2013-08-02 13:12:24 -07:00

993 lines
26 KiB

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* July 2007
* Author: Joel Edwards
* SafeList is a template class providing an pooled, offset based
* doubly linked list. Effectively, all nodes are pulled from a
* common pool of memory or "slab" that is automatically freed when
* the destructor is called.
* If you use pointers to allocated memory as your payloads for
* the list nodes, it is your responsibility to free them! SafeList
* will not free space you have allocated, only the space required
* for its own nodes.
* All data addition and extraction is done via assignment operator
* '=', so any classes passed in as the Type for the template must
* have an overloaded '=' operator. It stores a copy of the data
* at the reference you provide. If you do not wish the data to be
* duplicated, you may pass in a pointer/offset rather than the
* object itself. This is adviseable for very large objects.
* . Create two mutator functions that take arguments
* to specify locations of node additions and extractions.
* Wrap existing functions around these.
* Protected Functions:
* uint32_t getNext( uint32_t current )
* uint32_t getPrev( uint32_t current )
* class SLNode<Type> *getP( uint32_t offset )
* Type *getPayloadP( uint32_t offset )
* Public Functions:
* SafeList()
* SafeList( uint32_t numNodes )
* ~SafeList()
* bool add( Type &payload, bool (*compare)(Type &a1, Type &a2) )
* bool pushHead( Type &payload )
* bool pushTail( Type &payload )
* bool popHead( Type &payload )
* bool popTail( Type &payload )
* bool getDataAt( SLIterator<Type> &iter, Type &payload )
* bool getHead( Type &payload )
* bool getTail( Type &payload )
* bool pull( SLIterator<Type> &iter, Type &payload )
* Type *sample( SLIterator<Type> &iter )
* Type *sampleHead()
* Type *sampleTail()
* bool sort( bool (*compare)( Type &a1, Type &a2 ) )
* bool setIterator( SLIterator<Type> &iter )
* void setIteratorHead( SLIterator<Type> &iter )
* void setIteratorTail( SLIterator<Type> &iter )
* bool incIterator( SLIterator<Type> &iter )
* bool decIterator( SLIterator<Type> &iter )
* bool request( uint32_t numNodes )
* bool rebalance( bool fast = true )
* void setCap( uint32_t numNodes )
* void clearCap()
* void printNodes()
* void printListStatus( )
* bool isEmpty()
* uint32_t size()
#ifndef _SAFE_LIST_H_
#define _SAFE_LIST_H_
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
template<typename Type> class SLIterator;
template<typename Type> class SLNode;
template<typename Type> class SLData;
template<typename Type> class SafeList {
class SLData<Type> m_usedNodes;
class SLData<Type> m_freeNodes;
uint8_t *m_list;
uint32_t m_listAlloc;
uint32_t m_listSlab;
uint32_t m_cap;
uint32_t getNext( uint32_t current ) {
class SLNode<Type> *tmpNode = getP(current);
if ( !tmpNode )
return 0;
return tmpNode->m_next;
uint32_t getPrev( uint32_t current ) {
class SLNode<Type> *tmpNode = getP(current);
if ( !tmpNode )
return 0;
return tmpNode->m_prev;
class SLNode<Type> *getP( uint32_t offset ) {
if ( !offset || !m_list )
return NULL;
if ( offset > (m_listAlloc - sizeof(class SLNode<Type>)) )
return NULL;
class SLNode<Type> *tmpNode = (class SLNode<Type> *)
(m_list + offset);
return tmpNode;
Type *getPayloadP( uint32_t offset ) {
class SLNode<Type> *node = getP( offset );
if ( !node )
return NULL;
if ( !node->m_used )
return NULL;
return &node->m_payload;
// Create a new empty node, and add it to the head of the list.
// If Type is a class you must call its constructor manually.
