
870 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright Matt Wells, Apr 2001
// . every host has a config record
// . like tagdb, record in 100% xml
// . allows remote configuration of hosts through Msg4 class
// . remote user sends some xml, we set our member vars using that xml
// . when we save to disk we convert our mem vars to xml
// . is global so everybody can see it
// . conf record can be changed by director OR with the host's priv key
// . use Conf remotely to get setup info about a specific host
// . get your local ip/port/groupMask/etc. from this class not HostMap
#ifndef _CONF_H_
#define _CONF_H_
//#include "../../rsa/rsa.h" // for private_key and public_key types
#include "Xml.h" // Xml class
#include "File.h" // File class
#include "ip.h" // atoip()
#include "Hostdb.h" // g_hostdb.makeGroupId(),makeGroupMask()
#include "HttpRequest.h"
#include "TcpSocket.h"
#include "Url.h" // MAX_COLL_LEN
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#define MAX_MASTER_IPS 15
#define MAX_CONNECT_IPS 128
#define AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE (32*8192)
#define MAX_DNSIPS 16
#define MAX_RNSIPS 13
#define MAX_MX_LEN 128
#define MAX_EMAIL_LEN 64
#define USERS_TEXT_SIZE 500000
mode_t getFileCreationFlags();
mode_t getDirCreationFlags ();
class Conf {
bool isCollAdmin ( TcpSocket *socket , HttpRequest *hr ) ;
bool isCollAdminForColl (TcpSocket *sock, HttpRequest *hr,char *coll );
bool isCollAdmin2 (TcpSocket *socket , HttpRequest *hr,
class CollectionRec *cr) ;
bool isMasterAdmin ( TcpSocket *socket , HttpRequest *hr ) ;
//bool isMasterAdmin ( class TcpSocket *s , class HttpRequest *r );
//bool isSpamAssassin ( class TcpSocket *s , class HttpRequest *r );
bool hasMasterPwd ( HttpRequest *hr ) ;
bool isMasterIp ( uint32_t ip );
bool isConnectIp ( uint32_t ip );
// loads conf parms from this file "{dir}/gb.conf"
bool init ( char *dir );
void setRootIps();
// set from a buffer of null-terminated xml
bool add ( char *xml );
// saves any changes to the conf file
bool save ( );
// reset all values to their defaults
void reset();
// verify that some values are ok
bool verify();
// . get the default collection based on hostname
// will look for the hostname in each collection for a match
// no match defaults to default collection
char *getDefaultColl ( char *hostname, int32_t hostnameLen );
// hold the filename of this conf file
char m_confFilename[256];
// general info
//bool m_isTrustedNet;
//char m_dir[256]; // our mattster root working dir
//int32_t m_ip; // now in hostdb conf file
//bool m_isTrusted; // is the whole network trusted?
//private_key m_privKey; // our private key for this host
// max amount of memory we can use
int64_t m_maxMem;
// if this is false, we do not save, used by dump routines
// in main.cpp so they can change parms here and not worry about
// a core dump saving them
char m_save;
bool m_runAsDaemon;
bool m_logToFile;
bool m_isLocal;
//director info (optional) (used iff m_isTrustedNet is false)
//public_key m_dirPubKey; // everyone should know director's pub key
//private_key m_dirPrivKey; // this is 0 if we don't know it
// . external ip of our firewall/router/...
