Matt a54471849b sitemap.xml support for harvesting loc urls.
parse xml docs as pure xml again but set nodeid
to TAG_LINK etc. so Linkdb.cpp can get links again.
added isparentsitemap url filter to prioritize urls
from sitemaps. added isrssext to url filters to
prioritize new possible rss feed urls. added numinlinks
to url filters to prioritize popular urls for spidering.
use those filters in default web filter set.
fix filters that delete urls from the index using
the 'DELETE' priority. they weren't getting deleted.
2015-03-17 14:26:16 -06:00

7053 lines
218 KiB

#include "Linkdb.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "linkspam.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h" // score32to8()
#include "Rebalance.h"
Linkdb g_linkdb;
Linkdb g_linkdb2;
void Linkdb::reset() {
bool Linkdb::init ( ) {
key224_t k;
// sanity tests
uint32_t linkeeSiteHash32 = (uint32_t)rand();
uint32_t linkerSiteHash32 = (uint32_t)rand();
uint64_t linkeeUrlHash64 = (uint64_t)rand() << 32LL | rand();
// mask it to 32+15 bits
linkeeUrlHash64 &= 0x00007fffffffffffLL;
unsigned char linkerSiteRank = 13;
unsigned char hopCount = 7;
int32_t ip = rand();
int32_t ipdom3 = ipdom(ip);
int64_t docId = ((uint64_t)rand() << 32 | rand()) & DOCID_MASK;
int32_t discoveryDate = 1339784732;
int32_t lostDate = discoveryDate + 86400*23;
char linkSpam = 1;
k = makeKey_uk ( linkeeSiteHash32 ,
linkeeUrlHash64 ,
linkSpam , // islinkspam?
linkerSiteRank ,
hopCount ,
ip ,
docId ,
discoveryDate ,
lostDate ,
false , // newaddtooldpage?
linkerSiteHash32 ,
false ); // is del?
// jan 1 2008
uint32_t epoch = LINKDBEPOCH;
int32_t dd2 = (discoveryDate - epoch) / 86400;
if ( discoveryDate == 0 ) dd2 = 0;
dd2 = dd2 * 86400 + epoch;
int32_t ld2 = (lostDate - epoch) / 86400;
if ( lostDate == 0 ) ld2 = 0;
ld2 = ld2 * 86400 + epoch;
// try this
setLostDate_uk(&k,ld2 );
// now test it
if(getLinkeeSiteHash32_uk(&k)!=linkeeSiteHash32){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if(getLinkeeUrlHash64_uk(&k)!=linkeeUrlHash64){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( isLinkSpam_uk ( &k ) != linkSpam ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if (getLinkerSiteHash32_uk(&k)!=linkerSiteHash32){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( getLinkerSiteRank_uk(&k) != linkerSiteRank){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
//if (getLinkerHopCount_uk (&k ) != hopCount ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( getLinkerIp24_uk ( &k ) != ipdom3 ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( getLinkerIp_uk ( &k ) != ip ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( getLinkerDocId_uk( &k ) != docId ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( getDiscoveryDate_uk(&k) != dd2 ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( getLostDate_uk(&k) != ld2 ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// more tests
setDiscoveryDate_uk (&k,discoveryDate);
setLostDate_uk (&k,lostDate);
if ( getDiscoveryDate_uk(&k) != dd2 ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( getLostDate_uk(&k) != ld2 ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
int32_t ip3 = 0xabcdef12;
setIp32_uk ( &k , ip3 );
int32_t ip4 = getLinkerIp_uk ( &k );
if ( ip3 != ip4 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// test similarity
int32_t v1[] = {86845183, 126041601, 193138017, 194832692, 209041345, 237913907,
253753116, 420176029, 425806029, 469664463, 474491119, 486025959, 524746875,
565034969, 651889954, 723451712, 735373612, 740115430, 889005385,
1104585188, 1180264907, 1190905206, 1555245401, 1585281138, 1775919002,
1780336562, 1784029178, 1799261433, 2013337516, 2095261394, 2137774538, 0};
int32_t v2[] = {51207128, 126041601, 237913907, 253753116, 315255440, 394767298,
420176029, 435382723, 469664463, 486025959, 536944585, 556667308, 565034969,
615792190, 624608202, 629600018, 807226240, 1107373572, 1113238204,
1134807359, 1135960080, 1200900964, 1527062593, 1585281138, 1634165777,
1694464250, 1802457437, 1943916889, 1960218442, 2058631149, -2130866760, 0};
int32_t nv1 = sizeof(v1)/4;
int32_t nv2 = sizeof(v2)/4;
if ( isSimilar_sorted (v1,v2,nv1,nv2,80,0) ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// we use the same disk page size as indexdb (for rdbmap.cpp)
int32_t pageSize = GB_INDEXDB_PAGE_SIZE;
// set this for debugging
//int64_t maxTreeMem = 1000000;
int64_t maxTreeMem = 40000000; // 40MB
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . key+4+left+right+parents+dataPtr = sizeof(key192_t)+4 +4+4+4+4
// . 32 bytes per record when in the tree
int32_t maxTreeNodes = maxTreeMem /(sizeof(key224_t)+16);
// disk page cache mem, 100MB on gk0 now
int32_t pcmem = 0; // g_conf.m_linkdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
// give it a little
pcmem = 10000000; // 10MB
// keep this low if we are the tmp cluster
//if ( g_hostdb.m_useTmpCluster ) pcmem = 0;
// TODO: would be nice to just do page caching on the satellite files;
// look into "minimizeDiskSeeks" at some point...
if ( ! m_pc.init ( "linkdb" ,
pcmem ,
pageSize ,
true , // use shared mem?
false )) // minimizeDiskSeeks?
return log("db: Linkdb init failed.");
// init the rdb
return m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"linkdb" ,
true , // dedup
0 , // fixeddatasize is 0 since no data
// keep it high since we are mostly ssds now and
// the reads are small...
-1,//g_conf.m_linkdbMinFilesToMerge ,
// fix this to 15 and rely on the page cache of
// just the satellite files and the daily merge to
// keep things fast.
//15 ,
maxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , //isTreeBalanced
0 , // cache mem
0 , // cache nodes
false, // true , // use half keys
false , // load cache from disk
&m_pc ,
false , // false
false , // preload page cache
sizeof(key224_t) ,
true ); // bias page cache? (true!)
// init the rebuild/secondary rdb, used by PageRepair.cpp
bool Linkdb::init2 ( int32_t treeMem ) {
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . key+4+left+right+parents+dataPtr = 12+4 +4+4+4+4 = 32
// . 28 bytes per record when in the tree
int32_t nodeSize = ( sizeof(key224_t) + 12 + 4 ) + sizeof(collnum_t);
int32_t maxTreeNodes = treeMem / nodeSize;
// initialize our own internal rdb
return m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"linkdbRebuild" ,
true , // dedup
0 , // no data now! just docid/s/c
50 , // m_clusterdbMinFilesToMerge,
treeMem , // g_conf.m_clusterdbMaxTreeMem,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , // balance tree?
0 , // maxCacheMem ,
0 , // maxCacheNodes ,
false, // true , // half keys?
false , // g_conf.m_clusterdbSaveCache,
NULL , // &m_pc ,
false , // is titledb
false , // preload disk page cache
sizeof(key224_t), // key size
true );// bias disk page cache
bool Linkdb::addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify ) {
if ( ! m_rdb.addColl ( coll ) ) return false;
if ( ! doVerify ) return true;
// verify
if ( verify(coll) ) return true;
// if not allowing scale, return false
if ( ! g_conf.m_allowScale ) return false;
// otherwise let it go
log ( "db: Verify failed, but scaling is allowed, passing." );
return true;
bool Linkdb::verify ( char *coll ) {
log ( LOG_DEBUG, "db: Verifying Linkdb for coll %s...", coll );
Msg5 msg5;
Msg5 msg5b;
RdbList list;
key224_t startKey;
key224_t endKey;
int32_t minRecSizes = 64000;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(coll);
if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_LINKDB ,
cr->m_collnum ,
&list ,
(char*)&startKey ,
(char*)&endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree ,
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
0 , // niceness
false , // err correction?
0 ,
-1 ,
true ,
-1LL ,
&msg5b ,
true )) {
return log("db: HEY! it did not block");
int32_t count = 0;
int32_t got = 0;
for ( list.resetListPtr() ; ! list.isExhausted() ;
list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
key224_t k;
// skip negative keys
if ( (k.n0 & 0x01) == 0x00 ) continue;
//uint32_t shardNum = getShardNum ( RDB_LINKDB , &k );
//if ( groupId == g_hostdb.m_groupId ) got++;
uint32_t shardNum = getShardNum( RDB_LINKDB , &k );
if ( shardNum == getMyShardNum() ) got++;
if ( got != count ) {
// tally it up
g_rebalance.m_numForeignRecs += count - got;
log ("db: Out of first %"INT32" records in Linkdb , "
"only %"INT32" belong to our group.",count,got);
// repeat with log
for ( list.resetListPtr() ; ! list.isExhausted() ;
list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
key224_t k;
uint32_t shardNum = getShardNum ( RDB_LINKDB , &k );
int32_t groupNum = g_hostdb.getGroupNum(groupId);
uint32_t sh32 ;
sh32 = g_linkdb.getLinkeeSiteHash32_uk(&k);
uint16_t sh16 = sh32 >> 19;
log("db: sh16=0x%"XINT32" group=%"INT32"",
// exit if NONE, we probably got the wrong data
if ( got == 0 ) log("db: Are you sure you have the "
"right "
"data in the right directory? "
log ( "db: Exiting due to inconsistency.");
return g_conf.m_bypassValidation;
log ( LOG_DEBUG, "db: Linkdb passed verification successfully for "
"%"INT32" recs.", count );
return true;
// make a "url" key
key224_t Linkdb::makeKey_uk ( uint32_t linkeeSiteHash32 ,
uint64_t linkeeUrlHash64 ,
bool isLinkSpam ,
unsigned char linkerSiteRank ,
unsigned char linkerHopCount ,
uint32_t linkerIp ,
int64_t linkerDocId ,
uint32_t discoveryDate ,
uint32_t lostDate ,
bool newAddToOldPage ,
uint32_t linkerSiteHash32 ,
bool isDelete ) {
//if ( linkerSiteRank > LDB_MAXSITERANK ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//if ( linkerHopCount > LDB_MAXHOPCOUNT ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// mask it
linkeeUrlHash64 &= LDB_MAXURLHASH;
key224_t k;
k.n3 = linkeeSiteHash32;
k.n3 <<= 32;
k.n3 |= (linkeeUrlHash64>>15) & 0xffffffff;
// finish the url hash
k.n2 = linkeeUrlHash64 & 0x7fff;
k.n2 <<= 1;
if ( isLinkSpam ) k.n2 |= 0x01;
// make it 8-bites for now even though only needs 4
k.n2 <<= 8;
k.n2 |= (unsigned char)~linkerSiteRank;
k.n2 <<= 8;
//k.n2 |= linkerHopCount;
// this is now part of the linkerip, steve wants the full ip
k.n2 |= (linkerIp >> 24);
//uint32_t id = ipdom(linkerIp);
//if ( id > 0xffffff ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
k.n2 <<= 24;
k.n2 |= (linkerIp & 0x00ffffff);
k.n2 <<= 8;
k.n2 |= (((uint64_t)linkerDocId) >> 30);
k.n1 = (((uint64_t)linkerDocId) & 0x3fffffffLL);
// two reserved bits
k.n1 <<= 2;
// sanity checks
//if(discoveryDate && discoveryDate < 1025376000){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( lostDate && lostDate < LINKDBEPOCH){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// . convert discovery date from utc into days since jan 2008 epoch
// . the number is for jan 2012, so subtract 4 years to do 2008
uint32_t epoch = LINKDBEPOCH;
if ( discoveryDate && discoveryDate < epoch ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
uint32_t nd = (discoveryDate - epoch) / 86400;
if ( discoveryDate == 0 ) nd = 0;
// makeEndKey_uk() maxes this out!
if ( nd > 0x3fff ) nd = 0x3fff;
k.n1 <<= 14;
k.n1 |= nd;
// one reservied bit
k.n1 <<= 1;
k.n1 <<= 1;
if ( newAddToOldPage ) k.n1 |= 0x01;
// the "lost" date. 0 if not yet lost.
uint32_t od = (lostDate - LINKDBEPOCH) / 86400;
if ( lostDate == 0 ) od = 0;
// makeEndKey_uk() maxes this out!
if ( od > 0x3fff ) od = 0x3fff;
k.n1 <<= 14;
k.n1 |= od;
// 2 bits of linker site hash
k.n1 <<= 2;
k.n1 |= linkerSiteHash32 >> 30;
// rest of linker site hash
k.n0 = linkerSiteHash32;
// halfbit - unused now!
k.n0 <<= 1;
// delbit
k.n0 <<= 1;
if ( ! isDelete ) k.n0 |= 0x01;
return k;
// MSG25 :: getLinkInfo()
#include "Collectiondb.h"
//#include "CollectionRec.h"
#include "matches2.h"
// 1MB read size for now
#define READSIZE 1000000
//static void gotRootTitleRecWrapper25 ( void *state ) ;
//static void gotTermFreqWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static void gotListWrapper ( void *state ,RdbList *list,Msg5 *msg5);
static bool gotLinkTextWrapper ( void *state );
//static void sendLinkInfoReplyWrapper ( void *state );//, LinkInfo *info ) ;
//static void gotReplyWrapper25 ( void *state , void *state2 ) ;
Msg25::Msg25() {
m_numRequests = 0;
m_linkSpamOut = 0;
// set minhopcount to unknown
//m_minInlinkerHopCount = -1;
m_numReplyPtrs = 0;
//m_linkInfo = NULL;
m_ownReplies = true;
Msg25::~Msg25 ( ) {
void Msg25::reset() {
if ( ! m_ownReplies ) m_numReplyPtrs = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numReplyPtrs ; i++ )
mfree ( m_replyPtrs[i], m_replySizes[i], "msg25r");
// reset array count to 0
m_numReplyPtrs = 0;
// . free the linkinfo if we are responsible for it
// . if someone "steals" it from us, they should set this to NULL
//if ( m_linkInfo )
// mfree ( m_linkInfo , m_linkInfo->getStoredSize(),"msg25s");
// this now points into m_linkInfoBuf safebuf, just NULL it
//m_linkInfo = NULL;
// . we got a reply back from the msg25 request
// . reply should just be a LinkInfo class
// . set XmlDoc::m_linkInfoBuf safebuf to that reply
// . we store tr to that safebuf in Msg25Request::m_linkInfoBuf
void gotMulticastReplyWrapper25 ( void *state , void *state2 ) {
Msg25Request *req = (Msg25Request *)state;
// call callback now if error is set
if ( g_errno ) {
req->m_callback ( req->m_state );
Multicast *mcast = req->m_mcast;
int32_t replySize;
int32_t replyMaxSize;
bool freeit;
char *reply = mcast->getBestReply (&replySize,&replyMaxSize,&freeit);
// . store reply in caller's linkInfoBuf i guess
// . mcast should free the reply
req->m_linkInfoBuf->safeMemcpy ( reply , replySize );
// i guess we gotta free this
mfree ( reply , replySize , "rep25" );
req->m_callback ( req->m_state );
// . returns false if would block, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno and returns true on launch error
// . calls req->m_callback when ready if it would block
bool getLinkInfo ( SafeBuf *reqBuf ,
Multicast *mcast ,
char *site ,
char *url ,
bool isSiteLinkInfo ,
int32_t ip ,
int64_t docId ,
collnum_t collnum ,
char *qbuf,
int32_t qbufSize,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
bool isInjecting ,
SafeBuf *pbuf ,
bool printInXml ,
int32_t siteNumInlinks ,
LinkInfo *oldLinkInfo ,
int32_t niceness ,
bool doLinkSpamCheck ,
bool oneVotePerIpDom ,
bool canBeCancelled ,
int32_t lastUpdateTime ,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
bool getLinkerTitles ,
int32_t ourHostHash32 ,
int32_t ourDomHash32 ,
SafeBuf *linkInfoBuf ) {
int32_t siteLen = gbstrlen(site);
int32_t urlLen = gbstrlen(url);
int32_t oldLinkSize = 0;
if ( oldLinkInfo )
oldLinkSize = oldLinkInfo->getSize();
int32_t need = sizeof(Msg25Request) + siteLen+1 + urlLen+1 + oldLinkSize;
// keep it in a safebuf so caller can just add "SafeBuf m_msg25Req;"
// to his .h file and not have to worry about freeing it.
// clear = true. put 0 bytes in there
if ( ! reqBuf->reserve ( need ,"m25req", true ) ) return true;
Msg25Request *req = (Msg25Request *)reqBuf->getBufStart();
req->m_linkInfoBuf = linkInfoBuf;
req->m_mcast = mcast;
req->ptr_site = site;
req->size_site = siteLen + 1;
req->ptr_url = url;
req->size_url = urlLen + 1;
req->ptr_oldLinkInfo = (char *)oldLinkInfo;
if ( oldLinkInfo ) req->size_oldLinkInfo = oldLinkInfo->getSize();
else req->size_oldLinkInfo = 0;
if ( isSiteLinkInfo ) req->m_mode = MODE_SITELINKINFO;
else req->m_mode = MODE_PAGELINKINFO;
req->m_ip = ip;
req->m_docId = docId;
req->m_collnum = collnum;
req->m_state = state;
req->m_callback = callback;
req->m_isInjecting = isInjecting;
req->m_printInXml = printInXml;
req->m_siteNumInlinks = siteNumInlinks;
req->m_niceness = niceness;
req->m_doLinkSpamCheck = doLinkSpamCheck;
req->m_oneVotePerIpDom = oneVotePerIpDom;
req->m_canBeCancelled = canBeCancelled;
req->m_lastUpdateTime = lastUpdateTime;
req->m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks = onlyNeedGoodInlinks;
req->m_getLinkerTitles = getLinkerTitles;
req->m_ourHostHash32 = ourHostHash32;
req->m_ourDomHash32 = ourDomHash32;
// why did i do this?
// if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo )
// req->m_printDebugMsgs = true;
Url u;
u.set ( req->ptr_url );
req->m_linkHash64 = (uint64_t)u.getUrlHash64();
req->m_siteHash32 = 0LL;
req->m_siteHash64 = 0LL;
if ( req->ptr_site ) {
// hash collection # in with it
int64_t h64 = hash64n ( req->ptr_site );
h64 = hash64 ((char *)&req->m_collnum,sizeof(collnum_t),h64);
req->m_siteHash64 = h64;
req->m_siteHash32 = hash32n ( req->ptr_site );
// send to host for local linkdb lookup
key224_t startKey ;
//int32_t siteHash32 = hash32n ( req->ptr_site );
// access different parts of linkdb depending on the "mode"
if ( req->m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
startKey = g_linkdb.makeStartKey_uk ( req->m_siteHash32 );
startKey = g_linkdb.makeStartKey_uk (req->m_siteHash32,
req->m_linkHash64 );
// what group has this linkdb list?
uint32_t shardNum = getShardNum ( RDB_LINKDB, &startKey );
// use a biased lookup
int32_t numTwins = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
int64_t sectionWidth = (0xffffffff/(int64_t)numTwins) + 1;
// these are 192 bit keys, top 32 bits are a hash of the url
uint32_t x = req->m_siteHash32;//(startKey.n1 >> 32);
int32_t hostNum = x / sectionWidth;
int32_t numHosts = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getShard ( shardNum); // Group ( groupId );
if ( hostNum >= numHosts ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
int32_t hostId = hosts [ hostNum ].m_hostId ;
// . serialize the string buffers
// . use Msg25Request::m_buf[MAX_NEEDED]
// . turns the ptr_* members into offsets into req->m_buf[]
// this should always block
if ( ! mcast->send (
(char *)req ,
req->getStoredSize() ,
0x25 ,
false , // does multicast own request?
shardNum ,
false , // send to whole group?
0 , // key is passed on startKey
req , // state data
NULL , // state data
gotMulticastReplyWrapper25 ,
// if this is too low we core in XmlDoc.cpp
// after getNewSpiderReply() returns a -1 because
// it blocks for some reason.
9999998 , // timeout in seconds (was 30)
req->m_niceness ,
false, // realtime ,
hostId )) {// firstHostId ,
log("linkdb: Failed to send multicast for %s err=%s",
return true;
// wait for req->m_callback(req->m_state) to be called
return false;
HashTableX g_lineTable;
static void sendReplyWrapper ( void *state ) {
int32_t saved = g_errno;
Msg25 *m25 = (Msg25 *)state;
// the original request
Msg25Request *mr = m25->m_req25;
// get udp slot for sending back reply
UdpSlot *slot2 = mr->m_udpSlot;
// int16_tcut
SafeBuf *info = m25->m_linkInfoBuf;
// steal this buffer
char *reply1 = info->getBufStart();
int32_t replySize = info->length();
// sanity. no if collrec not found its 0!
if ( ! saved && replySize <= 0 ) {
saved = g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
log("linkdb: sending back empty link text reply. did "
"coll get deleted?");
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get original request
Msg25Request *req = (Msg25Request *)slot2->m_readBuf;
// sanity
if ( req->m_udpSlot != slot2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// if in table, nuke it
g_lineTable.removeKey ( &req->m_siteHash64 );
UdpSlot *udpSlot = req->m_udpSlot;
// update for next udpSlot
req = req->m_next;
// just dup the reply for each one
char *reply2 = (char *)mdup(reply1,replySize,"m25repd");
// error?
if ( saved || ! reply2 ) {
int32_t err = saved;
if ( ! err ) err = g_errno;
if ( ! err ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
else {
// send it back to requester
g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( reply2 ,
replySize ,
reply2 ,
udpSlot );
// if we had a link
if ( req ) goto nextLink;
// the destructor
mdelete ( m25 ,sizeof(Msg25),"msg25");
delete ( m25 );
void handleRequest25 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) {
Msg25Request *req = (Msg25Request *)slot->m_readBuf;
// make sure this always NULL for our linked list logic
req->m_next = NULL;
// udp socket for sending back the final linkInfo in m_linkInfoBuf
// used by sendReply()
req->m_udpSlot = slot;
// set up the hashtable if our first time
if ( ! g_lineTable.isInitialized() )
g_lineTable.set ( 8,sizeof(Msg25Request *),256,
// . if already working on this same request, wait for it, don't
// overload server with duplicate requests
// . hashkey is combo of collection, url, and m_mode
// . TODO: ensure does not send duplicate "page" link info requests
// just "site" link info requests
int32_t slotNum = -1;
bool isSiteLinkInfo = false;
if ( req->m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ) {
slotNum = g_lineTable.getSlot ( &req->m_siteHash64 );
isSiteLinkInfo = true;
if ( slotNum >= 0 ) {
Msg25Request *head ;
head = *(Msg25Request **)g_lineTable.getValueFromSlot(slotNum);
if ( head->m_next )
req->m_next = head->m_next;
head->m_next = req;
// note it for debugging
log("build: msg25 request waiting in line for %s slot=0x%"PTRFMT"",
// we will send a reply back for this guy when done
// getting the reply for the head msg25request
// make a new Msg25
Msg25 *m25;
try { m25 = new ( Msg25 ); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("build: msg25: new(%"INT32"): %s",
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
mnew ( m25 , sizeof(Msg25) , "Msg25" );
if ( isSiteLinkInfo ) {
// add the initial entry
g_lineTable.addKey ( &req->m_siteHash64 , &req );
// point to a real safebuf here for populating with data
m25->m_linkInfoBuf = &m25->m_realBuf;
// set some new stuff. should probably be set in getLinkInfo2()
// but we are trying to leave that as unaltered as possible to
// try to reduce debugging.
m25->m_req25 = req;
// this should call our callback when done
if ( ! m25->getLinkInfo2 ( req->ptr_site ,
req->ptr_url ,
isSiteLinkInfo ,
req->m_ip ,
req->m_docId ,
req->m_collnum , // coll
NULL, // qbuf
0 , // qbufSize
m25 , // state
sendReplyWrapper , // CALLBACK!
req->m_isInjecting ,
req->m_printDebugMsgs ,
//XmlDoc *xd ,
req->m_printInXml ,
req->m_siteNumInlinks ,
(LinkInfo *)req->ptr_oldLinkInfo ,
req->m_niceness ,
req->m_doLinkSpamCheck ,
req->m_oneVotePerIpDom ,
req->m_canBeCancelled ,
req->m_lastUpdateTime ,
req->m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
req->m_getLinkerTitles ,
req->m_ourHostHash32 ,
req->m_ourDomHash32 ,
m25->m_linkInfoBuf ) ) // SafeBuf 4 output
if(m25->m_linkInfoBuf->getLength()<=0&&!g_errno){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( g_errno == ETRYAGAIN ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// wait for msg5 to be done reading list. this happens somehow,
// i'm not 100% sure how. code has too many indirections.
if ( m25->m_gettingList ) {
log("linkdb: avoiding core");
// sanity
if ( m25->m_msg5.m_msg3.m_numScansCompleted <
m25->m_msg5.m_msg3.m_numScansStarted ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_errno )
log("linkdb: error getting linkinfo: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// else
// log("linkdb: got link info without blocking");
// it did not block... g_errno will be set on error so sendReply()
// should in that case send an error reply.
sendReplyWrapper ( m25 );
int32_t Msg25Request::getStoredSize() {
return sizeof(Msg25Request) + size_url + size_site + size_oldLinkInfo;
// . fix the char ptrs for sending over the network
// . use a for loop like we do in Msg20.cpp if we get too many strings
void Msg25Request::serialize ( ) {
char *p = m_buf;
gbmemcpy ( p , ptr_url , size_url );
ptr_url = (char *)(p - m_buf);
p += size_url;
gbmemcpy ( p , ptr_site , size_site );
ptr_site = (char *)(p - m_buf);
p += size_site;
gbmemcpy ( p , ptr_oldLinkInfo , size_oldLinkInfo );
ptr_oldLinkInfo = (char *)(p - m_buf);
p += size_oldLinkInfo;
void Msg25Request::deserialize ( ) {
char *p = m_buf;
ptr_url = p;
p += size_url;
if ( size_url == 0 ) ptr_url = NULL;
ptr_site = p;
p += size_site;
if ( size_site == 0 ) ptr_site = NULL;
ptr_oldLinkInfo = p;
p += size_oldLinkInfo;
if ( size_oldLinkInfo == 0 ) ptr_oldLinkInfo = NULL;
// OLD interface below here. use the stuff above now so we can send
// the request to a single host and multiple incoming requests can
// wait in line, and we can set network bandwidth too.
