2013-08-02 13:12:24 -07:00

2070 lines
55 KiB

#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include "Wiktionary.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include "Words.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Speller.h"
// the global instance
Wiktionary g_wiktionary;
Wiktionary::Wiktionary () {
m_callback = NULL;
m_state = NULL;
m_opened = false;
// . use a 8 byte key size and 2 byte data size
// . allowDups = true!
// . now m_langTable just maps to langId, no POS bits...
//m_langTable.set ( 6 , 1,0,NULL,0,false,0 ,"wkt-lang");
m_synTable.set ( 6 , 4,0,NULL,0,true,0 ,"wkt-synt");
void Wiktionary::reset() {
m_synTable .reset();
m_debugMap .reset();
m_debugBuf .purge();
Wiktionary::~Wiktionary () {
if ( m_opened ) m_f.close();
bool Wiktionary::test ( ) {
// test it out!
char *str = "love";//pie"; //forsake";
//long long wid = hash64Lower_utf8(str);
long long wid = hash64n(str);
// use this now
char *p = getSynSet ( wid, langEnglish );
//char *p = (char *)m_synTable.getValue ( &wid );
// must be there
if ( ! p ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// first # is number of forms
//if ( *p < 0 || *p > 100 ) { char *xx =NULL;*xx=0; }
// first is count!
//long n = *p;
// skip that
// find new line
char *end = p;
for ( ; *end && *end !='\n' ; end++ );
// tmp set
*end = '\0';
// cast it
// only the first 6 bytes are valid
//long long *termIds = (long long *)p;
// header
log("wikt: test \"%s\" -> \"%s\"",str,p);
// back
*end = '\n';
return true;
p = NULL;
uint8_t langId = langEnglish;
char input[256];
if ( input[0] == '\0' ) return true;
// get language
char *pipe = strstr ( input, "|" );
if ( ! pipe ) {
fprintf(stderr,"lang = %s\n",getLangAbbr(langId));
str = input;
else {
*pipe = '\0';
langId = getLangIdFromAbbr ( input );
fprintf(stderr,"lang = %s\n",getLangAbbr(langId));
str = pipe + 1;
//wid = hash64Lower_utf8(str);
wid = hash64n(str);
// use this now.
p = getSynSet ( wid, langId );//, WF_NOUN );
// must be there
if ( ! p ) {
fprintf(stderr,"no forms\n");
goto loop;
// find new line
end = p;
for ( ; *end && *end !='\n' ; end++ );
// tmp set
*end = '\0';
// header
// back
*end = '\n';
p = getNextSynSet ( wid, langId , p );
if ( p ) {
// find new line
end = p;
for ( ; *end && *end !='\n' ; end++ );
// tmp set
*end = '\0';
// header
// back
*end = '\n';
// loop up
goto again;
goto loop;
return true;
#include "Synonyms.h"
bool Wiktionary::test2 ( ) {
uint8_t langId = langEnglish; // langUnknown
char input[256];
if ( input[0] == '\0' ) return true;
char *str;
// get language
char *pipe = strstr ( input, "|" );
if ( ! pipe ) {
fprintf(stderr,"lang = %s\n",getLangAbbr(langId));
str = input;
else {
*pipe = '\0';
langId = getLangIdFromAbbr ( input );
fprintf(stderr,"lang = %s\n",getLangAbbr(langId));
str = pipe + 1;
//wid = hash64Lower_utf8(str);
//wid = hash64n(str);
Words words;
words.set3 ( str );
long wordNum = 0;
char tmpBuf[1000];
long niceness = 0;
Synonyms syn;
long naids = syn.getSynonyms ( &words,
wordNum ,
langId ,
tmpBuf ,
niceness );
// print those out
SafeBuf sb;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < naids ; k++ ) {
char *str = syn.m_termPtrs[k];
long len = syn.m_termLens[k];
if ( k+1<naids) sb.pushChar(',');
// use this now.
//p = getSynSet ( wid, langId );//, WF_NOUN );
// must be there
if ( ! naids ) {
fprintf(stderr,"no forms\n");
goto loop2;
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> %s\n",str,sb.getBufStart());
goto loop2;
// . load from disk
bool Wiktionary::load() {
// load it from .dat file if exists and is newer
char ff1[256];
//char ff2[256];
char ff3[256];
char ff4[256];
sprintf(ff1, "%swiktionary.txt.aa", g_hostdb.m_dir);
//sprintf(ff2, "%swiktionary-mybuf.txt", g_hostdb.m_dir);
sprintf(ff3, "%swiktionary-syns.dat", g_hostdb.m_dir);
sprintf(ff4, "%swiktionary-buf.txt", g_hostdb.m_dir);
//FILE *fd1b = fopen ( ff1, "r" );
//if ( ! fd1b ) {
// fprintf(stderr,"fopen: %s",mstrerror(errno));
// return false;
int fd1 = open ( ff1 , O_RDONLY );
//int fd2 = open ( ff2 , O_RDONLY );
int fd3 = open ( ff3 , O_RDONLY );
if ( fd3 < 0 ) log(LOG_INFO,"wikt: open %s: %s",ff3,mstrerror(errno));
int fd4 = open ( ff4 , O_RDONLY );
if ( fd4 < 0 ) log(LOG_INFO,"wikt: open %s: %s",ff1,mstrerror(errno));
struct stat stats1;
//struct stat stats2;
struct stat stats3;
struct stat stats4;
long errno1 = 0;
//long errno2 = 0;
long errno3 = 0;
long errno4 = 0;
if ( fstat ( fd1 , &stats1 ) == -1 ) errno1 = errno;
//if ( fstat ( fd2 , &stats2 ) == -1 ) errno1 = errno;
if ( fstat ( fd3 , &stats3 ) == -1 ) errno3 = errno;
if ( fstat ( fd4 , &stats4 ) == -1 ) errno4 = errno;
// close all
close ( fd1 );
//close ( fd2 );
close ( fd3 );
close ( fd4 );
// save text size for getRandomPhrase() function below
//m_txtSize = stats1.st_size;
// if we got a newer binary version, use that
if ( ! errno3 && ! errno4 &&
// load from binaries if orig txt is not there OR our
// binary make time is ahead of the orig txt make time
( errno1 || stats3.st_mtime > stats1.st_mtime )
//&& ( errno2 || stats3.st_mtime > stats2.st_mtime )
) {
log(LOG_INFO,"wikt: loading %s",ff3);
if ( ! m_synTable .load ( NULL , ff3 ) )
return false;
log(LOG_INFO,"wikt: loading %s",ff4);
