mwells 80179525c1 when using pthreads block SIGIO
so it does not silently kill the gb
process because we no longer have a handler
for it because it was bogging down the cpu
because it went off every time a udp datagram
was sent/received and it seemed to have a ton
of overhead with it. SIGIO used to be sent
when the signal queue was full so we'd resort
to polling the file descriptors, so i'm not
sure how this will affect us. also updated
Threads.cpp to use getpidtid() instead of
getpid() to get the thread id when using
pthreads, not the process id. using pthreads
is now default behaviour even though they suck.
we used to use clone() but the newer stuff doesn't
allow us to override errno_location anymore.
2013-08-21 15:01:26 -06:00

277 lines
8.9 KiB

// Matt Wells, Copyright June 2002
// . this calls let's us use threads
#ifndef _GBTHREADS_
#define _GBTHREADS_
#include <sys/types.h> // pid_t
// if we are a thread this gets the threadid, otherwise, the main process id
pid_t getpidtid();
// user-defined thread types
#define DISK_THREAD 0
#define MERGE_THREAD 1
#define MAX_NICENESS 2
// . a ThreadQueue has a list of thread entries
// . each thread entry represents a thread in progress or waiting to be created
class ThreadEntry {
long m_niceness ;
void (* m_callback)(void *state,class ThreadEntry *) ;
void *m_state ;
// returns a void * :
void *(* m_startRoutine)(void *,class ThreadEntry *) ;
pid_t m_pid ; // process id for waitpid()
bool m_isOccupied ; // is thread waiting/going?
bool m_isLaunched ; // has it been launched?
bool m_isDone ; // is it done running?
bool m_readyForBail ; // BigFile.cpp stuck reads
char *m_allocBuf ; // BigFile.cpp stuck reads
long m_allocSize ; // BigFile.cpp stuck reads
long m_errno ; // BigFile.cpp stuck reads
long m_bytesToGo ; // BigFile.cpp stuck reads
long long m_queuedTime ; // when call() was called
long long m_launchedTime ; // when thread was launched
long long m_preExitTime ; // when thread was about done
long long m_exitTime ; // when thread was done
char m_qnum ; // what thread queue we r in
char m_doWrite ; // BigFile.cpp stuck reads
char m_isCancelled ; // got cancel sig?
char *m_stack ;
long m_stackSize ;
long m_si ; // s_stackPtrs[i] = m_stack
pthread_t m_joinTid;
//#define MAX_THREAD_ENTRIES 1024
// our Thread class has one ThreadQueue per thread type
class ThreadQueue {
// what type of threads are in this queue (used-defined)?
char m_threadType;
// how many threads have been launched total over time?
long long m_launched;
// how many threads have returned total over time?
long long m_returned;
// how many can we launch at one time?
long m_maxLaunched;
// how many are in the queue now?
//long m_entriesUsed;
// m_top is the first unused entry with nothing used above it
long m_top;
// the list of entries in this queue
//ThreadEntry m_entries [ MAX_THREAD_ENTRIES ];
ThreadEntry *m_entries ;
long m_entriesSize;
long m_maxEntries;
// counts the high/low priority (niceness <= 0) threads
long long m_hiLaunched;
long long m_hiReturned;
long long m_mdLaunched;
long long m_mdReturned;
long long m_loLaunched;
long long m_loReturned;
// disk writing
long long m_writesLaunched;
long long m_writesReturned;
// now for disk threads we partition by the read size
long long m_hiLaunchedBig;
long long m_hiReturnedBig;
long long m_mdLaunchedBig;
long long m_mdReturnedBig;
long long m_loLaunchedBig;
long long m_loReturnedBig;
long long m_hiLaunchedMed;
long long m_hiReturnedMed;
long long m_mdLaunchedMed;
long long m_mdReturnedMed;
long long m_loLaunchedMed;
long long m_loReturnedMed;
long long m_hiLaunchedSma;
long long m_hiReturnedSma;
long long m_mdLaunchedSma;
long long m_mdReturnedSma;
long long m_loLaunchedSma;
long long m_loReturnedSma;
// init
bool init (char threadType, long maxThreads, long maxEntries);
void reset();
long getNumThreadsOutOrQueued();
// . for adding an entry
// . returns false and sets errno on error
ThreadEntry *addEntry ( long niceness ,
void *state ,
void (* callback )(void *state,
class ThreadEntry *t) ,
void *(* startRoutine)(void *state,
class ThreadEntry *t) );
// calls the callback of threads that are done (exited) and then
// removes them from the queue
bool cleanUp ( ThreadEntry *tt , long maxNiceness );
