Matt Wells 94a55bf9a6 fixes for new link info code so it doesn't
bottleneck. got EFENCE_SIZE working so we
can use efence on large allocs only so we don't
go oom using it. might help finding some of
the out of bounds writing going on.
2014-02-25 10:55:05 -08:00

1385 lines
44 KiB

// Gigablast, Inc. Copyright April 2007
// Linkdb - stores link information
// . Format of a 28-byte key in linkdb
// . used by Msg25::getPageLinkInfo()
// .
// . pppppppp pppppppp pppppppp pppppppp p = linkEEHash, q = ~linkerSiteRank
// . pppppppp pppppppS qqqqqqqq cccccccc c = lower ip byte, S = isLinkSpam?
// . IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII dddddddd I = upper 3 bytes of ip
// . dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddd00 d = linkerdocid,h = half bit,Z =delbit
// . mmmmmmmm mmmmmm0N xxxxxxxx xxxxxxss N = 1 if it was added to existing page
// . ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss sssssshZ s = sitehash32 of linker
// m = discovery date in days since jan 1
// x = estimated date it was lost (0 if not yet lost)
// NOTE: the "c" bits were the hopcount of the inlinker, but we changed
// them to the lower ip byte so steve can show the # of unique ips linking
// to your page or site.
#ifndef _LINKDB_H_
#define _LINKDB_H_
#define LDBKS sizeof(key224_t)
#define LDB_MAXSITERANK 0xff
#define LDB_MAXHOPCOUNT 0xff
#define LDB_MAXURLHASH 0x00007fffffffffffLL
#define LINKDBEPOCH (1325376000-365*86400*4)
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
#include "DiskPageCache.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
void handleRequest25 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) ;
// . get the inlinkers to this SITE (any page on this site)
// . use that to compute a site quality
// . also get the inlinkers sorted by date and see how many good inlinkers
// we had since X days ago. (each inlinker needs a pub/birth date)
class Msg25Request {
char m_mode; // bool m_isSiteLinkInfo ;
long m_ip ;
long long m_docId ;
collnum_t m_collnum ;
bool m_isInjecting ;
bool m_printInXml ;
// when we get a reply we call this
void *m_state ;
void (* m_callback)(void *state) ;
// server-side parms so it doesn't have to allocate a state
//SafeBuf m_pbuf ;
//SafeBuf m_linkInfoBuf ;
//char *coll ;
//char *qbuf ;
//long qbufSize ;
//XmlDoc *xd ;
long m_siteNumInlinks ;
class LinkInfo *m_oldLinkInfo ;
long m_niceness ;
bool m_doLinkSpamCheck ;
bool m_oneVotePerIpDom ;
bool m_canBeCancelled ;
long m_lastUpdateTime ;
bool m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks ;
bool m_getLinkerTitles ;
long m_ourHostHash32 ;
long m_ourDomHash32 ;
// new stuff
long m_siteHash32;
long long m_siteHash64;
long long m_linkHash64;
// for linked list of these guys in g_lineTable in Linkdb.cpp
// but only used on the server end, not client end
class Msg25Request *m_next;
// the mutlicast we use
class Multicast *m_mcast;
UdpSlot *m_udpSlot;
bool m_printDebugMsgs;
// store final LinkInfo reply in here
SafeBuf *m_linkInfoBuf;
char *ptr_site;
char *ptr_url;
char *ptr_oldLinkInfo;
long size_site;
long size_url;
long size_oldLinkInfo;
char m_buf[0];
long getStoredSize();
void serialize();
void deserialize();
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . your req->m_callback will be called with the Msg25Reply
bool getLinkInfo ( SafeBuf *reqBuf , // store msg25 request in here
Multicast *mcast , // use this to send msg 0x25 request
char *site ,
char *url ,
bool isSiteLinkInfo ,
long ip ,
long long docId ,
collnum_t collnum ,
char *qbuf ,
long qbufSize ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
bool isInjecting ,
SafeBuf *pbuf ,
//class XmlDoc *xd ,
bool printInXml ,
long siteNumInlinks ,
//long sitePop ,
LinkInfo *oldLinkInfo ,
long niceness ,
bool doLinkSpamCheck ,
bool oneVotePerIpDom ,
bool canBeCancelled ,
long lastUpdateTime ,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
bool getLinkerTitles , //= false ,
// if an inlinking document has an outlink
// of one of these hashes then we set
// Msg20Reply::m_hadLinkToOurDomOrHost.
// it is used to remove an inlinker to a related
// docid, which also links to our main seo url
// being processed. so we do not recommend
// such links since they already link to a page
// on your domain or hostname. set BOTH to zero
// to not perform this algo in handleRequest20()'s
// call to XmlDoc::getMsg20Reply().
long ourHostHash32 , // = 0 ,
long ourDomHash32 , // = 0 );
SafeBuf *myLinkInfoBuf );
void handleRequest25 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) ;
long getSiteRank ( long sni ) ;
class Linkdb {
void reset();
bool init ( );
bool init2 ( long treeMem );
bool verify ( char *coll );
bool addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify = true );
bool setMetaList ( char *metaList ,
char *metaListEnd ,
class XmlDoc *oldDoc ,
class XmlDoc *newDoc ,
long niceness ,
long *numBytesWritten ) ;
// this makes a "url" key
key224_t makeKey_uk ( uint32_t linkeeSiteHash32 ,
uint64_t linkeeUrlHash64 ,
bool isLinkSpam ,
unsigned char linkerSiteRank , // 0-15 i guess
unsigned char linkerHopCount ,
uint32_t linkerIp ,
long long linkerDocId ,
unsigned long discoveryDate ,
unsigned long lostDate ,
bool newAddToOldPage ,
uint32_t linkerSiteHash32 ,
bool isDelete );
key224_t makeStartKey_uk ( uint32_t linkeeSiteHash32 ,
uint64_t linkeeUrlHash64 = 0LL ) {
return makeKey_uk ( linkeeSiteHash32,
false, // linkspam?