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . we need the siteRec of the url for merging the linkInfo's
// . NOTE: make sure no input vars are on the stack in case we block
// . reallyGetLinkInfo is set to false if caller does not want it but calls
// us anyway for some reason forgotten...
bool Msg25::getLinkInfo2( char *site ,
char *url ,
bool isSiteLinkInfo ,
int32_t ip ,
int64_t docId ,
//char *coll ,
collnum_t collnum,
char *qbuf ,
int32_t qbufSize ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
bool isInjecting ,
//SafeBuf *pbuf ,
bool printDebugMsgs ,
//XmlDoc *xd ,
bool printInXml ,
int32_t siteNumInlinks ,
//int32_t sitePop ,
LinkInfo *oldLinkInfo ,
int32_t niceness ,
bool doLinkSpamCheck ,
bool oneVotePerIpDom ,
bool canBeCancelled ,
int32_t lastUpdateTime ,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
bool getLinkerTitles ,
int32_t ourHostHash32 ,
int32_t ourDomHash32 ,
// put LinkInfo output class in here
SafeBuf *linkInfoBuf ) {
// reset the ip table
//int32_t mode = MODE_PAGELINKINFO;
//m_printInXml = printInXml;
if ( isSiteLinkInfo ) m_mode = MODE_SITELINKINFO;
else m_mode = MODE_PAGELINKINFO;
//m_xd = xd;
//m_printInXml = false;
//if ( m_xd ) m_printInXml = m_xd->m_printInXml;
m_printInXml = printInXml;
if ( printDebugMsgs ) m_pbuf = &m_tmp;
else m_pbuf = NULL;
// sanity check
//if ( ! coll ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks = onlyNeedGoodInlinks;
m_getLinkerTitles = getLinkerTitles;
// save safebuf ptr, where we store the link info
m_linkInfoBuf = linkInfoBuf;
if ( ! linkInfoBuf ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( m_mode == MODE_PAGELINKINFO && ! docId ) {char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// must have a valid ip
//if ( ! ip || ip == -1 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// get collection rec for our collection
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( collnum );//, collLen );
// bail if NULL
if ( ! cr ) {
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
log("build: No collection record found when getting "
"link info.");
return true;
m_gettingList = false;
// record this in case we were called by Msg3b with the spiders off
m_spideringEnabled = g_conf.m_spideringEnabled;
m_ourHostHash32 = ourHostHash32;
m_ourDomHash32 = ourDomHash32;
//m_minInlinkerHopCount = -1; // -1 -->unknown
m_niceness = niceness;
m_maxNumLinkers = MAX_LINKERS;
m_errno = 0;
m_numReplyPtrs = 0;
m_bufPtr = m_buf;
m_bufEnd = m_buf + MAX_NOTE_BUF_LEN;
m_dupCount = 0;
m_vectorDups = 0;
m_spamLinks = 0;
m_errors = 0;
m_noText = 0;
m_reciprocal = 0;
m_ipDupsLinkdb = 0;
m_docIdDupsLinkdb = 0;
m_lostLinks = 0;
m_ipDups = 0;
m_linkSpamLinkdb = 0;
//m_url = url;
m_docId = docId;
//m_coll = coll;
m_collnum = collnum;
//m_collLen = collLen;
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
m_oneVotePerIpDom = oneVotePerIpDom;
m_doLinkSpamCheck = doLinkSpamCheck;
m_canBeCancelled = canBeCancelled;
m_siteNumInlinks = siteNumInlinks; // -1 --> unknown
//m_sitePop = sitePop; // -1 --> unknown
m_qbuf = qbuf;
m_qbufSize = qbufSize;
m_isInjecting = isInjecting;
m_oldLinkInfo = oldLinkInfo;
//m_pbuf = pbuf;
m_ip = ip;
m_top = iptop(m_ip);
m_lastUpdateTime = lastUpdateTime;
m_table.set (4,sizeof(NoteEntry *),0,
m_url = url;
m_site = site;
// and the "mid domain hash" so that and cannot both
// vote even if from totally different ips
Url u; u.set(url);
char *m = u.getMidDomain();
int32_t mlen = u.getMidDomainLen();
m_midDomHash = hash32 ( m , mlen );
// do not prepend "www." to the root url
m_prependWWW = false;
// we have not done a retry yet
m_retried = false;
// change status
//if ( m_statusPtr ) *m_statusPtr = "consulting linkdb";
// . add a "www" to our url
// . we do this when indexing link: terms as well
// . this allows & to both get the same link text
// . we only index one of those if they both have the same content
// . the problem is is that Linkdb::getUrlHash() is what we set
// Links::m_linkHashes[i] to, and that does NOT add "www"
// . ultimately i would say it should add the "www" but only for
// computing the m_linkHashes[i], not for indexing links:?
// . MDW: doesn't seem like we do this anymore...
//Url u2;
//u2.set ( m_url->getUrl() , m_url->getUrlLen() , false/*addWWW?*/);
//log("debug: entering getlinkinfo this=%"XINT32"",(int32_t)this);
// then the url/site hash
//uint64_t linkHash64 = (uint64_t) u.getUrlHash64();
m_linkHash64 = (uint64_t) u.getUrlHash64();
//uint32_t hostHash32 = (uint32_t)m_url->getHostHash32();
m_round = 0;
// must have a valid ip
if ( ! ip || ip == -1 ) { //char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
log("linkdb: no inlinks because ip is invalid");
return true;
return doReadLoop();
// . returns false if blocked, returns true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Msg25::doReadLoop ( ) {
//log("debug: entering doReadLoop this=%"XINT32"",(int32_t)this);
// sanity. no double entry.
if ( m_gettingList ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . get the top X results from this termlist
// . but skip link: terms with a 1 (no link text) for a score
// . these keys are ordered from lowest to highest
key224_t startKey ;
key224_t endKey ;
int32_t siteHash32 = hash32n ( m_site );
// access different parts of linkdb depending on the "mode"
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ) {
startKey = g_linkdb.makeStartKey_uk ( siteHash32 );
endKey = g_linkdb.makeEndKey_uk ( siteHash32 );
//log("linkdb: getlinkinfo: "
// "site=%s sitehash32=%"UINT32"",site,siteHash32);
else {
startKey = g_linkdb.makeStartKey_uk (siteHash32,m_linkHash64 );
endKey = g_linkdb.makeEndKey_uk (siteHash32,m_linkHash64 );
// resume from where we left off?
if ( m_round > 0 )
//startKey = m_nextKey;
gbmemcpy ( &startKey , &m_nextKey , LDBKS );
// but new links: algo does not need internal links with no link test
// see Links.cpp::hash() for score table
m_minRecSizes = READSIZE; // MAX_LINKERS_IN_TERMLIST * 10 + 6;
int32_t numFiles = -1;
// NO, DON't restrict because it will mess up the hopcount.
bool includeTree = true;
// what group has this linkdb list?
//uint32_t groupId = getGroupId ( RDB_LINKDB , &startKey );
uint32_t shardNum = getShardNum ( RDB_LINKDB, &startKey );
// use a biased lookup
int32_t numTwins = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
int64_t sectionWidth = (0xffffffff/(int64_t)numTwins) + 1;
// these are 192 bit keys, top 32 bits are a hash of the url
uint32_t x = siteHash32;//(startKey.n1 >> 32);
int32_t hostNum = x / sectionWidth;
int32_t numHosts = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getShard ( shardNum); // Group ( groupId );
if ( hostNum >= numHosts ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
int32_t hostId = hosts [ hostNum ].m_hostId ;
// debug log
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo ) {
char *ms = "page";
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ) ms = "site";
log("msg25: getting full linkinfo mode=%s site=%s url=%s "
m_gettingList = true;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
if ( ! cr ) {
log("linkdb: no coll for collnum %"INT32"",(int32_t)m_collnum);
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
return true;
//char *coll = cr->m_coll;
// . get the linkdb list
// . we now get the WHOLE list so we can see how many linkers there are
// . we need a high timeout because udp server was getting suspended
// before for 30 seconds and this was timing out and
// was getting spidered w/o any link text -- that's bad.
// Now we hang indefinitely. We also fixed UdpServer to resend
// requests after 30 seconds even though it was fully acked in case
// the receiving host went down and is now back up.
if ( ! m_msg5.getList (
cr->m_collnum ,
&m_list ,
(char*)&endKey ,
m_minRecSizes ,
includeTree ,
false , // add to cache?
0 , // maxcacheage
0 , // startFileNum
numFiles ,
this ,
gotListWrapper ,
m_niceness ,
true )){ // error correct?
//log("debug: msg0 blocked this=%"XINT32"",(int32_t)this);
return false;
// all done
m_gettingList = false;
// debug log
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugBuild )
log("build: msg25 call to msg5 did not block");
// sanity
if ( m_msg5.m_msg3.m_numScansCompleted <
m_msg5.m_msg3.m_numScansStarted ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// return true on error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("build: Had error getting linkers to url %s : %s.",
return true;
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
return gotList();
void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) {
Msg25 *THIS = (Msg25 *) state;
//log("debug: entering gotlistwrapper this=%"XINT32"",(int32_t)THIS);
// return if it blocked
// . this calls sendRequests()
// . which can call gotLinkText(NULL) if none sent
// . which can call doReadLoop() if list was not empty (lost linker)
// . which can block on msg0
if ( ! THIS->gotList() ) return;
// error? wait for all replies to come in...
if ( THIS->m_numRequests > THIS->m_numReplies ) {
log("msg25: had error %s numreplies=%"INT32" numrequests=%"INT32" "
// the call to gotList() may have launched another msg0 even
// though it did not return false???
// THIS FIXED a double entry core!!!! msg0 would return after
// we had destroyed the xmldoc class behind this!!
if ( THIS->m_gettingList ) {
//log("debug: waiting for msg0 1");
//log("debug: calling final callback 1");
// otherwise call callback, g_errno probably is set
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );//, THIS->m_linkInfo );
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool Msg25::gotList() {
// all done
m_gettingList = false;
// reset # of docIds linking to us
//m_numDocIds = 0;
// sanity
if ( m_msg5.m_msg3.m_numScansCompleted <
m_msg5.m_msg3.m_numScansStarted ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//log("debug: entering gotlist this=%"XINT32"",(int32_t)this);
// return true on error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("build: Had error getting linkers to url %s : %s.",
return true;
// this counts all the inlinks... not inlinking pages/docids
//m_numDocIds = (m_list.getListSize() - 6)/10;
//if ( m_numDocIds < 0 ) m_numDocIds = 0;
// . record the # of hits we got for weighting the score of the
// link text iff it's truncated by MAX_LINKERS
// . TODO: if url is really popular, like yahoo, we should use the
// termFreq of the link: term!
// . TODO: we now only read in first 50k linkers so Msg0::getList()
// doesn't waste space through its stupid buffer pre-allocation.
// it should not preallocate for us since our niceness is over 1
// cuz we don't require a real-time signal handler to read our reply.
// clear this too
m_k = (Inlink *)-1;
// MATT: fix this later maybe....
// all done?
if ( m_list.getListSize() < m_minRecSizes ) return gotTermFreq (false);
// change status
//if ( m_statusPtr ) *m_statusPtr = "getting linkdb term freq";
// returns false if blocked, returns true and sets g_errno
// on error
if ( ! m_msg42.getTermFreq ( m_coll ,
3600 , // maxAge
m_termId ,
this , // state
gotTermFreqWrapper ,
m_niceness ) )
return false;
return gotTermFreq(true);
void gotTermFreqWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msg25 *THIS = (Msg25 *)state;
// if blocked, just return
if ( ! THIS->gotTermFreq(true) ) return;
// otherwise call callback, g_errno is probably set
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state , THIS->m_linkInfo );
bool Msg25::gotTermFreq ( bool msg42Called ) {
// error?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("build: Msg25 had error getting term freq.");
return true;
// was msg42 called?
if ( msg42Called ) {
// set the new one
int64_t tf = m_msg42.getTermFreq();
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: Upping linkers from %"INT32" to %"INT64"",
if ( tf > m_numDocIds ) m_numDocIds = tf;
// set m_nextKey in case we need to re-call doReadLoop()
//m_list.getLastKey ( (char *)&m_nextKey );
// inc by 1
//m_nextKey += 1;
// we haven't got any responses as of yet or sent any requests
m_numReplies = 0;
m_numRequests = 0;
if ( m_round == 0 ) {
m_linkSpamOut = 0;
m_numFromSameIp = 0;
memset ( m_inUse , 0 , MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING );
// use this to dedup ips in linkdb to avoid looking up their
// title recs... saves a lot of lookups
if (!m_ipTable.set(4,0,256,NULL,0,false,m_niceness,"msg25ips"))
return true;
int64_t needSlots = m_list.getListSize() / LDBKS;
// wtf?
if ( m_list.getListSize() > READSIZE + 10000 ) {
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("linkdb: read very big linkdb list %"INT32" bytes "
"bigger than needed",
m_list.getListSize() - READSIZE );
// triple for hash table speed
needSlots *= 3;
// ensure 256 min
if ( needSlots < 256 ) needSlots = 256;
if ( ! m_fullIpTable.set(4,0,needSlots,NULL,0,false,
m_niceness,"msg25ip32") )
return true;
if ( ! m_firstIpTable.set(4,0,needSlots,NULL,0,false,
m_niceness,"msg25fip32") )
return true;
// this too
if ( ! m_docIdTable.set(8,0,needSlots,
NULL,0,false,m_niceness,"msg25docid") )
return true;
// . how many link spam inlinks can we accept?
// . they do not contribute to quality
// . they only contribute to link text
// . their number and weights depend on our ROOT QUALITY!
// . we need this because our filters are too stringent!
m_spamCount = 0;
m_spamWeight = 0;
m_maxSpam = 0;
m_numDocIds = 0;
m_cblocks = 0;
m_uniqueIps = 0;
// if we are doing site linkinfo, bail now
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ) return sendRequests();
// when MODE_PAGELINKINFO we must have a site quality for that site
if ( m_siteNumInlinks < 0 ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// int16_tcut
int32_t n = m_siteNumInlinks;
if ( n >= 1000 ) {m_spamWeight = 90; m_maxSpam = 4000;}
else if ( n >= 900 ) {m_spamWeight = 80; m_maxSpam = 3000;}
else if ( n >= 800 ) {m_spamWeight = 70; m_maxSpam = 2000;}
else if ( n >= 700 ) {m_spamWeight = 55; m_maxSpam = 1000;}
else if ( n >= 600 ) {m_spamWeight = 50; m_maxSpam = 100;}
else if ( n >= 500 ) {m_spamWeight = 15; m_maxSpam = 20;}
else if ( n >= 200 ) {m_spamWeight = 10; m_maxSpam = 15;}
else if ( n >= 70 ) {m_spamWeight = 07; m_maxSpam = 10;}
else if ( n >= 20 ) {m_spamWeight = 05; m_maxSpam = 7;}
for steve i took this out of the key and put in the lower ip byte
// scan list for the minimum hop count of the inlinkers
int32_t minhc = -1;
for ( ; ! m_list.isExhausted() ; m_list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// get the key/rec
key224_t key;
m_list.getCurrentKey( (char*)&key );
char hc = g_linkdb.getLinkerHopCount_uk ( &key );
if ( hc >= 0 && hc < minhc ) minhc = hc;
// now set our hopcount based on that
if ( minhc >= 0 ) m_minInlinkerHopCount = minhc;
// now send the requests
return sendRequests();
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool Msg25::sendRequests ( ) {
// . stop if cancelled
// . a niceness of 0 implies we are called from Msg3b, the docid
// reranking tool
// . no, now that can be niceness 0, so use the m_spideringEnabled flag
//if ( ! g_conf.m_spideringEnabled &&
// ! m_isInjecting &&
// ! m_pbuf &&
// m_canBeCancelled ) {
// g_errno = ECANCELLED;
// return true;
uint64_t lastDocId = 0LL;
//log("debug: entering sendrequests this=%"XINT32"",(int32_t)this);
// change status
//if ( m_statusPtr ) *m_statusPtr = "getting link texts";
// smaller clusters cannot afford to launch the full 300 msg20s
// because it can clog up one host!
float ratio = (float)g_hostdb.getNumHosts() / 128.0;
int32_t ourMax = (int32_t)(ratio * (float)MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING);
if ( ourMax > MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING )
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
if ( ! cr ) {
log("linkdb: collnum %"INT32" is gone 1",(int32_t)m_collnum);
// that func doesn't set g_errno so we must
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
return true;
//char *coll = cr->m_coll;
// if more than 300 sockets in use max this 1. prevent udp socket clog.
if ( g_udpServer.m_numUsedSlots >= 300 ) ourMax = 1;
// keep sending requests
while ( 1 == 1 ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// if we still haven't gotten enough good inlinks, quit after
// looking up this many titlerecs
if ( m_numRequests >= MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE ) break;
// . we only need at most MAX_LINKERS in our sample
// . but we do keep "losers" until the very end so we can
// remove them in an order-independent fashion to guarantee
// consistency. otherwise, "losers" will depend on the order
// in which the Msg20Replies are received to some degree
if ( m_numReplyPtrs >= MAX_LINKERS ) break;
// do not have more than this many outstanding Msg23s
if ( m_numRequests-m_numReplies >= ourMax ) break;
// we may have pre-allocated the LinkText classes for
// use be currently outstanding Msg20 requests, therefore
// they are not available at this time... m_numReplyPtrs is
// how many replies we have kept.
if ( m_numReplyPtrs+m_numRequests-m_numReplies>=MAX_LINKERS)
// reset g_errno just in case
g_errno = 0;
char isLinkSpam = 0;
//char hc = -1;
int32_t itop ;
uint32_t ip32;
uint64_t docId ;
int32_t discovered = 0;
// was the link lost?
int32_t lostDate = 0;
// . recycle inlinks from the old link info guy
// . this keeps our inlinks persistent!!! very nice...
// . useful for when they disappear on an aggregator site
if ( m_list.isExhausted() && m_round == 0 ) {
// recycle old inlinks at this point
if ( m_k == (Inlink *)-1 ) m_k = NULL;
// get it
m_k = m_oldLinkInfo->getNextInlink ( m_k );
// if none left, we really are done
if ( ! m_k ) break;
// set these
//hc = m_k->m_hopcount;
itop = m_k->m_ip & 0x0000ffff;
ip32 = m_k->m_ip;
isLinkSpam = m_k->m_isLinkSpam;
docId = m_k->m_docId;
discovered = m_k->m_firstIndexedDate;
else if ( m_list.isExhausted() && m_round != 0 )
// is this a "url" key?
else if ( m_mode == MODE_PAGELINKINFO ) {
// get the current key if list has more left
key224_t key; m_list.getCurrentKey( &key );
// skip if the bit is not set right
//if ( ! g_linkdb.isUrlKey(&key) ) continue;
//hc = g_linkdb.getLinkerHopCount_uk ( &key );
itop = g_linkdb.getLinkerIp24_uk ( &key );
ip32 = g_linkdb.getLinkerIp_uk ( &key );
isLinkSpam = g_linkdb.isLinkSpam_uk ( &key );
docId = g_linkdb.getLinkerDocId_uk ( &key );
discovered = g_linkdb.getDiscoveryDate_uk(&key);
// is it expired?
lostDate = g_linkdb.getLostDate_uk(&key);
// update this
gbmemcpy ( &m_nextKey , &key , LDBKS );
//if ( ip32+1 < ip32 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// skip to next ip!
//g_linkdb.setIp32_uk ( &m_nextKey , ip32+1 );
m_nextKey += 1;
// otherwise this is a "site" key. we are getting all the
// inlinks to any page on the site...
else {
// get the current key if list has more left
key224_t key; m_list.getCurrentKey( &key );
// show it for debug
//log("key: %s",KEYSTR(&key,LDBKS));
// skip if the bit is not set right
//if ( ! g_linkdb.isSiteKey(&key) ) continue;
//hc = -1;
itop = g_linkdb.getLinkerIp24_uk ( &key );
ip32 = g_linkdb.getLinkerIp_uk ( &key );
//isLinkSpam=g_linkdb.isLinkSpam_sk ( &key );
isLinkSpam = false;
docId = g_linkdb.getLinkerDocId_uk ( &key );
//linkDate = g_linkdb.getDate_sk ( &key );
discovered = g_linkdb.getDiscoveryDate_uk(&key);
// is it expired?
lostDate = g_linkdb.getLostDate_uk(&key);
// update this
gbmemcpy ( &m_nextKey , &key , LDBKS );
//if ( ip32+1 < ip32 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// skip to next ip!
//g_linkdb.setIp32_uk ( &m_nextKey , ip32+1 );
m_nextKey += 1;
// advance to next rec if the list has more to go
if ( ! m_list.isExhausted() ) m_list.skipCurrentRecord();
// clear this if we should
if ( ! m_doLinkSpamCheck ) isLinkSpam = false;
// mangle it so hashtable does not collide so much
//int64_t dh = hash64h ( docId , docId );
// dedup docid, since we now try to keep old Inlinks from
// the previous LinkInfo. this allows us to preserve RSS
// info, good hopcounts, etc.
// on round 487 this is going OOM at 300MB, so take it out
//if ( m_docIdTable.getSlot ( &dh ) >= 0 ) {
// m_docIdDupsLinkdb++;
// continue;
// add it. TODO: what if this fails?
//if ( ! m_docIdTable.addKey ( &dh ) )
// return true;
// if it is no longer there, just ignore
if ( lostDate ) {
// try using this to save mem then
if ( docId == lastDocId ) {
// update this then
lastDocId = docId;
// count unique docids
// get the next docId
// . now the 4 hi bits of the score represent special things
// . see Msg18.cpp:125 where we repeat this
// once we got this many "good" spam inlinkers, we should
// get no more! assume the outstanding link spams will be
// successful. they may not, so we must wait on them.
// MDW: take this out
//if(isLinkSpam && m_spamCount + m_linkSpamOut >= m_maxSpam ) {
// // actually, assume they will be successful,
// // and just skip ourselves
// m_linkSpamLinkdb++;
// continue;
// is it the minimum thus far?
// MDW: i saw a bunch of corrupt linkdb recs with hc<0. check.
//if ( hc>=0 &&
// (m_minInlinkerHopCount==-1 || hc<m_minInlinkerHopCount))
// m_minInlinkerHopCount = hc;
// count unique ips for steve's stats
if ( ! m_fullIpTable.isInTable(&ip32) ) {
// return true on error
if ( ! m_fullIpTable.addKey(&ip32) )
return true;
// count it
// TODO: if inlinker is internal by having the same DOMAIN
// even though a different ip, we should adjust this logic!!
if ( itop != m_top ) {
int32_t slot = m_ipTable.getSlot ( &itop );
if ( slot != -1 ) {m_ipDupsLinkdb++;continue;}
// store it
if ( ! m_ipTable.addKey ( &itop ) )
return true;
// count unique cblock inlinks
// if we are local... allow up to 5 votes, weight is diminished
else {
// count your own, only once!
if ( m_numFromSameIp == 0 ) m_cblocks++;
// count it as internal
// only get link text from first 5 internal linkers,
// they will all count as one external linker
if ( m_numFromSameIp > MAX_INTERNAL_INLINKS ) {
m_ipDupsLinkdb++; continue; }
// count this request as launched
// if linkspam, count this
if ( isLinkSpam ) m_linkSpamOut++;
// find a msg20 we can use
int32_t j ;
for (j=0 ;j<MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING;j++) if (!m_inUse[j]) break;
// sanity check
if ( j >= MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// "claim" it
m_inUse [j] = 1;
// . this will return false if blocks
// . we EXPECT these recs to be there...
// . now pass in the score for the newAlgo
Msg20Request *r = &m_msg20Requests[j];
// clear it. reset to defaults.
// set the request
r->m_getLinkText = true;
r->m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks = m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks;
// is linkee a site? then we will try to find link text
// to any page on that site...
// if we are in site mode, then m_url should be m_site!
if ( m_mode == MODE_PAGELINKINFO ) {
r->m_isSiteLinkInfo = false;
r-> ptr_linkee = m_url;
r->size_linkee = gbstrlen(m_url)+1; // include \0
else {
r->m_isSiteLinkInfo = true;
r-> ptr_linkee = m_site;
r->size_linkee = gbstrlen(m_site)+1; // include \0
//r-> ptr_coll = coll;
//r->size_coll = gbstrlen(coll) + 1; // include \0
r->m_collnum = cr->m_collnum;
r->m_docId = docId;
r->m_expected = true; // false;
r->m_niceness = m_niceness;
r->m_state = r;
r->m_state2 = this;
r->m_j = j;
r->m_callback = gotLinkTextWrapper;
// do NOT get summary stuff!! slows us down...
r->m_maxNumCharsPerLine = 0;
r->m_numSummaryLines = 0;
// get title now for steve
r->m_titleMaxLen = 300;
r->m_summaryMaxLen = 0;
r->m_discoveryDate = discovered;
// buzz sets the query to see if inlinker has the query terms
// so we can set <absScore2>
r->m_langId = langUnknown; // no synonyms i guess
r->ptr_qbuf = m_qbuf;
r->size_qbuf = m_qbufSize;
// These parms should maybe be passed from the calling msg20,
// But, at least for now, buzz always wants these values.
//if (m_qbufSize > 1){
// r->m_hackFixWords = true;
// r->m_hackFixPhrases = true;
// r->m_excludeLinkText = true;
// r->m_excludeMetaText = true;
// place holder used below
r->m_isLinkSpam = isLinkSpam;
// buzz may not want link spam checks! they are pretty clean.
r->m_doLinkSpamCheck = m_doLinkSpamCheck;
// this just gets the LinkInfo class from the TITLEREC
// so that Msg25 should not be called. thus avoiding an
// infinite loop!