if ( m_synBuf.fillFromFile ( NULL , ff4 ) <= 0 )
return false;
// augment wiktionary with our own overrides and additions from
if ( ! addSynsets ( "mysynonyms.txt" ) )
return false;
// a quick little checksum
if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive ) return true;
// the size
long long h1 = m_synTable.getNumSlotsUsed();
long long h2 = m_synBuf .length();
long long h = hash64 ( h1 , h2 );
char *tail1 = (char *)m_synTable.m_keys;
char *tail2 = m_synBuf .getBufStart()+h2-1000;
h = hash64 ( tail1 , 1000 , h );
h = hash64 ( tail2 , 1000 , h );
long long nn = -662959013613045013LL;//-6197041242898026762LL;
if ( h != nn ) {
log("gb: %s or %s checksum is not approved for "
"live service (%lli != %lli)", ff3, ff4,
return false;
return true;
// if no text file that is bad
if ( errno1 ) {
g_errno = errno1 ;
return log ("gb: could not open %s for reading: %s",ff1,
//if ( errno2 ) {
// g_errno = errno2 ;
// return log ("gb: could not open %s for reading: %s",ff2,
// mstrerror(g_errno));
// init table slot sizes
//m_langTable.setTableSize ( 16777216 , NULL , 0 );
//m_synTable .setTableSize ( 16777216 , NULL , 0 );
//m_debugMap .setTableSize ( 8388608 , NULL , 0 );
m_dedup.set ( 8 , 0 , 16777216 , NULL , 0 , false, 0,"ddtab");
// this has to allow dups! it maps a baseForm to a variant/syn
// now it includes langid
m_tmp.set ( 8 , 9 , 16777216 , NULL , 0 , true , 0,"tmptab");
m_debugMap.set ( 8 , 4,0,NULL,0,false,0 ,"wkt-dmap");
//m_langTableTmp.set( 6 , 1,0,NULL,0,false,0 ,"wktlangt");
// this maps a pure word id (wid) to an offset in m_debugBuf for
// printing out the word
//m_debugMap.set ( 6 , 4 , 8388608 , NULL , 0 , false, 0,"dbgmap");
// get the size of it
long size = stats1.st_size;
// now we have to load the text file
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! generateHashTableFromWiktionaryTxt ( size ) ) return false;
// success!
return true;
static char *s_lowerLangWikiStrings[] = {
"cantonese", // "chinese traditional",
"mandarin", // "chinese simplified",
"scottish gaelic",
"ancient greek",
// add our special augmentation table
// Synonyms.cpp should check this table separately so we can keep it
// somewhat small and re-load it on the fly.
// mysynonyms.txt
bool Wiktionary::addSynsets ( char *filename ) {
// load it up
//SafeBuf sb;
if ( m_localBuf.fillFromFile ( g_hostdb.m_dir , filename ) < 0 )
// log it
return log("wikt: error loading %s",filename);
if ( ! m_localTable.set ( 8 ,4,9000,NULL,0,false,0,"synloc") )
return false;
char *p = m_localBuf.getBufStart();
// get end of line
char *eol = p;
// sanity
char *bufEnd = m_localBuf.getBuf();
if ( eol >= bufEnd )
return true;
for ( ; *eol && *eol != '\n' ; eol++ );
// skip spaces
for ( ; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' ; p++ );
// skip comment lines
if ( *p == '#' ) {
p = eol + 1;
goto nextLine;
// blank line?
if ( *p == '\n' ) {
p = eol + 1;
goto nextLine;
// over? last line?
if ( p == eol ) return true;
// pretty lines
//if ( *eol == '\n' )
// *eol = '\0';
// need a langid like "en|vs,against"
char *lang = p;
p += 2;
// is it like zh_ch?
if ( *p == '_' ) p += 3;
// sanity
if ( *p != '|' )
return log("wikt: bad %s file! no lang",filename);
// null term now
*p = '\0';
// skip that
uint8_t langId = getLangIdFromAbbr ( lang );
// put char back
*p = '|';
// skip the pipe then
// must be there
if ( langId == 0 )
return log("wikt: bad language abbr in %s",filename);
// JUST ADD THESE SYNSETS as separate form wiktionary-buf.txt
// because even if duped it will not matter, Synonyms.cpp dedups
// all the word forms.
// since we now only do synonyms at query time and never index them
// it will make things much easier to deal with when we make mods
// to this stuff.
// make it an offset
long firstLineOffset = lang - m_localBuf.getBufStart();
// remember first word
//char *first = p;
//long long baseHash64;
// find end of word
char *e = p+1;
for ( ; *e && *e != '\n' && *e != ',' ; e++ );
// CRAP, hash each word separately???
// get word hash. ignore spaces in there... we we hash it like
// a bigram, although if a stopword leads the phrase ids will
// xor in a special number to prevent "the rapist" from being
// "therapist". see Phrases.cpp... we do not have trigrams yet
// so we will have to do like bigram list chaning somehow to
// simulate trigrams.
long long wh64 = hash64n_nospaces(p,e-p);
// mangle with language id so Wiktionary::getSynSet() works
wh64 ^= g_hashtab[0][langId];
// last of it?
char *nextWord = NULL;
if ( *e == ',' ) nextWord = e + 1;
// now add the words
// . point to line start... "en|..."
// . fix "en|read,,centimes,phantasia" for empty word...
if ( wh64 != 0 &&
e-p > 0 &&
! m_localTable.addKey ( &wh64 , &firstLineOffset ) )
return false;
// advance to next word
p = nextWord;
// add the word into the synset
if ( p ) goto wordLoop;
// next line otherwise
p = eol+1;
goto nextLine;
return true;
bool Wiktionary::generateHashTableFromWiktionaryTxt ( long sizen ) {
// for debug
//sizen = 10000000;
long round = 0;
// i downloaded this file from
// THEN i ran split it on like 'split -b 2000000000 wiktionary.txt'
// to divide it into two files, the first one being 2GB:
// wiktionary.txt.aa and wiktionary.txt.ab
// So read those files in here.