255, // 15, // ~siterank
0, // hopcount
0, // ip
0, // docid
0, //discovery date
0, // lostdate
false, // newaddtopage
0, // linkersitehash
true); // is delete?
key224_t makeEndKey_uk ( uint32_t linkeeSiteHash32 ,
uint64_t linkeeUrlHash64 =
0xffffffffffffffffLL ) {
return makeKey_uk ( linkeeSiteHash32,
true, // linkspam?
0, // ~siterank
0xff, // hopcount
0xffffffff, // ip
MAX_DOCID, // docid
0xffffffff, //discovery date
0xffffffff, // lostdate
true, // newaddtopage
0xffffffff, // linkersitehash
false); // is delete?
long long getUrlHash ( Url *url ) {
// . now use the probable docid (UNMASKED)
// . this makes it so we reside on the same host as the
// titleRec and spiderRec of this url. that way Msg14
// is assured of adding the Linkdb rec before the Spiderdb
// rec and therefore of getting its parent as an inlinker.
long long h = g_titledb.getProbableDocId(url,false);
// now it is the lower 47 bits since we added the spam bit
return h & 0x00007fffffffffffLL; }
// accessors for "url" keys in linkdb
unsigned long getLinkeeSiteHash32_uk ( key224_t *key ) {
return (key->n3) >> 32; }
unsigned long long getLinkeeUrlHash64_uk ( key224_t *key ) {
unsigned long long h = key->n3;
h &= 0x00000000ffffffffLL;
h <<= 15;
h |= key->n2 >> 49;
return h;
char isLinkSpam_uk (key224_t *key ) {
if ((key->n2) & 0x1000000000000LL) return true;
return false;
unsigned char getLinkerSiteRank_uk ( key224_t *k ) {
unsigned char rank = (k->n2 >> 40) & 0xff;
// complement it back
rank = (unsigned char)~rank;//LDB_MAXSITERANK - rank;
return rank;
//unsigned char getLinkerHopCount_uk ( key224_t *k ) {
// return (k->n2 >> 32) & 0xff;
long getLinkerIp_uk ( key224_t *k ) {
unsigned long ip ;
// the most significant part of the ip is the lower byte!!!
ip = (unsigned long)((k->n2>>8)&0x00ffffff);
ip |= ((k->n2>>8) & 0xff000000);
return ip;
void setIp32_uk ( void *k , unsigned long ip ) {
char *ips = (char *)&ip;
char *ks = (char *)k;
ks[16] = ips[3];
ks[15] = ips[2];
ks[14] = ips[1];
ks[13] = ips[0];
// we are missing the lower byte, it will be zero
long getLinkerIp24_uk ( key224_t *k ) {
return (long)((k->n2>>8)&0x00ffffff);
long long getLinkerDocId_uk( key224_t *k ) {
unsigned long long d = k->n2 & 0xff;
d <<= 30;
d |= k->n1 >>34;
return d;
// . in days since jan 1, 2012 utc
// . timestamp of jan 1, 2012 utc is 1325376000
long getDiscoveryDate_uk ( void *k ) {
uint32_t date = ((key224_t *)k)->n1 >> 18;
date &= 0x00003fff;
// if 0 return that
if ( date == 0 ) return 0;
// multiply by seconds in days then
date *= 86400;
// add OUR epoch
// and use that
return date;
// . in days since jan 1, 2012 utc
// . timestamp of jan 1, 2012 utc is 1325376000
void setDiscoveryDate_uk ( void *k , long date ) {
// subtract jan 1 2012
// convert into days
date /= 86400;
// sanity
if ( date > 0x3fff || date < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// clear old bits
((key224_t *)k)->n1 &= 0xffffffff03ffffLL;
// scale us into it
((key224_t *)k)->n1 |= ((unsigned long long)date) << 18;
long getLostDate_uk ( void *k ) {
uint32_t date = ((key224_t *)k)->n1 >> 2;
date &= 0x00003fff;
// if 0 return that
if ( date == 0 ) return 0;
// multiply by seconds in days then
date *= 86400;
// add OUR epoch
// and use that
return date;
// . in days since jan 1, 2012 utc
// . timestamp of jan 1, 2012 utc is 1325376000
void setLostDate_uk ( void *k , long date ) {
// subtract jan 1 2012
// convert into days
date /= 86400;
// sanity
if ( date > 0x3fff || date < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// clear old bits
((key224_t *)k)->n1 &= 0xffffffffffff0003LL;
// scale us into it
((key224_t *)k)->n1 |= ((unsigned long long)date) << 2;
uint32_t getLinkerSiteHash32_uk( void *k ) {
uint32_t sh32 = ((key224_t *)k)->n1 & 0x00000003;
sh32 <<= 30;
sh32 |= ((key224_t *)k)->n0 >> 2;
return sh32;
Rdb *getRdb() { return &m_rdb; };
DiskPageCache *getDiskPageCache () { return &m_pc; };
DiskPageCache m_pc;
Rdb m_rdb;
extern class Linkdb g_linkdb;
extern class Linkdb g_linkdb2;
// . get ALL the linkText classes for a url and merge 'em into a LinkInfo class
// . also gets the link-adjusted quality of our site's url (root url)
// . first gets all docIds of docs that link to that url via an link: search
// . gets the LinkText, customized for our url, from each docId in that list
// . merge them into a final LinkInfo class for your url
//#include "LinkText.h"
#include "Msg2.h" // for getting IndexLists from Indexdb
#include "Msg20.h" // for getting this url's LinkInfo from another cluster
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "HashTableX.h"
#include "Msg22.h"
#include "CatRec.h"
#define MAX_LINKERS 3000
// if a linker is a "title rec not found" or log spam, then we get another
// linker's titleRec. churn through up to these many titleRecs in an attempt
// to get MAX_LINKERS good titlerecs before giving up.
