2014-11-17 18:13:36 -08:00

618 lines
20 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "MemPoolTree.h"
MemPoolTree::MemPoolTree () {
m_mem = NULL;
m_memSize = 0;
m_headNode = NULL;
m_numUsedNodes = 0;
m_nextNode = NULL;
m_floor = NULL;
MemPoolTree::~MemPoolTree ( ) {
m_mem = NULL;
m_memSize = 0;
// "memMax" includes records plus the overhead
bool MemPoolTree::init ( char *mem , int32_t memSize ) {
// all the mem
m_mem = mem;
m_memSize = memSize;
// the floor
m_floor = (MemNode *)(m_mem + m_memSize) ;
// next available node
m_nextNode = m_floor - 1;
return true;
// . used by cache
// . wrapper for getNode()
MemNode *MemPoolTree::getNode ( MemKey &key ) {
// debug msg
//log("getting node for k.n1=%"UINT32" n0=%"UINT64"",key.n1,key.n0);
// get the node (about 4 cycles per loop, 80cycles for 1 million items)
MemNode *i = m_headNode;
while ( i ) {
if ( key < i->m_key ) { i = i->m_left ; continue;}
if ( key > i->m_key ) { i = i->m_right; continue;}
return i;
return NULL;
// . returns node whose key is >= "key"
// . returns NULL if none
MemNode *MemPoolTree::getNextNode ( MemKey &key ) {
// return NULL if tree empty
if ( ! m_headNode ) return NULL;
// get the node
MemNode *parent;
MemNode *i = m_headNode ;
while ( i ) {
parent = i ;
if ( key < i->m_key ) { i = i->m_left ; continue; }
if ( key > i->m_key ) { i = i->m_right ; continue; }
return i;
// if parent's key is > we're done
if ( parent->m_key > key ) return parent;
// otherwise we must get the node after the parent
return getNextNode ( parent );
// . get the node whose key is <= "key"
// . returns -1 if none
MemNode *MemPoolTree::getPrevNode ( MemKey &key ) {
// return NULL if tree empty
if ( ! m_headNode ) return NULL;
// get the node
MemNode *parent;
MemNode *i = m_headNode ;
while ( i ) {
parent = i ;
if ( key < i->m_key ) { i = i->m_left ; continue; }
if ( key > i->m_key ) { i = i->m_right ; continue; }
return i;
// if parent's key is < we're done
if ( parent->m_key < key ) return parent;
// otherwise we must get the node after the parent
return getPrevNode ( parent );
// get next node after "node"
MemNode *MemPoolTree::getNextNode ( MemNode *i ) {
// cruise the kids if we have a right one
if ( i->m_right ) {
// go to the right kid
i = i->m_right;
// now go left as much as we can
while ( i->m_left ) i = i->m_left;
// return that node (it's a leaf or has one right kid)
return i;
// now keep getting parents until one has a key bigger than i's key
MemNode *p = i->m_parent;
// if parent is NULL we're done
if ( ! p ) return NULL;
// if we're the left kid of the parent, then the parent is the
// next biggest node
if ( p->m_left == i ) return p;
// otherwise keep getting the parent until it has a bigger key
// or until we're the LEFT kid of the parent. that's better
// cuz comparing keys takes longer. loop is 6 cycles per iteration.
while ( p && p->m_key < i->m_key ) p = p->m_parent;
// p will be NULL if none are left
return p;
MemNode *MemPoolTree::getPrevNode ( MemNode *i ) {
// cruise the kids if we have a left one
if ( i->m_left ) {
// go to the left kid
i = i->m_left;
// now go right as much as we can
while ( i->m_right ) i = i->m_right ;
// return that node (it's a leaf or has one left kid)
return i;
// now keep getting parents until one has a key bigger than i's key
MemNode *p = i->m_parent;
// if we're the right kid of the parent, then the parent is the
// next least node
if ( p->m_right == i ) return p;
// keep getting the parent until it has a bigger key
// or until we're the RIGHT kid of the parent. that's better
// cuz comparing keys takes longer. loop is 6 cycles per iteration.