// OUTPUT files:
// wiktionary-syns.dat (maps a wordId to ptr into wiktionary-buf.txt)
// wiktionary-buf.txt (one syn set per line)
// wiktionary-lang.txt (<landId>|<word>\n) (used by Speller.cpp)
char ff1[256];
sprintf(ff1, "%swiktionary.txt.aa", g_hostdb.m_dir);
log(LOG_INFO,"wikt: loading %s",ff1);
int fd1 = open ( ff1 , O_RDONLY );
if ( fd1 < 0 ) {
log("wikt: open %s : %s",ff1,mstrerror(errno));
return false;
// read in whole thing
long long maxReadSize = 300000000; // 300MB
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( maxReadSize + 1 , "wikt" );
if ( ! buf ) return false;
long long offset = 0LL;
// use this to scrape popularity info and other words we are missing
//if ( ! g_speller.init() ) return false;
// the wiktionary file is like 2.6GB so we can't hold the whole thing
// limit to 300MB
long readSize = sizen;
if ( readSize > maxReadSize ) readSize = maxReadSize;
// do not breach file size
if ( offset + readSize > sizen )
readSize = sizen - offset;
// ARE WE DONE????
if ( offset >= sizen ) {
// don't forget to close
close ( fd1 );
// try reading next split file
if ( round == 0 ) {
offset = 0;
log(LOG_INFO,"wikt: loading %s",ff1);
int fd1 = open ( ff1 , O_RDONLY );
if ( fd1 < 0 ) {
log("wikt: open %s : %s",ff1,mstrerror(errno));
return false;
struct stat stats;
if ( fstat ( fd1 , &stats ) == -1 ) {
g_errno = errno;
return false;
sizen = stats.st_size;
goto readInSomeFile;
// do not save if we can't
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// build m_synTable from m_tmp table
if ( ! compile() ) return false;
// add unified dict entries into m_langTable if they
// belong to one and only one language.
// right now, this just cleans out m_langTable.
if ( ! integrateUnifiedDict() ) return false;
log("wikt: testing");
//log("wiktL debug skipping test!");
log("wikt: test passed");
// now save this hash table for quicker loading next time
//if ( ! ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
// "wiktionary-langs.dat" ) )
// return false;
// . and the synomnyms
// . offsets into m_synBuf, text file of synsets
if ( ! ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"wiktionary-syns.dat" ,
0 ) )
//m_synBuf.getBufStart() ,
//m_synBuf.length() ) )
return false;
// save text file
if ( m_synBuf.saveToFile ( g_hostdb.m_dir,
"wiktionary-buf.txt" ) <= 0 )
return false;
if ( m_langBuf.saveToFile(g_hostdb.m_dir,
"wiktionary-lang.txt" ) <= 0 )
return false;
// this too?
//if ( ! ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
// "wiktionary-strings.dat",
// m_debugBuf.getBufStart() ,
// m_debugBuf.length() ))
// return false;
// clear this
m_tmp .reset();
return true;
// log it
log("wikt: reading %li bytes of %s @ %lli (filesize=%li)",
long n = pread ( fd1 , buf , readSize , offset );
if ( n != readSize ) {
log("wikt: read: %s",mstrerror(errno));
return false;
log("wikt: processing");
// advance for next read
offset += n;
// null terminate
buf[readSize] = '\0';
// a hack
char *hack = "<title>Bob</title>\n"
"===Proper noun===\n"
"{{en-proper noun}}\n"
"# {{given name|male|diminutive=Robert}}.\n"
"# In various fields such as [[cryptography]] and [[physics]], a conventional name for the person or system that receives a message from another person or system conventionally known as [[Alice]].\n"
readSize = gbstrlen(hack);
// simple filter. back to back spaces removed in next loop.
char *p = buf;
for ( ; *p ; p++ ) {
// fix # {{form of|Abbreviation|biography}} for 'bio'
if ( p[0] == 'f' &&
p[1] == 'o' &&
p[2] == 'r' &&
p[3] == 'm' &&
p[4] == ' ' &&
p[5] == 'o' &&
p[6] == 'f' &&
p[7] == '|' &&
to_lower_a(p[8]) == 'a' &&
to_lower_a(p[9]) == 'b' &&
!strncasecmp(p ,"form of|abbreviation|",21) )
// overwrite the pipe with a space
memcpy(p ,"abbreviated form of|",21);
char *src = buf;
char *dst = buf;
// filter out the annoying bold '''
for ( ; *src ; src++ ) {
// skip bold thingy
if ( src[0] =='\'' &&
src[1] =='\'' &&
src[2] =='\'' ) {
src += 2;
// # {{present participle of|''[[snort]]''}}
if ( src[0] =='\'' &&
src[1] =='\'' ) {
src += 1;
// <space>| "for |" "form |"
if ( src[0] == ' ' &&
src[1] == '|' )
// filter back-to-back spaces
if ( src[0] == ' ' &&
src[1] == ' ' )
// <space>,
if ( src[0] == ' ' &&
src[1] == ',' )
*dst++ = *src;
*dst = '\0';
// . filter the buffer
// . set "name" to the word we are a form of
p = buf;
for ( ; *p ; p++ ) {
// # {{given name|male|diminutive=Samuel}}
// # {{given name|male|diminut of|Samuel}}
if ( p[0] == 'd' &&
p[1] == 'i' &&
p[2] == 'm' &&
!strncmp(p ,"diminutive=",11) ) {
memcpy(p,"diminut of|",11);
p += 11;
bool needPound = true;
// assume no name
char *name = NULL;
// # A [[diminutive]] of the male [[given name]] [[Douglas]].\n
// # {{diminutive form of|Douglas}} \n
if ( p[0] == 'm' &&
p[1] == 'a' &&
p[2] == 'l' &&
!strncmp(p ,"male [[given name]] [[",22) ) {
needPound = false;
name = p + 22;
//# {{given name|female}}, a [[diminutive]] of [[Abigail]].
if ( p[0] == '[' &&
p[1] == '[' &&
p[2] == 'd' &&
p[3] == 'i' &&
!strncmp(p ,"[[diminutive]] of [[",20) ) {
needPound = false;
name = p + 20;
// set needPound = true for this below
// variant spelling of [[poo]]
if ( p[0] == 's' &&
p[1] == 'p' &&
p[2] == 'e' &&
p[3] == 'l' &&
! strncasecmp(p ,"spelling of [[",14) )
name = p + 14;
// past participle of [[block]]
if ( p[0] == 'p' &&
p[1] == 'a' &&
p[2] == 'r' &&
p[3] == 't' &&
p[4] == 'i' &&
! strncasecmp(p ,"participle of [[",16) )
name = p + 16;
// past participle of to [[block]]
if ( p[0] == 'p' &&
p[1] == 'a' &&
p[2] == 'r' &&
p[3] == 't' &&
p[4] == 'i' &&
! strncasecmp(p ,"participle of to [[",19) )
name = p + 19;
// # [[present participle|Present participle]] of [[link]].