//#define MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE 25000
// on, 22393 of the 25000 are link spam, and we only end
// up getting 508 good inlinks, so rais from 25000 to 50000
//#define MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE 50000
// try a ton of lookups so we can ditch xfactor and keep posdb key as
// simple as possible. just make sure we recycle link info a lot!
#define MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE 1000000
// go down from 300 to 100 so XmlDoc::getRecommendLinksBuf() can launch
// like 5 msg25s and have no fear of having >500 msg20 requests outstanding
// which clogs things up
// crap, no, on gk144 we got 128 hosts now, so put back to 300...
// if we have less hosts then limit this proportionately in Linkdb.cpp
#define MAX_NOTE_BUF_LEN 20000
//#define MSG25_MAX_REPLY_SIZE 1024
void handleRequest25 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) ;
class Msg25 {
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . this sets Msg25::m_siteRootQuality and Msg25::m_linkInfo
// . "url/coll" should NOT be on stack in case weBlock
// . if "reallyGetLinkInfo" is false we don't actually try to fetch
// any link text and return true right away, really saves a bunch
// of disk seeks when spidering small collections that don't need
// link text/info indexing/analysis
bool getLinkInfo2 (char *site ,
char *url ,
bool isSiteLinkInfo ,
long ip ,
long long docId ,
//char *coll ,
collnum_t collnum,
char *qbuf ,
long qbufSize ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
bool isInjecting ,
//SafeBuf *pbuf ,
bool printDebugMsgs , // into "Msg25::m_pbuf"
//class XmlDoc *xd ,
bool printInXml ,
long siteNumInlinks ,
//long sitePop ,
LinkInfo *oldLinkInfo ,
long niceness ,
bool doLinkSpamCheck ,
bool oneVotePerIpDom ,
bool canBeCancelled ,
long lastUpdateTime ,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
bool getLinkerTitles , //= false ,
// if an inlinking document has an outlink
// of one of these hashes then we set
// Msg20Reply::m_hadLinkToOurDomOrHost.
// it is used to remove an inlinker to a related
// docid, which also links to our main seo url
// being processed. so we do not recommend
// such links since they already link to a page
// on your domain or hostname. set BOTH to zero
// to not perform this algo in handleRequest20()'s
// call to XmlDoc::getMsg20Reply().
long ourHostHash32 , // = 0 ,
long ourDomHash32 , // = 0 );
SafeBuf *myLinkInfoBuf );
void reset();
// . based on the linkInfo, are we banned/unbanned/clean/dirty
// . the linking url may set these bits in it's link: term score
// . these bits are set based on the linker's siteRec
//bool isBanned () {return (m_msg18.isBanned () || m_isBanned ); };
//bool isUnbanned () {return (m_msg18.isUnbanned() || m_isUnbanned); };
//bool isDirty () {return (m_msg18.isDirty () || m_isDirty ); };
//bool isClean () {return (m_msg18.isClean () || m_isClean ); };
// we also set these bits from looking at url's link scores
//bool m_isBanned;
//bool m_isUnbanned;
//bool m_isDirty;
//bool m_isClean;
//char getMinInlinkerHopCount () { return m_minInlinkerHopCount; };
// a new parm referencing the request we got over the network
class Msg25Request * m_req25;
class Msg20Reply *getLoser (class Msg20Reply *r, class Msg20Reply *p);
char *isDup (class Msg20Reply *r, class Msg20Reply *p);
bool addNote ( char *note , long noteLen , long long docId );
//class LinkInfo *getLinkInfo () { return m_linkInfo; };
// m_linkInfo ptr references into here. provided by caller.
