2013-08-02 13:12:24 -07:00

1144 lines
31 KiB

#include "Accessdb.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "TcpSocket.h"
#include "Multicast.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Facebook.h"
static bool printCalendars ( SafeBuf &sb , time_t startDate ) ;
static bool printCalendar ( SafeBuf &sb ,
long showDay,
long showMonth,
long showYear ) ;
Accessdb g_accessdb;
static void handleRequestaa ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) ;
bool Accessdb::registerHandler ( ) {
// . register ourselves with the udp server
// . it calls our callback when it receives a msg of type 0x0A
if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0xaa, handleRequestaa ))
return false;
return true;
bool Accessdb::init ( ) {
long maxTreeMem = 3000000; // g_conf.m_accessdbMaxTreeMem;
long nodeSize = sizeof(AccessRec)+8+12+4 + sizeof(collnum_t);
// . We take a snapshot of g_stats every minute.
// . Each sample struct taken from g_stats ranges from 1k - 2k
// after compression depending on the state of the
// all errors arrays.
uint32_t maxTreeNodes = maxTreeMem / nodeSize;
// assume low niceness
m_niceness = 0;
m_msg4InUse = false;
// make the rec cache 0 bytes, cuz we are just using page cache now
if ( ! m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir , // working directory
"accessdb" , // dbname
true , // dedup keys
4+8 , // fixed data size (ip+fbid)
2,//g_conf.m_accessdbMinFilesToMerge ,
maxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , // balance tree?
0 , // m_accessdbMaxCchMem
0 ,// maxCacheNodes ,
false , // use half keys?
false , // cache from disk?
NULL , // page cache pointer
false , // is titledb?
false , // preload cache?
sizeof(key128_t) , // key size
false , // bias disk page cache?
true )) // iscollectionless? syncdb,facebookdb,...
return false;
return true;
// Make sure we need this function.
// main.cpp currently uses the addColl from m_rdb
bool Accessdb::addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify ) {
if ( ! m_rdb.addColl ( coll ) ) return false;
return true;
//static Msg4 s_msg4;
//static s_msg4InUse = false;
void addedAccessRecWrapper ( void *state ) {
g_accessdb.m_msg4InUse = false;
key128_t Accessdb::makeKey1 ( long long now, long long widgetId64 ) {
key128_t ak;
ak.n1 = now;
ak.n0 = widgetId64;
// make it a positive key
ak.n0 <<= 1;
ak.n0 |= 0x01;
return ak;
key128_t Accessdb::makeKey2 ( long long now, long long widgetId64 ) {
key128_t ak;
// indicate its the 2nd type of key by setting high bit
ak.n1 = widgetId64 | 0x8000000000000000LL;
ak.n0 = now;
// make it a positive key
ak.n0 <<= 1;
ak.n0 |= 0x01;
return ak;
// . store two entries:
// . time64|widgetid64|ip|fbid
// . widgetid64|time64|ip|fbid
// . storing group is based on the lower bits of the time64
bool Accessdb::addAccess ( HttpRequest *hr , long ip ) {
long long now = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobalNoCore();
long long fbId = hr->getLongLongFromCookie("fbid",0LL);
long long widgetId64 = hr->getLongLongFromCookie("widgetid",0LL);
// not if widgetid is bogus
if ( widgetId64 & 0x8000000000000000LL ) return true;
// or now can't have this top bit set. we use that as indicator!
if ( now & 0x8000000000000000LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// log if this is a problem! we need to know it so we can fix
if ( m_msg4InUse ) {
log("access: msg4 is in use!!!!");
return true;
// do not keep this on the stack in case the msg4 blocks!