if ( p[0] == 'a' &&
p[1] == 'r' &&
p[2] == 't' &&
p[3] == 'i' &&
p[4] == 'c' &&
! strncasecmp(p ,"articiple]] of [[",17) )
name = p + 17;
// definite [s|S]ingular of [[block]]
if ( p[0] == 'i' &&
p[1] == 'n' &&
p[2] == 'g' &&
p[3] == 'u' &&
p[4] == 'l' &&
! strncasecmp(p ,"ingular of [[",14) )
name = p + 14;
// # Singular of {{term|airwaves|lang=en}};
if ( p[0] == 'i' &&
p[1] == 'n' &&
p[2] == 'g' &&
p[3] == 'u' &&
p[4] == 'l' &&
! strncasecmp(p ,"ingular of {{term|",18) )
name = p + 18;
// definite [p|P]lural of [[block]]
if ( p[0] == 'l' &&
p[1] == 'u' &&
p[2] == 'r' &&
p[3] == 'a' &&
p[4] == 'l' &&
! strncasecmp(p ,"lural of [[",11) )
name = p + 11;
// substitue form for case
// "objective case of" ... treat like form
// should fix page for "us" which is "objective case of we"
bool mangled = false;
if ( ! name &&
p[0] == 'c' &&
p[1] == 'a' &&
p[2] == 's' &&
p[3] == 'e' ) {
memcpy ( p , "form" , 4 );
mangled = true;
// need "form of" for shit below
if ( ! name &&
( p[0] != 'f' ||
p[1] != 'o' ||
p[2] != 'r' ||
p[3] != 'm' ) )
bool doTailCheck = true;
if ( name ) doTailCheck = false;
// # Short form of [[hippopotamus]].
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-5 ,"past form of",12) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-6 ,"short form of",13) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-6 ,"tense form of",13) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-7 ,"plural form of",14) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-7 ,"dative form of",14) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-8 ,"present form of",15) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-9 ,"familiar form of",16) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-9 ,"singular form of",16) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-9 ,"feminine form of",16) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-9 ,"emphatic form of",16) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-9 ,"genitive form of",16) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-10 ,"shortened form of",17) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-10 ,"inflected form of",17) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-10 ,"masculine form of",17) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-10 ,"imperfect form of",17) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-10 ,"objective form of",17) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-10 ,"partitive form of",17) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-10 ,"reflexive form of",17) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-11 ,"diminutive form of",18) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-11 ,"simplified form of",18) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-11 ,"imperative form of",18) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-11 ,"indicative form of",18) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-11 ,"possessive form of",18) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-11 ,"accusative form of",18) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-12 ,"abbreviated form of",19) )
name = p + 7;
if ( ! strncasecmp(p-12 ,"alternative form of",19) )
name = p + 7;
if ( mangled )
memcpy ( p , "case" , 4 );
// skip if no match
if ( ! name ) continue;
// then after "of" comes a space
if ( doTailCheck ) {
// need to have this
if ( strncmp(name," [[",3)== 0 ) name += 3;
// # Past tense and past participle of ''to [[block]]''
// for title of "blocked". the '' should have been
// filtered out above.
else if ( strncmp(name," to [[",6)== 0 ) name += 6;
// otherwise, forget it!!
else continue;
// ok, replace the line with a proper name line
char *lineStart = p;
for ( ; lineStart > buf&&*lineStart!='#'&&lineStart[-1]!='\n';
// need this? this is a numbered line used as a definition
// line.
if ( needPound && *lineStart != '#' )
// end end of it
char *lineEnd = p;
for ( ; *lineEnd&&*lineEnd !='\n';lineEnd++);
// temp null that
char c = *lineEnd;
*lineEnd = '\0';
// check for badness
// i don't like obsolete forms!!! filter out.
char *bad = NULL;
if ( ! bad ) bad = gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"archaic");
if ( ! bad ) bad = gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"rare ");
if ( ! bad ) bad = gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"less common");
if ( ! bad ) bad = gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"uncommon ");
if ( ! bad ) bad = gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"obsolete");
if ( ! bad ) bad = gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"older ");
if ( ! bad ) bad = gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"old ");
if ( ! bad ) bad = gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"nonstandard");
if ( ! bad ) bad = gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"eye-dialect");
if ( ! bad ) bad = gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"eye dialect");
*lineEnd = c;
if ( bad )
// now store a new form
char *dst = lineStart;
memcpy(dst,"# {{form|",9);
dst += 9;
// point to name
//char *name = p + 22;
// PUT it in the proper formation for parsing in the logic
// below
// copy over name
for ( ; *name !=']' &&
*name !='\n' &&
*name != '#' &&
*name != '|' ; name++ )
*dst++ = *name;
// close it up
dst += 2;
// panic
if ( dst > lineEnd ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// space fill until lineEnd
for ( ; dst < lineEnd ; dst++ )
*dst = ' ';
// skip over that line then
p = lineEnd;
// start parsing here
p = buf;
// look for <title> tag
char *title = strstr ( p , "<title>" );
if ( ! title ) goto readInSomeFile;
// find title after so we know we have a full page
char *nextTitle = strstr ( title + 5 , "<title" );
if ( ! nextTitle ) goto readInSomeFile;
// advance
p = nextTitle;
// . scan from title to next title
// . if it contains "Shavian" then bail! those are stupid
// shavian script characters. one of them is short for "of"
// so it shows up in of's synset!
char c;
if ( nextTitle ) {c = *nextTitle;*nextTitle = '\0';}
char *found = strstr ( title , "Shavian ");
if ( nextTitle ) *nextTitle = c;
if ( found ) goto wordLoop;
// get the word in the title, <title>
char *word = title + 7;
// find end of it
char *wp = word ;
for ( ; *wp && *wp != '<' ; wp++ ) {
// any space is bad
if ( is_wspace_a(*wp) ) break;
// or colon
if ( *wp == ':' ) break;
// or * (f*ck)
if ( *wp == '*' ) break;
// bad word that has space or colon in it?
if ( *wp != '<' ) goto wordLoop;
// remove any trailing spaces
for ( ; wp[-1] == ' ' ; wp-- );
// if word ends in hyphen skip (anxio-)
if ( wp[-1] == '-' ) goto wordLoop;
// or starts with '
if ( word[0] == '\'' ) goto wordLoop;
// or ends with ' like "o'" form of "of"
if ( wp[-1] == '\'' ) goto wordLoop;
// null term so "title" is null terminated
*wp = '\0';
// and skip
// debug point
//if ( strcmp(word,"haves")== 0 )
// log("hey");
long flag = 0;
uint8_t langId = langUnknown;
bool debug = false;
//debug = true;
// set nextline
char *np = wp;
for ( ; *np && np < nextTitle ; np++ )
if ( *np =='#' || (*np == '=' && np[1]=='=') ) break;
// advance to next line. unless its the first line for this word
// in which np already equals wp.
wp = np;
// . set next line for next call to goto lineLoop.
