Matt Wells fe97e08281 move from groups to shards. got rid of annoying
groupid bit mask thing.
2013-10-04 16:18:56 -07:00

17273 lines
504 KiB

// print events should print   if nothing else to print
// when a div tag's parent truncates its section, it may have been
// paired up with a div back tag which then should become free...
// that is the problem... because those back tags are unpaired.
// so your parent should constrain you as SOON as it is constrained and
// close you up at that point. that way you cannot falsely pair-claim
// a div back tag.
#include "Sections.h"
#include "Url.h"
#include "Words.h"
#include "Msg40.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Msg1.h" // getGroupId()
#include "HashTableX.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
#include "Bits.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "Abbreviations.h"
#define MIN_VOTERS 10
//#define MAX_VOTERS 200
//static void gotSectiondbListWrapper ( void *state );
//static int cmp ( const void *s1 , const void *s2 ) ;
Sections::Sections ( ) {
m_sections = NULL;
m_buf = NULL;
m_buf2 = NULL;
void Sections::reset() {
if ( m_sections && m_needsFree )
mfree ( m_sections , m_sectionsBufSize , "Sections" );
if ( m_buf && m_bufSize )
mfree ( m_buf , m_bufSize , "sdata" );
if ( m_buf2 && m_bufSize2 )
mfree ( m_buf2 , m_bufSize2 , "sdata2" );
// reset the old and new section voting tables
m_sections = NULL;
m_buf = NULL;
m_buf2 = NULL;
m_bits = NULL;
m_numSections = 0;
m_numSentenceSections = 0;
m_badHtml = false;
m_aa = NULL;
m_sentFlagsAreSet = false;
m_addedImpliedSections = false;
m_setRegBits = false;
m_rootSection = NULL;
m_lastSection = NULL;
m_lastAdded = NULL;
m_numLineWaiters = 0;
m_waitInLine = false;
m_hadArticle = false;
m_articleStartWord = -2;
m_articleEndWord = -2;
m_recall = 0;
//m_totalSimilarLayouts = 0;
m_numVotes = 0;
m_nw = 0;
m_firstSent = NULL;
m_lastSent = NULL;
m_sectionPtrs = NULL;
m_firstDateValid = false;
m_alnumPosValid = false;
Sections::~Sections ( ) {
// for debug watch point
class Sections *g_sections = NULL;
class Section *g_sec = NULL;
#define TXF_MATCHED 1
// an element on the stack is a Tag
class Tagx {
// id of the fron tag we pushed
nodeid_t m_tid;
// cumulative hash of all tag ids containing this one, includes us
//long m_cumHash;
// section number we represent
long m_secNum;
// hash of all the alnum words in this section
//long m_contentHash;
// set to TXF_MATCHED
char m_flags;
// i lowered from 1000 to 300 so that we more sensitive to malformed pages
// because typically they seem to take longer to parse. i also added some
// new logic for dealing with table tr and td back tags that allow us to
// pop off the other contained tags right away rather than delaying it until
// we are done because that will often breach this stack.
#define MAXTAGSTACK 300
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
// . sets m_sections[] array, 1-1 with words array "w"
// . the Weights class can look at these sections and zero out the weights
// for words in script, style, select and marquee sections
bool Sections::set ( Words *w ,
Phrases *phrases ,
Bits *bits ,
Url *url ,
long long docId ,
long long siteHash64 ,
char *coll ,
long niceness ,
void *state ,
void (*callback)(void *state) ,
uint8_t contentType ,
Dates *dates ,
// from XmlDoc::ptr_sectionsData in a title rec
char *sectionsData ,
bool sectionsDataValid ,
char *sectionsVotes ,
//uint64_t tagPairHash ,
char *buf ,
long bufSize ) {
if ( ! w ) return true;
// save it
m_words = w;
m_bits = bits;
m_dates = dates;
m_url = url;
m_docId = docId;
m_siteHash64 = siteHash64;
m_coll = coll;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_niceness = niceness;
//m_tagPairHash = tagPairHash;
m_contentType = contentType;
// reset this just in case
g_errno = 0;
if ( w->getNumWords() <= 0 ) return true;
// shortcuts
long long *wids = w->getWordIds ();
nodeid_t *tids = w->getTagIds ();
long nw = w->getNumWords ();
char **wptrs = w->getWords ();
long *wlens = w->getWordLens ();
// set these up for isDelimeter() function to use and for
// isCompatible() as well
m_wids = wids;
m_wlens = wlens;
m_wptrs = wptrs;
m_tids = tids;
m_pids = phrases->getPhraseIds2();
m_isRSSExt = false;
char *ext = m_url->getExtension();
if ( ext && strcasecmp(ext,"rss") == 0 ) m_isRSSExt = true;
if ( m_contentType == CT_XML ) m_isRSSExt = true;
// are we a url? we allow colons in sentences for its
// event titles so that we get the correct event title. fixes
// "Guided Nature Walk : ..." title
char *dom = m_url->getDomain();
long dlen = m_url->getDomainLen();
m_isTrumba = false;
m_isFacebook = false;
m_isEventBrite = false;
m_isStubHub = false;
if ( dlen == 10 && strncmp ( dom , "" , 10 ) == 0 )
m_isTrumba = true;
if ( dlen == 12 && strncmp ( dom , "" , 12 ) == 0 )
m_isFacebook = true;
if ( dlen == 11 && strncmp ( dom , "" , 11 ) == 0 )
m_isStubHub = true;
if ( dlen == 14 && strncmp ( dom , "" , 14 ) == 0 )
m_isEventBrite = true;
// . how many sections do we have max?
// . init at one to count the root section
long max = 1;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// . count all front tags
// . count twice since it can terminate a SEC_SENT sentence sec
//if ( tids[i] && !(tids[i]&BACKBIT) ) max += 2;
// count back tags too since some url
// had a bunch
// of </p> tags with no front tags and it cored us because
// m_numSections > m_maxNumSections!
if ( tids[i] ) max += 2; // && !(tids[i]&BACKBIT) ) max += 2;
// or any hr tag
//else if ( tids[i] == (BACKBIT|TAG_HR) ) max += 2;
//else if ( tids[i] == (BACKBIT|TAG_BR) ) max += 2;
// . any punct tag could have a bullet in it...
// . or if its a period could make a sentence section
//else if ( ! tids[i] && ! wids[i] ) {
else if ( ! wids[i] ) {
// only do not count simple spaces
if ( m_wlens[i] == 1 && is_wspace_a(m_wptrs[i][0]))
// otherwise count it as sentence delimeter
// . then \0 allows for a sentence too!
// . fix doc that was just "localize-sf-prod\n"
// and each section may create a sentence section
max *= 2;
//max += 5000;
long need = max * sizeof(Section);
// and we need one section ptr for every word!
need += nw * 4;
// and a section ptr for m_sorted[]
//need += max * sizeof(Section *);
// set this
m_maxNumSections = max;
// breathe
// allocate m_sections[] buffer
m_sections = NULL;
// assume no malloc
m_needsFree = false;
m_sections = (Section *)m_localBuf;
//memset ( m_sections , 0 , m_sectionsBufSize );
else if ( need < bufSize ) {
m_sections = (Section *)buf;
m_sectionsBufSize = bufSize;
//memset ( m_sections , 0 , m_sectionsBufSize );
else {
m_sections = (Section *)mmalloc ( need , "Sections" );
m_sectionsBufSize = need;
m_needsFree = true;
// clear it nicely
//memset_nice ( m_sections , 0 , m_sectionsBufSize, m_niceness );
// reset
m_numAlnumWordsInArticle = 0;
m_titleStart = -1;
m_titleEnd = -1;
// bail if no luck
if ( ! m_sections ) return true;
// point to buf
char *ppp = (char *)m_sections;
// skip Sections array
ppp += max * sizeof(Section);
// assign space for m_sorted
//m_sorted = (Section **)ppp;
// skip that
//ppp += max * sizeof(Section *);
// assign space for our ptrs that are 1-1 with the words array
m_sectionPtrs = (Section **)ppp;
// the end
m_sectionPtrsEnd = (Section **)(ppp + nw * 4);
// save this too
m_nw = nw;
// reset just in case
//m_numSections = 0;
// initialize the ongoing cumulative tag hash
//long h = 0;
//long h2 = 0;
// the content hash ongoing
//long ch = 0;
// stack of front tags we encounter
Tagx stack[MAXTAGSTACK];
Tagx *stackPtr = stack;
// stack of cumulative tag hashes
long stack [1000];
long cumHash [1000];
long secNums [1000];
long contentHash[1000];
long *cumHashPtr = cumHash;
long *secNumPtr = secNums;
long *chPtr = contentHash;
// determine what tags we are within
//sec_t inFlag = 0;
Section *current = NULL;
Section *rootSection = NULL;
// assume none
m_rootSection = NULL;
// only add root section if we got some words
if ( nw > 0 ) {
// record this i guess
rootSection = &m_sections[m_numSections];
// clear
memset ( rootSection , 0 , sizeof(Section) );
// . the current section we are in
// . let's use a root section
current = rootSection;
// init that to be the whole page
rootSection->m_b = nw;
// save it
m_rootSection = rootSection;
// to fix a core dump
rootSection->m_baseHash = 1;
// advance
// count this
long alnumCount = 0;
// for debug
g_sections = this;
// Sections are no longer 1-1 with words, just with front tags
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// we got it
//m_sectionPtrs[i] = current;
nodeid_t fullTid = tids[i];
// are we a non-tag?
if ( ! fullTid ) {
// skip if not alnum word
if ( ! wids[i] ) continue;
// count it raw
// must be in a section at this point
if ( ! current ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . hash it up for our content hash
// . this only hashes words DIRECTLY in a
// section because we can have a large menu
// section with a little bit of text, and we
// contain some non-menu sections.
//ch = hash32h ( (long)wids[i] , ch );
// if not in an anchor, script, etc. tag
//if ( ! inFlag ) current->m_plain++;
// inc count in current section
// make a single section for input tags
if ( fullTid == TAG_INPUT ||
fullTid == TAG_HR ||
fullTid == TAG_COMMENT ) {
// get the section
Section *sn = &m_sections[m_numSections];
// clear
memset ( sn , 0 , sizeof(Section) );
// inc it
// sanity check - breach check
if ( m_numSections > max ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set our parent
sn->m_parent = current;
// need to keep a word range that the section covers
sn->m_a = i;
// init the flags of the section
//sn->m_flags = inFlag ;
// section consists of just this tag
sn->m_b = i + 1;
// go on to next
// a section of multiple br tags in a sequence
if ( fullTid == TAG_BR ) {
// get the section
Section *sn = &m_sections[m_numSections];
// clear
memset ( sn , 0 , sizeof(Section) );
// inc it
// sanity check - breach check
if ( m_numSections > max ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set our parent
sn->m_parent = current;
// need to keep a word range that the section covers
sn->m_a = i;
// init the flags of the section
//sn->m_flags = inFlag ;
// count em up
long brcnt = 1;
// scan for whole sequence
long lastBrPos = i;
for ( long j = i + 1 ; j < nw ; j++ ) {
// breathe
// claim br tags
if ( tids[j] == TAG_BR ) {
lastBrPos = j;
// break on words
if ( wids[j] ) break;
// all spaces is ok
if ( w->isSpaces(j) ) continue;
// otherwise, stop on other punct
// section consists of just this tag
sn->m_b = lastBrPos + 1;
// advance
i = lastBrPos;
// set this for later so that getDelimHash() returns
// something different based on the br count for
sn->m_baseHash = 19999 + brcnt;
// go on to next
// get the tag id without the back bit
nodeid_t tid = fullTid & BACKBITCOMP;
// . ignore tags with no corresponding back tags
// . if they have bad html and have front tags
// with no corresponding back tags, that will hurt!
// . make exception for <li> tag!!!
// . was messing up:
// eID=9812&year=2009&month=11
// for parsing out events
// . make excpetion for <p> tag too! most ppl use </p>
if ( ( ! hasBackTag ( tid ) ||
wptrs[i][1] =='!' || // <!ENTITY rdfns...>
wptrs[i][1] =='?' ) &&
tid != TAG_P &&
tid != TAG_LI )
// . these imply no back tag
// . <description />
// . fixes inconsistency in
if ( wptrs[i][wlens[i]-2] == '/' && tid == TAG_XMLTAG )
// ignore it cuz we decided it was unbalanced
//if ( bits->m_bits[i] & D_UNBAL ) continue;
// and these often don't have back tags, like <objectid .> WTF!
// no! we need these for the xml-based rss feeds
// TODO: we should parse the whole doc up front and determine
// which tags are missing back tags...
//if ( tid == TAG_XMLTAG ) continue;
// wtf, embed has no back tags. i fixed this in XmlNode.cpp
//if ( tid == TAG_EMBED ) continue;
// do not breach the stack
if ( stackPtr - stack >= MAXTAGSTACK ) {
log("html: stack breach for %s",url->getUrl());
// if we set g_errno and return then the url just
// ends up getting retried once the spider lock
// in Spider.cpp expires in MAX_LOCK_AGE seconds.
// about an hour. but really we should completely
// give up on this. whereas we should retry OOM errors
// etc. but this just means bad html really.