//AccessRec arec[2];
m_arec[0].m_key128 = g_accessdb.makeKey1(now,widgetId64);
m_arec[0].m_ip = ip;
m_arec[0].m_fbId = fbId;
m_arec[1].m_key128 = g_accessdb.makeKey2(now,widgetId64);
m_arec[1].m_ip = ip;
m_arec[1].m_fbId = fbId;
//log("msg4: timestamp = %llu",now);
// this has like a 1 second delay before it flushes so you might
// not see you current access until that passes
if ( ! m_msg4InUse &&
! m_msg4.addMetaList ( (char *)&m_arec[0] ,
(collnum_t)0, // collnum
NULL, // state
0, // niceness
// if this blocked, mark it as in use
m_msg4InUse = true;
return true;
class MsgaaRequest {
long m_startDate;
long long m_widgetId;
long m_minRecSizes;
class Stateaa {
long m_replies;
long m_requests;
long m_errno;
TcpSocket *m_socket;
Msgfb m_msgfb;
MsgaaRequest m_request;
// for allocating usually like 32 multicasts
long m_numMulticasts;
Multicast m_mcasts[MAX_HOSTS];
static void gotMulticastReplyWrapperaa ( void *state , void *state2 );
static void gotFBUserInfoWrapper ( void *state );
static bool gotFBUserInfo ( Stateaa *st ) ;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . make a web page displaying the config of this host
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageAccount ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
Stateaa *st ;
try { st = new (Stateaa); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("access: new(%i): %s", sizeof(Stateaa),mstrerror(g_errno));
g_httpServer.sendErrorReply ( s, 500, mstrerror(g_errno) );
return true;
mnew ( st , sizeof(Stateaa) , "Stateaa" );
// reset counts
st->m_errno = 0;
st->m_replies = 0;
st->m_requests = 0;
st->m_socket = s;
// get startdate
long startDate = r->getLong("sd",0);
if ( startDate == 0 ) startDate = getTimeGlobalNoCore() - 7*86400;
// get widgetid
long long widgetId = r->getLongLong("widgetid",0);
// set request
st->m_request.m_startDate = startDate;
st->m_request.m_widgetId = widgetId;
st->m_request.m_minRecSizes = 10000;
// first get facebook rec
if ( ! st->m_msgfb.getFacebookUserInfo ( r ,
st ,
"", // redirpath
0 )) // niceness
return false;
// got it
return gotFBUserInfo ( st );
void gotFBUserInfoWrapper ( void *state ) {
Stateaa *st = (Stateaa *)state;
if ( ! gotFBUserInfo ( st ) ) return;
// there is no callback to call, it must have sent an http reply
// from PageEvents.cpp
bool printLoginScript ( SafeBuf &sb , char *redirUrl = NULL ) ;
bool printHtmlHeader ( SafeBuf &sb , char *title , bool printPrimaryDiv ,
SearchInput *si , bool staticPage );
bool printBlackBar(SafeBuf &sb,Msgfb *msgfb,char *page,long ip,bool printLogo,
bool igoogle, class State7 *st );
bool printPageTitle ( SafeBuf &sb, char *title );
bool printHtmlTail ( SafeBuf *sb , Msgfb *msgfb , bool printUnsubscribedPopup);
bool gotFBUserInfo ( Stateaa *st ) {
// if not logged into facebook...
if ( ! st->m_msgfb.m_fbId ) {
SafeBuf sb;
printHtmlHeader ( sb , "My Account", 1 ,NULL,true);
char *path = "/account.html";
printBlackBar (sb,&st->m_msgfb, path , st->m_socket->m_ip,1,0,
printPageTitle (sb,"<nobr>My Account</nobr>");
sb.safePrintf( "<tr>"
"<td width=196px></td>"
"<td width=%s>"
"<b>Login with Facebook to access "
"your account."
"<a id=login2 "
printLoginScript ( sb );
"<img "
"align=center width=132 height=20 "
"src=/fblogin.png border=0></a>"
printHtmlTail ( &sb , &st->m_msgfb, false );
TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
// nuke the state now
mdelete ( st , sizeof(Stateaa) , "Stateaa" );
delete (st);
long bufLen = sb.length();
// . send this page
// . encapsulates in html header and tail
// . make a Mime
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s, sb.getBufStart(), bufLen );
return true;
// if widgetid not explicitly given use facebook id of the user
if ( st->m_request.m_widgetId == 0 )
st->m_request.m_widgetId = st->m_msgfb.m_fbId;
char *request = (char *)&st->m_request;
long requestSize = sizeof(MsgaaRequest);
// send the request to every host in the network
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumGroups() ; i++ ) {
// count send outs
// get group id
unsigned long gid = g_hostdb.getGroupId ( i );
// get the multicast for this group, shortcut
Multicast *m = &st->m_mcasts[i];
// send it out
if ( ! m->send ( request ,
0xaa , // msgType 0xaa
false , // does multicast own request?
gid , // group + offset
false , // send to whole group?