// TODO:
// . Impliment this function
//bool newNode( SLIterator<Type> &iter );
// We don't sort
bool sort( bool (*compare)( Type &a1, Type &a2 ) ) {
return false;
SafeList() {
// Use SafeList64 for 64-bit architectures
assert( sizeof(long) == 4 );
m_list = NULL;
m_listAlloc = 0;
m_listSlab = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_head = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_tail = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_size = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_head = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_tail = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_size = 0;
m_cap = 0xffffffff;
SafeList( uint32_t numNodes ) {
// Use SafeList64 for 64-bit architectures
assert( sizeof(long) == 4 );
m_list = NULL;
m_listAlloc = 0;
m_listSlab = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_head = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_tail = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_size = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_head = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_tail = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_size = 0;
m_cap = 0xffffffff;
// Attempt to set up the new list.
request( numNodes );
~SafeList() {
if ( m_list )
#ifdef _SL_TEST_ // If SafeList is being tested outside of gb
free( m_list );
mfree( m_list, m_listAlloc, "SafeList" );
// emptyList() effectively clears out all data from the list.
// Allocated space is not freed.
void emptyList() {
m_listSlab = 0;
if ( m_list ) m_listSlab = 1;
m_usedNodes.m_head = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_tail = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_size = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_head = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_tail = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_size = 0;
// purge() completely resets the list, freeing all used
// memory, and reseting all variables.
void purge() {
m_usedNodes.m_head = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_tail = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_size = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_head = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_tail = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_size = 0;
if ( m_list )
#ifdef _SL_TEST_ // If SafeList is being tested outside of gb
free( m_list );
mfree( m_list, m_listAlloc, "SafeList" );
m_list = NULL;
m_listAlloc = 0;
m_listSlab = 0;
m_cap = 0xffffffff;
bool duplicate( SafeList<Type> &list ) {
#ifdef _SL_TEST_ // If SafeList is being tested outside of gb
m_list = (uint8_t *)malloc( list.m_listAlloc );
m_list = (uint8_t *)mmalloc( list.m_listAlloc, "SafeList" );
if ( !m_list )
return false;
memcpy( m_list, list.m_list, list.m_listAlloc );
m_listAlloc = list.m_listAlloc;
m_listSlab = list.m_listSlab;
m_usedNodes.m_head = list.m_usedNodes.m_head;
m_usedNodes.m_tail = list.m_usedNodes.m_tail;
m_usedNodes.m_size = list.m_usedNodes.m_size;
m_freeNodes.m_head = list.m_freeNodes.m_head;
m_freeNodes.m_tail = list.m_freeNodes.m_tail;
m_freeNodes.m_size = list.m_freeNodes.m_size;
m_cap = list.m_cap;
return true;
bool exists( Type &item ) {
Type temp;
SLIterator<Type> iter;
iter.associate( *this );
do {
iter.getCurrent( temp );
if ( temp == item )
return true;
} while ( iter++ );
return false;
// If you are going to use add() for insertions, it should
// always be used in order to keep the list sorted.
bool add( Type &payload, bool (*compare)(Type &a1, Type &a2) ) {
if ( m_cap <= m_usedNodes.m_size )
return false;
// We don't need to worry about head and tail manipulations
// if we can ensure that the node won't end up there.
uint32_t existingOff = 0;
class SLNode<Type> *existing = NULL;
bool success = false;
if ( m_usedNodes.m_size == 0 ) {
return pushHead( payload );
else if ( m_usedNodes.m_size == 1 ) {
existing = getP( m_usedNodes.m_head );
if ( !existing )
return success;
if ( compare( payload, existing->m_payload ) )
return pushHead( payload );
return pushTail( payload );
else {
existing = getP( m_usedNodes.m_head );
if ( !existing )
return success;
if ( !compare( existing->m_payload, payload ) )
return pushHead( payload );
existing = getP( m_usedNodes.m_tail );
if ( !existing )
return success;
if ( !compare( payload, existing->m_payload ) )
return pushTail( payload );
if ( !request( 1 ) ) {
return success;
uint32_t tempNodeOff = 0;
uint32_t newFreeOff = 0;
class SLNode<Type> *tempNode = NULL;
class SLNode<Type> *tempNode2 = NULL;
class SLNode<Type> *newFreeHead = NULL;
// If we have nodes on the free list, reuse one
if ( m_freeNodes.m_size > 0 ) {
tempNodeOff = m_freeNodes.m_head;
tempNode = getP( tempNodeOff );
if ( !tempNode )
return success;
// If we are taking the only remaining node
// in the free list, it is now empty.