//g_errno = ETAGBREACH;
// just reset to 0 sections then
return true;
char gotBackTag ;
if ( fullTid != tid ) gotBackTag = 1;
else gotBackTag = 0;
// "pop tid", tid to pop off stack
nodeid_t ptid = tid;
nodeid_t fullPopTid = fullTid;
// no nested <li> tags allowed
if ( fullTid == TAG_LI &&
stackPtr > stack &&
((stackPtr-1)->m_tid)==TAG_LI )
gotBackTag = 2;
// no nested <b> tags allowed
if ( fullTid == TAG_B &&
stackPtr > stack &&
((stackPtr-1)->m_tid)==TAG_B )
gotBackTag = 2;
// no nested <a> tags allowed
if ( fullTid == TAG_A &&
stackPtr > stack &&
((stackPtr-1)->m_tid)==TAG_A )
gotBackTag = 2;
// no nested <p> tags allowed
if ( fullTid == TAG_P &&
stackPtr > stack &&
((stackPtr-1)->m_tid)==TAG_P )
gotBackTag = 2;
// no <hN> tags inside a <p> tag
// fixes
if ( fullTid >= TAG_H1 &&
fullTid <= TAG_H5 &&
stackPtr > stack &&
((stackPtr-1)->m_tid)==TAG_P ) {
// match this on stack
ptid = TAG_P;
fullPopTid = TAG_P;
gotBackTag = 2;
// no nested <td> tags allowed
if ( fullTid == TAG_TD &&
stackPtr > stack &&
((stackPtr-1)->m_tid)==TAG_TD )
gotBackTag = 2;
// encountering <tr> when in a <td> closes the <td> AND
// should also close the <tr>!!
if ( fullTid == TAG_TR &&
stackPtr > stack &&
((stackPtr-1)->m_tid)==TAG_TD )
gotBackTag = 2;
// no nested <tr> tags allowed
if ( fullTid == TAG_TR &&
stackPtr > stack &&
((stackPtr-1)->m_tid)==TAG_TR )
gotBackTag = 2;
// this is true if we are a BACK TAG
if ( gotBackTag ) {
// . ok, at this point, we are a BACK TAG
// . turn this shit on and off
if ( tid == TAG_SCRIPT ) inFlag &= ~SEC_SCRIPT;
if ( tid == TAG_TABLE ) inFlag &= ~SEC_IN_TABLE;
if ( tid == TAG_NOSCRIPT) inFlag &= ~SEC_NOSCRIPT;
if ( tid == TAG_STYLE ) inFlag &= ~SEC_STYLE;
if ( tid == TAG_MARQUEE ) inFlag &= ~SEC_MARQUEE;
if ( tid == TAG_SELECT ) inFlag &= ~SEC_SELECT;
if ( tid == TAG_STRIKE ) inFlag &= ~SEC_STRIKE;
if ( tid == TAG_S ) inFlag &= ~SEC_STRIKE2;
//if ( tid == TAG_A ) inFlag &= ~SEC_A;
if ( tid == TAG_TITLE ) {
inFlag &= ~SEC_IN_TITLE;
// first time?
if ( m_titleEnd == -1 ) m_titleEnd = i;
if ( tid == TAG_H1 ) inFlag &= ~SEC_IN_HEADER;
if ( tid == TAG_H2 ) inFlag &= ~SEC_IN_HEADER;
if ( tid == TAG_H3 ) inFlag &= ~SEC_IN_HEADER;
if ( tid == TAG_H4 ) inFlag &= ~SEC_IN_HEADER;
// . ignore anchor tags as sections
// . was causing double the number of its parent tag
// hashes and messing up Events.cpp's counting using
// "ct" hashtbl
//if ( tid == TAG_A ) continue;
// ignore span tags that are non-breaking because they
// do not change the grouping/sectioning behavior of
// the web page and are often abused.
if ( ptid == TAG_SPAN ) continue;
// fix for
if ( ptid == TAG_FONT ) continue;
// too many people use these like a <br> tag or
// make them open-ended or unbalanced
//if ( tid == TAG_P ) continue;
if ( ptid == TAG_CENTER ) continue;
// don't blow the stack
if ( stackPtr == stack ) continue;
// point to it
Tagx *spp = (stackPtr - 1);
// assume we should pop stack
//bool popStack = true;
// init it
Tagx *p ;
// scan through the stack until we find a
// front tag that matches this back tag
//for(p = spp ; p >= stack && gotBackTag == 1 ; p-- ) {
for ( p = spp ; p >= stack ; p-- ) {
// breathe
// no match?
if ( p->m_tid != ptid ) {
// matched before? we can pop
if ( p->m_flags & TXF_MATCHED )
// do not pop it off the stack!
//popStack = false;
// keep on going
// do not double match
if ( p->m_flags & TXF_MATCHED )
// flag it cuz we matched it
p->m_flags |= TXF_MATCHED;
// set the stack ptr to it
spp = p;
// and stop
// no matching front tag at all?
// then just ignore this back tag
if ( p < stack ) continue;
// get section number of the front tag
//long xn = *(secNumPtr-1);
long xn = spp->m_secNum;
// sanity
if ( xn<0 || xn>=m_numSections ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// get it
Section *sn = &m_sections[xn];
// we are now back in the parent section
//current = sn;
// record the word range of the secion we complete
sn->m_b = i+1;
// do not include the <li> tag as part of it
// otherwise we end up with overlapping section since
// this tag ALSO starts a section!!
if ( gotBackTag == 2 ) sn->m_b = i;
// sanity check
//if ( sn->m_b <= sn->m_a ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// if our parent got closed before "sn" closed because
// of an out-of-order back tag issue, then if it
// no longer contains sn->m_a, then reparent "sn"
// to its grandparent.
Section *ps = sn->m_parent;
for ( ; ps && ps->m_b >= 0 && ps->m_b <= sn->m_a ;
ps = ps->m_parent );
// assign it
sn->m_parent = ps;
// . force our parent section to fully contain us
// . fixes interlaced tag bugs
if ( sn->m_parent &&
sn->m_parent->m_b < i &&
sn->m_parent->m_b >= 0 )
sn->m_b = sn->m_parent->m_b;
// sanity check
if ( sn->m_b <= sn->m_a ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// if our parent got closed before "sn" closed because
// it hit its back tag before we hit ours, then we
// must cut ourselves short and try to match this
// back tag to another front tag on the stack
Section *ps = sn->m_parent;
for ( ; ps != rootSection ; ps = ps->m_parent ) {
// skip if parent no longer contains us!
if ( ps->m_b <= sn->m_a ) continue;
// skip if this parent is still open
if ( ps->m_b <= 0 ) continue;
// parent must have closed before us
if ( ps->m_b > sn->m_b ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// we had no matching tag, or it was unbalanced
// but i do not know which...!
sn->m_flags |= SEC_OPEN_ENDED;
// cut our end shorter
sn->m_b = ps->m_b;
// our TXF_MATCHED bit should still be set
// for spp->m_flags, so try to match ANOTHER
// front tag with this back tag now
if ( ! ( spp->m_flags & TXF_MATCHED ) ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// ok, try to match this back tag with another
// front tag on the stack, because the front
// tag we had selected got cut short because
// its parent forced it to cut short.
goto subloop;
// sanity check
if ( sn->m_b <= sn->m_a ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// mark the section as unbalanced
if ( spp != (stackPtr - 1) )
sn->m_flags |= SEC_UNBALANCED;
// start this
//sn->m_alnumCount = alnumCount - sn->m_alnumCount ;
// . store the final content hash for this section
// . should be 0 if no alnum words encountered
//sn->m_contentHash = ch;
// . when this was uncommented
// 1860_berkley_sch1.htm
// which had <tr><td></tr><tr><td></tr>... was
// keeping a ton of <td>'s on the stack and
// never popping them off when it hit a </tr>.
// and the <tr>s remained on the stack too..
// . this fixes from truncating the
// table that starts at A=535 just because there
// is an unclosed <td> tag that has to be closed
// by a </tr> tag. but for some reason we are coring
// in
// . i think the idea was to let the guys remain
// on the stack, and close the sections below...
//if ( ! popStack ) goto skipme;
// revert it to this guy, may not equal stackPtr-1 !!
stackPtr = spp;
// if perfect decrement the stack ptr
// now pop it back
//ch = *chPtr;
//ch = stackPtr->m_contentHash;
// get parent section
if ( stackPtr > stack ) {
// get parent section now
//xn = *(secNumPtr-1);
xn = (stackPtr-1)->m_secNum;
// set current to that
current = &m_sections[xn];
else {
//current = NULL;
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// i guess this is bad html!
current = rootSection;
// revert the hash
//if ( stackPtr > stack ) h = *(cumHashPtr-1);
//if ( stackPtr > stack ) h = (stackPtr-1)->m_cumHash;
//else h = 0;
// debug log
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSections ) {
char *ms = "";
if ( stackPtr->m_tid != ptid) ms =" UNMATCHED";
char *back ="";
if ( fullPopTid & BACKBIT ) back = "/";
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"section: pop tid=%li "
"i=%li "
"level=%li "
"%s%s "
(long)(stackPtr - stack),
// . hmmm. did we hit a back tag with no front tag?
// or we could have been missing another back tag!
// . if nested properly, this should equal here
// . if it was a match, we are done, so continue
//if ( *stackPtr == tid ) continue;
//if ( stackPtr->m_tid == tid ) continue;
// for </table> and </tr> keep popping off until we
// find it!
//if ( tid == TAG_TABLE || tid == TAG_TR) goto subloop;
// set a flag
//m_badHtml = true;
// if we are a <li> or <ul> tag and just closing
// an <li> tag on the stack, then we still have
// to add ourselves as a front tag below...
//if(fullTid != TAG_LI && fullTid != TAG_UL ) continue;
// . if we were a back tag, we are done... but if we
// were a front tag, we must add ourselves below...
// . MDW: this seems more logical than the if-statement
// below...
if ( fullTid != tid ) continue;
if ( fullPopTid != TAG_LI &&
fullPopTid != TAG_B &&
fullPopTid != TAG_TR &&
fullPopTid != TAG_TD &&
fullPopTid != TAG_P ) continue;
// if front tag, update "h" and throw it on the stack
// turn this shit on and off
if ( tid == TAG_SCRIPT ) inFlag |= SEC_SCRIPT;
else if ( tid == TAG_TABLE ) inFlag |= SEC_IN_TABLE;
else if ( tid == TAG_NOSCRIPT) inFlag |= SEC_NOSCRIPT;
else if ( tid == TAG_STYLE ) inFlag |= SEC_STYLE;
else if ( tid == TAG_MARQUEE ) inFlag |= SEC_MARQUEE;
else if ( tid == TAG_SELECT ) inFlag |= SEC_SELECT;
else if ( tid == TAG_STRIKE ) inFlag |= SEC_STRIKE;
else if ( tid == TAG_S ) inFlag |= SEC_STRIKE2;
//else if ( tid == TAG_A ) inFlag |= SEC_A;
else if ( tid == TAG_TITLE ) {
inFlag |= SEC_IN_TITLE;
// first time?
if ( m_titleStart == -1 ) {
m_titleStart = i;
// Address.cpp uses this
m_titleStartAlnumPos = alnumCount;
else if ( tid == TAG_H1 ) inFlag |= SEC_IN_HEADER;
else if ( tid == TAG_H2 ) inFlag |= SEC_IN_HEADER;
else if ( tid == TAG_H3 ) inFlag |= SEC_IN_HEADER;
else if ( tid == TAG_H4 ) inFlag |= SEC_IN_HEADER;
// . ignore anchor tags as sections
// . was causing double the number of its parent tag
// hashes and messing up Events.cpp's counting using
// "ct" hashtbl
//if ( tid == TAG_A ) continue;
// ignore paragraph/center tags, too many people are careless
// with them...
// i can't ignore <p> tags anymore because for
// we are allowing
// "Halloween" to have "SEP-DEC" as a header even though
// that header is BELOW "Halloween" just because we THINK
// they are in the same section BUT in reality they were
// in different <p> tags. AND now it seems that the
// improvements we made to Sections.cpp for closing open
// ended tags are pretty solid that we can unignore <p>
// tags again, it only helped the qa run...
//if ( tid == TAG_P ) continue;
if ( tid == TAG_CENTER ) continue;
if ( tid == TAG_SPAN ) continue;
// has font tags the pair up a date "1st Sundays"
// with the address above it, and it shouldn't do that!
if ( tid == TAG_FONT ) continue;
// get the section
Section *sn = &m_sections[m_numSections];
// clear
memset ( sn , 0 , sizeof(Section) );
// inc it
// sanity check - breach check
if ( m_numSections > max ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . check the last tagId we encountered for this
// current section.
// . a basic "majority element" algorithm
// . the final "tid" if any may be the "majority
// element"
// . Address.cpp uses this to eliminate place names
// that are in a totally different section than the
// street address and should not be paired up
//if ( tid != TAG_B ) {
// if ( current->m_lastTid == tid )
// current->m_numBackToBackSubsections++;
// else {
// current->m_lastTid =tid;
// current->m_numBackToBackSubsections=1;
// }
// set our parent
sn->m_parent = current;
// set this
current = sn;
// update this
//m_sectionPtrs[i] = current;
// clear this
//sec_t myFlag = 0;
// fix it, we don't like hashes of 0 cuz HashTableT
// uses a key of 0 to signify an empty bucket!
