2014-05-25 09:58:07 -04:00

896 lines
23 KiB

#include "Users.h"
Users g_users;
RdbTree g_testResultsTree;
// intialize User members
m_permissions = 0;
m_numTagIds = 0;
m_numColls = 0;
m_allColls = false;
m_numIps = 0;
m_allIps = false;
m_numPages = 0;
m_allPages = 0;
m_reLogin = false;
m_username[0] = '\0';
m_password[0] = '\0';
// verify if user has permission from this ip
bool User::verifyIp ( long ip ){
if ( m_allIps ) return true;
// check the iplist
for (uint16_t i=0; i < m_numIps; i++ ){
long ipCheck = m_ip[i] & ( ip & m_ipMask[i] );
// check if they match
if ( ipCheck == m_ip[i] ) return true;
return false;
// verify user pass
bool User::verifyPassword ( char *pass ){
if ( ! pass ) return false;
if ( strcmp ( pass, m_password ) == 0 ) return true;
return false;
// verify is has access to this coll
bool User::verifyColl ( long collNum ){
if ( m_allColls ) return true;
if ( collNum < 0 ) return false;
for ( uint16_t i=0; i < m_numColls; i++ )
if ( m_collNum[i] == collNum ) return true;
return false;
// verify if the user has the supplied tagId
bool User::verifyTagId ( long tagId ){
//if ( tagId == 0 || tagId >= ST_LAST_TAG ) return false;
if ( tagId == 0 ) return false;
for ( uint16_t i = 0; i < m_numTagIds; i++ )
if ( m_tagId[i] == tagId ) return true;
return false;
// check if user is allowed to access this page
bool User::verifyPageNum ( uint16_t pageNum ){
if ( pageNum >= PAGE_NONE ) return false;
for ( uint16_t i = 0; i < m_numPages; i++ ){
bool allow = ! ( m_pages[i] & 0x8000 );
if ( pageNum == (m_pages[i] & 0x7fff) ) return allow;
// check if pageNum is of dummy page
bool isDummy = true;
if ( pageNum > PAGE_PUBLIC )
isDummy = false;
if ( m_allPages && !isDummy )
return true;
return false;
// get first page
long User::firstPage ( ){
// return first allowed page
for ( uint16_t i = 0; i < m_numPages; i++ )
if ( ! (m_pages[i] & 0x8000) &&
(m_pages[i]&0x7fff) > PAGE_PUBLIC ) return m_pages[i];
// if all pages is set then just return the root page
if ( m_allPages ) return PAGE_ROOT;
return -1;
// intialize the members
m_init = false;
m_needsSave = false;
bool Users::save(){
if ( ! m_needsSave ) return true;
if ( !,"userlogin.dat",NULL,0) )
return log("users: userlogin.dat save failed");
return true;
// initialize cache, tree, loadUsers and also loadTestUrls
bool Users::init(){
// 8 byte key is an ip/usernameHash and value is the timestamp
m_loginTable.set ( 8 , 4,0,NULL,0,false,0,"logintbl" );
// initialize the testresults rdbtree
long nodeSize = (sizeof(key_t)+12+1) + sizeof(collnum_t);
long maxNodes = MAX_TEST_RESULTS;
long maxMem = maxNodes * nodeSize;
// only need to call this once
if ( ! g_testResultsTree.set ( 0 , // fixedDataSize
maxNodes ,
true , // do balancing?
maxMem ,
false , // own data?
false , // dataInPtrs
NULL , // dbname
12 , // keySize
false ))
return false;
// call this userlogin.dat, not turkLoginTable.dat!!