// . regular users use this to connect
// . Host::m_externalIp/Port is used by admin
// . Host::m_ip/port is for machine to machine communication or
// if admin is coming from a local machine
//uint32_t m_mainExternalIp;
//uint16_t m_mainExternalPort;
// . our group info
//int32_t m_hostId; // our hostId
//int32_t m_numGroups;
//uint32_t m_groupId; // hi bits are set before low bits
//uint32_t m_groupMask; // hi bits are set before low bits
// the main directory
//char m_dir[256];
// an additional strip directory on a different drive
char m_stripeDir[256];
char m_defaultColl [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 ];
char m_dirColl [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1];
char m_dirHost [ MAX_URL_LEN ];
char m_clusterName[32];
// . dns parameters
// . dnsDir should hold our saved cached (TODO: save the dns cache)
//int16_t m_dnsClientPort;
int32_t m_numDns ;
int32_t m_dnsIps[MAX_DNSIPS];
int16_t m_dnsPorts[MAX_DNSIPS];
int32_t m_dnsMaxCacheMem;
bool m_dnsSaveCache;
int32_t m_geocoderIps[MAX_GEOCODERS];
int32_t m_wikiProxyIp;
int32_t m_wikiProxyPort;
SafeBuf m_proxyIps;
SafeBuf m_proxyTestUrl;
bool m_useRandAgents;
bool m_useProxyIps;
bool m_automaticallyUseProxyIps;
SafeBuf m_proxyAuth;
// built-in dns parameters using name servers
char m_askRootNameservers;
int32_t m_numRns;
int32_t m_rnsIps[MAX_RNSIPS];
int16_t m_rnsPorts[MAX_RNSIPS];
// log absolute filename
//char m_logFilename[256];
// hostdb absolute conf filename
//char m_hostdbFilename[256];
// used to limit all rdb's to one merge per machine at a time
int32_t m_mergeBufSize;
// tagdb parameters
int32_t m_tagdbMaxTreeMem;
//int32_t m_tagdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
//int32_t m_tagdbMaxCacheMem;
//bool m_tagdbUseSeals;
//int32_t m_tagdbMinFilesToMerge;
//bool m_tagdbSaveCache;
//bool m_makeAllFilesGroupWritable;
// catdb parameters
int32_t m_catdbMaxTreeMem;
//int32_t m_catdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
int32_t m_catdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_catdbMinFilesToMerge;
int32_t m_revdbMaxTreeMem;
int32_t m_timedbMaxTreeMem;
// titledb parameters
//int32_t m_titledbMaxTreeMem; // why isn't this used?
//int32_t m_titledbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_titledbMinFilesToMerge;
//int32_t m_titledbMaxCacheAge;
//bool m_titledbSaveCache;
// clusterdb for site clustering, each rec is 16 bytes
int32_t m_clusterdbMaxTreeMem;
//int32_t m_clusterdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_clusterdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
int32_t m_clusterdbMinFilesToMerge;
bool m_clusterdbSaveCache;
// if this is true, all collections index into the "main" collection
// but keep their own spiderdb in their collection.
//bool m_useDiffbot;
//bool m_indexEventsOnly;
// are we doing a command line thing like 'gb 0 dump s ....' in
// which case we do not want to log certain things
bool m_doingCommandLine;
// linkdb for storing linking relations
int32_t m_linkdbMaxTreeMem;
// int32_t m_linkdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_linkdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
int32_t m_linkdbMinFilesToMerge;
// bool m_linkdbSaveCache;
// dup vector cache max mem
int32_t m_maxVectorCacheMem;
// checksumdb for doc deduping, each rec is 12-16 bytes
//int32_t m_checksumdbMaxTreeMem;
//int32_t m_checksumdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_checksumdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
//int32_t m_checksumdbMinFilesToMerge;
// size of Checksumdb keys for this host
//int32_t m_checksumdbKeySize;
//bool m_checksumdbSaveCache;
// for holding urls that have been entered into the spider queue
//int32_t m_tfndbMaxTreeMem ;
//int32_t m_tfndbMaxDiskPageCacheMem ; // for the DiskPageCache class only
//int32_t m_tfndbMinFilesToMerge;
//bool m_tfndbSaveCache;
//int64_t m_tfndbMaxUrls;
int32_t m_maxCpuThreads;
int32_t m_maxCpuMergeThreads;
int32_t m_deadHostTimeout;
int32_t m_sendEmailTimeout;
int32_t m_pingSpacer;
// the spiderdb holds url records for spidering, when to spider, etc..