//if ( h == 0 ) h = 1;
// store it, post-hash
//sn->m_tagHash = h;
// add the content hash as well!
// . get our parents enumerated tagHash
// . all tag hashes are enumerated except his tagHash
long ph = sn->m_parent->m_tagHash;
// put his enumeration into it
long eh = hash32h ( ph , sn->m_parent->m_occNum );
// cap it off with our tag hash with no enumeration
eh = hash32h ( h , eh );
// store that
sn->m_tagHash = eh;
// what kid # are we for this particular parent?
long occNum = m_ot.getScore ( (long long *)&eh );
// save our kid #
sn->m_occNum = occNum;
// inc it for the next guy
// store back. return true with g_errno set on error
if ( ! m_ot.addTerm ( (long long *)&eh ) ) return true;
// assume this is invalid
sn->m_hardTagHash = 0;
// . this hash is just for breaking tags with back tags
// . this "section id" is used by Events.cpp
// . we can have multiple sections with the same
// m_hardTagHash since it is more restrictive
if ( isBreakingTagId(tid) && hasBackTag(tid) ) {
// accumulate
h2 = hash32h ( tid , h2 );
// fix it
//if ( h2 == 0 ) h2 = 1;
// set it
sn->m_hardTagHash = h2;
// need to keep a word range that the section covers
sn->m_a = i;
// start this
//sn->m_alnumCount = alnumCount;
// init the flags of the section
//sn->m_flags = inFlag ;//| myFlag ;
// assume no terminating bookend
sn->m_b = -1;
// if tagged as an unbalanced tag, do not push onto stack
//if ( bits->m_bits[i] & D_UNBAL ) continue;
// push a unique id on the stack so we can pop if we
// enter a subsection
stackPtr->m_tid = tid;
//stackPtr->m_cumHash = h;
stackPtr->m_secNum = m_numSections - 1;
//stackPtr->m_contentHash = ch;
stackPtr->m_flags = 0;
//*stackPtr ++ = tid;
//*cumHashPtr++ = h;
//*secNumPtr ++ = m_numSections - 1;
// push this for when we hit the back tag we pop it
//*chPtr ++ = ch;
// reset it since starting a new section
//ch = 0;
// depth or level
//sn->m_depth = stackPtr - stack;
// debug log
if ( ! g_conf.m_logDebugSections ) continue;
//long back = 0;
//if ( fullTid & BACKBIT ) back = 1;
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"section: push tid=%li "
"i=%li "
"level=%li "
"%s "
//" h=0x%lx",
(long)(stackPtr - stack)-1,
// <center> tags should end at next <center>... like <li>
// OR we could end it after our FIRST CHILD... or if text
// follows, after that text... well the browser seems to not
// close these center tags... sooo. let's comment this out
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// skip if not open ended
if ( sn->m_b >= 0 ) continue;
// skip if not a center or p tag
if ( sn->m_tagId != TAG_CENTER &&
sn->m_tagId != TAG_P ) continue;
// close if open ended on the next <center> or <p> tag
if ( sn->m_next && sn->m_next->m_a < sn->m_b )
sn->m_b = sn->m_next->m_a;
// if first word in a section false outside of the parent section
// then reparent to the grandparent. this can happen when we end
// up closing a parent section before ???????
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// get it
Section *si = &m_sections[i];
// skip if we are still open-ended
if ( si->m_b < 0 ) continue;
// get parent
Section *sp = si->m_parent;
// skip if no parent
if ( ! sp ) continue;
// skip if parent still open ended
if ( sp->m_b < 0 ) continue;
// subloop it
// skip if no parent
if ( ! sp ) continue;
// parent must start before us
if ( sp->m_a > si->m_a ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . does parent contain our first word?
// . it need not fully contain our last word!!!
if ( sp->m_a <= si->m_a && sp->m_b > si->m_a ) continue;
// if parent is open ended, then it is ok for now
if ( sp->m_a <= si->m_a && sp->m_b == -1 ) continue;
// get grandparent
sp = sp->m_parent;
// set
si->m_parent = sp;
// try again
goto doagain;
bool inFrame = false;
long gbFrameNum = 0;
// . set Section::m_xmlNameHash for xml tags here
// . set Section::m_frameNum and SEC_IN_GBFRAME bit
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// get it
long ws = sn->m_a;
// shortcut
nodeid_t tid = tids[ws];
if ( tid == TAG_GBFRAME ) {
// start or end?
inFrame = true;
if ( tid == (TAG_GBFRAME | BACKBIT) )
inFrame = false;
// mark it
if ( inFrame )
sn->m_gbFrameNum = gbFrameNum;
// custom xml tag, hash the tag itself
if ( tid != TAG_XMLTAG ) continue;
// stop at first space to avoid fields!!
char *p = m_wptrs[ws] + 1;
char *pend = p + m_wlens[ws];
// skip back tags
if ( *p == '/' ) continue;
// reset hash
long long xh = 0;
// and hash char count
unsigned char cnt = 0;
// hash till space or / or >
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
// stop on space or / or >
if ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) break;
if ( *p == '/' ) break;
if ( *p == '>' ) break;
// hash it in
xh ^= g_hashtab[cnt++][(unsigned char )*p];
// sanity check
if ( ! xh ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// store that
sn->m_xmlNameHash = (long)xh;
// find any open ended tags and constrain them based on their parent
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *si = &m_sections[i];
// get its parent
Section *ps = si->m_parent;
// if parent is open-ended panic!
if ( ps && ps->m_b < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if our parent got constrained from under us, we need
// to telescope to a new parent
for ( ; ps && ps->m_b >= 0 && ps->m_b <= si->m_a ; ) {
ps = ps->m_parent;
si->m_parent = ps;
// assume end is end of doc
long end = m_words->getNumWords();
// get end of parent
if ( ps ) end = ps->m_b;
// flag it
if ( si->m_b == -1 ) si->m_flags |= SEC_OPEN_ENDED;
// shrink our section if parent ends before us OR if we
// are open ended
if ( si->m_b != -1 && si->m_b <= end ) continue;
// this might constrain someone's parent such that
// that someone no longer can use that parent!!
si->m_b = end;
// . get our tag type
// . use long instead of nodeid_t so we can re-set this
// to the xml tag hash if we need to
long tid1 = m_tids[si->m_a];
// use the tag hash if this is an xml tag
if ( tid1 == TAG_XMLTAG ) {
// we computed this above
tid1 = si->m_xmlNameHash;
// skip if zero!
if ( ! tid1 ) continue;
// must be there to be open ended
if ( ! tid1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// flag it for later
//si->m_flags |= SEC_CONSTRAINED;
// NOW, see if within that parent there is actually another
// tag after us of our same tag type, then use that to
// constrain us instead!!
// this hurts <p><table><tr><td><p>.... because it
// uses that 2nd <p> tag to constrain si->m_b of the first
// <p> tag which is not right! has that.
for ( long j = i + 1 ; j < m_numSections ; j++ ) {
// breathe
// get it
Section *sj = &m_sections[j];
// get word start
long a = sj->m_a;
// skip if ties with us already
if ( a == si->m_a ) continue;
// stop if out
if ( a >= end ) break;
// . it must be in the same expanded frame src, if any
// . this fixes which was ending our html
// tag, which was open-ended, with the html tag in
// a frame src expansion
if ( sj->m_gbFrameNum != si->m_gbFrameNum ) continue;
// fix bug. see above.
if ( sj->m_parent != si->m_parent ) continue;
// get its tid
long tid2 = tids[a];
// use base hash if xml tag
if ( tid2 == TAG_XMLTAG )
tid2 = sj->m_xmlNameHash;
// must be our tag type!
if ( tid2 != tid1 ) continue;
// ok end us there instead!
si->m_b = a;
// stop
// reparent again now that things are closed
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// get it
Section *si = &m_sections[i];
// skip if we are still open-ended
if ( si->m_b < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get parent
Section *sp = si->m_parent;
// skip if null
if ( ! sp ) continue;
// skip if parent still open ended
if ( sp->m_b < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// subloop it
// skip if no parent
if ( ! sp ) continue;
// . does parent contain our first word?
// . it need not fully contain our last word!!!
if ( sp->m_a <= si->m_a && sp->m_b > si->m_a ) continue;
// if parent is open ended, then it is ok for now
if ( sp->m_a <= si->m_a && sp->m_b == -1 ) continue;
// if parent is open ended, then it is ok for now
if ( sp->m_b == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get grandparent
sp = sp->m_parent;
// set
si->m_parent = sp;
// try again
goto doagain2;
m_isTestColl = ! strcmp(m_coll,"test") ;
// now assign m_sectionPtrs[] which map a word to the first
// section that contains it
Section *dstack[MAXTAGSTACK];
long ns = 0;
long j = 0;
current = m_rootSection;//&m_sections[0];
Section *next = m_rootSection;//&m_sections[0];
// first print the html lines out
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
// pop all off the stack that match us
for ( ; ns>0 && dstack[ns-1]->m_b == i ; ) {
current = dstack[ns-1];
// push our current section onto the stack if i equals
// its first word #
for ( ; next && i == next->m_a ; ) {
dstack[ns++] = next;
// sanity check
//if ( next->m_a == next->m_b ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// set our current section to this now
current = next;
// get next section for setting "next"
// if no more left, set "next" to NULL and stop loop
if ( j >= m_numSections ) { next=NULL; break; }
// grab it
next = &m_sections[j];
// assign
m_sectionPtrs[i] = current;
if ( m_isTestColl ) {
// map each word to a section that contains it at least
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
Section *si = m_sectionPtrs[i];
if ( si->m_a > i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( si->m_b <= i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . addImpliedSections() requires Section::m_baseHash
// . set Section::m_baseHash
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// these have to be in order of sn->m_a to work right
// because we rely on the parent tag hash, which would not
// necessarily be set if we were not sorted, because the
// parent section could have SEC_FAKE flag set because it is
// a br section added afterwards.
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// get word start into "ws"
long ws = sn->m_a;
// shortcut
nodeid_t tid = tids[ws];
// sanity check, <a> guys are not sections
//if ( tid == TAG_A &&
// !(sn->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// use a modified tid as the tag hash?
long long mtid = tid;
// custom xml tag, hash the tag itself
if ( tid == TAG_XMLTAG )
mtid = hash32 ( wptrs[ws], wlens[ws] );
// an unknown tag like <!! ...->
if ( tid == 0 )
mtid = 1;
// . if we are a div tag, mod it
// . treat the fields in the div tag as
// part of the tag hash.
// . helps Events.cpp be more precise about
// section identification!!!!
// . we now do this for TD and TR so Nov 2009 can telescope for
// so the calendar title "Nov 2009" can affect all dates
// below the calendar.
if ( tid == TAG_DIV ||
tid == TAG_TD ||
tid == TAG_TR ||
tid == TAG_LI || // urls class=xxx
tid == TAG_UL || // urls class=xxx
tid == TAG_P || // <p class="pstrg">
tid == TAG_SPAN ) {
// get ptr
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)wptrs[ws];
// skip <
// skip following alnums, that is the tag name
for ( ; is_alnum_a(*p) ; p++ );
//if ( tid == TAG_DIV ) p += 4;
// skip "<td" or "<tr"
//else p += 3;
// scan for "id" or "class" in it
// . i had to increase this because we were missing
// some stuff causing us to get the wrong implied
// sections for
// causing "The Remains" to be paired up with
// "Aug 7, 2010" in an implied section which was
// just wrong. it was 20, i made it 100...
uint8_t *pend = p + 100;
// position ptr
unsigned char cnt = 0;
// a flag
bool skipTillSpace = false;
// . just hash every freakin char i guess
// . TODO: maybe don't hash "width" for <td><tr>
for ( ; *p && *p !='>' && p < pend ; p++ ) {
// skip bgcolor= tags because
// interlaces different colored <tr>s in the
// table and i want them to be seen as brother
// sections, mostly for the benefit of the
// setting of lastBrother1/2 in Events.cpp
if ( is_wspace_a(p[0]) &&
to_lower_a (p[1])=='b' &&
to_lower_a (p[2])=='g' ) {
skipTillSpace = true;
// and skip height=* tags so which
// uses varying <td> height attributes will
// have its google map links have the same
// tag hash so TSF_PAGE_REPEAT gets set
// in Events.cpp and they are not event titles.