if ( m_freeNodes.m_size == 0 ) {
m_freeNodes.m_head = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_tail = 0;
else {
newFreeOff = tempNode->m_next;
m_freeNodes.m_head = newFreeOff;
// If there are more free nodes, set the new
// head node for the free list.
newFreeHead = getP( newFreeOff );
if ( newFreeHead ) {
newFreeHead->m_prev = 0;
// Otherwise we get a new node from the slab
else {
tempNodeOff = m_listSlab;
tempNode = getP( tempNodeOff );
if ( !tempNode )
return success;
m_listSlab += sizeof(class SLNode<Type>);
bool done = false;
existingOff = getNext( m_usedNodes.m_head );
while ( !done ) {
existing = getP( existingOff );
if ( !compare( existing->m_payload, payload ) ) {
// . existing is pointing to our next neighbor
// . tempNod2 is pointing to our previous
// neighbor
tempNode2 = getP( existing->m_prev );
tempNode2->m_next = tempNodeOff;
tempNode->m_prev = existing->m_prev;
tempNode->m_next = existingOff;
existing->m_prev = tempNodeOff;
tempNode->m_payload = payload;
tempNode->m_used = 1;
success = true;
if ( existingOff == m_usedNodes.m_tail )
done = true;
existingOff = getNext( existingOff );
return success;
bool pushHead( Type &payload ) {
if ( m_cap <= m_usedNodes.m_size )
return false;
// If we are out of memory, we cannot add a new node.
if ( !request( 1 ) ) {
return false;
uint32_t tempNodeOff = 0;
uint32_t newFreeOff = 0;
uint32_t oldUsedOff = 0;
class SLNode<Type> *tempNode = NULL;
class SLNode<Type> *newFreeHead = NULL;
class SLNode<Type> *oldUsedHead = NULL;
// If there are nodes in the free list, use them
if ( m_freeNodes.m_size > 0 ) {
tempNodeOff = m_freeNodes.m_head;
tempNode = getP( tempNodeOff );
if ( !tempNode )
return false;
// If we are taking the only remaining node in
// the free list, it is now empty.
if ( m_freeNodes.m_size == 0 ) {
m_freeNodes.m_head = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_tail = 0;
else {
newFreeOff = getNext( tempNodeOff );
m_freeNodes.m_head = newFreeOff;
// If there are more free nodes, set the new
// head node for the free list.
if ( newFreeOff ) {
newFreeHead = getP( newFreeOff );
newFreeHead->m_prev = 0;
// Otherwise we are out of free nodes, and we use the slab.
else {
tempNodeOff = m_listSlab;
tempNode = getP( tempNodeOff );
if ( !tempNode )
return false;
m_listSlab += sizeof(class SLNode<Type>);
oldUsedOff = m_usedNodes.m_head;
// If are nodes in the used list, upate its old head node.
if ( oldUsedOff ) {
oldUsedHead = getP( oldUsedOff );
oldUsedHead->m_prev = tempNodeOff;
// Set up the new node.
tempNode->m_next = oldUsedOff;
tempNode->m_prev = 0;
tempNode->m_payload = payload;
tempNode->m_used = 1;
// If the used list was empty, we are now the only node in it.
if ( m_usedNodes.m_tail == 0 )
m_usedNodes.m_tail = tempNodeOff;
m_usedNodes.m_head = tempNodeOff;
return true;
bool pushTail( Type &payload ) {
if ( m_cap <= m_usedNodes.m_size )
return false;
// If we are out of memory, we cannot add a new node.