SafeBuf *m_linkInfoBuf;
SafeBuf m_realBuf;
// private:
// these need to be public for wrappers to call:
bool gotTermFreq ( bool msg42Called ) ;
bool getRootTitleRec ( ) ;
bool gotRootTitleRec ( );
bool gotDocId ( ) ;
//bool gotRootQuality2 ( ) ;
bool gotRootLinkText ( ) ;
bool gotRootLinkText2 ( ) ;
bool getLinkingDocIds ( ) ;
bool gotList ( ) ;
bool gotClusterRecs ( ) ;
bool sendRequests ( );
bool gotLinkText ( class Msg20Request *req ) ; //long j );
bool gotMsg25Reply ( ) ;
bool doReadLoop ( );
// input vars
//Url *m_url;
//Url m_tmpUrl;
char *m_url;
char *m_site;
long m_ourHostHash32;
long m_ourDomHash32;
long m_round;
uint64_t m_linkHash64;
key224_t m_nextKey;
bool m_retried;
bool m_prependWWW;
bool m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks;
bool m_getLinkerTitles;
long long m_docId;
//char *m_coll;
collnum_t m_collnum;
//long m_collLen;
//LinkInfo *m_linkInfo;
void *m_state;
void (* m_callback) ( void *state );
long m_siteNumInlinks;
//long m_sitePop;
long m_mode;
bool m_printInXml;
//class XmlDoc *m_xd;
// private:
// url info
long m_ip;
long m_top;
long m_midDomHash;
bool m_gettingList;
// hack for seo pipeline in xmldoc.cpp
long m_hackrd;
// . we use Msg0 to get an indexList for href: terms
// . the href: IndexList's docIds are docs that link to us
// . we now use Msg2 since it has "restrictIndexdb" support to limit
// indexdb searches to just the root file to decrease disk seeks
//Msg0 m_msg0;
Msg5 m_msg5;
RdbList m_list;
class Inlink *m_k;
// for getting the root title rec so we can share its pwids
Msg22 m_msg22;
long m_maxNumLinkers;
// should we free the m_replyPtrs on destruction? default=true
bool m_ownReplies;
// Now we just save the replies we get back from Msg20::getSummary()
// We point to them with a LinkTextReply, which is just a pointer
// and some access functions.
Msg20Reply *m_replyPtrs [ MAX_LINKERS ];
long m_replySizes [ MAX_LINKERS ];
long m_numReplyPtrs;
//LinkText *m_linkTexts [ MAX_LINKERS ];
Msg20 m_msg20s [ MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING ];
Msg20Request m_msg20Requests [ MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING ];
char m_inUse [ MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING ];
// for "fake" replies
Msg20Reply m_msg20Replies [ MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING ];
// make this dynamic to avoid wasting so much space when must pages
// have *very* few inlinkers. make it point to m_dbuf by default.
//long long m_docIds [ MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE ];
//char m_hasLinkText [ MAX_LINKERS ];
// make this dynamic as well! (see m_docIds comment above)
//char m_scores [ MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE ];
long m_numDocIds;
long m_cblocks;
long m_uniqueIps;
// new stuff for getting term freqs for really huge links: termlists
//long long m_termId;
//Msg42 m_msg42;
long m_minRecSizes;
//long m_termFreq;
// Msg20 is for getting the LinkInfo class from this same url's
// titleRec from another (usually much larger) gigablast cluster/netwrk
Msg20 m_msg20;
// how many msg20s have we sent/recvd?
long m_numRequests;
long m_numReplies;
long m_linkSpamOut;
// have we had an error for any transaction?
long m_errno;
// this is used for link ban checks
//Msg18 m_msg18;
SafeBuf m_tmp;
SafeBuf *m_pbuf; // will point to m_tmp if m_printDebugMsgs
// for holding the final linkinfo output
//SafeBuf m_linkInfoBuf;
// copied from CollectionRec
bool m_oneVotePerIpDom ;
bool m_doLinkSpamCheck ;
bool m_isInjecting ;
char m_canBeCancelled ;
long m_lastUpdateTime ;
Multicast m_mcast;
//char **m_statusPtr;
long m_good;
long m_errors;
long m_noText;
long m_reciprocal;
bool m_spideringEnabled;
//TermTable m_ipTable;
//long m_ipdups;
long m_dupCount;
long m_vectorDups;
long m_spamLinks;
long m_niceness;
long m_numFromSameIp;
long m_sameMidDomain;
// stats for allow some link spam inlinks to vote
long m_spamCount;
long m_spamWeight;
long m_maxSpam;
char m_siteQuality;
long m_siteNumFreshInlinks;
// this is used for the linkdb list
//HashTableT <long, char> m_ipTable;
HashTableX m_ipTable;
HashTableX m_fullIpTable;
HashTableX m_firstIpTable;
// this is for deduping docids because we now combine the linkdb
// list of docids with the old inlinks in the old link info
//HashTableT <long long, char> m_docIdTable;
HashTableX m_docIdTable;
// special counts
long m_ipDupsLinkdb;
long m_docIdDupsLinkdb;
long m_linkSpamLinkdb;
long m_lostLinks;
long m_ipDups;
unsigned long m_groupId;
long long m_probDocId;
LinkInfo *m_oldLinkInfo;
char m_buf [ MAX_NOTE_BUF_LEN ];
char *m_bufPtr;
char *m_bufEnd;
HashTableX m_table;
char m_request [ MSG25_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE ];
long m_requestSize;
//char m_replyBuf [ MSG25_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE ];
// hop count got from linkdb
//char m_minInlinkerHopCount;
HashTableX m_adBanTable;
// for setting <absScore2> or determining if a search results
// inlinkers also have the query terms. buzz.
char *m_qbuf;
long m_qbufSize;
// used by Msg25::addNote()
class NoteEntry {
long m_count;
char *m_note;
long long m_docIds[MAX_ENTRY_DOCIDS];
// . takes a bunch of Msg20Replies and makes a serialized buffer, LinkInfo
// . LinkInfo's buffer consists of a bunch of serialized "Inlinks" as defined
// below
// . THINK OF THIS CLASS as a Msg25 reply ("Msg25Reply") class
#include "Xml.h"
// how big can the rss item we store in the Inlink::ptr_rssItem be?
