
642 lines
19 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Indexdb.h" // makeKey(long long docId)
#include "Msg0.h"
#include "Msg1.h"
#include "IndexList.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Msg36.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Users.h"
// TODO: meta redirect tag to host if hostId not ours
static void gotTermFreqWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static bool gotTermFreq ( class State10 *st ) ;
static void gotIndexListWrapper ( void *state );//, RdbList *list );
static bool gotIndexList ( void *state );
//static bool gotIndexList2 ( void *state , RdbList *list );
static void addedKeyWrapper ( void *state );
static bool launchRequests ( class State10 *st ) ;
// our state class
class State10 {
Msg0 m_msg0;
Msg1 m_msg1;
IndexList m_list;
//IndexList m_list2;
collnum_t m_collnum;
char m_query[MAX_QUERY_LEN+1];
long m_queryLen;
//char m_coll[MAX_COLL_LEN+1];
//long m_collLen;
char *m_coll;
char m_pwd[32];
bool m_useTree;
bool m_useDisk;
bool m_useCache;
bool m_add;
bool m_del;
long long m_termId;
long m_numRecs;
TcpSocket *m_socket;
HttpRequest m_r;
bool m_isAdmin;
bool m_isLocal;
Msg36 m_msg36; // term freqs (term popularity)
long long m_termFreq;
long long m_docId;
unsigned char m_score;
key_t m_key;
RdbList m_keyList;
bool m_useDatedb;
long m_i;
SafeBuf m_pbuf;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . make a web page displaying the config of this host
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageIndexdb ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
// . get fields from cgi field of the requested url
// . get the search query
long queryLen = 0;
char *query = r->getString ( "q" , &queryLen , NULL /*default*/);
// ensure query not too big
if ( queryLen >= MAX_QUERY_LEN ) {
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
// get the collection
long collLen = 0;
char *coll = r->getString("c",&collLen);
if ( ! coll || ! coll[0] ) {
//coll = g_conf.m_defaultColl;
coll = g_conf.getDefaultColl( r->getHost(), r->getHostLen() );
collLen = gbstrlen(coll);
// ensure collection not too big
if ( collLen >= MAX_COLL_LEN ) {
g_errno = ECOLLTOOBIG;
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(coll);
if ( ! cr ) {
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
// make a state
State10 *st ;
try { st = new (State10); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("PageIndexdb: new(%i): %s",
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));}
mnew ( st , sizeof(State10) , "PageIndexdb" );
// password, too
long pwdLen = 0 ;
char *pwd = r->getString ( "pwd" , &pwdLen );
if ( pwdLen > 31 ) pwdLen = 31;
if ( pwdLen > 0 ) strncpy ( st->m_pwd , pwd , pwdLen );
// get # of records to retreive from IndexList
st->m_numRecs = r->getLong ( "numRecs" , 100 );
// use disk, tree, or cache?
st->m_useDisk = r->getLong ("ud" , 0 );
st->m_useTree = r->getLong ("ut" , 0 );
st->m_useCache = r->getLong ("uc" , 0 );
st->m_useDatedb= r->getLong ("ub" , 0 );
st->m_add = r->getLong ("add", 0 );
st->m_del = r->getLong ("del", 0 );
// get the termId, if any, from the cgi vars
st->m_termId = r->getLongLong ("t", 0LL ) ;
// get docid and score
st->m_docId = r->getLongLong ("d", 0LL );
st->m_score = r->getLong ("score", 0 );
// copy query/collection
memcpy ( st->m_query , query , queryLen );
st->m_queryLen = queryLen;
st->m_query [ queryLen ] ='\0';
//memcpy ( st->m_coll , coll , collLen );
//st->m_collLen = collLen;
//st->m_coll [ collLen ] ='\0';
st->m_coll = coll;
st->m_collnum = cr->m_collnum;
// save the TcpSocket
st->m_socket = s;
// and if the request is local/internal or not
st->m_isAdmin = g_conf.isCollAdmin ( s , r );
st->m_isLocal = r->isLocal();
st->m_r.copy ( r );
// . check for add/delete request
if ( st->m_add || st->m_del ) {
key_t startKey = g_indexdb.makeStartKey ( st->m_termId );
key_t endKey = g_indexdb.makeEndKey ( st->m_termId );
// construct the key to add/delete
st->m_key = g_indexdb.makeKey ( st->m_termId,
st->m_score ,
st->m_docId ,
st->m_del );
// make an RdbList out of the key
st->m_keyList.set ( (char*)&st->m_key,
true );
log ( LOG_INFO, "build: adding indexdb key to indexdb: "
"%lx %llx", st->m_key.n1, st->m_key.n0 );
// call msg1 to add/delete key
if ( ! st->m_msg1.addList ( &st->m_keyList,
return false;
// continue to page if no block
return gotIndexList ( st );
if ( ! st->m_query[0] ) return gotIndexList(st);
// . set query class
// . a boolFlag of 0 means query is not boolean
Query q;
q.set2 ( query , langUnknown , true ); // 0 = boolFlag, not boolean!
