2014-05-06 10:47:57 -07:00

458 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright Apr 2005 Matt Wells
// . parameters from CollectionRec that can be overriden on a per query basis
// . use m_qbuf1 for the query. it has all the min/plus/quote1/quote2 advanced
// search cgi parms appended to it. it is the complete query, which is
// probably what you are looking for. m_q should also be set to that, too.
// m_query is simply the "query=" string in the url request.
// . use m_qbuf2 for the spell checker. it is missing url: link: etc fields.
// . use m_displayQuery for the query displayed in the text box. it is missing
// values from the "sites=" and "site=" cgi parms, since they show up with
// radio buttons below the search text box on the web page.
#include "Query.h" // MAX_QUERY_LEN
//#include "Msg24.h" // MAX_TOPIC_GROUPS
#define SI_TMPBUF_SIZE (16*1024)
char getFormatFromRequest ( class HttpRequest *r ) ;
// . parameters used to generate a set of related topics (gigabits)
// . you can have Msg24 generate multiple sets of related topics in one call
class TopicGroup {
long m_numTopics;
long m_maxTopics;
long m_docsToScanForTopics;
long m_minTopicScore;
long m_maxWordsPerTopic;
char m_meta[32];
char m_delimeter;
bool m_useIdfForTopics;
bool m_dedup;
long m_minDocCount ;
bool m_ipRestrict ;
char m_dedupSamplePercent; // -1 means no deduping
bool m_topicRemoveOverlaps;
long m_topicSampleSize;
long m_topicMaxPunctLen;
class SearchInput {
bool set ( class TcpSocket *s , class HttpRequest *r , Query *q );
void test ( );
key_t makeKey ( ) ;
// private
void setTopicGroups ( class HttpRequest *r ,
class CollectionRec *cr ) ;
bool setQueryBuffers ( class HttpRequest *hr ) ;
//void setToDefaults ( class CollectionRec *cr , long niceness ) ;
void clear ( long niceness ) ;
// Msg40 likes to use this to pass the parms to a remote host
SearchInput ( );
~SearchInput ( );
void reset ( );
long getStoredSizeForMsg40 ( ) ;
//char *serializeForMsg40 ( long *size ) ;
//void deserializeForMsg40 ( char *buf, long bufSize, bool ownBuf ) ;
void copy ( class SearchInput *si ) ;
// Language support for Msg40
uint8_t detectQueryLanguage(void);
bool addFacebookInterests ( char *list ) ;
bool addInterests ( char *list , char delim, bool hasNums ) ;
bool addInterest (char *s, long slen, char valc, bool overwrite );
// used as indicator by SearchInput::makeKey() for generating a
// key by hashing the parms between m_START and m_END
long m_START;
// general parameters
char m_dedupURL;
long m_percentSimilarSummary; // msg40
char m_showBanned;
char m_allowPunctInPhrase;
char m_excludeLinkText;
char m_excludeMetaText;
char m_doBotDetection;
long m_includeCachedCopy;
char m_getSectionVotingInfo;
char m_familyFilter; // msg40
char m_restrictIndexdbForQuery; // msg40
char m_doSiteClustering; // msg40
char m_doDupContentRemoval; // msg40
char m_getDocIdScoringInfo;
// ranking algos
char m_useMinAlgo;
char m_useNewAlgo;
char m_doMaxScoreAlgo;
char m_adFeedEnabled;
// intersection speed up shortcut? "&fi=1", defaults to on
char m_fastIntersection;
// stream results back on socket in streaming mode, usefule when thousands
// of results are requested
char m_streamResults;
// . related topic (gigabits) parameters
// . TODO: prepend m_top_ to these var names
long m_docsToScanForTopics; // msg40
long m_minTopicScore; // msg40
long m_minDocCount; // msg40
long m_dedupSamplePercent; // msg40
long m_maxWordsPerTopic; // msg40
long m_ipRestrictForTopics; // msg40
char m_returnDocIdCount; // msg40
char m_returnDocIds; // msg40
char m_returnPops; // msg40
// . reference page parameters
// . copied from CollectionRec.h
long m_refs_numToGenerate; // msg40
long m_refs_docsToScan; // msg40
long m_refs_minQuality; // msg40
long m_refs_minLinksPerReference; // msg40
long m_refs_maxLinkers; // msg40
float m_refs_additionalTRFetch; // msg40
long m_refs_numLinksCoefficient; // msg40
long m_refs_qualityCoefficient; // msg40
long m_refs_linkDensityCoefficient; // msg40
char m_refs_multiplyRefScore; // msg40
// . related page parameters
// . copied from CollectionRec.h
long m_rp_numToGenerate; // msg40
long m_rp_numLinksPerDoc; // msg40
long m_rp_minQuality; // msg40
