpServer *THIS = (TcpServer *)state;
// get a TcpSocket from sd
TcpSocket *s = THIS->getSocket ( sd );
// . return if does not exist
// . TODO: will data to be read remain on queue?
if ( ! s ) return ;
// doing an ssl accept?
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_ACCEPT ) {
// try to complete SSL_accept() function
if ( ! THIS->sslAccept ( s ) ) {
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
return ;
// if still not done return..
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_ACCEPT ) return;
// doing an ssl_shutdown?
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_SHUTDOWN ) {
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// . if this socket was connecting than call connectSocket()
// . it returns false if blocked,true otherwise and sets g_errno on err
if ( s->isConnecting() ) {
// returns -1 on error and sets g_errno,0 if blocked, 1 success
long status = THIS->connectSocket(s) ;
if ( status == 0 ) return;
// now try to send on it
if ( status == 1 ) status = THIS->writeSocket ( s );
// destroy socket and call callback on connect error
if ( status == -1 ) {
// i saw
// ssl: Error on Connect
// ssl: Error: Syscall
// from this with g_errno not set
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
return ;
if ( status != 1 ) return ;
// now try to read the reply
//log("calling readSocket now\n");
// . readSocket() returns -1 on error and sets g_errno
// . if socket was closed on the other end this returns -1 but does
// NOT set g_errno
// . otherwise, returns 0 if blocked, 1 if completed
long status = THIS->readSocket ( s ) ;
// . destroy socket immediately on error or if other end closed
// . this will also unregister all our callbacks for the socket
// . TODO: deleting nodes from under Loop::callCallbacks is dangerous!!
if ( status == -1 ) {
// g_errno is not set if it just read 0 bytes
//if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// if we blocked then return
if ( status == 0 ) return;
// enter here if we finished reading a reply
//if ( s->m_sendBuf || s->isClosed() ) {
if ( s->m_sendBuf ) {
// i guess ok
g_errno = 0;
// callback must free all m_sendBuf/m_readBuf in TcpSocket
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
// . if the socket was closed by remote side we destroy it
// . if the readBuf was maxed out we destroy so keep-alives
// don't keep messed up
// . this is wrong if the size we read happened to exactly
// be out m_maxReadBufSize, but oh well, no big deal
//if ( s->isClosed () )
// THIS->destroySocket ( s );
//else if ( s->m_readBufSize >= THIS->m_maxReadBufSize )
// THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// THIS->recycleSocket ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// set the socket's state to writing now (how about WAITINGTOWRITE?)
s->m_sockState = ST_WRITING;
// tell 'em socket has called the handler
s->m_waitingOnHandler = true;
// . TODO: ensure timeout is set on s in case requestHandler does not
// send on it so it will close in due time
// . call the request handler to handle it
// . this should have been specified in TcpServer::init()
// . IMPORTANT: this handler MUST call sendMsg(s,...) to send a reply
THIS->m_requestHandler ( s ) ;
// . returns -1 on error and sets g_errno, 0 if blocked, 1 if completed
// . now it also returns -1 if other end closed on us (no more ST_CLOSED state)
// but it does not set g_errno in that case
// . tries to read some data from the socket "s"
long TcpServer::readSocket ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// . otherwise, it's a normal read of normal data (request or reply)
// . if we got some shit to read but shouldn't be reading someone is
// fucking with us so throw the shit away... it could be an attack...
if ( ! s->isReading() && ! s->isAvailable() ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: readsocket: socket %i not in "
"read/available mode... trying a write.",s->m_sd );
//long status = writeSocket ( s );
//return status;
return 0;
// set our state to reading in case we were ST_AVAILABLE state
s->m_sockState = ST_READING;
// . TODO: support the reception of large messages
// . alloc a buffer to read the reply/request
// . will grow dynamically if it's not enough
if ( ! s->m_readBuf ) {
// . if our sendBuf is non-NULL we're getting a big reply
// . otherwise it's a small request
long size ;
if ( s->m_sendBuf ) size = 64*1024 ;
else size = TCP_READ_BUF_SIZE; // 1024;
// alloc space only if we need to now
// this might be causing, problems, so i took this out
//if ( size <= TCP_READ_BUF_SIZE )
// s->m_readBuf = s->m_tmpBuf;
s->m_readBuf = (char *) mmalloc ( size ,"TcpServer");
// if not able to allocate initial buffer then bail w/ g_errno
if ( ! s->m_readBuf ) return -1;
// otherwise, set it's size
s->m_readBufSize = size;
// first char is a \0
s->m_readBuf[0] = '\0';
// . determine how many bytes we have AVAILable for storing into:
// . leave room to store a \0 so html docs always have it, -1
// . ALSO leave room for 4 bytes at the end so Proxy.cpp can store the
// sender ip address in there
// . see HttpServer.cpp::sendDynamicPage()
long avail = s->m_readBufSize - s->m_readOffset - 1 - 4;
// do the read
int n;
if (m_useSSL) {
//long long now1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
n = SSL_read(s->m_ssl, s->m_readBuf + s->m_readOffset, avail );
//long long now2 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//long long took = now2 - now1 ;
//if ( took >= 2 ) log("tcp: ssl_read took %llims", took);
n = ::read ( s->m_sd, s->m_readBuf + s->m_readOffset, avail );
// deal with errors
if ( n < 0 ) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto loop;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno == EAGAIN || g_errno == 0 ||
g_errno == EILSEQ) { g_errno = 0; return 0; }
log("tcp: Failed to read on socket: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno));
return -1;
// debug msg
//log(".......... TcpServer read %i bytes on %i\n",n,s->m_sd);
// . if we read 0 bytes then that signals the end of the connection
// . doesn't this only apply to reading replies and not requests???