// . we do this this way because the code below inserts \0's into
// the line for easier parsing...
for ( ; *np == '=' ; np++ );
for ( ; *np && np < nextTitle ; np++ ) {
if ( *np =='#' ) break;
//if ( np[-1] == '\n' ) break;
if (*np == '=' && np[1]=='=') break;
// scan for next header OR part of speech description
//for ( ; *wp && wp < nextTitle ; wp++ )
// if ( *wp =='#' || (*wp == '=' && wp[1]=='=') ) break;
// get next word if no more lines
if ( ! *wp || wp >= nextTitle ) goto wordLoop;
// skip line break (\n)
//if ( *wp == '\n' ) wp++;
// get next word if no more lines
//if ( ! *wp || wp >= nextTitle ) goto wordLoop;
// need a header or a comment here
//if ( *wp != '=' && *wp != '#' ) goto lineLoop;
// we got a header, set langid or set POS
if ( *wp == '=' ) {
// count em
long equalCount = 0;
// skip any extra ='s
for ( ; *wp == '=' ; wp++ ) equalCount++;
// if newline follows this equal, it was at the end of
// an equal pair like "==English=="
if ( *wp == '\n' ) goto lineLoop;
// debug
//long diff = wp - buf;
//log("diff = %li",diff);
// a pos?
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"noun",4) ) {
flag = WF_NOUN;
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (noun)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"verb",4) ) {
flag = WF_VERB;
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (verb)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"participle",10) ) {
flag = WF_VERB;
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (particple)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"preposition",11) ) {
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (preposition)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"interjection",12) ) {
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (interjection)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"pronoun",7) ) {
flag = WF_PRONOUN;
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (pronoun)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"proper",6) ) {
flag = WF_NOUN; // proper noun
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (proper noun)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"abbrev",6) ) {
flag = WF_ABBREVIATION;//NOUN; // abbreviation
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (abbreviation)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"letter",6) ) {
flag = WF_LETTER;//NOUN; // abbreviation
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (letter)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"acronym",6) ) {
flag = WF_NOUN;
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (acronym)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"initialism",10) ) {
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (initialism)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"adjective",9) ) {
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (adjective)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"adverb",6) ) {
flag = WF_ADVERB;
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (adverb)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,"article",7) ) {
flag = WF_ARTICLE;
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (article)\n",word);
addWord ( word, flag , langId , NULL );
goto lineLoop;
// is it a language we support?
long n = sizeof(s_lowerLangWikiStrings) / sizeof(char *);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
char *str = s_lowerLangWikiStrings[i];
if ( ! str ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
long len = strlen(str);
if ( ! strncasecmp(wp,str,len) ) {
langId = i;
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (%s)\n",
addWord ( word, 0 , langId , NULL);
goto lineLoop;
// unsupported lang?
if ( equalCount == 2 ) {
langId = langUnknown;
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> (%s)\n",
addWord ( word, 0 , langId , NULL );
// ignore the header otherwise
goto lineLoop;
bool gotGoodLine = false;
// we might have "{{head|tr|abbreviation}} (''[[....
// which does not start with a #
//if ( wp[0] == '{' && wp[1] == '{' )
// gotGoodLine = true;
// we got a comment
if ( *wp == '#' ) {
gotGoodLine = true;
if ( ! gotGoodLine ) goto lineLoop;
// save this
char *lineStart = wp;
// skip #
// skip space
if ( is_wspace_a(*wp) ) wp++;
// debug point
if ( word[0] == 'b' && word[1] == 'i' && word[2] == 'o' && ! word[3] )
log("got bio");
// SPECIAL case for abbreviations.
// like for we got
// # [[Kansas]], a state of the [[United States of America]].
if ( flag == WF_ABBREVIATION ||
flag == WF_INITIALISM ) {
// save it
char *wpsave = wp;
// forget it if single letter! too much confusion!!
if ( ! word[1] ) goto skipSpecialLogic;
// if the line has a '{' in it then do not do this stuff
// skip until we hit a [[ but stop on # or \n.
// no! hurts # "{{economics}} [[gross domestic product]]"
//for ( ; *wp &&
// // if we hit this it might be of proper form
// // like
// // # [[operating system]];
// // {{abbreviation of|operativsystem|lang=sv}}
// *wp != '{' &&
// *wp !='#' &&
// *wp !='\n' ;
// wp++ );
//if ( *wp == '{' ) { wp = wpsave; goto skipSpecialLogic; }
// restore it
wp = wpsave;
// skip until we hit a [[ but stop on # or \n
for ( ; *wp &&
*wp != '[' &&
*wp !='#' &&
*wp !='\n' ;
wp++ );
// get [ for abbreviation lists. what are we an abbrev of?
if ( *wp != '[' ) { wp = wpsave; goto skipSpecialLogic; }
if ( *wp != '[' ) { wp = wpsave; goto skipSpecialLogic; }
// skip w: for wikipedia references
if ( wp[0] == 'w' && wp[1] == ':' ) wp += 2;
// find ]
char *wpend = wp + 1;
for ( ; *wpend &&
//[[w:Maltese Cross#United Kingdom|Maltese Cross
*wpend != '#' &&
//[[w:Maltese Cross#United Kingdom|Maltese Cross
*wpend != '|' &&
*wpend != ']' ;
wpend++ ) ;
if ( ! *wpend || *wpend != ']' ) {
wp = wpsave; goto skipSpecialLogic; }
// if word ends in '-' toss it out... "centi-" prefix
if ( wpend[-1] == '-' ) {wp = wpsave; goto skipSpecialLogic; }
// "w/"
if ( wpend[-1] == '/' ) {wp = wpsave; goto skipSpecialLogic; }
*wpend = '\0';
// get that word then
//if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s|%s -> %s"
,word // TITLE!
addWord ( word, flag , langId , wp );
// try another line
goto lineLoop;
// look for something like "{{abbreviation of|Albuquerque|.."
if ( *wp != '{' ) goto lineLoop;
if ( *wp != '{' ) goto lineLoop;
// somtimes we got something like
// # {{education}} {{initialism of|Artium Magister}}
// so go to next {{'s
// so skip spaces
char *secondSet = wp;
for ( ; *secondSet && *secondSet != '\n'; secondSet++ ) {
// check
if ( secondSet[0] == '}' &&
secondSet[1] == '}' &&
secondSet[2] == ' ' &&
secondSet[3] == '{' &&
secondSet[4] == '{' ) {
// skip to the second set of {{}}'s on the
// same line
wp = secondSet += 5;
// start scan here
//char *scanStart = wp;
// assume good
bool good = false;
// loop over all little pipe-delineated sections
// scan until we hit |and not }
for ( ; *wp && *wp != '}' && *wp != '|' ; wp++ ) {
// # {{nl-noun-form|pl=1|wijziginkje}}
if ( wp[0] == 'f' &&
wp[1] == 'o' &&
wp[2] == 'r' &&
wp[3] == 'm' &&
wp[4] == '|' )
good = true;
// # {{abbeviation of|camarade|...