// it has other chaotic nested tag issues
// so let's take this out.
if ( is_wspace_a(p[0]) &&
to_lower_a (p[1])=='h' &&
to_lower_a (p[2])=='e' &&
to_lower_a (p[3])=='i' &&
to_lower_a (p[4])=='g' &&
to_lower_a (p[5])=='h' &&
to_lower_a (p[6])=='t' ) {
skipTillSpace = true;
// if not a space continue
if ( skipTillSpace ) {
if ( ! is_wspace_a(*p) ) continue;
skipTillSpace = false;
// do not hash until we get a space
if ( skipTillSpace ) continue;
// skip if not alnum
if ( !is_alnum_a(*p)) continue;
// hash it in
mtid ^= g_hashtab[cnt++][(unsigned char)*p];
// should not have either of these yet!
if ( sn->m_flags & SEC_FAKE ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( sn->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( mtid == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . set the base hash, usually just tid
// . usually base hash is zero but if it is a br tag
// we set it to something special to indicate the number
// of br tags in the sequence
sn->m_baseHash ^= mtid;
// fix this
if ( sn == rootSection ) sn->m_baseHash = 1;
// fix root section i guess
if ( sn->m_baseHash == 0 ) {
// fix core on gk21
sn->m_baseHash = 2;
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set this now too
sn->m_tagId = tid;
// set m_turkBaseHash
// . using just the tid based turkTagHash is not as good
// as incorporating the class of tags because we can then
// distinguish between more types of tags in a document and
// that is kind of what "class" is used for
// use this = "Class" tid
long long ctid = tid;
// get ptr
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)wptrs[ws];
// skip <
// skip following alnums, that is the tag name
for ( ; is_alnum_a(*p) ; p++ );
// scan for "class" in it
uint8_t *pend = p + 100;
// position ptr
unsigned char cnt = 0;
// a flag
bool inClass = false;
// . just hash every freakin char i guess
// . TODO: maybe don't hash "width" for <td><tr>
for ( ; *p && *p !='>' && p < pend ; p++ ) {
// hashing it up?
if ( inClass ) {
// all done if space
if ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) break;
// skip if not alnum
//if ( !is_alnum_a(*p)) continue;
// hash it in
ctid ^= g_hashtab[cnt++][(unsigned char)*p];
// look for " class="
if ( p[0] !=' ' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(p[1]) != 'c' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(p[2]) != 'l' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(p[3]) != 'a' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(p[4]) != 's' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(p[5]) != 's' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(p[6]) != '=' ) continue;
// mark it
inClass = true;
// skip over it
p += 6;
// if root section has no tag this is zero and will core
// in Dates.cpp where it checks m_turkTagHash to be zero
if ( ctid == 0 ) ctid = 999999;
// set it for setting m_turkTagHash
sn->m_turkBaseHash = ctid;
// always make root turkbasehash be 999999.
// if root section did not start with tag it's turkBaseHash
// will be 999999. but a root section that did start with
// a tag will have a different turk base hash.
// will be the same, even if one leads with some punct.
// fix and its kid.
if ( sn == m_rootSection )
sn->m_turkBaseHash = 999999;
// set up our linked list, the functions below will insert sections
// and modify this linked list
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// set it
if ( i + 1 < m_numSections )
m_sections[i].m_next = &m_sections[i+1];
if ( i - 1 >= 0 )
m_sections[i].m_prev = &m_sections[i-1];
// i would say <hr> is kinda like an <h0>, so do it first
//splitSections ( "<hr" , (long)BH_HR );
// init to -1 to indicate none
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// reset it
si->m_firstWordPos = -1;
si->m_lastWordPos = -1;
si->m_senta = -1;
si->m_sentb = -1;
si->m_firstPlaceNum = -1;
si->m_headRowSection = NULL;
si->m_headColSection = NULL;
// now set position of first word each section contains
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if not alnum word
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// get smallest section containing
Section *si = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// do each parent as well
for ( ; si ; si = si->m_parent ) {
// skip if already had one!
if ( si->m_firstWordPos >= 0 ) break;
// otherwise, we are it
si->m_firstWordPos = i;
// . set format hash of it
// . do it manually since tagHash not set yet
// and last word position
for ( long i = m_nw - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if not alnum word
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// get smallest section containing
Section *si = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// do each parent as well
for ( ; si ; si = si->m_parent ) {
// skip if already had one!
if ( si->m_lastWordPos >= 0 ) break;
// otherwise, we are it
si->m_lastWordPos = i;
sec_t inFlag = 0;
long istack[1000];
sec_t iflags[1000];
long ni = 0;
// now set the inFlags here because the tags might not have all
// been closed, making tags like SEC_STYLE overflow from where
// they should be...
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// did we exceed a tag boundary?
for ( ; ni>0 && si->m_a >= istack[ni-1] ; ) {
// undo flag
inFlag &= ~iflags[ni-1];
// pop off
// get the flag if any into mf
sec_t mf = 0;
// skip if not special tag id
nodeid_t tid = si->m_tagId;
if ( tid == TAG_SCRIPT ) mf = SEC_SCRIPT;
else if ( tid == TAG_TABLE ) mf = SEC_IN_TABLE;
else if ( tid == TAG_NOSCRIPT) mf = SEC_NOSCRIPT;
else if ( tid == TAG_STYLE ) mf = SEC_STYLE;
else if ( tid == TAG_MARQUEE ) mf = SEC_MARQUEE;
else if ( tid == TAG_SELECT ) mf = SEC_SELECT;
else if ( tid == TAG_STRIKE ) mf = SEC_STRIKE;
else if ( tid == TAG_S ) mf = SEC_STRIKE2;
else if ( tid == TAG_H1 ) mf = SEC_IN_HEADER;
else if ( tid == TAG_H2 ) mf = SEC_IN_HEADER;
else if ( tid == TAG_H3 ) mf = SEC_IN_HEADER;
else if ( tid == TAG_H4 ) mf = SEC_IN_HEADER;
else if ( tid == TAG_TITLE ) mf = SEC_IN_TITLE;
// accumulate
inFlag |= mf;
// add in the flags
si->m_flags |= inFlag;
// skip if nothing special
if ( ! mf ) continue;
// sanity
if ( ni >= 1000 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// otherwise, store on stack
istack[ni] = si->m_b;
iflags[ni] = mf;
// title is special
if ( tid == TAG_TITLE && m_titleStart == -1 ) {
m_titleStart = si->m_a; // i;
// Address.cpp uses this
m_titleStartAlnumPos = alnumCount;
// . now we insert sentence sections
// . find the smallest section containing the first and last
// word of each sentence and inserts a subsection into that
// . we have to be careful to reparent, etc.
// . kinda copy splitSections() function
// . maybe add an "insertSection()" function???
if ( m_contentType != CT_JS ) {
// add sentence sections
if ( ! addSentenceSections() ) return true;
// this is needed by setSentFlags()
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! setSentFlagsPart1 ( ) ) return true;
// tuna texa page uses header tags to divide
// the page up into sections
// CRAP! but starts its event sections with h4 tags
// and those sections contain h3 tags! which results in us capturing
// the wrong event header in each event section, so i commented this
// out... and still seems to work!
//splitSections ("<h1", (long)BH_H1 );
//splitSections ("<h2", (long)BH_H2 );
//splitSections ("<h3", (long)BH_H3 );
//splitSections ("<h4", (long)BH_H4 );
// . set m_nextBrother
// . we call this now to aid in setHeadingBit() and for adding the
// implied sections, but it is ultimately
// called a second time once all the new sections are inserted
setNextBrotherPtrs ( false ); // setContainer = false
// setHeadingBit() relies on Section::m_tagHash, so even though we
// have not added implied sections, do this here, and then do it again
// after adding implied sections
// . set SEC_HEADING bit
// . need this before implied sections
setHeadingBit ();
// set SEC_HR_CONTAINER bit for use by addHeaderImpliedSections(true)
// fix for which has <tr><td><div><hr></div>...
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if not hr
if ( si->m_tagId != TAG_HR ) continue;
// cycle this
Section *sp = si;
// blow up right before it has text
for ( ; sp ; sp = sp->m_parent ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// set this
sp->m_flags |= SEC_HR_CONTAINER;
// stop if parent has text
if ( sp->m_parent &&
sp->m_parent->m_firstWordPos >= 0 ) break;
// HACK: back to back br tags
//splitSections ( (char *)0x01 , (long)BH_BRBR );
// single br tags
//splitSections ( "<br" , (long)BH_BR );
// just in case we added more sections
//setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
// now add implied sections based on dates
long added = addDateBasedImpliedSections();
// g_errno should be set when we return -1 on error
if ( added < 0 ) return true;
// if added something, try again
if ( added > 0 ) goto again;
// &bull;
char bullet[4];
bullet[0] = 226;
bullet[1] = 128;
bullet[2] = 162;
bullet[3] = 0;
splitSections ( bullet , BH_BULLET );
// just in case we added more sections
setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
// now set it again after adding implied sections
// now set m_sorted since we added some sections out of order
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ )
m_sorted[i] = &m_sections[i];
// sort them
char tmpBuf[30000];
char *useBuf = tmpBuf;
// do not breach buffer
long need2 = m_numSections * sizeof(Section *) + 32 ;
if ( need2 > 30000 ) {
useBuf = (char *)mmalloc ( need2, "gbmrgtmp");
if ( ! useBuf ) return true;
gbmergesort ( m_sorted ,
m_numSections ,
sizeof(Section *),
cmp ,
m_niceness ,
useBuf ,
need2 );
// free it now
if ( useBuf != tmpBuf ) mfree ( useBuf , need2 ,"gbmrgtmp");
// now set m_sortedIndex of each section so getSubfieldTable() can use
// that in Address.cpp to just check to see if each subsection has
// and address/email/fieldname/etc.
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ )
m_sorted[i]->m_sortedIndex = i;
// we seem to be pretty good, so remove these now. comment this
// goto out if you change sections.cpp and want to make sure its good
//if ( m_isTestColl ) verifySections();
// this caused us to not set m_nsvt from the sectionsVotes because
// the content was blanked out because XmlDoc::m_skipIndexing was
// set to true! but we still need the section votes to be consistent
// so we can delete them from Sectiondb if we need to.
//if ( m_numSections == 0 ) return true;
// now we call it twice, so make it a function
// clear this
bool isHidden = false;
long startHide = 0x7fffffff;
long endHide = 0 ;
//long numTitles = 0;
//Section *lastTitleParent = NULL;
Section *firstTitle = NULL;
// now that we have closed any open tag, set the SEC_HIDDEN bit
// for all sections that are like <div style=display:none>
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
for ( Section *sn = m_rootSection ; sn ; sn = sn->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// set m_lastSection so we can scan backwards
m_lastSection = sn;
// set SEC_SECOND_TITLE flag
if ( sn->m_tagId == TAG_TITLE ) {
// . reset if different parent.
// . fixes rss feed with <title> tags
if ( firstTitle &&
firstTitle->m_parent != sn->m_parent )
firstTitle = NULL;
// inc the count
// 2+ is bad. fixes 2nd title
if ( firstTitle ) sn->m_flags |= SEC_SECOND_TITLE;
// set it if need to
if ( ! firstTitle ) firstTitle = sn;
// store our parent
//lastTitleParent = sn->m_parent;
// get it
//Section *sn = m_sorted[i]; // sections[i];
// set this
long wn = sn->m_a;
// stop hiding it?
if ( isHidden ) {
// turn it off if not contained
if ( wn >= endHide ) isHidden = false;
//else if ( wn <= startHide ) isHidden = false;
else sn->m_flags |= SEC_HIDDEN;
// get tag id
nodeid_t tid = sn->m_tagId;//tids[wn];
// is div, td or tr tag start?
if ( tid!=TAG_DIV &&
tid!=TAG_TD &&
tid!=TAG_TR &&
tid!=TAG_UL &&
tid!=TAG_SPAN) continue;
// . if we are a div tag, mod it
// . treat the fields in the div tag as
// part of the tag hash.
// . helps Events.cpp be more precise about
// section identification!!!!
// . we now do this for TD and TR so Nov 2009 can telescope for
// so the calendar title "Nov 2009" can affect all dates
// below the calendar.
// get the style tag in there and check it for "display: none"!
long slen = wlens[wn];
char *s = wptrs[wn];
char *send = s + slen;
// check out any div tag that has a style
char *style = gb_strncasestr(s,slen,"style=") ;
if ( ! style ) continue;
// . check for hidden
// . if no hidden tag assume it is UNhidden
// . TODO: later push & pop on stack
char *ds = gb_strncasestr(style,send-style,"display:");
// if display:none not found turn off SEC_HIDDEN
if ( ! ds || ! gb_strncasestr(s,slen,"none") ) {
// turn off the hiding
isHidden = false;
// off in us too
sn->m_flags &= ~SEC_HIDDEN;
// mark all sections in this with the tag
isHidden = true;
// on in us
sn->m_flags |= SEC_HIDDEN;
// stop it after this word for sure
if ( sn->m_b > endHide ) endHide = sn->m_b;
if ( sn->m_a < startHide ) startHide = sn->m_a;
// now set the content hash of each section
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// must be an alnum word
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// get its section
m_sectionPtrs[i]->m_contentHash64 ^= m_wids[i];
// fix "smooth smooth!"
if ( m_sectionPtrs[i]->m_contentHash64 == 0 )
m_sectionPtrs[i]->m_contentHash64 = 123456;
// . also now set m_voteHash32 which we use for sectiondb now
// . so if the content is a date or number its hash will
// not change if the date changes. so if the date basically
// repeats on each page it won't matter! ticket prices
// mess it up too now...!!
if ( isMonth (m_wids [i] ) ) continue;
if ( is_digit(m_wptrs[i][0]) ) continue;
// is it 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, etc
if ( m_wlens[i]==2 ) {
if ( to_lower(m_wptrs[i][0]) =='s' &&
to_lower(m_wptrs[i][1]) =='t' )
if ( to_lower(m_wptrs[i][0]) =='n' &&
to_lower(m_wptrs[i][1]) =='d' )
if ( to_lower(m_wptrs[i][0]) =='r' &&
to_lower(m_wptrs[i][1]) =='d' )
// otherwise put it in
m_sectionPtrs[i]->m_voteHash32 ^= (uint32_t)m_wids[i];
// fix "smooth smooth!"
if ( m_sectionPtrs[i]->m_voteHash32 == 0 )
m_sectionPtrs[i]->m_voteHash32 = 123456;
// reset
m_numInvalids = 0;
// now set SEC_NOTEXT flag if content hash is zero!