0 , // key is passed on startKey
st , // state data
NULL , // state data
gotMulticastReplyWrapperaa ,
30 , // timeout in seconds (was 30)
0 , // niceness ,
false, // realtimeudp?
-1 , // first host to try
NULL , // reply buf
0 , // reply buf max size
true , // free reply buf?
true , // do disk load balancing?
0,//maxCacheAge ,
0 , // *(key_t *)cacheKey ,
-1 ) ) { // minrecsizes
log("accessdb: multicast send failed");
st->m_errno = g_errno;
// return false if blocked
if ( st->m_replies < st->m_requests ) return false;
// we did not block
gotMulticastReplyWrapperaa ( st , NULL );
// i guess no blocking?
return true;
void gotMulticastReplyWrapperaa ( void *state , void *state2 ) {
Stateaa *st = (Stateaa *)state;
// count it
// return if awaiting more replies
if ( st->m_replies < st->m_requests ) return;
key128_t sk;
key128_t ek;
char *startKey = (char *)&sk;
char *endKey = (char *)&ek;
long ks = sizeof(key128_t);
long ds = sizeof(AccessRec) - ks;
// ptrs to fbrecs that have your widgetid
SafeBuf ptrBuf;
// store page into here
SafeBuf sb;
// each mutlicast reply is a list
RdbList lists[MAX_HOSTS];
RdbList *plists[MAX_HOSTS];
char *m_freeMe [MAX_HOSTS];
long m_freeMeSize[MAX_HOSTS];
long numLists = g_hostdb.getNumGroups();
for ( long i = 0 ; i < numLists ; i++ ) {
// get the multicast for this group, shortcut
Multicast *m = &st->m_mcasts[i];
// get the reply
long replySize;
long replyMaxSize;
bool freeReply;
char *reply = m->getBestReply ( &replySize ,
&replyMaxSize ,
&freeReply );
// save it for freeing
if ( freeReply ) {
m_freeMe [i] = reply;
m_freeMeSize [i] = replyMaxSize;
else {
m_freeMe[i] = NULL;
// first is size of the first list
char *p = reply;
char *pend = p + replySize;
long firstListSize = *(long *)p;
p += 4;
lists[i].set ( p,
plists[i] = &lists[i];
// a facebook list follows that
p += firstListSize;
long secondListSize = pend - p;
// point to each facebook rec
RdbList fblist;
fblist.set ( p,
-1, // fixeddatasize
false,// owndata?
false, // usehalfkeys?
sizeof(key96_t) ); // facebookdb keysize
// scan list to add ptrs
for ( ; ! fblist.isExhausted() ; fblist.skipCurrentRec() ) {
// point to it
FBRec *fbrec = (FBRec *)fblist.getCurrentRec();
// print the header from PageEvents.cpp
printHtmlHeader ( sb , "My Account", 1 ,NULL,true);
char *path = "/account.html";
printBlackBar ( sb , &st->m_msgfb, path , st->m_socket->m_ip,1,0,NULL);
printPageTitle (sb,"<nobr>My Account</nobr>");
sb.safePrintf("<div style=width:780px;>");
//long long widgetId = st->m_request.m_widgetId;
"<div style=\"border:2px solid black\">"
"<table "
"width=100%% cellspacing=0 border=0>"
"<tr><td class=grad1 height=30px>" // <td width=10px>"
//"<img src=/eventguru.png width=64 height=64>"
//"<td width=100%%>"
"<font color=black>"
"Displaying traffic data for the widget of id "
"<a href=>%llu</a>"
, widgetId
, widgetId
// widgetmaster table
sb.safePrintf("<table border=1 width=780px; cellpadding=6 "
"<tr><td colspan=10 class=grad4>"
"<font style=color:white;>"
"<b>Personal Info</b>"
"<tr><td>Your Name</td>"
"<tr><td>Your Facebook ID</td>"
"<a href=\"\">%lli</a>"
"<tr><td>Your Widget ID</td>"
"<a href=\"\">%lli</a>"
// print out a calendar table of dates...
