2013-10-29 13:16:01 -07:00

10136 lines
311 KiB

// TODO: add m_downloadTimeTable to measure download speed of an IP
// TODO: consider adding m_titleWeight/m_bodyWeight/ etc. to url filters table.
// like maybe make the wikipedia page titles really heavy..
// TODO: consider a "latestpubdateage" in url filters for pages that are
// adding new dates (not clocks) all the time
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Msg5.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h" // score8to32()
#include "Stats.h"
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "Repair.h"
#include "CountryCode.h"
#include "DailyMerge.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Test.h" // g_test
#include "Threads.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Pages.h"
Doledb g_doledb;
RdbTree *g_tree = NULL;
SpiderRequest *g_sreq = NULL;
long g_corruptCount = 0;
///////////////////////// SPIDEREC
void SpiderRequest::setKey (long firstIp,
long long parentDocId,
long long uh48,
bool isDel) {
m_key = g_spiderdb.makeKey ( firstIp,uh48,true,parentDocId , isDel );
// set dataSize too!
void SpiderRequest::setDataSize ( ) {
m_dataSize = (m_url - (char *)this) + gbstrlen(m_url) + 1
// subtract m_key and m_dataSize
- sizeof(key128_t) - 4 ;
long SpiderRequest::print ( SafeBuf *sbarg ) {
SafeBuf *sb = sbarg;
SafeBuf tmp;
if ( ! sb ) sb = &tmp;
sb->safePrintf("k.n1=0x%llx ",m_key.n1);
sb->safePrintf("k.n0=0x%llx ",m_key.n0);
sb->safePrintf("uh48=%llu ",getUrlHash48());
sb->safePrintf("parentDocId=%llu ",getParentDocId());
// if negtaive bail early now
if ( (m_key.n0 & 0x01) == 0x00 ) {
if ( ! sbarg ) printf("%s",sb->getBufStart() );
return sb->length();
sb->safePrintf("firstip=%s ",iptoa(m_firstIp) );
sb->safePrintf("hostHash32=0x%lx ",m_hostHash32 );
sb->safePrintf("domHash32=0x%lx ",m_domHash32 );
sb->safePrintf("siteHash32=0x%lx ",m_siteHash32 );
sb->safePrintf("siteNumInlinks=%li ",m_siteNumInlinks );
// print time format: 7/23/1971 10:45:32
struct tm *timeStruct ;
char time[256];
timeStruct = gmtime ( &m_addedTime );
strftime ( time , 256 , "%b %e %T %Y UTC", timeStruct );
sb->safePrintf("addedTime=%s(%lu) ",time,m_addedTime );
sb->safePrintf("parentFirstIp=%s ",iptoa(m_parentFirstIp) );
sb->safePrintf("parentHostHash32=0x%lx ",m_parentHostHash32 );
sb->safePrintf("parentDomHash32=0x%lx ",m_parentDomHash32 );
sb->safePrintf("parentSiteHash32=0x%lx ",m_parentSiteHash32 );
sb->safePrintf("hopCount=%li ",m_hopCount );
//timeStruct = gmtime ( &m_spiderTime );
//time[0] = 0;
//if ( m_spiderTime ) strftime (time,256,"%b %e %T %Y UTC",timeStruct);
//sb->safePrintf("spiderTime=%s(%lu) ",time,m_spiderTime);
//timeStruct = gmtime ( &m_pubDate );
//time[0] = 0;
//if ( m_pubDate ) strftime (time,256,"%b %e %T %Y UTC",timeStruct);
//sb->safePrintf("pubDate=%s(%lu) ",time,m_pubDate );
sb->safePrintf("ufn=%li ", (long)m_ufn);
// why was this unsigned?
sb->safePrintf("priority=%li ", (long)m_priority);
//sb->safePrintf("errCode=%s(%lu) ",mstrerror(m_errCode),m_errCode );
//sb->safePrintf("crawlDelay=%lims ",m_crawlDelay );
//sb->safePrintf("httpStatus=%li ",(long)m_httpStatus );
//sb->safePrintf("retryNum=%li ",(long)m_retryNum );
//sb->safePrintf("langId=%s(%li) ",
// getLanguageString(m_langId),(long)m_langId );
//sb->safePrintf("percentChanged=%li%% ",(long)m_percentChanged );
if ( m_isNewOutlink ) sb->safePrintf("ISNEWOUTLINK ");
if ( m_isAddUrl ) sb->safePrintf("ISADDURL ");
if ( m_isPageReindex ) sb->safePrintf("ISPAGEREINDEX ");
if ( m_isPageParser ) sb->safePrintf("ISPAGEPARSER ");
if ( m_urlIsDocId ) sb->safePrintf("URLISDOCID ");
if ( m_isRSSExt ) sb->safePrintf("ISRSSEXT ");
if ( m_isUrlPermalinkFormat ) sb->safePrintf("ISURLPERMALINKFORMAT ");
if ( m_isPingServer ) sb->safePrintf("ISPINGSERVER ");
if ( m_isInjecting ) sb->safePrintf("ISINJECTING ");
if ( m_forceDelete ) sb->safePrintf("FORCEDELETE ");
if ( m_sameDom ) sb->safePrintf("SAMEDOM ");
if ( m_sameHost ) sb->safePrintf("SAMEHOST ");
if ( m_sameSite ) sb->safePrintf("SAMESITE ");
if ( m_wasParentIndexed ) sb->safePrintf("WASPARENTINDEXED ");
if ( m_parentIsRSS ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTISRSS ");
if ( m_parentIsPermalink ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTISPERMALINK ");
if ( m_parentIsPingServer ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTISPINGSERVER ");
if ( m_isMenuOutlink ) sb->safePrintf("MENUOUTLINK ");
if ( m_parentHasAddress ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTHASADDRESS ");
//if ( m_fromSections ) sb->safePrintf("FROMSECTIONS ");
if ( m_isScraping ) sb->safePrintf("ISSCRAPING ");
if ( m_hasContent ) sb->safePrintf("HASCONTENT ");
if ( m_inGoogle ) sb->safePrintf("INGOOGLE ");
if ( m_hasAuthorityInlink ) sb->safePrintf("HASAUTHORITYINLINK ");
if ( m_hasContactInfo ) sb->safePrintf("HASCONTACTINFO ");
if ( m_hasSiteVenue ) sb->safePrintf("HASSITEVENUE ");
if ( m_isContacty ) sb->safePrintf("CONTACTY ");
if ( m_isWWWSubdomain ) sb->safePrintf("WWWSUBDOMAIN ");
//if ( m_inOrderTree ) sb->safePrintf("INORDERTREE ");
//if ( m_doled ) sb->safePrintf("DOLED ");
//unsigned long gid = g_spiderdb.getGroupId(m_firstIp);
long shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNum(RDB_SPIDERDB,this);
sb->safePrintf("shardnum=%lu ",shardNum);
if ( ! sbarg )
printf("%s",sb->getBufStart() );
return sb->length();
void SpiderReply::setKey (long firstIp,
long long parentDocId,
long long uh48,
bool isDel) {
m_key = g_spiderdb.makeKey ( firstIp,uh48,false,parentDocId , isDel );
// set dataSize too!
m_dataSize = sizeof(SpiderReply) - sizeof(key128_t) - 4;
long SpiderReply::print ( SafeBuf *sbarg ) {
SafeBuf *sb = sbarg;
SafeBuf tmp;
if ( ! sb ) sb = &tmp;
sb->safePrintf("k.n1=0x%llx ",m_key.n1);
sb->safePrintf("k.n0=0x%llx ",m_key.n0);
sb->safePrintf("uh48=%llu ",getUrlHash48());
sb->safePrintf("parentDocId=%llu ",getParentDocId());
// if negtaive bail early now
if ( (m_key.n0 & 0x01) == 0x00 ) {
if ( ! sbarg ) printf("%s",sb->getBufStart() );
return sb->length();
sb->safePrintf("firstip=%s ",iptoa(m_firstIp) );
sb->safePrintf("percentChangedPerDay=%.02f%% ",m_percentChangedPerDay);
// print time format: 7/23/1971 10:45:32
struct tm *timeStruct ;
char time[256];
timeStruct = gmtime ( &m_spideredTime );
time[0] = 0;
if ( m_spideredTime ) strftime (time,256,"%b %e %T %Y UTC",timeStruct);
sb->safePrintf("spideredTime=%s(%lu) ",time,m_spideredTime);
sb->safePrintf("siteNumInlinks=%li ",m_siteNumInlinks );
timeStruct = gmtime ( &m_pubDate );
time[0] = 0;
if ( m_pubDate != 0 && m_pubDate != -1 )
strftime (time,256,"%b %e %T %Y UTC",timeStruct);
sb->safePrintf("pubDate=%s(%li) ",time,m_pubDate );
//sb->safePrintf("newRequests=%li ",m_newRequests );
sb->safePrintf("ch32=%lu ",(long)m_contentHash32);
sb->safePrintf("crawldelayms=%lims ",m_crawlDelayMS );
sb->safePrintf("httpStatus=%li ",(long)m_httpStatus );
sb->safePrintf("langId=%s(%li) ",
getLanguageString(m_langId),(long)m_langId );
if ( m_errCount )
sb->safePrintf("errCount=%li ",(long)m_errCount);
sb->safePrintf("errCode=%s(%lu) ",mstrerror(m_errCode),m_errCode );
//if ( m_isSpam ) sb->safePrintf("ISSPAM ");
if ( m_isRSS ) sb->safePrintf("ISRSS ");
if ( m_isPermalink ) sb->safePrintf("ISPERMALINK ");
if ( m_isPingServer ) sb->safePrintf("ISPINGSERVER ");
//if ( m_deleted ) sb->safePrintf("DELETED ");
if ( m_isIndexed ) sb->safePrintf("ISINDEXED ");
if ( m_hasAddress ) sb->safePrintf("HASADDRESS ");
if ( m_hasTOD ) sb->safePrintf("HASTOD ");
if ( m_hasSiteVenue ) sb->safePrintf("HASSITEVENUE ");
if ( m_isContacty ) sb->safePrintf("CONTACTY ");
if ( ! sbarg )
printf("%s",sb->getBufStart() );
return sb->length();
long SpiderRequest::printToTable ( SafeBuf *sb , char *status ,
XmlDoc *xd ) {
// show elapsed time
if ( xd ) {
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
long long elapsed = now - xd->m_startTime;
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%llims</td>\n",elapsed);
sb->safePrintf(" <td><nobr>%s</nobr></td>\n",m_url);
sb->safePrintf(" <td><nobr>%s</nobr></td>\n",status );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li</td>\n",(long)m_priority);
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li</td>\n",(long)m_ufn);
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%s</td>\n",iptoa(m_firstIp) );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li</td>\n",(long)m_errCount );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%llu</td>\n",getUrlHash48());
sb->safePrintf(" <td>0x%lx</td>\n",m_hostHash32 );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>0x%lx</td>\n",m_domHash32 );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>0x%lx</td>\n",m_siteHash32 );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li</td>\n",m_siteNumInlinks );
//sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li</td>\n",m_pageNumInlinks );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li</td>\n",m_hopCount );
// print time format: 7/23/1971 10:45:32
struct tm *timeStruct ;
char time[256];
timeStruct = gmtime ( &m_addedTime );
strftime ( time , 256 , "%b %e %T %Y UTC", timeStruct );
sb->safePrintf(" <td><nobr>%s(%lu)</nobr></td>\n",time,m_addedTime);
//timeStruct = gmtime ( &m_pubDate );
//time[0] = 0;
//if ( m_pubDate ) strftime (time,256,"%b %e %T %Y UTC",timeStruct);
//sb->safePrintf(" <td>%s(%lu)</td>\n",time,m_pubDate );
//sb->safePrintf(" <td>%s(%lu)</td>\n",mstrerror(m_errCode),m_errCode);
//sb->safePrintf(" <td>%lims</td>\n",m_crawlDelay );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%s</td>\n",iptoa(m_parentFirstIp) );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%llu</td>\n",getParentDocId() );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>0x%lx</td>\n",m_parentHostHash32);
sb->safePrintf(" <td>0x%lx</td>\n",m_parentDomHash32 );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>0x%lx</td>\n",m_parentSiteHash32 );
//sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li</td>\n",(long)m_httpStatus );
//sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li</td>\n",(long)m_retryNum );
//sb->safePrintf(" <td>%s(%li)</td>\n",
// getLanguageString(m_langId),(long)m_langId );
//sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li%%</td>\n",(long)m_percentChanged );
sb->safePrintf(" <td><nobr>");
if ( m_isNewOutlink ) sb->safePrintf("ISNEWOUTLINK ");
if ( m_isAddUrl ) sb->safePrintf("ISADDURL ");
if ( m_isPageReindex ) sb->safePrintf("ISPAGEREINDEX ");
if ( m_isPageParser ) sb->safePrintf("ISPAGEPARSER ");
if ( m_urlIsDocId ) sb->safePrintf("URLISDOCID ");
if ( m_isRSSExt ) sb->safePrintf("ISRSSEXT ");
if ( m_isUrlPermalinkFormat ) sb->safePrintf("ISURLPERMALINKFORMAT ");
if ( m_isPingServer ) sb->safePrintf("ISPINGSERVER ");
if ( m_isInjecting ) sb->safePrintf("ISINJECTING ");
if ( m_forceDelete ) sb->safePrintf("FORCEDELETE ");
if ( m_sameDom ) sb->safePrintf("SAMEDOM ");
if ( m_sameHost ) sb->safePrintf("SAMEHOST ");
if ( m_sameSite ) sb->safePrintf("SAMESITE ");
if ( m_wasParentIndexed ) sb->safePrintf("WASPARENTINDEXED ");
if ( m_parentIsRSS ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTISRSS ");
if ( m_parentIsPermalink ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTISPERMALINK ");
if ( m_parentIsPingServer ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTISPINGSERVER ");
if ( m_isMenuOutlink ) sb->safePrintf("MENUOUTLINK ");
if ( m_parentHasAddress ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTHASADDRESS ");
//if ( m_fromSections ) sb->safePrintf("FROMSECTIONS ");
if ( m_isScraping ) sb->safePrintf("ISSCRAPING ");
if ( m_hasContent ) sb->safePrintf("HASCONTENT ");
if ( m_inGoogle ) sb->safePrintf("INGOOGLE ");
if ( m_hasAuthorityInlink ) sb->safePrintf("HASAUTHORITYINLINK ");
if ( m_hasContactInfo ) sb->safePrintf("HASCONTACTINFO ");
if ( m_hasSiteVenue ) sb->safePrintf("HASSITEVENUE ");
if ( m_isContacty ) sb->safePrintf("CONTACTY ");
//if ( m_inOrderTree ) sb->safePrintf("INORDERTREE ");
//if ( m_doled ) sb->safePrintf("DOLED ");
return sb->length();
long SpiderRequest::printTableHeaderSimple ( SafeBuf *sb ,
bool currentlySpidering) {
// how long its been being spidered
if ( currentlySpidering )
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>elapsed</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>url</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>status</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>first IP</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>pri</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>errCount</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>hops</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>addedTime</b></td>\n");
//sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>flags</b></td>\n");
return sb->length();
long SpiderRequest::printToTableSimple ( SafeBuf *sb , char *status ,
XmlDoc *xd ) {
// show elapsed time
if ( xd ) {
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
long long elapsed = now - xd->m_startTime;
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%llims</td>\n",elapsed);
sb->safePrintf(" <td><nobr>");
sb->safeTruncateEllipsis ( m_url , 64 );
sb->safePrintf(" <td><nobr>%s</nobr></td>\n",status );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%s</td>\n",iptoa(m_firstIp));
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li</td>\n",(long)m_priority);
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li</td>\n",(long)m_errCount );
sb->safePrintf(" <td>%li</td>\n",m_hopCount );
// print time format: 7/23/1971 10:45:32
struct tm *timeStruct ;
char time[256];
timeStruct = gmtime ( &m_addedTime );
strftime ( time , 256 , "%b %e %T %Y UTC", timeStruct );
sb->safePrintf(" <td><nobr>%s(%lu)</nobr></td>\n",time,m_addedTime);
sb->safePrintf(" <td><nobr>");
if ( m_isNewOutlink ) sb->safePrintf("ISNEWOUTLINK ");
if ( m_isAddUrl ) sb->safePrintf("ISADDURL ");
if ( m_isPageReindex ) sb->safePrintf("ISPAGEREINDEX ");
if ( m_isPageParser ) sb->safePrintf("ISPAGEPARSER ");
if ( m_urlIsDocId ) sb->safePrintf("URLISDOCID ");
if ( m_isRSSExt ) sb->safePrintf("ISRSSEXT ");
if ( m_isUrlPermalinkFormat ) sb->safePrintf("ISURLPERMALINKFORMAT ");
if ( m_isPingServer ) sb->safePrintf("ISPINGSERVER ");
if ( m_isInjecting ) sb->safePrintf("ISINJECTING ");
if ( m_forceDelete ) sb->safePrintf("FORCEDELETE ");
if ( m_sameDom ) sb->safePrintf("SAMEDOM ");
if ( m_sameHost ) sb->safePrintf("SAMEHOST ");
if ( m_sameSite ) sb->safePrintf("SAMESITE ");
if ( m_wasParentIndexed ) sb->safePrintf("WASPARENTINDEXED ");
if ( m_parentIsRSS ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTISRSS ");
if ( m_parentIsPermalink ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTISPERMALINK ");
if ( m_parentIsPingServer ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTISPINGSERVER ");
if ( m_isMenuOutlink ) sb->safePrintf("MENUOUTLINK ");
if ( m_parentHasAddress ) sb->safePrintf("PARENTHASADDRESS ");
//if ( m_fromSections ) sb->safePrintf("FROMSECTIONS ");
if ( m_isScraping ) sb->safePrintf("ISSCRAPING ");
if ( m_hasContent ) sb->safePrintf("HASCONTENT ");
if ( m_inGoogle ) sb->safePrintf("INGOOGLE ");
if ( m_hasAuthorityInlink ) sb->safePrintf("HASAUTHORITYINLINK ");
if ( m_hasContactInfo ) sb->safePrintf("HASCONTACTINFO ");
if ( m_hasSiteVenue ) sb->safePrintf("HASSITEVENUE ");
if ( m_isContacty ) sb->safePrintf("CONTACTY ");
return sb->length();
long SpiderRequest::printTableHeader ( SafeBuf *sb , bool currentlySpidering) {
// how long its been being spidered
if ( currentlySpidering )
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>elapsed</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>url</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>status</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>pri</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>ufn</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>firstIp</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>errCount</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>urlHash48</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>hostHash32</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>domHash32</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>siteHash32</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>siteInlinks</b></td>\n");
//sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>pageNumInlinks</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>hops</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>addedTime</b></td>\n");
//sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>lastAttempt</b></td>\n");
//sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>pubDate</b></td>\n");
//sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>errCode</b></td>\n");
//sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>crawlDelay</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>parentIp</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>parentDocId</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>parentHostHash32</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>parentDomHash32</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>parentSiteHash32</b></td>\n");
//sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>httpStatus</b></td>\n");
//sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>retryNum</b></td>\n");
//sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>langId</b></td>\n");
//sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>percentChanged</b></td>\n");
sb->safePrintf(" <td><b>flags</b></td>\n");
return sb->length();
///////////////////////// SPIDERDB
// a global class extern'd in .h file
Spiderdb g_spiderdb;
Spiderdb g_spiderdb2;
// reset rdb
void Spiderdb::reset() { m_rdb.reset(); }
// print the spider rec
long Spiderdb::print( char *srec ) {
// get if request or reply and print it
if ( isSpiderRequest ( (key128_t *)srec ) )
((SpiderRequest *)srec)->print(NULL);
((SpiderReply *)srec)->print(NULL);
return 0;
bool Spiderdb::init ( ) {
long maxMem = 200000000;
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . assume avg spider rec size (url) is about 45
// . 45 + 33 bytes overhead in tree is 78
long maxTreeNodes = maxMem / 78;
// . really we just cache the first 64k of each priority list
// . used only by SpiderLoop
//long maxCacheNodes = 32;
// we use the same disk page size as indexdb (for rdbmap.cpp)
long pageSize = GB_INDEXDB_PAGE_SIZE;
// disk page cache mem, 100MB on gk0 now
long pcmem = 20000000;//g_conf.m_spiderdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
// keep this low if we are the tmp cluster
if ( g_hostdb.m_useTmpCluster ) pcmem = 0;
// key parser checks
//long ip = 0x1234;
char priority = 12;
long spiderTime = 0x3fe96610;
long long urlHash48 = 0x1234567887654321LL & 0x0000ffffffffffffLL;
//long long pdocid = 0x567834222LL;
//key192_t k = makeOrderKey ( ip,priority,spiderTime,urlHash48,pdocid);
//if (getOrderKeyUrlHash48 (&k)!=urlHash48 ){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
//if (getOrderKeySpiderTime (&k)!=spiderTime){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
//if (getOrderKeyPriority (&k)!=priority ){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
//if (getOrderKeyIp (&k)!=ip ){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
//if (getOrderKeyParentDocId(&k)!=pdocid ){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// doledb key test
key_t dk = g_doledb.makeKey(priority,spiderTime,urlHash48,false);
if(g_doledb.getIsDel(&dk)!= 0){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// spiderdb key test
long long docId = 123456789;
long firstIp = 0x23991688;
key128_t sk = g_spiderdb.makeKey ( firstIp,urlHash48,1,docId,false);
if ( ! g_spiderdb.isSpiderRequest (&sk) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_spiderdb.getUrlHash48(&sk) != urlHash48){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( g_spiderdb.getFirstIp(&sk) != firstIp) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// we now use a page cache
if ( ! m_pc.init ( "spiderdb",
pcmem ,
pageSize ,
true , // use shared mem?
false )) // minimizeDiskSeeks?
return log(LOG_INIT,"spiderdb: Init failed.");
// initialize our own internal rdb
return m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"spiderdb" ,
true , // dedup
-1 , // fixedDataSize
2,//g_conf.m_spiderdbMinFilesToMerge , mintomerge
maxMem,//g_conf.m_spiderdbMaxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , // balance tree?
0,//maxCacheNodes ,
false , // half keys?
false , // save cache?
&m_pc ,
false ,
false ,
sizeof(key128_t) );
// init the rebuild/secondary rdb, used by PageRepair.cpp
bool Spiderdb::init2 ( long treeMem ) {
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . assume avg spider rec size (url) is about 45
// . 45 + 33 bytes overhead in tree is 78
long maxTreeNodes = treeMem / 78;
// initialize our own internal rdb
return m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"spiderdbRebuild" ,
true , // dedup
-1 , // fixedDataSize
200 , // g_conf.m_spiderdbMinFilesToMerge
treeMem , // g_conf.m_spiderdbMaxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , // balance tree?
0 , // m_spiderdbMaxCacheMem,
0 , // maxCacheNodes ,
false , // half keys?
false , // save cache?
NULL );// &m_pc
bool Spiderdb::addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify ) {
if ( ! m_rdb.addColl ( coll ) ) return false;
if ( ! doVerify ) return true;
// verify
if ( verify(coll) ) return true;
// if not allowing scale, return false
if ( ! g_conf.m_allowScale ) return false;
// otherwise let it go
log ( "db: Verify failed, but scaling is allowed, passing." );
return true;
bool Spiderdb::verify ( char *coll ) {
//return true;
log ( LOG_INFO, "db: Verifying Spiderdb for coll %s...", coll );
Msg5 msg5;
Msg5 msg5b;
RdbList list;
key128_t startKey;
key128_t endKey;
//long minRecSizes = 64000;
if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_SPIDERDB ,
coll ,
&list ,
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
64000 , // minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree ,
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
0 , // niceness
false , // err correction?
0 ,
-1 ,
true ,
-1LL ,
&msg5b ,
true )) {
return log("db: HEY! it did not block");
long count = 0;
long got = 0;
for ( list.resetListPtr() ; ! list.isExhausted() ;
list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
char *k = list.getCurrentRec();
//key_t k = list.getCurrentKey();
// what group's spiderdb should hold this rec
//uint32_t groupId = g_hostdb.getGroupId ( RDB_SPIDERDB , k );
//if ( groupId == g_hostdb.m_groupId ) got++;
long shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNum(RDB_SPIDERDB,k);
if ( shardNum == g_hostdb.getMyShardNum() ) got++;
if ( got != count ) {
log ("db: Out of first %li records in spiderdb, "
"only %li belong to our shard.",count,got);
// exit if NONE, we probably got the wrong data
if ( got == 0 ) log("db: Are you sure you have the "
"right "
"data in the right directory? "
log ( "db: Exiting due to Spiderdb inconsistency." );
return g_conf.m_bypassValidation;
log ( LOG_INFO,"db: Spiderdb passed verification successfully for %li "
"recs.", count );
return true;
key128_t Spiderdb::makeKey ( long firstIp ,
long long urlHash48 ,
bool isRequest ,
long long parentDocId ,
bool isDel ) {
key128_t k;
k.n1 = (unsigned long)firstIp;
// push ip to top 32 bits
k.n1 <<= 32;
// . top 32 bits of url hash are in the lower 32 bits of k.n1
// . often the urlhash48 has top bits set that shouldn't be so mask
// it to 48 bits
k.n1 |= (urlHash48 >> 16) & 0xffffffff;
// remaining 16 bits
k.n0 = urlHash48 & 0xffff;
// room for isRequest
k.n0 <<= 1;
if ( isRequest ) k.n0 |= 0x01;
// parent docid
k.n0 <<= 38;
k.n0 |= parentDocId & DOCID_MASK;
// reserved (padding)
k.n0 <<= 8;
// del bit
k.n0 <<= 1;
if ( ! isDel ) k.n0 |= 0x01;
return k;
///////////////////////// DOLEDB
// reset rdb
void Doledb::reset() { m_rdb.reset(); }
bool Doledb::init ( ) {
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . assume avg spider rec size (url) is about 45
// . 45 + 33 bytes overhead in tree is 78
// . use 5MB for the tree
long maxTreeMem = 150000000; // 150MB
long maxTreeNodes = maxTreeMem / 78;
// we use the same disk page size as indexdb (for rdbmap.cpp)
long pageSize = GB_INDEXDB_PAGE_SIZE;
// disk page cache mem, hard code to 5MB
long pcmem = 5000000; // g_conf.m_spiderdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
// keep this low if we are the tmp cluster
if ( g_hostdb.m_useTmpCluster ) pcmem = 0;
// we now use a page cache
if ( ! m_pc.init ( "doledb" ,
pcmem ,
pageSize ,
true , // use shared mem?
false )) // minimizeDiskSeeks?
return log(LOG_INIT,"doledb: Init failed.");
// initialize our own internal rdb
if ( ! m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"doledb" ,
true , // dedup
-1 , // fixedDataSize
2 , // MinFilesToMerge
maxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , // balance tree?
0 , // spiderdbMaxCacheMe
0 , // maxCacheNodes
false , // half keys?
false , // save cache?
&m_pc ))
return false;
return true;
bool Doledb::addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify ) {
if ( ! m_rdb.addColl ( coll ) ) return false;
//if ( ! doVerify ) return true;
// verify
//if ( verify(coll) ) return true;
// if not allowing scale, return false
//if ( ! g_conf.m_allowScale ) return false;
// otherwise let it go
//log ( "db: Verify failed, but scaling is allowed, passing." );
return true;
///////////////////////// SpiderCache
// . reload everything this many seconds
// . this was originally done to as a lazy compensation for a bug but
// now i do not add too many of the same domain if the same domain wait
// is ample and we know we'll be refreshed in X seconds anyway
//#define DEFAULT_SPIDER_RELOAD_RATE (3*60*60)
// . size of spiderecs to load in one call to readList
// . i increased it to 1MB to speed everything up, seems like cache is
// getting loaded up way too slow
#define SR_READ_SIZE (512*1024)
// for caching in s_ufnTree
#define MAX_NODES (30)
// a global class extern'd in .h file
SpiderCache g_spiderCache;
SpiderCache::SpiderCache ( ) {
//m_numSpiderColls = 0;
//m_isSaving = false;
// returns false and set g_errno on error
bool SpiderCache::init ( ) {
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_COLL_RECS ; i++ )
// m_spiderColls[i] = NULL;
// success
return true;
static void doneSavingWrapper ( void *state ) {
SpiderCache *THIS = (SpiderCache *)state;
log("spcache: done saving something");
// . call the callback if any
// . this let's PageMaster.cpp know when we're closed
//if (THIS->m_closeCallback) THIS->m_closeCallback(THIS->m_closeState);
void SpiderCache::doneSaving ( ) {
// bail if g_errno was set
if ( g_errno ) {
log("spider: Had error saving waitingtree.dat or doleiptable: "
g_errno = 0;
else {
// display any error, if any, otherwise prints "Success"
logf(LOG_INFO,"db: Successfully saved waitingtree and "
// if still more need to save, not done yet
if ( needsSave ( ) ) return;
// ok, call callback that initiaed the save
if ( m_callback ) m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
// ok, we are done!
//m_isSaving = false;
// return false if any tree save blocked
void SpiderCache::save ( bool useThread ) {
// bail if already saving
//if ( m_isSaving ) return true;
// assume saving
//m_isSaving = true;
// loop over all SpiderColls and get the best
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.getNumRecs() ; i++ ) {
SpiderColl *sc = getSpiderCollIffNonNull(i);//m_spiderColls[i];
if ( ! sc ) continue;
RdbTree *tree = &sc->m_waitingTree;
char *filename = "waitingtree";
char dir[1024];
// returns false if it blocked, callback will be called
tree->fastSave ( dir, // g_hostdb.m_dir ,
filename ,
useThread ,
NULL,//this ,
NULL);//doneSavingWrapper );
// also the doleIpTable
filename = "doleiptable.dat";
NULL);//doneSavingWrapper );
// . crap, this is made at startup from waitintree!
// waiting table
filename = "waitingtable.dat";
if ( sc->m_waitingTable.m_needsSave )
logf(LOG_INFO,"db: Saving %s/%s",dir,
NULL );//doneSavingWrapper );
// if still needs save, not done yet, return false to indicate blocked
//if ( blocked ) return false;
// all done
//m_isSaving = false;
// did not block
//return true;
bool SpiderCache::needsSave ( ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.getNumRecs() ; i++ ) {
SpiderColl *sc = getSpiderCollIffNonNull(i);//m_spiderColls[i];
if ( ! sc ) continue;
if ( sc->m_waitingTree.m_needsSave ) return true;
// also the doleIpTable
//if ( sc->m_doleIpTable.m_needsSave ) return true;
return false;
void SpiderCache::reset ( ) {
log("spider: resetting spidercache");
// loop over all SpiderColls and get the best
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.getNumRecs() ; i++ ) {
SpiderColl *sc = getSpiderCollIffNonNull(i);
if ( ! sc ) continue;
mdelete ( sc , sizeof(SpiderColl) , "SpiderCache" );
delete ( sc );
//m_spiderColls[i] = NULL;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(i);
cr->m_spiderColl = NULL;
//m_numSpiderColls = 0;
SpiderColl *SpiderCache::getSpiderCollIffNonNull ( collnum_t collnum ) {
// shortcut
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[collnum];
// empty?
if ( ! cr ) return NULL;
// return it if non-NULL
return cr->m_spiderColl;
// . get SpiderColl for a collection
// . if it is NULL for that collection then make a new one
SpiderColl *SpiderCache::getSpiderColl ( collnum_t collnum ) {
// return it if non-NULL
//if ( m_spiderColls [ collnum ] ) return m_spiderColls [ collnum ];
// if spidering disabled, do not bother creating this!
//if ( ! g_conf.m_spideringEnabled ) return NULL;
// shortcut
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[collnum];
// collection might have been reset in which case collnum changes
if ( ! cr ) return NULL;
// return it if non-NULL
SpiderColl *sc = cr->m_spiderColl;
if ( sc ) return sc;
// if spidering disabled, do not bother creating this!