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// skip if had text
if ( sn->m_contentHash64 ) continue;
// no text!
sn->m_flags |= SEC_NOTEXT;
// count it
// set m_sentenceContentHash for sentence that need it
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// skip if had text
if ( ! ( sn->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// if already set, skip
//sn->m_sentenceContentHash64 = sn->m_contentHash64;
// skip?
//if ( sn->m_contentHash64 ) continue;
// no, m_contentHash64 is just words contained
// directly in the section... so since a sentence can
// contain like a bold subsection, we gotta scan the
// whole thing.
sn->m_sentenceContentHash64 = 0LL;
// scan the wids of the whole sentence, which may not
// be completely contained in the "sn" section!!
long a = sn->m_senta;
long b = sn->m_sentb;
for ( long j = a ; j < b ; j++ ) {
// breathe
// must be an alnum word
if ( ! m_wids[j] ) continue;
// get its section
sn->m_sentenceContentHash64 ^= m_wids[j];
// fix "smooth smooth!"
if ( sn->m_sentenceContentHash64 == 0 )
sn->m_sentenceContentHash64 = 123456;
// set Section::m_alnumPosA/m_alnumPosB
long alnumCount2 = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// skip if had text
if ( ! ( sn->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// save this
sn->m_alnumPosA = alnumCount2;
// scan the wids of the whole sentence, which may not
// be completely contained in the "sn" section!!
long a = sn->m_senta;
long b = sn->m_sentb;
for ( long j = a ; j < b ; j++ ) {
// breathe
// must be an alnum word
if ( ! m_wids[j] ) continue;
// alnumcount
// so we contain the range [a,b), typical half-open interval
sn->m_alnumPosB = alnumCount2;
// sanity check
if ( sn->m_alnumPosA == sn->m_alnumPosB ){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// propagate through parents
Section *si = sn->m_parent;
// do each parent as well
for ( ; si ; si = si->m_parent ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if already had one!
if ( si->m_alnumPosA > 0 ) break;
// otherwise, we are it
si->m_alnumPosA = sn->m_alnumPosA;
// propagate up alnumPosB now
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// skip if had text
if ( ! ( sn->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// propagate through parents
Section *si = sn->m_parent;
// do each parent as well
for ( ; si ; si = si->m_parent ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if already had one! no, because we need to
// get the MAX of all of our kids!!
//if ( si->m_alnumPosB > 0 ) break;
// otherwise, we are it
si->m_alnumPosB = sn->m_alnumPosB;
m_alnumPosValid = true;
// set Section::m_rowNum and m_colNum for sections in table
// (we use this in Dates.cpp to set Date::m_tableRow/ColHeaderSec
// for detecting certain col/row headers like "buy tickets" that
// we use to invalidate dates as event dates)
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *si = &m_sections[i];
// need table tag
if ( si->m_tagId != TAG_TABLE ) continue;
// set all the headCol/RowSection ptrs rownum, colnum, etc.
// just for this table.
setTableRowsAndCols ( si );
// now NULLify either all headRow or all headColSections for this
// table. actually uses headRows and not columns. so
// we need to detect if the table header is the first row or the first
// column.
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *si = &m_sections[i];
// need table tag
if ( si->m_tagId != TAG_TABLE ) continue;
// ok, now set table header bits for that table
setTableHeaderBits ( si );
// propagate m_headCol/RowSection ptr to all kids in the td cell
// . "ot" = occurence table
// . we use this to set Section::m_occNum and m_numOccurences
if ( ! m_ot.set (4,8,5000,NULL, 0 , false ,m_niceness,"sect-occrnc") )
return true;
// this tells us if the section had text or not
//if ( ! m_cht2.set(4,0,5000,NULL, 0 , false ,m_niceness,"sect-cht2") )
// return true;
// set the m_ot hash table for use below
for ( long i = 1 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// assume no vote
uint64_t vote = 0;
// try to get it
uint64_t *vp = (uint64_t *)m_ot.getValue ( &sn->m_tagHash );
// assume these are zeroes
long occNum = 0;
// if there, set these to something
if ( vp ) {
// set it
vote = *vp;
// what section # are we for this tag hash?
occNum = vote & 0xffffffff;
// save our kid #
sn->m_occNum = occNum;
// get ptr to last section to have this tagHash
//sn->m_prevSibling = (Section *)(vote>>32);
// mask our prevSibling
vote &= 0x00000000ffffffff;
// we are the new prevSiblinkg now
vote |= ((unsigned long long)((unsigned long)sn))<<32;
// inc occNum for the next guy
// store back. return true with g_errno set on error
if ( ! m_ot.addKey ( &sn->m_tagHash , &vote ) ) return true;
// use the secondary content hash which will be non-zero
// if the section indirectly contains some text, i.e.
// contains a subsection which directly contains text
//long ch = sn->m_contentHash;
// skip if no content
//if ( ! ch ) continue;
// use this as the "modified taghash" now
//long modified = sn->m_tagHash ^ ch;
// add the content hash to this table as well!
//if ( ! m_cht2.addKey ( &modified ) ) return true;
// . you are invalid in these sections
// . google seems to index SEC_MARQUEE so i took that out of here
// . now we define SEC_UNIQUE using the tagHash and "ot"
// . i think this is better than using m_tagHash
// . basically you are a unique section if you have no siblings
// in your container
// . set Section::m_numOccurences
// . the first section is the god section and has a 0 for tagHash
// so skip that!
for ( long i = 1 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// get it
uint64_t vote ;
// assign it
uint64_t *slot = (uint64_t *)m_ot.getValue ( &sn->m_tagHash );
// wtf? i've seen this happen once in a blue moon
if ( ! slot ) {
log("build: m_ot slot is NULL! wtf?");
// otherwise, use it
vote = *slot;
// get slot for it
long numKids = vote & 0xffffffff;
// must be at least 1 i guess
if ( numKids < 1 && i > 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// how many siblings do we have total?
sn->m_numOccurences = numKids;
// sanity check
if ( sn->m_a < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( sn->m_b > m_nw ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEART OF SECTIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// to be a valid section we must be the sole section
// containing at least one alnum word AND it must NOT be
// in a script/style/select/marquee tag
//if ( sn->m_exclusive>0 && !(sn->m_flags & badFlags) )
// continue;
// this means we are useless
//sn->m_flags |= SEC_NOTEXT;
// and count them
// now set Section::m_listContainer
// . a containing section is a section containing
// MULTIPLE smaller sections
// . so if a section has a containing section set its m_listContainer
// to that containing section
// . we limit this to sections that directly contain text for now
// . Events.cpp::getRegistrationTable() uses m_nextBrother so we
// need this now!!
setNextBrotherPtrs ( true ); // setContainer = true
// now set SEC_MENU and SEC_LINK_TEXT flags
// now set SENT_LIST flags on m_sentFlags
// try to capture sentences that are not menus but are a list of
// things. if the sentence itself has a list of short items, or a bunch
// of commas, then also set the SEC_LIST flag on it. or if sentence
// is part of a sequence of sentences that are a list of sentences then
// set it for them as well. typically such sentences will be separated
// by a vertical space, have no periods, maybe have an <li> tag or only
// have a few words per sentence. this will help us demote search results
// that have the query terms in such a list because it is usually not
// very useful information.
// don't use nsvt/osvt now
return true;
// . init this hashtable here
// . osvt = old section voting table
// . this holds all the votes we got exclusively from sectiondb
// . sectiondb maps a siteHash/tagHash pair to a SectionVote
// . this table maps a tagHash to a single accumulated SectionVote
if ( ! m_osvt.set(8,sizeof(SectionVote),1000 ,NULL,0,false,m_niceness,
return true;
// . init this hashtable here
// . nsvt = new section voting table
// . this holds all the votes we computed
if ( ! m_nsvt.set(8,sizeof(SectionVote),4096,NULL,0,false,m_niceness,
return true;
- mdw: i got rid of m_plain, so i commented this out
// put votes on SV_TEXTY section type into m_nsvt
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get the ith section
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// skip if not a section with its own words
if ( sn->m_flags & SEC_NOTEXT ) continue;
// . set SEC_TEXTY for "texty" sections
// . are we an article section?
float percent = //100.0 *
(float)(sn->m_plain) /
// . update m_nsvt voting table now
// . this will return false with g_errno set
if ( ! addVote ( &m_nsvt ,
sn->m_tagHash ,
percent ,
1.0 ) )
return true;
// . add our SV_TAG_PAIR hash to the m_nsvt
// . every page adds this one
// . but don't screw up m_nsvt if we are deserializing from it
if ( ! sectionsVotes &&
! addVote(&m_nsvt,m_tagPairHash,SV_TAGPAIRHASH,1,1)) return true;
// . add our checksum votes as well
// . we use this for menu identification between web pages
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get the ith section
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// skip if not a section with its own words
if ( sn->m_flags & SEC_NOTEXT ) continue;
// combine the tag hash with the content hash #2
long modified = sn->m_tagHash ^ sn->m_contentHash;
// . update m_nsvt voting table now
// . the tagHash is the content hash for this one
// . this will return false with g_errno set
if ( ! addVote ( &m_nsvt ,
//sn->m_contentHash ,
modified ,
1.0 , // score
1.0 ,
true ) )
return true;
// if no url, must be being called from below around compare() on
// a title rec looked up in titledb that we are comparing to
if ( ! url ) return true;
// . now combine tag pair hash with the site hash
// . tag pair hash is a hash of the hashes of all the unique adjacent
// tag pairs. a great way to identify the html format of a doc
// . see XmlDoc::getTagPairHash() for that code...
// . tagPairHash is also used by DupDetector.cpp
//m_termId = hash64 ( tagPairHash , m_siteHash ) & TERMID_MASK;
// remove tagPairHash now that each SectionVote has a m_contentHash
m_termId = m_siteHash64 & TERMID_MASK;
if ( sectionsVotes ) {
// sanity check, this data is only used for when
// XmlDoc::m_skipIndexing is true and it zeroes out the content
// so we have to save our voting info since the content is
// gone. that way we can delete it from sectiondb later if
// we need to.
if ( m_numSections > 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . set our m_osvt table from what's left
// . this returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! m_nsvt.deserialize(sectionsVotes,-1,m_niceness) )
return true;
// . if we are setting from a TitleRec stored in titledb, then
// do not consult datedb because it might have changed since we
// first indexed this document. instead deserialize m_osvt from
// TitleRec::ptr_sectionsData.
// . this ensures we parse exactly the same way as we did while we
// were creating this title rec
// . this ensures parsing consistency
// . basically, we m_osvt is a compressed version of the list we
// read from datedb, combined with any "votes" from the title rec
// comparisons we might have done in Sections::compare()
if ( sectionsDataValid ) { // xd && xd->ptr_sectionsData ) {
// point to it
char *p = sectionsData;
// . set our m_osvt table from what's left
// . this returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( p && ! m_osvt.deserialize(p,-1,m_niceness) )
return true;
// now we can finalize, m_osvt is already set
return gotSectiondbList ( NULL );
// . for us, dates are really containers of the flags and tag hash
// . init this up here, it is re-set if we re-call getSectiondbList()
// because there were too many records in it to handle in one read
m_startKey = g_datedb.makeStartKey ( m_termId , 0xffffffff );
// reset this count
m_totalSiteVoters = 0;
// call it
return getSectiondbList ( );
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . XmlDoc.cpp calls this separately from Sections::set because it needs
// to set Addresses and Dates class partially first so we can use them here.
bool Sections::addImpliedSections ( Addresses *aa ) {
// only call once
if ( m_addedImpliedSections ) return true;
m_addedImpliedSections = true;
// no point in going any further if we have nothing
if ( m_numSections == 0 ) return true;
// set this
//m_osvt = osvt;
// now do table swoggling
// turn off table rows and use columns if necessary.
// some tables are column based not row-based and we have to fix that.
//if ( ! swoggleTables ( ) ) return false;
// as part of a replacement for table swoggling which is confusing
// and didn't really work right, especially when we had both
// table header row and column, we set these on each table cell:
if ( ! setTableStuff ( ) ) return false;
m_aa = aa;
// shortcut
// now we use m_numTotalPtrs, not m_numDatePtrs:
// for one compound date spans
// multiple sections. the first section is the DOW like
// "Friday" and the next section is the "day of months list".
// we want to add implied sections whose header is above
// the "day of months list" using the _ABOVE_DOM method,
// but it won't work unless we set these bits here properly.
// if we can't add that implied section everyone now uses
// the "Thursdays Pay for Performance" as their title because
// Thursdays is now fuzzy since we added the isEventEnding()
// algo to fix the which has Wednesdays in a
// band name and it should be fuzzy. there are other ways to
// fix, mainly ignore "Wednesdays" as a
// recurring date unless following "every", etc., but
// might not have had "Thursdays" in
// that event title in which case we'd have to rely on
// implied sections... so let's do this right...