// really you can just pick a start time and that is when we
// start reading from.
// but also be able to select a month...
// maybe print 5 calendars, with the one in the middle
// being the current month.
printCalendars ( sb , st->m_request.m_startDate );
// display table of facebook converts widgetmaster did
sb.safePrintf("<table border=1 width=780px; cellpadding=6 "
"<tr><td colspan=10 class=grad4>"
"<font style=color:white;>"
"<b>Event Guru Logins</b>"
"<tr><td><nobr>Login Time (UTC)</nobr></td>"
"<td><nobr>Last Login IP</nobr></td>"
"<td>Facebook ID</td>"
"<td>Widget ID</td>"
"</tr>" );
FBRec **ppp = (FBRec **)ptrBuf.getBufStart();
long n = ptrBuf.length() / 4;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
FBRec *fbrec = ppp[i];
// skip if its you! you can't visit your own widget...
if ( fbrec->m_fbId == fbrec->m_originatingWidgetId ) continue;
struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &fbrec->m_firstFacebookLogin);
char time[256];
strftime ( time , 256 , "%b %e %T %Y", timeStruct );
float cash = 0.00;
cash = 1.00;
"<td><a href=>"
,time // fbrec->m_firstFacebookLogin
long minRecSizes = st->m_request.m_minRecSizes;
// merge them together into a single list
RdbList final;
// owndata must be true for merge_r to work!
final.set ( NULL,0,NULL,0,startKey,endKey,ds,true,false,ks);
final.prepareForMerge( plists,numLists,minRecSizes);
final.merge_r ( plists ,
numLists ,
endKey ,
10000 ,
true , // remove neg?
0 ); // niceness
// print out first 100
// table headers
sb.safePrintf ( "<table cellpadding=4 width=780px border=1>"
"<tr><td colspan=10 class=grad4>"
"<font style=color:white;>"
"<b>Event Guru Hits</b>"
"<td><nobr>User Access Time (UTC)</nobr></td>"
"<td>User IP</td>"
"<td>User Facebook ID</td>"
"<td>Widget ID</td>"
for ( ; ! final.isExhausted() ; final.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
char *rec = final.getCurrentRec();
AccessRec *ar = (AccessRec *)rec;
unsigned long long timestamp = ar->m_key128.n1;
unsigned long long widgetId = ar->m_key128.n0;
// overrun the delbit
widgetId >>= 1;
// swap them? we do two different types of lookups.
// if widgetid is 1, which means *any* then the starttime
// leads, otherwise the widgetid leads.
if ( timestamp & 0x8000000000000000LL ) {
timestamp &= 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
long long tmp = widgetId;
widgetId = timestamp;
timestamp = tmp;
long timestamp32 = timestamp / 1000;
struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &timestamp32 );
char time[256];
strftime ( time , 256 , "%b %e %T %Y", timeStruct );
, time
, iptoa(ar->m_ip)
if ( ar->m_fbId )
sb.safePrintf("<a href=http://www.facebook."
, ar->m_fbId
, ar->m_fbId
sb.safePrintf("%llu" , ar->m_fbId );
sb.safePrintf ( "</td>"
, widgetId
// end table
sb.safePrintf ( "</table><br>" );
printHtmlTail ( &sb , &st->m_msgfb, false );
// free the multicast replies here
for ( long i = 0 ; i < numLists ; i++ ) {
if ( ! m_freeMe[i] ) continue;
mfree ( m_freeMe[i] ,m_freeMeSize[i],"acmcrep");
// make a cookie in case they just logged in through this page!
// otherwise the login doesn't "stick"
SafeBuf cb;
if ( st->m_msgfb.m_fbId )
cb.safePrintf("Set-Cookie: fbid=%llu;\r\n",
char *cookiePtr = NULL;
if ( cb.length() ) cookiePtr = cb.getBufStart();
TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
// nuke the state now
mdelete ( st , sizeof(Stateaa) , "Stateaa" );
delete (st);
long bufLen = sb.length();
// . send this page
// . encapsulates in html header and tail
// . make a Mime
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s, sb.getBufStart(), bufLen ,
0 , // cachetime in secs
false , // postreply?