//if ( ! cr->m_spideringEnabled ) return NULL;
// cast it
//SpiderColl *sc;
// make it
try { sc = new(SpiderColl); }
catch ( ... ) {
log("spider: failed to make SpiderColl for collnum=%li",
return NULL;
// register it
mnew ( sc , sizeof(SpiderColl), "spcoll" );
// store it
//m_spiderColls [ collnum ] = sc;
cr->m_spiderColl = sc;
// note it
log("spider: made spidercoll=%lx for cr=%lx",
// update this
//if ( m_numSpiderColls < collnum + 1 )
// m_numSpiderColls = collnum + 1;
// set this
sc->m_collnum = collnum;
// save this
strcpy ( sc->m_coll , cr->m_coll );
// set this
if ( ! strcmp ( cr->m_coll,"test" ) ) sc->m_isTestColl = true;
else sc->m_isTestColl = false;
// set first doledb scan key
// load its tables from disk
// set this
sc->m_cr = cr;
// sanity check
if ( ! cr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// note it!
log("spider: adding new spider collection for %s",cr->m_coll);
// that was it
return sc;
///////////////////////// SpiderColl
SpiderColl::SpiderColl () {
m_gettingList = false;
m_gettingList2 = false;
m_lastScanTime = 0;
m_numAdded = 0;
m_numBytesScanned = 0;
m_lastPrintCount = 0;
//m_lastSpiderAttempt = 0;
//m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch = 0;
//m_numRoundsDone = 0;
//m_lastDoledbReadEmpty = false; // over all priorities in this coll
// re-set this to min and set m_needsWaitingTreeRebuild to true
// when the admin updates the url filters page
m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild = false;
m_spidersOut = 0;
m_coll[0] = '\0';// = NULL;
// reset this
memset ( m_outstandingSpiders , 0 , 4 * MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES );
long SpiderColl::getTotalOutstandingSpiders ( ) {
long sum = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES ; i++ )
sum += m_outstandingSpiders[i];
return sum;
// load the tables that we set when m_doInitialScan is true
bool SpiderColl::load ( ) {
// error?
long err = 0;
// make the dir
char *coll = g_collectiondb.getColl(m_collnum);
// sanity check
if ( ! coll || coll[0]=='\0' ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// reset this once
m_msg4Avail = true;
m_isPopulating = false;
if ( ! m_lastDownloadCache.init ( 35000 , // maxcachemem,
8 , // fixed data size (MS)
false , // support lists?
500 , // max nodes
false , // use half keys?
"downcache", // dbname
false , // load from disk?
12 , // key size (firstip)
12 , // data key size?
-1 ))// numPtrsMax
return log("spider: dcache init failed");
if (!m_sniTable.set ( 4,8,5000,NULL,0,false,MAX_NICENESS,"snitbl") )
return false;
if (!m_cdTable.set (4,4,3000,NULL,0,false,MAX_NICENESS,"cdtbl"))
return false;
// doledb seems to have like 32000 entries in it
if (!m_doleIpTable.set(4,4,128000,NULL,0,false,MAX_NICENESS,"doleip"))
return false;
// this should grow dynamically...
if (!m_waitingTable.set (4,8,3000,NULL,0,false,MAX_NICENESS,"waittbl"))
return false;
// . a tree of keys, key is earliestSpiderTime|ip (key=12 bytes)
// . earliestSpiderTime is 0 if unknown
// . max nodes is 1M but we should grow dynamically! TODO
// . let's up this to 5M because we are hitting the limit in some
// test runs...
// . try going to 20M now since we hit it again...
if (!m_waitingTree.set(0,-1,true,20000000,true,"waittree2",
false,"waitingtree",sizeof(key_t)))return false;
m_waitingTreeKeyValid = false;
m_scanningIp = 0;
// prevent core with this
//m_waitingTree.m_rdbId = RDB_NONE;
// make dir
char dir[500];
// load up all the tables
if ( ! m_cdTable .load(dir,"crawldelay.dat" ) ) err = g_errno;
if ( ! m_sniTable.load(dir,"siteinlinks.dat" ) ) err = g_errno;
// and its doledb data
//if ( ! initializeDoleTables( ) ) err = g_errno;
// our table that has how many of each firstIP are in doledb
//if ( ! m_doleIpTable.load(dir,"doleiptable.dat") ) err = g_errno;
// load in the waiting tree, IPs waiting to get into doledb
BigFile file;
file.set ( dir , "waitingtree-saved.dat" , NULL );
bool treeExists = file.doesExist() > 0;
// load the table with file named "THISDIR/saved"
if ( treeExists && ! m_waitingTree.fastLoad(&file,&m_waitingMem) )
err = g_errno;
// init wait table. scan wait tree and add the ips into table.
if ( ! makeWaitingTable() ) err = g_errno;
// save it
g_errno = err;
// return false on error
if ( g_errno )
// note it
return log("spider: had error loading initial table: %s",
// . do this now just to keep everything somewhat in sync
// . we lost and could not get it back in because it was
// in the doleip table but NOT in doledb!!!
if ( ! makeDoleIPTable() ) return false;
// otherwise true
return true;
// . scan all spiderRequests in doledb at startup and add them to our tables
// . then, when we scan spiderdb and add to orderTree/urlhashtable it will
// see that the request is in doledb and set m_doled...
// . initialize the dole table for that then
// quickly scan doledb and add the doledb records to our trees and
// tables. that way if we receive a SpiderReply() then addSpiderReply()
// will be able to find the associated SpiderRequest.
// MAKE SURE to put each spiderrequest into m_doleTable... and into
// maybe m_urlHashTable too???
// this should block since we are at startup...
bool SpiderColl::makeDoleIPTable ( ) {
log("spider: making dole ip table for %s",m_coll);
key_t startKey ; startKey.setMin();
key_t endKey ; endKey.setMax();
key_t lastKey ; lastKey.setMin();
// turn off threads for this so it blocks
bool enabled = g_threads.areThreadsEnabled();
// turn off regardless
// get a meg at a time
long minRecSizes = 1024*1024;
Msg5 msg5;
Msg5 msg5b;
RdbList list;
// use msg5 to get the list, should ALWAYS block since no threads
if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_DOLEDB ,
m_coll ,
&list ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree?
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
0,//MAX_NICENESS , // niceness
false , // err correction?
NULL , // cache key ptr
0 , // retry num
-1 , // maxRetries
true , // compensate for merge
-1LL , // sync point
&msg5b )){
log(LOG_LOGIC,"spider: getList did not block.");
return false;
// shortcut
long minSize=(long)(sizeof(SpiderRequest)+sizeof(key_t)+4-MAX_URL_LEN);
// all done if empty
if ( list.isEmpty() ) goto done;
// loop over entries in list
for (list.resetListPtr();!list.isExhausted();list.skipCurrentRecord()){
// get rec
char *rec = list.getCurrentRec();
// get key
key_t k = list.getCurrentKey();
// skip deletes -- how did this happen?
if ( (k.n0 & 0x01) == 0) continue;
// check this out
long recSize = list.getCurrentRecSize();
// zero?
if ( recSize <= 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// 16 is bad too... wtf is this?
if ( recSize <= 16 ) continue;
// crazy?
if ( recSize<=minSize) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// . doledb key is 12 bytes, followed by a 4 byte datasize
// . so skip that key and dataSize to point to spider request
SpiderRequest *sreq = (SpiderRequest *)(rec+sizeof(key_t)+4);
// add to dole tables
if ( ! addToDoleTable ( sreq ) )
// return false with g_errno set on error
return false;
startKey = *(key_t *)list.getLastKey();
startKey += (unsigned long) 1;
// watch out for wrap around
if ( startKey >= *(key_t *)list.getLastKey() ) goto loop;
log("spider: making dole ip table done.");
// re-enable threads
if ( enabled ) g_threads.enableThreads();
// we wrapped, all done
return true;
key_t makeWaitingTreeKey ( uint64_t spiderTimeMS , long firstIp ) {
// sanity
if ( ((long long)spiderTimeMS) < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// make the wait tree key
key_t wk;
wk.n1 = (spiderTimeMS>>32);
wk.n0 = (spiderTimeMS&0xffffffff);
wk.n0 <<= 32;
wk.n0 |= (unsigned long)firstIp;
// sanity
if ( wk.n1 & 0x8000000000000000LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
return wk;
CollectionRec *SpiderColl::getCollRec() {
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[m_collnum];
if ( ! cr ) log("spider: lost coll rec");
return cr;
char *SpiderColl::getCollName() {
CollectionRec *cr = getCollRec();
if ( ! cr ) return "lostcollection";
return cr->m_coll;
// . call this when changing the url filters
// . will make all entries in waiting tree have zero time basically
void SpiderColl::urlFiltersChanged ( ) {
// log it
log("spider: rebuilding waiting tree for coll=%s",getCollName());
m_lastUrlFiltersUpdate = getTimeGlobal();
// need to recompute this!
m_ufnMapValid = false;
// reset this cache
// activate a scan if not already activated
m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild = true;
// if a scan is ongoing, this will re-set it
// clear it?
// kick off the spiderdb scan
// this one has to scan all of spiderdb
bool SpiderColl::makeWaitingTree ( ) {
log("spider: making waiting tree for %s",m_coll);
key128_t startKey ; startKey.setMin();
key128_t endKey ; endKey.setMax();
key128_t lastKey ; lastKey.setMin();
// turn off threads for this so it blocks
bool enabled = g_threads.areThreadsEnabled();
// turn off regardless
// get a meg at a time
long minRecSizes = 1024*1024;
Msg5 msg5;
Msg5 msg5b;
RdbList list;
// use msg5 to get the list, should ALWAYS block since no threads
if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_SPIDERDB ,
m_coll ,
&list ,
&startKey ,
&endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree?
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
MAX_NICENESS , // niceness
false , // err correction?
NULL , // cache key ptr
0 , // retry num
-1 , // maxRetries
true , // compensate for merge
-1LL , // sync point
&msg5b )){
log(LOG_LOGIC,"spider: getList did not block.");
return false;
// all done if empty
if ( list.isEmpty() ) goto done;
// loop over entries in list
for (list.resetListPtr();!list.isExhausted();list.skipCurrentRecord()){
// get rec
char *rec = list.getCurrentRec();
// get key
key128_t k; list.getCurrentKey(&k);
// skip deletes -- how did this happen?
if ( (k.n0 & 0x01) == 0) continue;
// check this out
long recSize = list.getCurrentRecSize();
// zero?
if ( recSize <= 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// 16 is bad too... wtf is this?
if ( recSize <= 16 ) continue;
// skip replies
if ( g_spiderdb.isSpiderReply ( (key128_t *)rec ) ) continue;
// get request
SpiderRequest *sreq = (SpiderRequest *)rec;
// get first ip
long firstIp = sreq->m_firstIp;
// skip if in dole ip table
if ( m_doleIpTable.isInTable ( &firstIp ) ) continue;
// make the key. use 1 for spiderTimeMS. this tells the
// spider loop that it is temporary and should be updated
key_t wk = makeWaitingTreeKey ( 1 , firstIp );
// ok, add to waiting tree
long wn = m_waitingTree.addKey ( &wk );
if ( wn < 0 ) {
log("spider: makeWaitTree: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: added time=1 ip=%s to waiting "
"tree (node#=%li)", iptoa(firstIp),wn);
// a tmp var
long long fakeone = 1LL;
// add to table now since its in the tree
if ( ! m_waitingTable.addKey ( &firstIp , &fakeone ) ) {
log("spider: makeWaitTree2: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
m_waitingTree.deleteNode ( wn , true );
return false;
startKey = *(key128_t *)list.getLastKey();
startKey += (unsigned long) 1;
// watch out for wrap around
if ( startKey >= *(key128_t *)list.getLastKey() ) goto loop;
log("spider: making waiting tree done.");
// re-enable threads
if ( enabled ) g_threads.enableThreads();
// we wrapped, all done
return true;
// for debugging query reindex i guess
long long SpiderColl::getEarliestSpiderTimeFromWaitingTree ( long firstIp ) {
// make the key. use 0 as the time...
key_t wk = makeWaitingTreeKey ( 0, firstIp );
// set node from wait tree key. this way we can resume from a prev key
long node = m_waitingTree.getNextNode ( 0, (char *)&wk );
// if empty, stop
if ( node < 0 ) return -1;
// breathe
// get the key
key_t *k = (key_t *)m_waitingTree.getKey ( node );
// ok, we got one
long storedFirstIp = (k->n0) & 0xffffffff;
// match? we call this with a firstIp of 0 below to indicate
// any IP, we just want to get the next spider time.
if ( firstIp != 0 && storedFirstIp != firstIp ) return -1;
// get the time
unsigned long long spiderTimeMS = k->n1;
// shift upp
spiderTimeMS <<= 32;
// or in
spiderTimeMS |= (k->n0 >> 32);
// make into seconds
return spiderTimeMS;
bool SpiderColl::makeWaitingTable ( ) {
logf(LOG_INFO,"spider: making waiting table for %s.",m_coll);
long node = m_waitingTree.getFirstNode();
for ( ; node >= 0 ; node = m_waitingTree.getNextNode(node) ) {
// breathe
// get key
key_t *key = (key_t *)m_waitingTree.getKey(node);
// get ip from that
long ip = (key->n0) & 0xffffffff;
// spider time is up top
uint64_t spiderTimeMS = (key->n1);
spiderTimeMS <<= 32;
spiderTimeMS |= ((key->n0) >> 32);
// store in waiting table
if ( ! m_waitingTable.addKey(&ip,&spiderTimeMS) ) return false;
logf(LOG_INFO,"spider: making waiting table done.");
return true;
SpiderColl::~SpiderColl () {
// we call this now instead of reset when Collectiondb::resetColl() is used
void SpiderColl::clear ( ) {
// remove locks from locktable for all spiders out i guess
HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
// scan the slots
long ns = ht->m_numSlots;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < ns ; i++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( ! ht->m_flags[i] ) continue;
// cast lock
UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot(i);
// skip if not our collnum
if ( lock->m_collnum != m_collnum ) continue;
// nuke it!
// restart since cells may have shifted
goto top;
// reset these for SpiderLoop;
m_didRound = false;
// set this to -1 here, when we enter spiderDoledUrls() it will
// see that its -1 and set the m_msg5StartKey
m_pri2 = -1; // MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES - 1;
m_twinDied = false;
m_lastUrlFiltersUpdate = 0;
char *coll = "unknown";
if ( m_coll[0] ) coll = m_coll;
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: CLEARING spider cache coll=%s",coll);
m_ufnMapValid = false;
m_doleIpTable .clear();
m_cdTable .clear();
m_sniTable .clear();
m_waitingTree .clear();
m_waitingMem .clear();
//m_lastDownloadCache.clear ( m_collnum );
// copied from reset() below
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES ; i++ )
m_nextKeys[i] = g_doledb.makeFirstKey2 ( i );
void SpiderColl::reset ( ) {
// reset these for SpiderLoop;
m_didRound = false;
// set this to -1 here, when we enter spiderDoledUrls() it will
// see that its -1 and set the m_msg5StartKey
m_pri2 = -1; // MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES - 1;
m_twinDied = false;
m_lastUrlFiltersUpdate = 0;
char *coll = "unknown";
if ( m_coll[0] ) coll = m_coll;
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: resetting spider cache coll=%s",coll);
m_ufnMapValid = false;
m_doleIpTable .reset();
m_cdTable .reset();
m_sniTable .reset();
m_waitingTree .reset();
m_waitingMem .reset();
// each spider priority in the collection has essentially a cursor
// that references the next spider rec in doledb to spider. it is
// used as a performance hack to avoid the massive positive/negative
// key annihilations related to starting at the top of the priority
// queue every time we scan it, which causes us to do upwards of
// 300 re-reads!
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES ; i++ )
m_nextKeys[i] = g_doledb.makeFirstKey2 ( i );
bool SpiderColl::updateSiteNumInlinksTable ( long siteHash32,
long sni,
time_t timestamp ) {
// do not update if invalid
if ( sni == -1 ) return true;
// . get entry for siteNumInlinks table
// . use 32-bit key specialized lookup for speed
uint64_t *val = (uint64_t *)m_sniTable.getValue32(siteHash32);
// bail?
if ( val && ((*val)&0xffffffff) > (uint32_t)timestamp ) return true;
// . make new data for this key
// . lower 32 bits is the addedTime
// . upper 32 bits is the siteNumInlinks
uint64_t nv = (uint32_t)sni;
// shift up
nv <<= 32;
// or in time
nv |= (uint32_t)timestamp;//sreq->m_addedTime;
// just direct update if faster
if ( val ) *val = nv;
// store it anew otherwise
else if ( ! m_sniTable.addKey(&siteHash32,&nv) )
// return false with g_errno set on error
return false;
// success
return true;
// . we call this when we receive a spider reply in Rdb.cpp
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . xmldoc.cpp adds reply AFTER the negative doledb rec since we decement
// the count in m_doleIpTable here
bool SpiderColl::addSpiderReply ( SpiderReply *srep ) {
// remove the lock here
long long uh48 = srep->getUrlHash48() ;
// shortcut
HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValue ( &uh48 );
time_t nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: scheduled lock removal in 5 secs for "
"uh48=%llu", uh48 );
// test it
//if ( m_nowGlobal == 0 && lock )
// m_nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
// we do it this way rather than remove it ourselves
// because a lock request for this guy
// might be currently outstanding, and it will end up
// being granted the lock even though we have by now removed
// it from doledb, because it read doledb before we removed
// it! so wait 5 seconds for the doledb negative key to
// be absorbed to prevent a url we just spidered from being
// re-spidered right away because of this sync issue.
if ( lock ) lock->m_expires = nowGlobal + 5;
// but do note that its spider has returned for populating the
// waiting tree. addToWaitingTree should not add an entry if
// a spiderReply is still pending according to the lock table,
// UNLESS, maxSpidersPerIP is more than what the lock table says
// is currently being spidered.
if ( lock ) lock->m_spiderOutstanding = false;
// bitch if not in there
if ( !lock ) // &&g_conf.m_logDebugSpider)//ht->isInTable(&lockKey))
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: rdb: uh48=%llu "
"was not in lock table",uh48);
// skip if not assigned to us for doling
if ( ! isAssignedToUs ( srep->m_firstIp ) )
return true;
// update the latest siteNumInlinks count for this "site" (repeatbelow)
updateSiteNumInlinksTable ( srep->m_siteHash32,
srep->m_spideredTime );
// . skip the rest if injecting
// . otherwise it triggers a lookup for this firstip in spiderdb to
// get a new spider request to add to doledb
if ( srep->m_fromInjectionRequest )
return true;
// clear error for this
g_errno = 0;
// . update the latest crawl delay for this domain
// . only add to the table if we had a crawl delay
// . -1 implies an invalid or unknown crawl delay
// . we have to store crawl delays of -1 now so we at least know we
// tried to download the robots.txt (todo: verify that!)
// and the webmaster did not have one. then we can
// crawl more vigorously...
//if ( srep->m_crawlDelayMS >= 0 ) {
// use the domain hash for this guy! since its from robots.txt
long *cdp = (long *)m_cdTable.getValue32(srep->m_domHash32);
// update it only if better or empty
bool update = false;
if ( ! cdp ) update = true;
//else if (((*cdp)&0xffffffff)<(uint32_t)srep->m_spideredTime)
// update = true;
// update m_sniTable if we should
if ( update ) {
// . make new data for this key
// . lower 32 bits is the spideredTime
// . upper 32 bits is the crawldelay
long nv = (long)(srep->m_crawlDelayMS);
// shift up
//nv <<= 32;
// or in time
//nv |= (uint32_t)srep->m_spideredTime;
// just direct update if faster
if ( cdp ) *cdp = nv;
// store it anew otherwise
else if ( ! m_cdTable.addKey(&srep->m_domHash32,&nv)){
// return false with g_errno set on error
//return false;
log("spider: failed to add crawl delay for "
// just ignore
g_errno = 0;
// . anytime we add a reply then
// we must update this downloadTable with the replies
// SpiderReply::m_downloadEndTime so we can obey sameIpWait
// . that is the earliest that this url can be respidered, but we
// also have a sameIpWait constraint we have to consider...
// . we alone our responsible for adding doledb recs from this ip so
// this is easy to throttle...
// . and make sure to only add to this download time hash table if
// SpiderReply::m_downloadEndTime is non-zero, because zero means
// no download happened. (TODO: check this)
// . TODO: consult crawldelay table here too! use that value if is
// less than our sameIpWait
// . make m_lastDownloadTable an rdbcache ...
if ( srep->m_downloadEndTime )
m_lastDownloadCache.addLongLong ( m_collnum,
srep->m_firstIp ,
srep->m_downloadEndTime );
// log this for now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: adding last download end time %lli for "
"ip=%s uh48=%llu indexcode=\"%s\" coll=%li "
"to SpiderColl::m_lastDownloadCache",
// ignore errors from that, it's just a cache
g_errno = 0;
// sanity check - test cache
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider && srep->m_downloadEndTime ) {
// long long last = m_lastDownloadCache.getLongLong ( m_collnum ,
// srep->m_firstIp ,
// -1,// maxAge
// true );//pro
// if ( last != srep->m_downloadEndTime ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// skip:
// . add to wait tree and let it populate doledb on its batch run
// . use a spiderTime of 0 which means unknown and that it needs to
// scan spiderdb to get that
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
return addToWaitingTree ( 0LL, srep->m_firstIp , true );
void SpiderColl::removeFromDoledbTable ( long firstIp ) {
// . decrement doledb table ip count for firstIp
// . update how many per ip we got doled
long *score = (long *)m_doleIpTable.getValue32 ( firstIp );
// wtf! how did this spider without being doled?
if ( ! score ) {
//if ( ! srep->m_fromInjectionRequest )
log("spider: corruption. received spider reply whose "
"ip has no entry in dole ip table. firstip=%s",
// reduce it
*score = *score - 1;
// now we log it too
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: removed ip=%s from doleiptable "
"(newcount=%li)", iptoa(firstIp),*score);
// remove if zero
if ( *score == 0 ) {
// this can file if writes are disabled on this hashtablex
// because it is saving
m_doleIpTable.removeKey ( &firstIp );
// sanity check
//if ( ! m_doleIpTable.m_isWritable ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// wtf!
if ( *score < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// all done?
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
// log that too!
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: discounting firstip=%s to %li",
// . Rdb.cpp calls SpiderColl::addSpiderRequest/Reply() for every positive
// spiderdb record it adds to spiderdb. that way our cache is kept
// uptodate incrementally
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . if the spiderTime appears to be AFTER m_nextReloadTime then we should
// not add this spider request to keep the cache trimmed!!! (MDW: TODO)
// . BUT! if we have 150,000 urls that is going to take a long time to
// spider, so it should have a high reload rate!
bool SpiderColl::addSpiderRequest ( SpiderRequest *sreq ,
long long nowGlobalMS ) {
// don't add negative keys or data less thangs
if ( sreq->m_dataSize <= 0 ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: add spider request is dataless for "
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return true;
// skip if not assigned to us for doling
if ( ! isAssignedToUs ( sreq->m_firstIp ) ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: spider request not assigned to us. "
return true;
// . get the url's length contained in this record
// . it should be NULL terminated
// . we set the ip here too
long ulen = sreq->getUrlLen();
// watch out for corruption
if ( sreq->m_firstIp == 0 || sreq->m_firstIp == -1 || ulen <= 0 ) {
log("spider: Corrupt spider req with url length of "
"%li <= 0. dataSize=%li uh48=%llu. Skipping.",
return true;
// . if already have a request in doledb for this firstIp, forget it!
// . TODO: make sure we remove from doledb first before adding this
// spider request
// . NOW: allow it in if different priority!!! so maybe hash the
// priority in with the firstIp???
// . we really just need to add it if it beats what is currently
// in doledb. so maybe store the best priority doledb in the
// data value part of the doleiptable...? therefore we should
// probably move this check down below after we get the priority
// of the spider request.
//char *val = (char *)m_doleIpTable.getValue ( &sreq->m_firstIp );
//if ( val && *val > 0 ) {
// if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// log("spider: request IP already in dole table");
// return true;
// . skip if already in wait tree
// . no, no. what if the current url for this firstip is not due to
// be spidered until 24 hrs and we are adding a url from this firstip
// that should be spidered now...
//if ( m_waitingTable.isInTable ( &sreq->m_firstIp ) ) {
// if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// log("spider: request already in waiting table");
// return true;
// get ufn/priority,because if filtered we do not want to add to doledb
long ufn ;
ufn = ::getUrlFilterNum(sreq,NULL,nowGlobalMS,false,MAX_NICENESS,m_cr);
// sanity check
if ( ufn < 0 ) {
log("spider: failed to add spider request for %s because "
"it matched no url filter",
return false;
// spiders disabled for this row in url filteres?
if ( ! m_cr->m_spidersEnabled[ufn] ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: request spidersoff ufn=%li url=%s",ufn,
return true;
// set the priority (might be the same as old)
long priority = m_cr->m_spiderPriorities[ufn];
// sanity checks
if ( priority == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( priority >= MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// do not add to doledb if bad
if ( priority == SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: request is filtered ufn=%li",ufn);
return true;
if ( priority == SPIDER_PRIORITY_BANNED ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: request is banned ufn=%li",ufn);
return true;
// set it for adding to doledb and computing spidertime
sreq->m_ufn = ufn;
sreq->m_priority = priority;
// get spider time -- i.e. earliest time when we can spider it
//uint64_t spiderTimeMS = getSpiderTimeMS (sreq,ufn,NULL,nowGlobalMS );
// sanity
//if ( (long long)spiderTimeMS < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// once in waiting tree, we will scan waiting tree and then lookup
// each firstIp in waiting tree in spiderdb to get the best
// SpiderRequest for that firstIp, then we can add it to doledb
// as long as it can be spidered now
//bool status = addToWaitingTree ( spiderTimeMS,sreq->m_firstIp,true);
addToWaitingTree ( 0 , sreq->m_firstIp , true );
// if already doled and we beat the priority/spidertime of what
// was doled then we should probably delete the old doledb key
// and add the new one. hmm, the waitingtree scan code ...
// sanity check
//long long ttt=getEarliestSpiderTimeFromWaitingTree(sreq->m_firstIp);
//logf (LOG_DEBUG,"spider: earliestime=%lli for firstip=%s",
// ttt,iptoa(sreq->m_firstIp));
//if ( ttt != (long long)spiderTimeMS ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// update the latest siteNumInlinks count for this "site"
if ( sreq->m_siteNumInlinksValid ) {
// updates m_siteNumInlinksTable
updateSiteNumInlinksTable ( sreq->m_siteHash32 ,
sreq->m_siteNumInlinks ,
sreq->m_addedTime );
// clear error for this if there was any
g_errno = 0;
if ( ! g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) return true;//status;
// log it
"spider: spiderdb added %s request to wait tree "
"uh48=%llu "
"firstIp=%s "
"parentFirstIp=%lu "
"parentdocid=%llu "
"isinjecting=%li "
"ispagereindex=%li "
"ufn=%li "
"priority=%li "
"addedtime=%lu "
return true;//status;
bool SpiderColl::printWaitingTree ( ) {
long node = m_waitingTree.getFirstNode();
for ( ; node >= 0 ; node = m_waitingTree.getNextNode(node) ) {
key_t *wk = (key_t *)m_waitingTree.getKey (node);
// spider time is up top
uint64_t spiderTimeMS = (wk->n1);
spiderTimeMS <<= 32;
spiderTimeMS |= ((wk->n0) >> 32);
// then ip
long firstIp = wk->n0 & 0xffffffff;
// show it
log("dump: time=%lli firstip=%s",spiderTimeMS,iptoa(firstIp));
return true;
bool SpiderLoop::printLockTable ( ) {
// count locks
HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
// scan the slots
long ns = ht->m_numSlots;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < ns ; i++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( ! ht->m_flags[i] ) continue;
// cast lock
UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot(i);
// get the key
long long uh48 = *(long long *)ht->getKeyFromSlot(i);
// show it
log("dump: lock. "
"uh48=%lli "
"spiderout=%li "
"confirmed=%li "
"firstip=%s "
"expires=%li "
"hostid=%li "
"timestamp=%li "
"sequence=%li "
"collnum=%li "
return true;
// . 1. called by addSpiderReply(). it should have the sameIpWait available
// or at least that will be in the crawldelay cache table.
// SpiderReply::m_crawlDelayMS. Unfortunately, no maxSpidersPerIP!!!
// we just add a "0" in the waiting tree which means scanSpiderdb() will
// be called and can get the maxSpidersPerIP from the winning candidate
// and add to the waiting tree based on that.
// . 2. called by addSpiderRequests(). It SHOULD maybe just add a "0" as well
// to offload the logic. try that.
// . 3. called by populateWaitingTreeFromSpiderdb(). it just adds "0" as well,
// if not doled
// . 4. UPDATED in scanSpiderdb() if the best SpiderRequest for a firstIp is
// in the future, this is the only time we will add a waiting tree key
// whose spider time is non-zero. that is where we also take
// sameIpWait and maxSpidersPerIP into consideration. scanSpiderdb()
// will actually REMOVE the entry from the waiting tree if that IP
// already has the max spiders outstanding per IP. when a spiderReply
// is received it will populate the waiting tree again with a "0" entry
// and scanSpiderdb() will re-do its check.
// . if one of these add fails consider increasing mem used by tree/table
// . if we lose an ip that sux because it won't be gotten again unless
// we somehow add another request/reply to spiderdb in the future
bool SpiderColl::addToWaitingTree ( uint64_t spiderTimeMS , long firstIp ,
bool callForScan ) {
// skip if already in wait tree. no - might be an override with
// a sooner spiderTimeMS
//if ( m_waitingTable.isInTable ( &firstIp ) ) return true;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: addtowaitingtree ip=%s",iptoa(firstIp));
// . this can now be only 0
// . only scanSpiderdb will add a waiting tree key with a non-zero
// value after it figures out the EARLIEST time that a
// SpiderRequest from this firstIp can be spidered.
if ( spiderTimeMS != 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// waiting tree might be saving!!!
if ( ! m_waitingTree.m_isWritable ) {
log("spider: addtowaitingtree: failed. is not writable. "
return false;
// only if we are the responsible host in the shard
if ( ! isAssignedToUs ( firstIp ) )
return true;
// . do not add to waiting tree if already in doledb
// . an ip should not exist in both doledb and waiting tree.
// . waiting tree is meant to be a signal that we need to add
// a spiderrequest from that ip into doledb where it can be picked
// up for immediate spidering
if ( m_doleIpTable.isInTable ( &firstIp ) )
return true;
// sanity check
// i think this trigged on gk209 during an auto-save!!! FIX!
if ( ! m_waitingTree.m_isWritable ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// compute the min time for this entry to satisfy sameIpWait
long long spiderTimeMS = spiderTimeMSArg;
long long lastDownloadTimeMS = lastDownloadTime ( firstIp );
// how long to wait between downloads from same ip in milliseconds?
long sameIpWaitTime = 250; // ms
if ( ufn >= 0 ) {
long siwt = m_sc->m_cr->m_spiderIpWaits[ufn];
if ( siwt >= 0 ) sameIpWaitTime = siwt;
long long minDownloadTime = sameIpWaitTime + siwt;
// use that if it is more restrictive
if ( minDownloadTime > now && minDownloadTime > spiderTimeMS )
spiderTimeMS = minDownloadTime;
// see if in tree already, so we can delete it and replace it below
long ws = m_waitingTable.getSlot ( &firstIp ) ;
// . this is >= 0 if already in tree
// . if spiderTimeMS is a sooner time than what this firstIp already
// has as its earliest time, then we will override it and have to
// update both m_waitingTree and m_waitingTable, however
// IF the spiderTimeMS is a later time, then we bail without doing
// anything at this point.
if ( ws >= 0 ) {
// get timems from waiting table
long long sms = m_waitingTable.getScore64FromSlot(ws);
// get current time
//long long nowMS = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal();
// make the key then
key_t wk = makeWaitingTreeKey ( sms, firstIp );
// must be there
long tn = m_waitingTree.getNode ( (collnum_t)0, (char *)&wk );
// sanity check. ensure waitingTable and waitingTree in sync
if ( tn < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// not only must we be a sooner time, but we must be 5-seconds
// sooner than the time currently in there to avoid thrashing
// when we had a ton of outlinks with this first ip within an
// 5-second interval.