// . MDW: add "&& s->m_sendBuf to it"
// . just return -1 WITHOUT setting g_errno
if ( n == 0 ) return -1; // { s->m_sockState = ST_CLOSED; return 1; }
// update counts
s->m_totalRead += n;
s->m_readOffset += n;
// NULL terminate after each read
if ( avail >= 0 ) s->m_readBuf [ s->m_readOffset ] = '\0';
// update last action time stamp
s->m_lastActionTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// . if we don't know yet, try to determine the total msg size
// . it will try to set s->m_totalToRead
// . it will look for the end of the mime on requests and look for
// the the mime's content-len: field on replies
// . it should look for content-len: on post requests as well
// . it sets it to -1 if incoming msg size is still unknown
if ( s->m_totalToRead <= 0 && ! setTotalToRead ( s ) ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"tcp: readSocket3: wierd error.");
return -1;
// . keep reading until we block
// . mdw: loop back if we can read more
// . obsoleted: just return false if we're NOT yet done
// . NOTE: loop even if we read all to read, cuz we might need to
// read a 0 byte packet (a close) iff we're reading a reply
if ( s->m_totalToRead <= 0 ||
s->m_readOffset < s->m_totalToRead ) goto loop; // return 0;
// . if it was a reply, keep looping until we read 0 byte packet
// since we no longer support keep-alive
// . NO! i think the linksys befsr81 nat/dsl router is blocking
// some FINs so we never get that freakin 0 byte packet, so
// let's force the close ourselves
// . unfortunately, if content-len is not specified in the returned
// Http MIME then this is not going to fix the lost FIN problem
// . shit, this doesn't help 404 pages because they don't have
// a content-length: field a lot of the time
//if ( s->m_sendBuf ) goto loop;
// otherwise, we read all we needed to so return 1
return 1;
// . ensures our readBuf is big enough to handle the incoming msg
// . if not, it reallocs it to make bigger
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . calls m_getMsgSize to look for Content-Length: on replies, \n on requests
// for the HTTP protocol at least
bool TcpServer::setTotalToRead ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// . at "close connection" bit is sent in the last tcp packet
// for http servers that use "Connection: close"
// . we only get the POLLHUP event when we try to write on it, however
// . therefore check for this bit here
// . get tcp socket state
// . see /usr/include/linux/tcp.h for more TCP states and info,...
// . TODO: should we destroy the socket in this case?
struct tcp_info info ;
socklen_t infoSize = sizeof(tcp_info);
getsockopt ( s->m_sd , SOL_TCP , TCP_INFO, &info, &infoSize );
if ( info.tcpi_state == TCP_CLOSE_WAIT ) {
// if we got the close signal then we've read it all!
s->m_totalToRead = s->m_readOffset;
return true;
// . parse out the msgSize, -1 means unknown
// . NOTE: getMsgSize() may return less than the actual reply size if
// it decides we should truncate the document!
long size = m_getMsgSize ( s->m_readBuf , s->m_readOffset , s );
// set total to read if we know it
if ( size > 0 ) s->m_totalToRead = size;
// if size is unknown ensure we have at least 10k of extra space
if ( size == -1 ) size = s->m_readOffset + 10*1024;
// . if it's smaller than our current buffer don't worry
// . we need to make sure to store a \0 at end of the read...
//if ( size <= s->m_readBufSize ) return true;
if ( size < s->m_readBufSize ) return true;
// adjust so we can include our \0 at the end of the m_readBuf
size += 1;
// and for the proxy ip!!
// (See HttpServer.cpp::sendDynamicPage())
size += 4;
// prepare for realloc if we're point to s->m_tmpBuf
//char *tmp = NULL;
char *newBuf = NULL;
if ( s->m_readBuf == s->m_tmpBuf ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"tcp: This should not have been called.");
tmp = s->m_tmpBuf;
//s->m_readBuf = NULL;
newBuf = (char *)mmalloc(size,"TcpServerR2");
// copy over from tmpBuf if we have to
if ( newBuf ) memcpy (newBuf, s->m_readBuf, s->m_readBufSize);
// otherwise, it's bigger than our 10k buffer and we gotta realloc
newBuf = (char * ) mrealloc(s->m_readBuf,s->m_readBufSize,size,
if ( ! newBuf )
return log("tcp: Failed to reallocate from %li to %li "
"bytes to read from socket.",
// set the new buffer
s->m_readBuf = newBuf;
s->m_readBufSize = size;
return true;
// . this is called by Loop::gotSig() when "sd" is ready for reading
// . we registered it with Loop::registerReadCallback(sd)
// . g_errno will be set by Loop if there was a kinda socket reset error
// . we call this when socket is connected, too
void writeSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) {
// debug msg
//log("........... TcpServer::writeSocketWrapper sd=%li\n",sd);
TcpServer *THIS = (TcpServer *)state;
// get the TcpSocket for this socket descriptor
TcpSocket *s = THIS->getSocket ( sd );
if ( ! s ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: writesocketwrapper: "
"Socket descriptor %i not found.", sd );
// doing an ssl_shutdown?