while ( p && p->m_key > i->m_key ) p = p->m_parent;
// p will be NULL if none are left
return p;
// . returns NULL and sets errno on failure
// . returns node ptr we added it to on success
// . this will NOT replace any current node with the same key
MemNode *MemPoolTree::addNode ( MemKey &key ) {
// debug msg
//log("adding k.n1=%"UINT32" n0=%"UINT64"",key.n1,key.n0);
// set up vars
MemNode *iparent ;
// this is NULL iff there are no nodes used in the tree
MemNode *i = m_headNode;
// . find the parent of node i
// . if a node exists with our key then replace it
while ( i ) {
iparent = i ;
if ( key < i->m_key ) i = i->m_left ;
else if ( key > i->m_key ) i = i->m_right ;
else {
log("MemPoolTree::addNode: node already in tree");
return NULL;
// store in the next available node
i = m_nextNode;
// if we're the first node we become the head node and our parent is -1
if ( ! m_headNode ) {
m_headNode = i;
iparent = NULL;
// . the right kid of an empty node is used as a linked list of
// empty nodes formed by deleting nodes
// . we keep the linked list so we can re-used these vacated nodes
MemNode *rightGuy = i->m_right ;
// stick ourselves in the next available node, "m_nextNode"
i->m_key = key;
i->m_parent = iparent;
i->m_left = NULL;
i->m_right = NULL;
i->m_depth = 1; // leave nodes have depth of 1
// make our parent, if any, point to us
if ( iparent ) {
if ( key < iparent->m_key ) iparent->m_left = i;
else if ( key > iparent->m_key ) iparent->m_right = i;
else log("MemPoolTree::addNode: bad engineer");
// . if we weren't recycling a middle node then advance to next
// . m_floor is the lowest node number that was never filled
// at any one time in the past
// . you might call it the brand new housing district
// . we advance downwards like a stack to use memory most efficiently
if ( m_nextNode == m_floor - 1 ) { m_nextNode--; m_floor--; }
// . otherwise, we're in a linked list of vacated used houses
// . we have a linked list in the right kid
// . make sure the new head doesn't have a left
else if ( rightGuy ) m_nextNode = rightGuy;
// otherwise point it to the next brand new house (TODO:REMOVE)
else {
log("MemPoolTree::addNode: bad engineer 2");
sleep(50000); // m_nextNode = m_floor;
// we have one more used node
// . reset depths starting at our parent and ascending the tree
// . will balance if child depths differ by 2 or more
setDepths ( iparent );
// return the node we occupied
return i;
// . deletes node i from the tree
// . i's parent should point to i's left or right kid
// . if i has no parent then his left or right kid becomes the new top node
void MemPoolTree::deleteNode ( MemNode *i ) {
// watch out for NULL ptrs
if ( ! i ) {
log("\n\n\n\n\nMemPoolTree::deleteNode: NULL MemNode"); return; }
// watch out for double deletes
if ( i->m_parent == (MemNode *) -2 ) {
log("MemPoolTree::deleteNode: caught bad deleteNode() call");
// parents
MemNode *iparent ;
MemNode *jparent ;
// node2 replaces node
MemNode *j = i;
// . now find a node to replace "node"
// . get a node whose key is just to the right or left of node's key
// . get node's right kid
// . then get that kid's LEFT MOST leaf-node descendant
// . this little routine is stolen from getNextNode(i)
// . try to pick a kid from the right the same % of time as from left
if ( j->m_right && ( m_pickRight || ! j->m_left ) ) {
// try to pick a left kid next time
m_pickRight = 0;
// go to the right kid
j =j->m_right ;
// now go left as much as we can
while ( j->m_left ) j = j->m_left ;
// usej (it's a leaf or has a right kid)
goto gotReplacement;
// . now get the previous node if i has no right kid
// . this little routine is stolen from getPrevNode(i)
if ( j->m_left ) {
// try to pick a right kid next time
m_pickRight = 1;
// go to the left kid
j = j->m_left;
// now go right as much as we can
while ( j->m_right ) j =j->m_right;
// usej (it's a leaf or has a left kid)
goto gotReplacement;
// . come here if i did not have any kids (i's a leaf node)
// . get i's parent
iparent = i->m_parent;
// make parent, if any, disown him
if ( iparent ) {
if ( iparent->m_left == i ) iparent->m_left = NULL;
else iparent->m_right = NULL;
// node now goes to the top of the list of vacated, available homes
i->m_right = m_nextNode;
// m_nextNode now points to node
m_nextNode = i;
// his parent is -2 (god) cuz he's dead and available
i->m_parent = (MemNode *) -2;
// . if we were the head node then, since we didn't have any kids,
// the tree must be empty