// i'm not so sure what i was doing here before, but i don't
// want to starve the spiders, so make this 100ms not 5000ms
if ( (long long)spiderTimeMS > sms - 100 ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: skip updating waiting tree");
return true;
// log the replacement
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: replacing waitingtree key "
"oldtime=%lu newtime=%lu firstip=%s",
(unsigned long)(m_bestSpiderTimeMS/1000LL),
(unsigned long)(spiderTimeMS/1000LL),
// remove from tree so we can add it below
m_waitingTree.deleteNode ( tn , false );
else {
char *s="";
// time of 0 means we got the reply for something we spidered
// in doledb so we will need to recompute the best spider
// requests for this first ip
if ( spiderTimeMS==0 ) s = "(replyreset)";
// log the replacement
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpcache )
log("spider: adding new key to waitingtree "
"newtime=%lu%s firstip=%s",
(unsigned long)(spiderTimeMS/1000LL),s,
// make the key
key_t wk = makeWaitingTreeKey ( spiderTimeMS, firstIp );
// what is this?
if ( firstIp == 0 || firstIp == -1 ) {
log("spider: got ip of %s. wtf?",iptoa(firstIp) );
char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
// add that
long wn;
if ( ( wn = m_waitingTree.addKey ( &wk ) ) < 0 ) {
log("spider: waitingtree add failed ip=%s. increase max nodes "
"lest we lose this IP forever. err=%s",
//char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
return false;
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: added time=%lli ip=%s to waiting tree",
spiderTimeMS , iptoa(firstIp));
// add to table now since its in the tree
if ( ! m_waitingTable.addKey ( &firstIp , &spiderTimeMS ) ) {
// remove from tree then
m_waitingTree.deleteNode ( wn , false );
log("spider: wait table add failed ip=%s",iptoa(firstIp));
return false;
// . kick off a scan, i don't care if this blocks or not!
// . the populatedoledb loop might already have a scan in progress
// but usually it won't, so rather than wait for its sleepwrapper
// to be called we force it here for speed.
// . re-entry is false because we are entering for the first time
// . calling this everytime msg4 adds a spider request is super slow!!!
// . no that was not it. mdw. put it back.
if ( callForScan ) populateDoledbFromWaitingTree ( false );
// tell caller there was no error
return true;
// . this scan is started anytime we call addSpiderRequest() or addSpiderReply
// . if nothing is in tree it quickly exits
// . otherwise it scan the entries in the tree
// . each entry is a key with spiderTime/firstIp
// . if spiderTime > now it stops the scan
// . if the firstIp is already in doledb (m_doleIpTable) then it removes
// it from the waitingtree and waitingtable. how did that happen?
// . otherwise, it looks up that firstIp in spiderdb to get a list of all
// the spiderdb recs from that firstIp
// . then it selects the "best" one and adds it to doledb. once added to
// doledb it adds it to doleIpTable, and remove from waitingtree and
// waitingtable
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
long SpiderColl::getNextIpFromWaitingTree ( ) {
// if nothing to scan, bail
if ( m_waitingTree.isEmpty() ) return 0;
// reset first key to get first rec in waiting tree
// current time on host #0
uint64_t nowMS = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal();
// advance to next
//m_waitingTreeKey += 1LL;
// assume none
long firstIp = 0;
// set node from wait tree key. this way we can resume from a prev key
long node = m_waitingTree.getNextNode ( 0, (char *)&m_waitingTreeKey );
// if empty, stop
if ( node < 0 ) return 0;
// breathe
// get the key
key_t *k = (key_t *)m_waitingTree.getKey ( node );
// ok, we got one
firstIp = (k->n0) & 0xffffffff;
// sometimes we take over for a dead host, but if he's no longer
// dead then we can remove his keys. but first make sure we have had
// at least one ping from him so we do not remove at startup.
// if it is in doledb or in the middle of being added to doledb
// via msg4, nuke it as well!
if ( ! isAssignedToUs (firstIp) || m_doleIpTable.isInTable(&firstIp)) {
// only delete if this host is alive and has sent us a ping
// before so we know he was up at one time. this way we do not
// remove all his keys just because we restarted and think he
// is alive even though we have gotten no ping from him.
//if ( hp->m_numPingRequests > 0 )
// these operations should fail if writes have been disabled
// and becase the trees/tables for spidercache are saving
// in Process.cpp's g_spiderCache::save() call
m_waitingTree.deleteNode ( node , true );
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: removed1 ip=%s from waiting "
"tree. nn=%li",
// log it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpcache )
log("spider: erasing waitingtree key firstip=%s",
iptoa(firstIp) );
// remove from table too!
m_waitingTable.removeKey ( &firstIp );
goto top;
// spider time is up top
uint64_t spiderTimeMS = (k->n1);
spiderTimeMS <<= 32;
spiderTimeMS |= ((k->n0) >> 32);
// stop if need to wait for this one
if ( spiderTimeMS > nowMS ) return 0;
// sanity
if ( (long long)spiderTimeMS < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// save key for deleting when done
m_waitingTreeKey.n1 = k->n1;
m_waitingTreeKey.n0 = k->n0;
m_waitingTreeKeyValid = true;
m_scanningIp = firstIp;
// sanity
if ( firstIp == 0 || firstIp == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// we set this to true when done
m_isReadDone = false;
// compute the best request from spiderdb list, not valid yet
m_bestRequestValid = false;
m_lastReplyValid = false;
// start reading spiderdb here
m_nextKey = g_spiderdb.makeFirstKey(firstIp);
m_endKey = g_spiderdb.makeLastKey (firstIp);
// all done
return firstIp;
static void gotSpiderdbListWrapper2( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5);
// when the user changes the ufn table the waiting tree is flushed
// and repopulated from spiderdb with this. also used for repairs.
// . this stores an ip into the waiting tree with a spidertime of "0" so
// it will be evaluate properly by populateDoledbFromWaitingTree()
// . scan spiderdb to make sure each firstip represented in spiderdb is
// in the waiting tree. it seems they fall out over time. we need to fix
// that but in the meantime this should do a bg repair. and is nice to have
// . the waiting tree key is reall just a spidertime and a firstip. so we will
// still need populatedoledbfromwaitingtree to periodically scan firstips
// that are already in doledb to see if it has a higher-priority request
// for that firstip. in which case it can add that to doledb too, but then
// we have to be sure to only grant one lock for a firstip to avoid hammering
// that firstip
// . this should be called from a sleepwrapper, the same sleep wrapper we
// call populateDoledbFromWaitingTree() from should be fine
void SpiderColl::populateWaitingTreeFromSpiderdb ( bool reentry ) {
// skip if in repair mode
if ( g_repairMode ) return;
// skip if spiders off
if ( ! m_cr->m_spideringEnabled ) return;
// if entering for the first time, we need to read list from spiderdb
if ( ! reentry ) {
// just return if we should not be doing this yet
if ( ! m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild ) return;
// a double call? can happen if list read is slow...
if ( m_gettingList2 ) return;
// . read in a replacement SpiderRequest to add to doledb from
// this ip
// . get the list of spiderdb records
// . do not include cache, those results are old and will mess
// us up
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: populateWaitingTree: "
"calling msg5: startKey=0x%llx,0x%llx "
// flag it
m_gettingList2 = true;
// read the list from local disk
if ( ! m_msg5b.getList ( RDB_SPIDERDB ,
m_cr->m_coll ,
&m_list2 ,
&m_nextKey2 ,
&m_endKey2 ,
SR_READ_SIZE , // minRecSizes (512k)
true , // includeTree
false , // addToCache
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum
-1 , // numFiles (all)
this , // state
gotSpiderdbListWrapper2 ,
MAX_NICENESS , // niceness
true )) // do error correct?
// return if blocked
// show list stats
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: populateWaitingTree: got list of size %li",
// unflag it
m_gettingList2 = false;
// stop if we are done
//if ( m_isReadDone2 ) return;
// if waitingtree is locked for writing because it is saving or
// writes were disabled then just bail and let the scan be re-called
// later
RdbTree *wt = &m_waitingTree;
if ( wt->m_isSaving || ! wt->m_isWritable ) return;
// shortcut
RdbList *list = &m_list2;
// ensure we point to the top of the list
// bail on error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("spider: Had error getting list of urls "
"from spiderdb2: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
//m_isReadDone2 = true;
long lastOne = 0;
// loop over all serialized spiderdb records in the list
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; ) {
// breathe
// get spiderdb rec in its serialized form
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
// skip to next guy
// negative? wtf?
if ( (rec[0] & 0x01) == 0x00 ) {
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: got negative spider rec");
// if its a SpiderReply skip it
if ( ! g_spiderdb.isSpiderRequest ( (key128_t *)rec)) continue;
// cast it
SpiderRequest *sreq = (SpiderRequest *)rec;
// get first ip
long firstIp = sreq->m_firstIp;
// if same as last, skip it
if ( firstIp == lastOne ) continue;
// set this lastOne for speed
lastOne = firstIp;
// check for dmoz. set up gdb on gk157/gk221 to break here
// so we can see what's going on
//if ( firstIp == -815809331 )
// log("got dmoz");
// if firstip already in waiting tree, skip it
if ( m_waitingTable.isInTable ( &firstIp ) ) continue;
// skip if only our twin should add it to waitingtree/doledb
if ( ! isAssignedToUs ( firstIp ) ) continue;
// skip if ip already represented in doledb i guess otehrwise
// the populatedoledb scan will nuke it!!
if ( m_doleIpTable.isInTable ( &firstIp ) ) continue;
// not currently spidering either. when they got their
// lock they called confirmLockAcquisition() which will
// have added an entry to the waiting table. sometimes the
// lock still exists but the spider is done. because the
// lock persists for 5 seconds afterwards in case there was
// a lock request for that url in progress, so it will be
// denied.
if ( g_spiderLoop.getNumSpidersOutPerIp ( firstIp ) > 0 )
// otherwise, we want to add it with 0 time so the doledb
// scan will evaluate it properly
// this will return false if we are saving the tree i guess
if ( ! addToWaitingTree ( 0 , firstIp , false ) ) return;
// count it
// ignore errors for this
g_errno = 0;
// are we the final list in the scan?
bool shortRead = ( list->getListSize() < (long)SR_READ_SIZE ) ;
m_numBytesScanned += list->getListSize();
// reset? still left over from our first scan?
if ( m_lastPrintCount > m_numBytesScanned )
m_lastPrintCount = 0;
// announce every 100MB maybe
if ( m_numBytesScanned - m_lastPrintCount > 100000000 ) {
log("spider: %llu spiderdb bytes scanned for waiting tree "
m_lastPrintCount = m_numBytesScanned;
// debug info
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: Read2 %li spiderdb bytes.",list->getListSize());
// reset any errno cuz we're just a cache
g_errno = 0;
// if not done, keep going
if ( ! shortRead ) {
// . inc it here
// . it can also be reset on a collection rec update
key128_t endKey = *(key128_t *)list->getLastKey();
m_nextKey2 = endKey;
m_nextKey2 += (unsigned long) 1;
// watch out for wrap around
if ( m_nextKey2 < endKey ) shortRead = true;
if ( shortRead ) {
// mark when the scan completed so we can do another one
// like 24 hrs from that...
m_lastScanTime = getTimeLocal();
// log it
if ( m_numAdded )
log("spider: added %li recs to waiting tree from "
"scan of %lli bytes",m_numAdded,m_numBytesScanned);
// reset the count for next scan
m_numAdded = 0 ;
m_numBytesScanned = 0;
// reset for next scan
// no longer need rebuild
m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild = false;
// free list to save memory
// wait for sleepwrapper to call us again with our updated m_nextKey2
static bool s_ufnTreeSet = false;
static RdbTree s_ufnTree;
static time_t s_lastUfnTreeFlushTime = 0;
// The first KEYSTONE function.
// CALL THIS ANYTIME to load up doledb from waiting tree entries
// This is a key function.
// It is called from two places:
// 1) sleep callback
// 2) addToWaitingTree()
// is called from addSpiderRequest() anytime a SpiderRequest
// is added to spiderdb (or from addSpiderReply())
// It can only be entered once so will just return if already scanning
// spiderdb.
// . for each IP in the waiting tree, scan all its SpiderRequests and determine
// which one should be the next to be spidered. and put that one in doledb.
// . we call this a lot, like if the admin changes the url filters table
// we have to re-scan all of spiderdb basically and re-do doledb
// . "rentry" if true means we are re-entering from a callback because the
// call to scanSpiderdb() blocked
void SpiderColl::populateDoledbFromWaitingTree ( bool reentry ) {
// only one loop can run at a time!
if ( ! reentry && m_isPopulating ) return;
// skip if in repair mode
if ( g_repairMode ) return;
// try skipping!!!!!!!!!!!
// yeah, this makes us scream. in addition to calling
// Doledb::m_rdb::addRecord() below
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// log("spider: in populatedoledbfromwaitingtree "
// "numUsedNodes=%li",
// m_waitingTree.m_numUsedNodes);
// set this flag so we are not re-entered
m_isPopulating = true;
// if waiting tree is being saved, we can't write to it
// so in that case, bail and wait to be called another time
RdbTree *wt = &m_waitingTree;
if( wt->m_isSaving || ! wt->m_isWritable ) {
m_isPopulating = false;
// . get next IP that is due to be spidered from
// . also sets m_waitingTreeKey so scanSpiderdb can delete it easily!
long ip = getNextIpFromWaitingTree();
// . return if none. all done. unset populating flag.
// . it returns 0 if the next firstip has a spidertime in the future
if ( ip == 0 ) { m_isPopulating = false; return; }
// set read range for scanning spiderdb
m_nextKey = g_spiderdb.makeFirstKey(ip);
m_endKey = g_spiderdb.makeLastKey (ip);
// debug output
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: scanSpiderdb: waitingtree nextip=%s "
// assume using tree
m_useTree = true;
// . flush the tree every 12 hours
// . i guess we could add incoming requests to the ufntree if
// they strictly beat the ufn tree tail node, HOWEVER, we
// still have the problem of that if a url we spidered is due
// to be respidered very soon we will miss it, as only the reply
// is added back into spiderdb, not a new request.
long nowLocal = getTimeLocal();
// make it one hour so we don't cock-block a new high priority
// request that just got added... crap, what if its an addurl
// or something like that????
if ( nowLocal - s_lastUfnTreeFlushTime > 3600 ) {
s_lastUfnTreeFlushTime = nowLocal;
long long uh48;
// if we have a specific uh48 targetted in s_ufnTree then that
// saves a ton of time!
// key format for s_ufnTree:
// iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii i = firstip
// PPPPPPPP tttttttt ttttttt ttttttt P = priority
// tttttttt tttttttt hhhhhhh hhhhhhh t = spiderTimeMS (40 bits)
// hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhh hhhhhhh h = urlhash48
key128_t key;
key.n1 = ip;
key.n1 <<= 32;
key.n0 = 0LL;
long node = s_ufnTree.getNextNode(0,(char *)&key);
// cancel node if not from our ip
if ( node >= 0 ) {
key128_t *rk = (key128_t *)s_ufnTree.getKey ( node );
if ( (rk->n1 >> 32) != (unsigned long)ip ) node = -1;
if ( node >= 0 ) {
// get the key
key128_t *nk = (key128_t *)s_ufnTree.getKey ( node );
// parse out uh48
uh48 = nk->n0;
// mask out spidertimems
uh48 &= 0x0000ffffffffffffLL;
// use that to refine the key range immensley!
m_nextKey = g_spiderdb.makeFirstKey2 (ip, uh48);
m_endKey = g_spiderdb.makeLastKey2 (ip, uh48);
// do not add the recs to the tree!
m_useTree = false;
// turn this off until we figure out why it sux
m_useTree = false;
// so we know if we are the first read or not...
m_firstKey = m_nextKey;
// . look up in spiderdb otherwise and add best req to doledb from ip
// . if it blocks ultimately it calls gotSpiderdbListWrapper() which
// calls this function again with re-entry set to true
if ( ! scanSpiderdb ( true ) ) return;
// oom error? i've seen this happen and we end up locking up!
if ( g_errno ) return;
// try more
goto loop;
static void gotSpiderdbListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5){
SpiderColl *THIS = (SpiderColl *)state;
// note its return
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: back from msg5 spiderdb read2");
// . finish processing the list we read now
// . if that blocks, it will call doledWrapper
if ( ! THIS->scanSpiderdb ( false ) ) return;
// . otherwise, do more from tree
// . re-entry is true because we just got the msg5 reply
THIS->populateDoledbFromWaitingTree ( true );
static void gotSpiderdbListWrapper2( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5){
SpiderColl *THIS = (SpiderColl *)state;
// re-entry is true because we just got the msg5 reply
THIS->populateWaitingTreeFromSpiderdb ( true );
// replace this func with the one above...
static void doledWrapper ( void *state ) {
SpiderColl *THIS = (SpiderColl *)state;
// msg4 is available again
THIS->m_msg4Avail = true;
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
long long diff = now - THIS->m_msg4Start;
// we add recs to doledb using msg1 to keep things fast because
// msg4 has a delay of 500ms in it. but even then, msg1 can take
// 6ms or more just because of load issues.
if ( diff > 10 )
log("spider: adding to doledb took %llims",diff);
// . we added a rec to doledb for the firstIp in m_waitingTreeKey, so
// now go to the next node in the wait tree.
// . it will get the next key after m_waitingTreeKey
// . re-entry is true because we just got the msg4 reply
THIS->populateDoledbFromWaitingTree ( true );
key128_t makeUfnTreeKey ( long firstIp ,
long priority ,
long long spiderTimeMS ,
long long uh48 ) {
// sanity check, do not allow negative priorities for now
if ( priority < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( priority > 255 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
key128_t key;
key.n1 = (unsigned long)firstIp;
// all of priority (COMPLEMENTED!)
key.n1 <<= 8;
key.n1 |= (unsigned char)(255-priority);
// top 3 bytes of spiderTimeMS (5 bytes total)
key.n1 <<= 24;
key.n1 |= ((spiderTimeMS >> 16) & 0x00ffffff);
// remaining 2 bytes of spiderTimeMS goes in key.n0
key.n0 = (spiderTimeMS & 0xffff);
// 6 bytes uh48
key.n0 <<= 48;
key.n0 |= uh48;
return key;
void parseUfnTreeKey ( key128_t *k ,
long *firstIp ,
long *priority ,
uint64_t *spiderTimeMS ,
long long *uh48 ) {
*firstIp = (k->n1) >> 32;
*priority = (long)(char)((k->n1 >> 16)&0xff);
*priority = 255 - *priority; // uncomplement
*spiderTimeMS = k->n1 & 0xffffff;
*spiderTimeMS <<= 16;
*spiderTimeMS |= k->n0 >> (32+24);
// . this is ONLY CALLED from populatedDoledbFromWaitingTree() above
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool SpiderColl::scanSpiderdb ( bool needList ) {
if ( ! m_waitingTreeKeyValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( ! m_scanningIp ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// no longer getting list
if ( ! needList )
m_gettingList = false;
// i guess we are always restricted to an ip, because
// populateWaitingTreeFromSpiderdb calls its own msg5.
long firstIp0 = g_spiderdb.getFirstIp(&m_nextKey);
// sanity
if ( m_scanningIp != firstIp0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sometimes we already have this ip in doledb/doleiptable
// already and somehow we try to scan spiderdb for it anyway
if ( m_doleIpTable.isInTable ( &firstIp0 ) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// if it got zapped from the waiting tree by the time we read the list
if ( ! m_waitingTable.isInTable ( &m_scanningIp ) ) return true;
// sanity check
long wn = m_waitingTree.getNode(0,(char *)&m_waitingTreeKey);
if ( wn < 0 ) {
log("spider: waiting tree key removed while reading list");
return true;
// sanity. if first time, this must be invalid
if ( needList && m_nextKey == m_firstKey && m_bestRequestValid ) {
char *xx=NULL; *xx=0 ; }
// . if the scanning ip has too many outstanding spiders
// . looks a UrlLock::m_firstIp and UrlLock::m_isSpiderOutstanding
// since the lock lives for 5 seconds after the spider reply
// comes back.
// . when the spiderReply comes back that will re-add a "0" entry
// to the waiting tree.
// . PROBLEM: some spiders don't seem to add a spiderReply!! wtf???
// they end up having their locks timeout after like 3 hrs?
// . maybe just do not add to waiting tree in confirmLockAcquisition()
// handler in such cases? YEAH.. try that
//long numOutPerIp = getOustandingSpidersPerIp ( firstIp );
//if ( numOutPerIp > maxSpidersPerIp ) {
// // remove from the tree and table
// removeFromWaitingTree ( firstIp );
// return true;
// if we re-entered from the read wrapper, jump down
if ( needList ) {
// sanity check
if ( m_gettingList ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . read in a replacement SpiderRequest to add to doledb from
// this ip
// . get the list of spiderdb records
// . do not include cache, those results are old and will mess
// us up
if (g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
// got print each out individually because KEYSTR
// uses a static buffer to store the string
SafeBuf tmp;
tmp.safePrintf("spider: scanSpiderdb: "
"calling msg5: ");
tmp.safePrintf("firstKey=%s "
tmp.safePrintf("endKey=%s "
tmp.safePrintf("nextKey=%s "
// log this better
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: scanSpiderdb. firstip=%s key=%s"
,KEYSTR(&m_nextKey,sizeof(key128_t) ) );
// flag it
m_gettingList = true;
// read the list from local disk
if ( ! m_msg5.getList ( RDB_SPIDERDB ,
m_cr->m_coll ,
&m_list ,
&m_nextKey ,
&m_endKey ,
SR_READ_SIZE , // minRecSizes (512k)
true , // includeTree
false , // addToCache
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum
-1 , // numFiles (all)
this , // state
gotSpiderdbListWrapper ,
MAX_NICENESS , // niceness
true )) // do error correct?
// return false if blocked
return false ;
// note its return
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: back from msg5 spiderdb read");
// no longer getting list
m_gettingList = false;
// show list stats
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: scanSpiderdb: got list of size %li",
// unflag it
//m_gettingList = false;
// stop if we are done
if ( m_isReadDone ) return true;
// if waitingtree is locked for writing because it is saving or
// writes were disabled then just bail and let the scan be re-called
// later
RdbTree *wt = &m_waitingTree;
if ( wt->m_isSaving || ! wt->m_isWritable )
return true;
// shortcut
RdbList *list = &m_list;
// ensure we point to the top of the list
// bail on error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("spider: Had error getting list of urls "
"from spiderdb: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
m_isReadDone = true;
return true;
// get this
uint64_t nowGlobalMS = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal();//Local();
uint32_t nowGlobal = nowGlobalMS / 1000;
SpiderRequest *winReq = NULL;
long winPriority = -10;
uint64_t winTimeMS = 0xffffffffffffffffLL;
long winMaxSpidersPerIp = 9999;
SpiderReply *srep = NULL;
long long srepUh48;
// for getting the top MAX_NODES nodes
long tailPriority = -10;
uint64_t tailTimeMS = 0xffffffffffffffffLL;
// if we are continuing from another list...
if ( m_lastReplyValid ) {
srep = (SpiderReply *)m_lastReplyBuf;
srepUh48 = srep->getUrlHash48();
// sanity, if it was in ufntree it should be on disk then...
if ( list->isEmpty() && m_nextKey == m_firstKey && ! m_useTree ) {
SafeBuf sb;
KEYSTR(&m_nextKey,sizeof(key128_t) ));
KEYSTR(&m_endKey,sizeof(key128_t) ));
log("spider: strange corruption #1. there was an entry "
"in the waiting tree, but spiderdb read was empty. "
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// use the ufntree?
bool useTree = m_useTree;
// if we are the first read and list is not full do not bother
// using the tree because its just as fast to scan the little list
// we got
if ( m_nextKey == m_firstKey && list->getListSize() < SR_READ_SIZE )
useTree = false;
// init ufn tree
if ( useTree && ! s_ufnTreeSet ) {
s_ufnTreeSet = true;
s_ufnTree.set ( 0 , // fixed data size (uh48)
1000000 , // max num nodes
true, // balance?
-1 , // maxmem, none
false , // own data?
false, // data is ptr! (true?)
false );
if ( list->isEmpty() && g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: failed to get rec for ip=%s",iptoa(firstIp0));
long firstIp = m_waitingTreeKey.n0 & 0xffffffff;
long numNodes = 0;
long tailNode = -1;
key128_t finalKey;
// how many spiders currently out for this ip?
long outNow = g_spiderLoop.getNumSpidersOutPerIp ( m_scanningIp );
// loop over all serialized spiderdb records in the list
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; ) {
// breathe
// get spiderdb rec in its serialized form
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
// sanity
memcpy ( (char *)&finalKey , rec , sizeof(key128_t) );
// skip to next guy
// negative? wtf?
if ( (rec[0] & 0x01) == 0x00 ) {
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: got negative spider rec");
// if its a SpiderReply set it for an upcoming requests
if ( ! g_spiderdb.isSpiderRequest ( (key128_t *)rec ) ) {
// see if this is the most recent one
SpiderReply *tmp = (SpiderReply *)rec;
// if we have a more recent reply already, skip this
if ( srep &&
srep->getUrlHash48() == tmp->getUrlHash48() &&
srep->m_spideredTime >= tmp->m_spideredTime )
// otherwise, assign it
srep = tmp;
srepUh48 = srep->getUrlHash48();
// cast it
SpiderRequest *sreq = (SpiderRequest *)rec;
// . skip if our twin should add it to doledb
// . waiting tree only has firstIps assigned to us so
// this should not be necessary
//if ( ! isAssignedToUs ( sreq->m_firstIp ) ) continue;
// null out srep if no match
if ( srep && srepUh48 != sreq->getUrlHash48() ) srep = NULL;
// if we are doing parser test, ignore all but initially
// injected requests. NEVER DOLE OUT non-injected urls
// when doing parser test
if ( g_conf.m_testParserEnabled ) {
// skip if already did it
if ( srep ) continue;
// skip if not injected
if ( ! sreq->m_isInjecting ) continue;
// . ignore docid-based requests if spidered the url afterwards
// . these are one-hit wonders
// . once done they can be deleted
if ( sreq->m_urlIsDocId &&
srep &&
srep->m_spideredTime > sreq->m_addedTime )
// sanity check. check for http(s)://
if ( sreq->m_url[0] != 'h' &&
// might be a docid from a pagereindex.cpp
! is_digit(sreq->m_url[0]) ) {
log("spider: got corrupt 1 spiderRequest in scan "
"because url is %s",sreq->m_url);
// update SpiderRequest::m_siteNumInlinks to most recent value
long sni = sreq->m_siteNumInlinks;
// get the # of inlinks to the site from our table
uint64_t *val;
val = (uint64_t *)m_sniTable.getValue32(sreq->m_siteHash32);
// use the most recent sni from this table
if ( val )
sni = (long)((*val)>>32);
// if SpiderRequest is forced then m_siteHash32 is 0!
else if ( srep && srep->m_spideredTime >= sreq->m_addedTime )
sni = srep->m_siteNumInlinks;
// assign
sreq->m_siteNumInlinks = sni;
// store rror count in request so xmldoc knows what it is
// and can increment it and re-add it to its spiderreply if
// it gets another error
if ( srep ) {
sreq->m_errCount = srep->m_errCount;
// . assign this too from latest reply - smart compress
// . this WAS SpiderReply::m_pubdate so it might be
// set to a non-zero value that is wrong now... but
// not a big deal!
sreq->m_contentHash32 = srep->m_contentHash32;
// if we tried it before
sreq->m_hadReply = true;
// this is -1 on corruption
if ( srep && srep->m_httpStatus >= 1000 ) {
log("spider: got corrupt 3 spiderReply in scan");
srep = NULL;
// bad langid?
if ( srep && ! getLanguageAbbr (srep->m_langId) ) {
log("spider: got corrupt 4 spiderReply in scan");
srep = NULL;
// . get the url filter we match
// . if this is slow see the TODO below in dedupSpiderdbList()
// which can pre-store these values assuming url filters do
// not change and siteNumInlinks is about the same.
long ufn = ::getUrlFilterNum(sreq,srep,nowGlobal,false,
// sanity check
if ( ufn == -1 ) {
log("spider: failed to match url filter for "
"url = %s", sreq->m_url);
return true;
// set the priority (might be the same as old)
long priority = m_cr->m_spiderPriorities[ufn];
// sanity checks
if ( priority == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( priority >= MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// spiders disabled for this row in url filteres?
if ( ! m_cr->m_spidersEnabled[ufn] ) continue;
// skip if banned
if ( priority == SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED ) continue;
if ( priority == SPIDER_PRIORITY_BANNED ) continue;
uint64_t spiderTimeMS;
spiderTimeMS = getSpiderTimeMS ( sreq,ufn,srep,nowGlobalMS );
// how many outstanding spiders on a single IP?
long maxSpidersPerIp = m_cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[ufn];
// sanity
if ( (long long)spiderTimeMS < 0 ) {
log("spider: got corrupt 2 spiderRequest in scan");
// how many "ready" urls for this IP? urls in doledb
// can be spidered right now
long *score ;
score = (long *)m_doleIpTable.getValue32 ( sreq->m_firstIp );
// how many spiders are current outstanding
long out2 = outNow;
// add in any requests in doledb
if ( score ) out2 += *score;
// do not add any more to doledb if we could violate our quota
if ( out2 >= maxSpidersPerIp ) continue;
// by ensuring only one spider out at a time when there
// is a positive crawl-delay, we ensure that m_lastDownloadTime
// is the last time we downloaded from this ip so that we
// can accurately set the time in getSpiderTimeMS() for
// when the next url from this firstip should be spidered.
if ( out2 >= 1 ) {
// get the crawldelay for this domain
long *cdp ;
cdp = (long *)m_cdTable.getValue (&sreq->m_domHash32);
// if crawl delay is NULL, we need to download
// robots.txt. most of the time it will be -1
// which indicates not specified in robots.txt
if ( ! cdp ) continue;
// if we had a positive crawldelay and there is
// already >= 1 outstanding spider on this ip,
// then skip this url
if ( cdp && *cdp > 0 ) continue;
// debug. show candidates due to be spidered now.
//if(g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) //&& spiderTimeMS< nowGlobalMS )
// log("spider: considering ip=%s sreq spiderTimeMS=%lli "
// "pri=%li uh48=%lli",
// iptoa(sreq->m_firstIp),
// spiderTimeMS,
// priority,
// sreq->getUrlHash48());
// we can't have negative priorities at this point because
// the s_ufnTree uses priority as part of the key so it
// can get the top 100 or so urls for a firstip to avoid
// having to hit spiderdb for every one!
if ( priority < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// NO! then just a single root url can prevent all his
// kids from getting spidered. because this logic was
// priority based over time. so while the high priority url
// would be sitting in the waiting tree, the kids whose
// time it was to be spidered would be starving for attention.
// only use priority if the high priority url can be spidered
// now, so he doesn't lock the others out of the waiting tree.
// now pick the SpiderRequest with the best priority, then
// break ties with the "spiderTime".