// we need the LinkInfo of each inlinker to get the inlinker's
// sitePop and numInlinksToSite, which is needed to call
// makeLinkInfo() below.
r->m_getLinkInfo = true;
r->m_ourHostHash32 = m_ourHostHash32;
r->m_ourDomHash32 = m_ourDomHash32;
// . MAKE A FAKE MSG20REPLY for pre-existing Inlinks
// . the opposite of Inlink::set(Msg20Reply *)
// . we used that as a reference
// . ISSUES:
// . 1. if inlinker gets banned, we still recycle it
// . 2. if ad id gets banned, we still recycle it
// . 3. we cannot dedup by the vectors, because we do not
// store those in the Inlink class (Msg25::isDup())
if ( m_k && m_k != (Inlink *)-1 ) {
Msg20Reply *rep = &m_msg20Replies[j];
m_k->setMsg20Reply ( rep );
// let receiver know we are a recycle
rep->m_recycled = 1;
// . this returns true if we are done
// . g_errno is set on error, and true is returned
if ( gotLinkText ( r ) ) return true;
// keep going
// debug log
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo ) {
char *ms = "page";
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ) ms = "site";
log("msg25: getting single link mode=%s site=%s "
"url=%s docid=%"INT64" request=%"INT32"",
// returns false if blocks, true otherwise
bool status = m_msg20s[j].getSummary ( r ) ;
// breathe
// if blocked launch another
if ( ! status ) continue;
// . this returns true if we are done
// . g_errno is set on error, and true is returned
if ( gotLinkText ( r ) ) return true;
// we may still be waiting on some replies to come in
if ( m_numRequests > m_numReplies ) return false;
// if the list had linkdb recs in it, but we launched no msg20s
// because they were "lost" then we end up here.
if ( m_url )
log("linkdb: encountered %"INT32" lost links for url %s "
log("linkdb: encountered %"INT32" lost links for docid %"INT64" "
// . otherwise, we got everyone, so go right to the merge routine
// . returns false if not all replies have been received
// . returns true if done
// . sets g_errno on error
// . if all replies are in then this can call doReadLoop() and
// return false!
return gotLinkText ( NULL );
bool gotLinkTextWrapper ( void *state ) { // , LinkTextReply *linkText ) {
Msg20Request *req = (Msg20Request *)state;
// get our Msg25
Msg25 *THIS = (Msg25 *)req->m_state2;
//log("debug: entering gotlinktextwrapper this=%"XINT32"",(int32_t)THIS);
// . this returns false if we're still awaiting replies
// . returns true if all replies have been received and processed
if ( THIS->gotLinkText ( req ) ) {
//log("debug: calling final callback 2");
if ( THIS->m_gettingList ) return false;
// . now call callback, we're done
// . g_errno will be set on critical error
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );//, THIS->m_linkInfo );
return true;
// if gotLinkText() called doReadLoop() it blocked calling msg0
if ( THIS->m_gettingList ) return false;
// . try to send more requests
// . return if it blocked
// . shit, this could call doReadLoop() now that we have added
// the lostdate filter, because there will end up being no requests
// sent out even though the list was of positive size, so it
// will try to read the next round of msg0.
if ( ! THIS->sendRequests ( ) ) return false;
// . shit, therefore, return false if we did launch a msg0 after this
if ( THIS->m_gettingList ) return false;
//log("debug: calling final callback 3");
// otherwise we're done
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );//, THIS->m_linkInfo );
return true;
char *getExplanation ( char *note ) {
if ( ! note ) return NULL;
if ( strcmp(note,"good")==0) return NULL;
static char *s_notes[] = {
"same mid domain",
"inlinker's domain, excluding TLD, is same as page it "
"links to",
"linker banned or filtered",
"inlinker's domain has been manually banned",
"no link text",
"inlink contains no text, probably an image",
"banned by ad id",
"inlinking page contains a google ad id that has been "
"manually banned",
"ip dup",
"inlinker is from the same C Block as another inlinker",
"first ip dup",
"first recorded C Block of inlinker matches another inlinker",
"post page",
"inlink is from a page that contains a form tag whose "
"submit url contains character sequence that are indicative "
"of posting a comment, thereby indicating that the inlink "
"could be in a comment section",
"path is cgi",
"inlinker url contains a question mark",
"similar link desc",
"the text surrounding the anchor text of this inlink is "
"too similar to that of another processed inlink",
"similar content",
"the inlinker's page content is "
"too similar to that of another processed inlink",
"doc too big",
"inlinker's page is too large, and was truncated, and "
"might have lost some indicators",
"link chain middle",
"inlink is in the middle of a list of inlinks, without "
"any non-link text separating it, inidicative of text ads",
"link chain right",
"inlink is at the end of a list of inlinks, without "
"any non-link text separating it, inidicative of text ads",
"link chain left",
"inlink is at the beginning of a list of inlinks, without "
"any non-link text separating it, inidicative of text ads",
"near sporny outlink",
"inlink is near another outlink on that page which contains "
"porn words in its domain or url",
"inlinker is from an IP address that is of the form "
"70.8*.*.* which is a notorious block of spam",
".info tld",
"inlinker's tld is .info, indicative of spam",
".biz tld",
"inlinker's tld is .biz, indicative of spam",
"textarea tag",
"inlinker page contains a textarea html tag, indicative "
"of being in a comment section",
"stats page",
"inlinker is from a web access stats page",
"has dmoz path",
"inlinker url looks like a dmoz mirror url",
"guestbook in hostname",
"inlinker is from a guestbook site",
"ad table",
"inlink appears to be in a table of ad links",
"duplicate ip c block"
int32_t n = sizeof(s_notes)/ sizeof(char *);
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) {
if ( strcmp(note,s_notes[i]) ) continue;
return s_notes[i+1];
if ( strncmp(note,"path has",8) == 0 )
return "inlinker's url contains keywords indicative "
"of a comment page, guestbook page or "
"link exchange";
"inlinker's page contains the described text, indicative of "
"being a link exchange or being in a comment section or "
"being an otherwise spammy page";
// . returns false if not all replies have been received (or timed/erroredout)
// . returns true if done
// . sets g_errno on error
bool Msg25::gotLinkText ( Msg20Request *req ) { // LinkTextReply *linkText ) {
//log("debug: entering gotlinktext this=%"XINT32"",(int32_t)this);
int32_t j = -1;
if ( req ) j = req->m_j;
// get it
Msg20 *m = NULL;
// the reply
Msg20Reply *r = NULL;
// the alloc size of the reply
int32_t rsize = 0;
// the original request
// set the reply
if ( j >= 0 ) {
// get the msg20
m = &m_msg20s[j];
// set the reply
r = m->m_r;
// the reply size
rsize = m->m_replyMaxSize;
// inc # of replies
// get the request
Msg20Request *req = &m_msg20Requests[j];
// discount this if was linkspam
if ( req->m_isLinkSpam ) m_linkSpamOut--;
// "make available" msg20 and msg20Request #j for re-use
m_inUse [ j ] = 0;
// . propagate internal error to g_errno
// . if g_errno was set then the reply will be empty
if ( r && r->m_errno && ! g_errno ) g_errno = r->m_errno;
// if it had an error print it for now
if ( r && r->m_errno )
log("query: msg25: msg20 had error for docid %"INT64" : "
"%s",r->m_docId, mstrerror(r->m_errno));
// what is the reason it cannot vote...?
char *note = NULL;
int32_t noteLen = 0;
// assume it CAN VOTE for now
bool good = true;
// just log then reset g_errno if it's set
if ( g_errno ) {
// a dummy docid
int64_t docId = -1LL;
// set it right
if ( r ) docId = r->m_docId;
// we often restrict link: termlist lookup to indexdb root
// file, so we end up including terms from deleted docs...
// this we get a lot of ENOTFOUND errors.
// MDW: we no longer do this restriction...
"build: Got error getting link text from one document: "
"%s. Will have to restart later. docid=%"INT64".",
// this is a special case
if ( g_errno == ECANCELLED ||
g_errno == ENOCOLLREC ||
g_errno == ENOMEM ||
g_errno == ENOSLOTS ) {
if ( m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) return false;
if ( m_gettingList ) {
log("linkdb: gotLinkText: gettinglist1");
return false;
return true;
// otherwise, keep going, but this reply can not vote
good = false;
note = mstrerror ( g_errno );
// reset g_errno
g_errno = 0;
// are we an "internal" inlink?
bool internal = false;
if ( r && iptop(r->m_firstIp) == m_top )
internal = true;
if ( r && iptop(r->m_ip) == m_top )
internal = true;
// . if the mid domain hash of the inlinker matches ours, no voting
// . this is set to 0 for recycles
if ( r && good && r->m_midDomHash == m_midDomHash && ! internal ) {
good = false;
note = "same mid domain";
// is the inlinker banned?
if ( r && good && r->m_isBanned ) {
// it is no longer good
good = false;
// inc the general count, too
// add his ad id hash to the table, so if any
// other linker has it, it will be banned by ad id!
if ( r->m_adIdHash ) m_adBanTable.addKey ( &r->m_adIdHash );
// count each *type* of "link spam". the type is given
// by linkText->m_note and is a string...
note = "linker banned or filtered";
// breathe
// get the linker url
Url linker;
if ( r ) linker.set ( r->ptr_ubuf , r->size_ubuf );
// sanity check, Xml::set() requires this...
if ( r&&r->size_rssItem > 0 && r->ptr_rssItem[r->size_rssItem-1]!=0 ) {
log("admin: received corrupt rss item of size "
"%"INT32" not null terminated from linker %s",
// ignore it for now
r->size_rssItem = 0;
r->ptr_rssItem = NULL;
// . if no link text, count as error
// . linkText->getLinkTextLen()
if ( r && good &&
r->size_linkText <= 0 &&
r->size_rssItem <= 0 &&
// allow if from a ping server because like
// so we can use
// "inlink==xxx" in the url filters to assign any page linked
// to by a pingserver into a special spider queue. then we can
// spider that page quickly and get its xml feed url, and then
// spider that to get new outlinks of permalinks.
// Well now we use "inpingserver" instead of having to specify
// the "inlink==xxx" expression for every ping server we know.
! linker.isPingServer() ) {
good = false;
note = "no link text";
// banned by way of ad id?
if (r && good&& r->m_adIdHash&&m_adBanTable.getSlot(&r->m_adIdHash)>0){
// it is no longer good
good = false;
// inc the general count, too
// count each *type* of "link spam". the type is given
// by linkText->m_note and is a string...
note = "banned by ad id";
// . if we are linked to by a page on the same ip as the linkee
// then call it a reciprocal link
// . only check if our root quality is < 45%
// . MDW: i disabled this until it can prove more useful
Vector *v5 = NULL;
if ( r ) v5 = r->ptr_vectorBuf5; // linkText->getVector4();
if ( r && good && ! internal && m_rootQuality < 45 ) {
// these are the IPs of the linker's incoming linkers
int32_t numIps = v5->getNumPairHashes();
int32_t ourIp = m_url->getIp();
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numIps ; i++ ) {
int32_t ip = v5->m_pairHashes[i];
if ( ip != ourIp ) continue;
good = false;
note = "reciprocal link";
// discount if LinkText::isLinkSpam() or isLinkSpam2() said it
// should not vote
if ( r && good && ! internal && r->m_isLinkSpam &&
// we can no allow link spam iff it is below the max!
++m_spamCount >= m_maxSpam ) {
// it is no longer good
good = false;
// inc the general count, too
// count each *type* of "link spam". the type is given
// by linkText->m_note and is a string...
note = r-> ptr_note;
noteLen = r->size_note - 1; // includes \0
// loop over all the replies we got so far to see if "r" is a dup
// or if another reply is a dup of "r"
int32_t n = m_numReplyPtrs;
// do not do the deduping if no reply given
if ( ! r ) n = 0;
// do not do this if "r" already considered bad
if ( ! good ) n = 0;
// this is the "dup"
Msg20Reply *dup = NULL;
int32_t dupi = -1;
// . we do not actually remove the Msg20Replies at this point because
// this filter is dependent on the order in which we receive the
// Msg20Replies. we do the removal below after all replies are in.
// . NO! not anymore, i don't want to hit MAX_LINKERS and end up
// removing all the dups below and end up with hardly any inlinkers
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; ! internal && i < n ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// get the reply in a ptr
Msg20Reply *p = m_replyPtrs[i];
// is it internal
bool pinternal = false;
if ( iptop(p->m_ip) == m_top ) pinternal = true;
if ( iptop(p->m_firstIp) == m_top ) pinternal = true;
// allow internal inlinks to match
if ( pinternal ) continue;
// is "p" a dup of us? (or we of it?)
char *dupNote = isDup ( r , p ) ;
// if it is not a dup, keep going
if ( ! dupNote ) continue;
// getLoser() returns the lowest-scoring reply of "r" and "p"
Msg20Reply *tmp = getLoser ( r , p );
// is it worse than the current "dup"? if so, update "dup"
dup = getLoser ( tmp , dup );
// get the "i" value
if ( dup == r ) dupi = j;
if ( dup == p ) dupi = i;
// we got a dup
good = false;
note = dupNote;
// inc this count
if ( dup ) m_dupCount++;
// if "p" is the lower-scoring dup, put "r" in its place, and then
// set "r" to "p" doing a swap operation
if ( dup && dup != r ) {
// sanity check
if ( dupi < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// HACK: swap them
Msg20Reply *tmp = m_replyPtrs [dupi];
int32_t tmpSize = m_replySizes[dupi];
m_replyPtrs [dupi] = r;
m_replySizes[dupi] = rsize;
r = tmp;
rsize = tmpSize;
// make Msg20 point to that old "dup" reply
m->m_r = r;
m->m_replyMaxSize = rsize;
// breathe
if ( r && good ) {
int32_t iptop1 = iptop(r->m_ip);
int32_t iptop2 = iptop(r->m_firstIp);
if ( m_firstIpTable.isInTable ( &iptop1 ) ||
m_firstIpTable.isInTable ( &iptop2 ) ) {
good = false;
note = "first ip dup";
// add to table. return true with g_errno set on error
if ( ! m_firstIpTable.addKey(&iptop1) ) return true;
if ( ! m_firstIpTable.addKey(&iptop2) ) return true;
// BUT do not set good to false so it is stored so we can look
// at the linktext for indexing purposes anyway, but we do not
// want to count it towards the # of good siteinlinks because
// its internal
if ( internal && ! note ) {
note = "ip dup";
if ( r && ! good && ! note )
note = "unknown reason";
// compile the reason it could not vote
if ( r && ! good ) {
// set "noteLen" if not yet set
if ( note && noteLen == 0 ) noteLen = gbstrlen ( note );
// add it to our table
addNote ( note , noteLen , r->m_docId );
// . free the reply since it cannot vote
// . no, it should be auto-freed when the msg20 is re-used
bool store = true;
if ( ! good ) store = false;
//if ( ! m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks ) store = true;
// . if doing for display, show good
// . steve needs to see the bad guys as well ppl can learn
if ( m_pbuf ) store = true;
// now for showing recommended link sources let's include the
// bad boys because we might have mislabelled them as bad, b/c maybe
// google thinks they are good! fix for
// XmlDoc::getRecommendedLinksBuf()
if ( ! m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks ) store = true;
// how is this NULL?
if ( ! r ) store = false;
if ( store ) {
// save the reply
m_replyPtrs [m_numReplyPtrs] = r;
m_replySizes[m_numReplyPtrs] = rsize;
// why we do this?
if ( note && ! r->ptr_note ) {
r->ptr_note = note;
r->size_note = noteLen+1;
// store this in the reply for convenience
r->m_discoveryDate = req->m_discoveryDate;
// debug note
//log("linkdb: stored %"INT32" msg20replies",m_numReplyPtrs);
// do not allow Msg20 to free it
m->m_r = NULL;
// free the reply buf of this msg20 now to save mem because
// we can't send out like 100,000 of these for to find
// less than 1000 good ones!
// tell msg20 to free the reply if not null
if ( m ) m->reset();
// wait for all replies to come in
if ( m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) return false;
if ( m_gettingList ) {
log("linkdb: gotLinkText: gettinglist2");
return false;
// READ MORE FROM LINKDB to avoid truncation
// youtube is doing like 180,000 rounds! wtf! limit to 10000
if ( m_list.m_listSize > 0 && // && m_round < 10000 ) {
// no! now we shrink a list by removing dup docids from it
// in Msg0.cpp before sending back to save memory and cpu and
// network. so it can be well below m_minRecSizes and still need
// to go on to the next round
//m_list.m_listSize >= m_minRecSizes &&
m_numReplyPtrs < MAX_LINKERS ) {
// count it
// note it
char *ms = "page";
char *id = m_url;
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ) {
ms = "site";
id = m_site;
// debug
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo ) {
log("linkdb: recalling round=%"INT32" for %s=%s",
// and re-call. returns true if did not block.
// returns true with g_errno set on error.
if ( ! doReadLoop() ) return false;
// it did not block!! wtf? i guess it read no more or
// launched no more requests.
//log("linkdb: doreadloop did not block");
// process all "good" Msg20Replies
// since we may not have called a Msg20 for every docid in the
// linkdb list, extroplate "m_numReplyPtrs" to what it probably should
// have been. it is a non-linear. we could go out to more derivatives,
// m_deltaDiff2, etc. if necessary.
int64_t extrapolated = m_numReplyPtrs;
int64_t bonus = m_numReplyPtrs;
int64_t step = (int32_t)MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE * 2 ;
// add in "bonus" X docids sampled
int32_t nd;
for ( nd = m_numReplies ; nd + step <= m_numDocIds ; nd += step ) {
extrapolated += bonus;
step *= 2;
// . do linear estimation of remainder however.
// . hey i don't want to get into crazy logs...
int64_t rem = m_numDocIds - nd;
if ( step > 0 && rem > 0 ) extrapolated += (bonus * rem) / step;
// sanity check
if ( rem > step ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// log build msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"build: msg25: %s extrapolated=%"INT32" "
"goodReplies=%"INT32" "
m_url->getUrl(), (int32_t)extrapolated, (int32_t)m_numReplyPtrs,
// sanity check
if ( extrapolated < 0 ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("build: msg25: extrapolated = %"INT32" < 0. Resetting "
"to 0.",(int32_t)extrapolated);
extrapolated = 0;
// the x factor
int32_t x = 100;
if ( m_numReplyPtrs > 0 )
x = ((int64_t)extrapolated * 100LL) / m_numReplyPtrs;
// skip making link info?
//if ( ! m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks ) return true;
// breathe
// debug log
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo ) {
char *ms = "page";
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ) ms = "site";
log("msg25: making final linkinfo mode=%s site=%s url=%s "
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
if ( ! cr ) {
log("linkdb: collnum %"INT32" is gone 2",(int32_t)m_collnum);
// that func doesn't set g_errno so we must
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
return true;
char *coll = cr->m_coll;
// . this returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
// . returns an allocated ptr to a LinkInfo class
// . we are responsible for freeing
// . LinkInfo::getSize() returns the allocated size
makeLinkInfo ( coll ,
m_ip ,
m_siteNumInlinks ,
//m_sitePop ,
m_replyPtrs ,
m_numReplyPtrs ,
//m_numReplyPtrs, // extrapolated ,
//100, // x ,
m_spamWeight ,
m_oneVotePerIpDom ,
m_docId , // linkee docid
m_lastUpdateTime ,
m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
m_niceness ,
this ,
m_linkInfoBuf );
// return true with g_errno set on error
if ( ! m_linkInfoBuf->length() ) {
log("build: msg25 linkinfo set: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
// if nothing to print out, be on our way
if ( ! m_pbuf ) return true;
// print out for PageParser.cpp
// sort by docid so we get consistent output on PageParser.cpp
char sflag = 1;
while ( sflag ) {
sflag = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 1 ; i < m_numReplyPtrs ; i++ ) {
// sort by quality first
char q1 = m_replyPtrs[i-1]->m_siteRank;//docQuality;
char q2 = m_replyPtrs[i ]->m_siteRank;//docQuality;
if ( q1 > q2 ) continue;
// if tied, check docids
int64_t d1 = m_replyPtrs[i-1]->m_docId;
int64_t d2 = m_replyPtrs[i ]->m_docId;
if ( d1 == d2 )
log("build: got same docid in msg25 "
"d=%"INT64" url=%s",d1,
if ( q1 == q2 && d1 <= d2 ) continue;
// swap them
Msg20Reply *tmp = m_replyPtrs [i-1];
int32_t size = m_replySizes [i-1];
m_replyPtrs [i-1] = m_replyPtrs [i ];
m_replySizes[i-1] = m_replySizes [i ];
m_replyPtrs [i ] = tmp;
m_replySizes[i ] = size;
sflag = 1;
// LinkInfo::set() probably filtered out even more!
//int32_t ng = m_inlinkingDocIdsRead - inlinkDocIdsFiltered;
// how many were filtered by LinkInfo::set()?
//int32_t inlinkingDocIdsFiltered2 = ng - m_linkInfo->getNumInlinks();
time_t ttt;
struct tm *timeStruct = localtime ( &ttt );
m_lastUpdateTime = ttt;
char buf[64];
if ( timeStruct )
strftime ( buf, 64 , "%b-%d-%Y(%H:%M:%S)" , timeStruct );
sprintf(buf,"UNKNOWN time");
char *ss = "site";
if ( m_mode == MODE_PAGELINKINFO ) ss = "page";
LinkInfo *info = (LinkInfo *)m_linkInfoBuf->getBufStart();
int32_t siteRank = ::getSiteRank ( info->m_numGoodInlinks );
if ( m_printInXml ) { // && m_xd ) {
m_pbuf->safePrintf("\t<desc>inlinks to %s</desc>\n",ss);
, m_lastUpdateTime
//char *u = NULL;
//if ( m_xd ) u = m_xd->ptr_firstUrl;
// m_url should point into the Msg25Request buffer
char *u = m_url;
if ( u )
//char *site = NULL;
//if ( m_xd ) site = m_xd->ptr_site;
// m_site should point into the Msg25Request buffer
char *site = m_site;
if ( site )
//int64_t d = 0LL;
//if ( m_xd ) d = m_xd->m_docId;
int64_t d = m_docId;
if ( d && d != -1LL )
, iptoa(m_ip)
// the total # of inlinkers. we may not have
// read all of them from disk though.
, m_numDocIds
, info->m_numGoodInlinks
, m_cblocks
, m_uniqueIps
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "<table width=100%%>"
"<td bgcolor=lightyellow>\n"
"<b>Summary of inlinks to %s "
"<table cellpadding=3 "
"border=1 width=100%%>\n"
"<td>sample created</td>"
"<td>when this info was last "
"<td>IP address</td>"
"<td> &nbsp; </td>"
"<td>total inlinkers</td>"
"<td>how many inlinks we have total. "
"Max: %"INT32"."
//" Bad docids are removed so may be "
//"less than that max."
"<td> &nbsp; </td>"
"<td>unique cblocks</td>"
"<td>unique EXTERNAL cblock inlinks</td>"
"<td> &nbsp; </td>"
"<td>unique ips</td>"
"<td>unique EXTERNAL IP inlinks</td>"
"<td> &nbsp; </td>"
//"<td>sampled inlinkers</td>"
//"<td>how many docs "
//"we sampled for inlink text. "
//"Limited to %"INT32" docs.</td>"
//"<td> &nbsp; </td>"
buf, //m_lastUpdateTime,
// the total # of inlinkers. we may not
// have read all of them from disk though
m_numDocIds ,
// how many docids we read from disk
//(m_list.getListSize()-6)/12 ,
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO && m_printInXml )
m_pbuf->safePrintf("\t<siteRank>%"INT32"</siteRank>\n" , siteRank );
// print link spam types
int32_t ns = m_table.getNumSlots();
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < ns ; i++ ) {
// skip empty slots
if ( m_table.isEmpty(i) ) continue;
// who is in this slot
NoteEntry *e = *(NoteEntry **)m_table.getValueFromSlot(i);
char *exp = getExplanation ( e->m_note );
// show it
if ( m_printInXml ) {
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t<inlinkStat>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<name><![CDATA[" );
m_pbuf->safeStrcpy ( e->m_note );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></name>\n");
if ( exp )
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<explanation>"
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<count>%"INT32"</count>\n",
e->m_count );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t</inlinkStat>\n");
else {
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "<tr><td>%s", e->m_note );
//if ( exp )
// m_pbuf->safePrintf ( " - %s", exp );
m_pbuf->safePrintf (
"<td><font color=red>%"INT32"</font>"
"<td>reason could not vote</td>"
, e->m_count );
// print some docids that had this problem
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < MAX_ENTRY_DOCIDS ; j++ ) {
if ( e->m_docIds[j] == -1LL ) break;
if ( ! m_printInXml )
m_pbuf->safePrintf ("<a href=\"/admin/titledb"
"%"INT32"</a> ",
if ( ! m_printInXml )
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "&nbsp; </td></tr>\n" );
if ( ! m_printInXml )
"<td>ip dup</td>"
"<td><font color=red>%"INT32"</font></td>"
"basically the same ip, but we looked "
"it up anyway."