// . one less node in the tree
// . reset the depths starting at iparent and going up until unchanged
// . will balance at pivot nodes that need it
setDepths ( iparent );
// return if there are still nodes in the tree
if ( m_numUsedNodes > 0 ) return;
// otherwise tree must be empty
m_headNode = NULL;
// this will nullify our linked list of vacated, used homes
m_floor = (MemNode *)(m_mem + m_memSize) ;
m_nextNode = m_floor - 1;
// . now replace node #i with node #j
// . i should not equal j at this point
// . j's parent should take j's one kid
// . that child should likewise point to j's parent
// . j should only have <= 1 kid now because of our algorithm above
// . if j's parent is i then j keeps his kid
jparent = j->m_parent;
if ( jparent != i ) {
// parent: if j is my left kid, then i take j's right kid
// otherwise, if j is my right kid, then i take j's left kid
if ( jparent->m_left == j ) {
jparent->m_left = j->m_right;
if ( j->m_right ) j->m_right->m_parent = jparent;
else {
jparent->m_right = j->m_left ;
if ( j->m_left ) j->m_left->m_parent = jparent;
// . j inherits i's children (providing i's child is not j)
// . those children's parent should likewise point to j
if ( i->m_left != j ) {
j->m_left = i->m_left;
if ( j->m_left ) j->m_left->m_parent = j;
if ( i->m_right != j ) {
j->m_right = i->m_right;
if ( j->m_right ) j->m_right->m_parent = j;
// j becomes the kid of i's parent, if any
iparent = i->m_parent;
if ( iparent ) {
if ( iparent->m_left == i ) iparent->m_left = j;
else iparent->m_right = j;
// iparent may be -1
j->m_parent = iparent;
// if i was the head node now j becomes the head node
if ( m_headNode == i ) m_headNode = j;
// . i joins the linked list of available used homes
// . put it at the head of the list
// . "m_nextNode" is the head node of the linked list
i->m_right = m_nextNode;
m_nextNode = i;
// . i's parent should be -2 so we know it's unused in case we're
// stepping through the nodes linearly for dumping in RdbDump
// . used in getListUnordered()
i->m_parent = (MemNode *)-2;
// we have one less used node
// debug step -- check chain from iparent down making sure that
// all kids don't have -2 for their parent... seems to be a rare bug
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"- #%"INT32" %"INT64" %"INT32"\n",i,m_keys[i].n0,iparent);
// our depth becomes that of the node we replaced, unless moving j
// up to i decreases the total depth, in which case setDepths() fixes
j->m_depth = i->m_depth ;
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"... replaced %"INT32" it with %"INT32" (-1 means none)\n",i,j);
// . recalculate depths starting at old parent of j
// . stops at the first node to have the correct depth
// . will balance at pivot nodes that need it
if ( jparent != i ) setDepths ( jparent );
else setDepths ( j );
// TODO: register growTree with g_mem to free on demand
// do a grow/shrink test and shrink if we need to
// return growTable ( );
// done:
// . recompute depths of nodes starting at i and ascending the tree
// . call rotateRight/Left() when depth of children differs by 2 or more
void MemPoolTree::setDepths ( MemNode *i ) {
// inc the depth of all parents if it changes for them
while ( i ) {
// . compute the new depth for node i
// . get depth of left kid
// . left/rightDepth is depth of subtree on left/right
int32_t leftDepth = 0;
int32_t rightDepth = 0;
if ( i->m_left ) leftDepth = i->m_left->m_depth;
if ( i->m_right ) rightDepth = i->m_right->m_depth;
// . get the new depth for node i
// . add 1 cuz we include ourself in our m_depth
int32_t newDepth ;
if ( leftDepth > rightDepth ) newDepth = leftDepth + 1;
else newDepth = rightDepth + 1;
// if the depth did not change for i then we're done
int32_t oldDepth = i->m_depth;
// set our new depth
i->m_depth = newDepth;
// diff can be -2, -1, 0, +1 or +2
int32_t diff = leftDepth - rightDepth;
// . if it's -1, 0 or 1 then we don't need to balance
// . if rightside is deeper rotate left, i is the pivot
// . otherwise, rotate left
// . these should set the m_depth[*] for all nodes needing it
if ( diff == -2 ) i = rotateLeft ( i );
else if ( diff == 2 ) i = rotateRight ( i );
// . return if our depth was ultimately unchanged
// . i may have change if we rotated, but same logic applies
if ( i->m_depth == oldDepth ) break;
// debug msg
//fprintf (stderr,"changed node %"INT32"'s depth from %"INT32" to %"INT32"\n",
// get his parent to continue the ascension
i = i->m_parent;
// W , X and B are SUBTREES.