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_SHUTDOWN ) {
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// . if loop notified us of an error on this socket then destroy it
// . like -- pollhup, socket closed
if ( g_errno == ESOCKETCLOSED ) {
// note the ip now too
long long nowms = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log(LOG_INFO,"tcp: sock closed. ip=%s. idle for %lli ms.",
// . some http servers close socket as end of transmission
// . so it's not really an g_errno
if ( ! s->m_streamingMode ) g_errno = 0;
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_NEEDS_CLOSE ) {
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// . if this socket was connecting than call connectSocket()
// . it returns false if blocked,true otherwise and sets g_errno on err
if ( s->isConnecting() ) {
// returns -1 on error and sets g_errno,0 if blocked, 1 success
long status = THIS->connectSocket(s) ;
// if connection had an error, bail, g_errno should be set
if ( status == -1 ) {
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// return on coonection error or if still trying to connect
if ( status != 1 ) return;
// now try to send on it
// if socket has nothing to send yet cuz we're waiting, wait...
if ( s->m_sendBufUsed == 0 ) return;
// sendAgain:
// . writeSocket returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . it also sets g_errno on errro
// . don't call it if we have g_errno set, however
long status = THIS->writeSocket ( s ) ;
// return if it blocked
if ( status == 0 ) return;
// if write finished, but we're not done reading return
if ( status == 1 && ! s->m_readBuf ) return;
// good?
g_errno = 0;
// in m_streamingMode this may call another sendChunk()!!!
// OR it may set streamingMode to false.. it can only do one or
// the other and not both!!! because if it sets streamingMode to
// false then we destroy the socket below!!!! so it can't be
// sending anything new!!!
bool wasStreaming = s->m_streamingMode;
// otherwise, call callback on done writing or error
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
// if callback changed socket status to ST_SEND_AGAIN
// then let's send the new buffer that it has. Diffbot.cpp uses this.
//if ( s->m_sockState == ST_SEND_AGAIN ) {
// s->m_sockState = ST_WRITING;
// // if nothing left to send just return
// if ( ! s->m_sendBuf ) return;
// // otherwise send it
// goto sendAgain;
// we have to do a final call to writeSocket with m_streamingMode
// set to false, so don't destroy socket just yet...
if ( wasStreaming ) return;
// . destroy the socket on error, recycle on transaction completion
// . this will also unregister all our callbacks for the socket
if ( status == -1 ) THIS->destroySocket ( s );
else THIS->recycleSocket ( s );
// . returns -1 on error and sets g_errno, 0 if blocked, 1 if completed
// . called by writeSocketWrapper() which is called by Loop::gotSig() when it
// gets a signal that "sd" is ready for writing
// . also called by sendMsg() to immediately initiate sending a msg
long TcpServer::writeSocket ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// skip if socket not in send state (nothing needs to be sent)
if ( ! s->isSending() ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: writeSocket: socket %i not in "
"write mode... trying a read",s->m_sd );
return 0;
//long status = readSocket ( s );
//return status; //-1;
// send some stuff
long toSend = s->m_sendBufUsed - s->m_sendOffset;
// if nothing to send we are done!
//if ( ! toSend ) return 1;
// get a ptr to the msg piece to send
char *msg = s->m_sendBuf;
if ( ! msg ) return 1;
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: writeSocket: writing %li bytes",toSend);
// send this piece
int n;
if (m_useSSL) {
//long long now1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
n = SSL_write ( s->m_ssl, msg + s->m_sendOffset, toSend );
//long long now2 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//long long took = now2 - now1 ;
//if ( took >= 2 ) log("tcp: ssl_write took %llims", took);
n = ::send ( s->m_sd , msg + s->m_sendOffset , toSend , 0 );
// cancel harmless errors, return -1 on severe ones
if ( n < 0 ) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry10;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
// i saw errno to be 0 after logging
// ssl: Error on Connect
// ssl: Error: Syscall
// and then calling THIS->writeSocket() and thereby causing
// a core... so check g_errno here.
// actually for m_useSSL it does not set errno...
if ( ! g_errno && m_useSSL ) g_errno = ESSLERROR;
if ( g_errno != EAGAIN ) return -1;
g_errno = 0;
// debug msg
//log("........... TcpServer write blocked on %i\n",
return 0;
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("........... TcpServer wrote %i bytes on %i\n",
// return 0 if we blocked on this write
if ( n == 0 ) return 0;
// update last action time stamp
s->m_lastActionTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// update count
s->m_totalSent += n;
s->m_sendOffset += n;
// . if we sent less than we tried to send then block
// . we should be notified via sig/callback when we can send the rest
if ( n < toSend ) {
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
// log(".... Tcpserver: %li<%li",n,toSend);
return 0;
// . we sent all we were asked to, but our sendBuf may need a refill
// . call this routine to refill it
if ( s->m_totalSent < s->m_totalToSend ) {
// note that
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log(".... Tcpserver: only sent fraction. looping.");
// . refill the sendBuf
// . this might set m_sendBufUsed, m_sendBufOffset, ...