#define MAX_RSSITEM_SIZE 30000
class LinkInfo {
long getStoredSize ( ) { return m_size; };
long getSize ( ) { return m_size; };
time_t getLastUpdated ( ) { return m_lastUpdated; };
//long getNumTotalInlinks ( ) {
// if ( this == NULL ) return 0; return m_numTotalInlinks; };
long getNumLinkTexts ( ) {
if ( this == NULL ) return 0; return m_numStoredInlinks; };
long getNumGoodInlinks ( ) {
if ( this == NULL ) return 0; return m_numGoodInlinks; };
// how many of the inlinks are from the same ip top?
//long getNumInternalInlinks( ) {
// if ( this == NULL ) return 0; return m_numInlinksInternal; };
// how many inlinks are from a different ip top?
//long getNumExternalInlinks( ) {
// if ( this == NULL ) return 0;
// return m_numInlinks - m_numInlinksInternal; };
//long getNumInlinksExtrapolated ( ){
// if ( this == NULL ) return 0;return m_numInlinksExtrapolated;};
// update them for each Inlink. calls for each Inlink.
void updateStringPtrs ( );
// this returns a ptr to a static Inlink in some cases, so beware
class Inlink *getNextInlink ( class Inlink *k ) ;
// do not call this one
class Inlink *getNextInlink2 ( class Inlink *k ) ;
bool getItemXml ( Xml *xml , long niceness ) ;
bool hasLinkText ( );
bool hash ( TermTable *table ,
long externalLinkTextWeight ,
long internalLinkTextWeight ,
long ip ,
long version ,
long siteNumInlinks ,
TermTable *countTable ,
char *note ,
long niceness ) ;
// for PageTitledb
bool print ( class SafeBuf *sb , char *coll );
// adds up the page pops of the inlinkers as long as they are from
// a different site than "u" is
//long computePagePop ( class Url *u , char *coll ) ;
bool hasRSSItem();
// a small header, followed by the buf of "Inlinks", m_buf[]
char m_version;
// we only keep usually no more than 10 or so internal guys, so this
// can be a single byte
char m_numInlinksInternal;
char m_reserved1; // was m_siteRootQuality
char m_reserved2;
long m_size;
time_t m_lastUpdated;
// this is precisely how many inlinks we stored in m_buf[] below
long m_numStoredInlinks;//m_numTotalInlinks;
// . only valid if titleRec version >= 119, otherwise its always 0
// . this count includes internal as well as external links, i.e. just
// the total inlinks we got, counting at most one inlink per page.
// it is not very useful i guess, but steve wants it.
long m_totalInlinkingDocIds;//reserved3;
// . how many inlinks did we have that were "good"?
// . this is typically less than the # of Inlinks stored in m_buf below
// because it does not include internal cblock inlinks
long m_numGoodInlinks;
// . # of c blocks linking to this page/site
// . only valid if titlerecversion >= 119
// . includes your own intenral cblock
long m_numUniqueCBlocks;//m_pagePop;
// . # of IPs linking to this page/site
// . only valid if titlerecversion >= 119
// . includes your own internal ip
long m_numUniqueIps;//numInlinksFresh; // was m_reserved3;
//long m_sitePop;
//long m_siteNumInlinks;
// serialize "Inlinks" into this buffer, m_buf[]
char m_buf[0];
class Inlink { // : public Msg {
long *getFirstSizeParm () { return &size_urlBuf; };
long *getLastSizeParm () { return &size_rssItem; };
char **getFirstStrPtr () { return &ptr_urlBuf; };
long getBaseSize () { return sizeof(Inlink);};
char *getStringBuf () { return m_buf; };
long getBaseNumStrings() {
return (char **)&size_urlBuf - (char **)&ptr_urlBuf; };
// zero ourselves out
void reset() ;
void set ( class Msg20Reply *reply );
// set ourselves from a serialized older-versioned Inlink
void set2 ( class Inlink *old );
bool setXmlFromRSS ( Xml *xml , long niceness ) ;
//bool setXmlFromLinkText ( Xml *xml ) ;
// . set a Msg20Reply from ourselves
// . Msg25 uses this to recycle old inlinks that are now gone
// . allows us to preserve ptr_rssInfo, etc.
void setMsg20Reply ( class Msg20Reply *r ) ;
long getStoredSize ( ) ;
// . return ptr to the buffer we serialize into
// . return NULL and set g_errno on error
char *serialize ( long *retSize ,
char *userBuf ,
long userBufSize ,
bool makePtrsRefNewBuf ) ;
long updateStringPtrs ( char *buf );
// returns a ptr into a static buffer
char *getLinkTextAsUtf8 ( long *len = NULL ) ;
long m_ip ;
long long m_docId ;
long m_firstSpidered ;
long m_lastSpidered ;
long m_nextSpiderDate ;
// like in the titleRec, the lower 2 bits of the datedbDate have
// special meaning.
// 0x00 --> datedb date extracted from content (pubdate)
// 0x01 --> datedb date based on estimated "modified" time (moddate)
// 0x10 --> datedb date is when same-site root was estimated to have
// first added that url as an outlink (discoverdate) (TODO)
long m_datedbDate ;
// this date is used as the discovery date for purposes of computing
// LinkInfo::m_numInlinksFresh
long m_firstIndexedDate ;
//long m_baseScore ;
long m_pageNumInlinks ;
long m_siteNumInlinks ;
// record the word position we hashed this link text with
// so we can match it to the DocIdScoringInfo stuff
long m_wordPosStart;//reservedc;//pagePop ;
long m_firstIp;//wordPosEnd;//reservedd;//sitePop ;
// . long m_reserved1 ;
// . how many strings do we have?