"<td>ip dup linkdb</td>"
"linkdb saved us from having to "
"look up this many title recs from the "
"same ip C block.</td>"
"<td>docid dup linkdb</td>"
"linkdb saved us from having to "
"look up this many title recs from the "
"same docid.</td>"
"<td>link spam linkdb</td>"
"linkdb saved us from having to "
"look up this many title recs because "
"they were pre-identified as link "
//"may include anomalies and some "
//"link farms discovered later. "
"# inlinkers with positive weight"
//"limited to MAX_LINKERS = %"INT32""
"<td> &nbsp; </td>"
"<td>good extrapolated</td>"
"<td>extrapolate the good links to get "
"around the MAX_LINKERS limitation</td>"
"<td> &nbsp; </td>"
"<td>X factor (not linear!)</td>"
"<td>~ good extrapolated / good = "
"%"INT32" / %"INT32"</td>"
"<td> &nbsp; </td>"
(int32_t)m_ipDups ,
(int32_t)m_ipDupsLinkdb ,
(int32_t)m_docIdDupsLinkdb ,
(int32_t)m_linkSpamLinkdb ,
// good and max
//(int32_t)m_linkInfo->getNumInlinks() ,
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO && ! m_printInXml )
"<td>based on # of good inlinks</td>"
if ( ! m_printInXml )
"<br>" );
// xml?
if ( m_printInXml && m_ipDups ) {
// ip dups
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t<inlinkStat>\n"
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "duplicateIPCClass" );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></name>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<explanation><![CDATA[");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "inlinker is form the same C Block "
"as another inlinker we processed");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></explanation>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<count>%"INT32"</count>\n",
m_ipDups );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t</inlinkStat>\n");
if ( m_printInXml && m_ipDupsLinkdb ) {
// ip dups
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t<inlinkStat>\n"
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "duplicateIPCClass" );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></name>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<explanation><![CDATA[");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "inlinker is form the same C Block "
"as another inlinker we processed");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></explanation>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<count>%"INT32"</count>\n",
m_ipDupsLinkdb );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t</inlinkStat>\n");
if ( m_printInXml && m_docIdDupsLinkdb ) {
// ip dups
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t<inlinkStat>\n"
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "duplicateDocId" );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></name>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<explanation><![CDATA[");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "inlinker is on the same page "
"as another inlinker we processed");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></explanation>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<count>%"INT32"</count>\n",
m_ipDupsLinkdb );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t</inlinkStat>\n");
if ( m_printInXml && m_linkSpamLinkdb ) {
// link spam
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t<inlinkStat>\n"
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "generalLinkSpam" );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></name>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<count>%"INT32"</count>\n",
m_linkSpamLinkdb );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t</inlinkStat>\n");
char *tt = "";
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ) tt = "site ";
if ( ! m_printInXml ) {
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "<table cellpadding=3 border=1>"
"<td colspan=20>Inlinks "
"to %s%s &nbsp; (IP=%s) " // pagePop=%"INT32" "
//"sitePop=%"INT32" numLinksToSite=%"INT32")"
"<td>hop count</td>"
"<td>site rank</td>"
"<td># words in link text</td>"
"<td>link text bytes</td>"
"<td>link text</td>",
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
m_pbuf->safePrintf("<td>link url</td>");
"</tr>\n" );
//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_coll );
// print out each Inlink/Msg20Reply
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numReplyPtrs ; i++ ) {
// point to a reply
Msg20Reply *r = m_replyPtrs[i];
// are we internal
bool internal = false;
if ( (r->m_ip&0x0000ffff) == (m_ip&0x0000ffff) )
internal = true;
if ( (r->m_firstIp&0x0000ffff) == (m_ip&0x0000ffff))
internal = true;
// the "external" string
//char *ext = "Y"; if ( internal ) ext = "N";
// are we an "anomaly"?
char *note = r->ptr_note;
if ( r->m_isLinkSpam && !note )
note = "unknown";
// get our ip as a string
//char *ips = iptoa(r->m_ip);
// print the link text itself
char *txt = r->ptr_linkText;
// get length of link text
int32_t tlen = r->size_linkText;
if ( tlen > 0 ) tlen--;
//float weight = 1.0;
//if ( note ) weight = 0.0;
//if ( internal ) weight = 0.0;
// datedb date
char dbuf[128];
if ( r->m_datedbDate > 1 ) {
time_t ttt = (time_t)r->m_datedbDate;
sprintf(dbuf,"%s UTC",
asctime (gmtime( &ttt )) );
char discBuf[128];
time_t dd = (time_t)r->m_discoveryDate;
if ( dd ) {
struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &dd );
if ( timeStruct )
strftime ( discBuf, 128 ,
"<nobr>%b %d %Y</nobr>" ,
sprintf(discBuf,"UNKNOWN DATE");
char *title = r->ptr_tbuf;
if ( ! title ) title = "";
// show the linking docid, the its weight
if ( m_printInXml ) {
char *ns = note;
if ( ! note ) ns = "good";
//if ( internal ) note = "internal";
, r->m_docId
, r->ptr_ubuf
, r->ptr_site
, title
//, weight
, ns
// get explanation of note
char *exp = getExplanation ( ns );
if ( exp )
, exp );
,iptoa(r->m_ip) );
,iptoa(r->m_firstIp) );
, (int32_t)internal
, (uint32_t)dd
, getLanguageString(r->m_language)
, (int32_t)r->m_siteRank
m_pbuf->htmlEncode ( txt,tlen,0);
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "<tr>"
"<td>%"INT32"</td>" // #i
"<a href=\"/print?page=1&d=%"INT64"\">"
"%"INT64"</a></td>" // docid
if ( note )
m_pbuf->safePrintf("%s", note );
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "</nobr></td>"//wghtnte
"<td>%s</td>" // url
"<td>%s</td>" // site
"<td>%s</td>", // title
m_pbuf->safePrintf("<td><a href=\"/search?q=ip%%3A"
"%s&c=%s&n=200\">%s</a></td>" // ip
, iptoa(r->m_ip)
, coll
, iptoa(r->m_ip)
, iptoa(r->m_firstIp)
m_pbuf->safePrintf( //"<td>%s</td>" // external
"<td>%s</td>" // language
"<td>%s</td>" // discoverydate
"<td>%s</td>" // datedbdate
"<td>%"INT32"</td>" // hopcount
"<td><font color=red><b>%"INT32""
"</b></font></td>" // site rank
"<td>%"INT32"</td>" // nw
"<td>%"INT32"</td>" // textLen
"<td><nobr>", // text
(int32_t)r->m_siteRank, // docQuality,
(int32_t)r->m_linkTextNumWords ,
tlen );
// only bold if good
if ( ! note )
// this is in utf8 already
m_pbuf->safeMemcpy ( txt , tlen );
// only bold if good
if ( ! note )
// wrap it up
// print url that is linked to in the case of site inlinks
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
// print the neighborhood
txt = r->ptr_surroundingText;
tlen = r->size_surroundingText - 1;
if(!txt) {
// this is utf8 already
m_pbuf->safeMemcpy ( txt , tlen );
if ( ! m_printInXml ) {
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "</table>\n<br>\n" );
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "</td></table>\n<br><br>\n" );
// print site rank
if ( m_printInXml && m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
if ( ! m_printInXml && m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
m_pbuf->safePrintf("<table border=1>"
"<tr><td colspan=2>"
"<tr><td># good inlinks</td>"
// print site rank table
int32_t lastsr = -1;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < 11000 && m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ; i++ ) {
int32_t sr = ::getSiteRank ( i );
if ( sr == lastsr ) continue;
lastsr = sr;
if ( m_printInXml )
if ( m_printInXml && m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
else if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
"<br>" );
//m_pbuf->safePrintf("<b>*</b><i>The maximum of these two weights "
// "is used.</i><br><br>");
return true;
// . return the "worst" of the two Msg20Replies
// . in the case of a dup, we use this to determine which one is kicked out
// . if one is NULL, return the other
Msg20Reply *Msg25::getLoser ( Msg20Reply *r , Msg20Reply *p ) {
if ( ! p ) return r;
if ( ! r ) return p;
// if "r" is internal, but p is not, r is the loser
bool rinternal = false;
bool pinternal = false;
if ( iptop(r->m_ip ) == m_top ) rinternal = true;
if ( iptop(r->m_firstIp) == m_top ) rinternal = true;
if ( iptop(p->m_ip ) == m_top ) pinternal = true;
if ( iptop(p->m_firstIp) == m_top ) pinternal = true;
if ( rinternal && ! pinternal )
return r;
// and vice versa
if ( pinternal && ! rinternal )
return p;
// then resort to doc quality
//if ( p->m_docQuality < r->m_docQuality ) return p;
//if ( r->m_docQuality < p->m_docQuality ) return r;
if ( p->m_siteRank < r->m_siteRank ) return p;
if ( r->m_siteRank < p->m_siteRank ) return r;
// . if they had the same quality... check docid
// . the lower the docid, the "better" it is. this behavior
// is opposite of the quality behavior.
if ( p->m_docId > r->m_docId ) return p;
// fall back to r then
return r;
// . is "p" a dup of "r"?
// . we will kick out the worst one so it cannot vote
// . returns NULL if not a dup
// . returns NULL with g_errno set on error
char *Msg25::isDup ( Msg20Reply *r , Msg20Reply *p ) {
// reset this
g_errno = 0;
// do ip tops match? (top 2 bytes of ip addresses)
bool internal = false;
if ( iptop(p->m_ip) == m_top ) internal = true;
if ( iptop(p->m_firstIp) == m_top ) internal = true;
if ( internal && m_oneVotePerIpDom )
return "ip dup";
// only one ad id
if ( r->m_adIdHash && r->m_adIdHash == p->m_adIdHash )
return "same ad id";
// see if he is too similar to another, if so he is not a good voter
Vector *v1 = (Vector *)r->ptr_vector1;
Vector *v2 = (Vector *)r->ptr_vector2;
Vector *v3 = (Vector *)r->ptr_vector3;
// get vectors for Msg20Reply "p"
Vector *x1 = (Vector *)p->ptr_vector1;
Vector *x2 = (Vector *)p->ptr_vector2;
Vector *x3 = (Vector *)p->ptr_vector3;
// doc j is 0% to 100% similar to doc i
// . but we need to remove the wordpairs found
// in common so they aren't used against
// another doc, so we say 'true' here
// . returns -1 and sets g_errno on error
// . vX vectors can be NULL if the linker was "linkSpam" because
// Msg20.cpp's handler does not set them in that case
int32_t p1 = 0;
int32_t p2 = 0;
int32_t p3 = 0;
if ( v1 && x1 ) p1 = v1->getLinkBrotherProbability ( x1 , false);
// only consider p2 if each vector is beefy. these
// can be small because these vectors represent the
// word pairs just to the right of the link in the
// content, and before any "breaking" tag thereafter.
// no, there are too many little ads, so disregard the beeft
// requirement.
if ( v2 && x2 && v2->m_numPairHashes >= 1 && x2->m_numPairHashes >= 1 )
p2 = v2->getLinkBrotherProbability(x2,false);
// compare tag id pair vectors
if ( v3 && x3 && v3->m_numPairHashes >= 2 && x3->m_numPairHashes >= 2 )
p3 = v3->getLinkBrotherProbability(x3,false);
// see if he is too similar to another, if so he is not a good voter
int32_t *v1 = (int32_t *)r->ptr_vector1;
int32_t *v2 = (int32_t *)r->ptr_vector2;
int32_t *v3 = (int32_t *)r->ptr_vector3;
int32_t nv1 = r->size_vector1 / 4;
int32_t nv2 = r->size_vector2 / 4;
int32_t nv3 = r->size_vector3 / 4;
// get vectors for Msg20Reply "p"
int32_t *x1 = (int32_t *)p->ptr_vector1;
int32_t *x2 = (int32_t *)p->ptr_vector2;
int32_t *x3 = (int32_t *)p->ptr_vector3;
int32_t nx1 = p->size_vector1 / 4;
int32_t nx2 = p->size_vector2 / 4;
int32_t nx3 = p->size_vector3 / 4;
// doc j is 0% to 100% similar to doc i
// . but we need to remove the wordpairs found
// in common so they aren't used against
// another doc, so we say 'true' here
// . returns -1 and sets g_errno on error
// . vX vectors can be NULL if the linker was "linkSpam" because
// Msg20.cpp's handler does not set them in that case
// compare now for sanity!
//int32_t p1 = 0;
//int32_t p2 = 0;
//int32_t p3 = 0;
// int16_t cut
//int32_t ni = m_niceness;
//if ( v1 && x1 && nv1 >= 2 && nx1 >= 2 )
// p1 = (int32_t)computeSimilarity (v1,x1,NULL,NULL,NULL,ni);
// only consider p2 if each vector is beefy. these
// can be small because these vectors represent the
// word pairs just to the right of the link in the
// content, and before any "breaking" tag thereafter.
// no, there are too many little ads, so disregard the beeft
// requirement.
//if ( v2 && x2 && nv2 >= 2 && nx2 >= 2 )
// p2 = (int32_t)computeSimilarity (v2,x2,NULL,NULL,NULL,ni);
// compare tag id pair vectors
//if ( v3 && x3 && nv3 >= 2 && nx3 >= 2 )
// p3 = (int32_t)computeSimilarity (v3,x3,NULL,NULL,NULL,ni);
//if ( p1 >= 80 ) return "similar content";
//if ( p2 >= 80 ) return "similar link desc";
//if ( p3 >= 100 ) return "similar tag template";
// these count the terminating 0 int32_t as a component
if ( v1 && x1 && nv1 >= 2 && nx1 >= 2 ) {
//p1 = (int32_t)computeSimilarity (v1,x1,NULL,NULL,NULL,ni);
// are these two vecs 80% or more similar?
if ( isSimilar_sorted (v1,x1,nv1,nx1,80,m_niceness) ) {
//if ( p1 < 80 )
// log("test p1 failed");
return "similar content";
//if ( p1 >= 80 )
// log("test p1 failed1");
// only consider p2 if each vector is beefy. these
// can be small because these vectors represent the
// word pairs just to the right of the link in the
// content, and before any "breaking" tag thereafter.
// no, there are too many little ads, so disregard the beeft
// requirement.
if ( v2 && x2 && nv2 >= 2 && nx2 >= 2 ) {
//p2 = (int32_t)computeSimilarity (v2,x2,NULL,NULL,NULL,ni);
// are these two vecs 80% or more similar?
if ( isSimilar_sorted (v2,x2,nv2,nx2,80,m_niceness) ) {
//if ( p2 < 80 )
// log("test p2 failed");
return "similar link desc";
//if ( p2 >= 80 )
// log("test p2 failed2");
// compare tag id pair vectors
if ( v3 && x3 && nv3 >= 2 && nx3 >= 2 ) {
//p3 = (int32_t)computeSimilarity (v3,x3,NULL,NULL,NULL,ni);
// are these two vecs 80% or more similar?
if ( isSimilar_sorted (v3,x3,nv3,nx3,100,m_niceness) ) {
//if ( p3 < 100 )
// log("test p3 failed");
return "similar tag template";
//if ( p3 >= 100 )
// log("test p3 failed2");
return NULL;
// compare the ip tops (ip tops of the inlinks)
//int32_t sum4 = v4->m_numPairHashes + x4->m_numPairHashes;
// each must have at least this many
//sum4 /= 3;
// at least 4 inlinking ips each...
//if ( sum4 < 4 ) sum4 = 4;
// check it
//if ( v4->m_numPairHashes >= sum4 &&
// x4->m_numPairHashes >= sum4 )
// p4 = v4->getLinkBrotherProbability(x4,false);
// sensitivity settings
if ( p1 >= 80 ) return "similar content";
if ( p2 >= 80 ) return "similar link desc";
if ( p3 >= 100 ) return "similar tag template";
//if ( p4 >= 80 ) return "similar incoming ip shingle";
//if ( p4 >= 80 ) {
// // get the link text that is residing
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: ip shingle sim2 of %"INT32"%% for "
// "nhi=%"INT32" nhj=%"INT32" di=%"UINT64" dj=%"UINT64"",
// (int32_t)p4,
// v4->m_numPairHashes,x4->m_numPairHashes,
// rold->getDocId(),rnew->getDocId());
// if no memory pN will be -1
if ( p1 < 0 || p2 < 0 || p3 < 0 )
log("build: Msg25: Could not perform link spam "
"removal: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
// all done, it was not a dup, but g_errno MAY be set
return NULL;
bool Msg25::addNote ( char *note , int32_t noteLen , int64_t docId ) {
// return right away if no note
if ( ! note || noteLen <= 0 ) return true;
// get hash
int32_t h = hash32 ( note , noteLen );
NoteEntry **pentry = (NoteEntry **)m_table.getValue ( &h );
// if this "type" has not been recorded, add it
if ( ! pentry && h ) {
char *p = m_bufPtr;
if ( p + sizeof(NoteEntry) + noteLen + 1 >= m_bufEnd ) {
log("build: increase buf size in Msg25.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// store the entry
NoteEntry *e = (NoteEntry *)p;
p += sizeof(NoteEntry);
// init that entry
e->m_count = 1;
e->m_note = p;
e->m_docIds[0] = docId;
e->m_docIds[1] = -1LL;
// store note into the buffer, NULL terminated
gbmemcpy ( p , note , noteLen ); p += noteLen;
*p++ = '\0';
// add to the table
int32_t slot = -1;
if ( ! m_table.addKey(&h,&e,&slot))
log("build: Msg25 could not add note.");
// did we add successfully?
if ( slot < 0 ) return false;
// get the ptr to the stuff
//val = (char *)m_table.getValueFromSlot(slot);
// advance to next spot
m_bufPtr = p;
return true;
// cast it
NoteEntry *entry = *pentry;
// get the count
// add docids to the list
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_ENTRY_DOCIDS ; i++ ) {
// skip if not empty
if ( entry->m_docIds[i] != -1LL ) continue;
// take it over, its empty if it is -1LL
entry->m_docIds[i] = docId;
// next one should be -1 now
if ( i + 1 < MAX_ENTRY_DOCIDS ) entry->m_docIds[i+1] = -1LL;
// all done
// increase the count
//if ( val ) *(int32_t *)val = *(int32_t *)val + 1;
return true;
// . the ip to which we send this request must allow us to make udp requests
// . let's also have a separate list of allowable ips (not just admin ips)
// for which gigablast will accept udp requests
bool Msg25::getPageLinkInfo2 ( Url *url ,
char *coll ,
char *remoteColl ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state),
bool doLinkSpamCheck ,
bool oneVotePerIpDom ,
bool canBeCancelled ) {
// sanity check
if ( ! coll ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// get hostdb to use
//int32_t collLen = gbstrlen(coll);
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( coll );//, collLen );
Hostdb *hostdb = &g_hostdb;
if ( cr->m_importFromHosts2Conf ) hostdb = &g_hostdb2;
// sanity check
//if ( g_hostdb2.m_numHosts == 0 ) {
if ( hostdb->m_numHosts == 0 ) {
if ( m_linkInfo )
m_linkInfo = NULL;
//g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
static bool s_printed = false;
if ( s_printed ) return true;
s_printed = true;
log("build: No hostdb2.conf to get secondary link info from.");
return true;
// watch out for bogus urls
if ( url->getHostLen() <= 0 ) {
log("build: Url %s has no hostname.",url->getUrl());
return true;
// save callback info
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_url = url;
//m_linkInfo = linkInfo;
int32_t remoteCollLen = 0;
if ( remoteColl ) remoteCollLen = gbstrlen ( remoteColl );
// assign it in case somebody uses it
m_coll = coll;
//m_collLen = collLen;
// make a Msg25 request for fresh link info
char *p = m_request;
// store url
gbmemcpy ( p , url->getUrl() , url->getUrlLen() );
// skip over url
p += url->getUrlLen();
// store \0
*p++ = '\0';
// store remote coll
gbmemcpy ( p , remoteColl , remoteCollLen );
// skip over it
p += remoteCollLen;
// store \0
*p++ = '\0';
// store ip
*(int32_t *)p = m_ip; p += 4; // url->getIp(); p += 4;
// siteNumInlinks (bogus)
*(int32_t *)p = 0; p += 4;
// sitePop (bogus)
*(int32_t *)p = 0; p += 4;
// the last update time
*(int32_t *)p = m_lastUpdateTime; p += 4;
// . store a BOGUS root quality now so gk cluster won't force a core
// because the rootQuality < 0
// . older clusters like gk will use it to compute quality, but we
// disard that info now, we just want the number of extrapolated
// inlinks to use in Msg16.cpp's computeQuality() function.
// *(char *)p = 0; p += 1;
// store flags
*p = 0;
if ( doLinkSpamCheck ) *p |= 0x02;
if ( oneVotePerIpDom ) *p |= 0x08;
if ( canBeCancelled ) *p |= 0x40;
// get size of request
m_requestSize = p - m_request;
// sanity check
if ( m_requestSize > MSG25_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE ) {
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// use the group that has this url's title rec local, if it exists
//m_groupId = g_titledb.getGroupIdForDatil(url,hostdb);//&g_hostdb2);
//m_probDocId = g_titledb.getProbableDocIdForDatil ( url );
m_probDocId = g_titledb.getProbableDocId ( url );
m_groupId = getGroupIdFromDocId ( m_probDocId );
// . send that request
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, otherwise it will block
// and return true
if ( ! m_mcast.send ( m_request ,
m_requestSize ,
0x25 , // msgType 0x25
false , // m_mcast own m_request?
m_groupId , // send to group(groupKey)
false , // send to whole group?
m_probDocId , // probDocId (key)
this , // state data
NULL , // state data
gotReplyWrapper25 ,
3600*24*360 , // block forever for this!
MAX_NICENESS , // niceness
false , // real time?
-1 , // firstHostId
NULL , // m_replyBuf ,
false , // free reply buf?
false , // do disk load balancing?
-1 , // max cache age
0 , // cacheKey
0 , // bogus rdbId
-1 , // minRecSizes
true , // sendToSelf
true , // retry forever
//&g_hostdb2 ))// send to 2ndary cluster
hostdb ))// send to 2ndary cluster
return true;
// we blocked, wait for callback to be called
return false;
void gotReplyWrapper25 ( void *state , void *state2 ) {
Msg25 *THIS = (Msg25 *)state;
THIS->gotMsg25Reply ( );
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );//, THIS->m_linkInfo );
bool Msg25::gotMsg25Reply ( ) {
// ENOTFOUND errors are very common
//if ( g_errno == ENOTFOUND ) g_errno = 0;
// error?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("build: Failed to get external link info for %s.",
return true;
// grab it
bool freeit;
int32_t replySize;
int32_t replyMaxSize;
char *reply = m_mcast.getBestReply(&replySize,&replyMaxSize,&freeit);
// relabel it if different
//if( reply != m_replyBuf )
relabel( reply, replyMaxSize, "Msg25-mcastGBR" );
// sanity check - find that mem leak
if ( m_linkInfo ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . deserialize the reply here (copied from Msg20.cpp)
// . m_linkInfo will own it
m_linkInfo = (LinkInfo *)reply;
// sanity check
if ( m_linkInfo->getStoredSize() != replySize ) { char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// fix our string ptrs
// sanity check
//if ( reply == m_replyBuf ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
return true;
class State25 {
LinkInfo m_linkInfo;
Msg25 m_msg25;
UdpSlot *m_slot;
//char *m_statusPtr;
Url m_url;
//SiteRec m_siteRec;
// TODO: add in neighborhood flag, do not look at g_conf for anything!!
// likewise, cr->* is not right for cr->m_indexInlinkNeighborhoods and
// cr->doLinkSpamDetection in LinkText.cpp...
// AND, all the cr->m_* in Msg25.cpp should be flags!!!
void handleRequest25 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) {
char *p = slot->m_readBuf;
// deserialize url
char *url = p; p += gbstrlen(p) + 1;
// deserialize coll
char *coll = p; p += gbstrlen(p) + 1;
//int32_t collLen = gbstrlen(coll);
int32_t ip = *(int32_t *)p; p += 4;
int32_t siteNumInlinks = *(int32_t *)p; p += 4;
int32_t sitePop = *(int32_t *)p; p += 4;
int32_t lastUpdateTime = *(int32_t *)p; p += 4;
// sanity check
if ( lastUpdateTime == 0 || lastUpdateTime == -1){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// sanity check
//if ( rootQuality < 0 || rootQuality > 100 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;}
// get flags
char doLinkSpamCheck = *p & 0x02;
char oneVotePerIpDom = *p & 0x08;
char canBeCancelled = *p & 0x40;
// make a new Msg25
State25 *st ;
try { st = new ( State25 ); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("build: msg25: new(%i): %s",
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
mnew ( st , sizeof(State25) , "Msg25" );
// set url class
st->m_url.set ( url , gbstrlen(url) );
// save socket
st->m_slot = slot;
// call it
Msg25 *mm = &st->m_msg25;
if ( ! mm->getPageLinkInfo ( &st->m_url ,
ip ,
-1 , // docId
coll ,
NULL , // qbuf
0 , // qbufSize
st , // state
sendLinkInfoReplyWrapper , // callback
false , // isInjecting?
NULL , // pbuf
NULL , // xd
siteNumInlinks ,
sitePop ,
NULL , // oldLinkInfo
doLinkSpamCheck ,
oneVotePerIpDom ,
canBeCancelled ,
lastUpdateTime ))
// return the reply
sendLinkInfoReplyWrapper ( st );//, &st->m_linkInfo );
void sendLinkInfoReplyWrapper ( void *state ) { // , LinkInfo *infoArg ) {
State25 *st = (State25 *)state;
// get our state
UdpSlot *slot = st->m_slot;
// did it have an error?
if ( g_errno ) {
mdelete ( st , sizeof(st) , "Msg25" );
delete ( st );
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
Msg25 *m = &st->m_msg25;
// get the link info ptr
LinkInfo *info = m->m_linkInfo;
// sanity test
//if ( info != infoArg ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// grab it
char *reply = (char *)info;
// get the size
int32_t need = 0;
if ( info ) need = info->getStoredSize();
// don't let Msg25 free it
m->m_linkInfo = NULL;
// free the state
mdelete ( st , sizeof(st) , "Msg25" );
delete ( st );
// send it away
g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( reply , need , reply , need , slot );
#include "HashTableX.h"
#include "Words.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Msge0.h"
#include "IndexList.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h" // score8to32()
#define MAX_LINKERS 3000
// . after Msg25 calls LinkInfo::set() (was merge()) make it call
// Msg25::print(SafeBuf *pbuf) to print the stats. it can access
// LinkInfo's Inlinks to get their weights, etc.