// reset
st->m_msg36.m_termFreq = 0LL;
// if query was provided, use that, otherwise use termId
if ( q.getNumTerms() > 0 ) st->m_termId = q.getTermId(0);
// skip if nothing
else return gotTermFreq ( st );
// get the termfreq of this term!
if ( ! st->m_msg36.getTermFreq ( st->m_collnum ,
0 ,
st ,
gotTermFreqWrapper ) ) return false;
// otherwise, we didn't block
return gotTermFreq ( st );
void gotTermFreqWrapper ( void *state ) {
gotTermFreq( (State10 *) state );
bool gotTermFreq ( State10 *st ) {
// set the term freq
st->m_termFreq = st->m_msg36.getTermFreq();
// reset
st->m_i = 0;
// . query each indexdb/datedb split
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
if ( ! launchRequests ( st ) ) return false;
// if it completed, keep on chugging
return gotIndexList ( (void *) st );
bool launchRequests ( State10 *st ) {
// nothing to do if no query
if ( ! st->m_query[0] ) return true;
// all done if add request only
if ( st->m_add || st->m_del ) return true;
long split = st->m_i;
// all done?
if ( split >= g_hostdb.getNumShards() ) return true;
// get group id
//unsigned long gid = g_hostdb.getGroupId ( split );
// get group
//Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getGroup ( gid );
// get host from that group, just pick the first one, assume not dead!!!
//Host *h = &hosts[0];
//fprintf(stderr,"termId now=%lli\n",st->m_termId);
//fprintf(stderr,"should be=%lli\n",(st->m_termId & TERMID_MASK));
// now get the indexList for this termId
char startKey[16];
char endKey [16];
key_t s12 = g_indexdb.makeStartKey ( st->m_termId );
key_t e12 = g_indexdb.makeEndKey ( st->m_termId );
key128_t s16 = g_datedb.makeStartKey ( st->m_termId ,0xffffffff);
key128_t e16 = g_datedb.makeEndKey ( st->m_termId ,0x0);
char rdbId;
long ks;
if ( st->m_useDatedb ) {
memcpy ( startKey , &s16 , 16 );
memcpy ( endKey , &e16 , 16 );
ks = 16;
else {
memcpy ( startKey , &s12 , 12 );
memcpy ( endKey , &e12 , 12 );
ks = 12;
// get the rdb ptr to titledb's rdb
//Rdb *rdb = g_indexdb.getRdb();
// -1 means read from all files in Indexdb
long numFiles = -1;
// make it zero if caller doesn't want to hit the disk
if ( ! st->m_useDisk ) numFiles = 0;
// inc to next
// get the title rec at or after this docId
Msg0 *m = &st->m_msg0;
if ( ! m->getList ( -1 , // h->m_hostId ,
-1 , // ip
-1 , // port
0 , // max cache age
false , // add to cache?
rdbId , // RDB_INDEXDB , // rdbId of 2 = indexdb
st->m_collnum ,
&st->m_list ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
st->m_numRecs * ks, // recSizes
//st->m_useTree , // include tree?
//st->m_useCache , // include cache?
//false , // add to cache?
//0 , // startFileNum
//numFiles , // numFiles
st , // state
gotIndexListWrapper ,
0 , // niceness
false , // error correction?
true , // include tree?
true , // do merge?
-1 , // first hostid
0 , // start file num
-1 , // numFiles
99999 , // timeout
-1 , // sync point
-1 , // prefer local reads?
NULL , // msg5
NULL , // msg5b
false , // is real merge?
true , // allow page cache?
false , // force local indexdb?
true , // do split?