//if ( ! m_loginTable.load(g_hostdb.m_dir,"userlogin.dat", NULL,NULL) )
// log("users: failed to load userlogin.dat");
// try to load the turk test results
// load users from the file
m_init = loadUserHashTable ();
m_needsSave = false;
return m_init;
// load turk test results from
bool Users::loadTestResults ( ){
File file;
char testFile[1024];
sprintf(testFile,"%sturkTestResults.dat", g_hostdb.m_dir );
if ( ! file.doesExist() ) return false;
long fileSize = file.getFileSize();
if (fileSize <= 0 ) return false;
// open the file
if ( ! ){
log(LOG_DEBUG,"Users error operning test result file %s",
testFile );
return false;
char *buf = NULL;
long bufSize = 4096;
long offset = 0;
long numNodes = 0;
// read the turk results file
for ( long i=0; i < fileSize; ){
// bail out if no node left in tree
if ( numNodes >= MAX_TEST_RESULTS ) break;
buf = (char *)mmalloc(bufSize,"UserTestResults");
if ( !buf ){
log(LOG_DEBUG,"Users cannot allocate mem for test"
" file buf");
return false;
long numBytesRead =,bufSize,offset);
if ( numBytesRead < 0 ){
log(LOG_DEBUG,"Users error reading test result file %s",
testFile );
// set the offsets
char *bufEnd = buf + numBytesRead;
char *newLineOffset = bufEnd;
for ( char *p = buf; p < bufEnd; p++ ){
char temp[250];
char *line = temp;
long items = 0;
char username[10];
long timestamp;
uint16_t result;
while ( *p != '\n' && p < bufEnd){
*line++ = *p++;
if ( *p != ' ' && *p != '\n' ) continue;
*line = '\0';
case 0: strcpy(username,temp);
case 1: timestamp = atoi(temp);
case 2: result = atoi(temp);
line = temp;
if ( p < bufEnd && *p == '\n')
newLineOffset = p;
if ( p >= bufEnd && *p != '\n') break;
// if the fields are not 3 then the line is corrupt
if ( items == 3){
key_t key;
key.n1 = hash32n(username);
key.n0 = ((long)timestamp << 8)
| (result & 0xff);
long node =
if ( node < 0 ){
log(LOG_DEBUG,"Users error adding node"
" to testResultsTree");
return false;
//log(LOG_DEBUG,"Users corrupt line turkTestResuls file"
// ": %s", temp);
// adjust the offset
offset = file.getCurrentPos() - (long)(bufEnd - newLineOffset);
i += bufSize - (long)( bufEnd - newLineOffset );
return true;
long Users::getAccuracy ( char *username, time_t timestamp ){
// get key between 15
key_t key;
key.n1 = hash32n(username);
key.n0 = ((long)timestamp << 8);
long refNode = g_testResultsTree.getPrevNode( 0 , (char *)&key);
if ( refNode == -1 )
refNode = g_testResultsTree.getNextNode ( 0 ,(char*)&key);
if ( refNode == -1 ) return -1;
// initialize the voting paramaters
long totalVotes = 0;
long totalCorrect = 0;
// get the vote from the reference node
key_t *refKey = (key_t*)g_testResultsTree.getKey(refNode);
if ( refKey->n1 == key.n1 ){
if ( refKey->n0 & 0x01 ) totalCorrect++;
// scan in the forward direction
long currentNode = refNode;
//key_t currentKey = *refKey;
//currentKey.n0 += 2;
for ( long i=0; i < ACCURACY_FWD_RANGE; i++ ){
long nextNode = g_testResultsTree.getNextNode(currentNode);
if ( nextNode == -1) break;
key_t *nextKey = (key_t *)g_testResultsTree.getKey(nextNode);
if ( refKey->n1 == nextKey->n1 ){
if ( nextKey->n0 & 0x01 ) totalCorrect++;
currentNode = nextNode;
// currentKey = *nextKey;
// currentKey.n0 += 2;
// scan in the backward direction
currentNode = refNode;
//currentKey = *refKey;
//currentKey.n0 -= 2;
for ( long i=0; i < ACCURACY_BWD_RANGE; i++ ){
long prevNode = g_testResultsTree.getPrevNode(currentNode);
if ( prevNode == -1) break;
key_t *prevKey = (key_t *)g_testResultsTree.getKey(prevNode);
if ( refKey->n1 == prevKey->n1 ){
if ( prevKey->n0 & 0x01 ) totalCorrect++;
currentNode = prevNode;
//currentKey = *prevKey;
//currentKey.n0 -= 2;
// don't compute accuracy for few data points