long m_rp_minScore; // msg40
long m_rp_minLinks; // msg40
long m_rp_numLinksCoeff; // msg40
long m_rp_avgLnkrQualCoeff; // msg40
long m_rp_qualCoeff; // msg40
long m_rp_srpLinkCoeff; // msg40
long m_rp_numSummaryLines; // msg40
long m_rp_titleTruncateLimit; // msg40
char m_rp_useResultsAsReferences; // msg40
char m_rp_getExternalPages; // msg40
char m_getTitleRec;
// buzz uses this
char m_getSitePops;
// search result knobs
long m_realMaxTop;
// general parameters
long m_numLinesInSummary; // msg40
long m_summaryMaxWidth; // msg40
long m_docsWanted; // msg40
long m_firstResultNum; // msg40
long m_boolFlag; // msg40
long m_numResultsToImport; // msg40
float m_importWeight;
long m_numLinkerWeight;
long m_minLinkersPerImportedResult; // msg40
char m_doQueryHighlighting; // msg40
long m_highlightQueryLen;
char *m_highlightQuery;
Query m_hqq;
long m_queryMatchOffsets;
long m_summaryMode;
// are we doing a QA query for quality assurance consistency
char m_qa;
float m_pqr_demFactSubPhrase;
float m_pqr_demFactCommonInlinks;
float m_pqr_demFactLocTitle;
float m_pqr_demFactLocSummary;
float m_pqr_demFactLocDmoz;
float m_pqr_demFactProximity;
float m_pqr_demFactInSection;
float m_pqr_demFactOrigScore;
bool m_pqr_demInTopics;
// . buzz stuff (buzz)
// . these controls the set of results, so should be in the makeKey()
// as it is, in between the start and end hash vars
long m_displayInlinks;
long m_displayOutlinks;
char m_displayTermFreqs;
char m_justMarkClusterLevels;
//char m_queryPrepend[41];
// for selecting a language
//long m_languageCodeLen;
char m_queryLang;
long m_gblang;
// new sort/constrain by date stuff
char m_useDateLists;
long m_maxQueryTerms;
// for the news collection really
char m_considerTitlesFromBody;
long m_maxClusterByTopicResults;
long m_numExtraClusterByTopicResults;
// we do not do summary deduping, and other filtering with docids
// only, so can change the result and should be part of the key
char m_docIdsOnly; // msg40
// tier sizes can change with different "raw" values, therefore,
// so can search results
//long m_xml; // msg40
// can be 0 for FORMAT_HTML, 1 = FORMAT_XML, 2=FORMAT_JSON
//long m_formatStrLen;
//char *m_formatStr;
char m_formatTmp[11];
// can be 0 for FORMAT_HTML, 1 = FORMAT_XML, 2=FORMAT_JSON, 3=csv
long m_format;
// this should be part of the key because it will affect the results!
char m_queryExpansion;
long m_maxRealTimeInlinks;
//char m_hideAllClustered;
// Language stuff
int8_t m_langHint;
float m_languageUnknownWeight;
float m_languageWeightFactor;
char m_enableLanguageSorting;
uint8_t m_countryHint;
char m_useLanguagePages;
// . end the section we hash in SearchInput::makeKey()
// . we also hash displayMetas, TopicGroups and Query into the key
long m_END_HASH;
time_t m_nowUTC;
char m_fromProxy;
char *m_languageCode;
char *m_botDetectionQuery;
// general parms, not part of makeKey(), but should be serialized
long m_useCache; // msg40
long m_rcache; // msg40
long m_wcache; // msg40
long m_niceness; // msg40
long m_compoundListMaxSize; // msg40
char m_debug; // msg40
char m_debugGigabits;
char m_useTopTree; // msg40
//char m_restrictTitledbForQuery; // msg40 (obsolete)
char m_doIpClustering; // msg40 (obsolete)
//double m_dpf; // msg40 (obsolete)
// source IP for language sorting
long m_queryIP;
long m_spiderResults;
long m_spiderResultRoots;
char m_spellCheck;
// do not include these in makeKey()
long m_numTopicsToDisplay;
long m_refs_numToDisplay;
long m_rp_numToDisplay;
// these should all be hashed in makeKey()
long m_displayMetasLen; // msg40
char *m_displayMetas; // msg40
long m_rp_externalCollLen; // msg40
char *m_rp_externalColl; // msg40
long m_importCollLen; // msg40
char *m_importColl; // msg40
long m_queryCharsetLen;
char *m_queryCharset;
long m_gbcountryLen;
char *m_gbcountry;
uint8_t m_country;
// general string parms
long m_queryLen;
char *m_query;
long m_query2Len;
char *m_query2;
//long m_collLen2; // msg40
//char *m_coll2; // msg40
// array of collnum_t's to search... usually just one
SafeBuf m_collnumBuf;
// first collection # listed in m_collnumBuf
collnum_t m_firstCollnum;
// . "special query"
// . list of docids to restrict results to, i.e. "124+4564+6752+..."