split ))// group # to send to
return false;
// launch more
goto loop;
// otherwise call gotResults which returns false if blocked, true else
// and sets g_errno on error
//return gotIndexList ( (void *) st , NULL );
void gotIndexListWrapper ( void *state ) {//, RdbList *list ) {
gotIndexList ( state );
void addedKeyWrapper ( void *state ) {
gotIndexList ( state );
// . make a web page from results stored in msg40
// . send it on TcpSocket "s" when done
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool gotIndexList ( void *state ) {
// the state
State10 *st = (State10 *) state;
// launch more
if ( ! launchRequests ( st ) ) return false;
// get the date list
//fprintf(stderr,"termId now=%lli\n",st->m_termId);
//fprintf(stderr,"should be=%lli\n",(st->m_termId & TERMID_MASK));
// . now get the indexList for this termId
// . date is complemented, so start with bigger one first
key128_t startKey = g_datedb.makeStartKey ( st->m_termId ,0xffffffff);
key128_t endKey = g_datedb.makeEndKey ( st->m_termId ,0x0);
// get the rdb ptr to titledb's rdb
//Rdb *rdb = g_indexdb.getRdb();
// -1 means read from all files in Indexdb
long numFiles = -1;
// make it zero if caller doesn't want to hit the disk
if ( ! st->m_useDisk ) numFiles = 0;
// get the title rec at or after this docId
if ( ! st->m_msg0.getList ( -1 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 , // max cache age
false , // add to cache?
RDB_DATEDB , // rdbId of 2 = indexdb
st->m_coll ,
&st->m_list2 ,
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
st->m_numRecs * sizeof(key128_t),//recSizes
//st->m_useTree , // include tree?
//st->m_useCache , // include cache?
//false , // add to cache?
//0 , // startFileNum
//numFiles , // numFiles
st , // state
gotIndexListWrapper2 ,
0 ) ) // niceness
return false;
// otherwise call gotResults which returns false if blocked, true else
// and sets g_errno on error
return gotIndexList2 ( (void *) st , NULL );
void gotIndexListWrapper2 ( void *state , RdbList *list ) {
gotIndexList2 ( state , list );
void addedKeyWrapper ( void *state ) {
gotIndexList2 ( state, NULL );
// . make a web page from results stored in msg40
// . send it on TcpSocket "s" when done
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool gotIndexList2 ( void *state , RdbList *list ) {
// the state
State10 *st = (State10 *) state;
// get the socket
TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
// don't allow pages bigger than 128k in cache
//char buf [ 64*1024 ];
// a ptr into "buf"
//char *p = buf;
//char *pend = buf + 64*1024;
// get termId
key_t k = *(key_t *)st->m_list.getStartKey();
long long termId = g_indexdb.getTermId ( k );
// get groupId from termId
//unsigned long groupId = k.n1 & g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
unsigned long groupId = g_indexdb.getGroupIdFromKey ( &k );
long hostnum = g_hostdb.makeHostId ( groupId );
// check box " checked" strings
char *ubs = "";
char *uts = "";
char *uds = "";
char *ucs = "";
char *add = "";
char *del = "";
if ( st->m_useDatedb) ubs = " checked";
if ( st->m_useTree ) uts = " checked";
if ( st->m_useDisk ) uds = " checked";
if ( st->m_useCache ) ucs = " checked";
if ( st->m_add ) add = " checked";
if ( st->m_del ) del = " checked";
SafeBuf *pbuf = &st->m_pbuf;
g_pages.printAdminTop ( pbuf , st->m_socket , &st->m_r );
// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
RdbBase *base;
if (!(base=getRdbBase((uint8_t)RDB_INDEXDB,st->m_collnum)))return true;
// print the standard header for admin pages
pbuf->safePrintf (
"<table cellpadding=2><tr><td colspan=4>"
"useDatedb:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=ub%s> "
"useTree:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=ut%s> "
"useDisk:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=ud%s> "
"useCache:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=uc%s> "
"ADD:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=add%s> "
"DELETE:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=del%s>"
"<input type=text name=q value=\"%s\" size=20>"
"<input type=text name=c value=\"%s\" size=10>"
"<input type=text name=t value=%lli size=20>"
"<input type=text name=numRecs value=%li size=10> "
"<input type=text name=d value=%lli size=20> "
"<input type=text name=score value=%li size=10> "
"<input type=submit value=ok border=0>"
"<tr><td colspan=2>"
"term appears in about %lli docs +/- %li"
//"<tr><td colspan=2>"
//"this indexlist held by host #%li and twins"
"</form><br><br>" ,
ubs, uts, uds, ucs, add, del,
st->m_query , st->m_coll , st->m_termId ,
st->m_numRecs ,
st->m_docId , (long)st->m_score ,
st->m_termFreq ,
2 * (long)GB_INDEXDB_PAGE_SIZE / 6 *
base->getNumFiles() );
//hostnum );
if ( g_errno || (st->m_list.isEmpty() ) ) {//&&st->m_list2.isEmpty())){
if (g_errno)pbuf->safePrintf("Error = %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
else pbuf->safePrintf("List is empty");
// erase g_errno for sending
g_errno = 0;
// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage(s ,
pbuf->length() );
// delete it
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State10) , "PageIndexdb" );
delete (st);
return status;
pbuf->safePrintf (
"<table cellpadding=1 border=1>"
//if ( searchingEvents
// now print the score/docId of indexlist
long i = 0;
for ( st->m_list.resetListPtr () ;
! st->m_list.isExhausted () ;
st->m_list.skipCurrentRecord () ) {
// break if buf is low
//if ( p + 1024 >= pend ) break;
// but set the ip/port to a host that has this titleRec
// stored locally!
