2013-08-02 13:12:24 -07:00

249 lines
7.1 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include <sys/time.h> // gettimeofday()
#include "sort.h"
static int cmp (const void *p1, const void *p2) ;
class fslot1 {
long m_score;
char *m_docIdBitsPtr;
unsigned short m_termBits;
//unsigned short align;
class fslot2 {
long m_score;
long long m_docIdBits;
unsigned short m_termBits;
//unsigned short align;
static long long gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() ;
long long gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() {
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday ( &tv , NULL );
long long now=(long long)(tv.tv_usec/1000)+((long long)tv.tv_sec)*1000;
return now;
main ( ) {
// fill our tbl
unsigned long g_hashtab[256];
static bool s_initialized = false;
// bail if we already called this
if ( s_initialized ) return true;
// show RAND_MAX
//printf("RAND_MAX = %lu\n", RAND_MAX ); it's 0x7fffffff
// seed with same value so we get same rand sequence for all
srand ( 1945687 );
for ( long i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ )
g_hashtab [i] = (unsigned long)rand();
// . # of docIds to hash
long nd = 2000000; //8192*4*4;
// make a list of compressed (6 byte) docIds
char *docIds1 = (char *) malloc ( 6 * nd );
char *docIds2 = (char *) malloc ( 6 * nd );
// print start time
//fprintf (stderr,"hashtest:: randomizing begin."
// " %li 6-byte docIds.\n",nd);
// randomize docIds
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)docIds1;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nd ; i++ ) {
*(unsigned long *)p = rand() | 0x01 ; p += 4;
*(unsigned short *)p = rand() % 0xffff ; p += 2;
p = (unsigned char *)docIds2;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nd ; i++ ) {
*(unsigned long *)p = rand() | 0x01 ; p += 4;
*(unsigned short *)p = rand() % 0xffff ; p += 2;
// . make a hash table, small...
// . numSlots MUST be power of 2
// . ENSURE this fits into the L1 or L2 cache!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// . That is the whole POINT of this!!!!!!!
// . This seems to run fastest at about 2k, going much less than
// that doesn't seem to help much...
#define numSlots 1024*2
#define mask (numSlots-1)
//long numSlots = 1024*4;
fprintf(stderr,"numslots = %lik\n", numSlots/1024);
fslot1 *slots = (fslot1 *) calloc (sizeof(fslot1), numSlots );
// point to 6 byte docIds
p = (unsigned char *)docIds1;
// set our total end
unsigned char *max = p + nd*6;
// only hash enough to fill up our small hash table
long score;
long collisions = 0;
unsigned long n;
unsigned short termBitMask = 1;
//unsigned long mask = numSlots - 1;
long scoreWeight = 13;
// debug msg
fprintf (stderr,"hashtest:: starting loop (nd=%li)\n",nd);
// time stamp
long long t = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// advance the ending point before clearing the hash table
unsigned char *pend = p + (numSlots>>1)*6;
if ( pend >= max ) pend = max;
if ( p >= max ) goto finalDone;
// skip clear of table if we don't need to do it
if ( p == (unsigned char *)docIds1 ) goto top;
// otherwise msg
// empty hash table
for ( long i = 0 ; i < numSlots ; i++ )
slots[i].m_score = 0;
if ( p >= pend ) goto done;
//*(((unsigned char *)(&docIdBits))+0) = p[0];
//*(((unsigned char *)(&docIdBits))+1) = p[1];
//*(((unsigned char *)(&docIdBits))+2) = p[2];
//*(((unsigned char *)(&docIdBits))+3) = p[3];
//*(((unsigned char *)(&docIdBits))+4) = p[4];
n = ( (*(unsigned long *)p) ^ g_hashtab[p[0]] ) & mask;