"text/html", // content type
-1, // http status -1->200
"utf-8" );
class Stateab {
long m_startDate;
long long m_widgetId;
long m_minRecSizes;
UdpSlot *m_slot;
long m_niceness;
Msg5 m_msg5;
RdbList m_accessList;
RdbList m_facebookList;
key96_t m_fbstartKey;
// store facebook recs in here that match widgetid
SafeBuf m_retBuf;
static void gotAccessListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list, Msg5 *msg5 ) ;
void handleRequestaa ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) {
Stateab *st ;
try { st = new (Stateab); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("Stateab: new(%i): %s",sizeof(Stateab),mstrerror(g_errno));
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot, g_errno );
mnew ( st , sizeof(Stateab) , "Stateab" );
// . read in beginning at start key using msg5.
// . limit to provided widget id
MsgaaRequest *req = (MsgaaRequest *)slot->m_readBuf;
// save widgetid, startdate, minrecsizes, etc.
st->m_startDate = req->m_startDate;
st->m_widgetId = req->m_widgetId;
st->m_minRecSizes = req->m_minRecSizes;
st->m_slot = slot;
st->m_niceness = niceness;
// shortcut
long long wgid = req->m_widgetId;
// convert into milliseconds
long long timestamp = ((long long)req->m_startDate) * 1000;
// back 7 days from now if this is zero
if ( req->m_startDate == 0 ) {
timestamp = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobalNoCore();
// back 7 days from now
timestamp -= 7*86400*1000;
long long longTime = 86400LL*365LL*1000LL*10; // 10 years in millisecs
// use the 2nd type of key... those have widgetid first and then
// the timestamp
key128_t startKey = g_accessdb.makeKey2 ( timestamp ,wgid );
key128_t endKey = g_accessdb.makeKey2 ( timestamp + longTime, wgid);
// widget id of 0 means ANY widget
if ( wgid == 0 ) {
startKey = g_accessdb.makeKey1(timestamp , 0 );
endKey = g_accessdb.makeKey1(timestamp + longTime, 0 );
// lookup accessdb records from that time going forward
if ( ! st->m_msg5.getList ( RDB_ACCESSDB ,
"", // m_coll ,
&st->m_accessList ,
&startKey ,
&endKey ,
st->m_minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
st , // state
gotAccessListWrapper , // callback
st->m_niceness ,
false )) // err correction?
// we got it without blocking
gotAccessListWrapper ( st , NULL, NULL );
static bool scanLoop ( Stateab *st ) ;
static void sendListsBack ( Stateab *state );
void gotAccessListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list, Msg5 *msg5 ) {
Stateab *st = (Stateab *)state;
// store size of this list since we will be adding the
// facebook into m_retBuf right after. (firstListSize)
st->m_retBuf.pushLong ( st->m_accessList.m_listSize );
// now store list from what we read into retBuf
st->m_retBuf.safeMemcpy ( st->m_accessList.getList() ,
st->m_accessList.m_listSize );
// reset start key for scan
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . scan ALL facebookdb for recs originating from this widgetid
if ( ! scanLoop( st ) ) return;
// it didn't block
sendListsBack ( st );
static void gotScanListWrapper ( void *state, RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) ;
static void gotScanList ( Stateab *st ) ;
// . scan facebookdb and get every facebookid, and couple it with the
// time we gotta send the email
// . sort by that in emailTree
// . re-scan facebookdb every few hours in case of new entries or if
// someone updates their email
// . i would also call addToEmailTree if a new facebookdb rec comes in.
// perhaps do that from Rdb.cpp?
// . returns false if blocked true otherwise
bool scanLoop ( Stateab *st ) {
key96_t endKey ;
// get a meg at a time
long minRecSizes = 1024*1024;
key96_t oldk; oldk.setMin();
// use msg5 to get the list, should ALWAYS block since no threads
if ( ! st->m_msg5.getList ( RDB_FACEBOOKDB ,
"", // m_coll ,
&st->m_facebookList ,
&st->m_fbstartKey ,
&endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
st , // state
gotScanListWrapper , // callback
st->m_niceness ,
false )) // err correction?