long long docId = st->m_list.getCurrentDocId () ;
//unsigned long groupId = getGroupIdFromDocId ( docId );
long shardNum = getShardNumFromDocId ( docId );
// get the first host's hostId in this groupId
//Host *h = g_hostdb.getFastestHostInGroup ( groupId );
Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getShard ( shardNum );
// just pick a host now...
Host *h = &hosts[0];
// . pick the first host to handle the cached titleRec request
// . we assume it has the best time and is up!! TODO: fix!
// . use local ip though if it was an internal request
// . otherwise, use the external ip
//unsigned long ip = h->m_externalIp;
unsigned long ip = h->m_ip;
// use the NAT mapped port
unsigned short port = h->m_externalHttpPort;
// log the first docid so we can blaster url: queries
// to PageIndexdb and see if they are in indexdb
if ( i == 0 )
logf(LOG_INFO,"indexdb: %llu %s",docId,st->m_query);
// adjust ip/port if local
if ( st->m_isLocal ) {
ip = h->m_ip;
port = h->m_httpPort;
unsigned long date = 0;
if ( st->m_useDatedb )
date = (unsigned long)st->m_list.getCurrentDate();
uint8_t dh = g_titledb.getDomHash8FromDocId ( docId );
char ds[32];
if ( st->m_useDatedb ) sprintf (ds,"%lu/",date);
pbuf->safePrintf (
//"<a href=http://%s:%hu/admin/titledb?d=%llu>"
"<a href=/admin/titledb?c=%s&d=%llu>"
//"<td><a href=/cgi/4.cgi?d=%llu>%llu"
"</tr>\n" ,
ds, (int)st->m_list.getCurrentScore() ,
//iptoa(ip) , port ,
docId ,
docId ,
(long)dh );
pbuf->safePrintf ( "</table>" );
if ( ! st->m_list2.isEmpty() )
p += sprintf ( p ,
"<table cellpadding=1 border=1>"
// now print the score/docId of datedb list
i = 0;
for ( st->m_list2.resetListPtr () ;
! st->m_list2.isExhausted () ;
st->m_list2.skipCurrentRecord () ) {
// break if buf is low
if ( p + 1024 >= pend ) break;
// but set the ip/port to a host that has this titleRec
// stored locally!
long long docId = st->m_list2.getCurrentDocId () ;
unsigned long groupId = g_titledb.getGroupId ( docId );
// get the first host's hostId in this groupId
Host *h = g_hostdb.getFastestHostInGroup ( groupId );
// . pick the first host to handle the cached titleRec request
// . we assume it has the best time and is up!! TODO: fix!
// . use local ip though if it was an internal request
// . otherwise, use the external ip
//unsigned long ip = h->m_externalIp;
unsigned long ip = h->m_ip;
// use the NAT mapped port
unsigned short port = h->m_externalHttpPort;
// adjust ip/port if local
if ( st->m_isLocal ) {
ip = h->m_ip;
port = h->m_httpPort;
// debug
char kb[16];
//log(LOG_INFO,"debug: n1=%016llx n0=%016llx",
// *(long long *)(kb+8),*(long long *)(kb+0));
//if ( (unsigned long)st->m_list2.getCurrentDate() == 0 )
// log("STOP");
sprintf ( p ,
//"<a href=http://%s:%hu/admin/titledb?d=%llu>"
"<a href=/admin/titledb?c=%s&d=%llu>"
//"<td><a href=/cgi/4.cgi?d=%llu>%llu"
"</td></tr>\n" ,
st->m_list2.getTermId16(kb) ,
(unsigned long)st->m_list2.getCurrentDate() ,
(int)st->m_list2.getCurrentScore() ,
//iptoa(ip) , port ,
docId ,
docId );
p += gbstrlen ( p );
if ( ! st->m_list.isEmpty() )
pbuf->safePrintf ( "</table>" );
// print msg if we could fit all into buf
//if ( p + 1024 >= pend ) {
// sprintf ( p ,"... truncated ... no mem" );
// p += gbstrlen ( p );
// print the final tail
//p += g_httpServer.printTail ( p , pend - p );
pbuf->safePrintf ( "</center>\n");
// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s ,
pbuf->getBufStart() ,
pbuf->length() );
// delete the state
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State10) , "PageIndexdb" );
delete (st) ;
return status;