if ( slots[n].m_score == 0 ) {
slots[n].m_score = ~p[5];
slots[n].m_docIdBitsPtr = (char *)p;
slots[n].m_termBits = termBitMask;
p += 6;
goto top;
// if equal, add
if ( *(long *)p == *slots[n].m_docIdBitsPtr &&
p[5] == slots[n].m_docIdBitsPtr[5] ) {
slots[n].m_score += ~p[5];
slots[n].m_termBits |= termBitMask;
p += 6;
goto top;
// otherwise, chain
if ( ++n >= (unsigned long)numSlots ) n = 0;
goto chain;
// dec loopcount
goto again;
// completed
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
fprintf (stderr,"hashtest:: addList took %llu ms\n" , now - t );
// how many did we hash
long hashed = (p - (unsigned char *)docIds1) / 6;
fprintf(stderr,"hashtest:: hashed %li docids\n", hashed);
// stats
double d = (1000.0*(double)hashed) / ((double)(now - t));
fprintf (stderr,"hashtest:: each add took %f cycles\n" ,
400000000.0 / d );
fprintf (stderr,"hashtest:: we can do %li adds per second\n" ,(long)d);
fprintf (stderr,"hashtest:: collisions = %li\n", collisions);
// now do merge test of the lists
// sort docIds1 and docIds2
fprintf(stderr,"hashtest:: sorting docIds1 and docIds2 for merge\n");
gbsort ( docIds1 , nd , 6 , cmp );
gbsort ( docIds2 , nd , 6 , cmp );
// current ptrs
unsigned char *p1 = (unsigned char *)docIds1;
unsigned char *p2 = (unsigned char *)docIds2;
unsigned char *pend1 = (unsigned char *)(docIds1 + nd * 6);
unsigned char *pend2 = (unsigned char *)(docIds2 + nd * 6);
// list to hold them
//char *results = (char *) malloc ( nd * 6 * 2 );
//char *pr = results ;
t = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// pt to slots
fslot2 *pr = (fslot2 *) calloc (sizeof(fslot2), nd * 2 );
// now merge the two lists sorted by docId
if ( p1[5] < p2[5] ) {
*(long *)(&pr->m_docIdBits) = *(long *)p1;
*(((short *)(&pr->m_docIdBits))+2) = *(short *)(p1+4);
pr->m_score = ~p1[5];
pr->m_termBits = 0x01;
if ( p1 < pend1 ) goto loop;
goto done2;
if ( p1[5] > p2[5] ) {
*(long *)(&pr->m_docIdBits) = *(long *)p2;
*(((short *)(&pr->m_docIdBits))+2) = *(short *)(p2+4);
pr->m_score = ~p2[5];
pr->m_termBits = 0x02;
if ( p2 < pend2 ) goto loop;
goto done2;
// add together
*(long *)(&pr->m_docIdBits) = *(long *)p2;
*(((short *)(&pr->m_docIdBits))+2) = *(short *)(p2+4);
pr->m_score = ((long)~p1[5]) + ((long)~p2[5]) ;
pr->m_termBits = 0x01 | 0x02;
p2 += 6;
p1 += 6;
if ( p2 >= pend2 ) goto done2;
if ( p1 >= pend1 ) goto done2;
goto loop;
// completed
now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
fprintf (stderr,"hashtest:: 2 list MERGE took %llu ms\n" , now - t );
// how many did we hash
fprintf(stderr,"hashtest:: merged %li docids\n", nd*2);
// stats
d = (1000.0*(double)nd*2.0) / ((double)(now - t));
fprintf (stderr,"hashtest:: each add took %f cycles\n" ,
400000000.0 / d );
fprintf (stderr,"hashtest:: we can do %li adds per second\n" ,(long)d);
// exit gracefully
exit ( 0 );
int cmp (const void *p1, const void *p2) {
long long n1 = 0;
long long n2 = 0;
*(((unsigned char *)(&n1))+0) = *(((char *)p1)+0);
*(((unsigned char *)(&n1))+1) = *(((char *)p1)+1);
*(((unsigned char *)(&n1))+2) = *(((char *)p1)+2);
*(((unsigned char *)(&n1))+3) = *(((char *)p1)+3);
*(((unsigned char *)(&n1))+4) = *(((char *)p1)+4);
*(((unsigned char *)(&n2))+0) = *(((char *)p2)+0);
*(((unsigned char *)(&n2))+1) = *(((char *)p2)+1);
*(((unsigned char *)(&n2))+2) = *(((char *)p2)+2);
*(((unsigned char *)(&n2))+3) = *(((char *)p2)+3);
*(((unsigned char *)(&n2))+4) = *(((char *)p2)+4);
return n1 - n2;