// . it may also block in which case nothing will be changed
// . it returns # of new bytes read
// . it returns -1 on error
if ( m_getMsgPiece ( s ) == -1 ) {
log("tcp: Had error getting data to send: %s.",
return -1;
// . now loop to send the refilled data
// . if m_getMsgPiece() blocked on the read we still won't have
// anything to send and it should have registered itself
// to get ready-to-read signals and it will give us a
// ready-to-send signal when it's read something into the
// sendBuf for "s" (calls g_loop.callCallbacks(s->m_sd))
goto loop;
// if we made it here we sent the whole thing
// . uncork sd so write buf gets flushed
// . return false and set g_errno on error
// . sd should be destroyed
int parm = 0;
if ( setsockopt (s->m_sd,SOL_TCP,TCP_CORK,&parm,sizeof(int)) < 0) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry11;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
log("tcp: Failed to set TCP_CORK option on socket: %s.",
return -1;
// if we completed sending a REQUEST then change state to
// "reading" and return true
if ( s->isSendingRequest() ) {
s->m_sockState = ST_READING;
return 1 ;
// . otherwise, we finished sending a reply
// . our caller should call recycleSocket ( s ) to keep it alive
return true ;
// . returns -1 on error and sets g_errno, 0 if blocked, 1 if completed
// . called by readSocketWrapper() when socket is ready for reading but it's
// state is ST_CONNECTING
long TcpServer::connectSocket ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// if this socket is not in connecting state (ST_CONNECTING) then ret
// if ( ! s->isConnecting() ) return true;
// now we have a connect just starting or already in progress
struct sockaddr_in to;
to.sin_family = AF_INET;
// our ip's are always in network order, but ports are in host order
to.sin_addr.s_addr = s->m_ip;
to.sin_port = htons ((unsigned short)( s->m_port));
bzero ( &(to.sin_zero) , 8 ); // TODO: bzero too slow?
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("........... TcpServer connecting %i to %s port %i\n",
s->m_sd,iptoa(s->m_ip), s->m_port );
// connect to the socket. This should be non-blocking!
if ( ::connect ( s->m_sd, (sockaddr *)&to, sizeof(to) ) == 0 ) {
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("........... TcpServer connected %i to %s "
"port %i\n", s->m_sd, iptoa(s->m_ip), s->m_port );
// hey it was successful!
goto connected;
// valgrind. interrupted system call?
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry3;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
// hey! it's alrady connected!
if ( g_errno == EALREADY ) {
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("........... TcpServer already connected %i to "
"%s port %i\n", s->m_sd, iptoa(s->m_ip),s->m_port);
g_errno = 0;
goto connected;
// we blocked with the EINPROGRESS g_errno
if ( g_errno == EINPROGRESS ) { g_errno = 0; return 0; }
// return -1 on real error
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log(LOG_INFO,"tcp: Failed to connect socket: %s, %s:%li",
mstrerror(g_errno), iptoa(s->m_ip), (long)s->m_port);
return -1;
// change state so this doesn't get called again
s->m_sockState = ST_WRITING;
// connect ssl
if (m_useSSL) {
int r;
s->m_ssl = SSL_new(m_ctx);
SSL_set_fd(s->m_ssl, s->m_sd);
//long long now1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
r = SSL_connect(s->m_ssl);
//long long now2 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//long long took = now2 - now1 ;
//if ( took >= 2 ) log("tcp: ssl_connect took %llims", took);
if (!s->m_ssl) {
log("ssl: SSL is NULL after connect.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
if (r <= 0) {
int sslError = SSL_get_error(s->m_ssl, r);
if ( sslError != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ &&
sslError != SSL_ERROR_NONE ) {
logSSLError(s->m_ssl, r);
log("net: ssl: Error on Connect. ip=%s",
g_errno = ESSLERROR;
// crap, if we return 1 here then
// it will call THIS->writeSocket() which
// will return -1 and not set g_errno
return -1;
return 1;
// . call this on read/write/connect errors
// . g_errno MUST be set before this is called
// . calls the callback governing "s" if it has one
void TcpServer::destroySocket ( TcpSocket *s ) {
if ( ! s ) return ;
// sanity, must exit streaming mode before destruction
if ( s->m_streamingMode ) {
log("tcp: destroying socket in streaming mode. err=%s",
// why is it being destroyed without g_errno set?
//if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( s->m_udpSlot ) {
log("tcp: sending back error on udp slot err=%s",
//char *sendBuf = "Error. destroying sock.";
//long sendBufUsed = gbstrlen(sendBuf);
long timeout = 30*1000;
// sen back the error i guess
g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( NULL,//sendBuf ,
0,//sendBufUsed ,
NULL,//sendBuf ,
0,//sendBufSize ,
s->m_udpSlot ,
timeout , // timeout?