//if ( priority < winPriority )
// continue;
// if tied, use times
//if ( priority == winPriority && spiderTimeMS > winTimeMS )
// continue;
// only compare to min winner in tree if we got 100 in
// tree from this firstip already
if ( numNodes >= MAX_NODES && useTree ) {
uint64_t tm1 = spiderTimeMS;
uint64_t tm2 = tailTimeMS;
// if they are both overdue, make them the same
if ( tm1 < nowGlobalMS ) tm1 = 1;
if ( tm2 < nowGlobalMS ) tm2 = 1;
// skip spider request if its time is past winner's
if ( tm1 > tm2 )
// if tied, use priority
if ( tm1 == tm2 && priority < tailPriority )
// if tied, use actual times. assuming both
// are < nowGlobalMS
if ( tm1 == tm2 && priority == tailPriority &&
spiderTimeMS > tailTimeMS )
// cut tail
s_ufnTree.deleteNode ( tailNode , true );
// somestimes the firstip in its key does not match the
// firstip in the record!
if ( sreq->m_firstIp != firstIp ) {
log("spider: request %s firstip does not match "
"firstip in key",sreq->m_url);
log("spider: ip1=%s",iptoa(sreq->m_firstIp));
log("spider: ip2=%s",iptoa(firstIp));
// make the key
if ( useTree ) {
long long uh48 = sreq->getUrlHash48();
key128_t k = makeUfnTreeKey ( firstIp ,priority,
spiderTimeMS , uh48 );
//long nn =;
s_ufnTree.addNode(0,(char *)&k,NULL,8);
//log("adding node #%li firstip=%s uh48=%llu "
// "ufntree.k.n1=0x%llx "
// "spiderdb.k.n1=0x%llx "
// "spiderdb.k.n0=0x%llx "
// ,
// nn,iptoa(firstIp),uh48,k.n1,
// *(long long *)rec,
// *(long long *)(rec+8)
// );
// compute new tail node
if ( numNodes >= MAX_NODES && useTree ) {
key128_t nk = makeUfnTreeKey (firstIp+1,255,0,0 );
tailNode = s_ufnTree.getPrevNode ( 0,(char *)&nk );
if ( tailNode < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set new tail parms
key128_t *tailKey;
tailKey = (key128_t *)s_ufnTree.getKey ( tailNode );
// convert to char first then to signed long
long tailIp;
long long tailUh48;
parseUfnTreeKey ( tailKey ,
&tailIp ,
&tailTimeMS ,
&tailUh48 );
// sanity
if ( tailIp != firstIp ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// skip if not the best
uint64_t tm1 = spiderTimeMS;
uint64_t tm2 = winTimeMS;
// if they are both overdue, make them the same
if ( tm1 < nowGlobalMS ) tm1 = 1;
if ( tm2 < nowGlobalMS ) tm2 = 1;
// skip spider request if its time is past winner's
if ( tm1 > tm2 )
// if tied, use priority
if ( tm1 == tm2 && priority < winPriority )
// if tied, use actual times. assuming both
// are < nowGlobalMS
if ( tm1 == tm2 && priority == winPriority &&
spiderTimeMS > winTimeMS )
// bail if it is locked! we now call
// msg12::confirmLockAcquisition() after we get the lock,
// which deletes the doledb record from doledb and doleiptable
// rightaway and adds a "0" entry into the waiting tree so
// that scanSpiderdb() repopulates doledb again with that
// "firstIp". this way we can spider multiple urls from the
// same ip at the same time.
long long uh48 = sreq->getUrlHash48();
if ( g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable.isInTable ( &uh48 ) )
// ok, we got a new winner
winPriority = priority;
winTimeMS = spiderTimeMS;
winMaxSpidersPerIp = maxSpidersPerIp;
winReq = sreq;
// set these for doledb
winReq->m_priority = priority;
winReq->m_ufn = ufn;
//winReq->m_spiderTime = spiderTime;
// if its ready to spider now, that trumps one in the future always!
if ( winReq &&
m_bestRequestValid &&
m_bestSpiderTimeMS <= nowGlobalMS &&
winTimeMS > nowGlobal )
winReq = NULL;
// if this is a successive call we have to beat the global because
// the firstIp has a *ton* of spider requests and we can't read them
// all in one list, then see if we beat our global winner!
if ( winReq &&
m_bestRequestValid &&
m_bestSpiderTimeMS <= nowGlobalMS &&
m_bestRequest->m_priority > winPriority )
winReq = NULL;
// or if both in future. use time.
if ( winReq &&
m_bestRequestValid &&
m_bestSpiderTimeMS > nowGlobalMS &&
winTimeMS > nowGlobal &&
m_bestSpiderTimeMS < winTimeMS )
winReq = NULL;
// if both recs are overdue for spidering and priorities tied, use
// the hopcount. should make us breadth-first, all else being equal.
if ( winReq &&
m_bestRequestValid &&
m_bestRequest->m_priority == winPriority &&
m_bestSpiderTimeMS <= nowGlobalMS &&
winTimeMS <= nowGlobal &&
m_bestRequest->m_hopCount < winReq->m_hopCount )
winReq = NULL;
// use times if hops are equal and both are overdue from same priority.
if ( winReq &&
m_bestRequestValid &&
m_bestRequest->m_priority == winPriority &&
m_bestSpiderTimeMS <= nowGlobalMS &&
winTimeMS <= nowGlobal &&
m_bestRequest->m_hopCount == winReq->m_hopCount &&
m_bestSpiderTimeMS <= winTimeMS )
winReq = NULL;
// if nothing, we are done!
if ( winReq ) {
// store this
long rsize = winReq->getRecSize();
// sanity check
if ( rsize > (long)MAX_BEST_REQUEST_SIZE){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// now store this SpiderRequest for adding to doledb
memcpy ( m_bestRequestBuf , winReq, rsize );
// point to that
m_bestRequest = (SpiderRequest *)m_bestRequestBuf;
// set this
m_bestRequestValid = true;
// this too
m_bestSpiderTimeMS = winTimeMS;
m_bestMaxSpidersPerIp = winMaxSpidersPerIp;
// sanity
if ( (long long)winTimeMS < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: made best_req ip=%s spiderTimeMS=%lli "
"pri=%li uh48=%lli",
// are we the final list in the scan?
//m_isReadDone = ( list->getListSize() < (long)SR_READ_SIZE ) ;
// try to fix the bug of reading like only 150k when we asked for 512k
if ( list->isEmpty() )
m_isReadDone = true;
// if no spiderreply for the current url, invalidate this
m_lastReplyValid = false;
// if read is not yet done, save the reply in case next list needs it
if ( srep && ! m_isReadDone ) {
long rsize = srep->getRecSize();
if ( rsize > (long)MAX_SP_REPLY_SIZE ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
memcpy ( m_lastReplyBuf, srep, rsize );
m_lastReplyValid = true;
// debug info
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: Read %li spiderdb bytes.",list->getListSize());
// reset any errno cuz we're just a cache
g_errno = 0;
// end list processing
// if not done, keep going
if ( ! m_isReadDone ) {
// . inc it here
// . it can also be reset on a collection rec update
key128_t endKey = *(key128_t *)list->getLastKey();
// sanity
if ( endKey != finalKey ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_nextKey = endKey;
m_nextKey += (unsigned long) 1;
// watch out for wrap around
if ( m_nextKey < endKey ) {
m_nextKey = endKey;
m_isReadDone = true;
// free list to save memory
if ( ! m_isReadDone ) {
// read more now!
needList = true;
goto readLoop;
// print out here
//log("spider: got best req=%s ip=%s uh48=%llu",m_bestRequest->m_url,
// iptoa(m_bestRequest->m_firstIp),m_bestRequest->getUrlHash48());
// gotta check this again since we might have done a QUICKPOLL() above
// to call g_process.shutdown() so now tree might be unwritable
if ( wt->m_isSaving || ! wt->m_isWritable )
return true;
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider && m_bestRequestValid ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider && m_bestRequestValid ) {
log("spider: got best ip=%s sreq spiderTimeMS=%lli "
"pri=%li uh48=%lli",
else if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
log("spider: no best request for ip=%s",iptoa(m_scanningIp));
// ok, all done if nothing to add to doledb. i guess we were misled
// that firstIp had something ready for us. maybe the url filters
// table changed to filter/ban them all.
if ( ! g_errno && ! m_bestRequestValid ) {
// note it - this can happen if no more to spider right now!
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpcache )
log("spider: nuking misleading waitingtree key "
"firstIp=%s", iptoa(firstIp));
m_waitingTree.deleteNode ( 0,(char *)&m_waitingTreeKey,true);
m_waitingTreeKeyValid = false;
// note it
unsigned long long timestamp64 = m_waitingTreeKey.n1;
timestamp64 <<= 32;
timestamp64 |= m_waitingTreeKey.n0 >> 32;
long firstIp = m_waitingTreeKey.n0 &= 0xffffffff;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: removed2 time=%lli ip=%s from "
"waiting tree. nn=%li.",
timestamp64, iptoa(firstIp),
m_waitingTable.removeKey ( &firstIp );
// sanity check
if ( ! m_waitingTable.m_isWritable ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
return true;
if ( g_errno ) {
log("spider: scanSpiderdb: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
if ( m_bestRequest->m_firstIp != firstIp ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//uint64_t nowGlobalMS = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal();
// sanity checks
if ( (long long)m_bestSpiderTimeMS < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( m_bestRequest->m_ufn < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( m_bestRequest->m_priority == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// Normally the "spidertime" is 0 for a firstIp. This will make it
// a future time if it is not yet due for spidering.
// even if hadn't gotten list we can bail early if too many
// spiders from this ip are out!
//long out = g_spiderLoop.getNumSpidersOutPerIp ( m_scanningIp );
if ( outNow >= m_bestMaxSpidersPerIp ) {
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: already got %li from this ip out. ip=%s",
// when his SpiderReply comes back it will call
// addWaitingTree with a "0" time so he'll get back in there
if ( wn < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
m_waitingTree.deleteNode (wn,false );
// keep the table in sync now with the time
m_waitingTable.removeKey( &m_bestRequest->m_firstIp );
return true;
// if best request has a future spiderTime, at least update
// the wait tree with that since we will not be doling this request
// right now.
if ( m_bestSpiderTimeMS > nowGlobalMS ) {
// if in the process of being added to doledb or in doledb...
if ( m_doleIpTable.isInTable ( &firstIp ) ) {
// sanity i guess. remove this line if it hits this!
log("spider: wtf????");
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return true;
// get old time
unsigned long long oldSpiderTimeMS = m_waitingTreeKey.n1;
oldSpiderTimeMS <<= 32;
oldSpiderTimeMS |= (m_waitingTreeKey.n0 >> 32);
// delete old node
long wn = m_waitingTree.getNode(0,(char *)&m_waitingTreeKey);
if ( wn < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_waitingTree.deleteNode (wn,false );
// invalidate
m_waitingTreeKeyValid = false;
long fip = m_bestRequest->m_firstIp;
key_t wk2 = makeWaitingTreeKey ( m_bestSpiderTimeMS , fip );
// log the replacement
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: scan replacing waitingtree key "
"oldtime=%lu newtime=%lu firstip=%s bestpri=%li "
(unsigned long)(oldSpiderTimeMS/1000LL),
(unsigned long)(m_bestSpiderTimeMS/1000LL),
// this should never fail since we deleted one above
m_waitingTree.addKey ( &wk2 );
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: RE-added time=%lli ip=%s to "
"waiting tree",
m_bestSpiderTimeMS , iptoa(fip));
// keep the table in sync now with the time
m_waitingTable.addKey( &fip, &m_bestSpiderTimeMS );
// sanity check
if ( ! m_waitingTable.m_isWritable ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
return true;
// we are coring here. i guess the best request or a copy of it
// somehow started spidering since our last spider read, so i would
// say we should bail on this spider scan! really i'm not exactly
// sure what happened...
long long uh48 = m_bestRequest->getUrlHash48();
if ( g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable.isInTable ( &uh48 ) ) {
log("spider: best request got doled out from under us");
return true;
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// make the doledb key first for this so we can add it
key_t doleKey = g_doledb.makeKey ( m_bestRequest->m_priority ,
// convert to seconds from ms
m_bestSpiderTimeMS / 1000 ,
m_bestRequest->getUrlHash48() ,
false );
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: got winner pdocid=%lli url=%s",
// make it into a doledb record
char *p = m_doleBuf;
*(key_t *)p = doleKey;
p += sizeof(key_t);
long recSize = m_bestRequest->getRecSize();
*(long *)p = recSize;
p += 4;
memcpy ( p , m_bestRequest , recSize );
p += recSize;
// sanity check
if ( p - m_doleBuf > (long)MAX_DOLEREC_SIZE ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// how did this happen?
if ( ! m_msg4Avail ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// add it to doledb ip table now so that waiting tree does not
// immediately get another spider request from this same ip added
// to it while the msg4 is out. but if add failes we totally bail
// with g_errno set
// crap, i think this could be slowing us down when spidering
// a single ip address. maybe use msg1 here not msg4?
if ( ! addToDoleTable ( m_bestRequest ) ) return true;
// delete the winner from ufntree as well
long long buh48 = m_bestRequest->getUrlHash48();
key128_t bkey = makeUfnTreeKey ( m_bestRequest->m_firstIp ,
m_bestRequest->m_priority ,
m_bestSpiderTimeMS ,
buh48 );
// must be in tree!
long node = s_ufnTree.getNextNode ( 0, (char *)&bkey );
// if this firstip had too few requests to make it into the
// tree then node will be < 0!
//if ( node < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( node >= 0 ) {
//log("deleting node #%li firstip=%s uh48=%llu",
// node,iptoa(firstIp),uh48);
s_ufnTree.deleteNode ( node , true );
m_msg4Start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// . use msg4 to transmit our guys into the rdb, RDB_DOLEDB
// . no, use msg1 for speed, so we get it right away!!
bool status = m_msg1.addRecord ( m_doleBuf ,
p - m_doleBuf ,
m_collnum ,
this ,
doledWrapper ,
0 ); // niceness MAX_NICENESS ,
// if it blocked set this to true so we do not reuse it
if ( ! status ) m_msg4Avail = false;
long storedFirstIp = (m_waitingTreeKey.n0) & 0xffffffff;
// log it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpcache ) {
unsigned long long spiderTimeMS = m_waitingTreeKey.n1;
spiderTimeMS <<= 32;
spiderTimeMS |= (m_waitingTreeKey.n0 >> 32);
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: removing doled waitingtree key"
" spidertime=%llu firstIp=%s "
"pri=%li "
// before adding to doledb remove from waiting tree so we do not try
// to readd to doledb...
m_waitingTree.deleteNode ( 0, (char *)&m_waitingTreeKey , true);
m_waitingTable.removeKey ( &storedFirstIp );
// invalidate
m_waitingTreeKeyValid = false;
// sanity check
if ( ! m_waitingTable.m_isWritable ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// note that ip as being in dole table
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: added best sreq for ip=%s to doletable AND "
"removed from waiting table",
// add did not block
return status;
uint64_t SpiderColl::getSpiderTimeMS ( SpiderRequest *sreq,
long ufn,
SpiderReply *srep,
uint64_t nowGlobalMS ) {
// . get the scheduled spiderTime for it
// . assume this SpiderRequest never been successfully spidered
long long spiderTimeMS = ((uint64_t)sreq->m_addedTime) * 1000LL;
// if injecting for first time, use that!
if ( ! srep && sreq->m_isInjecting ) return spiderTimeMS;
// to avoid hammering an ip, get last time we spidered it...
long long lastMS ;
lastMS = m_lastDownloadCache.getLongLong ( m_collnum ,
sreq->m_firstIp ,
-1 , // maxAge
true );// promote
// -1 means not found
if ( (long long)lastMS == -1 ) lastMS = 0;
// sanity
if ( (long long)lastMS < -1 ) {
log("spider: corrupt last time in download cache. nuking.");
lastMS = 0;
// min time we can spider it
long long minSpiderTimeMS1 = lastMS + m_cr->m_spiderIpWaits[ufn];
// if not found in cache
if ( lastMS == -1 ) minSpiderTimeMS1 = 0LL;
// crawldelay table check!!!!
long *cdp = (long *)m_cdTable.getValue ( &sreq->m_domHash32 );
long long minSpiderTimeMS2 = 0;
if ( cdp && *cdp >= 0 ) minSpiderTimeMS2 = lastMS + *cdp;
// wait 5 seconds for all outlinks in order for them to have a
// chance to get any link info that might have been added
// from the page that supplied this outlink
// CRAP! this slows down same ip spidering i think... yeah, without
// this it seems the spiders are always at 10 (sometimes 8 or 9)
// when i spider
//spiderTimeMS += 5000;
// ensure min
if ( spiderTimeMS < minSpiderTimeMS1 ) spiderTimeMS = minSpiderTimeMS1;
if ( spiderTimeMS < minSpiderTimeMS2 ) spiderTimeMS = minSpiderTimeMS2;
// if no reply, use that
if ( ! srep ) return spiderTimeMS;
// if this is not the first try, then re-compute the spiderTime
// based on that last time
// sanity check
if ( srep->m_spideredTime <= 0 ) {
// a lot of times these are corrupt! wtf???
//spiderTimeMS = minSpiderTimeMS;
return spiderTimeMS;
//{ char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// compute new spiderTime for this guy, in seconds
long long waitInSecs = (uint64_t)(m_cr->m_spiderFreqs[ufn]*3600*24.0);
// do not spider more than once per 15 seconds ever!
// no! might be a query reindex!!
if ( waitInSecs < 15 && ! sreq->m_urlIsDocId ) {
static bool s_printed = false;
if ( ! s_printed ) {
s_printed = true;
log("spider: min spider wait is 15 seconds, "
"not %llu (ufn=%li)",waitInSecs,ufn);
waitInSecs = 15;//900; this was 15 minutes
// in fact, force docid based guys to be zero!
if ( sreq->m_urlIsDocId ) waitInSecs = 0;
// when it was spidered
long long lastSpideredMS = ((uint64_t)srep->m_spideredTime) * 1000;
// . when we last attempted to spider it... (base time)
// . use a lastAttempt of 0 to indicate never!
// (first time)
long long minSpiderTimeMS3 = lastSpideredMS + (waitInSecs * 1000LL);
// ensure min
if ( spiderTimeMS < minSpiderTimeMS3 ) spiderTimeMS = minSpiderTimeMS3;
// sanity
if ( (long long)spiderTimeMS < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
return spiderTimeMS;
// . returns false with g_errno set on error
// . Rdb.cpp should call this when it receives a doledb key
// . when trying to add a SpiderRequest to the waiting tree we first check
// the doledb table to see if doledb already has an sreq from this firstIp
// . therefore, we should add the ip to the dole table before we launch the
// Msg4 request to add it to doledb, that way we don't add a bunch from the
// same firstIP to doledb
bool SpiderColl::addToDoleTable ( SpiderRequest *sreq ) {
// update how many per ip we got doled
long *score = (long *)m_doleIpTable.getValue32 ( sreq->m_firstIp );
// debug point
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
long long uh48 = sreq->getUrlHash48();
long long pdocid = sreq->getParentDocId();
long ss = 1;
if ( score ) ss = *score + 1;
log("spider: added to doletbl uh48=%llu parentdocid=%llu "
"ipdolecount=%li ufn=%li priority=%li firstip=%s",
// we had a score there already, so inc it
if ( score ) {
// inc it
*score = *score + 1;
// sanity check
if ( *score <= 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// only one per ip!
if ( *score > 1 )
log("spider: crap. had %li recs in doledb from %s."
"how did this happen?",
// now we log it too
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: added ip=%s to doleiptable "
else {
// ok, add new slot
long val = 1;
if ( ! m_doleIpTable.addKey ( &sreq->m_firstIp , &val ) ) {
// log it, this is bad
log("spider: failed to add ip %s to dole ip tbl",
// return true with g_errno set on error
return false;
// now we log it too
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: added ip=%s to doleiptable "
// sanity check
//if ( ! m_doleIpTable.m_isWritable ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
return true;
///////////////////////// UTILITY FUNCTIONS
// . map a spiderdb rec to the shard # that should spider it
// . "sr" can be a SpiderRequest or SpiderReply
// . shouldn't this use Hostdb::getShardNum()?
unsigned long getShardToSpider ( char *sr ) {
// use the url hash
long long uh48 = g_spiderdb.getUrlHash48 ( (key128_t *)sr );
// host to dole it based on ip
long hostId = uh48 % g_hostdb.m_numHosts ;
// get it
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( hostId ) ;
// and return groupid
return h->m_groupId;
// does this belong in our spider cache?
bool isAssignedToUs ( long firstIp ) {
// sanity check... must be in our group.. we assume this much
//if ( g_spiderdb.getGroupId(firstIp) != g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_groupId){
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . host to dole it based on ip
// . ignore lower 8 bits of ip since one guy often owns a whole block!
//long hostId=(((unsigned long)firstIp) >> 8) % g_hostdb.getNumHosts();
// get our group
//Host *group = g_hostdb.getMyGroup();
Host *shard = g_hostdb.getMyShard();
// pick a host in our group
// if not dead return it
//if ( ! g_hostdb.isDead(hostId) ) return hostId;
// get that host
//Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(hostId);
// get the group
//Host *group = g_hostdb.getGroup ( h->m_groupId );
// and number of hosts in the group
long hpg = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
// let's mix it up since spider shard was selected using this
// same mod on the firstIp method!!
unsigned long long h64 = firstIp;
unsigned char c = firstIp & 0xff;
h64 ^= g_hashtab[c][0];
// select the next host number to try
//long next = (((unsigned long)firstIp) >> 16) % hpg ;
// hash to a host
long i = ((uint32_t)h64) % hpg;
Host *h = &shard[i];
// return that if alive
if ( ! g_hostdb.isDead(h) ) return (h->m_hostId == g_hostdb.m_hostId);
// . select another otherwise
// . put all alive in an array now
Host *alive[64];
long upc = 0;
for ( long j = 0 ; j < hpg ; j++ ) {
Host *h = &shard[i];
if ( g_hostdb.isDead(h) ) continue;
alive[upc++] = h;
// if none, that is bad! return the first one that we wanted to
if ( upc == 0 ) return (h->m_hostId == g_hostdb.m_hostId);
// select from the good ones now
i = ((uint32_t)firstIp) % hpg;
// get that
h = &shard[i];
// guaranteed to be alive... kinda
return (h->m_hostId == g_hostdb.m_hostId);
///////////////////////// SPIDERLOOP
static void indexedDocWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static void doneSleepingWrapperSL ( int fd , void *state ) ;
// a global class extern'd in .h file
SpiderLoop g_spiderLoop;
SpiderLoop::SpiderLoop ( ) {
// clear array of ptrs to Doc's
memset ( m_docs , 0 , sizeof(XmlDoc *) * MAX_SPIDERS );
SpiderLoop::~SpiderLoop ( ) { reset(); }
// free all doc's
void SpiderLoop::reset() {
// delete all doc's in use
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_SPIDERS ; i++ ) {
if ( m_docs[i] ) {
mdelete ( m_docs[i] , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "Doc" );
delete (m_docs[i]);
m_docs[i] = NULL;
void SpiderLoop::startLoop ( ) {
m_cri = 0;
// falsify this flag
m_outstanding1 = false;
// not flushing
m_msg12.m_gettingLocks = false;
// we aren't in the middle of waiting to get a list of SpiderRequests
m_gettingDoledbList = false;
// we haven't registered for sleeping yet
m_isRegistered = false;
// clear array of ptrs to Doc's
memset ( m_docs , 0 , sizeof(XmlDoc *) * MAX_SPIDERS );
// . m_maxUsed is the largest i such that m_docs[i] is in use
// . -1 means there are no used m_docs's
m_maxUsed = -1;
m_numSpidersOut = 0;
m_processed = 0;
// for locking. key size is 8 for easier debugging
m_lockTable.set ( 8,sizeof(UrlLock),0,NULL,0,false,MAX_NICENESS,
"splocks", true ); // useKeyMagic? yes.
if ( ! m_lockCache.init ( 10000 , // maxcachemem
4 , // fixedatasize
false , // supportlists?
1000 , // maxcachenodes
false , // use half keys
"lockcache", // dbname
false ) )
log("spider: failed to init lock cache. performance hit." );
// dole some out
// spider some urls that were doled to us
//g_spiderLoop.spiderDoledUrls( );
// sleep for .1 seconds = 100ms
if (!g_loop.registerSleepCallback(10,this,doneSleepingWrapperSL))
log("build: Failed to register timer callback. Spidering "
"is permanently disabled. Restart to fix.");
void removeExpiredLocks ( long hostId );
void doneSleepingWrapperSL ( int fd , void *state ) {
//SpiderLoop *THIS = (SpiderLoop *)state;
// dole some out
// if spidering disabled then do not do this crap
if ( ! g_conf.m_spideringEnabled ) return;
//if ( ! g_conf.m_webSpideringEnabled ) return;
// wait for clock to sync with host #0
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) {
// let admin know why we are not spidering
static char s_printed = false;
if ( ! s_printed ) {
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: NOT SPIDERING until clock "
"is in sync with host #0.");
s_printed = true;
static long s_count = -1;
// count these calls
// reset SpiderColl::m_didRound and m_nextDoledbKey if it is maxed
// because we might have had a lock collision
long nc = g_collectiondb.m_numRecs;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nc ; i++ ) {
// get collectionrec
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(i);
if ( ! cr ) continue;
// skip if not enabled
if ( ! cr->m_spideringEnabled ) continue;
// get it
//SpiderColl *sc = cr->m_spiderColl;
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(i);
// skip if none
if ( ! sc ) continue;
// also scan spiderdb to populate waiting tree now but
// only one read per 100ms!!
if ( (s_count % 10) == 0 ) {
// always do a scan at startup & every 24 hrs
if ( ! sc->m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild &&
getTimeLocal() - sc->m_lastScanTime > 24*3600) {
// if a scan is ongoing, this will re-set it
sc->m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild = true;
// flush the ufn table
// try this then. it just returns if
// sc->m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild is false
sc->populateWaitingTreeFromSpiderdb ( false );
// re-entry is false because we are entering for the first time
sc->populateDoledbFromWaitingTree ( false );
// skip if still loading doledb lists from disk this round
if ( ! sc->m_didRound ) continue;
// ensure at the top!
if ( sc->m_pri2!=MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES-1){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// ok, reset it so it can start a new doledb scan
sc->m_didRound = false;
// reset this as well. if there are no spiderRequests
// available on any priority level for this collection,
// then it will remain true. but if we attempt to spider
// a url, or can't spider a url b/c of a max oustanding
// constraint, we set this to false. this is used to
// send notifications when a crawl is basically in hiatus.
//sc->m_encounteredDoledbRecs = false;
// set initial priority to the highest to start spidering there
//g_spiderLoop.m_pri = MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES - 1;
// spider some urls that were doled to us
g_spiderLoop.spiderDoledUrls( );
#define SP_MAXROUNDS 1
#define SP_ROUNDDONE 4
void doneSendingNotification ( void *state ) {
EmailInfo *ei = (EmailInfo *)state;
collnum_t collnum = ei->m_collnum;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[collnum];
char *coll = "lostcoll";
if ( cr ) coll = cr->m_coll;
log("spider: done sending notifications for coll=%s", coll);
// all done if collection was deleted from under us
if ( ! cr ) return;
// we can re-use the EmailInfo class now
// pingserver.cpp sets this
//ei->m_inUse = false;
// mark it as sent. anytime a new url is spidered will mark this
// as false again! use LOCAL crawlInfo, since global is reset often.
cr->m_localCrawlInfo.m_sentCrawlDoneAlert = cr->m_spiderStatus;//1;
// be sure to save state so we do not re-send emails
cr->m_needsSave = 1;
// sanity
if ( cr->m_spiderStatus == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// i guess each host advances its own round... so take this out
// sanity check
//if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_hostId != 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// advance round if that round has completed, or there are no
// more urls to spider. if we hit maxToProcess/maxToCrawl then
// do not increment the round #. otherwise we should increment it.
if ( cr->m_spiderStatus == SP_MAXTOCRAWL ) return;
if ( cr->m_spiderStatus == SP_MAXTOPROCESS ) return;
// this should have been set below
//if ( cr->m_spiderRoundStartTime == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// how is this possible
//if ( getTimeGlobal()
float respiderFreq = -1.0;
// find the "respider frequency" from the first line in the url
// filters table whose expressions contains "{roundstart}" i guess
for ( long i = 0 ; i < cr->m_numRegExs ; i++ ) {
// get it
char *ex = cr->m_regExs[i].getBufStart();
// compare
if ( ! strstr ( ex , "roundstart" ) ) continue;
// that's good enough
respiderFreq = cr->m_spiderFreqs[i];
// if not REcrawling, set this to 0 so we at least update our
// round # and round start time...
if ( respiderFreq == -1.0 )
respiderFreq = 0.0;
if ( respiderFreq < 0.0 ) {
log("spider: bad respiderFreq of %f. making 0.",
respiderFreq = 0.0;
long seconds = (long)(respiderFreq * 24*3600);
// add 1 for lastspidertime round off errors so we can be assured
// all spiders have a lastspidertime LESS than the new
// m_spiderRoundStartTime we set below.
if ( seconds <= 0 ) seconds = 1;
// now update this round start time. all the other hosts should
// sync with us using the parm sync code, msg3e, every 13.5 seconds.
//cr->m_spiderRoundStartTime += respiderFreq;
cr->m_spiderRoundStartTime = getTimeGlobal() + seconds;
// waiting tree will usually be empty for this coll since no
// spider requests had a valid spider priority, so let's rebuild!
cr->m_spiderColl->m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild = true;
// log it
log("spider: new round #%li starttime = %lu for %s"
, cr->m_spiderRoundNum
, cr->m_spiderRoundStartTime
, cr->m_coll
bool sendNotificationForCollRec ( CollectionRec *cr ) {
// only host #0 sends emails
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_hostId != 0 )
return true;
// do not send email for maxrounds hit, it will send a round done
// email for that. otherwise we end up calling doneSendingEmail()
// twice and increment the round twice
if ( cr->m_spiderStatus == SP_MAXROUNDS ) {
log("spider: not sending email for max rounds limit "
"since already sent for round done.");
return true;
// . if already sent email for this, skip
// . localCrawlInfo stores this value on disk so it is persistent
// . we do it this way so SP_ROUNDDONE can be emailed and then
// we'd email SP_MAXROUNDS to indicate we've hit the maximum
// round count.
if ( cr->m_localCrawlInfo.m_sentCrawlDoneAlert == cr->m_spiderStatus )
return true;
// wtf? caller must set this
if ( ! cr->m_spiderStatus ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// if we already sent it return now. we set this to false everytime
// we spider a url, which resets it. use local crawlinfo for this
// since we reset global.
//if ( cr->m_localCrawlInfo.m_sentCrawlDoneAlert ) return true;
// ok, send it
EmailInfo *ei = &cr->m_emailInfo;
// in use already?
if ( ei->m_inUse ) return true;
// pingserver.cpp sets this
//ei->m_inUse = true;
// set it up
ei->m_finalCallback = doneSendingNotification;
ei->m_finalState = ei;
ei->m_collnum = cr->m_collnum;
ei->m_spiderStatusMsg = cr->m_spiderStatusMsg;
// if no email address or webhook provided this will not block!
if ( ! sendNotification ( ei ) ) return false;
// so handle this ourselves in that case:
doneSendingNotification ( ei );
return true;
SpiderColl *getNextSpiderColl ( long *cri ) ;
void gotDoledbListWrapper2 ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) ;
// The second KEYSTONE function.
// Scans doledb and spiders the doledb records.
// Doledb records contain SpiderRequests ready for spidering NOW.
// 1. gets all locks from all hosts in the shard
// 2. sends confirm msg to all hosts if lock acquired:
// - each host will remove from doledb then
// - assigned host will also add new "0" entry to waiting tree if need be
// - calling addToWaitingTree() will trigger populateDoledbFromWaitingTree()
// to add a new entry into waiting tree, not the one just locked.