// . makes it easy to add new strings later
uint16_t m_numStrings ;
// . and were our first string ptrs starts
// . allows us to set ourselves from an "old" Inlink
uint16_t m_firstStrPtrOffset ;
uint16_t m_numOutlinks ;
// i guess no need to store this stuff if we are storing the url
// in ptr_urlBuf below. we can call Url::set() then Url::getHostHash()
// NO, because the site is now only contained in the TagRec now and
// we compute the site in SiteGetter.cpp, so it is more complicated!!!
// we get the tag rec of each outlink, and get the site from that
// and hash that and store it here
long m_siteHash ; //
//long m_hostHash ; //
//long m_midDomHash ; // the ibm in
// single bit flags
uint16_t m_isPermalink : 1 ;
uint16_t m_outlinkInContent : 1 ;
uint16_t m_outlinkInComment : 1 ;
uint16_t m_isReserved : 1 ; // was u-n-i-c-o-d-e- bit
uint16_t m_isLinkSpam : 1 ;
//uint16_t m_isAnomaly : 1 ;
// when Msg20Request::ptr_qbuf is set and
// Msg20Request::m_computeLinkInfo is true, Msg20 calls Msg25, which
// in turn calls one Msg20 for each inlinker the doc has, thereby
// passing the ptr_qbuf into each of those Msg20s. if the inlinker
// matches the query then it sets m_hasAllQueryTerms to true and
// returns the Msg20Reply to Msg25. When Msg25 is done it calls
// makeLinkInfo() to make a LinkInfo out of all those Msg20Replies.
// We use m_hasAllQueryTerms to display the absScore2 of each inlinker
// in the raw xml search results feed for buzz.
uint16_t m_hasAllQueryTerms : 1 ;
// if we imported it from the old LinkInfo. helps us preserve rssInfo,
// hopcounts, etc.
uint16_t m_recycled : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved4 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved5 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved6 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved7 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved8 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserved9 : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reserveda : 1 ;
uint16_t m_reservedb : 1 ;
uint16_t m_country ;
uint8_t m_language ;
//char m_docQuality ;
char m_siteRank;
//char m_ruleset ;
char m_hopcount ;
char m_linkTextScoreWeight ; // 0-100% (was m_inlinkWeight)
// add new non-strings right above this line
// . the url, link text and neighborhoods are stored in here
// . no need to store vector for voting deduping in here because
// that use MsgE's Msg20Replies directly
// . this is just stuff we want in the title rec
char *ptr_urlBuf ;
char *ptr_linkText ;
char *ptr_surroundingText ; // neighborhoods
// . this is the rss item that links to us
// . if calling Msg25::getLinkInfo() with getLinkerTitles set to
// true then this is the title!
char *ptr_rssItem ;
// . zakbot and the turk categorize site roots, and kids inherit
// the categories from their parent inlinkers
// . we can't really use tagdb cuz that operates on subdirectories
// which may not be upheld for some sites. (like!, the
// stories are not proper subdirectories...)
// . so inherit the category from our inlinkers. "sports", "world", ...
// . comma-separated (in ascii)
char *ptr_categories ;
// . augments our own gigabits vector, used for finding related docs
// . used along with the template vector for deduping pgs at index time
// . now we used for finding similar docs AND categorizing
// . comma-separated
// . each gigabit has a count in []'s. score in body x1, title x5,
// and inlink text x5. i.e. "News[10],blue devils[5],...
// . always in UTF-8
char *ptr_gigabitQuery ;
// . the html tag vector.
// . used for deduping voters (anti-spam tech)
// . used along with the gigabit vector for deduping pgs at index time
// . now we used for finding similar docs and for categorizing (spam)
char *ptr_templateVector ;
// add new strings right above this line
long size_urlBuf ;
long size_linkText ;
long size_surroundingText ;
long size_rssItem ;
long size_categories ;
long size_gigabitQuery ;
long size_templateVector ;
char m_buf[0] ;
// . this function is normally called like "info = makeLinkInfo()"
// to create a new LinkInfo based on a bunch of Msg20 replies
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
LinkInfo *makeLinkInfo ( char *coll ,
long ip ,
//char siteRootQuality ,
//long sitePop ,
long siteNumInlinks ,
Msg20Reply **replies ,
long numReplies ,
//long extrapolated ,
//long xfactor ,
// if link spam give this weight
long spamWeight ,
bool oneVotePerIpTop ,
long long linkeeDocId ,
long lastUpdateTime ,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
long niceness ,
class Msg25 *msg25 ,
SafeBuf *linkInfoBuf ) ;
// . set from the Msg20 replies in MsgE
// . Msg20 uses this to set the LinkInfo class to the "outlinks"
// . if an outlink has no docid, it is not stored, because it was
// therefore not in the index.
LinkInfo *makeLinkInfo ( class MsgE *m , long niceness ) ;
//typedef short linkflags_t;
typedef long linkflags_t;
// all the links (urls), separated by \0's, are put into a buf of this size
#define LINK_BUF_SIZE (100*1024)
// we allow up to this many links to be put into m_buf
//#define MAX_LINKS 10000
//#define MSR_HAD_REC 0x80
//#define NUM_TYPES_IN_MSR 2
//class MiniSiteRec {
// bool hadRec() { return m_flags & MSR_HAD_REC; };
// short m_siteOffset;
// short m_siteLen;
// long m_filenum;
// uint8_t m_flags;
// char m_siteQuality;
// SiteType m_types[NUM_TYPES_IN_MSR];
// SiteType m_lang;
// Link Flags
#define LF_SAMEHOST 0x0001 // same hostname
#define LF_SAMEDOM 0x0002 // same domain
#define LF_SITEROOT 0x0004 // for blogrolls
#define LF_SAMESITE 0x0008 // only get offsite outlink info in Msg20.cpp
#define LF_OLDLINK 0x0010 // set this if it was on the pg last spider tim
#define LF_RSS 0x0020 // is it from an rss <link href=> tag?