NULL,//state ,
NULL );// callback
// we now free the read buffer here since PageDirectory.cpp
// might have reallocated it.
if ( s->m_readBuf )
mfree (s->m_readBuf, s->m_readBufSize,"TcpUdp");
// free it! we allocated in HttpServer.cpp handleRequestfd()
mfree ( s , sizeof(TcpSocket) , "tcpudp" );
// assume did not block
//char *xx=NULL;*xx = 0; }
// . you cannot destroy socket's who have called a handler and the
// handler is still in progress, because when he's got a reply ready
// he expects this TcpSocket to still be there
// . if this is the case we, the client probably closed his connection
// before we could generate a reply to send to him
if ( s->m_waitingOnHandler ) return;
// log it if g_errno not set
if ( g_errno )
log("tcp: Destroying tcp socket because of error: %s. sd=%i. "
"state=%i.", mstrerror(g_errno),s->m_sd,s->m_sockState);
// the socket descriptor
int sd = s->m_sd;
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: ...... TcpServer closing sock %i\n",sd);
// make it blocking for the close for testing
//int flags = fcntl ( sd , F_GETFL );
//flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
//fcntl ( sd , F_SETFL , flags );
if ( sd == 0 ) log("tcp: closing3 sd of 0");
// remove all queued signals from Loop for this fd
if (m_useSSL && s->m_ssl) {
errno = 0;
// shit, this blocks?
int ret = SSL_shutdown(s->m_ssl);
// ssl debug!
//log("ssl: ssl_shutdown returned %i (errno=%i/%s) [fd=%i]",
// ret,errno,mstrerror(errno),sd);
// did it get interrupted?
if ( ret < 0 && errno == EINTR ) goto retry23;
// set "saved" to errno if it had a bad return value
//long saved = 0; if ( ret < 0 ) saved = errno;
// sslerr is "2" if it is SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ and 3 for WRITE
int sslerr = 0;
if ( ret < 0 ) sslerr = SSL_get_error(s->m_ssl, ret);
// if we need to call it again, set this flag...
if ( // . 0 means to call it again to complete handshaking
// . ret==1 means it is ALL done!
ret == 0 ||
// this means it blocked... waiting on communication
(ret == -1 && errno == EAGAIN)
//saved == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ ||
//saved == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE ||
//saved == EAGAIN
) {
// ssl debug!
//log("ssl: ssl_shutdown did not complete fd=%i "
// "(sslerr=%i)",sd,sslerr);
s->m_sockState = ST_SSL_SHUTDOWN;
// for time outs...
long now = getTimeLocal();
// TODO: if we are almost out of sockets then force
// close this without waiting 4 seconds lest we be
// susceptible to a DOS attack
if ( s->m_shutdownStart == 0 )
s->m_shutdownStart = now;
// only wait if it hasn't been more than 4 seconds
if ( now - s->m_shutdownStart < 4 )
// otherwise, force close the ssl socket
log("ssl: ssl_shutdown timed out fd=%i "
"(start=%li now=%li)",sd,s->m_shutdownStart,now);
// ssl debug!
//log("tcp: closing fd=%i",sd);
// TODO: does this block or what?
long cret = 0;
// if sd is 0 do not really close it. seems to fix that bug.
// 0 is the FD for stdin so i don't know how that is happening.
if ( sd != 0 ) cret = ::close ( sd );
if ( cret != 0 ) // == -1 )
log("tcp: close(%li) = %li = %s",
// a 2nd close? it should return -1 with errno set!
//long cret2 = ::close ( sd );
//if ( cret2 != -1 )
// log("tcp: double close was required fd=%li",(long)sd);
// flag it
s->m_sockState = ST_CLOSE_CALLED;
//::close ( 0 );
// caller should call makeCallback, not us since we might not
// have blocked, in which case should not be calling the callback
// makeCallback ( s );
// pretend we're trying to salvage it to free the send/read bufs
// recycleSocket ( s );
// do not try to free m_tmpBuf
//if ( s->m_readBuf == s->m_tmpBuf ) s->m_readBuf = NULL;
//if ( s->m_sendBuf == s->m_tmpBuf ) s->m_sendBuf = NULL;
// always free read/send buffers
if ( s->m_readBuf ) mfree (s->m_readBuf, s->m_readBufSize,"TcpServer");
// always free the sendBuf
if ( s->m_sendBuf ) mfree (s->m_sendBuf, s->m_sendBufSize,"TcpServer");
// unregister it with Loop so we don't get any calls about it
g_loop.unregisterWriteCallback ( sd , this , writeSocketWrapper );
g_loop.unregisterReadCallback ( sd , this , readSocketWrapper );
// debug msg
//log("unregistering sd=%li",sd);
// discount if it was an incoming connection
if ( s->m_isIncoming ) m_numIncomingUsed--;
// clear it, this means no longer in use
s->m_startTime = 0LL;
// count # of destroys in case a function is still referencing
// this socket and streaming back data on it or something. it won't
// know we've destroyed it? we do call makeCallback before
// calling destroySocket() it seems, but that might not help
// for Msg40.cpp sending back search results.