// 3. makes a new xmldoc class for that url and calls indexDoc() on it
// now check our RDB_DOLEDB for SpiderRequests to spider!
void SpiderLoop::spiderDoledUrls ( ) {
// must be spidering to dole out
if ( ! g_conf.m_spideringEnabled ) return;
//if ( ! g_conf.m_webSpideringEnabled ) return;
// if we do not overlap ourselves
if ( m_gettingDoledbList ) return;
// bail instantly if in read-only mode (no RdbTrees!)
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return;
// or if doing a daily merge
if ( g_dailyMerge.m_mergeMode ) return;
// skip if too many udp slots being used
if ( g_udpServer.getNumUsedSlots() >= 1300 ) return;
// stop if too many out
if ( m_numSpidersOut >= MAX_SPIDERS ) return;
// bail if no collections
if ( g_collectiondb.m_numRecs <= 0 ) return;
// not while repairing
if ( g_repairMode ) return;
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// log("spider: trying to get a doledb rec to spider. "
// "currentnumout=%li",m_numSpidersOut);
// when getting a lock we keep a ptr to the SpiderRequest in the
// doledb list, so do not try to read more just yet until we know
// if we got the lock or not
if ( m_msg12.m_gettingLocks ) {
// make a note, maybe this is why spiders are deficient?
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: failed to get doledb rec to spider: "
"msg12 is getting locks");
// turn on for now
//g_conf.m_logDebugSpider = 1;
// log this now
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: getting collnum to dole from");
// get this
m_sc = NULL;
// avoid infinite loops
long count = g_collectiondb.m_numRecs;
// set this in the loop
CollectionRec *cr = NULL;
long nowGlobal = 0;
// . get the next collection to spider
// . just alternate them
for ( ; count > 0 ; m_cri++ , count-- ) {
// wrap it if we should
if ( m_cri >= g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ) m_cri = 0;
// get rec
cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[m_cri];
// skip if gone
if ( ! cr ) continue;
// stop if not enabled
if ( ! cr->m_spideringEnabled ) continue;
// hit crawl round max?
if ( cr->m_maxCrawlRounds > 0 &&
cr->m_spiderRoundNum >= cr->m_maxCrawlRounds ) {
cr->m_spiderStatus = SP_MAXROUNDS;
cr->m_spiderStatusMsg = "Crawl has reached "
"maxCrawlRounds limit.";
// it'll send a SP_ROUNDDONE email first
// so no need to repeat it, but we do want to
// update the status msg
//sendNotificationForCollRec ( cr );
// hit pages to crawl max?
if ( cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_pageDownloadSuccesses >=
cr->m_maxToCrawl ) {
cr->m_spiderStatus = SP_MAXTOCRAWL;
cr->m_spiderStatusMsg = "Crawl has reached maxToCrawl "
sendNotificationForCollRec ( cr );
// hit pages to process max?
if ( cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_pageProcessSuccesses >=
cr->m_maxToProcess ) {
cr->m_spiderStatus = SP_MAXTOPROCESS;
cr->m_spiderStatusMsg = "Crawl has reached "
"maxToProcess limit.";
sendNotificationForCollRec ( cr );
// get the spider collection for this collnum
m_sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(m_cri);
// skip if none
if ( ! m_sc ) continue;
// skip if we completed the doledb scan for every spider
// priority in this collection
if ( m_sc->m_didRound ) continue;
// set current time, synced with host #0
nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
// shortcut
CrawlInfo *ci = &cr->m_localCrawlInfo;
// the last time we attempted to spider a url for this coll
//m_sc->m_lastSpiderAttempt = nowGlobal;
// now we save this so when we restart these two times
// are from where we left off so we do not end up setting
// hasUrlsReadyToSpider to true which in turn sets
// the sentEmailAlert flag to false, which makes us
// send ANOTHER email alert!!
ci->m_lastSpiderAttempt = nowGlobal;
// update this for the first time in case it is never updated.
// then after 60 seconds we assume the crawl is done and
// we send out notifications. see below.
if ( ci->m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch == 0 )
ci->m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch = nowGlobal;
// . if doing respider with roundstarttime....
// . roundstarttime is > 0 if m_collectiveRespiderFrequency
// is > 0, unless it has not been set to current time yet
// . if m_collectiveRespiderFrequency was set to 0.0 then
// PageCrawlBot.cpp also sets m_roundStartTime to 0.
if ( nowGlobal < cr->m_spiderRoundStartTime ) continue;
// if populating this collection's waitingtree assume
// we would have found something to launch as well. it might
// mean the waitingtree-saved.dat file was deleted from disk
// so we need to rebuild it at startup.
if ( m_sc->m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild )
ci->m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch = nowGlobal;
// get max spiders
long maxSpiders = cr->m_maxNumSpiders;
if ( m_sc->m_isTestColl ) {
// parser does one at a time for consistency
if ( g_conf.m_testParserEnabled ) maxSpiders = 1;
// need to make it 6 since some priorities essentially
// lock the ips up that have urls in higher
// priorities. i.e. once we dole a url out for ip X,
// then if later we add a high priority url for IP X it
// can't get spidered until the one that is doled does.
if ( g_conf.m_testSpiderEnabled ) maxSpiders = 6;
// debug log
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// log("spider: has %li spiders out",m_sc->m_spidersOut);
// obey max spiders per collection too
if ( m_sc->m_spidersOut >= maxSpiders ) {
// assume we would have launched a spider
ci->m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch = nowGlobal;
// try next collection
// ok, we are good to launch a spider for coll m_cri
// if none, bail, wait for sleep wrapper to re-call us later on
if ( count == 0 ) return;
// sanity check
if ( nowGlobal == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( m_cri >= g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// grab this
//collnum_t collnum = m_cri;
//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[collnum];
// update the crawlinfo for this collection if it has been a while.
// should never block since callback is NULL.
if ( ! updateCrawlInfo(cr,NULL,NULL,true) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get this
char *coll = cr->m_coll;
// need this for msg5 call
key_t endKey; endKey.setMax();
// start at the top each time now
// set the key to this at start
//m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey = g_doledb.makeFirstKey2 ( m_sc->m_pri );
// init the m_priorityToUfn map array?
if ( ! m_sc->m_ufnMapValid ) {
// reset all priorities to map to a ufn of -1
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES ; i++ )
m_sc->m_priorityToUfn[i] = -1;
// initialize the map that maps priority to first ufn that uses
// that priority. map to -1 if no ufn uses it.
for ( long i = 0 ; i < cr->m_numRegExs ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// get the ith rule priority
long sp = cr->m_spiderPriorities[i];
// must not be filtered or banned
if ( sp < 0 ) continue;
// sanity
if ( sp >= MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// skip if already mapped
if ( m_sc->m_priorityToUfn[sp] != -1 ) continue;
// map that
m_sc->m_priorityToUfn[sp] = i;
// all done
m_sc->m_ufnMapValid = true;
// shortcut
CrawlInfo *ci = &cr->m_localCrawlInfo;
// bail if waiting for lock reply, no point in reading more
if ( m_msg12.m_gettingLocks ) {
// assume we would have launched a spider for this coll
ci->m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch = nowGlobal;
// wait for sleep callback to re-call us in 10ms
// reset priority when it goes bogus
if ( m_sc->m_pri2 < 0 ) {
// i guess the scan is complete for this guy
m_sc->m_didRound = true;
// count # of priority scan rounds done
// reset for next coll
m_sc->m_pri2 = MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES - 1;
// reset key now too since this coll was exhausted
//m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey=g_doledb.makeFirstKey2 ( m_sc->m_pri );
// we can't keep starting over because there are often tons
// of annihilations between positive and negative keys
// and causes massive disk slow down because we have to do
// like 300 re-reads or more of about 2k each on coeus
m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey = m_sc->m_nextKeys [ m_sc->m_pri2 ];
// and this
m_sc->m_msg5StartKey = m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey;
// was it all empty? if did not encounter ANY doledb recs
// after scanning all priorities, set empty to true.
//if ( ! m_sc->m_encounteredDoledbRecs &&
// // if waiting tree is rebuilding... could be empty...
// ! m_sc->m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild )
// m_sc->m_lastDoledbReadEmpty = true;
// and go up top
goto collLoop;
// shortcut
//CollectionRec *cr = m_sc->m_cr;
// sanity
if ( cr != m_sc->m_cr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// skip the priority if we already have enough spiders on it
long out = m_sc->m_outstandingSpiders[m_sc->m_pri2];
// how many spiders can we have out?
long max = 0;
for ( long i =0 ; i < cr->m_numRegExs ; i++ ) {
if ( cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] != m_sc->m_pri2 ) continue;
if ( ! cr->m_spidersEnabled[i] ) continue;
if ( cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule[i] > max )
max = cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule[i];
// get the max # of spiders over all ufns that use this priority!
//long max = getMaxAllowableSpidersOut ( m_sc->m_pri2 );
//long ufn = m_sc->m_priorityToUfn[m_sc->m_pri2];
// how many can we have? crap, this is based on ufn, not priority
// so we need to map the priority to a ufn that uses that priority
//long max = 0;
// see if it has a maxSpiders, if no ufn uses this priority then
// "max" will remain set to 0
//if ( ufn >= 0 ) max = m_sc->m_cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule[ufn];
// turned off?
//if ( ufn >= 0 && ! m_sc->m_cr->m_spidersEnabled[ufn] ) max = 0;
// always allow at least 1, they can disable spidering otherwise
// no, we use this to disabled spiders... if ( max <= 0 ) max = 1;
// skip?
if ( out >= max ) {
// assume we could have launched a spider
if ( max > 0 ) ci->m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch = nowGlobal;
// count as non-empty then!
//m_sc->m_encounteredDoledbRecs = true;
// try the priority below us
// set the new key for this priority if valid
//if ( m_sc->m_pri >= 0 )
// //m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey =
// // g_doledb.makeFirstKey2(m_sc->m_pri);
// m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey = m_sc->m_nextKeys[m_sc->m_pri2];
// and try again
goto loop;
// we only launch one spider at a time... so lock it up
m_gettingDoledbList = true;
// log this now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
m_doleStart = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
// debug
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider &&
m_sc->m_msg5StartKey != m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey )
log("spider: msg5startKey differs from nextdoledbkey");
// get a spider rec for us to spider from doledb
if ( ! m_msg5.getList ( RDB_DOLEDB ,
coll ,
&m_list ,
endKey ,
// need to make this big because we don't
// want to end up getting just a negative key
//1 , // minRecSizes (~ 7000)
// we need to read in a lot because we call
// "goto listLoop" below if the url we want
// to dole is locked.
// seems like a ton of negative recs
2000 , // minRecSizes
true , // includeTree
false , // addToCache
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum
-1 , // numFiles (all)
this , // state
gotDoledbListWrapper2 ,
MAX_NICENESS , // niceness
true ))// do error correction?
// return if it blocked
return ;
// debug
//log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: read list of %li bytes from spiderdb for "
// "pri=%li+",m_list.m_listSize,(long)m_sc->m_pri);
// breathe
// . add urls in list to cache
// . returns true if we should read another list
// . will set startKey to next key to start at
if ( gotDoledbList2 ( ) ) {
// . if priority is -1 that means try next priority
// . DO NOT reset the whole scan. that was what was happening
// when we just had "goto loop;" here
// . this means a reset above!!!
//if ( m_sc->m_pri2 == -1 ) return;
// bail if waiting for lock reply, no point in reading more
// mdw- i moved this check up to loop: jump point.
//if ( m_msg12.m_gettingLocks ) return;
// gotDoledbList2() always advances m_nextDoledbKey so
// try another read
goto loop;
// wait for the msg12 get lock request to return...
// or maybe spiders are off
// . decrement priority
// . will also set m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey
// . will also set m_sc->m_msg5StartKey
void SpiderColl::devancePriority() {
// try next
m_pri2 = m_pri2 - 1;
// how can this happen?
if ( m_pri2 < -1 ) m_pri2 = -1;
// bogus?
if ( m_pri2 < 0 ) return;
// set to next priority otherwise
//m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey=g_doledb.makeFirstKey2 ( m_sc->m_pri );
m_nextDoledbKey = m_nextKeys [m_pri2];
// and the read key
m_msg5StartKey = m_nextDoledbKey;
void gotDoledbListWrapper2 ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) {
// process the doledb list and try to launch a spider
// regardless of whether that blocked or not try to launch another
// and try to get the next SpiderRequest from doledb
// . this is in seconds
// . had to make this 4 hours since one url was taking more than an hour
// to lookup over 80,000 places in placedb. after an hour it had only
// reached about 30,000
// . this problem with this now is that it will lock an entire IP until it
// expires if we have maxSpidersPerIp set to 1. so now we try to add
// a SpiderReply for local errors like when XmlDoc::indexDoc() sets g_errno,
// we try to add a SpiderReply at least.
#define MAX_LOCK_AGE (3600*4)
// spider the spider rec in this list from doledb
bool SpiderLoop::gotDoledbList2 ( ) {
// unlock
m_gettingDoledbList = false;
// shortcuts
CollectionRec *cr = m_sc->m_cr;
CrawlInfo *ci = &cr->m_localCrawlInfo;
// update m_msg5StartKey for next read
if ( m_list.getListSize() > 0 ) {
m_list.getLastKey((char *)&m_sc->m_msg5StartKey);
m_sc->m_msg5StartKey += 1;
// i guess we had something? wait for nothing to be there
//m_sc->m_encounteredDoledbRecs = true;
// log this now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
long long now = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
long long took = now - m_doleStart;
if ( took > 2 )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: GOT list from doledb in "
"%llims "
"size=%li bytes",
bool bail = false;
// bail instantly if in read-only mode (no RdbTrees!)
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) bail = true;
// or if doing a daily merge
if ( g_dailyMerge.m_mergeMode ) bail = true;
// skip if too many udp slots being used
if ( g_udpServer.getNumUsedSlots() >= 1300 ) bail = true;
// stop if too many out
if ( m_numSpidersOut >= MAX_SPIDERS ) bail = true;
if ( bail ) {
// assume we could have launched a spider
ci->m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch = getTimeGlobal();
// return false to indicate to try another
return false;
// bail if list is empty
if ( m_list.getListSize() <= 0 ) {
// if no spiders...
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
// log("spider: crap. doledblist is empty. numusednodes"
// "inwaitingtree=%li",
// m_sc->m_waitingTree.m_numUsedNodes);
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// log("spider: resetting doledb priority pri=%li",
// m_sc->m_pri);
// trigger a reset
//m_sc->m_pri = -1;
// . let the sleep timer init the loop again!
// . no, just continue the loop
//return true;
// . this priority is EMPTY, try next
// . will also set m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey
// . will also set m_sc->m_msg5StartKey
// this priority is EMPTY, try next
//m_sc->m_pri = m_sc->m_pri - 1;
// how can this happen?
//if ( m_sc->m_pri < -1 ) m_sc->m_pri = -1;
// all done if priority is negative, it will start over
// at the top most priority, we've completed a round
//if ( m_sc->m_pri < 0 ) return true;
// set to next priority otherwise
//m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey=g_doledb.makeFirstKey2 ( m_sc->m_pri );
//m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey = m_sc->m_nextKeys [m_sc->m_pri];
// and load that list from doledb for that priority
return true;
// if debugging the spider flow show the start key if list non-empty
/*if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
// 12 byte doledb keys
long pri = g_doledb.getPriority(&m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey);
long stm = g_doledb.getSpiderTime(&m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey);
long long uh48 = g_doledb.getUrlHash48(&m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey);
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: loading list from doledb startkey=%s"
" pri=%li time=%lu uh48=%llu",
time_t nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
// double check
//if ( ! m_list.checkList_r( true , false, RDB_DOLEDB) ) {
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// debug parm
//long lastpri = -2;
//long lockCount = 0;
// reset ptr to point to first rec in list
// all done if empty
//if ( m_list.isExhausted() ) {
// // copied from above
// m_sc->m_didRound = true;
// // and try next colleciton immediately
// return true;
// breathe
// get the current rec from list ptr
char *rec = (char *)m_list.getListPtr();
// the doledbkey
key_t *doledbKey = (key_t *)rec;
// get record after it next time
m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey = *doledbKey ;
// sanity check -- wrap watch -- how can this really happen?
if ( m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey.n1 == 0xffffffff &&
m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey.n0 == 0xffffffffffffffffLL ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// only inc it if its positive! because we do have negative
// doledb keys in here now
//if ( (m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey & 0x01) == 0x01 )
// m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey += 1;
// if its negative inc by two then! this fixes the bug where the
// list consisted only of one negative key and was spinning forever
// m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey += 2;
// if its negative inc by two then! this fixes the bug where the
// list consisted only of one negative key and was spinning forever
if ( (m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey & 0x01) == 0x00 )
m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey += 2;
// did it hit zero? that means it wrapped around!
if ( m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey.n1 == 0x0 &&
m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey.n0 == 0x0 ) {
// TODO: work this out
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get priority from doledb key
long pri = g_doledb.getPriority ( doledbKey );
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: setting pri2=%li nextkey to %s",
// update next doledbkey for this priority to avoid having to
// process excessive positive/negative key annihilations
m_sc->m_nextKeys [ m_sc->m_pri2 ] = m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey;
// sanity
if ( pri < 0 || pri >= MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// skip the priority if we already have enough spiders on it
long out = m_sc->m_outstandingSpiders[pri];
// get the first ufn that uses this priority
//long max = getMaxAllowableSpidersOut ( pri );
// how many spiders can we have out?
long max = 0;
// in milliseconds. ho wlong to wait between downloads from same IP.
// only for parnent urls, not including child docs like robots.txt
// iframe contents, etc.
long sameIpWaitTime = 5000; // 250; // ms
long maxSpidersOutPerIp = 1;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < cr->m_numRegExs ; i++ ) {
if ( cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] != m_sc->m_pri2 ) continue;
if ( ! cr->m_spidersEnabled[i] ) continue;
if ( cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule[i] > max )
max = cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule[i];
if ( cr->m_spiderIpWaits[i] < sameIpWaitTime )
sameIpWaitTime = cr->m_spiderIpWaits[i];
if ( cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i] > maxSpidersOutPerIp )
maxSpidersOutPerIp = cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i];
//long ufn = m_sc->m_priorityToUfn[pri];
// how many can we have? crap, this is based on ufn, not priority
// so we need to map the priority to a ufn that uses that priority
//long max = 0;
// see if it has a maxSpiders, if no ufn uses this priority then
// "max" will remain set to 0
//if ( ufn >= 0 ) max = m_sc->m_cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule[ufn];
// turned off?
//if ( ufn >= 0 && ! m_sc->m_cr->m_spidersEnabled[ufn] ) max = 0;
// if we skipped over the priority we wanted, update that
//m_pri = pri;
// then do the next one after that for next round
// always allow at least 1, they can disable spidering otherwise
//if ( max <= 0 ) max = 1;
// skip? and re-get another doledb list from next priority...
if ( out >= max ) {
// assume we could have launched a spider
if ( max > 0 ) ci->m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch = nowGlobal;
// this priority is maxed out, try next
// assume not an empty read
//m_sc->m_encounteredDoledbRecs = true;
//m_sc->m_pri = pri - 1;
// all done if priority is negative
//if ( m_sc->m_pri < 0 ) return true;
// set to next priority otherwise
//m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey=g_doledb.makeFirstKey2 ( m_sc->m_pri );
//m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey = m_sc->m_nextKeys [m_sc->m_pri];
// and load that list
return true;
// no negatives - wtf?
// if only the tree has doledb recs, Msg5.cpp does not remove
// the negative recs... it doesn't bother to merge.
if ( (doledbKey->n0 & 0x01) == 0 ) {
// just increment then i guess
// if exhausted -- try another load with m_nextKey set
if ( m_list.isExhausted() ) return true;
// otherwise, try the next doledb rec in this list
goto listLoop;
// what is this? a dataless positive key?
if ( m_list.getCurrentRecSize() <= 16 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get the "spider rec" (SpiderRequest) (embedded in the doledb rec)
SpiderRequest *sreq = (SpiderRequest *)(rec + sizeof(key_t)+4);
// sanity check. check for http(s)://
if ( sreq->m_url[0] != 'h' &&
// might be a docid from a pagereindex.cpp
! is_digit(sreq->m_url[0]) ) {
// note it
if ( (g_corruptCount % 1000) == 0 )
log("spider: got corrupt doledb record. ignoring. "
"pls fix!!!");
// skip for now....!! what is causing this???
// if exhausted -- try another load with m_nextKey set
if ( m_list.isExhausted() ) return true;
// otherwise, try the next doledb rec in this list
goto listLoop;
// sometimes we have it locked, but is still in doledb i guess.
// seems like we might have give the lock to someone else and
// there confirmation has not come through yet, so it's still
// in doledb.
HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
// shortcut
long long uh48 = sreq->getUrlHash48();
// get the lock... only avoid if confirmed!
long slot = ht->getSlot ( &uh48 );
UrlLock *lock = NULL;
if ( slot >= 0 )
// get the corresponding lock then if there
lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot ( slot );
// if there and confirmed, why still in doledb?
if ( lock && lock->m_confirmed ) {
// why is it not getting unlocked!?!?!
log("spider: spider request locked but still in doledb.");
// just increment then i guess
// let's return false here to avoid an infinite loop
// since we are nto advancing nextkey and m_pri is not
// being changed, that is what happens!
if ( m_list.isExhausted() ) {
// crap. but then we never make it to lower priorities.
// since we are returning false. so let's try the
// next priority in line.
// try returning true now that we skipped to
// the next priority level to avoid the infinite
// loop as described above.
return true;
//return false;//true;
// try the next record in this list
goto listLoop;
// . no no! the SpiderRequests in doledb are in our group because
// doledb is split based on ... firstIp i guess...
// BUT now lock is done based on probable docid since we do not
// know the firstIp if injected spider requests but we do know
// their probable docids since that is basically a function of
// the url itself. THUS we now must realize this by trying to
// get the lock for it and failing!
// . likewise, if this request is already being spidered, if it
// is in the lock table, skip it...
// . if this is currently locked for spidering by us or another
// host (or by us) then return true here
HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
// shortcut
//long long uh48 = sreq->getUrlHash48();
// get the lock key
unsigned long long lockKey ;
lockKey = g_titledb.getFirstProbableDocId(sreq->m_probDocId);
// check tree
long slot = ht->getSlot ( &lockKey );
// if more than an hour old nuke it and clear it
if ( slot >= 0 ) {
// get the corresponding lock then if there
UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot ( slot );
// if 1hr+ old, nuke it and disregard
if ( nowGlobal - lock->m_timestamp > MAX_LOCK_AGE ) {
// unlock it
ht->removeSlot ( slot );
// it is gone
slot = -1;
// if there say no no -- will try next spiderrequest in doledb then
if ( slot >= 0 ) {
// just increment then i guess
// count locks
//if ( pri == lastpri ) lockCount++;
//else lockCount = 1;
//lastpri = pri;
// how is it we can have 2 locked but only 1 outstanding
// for the same priority?
// basically this url is done being spidered, but we have
// not yet processed the negative doledb key in Rdb.cpp which
// will remove the lock from the lock table... so this
// situation is perfectly fine i guess.. assuming that is
// what is going on
//if ( lockCount >= max ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// this is not good
static bool s_flag = false;
if ( ! s_flag ) {
s_flag = true;
log("spider: got url %s that is locked but in dole "
"table... skipping",sreq->m_url);
// if exhausted -- try another load with m_nextKey set
if ( m_list.isExhausted() ) return true;
// otherwise, try the next doledb rec in this list
goto listLoop;
// force this set i guess... why isn't it set already? i guess when
// we added the spider request to doledb it was not set at that time
//sreq->m_doled = 1;
// sanity check. verify the spiderrequest also exists in our
// spidercache. we no longer store doled out spider requests in our
// cache!! they are separate now.
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
// // scan for it since we may have dup requests
// long long uh48 = sreq->getUrlHash48();
// long long pdocid = sreq->getParentDocId();
// // get any request from our urlhash table
// SpiderRequest *sreq2 = m_sc->getSpiderRequest2 (&uh48,pdocid);
// // must be there. i guess it could be missing if there is
// // corruption and we lost it in spiderdb but not in doledb...
// if ( ! sreq2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// log this now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: trying to spider url %s",sreq->m_url);
if ( ufn >= 0 ) {
long siwt = m_sc->m_cr->m_spiderIpWaits[ufn];
if ( siwt >= 0 ) sameIpWaitTime = siwt;
if ( ufn >= 0 ) {
maxSpidersOutPerIp = m_sc->m_cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[ufn];
if ( maxSpidersOutPerIp < 0 ) maxSpidersOutPerIp = 999;
// assume we launch the spider below. really this timestamp indicates
// the last time we COULD HAVE LAUNCHED *OR* did actually launch
// a spider
ci->m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch = nowGlobal;
// set crawl done email sent flag so another email can be sent again
// in case the user upped the maxToCrawl limit, for instance,
// so that the crawl could continue.
//ci->m_sentCrawlDoneAlert = 0;
// there are urls ready to spider
ci->m_hasUrlsReadyToSpider = true;
// reset reason why crawl is not running, because we basically are now
cr->m_spiderStatus = 0;
cr->m_spiderStatusMsg = NULL;
// be sure to save state so we do not re-send emails
cr->m_needsSave = 1;
// assume not an empty read
//m_sc->m_encounteredDoledbRecs = true;
// shortcut
char *coll = m_sc->m_cr->m_coll;
// . spider that. we don't care wheter it blocks or not
// . crap, it will need to block to get the locks!
// . so at least wait for that!!!
// . but if we end up launching the spider then this should NOT
// return false! only return false if we should hold up the doledb
// scan
// . this returns true right away if it failed to get the lock...
// which means the url is already locked by someone else...
// . it might also return true if we are already spidering the url
bool status = spiderUrl9 ( sreq , doledbKey , coll , sameIpWaitTime ,
maxSpidersOutPerIp ) ;
// just increment then i guess
// if it blocked, wait for it to return to resume the doledb list
// processing because the msg12 is out and we gotta wait for it to
// come back. when lock reply comes back it tries to spider the url
// then it tries to call spiderDoledUrls() to keep the spider queue
// spidering fully.
if ( ! status ) return false;
// if exhausted -- try another load with m_nextKey set
if ( m_list.isExhausted() ) {
// if no more in list, fix the next doledbkey,
// m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey
log ( LOG_DEBUG,"spider: list exhausted.");
return true;
// otherwise, it might have been in the lock cache and quickly
// rejected, or rejected for some other reason, so try the next
// doledb rec in this list
goto listLoop;
// otherwise, it blocked, trying to get the lock across the network.
// so reset the doledb scan assuming it will go through. if it does
// NOT get the lock, then it will be in the lock cache for quick
// "return true" from spiderUrl() above next time we try it.
// once we get a url from doledb to spider, reset our doledb scan.
// that way if a new url gets added to doledb that is high priority
// then we get it right away.
// NO! because the lock request can block then fail!! and we end
// up resetting and in an infinite loop!
//m_sc->m_pri = -1;
//return false;
// . spider the next url that needs it the most
// . returns false if blocked on a spider launch, otherwise true.
// . returns false if your callback will be called
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool SpiderLoop::spiderUrl9 ( SpiderRequest *sreq ,
key_t *doledbKey ,
char *coll ,
long sameIpWaitTime ,
long maxSpidersOutPerIp ) {
// sanity check
//if ( ! sreq->m_doled ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if waiting on a lock, wait
if ( m_msg12.m_gettingLocks ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity
if ( ! m_sc ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
// core dump? just re-run gb and restart the parser test...
if ( //g_test.m_isRunning &&
//! g_test.m_spiderLinks &&
g_conf.m_testParserEnabled &&
! sreq->m_isInjecting ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// wait until our clock is synced with host #0 before spidering since
// we store time stamps in the domain and ip wait tables in
// SpiderCache.cpp. We don't want to freeze domain for a long time
// because we think we have to wait until tomorrow before we can
// spider it.
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) {
// let admin know why we are not spidering
static char s_printed = false;
if ( ! s_printed ) {
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: NOT SPIDERING until clock "
"is in sync with host #0.");
s_printed = true;
return true;
// turned off?
if ( ( (! g_conf.m_spideringEnabled
) && // ! g_conf.m_webSpideringEnabled ) &&
! sreq->m_isInjecting ) ||
// repairing the collection's rdbs?
g_repairMode ||
// power went off?
! g_process.m_powerIsOn ) {
// try to cancel outstanding spiders, ignore injects
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= m_maxUsed ; i++ ) {
// get it
XmlDoc *xd = m_docs[i];
if ( ! xd ) continue;
//if ( xd->m_oldsr.m_isInjecting ) continue;
// let everyone know, TcpServer::cancel() uses this in
// destroySocket()
g_errno = ECANCELLED;
// cancel the socket trans who has "xd" as its state.
// this will cause XmlDoc::gotDocWrapper() to be called
// now, on this call stack with g_errno set to
// ECANCELLED. But if Msg16 was not in the middle of
// HttpServer::getDoc() then this will have no effect.
g_httpServer.cancel ( xd );//, g_msg13RobotsWrapper );
// cancel any Msg13 that xd might have been waiting for
g_udpServer.cancel ( &xd->m_msg13 , 0x13 );
return true;
// do not launch any new spiders if in repair mode
if ( g_repairMode ) {
g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = false;
//g_conf.m_injectionEnabled = false;
return true;
// do not launch another spider if less than 25MB of memory available.
// this causes us to dead lock when spiders use up all the mem, and
// file merge operation can not get any, and spiders need to add to
// titledb but can not until the merge completes!!
if ( g_mem.m_maxMem - g_mem.m_used < 25*1024*1024 ) {
static long s_lastTime = 0;
static long s_missed = 0;
long now = getTime();
// don't spam the log, bug let people know about it
if ( now - s_lastTime > 10 ) {
log("spider: Need 25MB of free mem to launch spider, "
"only have %lli. Failed to launch %li times so "
"far.", g_mem.m_maxMem - g_mem.m_used , s_missed );
s_lastTime = now;
// shortcut
long long lockKeyUh48 = sreq->getUrlHash48();
//unsigned long long lockKey ;
//lockKey = g_titledb.getFirstProbableDocId(sreq->m_probDocId);
//lockKey = g_titledb.getFirstProbableDocId(sreq->m_probDocId);
// . now that we have to use msg12 to see if the thing is locked
// to avoid spidering it.. (see comment in above function)
// we often try to spider something we are already spidering. that
// is why we have an rdbcache, m_lockCache, to make these lock
// lookups quick, now that the locking group is usually different
// than our own!
// . we have ot check this now because removeAllLocks() below will
// remove a lock that one of our spiders might have. it is only
// sensitive to our hostid, not "spider id"
// sometimes we exhaust the doledb and m_nextDoledbKey gets reset
// to zero, we do a re-scan and get a doledbkey that is currently
// being spidered or is waiting for its negative doledb key to
// get into our doledb tree
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= m_maxUsed ; i++ ) {
// get it
XmlDoc *xd = m_docs[i];
if ( ! xd ) continue;
// . problem if it has our doledb key!
// . this happens if we removed the lock above before the
// spider returned!! that's why you need to set
// MAX_LOCK_AGE to like an hour or so
// . i've also seen this happen because we got stuck looking
// up like 80,000 places and it was taking more than an
// hour. it had only reach about 30,000 after an hour.
// so at this point just set the lock timeout to
// 4 hours i guess.
// . i am seeing this again and we are trying over and over
// again to spider the same url and hogging the cpu so
// we need to keep this sanity check in here for times
// like this
if ( xd->m_doledbKey == *doledbKey ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// keep chugging
//if ( xd->m_doledbKey != *doledbKey ) continue;
// count it as processed
// log it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: we are already spidering %s "
// all done, no lock granted...
return true;
// reset g_errno
g_errno = 0;
// breathe
// sanity. ensure m_sreq doesn't change from under us i guess
if ( m_msg12.m_gettingLocks ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get rid of this crap for now
// save these in case getLocks() blocks
m_sreq = sreq;
m_doledbKey = doledbKey;
m_coll = coll;
// we store this in msg12 for making a fakedb key
collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( coll );
// if we already have the lock then forget it. this can happen
// if spidering was turned off then back on.