if ( wp[0] == ' ' &&
wp[1] == 'o' &&
wp[2] == 'f' &&
wp[3] == '|' )
good = true;
// for 'BM' page:
// # {{head|tr|abbreviation}} (''[[B...
if ( wp[0] == 'h' &&
wp[1] == 'e' &&
wp[2] == 'a' &&
wp[3] == 'd' &&
wp[4] == '|' )
good = true;
// success?
if ( *wp != '|' ) goto lineLoop;
// "of" or "form" must preceed
if ( ! good ) {
// maybe try next pipe delineated section
goto scanForFormIndicator;
// broken:
// # {{conjugation of|livrer||1|s|pres|ind|lang=fr}}
// # {{form of|third-person singular present|pondre|lang=fr}}
// # {{plural of|pie|lang=fr}}
// # {{inflection of|[[pius#Latin|pius]]||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
// # {{form of|Singular dative masculine|on|lang=cs}}
// skip |
// find terminating '}'
char *end = wp;
for ( ; *end && end < nextTitle && *end != '}' ;end++ );
// try next line if could not find }
if ( ! *end || end >= nextTitle ) goto lineLoop;
// null term it
*end = '\0';
// in case there was a # in there!
if ( np < end + 1 ) {
np = end + 1;
for ( ; *np && np < nextTitle ; np++ )
if ( *np =='#' || (*np == '=' && np[1]=='=') )
// nuke all of it! "archaic third person ..."
if ( gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"archaic ") )
goto lineLoop;
if ( gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"archaic|") )
goto lineLoop;
if ( gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"archaic}") )
goto lineLoop;
// fix 'goest' has {{archaic-verb-form
if ( gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"{archaic") )
goto lineLoop;
if ( gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"eye dialect") )
goto lineLoop;
if ( gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"eye-dialect") )
goto lineLoop;
// obslete form or spelling
if ( gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"obsolete ") )
goto lineLoop;
if ( gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"obsolete|") )
goto lineLoop;
if ( gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"obsolete}") )
goto lineLoop;
// {standard of identity|UK} (measurement)
// prevent cream->UK
if ( gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"standard ") )
goto lineLoop;
// fix 'gwine'
if ( gb_strcasestr(lineStart,"nonstandard") )
goto lineLoop;
// now wp = "|.....}" and end = the ending '}'
// CRAP: # {{sports}} {{initialism of|[[championship|Championship]] [[record|Record]] or [[competition|Competition]] Record}}
// is messing up on converting pipes to \0 because it
// ends up mapping "CR" to "championship".
long inBrackets = 0;
for ( char *s = wp ; s < end ; s++ ) {
if ( *s == '[' ) inBrackets++;
if ( *s == ']' ) inBrackets--;
if ( *s == '|' && ! inBrackets ) *s = '\0';
// scan the strings now
char *start = NULL;
long slen;
bool skipNext = false;
for ( char *s = wp ; s < end ; s += slen + 1 ) {
slen = strlen(s);
// skip numbers |1|
if ( slen == 1 && is_digit(*s) ) continue;
// skip that {{l|en|... crap {{l|fro|...
if ( ! strcmp(s,"{{l") ) { skipNext = true; continue;}
if ( skipNext ) { skipNext = false; continue; }
// skip certain words
if ( ! strcmp(s,"pass") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"pres") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"fut") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"nom") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"act") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"voc") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"imp") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"acc") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"ind") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"sub") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"s") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"p") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"m") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"f") ) continue;
// assignment like "lang=la"
if ( strstr(s,"=" ) ) continue;
// third-person singluar
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"person ") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," person") ) continue;
// third-person
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"-person") ) continue;
// Singular dative masculine
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"dative ") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"nominative ") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"imperative ") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"comparative ") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"genitive") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"possessive ") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," possessive") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"past tense") ) continue;
// impersonal past
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," past") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"present tense") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"future tense") ) continue;
// passive voice
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"passive ") ) continue;
// present analytic
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," analytic") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"subjunctive ") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," subjunctive ") ) continue;
// Postal abbreviation
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," abbreviation") ) continue;
// abbreviation of
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"abbreviation ") ) continue;
// infinitive passive
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"infinitive ") ) continue;
// infinitive passive voice
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," infinitive") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"appendix:") ) continue;
// "form used..."
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"form ") ) continue;
// inflection of
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"inflection ") ) continue;
// front vowel variant
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," variant") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," spelling") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," misspelling") ) continue;
// definite and plural
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"definite") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"accusative ") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"vocative ") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"indicative") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"plural") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"feminine") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"masculine") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"oblique") ) continue;
// singuler definite
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"singular ") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," singular") ) continue;
// prepositional singluar
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"prepositional") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," participle") ) continue;
// han form
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," form") ) continue;
// *PRENSENT* tense
if ( gb_strcasestr(s," tense") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"lower case") ) continue;
if ( gb_strcasestr(s,"upper case") ) continue;
// kills the word "present"! so hardcode that!
if ( ! strcmp(s,"present") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"past") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"capital form") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"capitalized form") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"obsolete capitalization") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"archaic form") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"shortened form") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"reduced form") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"unstressed form") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"lowercase form") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"uncapitalized form") ) continue;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"imperative") ) continue;
// assume that is it i guess
start = s;
// skip if empty!!! wtf??
if ( ! start ) { wp = end + 1 ; goto lineLoop; }
// skip ['s and spaces
// skipping ' made "ve" a form of "of" where it was "'ve"
for ( ;
*start == '[' || *start == ' ' ; // || *start == '\'';
start++ );
// and ]'s
char *wend = start + gbstrlen(start);
for ( ; wend && wend>start && wend[-1] == ']' ;wend--);
*wend = '\0';
// sometimes they start with w: like for ANZAC:
// # {{initialism of|[[w:Australian and New Zealand Army Corps|Australian and New Zealand Army Corps]]}}
if ( start[0]=='w' && start[1]==':' ) {
start += 2;
// these are wikipedia titles, skip!
//goto lineLoop;
if ( strncasecmp(start,"wikipedia:",10)==0 ) {
start += 10;
// these are wikipedia titles, skip!
//goto lineLoop;
if ( start[0]==':' && start[1]=='w' && start[2]==':'){
start += 3;
// these are wikipedia titles, skip!
//goto lineLoop;
// nuke after # anchor
char *a = start;
for ( ; *a ; a++ ) if ( *a == '#' ) { *a = '\0'; break; }
// do not add huge words
if ( gbstrlen(start) > 1000 ) goto lineLoop;
// skip that
wp = end + 1;
// or the word " or " in there!