// return false if we blocked
return false;
// stuff the m_emailTree with some data based on m_list
gotScanList ( st );
// if something, get more
if ( ! st->m_facebookList.isEmpty() ) goto loop;
// i guess we did not block?
return true;
void gotScanListWrapper ( void *state, RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) {
// use this
Stateab *st = (Stateab *)state;
// this never blocks
gotScanList ( st );
// and resume the loop. return if it blocked.
if ( ! scanLoop ( st ) ) return;
// alldone
sendListsBack ( st );
void gotScanList ( Stateab *st ) {
//long now = getTimeGlobal();
//long dayStart = now - ( now % 86400 );
if ( st->m_facebookList.isEmpty() ) return;
// loop over entries in list
for ( st->m_facebookList.resetListPtr() ;
! st->m_facebookList.isExhausted() ;
st->m_facebookList.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// get it
char *drec = st->m_facebookList.getCurrentRec();
long drecSize = st->m_facebookList.getCurrentRecSize();
// sanity check. delete key?
if ( (drec[0] & 0x01) == 0x00 ) continue;
// get widgetit
FBRec *fr = (FBRec *)drec;
// but allow widget id of 0 through if its set to 1
long long wgid = fr->m_originatingWidgetId;
if ( wgid == 0 ) wgid = 1;
// a zero widgetid means any! a one means came from no widget.
if ( st->m_widgetId && wgid != st->m_widgetId ) continue;
// copy over to same list
st->m_retBuf.safeMemcpy ( drec , drecSize );
st->m_fbstartKey = *(key96_t *)st->m_facebookList.getLastKey();
st->m_fbstartKey += (unsigned long) 1;
// watch out for wrap around
//if ( startKey < *(key96_t *)list.getLastKey() ) return;
void sendListsBack ( Stateab *st ) {
char *data = st->m_retBuf.getBufStart();
long dataSize = st->m_retBuf.length();
long allocSize = st->m_retBuf.getCapacity();
// release it so udpserver can free it
// save slot
UdpSlot *slot = st->m_slot;
// nuke the state now
mdelete ( st , sizeof(Stateab) , "stateab" );
delete (st);
g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( data ,
dataSize ,
data ,
allocSize ,
slot ,
60 ,
NULL , // doneSending_ass ,
-1 ,
-1 ,
true );
// the calendar for the page accessdb
// . print 5 calendars in a row, with current one in the middle
// . all are in UTC
bool printCalendars ( SafeBuf &sb , long startDate ) {
// parse it up
long now = startDate; // getTimeGlobalNoCore();
struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &now );
// get month number (0 to 11)
long thisMonth = timeStruct->tm_mon; // 0-11
long thisDay = timeStruct->tm_mday;
long thisYear = timeStruct->tm_year + 1900;
long prevMonth1;
long prevYear1;
long postMonth1;
long postYear1;
prevMonth1 = thisMonth - 1;
prevYear1 = thisYear;
if ( prevMonth1 < 0 ) {
prevMonth1 += 12;
postMonth1 = thisMonth + 1;
postYear1 = thisYear;
if ( postMonth1 >= 12 ) {
postMonth1 -= 12;
sb.safePrintf("<table border=0 width=780px; cellpadding=6 "
"cellspacing=3 class=grad1>"
"<tr><td colspan=10 class=grad4>"
"<font style=color:white;>"
"<b>Select a Date</b>"
sb.safePrintf("<tr><td>" );
printCalendar ( sb , 0 , prevMonth1 , prevYear1 );
printCalendar ( sb , thisDay , thisMonth , thisYear );
printCalendar ( sb , 0 , postMonth1 , postYear1 );
return true;
// "now" is from the msg40 we used
bool printCalendar ( SafeBuf &sb ,
long showDay,
long showMonth,
long showYear ) {
// compute show dow
struct tm tss;
tss.tm_mon = showMonth;
tss.tm_mday = 1;
tss.tm_sec = 0;
tss.tm_min = 0;
tss.tm_hour = 0;
tss.tm_year = showYear - 1900;
time_t mt = mktime ( &tss );
// now get dow of the first day of this month
struct tm *tt = gmtime ( &mt );
long firstDayOfWeek = tt->tm_wday; // 0-6
// this is that day
time_t startDate = mt;
// get today's month/day/year
long now = getTimeGlobalNoCore();
struct tm *nt = gmtime ( &now );
long nowDay = nt->tm_mday;
long nowMonth = nt->tm_mon;
long nowYear = nt->tm_year + 1900;
// we got days per month. leap year?