// scan the dates and set a section's SEC_HAS_DOM/DOW
// and SEC_HAS_TOD for all the sections containing it either directly
// or indirectly
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_dates->m_numTotalPtrs ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Date *di = m_dates->m_totalPtrs[i];
// skip if nuked. part of a compound, or in bad section.
if ( ! di ) continue;
// must be in body
if ( ! ( di->m_flags & DF_FROM_BODY ) ) continue;
// ignore, otherwise the trumba sections get messed up
// because we use the official timestamps (with the "T" in
// them) as a month for adding implied sections!
if ( di->m_flags5 & DF5_IGNORE )
// skip if compound, list, range, telescope
if ( di->m_numPtrs != 0 ) continue;
// sanity check
if ( di->m_a < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// shortcut
datetype_t dt = di->m_hasType;
// need a DOW, DOM or TOD
sec_t flags = 0;
// get smallesst containing section
Section *sa = m_sectionPtrs [ di->m_a];
// . ignore <option> tags etc. to fix
// . was causing "Nov 2009" to be a date brother with
// its daynums in the calendar select tag dropdown
if ( sa->m_flags & badFlags ) continue;
// are we a header?
//bool header = false;
//if ( sa->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) header = true;
//if ( sa->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) header = true;
// day of month is good
//if ( header && (dt & DT_MONTH) && (dt & DT_DAYNUM) )
// allow non-header guys in so we can pick up setence-y
// sections. the additional logic in getDelimScore() should
// cover us...
// ALLOWING just daynum messes up because we
// think every little number in every xml tag is a daynum!
if ( (dt & DT_DAYNUM) ) // && (dt != DT_DAYNUM) ) // && (dt & DT_MONTH) )
flags |= SEC_HAS_DOM;
if ( dt & DT_MONTH )
flags |= SEC_HAS_MONTH;
// or day of week
//if ( header && (dt & DT_DOW) )
// require it be strong so things like "Hillbilly Thursday"
// in which is a band name i think does
// not cause SEC_DATE_BOUNDARY to be set for that list of
// brothers, thereby killing its sections ability to telescope
// to its day of month.
if ( (di->m_flags & DF_HAS_STRONG_DOW) && // dt & DT_DOW)
// do not count "before 4th Saturday" for
// because it is not really a dow in this sense
!(di->m_flags & DF_ONGOING) )
flags |= SEC_HAS_DOW;
// to fix they have some headers
// that are like "Thursday Pay What You Wish Performances"
if ( dt & DT_DOW )
flags |= SEC_HAS_DOW;
// tod is good (ignore "before 11pm" for this)
if ( di->m_flags & (DF_AFTER_TOD|DF_EXACT_TOD) )
flags |= SEC_HAS_TOD;
// skip fuzzies - is DF_FUZZY set for this? in parseDates?
if ( dt == DT_DAYNUM && (di->m_flags & DF_FUZZY) )
// any date?
//flags |= SEC_HAS_DATE;
// skip if none
if ( ! flags ) continue;
// mark all sections
for ( ; sa ; sa = sa->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// if already set, stop
if ( (sa->m_flags & flags) == flags ) break;
// set it
sa->m_flags |= flags;
// this is needed by setSentFlags()
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! setSentFlagsPart2 ( ) ) return false;
// i would say <hr> is kinda like an <h0>, so do it first
if ( splitSectionsByTag ( TAG_HR ) > 0 ) setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
// split by double br tags AFTER we've add all the text-based
// implied sections that we can. 0x01 = <br><br>.
// really instead of using back to back br tags they could have
// put everything into <p> tags which would imply these sections
// anyhow! this will fix sunsetpromotions which has no real
// sections except these brbr things.
//splitSections ( (char *)0x01 , (long)BH_BRBR );
// HACK: back to back br tags
// . this also splits on any double space really:
// including text-free tr tags
if ( splitSectionsByTag ( TAG_BR ) > 0 ) setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
// we now have METHOD_ABOVE_ADDR so need addr xor
setAddrXors( m_aa );
// now add implied sections based on dates
long added = addImpliedSections3();
// g_errno should be set when we return -1 on error
if ( added < 0 ) return true;
// if added something, try again
if ( added > 0 ) goto again;
// just in case we added more sections
setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
// . the header tags
// . no! uses header tags for just making font size
// large... doing these messes up our implied sections so that
// the monthday range is excised from the event description
// . So that means we have to be damn sure to get those implied
// date based sections in for then! but we do need
// these header tag splitters for which has them above
// some tables, and for which also does, like
if (splitSectionsByTag ( TAG_H1 ) > 0 ) setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
if (splitSectionsByTag ( TAG_H2 ) > 0 ) setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
if (splitSectionsByTag ( TAG_H3 ) > 0 ) setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
if (splitSectionsByTag ( TAG_H4 ) > 0 ) setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
if (splitSectionsByTag ( TAG_H5 ) > 0 ) setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
// fix
if ( splitSectionsByTag ( TAG_DT ) > 0 ) setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
// &bull;
char bullet[4];
bullet[0] = 226;
bullet[1] = 128;
bullet[2] = 162;
bullet[3] = 0;
splitSections ( bullet , BH_BULLET );
// just in case we added more sections
setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
// . try adding implied sections again, might getter better
// similarities now that we have different subsections to divide
// . should fix
long added2 = addImpliedSections3();
// g_errno should be set when we return -1 on error
if ( added2 < 0 ) return true;
// if added something, try again
if ( added2 > 0 ) goto again2;
// just in case we added more sections
setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
// now set it again after adding implied sections
// this is used by Events.cpp Section::m_nextSent
// redo the content hash now
// set checksum of implied section
for ( Section *sk = m_rootSection ; sk ; sk = sk->m_next ) {
// breathe
// reset
sk->m_contentHash64 = 0;
// remove this flag
sk->m_flags &= ~SEC_NOTEXT;
// now set the content hash of each section
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// must be an alnum word
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// get its section
m_sectionPtrs[i]->m_contentHash64 ^= m_wids[i];
// fix "smooth smooth!"
if ( m_sectionPtrs[i]->m_contentHash64 == 0 )
m_sectionPtrs[i]->m_contentHash64 = 123456;
// now set SEC_NOTEXT flag if content hash is zero!
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// skip if had text
if ( sn->m_contentHash64 ) continue;
// no text!
sn->m_flags |= SEC_NOTEXT;
// set form tables
// like "Price:</td><td> $10-$20\n" or "Good For Kids:</td><td>Yes"
// now set the stuff that depends on the voting table now that
// all our implied sections are added since XmlDoc::getVotingTable()
// adds the votes/hashes after all the implied sections are in.
// . now use svt
// . do this before telescoping because if one date in a telescope
// does not have DF_ONROOTPAGE set then we clear that bit for the
// telescope
// . we hashed all the sections containing any tod ranges on the root
// page, assuming it to be store hours.
// . we hash the tagid with its content hash for each section as we
// telescoped up hashing in more tagids, up to 5.
// . so how many layers of the onion can we match?
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// stop if not there
if ( ! m_osvt ) break;
// stop if empty
if ( m_osvt->isTableEmpty() ) break;
// only works on sentences for now
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// get the date root hash
uint32_t modified = getDateSectionHash ( si );
// and see if it exists in the root doc
if ( ! m_osvt->isInTable ( &modified ) ) continue;
// it does! so set date flag as being from root
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_ONROOTPAGE;
return true;
// place name indicators
static HashTableX s_pit;
static char s_pitbuf[2000];
static bool s_init9 = false;
bool initPlaceIndicatorTable ( ) {
if ( s_init9 ) return true;
// init place name indicators
static char *s_pindicators [] = {
// wonderland ballroom
"bookstore", // st john's college bookstore
"enterprises", // J & M Enterprises
"llc", // why did we remove these before???
// broke "Tennis on Campus" event
"cellar", // the wine cellar
// channel 13 news
// bible study circle
// subplace
//"fair", // xxx fair is more of an event name!!
// nob hill
// members home
// subplace
"pool", // swimming pool
// rio rancho
// date range
"preserve", // nature preserve
"nightclub", // guys n' dolls restaurant and night club
// denver, co
// group services
// five day pass
"bakery", // a b c bakery
//"market", hurt Los Ranchos Growers' Market
// store these words into table
s_init9 = true;
long n = (long)sizeof(s_pindicators)/ sizeof(char *);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// set words
char *s = s_pindicators[i];
long long h = hash64n(s);
s_pit.addKey ( &h );
return true;
bool isPlaceIndicator ( long long *widp ) {
if ( ! s_init9 ) initPlaceIndicatorTable();
return s_pit.isInTable ( widp );
static HashTableX s_igt;
static char s_igtbuf[10000];
static bool s_init3 = false;
void initGenericTable ( long niceness ) {
// . now we create strings of things that are somewhat generic
// and should be excluded from titles.
// . we set the GENERIC bit for each word or phrase in the sentence
// that matches one in this list of generic words/phrases
// . then we ignore the longest generic phrase that is two words or
// more, within the sentence, for the purposes of forming titles
// . so if we had "buy tickets for Spiderman" we would ignore
// "buy tickets for" and the title would just be Spiderman
// . we also set the GENERIC bit for dates and places that match
// that of the event in addition to these phrases/words
static char *s_ignore[] = {
"various", // this event repeats on various days
"size", // small class size: hadcolon algo fix
"sold", // sold out
"promotional", // promotional partners
"regular", // regular ticket price
"order", // how to order
"promo", // promo code
"prices", // ticket prices
"pricing", // pricing information
"bid", // minimum bid: $50,000
"store", // fix store: open blah blah... for hadcolon
"default", // fix default: all about... title for had colon
"id", // event id: 1234
"buffer", // fix losing Life of Brian to Buffer:33% title
"deadline", // price deadline
"place", // place order
"set", // set: 10:30pm (when they start the set i guess)
"news", // news & events
"posted", // posted by, posted in news
"read", // read more
"every", // every other wednesday
"scheduling", // scheduling a program
"logged", // you're not logged in
"should", // you should register
"registration", // registration fees
"hourly", // hourly fee
"operation", // hours of operation
"public", // hours open to the public.. public tours
"plan", // plan a meeting
"beginner", // dance classes
// beginning hebrew conversation class?
// 6 Mondays beginning Feb 7th - Mar 14th...
"calendar", // calendar for jan 2012
"full", // full calendar
"hello", // <date> hello there guest
"level", // dance classes
"open", // open level
"untitled", // untitled document for
"none", // none specified
"age", // age suitability
"requirement", // age requirement
"average", // average ratings
"business", // business categories
"narrow", // narrow search
"related", // related topics/search
"sort", // sort by
"seating", // there will be no late seating
"seats", // seats are limited
"accomodations", // find accomodations
"request", // request registration
"maximum", // maximum capacity
"max", // maximum capacity
"capacity", // capcity 150 guests
"late", // Wed - Thurs 1am to Late Morning
"latest", // latest performance
"performances", // performances: fridays & saturdays at 8 PM..
"rsvp", // rsvp for free tickets
"larger", // view larger map
"tix", // buy tix
"donation", // $4 donation -
"find", // find us
"series", // next series
"round", // open year round
// weather reports!
"currently", // currently: cloudy (hadcolon fix)
"mostly", // mostly cloudy
"partly", // partly cloudy
// "Wind: N at 7 mph"
// lottery title: %16.0 million
// 6th street
"season", // 2011 sesason schedule of events
"session", // fall session
"sessions", // fall sessions
//"fridays", // hurts "5,000 Fridays" title for
"sundays", // all sundays
// we should probably treat these times like dusk/dawn
"featured", // featured events
"features", // more features
"time", // time:
"pacific", // pacific time
"cost", // cost:
"per", // $50 per ticket
"become", // become a sponsor
"fan", // become a facebook fan
"media", // media sponsor
"target", // Target:
"now", // buy tickets now
"reminder", // event remind
"sponsors", // event sponsors
"questions", // questions or comments
"comment", // question/comment
"wall", // "comment wall"
"board", // "comment board" message board
"other", // other events
"ongoing", // other ongoing events
"repeating", // more repeating events
"need", // need more information
"quick", // quick links
"links", // quick links
"calendar", // calendar of events
"class", // class calendar
"classes", // events & classes
"schedule", // class schedule
"activity", // activity calendar
"some", // some saturdays
"city", // "city of albuquerque title
"instructors", // 9/29 instructors:
"advisor", // hadcolon algo fix: Parent+Advisor:+Mrs.+Boey
"caller", // square dance field
"dj", // might be dj:
"browse", // browse nearby
"restaurants", // nearby restaurants
// why did i take these out??? leave them in the list, i
// think these events are too generic. maybe because sometimes
// that is the correct title and we shouldn't punish the
// title score, but rather just filter the entire event
// because of that...?