int32_t m_maxWriteThreads ;
//int32_t m_spiderdbMaxTreeMem ;
//int32_t m_spiderdbMaxCacheMem ;
//int32_t m_spiderdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem ;
//int32_t m_spiderdbMinFilesToMerge;
int32_t m_spiderMaxDiskThreads ;
//int32_t m_spiderMaxBigDiskThreads ; // > 1M read
//int32_t m_spiderMaxMedDiskThreads ; // 100k - 1M read
//int32_t m_spiderMaxSmaDiskThreads ; // < 100k read
//int32_t m_queryMaxDiskThreads ;
//int32_t m_queryMaxBigDiskThreads ; // > 1M read
//int32_t m_queryMaxMedDiskThreads ; // 100k - 1M read
//int32_t m_queryMaxSmaDiskThreads ; // < 100k per read
// categorize the disk read sizes by these here
//int32_t m_bigReadSize;
//int32_t m_medReadSize;
//int32_t m_smaReadSize;
char m_separateDiskReads;
int32_t m_statsdbMaxTreeMem;
int32_t m_statsdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_statsdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
//int32_t m_statsdbMinFilesToMerge;
bool m_useStatsdb;
//bool m_statsdbSnapshots;
//bool m_statsdbPageEnabled;
//int32_t m_spiderdbRootUrlPriority; // 0-7
//int32_t m_spiderdbAddUrlPriority ;
//int32_t m_minSpiderPriority ; // min spiderRec priority to spider
//int32_t m_maxSpidersPerDomain ; // per foreign domain
//int32_t m_maxRespiderWait ; // in seconds to re-spider a page
//int32_t m_minRespiderWait ; // in seconds to re-spider a page
// this is now in the root collection record
//int32_t m_maxNumSpiders ; // per local spider host
bool m_spideringEnabled ;
bool m_turkingEnabled ;
//bool m_webSpideringEnabled;
//bool m_facebookSpideringEnabled;
//bool m_stubHubSpideringEnabled;
//bool m_eventBriteSpideringEnabled;
//bool m_refreshFacebookUsersEnabled;
bool m_injectionsEnabled ;
bool m_queryingEnabled ;
bool m_returnResultsAnyway;
// qa testing loop going on? uses "test" subdir
bool m_testParserEnabled ;
bool m_testSpiderEnabled ;
//bool m_doDocIdRangeSplitting ;
bool m_testSearchEnabled ;
//bool m_spiderLoggingEnabled ;
//bool m_logWarnings ; // generally small problems
//bool m_logCongestion ; // ENOSLOTS
bool m_addUrlEnabled ; // TODO: use at http interface level
bool m_adFeedEnabled ;
//bool m_timingDebugEnabled ;
//bool m_threadDebugEnabled ;
//bool m_httpServerEnabled ;// don't allow seo bots on all machines
bool m_doStripeBalancing ;
// . true if the server is on the production cluster
// . we enforce the 'elvtune -w 32 /dev/sd?' cmd on all drives because
// that yields higher performance when dumping/merging on disk
bool m_isLive;
// is this a buzzlogic cluster?
//bool m_isBuzzLogic;
// is this a wikipedia cluster?
bool m_isWikipedia;
//bool m_spiderLinks ;
//bool m_dedupingEnabled ; // dedup content on same mid domain
//int32_t m_retryNum ; // how many times to retry url b4 nuke
//bool m_useIfModifiedSince ;
//bool m_doUrlSpamCheck ; // disallow urls w/ naughty hostnames
//bool m_timeBetweenUrls ; // for urls from same domain only
// for holding robot.txt files for various hostnames
int32_t m_robotdbMaxCacheMem ;
bool m_robotdbSaveCache;
int32_t m_maxTotalSpiders;
// indexdb has a max cached age for getting IndexLists (10 mins deflt)
int32_t m_indexdbMaxTreeMem ;
int32_t m_indexdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_indexdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem; // for DiskPageCache class only
int32_t m_indexdbMaxIndexListAge;
int32_t m_indexdbTruncationLimit;
int32_t m_indexdbMinFilesToMerge;
bool m_indexdbSaveCache;
int32_t m_datedbMaxTreeMem ;
int32_t m_datedbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_datedbMaxDiskPageCacheMem; // for DiskPageCache class only
int32_t m_datedbMaxIndexListAge;
int32_t m_datedbTruncationLimit;
int32_t m_datedbMinFilesToMerge;
bool m_datedbSaveCache;
// for caching exact quotas in Msg36.cpp
// used by qa.cpp and Msg13.cpp
//bool m_qaBuildMode;
//int32_t m_quotaTableMaxMem;
//bool m_useBuckets;
// port of the main udp server
int16_t m_udpPort;
// TODO: parse these out!!!!