// B's subtree was 1 less in depth than W or X, then a new node was added to
// W or X triggering the imbalance.
// However, if B gets deleted W and X can be the same size.
// Right rotation if W subtree depth is >= X subtree depth:
// A N
// / \ / \
// / \ / \
// N B ---> W A
// / \ / \
// W X X B
// Right rotation if W subtree depth is < X subtree depth:
// A X
// / \ / \
// / \ / \
// N B ---> N A
// / \ / \ / \
// W X W Q T B
// / \
// Q T
// . we come here when A's left subtree is deeper than it's right subtree by 2
// . this rotation operation causes left to lose 1 depth and right to gain one
// . the type of rotation depends on which subtree is deeper, W or X
// . W or X must deeper by the other by exactly one
// . if they were equal depth then how did adding a node inc the depth?
// . if their depths differ by 2 then N would have been rotated first!
// . the parameter "i" is the node # for A in the illustration above
// . return the node # that replaced A so the balance() routine can continue
// . TODO: check our depth modifications below
MemNode *MemPoolTree::rotateRight ( MemNode *i ) {
// i's left kid's right kid takes his place
MemNode *A = i;
MemNode *N = A->m_left ;
MemNode *W = N->m_left ;
MemNode *X = N->m_right;
MemNode *Q = NULL;
MemNode *T = NULL;
if ( X ) {
Q = X->m_left ;
T = X->m_right;
// let AP be A's parent
MemNode *AP = A->m_parent ;
// whose the bigger subtree, W or X? (depth includes W or X itself)
int32_t Wdepth = 0;
int32_t Xdepth = 0;
if ( W ) Wdepth = W->m_depth;
if ( X ) Xdepth = X->m_depth;
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"A=%"INT32" AP=%"INT32" N=%"INT32" W=%"INT32" X=%"INT32" Q=%"INT32" T=%"INT32" "
//"Wdepth=%"INT32" Xdepth=%"INT32"\n",A,AP,N,W,X,Q,T,Wdepth,Xdepth);
// goto Xdeeper if X is deeper
if ( Wdepth < Xdepth ) goto Xdeeper;
// N's parent becomes A's parent
N->m_parent = AP;
// A's parent becomes N
A->m_parent = N;
// X's parent becomes A
if ( X ) X->m_parent = A;
// A's parents kid becomes N
if ( AP ) {
if ( AP->m_left == A ) AP->m_left = N;
else AP->m_right = N;
// if A had no parent, it was the headNode
else {
//fprintf(stderr,"changing head node from %"INT32" to %"INT32"\n",
m_headNode = N;
// N's right kid becomes A
N->m_right = A;
// A's left kid becomes X
A->m_left = X;
// . compute A's depth from it's X and B kids
// . it should be one less if Xdepth smaller than Wdepth
// . might set m_depth[A] to computeDepth(A) if we have problems
if ( Xdepth < Wdepth ) A->m_depth -= 2;
else A->m_depth -= 1;
// N gains a depth iff W and X were of equal depth
if ( Wdepth == Xdepth ) N->m_depth += 1;
// now we're done, return the new pivot that replaced A
return N;
// come here if X is deeper
// X's parent becomes A's parent
X->m_parent = AP;
// A's parent becomes X
A->m_parent = X;
// N's parent becomes X
N->m_parent = X;
// Q's parent becomes N
if ( Q ) Q->m_parent = N;
// T's parent becomes A
if ( T ) T->m_parent = A;
// A's parent's kid becomes X
if ( AP ) {
if ( AP->m_left == A ) AP->m_left = X;
else AP->m_right = X;