// . returns the LinkInfo on success
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
LinkInfo *makeLinkInfo ( char *coll ,
int32_t ip ,
int32_t siteNumInlinks ,
//int32_t sitePop ,
Msg20Reply **replies ,
int32_t numReplies ,
//int32_t extrapolated ,
//int32_t xfactor ,
// if link spam give this weight
int32_t spamWeight ,
bool oneVotePerIpTop ,
int64_t linkeeDocId ,
int32_t lastUpdateTime ,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
int32_t niceness ,
Msg25 *msg25 ,
SafeBuf *linkInfoBuf ) {
// for parsing the link text
Words words;
// a table for counting words per link text
HashTableX tt;
// buf for tt
char ttbuf[2048];
// must init it!
tt.set ( 8 ,4,128,ttbuf,2048,false,niceness,"linknfo");
// how many internal linkers do we have?
int32_t icount = 0;
// we are currently only sampling from 10
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numReplies ; i++ ) {
// replies are NULL if MsgE had an error, like ENOTFOUND
if ( ! replies[i] ) continue;
//if ( texts[i]->m_errno ) continue;
bool internal = false;
if ( (replies[i]->m_ip&0x0000ffff) == (ip&0x0000ffff) )
internal = true;
if ( (replies[i]->m_firstIp&0x0000ffff) == (ip&0x0000ffff) )
internal = true;
if ( internal )
// limit
// count external now too
// *ecount = numReplies - icount;
// for counting internal links again
int32_t icount2 = 0;
// . only allow 1 vote per ip domain OR mid domain
// . assign weights of -1 to links to ignore (from same ip top domain)
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numReplies ; i++ ) {
// get the reply
Msg20Reply *r = replies[i];
// replies are NULL if MsgE had an error, like ENOTFOUND
if ( ! r ) continue;
// . for setting "outlinks", skip those not in the index
// . this will cause them not to be stored
if ( r->m_docId == 0LL ) {
r->m_linkTextScoreWeight = 0;
// are we internal?
bool internal = ((r->m_ip&0x0000ffff) == (ip & 0x0000ffff));
// . if he's probably a guestbook, message board page or other
// cgi/dynamic page, don't let him vote because he can be
// easily subverted by a clever link spammer
// . this now include any url with the string "link" in it, too
if ( r->m_isLinkSpam && ! internal ) {
r->m_linkTextScoreWeight = spamWeight;
// if we are external
if ( ! internal ) {
r->m_linkTextScoreWeight = 100;
// . allow first 100 internal links, if any, but together
// they cannot count more than one external link can
// . see Links.cpp::hash() for values of "scores"
// . TODO: if he's an rss or atom doc then let him thru
// . only allow first 10 internal linkers to vote
if ( ++icount2 > MAX_INTERNAL_INLINKS ) {
r->m_linkTextScoreWeight = -1; // should this be 0?
int32_t kc = r->m_pageNumInlinks + r->m_siteNumInlinks;
int64_t b2 ;
if ( kc >= 5000 ) b2 = 100;
else if ( kc >= 2500 ) b2 = 95;
else if ( kc >= 1000 ) b2 = 80;
else if ( kc >= 500 ) b2 = 70;
else if ( kc >= 100 ) b2 = 60;
else if ( kc >= 50 ) b2 = 50;
else if ( kc >= 10 ) b2 = 40;
else b2 = 10;
r->m_linkTextScoreWeight = b2 / icount;
// sum up all weights into "total"
//int32_t total = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numReplies ; i++ ) {
// get the reply
Msg20Reply *r = replies[i];
// replies are NULL if MsgE had an error, like ENOTFOUND
if ( ! r ) continue;
// skip links from the same 2 byte ip as another link
//if ( r->m_linkTextScoreWeight <= 0 ) continue;
// ignore if spam
if ( onlyNeedGoodInlinks && r->m_isLinkSpam ) continue;
// add up weights
//total += r->m_linkTextScoreWeight;
char *txt = r->ptr_linkText;
int32_t txtLen = r->size_linkText;
if ( txtLen > 0 ) txtLen--;
// this can be empty if we just had an item
if ( ! txt || txtLen <= 0 ) continue;
// otherwise, hash each word with weight of 1
//words.set ( false , txt , txtLen );
words.set ( txt, txtLen,TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION,true, true );
// get # of words
int32_t nw = words.getNumWords();
// loop over each on in this link text
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < nw; k++ ) {
// don't count punct
if ( words.isPunct(k) ) continue;
// get the word Id of the ith word
int64_t wid = words.getWordId(k);
// does it match a word in this same link text?
int32_t j;
for ( j = 0 ; j < k ; j++ ) {
// don't consider the wordId of punct "words"
// because it is a bogus value that may
// ultimately cause us to segfault below
if ( words.isPunct (j) ) continue ;
if ( words.getWordId(j) == wid ) break;
// if it does then skip it
if ( j < k ) continue;
// otherwise, hash it so we can count word occurences
if ( ! tt.addTerm ( &wid , 1 ) ) {
log("build: Failed to add word to table.");
return NULL;
// always return >= 0, -1 means error
//if ( total < 0 ) total = 0;
// at least .3% of the good linkers need to have the word so when
// if numReplies is 1000, minCount is 3, if it is 100, this is .3
uint32_t minCount = (3 * ((int32_t)numReplies)) / 1000;
// and at least 3 docs need to have the word...
if ( minCount < 3 ) minCount = 3;
// and if 7 have it you are always golden
if ( minCount > 7 ) minCount = 7;
int32_t nn = numReplies;
// skip this part if table empty
if ( tt.getNumSlotsUsed() <= 0 ) nn = 0;
// set the m_isAnomaly bits
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++ ) {
// get the reply
Msg20Reply *r = replies[i];
// replies are NULL if MsgE had an error, like ENOTFOUND
if ( ! r ) continue;
// skip weights 0 or less
if ( r->m_linkTextScoreWeight <= 0 ) continue;
if ( onlyNeedGoodInlinks && r->m_isLinkSpam ) continue;
// point to link text itself
char *txt = r->ptr_linkText;
int32_t txtLen = r->size_linkText;
if ( txtLen > 0 ) txtLen--;
// this can be empty if we just had an item
if ( ! txt || txtLen <= 0 ) continue;
// reset it now to prevent core
// set the words class again from this link text
words.set ( txt , txtLen,
true, true );
// get # of words in this link text
int32_t nw = words.getNumWords();
// loop over each word
int32_t k ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < nw; k++ ) {
// don't count punct
if ( words.isPunct(k) ) continue;
// do not count stop words (uncapitalized)
if ( words.isStopWord(k) ) continue;
// get the word Id of the ith word
int64_t wid = words.getWordId(k);
// filter out this LinkText if has an anomalous word
if ( tt.getScore ( &wid ) < minCount )
// continue if not anomalous
if ( k == nw ) continue;
// remove this weight from the total
total -= r->m_linkTextScoreWeight;
// set the anomaly bit
r->m_isAnomaly = true;
// always return >= 0, -1 means error
if ( total < 0 ) total = 0;
// we can estimate our quality here
int32_t numGoodInlinks = 0;
// set m_linkTextNumWords
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numReplies ; i++ ) {
// get the reply
Msg20Reply *r = replies[i];
// replies are NULL if MsgE had an error, like ENOTFOUND
if ( ! r ) continue;
// get the weight
//int32_t w = r->m_linkTextScoreWeight;
// skip weights 0 or less
//if ( w <= 0 ) continue;
// get the link text itself
char *txt = r->ptr_linkText;
int32_t txtLen = r->size_linkText;
// discount terminating \0
if ( txtLen > 0 ) txtLen--;
// get approx # of words in link text
int32_t nw = 0;
if ( txtLen > 0 )
nw = getNumWords(txt,txtLen,TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION);
// store it
r->m_linkTextNumWords = nw;
// linkspam?
if ( r->ptr_note ) {
r->m_isLinkSpam = true;
bool internal = false;
if ((r->m_ip&0x0000ffff) == (ip & 0x0000ffff))
internal = true;
if ((r->m_firstIp&0x0000ffff) == (ip & 0x0000ffff))
internal = true;
// if its internal do not count towards good, but do
// indeed store it!
if ( internal ) continue;
// otherwise count as good
int32_t count = 0;
// . now just store the Inlinks whose weights are > 0
// . how much space do we need?
int32_t need = 0;
// how much space do we need?
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numReplies ; i++ ) {
// get the reply
Msg20Reply *r = replies[i];
// replies are NULL if MsgE had an error, like ENOTFOUND
if ( ! r ) continue;
// ignore if spam
//if ( onlyNeedGoodInlinks && r->m_isLinkSpam ) continue;
if ( r->m_isLinkSpam ) {
// linkdb debug
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo )
log("linkdb: inlink #%"INT32" is link spam: %s",
if ( onlyNeedGoodInlinks )
// do a quick set
Inlink k; k.set ( r );
// get space
need += k.getStoredSize ( );
// count it
// we need space for our header
need += sizeof(LinkInfo);
// alloc the buffer
//char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( need,"LinkInfo");
//if ( ! buf ) return NULL;
if ( ! linkInfoBuf->reserve ( need , "LinkInfo" ) ) return NULL;
// set ourselves to this new buffer
LinkInfo *info = (LinkInfo *)(linkInfoBuf->getBufStart());
// set our header
info->m_version = 0;
info->m_lisize = need;
info->m_lastUpdated = lastUpdateTime;//getTimeGlobal();
// how many Inlinks we stored in info->m_buf[]
info->m_numStoredInlinks = count;
// the gross total of inlinks we got, both internal and external
info->m_totalInlinkingDocIds = msg25->m_numDocIds;
// . only valid if titlerec version >= 119
// . how many unique c blocks link to us?
// . includes your own internal c block
info->m_numUniqueCBlocks = msg25->m_cblocks;
// . only valid if titlerec version >= 119
// . how many unique ips link to us?
// . this count includes internal IPs as well
info->m_numUniqueIps = msg25->m_uniqueIps;
// keep things consistent for the "qatest123" coll
info->m_reserved1 = 0;
info->m_reserved2 = 0;
// how many total GOOD inlinks we got. does not include internal cblock
info->m_numGoodInlinks = numGoodInlinks;
//info->m_siteRootQuality = siteRootQuality; // bye-bye
// these two guys will be 0 if we called Msg25::getSiteInfo()
//info->m_sitePop = sitePop;
//info->m_siteNumInlinks = siteNumInlinks;
// if we do not read all the inlinkers on disk because there are
// more than MAX_LINKRES_IN_TERMLIST inlinkers, then we must
// extrapolate the total # of inlinkers we have. Msg25 does this
// and passes it in to us.
//info->m_numInlinksExtrapolated = extrapolated;
// point to our buf
char *p = info->m_buf;
char *pend = linkInfoBuf->getBufStart() + need;
// count the ones we store that are internal
int32_t icount3 = 0;
// now set each inlink
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numReplies ; i++ ) {
// get the reply
Msg20Reply *r = replies[i];
// replies are NULL if MsgE had an error, like ENOTFOUND
if ( ! r ) continue;
// skip weights 0 or less
//if ( r->m_linkTextScoreWeight <= 0 ) continue;
// ignore if spam
//if ( onlyNeedGoodInlinks && r->m_isLinkSpam ) continue;
if ( r->m_isLinkSpam && onlyNeedGoodInlinks ) continue;
// are we internal?
bool internal = false;
if ( (r->m_ip&0x0000ffff) == (ip & 0x0000ffff) )
internal = true;
if ( (r->m_firstIp&0x0000ffff) == (ip & 0x0000ffff) )
internal = true;
if ( internal ) icount3++;
// set the Inlink
Inlink k;
// store it. our ptrs will reference into the Msg20Reply buf
k.set ( r );
// . this will copy itself into "p"
// . "true" --> makePtrsRefNewBuf
int32_t wrote;
char *s = k.serialize ( &wrote , p , pend - p , true );
// sanity check
if ( s != p ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( k.getStoredSize() != wrote ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// note it if recycled
if ( k.m_recycled )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: recycling Inlink %s for linkee "
"%"INT64"", k.getUrl(),linkeeDocId);
// advance
p += wrote;
// . sanity check, should have used up all the buf exactly
// . so we can free the buf with k->getStoredSize() being the allocSize
if ( p != pend ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// how many guys that we stored were internal?
info->m_numInlinksInternal = (char)icount3;
linkInfoBuf->setLength ( need );
// sanity parse it
//int32_t ss = 0;
//for ( Inlink *k =NULL; (k=info->getNextInlink(k)) ; )
// ss += k->getStoredSize();
//if ( info->m_buf + ss != pend ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// success
return info;
static Inlink *s_orig;
static Inlink s_inlink;
// if we are an old version, we have to set s_inlink and return
// a ptr to that
Inlink *LinkInfo::getNextInlink ( Inlink *k ) {
// switch back
if ( k == &s_inlink ) k = s_orig;
// get it as the latest versioned inlink
Inlink *p = getNextInlink2 ( k );
// if none, we are done
if ( ! p ) return p;
// sanity checks
//if(p->m_numStrings==0&& p->m_firstStrPtrOffset){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
//if(p->m_numStrings&& p->m_firstStrPtrOffset==0){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// fix this for the really old guy. we did not store these two
// things initially, but they should have been set to this...
// luckily, we had a "reserved1" int32_t...
// if ( p->m_numStrings == 0 ) {
// // urlBuf,linkText,surroudingText,rssItem
// p->m_numStrings = 4;
// p->m_firstStrPtrOffset = 64;
// }
// MDW: now we just use offsets for 64bit conversion so no ptrs...
// if latest, return that
//if ( p->m_numStrings == p->getBaseNumStrings() &&
// p->m_firstStrPtrOffset == (char *)&p->off_urlBuf - (char *)p ) {
// p->updateStringPtrs(NULL);
// return p;
// otherwise, set s_inlink to it
s_inlink.set2 ( (Inlink *)p );
// preserve p though for next call
s_orig = (Inlink *)p;
// and return that
return &s_inlink;
Inlink *LinkInfo::getNextInlink ( Inlink *k ) {
if ( this == NULL ) return NULL;
// if none, return NULL
if ( m_numStoredInlinks == 0 ) return NULL;
// if k is NULL, return the first
if ( ! k ) {
// set it to the first one
k = (Inlink *)m_buf;
// done
return k;
// point to next
int32_t size = k->getStoredSize();
// get the inlink to return
Inlink *next = (Inlink *)((char *)k + size);
// return NULL if breached
int64_t x = (char *)next - (char *)this;
// was that the end of them?
if ( x >= m_lisize ) return NULL;
// otherwise, we are still good
return next;
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . returns true if no error was encountered
// . call xml->isEmpty() to see if you got anything
bool LinkInfo::getItemXml ( Xml *xml , int32_t niceness ) {
// reset it
// loop through the Inlinks
Inlink *k = NULL;
for ( ; (k = getNextInlink(k)) ; ) {
// does it have an xml item? skip if not.
if ( k->size_rssItem <= 1 ) continue;
// got it
// return if nada
if ( ! k ) return true;
// set the xml
return k->setXmlFromRSS ( xml , niceness );
bool Inlink::setXmlFromRSS ( Xml *xml , int32_t niceness ) {
// compute the length (excludes the \0's)
int32_t len = size_rssItem - 1;
// return false and set g_errno if this fails
return xml->set ( getRSSItem(),//ptr_rssItem ,
len ,
false , // own data?
0 , // allocSize
true , // pure xml?
false , // no need to now
niceness ,
// only Title.cpp uses this right now
bool Inlink::setXmlFromLinkText ( Xml *xml ) {
// compute the length (excludes the \0's)
int32_t len = size_linkText - 1;
// bitch
if ( ptr_linkText[len] )
log("linknfo: bad link text, no NULL termination. truncing.");
// if not null terminated make it so!
ptr_linkText[len] = '\0';
// for some reason the link text is not DOUBLE NULL TERMINATED
// . copy into buf to ensure NULL termination
// . older versions were not null terminated or doubly null terminated
// as Xml::set() requires for uni
char buf[1000];
// sanity check
if ( len > 900 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// copy
gbmemcpy ( buf , ptr_linkText , size_linkText );
// ensure null termination
buf [ size_linkText ] = '\0';
buf [ size_linkText + 1 ] = '\0';
// return false and set g_errno if this fails
return xml->set ( csUTF8 ,
ptr_linkText ,
len ,
false , // own data?
0 , // allocSize
true , // pure xml?
false ); // no need to now
// . update them for each Inlink
// . same as calling deserialize()
//void LinkInfo::updateStringPtrs ( ) {
// // loop through the Inlinks and update them
// for ( Inlink *k = NULL; (k = getNextInlink(k)) ; )
// k->updateStringPtrs();
bool LinkInfo::hasLinkText ( ) {
// loop through the Inlinks
for ( Inlink *k = NULL; (k = getNextInlink(k)) ; )
if ( k->size_linkText > 1 ) return true;
return false;
bool LinkInfo::hash ( TermTable *table ,
int32_t externalLinkTextWeight ,
int32_t internalLinkTextWeight ,
//TitleRec *tr ,
int32_t ip ,
int32_t version ,
int32_t siteNumInlinks ,
TermTable *countTable ,
char *note ,
int32_t niceness ) {
int32_t noteLen = 0;
if ( note ) noteLen = gbstrlen ( note );
// count "external" inlinkers
int32_t ecount = 0;
// loop through the link texts and hash them
for ( Inlink *k = NULL; (k = getNextInlink(k)) ; ) {
// is this inlinker internal?
bool internal=((ip&0x0000ffff)==(k->m_ip&0x0000ffff));
// count external inlinks we have for indexing gbmininlinks:
if ( ! internal ) ecount++;
// get score
int64_t baseScore = k->m_baseScore;
// get the weight
int64_t ww ;
if ( internal ) ww = internalLinkTextWeight;
else ww = externalLinkTextWeight;
// modify the baseScore
int64_t final = (baseScore * ww) / 100LL;
// get length of link text
int32_t tlen = k->size_linkText;
if ( tlen > 0 ) tlen--;
// get the text
char *txt = k->ptr_linkText;
// if it is anomalous, set this, we don't
//if ( k->m_isAnomalous )
// table->m_hashIffNotUnique = true;
// . hash the link text into the table
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . do NOT hash singletons if they are in a phrase already!
// this way "yahoo groups" won't come up for a "yahoo" query
// and "new york times" won't come up for a "york" query
// . actually, this may backfire on us, so i reverted back!
// . we still have the score punish from # of words though!
if ( ! table->hash ( version ,
note ,
noteLen ,
0 ,
txt ,
tlen ,
final , // modified score
0x7fffffff , // maxScore
true , // doSpamDetection?
true , // hashSingleWords? ok.
true , // hashPhrases?
false , // hashAsWhole?
false , // useStems?
true , // useStopWords?
false , // hashIffUnique?
false , // hashWordIffNotInPhrase
// FIXME: need normaliztion Info (partap)
4 , // mp
NULL , // wwptr ,
NULL , // pptr ,
NULL , // bptr ,
NULL , // wgptr ,
true , // isLinkText?
countTable ,
NULL , // scoresPtr
20 , // numRepeatWords
niceness ))
return false;
// turn this back off in case enabled
//table->m_hashIffNotUnique = false;
if( !hasLinkText ) continue;
if ( ! table->hash ( titleRecVersion ,
"hash incoming link text for this field" ,
0 , // prefixLen1
field , // "linktextincoming:"
gbstrlen(field), // length of field
txt ,
txtLen ,
docQuality ,
true , // doSpamDetection?
true , // hashSingleWords? ok.
true , // hashPhrases?
false , // hashAsWhole?
false , // useStems?
true , // useStopWords?
false , // hashIffUnique?
false , // hashWordIffNotInPhrase
return false;
// . hash gbkeyword:numinlinks where score is # of inlinks from 1-255
// . do not hash gbkeyword:numinlinks if we don't got any
if ( ecount <= 0 ) return true;
// limit it since our score can't be more than 255 (8-bits)
if ( ecount > 255 ) ecount = 255;
// IndexList::set() converts our 32 bit score to 8-bits so we trick it!
int32_t score = score8to32 ( (uint8_t)ecount );
// watch out for wrap
if ( score < 0 ) score = 0x7fffffff;
if ( ! table->hash ( version ,
"hash numinlinks" ,
15 ,
"gbkeyword" ,
9 ,
"numinlinks" ,
10 ,
score ,
false , // doSpamDetection?
true , // hashSingleWords? ok.
false , // hashPhrases?
false , // hashAsWhole?
false , // useStems?
false , // useStopWords?
false , // hashIffUnique?
false )) // hashWordIffNotInPhrase
return false;
return true;
int64_t getBoostFromLinkeeQuality ( char docQuality ) {
// hard code this
float fboost = 1.0;
float myQuality = (float)docQuality;
// do it different over 50, that is very nice quality...
while ( myQuality >= 50.0 ) {
fboost *= 1.10;
// . every 14 pts over 30 doubles our boost
// . 44 --> x2
// . 58 --> x4
// . 72 --> x8
// . 86 --> x16
// . 100 --> x32
while ( myQuality >= 30.0 ) {
//myQuality *= 0.9;
fboost *= 1.05;
// assign
return (int64_t )(fboost * 100.0);
void Inlink::set ( Msg20Reply *r ) {
// . these two things are used for version-based deserializing
// . our current version has 5 strings
//m_numStrings = getBaseNumStrings();
// and our current string offset
//m_firstStrPtrOffset = (char *)getFirstOffPtr() - (char *)this;
// set ourselves now
m_ip = r->m_ip;
m_firstIp = r->m_firstIp;
m_wordPosStart = r->m_wordPosStart;
m_docId = r->m_docId;
m_firstSpidered = r->m_firstSpidered;
m_lastSpidered = r->m_lastSpidered;
//m_nextSpiderDate = r->m_nextSpiderTime;
m_datedbDate = r->m_datedbDate;
m_firstIndexedDate = r->m_firstIndexedDate;
m_numOutlinks = r->m_numOutlinks;
//m_baseScore = r->m_linkTextBaseScore;
//m_pagePop = r->m_pagePop;
//m_sitePop = r->m_sitePop;
//m_siteNumInlinks = r->m_siteNumInlinks;
//m_reserved1 = 0;
m_isPermalink = r->m_isPermalink;
m_outlinkInContent = r->m_outlinkInContent;
m_outlinkInComment = r->m_outlinkInComment;
m_isLinkSpam = r->m_isLinkSpam;
//m_isAnomaly = r->m_isAnomaly;
m_hasAllQueryTerms = r->m_hasAllQueryTerms;
m_recycled = r->m_recycled;
// usually the datedb date is a publication date, but it can also
// be a "modified" date. when the document was last modified. That
// is indicated by the last bit of the datedb date. it is clear if it
// is a Modified date, and it is set if it is a Publish date.
//m_datedbModified = r->m_datedbModified;
m_country = r->m_country;
m_language = r->m_language;
//m_docQuality = r->m_docQuality;
m_siteRank = r->m_siteRank;
//m_ruleset = r->m_ruleset;
m_hopcount = r->m_hopcount;
//m_linkTextScoreWeight = r->m_linkTextScoreWeight;
// MDW: use a new way. construct m_buf. 64-bit stuff.
int32_t poff = 0;
char *p = m_buf;
int32_t need =
r->size_ubuf +
r->size_linkText +
r->size_surroundingText +
r->size_rssItem +
r->size_categories +
r->size_gigabitQuery +
char *pend = p + need;
// -10 to add \0's for remaining guys in case of breach
pend -= 10;
size_urlBuf = r->size_ubuf;
size_linkText = r->size_linkText;
size_surroundingText = r->size_surroundingText;
size_rssItem = r->size_rssItem;
size_categories = r->size_categories;
size_gigabitQuery = r->size_gigabitQuery;
size_templateVector = r->size_templateVector;
off_urlBuf = poff;
gbmemcpy ( p , r->ptr_ubuf , size_urlBuf );
poff += size_urlBuf;
p += size_urlBuf;
off_linkText = poff;
gbmemcpy ( p , r->ptr_linkText , size_linkText );
poff += size_linkText;
p += size_linkText;
off_surroundingText = poff;
if ( p + r->size_surroundingText < pend ) {
gbmemcpy (p,r->ptr_surroundingText , size_surroundingText );
else {
size_surroundingText = 1;
*p = '\0';
poff += size_surroundingText;
p += size_surroundingText;
off_rssItem = poff;
if ( p + r->size_rssItem < pend ) {
gbmemcpy ( p , r->ptr_rssItem , size_rssItem );
else {
size_rssItem = 1;
*p = '\0';
poff += size_rssItem;
p += size_rssItem;
off_categories = poff;
if ( p + r->size_categories < pend ) {
gbmemcpy ( p , r->ptr_categories , size_categories );
else {
size_categories = 1;
*p = '\0';
poff += size_categories;
p += size_categories;
off_gigabitQuery = poff;
if ( p + r->size_gigabitQuery < pend ) {
gbmemcpy ( p , r->ptr_gigabitQuery , size_gigabitQuery );
else {
size_gigabitQuery = 1;
*p = '\0';
poff += size_gigabitQuery;
p += size_gigabitQuery;
off_templateVector = poff;
if ( p + r->size_templateVector < pend ) {
gbmemcpy (p , r->ptr_templateVector , size_templateVector );
else {
size_templateVector = 1;
*p = '\0';
poff += size_templateVector;
p += size_templateVector;
MDW: take this out for 64 bit offset-only conversion
ptr_urlBuf = r->ptr_ubuf;
ptr_linkText = r->ptr_linkText;
ptr_surroundingText = r->ptr_surroundingText;
ptr_rssItem = r->ptr_rssItem;
ptr_categories = r->ptr_categories;
ptr_gigabitQuery = r->ptr_gigabitQuery;
ptr_templateVector = r->ptr_templateVector;
// Msg25 calls this to make a "fake" msg20 reply for recycling Inlinks
// that are no longer there... preserves rssInfo, etc.
void Inlink::setMsg20Reply ( Msg20Reply *r ) {
r->m_ip = m_ip;
r->m_firstIp = m_firstIp;
r->m_wordPosStart = m_wordPosStart;
r->m_docId = m_docId;
r->m_firstSpidered = m_firstSpidered;
r->m_lastSpidered = m_lastSpidered;
//r->m_nextSpiderTime = m_nextSpiderDate;
r->m_datedbDate = m_datedbDate;
r->m_firstIndexedDate = m_firstIndexedDate;
r->m_numOutlinks = m_numOutlinks;
//r->m_linkTextBaseScore = m_baseScore;
//r->m_pagePop = m_pagePop;
//r->m_sitePop = m_sitePop;
//r->m_siteNumInlinks = m_siteNumInlinks;
r->m_isPermalink = m_isPermalink;
r->m_outlinkInContent = m_outlinkInContent;
r->m_outlinkInComment = m_outlinkInComment;
r->m_isLinkSpam = m_isLinkSpam;
//r->m_isAnomaly = m_isAnomaly;
r->m_hasAllQueryTerms = m_hasAllQueryTerms;
r->m_country = m_country;
r->m_language = m_language;
//r->m_docQuality = m_docQuality;
r->m_siteRank = m_siteRank;
//r->m_ruleset = m_ruleset;
r->m_hopcount = m_hopcount;
//r->m_linkTextScoreWeight = m_linkTextScoreWeight;
r->ptr_ubuf = getUrl();//ptr_urlBuf;
r->ptr_linkText = getLinkText();//ptr_linkText;
r->ptr_surroundingText = getSurroundingText();//ptr_surroundingText;
r->ptr_rssItem = getRSSItem();//ptr_rssItem;
r->ptr_categories = getCategories();//ptr_categories;
r->ptr_gigabitQuery = getGigabitQuery();//ptr_gigabitQuery;
r->ptr_templateVector = getTemplateVector();//ptr_templateVector;
r->size_ubuf = size_urlBuf;
r->size_linkText = size_linkText;
r->size_surroundingText = size_surroundingText;
r->size_rssItem = size_rssItem;
r->size_categories = size_categories;
r->size_gigabitQuery = size_gigabitQuery;
r->size_templateVector = size_templateVector;
// convert offsets back into ptrs
// MDW: no, now they are always offsets since we are 64bits
// this was kinda like Inlink::deserialize()
int32_t Inlink::updateStringPtrs ( char *buf ) {
// point to our string buffer
char *p = buf;
// use our buf if none supplied
if ( ! p ) p = getStringBuf(); // m_buf;
// then store the strings!
