2013-08-02 13:12:24 -07:00

146 lines
4.1 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Msg9b.h"
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . numCatids is an array of longs, each the number of catids for
// the corrisponding url, length equal to number of urls
// . catids is an array of longs with the catids for the urls
bool Msg9b::addCatRecs ( char *urls ,
char *coll ,
long collLen ,
long filenum ,
void *state ,
void (*callback)(void *state) ,
unsigned char *numCatids ,
long *catids ,
long niceness,
bool deleteRecs) {
//long dbIndex = RDB_CATDB;
// use default collection
//coll = g_conf.m_dirColl;
//collLen = gbstrlen(coll);
// catdb uses a dummy collection now, should not be looked at
coll = "catdb";
collLen = 5;
// warning
//if ( ! coll ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL collection. msg9b.");
// reset/free our list of siteRecs
m_list.set ( NULL ,
0 ,
0 ,
-1 , // fixedDataSize
true , // ownData?
false ); // use half keys?
// ensure NULL terminated
if ( coll[collLen] ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"admin: Collection not NULL terminated.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// . SiteRec bitmap is given in SiteRec.cpp
// . key(12) + dataSize(4) + filenum(4) + url + ?NULL?
// . assume about 15 bytes per url
// . hopefully this will be big enough to prevent many reallocs
long usize = gbstrlen(urls);
long initSize = ((usize / 15)*(12+4+4+1) + usize);
if ( ! m_list.growList ( initSize ) ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("admin: Failed to allocate %li bytes to hold "
"urls to add to tagdb.", initSize);
return true;
// loop over all urls in "urls" buffer
char *p = urls;
// stop when we hit the NULL at the end of "urls"
long k = 0;
long c = 0;
long lastk = 0;
//long firstPosIds = -1;
while ( *p ) {
if ( *p != '\n' || lastk != k ) {
log (LOG_WARN, "Msg9b: FOUND BAD URL IN LIST AT %li, "
"EXITING", k );
return true;
// skip initial spaces
char *lastp = p;
while ( is_wspace_a (*p) ) p++;
if ( p - lastp > 1 ) {
" %li, EXITING", k );
//return true;
// break if end
if ( ! *p )
// . if comment, skip until \n
// . also, skip if its not alnum
// . this is really assuming a format of one url per line,
// so a space separated list of urls may not work here
if ( ! is_alnum_a (*p) ) { // *p == '#' ) {
while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++;
// skip over the \n
// try the next line
// find end of this string of non-spaces
char *e = p; while ( *e && ! is_wspace_a (*e) ) e++;
// . set the url
// . but don't add the "www."
Url site;
site.set ( p , e - p , false/*addwww?*/);
// normalize the url
g_catdb.normalizeUrl(&site, &site);
// make a siteRec from this url
CatRec sr;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! sr.set ( &site, filenum, &catids[c], numCatids[k] ) )
return true;
// add url to our list
// extract the record itself (SiteRec::m_rec/m_recSize)
char *data = sr.getData ();
long dataSize = sr.getDataSize ();
key_t key;
if ( numCatids[k] == 0 )
key = g_catdb.makeKey(&site, true);
key = g_catdb.makeKey(&site, false);
// if it's an ip then ensure only last # can be 0
//if ( site.isIp() && (site.getIp() & 0x00ff0000) == 0 )
// goto skip;
// . add site rec to our list
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( numCatids[k] == 0 ) {
if ( !m_list.addRecord(key, 0, NULL) )
return true;
else if ( ! m_list.addRecord ( key, dataSize, data ) )
return true;
// now advance p to e
p = e;
c += numCatids[k];
log ( LOG_INFO, "Msg9b: %li sites and %li links added", k , c );
// . now add the m_list to tagdb using msg1
// . use high priority (niceness of 0)
// . i raised niceness from 0 to 1 so multicast does not use the
// small UdpSlot::m_tmpBuf... might have a big file...
return m_msg1.addList ( &m_list, RDB_CATDB, coll ,
state , callback ,
false , // force local?
niceness ); // niceness