// MDW: TODO: we can't do this anymore since we no longer have
// the lockTable check above because we do not control our own
// lock now necessarily. it often is in another group's lockTable.
//if ( g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable.isInTable(&lockKey) ) {
// log("spider: already have lock for lockKey=%llu",lockKey);
// // proceed
// return spiderUrl2();
// flag it so m_sreq does not "disappear"
m_msg12.m_gettingLocks = true;
// count it
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: getting lock for %s",m_sreq->m_url);
// . try to get the lock. assume it always blocks
// . it will call spiderUrl2 with sr when it gets a reply
// . if injecting, no need for lock! will return true for that!
if ( ! m_msg12.getLocks ( m_sreq->getUrlHash48() ,
m_sreq->m_url ,
m_doledbKey ,
NULL , // state
NULL ) ) // callback
return false;
// no go
m_msg12.m_gettingLocks = false;
// it will not block if the lock was found in our m_lockCache!
return true;
// should always block now!
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// i guess we got it
//return spiderUrl2 ( );
//return true;
bool SpiderLoop::spiderUrl2 ( ) {
// sanity check
//if ( ! m_sreq->m_doled ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . find an available doc slot
// . we can have up to MAX_SPIDERS spiders (300)
long i;
for ( i=0 ; i<MAX_SPIDERS ; i++ ) if (! m_docs[i]) break;
// breathe
// come back later if we're full
if ( i >= MAX_SPIDERS ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"build: Already have %li outstanding spiders.",
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// breathe
XmlDoc *xd;
// otherwise, make a new one if we have to
try { xd = new (XmlDoc); }
// bail on failure, sleep and try again
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("build: Could not allocate %li bytes to spider "
"the url %s. Will retry later.",
(long)sizeof(XmlDoc), m_sreq->m_url );
return true;
// register it's mem usage with Mem.cpp class
mnew ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "XmlDoc" );
// add to the array
m_docs [ i ] = xd;
// . pass in a pbuf if this is the "test" collection
// . we will dump the SafeBuf output into a file in the
// test subdir for comparison with previous versions of gb
// in order to see what changed
SafeBuf *pbuf = NULL;
if ( !strcmp( m_coll,"test") && g_conf.m_testParserEnabled )
pbuf = &xd->m_sbuf;
// sanity checks
//long long uh48;
//long long pdocid;
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
// // scan for it since we may have dup requests
// uh48 = m_sreq->getUrlHash48();
// pdocid = m_sreq->getParentDocId();
// // get any request from our urlhash table
// SpiderRequest *sreq2 = m_sc->getSpiderRequest2 (&uh48,pdocid);
// // must be valid parent
// if ( ! sreq2 && pdocid == 0LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// // for now core on this
// if ( ! sreq2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// // log it
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: spidering uh48=%llu pdocid=%llu",
// uh48,pdocid);
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: spidering uh48=%llu pdocid=%llu",
m_sreq->getUrlHash48(),m_sreq->getParentDocId() );
if ( ! xd->set4 ( m_sreq ,
m_doledbKey ,
m_coll ,
pbuf ,
// error, g_errno should be set!
return true;
// call this after doc gets indexed
xd->setCallback ( xd , indexedDocWrapper );
// set it from provided parms if we are injecting via Msg7
if ( m_sreq->m_isInjecting ) {
// now fill these in if provided too!
if ( m_content ) {
if ( m_sreq->m_firstIp ) {
xd->m_ip = m_sreq->m_firstIp;
xd->m_ipValid = true;
xd->m_isContentTruncated = false;
xd->m_isContentTruncatedValid = true;
xd->m_httpReplyValid = true;
xd->m_httpReply = m_content;
xd->m_httpReplySize = m_contentLen + 1;
if ( ! m_contentHasMime ) xd->m_useFakeMime = true;
// a special callback for injected docs
//xd->m_injectionCallback = m_callback;
//xd->m_injectionState = m_state;
// increase m_maxUsed if we have to
if ( i > m_maxUsed ) m_maxUsed = i;
// count it
// count this
// count it as a hit
// sanity check
if (m_sreq->m_priority <= -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//if(m_sreq->m_priority >= MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// update this
m_sc->m_outstandingSpiders[(unsigned char)m_sreq->m_priority]++;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: sc_out=%li waiting=%li url=%s",
// debug log
//log("XXX: incremented count to %li for %s",
// m_sc->m_spidersOut,m_sreq->m_url);
//if ( m_sc->m_spidersOut != m_numSpidersOut ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . return if this blocked
// . no, launch another spider!
bool status = xd->indexDoc();
// . reset the next doledbkey to start over!
// . when spiderDoledUrls() see this negative priority it will
// reset the doledb scan to the top priority.
m_sc->m_pri2 = -1;
// if we were injecting and it blocked... return false
if ( ! status ) return false;
// deal with this error
indexedDoc ( xd );
// "callback" will not be called cuz it should be NULL
return true;
// . the one that was just indexed
// . Msg7.cpp uses this to see what docid the injected doc got so it
// can forward it to external program
//static long long s_lastDocId = -1;
//long long SpiderLoop::getLastDocId ( ) { return s_lastDocId; }
void indexedDocWrapper ( void *state ) {
// . process the results
// . return if this blocks
if ( ! g_spiderLoop.indexedDoc ( (XmlDoc *)state ) ) return;
//a hack to fix injecting urls, because they can
//run at niceness 0 but most of the spider pipeline
//cannot. we should really just make injection run at
//MAX_NICENESS. OK, done! mdw
//if ( g_loop.m_inQuickPoll ) return;
// . continue gettings Spider recs to spider
// . if it's already waiting for a list it'll just return
// . mdw: keep your eye on this, it was commented out
// . this won't execute if we're already getting a list now
//g_spiderLoop.spiderUrl ( );
// spider some urls that were doled to us
g_spiderLoop.spiderDoledUrls( );
// . this will delete m_docs[i]
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool SpiderLoop::indexedDoc ( XmlDoc *xd ) {
// save the error in case a call changes it below
//long saved = g_errno;
// get our doc #, i
//long i = doc - m_docs[0];
long i = 0;
for ( ; i < MAX_SPIDERS ; i++ ) if ( m_docs[i] == xd) break;
// sanity check
if ( i >= MAX_SPIDERS ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set to -1 to indicate inject
//if ( i < 0 || i >= MAX_SPIDERS ) i = -1;
//char injecting = false;
//if ( xd->m_oldsr.m_isInjecting ) injecting = true;
// save it for Msg7.cpp to pass docid of injected doc back
//s_lastDocId = xd->m_docId;
// . decrease m_maxUsed if we need to
// . we can decrease all the way to -1, which means no spiders going on
if ( m_maxUsed == i ) {
while ( m_maxUsed >= 0 && ! m_docs[m_maxUsed] ) m_maxUsed--;
// count it
// get coll
collnum_t collnum = xd->m_collnum;//tiondb.getCollnum ( xd->m_coll );
// if coll was deleted while spidering, sc will be NULL
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(collnum);
// decrement this
if ( sc ) sc->m_spidersOut--;
// get the original request from xmldoc
SpiderRequest *sreq = &xd->m_oldsr;
// update this.
if ( sc ) sc->m_outstandingSpiders[(unsigned char)sreq->m_priority]--;
// debug log
//log("XXX: decremented count to %li for %s",
// sc->m_spidersOut,sreq->m_url);
//if ( sc->m_spidersOut != m_numSpidersOut ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( xd->m_niceness );
// are we a re-spider?
bool respider = false;
if ( xd->m_oldDocValid && xd->m_oldDoc ) respider = true;
// . dump it out to a file in the "test" subdir
// . but only the first time we spider it...
if ( ! strcmp(xd->m_coll,"test") && ! respider &&
// no longer need this when qa testing spider, not parser
g_conf.m_testParserEnabled ) {
// save the buffers
// get it
//SafeBuf *pbuf = xd->m_pbuf;
SafeBuf sb;
// get it
xd->printDoc ( &sb );
// get the first url
Url *u = xd->getFirstUrl();
// . get its hash
// . should be same hash we use to store doc.%llu.html in
// XmlDoc.cpp/Msg13.cpp stuff (getTestDoc())
long long h = hash64 ( u->getUrl() , u->getUrlLen() );
char *testDir = g_test.getTestDir();
// make filename to dump out to
char fn[1024];
// . dump it out to a file
// . WATCH OUT. g_errno is set on internal errors, like OOM
// or whatever, so don't save in those cases...???????
sb.dumpToFile ( fn );
// just dump the <div class=shotdisplay> tags into this file
// output to a special file
SafeBuf tmp;
// insert this
tmp.safeStrcpy("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "
"content=\"text/html; "
// header stuff
// put the onclick script in there
tmp.safeStrcpy ( xd->getCheckboxScript() );
// concatenate just these sections in "sb" to "tmp"
tmp.cat2 ( sb ,
"<div class=shortdisplay>" ,
"</div class=shortdisplay>" );
// header stuff
// then dump
tmp.dumpToFile ( fn );
// if it had critical errors from XmlDoc::validateOutput()
// then create that file!
//if ( xd->m_validateMisses > 0 || xd->m_validateFlagged ) {
// make the critical file filename
char cf[1024];
sprintf (cf,"%s/%s/critical.%llu.%lu.txt",
// save to that
ttt.dumpToFile ( cf );
//char cmd[256];
//sprintf(cmd,"touch %s/test/critical.%llu.%lu.txt",
// g_hostdb.m_dir,h,g_test.m_runId);
// note it
//log("crazyin: %s",u->m_url );
// note it
// now in PingServer.cpp for hostid 0 it checks
// the urlsindexed from each host if g_conf.m_testParserEnabled
// is true to see if we should call g_test.stopIt()
// if that is zero we are done
//if ( g_test.m_urlsAdded == 0 && ! g_test.m_isAdding &&
// // only stop if not spidering links
// //! g_test.m_spiderLinks )
// g_conf.m_testParserEnabled )
// // wrap things up
// g_test.stopIt();
// note it
// this should not happen any more since indexDoc() will take
// care of g_errno now by clearing it and adding an error spider
// reply to release the lock!!
if ( g_errno ) {
log("spider: ----CRITICAL CRITICAL CRITICAL----");
log("spider: ----CRITICAL CRITICAL CRITICAL----");
log("spider: ------ *** LOCAL ERROR *** ------");
log("spider: ------ *** LOCAL ERROR *** ------");
log("spider: ------ *** LOCAL ERROR *** ------");
log("spider: spidering %s has error: %s. uh48=%lli. "
"Respidering "
"in %li seconds. MAX_LOCK_AGE when lock expires.",
log("spider: ------ *** LOCAL ERROR *** ------");
log("spider: ------ *** LOCAL ERROR *** ------");
log("spider: ------ *** LOCAL ERROR *** ------");
log("spider: ----CRITICAL CRITICAL CRITICAL----");
log("spider: ----CRITICAL CRITICAL CRITICAL----");
// don't release the lock on it right now. just let the
// lock expire on it after MAX_LOCK_AGE seconds. then it will
// be retried. we need to debug gb so these things never
// hapeen...
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( xd->m_niceness );
// . call the final callback used for injecting urls
// . this may send a reply back so the caller knows the url
// was fully injected into the index
// . Msg7.cpp uses a callback that returns a void, so use m_callback1!
//if ( xd->m_injectionCallback && injecting ) {
// g_errno = saved;
// // use the index code as the error for PageInject.cpp
// if ( ! g_errno && xd->m_indexCode ) g_errno = xd->m_indexCode;
// xd->m_injectionCallback ( xd->m_injectionState );
// we don't need this g_errno passed this point
g_errno = 0;
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( xd->m_niceness );
// did this doc get a chance to add its meta list to msg4 bufs?
//bool addedMetaList = m_docs[i]->m_listAdded;
// set this in case we need to call removeAllLocks
//m_uh48 = 0LL;
//if ( xd->m_oldsrValid ) m_uh48 = xd->m_oldsr.getUrlHash48();
// we are responsible for deleting doc now
mdelete ( m_docs[i] , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "Doc" );
delete (m_docs[i]);
m_docs[i] = NULL;
// we remove the spider lock from g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable in Rdb.cpp
// when it receives the negative doledb key. but if the this does not
// happen, we have a problem then!
//if ( addedMetaList ) return true;
// sanity
//if ( ! m_uh48 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// the lock we had in g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable for the doleKey
// is now remove in Rdb.cpp when it receives a negative dole key to
// add to doledb... assuming we added that meta list!!
// m_uh48 should be set from above
//if ( ! removeAllLocks () ) return false;
// we did not block, so return true
return true;
void gotLockReplyWrapper ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) {
// cast it
Msg12 *msg12 = (Msg12 *)state;
// . call handler
// . returns false if waiting for more replies to come in
if ( ! msg12->gotLockReply ( slot ) ) return;
// if had callback, maybe from PageReindex.cpp
if ( msg12->m_callback ) msg12->m_callback ( msg12->m_state );
// ok, try to get another url to spider
else g_spiderLoop.spiderDoledUrls();
Msg12::Msg12 () {
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise.
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
// . before we can spider for a SpiderRequest we must be granted the lock
// . each group shares the same doledb and each host in the group competes
// for spidering all those urls.
// . that way if a host goes down is load is taken over
bool Msg12::getLocks ( long long uh48, // probDocId ,
char *url ,
DOLEDBKEY *doledbKey,
collnum_t collnum,
long sameIpWaitTime,
long maxSpidersOutPerIp,
long firstIp,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ) {
// ensure not in use. not msg12 replies outstanding.
if ( m_numRequests != m_numReplies ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// do not use locks for injections
//if ( m_sreq->m_isInjecting ) return true;
// get # of hosts in each mirror group
long hpg = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
// reset
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
m_grants = 0;
m_removing = false;
m_confirming = false;
// make sure is really docid
//if ( probDocId & ~DOCID_MASK ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . mask out the lower bits that may change if there is a collision
// . in this way a url has the same m_probDocId as the same url
// in the index. i.e. if we add a new spider request for url X and
// url X is already indexed, then they will share the same lock
// even though the indexed url X may have a different actual docid
// than its probable docid.
// . we now use probable docids instead of uh48 because query reindex
// in PageReindex.cpp adds docid based spider requests and we
// only know the docid, not the uh48 because it is creating
// SpiderRequests from docid-only search results. having to look
// up the msg20 summary for like 1M search results is too painful!
//m_lockKey = g_titledb.getFirstProbableDocId(probDocId);
// . use this for locking now, and let the docid-only requests just use
// the docid
m_lockKeyUh48 = uh48;
m_url = url;
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
m_hasLock = false;
// support ability to spider multiple urls from same ip
m_doledbKey = *doledbKey;
m_collnum = collnum;
m_sameIpWaitTime = sameIpWaitTime;
m_maxSpidersOutPerIp = maxSpidersOutPerIp;
m_firstIp = firstIp;
// sanity check, just 6 bytes! (48 bits)
if ( uh48 & 0xffff000000000000LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// cache time
long ct = 120;
// if docid based assume it was a query reindex and keep it short!
// otherwise we end up waiting 120 seconds for a query reindex to
// go through on a docid we just spidered. TODO: use m_urlIsDocId
if ( url && is_digit(url[0]) ) ct = 2;
// . this seems to be messing us up and preventing us from adding new
// requests into doledb when only spidering a few IPs.
// . make it random in the case of twin contention
ct = rand() % 10;
// . check our cache to avoid repetitive asking
// . use -1 for maxAge to indicate no max age
// . returns -1 if not in cache
// . use maxage of two minutes, 120 seconds
long lockTime ;
lockTime = g_spiderLoop.m_lockCache.getLong(0,m_lockKeyUh48,ct,true);
// if it was in the cache and less than 2 minutes old then return
// true now with m_hasLock set to false.
if ( lockTime >= 0 ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: cached missed lock for %s "
"lockkey=%llu", m_url,m_lockKeyUh48);
return true;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: sending lock request for %s "
"lockkey=%llu", m_url,m_lockKeyUh48);
// now the locking group is based on the probable docid
//m_lockGroupId = g_hostdb.getGroupIdFromDocId(m_lockKey);
// ptr to list of hosts in the group
//Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getGroup ( m_lockGroupId );
// the same group (shard) that has the spiderRequest/Reply is
// the one responsible for locking.
Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getMyShard();
// short cut
UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
static long s_lockSequence = 0;
// remember the lock sequence # in case we have to call remove locks
m_lockSequence = s_lockSequence++;
LockRequest *lr = &m_lockRequest;
lr->m_lockKeyUh48 = m_lockKeyUh48;
lr->m_firstIp = m_firstIp;
lr->m_removeLock = 0;
lr->m_lockSequence = m_lockSequence;
lr->m_collnum = collnum;
// reset counts
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
// point to start of the 12 byte request buffer
char *request = (char *)lr;//m_lockKey;
long requestSize = sizeof(LockRequest);//12;
// loop over hosts in that shard
for ( long i = 0 ; i < hpg ; i++ ) {
// get a host
Host *h = &hosts[i];
// skip if dead! no need to get a reply from dead guys
if ( g_hostdb.isDead (h) ) continue;
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: sent lock "
"request #%li for lockkey=%llu %s to "
// send request to him
if ( ! us->sendRequest ( request ,
requestSize ,
0x12 , // msgType
h->m_ip ,
h->m_port ,
h->m_hostId ,
NULL , // retSlotPtrPtr
this , // state data
gotLockReplyWrapper ,
60*60*24*365 ) )
// udpserver returns false and sets g_errno on error
return true;
// count them
// block?
if ( m_numRequests > 0 ) return false;
// i guess nothing... hmmm... all dead?
//char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
// m_hasLock should be false... all lock hosts seem dead... wait
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: all lock hosts seem dead for %s "
"lockkey=%llu", m_url,m_lockKeyUh48);
return true;
// after adding the negative doledb recs to remove the url we are spidering
// from doledb, and adding the fake titledb rec to add a new entry into
// waiting tree so that our ip can have more than one outstanding spider,
// call the callback. usually msg4::addMetaList() will not block i'd guess.
void rejuvenateIPWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msg12 *THIS = (Msg12 *)state;
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
// returns true if all done, false if waiting for more replies
bool Msg12::gotLockReply ( UdpSlot *slot ) {
// got reply
// don't let udpserver free the request, it's our m_request[]
slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL;
// check for a hammer reply
char *reply = slot->m_readBuf;
long replySize = slot->m_readBufSize;
// if error, treat as a not grant
if ( g_errno ) {
bool logIt = true;
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: got msg12 reply error = %s",
// if we got an ETRYAGAIN when trying to confirm our lock
// that means doledb was saving/dumping to disk and we
// could not remove the record from doledb and add an
// entry to the waiting tree, so we need to keep trying
if ( g_errno == ETRYAGAIN && m_confirming ) {
// c ount it again
// use what we were using
char *request = (char *)&m_confirmRequest;
long requestSize = sizeof(ConfirmRequest);
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(slot->m_hostId);
// send request to him
UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
if ( ! us->sendRequest ( request ,
requestSize ,
0x12 , // msgType
h->m_ip ,
h->m_port ,
h->m_hostId ,
NULL , // retSlotPtrPt
this , // state data
gotLockReplyWrapper ,
60*60*24*365 ) )
return false;
// error?
log("spider: error re-sending confirm request: %s",
// only log every 10 seconds for ETRYAGAIN
if ( g_errno == ETRYAGAIN ) {
static time_t s_lastTime = 0;
time_t now = getTimeLocal();
logIt = false;
if ( now - s_lastTime >= 3 ) {
logIt = true;
s_lastTime = now;
if ( logIt )
log ( "sploop: host had error getting lock url=%s"
": %s" ,
m_url,mstrerror(g_errno) );
// grant or not
if ( replySize == 1 && ! g_errno && *reply == 1 ) m_grants++;
// wait for all to get back
if ( m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) return false;
// all done if we were removing
if ( m_removing ) {
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: done removing all locks "
"(replies=%li) for %s",
// we are done
m_gettingLocks = false;
return true;
// all done if we were confirming
if ( m_confirming ) {
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: done confirming all locks "
"for %s",m_url);//m_sreq->m_url);
// we are done
m_gettingLocks = false;
// keep processing
if ( ! m_callback ) return g_spiderLoop.spiderUrl2();
// if we had a callback let our parent call it
return true;
// if got ALL locks, spider it
if ( m_grants == m_numReplies ) {
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: got lock for docid=lockkey=%llu",
// flag this
m_hasLock = true;
// we are done
//m_gettingLocks = false;
// now tell our group (shard) to remove from doledb
// and re-add to waiting tree. the scanSpiderdb() function
// should skip this probable docid because it is in the
// This logic should allow us to spider multiple urls
// from the same IP at the same time.
// returns false if would block
if ( ! confirmLockAcquisition ( ) ) return false;
// . we did it without blocking, maybe cuz we are a single node
// . ok, they are all back, resume loop
if ( ! m_callback ) g_spiderLoop.spiderUrl2 ( );
// all done
return true;
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: missed lock for %s lockkey=%llu "
"(grants=%li)", m_url,m_lockKeyUh48,m_grants);
// . if it was locked by another then add to our lock cache so we do
// not try to lock it again
// . if grants is not 0 then one host granted us the lock, but not
// all hosts, so we should probably keep trying on it until it is
// locked up by one host
if ( m_grants == 0 ) {
long now = getTimeGlobal();
// reset again
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
// no need to remove them if none were granted because another
// host in our group might have it 100% locked.
if ( m_grants == 0 ) {
// no longer in locks operation mode
m_gettingLocks = false;
// ok, they are all back, resume loop
//if ( ! m_callback ) g_spiderLoop.spiderUrl2 ( );
// all done
return true;
// note that
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: sending request to all in shard to "
"remove lock uh48=%llu. grants=%li",
// remove all locks we tried to get, BUT only if from our hostid!
// no no! that doesn't quite work right... we might be the ones
// locking it! i.e. another one of our spiders has it locked...
if ( ! removeAllLocks ( ) ) return false; // true;
// if did not block, how'd that happen?
log("sploop: did not block in removeAllLocks: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
bool Msg12::removeAllLocks ( ) {
// ensure not in use. not msg12 replies outstanding.
if ( m_numRequests != m_numReplies ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// skip if injecting
//if ( m_sreq->m_isInjecting ) return true;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: removing all locks for %s %llu",
// we are now removing
m_removing = true;
LockRequest *lr = &m_lockRequest;
lr->m_lockKeyUh48 = m_lockKeyUh48;
lr->m_lockSequence = m_lockSequence;
lr->m_firstIp = m_firstIp;
lr->m_removeLock = 1;
// reset counts
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
// make that the request
// . point to start of the 12 byte request buffer
// . m_lockSequence should still be valid
char *request = (char *)lr;//m_lockKey;
long requestSize = sizeof(LockRequest);//12;
// now the locking group is based on the probable docid
//unsigned long groupId = g_hostdb.getGroupIdFromDocId(m_lockKeyUh48);
// ptr to list of hosts in the group
//Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getGroup ( groupId );
Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getMyShard();
// this must select the same group that is going to spider it!
// i.e. our group! because we check our local lock table to see
// if a doled url is locked before spidering it ourselves.
//Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getMyGroup();
// short cut
UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
// set the hi bit though for this one
//m_lockKey |= 0x8000000000000000LL;
// get # of hosts in each mirror group
long hpg = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
// loop over hosts in that shard
for ( long i = 0 ; i < hpg ; i++ ) {
// get a host
Host *h = &hosts[i];
// skip if dead! no need to get a reply from dead guys
if ( g_hostdb.isDead ( h ) ) continue;
// send request to him
if ( ! us->sendRequest ( request ,
requestSize ,
0x12 , // msgType
h->m_ip ,
h->m_port ,
h->m_hostId ,
NULL , // retSlotPtrPtr
this , // state data
gotLockReplyWrapper ,
60*60*24*365 ) )
// udpserver returns false and sets g_errno on error
return true;
// count them
// block?
if ( m_numRequests > 0 ) return false;
// did not block
return true;
bool Msg12::confirmLockAcquisition ( ) {
// ensure not in use. not msg12 replies outstanding.
if ( m_numRequests != m_numReplies ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// we are now removing
m_confirming = true;
// make that the request
// . point to start of the 12 byte request buffer
// . m_lockSequence should still be valid
ConfirmRequest *cq = &m_confirmRequest;
char *request = (char *)cq;
long requestSize = sizeof(ConfirmRequest);
// sanity
if ( requestSize == sizeof(LockRequest)){ char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set it
cq->m_collnum = m_collnum;
cq->m_doledbKey = m_doledbKey;
cq->m_firstIp = m_firstIp;
cq->m_lockKeyUh48 = m_lockKeyUh48;
cq->m_maxSpidersOutPerIp = m_maxSpidersOutPerIp;
// . use the locking group from when we sent the lock request
// . get ptr to list of hosts in the group
//Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getGroup ( m_lockGroupId );
// the same group (shard) that has the spiderRequest/Reply is
// the one responsible for locking.
Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getMyShard();
// this must select the same shard that is going to spider it!
// i.e. our shard! because we check our local lock table to see
// if a doled url is locked before spidering it ourselves.
//Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getMyShard();
// short cut
UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
// get # of hosts in each mirror group
long hpg = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
// reset counts
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: confirming lock for uh48=%llu",m_lockKeyUh48);
// loop over hosts in that shard
for ( long i = 0 ; i < hpg ; i++ ) {
// get a host
Host *h = &hosts[i];
// skip if dead! no need to get a reply from dead guys
if ( g_hostdb.isDead ( h ) ) continue;
// send request to him
if ( ! us->sendRequest ( request ,
// a size of 2 should mean confirm
requestSize ,
0x12 , // msgType
h->m_ip ,
h->m_port ,
h->m_hostId ,
NULL , // retSlotPtrPtr
this , // state data
gotLockReplyWrapper ,
60*60*24*365 ) )
// udpserver returns false and sets g_errno on error
return true;
// count them
// block?
if ( m_numRequests > 0 ) return false;
// did not block
return true;
long SpiderLoop::getNumSpidersOutPerIp ( long firstIp ) {
long count = 0;
// count locks
HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
// scan the slots
long ns = ht->m_numSlots;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < ns ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if empty
if ( ! ht->m_flags[i] ) continue;
// cast lock
UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot(i);
// skip if not outstanding, just a 5-second expiration wait
// when the spiderReply returns, so that in case a lock
// request for the same url was in progress, it will be denied.
if ( ! lock->m_spiderOutstanding ) continue;
// must be confirmed too
if ( ! lock->m_confirmed ) continue;
// skip if not yet expired
if ( lock->m_firstIp == firstIp ) count++;
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= m_maxUsed ; i++ ) {
// get it
XmlDoc *xd = m_docs[i];
// skip if empty
if ( ! xd ) continue;
// check it
if ( xd->m_firstIp == firstIp ) count++;
return count;
void handleRequest12 ( UdpSlot *udpSlot , long niceness ) {
// get request
char *request = udpSlot->m_readBuf;
long reqSize = udpSlot->m_readBufSize;
// short cut
UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( niceness );
// shortcut
char *reply = udpSlot->m_tmpBuf;
// . is it confirming that he got all the locks?
// . if so, remove the doledb record and dock the doleiptable count
// before adding a waiting tree entry to re-pop the doledb record
if ( reqSize == sizeof(ConfirmRequest) ) {
char *msg = NULL;
ConfirmRequest *cq = (ConfirmRequest *)request;
// confirm the lock
HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
long slot = ht->getSlot ( &cq->m_lockKeyUh48 );
if ( slot < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot ( slot );
lock->m_confirmed = true;
// note that
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) // Wait )
log("spider: got confirm lock request for ip=%s",
// get it
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(cq->m_collnum);
// make it negative
cq->m_doledbKey.n0 &= 0xfffffffffffffffeLL;
// and add the negative rec to doledb (deletion operation)
Rdb *rdb = &g_doledb.m_rdb;
if ( ! rdb->addRecord ( cq->m_collnum,
(char *)&cq->m_doledbKey,
NULL , // data
0 , //dataSize
1 )){ // niceness
// tree is dumping or something, probably ETRYAGAIN
if ( g_errno != ETRYAGAIN ) {msg = "error adding neg rec to doledb"; log("spider: %s %s",msg,mstrerror(g_errno));
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
// now remove from doleiptable since we removed from doledb
sc->removeFromDoledbTable ( cq->m_firstIp );
// how many spiders outstanding for this coll and IP?
//long out=g_spiderLoop.getNumSpidersOutPerIp ( cq->m_firstIp);
// DO NOT add back to waiting tree if max spiders
// out per ip was 1 OR there was a crawldelay. but better
// yet, take care of that in the winReq code above.
// . now add to waiting tree so we add another spiderdb
// record for this firstip to doledb
// . true = callForScan
// . do not add to waiting tree if we have enough outstanding
// spiders for this ip. we will add to waiting tree when
// we receive a SpiderReply in addSpiderReply()
if ( //out < cq->m_maxSpidersOutPerIp &&
// this will just return true if we are not the
// responsible host for this firstip
// DO NOT populate from this!!! say "false" here...
! sc->addToWaitingTree ( 0 , cq->m_firstIp, false ) ) {
log("spider: %s %s",msg,mstrerror(g_errno));
us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
// success!!
reply[0] = 1;
us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );
// sanity check
if ( reqSize != sizeof(LockRequest) ) {
log("spider: bad msg12 request size of %li",reqSize);
us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , EBADREQUEST );
// deny it if we are not synced yet! otherwise we core in
// getTimeGlobal() below
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) {
// log it so we can debug it
//log("spider: clock not in sync with host #0. so "
// "returning etryagain for lock reply");
// let admin know why we are not spidering
us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , ETRYAGAIN );
LockRequest *lr = (LockRequest *)request;
//unsigned long long lockKey = *(long long *)request;
//long lockSequence = *(long *)(request+8);
// is this a remove operation? assume not
//bool remove = false;
// get top bit
//if ( lockKey & 0x8000000000000000LL ) remove = true;
// mask it out
//lockKey &= 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
// sanity check, just 6 bytes! (48 bits)
if ( lr->m_lockKeyUh48 &0xffff000000000000LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: got msg12 request uh48=%lli remove=%li",
lr->m_lockKeyUh48, (long)lr->m_removeLock);
// get time
long nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
// shortcut
HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
long hostId = g_hostdb.getHostId ( udpSlot->m_ip , udpSlot->m_port );
// this must be legit - sanity check
if ( hostId < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// remove expired locks from locktable
removeExpiredLocks ( hostId );
// check tree
long slot = ht->getSlot ( &lr->m_lockKeyUh48 );
// put it here
UrlLock *lock = NULL;
// if there say no no
if ( slot >= 0 ) lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot ( slot );
// if doing a remove operation and that was our hostid then unlock it
if ( lr->m_removeLock &&
lock &&
lock->m_hostId == hostId &&
lock->m_lockSequence == lr->m_lockSequence ) {
// note it for now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: removing lock for lockkey=%llu hid=%li",
// unlock it
ht->removeSlot ( slot );
// it is gone
lock = NULL;
// ok, at this point all remove ops return
if ( lr->m_removeLock ) {
reply[0] = 1;
us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );
// add new lock
// if lock > 1 hour old then remove it automatically!!
if ( lock && nowGlobal - lock->m_timestamp > MAX_LOCK_AGE ) {
// note it for now
log("spider: removing lock after %li seconds "
"for lockKey=%llu hid=%li",
(nowGlobal - lock->m_timestamp),
// unlock it
ht->removeSlot ( slot );
// it is gone
lock = NULL;
// if lock still there, do not grant another lock
if ( lock ) {
// note it for now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: refusing lock for lockkey=%llu hid=%li",
reply[0] = 0;
us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );
// make the new lock
UrlLock tmp;
tmp.m_hostId = hostId;
tmp.m_lockSequence = lr->m_lockSequence;
tmp.m_timestamp = nowGlobal;
tmp.m_expires = 0;
tmp.m_firstIp = lr->m_firstIp;
tmp.m_collnum = lr->m_collnum;
// when the spider returns we remove its lock on reception of the
// spiderReply, however, we actually just set the m_expires time
// to 5 seconds into the future in case there is a current request
// to get a lock for that url in progress. but, we do need to
// indicate that the spider has indeed completed by setting
// m_spiderOutstanding to true. this way, addToWaitingTree() will
// not count it towards a "max spiders per IP" quota when deciding
// on if it should add a new entry for this IP.
tmp.m_spiderOutstanding = true;
// this is set when all hosts in the group (shard) have granted the
// lock and the host sends out a confirmLockAcquisition() request.