//char m_httpRootDir[256] ;
//int16_t m_httpPort ; now in hosts.conf only
int32_t m_httpMaxSockets ;
int32_t m_httpsMaxSockets ;
//int32_t m_httpMaxReadBufSize ;
int32_t m_httpMaxSendBufSize ;
//int32_t m_httpMaxDownloadSockets ;
// a search results cache (for Msg40)
int32_t m_searchResultsMaxCacheMem ;
int32_t m_searchResultsMaxCacheAge ; // in seconds
bool m_searchResultsSaveCache;
// a sitelinkinfo cache (for Msg25)
int32_t m_siteLinkInfoMaxCacheMem;
int32_t m_siteLinkInfoMaxCacheAge;
bool m_siteLinkInfoSaveCache;
// a sitelinkinfo cache (for MsgD)
int32_t m_siteQualityMaxCacheMem;
int32_t m_siteQualityMaxCacheAge;
bool m_siteQualitySaveCache;
// a sitelinkinfo cache (for Msg25)
// for downloading an rdb
//int32_t m_downloadBufSize; // how big should hosts read buf be?
// . how many incoming links should we sample?
// . used for linkText and quality weighting from number of links
// and their total base quality
int32_t m_maxIncomingLinksToSample;
// phrase weighting
float m_queryPhraseWeight;
// for Weights.cpp
int32_t m_sliderParm;
//int32_t m_indexTableIntersectionAlgo;
// . maxmimum relative weight of a query term (1.0 to inf)
// . default about 8?
//float m_queryMaxMultiplier;
// use sendmail to forward emails we send out
char m_sendmailIp[MAX_MX_LEN];
// send emails when a host goes down?
bool m_sendEmailAlerts;
//should we delay when only 1 host goes down out of twins till 9 30 am?
bool m_delayNonCriticalEmailAlerts;
//delay emails after
char m_delayEmailsAfter[6];
//delay emails before
char m_delayEmailsBefore[6];
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToMattTmobile;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToMattAlltell;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToJavier;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToMelissa;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToPartap;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToCinco;
bool m_sendEmailAlertsToSysadmin;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToZak;
bool m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail1;
char m_email1MX[MAX_MX_LEN];
char m_email1Addr[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
char m_email1From[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
bool m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail2;
char m_email2MX[MAX_MX_LEN];
char m_email2Addr[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
char m_email2From[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
bool m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail3;
char m_email3MX[MAX_MX_LEN];
char m_email3Addr[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
char m_email3From[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
bool m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail4;
char m_email4MX[MAX_MX_LEN];
char m_email4Addr[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
char m_email4From[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToSabino;
char m_errstr1[MAX_URL_LEN];
char m_errstr2[MAX_URL_LEN];
char m_errstr3[MAX_URL_LEN];
char m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail1;
char m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail2;
char m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail3;
char m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail4;
float m_avgQueryTimeThreshold;
//float m_maxQueryTime;
float m_querySuccessThreshold;
int32_t m_numQueryTimes;
int32_t m_maxCorruptLists;
// limit to how big a serialized query can be before just storing
// the raw string instead, keeps network traffic down at the expense
// of processing time, used by Msg serialization
int32_t m_maxSerializedQuerySize;
// the spider won't go if this bandiwdth rate is currently exceeded
float m_maxIncomingKbps;
// max pgs/sec to index and delete from index. guards resources.
float m_maxPagesPerSecond;
float m_maxLoadAvg;
// redhat 9's NPTL doesn't like our async signals
bool m_allowAsyncSignals;
bool m_useCollectionPasswords;
bool m_allowCloudUsers;
// if in read-only mode we do no spidering and load no saved trees
// so we can use all mem for caching index lists
bool m_readOnlyMode;
// if this is true we use /etc/hosts for hostname lookup before dns
bool m_useEtcHosts;
bool m_useMergeToken;
// . should we always read data from local machine if available?