if ( !request( 1 ) ) {
return false;
uint32_t tempNodeOff = 0;
uint32_t newFreeOff = 0;
uint32_t oldUsedOff = 0;
class SLNode<Type> *tempNode = NULL;
class SLNode<Type> *newFreeTail = NULL;
class SLNode<Type> *oldUsedTail = NULL;
// If there are nodes in the free list, use them
if ( m_freeNodes.m_size > 0 ) {
tempNodeOff = m_freeNodes.m_tail;
tempNode = getP( tempNodeOff );
if ( !tempNode )
return false;
// If we are taking the only remaining node
// in the free list, it is now empty.
if ( m_freeNodes.m_size == 0 ) {
m_freeNodes.m_tail = 0;
m_freeNodes.m_head = 0;
else {
newFreeOff = getPrev( tempNodeOff );
m_freeNodes.m_tail = newFreeOff;
// If there are more free nodes, set the new
// head node for the free list.
if ( newFreeOff ) {
newFreeTail = getP( newFreeOff );
newFreeTail->m_next = 0;
// Otherwise, pull a new node from the slab
else {
tempNodeOff = m_listSlab;
tempNode = getP( tempNodeOff );
if ( !tempNode )
return false;
m_listSlab += sizeof(class SLNode<Type>);
oldUsedOff = m_usedNodes.m_tail;
// If are nodes in the used list, upate its old head node.
if ( oldUsedOff ) {
oldUsedTail = getP( oldUsedOff );
oldUsedTail->m_next = tempNodeOff;
// Set up the new node.
tempNode->m_prev = oldUsedOff;
tempNode->m_next = 0;
tempNode->m_payload = payload;
tempNode->m_used = 1;
// If the used list was empty, we are now the only node in it.
if ( m_usedNodes.m_head == 0 )
m_usedNodes.m_head = tempNodeOff;
m_usedNodes.m_tail = tempNodeOff;
return true;
bool popHead( Type &payload ) {
// If we have no used nodes left, there is nothing to return.
if ( m_usedNodes.m_size == 0 ) {
return false;
uint32_t tempNodeOff = m_usedNodes.m_head;
uint32_t newUsedOff = 0;
uint32_t oldFreeOff = 0;
class SLNode<Type> *tempNode = NULL;
class SLNode<Type> *newUsedHead = NULL;
class SLNode<Type> *oldFreeHead = NULL;
// If the head node is null, the list is empty.
// This should never happen if we are keeping track of
// our sizes correctly.
tempNode = getP( tempNodeOff );
if ( !tempNode ) {
return false;
// Store the offsets of the used list's new head node and the
// free list's current head node.
newUsedOff = tempNode->m_next;
oldFreeOff = m_freeNodes.m_head;
// If there was a head node for the free list, set its previous
// to the node we are deleting.
oldFreeHead = getP( oldFreeOff );
if ( oldFreeHead ) {
oldFreeHead->m_prev = tempNodeOff;
// If there was a node after the node being deleted, set its
// previous to null because it is the new head node.
newUsedHead = getP( newUsedOff );
if ( newUsedHead ) {
newUsedHead->m_prev = 0;
// Update the deleted node.
tempNode->m_next = oldFreeOff;
tempNode->m_prev = 0;
tempNode->m_used = 0;
payload = tempNode->m_payload;
// If we are deleting the only node in the used list,
// it is now empty.
if ( m_usedNodes.m_tail == tempNodeOff )
m_usedNodes.m_tail = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_head = newUsedOff;
// If the free list was empty, we are now the only node in it.
if ( m_freeNodes.m_tail == 0 )
m_freeNodes.m_tail = tempNodeOff;
m_freeNodes.m_head = tempNodeOff;
return true;
bool popTail( Type &payload ) {
// If we have no used nodes left, there is nothing to return.
if ( m_usedNodes.m_size == 0 ) {
return false;
uint32_t tempNodeOff = m_usedNodes.m_tail;
uint32_t newUsedOff = 0;
uint32_t oldFreeOff = 0;
class SLNode<Type> *tempNode = NULL;
class SLNode<Type> *newUsedTail = NULL;
class SLNode<Type> *oldFreeTail = NULL;
// If the head node is null, the list is empty.
