
242 lines
8.1 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Url.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
//#include "Checksumdb.h"
#include "Threads.h"
// a global class extern'd in .h file
Datedb g_datedb;
//Datedb g_datedb2;
// resets rdb
void Datedb::reset() { m_rdb.reset(); }
//#include "DiskPageCache.h"
bool Datedb::init ( ) {
// sanity check
int64_t termId = 0x00001915c8f5e747LL;
int32_t date = 0x0badf00d;
char score = 123;
int64_t docId = 247788576824LL;
key128_t k = makeKey ( termId,date,score,docId,false);
// parse it up to test
if ( g_datedb.getDate (&k) != date ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_indexdb.getScore((char *)&k) != score ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( g_datedb.getDocId (&k) != docId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
int64_t rt = g_datedb.getTermId(&k);
if ( g_datedb.getTermId(&k) != termId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( rt != termId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . each rec in tree is only 1 key (16 bytes)
// . but has 12 bytes of tree overhead (m_left/m_right/m_parents)
// . this is UNUSED for bin trees!!
int32_t nodeSize = (sizeof(key128_t)+12+4) + sizeof(collnum_t);
int32_t maxTreeNodes = g_conf.m_datedbMaxTreeMem / nodeSize ;
// . assume the average cached list is about 600 bytes
// . TODO: if we cache a lot of not founds (small lists), we won't have
// enough nodes!!
int32_t maxCacheNodes = g_conf.m_datedbMaxCacheMem / 600;
// int32_t pageSize = GB_INDEXDB_PAGE_SIZE;
// we now use a disk page cache as opposed to the
// old rec cache. i am trying to do away with the Rdb::m_cache rec
// cache in favor of cleverly used disk page caches, because
// the rec caches are not real-time and get stale.
int32_t pcmem = g_conf.m_datedbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
// make sure at least 30MB
//if ( pcmem < 30000000 ) pcmem = 30000000;
// keep this low if we are the tmp cluster, 20MB
if ( g_hostdb.m_useTmpCluster && pcmem > 20000000 ) pcmem = 20000000;
// do not use any page cache if doing tmp cluster in order to
// prevent swapping
if ( g_hostdb.m_useTmpCluster ) pcmem = 0;
// . init the page cache
// . MDW: "minimize disk seeks" not working otherwise i'd enable it!
// if ( ! m_pc.init ( "datedb",
// pcmem ,
// pageSize ,
// true , // use RAM disk?
// false )) // minimize disk seeks?
// return log("db: Datedb pc init failed.");
// . set our own internal rdb
// . max disk space for bin tree is same as maxTreeMem so that we
// must be able to fit all bins in memory
// . we do not want datedb's bin tree to ever hit disk since we
// dump it to rdb files when it is 90% full (90% of bins in use)
return m_rdb.init( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"datedb" ,
true , // dedup same keys?
0 , // fixed data size
//g_hostdb.m_groupMask ,
//g_hostdb.m_groupId ,
g_conf.m_datedbMinFilesToMerge ,
g_conf.m_datedbMaxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
// now we balance so Sync.cpp can ordered huge lists
true , // balance tree?
g_conf.m_datedbMaxCacheMem ,
maxCacheNodes ,
true , // use half keys?
g_conf.m_datedbSaveCache ,
NULL,//&m_pc ,
false , // is titledb?
false , // preload dskpagecache
16 ); // key size
// init the rebuild/secondary rdb, used by PageRepair.cpp
bool Datedb::init2 ( int32_t treeMem ) {
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . each rec in tree is only 1 key (16 bytes)
// . but has 12 bytes of tree overhead (m_left/m_right/m_parents)
// . this is UNUSED for bin trees!!
int32_t nodeSize = (sizeof(key128_t)+12+4) + sizeof(collnum_t);
int32_t maxTreeNodes = treeMem / nodeSize ;
// . set our own internal rdb
// . max disk space for bin tree is same as maxTreeMem so that we
// must be able to fit all bins in memory
// . we do not want datedb's bin tree to ever hit disk since we
// dump it to rdb files when it is 90% full (90% of bins in use)
return m_rdb.init( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"datedbRebuild" ,
true , // dedup same keys?
0 , // fixed data size
200 , // MinFilesToMerge ,
treeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , // balance tree?
0 , // MaxCacheMem ,
0 , // maxCacheNodes
true , // use half keys?
false , // SaveCache ,
NULL , // s_pc
false , // is titledb?
false , // preload dskpagecache
16 );// key size
bool Datedb::addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify ) {
if ( ! m_rdb.addColl ( coll ) ) return false;
if ( ! doVerify ) return true;
// verify
if ( verify(coll) ) return true;
// if not allowing scale, return false
if ( ! g_conf.m_allowScale ) return false;
// otherwise let it go
log ( "db: Verify failed, but scaling is allowed, passing." );
return true;
bool Datedb::verify ( char *coll ) {
log ( LOG_INFO, "db: Verifying Datedb for coll %s...", coll );
Msg5 msg5;
Msg5 msg5b;
RdbList list;
key_t startKey;
key_t endKey;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(coll);
//int32_t minRecSizes = 64000;
if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_DATEDB ,
cr->m_collnum ,
&list ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
64000 , // minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree ,
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
0 , // niceness
false , // err correction?
0 ,
-1 ,
true ,
-1LL ,
&msg5b ,
true )) {
return log("db: HEY! it did not block");
int32_t count = 0;
int32_t got = 0;
for ( list.resetListPtr() ; ! list.isExhausted() ;
list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
//key128_t k = list.getCurrentKey();
key128_t k;
list.getCurrentKey ( (char*)&k );
//uint32_t groupId = getGroupId ( RDB_DATEDB , &k );
//if ( groupId == g_hostdb.m_groupId ) got++;
uint32_t shardNum = getShardNum( RDB_DATEDB , &k );
if ( shardNum == getMyShardNum() ) got++;
if ( got != count ) {
log ("db: Out of first %"INT32" records in datedb, only %"INT32" belong "
"to our group.",count,got);
// exit if NONE, we probably got the wrong data
if ( got == 0 ) log("db: Are you sure you have the "
"right "
"data in the right directory? "
log ( "db: Exiting due to Datedb inconsistency." );
return g_conf.m_bypassValidation;
log ( LOG_INFO, "db: Datedb passed verification successfully for %"INT32" "
"recs.", count );
return true;
// . see Datedb.h for format of the 12 byte key
// . TODO: substitute var ptrs if you want extra speed
key128_t Datedb::makeKey ( int64_t termId ,
uint32_t date ,
unsigned char score ,
uint64_t docId ,
bool isDelKey ) {
key128_t key ;
char *kp = (char *)&key;
char *tp = (char *)&termId;
char *dp = (char *)&docId;
// store termid
*(int16_t *)(kp+14) = *(int16_t *)(tp+4);
*(int32_t *)(kp+10) = *(int32_t *)(tp );
// store date, not complemented
*(int32_t *)(kp+ 6) = ~date;
// store the complement of the score
kp[5] = ~score;
// . store docid
// . make room for del bit and half bit
docId <<= 2;
*(int32_t *)(kp+1) = *(int32_t *)(dp+1);
kp[0] = dp[0];
// turn off half bit
kp[0] &= 0xfd;
// turn on/off delbit
if ( isDelKey ) kp[0] &= 0xfe;
else kp[0] |= 0x01;
// key is complete
return key;