//"dinner", // fix "6:30 to 8PM: Dinner" title for
"first", // first to review
"things", // things you must see
"discover", // zvents: discover things to do
"touring", // touring region
"tell", // tell a friend
"friend", // tell a friend
"occurs", // this event occurs weekly
"groups", // groups (15 or more)
"our", // our story (about us)
"story", // our story
"special", // special offers
//"bars", // nearby bars
"people", // people who viewed this also viewed
"additional", // additional service
"real", // real reviews
"over", // 21 and over only
"advance", // $12 in adance / $4 at the door
"list", // event list
"false", // <visible>false</visible>
"usd", // currency units (eventbrite)
"gbp", // currency units (eventbrite)
"st", // sunday july 31 st
"chat", // chat live
"dining", // dining and nightlife
"yet", // no comments yet
"welcome", // gets WELCOME as title
"gallery", // gallery concerts
"releases", // press releases
"release", // press release
"quest", // map quest
"com", // .com
"org", // .org
"areas", // areas covered
"cover", // cover charge
"sale", // on sale now
"sales", // Sales 7:30 pm Fridays
"club", // club members
"please", // please join us at our monthly meetings
"official", // official site link
"blogs", // blogs & sites
"mailing", // mailing address
"statewide", // preceeds phone # in
"limited", // limited parking available
"available", // limited parking available
"accepts", // accepts credit cards
"visa", // we accept visa and mastercard
//"jump", // jump to navigation
"methods", // methods of payment
"zip", // POB 4321 zip 87197
"admin", // 1201 third nw admin
"future", // other future dates & times (zvents)
"range", // price range ( blackbird buvette)
"write" , // write a review
"performers", // performers at this event
"hide" , // menu cruft from zvents
"usa", // address junk
"musicians", // category
"musician", // category
"current", // current weather
"forecast", // 7-day forecast
"get", // get involved
"press", // press room
"back", // back a page
"take", // take me to the top
"top", // top of page
"print", // print friendly page
"guide", // albuquerque guide for bird walk
"software", // ticketing software
"download",// software download
"navigation", // main navigation
"breadcrumb", // breadcrumb navigation
"skip", // skip to main content
"starts", // starts 9/17/2011
"starting", // starting in 2010
"begins" // concert begins at 8
"promptly", // starts promptly
"will", // will begin
"visit", // visit our website
"visiting", // visiting hours
"come", // come visit
"check", // check us out
"select", // select saturdays
"ends", // ends 9/17/2011
"multiple", // multiple dates
"hottest", // hottest upcoming event
"ordering", // ordering info from stjohnscollege
"edit", // edit business info from yelp
"only", // saturday and sunday only
"winter", // winter hours: oct 15 - march 15 (
"summer", // summer hours
"tbd", // title tbd
"days", // this event repeats on various days
"week", // day(s) of the week
"two", // two shows
"runs", // show runs blah to blah (
"gate", // gates open at 8
"admitted", // all ages admitted until 5pm (
"rights", // all rights reserved
"reserved", // all rights reserved
"permit", // special event permit application
"shipping", // shipping policy for tickets
"package", // package includes
"print", // print entire month of events
s_init3 = true;
long n = (long)sizeof(s_ignore)/ sizeof(char *);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
char *w = s_ignore[i];
long wlen = gbstrlen ( w );
long long h = hash64Lower_utf8 ( w , wlen );
if ( ! s_igt.addKey (&h) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// so Dates.cpp DF_FUZZY algorithm can see if the DT_YEAR date is in
// a mixed case and period-ending sentence, in which case it will consider
// it to be fuzzy since it is not header material
bool Sections::setSentFlagsPart1 ( ) {
// shortcut
wbit_t *bits = m_bits->m_bits;
static long long h_i;
static long long h_com;
static long long h_org;
static long long h_net;
static long long h_pg;
static long long h_pg13;
static bool s_init38 = false;
if ( ! s_init38 ) {
s_init38 = true;
h_i = hash64n("i");
h_com = hash64n("com");
h_org = hash64n("org");
h_net = hash64n("net");
h_pg = hash64n("pg");
h_pg13 = hash64n("pg13");
// . score each section that directly contains text.
// . have a score for title and score for description
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// now we require the sentence
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
si->m_sentFlags |= getMixedCaseFlags ( m_words ,
bits ,
si->m_senta ,
si->m_sentb ,
m_niceness );
bool firstWord = true;
long lowerCount = 0;
for ( long i = si->m_senta ; i < si->m_sentb ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not alnum
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// are we a stop word?
bool isStopWord = m_words->isStopWord(i);
// .com is stop word
if ( m_wids[i] == h_com ||
m_wids[i] == h_org ||
m_wids[i] == h_net ||
// fixes mr. movie times "PG-13"
m_wids[i] == h_pg ||
m_wids[i] == h_pg13 )
isStopWord = true;
// are we upper case?
bool upper = is_upper_utf8(m_wptrs[i]) ;
// . are we all upper case?
// . is every single letter upper case?
// . this is a good tie break sometimes like for
//if ( megaCaps ) {
// if ( ! upper ) megaCaps = false;
// allow if hyphen preceedes like for
//'s "Kay-lee"
if ( i>0 && m_wptrs[i][-1]=='-' ) upper = true;
// if we got mixed case, note that!
if ( m_wids[i] &&
( m_wids[i] == h_of ||
m_wids[i] == h_the ||
m_wids[i] == h_at ||
m_wids[i] == h_to ||
m_wids[i] == h_be ||
m_wids[i] == h_or ||
m_wids[i] == h_not ||
m_wids[i] == h_in ||
m_wids[i] == h_on ||
m_wids[i] == h_for ||
m_wids[i] == h_from ||
//! ww->isStopWord(i) &&
! is_digit(m_wptrs[i][0]) &&
! upper &&
(! isStopWord || firstWord ) &&
// . November 4<sup>th</sup> for
// . added "firstword" for "on"
// title prevention for
(m_wlens[i] >= 3 || firstWord) )
// no longer first word in sentence
firstWord = false;
// does it end in period? slight penalty for that since
// the ideal event title will not.
// fixes which was selecting the
// first sentence in the description and not the performers
// name for "Ragnar Bohlin" and "Malin Christennsson" whose
// first sentence was for the most part properly capitalized
// just by sheer luck because it used proper nouns and was
// short.
bool endsInPeriod = false;
char *p = NULL;
//if ( si->m_b < m_nw ) p = m_wptrs[si->m_b];
long lastPunct = si->m_sentb;
// skip over tags to fix sentence
for ( ; lastPunct < m_nw && m_tids[lastPunct] ; lastPunct++);
// now assume, possibly incorrectly, that it is punct
if ( lastPunct < m_nw ) p = m_wptrs[lastPunct];
// scan properly to
char *send = p + m_wlens[lastPunct];
char *s = p;
for ( ; s && s < send ; s++ ) {
// breathe
// check. might have ". or ).
if ( *s == '.' ||
*s == ';' ||
*s == '?' ||
*s == '!' ) {
// do not count ellipsis for this though
// to fix
// "NYC iPhone Boot Camp: ..."
if ( s[1] != '.' ) endsInPeriod = true;
//if ( p && p[0] == '.' ) endsInPeriod = true;
//if ( p && p[0] == '?' ) endsInPeriod = true;
//if ( p && p[0] == '!' ) endsInPeriod = true;
//if ( p && p[1] == '.' ) endsInPeriod = false; // ellipsis
if ( isAbbr(m_wids[si->m_b-1]) && m_wlens[si->m_b-1]>1 )
endsInPeriod = false;
if ( m_wlens[si->m_b-1] <= 1 &&
// fix "world war I"
m_wids[si->m_b-1] != h_i )
endsInPeriod = false;
if ( endsInPeriod ) {
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_PERIOD_ENDS;
// double punish if also has a lower case word
// that should not be lower case in a title
if ( lowerCount > 0 )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_PERIOD_ENDS_HARD;
return true;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Sections::setSentFlagsPart2 ( ) {
static bool s_init2 = false;
static long long h_close ;
static long long h_send ;
static long long h_map ;
static long long h_maps ;
static long long h_directions ;
static long long h_driving ;
static long long h_help ;
static long long h_more ;
static long long h_log ;
static long long h_sign ;
static long long h_login ;
static long long h_back ;
static long long h_change ;
static long long h_write ;
static long long h_save ;
static long long h_share ;
static long long h_forgot ;
static long long h_home ;
static long long h_hours;
static long long h_sitemap ;
static long long h_advanced ;
static long long h_go ;
static long long h_website ;
static long long h_view;
static long long h_add;
static long long h_submit;
static long long h_get;
static long long h_subscribe;
static long long h_loading;
static long long h_last;
static long long h_modified;
static long long h_updated;
static long long h_special;
static long long h_guest ;
static long long h_guests ;
static long long h_directed;
static long long h_venue ;
static long long h_instructor ;
static long long h_general;
static long long h_information;
static long long h_info ;
static long long h_i ;
static long long h_what ;
static long long h_who ;
static long long h_tickets;
static long long h_support ;
static long long h_featuring;
static long long h_presents;
static long long h_phone;
static long long h_usa;
static long long h_relevancy; // sort by option
static long long h_buy;
static long long h_where;
static long long h_when;
static long long h_contact;
static long long h_description;
static long long h_location;
static long long h_located;
static long long h_of;
static long long h_the;
static long long h_and;
static long long h_at;
static long long h_to;
static long long h_be;
static long long h_or;
static long long h_not;
static long long h_in;
static long long h_on;
static long long h_for;
static long long h_with;
static long long h_from;
static long long h_click;
static long long h_here;
static long long h_new;
static long long h_free;
static long long h_title;
static long long h_event;
static long long h_adv;
static long long h_dos;
static long long h_advance;
static long long h_day;
static long long h_show;
static long long h_box;
static long long h_office;
static long long h_this;
static long long h_week;
static long long h_tonight;
static long long h_today;
static long long h_http;
static long long h_https;
static long long h_claim;
static long long h_it;
static long long h_upcoming;
static long long h_events;
static long long h_is;
static long long h_your;
static long long h_user;
static long long h_reviews;
static long long h_comments;
static long long h_bookmark;
static long long h_creator;
static long long h_tags;
static long long h_repeats;
static long long h_feed;
static long long h_readers;
static long long h_no;
static long long h_rating;
static long long h_publish;
static long long h_category;
static long long h_genre;
static long long h_type;
static long long h_price;
static long long h_rate;
static long long h_rates;
static long long h_users;
static long long h_date ;
static long long h_time ;
static long long h_other ;
static long long h_future ;
static long long h_dates ;
static long long h_times ;
static long long h_hide ;
static long long h_print ;
static long long h_powered;
static long long h_provided;
static long long h_admission;
static long long h_by;
static long long h_com;
static long long h_org;
static long long h_net;
static long long h_pg;
static long long h_pg13;
static long long h_a;
static long long h_use;
static long long h_search;
static long long h_find;
static long long h_school;
static long long h_shop;
static long long h_gift;
static long long h_gallery;
static long long h_library;
static long long h_photo;
static long long h_image;
static long long h_picture;
static long long h_video;
static long long h_media;
static long long h_copyright;
static long long h_review;
static long long h_join;
static long long h_request;
static long long h_promote;
static long long h_open;
static long long h_house;
static long long h_million;
static long long h_billion;
static long long h_thousand;
if ( ! s_init2 ) {
s_init2 = true;
h_repeats = hash64n("repeats");
h_feed = hash64n("feed");
h_readers = hash64n("readers");
h_no = hash64n("no");
h_rating = hash64n("rating");
h_publish = hash64n("publish");
h_category = hash64n("category");
h_genre = hash64n("genre");
h_type = hash64n("type");
h_price = hash64n("price");
h_rate = hash64n("rate");
h_rates = hash64n("rates");
h_users = hash64n("users");
h_claim = hash64n("claim");
h_it = hash64n("it");
h_upcoming = hash64n("upcoming");
h_events = hash64n("events");
h_is = hash64n("is");
h_your = hash64n("your");
h_user = hash64n("user");
h_reviews = hash64n("reviews");
h_comments = hash64n("comments");
h_bookmark = hash64n("bookmark");
h_creator = hash64n("creator");
h_close = hash64n("close");
h_tags = hash64n("tags");
h_send = hash64n("send");
h_map = hash64n("map");
h_maps = hash64n("maps");
h_directions = hash64n("directions");
h_driving = hash64n("driving");
h_help = hash64n("help");
h_more = hash64n("more");
h_log = hash64n("log");
h_sign = hash64n("sign");
h_login = hash64n("login");
h_back = hash64n("back");
h_change = hash64n("change");
h_write = hash64n("write");
h_save = hash64n("save");
h_add = hash64n("add");
h_share = hash64n("share");
h_forgot = hash64n("forgot");
h_home = hash64n("home");
h_hours = hash64n("hours");
h_sitemap = hash64n("sitemap");
h_advanced = hash64n("advanced");
h_go = hash64n("go");
h_website = hash64n("website");
h_view = hash64n("view");
h_submit = hash64n("submit");
h_get = hash64n("get");
h_subscribe = hash64n("subscribe");
h_loading = hash64n("loading");
h_last = hash64n("last");
h_modified = hash64n("modified");
h_updated = hash64n("updated");
h_special = hash64n("special");
h_guest = hash64n("guest");
h_guests = hash64n("guests");
h_directed = hash64n("directed");
h_venue = hash64n("venue");
h_instructor = hash64n("instructor");
h_general = hash64n("general");
h_information = hash64n("information");
h_info = hash64n("info");
h_what = hash64n("what");
h_who = hash64n("who");
h_tickets = hash64n("tickets");
h_support = hash64n("support");
h_featuring = hash64n("featuring");
h_presents = hash64n("presents");
h_phone = hash64n("phone");
h_usa = hash64n("usa");
h_relevancy = hash64n("relevancy");
h_date = hash64n("date");
h_description = hash64n("description");
h_buy = hash64n("buy");
h_where = hash64n("where");
h_when = hash64n("when");
h_contact = hash64n("contact");
h_description = hash64n("description");
h_location = hash64n("location");
h_located = hash64n("located");
h_of = hash64n("of");
h_the = hash64n("the");
h_and = hash64n("and");
h_at = hash64n("at");
h_to = hash64n("to");
h_be = hash64n("be");
h_or = hash64n("or");
h_not = hash64n("not");
h_in = hash64n("in");
h_on = hash64n("on");
h_for = hash64n("for");
h_with = hash64n("with");
h_from = hash64n("from");
h_click = hash64n("click");
h_here = hash64n("here");
h_new = hash64n("new");
h_free = hash64n("free");
h_title = hash64n("title");
h_event = hash64n("event");
h_adv = hash64n("adv");
h_dos = hash64n("dos");
h_day = hash64n("day");
h_show = hash64n("show");
h_box = hash64n("box");
h_i = hash64n("i");
h_office = hash64n("office");
h_this = hash64n("this");
h_week = hash64n("week");
h_tonight = hash64n("tonight");
h_today = hash64n("today");
h_http = hash64n("http");
h_https = hash64n("https");
h_date = hash64n("date");
h_time = hash64n("time");
h_other = hash64n("other");
h_future = hash64n("future");
h_dates = hash64n("dates");
h_times = hash64n("times");
h_hide = hash64n("hide");
h_print = hash64n("print");
h_powered = hash64n("powered");
h_provided = hash64n("provided");
h_admission = hash64n("admission");
h_by = hash64n("by");
h_com = hash64n("com");
h_org = hash64n("org");
h_net = hash64n("net");
h_pg = hash64n("pg");
h_pg13 = hash64n("pg13");
h_a = hash64n("a");
h_use = hash64n("use");
h_search = hash64n("search");
h_find = hash64n("find");
h_school = hash64n("school");
h_shop = hash64n("shop");
h_gift = hash64n("gift");
h_gallery = hash64n("gallery");
h_library = hash64n("library");
h_photo = hash64n("photo");
h_image = hash64n("image");
h_picture = hash64n("picture");
h_video = hash64n("video");
h_media = hash64n("media");
h_copyright = hash64n("copyright");
h_review = hash64n("review");
h_join = hash64n("join");
h_request = hash64n("request");
h_promote = hash64n("promote");
h_open = hash64n("open");
h_house = hash64n("house");
h_million = hash64n("million");
h_billion = hash64n("billion");
h_thousand = hash64n("thousand");
// . title fields!