// . NULL terminated
long m_sqLen;
char *m_sq;
// exclude these docids
long m_noDocIdsLen;
char *m_noDocIds;
// exclude these 32-bit site hashes (site ids)
long m_noSiteIdsLen;
char *m_noSiteIds;
long m_htmlHeadLen;
char *m_htmlHead;
long m_htmlTailLen;
char *m_htmlTail;
long m_siteLen;
char *m_site;
//long m_sitesLen;
//char *m_sites;
long m_plusLen;
char *m_plus;
long m_minusLen;
char *m_minus;
long m_linkLen;
char *m_link;
long m_quoteLen1;
char *m_quote1;
long m_quoteLen2;
char *m_quote2;
long m_imgUrlLen;
char *m_imgUrl;
long m_imgLinkLen;
char *m_imgLink;
long m_urlLen;
char *m_url;
long m_imgWidth;
long m_imgHeight;
//long m_sitesQueryLen;
SafeBuf m_whiteListBuf;
// password is for all
long m_pwdLen;
char *m_pwd;
// for /addurl?
long m_urlLen2;
char *m_url2;
double m_maxSerpScore;
long long m_minSerpDocId;
// for /get?d=xxxxx&strip=0&ih=1&qh=1
long long m_docId;
long m_strip;
char m_includeHeader;
char m_queryHighlighting;
char m_doDateHighlighting;
long m_useAdFeedNum;
// reset this
long m_numTopicGroups; // msg40
//long m_qbufLen1; // msg40
//long m_qbufLen2;
//long m_qbufLen3;
long m_displayQueryLen;
long m_urlParmsLen;
long m_postParmsLen;
// post query reranking
long m_docsToScanForReranking;
// Language stuff
long m_defaultSortLanguageLen;
char *m_defaultSortLanguage;
long m_defaultSortCountryLen;
char *m_defaultSortCountry;
char *m_username;
char *m_displayQuery; // pts into m_qbuf1
class Hostdb *m_hostdb;
// urlencoded display query
char m_qe [ MAX_QUERY_LEN *2 + 1 ];
CollectionRec *m_cr;
Query *m_q;
Query *m_q2;
char m_isAdmin;
//char m_isAdminOverride;
//char m_isFriend;
//char m_isAssassin;
// Saved pointer to httpRequest for lang detection
HttpRequest * m_hr;
// true if query is directly from an end-user
char m_endUser;
long m_maxResults; // msg40
// a marker for SearchInput::test()
long m_END_TEST;
// these are set from things above
TopicGroup m_topicGroups [ MAX_TOPIC_GROUPS ];// msg40
//long m_user; // USER_ADMIN, ...
//char m_qbuf1 [ MAX_QUERY_LEN ];
//char m_qbuf2 [ MAX_QUERY_LEN ];
// qbuf3 is for q2, strangly
//char m_qbuf3 [ MAX_QUERY_LEN ];
SafeBuf m_sbuf1;
SafeBuf m_sbuf2;
SafeBuf m_sbuf3;
long m_catId;
bool m_isRTL;
// make a cookie from parms with m_flags of PF_COOKIE set
SafeBuf m_cookieBuf;
TcpSocket *m_socket;
//char m_urlParms [ MAX_URLPARMS_LEN ];
//char m_postParms [ MAX_URLPARMS_LEN ];
//long m_turkUserLen;
//char *m_turkUser;//[128];
//char *m_buf;
//char *m_ptr; // into m_buf
//long m_bufSize;
//char m_stack [ SI_STACK_SIZE ]; // may pt'ed to by m_buf
// . all the parms serialized...
// . we own this buf
//char m_tmpBuf [ SI_TMPBUF_SIZE ];