2013-08-02 13:12:24 -07:00

596 lines
17 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Bits.h"
#include "StopWords.h"
#include "fctypes.h"
#include "Abbreviations.h"
#include "Mem.h"
Bits::Bits() {
m_bits = NULL;
m_swbits = NULL;
Bits::~Bits() {
void Bits::reset() {
if ( m_bits && m_needsFree ) // (char *)m_bits != m_localBuf )
mfree ( m_bits , m_bitsSize , "Bits" );
if ( m_swbits && m_needsFree )
mfree ( m_swbits , m_swbitsSize , "Bits" );
m_bits = NULL;
m_swbits = NULL;
m_inLinkBitsSet = false;
m_inUrlBitsSet = false;
// . set bits for each word
// . these bits are used for phrasing and by spam detector
// . returns false and sets errno on error
bool Bits::set ( Words *words , char titleRecVersion , long niceness ,
char *buf , long bufSize ) {
// save words so printBits works
m_words = words;
// save for convenience/speed
m_titleRecVersion = titleRecVersion;
m_niceness = niceness;
// how many words?
long numBits = words->getNumWords();
// how much space do we need?
long need = numBits * sizeof(wbit_t);
// assume no malloc
m_needsFree = false;
// use local buf?
if ( need < BITS_LOCALBUFSIZE ) m_bits = (wbit_t *)m_localBuf;
// use provided buf?
else if ( need < bufSize ) m_bits = (wbit_t *)buf;
// i guess need to malloc
else {
m_bitsSize = need;
m_bits = (wbit_t *)mmalloc ( need , "Bits1" );
m_needsFree = true;
if ( ! m_bits ) return log("build: Could not allocate "
"Bits table used to parse words: "
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// sometimes the next bits are dependent on the previous bits.
wbit_t prevBits = 0;
nodeid_t *tagIds = words->getTagIds();
char **w = words->getWords();
long long *wids = words->getWordIds();
char **wptrs = words->getWords();
long long prevWid = 0LL;
//long *wlens = words->getWordLens();
long brcount = 0;
wbit_t bits;
bool isInSentence = false;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < numBits ; i++ ) {
// get the word text and it's length
//char *s = words->getWord ( i );
//long slen = words->getWordLen ( i );
//wbit_t bits;
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
if ( tagIds && tagIds[i] ) {
// shortcut
nodeid_t tid = tagIds[i] & BACKBITCOMP;
// count the <br>s, we can't pair across more than 1
if ( g_nodes[tid].m_isBreaking )
bits = 0;
// can only pair across one <br> tag, not two
else if ( tid == TAG_BR ) { //tagIds[i] == 20 ){// <br>
if ( brcount > 0 ) bits = 0;
else { brcount++; bits = D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS; }
else bits = D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS;
// just skip if ignored from a 0 score
//else if ( scores && scores[i] <= 0 ) {
// bits = 0;
else if ( is_alnum_utf8 ( w[i]+0 )) {
brcount = 0;
else {
// . just allow anything now!
// . the curved quote in utf8 is 3 bytes long and with
// a space before it, was causing issues here!
//bits = getPunctuationBits(w[i],wlens[i]);
// now everybody has a period before them since i don't
// want "project S" to phrase to "projects" or
// "the rapist" to phrase to "therapist"
// i commented this out cuz we ALWAYS put a period between now
// if this word is following a "/", "." or "/~" then it can
// be period preceeded in a phrase
//if ( i > 1 && (s[-1]=='/' || s[-1]=='.') && is_alnum(s[-2]))
//if ( i > 2 && s[-1]=='~' && s[-2]=='/' && is_alnum(s[-3]))
// remember our bits.
m_bits [ i ] = bits;
// these bits will be the previous bits the next time around.
prevBits = bits; //m_bits [ i - 1 ];
// . identify which tags and punct words break a sentence
// . Sections.cpp uses this to carve out sentence sections
// a word never breaks a sentence
if ( wids[i] ) {
isInSentence = true;
prevWid = wids[i];
// if not in a sentence, just keep going
if ( ! isInSentence ) continue;
// if punct it breaks unless it is a comma, semicolon,
// colon, space, etc.
if ( ! tagIds || ! tagIds[i] ) {
// not a break if no period right there
if ( wptrs[i][0] != '.' &&
wptrs[i][0] != '!' &&
wptrs[i][0] != '?' )
// if an alnum char follows the ., it is ok
// probably a hostname or ip or phone #
if ( is_alnum_utf8(wptrs[i]+1) ) continue;
// if abbreviation before we are ok too
if ( wptrs[i][0]=='.' && isAbbr(prevWid) ) continue;
// otherwise, break that sentence
m_bits[i] |= D_BREAKS_SENTENCE;
// stop it
isInSentence = false;
// keep going
// skip non breaking tags like font
if ( ! isBreakingTagId(tagIds[i]) ) continue;
// now we assume br tags break sentences until we can figure
// out if the page is microsoft front page or not.
m_bits[i] |= D_BREAKS_SENTENCE;
// stop it
isInSentence = false;
// pick the longest line in a hard section which ends in
// a period and contains a br tag. then any line that
// is 80%+ of that line's number of chars is also a line
// where the br should not terminate it as a sentence.