if ( totalVotes < ACCURACY_MIN_TESTS ) return -1;
// compute accuracy in percentage
long accuracy = ( totalCorrect * 100 ) / totalVotes;
return accuracy;
// . parses individual row of g_users
// . individual field are separated by :
// and , is used to mention many params in single field
bool Users::parseRow (char *row, long rowLen, User *user ){
// parse individual user row
char *current = row;
char *end = &row[rowLen];
long col = 0;
for ( ; col < 7 ;){
char temp[1024];
char *p = &temp[0];
bool hasStar = false;
while ( current <= end ){
if ( *current == ',' || *current == ':' ||
current == end ){
*p = '\0';
// star is present in data
// its allowed only for column 0 & 2
if (*current == '*' && col != 0 && col != 2 &&
col != 4 ){
log(LOG_DEBUG,"Users * can only"
"be user for collection,ip & pages: %s",
row );
return false;
// set the user param
setDatum ( temp, col, user, hasStar );
p = &temp[0];
// reset hasStar for all the other columns
// other then ip column 1
if ( col != 1 ) hasStar = false;
else {
//if ( *current == '*' || isalnum(*current) ||
// *current == '_' || *current=='.') {
if ( *current == '*' )
hasStar = true;
*p++ = *current;
if ( *(current-1) == ':') break;
// wrong format
// log(LOG_DEBUG,"Users error in log line: %s",
// row );
// return false;
if ( current >= end ) break;
if ( current < end ) return false;
return true;
// set individual user field from the given column/field
void Users::setDatum ( char *data, long column, User *user, bool hasStar){
long dataLen = gbstrlen (data);
if ( dataLen <= 0 || user == NULL || column < 0 ) return;
// set the user info depending on the column
// number or field
switch ( column ){
case 0:{
if ( user->m_allColls ) break;
if ( *data == '*' ){
user->m_allColls = true;
collnum_t collNum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum(data);
if (collNum >= 0 ){
user->m_collNum[user->m_numColls] = collNum;
case 2:{
if ( dataLen >= MAX_USER_SIZE ) data[MAX_USER_SIZE] = '\0';
strcpy ( user->m_username, data );
case 1:{
if (user->m_allIps || user->m_numIps > MAX_IPS_PER_USER) break;
// scan ip
// if start is present find the location of *
uint32_t starMask = 0xffffffff;
if ( hasStar ){
char *p = data;
if ( *data == '*' && *(data+1) =='\0'){
user->m_allIps = true;
// get the location of *
unsigned char starLoc = 4;
while ( *p !='\0'){
if ( *p == '*'){
// ignore the whole byte for
// that location
// set it to 0
*p = '0';
if ( starMask==0xffffffff )
starMask >>= 8*starLoc;
if ( *p == '.' ) starLoc--;
// starLoc = ceil(starLoc/2);
// if startMask means all ips are allowed
if ( starMask==0 ){ user->m_allIps = true; break;}
long iplen = gbstrlen ( data );
long ip = atoip(data,iplen);
if ( ! ip ) break;
user->m_ip[user->m_numIps] = ip;
user->m_ipMask[user->m_numIps] = starMask;
case 3:{
if ( gbstrlen(data) > MAX_PASS_SIZE ) data[MAX_PASS_SIZE] = '\0';
strcpy ( user->m_password, data);
case 5:{
if ( user->m_numPages >= MAX_PAGES_PER_USER ) break;
char *p = data;
if ( hasStar ){
user->m_allPages = true;
// if not allowed set MSB to 1
if ( *p == '-' ){
user->m_pages[user->m_numPages] = 0x8000;
long pageNum = g_pages.getPageNumber(p);
if ( pageNum < 0 || pageNum >= PAGE_NONE ){
log(LOG_DEBUG,"Users Invalid Page - %s for user %s", p,
user->m_username );
user->m_pages[user->m_numPages] |= ((uint16_t)pageNum & 0x7fff);
case 6:{
// save the user permission
// only one user is allowed
// user permission keyword no longer used
/*if ( ! user->m_permissions & 0xff ){
if (strcmp(data,"master")==0)
user->m_permissions = USER_MASTER;
else if (strcmp(data,"admin")==0)
user->m_permissions = USER_ADMIN;
else if (strcmp(data,"client")==0)
user->m_permissions = USER_CLIENT;
else if (strcmp(data,"spam")==0)