// until then we do not know if the lock will be granted by all hosts
// in the group (shard)
tmp.m_confirmed = false;
// put it into the table
if ( ! ht->addKey ( &lr->m_lockKeyUh48 , &tmp ) ) {
// return error if that failed!
us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
// note it for now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: granting lock for lockKey=%llu hid=%li",
// grant the lock
reply[0] = 1;
us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );
// hostId is the remote hostid sending us the lock request
void removeExpiredLocks ( long hostId ) {
// when we last cleaned them out
static time_t s_lastTime = 0;
long nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
long niceness = MAX_NICENESS;
// only do this once per second at the most
if ( nowGlobal <= s_lastTime ) return;
// shortcut
HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
// scan the slots
long ns = ht->m_numSlots;
// . clean out expired locks...
// . if lock was there and m_expired is up, then nuke it!
// . when Rdb.cpp receives the "fake" title rec it removes the
// lock, only it just sets the m_expired to a few seconds in the
// future to give the negative doledb key time to be absorbed.
// that way we don't repeat the same url we just got done spidering.
// . this happens when we launch our lock request on a url that we
// or a twin is spidering or has just finished spidering, and
// we get the lock, but we avoided the negative doledb key.
for ( long i = 0 ; i < ns ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if empty
if ( ! ht->m_flags[i] ) continue;
// cast lock
UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot(i);
long long lockKey = *(long long *)ht->getKeyFromSlot(i);
// skip if not yet expired
if ( lock->m_expires == 0 ) continue;
if ( lock->m_expires >= nowGlobal ) continue;
// note it for now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: removing lock after waiting. elapsed=%li."
" lockKey=%llu hid=%li expires=%lu nowGlobal=%lu",
(nowGlobal - lock->m_timestamp),
// nuke the slot and possibly re-chain
ht->removeSlot ( i );
// gotta restart from the top since table may have shrunk
goto restart;
// store it
s_lastTime = nowGlobal;
///////////////////////// PAGESPIDER
// don't change name to "State" cuz that might conflict with another
class State11 {
long m_numRecs;
Msg5 m_msg5;
RdbList m_list;
TcpSocket *m_socket;
HttpRequest m_r;
char *m_coll;
long m_count;
key_t m_startKey;
key_t m_endKey;
long m_minRecSizes;
bool m_done;
SafeBuf m_safeBuf;
long m_priority;
static bool loadLoop ( class State11 *st ) ;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . make a web page displaying the urls we got in doledb
// . doledb is sorted by priority complement then spider time
// . do not show urls in doledb whose spider time has not yet been reached,
// so only show the urls spiderable now
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageSpiderdb ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
// set up a msg5 and RdbLists to get the urls from spider queue
State11 *st ;
try { st = new (State11); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("PageSpiderdb: new(%i): %s",
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));}
mnew ( st , sizeof(State11) , "PageSpiderdb" );
// get the priority/#ofRecs from the cgi vars
st->m_numRecs = r->getLong ("n", 20 );
st->m_r.copy ( r );
// get collection name
char *coll = st->m_r.getString ( "c" , NULL , NULL );
// get the collection record to see if they have permission
//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( coll );
// the socket read buffer will remain until the socket is destroyed
// and "coll" points into that
st->m_coll = coll;
// set socket for replying in case we block
st->m_socket = s;
st->m_count = 0;
st->m_priority = MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES - 1;
// get startKeys/endKeys/minRecSizes
st->m_startKey = g_doledb.makeFirstKey2 (st->m_priority);
st->m_endKey = g_doledb.makeLastKey2 (st->m_priority);
st->m_minRecSizes = 20000;
st->m_done = false;
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
return loadLoop ( st ) ;
static void gotListWrapper3 ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) ;
static bool sendPage ( State11 *st );
static bool printList ( State11 *st );
bool loadLoop ( State11 *st ) {
// let's get the local list for THIS machine (use msg5)
if ( ! st->m_msg5.getList ( RDB_DOLEDB ,
st->m_coll ,
&st->m_list ,
st->m_startKey ,
st->m_endKey ,
st->m_minRecSizes ,
true , // include tree
false , // add to cache
0 , // max age
0 , // start file #
-1 , // # files
st , // callback state
gotListWrapper3 ,
0 , // niceness
true )) // do err correction
return false;
// print it. returns false on error
if ( ! printList ( st ) ) st->m_done = true;
// check if done
if ( st->m_done ) {
// send the page back
sendPage ( st );
// bail
return true;
// otherwise, load more
goto loop;
void gotListWrapper3 ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) {
// cast it
State11 *st = (State11 *)state;
// print it. returns false on error
if ( ! printList ( st ) ) st->m_done = true;
// check if done
if ( st->m_done ) {
// send the page back
sendPage ( st );
// bail
// otherwise, load more
loadLoop( (State11 *)state );
// . make a web page from results stored in msg40
// . send it on TcpSocket "s" when done
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool printList ( State11 *st ) {
// useful
time_t nowGlobal ;
if ( isClockInSync() ) nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
else nowGlobal = getTimeLocal();
// print the spider recs we got
SafeBuf *sbTable = &st->m_safeBuf;
// shorcuts
RdbList *list = &st->m_list;
// put it in there
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// stop if we got enough
if ( st->m_count >= st->m_numRecs ) break;
// get the doledb key
key_t dk = list->getCurrentKey();
// update to that
st->m_startKey = dk;
// inc by one
st->m_startKey += 1;
// get spider time from that
long spiderTime = g_doledb.getSpiderTime ( &dk );
// skip if in future
if ( spiderTime > nowGlobal ) continue;
// point to the spider request *RECORD*
char *rec = list->getCurrentData();
// skip negatives
if ( (dk.n0 & 0x01) == 0 ) continue;
// count it
// what is this?
if ( list->getCurrentRecSize() <= 16 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// sanity check. requests ONLY in doledb
if ( ! g_spiderdb.isSpiderRequest ( (key128_t *)rec )) {
// get the spider rec, encapsed in the data of the doledb rec
SpiderRequest *sreq = (SpiderRequest *)rec;
// print it into sbTable
if ( ! sreq->printToTable ( sbTable,"ready",NULL))return false;
// need to load more?
if ( st->m_count >= st->m_numRecs ||
// if list was a partial, this priority is short then
list->getListSize() < st->m_minRecSizes ) {
// . try next priority
// . if below 0 we are done
if ( --st->m_priority < 0 ) st->m_done = true;
// get startKeys/endKeys/minRecSizes
st->m_startKey = g_doledb.makeFirstKey2 (st->m_priority);
st->m_endKey = g_doledb.makeLastKey2 (st->m_priority);
// if we printed something, print a blank line after it
if ( st->m_count > 0 )
sbTable->safePrintf("<tr><td colspan=30>..."
// reset for each priority
st->m_count = 0;
return true;
bool sendPage ( State11 *st ) {
// sanity check
//if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//SafeBuf sb; sb.safePrintf("Error = %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// shortcut
SafeBuf *sbTable = &st->m_safeBuf;
// generate a query string to pass to host bar
char qs[64]; sprintf ( qs , "&n=%li", st->m_numRecs );
// store the page in here!
SafeBuf sb;
sb.reserve ( 64*1024 );
g_pages.printAdminTop ( &sb, st->m_socket , &st->m_r , qs );
// begin the table
sb.safePrintf ( "<table width=100%% border=1 cellpadding=4 "
"<tr><td colspan=50 bgcolor=#%s>"
"<b>Currently Spidering</b> (%li spiders)"
" (%li locks)"
"</td></tr>\n" ,
// the table headers so SpiderRequest::printToTable() works
if ( ! SpiderRequest::printTableHeader ( &sb , true ) ) return false;
// shortcut
XmlDoc **docs = g_spiderLoop.m_docs;
// first print the spider recs we are spidering
for ( long i = 0 ; i < (long)MAX_SPIDERS ; i++ ) {
// get it
XmlDoc *xd = docs[i];
// skip if empty
if ( ! xd ) continue;
// sanity check
if ( ! xd->m_oldsrValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// grab it
SpiderRequest *oldsr = &xd->m_oldsr;
// get status
char *status = xd->m_statusMsg;
// show that
if ( ! oldsr->printToTable ( &sb , status,xd) ) return false;
// end the table
sb.safePrintf ( "</table>\n" );
sb.safePrintf ( "<br>\n" );
// begin the table
sb.safePrintf ( "<table width=100%% border=1 cellpadding=4 "
"<tr><td colspan=50 bgcolor=#%s>"
"<b>Waiting to Spider (coll = "
"<font color=red><b>%s</b>"
st->m_coll );
// print time format: 7/23/1971 10:45:32
time_t nowUTC = getTimeGlobal();
struct tm *timeStruct ;
char time[256];
timeStruct = gmtime ( &nowUTC );
strftime ( time , 256 , "%b %e %T %Y UTC", timeStruct );
sb.safePrintf("</b> (current time = %s = %lu) "
// the table headers so SpiderRequest::printToTable() works
if ( ! SpiderRequest::printTableHeader ( &sb ,false ) ) return false;
// the the doledb spider recs
char *bs = sbTable->getBufStart();
if ( bs && ! sb.safePrintf("%s",bs) ) return false;
// end the table
sb.safePrintf ( "</table>\n" );
sb.safePrintf ( "<br>\n" );
// get spider coll
collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( st->m_coll );
// then spider collection
//SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.m_spiderColls[collnum];
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(collnum);
// each row is an ip. print the next url to spider for that ip.
sb.safePrintf ( "<table width=100%% border=1 cellpadding=4 "
"<tr><td colspan=50 bgcolor=#%s>"
"<b>Next Url to Spider per IP (coll = "
"<font color=red><b>%s</b>"
st->m_coll );
// print time format: 7/23/1971 10:45:32
long long timems = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal();
sb.safePrintf("</b> (current time = %llu)(totalcount=%li)"
sb.safePrintf("<td><b>spidertime (MS)</b></td>\n");
// the the waiting tree
long node = sc->m_waitingTree.getFirstNode();
long count = 0;
for ( ; node >= 0 ; node = sc->m_waitingTree.getNextNode(node) ) {
// breathe
// get key
key_t *key = (key_t *)sc->m_waitingTree.getKey(node);
// get ip from that
long firstIp = (key->n0) & 0xffffffff;
// get the time
unsigned long long spiderTimeMS = key->n1;
// shift upp
spiderTimeMS <<= 32;
// or in
spiderTimeMS |= (key->n0 >> 32);
// get the rest of the data
// stop after 20
if ( ++count == 20 ) break;
// ...
if ( count )
sb.safePrintf("<tr><td colspan=10>...</td></tr>\n");
// end the table
sb.safePrintf ( "</table>\n" );
sb.safePrintf ( "<br>\n" );
if ( g_spiderCache.m_numMsgSamples > 0 ) {
sb.safePrintf (
"<table width=100%% bgcolor=#%s "
"cellpadding=4 border=1 >"
"<td colspan=3 bgcolor=#%s>"
"<b>Proportion of Spider Time Spent in "
HashTableT<uint32_t,float>* m = &g_spiderCache.m_spiderMsgs;
for(long i = 0; i < m->getNumSlots();i++) {
if(m->getKey(i) == 0) continue;
sb.safePrintf (
sb.safePrintf ("</table>\n");
// describe the various parms
sb.safePrintf (
"<table width=100%% bgcolor=#%s "
"cellpadding=4 border=1>"
"<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
"<b>Status descriptions</b>"
//"<td>getting link info</td><td>performing "
"<td>getting site title buf</td><td>getting "
"the title and all inlinker text of the root page."
"<td>getting outlink ip vector</td><td>getting "
"ips of the outlinks. Gets from tagdb firstip "
"tag if it exists."
"<td>getting robots.txt</td><td>downloading the "
"robots.txt file for this url."
"<td>checking quota exact</td><td>doing an exact "
"quota check. Does a realtime site: query to see how "
"many pages are indexed from this site. Uses a special "
"counting cache to speed this procedure up."
"<td>checking quota</td><td>doing a fuzzy (but fast) "
"quota check. Usually accurate to the nearest 5000 "
"pages or so."
"<td>checking for dup</td><td>looking up the url's "
"docid in checksumdb to see if its content checksum "
"is in use by another indexed document from the same "
"site. Will index even if it is a dup if it has a "
"higher quality."
"<td>getting web page</td><td>downloading the web "
"<td><nobr>getting cached web page</nobr></td><td>"
"looking up the "
"old record for this url in titledb to see how the "
"content changed."
"<td>adding links</td><td>adding links from the page "
"to spiderdb. Links are distributed to the host that "
"stores them based on the hash of the link. Make sure "
"&lt;tfndbMaxPageCacheMem&gt; is high enough to keep "
"tfndb disk seeks down. A tfndb access is done for "
"every link added."
// spiderdb rec stats, from scanning spiderdb
// if not there, forget about it
if ( sc ) sc->printStats ( sb );
// Spiders Table
long long totalPoints = g_stats.m_totalSpiderSuccessNew +
g_stats.m_totalSpiderErrorsNew +
g_stats.m_totalSpiderSuccessOld +
long long totalNew = g_stats.m_totalSpiderSuccessNew +
long long totalOld = g_stats.m_totalSpiderSuccessOld +
double tsr = 100.00;
double nsr = 100.00;
double osr = 100.00;
if ( totalPoints > 0 ) {
tsr = 100.00*
(double)(g_stats.m_totalSpiderSuccessNew +
g_stats.m_totalSpiderSuccessOld) /
if ( totalNew > 0 )
nsr= 100.00*(double)(g_stats.m_totalSpiderSuccessNew) /
if ( totalOld > 0 )
osr= 100.00*(double)(g_stats.m_totalSpiderSuccessOld) /
long points = g_stats.m_spiderSample;
if ( points > 1000 ) points = 1000;
long sampleNew = g_stats.m_spiderNew;
long sampleOld = points - g_stats.m_spiderNew;
double tssr = 100.00;
double nssr = 100.00;
double ossr = 100.00;
if ( points > 0 ) {
tssr = 100.00*
(double)(points -
g_stats.m_spiderErrors) / (double)points ;
if ( sampleNew > 0 )
nssr = 100.00*(double)(sampleNew -
g_stats.m_spiderErrorsNew) /
if ( sampleOld > 0 )
ossr = 100.00*(double)(sampleOld -
(g_stats.m_spiderErrors -
g_stats.m_spiderErrorsNew)) /
sb.safePrintf (
"<table cellpadding=4 width=100%% bgcolor=#%s border=1>"
"<td colspan=7 bgcolor=#%s>"
"<center><b>Spider Stats</b></td></tr>\n"
"<td><b>Total New</b></td>"
"<td><b>Total Old</b></td>"
"<td><b>Sample New</b></td>"
"<td><b>Sample Old</b></b>"
"<tr><td><b>Total Spiders</n>"
//"<tr><td><b>Successful Spiders</n>"
//"<tr><td><b>Failed Spiders</n>"
"<tr><td><b>Success Rate</b>"
//g_stats.m_totalSpiderSuccessNew +
//g_stats.m_spiderSuccessNew +
//g_stats.m_totalSpiderErrorsNew +
//g_stats.m_spiderErrorsNew +
tsr, nsr, osr, tssr, nssr, ossr );
long bucketsNew[65536];
long bucketsOld[65536];
memset ( bucketsNew , 0 , 65536*4 );
memset ( bucketsOld , 0 , 65536*4 );
for ( long i = 0 ; i < points; i++ ) {
long n = g_stats.m_errCodes[i];
if ( n < 0 || n > 65535 ) {
log("admin: Bad spider error code.");
if ( g_stats.m_isSampleNew[i] )
for ( long i = 0 ; i < 65536 ; i++ ) {
if ( g_stats.m_allErrorsNew[i] == 0 &&
g_stats.m_allErrorsOld[i] == 0 &&
bucketsNew[i] == 0 && bucketsOld[i] == 0 ) continue;
sb.safePrintf (
"</tr>\n" ,
g_stats.m_allErrorsNew[i] +
bucketsNew[i] + bucketsOld[i] ,
bucketsNew[i] ,
bucketsOld[i] );
sb.safePrintf ( "</table><br><br>\n" );
// describe the various parms
sb.safePrintf (
"<table width=100%% bgcolor=#%s "
"cellpadding=4 border=1>"
"<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
"<b>Field descriptions</b>"
"<td>hits</td><td>The number of attempts that were "
"made by the spider to read a url from the spider "
"queue cache.</td>"
"<td>misses</td><td>The number of those attempts that "
"failed to get a url to spider.</td>"
"<td>cached</td><td>The number of urls that are "
"currently in the spider queue cache.</td>"
"<td>water</td><td>The number of urls that were in the "
"spider queue cache at any one time, since the start "
"of the last disk scan.</td>"
"<td>kicked</td><td>The number of urls that were "
"replaced in the spider queue cache with urls loaded "
"from disk, since the start of the last disk scan.</td>"
"<td>added</td><td>The number of urls that were added "
"to the spider queue cache since the start of the last "
"disk scan. After a document is spidered its url "
"if often added again to the spider queue cache.</td>"
"<td>attempted</td><td>The number of urls that "
"Gigablast attempted to add to the spider queue cache "
"since the start of the last disk scan. In "
"a distributed environment, urls are distributed "
"between twins so not all urls read will "
"make it into the spider queue cache. Also includes "
"spider recs attempted to be re-added to spiderdb "
"after being spidering, but usually with a different "
"spider time.</td>"
"<td>nl</td><td>This is 1 iff Gigablast currently "
"needs to reload the spider queue cache from disk.</td>"
"<td>rnl</td><td>This is 1 iff Gigablast currently "
"really needs to reload the spider queue cache from "
"<td>more</td><td>This is 1 iff there are urls on "
"the disk that are not in the spider queue cache.</td>"
"<td>loading</td><td>This is 1 iff Gigablast is "
"currently loading this spider cache queue from "
"<td>scanned</td><td>The number of bytes that were "
"read from disk since the start of the last disk "
"<td>reads</td><td>The number of disk read "
"operations since the start of the last disk "
"<td>elapsed</td><td>The time in seconds that has "
"elapsed since the start or end of the last disk "
"scan, depending on if a scan is currently in "
// get the socket
TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
// then we can nuke the state
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State11) , "PageSpiderdb" );
delete (st);
// erase g_errno for sending
g_errno = 0;
// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s, sb.getBufStart(),sb.length() );
// assign these a value of 1 in s_table hashtable
static char *s_ypSites[] = {
// . assign these a value of 2 in s_table hashtable
// . mwells@g0:/y$ cat gobyout | awk '{print $4}' | grep -v | grep -vi goby | grep -v | grep -v mappoint | urlinfo | grep "host: " | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq > foo
// . then take the top linked to sites on goby and print out for direct
// insertion into this file:
// then get the popular domains from THAT list:
// mwells@g0:/y$ cat foo | awk '{print $2}' | urlinfo | grep "dom: " | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort > foodom
static char *s_aggSites[] = {
// why was this in there?
// rss feeds
// movie times:
// domains (hand selected from above list filtered with urlinfo)
static HashTableX s_table;
static bool s_init = false;
static char s_buf[25000];
static long s_craigsList;
bool initAggregatorTable ( ) {
// this hashtable is used for "isyellowpages" and "iseventaggregator"
if ( s_init ) return true;
// use niceness 0
// now stock it with yellow pages sites
long n = (long)sizeof(s_ypSites)/ sizeof(char *);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
char *s = s_ypSites[i];
long slen = gbstrlen ( s );
long h32 = hash32 ( s , slen );
char val = 1;
if ( ! s_table.addKey(&h32,&val)) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// then stock with event aggregator sites
n = (long)sizeof(s_aggSites)/ sizeof(char *);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
char *s = s_aggSites[i];
long slen = gbstrlen ( s );
long h32 = hash32 ( s , slen );
char val = 2;
if ( ! s_table.addKey(&h32,&val)) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// do not repeat this
s_init = true;
s_craigsList = hash32n("");
return true;
bool isAggregator ( long siteHash32,long domHash32,char *url,long urlLen ) {
// make sure its stocked
// is site a hit?
char *v = (char *)s_table.getValue ( &siteHash32 );
// hit?
if ( v && *v ) return true;
// try domain?
v = (char *)s_table.getValue ( &domHash32 );
// hit?
if ( v && *v ) return true;
// these guys mirror's db so let's grab it...
if ( urlLen>30 &&
url[11]=='t' &&
url[18]=='o' &&
strncmp(url,"http://www.thingstodoin",23) == 0 )
return true;
// craigslist
if ( domHash32 == s_craigsList && strstr(url,".com/cal/") )
return true;
// otherwise, no
return false;
#define SIGN_EQ 1
#define SIGN_NE 2
#define SIGN_GT 3
#define SIGN_LT 4
#define SIGN_GE 5
#define SIGN_LE 6
// . this is called by SpiderCache.cpp for every url it scans in spiderdb
// . we must skip certain rules in getUrlFilterNum() when doing to for Msg20
// because things like "parentIsRSS" can be both true or false since a url
// can have multiple spider recs associated with it!
long getUrlFilterNum2 ( SpiderRequest *sreq ,
SpiderReply *srep ,
long nowGlobal ,
bool isForMsg20 ,
long niceness ,
CollectionRec *cr ,
bool isOutlink ) {
// convert lang to string
char *lang = NULL;
long langLen = 0;
if ( srep ) {
// this is NULL on corruption
lang = getLanguageAbbr ( srep->m_langId );
langLen = gbstrlen(lang);
char *tld = (char *)-1;
long tldLen;
long urlLen = sreq->getUrlLen();
char *url = sreq->m_url;
//if ( strstr(url,"") )
// log("hey");
//long tldlen2;
//char *tld2 = getTLDFast ( sreq->m_url , &tldlen2);
//bool bad = true;
//if ( tld2[0] == 'c' && tld2[1] == 'o' && tld2[2]=='m' ) bad = false;
//if ( tld2[0] == 'o' && tld2[1] == 'r' && tld2[2]=='g' ) bad = false;
//if ( tld2[0] == 'u' && tld2[1] == 's' ) bad = false;
//if ( tld2[0] == 'g' && tld2[1] == 'o' && tld2[2]=='v' ) bad = false;
//if ( tld2[0] == 'e' && tld2[1] == 'd' && tld2[2]=='u' ) bad = false;
//if ( tld2[0] == 'i' && tld2[1] == 'n' && tld2[2]=='f' ) bad = false;
//if ( bad )
// log("hey");
char *ext;
char *special;
// 1) each command can be combined into a bitmask on the spiderRequest
// bits, or an access to m_siteNumInlinks, or a substring match
// 2) put all the strings we got into the list of Needles
// 3) then generate the list of needles the SpiderRequest/url matches
// 4) then reduce each line to a list of needles to have, a
// min/max/equal siteNumInlinks, min/max/equal hopCount,
// and a bitMask to match the bit flags in the SpiderRequest
// stop at first regular expression it matches
for ( long i = 0 ; i < cr->m_numRegExs ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( niceness );
// get the ith rule
SafeBuf *sb = &cr->m_regExs[i];
//char *p = cr->m_regExs[i];
char *p = sb->getBufStart();
// skip leading whitespace
while ( *p && isspace(*p) ) p++;
// do we have a leading '!'
bool val = 0;
if ( *p == '!' ) { val = 1; p++; }
// skip whitespace after the '!'
while ( *p && isspace(*p) ) p++;
if ( *p=='h' && strncmp(p,"hasauthorityinlink",18) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// skip if not valid (pageaddurl? injection?)
if ( ! sreq->m_hasAuthorityInlinkValid ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)sreq->m_hasAuthorityInlink==val)continue;
// allow "!isindexed" if no SpiderReply at all
//if ( ! srep && val == 0 ) continue;
// skip
p += 18;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( *p=='h' && strncmp(p,"hascontactinfo",14) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// skip if not valid (pageaddurl? injection?)
if ( ! sreq->m_hasContactInfoValid ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)sreq->m_hasContactInfo==val ) continue;
// allow "!isindexed" if no SpiderReply at all
//if ( ! srep && val == 0 ) continue;
// skip
p += 14;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( *p=='h' && strncmp(p,"hasaddress",10) == 0 ) {
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// reply based
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// skip if not valid (pageaddurl? injection?)
if ( ! srep->m_hasAddressValid ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)srep->m_hasAddress==val ) continue;
// allow "!isindexed" if no SpiderReply at all
//if ( ! srep && val == 0 ) continue;
// skip
p += 10;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( *p=='h' && strncmp(p,"hastod",6) == 0 ) {
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// reply based
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// skip if not valid (pageaddurl? injection?)
if ( ! srep->m_hasTODValid ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)srep->m_hasTOD==val ) continue;
// allow "!isindexed" if no SpiderReply at all
//if ( ! srep && val == 0 ) continue;
// skip
p += 6;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( *p=='h' && strncmp(p,"hasreply",8) == 0 ) {
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// if we got a reply, we are not new!!
if ( (bool)srep == (bool)val ) continue;
// skip it for speed
p += 8;
// check for &&
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
// skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// hastmperror, if while spidering, the last reply was
// like EDNSTIMEDOUT or ETCPTIMEDOUT or some kind of
// usually temporary condition that warrants a retry
if ( *p=='h' && strncmp(p,"hastmperror",11) == 0 ) {
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// reply based
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// get our error code
long errCode = srep->m_errCode;
// . make it zero if not tmp error
// Msg13.cpp, so don't count those here...
if ( errCode != EDNSTIMEDOUT &&
errCode != ETCPTIMEDOUT &&
errCode != EDNSDEAD &&
errCode != ENETUNREACH &&
errCode = 0;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)errCode == val ) continue;
// skip
p += 11;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( *p=='h' && strncmp(p,"hassitevenue",12) == 0 ) {
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// skip if not valid (pageaddurl? injection?)
if ( ! sreq->m_hasSiteVenueValid ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)sreq->m_hasSiteVenue==val ) continue;
// allow "!isindexed" if no SpiderReply at all
//if ( ! srep && val == 0 ) continue;
// skip
p += 12;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( *p != 'i' ) goto skipi;
if ( strncmp(p,"isinjected",10) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)sreq->m_isInjecting==val ) continue;
// allow "!isindexed" if no SpiderReply at all
//if ( ! srep && val == 0 ) continue;
// skip
p += 10;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( strncmp(p,"isdocidbased",12) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)sreq->m_urlIsDocId==val ) continue;
// skip
p += 10;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( strncmp(p,"iscontacty",10) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// skip if not valid
if ( ! sreq->m_isContactyValid ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)sreq->m_isContacty==val ) continue;
// allow "!isindexed" if no SpiderReply at all
//if ( ! srep && val == 0 ) continue;
// skip
p += 10;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// . was it submitted from PageAddUrl.cpp?
// . replaces the "add url priority" parm
if ( strncmp(p,"isaddurl",8) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// if we are not submitted from the add url api, skip
if ( (bool)sreq->m_isAddUrl == val ) continue;
// skip
p += 8;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( p[0]=='i' && strncmp(p,"ismanualadd",11) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// . if we are not submitted from the add url api, skip
// . if we have '!' then val is 1
if ( sreq->m_isAddUrl|| sreq->m_isInjecting ) {
if ( val ) continue;
else {
if ( ! val ) continue;
// skip
p += 11;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// does it have an rss inlink? we want to expedite indexing
// of such pages. i.e. that we gather from an rss feed that
// we got from a pingserver...
if ( strncmp(p,"isparentrss",11) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// if we have no such inlink
if ( (bool)sreq->m_parentIsRSS == val ) continue;
// skip
p += 11;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( strncmp(p,"isparentindexed",16) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// if we have no such inlink
if ( (bool)sreq->m_wasParentIndexed == val ) continue;
// skip
p += 16;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// we can now handle this guy since we have the latest
// SpiderReply, pretty much guaranteed
if ( strncmp(p,"isindexed",9) == 0 ) {
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// must have a reply
//if ( ! srep ) continue;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( srep && (bool)srep->m_isIndexed==val ) continue;
// allow "!isindexed" if no SpiderReply at all
if ( ! srep && val == 0 ) continue;
// skip
p += 9;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( strncmp(p,"ingoogle",8) == 0 ) {
// must have a reply
//if ( ! srep ) continue;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// skip if not valid (pageaddurl? injection?)
if ( ! sreq->m_inGoogleValid ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)sreq->m_inGoogle == val ) continue;
// allow "!isindexed" if no SpiderReply at all
if ( ! srep && val == 0 ) continue;
// skip
p += 8;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// . check to see if a page is linked to by
// and if it is we put
// it into a queue that has a respider rate no faster than
// 30 days, because we don't need to spider it quick since
// it is in the ping server!
if ( strncmp(p,"isparentpingserver",18) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)sreq->m_parentIsPingServer == val) continue;
// skip
p += 18;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( strncmp(p,"ispingserver",12) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// if no match continue
if ( (bool)sreq->m_isPingServer == val ) continue;
// skip
p += 12;
// skip to next constraint
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// all done?
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( strncmp ( p , "isonsamesubdomain",17 ) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
if ( val == 0 &&
sreq->m_parentHostHash32 != sreq->m_hostHash32 )
if ( val == 1 &&
sreq->m_parentHostHash32 == sreq->m_hostHash32 )
p += 6;
p = strstr(p, "&&");
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( strncmp ( p , "isonsamedomain",14 ) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
if ( val == 0 &&
sreq->m_parentDomHash32 != sreq->m_domHash32 )
if ( val == 1 &&
sreq->m_parentDomHash32 == sreq->m_domHash32 )
p += 6;
p = strstr(p, "&&");
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// jpg JPG gif GIF wmv mpg css etc.
if ( strncmp ( p , "ismedia",7 ) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// check the extension
if ( urlLen<=5 ) continue;
ext = url + urlLen - 4;
if ( ext[0] == '.' ) {
if ( to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'c' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 's' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 's' )
goto gotOne;
if ( to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'm' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'p' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'g' )
goto gotOne;
if ( to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'p' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'n' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'g' )
goto gotOne;
if ( to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'w' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'm' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'v' )
goto gotOne;
if ( to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'j' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'p' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'g' )
goto gotOne;
if ( to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'g' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'i' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'f' )
goto gotOne;
if ( to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'i' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'c' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'o' )
goto gotOne;
if ( to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'm' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'p' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == '3' )
goto gotOne;
if ( to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'm' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'p' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == '4' )
goto gotOne;
if ( to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'a' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'v' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'i' )
goto gotOne;
else if ( ext[-1] == '.' ) {
if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'm' &&
to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'p' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'e' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'g' )
goto gotOne;
if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'j' &&
to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'p' &&
to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'e' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'g' )
goto gotOne;
// two letter extensions
else if ( ext[1] == '.' ) {
if ( to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'g' &&
to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'z' )
goto gotOne;
// check for ".css?" substring
special = strstr(url,".css?");
if ( special ) goto gotOne;
special = strstr(url,"/print/");
if ( special ) goto gotOne;
// no match, try the next rule
p += 7;
p = strstr(p, "&&");
if ( ! p ) return i;
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// check for "isrss" aka "rss"
if ( strncmp(p,"isrss",5) == 0 ) {
// must have a reply
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// if we are not rss, we do not match this rule
if ( (bool)srep->m_isRSS == val ) continue;
// skip it
p += 5;
// check for &&
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
// skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// check for permalinks. for new outlinks we *guess* if its
// a permalink by calling isPermalink() function.
if (!strncmp(p,"ispermalink",11) ) {
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// must have a reply
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// if we are not rss, we do not match this rule
if ( (bool)srep->m_isPermalink == val ) continue;
// skip it
p += 11;
// check for &&
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
// skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// supports LF_ISPERMALINK bit for outlinks that *seem* to
// be permalinks but might not
if (!strncmp(p,"ispermalinkformat",17) ) {
// if we are not rss, we do not match this rule
if ( (bool)sreq->m_isUrlPermalinkFormat ==val)continue;
// check for &&
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
// skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// check for this
if ( strncmp(p,"isnewoutlink",12) == 0 ) {
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// skip if we do not match this rule
if ( (bool)sreq->m_isNewOutlink == val ) continue;
// skip it
p += 10;
// check for &&
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
// skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// check for this
if ( strncmp(p,"isnewrequest",12) == 0 ) {
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// skip if we are a new request and val is 1 (has '!')
if ( ! srep && val ) continue;
// skip if we are a new request and val is 1 (has '!')
if(srep&&sreq->m_addedTime>srep->m_spideredTime &&val)
// skip if we are old and val is 0 (does not have '!')