// . if your network is not gigabit, this may be a good idea
bool m_preferLocalReads;
// should we bypass load balancing and always send titledb record
// lookup requests to a host to maxmize tfndb page cache hits?
//bool m_useBiasedTfndb;
// calls fsync(fd) if true after each write
bool m_flushWrites ;
bool m_verifyWrites;
int32_t m_corruptRetries;
// log unfreed memory on exit
bool m_detectMemLeaks;
// . if false we will not keep spelling information in memory
// . we will keep the popularity info from dict though, since related
// topics requires that
bool m_doSpellChecking;
// . give suggestions to narrow the search
bool m_doNarrowSearch;
// are we running in Matt Wells's private data center? if so we
// use seo tools and control datacenter fans, etc.
bool m_isMattWells;
bool m_forceIt;
// maximum number of synonyms/stems to expand a word into
//int32_t m_maxSynonyms;
// default affinity for spelling suggestions/numbers
//float m_defaultAffinity;
// threshold for synonym usage
//float m_frequencyThreshold;
// thesaurus configuration
//int32_t m_maxAffinityRequests;
//int32_t m_maxAffinityErrors;
//int32_t m_maxAffinityAge;
//int32_t m_affinityTimeout;
//char m_affinityServer[MAX_URL_LEN];
//char m_affinityParms[MAX_URL_LEN];
// new syncing information
bool m_syncEnabled;
bool m_syncIndexdb;
bool m_syncTitledb;
bool m_syncSpiderdb;
//bool m_syncChecksumdb;
bool m_syncSitedb;
bool m_syncLogging;
bool m_syncDoUnion;
bool m_syncDryRun;
char m_syncHostIds [ 256 ]; // restrict syncing to these host ids
//int32_t m_syncReadBufSize; // limit disk activity for syncing
//int32_t m_syncSeeksPerSecond; // limit disk activity for syncing
int32_t m_syncBytesPerSecond; // limit disk activity for syncing
// if this is true we do not add indexdb keys that *should* already
// be in indexdb. but if you recently upped the m_truncationLimit
// then you can set this to false to add all indexdb keys.
//bool m_onlyAddUnchangedTermIds;
bool m_doIncrementalUpdating;
// always true unless entire indexdb was deleted and we are rebuilding
bool m_indexDeletes;
bool m_splitTwins;
bool m_useThreads;
bool m_useThreadsForDisk;
bool m_useThreadsForIndexOps;
bool m_useThreadsForSystemCalls;
bool m_useSHM;
bool m_useQuickpoll;
int64_t m_posdbFileCacheSize;
int64_t m_tagdbFileCacheSize;
int64_t m_clusterdbFileCacheSize;
int64_t m_titledbFileCacheSize;
int64_t m_spiderdbFileCacheSize;
//bool m_quickpollCoreOnError;
bool m_useShotgun;
bool m_testMem;
bool m_doConsistencyTesting;
// temporary hack for fixing docid collision resolution bug
bool m_hackFixWords;
bool m_hackFixPhrases;
// flags for excluding docs with only linktext or meta text matches
// for one or more query terms
//bool m_excludeLinkText;
//bool m_excludeMetaText;
// deny robots access to the search results
//bool m_robotCheck;
// scan all titledb files if we can't find the rec where it should be
bool m_scanAllIfNotFound;
// defaults to "Gigabot/1.0"
char m_spiderUserAgent [ USERAGENTMAXSIZE ];
int32_t m_autoSaveFrequency;
int32_t m_docCountAdjustment;
bool m_profilingEnabled;
bool m_dynamicPerfGraph;
int32_t m_minProfThreshold;
bool m_sequentialProfiling;
int32_t m_realTimeProfilerMinQuickPollDelta;
//int32_t m_summaryMode; // JAB: moved to CollectionRec
// . for query-dependent summary/title generation
//int32_t m_titleMaxLen;
//int32_t m_summaryMaxLen;
//int32_t m_summaryMaxNumLines;
//int32_t m_summaryMaxNumCharsPerLine;
//int32_t m_summaryDefaultNumLines;
//char m_summaryFrontHighlightTag[128];
//char m_summaryBackHighlightTag [128];
// See Log.h for an explanation of the switches below
// GET and POST requests.
