Matt Wells 6a45e42128 added ability to treat <link rel=canoical> as meta redirects.
should help us dedup.
added a function to do looser deduping of spider pages although current
not enabled, we are still using the more strict one.
added documentation on how we dedup to developer.html for jon to
take a look at.
2014-01-30 10:04:09 -08:00

704 lines
22 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
static void gotReplyWrapper20 ( void *state , void *state20 ) ;
//static void gotReplyWrapper20b ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot );
static void handleRequest20 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice );
static bool gotReplyWrapperxd ( void *state ) ;
Msg20::Msg20 () { constructor(); }
Msg20::~Msg20() { reset(); }
void Msg20::constructor () {
m_request = NULL;
m_r = NULL;
m_inProgress = false;
m_launched = false;
void Msg20::destructor () { reset(); m_mcast.destructor(); }
#include "Process.h"
void Msg20::reset() {
// not allowed to reset one in progress
if ( m_inProgress ) {
// do not core on abrupt exits!
if (g_process.m_mode == EXIT_MODE ) return;
// otherwise core
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
m_launched = false;
if ( m_request && m_request != m_requestBuf )
mfree ( m_request , m_requestSize , "Msg20rb" );
// sometimes the msg20 reply carries an merged bffer from
// msg40 that is a constructed ptr_eventSummaryLines from a
// merge operation in msg40. this fixes the "merge20buf1" memory
// leak from Msg40.cpp
if ( m_r ) m_r->destructor();
if ( m_r && m_ownReply ) //&& (char *)m_r != m_replyBuf )
mfree ( m_r , m_replyMaxSize , "Msg20b" );
m_request = NULL; // the request buf ptr
m_r = NULL; // the reply ptr
m_gotReply = false;
m_errno = 0;
m_requestDocId = -1LL;
m_callback = NULL;
m_callback2 = NULL;
m_state = NULL;
m_ownReply = true;
// resets
m_pqr_old_score = 0.0;
m_pqr_factor_quality = 1.0;
m_pqr_factor_diversity = 1.0;
m_pqr_factor_inlinkers = 1.0;
m_pqr_factor_proximity = 1.0;
m_pqr_factor_ctype = 1.0;
m_pqr_factor_lang = 1.0; // includes country
bool Msg20::registerHandler ( ) {
// . register ourselves with the udp server
// . it calls our callback when it receives a msg of type 0x20
if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0x20, handleRequest20 ))
return false;
return true;
// copy "src" to ourselves
void Msg20::copyFrom ( Msg20 *src ) {
memcpy ( this , src , sizeof(Msg20) );
// if the Msg20Reply was actually in src->m_replyBuf[] we have to
// re-serialize into our this->m_replyBuf[] in order for the ptrs
// to be correct
//if ( (char *)src->m_r == src->m_replyBuf ) {
// // ok, point our Msg20Reply to our m_replyBuf[]
// m_r = (Msg20Reply *)m_replyBuf;
// // serialize the reply into that buf
// src->m_r->serialize ( m_replyBuf , MSG20_MAX_REPLY_SIZE );
// // then change the offsets to ptrs into this->m_replyBuf
// m_r->deserialize ();
// make sure it does not free it!
src->m_r = NULL;
// why would we need to re-do the request? dunno, pt to it just in case
if ( src->m_request == src->m_requestBuf )
m_request = m_requestBuf;
// make sure destructor does not free this
src->m_request = NULL;
// but should free its request, m_request, if it does not point to
// src->m_requestBuf[], but an allocated buffer
// returns true and sets g_errno on error, otherwise, blocks and returns false
bool Msg20::getSummary ( Msg20Request *req ) {
// reset ourselves in case recycled
// consider it "launched"
m_launched = true;
// save it
m_requestDocId = req->m_docId;
m_state = req->m_state;
m_callback = req->m_callback;
m_callback2 = req->m_callback2;
m_expected = req->m_expected;
m_eventId = req->m_eventId;
// clear this
// set this
//if ( req->m_eventId ) m_eventIdBits.addEventId(req->m_eventId);
Hostdb *hostdb = req->m_hostdb;
// ensure hostdb has a host in it
if ( ! hostdb ) hostdb = &g_hostdb;
// does this ever happen?