// free TcpSocket from the array
//mfree ( s , sizeof(TcpSocket) ,"TcpServer");
m_tcpSockets [ sd ] = NULL;
// one less used
// reset m_lastFilled
if ( sd == m_lastFilled ) {
while ( sd > 0 && !m_tcpSockets[sd] ) sd--;
m_lastFilled = sd;
// . try to make the socket available for another transaction
// . if the socket was initiated by remote host then this makes us seem like
// a keep alive server, and we're open for reading...
// . if the socket was connected by us then we're hoping the remote host
// supports keep alives...
void TcpServer::recycleSocket ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// mdw... this now just destroys, baby, no more keep-alives
destroySocket ( s );
// do not try to free m_tmpBuf
//if ( s->m_readBuf == s->m_tmpBuf ) s->m_readBuf = NULL;
//if ( s->m_sendBuf == s->m_tmpBuf ) s->m_sendBuf = NULL;
// always free read/send buffers
if ( s->m_readBuf ) mfree (s->m_readBuf, s->m_readBufSize,"TcpServer");
// always free the sendBuf
if ( s->m_sendBuf ) mfree (s->m_sendBuf, s->m_sendBufSize,"TcpServer");
// hey! there shouldn't be any should there? TODO! figure out.
// debug msg
//log("........... TcpServer recycling sock #%i\n",s->m_sd);
//if ( s->m_state ) log("TcpServer::recycleSocket: panic-callerData");
// NULLify all data in TcpSocket, except ip/port
s->m_callback = NULL;
s->m_state = NULL;
s->m_sendBuf = NULL;
s->m_sendBufSize = 0;
s->m_sendOffset = 0;
s->m_totalSent = 0;
s->m_totalToSend = 0;
s->m_readBuf = NULL;
s->m_readBufSize = 0;
s->m_readOffset = 0;
s->m_totalRead = 0;
s->m_totalToRead = 0;
//s->m_timeout = 60*1000;
// boost from 10 mins to 1000 mins for downloading large json data files
s->m_timeout = 1000*60*1000;
s->m_udpSlot = NULL;
s->m_streamingMode = false;
// keep it alive for other dialogs
s->m_sockState = ST_AVAILABLE;
s->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
s->m_waitingOnHandler = false;
s->m_shutdownStart = 0;
// . called by Loop::runLoop() every one second
void readTimeoutPollWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) {
TcpServer *THIS = (TcpServer *)state;
// . called by readTimeoutPollWrapper() every 1 second
void TcpServer::readTimeoutPoll ( ) {
// get the time now in seconds
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// send the msg that is mostly caught up with it's acks first.
// "ackWait" is how many more acks we need to complete the transmission
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= m_lastFilled ; i++ ) {
// get the TcpSocket for socket descriptor #i
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
// if in a high niceness callback we can only serve
// low niceness (0) sockets at this point. because we might
// do a double callback on a socket that have niceness 1...
if ( g_loop.m_inQuickPoll && s->m_niceness != 0 ) continue;
// close if need be. we added this delayed closing logic because
// the transmission was getting truncated somehow, and i even tried
// the SO_LINGER crap to no avail. so this is basically our own linger
// algorithm...
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_NEEDS_CLOSE &&
// give it 500ms
now - s->m_lastActionTime >= 500 ) {
destroySocket ( s );
// . if he is sending, that sticks too, so try it!
// . or if we're connecting to him...
if ( s->isSending() || s->isConnecting() ) {
writeSocketWrapper ( s->m_sd , this );
s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
// . seems like we don't always get the ready-for-read signal
// . HACK: this fixes the problem, albeit not the best way
// . or if he's connecting to us...
if ( s->isReading() || s->isConnecting() ) {
readSocketWrapper ( s->m_sd , this );
s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
// continue if socket not in an active state
if ( ! s->isReading () &&
! s->isConnecting() &&
! s->isSending () ) continue;
// . if the transmission time out then makeCallback() will
// make the callback and then unconditionally delete
// the UdpSlot
// . go back to top because delete might have shrunk table
// see if socket is now closed
//struct tcp_info info;
//socklen_t size = sizeof(tcp_info);
//getsockopt ( s->m_sd , SOL_TCP , TCP_INFO, &info, &size );
// fix system clock advanced
if ( s->m_lastActionTime > now ) s->m_lastActionTime = now ;
// how long since we started...
long long total = now - s->m_startTime;
// if it has been a minute or more, and averaging less than
// 20 bytes per second, time it out. otherwise we end up
bool timeOut = false;
// BUT make sure we sent them a request. i.e. we are spidering
// and they haven't gotten back to us yet...
if ( total > 60000 && s->m_sendBufSize > 0 &&
m_doReadRateTimeouts &&
// This is affecting the diffbot reply, so only do this
// if we got something in the readbuf. diffbot will not
// send anything until it is done, and it should send
// everything fairly quickly once it is ready.
s->m_readOffset > 0 &&
s->m_sockState == ST_READING ) {
// calculate "Bytes per second"
float Bps=(float)s->m_readOffset/((float)total)/1000.0;
// timeout if too low
if ( Bps < 20.0 ) {
timeOut = true;
log("tcp: Read rate too low. Timing out. "
"Bps=%li ip=%s", (long)Bps,iptoa(s->m_ip));
// if we read something and are now generating a reply to
// write back to the browser, wait a long time, because
// the seo tools can take several minutes!