// This should never happen if we are keeping track of
// our sizes correctly.
tempNode = getP( tempNodeOff );
if ( !tempNode)
return false;
// Store the offsets of the used list's new head node and the
// free list's current head node.
newUsedOff = tempNode->m_prev;
oldFreeOff = m_freeNodes.m_tail;
// If there was a head node for the free list, set its previous
// to the node we are deleting.
if ( oldFreeOff ) {
oldFreeTail = getP( oldFreeOff );
if ( !oldFreeTail )
return false;
oldFreeTail->m_next = tempNodeOff;
// If there was a node after the node being deleted, set its
// previous to null because it is the new head node.
if ( newUsedOff ) {
newUsedTail = getP( newUsedOff );
if ( !newUsedTail )
return false;
newUsedTail->m_next = 0;
// Update the deleted node.
tempNode->m_prev = oldFreeOff;
tempNode->m_next = 0;
tempNode->m_used = 0;
payload = tempNode->m_payload;
// If we are deleting the only node in the used list,
// it is now empty.
if ( m_usedNodes.m_head == tempNodeOff )
m_usedNodes.m_head = 0;
m_usedNodes.m_tail = newUsedOff;
// If the free list was empty, we are now the only node in it.
if ( m_freeNodes.m_head == 0 )
m_freeNodes.m_head = tempNodeOff;
m_freeNodes.m_tail = tempNodeOff;
return true;
bool getDataAt( SLIterator<Type> &iter, Type &payload ) {
SLNode<Type> *node = getP( iter.m_offset );
if ( node && node->m_used ) {
payload = node->m_payload;
return true;
return false;
bool getHead( Type &payload ) {
SLNode<Type> *node = getP( m_usedNodes.m_head );
if ( node ) {
payload = node->m_payload;
return true;
return false;
bool getTail( Type &payload ) {
SLNode<Type> *node = getP( m_usedNodes.m_tail );
if ( node ) {
payload = node->m_payload;
return true;
return false;
bool pull( SLIterator<Type> &iter, Type &payload ) {
if ( m_usedNodes.m_size == 0 )
return false;
uint32_t tempNodeOff = iter.m_offset;
// If we are at the head or tail of the list,
// we simply use the specialized functions
// for those cases.
if ( tempNodeOff == m_usedNodes.m_head )
return popHead( payload );
if ( tempNodeOff == m_usedNodes.m_tail )
return popTail( payload );
SLNode<Type> *tempNode = getP( tempNodeOff );
if ( !tempNode )
return false;
if ( !tempNode->m_used )
return false;
SLNode<Type> *prevNode = getP( tempNode->m_prev );
SLNode<Type> *nextNode = getP( tempNode->m_next );
// We already checked if we were at the head
// or tail of the list, in which is are the
// only cases when one of these will be NULL.
if ( ! prevNode || ! nextNode )
return false;
payload = tempNode->m_payload;
prevNode->m_next = tempNode->m_next;
nextNode->m_prev = tempNode->m_prev;
uint32_t oldFreeOff = m_freeNodes.m_head;
m_freeNodes.m_head = tempNodeOff;
tempNode->m_prev = 0;
tempNode->m_used = 0;
SLNode<Type> *oldFreeHead = getP( oldFreeOff );
if ( !oldFreeHead ) {
m_freeNodes.m_tail = tempNodeOff;
tempNode->m_next = 0;
return true;
// If this is an invalid pointer, we have not been
// keeping account correctly.