long daysInMonth = getNumDaysInMonth ( showMonth , showYear );
// prev month abbr
char *nextStr, *str, *prevStr;
if ( showMonth == 0 ) { prevStr = "Dec"; str="Jan"; nextStr = "Feb"; }
if ( showMonth == 1 ) { prevStr = "Jan"; str="Feb"; nextStr = "Mar"; }
if ( showMonth == 2 ) { prevStr = "Feb"; str="Mar"; nextStr = "Apr"; }
if ( showMonth == 3 ) { prevStr = "Mar"; str="Apr"; nextStr = "May"; }
if ( showMonth == 4 ) { prevStr = "Apr"; str="May"; nextStr = "Jun"; }
if ( showMonth == 5 ) { prevStr = "May"; str="Jun"; nextStr = "Jul"; }
if ( showMonth == 6 ) { prevStr = "Jun"; str="Jul"; nextStr = "Aug"; }
if ( showMonth == 7 ) { prevStr = "Jul"; str="Aug"; nextStr = "Sep"; }
if ( showMonth == 8 ) { prevStr = "Aug"; str="Sep"; nextStr = "Oct"; }
if ( showMonth == 9 ) { prevStr = "Sep"; str="Oct"; nextStr = "Nov"; }
if ( showMonth == 10 ) { prevStr = "Oct"; str="Nov"; nextStr = "Dec"; }
if ( showMonth == 11 ) { prevStr = "Nov"; str="Dec"; nextStr = "Jan"; }
long prevYear = showYear;
long prevMonth = showMonth - 1;
if ( prevMonth < 0 ) {
prevMonth = 11;
long nextYear = showYear;
long nextMonth = showMonth + 1;
if ( nextMonth >= 12 ) {
nextMonth = 0;
// print print out calendar header
sb.safePrintf("<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>"
//"<font size=-2>"
//"<a "
//"style=\"color:black\" "
"<td colspan=5><center>%s %li</center></td>"
//"<font size=-2>"
//"<a "
//"style=\"color:black\" "
// cal now for prev month
//, prevYear
//, prevMonth
//, prevStr
, str
, showYear
// cal now for next month
//, nextYear
//, nextMonth
//, nextStr
bool printed = false;
long count = 1;
bool showCursor = true;
// print out days of the week header
for ( long i = 0 ; i < 35 ; i++ ) {
if ( i % 7 == 0 )
// is it today?
if ( count == nowDay &&
showMonth == nowMonth &&
showYear == nowYear &&
i>= firstDayOfWeek &&
showCursor )
sb.safePrintf("<td class=cal "
else if ( count == showDay &&
//clockMonth == showMonth &&
//clockYear == showYear &&
i>= firstDayOfWeek )
sb.safePrintf("<td class=cal "
sb.safePrintf("<td class=cal");
// do not start printing until first day of month
if ( (i >= firstDayOfWeek || printed) &&
count <= daysInMonth ) {
printed = true;
//lo clockSet2=getYearMonthStart(showYear,showMonth+1);
// add day to it
//clockSet2 += (count-1) * 86400;
// clockSet is in utc...
//clockSet2 -= timeZoneOffset * 3600;
// end the <td>
sb.safePrintf(" onclick=\""
// set hidden tag clockset val
// set all to gray if not yellow
// set clicked to red if not yellow
, startDate + (count-1)*86400
sb.safePrintf("><a href=/account.html?sd=%lu>%li</a>"
, startDate + (count-1)*86400
, count );
if ( (i+1) % 7 == 0 )
return true;