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_WRITING && s->m_sendBufSize == 0 )
// if the transmission time out then makeCallback() will
// make the callback and then unconditionally delete theUdpSlot
// go back to top because delete might have shrunk table.
long long elapsed = now - s->m_lastActionTime;
if ( ! timeOut && elapsed < s->m_timeout) continue;
//log("tcp: timeout=%li fd=%li",sockTimeout,s->m_sd);
// uncomment this if you want to close a socket if they havent
// finished reading in 10 seconds
// &&
// !(s->isReading() && s->m_isIncoming && elapsed > 10000))
// continue;
// set g_errno to timeout error just for this callback
// call the callback since they blocked for sure
makeCallback ( s );
// nuke the transaction socket/slot
destroySocket ( s );
// reset g_errno so we can continue
g_errno = 0;
// . sd should be m_sock
// . this is called by Loop::gotSig() when m_sock is ready for reading
void acceptSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) {
TcpServer *THIS = (TcpServer *)state;
long long startTimer = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// . returns true if read completed, false otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . this will call ::close(sd) on error
TcpSocket *s = THIS->acceptSocket ( );
// . destroy the socket on error
// . this will also unregister all our callbacks for the socket
// . TODO: deleting nodes from under Loop::callCallbacks is dangerous!!
// if ( g_errno ) THIS->destroySocket ( sd );
// . return true since we don't want to be removed from Loop's loop
// return true;
// just return if nothing to accept
if ( ! s ) return;
// . i put this here because if i have a debug breakpoint before
// this m_sd gets registered we'll miss out on some read signals
// . and if we miss those signals we won't read from sd then!
readSocketWrapper ( s->m_sd , state );
// keep looping until we have no more accepts on the queue
if(gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - startTimer > 15) return;
goto loop;
// . this is called when m_sock, our listener, is ready for reading
// . returns the TcpSocket
// . returns NULL if did not accept it
// . sets g_errno on error
TcpSocket *TcpServer::acceptSocket ( ) {
// get the new socket descriptor, "newsd"
struct sockaddr_in name;
unsigned int nameLen = sizeof(sockaddr);
int newsd = accept ( m_sock , (sockaddr *)&name , &nameLen );
// valgrind
if ( newsd < 0 && errno == EINTR ) goto retry12;
// assume none
g_errno = 0;
// copy errno to g_errno
if ( newsd < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
// ignore harmless errors
if ( g_errno == EAGAIN ) { g_errno = 0; return NULL; }
if ( g_errno == EILSEQ ) { g_errno = 0; return NULL; }
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: ...... accepted sd=%li",(long)newsd);
// ssl debug!
//log("tcp: accept returned fd=%i",newsd);
if ( newsd < 0 ) {
// too many open files (i can't find the #define for the error).
if(g_errno == 24) {
if(closeLeastUsed()) return acceptSocket();
return NULL;
// i think this is zero to finish a non-blocking socket close?
if ( newsd == 0 ) {
log("tcp: accept gave sd = 0, strange, that's stdin! "
"allowing to pass through for now.");
//long nn = ::send ( 0,"hey",3,0);
//log("tcp: send = %li",nn);
//return NULL;
// so calling close(0) seems to really close it...???
//if ( ::close (0) == -1 )
// log("tcp: close3(%li) = %s",(long)0,mstrerror(errno));
//goto loop;
//return NULL;
// ban assholes
//if(g_autoBan.isBanned(name.sin_addr.s_addr)) return NULL;
//if ( (long)name.sin_addr.s_addr == atoip ("",14) ) {
//log("banned ip=%s", iptoa(name.sin_addr.s_addr));
// close(newsd);
// return NULL;
// . wrap a new TcpSocket around "newsd"
// . on error wrapSocket() will call ::close(newsd) for you
// . wrapSocket() also registers callbacks for newsd
// . use a niceness of 0 so this takes priority over spider traffic
TcpSocket *s = wrapSocket ( newsd , 0 , true /*incoming?*/ );
// should just close newsd if we couldn't wrap it
if ( ! s ) {
//log("tcp: wrapsocket returned null fd=%i",newsd);
if ( newsd == 0 ) log("tcp: closing sd of 0");
if ( ::close(newsd)== -1 )
log("tcp: close2(%li) = %s",
return NULL;
// set the ssl
s->m_ssl = NULL;//ssl;
// set the ip/port/state
s->m_ip = name.sin_addr.s_addr;
s->m_port = name.sin_port;
s->m_sockState = ST_READING;
s->m_this = this;
s->m_udpSlot = NULL;
s->m_streamingMode = false;
if ( ! m_useSSL ) return s;
// the wrapSocket() function above set our socket to
// non-blocking... but we still need to call SSL_accept()
s->m_sockState = ST_SSL_ACCEPT;
if ( sslAccept ( s ) ) return s;
// critical error of some sort? then destroy socket.