// Consider getting this earlier if it exists.
oldFreeHead->m_prev = tempNodeOff;
tempNode->m_next = oldFreeOff;
return true;
Type *sample( SLIterator<Type> &iter ) {
return getPayloadP( iter.m_offset );
Type *sampleHead() {
return getPayloadP( m_usedNodes.m_head );
Type *sampleTail() {
return getPayloadP( m_usedNodes.m_tail );
bool isEmpty() {
if ( m_usedNodes.m_size > 0 )
return false;
return true;
uint32_t size() {
return m_usedNodes.m_size;
// Associate an iterator with this list.
bool setIterator( SLIterator<Type> &iter ) {
iter.m_offset = m_usedNodes.m_head;
iter.m_list = this;
return true;
void setIteratorHead( SLIterator<Type> &iter ) {
iter.m_offset = m_usedNodes.m_head;
iter.m_list = this;
void setIteratorTail( SLIterator<Type> &iter ) {
iter.m_offset = m_usedNodes.m_tail;
iter.m_list = this;
bool incIterator( SLIterator<Type> &iter ) {
SLNode<Type> *node = getP( iter.m_offset );
if ( node && node->m_next ) {
iter.m_offset = node->m_next;
return true;
return false;
bool decIterator( SLIterator<Type> &iter ) {
SLNode<Type> *node = getP( iter.m_offset );
if ( node && node->m_prev ) {
iter.m_offset = node->m_prev;
return true;
return false;
// Request space for more nodes. We only realloc
// if we don't have enough space in both the free
// list and the slab for the requested number of
// nodes.
bool request( uint32_t numNodes ) {
if ( m_cap <= (m_usedNodes.m_size + numNodes) )
return false;
// If no nodes were requested, nothing to do.
if ( !numNodes ) {
return true;
uint32_t bytesToAdd = numNodes * sizeof(class SLNode<Type>);
// If we already have enough space, no need to realloc.
if ( ( (m_freeNodes.m_size * sizeof(class SLNode<Type>)) +
(m_listAlloc - m_listSlab) ) >= bytesToAdd )
return true;
if ( numNodes == 1 ) {
// If we are out of nodes, add 50% again ontop of the
// previous amount of space.
uint32_t listNodes = m_listAlloc /
sizeof(class SLNode<Type>);
if ( listNodes > 2 ) {
numNodes = listNodes / 2;
bytesToAdd = numNodes *
sizeof(class SLNode<Type>);
// If this is our first allocation, we need to add the
// zero byte at the beginning of the "slab".
if ( (!m_list) || (!m_listAlloc) ) {
// If the requested number of nodes will cause overflow, don't
// attempt to realloc, otherwise we will decrease the size of
// our buffer.
if ( (0xffffffff - bytesToAdd) < m_listAlloc ) {
return false;
uint8_t *tmpList = m_list;
uint32_t tmpAlloc = m_listAlloc;
m_listAlloc += bytesToAdd;
#ifdef _SL_TEST_ // If SafeList is being tested outside of gb
m_list = (uint8_t *)realloc( m_list, m_listAlloc );
m_list = (uint8_t *)mrealloc( m_list, tmpAlloc, m_listAlloc,
"SafeList" );
if (!m_list) {
m_list = tmpList;
m_listAlloc = tmpAlloc;
return false;
if ( !m_listSlab ) m_listSlab = 1;
return true;
// Move all nodes to the beginning of our allocation
// and resize if we have to much unused space allocated.
