2014-11-10 14:45:11 -08:00

243 lines
6.4 KiB

// Gigablast, Copyright March 2005
// Author: Javier Olivares <>
// Stores Categories in a Hierarchy
// Based on DMOZ
#ifndef _CATEGORY_H_
#define _CATEGORY_H_
#include "Mem.h"
#include "HashTable.h"
#define RDFBUFFER_SIZE (1024*1024*100)
#define RDFSMALLBUFFER_SIZE (32*1024)
#define RDFSTRUCTURE_FILE "structure.rdf.u8"
#define RDFCONTENT_FILE "content.rdf.u8"
#define STRUCTURE_OUTPUT_FILE "gbdmoz.structure.dat"
#define CONTENT_OUTPUT_FILE "gbdmoz.content.dat"
#define URL_OUTPUT_FILE "gbdmoz.urls.dat"
#define URLTEXT_OUTPUT_FILE "gbdmoz.urls.txt"
#define MAX_CATID_LEN 63
#define MAX_TAG_LEN 127
#define MAX_URL_CATIDS 64
#define MAX_URLTXT_SIZE 500000
#define MAX_CATIDS 96
#define MAX_CATNAME_LEN 1024
#define HASHTABLE_SIZE (1024*1024)
#define URLHASHTABLE_SIZE (10*1024*1024)
#define MAX_SUB_CATS 1024
#define SUBCAT_NARROW2 30
#define SUBCAT_NARROW1 50
#define SUBCAT_NARROW 70
#define SUBCAT_ALTLANG 110
struct Category {
int32_t m_catid;
int32_t m_parentid;
//int16_t m_numSymParents;
//int32_t m_symParentsOffset;
int32_t m_nameOffset;
int16_t m_nameLen;
uint32_t m_structureOffset;
uint32_t m_contentOffset;
int32_t m_numUrls;
struct CategoryHash {
uint32_t m_hash;
int32_t m_catIndex;
struct SubCategory {
//int32_t m_prefixOffset;
int32_t m_prefixLen;
//int32_t m_nameOffset;
int32_t m_nameLen;
char m_type;
int32_t getRecSize () { return sizeof(SubCategory)+m_prefixLen+m_nameLen+2;};
char *getPrefix() { return m_buf; };
char *getName () { return m_buf+m_prefixLen+1;};
char m_buf[0];
class Categories {
int32_t fileRead ( int fileid, void *buf, size_t count );
void reset();
// load the hierarchy from a file
int32_t loadCategories ( char *filename );
// . this is called by loadCategories() and constructs m_adultTable
// . it will load/save it from/to disk, too
bool makeBadHashTable ( ) ;
bool addUrlsToBadHashTable ( int32_t catid ) ;
// get the index of a cat from its id
// -1 if not found
int32_t getIndexFromId ( int32_t catid );
int32_t getIndexFromPath ( char *str, int32_t strLen );
int32_t getIdFromPath ( char *str, int32_t strLen );
// determine if a category should be printed RTL
bool isIdRTLStart ( int32_t catid );
bool isIndexRTLStart ( int32_t catIndex );
bool isIdRTL ( int32_t catid );
bool isIndexRTL ( int32_t catIndex );
// see if the category is Adult
bool isIdAdultStart ( int32_t catid );
bool isIndexAdultStart ( int32_t catIndex );
bool isIdAdult ( int32_t catid );
bool isIndexAdult ( int32_t catIndex );
// is it in a bad cat, like adult, gambling, online pharmacies
bool isIdBadStart ( int32_t catid );
bool isIndexBadStart ( int32_t catIndex );
bool isIdBad ( int32_t catid );
bool isIndexBad ( int32_t catIndex );
// is this url directly in a dmoz adult category?
bool isInBadCat ( Url *u ) ;
bool isInBadCat ( uint32_t urlHash );
// print info of cats
void printCats ( int32_t start, int32_t end );
// print the path of this category
void printPathFromId ( SafeBuf *sb ,
int32_t catid,
bool raw = false,
bool isRTL = false );
void printPathFromIndex ( SafeBuf *sb ,
int32_t catIndex,
bool raw = false,
bool isRTL = false );
// print the path bread crumb links for this category
void printPathCrumbFromId ( SafeBuf *sb ,
int32_t catid,
bool isRTL = false );
void printPathCrumbFromIndex ( SafeBuf *sb ,
int32_t catid,
bool isRTL = false );
bool printUrlsInTopic ( class SafeBuf *sb , int32_t catid ) ;
// . get the title and summary for a specific url
// and catid
bool getTitleAndSummary ( char *url,
int32_t urlLen,
int32_t catid,
char *title = NULL,
int32_t *titleLen = NULL,
int32_t maxTitleLen = 0,
char *summ = NULL,
int32_t *summLen = NULL,
int32_t maxSummLen = 0,
char *anchor = NULL,
unsigned char *anchorLen = NULL,
int32_t maxAnchorLen = 0 ,
int32_t niceness = 0 ,
bool justAddToTable = false );
// normalize a url string
int32_t fixUrl ( char *url, int32_t urlLen );
// . generate sub categories for a given catid
// . store list of SubCategories into "subCatBuf" return # stored
// . hits disk without using threads... so kinda sucks...
int32_t generateSubCats ( int32_t catid, SafeBuf *subCatBuf );
int32_t getNumUrlsFromIndex ( int32_t catIndex ) {
if ( ! m_cats ) return 0;
return m_cats[catIndex].m_numUrls; };
// creates a directory search request url
//void createDirectorySearchUrl ( Url *url,
int32_t createDirSearchRequest ( char *requestBuf,
int32_t requestBufSize,
int32_t catid,
char *hostname,
int32_t hostnameLen,
char *coll,
int32_t collLen,
char *cgi ,//= NULL,
int32_t cgiLen ,//= 0,
bool cgiFromRequest ,//= false ,
class HttpRequest *r );
bool initLangTables(void);
bool loadLangTables(void);
uint8_t findLanguage(char *addr);
// Categories
Category *m_cats;
int32_t m_numCats;
// name buffer
char *m_nameBuffer;
int32_t m_nameBufferSize;
// symbolic parent buffer
//int32_t *m_symParents;
//int32_t m_numSymParents;
// hash buffer
CategoryHash *m_catHash;
// full buffer
char *m_buffer;
int32_t m_bufferSize;
// for parsing the original dmoz files
char* incRdfPtr ( int32_t skip = 1 );
int32_t rdfParse ( char *tagName );
int32_t rdfNextTag ( );
int32_t fillNextString ( char *str, int32_t max );
int32_t fillNextTagBody ( char *str, int32_t max );
// rdf stream
char *m_rdfPtr;
char *m_rdfEnd;
//std::ifstream m_rdfStream;
int m_rdfStream;
char *m_rdfBuffer;
int32_t m_rdfBufferSize;
int32_t m_currOffset;
// static rdf buffer
char m_rdfSmallBuffer[RDFSMALLBUFFER_SIZE];
// tag buffer
char m_tagRecfer[MAX_TAG_LEN+1];
int32_t m_tagLen;
HashTable m_badTable;
// sub category buffer
//SubCategory m_subCats[MAX_SUB_CATS];
//int32_t m_numSubCats;
extern class Categories g_categories1;
extern class Categories g_categories2;
extern class Categories *g_categories;