int32_t *sizePtr = getFirstSizeParm(); // &size_qbuf;
int32_t *sizeEnd = getLastSizeParm (); // &size_displayMetas;
char **strPtr = getFirstStrPtr (); // &ptr_qbuf;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; ) {
// convert the offset to a ptr
*strPtr = p;
// make it NULL if size is 0 though
if ( *sizePtr == 0 ) *strPtr = NULL;
// sanity check
if ( *sizePtr < 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx =0; }
// advance our destination ptr
p += *sizePtr;
// advance both ptrs to next string
// return how many bytes we processed
return getBaseSize() + (p - getStringBuf());
void Inlink::reset ( ) {
// clear ourselves out
memset ( (char *)this,0,sizeof(Inlink) - MAXINLINKSTRINGBUFSIZE);
// . set a new Inlink from an older versioned Inlink
// . this is how we handle versioning
void Inlink::set2 ( Inlink *old ) {
// clear ouselves
// copy what is legit to us
//int fullSize = sizeof(Inlink);
// add in the sizes of all strings
//int32_t *sizePtr = getFirstSizeParm(); // &size_qbuf;
//int32_t *sizeEnd = getLastSizeParm (); // &size_displayMetas;
//for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; sizePtr++ )
// fullSize += *sizePtr;
int fullSize = old->getStoredSize();
// return how many bytes we processed
gbmemcpy ( (char *)this , (char *)old , fullSize );
// this old way is pre-64bit
gbmemcpy ( (char *)this , (char *)old , old->m_firstStrPtrOffset );
// set our offset to the string ptrs
m_firstStrPtrOffset = (char *)&ptr_urlBuf - (char *)this;
// and our base
m_numStrings = getBaseNumStrings();
// now copy over string ptrs
char *dst = (char *)this + m_firstStrPtrOffset;
char *src = (char *)old + old->m_firstStrPtrOffset;
gbmemcpy ( dst , src , old->m_numStrings * 4 );
// and the sizes
dst += 4 * m_numStrings ;
src += 4 * old->m_numStrings ;
gbmemcpy ( dst , src , old->m_numStrings * 4 );
// sanity tests. make sure they match up
//if ( old->ptr_urlBuf != ptr_urlBuf ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//if ( old->ptr_rssItem != ptr_rssItem ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// point to the old buf now, OldInlink::m_buf[]
src += 4 * old->m_numStrings ;
// update our string ptrs to reference into "old's" m_buf[]
updateStringPtrs ( src );
// log it
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: setting new Inlink from old.");
// we can't do this sanity check because we cast "old" as an Inlink
// whereas before it was an older version of "Inlink"
//if ( old->size_urlBuf != size_urlBuf ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
int32_t Inlink::getStoredSize ( ) {
//int32_t size = (int32_t)sizeof(Msg);
//int32_t size = getBaseSize();
int32_t size = sizeof(Inlink) - MAXINLINKSTRINGBUFSIZE;
size += size_urlBuf;
size += size_linkText;
size += size_surroundingText;
size += size_rssItem;
size += size_categories;
size += size_gigabitQuery;
size += size_templateVector;
return size;
// add in string offsets AND size, 4 bytes each
//size += 8 * m_numStrings;
// start of first offset
// int32_t *sizePtr = &size_urlBuf;
// int32_t *sizeEnd = (int32_t *)((char *)this + sizeof(Inlink));
// add up string buffer sizes
//int32_t *sizePtr = getFirstSizeParm(); // &size_qbuf;
//int32_t *sizeEnd = getLastSizeParm (); // &size_displayMetas;
//int32_t *sizePtr =
// (int32_t *)((char *)this + m_firstStrPtrOffset+4*m_numStrings);
//int32_t *sizeEnd = sizePtr + m_numStrings;
// . return ptr to the buffer we serialize into
// . return NULL and set g_errno on error
char *Inlink::serialize ( int32_t *retSize ,
char *userBuf ,
int32_t userBufSize ,
bool makePtrsRefNewBuf ) {
// make a buffer to serialize into
char *buf = NULL;
int32_t need = getStoredSize();
// big enough?
if ( need <= userBufSize ) buf = userBuf;
// alloc if we should
if ( ! buf ) buf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "Ra" );
// bail on error, g_errno should be set
if ( ! buf ) return NULL;
// set how many bytes we will serialize into
*retSize = need;
// copy the easy stuff
char *p = buf;
char *pend = buf + need;
gbmemcpy ( p , (char *)this , need );
p += need;
if ( p != pend ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// int32_t *sizePtr = getFirstSizeParm(); // &size_qbuf;
// int32_t *sizeEnd = getLastSizeParm (); // &size_displayMetas;
// int32_t *offPtr = getFirstOffPtr (); // &ptr_qbuf;
// for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; ) {
// if ( p > pend ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// // if we are NULL, we are a "bookmark", so
// // we alloc'd space for it, but don't copy into
// // the space until after this call toe serialize()
// // MDW: we can't use NULL now because we are offsets and 0 is
// // legit. because of the 64bit conversion.
// // well if empty, *sizePtr will be 0... so we don't need this.
// //if ( *offPtr == -1 ) goto skip;
// // sanity check -- cannot copy onto ourselves
// if ( p > m_buf+*offPtr && p < m_buf+*offPtr + *sizePtr ) {
// char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// // copy the string into the buffer
// gbmemcpy ( p , m_buf + *offPtr , *sizePtr );
// //skip:
// // . make it point into the buffer now
// // . MDW: why? that is causing problems for the re-call in
// // Msg3a, it calls this twice with the same "m_r"
// // . MDW: took out for 64bit
// //if ( makePtrsRefNewBuf ) *offPtr = (p-buf);
// // advance our destination ptr
// p += *sizePtr;
// // advance both ptrs to next string
// sizePtr++;
// offPtr++;
// }
return buf;
// used by PageTitledb.cpp
bool LinkInfo::print ( SafeBuf *sb , char *coll ) {
//char buf [1024];
//char buf2[1024];
//char buf3[MAX_RSSITEM_SIZE]; // 30000?
//char buf4[1024];
int32_t count = 1;
// loop through the link texts
for ( Inlink *k = NULL; (k = getNextInlink(k)) ; count++ ) {
char *s = k->getLinkText();//ptr_linkText;
int32_t slen = k->size_linkText - 1;
char *d = k->getSurroundingText();//ptr_surroundingText;
int32_t dlen = k->size_surroundingText - 1;
char *r = k->getRSSItem();//ptr_rssItem;
int32_t rlen = k->size_rssItem - 1;
char *g = k->getGigabitQuery();//ptr_gigabitQuery;
int32_t glen = k->size_gigabitQuery - 1;
char *c = k->getCategories();//ptr_categories;
int32_t clen = k->size_categories - 1;
if ( slen < 0 ) slen = 0;
if ( dlen < 0 ) dlen = 0;
if ( rlen < 0 ) rlen = 0;
if ( glen < 0 ) glen = 0;
if ( clen < 0 ) clen = 0;
if ( ! c || clen <= 0 ) c = "";
// encode the rss item further
char buf3b[MAX_RSSITEM_SIZE*2];
buf3b[0] = 0;
if ( rlen > 0 )
htmlEncode ( buf3b ,
buf3b + MAX_RSSITEM_SIZE*2 ,
r , // buf3 ,
r + rlen , // buf3 + gbstrlen(buf3) ,
true );
// . print link text and score into table
// . there is a ton more info in Inlink class to print if
// you want to throw it in here...
"<tr><td colspan=2>link #%04"INT32" "
//"baseScore=%010"INT32", "
"d=<a href=\"/admin/titledb?c=%s&"
"d=%"INT64"\">%016"INT64"</a>, "
"siterank=%"INT32", "
"hopcount=%03"INT32" "
"outlinks=%05"INT32", "
"ip=%s "
//"pagepop=%"INT32" "
//"sitepop=%"INT32" "
"numLinksToSite=%"INT32" "
//"anomaly=%"INT32" "
"<b>url</b>=\"%s\" "
"%s\" "
"<b>neigh=</b>\"%s\" "
"<b>rssItem</b>=\"%s\" "
"<b>gigabits</b>=\"%s\" "
"<b>categories</b>=\"%s\" "
//"<b>templateVec=\"</b>%s\" "
count ,
//(int32_t)k->m_baseScore ,
coll ,
(int32_t)k->m_numOutlinks ,
k->getUrl(),//ptr_urlBuf, // the linker url
s, // buf,
d, // buf2,
g, // buf4,
return true;
//int32_t getNumLinksToSite ( int32_t q ) {
// if ( q <= 20 ) return 0; return (1 << ((q - 20)/5)); };
//int32_t getSitePop ( int32_t q ) { return getNumLinksToSite ( q ) * 5; };
// . total pop of all the inlinkers to the page
// . assume 20 times less than site pop
//int32_t getPagePop ( int32_t q ) { return getSitePop ( q ) / 20; }
int32_t LinkInfo::computePagePop ( Url *u , char *coll ) {
// get our site hiash. use domain for now
int32_t dh = u->getDomainHash32 ( );
// store pagepop into "sum"
int32_t sum = 0;
for ( Inlink *k=NULL;(k=getNextInlink(k));) {
// get the url
Url u2; u2.set ( k->ptr_urlBuf , k->size_urlBuf - 1);
// get the site hash
int32_t dh2 = u2.getDomainHash32 ( );
// skip if it is from our same site
if ( dh2 == dh ) continue;
// one point for having him
// and we inherit his points as well
sum += k->m_pagePop;
return sum;
bool LinkInfo::hasRSSItem() {
for ( Inlink *k=NULL;(k=getNextInlink(k));)
// rss item?
if ( k->size_rssItem > 10 ) return true;
return false;
// . use siteRec to set m_extractRedirects from <extractRedirectsFromLinks>
// . this is used because yahoo has links like:
// . we need yahoo's link: terms to be more precise for our ban/unban algorithm
static int32_t getLinkBufferSize(int32_t numLinks);
m_allocBuf = NULL;
m_allocSize = 0;
m_linkBuf = NULL;
m_allocLinks = 0;
m_spamNote = NULL;
m_numLinks = 0;
m_baseUrl = NULL;
m_numOutlinksAdded = 0;
Links::~Links() {
void Links::reset() {
if (m_allocBuf) mfree(m_allocBuf, m_allocSize, "Links");
m_allocBuf = NULL;
m_allocSize = 0;
if (m_linkBuf) mfree(m_linkBuf, getLinkBufferSize(m_allocLinks),
m_linkBuf = NULL;
m_allocLinks = 0;
m_spamNote = NULL;
m_numLinks = 0;
m_flagged = false;
m_hasRSS = false;
m_isFeedBurner = false;
m_hasSelfPermalink = false;
m_hasRSSOutlink = false;
m_hasSubdirOutlink = false;
m_rssOutlinkPtr = NULL;
bool Links::set ( bool useRelNoFollow ,
Xml *xml , Url *parentUrl , bool setLinkHash ,
//bool useBaseHref ,
// use null for this if you do not want to use it
Url *baseUrl ,
int32_t version ,
int32_t niceness ,
//bool addSiteRootFlags ,
//char *coll ,
bool parentIsPermalink ,
Links *oldLinks ,
bool doQuickSet ,
// some json from diffbot:
SafeBuf *diffbotReply ) {
// always for this to true now since we need them for linkdb
setLinkHash = true;
if ( doQuickSet ) setLinkHash = false;
m_xml = xml;
m_baseUrl = parentUrl;
m_parentUrl = parentUrl;
m_doQuickSet = doQuickSet;
m_parentIsPermalink = parentIsPermalink;
m_baseSite = NULL;
m_baseSiteLen = 0;
// default to domain, not hostname
//if ( m_baseUrl && addSiteRootFlags )
// m_baseSite = m_baseUrl->getSite ( &m_baseSiteLen, coll, false);
//m_addSiteRootFlags = addSiteRootFlags;
//m_coll = coll;
// sanity check
//if ( addSiteRootFlags && ! coll ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_numLinks = 0;
m_numNodes = xml->getNumNodes();
m_bufPtr = NULL;
//m_buf[0] = '\0';
//bool useRelNoFollow = true;
//if ( sx ) useRelNoFollow = sx->getBool ("useRelNoFollow",true);
m_linksToGigablast = false;
m_hasRelNoFollow = false;
// unknow if baseUrl are a permalink or not
//m_isPermalink = -1;
//char utf8Buf[MAX_URL_LEN+1];
//int32_t utf8Len = 0;
// this is not a good thing, don't strip here, but we did it for
// version 51 so we have to keep doing it for version 51. we strip
// the session id in Msg10.cpp in the addUrlLoop().
//if ( version == 51 )
// m_stripIds = true;
m_stripIds = false;
// ok, let's remove it for the links: hashing, it just makes more
// sense this way i think. we can normalize the links: terms in the
// query if you are worried about it.
//if ( version >= 54 ) m_stripIds = true;
m_stripIds = true;
// get the <base href=> tag if any (12)
if ( baseUrl ) m_baseUrl = baseUrl;
// count the dirty links
//m_numDirtyLinks = 0;
// get this from the xml of the siteRec
//m_extractRedirects = sx->getBool ("extractRedirectsFromLinks",false);
//bool gotIt = false;
//for ( int32_t i=0; i < m_numNodes ; i++ ) {
// if ( xml->getNodeId ( i ) != TAG_FBORIGLINK ) continue;
// gotIt = true;
// break;
// get list of links from diffbot json reply
char *p = NULL;
if ( diffbotReply && diffbotReply->length() > 10 )
p = strstr ( diffbotReply->getBufStart() , "\"links\":[\"" );
// skip over the heading stuff
if ( p ) p += 10;
// parse out the links from diffbot reply
for ( ; p ; ) {
// must not be json mark up
if ( ! *p || *p == ']' || *p == '\"' ) break;
// save p
char *start = p;
// get length of the link
for ( ; *p && *p != '\"' ; p++ );
// set end of link
char *end = p;
// add the link
if ( ! addLink ( start , // linkStr
end - start , // linkStrLen
-1, // i
setLinkHash ,
niceness ,
false , // isRSS?
TAG_LINK , // node id -> LF_LINKTAG flag
0 )) // flags
return false;
// now advance to next link if any.
for ( ; *p == '\"' || *p == ',' || is_wspace_a(*p) ; p++ );
// visit each node in the xml tree. a node can be a tag or a non-tag.
char *urlattr = NULL;
for ( int32_t i=0; i < m_numNodes ; i++ ) {
// . continue if this tag ain't an <a href> tag
// . atom feeds have a <link href=""> field in them
int32_t id = xml->getNodeId ( i );
int32_t slen;
char *s ;
// reset
linkflags_t flags = 0;
MDW: now we set m_nodeId properly to TAG_LINK even in
pure xml docs
if ( xml->m_pureXml ) {
// if it's a back tag continue
if ( xml->isBackTag ( i ) ) continue;
// must be a <> tag not innerhtml of tag
if ( xml->m_nodes[i].m_nodeId != TAG_XMLTAG ) continue;
// must be <link> i guess
if ( xml->m_nodes[i].m_tagNameLen != 4 ) continue;
if ( strncmp ( xml->m_nodes[i].m_tagName , "link" , 4))
// pure xml does not have ids like this so force it
id = TAG_LINK;
goto gotOne;
if ( id != TAG_A &&
id != TAG_LINK && // rss feed url
id != TAG_LOC && // sitemap.xml url
id != TAG_AREA &&
id != TAG_WEBLOG &&
id != TAG_URLFROM && // <UrlFrom> for
urlattr = "href";
if ( id == TAG_WEBLOG ) urlattr ="url";
if ( id == TAG_FBORIGLINK ) m_isFeedBurner = true;
// if it's a back tag continue
if ( xml->isBackTag ( i ) ) continue;
// . if it has rel=nofollow then ignore it
// . for old titleRecs we should skip this part so that the
// link: terms are indexed/hashed the same way in XmlDoc.cpp
if ( useRelNoFollow ) s = xml->getString ( i , "rel", &slen ) ;
if ( useRelNoFollow &&
slen==8 && // ASCII
strncasecmp ( s,"nofollow", 8 ) == 0) {
// if this flag is set then::hasSpamLinks() will always
// return false. the site owner is taking the necessary
// precautions to prevent log spam.
m_hasRelNoFollow = true;
// . do not ignore it now, just flag it
// . fandango has its ContactUs with a nofollow!
flags |= LF_NOFOLLOW;
// get the href field of this anchor tag
int32_t linkLen;
char *link = (char *) xml->getString ( i, urlattr, &linkLen );
// does it have the link after the tag?
//int32_t tagId = xml->getNodeId(i);
// skip the block below if we got one in the tag itself
//if ( linkLen ) tagId = 0;
// if no href, but we are a <link> tag then the url may
// follow, like in an rss feed.
if ( linkLen==0 &&
(id == TAG_LINK ||
id == TAG_LOC || // sitemap.xml urls
id == TAG_URLFROM ||
// the the <link> node
char *node = xml->getNode(i);
int32_t nodeLen = xml->getNodeLen(i);
// but must NOT end in "/>" then
if ( node[nodeLen-2] == '/' ) continue;
// expect the url like <link> url </link> then
if ( i+2 >= m_numNodes ) continue;
if ( xml->getNodeId(i+2) != id ) continue;
if ( ! xml->isBackTag(i+2) ) continue;
// ok assume url is next node
link = xml->getNode(i+1);
linkLen = xml->getNodeLen(i+1);
// watch out for CDATA
if ( linkLen > 12 &&
strncasecmp(link, "<![CDATA[", 9) == 0 ) {
link += 9;
linkLen -= 12;
// was it an enclosure?
//if ( linkLen == 0 && xml->getNodeId( i ) == TAG_XMLTAG )
// link = (char *) xml->getString ( i, "url", &linkLen );
// . it doesn't have an "href" field (could be "name" field)
// . "link" may not be NULL if empty, so use linkLen
if ( linkLen == 0 )
// skip spaces in the front (should be utf8 compatible)
while ( linkLen > 0 && is_wspace_a(*link) ) {
// don't add this link if it begins with javascript:
if ( linkLen >= 11 && strncasecmp (link,"javascript:",11) ==0){
// well... a lot of times the provided function has
// the url as an arg to a popup window
int32_t oclen = 0;
char *oc = xml->getString(i,"onclick",&oclen);
// if none, bail
if ( ! oc ) continue;
// set end
char *ocend = oc + oclen - 2;
char *ocurl = NULL;
// scan for "'/" which should indicate the url
for ( ; oc < ocend ; oc++ ) {
if ( *oc !='\'' ) continue;
if ( oc[1]!='/' ) continue;
// set the start
ocurl = oc + 1;
// and stop the scan
// if none, bail
if ( ! ocurl ) continue;
// now find the end of the url
char *ocurlend = ocurl + 1;
for ( ; ocurlend < ocend ; ocurlend++ )
if ( *ocurlend == '\'' ) break;
// assign it now
link = ocurl;
linkLen = ocurlend - ocurl;
// and continue
if ( linkLen == 0 )
// it's a page-relative link
if ( link[0]=='#' ) continue;
// ignore mailto: links
if ( linkLen >= 7 && strncasecmp( link , "mailto:" , 7 ) == 0 )
// make sure not too many links already
//if ( version < 72 && m_numLinks >= MAX_LINKS ) break;
// if we have a sequence of alnum chars (or hpyhens) followed
// by a ':' then that is a protocol. we only support http and
// https protocols right now. let "p" point to the ':'.
char *p = link;
int32_t pmaxLen = linkLen;
if ( pmaxLen > 20 ) pmaxLen = 20;
char *pend = link + pmaxLen;
while ( p < pend && (is_alnum_a(*p) || *p=='-') ) p++;
// is the protocol, if it exists, a valid one like http or
// https? if not, ignore it. we only support FQDNs
// (fully qualified domain names) here really. so if you
// have something like mylocalhostname:8000/ it is not going
// to work anymore. you would need "use /etc/hosts" enabled
// for that to work, too.
bool proto = true;
if ( p < pend && *p == ':' ) { // && version >= 62 ) {
proto = false;
int32_t plen = p - link;
if ( plen == 4 && strncasecmp(link,"http" ,plen) == 0 )
proto = true;
if ( plen == 5 && strncasecmp(link,"https",plen) == 0 )
proto = true;
// skip if proto invalid like callto:+4355645998 or
if ( ! proto ) continue;
// add it
char ptmp [ MAX_URL_LEN + 1 + 1 ];
// keep an underpad of 1 byte in case we need to prepend a /
char *tmp = ptmp + 1;
if ( linkLen > MAX_URL_LEN ) {
// only log this once just so people know, don't spam
// the log with it.
static bool s_flag = 1;
if ( s_flag ) {
s_flag = 0;
log(LOG_INFO, "build: Link len %"INT32" is longer "
"than max of %"INT32". Link will not "
"be added to spider queue or "
"indexed for link: search.",
// see if the <link> tag has a "type" file
bool isRSS = false;
int32_t typeLen;
char *type =(char *)xml->getString(i, "type", &typeLen );
// . MDW: imported from Xml.cpp:
// . check for valid type:
// type="application/atom+xml" (atom)
// type="application/rss+xml" (RSS 1.0/2.0)
// type="application/rdf+xml" (RDF)
// type="text/xml" (RSS .92) support?
// compare
if ( type ) {
if (strncasecmp(type,"application/atom+xml",20)==0)
if (strncasecmp(type,"application/rss+xml" ,19)==0)
// doesn't seem like good rss
//if (strncasecmp(type,"application/rdf+xml" ,19)==0)
// isRSS=true;
if (strncasecmp(type,"text/xml",8)==0)
int32_t relLen = 0;
char *rel = NULL;
// make sure we got rel='alternate' or rel="alternate", etc.
if ( isRSS ) rel = xml->getString(i,"rel",&relLen);
// compare
if ( rel && strncasecmp(rel,"alternate",9) != 0 )
isRSS = false;
// skip if a reply! rss feeds have these links to comments
// and just ignore them for now
if ( rel && strncasecmp(rel,"replies",7)==0 )
// uses edit:
if ( rel && strncasecmp(rel,"edit",4)==0 )
// . if type exists but is not rss/xml, skip it. probably
// javascript, css, etc.
// . NO! i've seen this to be type="text/html"!
//if ( ! isRSS && type ) continue;
// store it
if ( isRSS ) m_hasRSS = true;
// JAB: warning abatement
//unsigned char flags = 0;
//TODO: should we urlEncode here?
// i didn't know this, but links can have encoded html entities
// like &amp; and &gt; etc. in them and we have to decode
// assign the new decoded length.
// this is not compatible with m_doQuickSet because we store
// the "link" ptr into the array of link ptrs, and this uses
// the "tmp" buf.
// nono, need this now otherwise it hits that linkNode<0
// error msg in XmlDoc.cpp. but for Msg13 spider compression
// you might want to do something else then i guess...
//if ( ! m_doQuickSet ) {
linkLen = htmlDecode ( tmp ,
link ,
niceness );
// use tmp buf
link = tmp;
if (!addLink ( link , linkLen , i , setLinkHash ,
version , niceness , isRSS , id , flags ))
return false;
// get the xml node
//XmlNode *node = m_xml->getNodePtr(i);
// set this special member
//node->m_linkNum = m_numLinks - 1;
// set the flag if it is an RSS link
// . flag the links we have that are old (spidered last time)
// . set LF_OLDLINK flag
if ( ! flagOldLinks ( oldLinks ) ) return false;
return true;
// just a NULL-terminated text buffer/file of links to add
bool Links::set ( char *buf , int32_t niceness ) { //char *coll,int32_t niceness ) {
// need "coll" for Url::isSiteRoot(), etc.
//m_coll = coll;
m_parentUrl = NULL;
m_baseUrl = NULL;
m_addSiteRootFlags = false;
m_xml = NULL;
char *p = buf;
while ( *p ) {
// skip spaces
while ( *p && is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// get the length of the link
char *q = p;
while ( *q && ! is_wspace_a(*q) ) q++;
int32_t len = q - p;
// add the link
if ( ! addLink ( p , len , -1 , false ,
TAG_A , 0 ) )
return false;
// advance
p = q;
// assume none are flagged as old, LF_OLDLINK
m_flagged = true;
return true;
bool Links::print ( SafeBuf *sb ) {
"<table cellpadding=3 border=1>\n"
"<td colspan=40>"
// table header row
// find the link point to our url
int32_t i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
char *link = getLinkPtr(i);
int32_t linkLen = getLinkLen(i);
return true;
// . the blogroll must consist of 2 outlinks to two different external blogs
// in order to be a valid blogroll
// . add the all the site root outlinks in the valid blogroll into the
// turk queue so they can be manually reviewed
// . use ruleset "66" to indicate not a blog? that will help us identify
// false blogrolls.
bool Links::queueBlogRoll ( TagRec **tagRecPtrs , int32_t niceness ) {
// sanity check, we must have set Links with this as true!
if ( ! m_addSiteRootFlags ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// do not add blogroll if any of our outlinks are banned
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
// skip if none
if ( ! tagRecPtrs[i] ) continue;
// return if any one outlink is banned
if ( tagRecPtrs[i]->getLong("manualban",0) ) return true;
// how many nodes do we have?
int32_t nn = m_xml->getNumNodes();
// count the link #
int32_t j = 0;
// the loop over the nodes
int32_t i = 0;
// come back up here if the evaluated blogroll was no good
// we record the depth of the first valid blog outlink
// and as soon as another link is at a different depth, we terminate
// that particular blogroll, and break out of the loop to evaluate it
int32_t validDepth = -1;
// start of the blog roll (only one allowed)
int32_t start = -1;
// domain hash of the first valid blog outlink
uint32_t dh = 0;
// saved depth of the section
int32_t sd = -1;
// is it NOT a blog roll
char notBlogRoll = 0;
// count the valid blog outlinks
int32_t count = 0;
// loop over every node
for ( ; i < nn ; i++ ) {
// take a breath
// skip if we are not a link, otherwise, we are link #j
if ( i != m_linkNodes[j] ) continue;
// inc j so we keep our scan in sync
// get the xml node
XmlNode *node = m_xml->getNodePtr(i);
// get the "depth" of this link
int32_t depth = node->m_depth;
// if we had encountered a valid blog outlink, and this
// particular outlink is NOT at the same depth, then assume
// that our blogroll is over... and break out to evaluate it
if ( start >= 0 && depth != validDepth ) {
// if we did not have 2+ valid blog outlinks,
// reset and keep going
if ( count < 2 ) goto loop;
// if we had a blogroll, it's over now. break out
// and nwe can see if it was a valid blogroll.