// @ fast - if this is true we only rebalance if we can first
// allocate a new buffer to push the used nodes onto
// discarding all free nodes, otherwise we
// don't perform the operation and return false.
bool rebalance( bool fast = true ) {
// This feature is not yet supported
return false;
// setCap() will set the max number of nodes allowed
// in this list. If we call setCap on with a
// number of nodes than is less than the current
// size, we simply refuse to add any more; and
// once we get below that cap, we will never pass
// it again.
void setCap( uint32_t numNodes ) {
m_cap = numNodes;
// clearCap() takes away the upper limit on the
// number of nodes. We can add nodes until we run
// out of memory.
void clearCap() {
m_cap = 0xffffffff;
// For debugging only
void printNodes() {
class SLNode<Type> *tempNode;
uint32_t tempNodeOff;
uint32_t nodeId;
if ( !m_list || (m_listAlloc < sizeof(class SLNode<Type>)) ) {
printf( "================ USED NODES ================\n\n" );
tempNodeOff = m_usedNodes.m_head;
nodeId = 0;
while ( tempNodeOff ) {
tempNode = getP( tempNodeOff );
printf( "Node %u:\n"
"next off = %u\n"
"prev off = %u\n"
"p_value = %x\n\n",
(uint32_t)tempNode );
tempNodeOff = getNext( tempNodeOff );
printf( "================ FREE NODES ================\n\n" );
tempNodeOff = m_freeNodes.m_head;
nodeId = 0;
while ( tempNodeOff ) {
tempNode = getP( tempNodeOff );
printf( "Node %u:\n"
"next off = %u\n"
"prev off = %u\n"
"p_value = %x\n\n",
(uint32_t)tempNode );
tempNodeOff = getNext( tempNodeOff );
printf( "================== SLAB SPACE REMAINING "
"\n\n" );
printf( "Slab has room for %u additional nodes.\n",
(m_listAlloc - m_listSlab) /
sizeof(class SLNode<Type>) );
printf( "Slab has %u wasted bytes at end of allocation.\n\n",
(m_listAlloc - m_listSlab) %
sizeof(class SLNode<Type>) );
// For debugging only
void printListStatus( ) {
printf( "================= SafeList current status "
"Bytes Allocated: %u\n"
"Bytes Used: %u\n"
"Bytes on Slab: %u\n"
"Slab Nodes: %u\n"
"Nodes: %u\n"
"Bytes: %u\n"
"Nodes: %u\n"
"Bytes: %u\n"
m_listAlloc - m_listSlab,
(m_listAlloc - m_listSlab) / sizeof(class SLNode<Type>),
m_freeNodes.m_size * sizeof(class SLNode<Type>),
m_usedNodes.m_size * sizeof(class SLNode<Type>)
template<typename Type> class SLIterator {
friend class SafeList<Type>;
uint32_t m_offset;
class SafeList<Type> *m_list;
SLIterator() {
m_offset = 0;
m_list = NULL;
// Got to next element, return false if we are at
// the tail node.
bool operator ++ ( int ) {
if ( !m_list ) return false;
return m_list->incIterator( *this );
// Got to previous element, return false if we are at
// the head node.
bool operator -- ( int ) {
if ( !m_list ) return false;
return m_list->decIterator( *this );
// Set this iterator equal to an iterator of the same type.
void operator = (SLIterator<Type> &i) {
m_offset = i.m_offset;
m_list = i.m_list;
// Set iterator to the head of the list.
void setHead () {
if ( m_list ) m_list->setIteratorHead( *this );
// Set iterator to the tail of the list.
void setTail () {
if ( m_list ) m_list->setIteratorTail( *this );
// May not want to be able to do this...
// Although it simply calls a public function,
// so there is no security issue.
// Gets the data at the current point if it exists,
// otherwise payload remains unmodified.
bool getCurrent ( Type &payload ) {
if ( !m_list ) return false;
return m_list->getDataAt( *this, payload );
// Associates this iterator with the list passed as the arg.
bool associate ( SafeList<Type> &list ) {
return list.setIterator( *this );
// Drops the list this iterator is associated with.
void dropList () {
m_offset = 0;
m_list = NULL;
template<typename Type> class SLNode {
friend class SafeList<Type>;
uint32_t m_next;
uint32_t m_prev;
Type m_payload;
uint8_t m_used;
template<typename Type> class SLData {
friend class SafeList<Type>;
uint32_t m_head;
uint32_t m_tail;
uint32_t m_size;