if ( hostdb->getNumHosts() <= 0 ) {
log("build: hosts2.conf is not in working directory, or "
"contains no valid hosts.");
return true;
// do not re-route to twins if accessing an external network
if ( hostdb != &g_hostdb ) req->m_expected = false;
// get groupId from docId, if positive
unsigned long shardNum;
if ( req->m_docId >= 0 )
shardNum = hostdb->getShardNumFromDocId(req->m_docId);
else {
long long pdocId = g_titledb.getProbableDocId(req->ptr_ubuf);
shardNum = getShardNumFromDocId(pdocId);
// we might be getting inlinks for a spider request
// so make sure timeout is inifinite for that...
long timeout = 9999999; // 10 million seconds, basically inf.
if ( req->m_niceness == 0 ) timeout = 20;
// get our group
long allNumHosts = hostdb->getNumHostsPerShard();
Host *allHosts = hostdb->getShard ( shardNum );//getGroup(groupId );
// put all alive hosts in this array
Host *cand[32];
long long nc = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < allNumHosts ; i++ ) {
// get that host
Host *hh = &allHosts[i];
// skip if dead
if ( g_hostdb.isDead(hh) ) continue;
// add it if alive
cand[nc++] = hh;
// if none alive, make them all candidates then
bool allDead = (nc == 0);
for ( long i = 0 ; allDead && i < allNumHosts ; i++ )
cand[nc++] = &allHosts[i];
// route based on docid region, not parity, because we want to hit
// the urldb page cache as much as possible
long long sectionWidth =((128LL*1024*1024)/nc)+1;//(DOCID_MASK/nc)+1LL;
long long probDocId = req->m_docId;
// i think reference pages just pass in a url to get the summary
if ( probDocId < 0 && req->size_ubuf )
probDocId = g_titledb.getProbableDocId ( req->ptr_ubuf );
if ( probDocId < 0 ) {
log("query: Got bad docid/url combo.");
probDocId = 0;
// we mod by 1MB since tied scores resort to sorting by docid
// so we don't want to overload the host responsible for the lowest
// range of docids. CAUTION: do this for msg22 too!
// in this way we should still ensure a pretty good biased urldb
// cache...
// . TODO: fix the urldb cache preload logic
long hostNum = (probDocId % (128LL*1024*1024)) / sectionWidth;
if ( hostNum < 0 ) hostNum = 0; // watch out for negative docids
if ( hostNum >= nc ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
long firstHostId = cand [ hostNum ]->m_hostId ;
// . make buffer m_request to hold the request
// . tries to use m_requestBuf[] if it is big enough to hold it
// . allocs a new buf if MAX_MSG20_REQUEST_SIZE is too small
// . serializes the request into m_request
// . sets m_requestSize to the size of the serialized request
m_requestSize = 0;
m_request = req->serialize ( &m_requestSize, m_requestBuf ,
// . it sets g_errno on error and returns NULL
// . we MUST call gotReply() here to set m_gotReply
// otherwise Msg40.cpp can end up looping forever
// calling Msg40::launchMsg20s()
if ( ! m_request ) { gotReply(NULL); return true; }
// . otherwise, multicast to a host in group "groupId"
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . use a pre-allocated buffer to hold the reply
// . TMPBUFSIZE is how much a UdpSlot can hold w/o allocating
if ( ! m_mcast.send ( m_request ,
m_requestSize ,
0x20 , // msgType 0x20
false , // m_mcast own m_request?
shardNum , // send to group (groupKey)
false , // send to whole group?
probDocId , // key is lower bits of docId
this , // state data
NULL , // state data
gotReplyWrapper20 ,
timeout , // 60 second time out
req->m_niceness ,
false , // real time?
firstHostId , // first hostid
NULL,//m_replyBuf ,
false , // free reply buf?
false , // do disk load balancing?