// if A had no parent, it was the headNode
else {
//fprintf(stderr,"changing head node2 from %"INT32" to %"INT32"\n",
m_headNode = X;
// A's left kid becomes T
A->m_left = T;
// N's right kid becomes Q
N->m_right = Q;
// X's left kid becomes N
X->m_left = N;
// X's right kid becomes A
X->m_right = A;
// X's depth increases by 1 since it gained 1 level of 2 new kids
X->m_depth += 1;
// N's depth decreases by 1
N->m_depth -= 1;
// A's depth decreases by 2
A->m_depth -= 2;
// now we're done, return the new pivot that replaced A
return X;
MemNode *MemPoolTree::rotateLeft ( MemNode *i ) {
// i's left kid's right kid takes his place
MemNode *A = i;
MemNode *N = A->m_right ;
MemNode *W = N->m_right ;
MemNode *X = N->m_left;
MemNode *Q = NULL;
MemNode *T = NULL;
if ( X ) {
Q = X->m_right ;
T = X->m_left ;
// let AP be A's parent
MemNode *AP = A->m_parent ;
// whose the bigger subtree, W or X? (depth includes W or X itself)
int32_t Wdepth = 0;
int32_t Xdepth = 0;
if ( W ) Wdepth = W->m_depth;
if ( X ) Xdepth = X->m_depth;
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"A=%"INT32" AP=%"INT32" N=%"INT32" W=%"INT32" X=%"INT32" Q=%"INT32" T=%"INT32" "
//"Wdepth=%"INT32" Xdepth=%"INT32"\n",A,AP,N,W,X,Q,T,Wdepth,Xdepth);
// goto Xdeeper if X is deeper
if ( Wdepth < Xdepth ) goto Xdeeper;
// N's parent becomes A's parent
N->m_parent = AP;
// A's parent becomes N
A->m_parent = N;
// X's parent becomes A
if ( X ) X->m_parent = A;
// A's parents kid becomes N
if ( AP ) {
if ( AP->m_right == A ) AP->m_right = N;
else AP->m_left = N;
// if A had no parent, it was the headNode
else {
//fprintf(stderr,"changing head node from %"INT32" to %"INT32"\n",
m_headNode = N;
// N's right kid becomes A
N->m_left = A;
// A's left kid becomes X
A->m_right = X;
// . compute A's depth from it's X and B kids
// . it should be one less if Xdepth smaller than Wdepth
// . might set m_depth[A] to computeDepth(A) if we have problems
if ( Xdepth < Wdepth ) A->m_depth -= 2;
else A->m_depth -= 1;
// N gains a depth iff W and X were of equal depth
if ( Wdepth == Xdepth ) N->m_depth += 1;
// now we're done, return the new pivot that replaced A
return N;
// come here if X is deeper
// X's parent becomes A's parent
X->m_parent = AP;
// A's parent becomes X
A->m_parent = X;
// N's parent becomes X
N->m_parent = X;
// Q's parent becomes N
if ( Q ) Q->m_parent = N;
// T's parent becomes A
if ( T ) T->m_parent = A;
// A's parent's kid becomes X
if ( AP ) {
if ( AP->m_right == A ) AP->m_right = X;
else AP->m_left = X;
// if A had no parent, it was the headNode
else {
//fprintf(stderr,"changing head node2 from %"INT32" to %"INT32"\n",
m_headNode = X;
// A's left kid becomes T
A->m_right = T;
// N's right kid becomes Q
N->m_left = Q;
// X's left kid becomes N
X->m_right = N;
// X's right kid becomes A
X->m_left = A;
// X's depth increases by 1 since it gained 1 level of 2 new kids
X->m_depth += 1;
// N's depth decreases by 1
N->m_depth -= 1;
// A's depth decreases by 2
A->m_depth -= 2;
// now we're done, return the new pivot that replaced A
return X;