bool m_logHttpRequests;
bool m_logAutobannedQueries;
//bool m_logQueryTimes;
// if query took this or more milliseconds, log its time
int32_t m_logQueryTimeThreshold;
bool m_logQueryReply;
bool m_logQueryDebug;
// log what gets into the index
bool m_logSpideredUrls;
// log informational messages, they are not indicative of any error.
bool m_logInfo;
// when out of udp slots
bool m_logNetCongestion;
// doc quota limits, url truncation limits
bool m_logLimits;
// log debug switches
bool m_logDebugAddurl ;
bool m_logDebugAdmin ;
bool m_logDebugBuild ;
bool m_logDebugBuildTime ;
bool m_logDebugDb ;
bool m_logDebugDirty ;
bool m_logDebugDisk ;
bool m_logDebugDiskPageCache;
bool m_logDebugDns ;
bool m_logDebugDownloads;
bool m_logDebugFacebook;
bool m_logDebugHttp ;
bool m_logDebugImage ;
bool m_logDebugLoop ;
bool m_logDebugLang ;
bool m_logDebugLinkInfo ;
bool m_logDebugMem ;
bool m_logDebugMemUsage;
bool m_logDebugMerge ;
bool m_logDebugNet ;
bool m_logDebugPQR ; // post query rerank
bool m_logDebugProxies ;
bool m_logDebugQuery ;
bool m_logDebugQuota ;
bool m_logDebugRobots ;
bool m_logDebugSpcache ; // SpiderCache.cpp debug
//bool m_logDebugSpiderWait;
bool m_logDebugSpeller ;
bool m_logDebugTagdb ;
bool m_logDebugSections;
bool m_logDebugSEO;
bool m_logDebugSEOInserts;
bool m_logDebugStats ;
bool m_logDebugSummary ;
bool m_logDebugSpider ;
bool m_logDebugMsg13 ;
bool m_diffbotMsg13Hack ;
bool m_logDebugUrlAttempts ;
bool m_logDebugTcp ;
bool m_logDebugTcpBuf ;
bool m_logDebugThread ;
bool m_logDebugTimedb ;
bool m_logDebugTitle ;
bool m_logDebugTopics ;
bool m_logDebugTopDocs ;
bool m_logDebugUdp ;
bool m_logDebugUnicode ;
bool m_logDebugRepair ;
bool m_logDebugDate ;
// expensive timing messages
bool m_logTimingAddurl ;
bool m_logTimingAdmin ;
bool m_logTimingBuild;
bool m_logTimingDb;
bool m_logTimingNet;
bool m_logTimingQuery;
bool m_logTimingSpcache;
bool m_logTimingTopics;
// programmer reminders.
bool m_logReminders;
//int32_t m_numMasterPwds;
SafeBuf m_masterPwds;
//int32_t m_numMasterIps;
//int32_t m_masterIps[MAX_MASTER_IPS];
// these are the new master ips
//int32_t m_numConnectIps;
//int32_t m_connectIps [ MAX_CONNECT_IPS ];
SafeBuf m_connectIps;
// should we generate similarity/content vector for titleRecs lacking?