// ?????
return true;
#include "Sections.h"
void Bits::setInLinkBits ( Sections *ss ) {
if ( m_inLinkBitsSet ) return;
m_inLinkBitsSet = true;
if ( ss->m_numSections == 0 ) return;
// sets bits for Bits.cpp for D_IN_LINK for each ALNUM word
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if not a href section
if ( si->m_baseHash != TAG_A ) continue;
// set boundaries
long a = si->m_a;
long b = si->m_b;
for ( long i = a ; i < b ; i++ )
m_bits[i] |= D_IN_LINK;
void Bits::setInUrlBits ( long niceness ) {
if ( m_inUrlBitsSet ) return;
m_inUrlBitsSet = true;
nodeid_t *tids = m_words->getTagIds();
long long *wids = m_words->getWordIds();
char **wptrs = m_words->getWords();
long nw = m_words->getNumWords();
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw; i++ ) {
// breathe
// look for protocol
if ( wids[i] ) continue;
if ( tids[i] ) continue;
if ( wptrs[i][0] != ':' ) continue;
if ( wptrs[i][1] != '/' ) continue;
if ( wptrs[i][2] != '/' ) continue;
// set them up
if ( i<= 0 ) continue;
// scan for end of it. stop at tag or space
long j = i - 1;
for ( ; j < nw ; j++ ) {
// breathe
// check if end
if ( m_words->hasSpace(j) ) break;
// or tag
if ( tids[j] )
//tids[j] != TAG_B &&
//tids[j] != (TAG_B|BACKBIT) )
// include it
m_bits[j] |= D_IS_IN_URL;
// avoid inifinite loop with this if conditional statement
if ( j > i ) i = j;
void Bits::printBits ( ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_words->getNumWords(); i++ ) {
fprintf(stderr," ");
void Bits::printBit ( long i ) {
if (m_bits[i]&D_CAN_BE_IN_PHRASE ) fprintf(stderr," canBeInPhrse");
else fprintf(stderr," ");
if (m_bits[i]&D_IS_STOPWORD ) fprintf(stderr," stopword");
else fprintf(stderr," ");
if (m_bits[i]&D_CAN_PERIOD_PRECEED)fprintf(stderr," periodCanPreceed");
else fprintf(stderr," ");
//if (m_bits[i]&D_IS_INDEXABLE) fprintf(stderr," indexable");
//else fprintf(stderr," ");
if (m_bits[i]&D_CAN_START_PHRASE) fprintf(stderr," canStartPhrase");
else fprintf(stderr," ");
if (m_bits[i]&D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS ) fprintf(stderr," canPairAcross");
else fprintf(stderr," ");
// . if we're a stop word and previous word was an apostrophe
// then set D_CAN_APOSTROPHE_PRECEED to true and PERIOD_PRECEED to false
wbit_t Bits::getAlnumBits ( long i , wbit_t prevBits ) {
char *s = m_words->getWord ( i );
long len = m_words->getWordLen ( i );
long long wid = m_words->getWordId ( i );
//if ( m_titleRecVersion < 36 && m_words->getStripWordId(i) )
// wid = m_words->getStripWordId(i);
wbit_t bits = 0;
// this is used by Weights.cpp
if ( is_cap_utf8 ( s , len ) ) bits |= D_IS_CAP;
// this is not case sensitive -- all non-stop words can start phrases
if ( ! ::isStopWord ( s , len , wid ) )
bits |=
// stopwords preceeding an immediate hyphen (i-phone) can start phrases
if ( s[len]=='-' && is_alnum_utf8(s+len+1) )
return bits | D_CAN_START_PHRASE;
// capitalized stop words can start phrases. ( kick Him in the *** )
if ( is_upper_utf8(s) ) return bits | D_CAN_START_PHRASE;
// if the previous word could not be paired across then
// this stop word can start a phrase. ( short end. it happened
// yesterday. )
if ((prevBits & D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS) == 0)
return bits | D_CAN_START_PHRASE;
// . the first alnum word can start a phrase as well
// . prevBits may nto be zero if first word was punctuation
if ( i <= 1 ) return bits | D_CAN_START_PHRASE;
return bits;
// TODO: fuckin' ms frontpage puts long sequences of spaces
// between words that are next to each other
wbit_t Bits::getPunctuationBits ( char *s , long len ) {
uint8_t cs;
if ( len != 2 ) goto tryLen1;
if (s[0]==',' && (s[1]=='\n' || s[1]==' ')) return D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS;
if (s[0]=='/' && s[1]=='~') return D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS ;
cs = getUtf8CharSize ( s );
// allow double spaces for version 6 or more
if ( is_wspace_utf8(s) && is_wspace_utf8(s+cs) )
if (is_wspace_utf8(s+cs) && is_punct_utf8(s)) {
// switch/case is slow b-tree thing! stop it!