-1 , // max cache age
0 , // cacheKey
0 , // bogus rdbId
-1 , // minRecSizes(unknownRDsize)
true , // sendToSelf
true , // retry forever
hostdb )) {
// sendto() sometimes returns "Network is down" so i guess
// we just had an "error reply".
log("msg20: error sending mcast %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
m_gotReply = true;
return true;
// we are officially "in progress"
m_inProgress = true;
// we blocked
return false;
void gotReplyWrapper20 ( void *state , void *state2 ) {
Msg20 *THIS = (Msg20 *)state;
// gotReply() does not block, and does NOT call our callback
THIS->gotReply ( NULL ) ;
if ( THIS->m_callback ) THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
else THIS->m_callback2 ( THIS->m_state );
void gotReplyWrapper20b ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) {
Msg20 *THIS = (Msg20 *)state;
// gotReply() does not block, and does NOT call our callback
THIS->gotReply ( slot ) ;
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
// . set m_reply/m_replySize to the reply
void Msg20::gotReply ( UdpSlot *slot ) {
// we got the reply
m_gotReply = true;
// no longer in progress, we got a reply
m_inProgress = false;
// sanity check
if ( m_r ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// save error so Msg40 can look at it
if ( g_errno ) {
m_errno = g_errno;
if ( g_errno != EMISSINGQUERYTERMS )
log("query: msg20: got reply for docid %lli : %s",
// . get the best reply we got
// . we are responsible for freeing this reply
bool freeit;
// . freeit is true if mcast will free it
// . we should always own it since we call deserialize and has ptrs
// into it
char *rp = NULL;
if ( slot ) {
rp = slot->m_readBuf;
m_replySize = slot->m_readBufSize;
m_replyMaxSize = slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
freeit = false;
rp =m_mcast.getBestReply(&m_replySize,&m_replyMaxSize,&freeit);
//if( rp != m_replyBuf )
relabel( rp , m_replyMaxSize, "Msg20-mcastGBR" );
// sanity check
if ( freeit ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg20: gotReply: Bad engineer.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// see if too small for a getSummary request
if ( m_replySize < (long)sizeof(Msg20Reply) ) {
log("query: Summary reply is too small.");
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
m_errno = g_errno = EREPLYTOOSMALL; return; }
// cast it
m_r = (Msg20Reply *)rp;
// reset this since constructor never called
m_r->m_tmp = 0;
// we own it now
m_ownReply = true;
// deserialize it, sets g_errno on error??? not yet TODO!
// . this is called
// . destroys the UdpSlot if false is returned
void handleRequest20 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) {
// . check g_errno
// . before, we were not sending a reply back here and we continued
// to process the request, even though it was empty. the slot
// had a NULL m_readBuf because it could not alloc mem for the read
// buf i'm assuming. and the slot was saved in a line below here...
// state20->m_msg22.m_parent = slot;
if ( g_errno ) {
log("net: Msg20 handler got error: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// ensure request is big enough
if ( slot->m_readBufSize < (long)sizeof(Msg20Request) ) {
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADREQUESTSIZE );
// parse the request
Msg20Request *req = (Msg20Request *)slot->m_readBuf;
// . turn the string offsets into ptrs in the request
// . this is "destructive" on "request"
long nb = req->deserialize();
// sanity check
if ( nb != slot->m_readBufSize ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// sanity check, the size include the \0
if ( req->size_coll <= 1 || *req->ptr_coll == '\0' ) {
log("query: Got empty collection in msg20 handler. FIX!");
char *xx =NULL; *xx = 0;
// if it's not stored locally that's an error
if ( req->m_docId >= 0 && ! g_titledb.isLocal ( req->m_docId ) ) {
log("query: Got msg20 request for non-local docId %lli",
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , ENOTLOCAL );
// sanity
if ( req->m_docId == 0 && ! req->ptr_ubuf ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
long long startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// alloc a new state to get the titlerec
XmlDoc *xd;
try { xd = new (XmlDoc); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("query: msg20 new(%i): %s", sizeof(XmlDoc),
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot, g_errno );
mnew ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "xd20" );
// ok, let's use the new XmlDoc.cpp class now!
xd->set20 ( req );
// encode slot
xd->m_slot = slot;
// set the callback
xd->setCallback ( xd , gotReplyWrapperxd );
// set set time
xd->m_setTime = startTime;
xd->m_cpuSummaryStartTime = 0;
// . now as for the msg20 reply!
// . TODO: move the parse state cache into just a cache of the
// XmlDoc itself, and put that cache logic into XmlDoc.cpp so
// it can be used more generally.