// skip if not a blog roll cuz we got a non-blog outlink
if ( notBlogRoll ) continue;
// skip if from the same domain as this page is
if ( m_linkFlags[j] & LF_SAMEDOM ) continue;
// skip if not a site root or a root url
if ( ! (m_linkFlags[j] & LF_SITEROOT) ) continue;
// is this outlink a blog?
int32_t b = tagRecPtrs[j]->getLong("blog",-1);
// skip if NOT a blog for sure
if ( b == 0 ) {
// set the flag to indicate not a blogroll
notBlogRoll = 1;
// skip if unknown whether it is a blog
if ( b == -1 ) continue;
// normalize it
Url link; link.set ( m_linkPtrs[j] , m_linkLens[j] );
// get domain
char *dom = link.getDomain ();
int32_t dlen = link.getDomainLen();
// must have domain, a valid TLD, otherwise this is NULL
if ( ! dom || dlen == 0 ) continue;
// . save the spot of the first valid blog outlink
// . save his depth too
if ( start < 0 ) { start = j; sd = depth; }
// get domain hash
uint32_t linkDomHash = hash32 ( dom , dlen );
// if we are NOT the start of a blogroll, make sure we got
// a distinct domain...
if ( linkDomHash == dh ) continue;
// count it as a prospect
// save his depth
//sd = depth;
// store the domain hash, so that we can make sure to get
// to outlinks from two different domains
dh = linkDomHash;
// bail if no valid blog roll found
if ( start < 0 ) return true;
// point to the link right before our valid blog outlink
int32_t k = start - 1;
// backup to find the start of the blogroll, keep depth the same
for ( ; k >= 0 ; k-- ) {
// get link node #
i = m_linkNodes[k];
// get the xml node
XmlNode *node = m_xml->getNodePtr(i);
// back up until depth !=
if ( node->m_depth != sd ) break;
// . now link #k+1 is the first link in the blogroll
// . and link #j-1 is the last link in the blogroll
// TODO: classify as "newsy" if site has a lot of pgs w/ pub dates
// index the outlinks in the blogroll, which are roots of sites
// as gbblogroll:<link> and make sure we don't split it.
for ( int32_t i = k + 1 ; i < j ; i++ ) {
// skip if from the same domain
if ( m_linkFlags[i] & LF_SAMEDOM ) continue;
// it must be the root of a "site" too
if ( ! (m_linkFlags[i] & LF_SITEROOT) ) continue;
// must be unidentified
int32_t rs = tagRecPtrs[i]->getLong("ruleset",-1);
// skip if it is already classified in a ruleset
if ( rs != -1 ) continue;
// the link
char *p = m_linkPtrs[i];
int32_t plen = m_linkLens[i];
// tmp NULL
char c = p[plen]; p[plen] = '\0';
// vote on these tagids
//int32_t tagIds[] = { ST_BLOG , ST_NEWS };
// . add it to turk
// . buzz has mostly blogs and mainstream media news sites
g_turk.addUrl ( p ,
0LL , // docid
NULL , // TagRec
tagIds , // tagIds to test for
2 );
// put it back
p[plen] = c;
// now make the score
//unsigned char score = QUALITY;
// . now hash with our score
// . this should only be called by XmlDoc::hashNoSplit()
//if ( ! link.hashAsLink ( version ,
// table ,
// NULL ,
// 0 ,
// score ,
// false , // internal?
// "gbblogroll:" ,
// indexSiteLinks ) )
// return false;
// success
return true;
// . should this page be considered dirty based on it's dirty links
// . ?we should avoid adding dirty pages to the index?
// . we should not add ANY of links if enough are dirty
// . we should not hash link: terms for dirty pages
//bool Links::isPageDirty ( ) {
// if ( m_numLinks < 5 ) return ( m_numDirtyLinks >= 2 ) ;
// // get percent dirty
// int32_t percent = ( m_numDirtyLinks * 100 ) / m_numLinks ;
// return ( percent >= 10 );
bool Links::addLink ( char *link , int32_t linkLen , int32_t nodeNum ,
bool setLinkHash , int32_t titleRecVersion ,
int32_t niceness , bool isRSS , int32_t tagId ,
int32_t flagsArg ){
// don't add 0 length links
if ( linkLen <= 0 ) return true;
// ensure buf has enough room
// if (titleRecVersion < 72){
// if ( m_bufPtr-m_buf + linkLen + 1 > LINK_BUF_SIZE ){
// return true;
// }
// }
// do we need to alloc more link space?
if (m_numLinks >= m_allocLinks) {
int32_t newAllocLinks;
// older titlerecs can't hold more than 10000 links
//if(titleRecVersion<72 && m_allocLinks >= 10000) return true;
if (!m_allocLinks) newAllocLinks =10000;
else if (m_allocLinks<100000) newAllocLinks =m_allocLinks*2;
else newAllocLinks =m_allocLinks+100000;
// how much mem do we need for newAllocLinks links?
int32_t newAllocSize = getLinkBufferSize(newAllocLinks);
char *newBuf = (char*)mmalloc(newAllocSize, "Links");
if (!newBuf) return false;
// a ptr to it
char *p = newBuf;
// debug msg
log(LOG_DEBUG, "build: resizing Links ptr buffer to %"INT32"",
char **newLinkPtrs = (char**)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(char *) ;
int32_t *newLinkLens = (int32_t*)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(int32_t) ;
int32_t *newLinkNodes = (int32_t*)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(int32_t) ;
uint64_t *newLinkHashes = (uint64_t *)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(uint64_t) ;
uint64_t *newHostHashes = (uint64_t *)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(uint64_t) ;
int32_t *newDomHashes = (int32_t *)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(int32_t);
linkflags_t *newLinkFlags = (linkflags_t *)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(linkflags_t) ;
char **newSpamNotes = (char **)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(char **);
// sanity check -- check for breach
if ( p > newBuf + newAllocSize ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
if (m_linkBuf){
gbmemcpy(newLinkPtrs, m_linkPtrs,
m_numLinks * sizeof(char*));
gbmemcpy(newLinkLens, m_linkLens,
m_numLinks * sizeof(int32_t));
gbmemcpy(newLinkNodes, m_linkNodes,
m_numLinks * sizeof(int32_t));
gbmemcpy(newLinkHashes, m_linkHashes,
m_numLinks * sizeof(uint64_t));
gbmemcpy(newHostHashes, m_hostHashes,
m_numLinks * sizeof(uint64_t));
gbmemcpy(newDomHashes, m_domHashes,
m_numLinks * sizeof(int32_t));
gbmemcpy(newLinkFlags, m_linkFlags,
m_numLinks * sizeof(linkflags_t));
m_numLinks * sizeof(char *));
int32_t oldSize = getLinkBufferSize(m_allocLinks);
mfree(m_linkBuf, oldSize, "Links");
m_allocLinks = newAllocLinks;
m_linkBuf = newBuf;
m_linkPtrs = newLinkPtrs;
m_linkLens = newLinkLens;
m_linkNodes = newLinkNodes;
m_linkHashes = newLinkHashes;
m_hostHashes = newHostHashes;
m_domHashes = newDomHashes;
m_linkFlags = newLinkFlags;
m_spamNotes = newSpamNotes;
// quickset?
if ( m_doQuickSet ) {
m_linkPtrs [ m_numLinks ] = link;
m_linkLens [ m_numLinks ] = linkLen;
m_linkNodes [ m_numLinks ] = nodeNum;
return true;
// normalize the link and prepend base url if needed
Url url;
// if our base url is
// and this link is "user/register/", for instance, we got a link loop.
// the "webmaster" really meant "/user/register" to be the link.
char fix = false;
//if ( titleRecVersion >= 79 && link[0] != '/' ) {
if ( && link[0] != '/' ) {
// temporarily NULL terminate the link
char c = link[linkLen];
link[linkLen] = '\0';
// get the base url path
char *path = m_baseUrl->getPath();
int32_t plen = m_baseUrl->getPathLen();
char *pend = path + plen;
// is this relative path is repeated in the base url?
char *p = strnstr ( path , // haystack
link , // needle
plen ); // haystackSize
//char *p2 = strnstr (
if ( p )
// advance over the needle in the haystack
if ( p )
p += linkLen;
// but if the relative url contains a / it only needs to
// be repeated once
if ( strchr ( link , '/' ) )
fix = true;
// is it repeated again after that? making it twice repeated?
if ( p && ! fix && strnstr ( p , // haystack
link , // needle
pend - p )) // haystackSize
fix = true;
// put the char back
link[linkLen] = c;
char c;
if ( fix ) {
c = *link;
*link = '/';
// . let's force the www (back to the old ways)
// . before i wasn't, but root urls w or w/o the www can be dynamic
// pages that really are the same, but had a different ad or whatever
//url.set ( m_baseUrl , link , linkLen , true/*addWWW?*/, m_stripIds ,
// MDW: let's try turning it off.'s outlinkers are all
// seen as external because we force the 'www' on them here and the
// m_baseUrl does NOT have the 'www'. we now check for "www dups" in
// Msg16.cpp so that should alleviate the issue discussed right above.
//bool addWWW = true;
//if ( titleRecVersion >= 99 ) addWWW = false;
//bool addWWW = false;
//bool addWWW = true;
// we now use everything has is for sites like
bool addWWW = false;
url.set ( m_baseUrl ,
link ,
linkLen ,
addWWW , // addWWW?
m_stripIds ,
// now i strip this thang because the rss
// feeds have a link to every comment but it is
// really the same url...
true , // stripPound?
// convert /index.html to /
// turned this back on per john's request
// will cause undeletable data in existing indexes.
true , // stripCommonFile?
titleRecVersion );// used for removing session ids
// refix the link
//if ( fix ) *link = c;
// sometimes there's links like:
// http://'+ycso[8]+ \n'commentsn?blog_id=... which is within
// <script></script> tags
if ( url.getDomainLen() <= 0 || url.getHostLen() <= 0 ) return true;
// stop http://0x0017.0000000000000000000000000000000000000024521276/
// which somehow make it through without this!!
if ( url.getTLDLen() <= 0 ) return true;
// count dirty links
//if ( url.isDirty() ) m_numDirtyLinks++;
// . a lot of links are redirect to other places
// .*
// . find the asterix before the url to redirect to if we should
// . if we had a known redirect url in the link, set url class to it
// . this makes the link: search work much better
// . that means we can use yahoo to tell us banned/unbanned sites
//char *s ;
//if ( m_extractRedirects && (s=strchr(url.getUrl(),'*')) ) {
// // . this is really just for yahoo, but we could eventually
// // use an aribtrary delimeter in the site file
// // . skip the *http:/
// s += 7;
// char buf[MAX_URL_LEN];
// strcpy ( buf , s );
// int32_t blen = gbstrlen(buf);
// // . this was causing problems!
// // . sometimes yahoo has nothing after the '*'
// if ( blen == 0 ) return;
// // it must start with http:
// url.set ( buf, blen , true, m_stripIds);
// debug TODO: fix a href=\""\ thangs
// if ( url.getUrl()[0] !='h' ) sleep(10);
// ensure buf has enough room
// if (titleRecVersion < 72) {
// if ( m_bufPtr + url.getUrlLen() + 1 >= m_buf+LINK_BUF_SIZE )
// return true;
// }
// this is now set to 0 in XmlNode.cpp
// make sure it is valid
//if ( nodeNum >= 0 )
// // reset this
// m_xml->m_nodes[nodeNum].m_isSelfLink = 0;
// Allocate more link buffer space?
//int32_t bufSize = m_allocSize+LINK_BUF_SIZE;
//int32_t bufSpace = m_allocBuf?m_allocSize - (m_bufPtr-m_allocBuf):0;
int32_t bufSpace ;
if ( m_allocBuf ) bufSpace = m_allocSize - (m_bufPtr-m_allocBuf);
else bufSpace = 0;
// allocate dynamic buffer for lotsa links
if ( url.getUrlLen() + 1 > bufSpace ) {
//if (titleRecVersion < 72 && m_allocSize >= LINK_BUF_SIZE)
// return true;
// grow by 100K
int32_t newAllocSize;// = m_allocSize+LINK_BUF_SIZE;
if ( ! m_allocSize ) newAllocSize = LINK_BUF_SIZE;
else if (m_allocSize < 1024*1024) newAllocSize = m_allocSize*2;
else newAllocSize = m_allocSize + 1024*1024;
// MDW: a realloc would be more efficient here.
char *newBuf = (char*)mmalloc(newAllocSize, "Links");
if ( ! newBuf ) return log("build: Links failed to realloc.");
log(LOG_DEBUG, "build: resizing Links text buffer to %"INT32"",
if ( m_allocBuf ) {
gbmemcpy ( newBuf , m_allocBuf , m_allocSize );
// update pointers to previous buffer
int64_t offset = newBuf - m_allocBuf;
char *allocEnd = m_allocBuf + m_allocSize;
for (int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
if ( m_linkPtrs[i] < m_allocBuf ) continue;
if ( m_linkPtrs[i] >= allocEnd ) continue;
m_linkPtrs[i] += offset;
m_bufPtr += offset;
mfree ( m_allocBuf , m_allocSize , "Links");
else m_bufPtr = newBuf;
m_allocBuf = newBuf;
m_allocSize = newAllocSize;
// . is hostname or
// . must be in the top 100k of link text, too!
int32_t hlen = url.getHostLen();
char *h = url.getHost ();
if ( hlen == 13 && strncmp ( h , "" , 13 ) == 0 )
m_linksToGigablast = true;
if ( hlen == 17 && strncmp ( h , "" , 17 ) == 0 )
m_linksToGigablast = true;
// add some info
m_linkPtrs [ m_numLinks ] = m_bufPtr;
m_linkLens [ m_numLinks ] = url.getUrlLen();
m_linkNodes [ m_numLinks ] = nodeNum;
// serialize the normalized link into the buffer
gbmemcpy ( m_bufPtr , url.getUrl(), url.getUrlLen() );
m_bufPtr += url.getUrlLen();
// and NULL terminate it
*m_bufPtr++ = '\0';
// do permalink detection here
char *d = url.getDomain();
int32_t dlen = url.getDomainLen();
// is the baseurl contained in a link to reddit?
if ( dlen == 10 && m_baseUrl && strncmp ( d , "" ) == 0 ) {
// get the baseurl without the http://
char *bh = m_baseUrl->getHost();
char *cgi = url.getCgi();
// our base url is a permalink then
if ( strstr ( cgi , bh ) ) m_isPermalink = 1;
// otherwise, if it has a link elsewhere it is an index page
//else if ( strstr ( cgi, "diggthis.php?") ) m_isPermalink = 0;
// . set link hash if we need to
// . the Vector class uses these link hashes for determining similarity
// of this document to another for purposes of fightling link spam
// . we essentially compare the linking web pages against one another
// and if we find one that is similar to another we weight it's
// link text down. The more similar the more the penalty. We just
// see what links it has in common with the others for now...
if ( setLinkHash ) {
// sanity
if ( m_doQuickSet ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get url length
int32_t ulen = url.getUrlLen();
// subtract the cgi length
if ( url.isCgi() ) ulen -= 1 + url.getQueryLen();
// store it's hash
m_linkHashes [ m_numLinks ] = url.getUrlHash64();
m_hostHashes [ m_numLinks ] = url.getHostHash64();
m_domHashes [ m_numLinks ] = url.getDomainHash32();
// set the bits in the flags byte
linkflags_t flags = flagsArg; // 0;
// set flag bit #0 if it is an "internal" link -- from same hostname
if ( m_baseUrl && url.getHostLen() == m_baseUrl->getHostLen() &&
flags |= LF_SAMEHOST; //0x01;
flags |= LF_SAMEDOM; //0x02
else if (m_baseUrl &&url.getDomainLen() == m_baseUrl->getDomainLen() &&
url.getDomainLen())==0) {
flags |= LF_SAMEDOM;
// . memoori was adding which redirected
// to and it did not add the
// outlinks because "spider internal links only" was true.
// i.e. Msg16::m_sameHostLinks was true
// . if not same host but domains match, consider it internal
// if hosts only differ by a www. this should fix that.
if ( m_baseUrl->isHostWWW() && !url .hasSubdomain() )
flags |= LF_SAMEHOST;
if ( url. isHostWWW() && !m_baseUrl->hasSubdomain() )
flags |= LF_SAMEHOST;
char *tld = url.getTLD();
int32_t tlen = url.getTLDLen();
if ( tlen == 3 && ! strncmp(tld,"edu",3) ) flags |= LF_EDUTLD;
if ( tlen == 3 && ! strncmp(tld,"gov",3) ) flags |= LF_GOVTLD;
//if ( m_addSiteRootFlags ) {
// char *site = NULL;
// int32_t siteLen = 0;
// // i guess TagRec is NULL here. we really should have
// // the tag recs of all the outlinks at this point
// if ( url.isSiteRoot(m_coll,NULL,&site,&siteLen) )
// flags |= LF_SITEROOT;
// // same site flag?
// if ( site&&siteLen==m_baseSiteLen&&
// strncmp(site,m_baseSite,siteLen)==0)
// flags |= LF_SAMESITE;
// rss?
if ( isRSS ) {
// flag it
flags |= LF_RSS;
// we had one
m_hasRSSOutlink = true;
// store the first one
if ( ! m_rssOutlinkPtr ) {
m_rssOutlinkPtr = m_linkPtrs[m_numLinks];
m_rssOutlinkLen = m_linkLens[m_numLinks];
// logit
//char c = link[linkLen];
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"gb: parent=%s rssoutlink= %s",
// m_parentUrl->m_url,link);
if ( tagId == TAG_A ) flags |= LF_AHREFTAG;
else if ( tagId == TAG_LINK ) flags |= LF_LINKTAG;
else if ( tagId == TAG_FBORIGLINK ) flags |= LF_FBTAG;
// a self link?
if ( m_parentUrl &&
// MUST be a PROPER subset, links to itself do not count!
url.getUrlLen() == m_parentUrl->getUrlLen() &&
strncmp(url.getUrl(), m_parentUrl->getUrl(),
m_parentUrl->getUrlLen())==0) {
flags |= LF_SELFLINK;
// turn this flag on
if ( nodeNum >= 0 ) m_xml->m_nodes[nodeNum].m_isSelfLink = 1;
// now check for the "permalink" key word or "permanent link" keyphrase
// + fp_1765421_garner_jennifer_znk_122808jpg/
// + events-are-boring/
if ( ( flags & LF_SELFLINK ) && ( flags & LF_AHREFTAG ) &&
// must be valid
nodeNum >= 0 ) {
XmlNode *nodes = m_xml->getNodes();
// get back tag
int32_t max = nodeNum + 20;
if ( max > m_xml->getNumNodes() ) max = m_xml->getNumNodes();
int32_t nn = nodeNum + 1;
while ( nn < max && nodes[nn].m_nodeId != TAG_A ) nn++;
if ( nn < max ) {
char *s = nodes[nodeNum].m_node;
char *send = nodes[nn].m_node;
for ( ; s < send ; s++ ) {
if ( *s != 'p' && *s != 'P' ) continue;
if ( ! strncasecmp(s,"permalink",9) )
if ( ! strncasecmp(s,"permanent link",14) )
if ( s < send ) {
m_hasSelfPermalink = true;
// get each url length without the cgi
int32_t len1 = url.getUrlLen() - url.getQueryLen();
int32_t len2 = 0;
if ( m_parentUrl )
len2 = m_parentUrl->getUrlLen() - m_parentUrl->getQueryLen();
// discount the '?' cuz it is not included in the queryLen right now
if ( url.getQueryLen() ) len1--;
if ( m_parentUrl && m_parentUrl->getQueryLen() ) len2--;
// . is it in a subdir of us?
if ( m_parentUrl &&
// MUST be a PROPER subset, links to itself do not count!
len1 > len2 &&
strncmp(url.getUrl(), m_parentUrl->getUrl(),len2)==0) {
flags |= LF_SUBDIR;
m_hasSubdirOutlink = true;
// only has one hyphen but is indeed a permalink!
// href="...ami.php?url=
// la-seconde-guerre-mondiale-cours ... will have its cgi ignored so
// such links as this one will not be considered permalinks
char *pathOverride = NULL;
bool ignoreCgi = false;
if ( (flags & LF_SUBDIR) && m_parentIsPermalink ) {
pathOverride = url.getUrl() + m_parentUrl->getUrlLen();
// must be same host
if ( m_parentUrl->getHostLen() != url.getHostLen() )
pathOverride = NULL;
// same host str check
else if ( strncmp( m_parentUrl->getHost() ,
url.getHost() ,
url.getHostLen()) )
pathOverride = NULL;
// must be in bounds
else if ( url.getUrlLen() <= m_parentUrl->getUrlLen() )
pathOverride = NULL;
// if we are a permalink, ignore cgi for seeing if they are
if ( pathOverride ) ignoreCgi = true;
// if it is a subset of a permalink parent, it is not a "true"
// permalink if it concatenates the word "comment" onto the parent url,
// it is likely a permalink for a comment, which does not really count
bool permCheck = true;
if ( m_doQuickSet ) permCheck = false;
if ( permCheck && ignoreCgi && strstr(pathOverride,"comment") )
permCheck = false;
if ( permCheck && ignoreCgi && strstr(pathOverride,"Comment") )
permCheck = false;
if ( permCheck && ignoreCgi && strstr(pathOverride,"COMMENT") )
permCheck = false;
// . are we probably a permalink?
// . we do not have a TagRec at this point so we just can not
// tell whether we are siteRoot, and therefore NOT a permalink
linkflags_t extraFlags = 0;
if ( permCheck &&
::isPermalink ( //m_coll ,
NULL , // Links ptr
&url , // the url
CT_HTML , // contentType
NULL , // LinkInfo ptr
isRSS ,
NULL , // note ptr
pathOverride ,
ignoreCgi ,
// might include LF_STRONGPERM
&extraFlags ) ) {
flags |= LF_PERMALINK;
flags |= extraFlags;
// set in flag array
m_linkFlags [ m_numLinks ] = flags;
// set to NULL for now -- call setLinkSpam() later...
m_spamNotes [ m_numLinks ] = NULL;
// inc the count
return true;
// . does link #i have link text?
// . link text must have at least one alnum in it
bool Links::hasLinkText ( int32_t n, int32_t version ) {
// return 0 if no link to our "url"
if ( n >= m_numLinks ) return false;
// get the node range so we can call Xml::getText()
int32_t node1 = m_linkNodes [ n ];
// post-dating this change back to version 75, since it happened
// sometime right before this version bump, it allows for
// the least amount of docs to be indexed wrong
// only for <a> tags
if (node1 >= m_xml->getNumNodes()) return false;
if (m_xml->getNodeId(node1) != TAG_A) return false;
// find the </a> to this <a href> tag, or next <a href> tag
int32_t node2 = m_xml->getNodeNum ( node1+1,9999999,"a",1);
// if not found use the last node in the document
if ( node2 < 0 ) node2 = m_xml->getNumNodes();
// check for text node in (node1,node2) range
for ( int32_t i = node1+1 ; i < node2 ; i++ ) {
// continue if a tag
if ( m_xml->isTag(i) ) continue;
// otherwise, it's text
char *s = m_xml->getNode (i);
char *send = s + m_xml->getNodeLen(i);
// . does it have any alnums in it?
// . may be tricked by html entities like #187; or something
for ( ; s < send ; s += getUtf8CharSize(s) )
if ( is_alnum_utf8 ( s ) ) return true;
// otherwise, we found no text node with an alnum
return false;
// . stores link text into "buf" and returns the length
// . TODO: speed up so we don't have to set Url for every link in doc
int32_t Links::getLinkText ( char *linkee ,
bool getSiteLinkInfo ,
char *buf ,
int32_t bufMaxLen ,
//bool filter ,
char **itemPtr ,
int32_t *itemLen ,
int32_t *retNode1 ,
int32_t *retLinkNum ,
int32_t niceness ) {
// assume none
if ( retNode1 ) *retNode1 = -1;
// assume no link text
buf[0] = '\0';
// assume no item
if ( itemPtr ) *itemPtr = NULL;
if ( itemLen ) *itemLen = 0;
// if it is site based, skip the protocol because the site might
// be just a domain and not a subdomain
if ( getSiteLinkInfo ) {
char *pp = strstr ( linkee, "://");
if ( pp ) linkee = pp + 3;
int32_t linkeeLen = gbstrlen(linkee);
// find the link point to our url
int32_t i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
char *link = getLinkPtr(i);
int32_t linkLen = getLinkLen(i);
// now see if its a full match
// special case if site
if ( getSiteLinkInfo ) {
if ( strstr ( link, linkee ) ) break;
// continue if don't match
if ( linkLen != linkeeLen ) continue;
// continue if don't match
if ( strcmp ( link , linkee ) != 0 ) continue;
// otherwise it's a hit
// return 0 if no link to our "url"
if ( i >= m_numLinks ) return 0;
*retLinkNum = i;
return getLinkText2(i,buf,bufMaxLen,itemPtr,itemLen,retNode1,niceness);
int32_t Links::getLinkText2 ( int32_t i ,
char *buf ,
int32_t bufMaxLen ,
//bool filter ,
char **itemPtr ,
int32_t *itemLen ,
int32_t *retNode1 ,
int32_t niceness ) {
// get the node range so we can call Xml::getText()
int32_t node1 = m_linkNodes [ i ];
// . <area href=> tags have no link text
// . fix for 's
// link to . it was picking up bogus link text
// from page tail.