if ( s[0] == '?' ) return 0;
if ( s[0] == ';' ) return 0;
if ( s[0] == '{' ) return 0;
if ( s[0] == '}' ) return 0;
if ( s[0] == '<' ) return 0;
if ( s[0] == '>' ) return 0;
//switch ((wbit_t)s[0]) {
//case '!': return D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS; // "Yahoo! games"
//case '.': return 0; // initials! "I. B. M."
//UTF8?case 171: return 0; // << left shift operator
//UTF8?case 187: return 0; // >> right shift operator
//UTF8?case 191: return 0; // upsidedown question mark
//UTF8?case 161: return 0; // upsidedown exclamation point
if (is_wspace_utf8(s) && is_punct_utf8(s+cs)) {
// switch/case is slow b-tree thing! stop it!
if ( s[cs] == '?' ) return 0;
if ( s[cs] == ';' ) return 0;
if ( s[cs] == '{' ) return 0;
if ( s[cs] == '}' ) return 0;
if ( s[cs] == '<' ) return 0;
if ( s[cs] == '>' ) return 0;
if ( s[cs] == '!' ) return 0;
//UTF8?case 171: return 0; // << left shift operator
//UTF8?case 187: return 0; // >> right shift operator
//UTF8?case 191: return 0; // upsidedown question mark
//UTF8?case 161: return 0; // upsidedown exclamation point
return 0;
if (len != 1) goto tryLen3;
// switch/case is slow b-tree thing! stop it!
if ( s[0] == '?' ) return 0;
if ( s[0] == ';' ) return 0;
if ( s[0] == '{' ) return 0;
if ( s[0] == '}' ) return 0;
if ( s[0] == '<' ) return 0;
if ( s[0] == '>' ) return 0;
if ( s[0] == '!' ) return 0;
//UTF8?case 171: return 0; // << left shift operator
//UTF8?case 187: return 0; // >> right shift operator
//UTF8?case 191: return 0; // upsidedown question mark
//UTF8?case 161: return 0; // upsidedown exclamation point
// we can pair across:
// "://"
// " , "
// " - "
// " & "
// " + "
// good place to check for ascii spaces...
// pair across any number of spaces, it will only show up as one
// space in html and Microsoft Front Page separates lines by a
// bunch of spaces
if ( is_wspace_a(s[0]) && is_wspace_a(s[1]) && is_wspace_a(s[2]) ) {
long k = 3;
while ( k < len ) if ( ! is_wspace_a(s[k++] ) ) return 0;
if (len != 3) return 0;
if (s[0]==':' && s[1]=='/'&&s[2]=='/')return D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS;
if ( is_wspace_a(s[0]) && is_wspace_a(s[2]) )
switch (s[1]) {
case ',': return D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS;
case '-': return D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS;
case '+': return D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS;
case '&': return D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS;
return 0;
// Summary.cpp sets its own bits.
// this table maps a tagId to a #define'd bit from Bits.h which describes
// the format of the following text in the page. like bold or italics, etc.
nodeid_t s_bt [ 1000 ];
// . set bits for each word
// . these bits are used for phrasing and by spam detector
// . returns false and sets errno on error
bool Bits::setForSummary ( Words *words , char *buf , long bufSize ) {
// clear the mem
// set our s_bt[] table
bool s_init = false;
if ( ! s_init ) {
// only do this once
s_init = true;
// clear table
if ( 1000 < getNumXmlNodes() ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
memset ( s_bt , 0 , 1000 * sizeof(nodeid_t) );
// set just those that have bits #defined in Bits.h
s_bt [ TAG_TITLE ] = D_IN_TITLE;
s_bt [ TAG_A ] = D_IN_HYPERLINK;
s_bt [ TAG_LI ] = D_IN_LIST;
s_bt [ TAG_SUP ] = D_IN_SUP;
s_bt [ TAG_P ] = D_IN_PARAGRAPH;
// save words so printBits works
m_words = words;
// save for convenience/speed
//m_titleRecVersion = 0;
// how many words?