// this takes a ~100+ ms, very expensive, so it is just meant for
// testing.
bool m_generateVectorAtQueryTime;
char m_users [ USERS_TEXT_SIZE ];
int32_t m_usersLen;
//char m_superTurks [ USERS_TEXT_SIZE ];
//int32_t m_superTurksLen;
int32_t m_maxYippyOut;
char m_doAutoBan;
int32_t m_banIpsLen;
char m_banIps [ AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE ];
int32_t m_allowIpsLen;
char m_allowIps [ AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE ];
int32_t m_validCodesLen;
char m_validCodes[ AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE ];
int32_t m_banRegexLen;
char m_banRegex [ AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE ];
int32_t m_extraParmsLen;
char m_extraParms [ AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE ];
unsigned char m_numFreeQueriesPerMinute;
uint32_t m_numFreeQueriesPerDay;
char m_redirect[MAX_URL_LEN];
char m_useCompressionProxy;
char m_gzipDownloads;
// used by proxy to make proxy point to the temp cluster while
// the original cluster is updated
char m_useTmpCluster;
char m_timeSyncProxy;
// For remote datafeed verification
//char m_useDFAcctServer;
//int32_t m_dfAcctIp;
//int32_t m_dfAcctPort;
//char m_dfAcctColl[MAX_COLL_LEN];
Xml m_xml;
char m_buf[10*1024];
int32_t m_bufSize;
// . for specifying if this is an interface machine
// messages are rerouted from this machine to the main
// cluster set in the hosts.conf.
bool m_interfaceMachine;
// after we take the natural log of each query term's DF (doc freq.)
// we
float m_queryExp;
//char m_useDynamicPhraseWeighting;
float m_minPopForSpeller; // 0% to 100%
// catdb min site rec size for LARGE but latent domains
int32_t m_catdbMinRecSizes;
// allow scaling up of hosts by removing recs not in the correct
// group. otherwise a sanity check will happen.
char m_allowScale;
// . timeout on dead hosts, only set when we know a host is dead and
// will not come back online. Messages will timeout on the dead
// host, but not error, allowing outstanding spidering to finish
// to the twin
char m_giveupOnDeadHosts;
char m_bypassValidation;
int32_t m_maxHardDriveTemp;
int32_t m_maxHeartbeatDelay;
int32_t m_maxCallbackDelay;
// balance value for Msg6, each host can have this many ready domains
// per global host
//int32_t m_distributedSpiderBalance;
//int32_t m_distributedIpWait;
// parameters for indexdb spitting and tfndb extension bits
//int32_t m_indexdbSplit;
//char m_fullSplit;
//char m_legacyIndexdbSplit;
//int32_t m_tfndbExtBits;
// used by Repair.cpp
char m_repairingEnabled ;
int32_t m_maxRepairSpiders ;
int32_t m_repairMem;
SafeBuf m_collsToRepair;
char m_rebuildAllCollections;
char m_fullRebuild ;
char m_rebuildAddOutlinks;
char m_rebuildRecycleLinkInfo ;
//char m_rebuildRecycleLinkInfo2 ;
//char m_removeBadPages ;
char m_rebuildTitledb ;
//char m_rebuildTfndb ;
//char m_rebuildIndexdb ;
char m_rebuildPosdb ;
//char m_rebuildNoSplits ;
//char m_rebuildDatedb ;
//char m_rebuildChecksumdb ;
char m_rebuildClusterdb ;
char m_rebuildSpiderdb ;
//char m_rebuildSitedb ;
char m_rebuildLinkdb ;
//char m_rebuildTagdb ;
//char m_rebuildPlacedb ;
char m_rebuildTimedb ;
char m_rebuildSectiondb ;
//char m_rebuildRevdb ;
char m_rebuildRoots ;
char m_rebuildNonRoots ;
//char m_rebuildSkipSitedbLookup ;
// for caching the qualities of urls (see Msg20.cpp)
int32_t m_maxQualityCacheAge ;
extern class Conf g_conf;
// old stuff:
// key is the hostId. hostId of -1 is the default conf record.
// here's the recognized fields:
// <dirPubKey> // default rec only
// <groupMask> // default rec only
// <rootDir> // default rec only
// <numPolice> // default rec only
// <isTrustedNet> // default rec only
// <hostId> -- stored in hostmap
// <ip> -- stored in hostmap
// <port> -- stored in hostmap
// <networkName> // also in default rec
// <maxDiskSpace>
// <maxMem>
// <maxCpu>
// <maxBps>
// <pubKey>
// <isTrustedHost> // director sealed