// skip it for speed
p += 12;
// check for &&
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
// skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// kinda like isnewrequest, but has no reply. use hasreply?
if ( strncmp(p,"isnew",5) == 0 ) {
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// if we got a reply, we are not new!!
if ( (bool)srep != (bool)val ) continue;
// skip it for speed
p += 5;
// check for &&
p = strstr(p, "&&");
// if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
// skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// iswww, means url is like
if ( strncmp(p,"iswww", 5) == 0 ) {
// now this is a bit
if ( (bool)sreq->m_isWWWSubdomain == (bool)val )
// skip "iswww"
p += 5;
// skip over http:// or https://
char *u = sreq->m_url;
if ( u[4] == ':' ) u += 7;
if ( u[5] == ':' ) u += 8;
// url MUST be a www url
char isWWW = 0;
if( u[0] == 'w' &&
u[1] == 'w' &&
u[2] == 'w' ) isWWW = 1;
// skip if no match
if ( isWWW == val ) continue;
// TODO: fix
// maybe just have a bit in the spider request
// another rule?
p = strstr(p,"&&");
if ( ! p ) return i;
// skip the '&&'
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// non-boolen junk
// . we always match the "default" reg ex
// . this line must ALWAYS exist!
if ( *p=='d' && ! strcmp(p,"default" ) )
return i;
// set the sign
char *s = p;
// skip s to after
while ( *s && is_alpha_a(*s) ) s++;
// skip white space before the operator
//char *saved = s;
while ( *s && is_wspace_a(*s) ) s++;
char sign = 0;
if ( *s == '=' ) {
if ( *s == '=' ) s++;
sign = SIGN_EQ;
else if ( *s == '!' && s[1] == '=' ) {
s += 2;
sign = SIGN_NE;
else if ( *s == '<' ) {
if ( *s == '=' ) { sign = SIGN_LE; s++; }
else sign = SIGN_LT;
else if ( *s == '>' ) {
if ( *s == '=' ) { sign = SIGN_GE; s++; }
else sign = SIGN_GT;
// skip whitespace after the operator
while ( *s && is_wspace_a(*s) ) s++;
// tld:cn
if ( *p=='t' && strncmp(p,"tld",3)==0){
// set it on demand
if ( tld == (char *)-1 )
tld = getTLDFast ( sreq->m_url , &tldLen );
// no match if we have no tld. might be an IP only url,
// or not in our list in Domains.cpp::isTLD()
if ( ! tld || tldLen == 0 ) continue;
// set these up
//char *a = tld;
//long alen = tldLen;
char *b = s;
// loop for the comma-separated list of tlds
// like tld:us,uk,fr,it,de
// get length of it in the regular expression box
char *start = b;
while ( *b && !is_wspace_a(*b) && *b!=',' ) b++;
long blen = b - start;
//char sm;
// if we had tld==com,org,...
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ &&
blen == tldLen &&
strncasecmp(start,tld,tldLen)==0 )
// if we matched any, that's great
goto matched1;
// if its tld!=com,org,...
// and we equal the string, then we do not matcht his
// particular rule!!!
if ( sign == SIGN_NE &&
blen == tldLen &&
strncasecmp(start,tld,tldLen)==0 )
// we do not match this rule if we matched
// and of the tlds in the != list
// might have another tld in a comma-separated list
if ( *b != ',' ) {
// if that was the end of the list and the
// sign was == then skip this rule
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ ) continue;
// otherwise, if the sign was != then we win!
if ( sign == SIGN_NE ) goto matched1;
// otherwise, bad sign?
// advance to next tld if there was a comma after us
// and try again
goto subloop1;
// otherwise
// do we match, if not, try next regex
//sm = strncasecmp(a,b,blen);
//if ( sm != 0 && sign == SIGN_EQ ) goto miss1;
//if ( sm == 0 && sign == SIGN_NE ) goto miss1;
// come here on a match
// we matched, now look for &&
p = strstr ( b , "&&" );
// if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
// skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// come here if we did not match the tld
// lang:en,zh_cn
if ( *p=='l' && strncmp(p,"lang",4)==0){
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// must have a reply
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// skip if unknown? no, we support "xx" as unknown now
//if ( srep->m_langId == 0 ) continue;
// set these up
char *b = s;
// loop for the comma-separated list of langids
// like lang==en,es,...
// get length of it in the regular expression box
char *start = b;
while ( *b && !is_wspace_a(*b) && *b!=',' ) b++;
long blen = b - start;
//char sm;
// if we had lang==en,es,...
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ &&
blen == langLen &&
strncasecmp(start,lang,langLen)==0 )
// if we matched any, that's great
goto matched2;
// if its lang!=en,es,...
// and we equal the string, then we do not matcht his
// particular rule!!!
if ( sign == SIGN_NE &&
blen == langLen &&
strncasecmp(start,lang,langLen)==0 )
// we do not match this rule if we matched
// and of the langs in the != list
// might have another in the comma-separated list
if ( *b != ',' ) {
// if that was the end of the list and the
// sign was == then skip this rule
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ ) continue;
// otherwise, if the sign was != then we win!
if ( sign == SIGN_NE ) goto matched2;
// otherwise, bad sign?
// advance to next list item if was a comma after us
// and try again
goto subloop2;
// come here on a match
// we matched, now look for &&
p = strstr ( b , "&&" );
// if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
// skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// come here if we did not match the tld
// hopcount == 20 [&&]
if ( *p=='h' && strncmp(p, "hopcount", 8) == 0){
// skip if not valid
if ( ! sreq->m_hopCountValid ) continue;
// shortcut
long a = sreq->m_hopCount;
// make it point to the priority
long b = atoi(s);
// compare
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ && a != b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_NE && a == b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GT && a <= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LT && a >= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GE && a < b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LE && a > b ) continue;
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// the last time it was spidered
if ( *p=='l' && strncmp(p,"lastspidertime",14) == 0 ) {
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// reply based
long a = 0;
// if no spider reply we can't match this rule!
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// shortcut
if ( srep ) a = srep->m_spideredTime;
// make it point to the retry count
long b ;
// now "s" can be "{roundstart}"
if ( s[0]=='{' && strncmp(s,"{roundstart}",12)==0)
b = cr->m_spiderRoundStartTime;//Num;
b = atoi(s);
// compare
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ && a != b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_NE && a == b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GT && a <= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LT && a >= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GE && a < b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LE && a > b ) continue;
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
if ( *p=='e' && strncmp(p,"errorcount",10) == 0 ) {
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// reply based
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// shortcut
long a = srep->m_errCount;
// make it point to the retry count
long b = atoi(s);
// compare
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ && a != b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_NE && a == b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GT && a <= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LT && a >= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GE && a < b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LE && a > b ) continue;
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// siteNumInlinks >= 300 [&&]
if ( *p=='s' && strncmp(p, "sitenuminlinks", 14) == 0){
// these are -1 if they are NOT valid
long a1 = sreq->m_siteNumInlinks;
// only assign if valid
long a2 = -1; if ( srep ) a2 = srep->m_siteNumInlinks;
// assume a1 is the best
long a ;
// assign to the first valid one
if ( a1 != -1 ) a = a1;
else if ( a2 != -1 ) a = a2;
// swap if both are valid, but srep is more recent
if ( a1 != -1 && a2 != -1 &&
srep->m_spideredTime > sreq->m_addedTime )
a = a2;
// skip if nothing valid
if ( a == -1 ) continue;
// make it point to the priority
long b = atoi(s);
// compare
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ && a != b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_NE && a == b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GT && a <= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LT && a >= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GE && a < b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LE && a > b ) continue;
// skip fast
p += 14;
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// retryNum >= 2 [&&] ...
if ( *p=='r' && strncmp(p, "retrynum", 8) == 0){
// shortcut
long a = sr->m_retryNum;
// make it point to the priority
long b = atoi(s);
// compare
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ && a != b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_NE && a == b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GT && a <= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LT && a >= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GE && a < b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LE && a > b ) continue;
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// how many days have passed since it was last attempted
// to be spidered? used in conjunction with percentchanged
// to assign when to re-spider it next
if ( *p=='s' && strncmp(p, "spiderwaited", 12) == 0){
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// must have a reply
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// do not match rule if never attempted
if ( srep->m_spideredTime == 0 ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( srep->m_spideredTime == -1 ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// shortcut
float af = (srep->m_spideredTime - nowGlobal);
// make into days
af /= (3600.0*24.0);
// back to a long, round it
long a = (long)(af + 0.5);
// make it point to the priority
long b = atoi(s);
// compare
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ && a != b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_NE && a == b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GT && a <= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LT && a >= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GE && a < b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LE && a > b ) continue;
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// percentchanged >= 50 [&&] ...
if ( *p=='p' && strncmp(p, "percentchangedperday", 20) == 0){
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// must have a reply
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// skip for msg20
if ( isForMsg20 ) continue;
// shortcut
float a = srep->m_percentChangedPerDay;
// make it point to the priority
float b = atof(s);
// compare
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ && a != b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_NE && a == b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GT && a <= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LT && a >= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GE && a < b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LE && a > b ) continue;
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// httpStatus == 400
if ( *p=='h' && strncmp(p, "httpstatus", 10) == 0){
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// must have a reply
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// shortcut (errCode doubles as g_errno)
long a = srep->m_errCode;
// make it point to the priority
long b = atoi(s);
// compare
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ && a != b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_NE && a == b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GT && a <= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LT && a >= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GE && a < b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LE && a > b ) continue;
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// how old is the doc in seconds? age is the pubDate age
if ( *p =='a' && strncmp(p, "age", 3) == 0){
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// must have a reply
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// shortcut
long age;
if ( srep->m_pubDate <= 0 ) age = -1;
else age = nowGlobal - srep->m_pubDate;
// we can not match if invalid
if ( age <= 0 ) continue;
// make it point to the priority
long b = atoi(s);
// compare
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ && age != b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_NE && age == b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GT && age <= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LT && age >= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GE && age < b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LE && age > b ) continue;
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
MDW: i replaced this with
m_contentHash32 to make spiders faster/smarter so let's
take this out for now
// how many new inlinkers we got since last spidered time?
if ( *p =='n' && strncmp(p, "newinlinks", 10) == 0){
// if we do not have enough info for outlink, all done
if ( isOutlink ) return -1;
// must have a reply
if ( ! srep ) continue;
// . make it point to the newinlinks.
// . # of new SpiderRequests added since
// srep->m_spideredTime
// . m_dupCache insures that the same ip/hostHash
// does not add more than 1 SpiderRequest for the
// same url/outlink
long a = srep->m_newRequests;
long b = atoi(s);
// compare
if ( sign == SIGN_EQ && a != b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_NE && a == b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GT && a <= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LT && a >= b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_GE && a < b ) continue;
if ( sign == SIGN_LE && a > b ) continue;
// quick
p += 10;
// look for more
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// our own regex thing (match front of url)
if ( *p=='^' ) {
// advance over caret
// now pstart pts to the string we will match
char *pstart = p;
// make "p" point to one past the last char in string
while ( *p && ! is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// how long is the string to match?
long plen = p - pstart;
// empty? that's kinda an error
if ( plen == 0 )
long m = 1;
// check to see if we matched if url was long enough
if ( urlLen >= plen )
m = strncmp(pstart,url,plen);
if ( ( m == 0 && val == 0 ) ||
// if they used the '!' operator and we
// did not match the string, that's a
// row match
( m && val == 1 ) ) {
// another expression follows?
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// no match
// our own regex thing (match end of url)
if ( *p=='$' ) {
// advance over dollar sign
// a hack for $\.css, skip over the backslash too
if ( *p=='\\' && *(p+1)=='.' ) p++;
// now pstart pts to the string we will match
char *pstart = p;
// make "p" point to one past the last char in string
while ( *p && ! is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// how long is the string to match?
long plen = p - pstart;
// empty? that's kinda an error
if ( plen == 0 )
// . do we match it?
// . url has to be at least as big
// . match our tail
long m = 1;
// check to see if we matched if url was long enough
if ( urlLen >= plen )
m = strncmp(pstart,url+urlLen-plen,plen);
if ( ( m == 0 && val == 0 ) ||
// if they used the '!' operator and we
// did not match the string, that's a
// row match
( m && val == 1 ) ) {
// another expression follows?
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// no match
// . by default a substring match
// . action=edit
// . action=history
// now pstart pts to the string we will match
char *pstart = p;
// make "p" point to one past the last char in string
while ( *p && ! is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// how long is the string to match?
long plen = p - pstart;
// need something...
if ( plen <= 0 ) continue;
// must be at least as big
//if ( urlLen < plen ) continue;
// nullilfy it temporarily
char c = *p;
*p = '\0';
// does url contain it? haystack=u needle=p
char *found = strstr ( url , pstart );
// put char back
*p = c;
// kinda of a hack fix. if they inject a filtered url
// into test coll, do not filter it! fixes the fact that
// we filtered facebook, but still add it in our test
// collection injection in urls.txt
if ( found &&
sreq->m_isInjecting &&
cr->m_coll[0]=='t' &&
cr->m_coll[1]=='e' &&
cr->m_coll[2]=='s' &&
cr->m_coll[3]=='t' &&
cr->m_coll[4]=='\0' &&
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] < 0 )
// support "!company" meaning if it does NOT match
// then do this ...
if ( ( found && val == 0 ) ||
// if they used the '!' operator and we
// did not match the string, that's a
// row match
( ! found && val == 1 ) ) {
// another expression follows?
p = strstr(s, "&&");
//if nothing, else then it is a match
if ( ! p ) return i;
//skip the '&&' and go to next rule
p += 2;
goto checkNextRule;
// sanity check ... must be a default rule!
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// return -1 if no match, caller should use a default
return -1;
//static bool s_ufnInit = false;
static HashTableX s_ufnTable;
void clearUfnTable ( ) {
long getUrlFilterNum ( SpiderRequest *sreq ,
SpiderReply *srep ,
long nowGlobal ,
bool isForMsg20 ,
long niceness ,
CollectionRec *cr ,
bool isOutlink ) {
turn this off for now to save memory on the g0 cluster.
we should nuke this anyway with rankdb
// init table?
if ( ! s_ufnInit ) {
s_ufnInit = true;
if ( ! s_ufnTable.set(8,
"ufntab") ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// check in cache using date of request and reply and uh48 as the key
long long key64 = sreq->getUrlHash48();
key64 ^= (long long)sreq->m_addedTime;
if ( srep ) key64 ^= ((long long)srep->m_spideredTime)<<32;
char *uv = (char *)s_ufnTable.getValue(&key64);
if ( uv )
return *uv;
char ufn = getUrlFilterNum2 ( sreq,
// is table full? clear it if so
if ( s_ufnTable.getNumSlotsUsed() > 2000000 ) {
log("spider: resetting ufn table");
// cache it
s_ufnTable.addKey ( &key64 , &ufn );
return (long)ufn;
bool SpiderColl::printStats ( SafeBuf &sb ) {
return true;
// . dedup for spiderdb
// . TODO: we can still have spider request dups in this if they are
// sandwiched together just right because we only compare to the previous
// SpiderRequest we added when looking for dups. just need to hash the
// relevant input bits and use that for deduping.
// . TODO: we can store ufn/priority/spiderTime in the SpiderRequest along
// with the date now, so if url filters do not change then
// gotSpiderdbList() can assume those to be valid and save time. BUT it does
// have siteNumInlinks...
void dedupSpiderdbList ( RdbList *list , long niceness , bool removeNegRecs ) {
//long need = list->m_listSize;
char *newList = list->m_list;//(char *)mmalloc (need,"dslist");
//if ( ! newList ) {
// log("spider: could not dedup spiderdb list: %s",
// mstrerror(g_errno));
// return;
char *dst = newList;
char *restorePoint = newList;
long long reqUh48 = 0LL;
long long repUh48 = 0LL;
SpiderReply *oldRep = NULL;
SpiderRequest *oldReq = NULL;
char *lastKey = NULL;
char *prevLastKey = NULL;
// save list ptr in case of re-read?
//char *saved = list->m_listPtr;
// reset it
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; ) {
// breathe. NO! assume in thread!!
// get rec
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
// pre skip it
// skip if negative, just copy over
if ( ( rec[0] & 0x01 ) == 0x00 ) {
// should not be in here if this was true...
if ( removeNegRecs ) {
log("spider: filter got negative key");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// save this
prevLastKey = lastKey;
lastKey = dst;
// otherwise, keep it
memmove ( dst , rec , sizeof(key128_t) );
dst += sizeof(key128_t);
// is it a reply?
if ( g_spiderdb.isSpiderReply ( (key128_t *)rec ) ) {
// cast it
SpiderReply *srep = (SpiderReply *)rec;
// shortcut
long long uh48 = srep->getUrlHash48();
// crazy?
if ( ! uh48 ) {
//uh48 = hash64b ( srep->m_url );
uh48 = 12345678;
log("spider: got uh48 of zero for spider req. "
"computing now.");
// does match last reply?
if ( repUh48 == uh48 ) {
// if he's a later date than us, skip us!
if ( oldRep->m_spideredTime >=
srep->m_spideredTime )
// skip us!
// otherwise, erase him
dst = restorePoint;
lastKey = prevLastKey;
// save in case we get erased
restorePoint = dst;
prevLastKey = lastKey;
lastKey = dst;
// get our size
long recSize = srep->getRecSize();
// and add us
memmove ( dst , rec , recSize );
// advance
dst += recSize;
// update this crap for comparing to next reply
repUh48 = uh48;
oldRep = srep;
// get next spiderdb record
// shortcut
SpiderRequest *sreq = (SpiderRequest *)rec;
// shortcut
long long uh48 = sreq->getUrlHash48();
// crazy?
if ( ! uh48 ) {
//uh48 = hash64b ( sreq->m_url );
uh48 = 12345678;
log("spider: got uh48 of zero for spider req. "
"computing now.");
// update request with SpiderReply if newer, because ultimately
// ::getUrlFilterNum() will just look at SpiderRequest's
// version of these bits!
if ( oldRep && repUh48 == uh48 &&
oldRep->m_spideredTime > sreq->m_addedTime ) {
// if request was a page reindex docid based request
// and url has since been spidered, nuke it!
if ( sreq->m_urlIsDocId ) continue;
SpiderReply *old = oldRep;
sreq->m_inGoogle = old->m_inGoogle;
sreq->m_hasAuthorityInlink = old->m_hasAuthorityInlink;
sreq->m_hasContactInfo = old->m_hasContactInfo;
sreq->m_hasSiteVenue = old->m_hasSiteVenue;
// if we are not the same url as last request, add it
if ( uh48 != reqUh48 ) {
// a nice hook in
// save in case we get erased
restorePoint = dst;
prevLastKey = lastKey;
// get our size
long recSize = sreq->getRecSize();
// save this
lastKey = dst;
// and add us
memmove ( dst , rec , recSize );
// advance
dst += recSize;
// update this crap for comparing to next reply
reqUh48 = uh48;
oldReq = sreq;
// get next spiderdb record
// try to kinda grab the min hop count as well
if ( sreq->m_hopCountValid && oldReq->m_hopCountValid ) {
if ( oldReq->m_hopCount < sreq->m_hopCount )
sreq->m_hopCount = oldReq->m_hopCount;
oldReq->m_hopCount = sreq->m_hopCount;
// if he's essentially different input parms but for the
// same url, we want to keep him because he might map the
// url to a different url priority!
if ( oldReq->m_siteHash32 != sreq->m_siteHash32 ||
oldReq->m_isNewOutlink != sreq->m_isNewOutlink ||
// makes a difference as far a m_minPubDate goes, because
// we want to make sure not to delete that request that
// has m_parentPrevSpiderTime
// no no, we prefer the most recent spider request
// from thsi site in the logic above, so this is not
// necessary. mdw commented out.
//oldReq->m_wasParentIndexed != sreq->m_wasParentIndexed||
oldReq->m_isInjecting != sreq->m_isInjecting ||
oldReq->m_hasContent != sreq->m_hasContent ||
oldReq->m_isAddUrl != sreq->m_isAddUrl ||
oldReq->m_isPageReindex != sreq->m_isPageReindex ||
oldReq->m_forceDelete != sreq->m_forceDelete )
// we are different enough to coexist
goto addIt;
// . if the same check who has the most recent added time
// . if we are not the most recent, just do not add us
if ( sreq->m_addedTime <= oldReq->m_addedTime ) continue;
// otherwise, erase over him
dst = restorePoint;
lastKey = prevLastKey;
// and add us over top of him
goto addIt;
// free the old list
//char *oldbuf = list->m_alloc;
//long oldSize = list->m_allocSize;
// sanity check
if ( dst < list->m_list || dst > list->m_list + list->m_listSize ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// and stick our newly filtered list in there
//list->m_list = newList;
list->m_listSize = dst - newList;
// set to end i guess
list->m_listPtr = dst;
//list->m_allocSize = need;
//list->m_alloc = newList;
list->m_listEnd = list->m_list + list->m_listSize;
list->m_listPtrHi = NULL;
if ( lastKey ) KEYSET(list->m_lastKey,lastKey,list->m_ks);
//mfree ( oldbuf , oldSize, "oldspbuf");
// diffbot uses these for limiting crawls in a collection
void gotCrawlInfoReply ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot);
class CallbackEntry2 {
void *m_state;
void (* m_callback ) ( void *state );
// . get total # of pages crawled in this collection over whole network
// . returns false if blocked
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool updateCrawlInfo ( CollectionRec *cr ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
bool useCache ) {
// prevent condition described in gotCrawlInfoReply() below
if ( cr->m_doingCallbacks ) return true;
long now = getTimeLocal();
// keep it fresh within 1 second
long thresh = 1;
// if being called from spiderloop, we just want to keep
// CrawlInfo::m_nextSpiderTime fresh
if ( ! callback ) thresh = 60;
// unless cluster is big
if ( g_hostdb.m_numHosts > 32 ) {
// update every 30 seconds
thresh = 30;
// if doing a passive refresh though...
if ( ! callback ) thresh = 120;
if ( useCache && now - cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_lastUpdateTime <thresh)
return true;
// wait in line if reply is pending
//if ( cr->m_replies < cr->m_requests || ) {
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . this will store state/callback into a safebuf queue
CallbackEntry2 ce2;
ce2.m_state = state;
ce2.m_callback = callback;
if ( ! cr->m_callbackQueue.safeMemcpy ( &ce2, sizeof(CallbackEntry2))){
log("spider: failed to queue update crawl info request");
return true;
// if we were not the first, we do not initiate it, we just wait
// for all the replies to come back
if ( cr->m_replies < cr->m_requests ) {
// unless we had no callback! we do that in SpiderLoop above
// to keep the crawl info fresh.
if ( ! callback ) return true;
// otherwise, block and we'll call your callback when done
return false;
// sanity test
if ( cr->m_replies > cr->m_requests ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
cr->m_replies = 0;
cr->m_requests = 0;
// request is just the collnum
char *request = (char *)&cr->m_collnum;
long requestSize = sizeof(collnum_t);
// send out the msg request
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
// skip if dead
if ( g_hostdb.isDead(i) ) {
log("spider: skipping dead host #%li when getting "
"crawl info",i);
// count it as launched
if ( ! g_udpServer.sendRequest ( request,
0xc1 , // msgtype
h->m_ip ,
h->m_port ,
h->m_hostId ,
NULL, // retslot
cr , // state
gotCrawlInfoReply ) ) {
log("spider: error sending c1 request: %s",
// return false if we blocked awaiting replies
if ( cr->m_replies < cr->m_requests ) {
// do not return false if callback is NULL
if ( ! callback ) return true;
return false;
// somehow we did not block... hmmmm...
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
//gotCrawlInfoReply( cr , NULL );
// we did not block...
return true;
void gotCrawlInfoReply ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) {
// reply is error?
if ( ! slot->m_readBuf || g_errno ) {
log("spider: got crawlinfo reply error: %s",
// just clear it
g_errno = 0;
// cast it
CollectionRec *cr = (CollectionRec *)state;
// inc it
// the sendbuf should never be freed! it points into collrec
slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL;
// . add the LOCAL stats we got from the remote into the GLOBAL stats
// . readBuf is null on an error, so check for that...
// . TODO: do not update on error???
if ( slot && slot->m_readBuf ) {
CrawlInfo *stats = (CrawlInfo *)(slot->m_readBuf);
long long *gs = (long long *)&cr->m_globalCrawlInfo;
long long *ss = (long long *)stats;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < NUMCRAWLSTATS ; i++ ) {
*gs = *gs + *ss;
if ( stats->m_hasUrlsReadyToSpider ) {
// inc the count otherwise
// unflag the sent flag if we had sent an alert
// but only if it was a crawl round done alert,
// not a maxToCrawl or maxToProcess or maxRounds
// alert.
// we can't do this because on startup we end up
// setting hasUrlsReadyToSpider to true and we
// may have already sent an email, and it gets RESET
// here when it shouldn't be
//if ( cr->m_localCrawlInfo.m_sentCrawlDoneAlert ==
// cr->m_localCrawlInfo.m_sentCrawlDoneAlert = 0;
// return if still waiting on more to come in
if ( cr->m_replies < cr->m_requests ) return;
// sanity check
if ( cr->m_replies > cr->m_requests ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//if ( cr->m_localCrawlInfo.m_sentCrawlDoneAlert == SP_ROUNDDONE )
// if we have urls ready to be spidered then prepare to send another
// email/webhook notification
if ( cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_hasUrlsReadyToSpider )
cr->m_localCrawlInfo.m_sentCrawlDoneAlert = 0;
// update cache time
cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_lastUpdateTime = getTime();
// make it save to disk i guess
cr->m_needsSave = true;
// call all callbacks
long nc = cr->m_callbackQueue.length() / sizeof(CallbackEntry2);
// wtf? need to be at least one in here
if ( nc <= 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// see note below. if the m_callback we call ends up calling
// updateCrawlInfo() its callback in callbackqueue will get flushed
// in the purge() below and will be a forever lost spider. so prevent
// that.
cr->m_doingCallbacks = true;
// call each callback
char *p = cr->m_callbackQueue.getBufStart();
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nc ; i++ ) {
CallbackEntry2 *ce2 = (CallbackEntry2 *)p;
p += sizeof(CallbackEntry2);
// clear g_errno just in case
g_errno = 0;
// this is NULL when called from SpiderLoop::spiderDoledUrls()
// because that is just updating it for maintenance
if ( ! ce2->m_callback ) continue;
// debug note
//XmlDoc *xd = (XmlDoc *)(ce2->m_state);
//log("spider: calling crawlupdate callback for %s",
// xd->m_firstUrl.m_url);
// . call that callback waiting in the queue
// . crap! if this callback ends up calling updateCrawlInfo()
// itself, then the purge below flushes its callback out!
// SHIT!
ce2->m_callback ( ce2->m_state );
cr->m_doingCallbacks = false;
// save the mem!
// now if its the first time a crawl has no rec to spider for
// a while, we want to send an alert to the user so they know their
// crawl is done.
// only host #0 sends alaerts
//if ( g_hostdb.getMyHost()->m_hostId != 0 ) return;
// and we've examined at least one url. to prevent us from
// sending a notification if we haven't spidered anything
// because no seed urls have been added/injected.
if ( cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_urlsConsidered == 0 ) return;
// if urls were considered and roundstarttime is still 0 then
// set it to the current time...
//if ( cr->m_spiderRoundStartTime == 0 )
// // all hosts in the network should sync with host #0 on this
// cr->m_spiderRoundStartTime = getTimeGlobal();
// but of course if it has urls ready to spider, do not send alert...
// or if this is -1, indicating "unknown".
if ( cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_hasUrlsReadyToSpider ) return;
// update status
cr->m_spiderStatus = SP_ROUNDDONE;
cr->m_spiderStatusMsg = "Crawl round completed.";
// do email and web hook...
sendNotificationForCollRec ( cr );
void handleRequestc1 ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) {
char *request = slot->m_readBuf;
// just a single collnum
if ( slot->m_readBufSize != sizeof(collnum_t) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
collnum_t collnum = *(collnum_t *)request;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(collnum);
// deleted from under us? i've seen this happen
if ( ! cr ) {
log("spider: c1: coll deleted returning empty reply");
g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( "", // reply
0 , // alloc
0 , //alloc size
slot );
// while we are here update CrawlInfo::m_nextSpiderTime
// to the time of the next spider request to spider.
// if doledb is empty and the next rec in the waiting tree
// does not have a time of zero, but rather, in the future, then
// return that future time. so if a crawl is enabled we should
// actively call updateCrawlInfo a collection every minute or
// so.
//cr->m_localCrawlInfo.m_hasUrlsReadyToSpider = 1;
//long long nowGlobalMS = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal();
//long long nextSpiderTimeMS;
// this will be 0 for ip's which have not had their SpiderRequests
// in spiderdb scanned yet to get the best SpiderRequest, so we
// just have to wait for that.
nextSpiderTimeMS = sc->getEarliestSpiderTimeFromWaitingTree(0);
if ( ! sc->m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild &&
sc->m_lastDoledbReadEmpty &&
cr->m_spideringEnabled &&
g_conf.m_spideringEnabled &&
nextSpiderTimeMS > nowGlobalMS +10*60*1000 )
// turn off this flag, "ready queue" is empty
cr->m_localCrawlInfo.m_hasUrlsReadyToSpider = 0;
// but send back a -1 if we do not know yet because we haven't
// read the doledblists from disk from all priorities for this coll
if ( sc->m_numRoundsDone == 0 )
cr->m_localCrawlInfo.m_hasUrlsReadyToSpider = -1;
//long now = getTimeGlobal();
//SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(collnum);
// shortcut
CrawlInfo *ci = &cr->m_localCrawlInfo;
// assume it does
//ci->m_hasUrlsReadyToSpider = 1;
// if we haven't spidered anything in 1 min assume the
// queue is basically empty...
if ( ci->m_lastSpiderAttempt &&
ci->m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch &&
//cr->m_spideringEnabled &&
//g_conf.m_spideringEnabled &&
ci->m_lastSpiderAttempt - ci->m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch > 60 )
// assume our crawl on this host is completed i guess
ci->m_hasUrlsReadyToSpider = 0;
char *reply = slot->m_tmpBuf;
if ( TMPBUFSIZE < sizeof(CrawlInfo) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
memcpy ( reply , &cr->m_localCrawlInfo , sizeof(CrawlInfo) );
g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( reply ,
sizeof(CrawlInfo) ,
reply , // alloc
sizeof(CrawlInfo) , //alloc size
slot );