XmlNode *xmlNodes = m_xml->getNodes();
if ( xmlNodes[node1].m_nodeId == TAG_AREA ) return 0;
// what delimeter are we using? this only applies to rss/atom feeds.
//char *del = NULL;
char del[16];
int32_t dlen = 0;
int32_t rss = m_xml->isRSSFeed();
if ( rss == 1 ) {
//del = "item";
gbmemcpy(del, "item\0", 5);
dlen = 4;
else if ( rss == 2 ) {
//del = "entry";
gbmemcpy(del, "entry\0", 6);
dlen = 5;
// if rss or atom page, return the whole xml <item> or <entry>
//if ( itemBuf && del ) {
if ( dlen > 0 ) {
// bail if not wanted
if ( ! itemPtr ) return 0;
//log ( LOG_INFO, "Links: Getting Link Item For Url" );
int32_t xmlNumNodes = m_xml->getNumNodes();
// . must come from a <link> node, not a <a>
// . can also be an <enclosure> tag now too
if ( xmlNodes[node1].m_nodeId == 2 ) goto skipItem;
// get item delimeter length
//int32_t dlen = gbstrlen(del);
// back pedal node until we hit <item> or <entry> tag
int32_t j ;
for ( j = node1 ; j > 0 ; j-- ) {
// skip text nodes
if ( xmlNodes[j].m_nodeId == 0 ) continue;
// check the tag
if(xmlNodes[j].m_tagNameLen != dlen) continue;
// . if j is 0 we never found the <item> or <entry> tag
// because rss and atom feeds never start with such a tag
// . but we could be in the <channel> section, which is ok
// so i commented this out
//if ( j == 0 ) return 0;
// ptr to the start of it
char *s = xmlNodes[j].m_node;
// save this
if ( retNode1 ) *retNode1 = j;
// the end ptr
//char *send = s + xmlNodes[j].m_nodeLen;
char *send = m_xml->getContent() + m_xml->getContentLen();
// . start at the first tag in this element/item
// . we will copy the blurb on the interval [j,k)
for ( int32_t k = j+1 ; k < xmlNumNodes ; k++ ) {
// get the next node in line
XmlNode *nn = &xmlNodes[k];
// . break out if would be too long
// . save room for terminating \0
//if (nn->m_node+nn->m_nodeLen-s > itemBufSize-1)break;
// break out if done
if ( k >= xmlNumNodes ) break;
// skip text nodes
if ( nn->m_nodeId == 0 ) continue;
// skip script sections, inside script tags
if ( nn->m_nodeId == TAG_SCRIPTTEXT ) continue;
if(nn->m_tagNameLen != dlen) continue;
if(strncasecmp(nn->m_tagName,del,dlen)) continue;
//if ( nn->m_tagNameLen != dlen ) continue;
//if ( strncasecmp(nn->m_tagName,del,dlen)) continue;
// we got the end of the item, set "send"
send = nn->m_node + nn->m_nodeLen;
// and we're done, break out
// . if "send" is still NULL then the item/entry blurb was too
// big to fit into our buffer, or it never had a closing tag
// . but if the feed just had a <channel> section and not items
// then use the whole thing
//if ( ! send ) return 0;
// this is a blurb, send it back as such
*itemPtr = s;
*itemLen = send - s;
// rss feeds do not have conventional link text
return 0;
// find the </a> to this <a href> tag, or next <a href> tag
int32_t node2 = m_xml->getNodeNum ( node1+1,9999999,"a",1);
// if not found use the last node in the document
if ( node2 < 0 ) node2 = 99999999;
// get the back tag for node #n0
//int32_t n1 = m_xml->getEndNode ( i );
// now we can call Xml::getText()
int32_t bufLen = m_xml->getText ( buf ,
bufMaxLen ,
node1 , // get kid text of this node
node2 ,
false , // include tags?
true , // visible text only?
//true , // filter? (entities to iso)
false , // filter? (entities to iso)
false , // filter spaces?
false ); // exclude if in <stop index>?
// set it
if ( retNode1 ) *retNode1 = node1;
// hunt for an alnum in the link text
char *p = buf;
char *pend = buf + bufLen;
for ( ; p < pend ; p += getUtf8CharSize(p) ) {
QUICKPOLL ( niceness );
if ( is_alnum_utf8(p) ) break;
// if no alnum then return 0 as the link text len
if ( p >= pend ) return 0;
// find last non-space char
char *q = p;
char *last = NULL;
for ( ; q < pend ; q += getUtf8CharSize(p) ) {
QUICKPOLL ( niceness );
if ( ! is_wspace_utf8(q) ) last = q;
// hack off trailing spaces
if ( last ) pend = last + getUtf8CharSize(last); // +1;
// shift left if we expunged some leading non-alnums
memmove ( buf , p , pend - p );
// reset buflen
bufLen = pend - p;
// null terminate
buf [ bufLen ] = '\0';
// return length
return bufLen;
// find an ascii subtring in linktext for this link and return a pointer
// to it, or NULL if not present
char *Links::linkTextSubstr(int32_t linkNum, char *string, int32_t niceness) {
if (linkNum >= m_numLinks) return NULL;
int32_t nodeNum = getNodeNum(linkNum);
if (nodeNum >= m_xml->getNumNodes()-1) return NULL;
for (int32_t i=nodeNum+1 ; i < m_xml->getNumNodes() ; i++ ) {
XmlNode *node = m_xml->getNodePtr(i);
if (node->getNodeId() == TAG_A) return NULL;
if (node->getNodeId() != TAG_TEXTNODE) continue;
// quickpoll, this is prone to blocking
// maybe handle img alt text here someday, too
char *ptr;
if ((ptr = strncasestr(node->getNode(),
node->getNodeLen(), string)))
return ptr;
return NULL;
// . hash the link: terms
// . ensure that more useful linkers are scored higher
// . useful for computing offsite link text for qdb-ish algorithm
// . NOTE: for now i do not hash links to the same domain in order to
// hopefully save 10%-25% index space
// . NOTE: PLUS, they may clog up the link-adjusted quality ratings since
// different site links with no link text will be ranked behind them
// . the 8-bit bitmap of the score of a link: term:
// . 00ubdcss u = link is Unbanned? b = link isBanned?
// d = link dirty? c = link clean?
// s = 01 if no link text, 10 if link text
// . NOTE: this is used in Msg18.cpp for extraction
// . CAUTION: IndexList::score32to8() will warp our score if its >= 128
// so i moved the bits down
bool Links::hash ( TermTable *table,
Url *url ,
Url *redirUrl ,
int32_t version,
int32_t niceness ,
// can cal Xml::isRSSFeed() on the content to check
// for the special identifying tag to be a feed
bool isRSSFeed ) {
// we mask in some bits to the score sometimes
//unsigned char mask = 0;
// see if our links are all banned or all unbanned via siteRec
// Xml *sx = sr->getXml();
// later, the score can contain a ruleset that should be used to parse
// the document that is linked to, but just support unbanning of
// soft banned sites for now
//if ( sx->getBool("linksUnbanned", false ) ) mask |= 0x20;
// let's phase these guys out, they aren't really used anyway
//if ( version < 21 ) {
// if ( sx->getBool("linksBanned" , false ) ) mask |= 0x10;
// if ( sx->getBool("linksDirty" , false ) ) mask |= 0x08;
// if ( sx->getBool("linksClean" , false ) ) mask |= 0x04;
// decide if we will index sitelink terms
bool indexSiteLinks = false;
if (version >= 71) {
//if (sx->getBool("indexSiteLinks", true)) indexSiteLinks=true;
indexSiteLinks = true;
// see ../url/Url2.cpp for hashAsLink() algorithm
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
// skip links with zero 0 length
if ( m_linkLens[i] == 0 ) continue;
// . skip if we are rss page and this link is an <a href> link
// . we only harvest/index <link> urls from rss feeds
// . or in the case of feedburner, those orig tags
if ( isRSSFeed && (m_linkFlags[i] & LF_AHREFTAG) )
// if we have a <feedburner:origLink> tag, then ignore <link>
// tags and only get the links from the original links
if ( m_isFeedBurner && !(m_linkFlags[i] & LF_FBTAG) )
// normalize the link
Url2 link;
// now we always add "www" to these links so that any link
// to is same as link to, because either
// we index or but not both providing
// their content is identical (deduping). This way whichever
// one we index, we can take advantage of all link text whether
// it's to or
// Every now and then we add new session ids to our list in
// Url.cpp, too, so we have to version that.
link.set ( m_linkPtrs[i] ,
m_linkLens[i] ,
true , // addWWW?
m_stripIds ,
false , // stripPound?
false , // stripCommonFile?
version );// used for new session id stripping
// . the score depends on some factors:
// . NOTE: these are no longer valid! (see score bitmap above)
// . 4 --> if link has different domain AND has link text
// . 3 --> if link has same domain AND has link text
// . 2 --> if link has different domain AND no link text
// . 1 --> if link has sam domain AND no link text
// . is domain the same as ours?
// . NOTE: ideally, using the IP domain would be better, but
// we do not know the ip of the linker right now... so scores
// may be topped with a bunch of same-ip domain links so that
// we may not get as much link text as we'd like, since we
// only sample from one link text per ip domain
// . now we also just use the mid domain! (excludes TLD)
//bool sameMidDomain = false;
bool internal = false;
int32_t mdlen = url->getMidDomainLen();
if ( mdlen == link.getMidDomainLen() &&
//continue; // sameMidDomain = true;
internal = true;
// also check the redir url
if ( redirUrl ) {
mdlen = redirUrl->getMidDomainLen();
if ( mdlen == link.getMidDomainLen() &&
//continue; // sameMidDomain = true;
internal = true;
// select prefix
char *prefix = "link:";
// let's use a different termlist for version 21 and up since
// we include internal links and we do scoring differently.
// once those new termlists get beefed up we can switch over
// to them exclusively.
if ( version >= 21 ) prefix = "links";
// older versions used ilink:
if ( version < 21 && internal ) prefix = "ilink:";
// for now, don't hash same-mid-domain links at all (save disk)
//if ( sameMidDomain ) continue;
// now make the score
unsigned char score ;
// . TODO: consider not hashing link w/o text!
// . otherwise, give it a higher score if it's got link TEXT
bool gotLinkText = hasLinkText ( i, version );
//if ( ! sameMidDomain ) {
// support the old scores for backwards compatibility
if ( version < 21 ) {
if ( gotLinkText ) score = 2; // has link text
else score = 1; // no link text
// otherwise, beginning with version 21, allow internal links,
// but with lower scores
else {
// score
// internal, no link text: 2
// internal, w/ link text: 4
// external, no link text: 6
// external, w/ link text: 8
if ( internal ) {
if ( ! gotLinkText ) score = 0x02;
else score = 0x04;
else {
if ( ! gotLinkText ) score = 0x06;
else score = 0x08;
//else if ( gotLinkText ) score = 3;
// set upper 2 bits to indicate of link is banned/unbanned
//score |= mask;
// now hash with our score
if ( ! link.hashAsLink ( version, table , NULL , 0 , score ,
internal , prefix, indexSiteLinks ) )
return false;
return true;
int32_t Links::findLinkNum(char* url, int32_t urlLen) {
for(int32_t i = 0;i< m_numLinks; i++) {
if(m_linkLens[i] == urlLen &&
strncmp(url, m_linkPtrs[i], urlLen) == 0)
return i;
return -1;
// helper function for shared link ptr buffer
static int32_t getLinkBufferSize(int32_t numLinks){
return numLinks *
(sizeof(char* ) + // linkPtrs
sizeof(int32_t ) + // linkLens
sizeof(int32_t ) + // linkNodes
sizeof(uint64_t ) + // linkHashes
sizeof(uint64_t ) + // hostHashes
sizeof(int32_t ) + // domHashes
sizeof(linkflags_t ) + // linkFlags
sizeof(char* ) // spamNotes
void Links::removeExternalLinks ( ) {
int32_t j = 0;
char *p = m_allocBuf;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
// skip if not internal (by hostname)
if ( ! isInternalHost(i) ) continue;
// copy it over
gbmemcpy ( p , m_linkPtrs[i] , m_linkLens[i] );
// add it back
m_linkPtrs [j] = p;
m_linkLens [j] = m_linkLens [i];
m_linkNodes [j] = m_linkNodes [i];
m_linkHashes[j] = m_linkHashes[i];
m_hostHashes[j] = m_hostHashes[i];
m_linkFlags [j] = m_linkFlags [i];
// skip it
p += m_linkLens[i];
*p++ = '\0';
// inc count of links
// . update m_bufPtr cuz that is what getLinkBufLen() returns!
// . Msg10 uses that to know when to stop adding urls
m_bufPtr = p;
// update count
m_numLinks = j;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Links::flagOldLinks ( Links *old ) {
// do not double call
if ( m_flagged ) return true;
// only call once
m_flagged = true;
// skip if null
if ( ! old ) return true;
// hash the old links into a table
HashTable ht;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < old->m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
// get the url
char *u = old->m_linkPtrs[i];
int32_t ulen = old->m_linkLens[i];
// hash it
int64_t uh = hash32 ( u , ulen );
// it does not like keys of 0, that means empty slot
if ( uh == 0 ) uh = 1;
// add to hash table
if ( ! ht.addKey ( uh , 1 ) ) return false;
// set the flags
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
// get the url
char *u = m_linkPtrs[i];
int32_t ulen = m_linkLens[i];
// get our hash
int64_t uh = hash32 ( u , ulen );
// it does not like keys of 0, that means empty slot
if ( uh == 0 ) uh = 1;
// check if our hash is in this hash table, if not, then
// it is a new link, skip this
if ( ht.getSlot ( uh ) < 0 ) continue;
// assume new
m_linkFlags[i] |= LF_OLDLINK;
return true;
//static char s_isLinkRSS;
//static char s_permalink;
//static int32_t s_age;
// . are we a permalink?
// . this registers as a permalink which it is not:
bool isPermalink ( //char *coll ,
Links *links ,
Url *u ,
char contentType ,
LinkInfo *linkInfo ,
bool isRSS ,
char **note ,
char *pathOverride ,
bool ignoreCgi ,
linkflags_t *retFlags ) {
// reset. caller will OR these into its flags
if ( retFlags ) *retFlags = 0;
// how can this happen?
if ( ! u ) return false;
// rss feeds cannot be permalinks
if ( isRSS ) { if ( note ) *note = "url is rss feed."; return false; }
// root pages don't get to be permalinks
if ( u->isRoot() ) {
if ( note ) *note = "url is a site root"; return false; }
// are we a "site root" i.e. etc.
//if ( u->isSiteRoot ( coll ) ) {
// if ( note ) *note = "url is a site root"; return false; }
// only html (atom feeds link to themselves)
if ( contentType != CT_HTML) {
if ( note ) *note = "content is not html"; return false;}
// techcrunch has links like this in the rss:
if ( strncmp(u->getHost(),"feedproxy.",10)==0 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "from feedproxy host"; return true; }
// might want to get <feedburner:origLink> instead of <link> if
// we can. that woudl save a redirect through evil g
if ( strncmp(u->getHost(),"",22)==0 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "feedburner tilde url"; return true; }
// . BUT if it has a link to itself on digg, reddit, etc. then it
// doesn't need to have the digits or the underscores...
// . this helps us disnguish between
// (permalink) and
// (NOT a permalink)
// . i guess this includes "post a comment" links that are just
// anchor links to the textarea at the page bottom so that will fix:
// . includes trackbacks, comments feed, etc.
// . returns -1 if unknown whether it is a permalink or not
char status = -1;
if ( links ) status = links->isPermalink ( note );
if ( status == 1 ) return true;
if ( status == 0 ) return false;
char *pathStart = u->getPath();
// a hack by Links.cpp after setting LF_SUBDIR
if ( pathOverride ) pathStart = pathOverride;
// compute these
linkflags_t extraFlags = 0;
// we must have a sequence of 3 or more digits in the path
char *p = pathStart;
int32_t plen = u->getPathLen();
char *pend = u->getPath() + plen;
int32_t dcount = 0;
// now we scan the cgi stuff too!!
char *uend = u->getUrl() + u->getUrlLen();
// halt at path if we should
if ( ignoreCgi ) uend -= u->getQueryLen(); // CgiLen();
// see if we find the digits in the cgi part
bool digitsInCgi = false;
// start scanning at the path
for ( ; p < uend ; p++ ) {
if ( *p == '?' ) digitsInCgi = true;
// if not a digit, reset count
if ( ! is_digit(*p) ) { dcount = 0; continue; }
// . check if it is a "strong permalink"
// . i.e. contains /yyyy/mm/?? in PATH (not cgi)
if ( p + 9 < pend &&
*(p-1)=='/' &&
is_digit(p[0]) &&
is_digit(p[1]) &&
is_digit(p[2]) &&
is_digit(p[3]) &&
p[4] == '/' &&
is_digit(p[5]) &&
is_digit(p[6]) &&
p[7] == '/' ) {
//is_digit(p[8]) &&
//is_digit(p[9]) &&
//p[10] == '/' )
// was thought to have strong outlinks, but they were
// not! this should fix it...
int32_t y = atoi(p+0);
int32_t m = atoi(p+5);
// make sure the year and month are in range
if ( y >= 1990 && y <= 2050 && m >= 1 && m <= 31 )
extraFlags |= LF_STRONGPERM;
// count it if a digit
if ( ++dcount == 3 ) break;
// it can also have 2+ hyphens or 2+ underscores in a single
// path component to be a permalink
int32_t hcount = 0;
p = pathStart;
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
// if not a digit, reset count
if ( *p == '/' ) { hcount = 0; continue; }
// is it a thing?
if ( *p != '_' && *p != '-' ) continue;
// count it
if ( ++hcount == 2 ) break;
// we can have a cgi of "?p=<digit>" and be a permalink
p = u->m_query;
bool hasp = ( p && p[0]=='p' && p[1]=='=' && is_digit(p[2]) ) ;
// fix for being detected as
// a permalink... it has ?p=xxx outlinks.
if ( hasp ) extraFlags |= LF_STRONGPERM;
// return these if the caller wants them
if ( retFlags ) *retFlags = extraFlags;
// . if we don't then not a permalink
// . THIS STILL FAILS on stuff like:
// BUT we can fix that by doing url pattern analysis? yeah,
// each domain can have a tag that is the permalink subdir, so
// that any url in that subdir is a permalink.
if ( ! hasp && dcount < 3 && hcount < 2 ) {
if ( note )
*note = "path has no digits, underscores or hyphens";
return false;
// if self link check for link text "permalink" then we are
// probably very strongly a permalink
// has a /promote-your-site tack-on which casues the LF_SUBDIR
// algo to call the parent a NON-permalink.this should fix that
// because it has a link to itself with the word "permalink"
if ( links && links->hasSelfPermalink() ) {
if ( note ) *note = "has permalink text to itself";
return true;
// is never a permalink
p = u->m_query;
if ( p && p[0]=='m' && p[1]=='=' && is_digit(p[2]) ) {
int32_t n = atoi(p+2);
if ( n > 199000 && n < 205000 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "has ?m=<year><month> cgi";
return false;
// . if we have an internal outlink that is a permalink and is
// in a subdirectory of us, THEN we are not a permalink
// . fixes
linkflags_t mf = (LF_PERMALINK | LF_SAMEHOST | LF_SUBDIR );
// loop over all outlinks
int32_t no = 0;
// make sure we got them
if ( links ) no = links->m_numLinks;
// practically all internal outlinks have LF_SUBDIR set for permalinks
// for the url so do not do this
// outlink algo on it on such urls! basically anytime we got our
// permalink indicator in the cgi portion of the url, do not do this
// subdir algorithm.
if ( hcount < 2 && dcount < 3 && hasp ) no = 0;
// or if we only got digits and they were in the cgi
if ( hcount < 2 && ! hasp && digitsInCgi ) no = 0;
// do the outlink loop
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < no ; i++ ) {
// get the flags
linkflags_t flags = links->m_linkFlags[i];
// skip if not a match. match the match flags = "mf"
if ( (flags & mf) != mf ) continue;
// allow /print/ "printer view" pages
//if ( strstr ( links->m_linkPtrs[i],"/print" ) ) continue;
if ( note ) *note = "has subdir permalink outlink";
// ok, we are not a permalink now
return false;
// now check for strong outlinks on same host when we are not strong
if ( links ) no = links->m_numLinks;
// if we are strong, forget it
if ( extraFlags & LF_STRONGPERM ) no = 0;
// look for strong permalink outlinks
// loop over all outlinks we have
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < no ; i++ ) {
// get the flags
linkflags_t flags = links->m_linkFlags[i];
// . if we are NOT a "strong permalink" but we have a same host
// outlink that is, then we are not a permalink
// . fixes:
// ?CMP=OTC-0D6B48984890
if ( (flags & mf) != mf ) continue;
// allow /print/ "printer view" pages
//if ( strstr ( links->m_linkPtrs[i],"/print" ) ) continue;
if ( note ) *note = "has strong permalink outlink";
// ok, we are not a permalink now
return false;
// no permalinks for archive directories
if ( (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(),"/archive")||
u->getPathDepth(false)==0) &&
gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/index.") &&
if ( note ) *note = "has /archive and /index. and not cgi";
return false;}
// no, /tag/ is ok -->
// BUT is not a
// permalink!!! i took|jp out of ruleset 36 for now
// ah, but a ton of the urls have /tags/ and are NOT permalinks!!!
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/tag/")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /tag/"; return false;}
// no forums or category indexes
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/category")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /category"; return false;}
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/cat_")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /cat_"; return false;}
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/cat/")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /cat/"; return false;}
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/comment.html")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /comment.html"; return false;}
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/comments/")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /comments/"; return false;}
char *pos;
// category or tag page detection
pos = gb_strcasestr(u->getUrl(), "cat=");
if ( pos && pos > u->getUrl() && !is_alpha_a(*(pos-1))){
if ( note ) *note = "has [A-z]cat="; return false;}
pos = gb_strcasestr(u->getUrl(), "tag=");
if ( pos && pos > u->getUrl() && !is_alpha_a(*(pos-1))){
if ( note ) *note = "has [A-z]tag="; return false;}
pos = gb_strcasestr(u->getUrl(), "tags=");
if ( pos && pos > u->getUrl() && !is_alpha_a(*(pos-1))){
if ( note ) *note = "has [A-z]tags="; return false;}
// more forum detection
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getUrl(), "forum")){
if ( note ) *note = "has forum"; return false;}
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "thread")){
if ( note ) *note = "has thread"; return false;}
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "topic") &&
!gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/topics/")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /topics/"; return false;}
// more index page detection
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/default.")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /default."; return false;}
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/profile.")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /profile."; return false;}
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/archives.")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /archives."; return false;}
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "_archive.")){
if ( note ) *note = "has _archive."; return false;}
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/search.")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /search."; return false; }
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/search/")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /search/"; return false; }
// get path end
p = u->getPath() + u->getPathLen();
plen = u->getPathLen();
// back up over index.html
if ( plen > 10 && strncmp(p-10,"index.html",10)==0 ) {
plen -= 10; p -= 10; }
// hack off the /
if ( p[-1]=='/' ) { plen--; p--; }
// ends in /trackback means not a permalink
if ( plen >= 10 && strncasecmp(p-10,"/trackback",10)==0) {
if ( note ) *note = "ends in /trackback";
return false;
// ends in /dddd/dd means usually an archive date
if ( plen >= 8 &&
is_digit(p[-1]) &&
is_digit(p[-2]) &&
p[-3] == '/' &&
is_digit(p[-4]) &&
is_digit(p[-5]) &&
is_digit(p[-6]) &&
is_digit(p[-7]) &&
p[-8] == '/' ) {
// ensure the numbers are in range for a date
int32_t year = atoi(p-7);
int32_t month = atoi(p-2);
if ( year > 1990 && year <= 2015 &&
month > 0 && month <= 12 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "ends in /dddd/dd/";
return false;
// /2008 is usually not permalink
if ( plen >= 5 &&
p[-5] == '/' &&
p[-4] == '2' &&
p[-3] == '0' &&
atoi(p-2) < 50 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "ends in year /20xx";
return false;
// /199? too
if ( plen >= 5 &&
p[-5] == '/' &&
p[-4] == '1' &&
p[-3] == '9' &&
atoi(p-2) > 90 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "ends in year /19xx";
return false;
// . look for a repetitive sequence of html tags
// . each must contain an outlink! there are some blog entries that
// have excerpts of an email chain.
// . if the repetition intersects the main content section,
// then it is an index page
// . make sure that SCORES can detect comment sections. very often
// the comment is bigger than the main section!!!!
// . or we can subtract the repetitive sections, and see if we have
// any beefy content left over... then we don't have to worry
// about comment identification
// . index tag pairs
// . look at header tags, div, p, index level # before the pair
// . find the delimeter between the blurbs
// . delimeter must touch the beefy content section
// . go by "strings" of tagids, a tagid of 0 means text i think
// but eliminate it if pure punctuation
// . and have a subtagid field, which is the hash of a tag's attributes
// BUT in the case of a text tag, a hash of the alpha chars
// . how many delimeters can we find that start at level X.
// . now we are determining
if ( note ) *note = "is permalink";
return true;
int32_t getSiteRank ( int32_t sni ) {
if ( sni <= 0 ) return 0;
if ( sni <= 1 ) return 1;
if ( sni <= 2 ) return 2;
if ( sni <= 3 ) return 3;
if ( sni <= 4 ) return 4;
if ( sni <= 5 ) return 5;
if ( sni <= 9 ) return 6;
if ( sni <= 19 ) return 7;
if ( sni <= 39 ) return 8;
if ( sni <= 79 ) return 9;
if ( sni <= 200-1 ) return 10;
if ( sni <= 500-1 ) return 11;
if ( sni <= 2000-1 ) return 12;
if ( sni <= 5000-1 ) return 13;
if ( sni <= 10000-1 ) return 14;
//if ( sni <= 3120 ) return 15;
return 15;