user->m_permissions = USER_SPAM;
else if (strcmp(data,"public")==0)
user->m_permissions = USER_PUBLIC;
}else{ */
// save the tags
long tagId = 0;
long strLen = gbstrlen(data);
// backup over ^M
if ( strLen>1 && data[strLen-1]=='M' && data[strLen-2]=='^' )
// skip for now, it cores for "english" because we removed
// that tag from the list of tags in Tagdb.cpp
log("users: skipping language tag");
tagId = getTagTypeFromStr ( data, strLen );
if ( tagId > 0 ) { // && tagId < ST_LAST_TAG ){
user->m_tagId[user->m_numTagIds] = tagId;
else {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"Users Invalid tagname - %s for user %s", data,
user->m_username );
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
case 4:{
if ( *data == '1' && gbstrlen(data)==1 ) user->m_reLogin=true;
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Users invalid column data: %s", data);
// . load users from Conf::g_users if size of g_users
// changes and lastreadtime is > USER_DATA_READ_FREQ
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Users::loadUserHashTable ( ) {
// read user info from the file and add to cache
char *buf = &g_conf.m_users[0];
unsigned long bufSize = g_conf.m_usersLen;
//time_t now = getTimeGlobal();
// no users?
if ( bufSize <= 0 ) {
//log("users: no <users> tag in gb.conf?");
return true;
// what was this for?
//if ( bufSize <= 0 || ( bufSize == m_oldBufSize
// && (now - m_oldBufReadTime) < USER_DATA_READ_FREQ ))
// return false;
// init it
if ( ! m_ht.set (12,sizeof(User),0,NULL,0,false,0,"userstbl"))
return false;
// read user data from the line and add it to the cache
char *p = buf;
unsigned long i = 0;
for ( ; i < bufSize; i++){
// read a line from buf
char *row = p;
long rowLen = 0;
while ( *p != '\r' && *p != '\n' && i < bufSize ){
i++; p++; rowLen++;
if ( *p == '\r' && *(p+1) == '\n' ) p+=2;
else if ( *p == '\r' || *p == '\n' ) p++;
if ( rowLen <= 0) break;
// set "user"
User user; if ( ! parseRow ( row, rowLen, &user) ) continue;
// skip empty usernames
if ( !gbstrlen(user.m_username) || !gbstrlen(user.m_password) )
// make the user key
key_t uk = hash32n ( user.m_username );
// grab the slot
long slot = m_ht.getSlot ( &uk );
// get existing User record, "eu" from hash table
User *eu = NULL;
if ( slot >= 0 ) eu = (User *)m_ht.getValueFromSlot ( slot );
// add the user. will overwrite him if in there
if ( ! m_ht.addKey ( &uk , &user ) ) return false;
return true;
// . get User record from user cache
// . return NULL if no record found
User *Users::getUser (char *username ) { //,bool cacheLoad){
// bail out if init has failed
if ( ! m_init ) {
log("users: could not load users from cache ");
return NULL;
if ( ! username ) return NULL;
// check for user in cache
key_t uk = hash32n ( username );
return (User *)m_ht.getValue ( &uk );
// . check if user is logged
// . returns NULL if session is timedout or user not logged
// . returns the User record on success
User *Users::isUserLogged ( char *username, long ip ){
// bail out if init has failed
if ( !m_init ) return (User *)NULL;
// get the user to the login cache
// get user record from cache
// return NULL if not found
User *user = getUser (username);
if ( !user ) return NULL;
//if ( user->m_reLogin ) return user;
// make the key a combo of ip and username
uint64_t key;
key = ((long long)ip << 32 ) | (long long)hash32n(username);
long slotNum = m_loginTable.getSlot ( &key );
if ( slotNum < 0 ) return NULL;
// if this is true, user cannot time out
if ( user->m_reLogin ) return user;
// return NULL if user sesssion has timed out
long now = getTime();
//long timestamp = m_loginTable.getValueFromSlot(slotNum);
// let's make it a permanent login now!