#define LF_PERMALINK 0x0040 // a probable permalink? of permalink format?
#define LF_SUBDIR 0x0080 // is the outlink in a subdir of parent?
#define LF_AHREFTAG 0x0100 // an <a href=> outlink
#define LF_LINKTAG 0x0200 // a <link> outlink
#define LF_FBTAG 0x0400 // a feed burner original outlink
#define LF_SELFLINK 0x0800 // links to self
#define LF_SELFPERMALINK 0x1000 // has "permalink" "link text" or attribute
#define LF_STRONGPERM 0x2000 // is permalink of /yyyy/mm/dd/ format
#define LF_EDUTLD 0x4000
#define LF_GOVTLD 0x8000
#define LF_NOFOLLOW 0x10000
bool isPermalink ( //char *coll ,
class Links *links ,
class Url *u ,
char contentType ,
class LinkInfo *linkInfo ,
bool isRSS ,
char **note = NULL ,
char *pathOverride= NULL ,
bool ignoreCgi = false ,
linkflags_t *extraFlags = NULL ) ;
class Links {
void reset();
// call this before calling hash() and write()
bool set ( bool useRelNoFollow ,
Xml *xml,
Url *parentUrl ,
bool setLinkHashes ,
// use NULL for this if you do not have a baseUrl
Url *baseUrl ,
long version,
long niceness ,
//bool addSiteRootFlag = false ,
//char *coll = NULL ,
bool parentIsPermalink , // = false ,
Links *oldLinks , // for LF_OLDLINKS flag
// this is used by Msg13.cpp to quickly get ptrs
// to the links in the document, no normalization!
bool doQuickSet = false );
// set from a simple text buffer
bool set ( char *buf , long niceness ) ;
// Link in ascii text
bool addLink(char *link,long linkLen,long nodeNum,bool setLinkHashes,
long titleRecVersion, long niceness , bool isRSS ,
long tagId , linkflags_t flagsArg );
// . link spam functions. used by linkspam.cpp's setLinkSpam().
// . also used by Linkdb.cpp to create a linkdb list to add to rdb
// . we do not add outlinks to linkdb if they are "link spam"
bool setAllSpamBits ( char *note ) { m_spamNote = note; return true; }
void setSpamBit ( char *note , long i ) { m_spamNotes[i] = note; }
void setSpamBits ( char *note , long i ) {
for (long j=i ; j<m_numLinks ; j++) m_spamNotes[j] = note;};
// . m_spamNote is set if it is ALL link spam... set above
// . internal outlinks are never considered link spam since we "dedup"
// them by ip in Msg25/LinkInfo::merge() anyway
bool isLinkSpam ( long i ) {
if ( isInternalDom(i) ) return false;
if ( m_spamNote ) return true;
return m_spamNotes[i];
const char *getSpamNote ( long i ) {
if ( isInternalDom(i) ) return "good";
if ( m_spamNote ) return m_spamNote;
if ( m_spamNotes[i] ) return m_spamNotes[i];
return "good";
// for spidering links purposes, we consider "internal" to be same
// hostname
bool isInternal ( long i ) {return (m_linkFlags[i] & LF_SAMEHOST);}
bool isInternalHost ( long i ) {return (m_linkFlags[i] & LF_SAMEHOST);}
// we do not subjugate same domain links to link spam detection in
// linkspam.cpp::setLinkSpam()
bool isInternalDom ( long i ) { return (m_linkFlags[i] & LF_SAMEDOM);}
bool isOld ( long i ) { return m_linkFlags[i] & LF_OLDLINK; };
// remove all links from the link buf that do not have the same
// hostname as "url". Used in Msg14 to avoid adding such links and
// avoid getting link info for such links.
//void removeExternalLinks ( );
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . remove links from our m_linkPtrs[] if they are in "old"
bool flagOldLinks ( class Links *old ) ;
// does this page have a subtantial amount of links with naughty words
// in their hostnames?
//bool isPageDirty ( );
// . hash the link: and href: terms
// . we need SiteRec of the url that supplied these links so we
// might set hi bits in the link: terms scores to represent:
// banned, unbanned, clean, dirty links if the SiteRec says so
// . returns false and set errno on error
bool hash ( TermTable *table , // SiteRec *sr ,
Url *url ,
Url *redirUrl ,
long version,
long niceness ,
bool isRSSFeed );
// hash for Linkdb keys
//bool hash ( class HashTableX *dt , // <key128_t,char> *dt ,
// class XmlDoc *xd ,
// long niceness );
// . does link #n have link text that has at least 1 alnum char in it?