Msg20Reply *reply = xd->getMsg20Reply ( );
// this is just blocked
if ( reply == (void *)-1 ) return;
// got it?
gotReplyWrapperxd ( xd );
bool gotReplyWrapperxd ( void *state ) {
// grab it
XmlDoc *xd = (XmlDoc *)state;
// get it
UdpSlot *slot = (UdpSlot *)xd->m_slot;
// parse the request
Msg20Request *req = (Msg20Request *)slot->m_readBuf;
// print time
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
long long took = now - xd->m_setTime;
long long took2 = now - xd->m_cpuSummaryStartTime;
// if there is a baclkog of msg20 summary generation requests this
// is really not the cpu it took to make the smmary, but how long it
// took to get the reply. this request might have had to wait for the
// other summaries to finish computing before it got its turn,
// meanwhile its clock was ticking. TODO: make this better?
// only do for niceness 0 otherwise it gets interrupted by quickpoll
// and can take a long time.
if ( (req->m_isDebug || took > 100) && req->m_niceness == 0 )
log("query: Took %lli ms to compute summary for d=%lli u=%s "
xd->m_niceness );
if ( (req->m_isDebug || took2 > 100) &&
xd->m_cpuSummaryStartTime &&
req->m_niceness == 0 )
log("query: Took %lli ms of CPU to compute summary for d=%lli "
"u=%s niceness=%li q=%s",
took2 ,
xd->m_niceness ,
req->ptr_qbuf );
// error?
if ( g_errno ) { xd->m_reply.sendReply ( xd ); return true; }
// this should not block now
Msg20Reply *reply = xd->getMsg20Reply ( );
// sanity check, should not block here now
if ( reply == (void *)-1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// NULL means error, -1 means blocked. on error g_errno should be set
if ( ! reply && ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// send it off. will send an error reply if g_errno is set
return reply->sendReply ( xd );
Msg20Reply::Msg20Reply ( ) {
// this is free in destructor, so clear it here
//ptr_eventSummaryLines = NULL;
m_tmp = 0;
// seems to be an issue... caused a core with bogus size_dbuf
long *sizePtr = &size_tbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_note;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; sizePtr++ )
*sizePtr = 0;
// we need to free the ptr_summaryLines if it is pointing into a new buffer
// which is what Msg40 sometimes does to it when it merges Msg20Reply's
// summaries for events together.
Msg20Reply::~Msg20Reply ( ) {
void Msg20Reply::destructor ( ) {
// m_tmp is set to be the allocated buffer size in Msg40.cpp
//if ( m_tmp == 0 ) return;
//char *p = ptr_eventSummaryLines;
//if ( ! p ) return;
// this was causing a core!... try again now with NULLing out above
//mfree ( p , m_tmp , "merge20buf" );
//m_tmp = 0;
// . return ptr to the buffer we serialize into
// . return NULL and set g_errno on error
bool Msg20Reply::sendReply ( XmlDoc *xd ) {
// get it
UdpSlot *slot = (UdpSlot *)xd->m_slot;
if ( g_errno ) {
// extract titleRec ptr
log("query: Had error generating msg20 reply for d=%lli: "
"%s",m_docId, mstrerror(g_errno));
// don't forget to delete this list
mdelete ( xd, sizeof(XmlDoc) , "Msg20" );
delete ( xd );
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ) ;
return true;
// now create a buffer to store title/summary/url/docLen and send back
long need = getStoredSize();
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "Msg20Reply" );
if ( ! buf ) goto haderror;
// should never have an error!
long used = serialize ( buf , need );
// sanity
if ( used != need ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check, no, might have been banned/filtered above around
// line 956 and just called sendReply directly
//if ( st->m_memUsed == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// use blue for our color
long color = 0x0000ff;
// but use dark blue for niceness > 0
if ( xd->m_niceness > 0 ) color = 0x0000b0;
//Msg20Reply *tt = (Msg20Reply *)buf;
// sanity check
if ( ! xd->m_utf8ContentValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// for records
long clen = 0;
if ( xd->m_utf8ContentValid ) clen = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;
// show it in performance graph
if ( xd->m_startTimeValid )
g_stats.addStat_r ( clen ,
xd->m_startTime ,
gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() ,
color );
// . del the list at this point, we've copied all the data into reply
// . this will free a non-null State20::m_ps (ParseState) for us
mdelete ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "xd20" );
delete ( xd );
g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( buf , need , buf , need , slot );
return true;
// . this is destructive on the "buf". it converts offs to ptrs
// . sets m_r to the modified "buf" when done
// . sets g_errno and returns -1 on error, otherwise # of bytes deseril
long Msg20::deserialize ( char *buf , long bufSize ) {
if ( bufSize < (long)sizeof(Msg20Reply) ) {
g_errno = ECORRUPTDATA; return -1; }
m_r = (Msg20Reply *)buf;
// do not free "buf"/"m_r"
m_ownReply = false;
return m_r->deserialize ( );
long Msg20Request::getStoredSize ( ) {
long size = (long)sizeof(Msg20Request);
// add up string buffer sizes
long *sizePtr = &size_qbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_displayMetas;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; sizePtr++ )
size += *sizePtr;
return size;
// . return ptr to the buffer we serialize into
// . return NULL and set g_errno on error
char *Msg20Request::serialize ( long *retSize ,
char *userBuf ,
long userBufSize ) {
// make a buffer to serialize into
char *buf = NULL;
long need = getStoredSize();
// big enough?