//if ( (now-timestamp) > (long)USER_SESSION_TIMEOUT ){
// m_loginTable.removeKey(key);
// return NULL;
m_needsSave = true;
// if not timed out then add the new access time to the table
if ( ! m_loginTable.addKey(&key,&now) )
log("users: failed to update login of user %s : %s",username,
mstrerror(g_errno) );
return user;
// . login the user
// . adds the user to the login table
// . the valud is the last access timestamp of user
// which is used for session timeout
bool Users::loginUser ( char *username, long ip ) {
// bail out if init has failed
if ( ! m_init ) return false;
// add the user to the login table
//key_t cacheKey = makeUserKey ( username, &cacheKey );
uint64_t key;
key = ((long long)ip << 32 ) | (long long)hash32n(username);
m_needsSave = true;
// add entry to table
long now = getTime();
if ( m_loginTable.addKey(&key,&now) ) return true;
return log("users: failed to login user %s : %s",
bool Users::logoffUser( char *username, long ip ){
uint64_t key;
key = ((long long)ip << 32 ) | (long long)hash32n(username);
return true;
char *Users::getUsername ( HttpRequest *r ){
// get from cgi before cookie so we can override
char *username = r->getString("username",NULL);
if ( !username ) username = r->getString("user",NULL);
// cookie is last resort
if ( !username ) username = r->getStringFromCookie("username",NULL);
//if ( !username ) username = r->getString("code",NULL);
// use the password as the user name if no username given
if ( ! username ) username = r->getString("pwd",NULL);
return username;
// check page permissions
bool Users::hasPermission ( HttpRequest *r, long page , TcpSocket *s ) {
if ( r->isLocal() ) return true;
// get username from the request
char *username = getUsername(r);
// msg28 always has permission
if ( username &&
s &&
strcmp(username,"msg28")==0 ) {
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHostByIp(s->m_ip);
// we often ssh tunnel in through router0 which is also
// the proxy, but now the proxy uses msg 0xfd to forward
// http requests, so we no longer have to worry about this
// being a security hazard
//Host *p = g_hostdb.getProxyByIp(s->m_ip);
//if ( h && ! p ) return true;
// if host has same ip as proxy, DONT TRUST IT
//if ( h && p->m_ip == h->m_ip )
// return log("http: proxy ip same as host ip.");
if ( ! h )
return log("http: msg28 only good internally.");
// we are good to go
return true;
return hasPermission ( username, page );
// does user have permission to view and edit the parms on this page?
bool Users::hasPermission ( char *username, long page ){
//if ( !username ) return false;
if ( ! username ) username = "public";
// get ths user from cache
User *user = getUser(username);
if ( !user ) return false;
// verify if user has access to the page
return user->verifyPageNum(page);
// get the highest user level for this client
//long Pages::getUserType ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
bool Users::verifyUser ( TcpSocket *s, HttpRequest *r ){
//bool isIpInNetwork = true;//g_hostdb.isIpInNetwork ( s->m_ip );
if ( r->isLocal() ) return true;
long n = g_pages.getDynamicPageNumber ( r );
User *user;
char *username = getUsername( r);
//if ( !username ) return false;
// if no username, assume public user. technically,
// they are verified as who they claim to be... noone.