// identification|Identification]] or [[identity]] [[documentation]
// # {{comparative of|[[good]] or [[well]]
a = start;
for ( ; *a ; a++ ) {
if ( strncmp(a,"]] or [[",8) == 0 ) {
*a = '\0';
// if it has any pipes, i am not dealing with that
// CRAP: # {{sports}} {{initialism of|[[championship|Championship]] [[record|Record]] or [[competition|Competition]] Record}}
// cuz it gets too complicated!!!
a = start;
long pipeCount = 0;
for ( ; *a ; a++ ) { if ( *a == '|' ) pipeCount++; }
a = start;
// too many pipes?
if ( pipeCount >= 2 )
goto lineLoop;
// if just one, pick the first term i guess
// # {{initialism of|[[w:Americans for Democratic Action|Ame..
for ( ; *a ; a++ ) {
if ( *a == '|' ) {
// fix
// {{acronym of|Search for [[extraterrestrial|Extraterrestrial]] Intelligence\0
char *bs = a;
for ( ; *bs ; bs++ ) {
if ( *bs == ']' )
goto lineLoop;
// ok, good to go
*a = '\0';
// # {{British|Ireland|dated}} {{initialism of|[[&amp;pound;sd
// nuke if semicolon
a = start;
for ( ; *a ; a++ ) {
if ( *a == ';' ) goto lineLoop;
if ( *a == '*' ) goto lineLoop; // f**k
if ( *a == '+' ) goto lineLoop;
if ( *a == ',' ) goto lineLoop;
if ( *a == '{' ) goto lineLoop;
if ( *a == '}' ) goto lineLoop;
if ( *a == '(' ) goto lineLoop;
if ( *a == ')' ) goto lineLoop;
if ( *a == '/' ) goto lineLoop;
// skip initial spaces again
for ( ; *start == ' ' ; start++ );
// forget it if ends or begins with hyphen
if ( start[0] == '-' ) goto lineLoop;
if ( a [-1] == '-' ) goto lineLoop;
// or starts with '
// fix "'s" for "is" (the dog's running after me)
// fix "'ve" as a form of "of"
if ( start[0] == '\'' ) goto lineLoop;
// same with underscore (fix fotch->_)
if ( start[0] == '_' ) goto lineLoop;
if ( a[-1] == '_' ) goto lineLoop;
// re-write the base word and filter out [ and ]
char normBuf[1024];
dst = normBuf;
src = start;
for ( ; *src ; src++ ) {
*dst = *src;
if ( *dst == '[' ) continue;
if ( *dst == ']' ) continue;
*dst = '\0';
// trim off spaces
wend = normBuf + gbstrlen(normBuf);
// fix ''sadden''
for ( ; wend && wend>normBuf &&
(wend[-1] == ']' ||
wend[-1] == ' ' ||
wend[-1] == '\'' ) ;
*wend = '\0';
// or starts with '
// fix "'s" for "is" (the dog's running after me)
if ( normBuf[0] == '\'' ) goto lineLoop;
if ( debug )
fprintf(stderr,"%s -> %s"
,word // TITLE!
,normBuf // baseform! // start
addWord ( word, flag , langId , normBuf ); // start );
// try another line
goto lineLoop;
// success
return true;
bool Wiktionary::addWord ( char *word ,
uint8_t posFlag ,
uint8_t langId ,
char *formOf ) {
// done if lang is unknown
if ( langId == langUnknown ) return true;
// hash the word
//long long wid = hash64Lower_utf8(word);
long long wid = hash64n(word);
// see if already in there
uint8_t *langIdPtr = (uint8_t *)m_langTableTmp.getValue(&wid);
// if same
if ( langIdPtr && *langIdPtr != langId ) {
// mark it as multi-language, we will delete when done
*langIdPtr = langTranslingual;
// otherwise, add it!
else {
// . add that then
// . this only uses 6 byte keys
if ( ! m_langTableTmp.addKey ( &wid, &langId ) ) return false;
// if not form of something make it form of itself
if ( ! formOf ) formOf = word;
// to file like
long long lk64 = wid ;
lk64 ^= g_hashtab[4][langId];
if ( ! m_dedup.isInTable ( &lk64 ) ) {
m_dedup.addKey ( &lk64 );
m_langBuf.safePrintf ( "%s|%s\n",
// store word so we can map word it to a string
long len = m_debugBuf.length();
long wlen = gbstrlen(word);
if ( ! m_debugMap.isInTable ( &wid ) ) {
m_debugBuf.safeMemcpy ( word, wlen );
// this only uess 6 byte keys
if ( ! m_debugMap.addKey ( &wid , &len ) ) return false;
// need a POS for adding for synonyms
//if ( ! posFlag ) return true;
// . get hash of form of
// . i.e. if word is "jumping" then formOf is "jump"
// . so this maps "jump" to all the forms it has
// . thus allowDups is true for this one too
// . but the "jump" key is language and POS sensitive
// . so "jump" as a noun does not map to "jumping" (verb) but only
// maps to "jumps" the noun
//long long fh64 = hash64Lower_utf8(formOf);
long long fh64 = hash64n(formOf);
// save that
long long baseForm = fh64;
// also add formOf
if ( ! m_debugMap.isInTable ( &baseForm ) ) {
len = m_debugBuf.length();
m_debugBuf.safeStrcpy ( formOf );
// this only uess 6 byte keys
if ( ! m_debugMap.addKey ( &baseForm , &len ) ) return false;
//if ( wid == hash64n("fled",0) )
// log("hey");
//if ( formOf != word && fh64 == hash64n("of",0) )
// log("hey");
//if ( (unsigned long long)wid == 17808519984823939745ULL )
// log("stratocumulus");
// hash in langid
fh64 ^= g_hashtab[0][langId];
// include POS flag too i guess
//fh64 ^= g_hashtab[1][posFlag];
// dedup table
long long dk64 = hash64h ( fh64 , wid );
//if ( dk64 == 4174548643612680780LL )
// log("boo");
if ( ! m_dedup.isInTable ( &dk64 ) ) {
// the data now includes popularity of wid
long pop = g_speller.getPhrasePopularity(NULL,
if ( pop > 32000 ) pop = 32000;
// make the data
char data[9];
memcpy ( data , &wid , 8 );
data[8] = langId;
// . add that. allowDups. so you should be able to get all the
// forms by just looking at the base form
// . this uses 8 byte keys
if ( ! m_tmp.addKey ( &fh64 , data ) ) return false;
// . add for both
// . this uses 8 byte keys
if ( ! m_dedup.addKey ( &dk64 ) ) return false;
// same for this
dk64 = hash64h ( fh64 , baseForm );
//if ( dk64 == 4174548643612680780LL )
// log("boo");
if ( ! m_dedup.isInTable ( &dk64 ) ) {
// the data now includes popularity of wid
long pop = g_speller.getPhrasePopularity(NULL,
if ( pop > 32000 ) pop = 32000;
// make the data
char data[8];
memcpy ( data , &baseForm , 6 );
memcpy ( data + 8 , &pop , 2 );
// make the data
char data[9];
memcpy ( data , &baseForm , 8 );
data[8] = langId;
// . map the base form to itself as well! so compile() works
// so if we have the word "jumping" an alt for is "jump"
// . this uses 8 byte keys
if ( ! m_tmp.addKey ( &fh64, data ) ) return false;
// . add for both
// . this uses 8 byte keys
if ( ! m_dedup.addKey ( &dk64 ) ) return false;
// success!