if ( need <= userBufSize ) buf = userBuf;
// alloc if we should
if ( ! buf ) buf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "Msg20Ra" );
// bail on error, g_errno should be set
if ( ! buf ) return NULL;
// set how many bytes we will serialize into
*retSize = need;
// copy the easy stuff
char *p = buf;
memcpy ( p , (char *)this , sizeof(Msg20Request) );
p += (long)sizeof(Msg20Request);
// then store the strings!
long *sizePtr = &size_qbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_displayMetas;
char **strPtr = &ptr_qbuf;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; ) {
// sanity check -- cannot copy onto ourselves
if ( p > *strPtr && p < *strPtr + *sizePtr ) {
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// copy the string into the buffer
memcpy ( p , *strPtr , *sizePtr );
// advance our destination ptr
p += *sizePtr;
// advance both ptrs to next string
return buf;
// convert offsets back into ptrs
long Msg20Request::deserialize ( ) {
// point to our string buffer
char *p = m_buf;
// then store the strings!
long *sizePtr = &size_qbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_displayMetas;
char **strPtr = &ptr_qbuf;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; ) {
// convert the offset to a ptr
*strPtr = p;
// make it NULL if size is 0 though
if ( *sizePtr == 0 ) *strPtr = NULL;
// sanity check
if ( *sizePtr < 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx =0; }
// advance our destination ptr
p += *sizePtr;
// advance both ptrs to next string
// return how many bytes we processed
return (long)sizeof(Msg20Request) + (p - m_buf);
long Msg20Reply::getStoredSize ( ) {
long size = (long)sizeof(Msg20Reply);
// add up string buffer sizes
long *sizePtr = &size_tbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_note;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; sizePtr++ )
size += *sizePtr;
return size;
// returns NULL and set g_errno on error
long Msg20Reply::serialize ( char *buf , long bufSize ) {
// copy the easy stuff
char *p = buf;
memcpy ( p , (char *)this , sizeof(Msg20Reply) );
p += (long)sizeof(Msg20Reply);
// then store the strings!
long *sizePtr = &size_tbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_note;
char **strPtr = &ptr_tbuf;
//char **strEnd= &ptr_note;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; ) {
// sometimes the ptr is NULL but size is positive
// so watch out for that
if ( *strPtr ) {
memcpy ( p , *strPtr , *sizePtr );
// advance our destination ptr
p += *sizePtr;
// advance both ptrs to next string
long used = p - buf;
// sanity check, core on overflow of supplied buffer
if ( used > bufSize ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// return it
return used;
// convert offsets back into ptrs
long Msg20Reply::deserialize ( ) {
// point to our string buffer
char *p = m_buf;
// reset this since constructor never called
m_tmp = 0;
// then store the strings!
long *sizePtr = &size_tbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_note;
char **strPtr = &ptr_tbuf;
//char **strEnd= &ptr_note;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; ) {
// convert the offset to a ptr
*strPtr = p;
// make it NULL if size is 0 though
if ( *sizePtr == 0 ) *strPtr = NULL;
// sanity check
if ( *sizePtr < 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx =0; }
// advance our destination ptr
p += *sizePtr;
// advance both ptrs to next string
// sanity
if ( ptr_linkInfo && ((LinkInfo *)ptr_linkInfo)->m_size !=
size_linkInfo ) {
log("xmldoc: deserialize msg20 reply corruption error");
log("xmldoc: DO YOU NEED TO NUKE CACHEDB.DAT?????");
return -1;
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// return how many bytes we used
return (long)sizeof(Msg20Reply) + (p - m_buf);