if ( ! username ) return true;
// public user need not be verified
if ( strcmp(username,"public") == 0 ) return true;
// user "msg28" is valid as long as he is on one of the machines
// and not the proxy ip
if ( s && strcmp(username,"msg28")==0 ) {
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHostByIp(s->m_ip);
if ( h && ! h->m_isProxy ) return true;
// if he's from then let it slide
//if ( s->m_ip == 16777343 ) return true;
//if ( h && h->m_isProxy ) return true;
// otherwise someone could do a get request with msg28
// as the username and totally control us...
return log("http: msg28 only good internally and not "
"from proxy.");
char *password = r->getString("pwd",NULL);
// this is the same thing!
if ( password && ! password[0] ) password = NULL;
// the possible proxy ip
long ip = s->m_ip;
// . if the request is from the proxy, grab the "uip",
// the "user ip" who originated the query
// . now the porxy uses msg 0xfd to forward its requests so if we
// receive this request from ip "ip" it is probably because we are
// doing an ssh tunnel through router0, which is also the proxy
if ( g_hostdb.getProxyByIp ( ip ) ) {
// attacker could add uip=X and gain access if we are logged
// in through X. now we have moved the proxy off of router0
// and onto gf49...
return log("gb: got admin request from proxy for "
"user=%s. ignoring.",username);
// if the page is login then
// get the username from the request
// and login the user if valid
if ( n == PAGE_LOGIN ){
//username = r->getString("username");
//char *password = r->getString("pwd");
// if no username return
//if ( ! username ) return 0;
// get the user information
user = g_users.getUser ( username );
// if no user by that name
// means bad username, return
if ( ! user ) return 0;
// verify pass and return if bad
if ( ! user->verifyPassword ( password ) ) return 0;
else if ( password ) {
user = g_users.getUser(username);
if (!user) return 0;
//password = r->getString("pwd",NULL);
if ( !user->verifyPassword( password) ) return 0;
// . add the user to the login cache
// . if we don't log him in then passing the username/pwd
// in the hostid links is not good enough, we'd also have
// to add username/pwd to all the other links too!
else {
// check the login table and users cache
user = g_users.isUserLogged ( username, s->m_ip );
// . if no user prsent return 0 to indicate that
// user is not logged in.
// . MDW: no, because the cookie keeps sending
// username=mwells even though i don't want to login...
// i just want to do a search and be treated like public
if ( ! user ) return 0;
// verify ip of the user
bool verifyIp = user->verifyIp ( s->m_ip );
if ( ! verifyIp ) return 0;
// verify collection
char *coll = r->getString ("c");
if( !coll) coll = g_conf.m_defaultColl;
long collNum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum(coll);
bool verifyColl = user->verifyColl (collNum);
if ( ! verifyColl ) return 0;
// add the user to the login cache
if ( n == PAGE_LOGIN || n == PAGE_LOGIN2 ){
if ( ! g_users.loginUser ( username, s->m_ip ) ) return 0;
// now if everything is valid
// get the user permission
//long userType = user->getPermissions ( );
// . Commented by Gourav
// . Users class used
//hif ( userType == USER_MASTER || userType == USER_ADMIN
// || userType == USER_PUBLIC )
// userType &= isIpInNetwork;
//if ( g_conf.isMasterAdmin ( s , r ) ) return USER_MASTER;
// see if has permission for specified collection
//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( r );
// if no collection specified, assume public access
//if ( ! cr ) return USER_PUBLIC;
//if ( cr->hasPermission ( r , s ) ) return USER_ADMIN;
//if ( cr->isAssassin ( s->m_ip ) ) return USER_SPAM;
// otherwise, just a public user
//return USER_PUBLIC;
//return userType;
return true;