//makeCallback ( s );
destroySocket ( s );
return NULL;
// returns false on critical error in which case "s" should be destroyed
bool TcpServer::sslAccept ( TcpSocket *s ) {
long newsd = s->m_sd;
// build the ssl
if ( ! s->m_ssl ) {
SSL *ssl = NULL;
//log("ssl: SSL_new");
ssl = SSL_new(m_ctx);
//log("ssl: SSL_set_fd %li",(long)newsd);
SSL_set_fd(ssl, newsd);
//log("ssl: SSL_set_accept_state");
//g_loop.setNonBlocking ( newsd, s->m_niceness );
s->m_ssl = ssl;
// wtf?
if ( ! ssl ) {
log("tcp: sslAccept had null ssl");
return false;
//log("ssl: SSL_accept %li",newsd);
long long now1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// . javier put this in here, but it was not non-blocking!!!
// . it is non-blocking now, however, when it does block and
// complete the accept it takes 10ms on sp1, a server from ~2009
// using a custom build of the lastest libssl.a from about 2013.
// . this accept needs to be put in a thread then, maybe multiple
// threads
int r = SSL_accept(s->m_ssl);
long long now2 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
long long took = now2 - now1 ;
if ( took >= 2 )
log("tcp: ssl_accept %li took %llims", (long)newsd, took);
// did it block?
if ( r < 0 && errno == EINTR ) goto retry19;
// copy errno to g_errno
if ( r < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
// ignore harmless errors
if ( g_errno == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ ||
g_errno == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE ||
g_errno == EAGAIN ) {
//log("ssl: SSL_accept would block %li",newsd);
return true;
// any other?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("tcp: sslAccept: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// too many open files?
//if ( g_errno == 24 ) {
// if(closeLeastUsed()) return acceptSocket();
return false;
// log this so we can monitor if we get too many of these per second
// because they take like 10ms each on sp1!!! (even with non-blocking
// sockets, they'll block for 10ms) - mdw 2013
//log("ssl: SSL_accept (~10ms) completed %li",newsd);
// ok, we got it
s->m_sockState = ST_READING;
return true;
// . NOTE: caller must free s->m_sendBuf/m_readBuf -- we don't do it at all
void TcpServer::makeCallback ( TcpSocket * s ) {
if ( ! s->m_callback ) return;
// record times for profiler
//long address = (long)s->m_callback;
// unsigned long long start ;
// unsigned long long statStart,statEnd;
//if ( g_conf.m_profilingEnabled ) {
// start = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
// statStart=gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// g_profiler.startTimer(address, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
s->m_callback ( s->m_state , s );
//if ( g_conf.m_profilingEnabled ) {
// if(!g_profiler.endTimer(address,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
// log(LOG_WARN,"admin: Couldn't add the fn %li",
// (long)address);
// . cancel the transaction that had this state
// . g_errno should be set to ECANCELLED
void TcpServer::cancel ( void *state ) {
//void (*callback)(void *state, TcpSocket *s ) ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= m_lastFilled ; i++ ) {
// get the TcpSocket for socket descriptor #i
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
if ( s->m_state != state ) continue;
// set this before callback?
g_errno = ECANCELLED;
// s->m_callback != callback ) continue;
makeCallback ( s );
destroySocket ( s );
#include "SafeBuf.h"
bool TcpServer::sendChunk ( TcpSocket *s ,
SafeBuf *sb ,
void *state ,
// call this function when done sending this chunk
// so that it can read another chunk and call
// sendChunk() again.
void (* doneSendingWrapper)( void *,TcpSocket *)){
log("tcp: sending chunk of %li bytes", sb->length() );
// if socket had shit on there already, free that memory
// just like TcpServer::destroySocket would
if ( s->m_sendBuf ) {
mfree (s->m_sendBuf, s->m_sendBufSize,"TcpServer");
s->m_sendBuf = NULL;
// reset send stats just in case
s->m_sendOffset = 0;
s->m_totalSent = 0;
s->m_totalToSend = 0;
s->m_totalSent = 0;
// caller must set it to true on all but the last thing they send!!
// let it know not to close the socket while this is set
//if ( ! lastChunk ) s->m_streamingMode = true;
//else s->m_streamingMode = false;
//s->m_streamingMode = true;
g_conf.m_logDebugTcp = true;
long term = 20;
if ( sb->length() < term ) term = sb->length();
char *cp = sb->getBufStart() + term;
char c = *cp;
*cp = '\0';
log("tcp: chunkstart=%s",sb->getBufStart());
*cp = c;
long minus = 20;
if ( sb->length() < minus ) minus = sb->length() ;
log("tcp: chunkend=%s",sb->getBuf() - minus);
// . start the send process
// . returns false if send did not complete
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! sendMsg ( s ,
sb->getBufStart(), // sendBuf ,
sb->getCapacity(),//sendBufSize ,
sb->length(),//sendBufSize ,
sb->length(), // msgtotalsize
state , // data for callback
doneSendingWrapper ) ) { // callback
// do not free sendbuf we are transmitting it
return false;
// we sent without blocking
// a problem?
if ( g_errno ) return true;
return true;