return true;
// . make the synonym/form table from m_tmp
// . m_synTable maps a 48-bit wordid (combined with its language id and
// its part of speeach flag) to a list of alternative forms
// which are also 48-bit wordids, suitable for hashing into posdb
// . the reason we combine language id and part of speech flag with the
// word id, is because "jump" the english noun, does not map to
// "jumping" for example. so we assume a word is a noun only if it
// could be both a verb or a noun, as in the case of jump or jumps. however,
// jumping is treated as a verb.
bool Wiktionary::compile ( ) {
HashTableX dedup;
dedup.set ( 8,0,16777216,NULL,0,false,0,"cdtab");
// scan the m_tmp table
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_tmp.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// skip empty slots
if ( ! m_tmp.m_flags[i] ) continue;
// get this guys key
long long fh64 = m_tmp.getKey64FromSlot(i);
// is base form "pie"? why doesn't "pie" map to it?
//if( fh64 == 4935258599006239294LL ) // balon baseform in turk
// log("en|UK");
// do not repeat
if ( dedup.isInTable ( &fh64 ) ) continue;
// this uses 8 byte keys
if ( ! dedup.addKey ( &fh64 ) ) return false;
// reset
//long long lastWid = 0LL;
// remove dups
HashTableX dd2;
char dbuf2[256];
// how many forms? must be 2+ to get added to syntable
long formCount = 0;
for ( long j = i ; ; j++ ) {
// wrap around
if ( j >= m_tmp.m_numSlots ) j = 0;
// chain stops when we hit empty slot
if ( ! m_tmp.m_flags[j] ) break;
// make sure matches
long long kk = m_tmp.getKey64FromSlot(j);
// must match
if ( kk != fh64 ) continue;
// get a form of the base form, wid64
char *data = (char *)m_tmp.getDataFromSlot(j);
// must be there
long *offPtr = (long *)m_debugMap.getValue(data);
if ( ! offPtr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
char *word = m_debugBuf.getBufStart() + *offPtr;
// now re-hash it as lower case
long long wid = hash64Lower_utf8(word);
// dedup on it
if ( dd2.isInTable ( &wid ) ) continue;
dd2.addKey ( &wid );
// unique
//if ( *(long long *)data == lastWid ) continue;
// adjacent deduping
//lastWid = *(long long *)data;
// it matches!
// need 2+ forms!
if ( formCount <= 1 ) continue;
// base form
//long long wid = *(long long *)m_tmp.getDataFromSlot(i);
// remember buf start
long bufLen = m_synBuf.length();
// remove dups
HashTableX dd;
char dbuf[256];
// a byte for storing the # of synonym forms
// push the langid!
long count = 0;
// chain for all keys that are the same
for ( long j = i ; ; j++ ) {
// wrap around
if ( j >= m_tmp.m_numSlots ) j = 0;
// chain stops when we hit empty slot
if ( ! m_tmp.m_flags[j] ) break;
// . get key of jth slot
// . this uses 8 byte keys
// . kk is the hash of the BASE form i think hashed
// with the langid
long long kk = m_tmp.getKey64FromSlot(j);
// must match
if ( kk != fh64 ) continue;
// get a form of the base form, wid64
char *data = (char *)m_tmp.getDataFromSlot(j);
// get the word id
//long long wid =*(long long *)data;
// CRAP! this is a case dependent hash! we need
// to make it lower case now that the synsets
// have been established based on case, since
// wiktionary is highly case-dependent.
// get the word itself
long *offPtr = (long *)m_debugMap.getValue(data);
// must be there
if ( ! offPtr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
char *word = m_debugBuf.getBufStart() + *offPtr;
// now re-hash it
long long wid = hash64Lower_utf8(word);
// i bury langid in there
uint8_t langId = data[8];
// find "pie"!
//if ( wid == 1050735555723194583LL )
// log("pie");
// xor in the langid
wid ^= g_hashtab[0][langId];
// only add this word form once per langId
if ( dd.isInTable ( &wid ) ) continue;
dd.addKey ( &wid );
// first first time lead with a "<langAbbr>|"
if ( count == 0 ) {
// first is the wid (6 bytes) then pop (2 bytes)
// exclude popularity for this
//m_synBuf.safeMemcpy(data , 6 );
// print that
// comma
if ( count+1<formCount )
// . a ptr to that sequence of alt forms in the buf
// . this uses 6 byte keys
// stratocumulus
//if ( wid == -1556090671932692078 )
// log("stratocumulus");
// wtf?
// "won" has two bases "win" and "won"
// en|won,wons,woned
// en|win,won,winning,wins
// and we seem to map to the first one only...
// so maybe allow dup keys in syntable?
// count em up
// limit to 100 synonyms per synset
if ( count >= 100 ) break;
// new line
// store the count, the # of syns in this synset
//char *buf = m_synBuf.getBufStart();
//buf[bufLen] = (char)count;
// . and of course the base form. "jump"
// . no, i add the base form map to itself into m_tmp above
// in addWords() now
return true;
// add unified dict entries into m_langTable if they
// belong to one and only one language
bool Wiktionary::integrateUnifiedDict ( ) {
// scan unified dict
for ( long i = 0 ; i < numSlots ; i++ ) {
// skip empty slots
if ( ! ud->m_flags[i] ) continue;
// get ptrs
long off = *(long *)ud->getDataFromSlot(i);
// refernce
char *p = g_speller.m_unifiedBuf + off;
// just one lang?
if ( ! justOneLang ) continue;
// skip if already there
if ( m_langTable.isInTable ( &wid ) ) continue;
// add it then
if ( ! m_langTable.addKey ( &wid , &langId ) ) return false;
// scan langtable and remove translingual entries
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_langTableTmp.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// skip empty slots
if ( ! m_langTableTmp.m_flags[i] ) continue;
// check it
if ( *(uint8_t *)m_langTableTmp.getDataFromSlot(i) ==
langTranslingual )
// add it
char *key = (char *)m_langTableTmp.getKeyFromSlot(i);
char *val = (char *)m_langTableTmp.getValueFromSlot(i);
if ( ! m_langTable.addKey ( key , val ) ) return false;
return true;