long numBits = words->getNumWords();
// how much space do we need?
long need = sizeof(swbit_t) * numBits;
// assume no malloc
m_needsFree = false;
// use local buf?
if ( need < BITS_LOCALBUFSIZE ) m_swbits = (swbit_t *)m_localBuf;
// use provided buf?
else if ( need < bufSize ) m_swbits = (swbit_t *)buf;
// i guess need to malloc
else {
m_swbitsSize = need;
m_swbits = (swbit_t *)mmalloc ( need , "BitsW" );
m_needsFree = true;
if ( ! m_swbits ) return log("build: Could not allocate "
"Bits table used to parse words: "
// set
nodeid_t *tagIds = words->getTagIds();
char **w = words->getWords();
long *wlens = words->getWordLens();
long long *wids = words->getWordIds();
char startSent = 1;
char startFrag = 1;
char inQuote = 0;
char inParens = 0;
long wlen;
char *wp;
// the ongoing accumulation flag we apply to each word
swbit_t flags = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < numBits ; i++ ) {
// assume none are set
m_swbits[i] = 0;
// if a breaking tag, next guy can "start a sentence"
if ( tagIds && tagIds[i] ) {
// get the tag id minus the high "back bit"
long tid = tagIds[i] & BACKBITCOMP;
// is it a "breaking tag"?
if ( g_nodes[tid].m_isBreaking ) {
startSent = 1;
inQuote = 0;
// adjust flags if we should
if ( s_bt[tid] ) {
if ( tid != tagIds[i] ) flags &= ~s_bt[tid];
else flags |= s_bt[tid];
// apply flag
m_swbits[i] |= flags;
// if alnum, might start sentence or fragment
if ( wids[i] ) {
if ( startFrag ) {
m_swbits[i] |= D_STARTS_FRAG ; startFrag =0;}
if ( startSent ) {
m_swbits[i] |= D_STARTS_SENTENCE;startSent =0;}
if ( inQuote ) {
m_swbits[i] |= D_IN_QUOTES ;inQuote = 0;}
if ( inParens )
m_swbits[i] |= D_IN_PARENS;
// apply any other flags we got
m_swbits[i] |= flags;
// fast ptrs
wlen = wlens[i];
wp = w [i];
// this is not 100%
if ( words->hasChar (i, '(' ) ) flags |= D_IN_PARENS;
else if ( words->hasChar (i, ')' ) ) flags &= ~D_IN_PARENS;
// apply curent flags
m_swbits[i] |= flags;
// does it END in a quote?
if ( wp[wlen-1]=='\"' )
inQuote = 1;
else if ( wlen >= 6 &&
strncmp(wp,"&quot;",6)== 0 )
inQuote = 1;
// . but double spaces are not starters
// . MDW: we kinda force ourselves to only use ascii spaceshere
if ( wlen==2 && is_wspace_a(*wp)&&is_wspace_a(wp[1])) continue;
// it can start a fragment if not a single space char
if ( wlen!=1 || ! is_wspace_utf8(wp) )
startFrag = 1;
// ". " denotes end of sentence
if ( wlen>=2 && wp[0]=='.' && is_wspace_utf8(wp+1)){
// but not if preceeded by an initial
if ( i>0 && wlens[i-1]==1 && wids[i-1] )
// ok, really the end of a sentence
startSent = 1;
// are we a "strong connector", meaning that
// Summary.cpp should not split on us if possible
// apostrophe html encoded?
if ( wlen == 6 && strncmp(wp,"&#146;",6) == 0 ) {
m_swbits[i] |= D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR;
if ( wlen == 7 && strncmp(wp,"&#8217;",7) == 0 ) {
m_swbits[i] |= D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR;
// otherwise, strong connectors must be single char
if ( wlen != 1 ) continue;
// is it apostrophe? - & . * (M*A*S*H)
char c = wp[0];
if ( c == '\'')m_swbits[i]|=D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR;
else if ( c == '-' )m_swbits[i]|=D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR;
else if ( c == '&' )m_swbits[i]|=D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR;
else if ( c == '.' )m_swbits[i]|=D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR;
else if ( c == '*' )m_swbits[i]|=D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR;
else if ( c == '/' )m_swbits[i]|=D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR;
return true;