bool timedCleanUp ( long maxNiceness );
void bailOnReads ();
bool isHittingFile ( class BigFile *bf );
// . launch a thread from our queue
// . returns false and sets errno on error
bool launchThread ( ThreadEntry *te = NULL );
void print ( ) ;
// these are called by g_udpServer2, the high priority udp server
void suspendLowPriorityThreads();
void resumeLowPriorityThreads();
// this is true if low priority threads are temporarily suspended
bool m_isLowPrioritySuspended ;
// . cancel running low priority threads
// . called by suspendLowPriorityThreads() when first called
//void cancelLowPriorityThreads();
// return m_threadType as a NULL-terminated string
const char *getThreadType () ;
void removeThreads ( class BigFile *bf ) ;
// this Threads class has a list of ThreadQueues, 1 per thread type
class Threads {
Threads() { m_numQueues = 0; };
// returns false and sets errno on error, true otherwise
bool init();
long getStack ( ) ;
void returnStack ( long si );
void reset ( ) ;
// . we restrict the # of threads based on their type
// . for instance we allow up to say, 5, disk i/o threads,
// but only 1 thread for doing IndexList intersections
// . threads with higher niceness values always wait for any thread
// with lower niceness to complete
// . returns false and sets errno on error, true otherwise
bool registerType ( char type , long maxThreads , long maxEntries );
// is the caller a thread?
bool amThread ( );
void printQueue ( long q ) { m_threadQueues[q].print(); };
void printState();
// disable all threads... no more will be created, those in queues
// will never be spawned
void disableThreads () { m_disabled = true; };
void enableThreads () { m_disabled = false; };
bool areThreadsDisabled() { return m_disabled; };
bool areThreadsEnabled () { return ! m_disabled; };
// . returns false and sets errno if thread launch failed
// . returns true on success
// . when thread is done a signal will be put on the g_loop's
// sigqueue to call "callback" with "state" as the parameter
// . niceness deteremines the niceness of this signal as well as
// the thread's priority
bool call ( char type ,
long niceness ,
void *state ,
void (* threadDoneCallback)(void *state,
class ThreadEntry *t) ,
void *(* startRoutine )(void *state,
class ThreadEntry *t) );
bool call ( char type , long niceness ,
void *state , void (* callback)(void *state,
class ThreadEntry *t) );
// try to launch threads waiting to be launched in any queue
long launchThreads ();
// call cleanUp() for each thread queue
bool cleanUp ( ThreadEntry *tt , long maxNiceness ) ;
void bailOnReads ();
bool isHittingFile ( class BigFile *bf ) ;
//calls callbacks and launches all threads
long timedCleanUp (long maxTime, long niceness );//= MAX_NICENESS);
// these are called by g_udpServer2, the high priority udp server
void suspendLowPriorityThreads();
void resumeLowPriorityThreads();
// cancels low priority threads running in each ThreadQueue
//void cancelLowPriorityThreads();
// . used by Msg34 for computing the disk load
// . gets the number of disk threads (seeks) and total bytes to read
// . ignores disk threads that are too nice (over maxNiceness)
long getDiskThreadLoad ( long maxNiceness , long *totalToRead ) ;
ThreadQueue* getThreadQueues() { return &m_threadQueues[0];}
long getNumThreadQueues() { return m_numQueues; }
// used by UdpServer to see if it should call a low priority callback
long getNumActiveHighPriorityCpuThreads() ;
// all high priority threads...
long getNumActiveHighPriorityThreads() ;
long getNumThreadsOutOrQueued();
// counts the high/low priority (niceness <= 0) threads
//long long m_hiLaunched;
//long long m_hiReturned;
//long long m_loLaunched;
//long long m_loReturned;
bool m_needsCleanup;
//bool m_needBottom;
// private:
// . allow up to MAX_THREAD_QUEUES different thread types for now
// . types are user-defined numbers
// . each type has a corresponding thread queue
// . when a thread is done we place a signal on g_loop's sigqueue so
// that it will call m_callback w/ m_state
ThreadQueue m_threadQueues [ MAX_THREAD_QUEUES ];
long m_numQueues;
bool m_disabled;
extern class Threads g_threads;
void ohcrap ( void *state , class ThreadEntry *t ) ;