// . used for scoring link: terms to make link-text adds more efficient
bool hasLinkText ( long n, long version );
// . returns false on error and sets errno
// . get our outgoing link text for this url
// . store it into "buf"
long getLinkText ( char *linkee ,
bool getSiteLinkInfo ,
char *buf ,
long maxBufLen ,
//bool filter ,
char **itemPtr ,
long *itemLen ,
long *retNode1 , // = NULL ,
long *retLinkNum ,
long niceness );
long getLinkText2 ( long i,
char *buf ,
long maxBufLen ,
//bool filter ,
char **itemPtr ,
long *itemLen ,
long *retNode1 , // = NULL ,
long niceness );
// quick n dirty check for substrings in linktext
char *linkTextSubstr(long linkNum, char *string, long niceness);
// returns list of \0 terminated, normalized links
char *getLinkBuf () {
return m_allocBuf;
long getLinkBufLen () {
if ( m_allocBuf ) return m_bufPtr - m_allocBuf;
return 0;
//return m_allocBuf?m_bufPtr-m_allocBuf:0;
//unsigned long *getLinkHashes () { return m_linkHashes; };
long getNumLinks () { return m_numLinks; };
// was there a link to or
bool linksToGigablast() { return m_linksToGigablast; };
long getLinkLen ( long i ) { return m_linkLens [i]; };
char *getLink ( long i ) { return m_linkPtrs [i]; };
char *getLinkPtr ( long i ) { return m_linkPtrs [i]; };
uint32_t getLinkHash32 ( long i ) {
return (uint32_t)m_linkHashes[i]; };
uint64_t getLinkHash64 ( long i ) { return m_linkHashes[i]; };
uint64_t getHostHash64 ( long i ) { return m_hostHashes[i]; };
long getDomHash32 ( long i ) { return m_domHashes[i]; };
long getNodeNum ( long i ) { return m_linkNodes[i]; };
bool hasRelNoFollow() { return m_hasRelNoFollow; };
char *getLinkHost ( long i , long *hostLen ) ;
long findLinkNum(char* url, long urlLen);
long getMemUsed () { return m_allocSize; };
bool hasSelfPermalink ( ) { return m_hasSelfPermalink; };
bool hasRSSOutlink ( ) { return m_hasRSSOutlink; };
bool hasSubdirOutlink ( ) { return m_hasSubdirOutlink; };
// . make an RdbList for adding to spiderdb
// . returns -1 and sets g_errno on error
// . otherwise returns # of outlinks added to "list"
// . used by Msg14.cpp for adding outlinks to spiderdb
char *addToMetaList ( char *p , // metalist start
char *pend , // metalist end
class TitleRec *tr ,
class XmlDoc *old ,
char *coll ,
class MsgE *msge ,
long niceness ,
Url *quickLink = NULL ,
linkflags_t quickLinkFlags = 0 ,
bool isAddUrl = false ,
bool forceAll = false ,
bool skipExternalLinks = false ,
bool unforceAll = false ,
long explicitPriority = -1 );
// private:
Xml *m_xml;
Url *m_baseUrl;
Url *m_parentUrl;
bool m_parentIsPermalink;
char *m_baseSite;
long m_baseSiteLen;
// set <base href>, if any, into m_tmpUrl so m_baseUrl can point to it
Url m_tmpUrl;
// . we store all links in this buf
// . each link ends in a \0
// . convenient for passing to Msg10
// . each link is in complete http:// format with base url, etc.
char *m_buf;// [LINK_BUF_SIZE];
// pointer to the end of the buffer
char *m_bufPtr;
// running count of the bufsize, including static and dynamic
// long m_bufSize;
// this is non-NULL if all outlinks are considered link spam,
// otherwise, individual outlinks will have their m_spamNotes[i] be
// non-NULL, and point to the string that describes why they are
// link spam.
char *m_spamNote;
char **m_linkPtrs;// [MAX_LINKS];
long *m_linkLens;// [MAX_LINKS];
long *m_linkNodes;// [MAX_LINKS];
uint64_t *m_linkHashes;// [MAX_LINKS];
uint64_t *m_hostHashes;// [MAX_LINKS];
long *m_domHashes;// [MAX_LINKS];
linkflags_t *m_linkFlags;
char *m_linkContactyTypes; // for XmlDoc's isContacty() algo
char **m_spamNotes;
bool m_doQuickSet;
// do we have an rss link? i.e. are we an RSS feed
bool m_hasRSS;
bool m_isFeedBurner;
char *m_linkBuf;
long m_allocLinks;
long m_numLinks;
long m_numNodes;
// . should we extract redirects from links? (like for yahoo's links)
// . this is set based on the SiteRec
//bool m_extractRedirects;
bool m_linksToGigablast;
bool m_hasRelNoFollow;
bool m_stripIds;
unsigned long m_allocSize;
char *m_allocBuf;
// queue the blog roll links into the turk for voting
bool queueBlogRoll ( class TagRec **tagRecPtrs , long niceness ) ;
bool m_addSiteRootFlags;
char *m_coll;
char m_flagged;
char m_hasSelfPermalink;
char m_hasRSSOutlink;
char m_hasSubdirOutlink;
char *m_rssOutlinkPtr;
long m_rssOutlinkLen;
// . returns 0 if probably not a permalink
// . returns 1 if probably is a permalink
// . returns -1 if not enough information to make a decision
char isPermalink ( char **note ) { return -1; };
long m_numOutlinksAdded;
long getRegExpNumOfOutlink ( Url *up ,
linkflags_t linkFlags ,
TagRec *tagRec ,
long quality ,
long ip ,
CollectionRec *cr ,
Url *parentUrl ,
long sourceHostHash ,
long parentHopCount ,
long parentPriority ,
long hopCount , // our hop count
long h , // hostHash
bool newOutlink , // are we new?
bool isAddUrl , // from addUrl?
// use -1 if unknown for these 3 values
char isParentRSS ,
char parentIsNew ,
char parentIsPermalink ,
char isIndexed ); // -1--> unknown