// . if entire previous sentence matches this you are[not] a title
// . uses + to mean is a title, - to mean is NOT a title following
// . use '$' to indicate, "ends in that" (substring match)
// . or if previous sentence ends in something like this, it is
// the same as saying that next sentence begins with this, that
// should fix "Presented By Colorado Symphony Orchestra" from
// being a good event title
static char *s_titleFields [] = {
// . these have no '$' so they are exact/full matches
// . table column headers MUST match full matches and are not
// allowed to match substring matches
// use '$' to endicate sentence ENDS in this
"-contact", // contact: john
"-neighborhood", // yelp uses this field
"-convenor", // graypanthers uses convenor:
"-convenors", // graypanthers uses convenor:
"-caller", // square dancing
"-call", // phone number
"-price range",
"@event location",
// put colon after to indicate we need a colon after!
// or this can be in a column header.
// try to fix "business categories: " for
// use '$' to endicate sentence ENDS in this
// use '$' to endicate sentence ENDS in this
"-$presented by",
"-$brought to you by",
"-$sponsored by",
"-$hosted by"
// store these words into table
static HashTableX s_ti1;
static HashTableX s_ti2;
static char s_tibuf1[2000];
static char s_tibuf2[2000];
static bool s_init6 = false;
if ( ! s_init6 ) {
s_init6 = true;
long n = (long)sizeof(s_titleFields)/ sizeof(char *);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// set words
char *s = s_titleFields[i];
Words w; w.set3 ( s );
long long *wi = w.getWordIds();
long long h = 0;
// scan words
for ( long j = 0 ; j < w.getNumWords(); j++ )
if ( wi[j] ) h ^= wi[j];
// . store hash of all words, value is ptr to it
// . put all exact matches into ti1 and the substring
// matches into ti2
if ( s[1] != '$' )
s_ti1.addKey ( &h , &s );
s_ti2.addKey ( &h , &s );
// store these words into table
if ( ! s_init3 ) initGenericTable ( m_niceness );
// phrase exceptions to the ignore words
static char *s_exceptPhrases [] = {
// this title was used by exploratorium on a zvents page
"free day",
"concert band", // the abq concert band
"band concert",
"the voice", // "the voice of yes"
"voice of", // maybe just eliminate voice by itself...?
"voice for"
static HashTableX s_ext;
static char s_ebuf[10000];
static bool s_init4 = false;
if ( ! s_init4 ) {
s_init4 = true;
long n = (long)sizeof(s_exceptPhrases)/ sizeof(char *);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// set words
Words w; w.set3 ( s_exceptPhrases[i] );
long long *wi = w.getWordIds();
long long h = 0;
// scan words
for ( long j = 0 ; j < w.getNumWords(); j++ )
if ( wi[j] ) h ^= wi[j];
// store hash of all words
s_ext.addKey ( &h );
// shortcut
Sections *ss = this;
// init table
HashTableX cht;
char chtbuf[10000];
// hash the content hash of each section and penalize the title
// score if it is a repeat on this page
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// skip if no text
//if ( ! si->m_contentHash ) continue;
// get content hash
long long ch64 = si->m_contentHash64;
// fix for sentences
if ( ch64 == 0 ) ch64 = si->m_sentenceContentHash64;
// if not there in either one, skip it
if ( ! ch64 ) continue;
// combine the tag hash with the content hash #2 because
// a lot of times it is repeated in like a different tag like
// the title tag
long long modified = si->m_tagHash ^ ch64;
// store it. return false with g_errno set on error
if ( ! cht.addTerm ( &modified ) ) return false;
// for checking if title contains phone #
//HashTableX *pt = m_dates->getPhoneTable ();
// shortcut
wbit_t *bits = m_bits->m_bits;
bool afterColon = false;
Section *lastsi = NULL;
// . score each section that directly contains text.
// . have a score for title and score for description
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// if tag breaks turn this off
if ( afterColon &&
si->m_tagId &&
isBreakingTagId ( si->m_tagId ) )
afterColon = false;
// now we require the sentence
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// skip if not in description right now, no need to score it!
//if ( si->m_minEventId <= 0 ) continue;
// if after a colon add that
if ( afterColon )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_AFTER_COLON;
// now with our new logic in Sections::addSentence() [a,b) may
// actually not be completely contained in "si". this fixes
// such sentences in and
long senta = si->m_senta;
long sentb = si->m_sentb;
// a byline for a quote?
// fixes "a great pianist" -New York Times so we do not
// get "New York Times" as the title for terrence-wilson
char needChar = '-';
bool over = false;
// word # senta must be alnum!
if ( ! m_wids[senta] ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// start our backwards scan right before the first word
for ( long i = senta - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
// breathe
// need punct
if ( m_wids[i] ) {
// no words allowed between hyphen and quote
//if ( needChar == '-' ) continue;
// otherwise if we had the hyphen and need
// the quote, we can't have a word pop up here
over = true;
if ( m_tids[i] ) continue;
// got punct now
char *pstart = m_wptrs[i];
char *p = m_wptrs[i] + m_wlens[i] - 1;
for ( ; p >= pstart ; p-- ) {
// breathe
if ( is_wspace_a(*p) )
if ( *p != needChar ) {
over = true;
if ( needChar == '-' ) {
needChar = '\"';
// otherwise, we got it!
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IS_BYLINE;
over = true;
// stop if not byline or we got byline
if ( over ) break;
// Tags:
if ( sentb - senta == 1 && m_wids[senta] == h_tags )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_TAG_INDICATOR;
bool tagInd = false;
if ( lastsi && (lastsi->m_sentFlags & SENT_TAG_INDICATOR) )
tagInd = true;
// tables: but if he was in different table row, forget it
if ( tagInd && lastsi->m_rowNum != si->m_rowNum )
tagInd = false;
// tables: or same row, but table is not <= 2 columns
if ( lastsi && (lastsi->m_flags & SEC_TABLE_HEADER) )
tagInd = false;
// if in a table, is our header a tags indicator?
Section *hdr = si->m_headColSection;
// must have table header set
if ( ! hdr ) hdr = si->m_headRowSection;
// check it out
if ( hdr &&
hdr->m_nextSent &&
hdr->m_nextSent->m_a < hdr->m_b &&
(hdr->m_nextSent->m_sentFlags & SENT_TAG_INDICATOR) )
tagInd = true;
// ok, it was a tag indicator before, so we must be tags
if ( tagInd )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_TAGS;
// sometimes title starts with a word and the ( or [
// is before that word! so back up one word to capture it
long a = senta;
// if prev word is punct back up
if ( a-1>=0 && ! m_wids[a-1] && ! m_tids[a-1] ) a--;
// backup over prev fron tag
if ( a-1>=0 && m_tids[a-1] && !(m_tids[a-1]&BACKBIT) ) a--;
// and punct
if ( a-1>=0 && ! m_wids[a-1] && ! m_tids[a-1] ) a--;
// init our flags
//long nonGenerics = 0;
bool inParens = false;
bool inSquare = false;
for ( long j = a ; j < sentb ; j++ ) {
// breathe
// skip non alnm wor
if ( ! m_wids[j] ) {
// skip tags
if ( m_tids[j] ) continue;
// count stuff in ()'s or []'s as generic
if ( m_words->hasChar(j,')') ) inParens =false;
if ( m_words->hasChar(j,'(') ) inParens =true;
if ( m_words->hasChar(j,']') ) inSquare =false;
if ( m_words->hasChar(j,'[') ) inSquare =true;
// generic if in ()'s or []'s
if ( inParens || inSquare ) {
// skip if in date
if ( bits[j] & D_IS_IN_DATE ) {
// was this right?
//bits[j] |= D_IN_PARENS;//GENERIC_WORD;
// skip doors or show, etc.
if ( s_igt.isInTable(&m_wids[j]) ) {
// see if phrase is an exception
long long h = m_wids[j];
long wcount = 1;
bool hadException = false;
for ( long k = j + 1 ; k < sentb ; k++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not word
if ( ! m_wids[k] ) continue;
// hash it in otherwise
h ^= m_wids[k];
// check exceptions
if ( s_ext.isInTable(&h) ) {
hadException = true;
// stop after 3 words
if ( ++wcount >= 3 ) break;
if ( ! hadException ) {
bits[j] |= D_CRUFTY;
// numbers are generic (but not if contains an alpha)
if ( m_words->isNum(j) ) {
bits[j] |= D_IS_NUM;
// hex num?
if ( m_words->isHexNum(j) ) {
bits[j] |= D_IS_HEX_NUM;
//long upperCount = 0;
long alphas = 0;
bool lastStop = false;
bool inDate = true;
bool inAddress = false;
bool notInAddress = false;
bool inAddressName = false;
long stops = 0;
inParens = false;
long dollarCount = 0;
long priceWordCount = 0;
bool hadAt = false;
// punish for huge # of words
//if ( si->m_alnumPosB - si->m_alnumPosA + 1 >= 15 ) {
// tflags |= SENT_TOO_MANY_WORDS;
// watchout if in a table. the last table column header
// should not be applied to the first table cell in the
// next row! was screwing up
if ( si->m_tableSec &&
lastsi &&
lastsi->m_tableSec == si->m_tableSec &&
lastsi->m_rowNum != si->m_rowNum &&
lastsi->m_colNum > 1 )
lastsi = NULL;
// if prev sentence had a title field set, adjust us!
if ( lastsi && (lastsi->m_sentFlags & SENT_NON_TITLE_FIELD))
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_INNONTITLEFIELD;
if ( lastsi && (lastsi->m_sentFlags & SENT_TITLE_FIELD) )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_INTITLEFIELD;
// we are the new lastsi now
lastsi = si;
// - any sentence immediately following us will get its
// title score reduced and SENT_INNONTITLEFIELD flag set
// if we set this SENT_INNONTITLEFIELD for this sentence
long long h = 0;
long wcount = 0;
for ( long i = sentb - 1 ; i >= senta ; i-- ) {
// breathe
// skip if not alnum
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// must have word after at least
if ( i + 2 >= m_nw ) continue;
// set it first time?
if ( h == 0 ) h = m_wids[i];
else h ^= m_wids[i];
// max word count
if ( ++wcount >= 5 ) break;
// get from table
char **msp1 = (char **)s_ti1.getValue(&h);
char **msp2 = (char **)s_ti2.getValue(&h);
// cancel out msp1 (exact match) if we do not have
// the full sentence hashed yet
if ( i != senta ) msp1 = NULL;
// if we are doing a substring match we must be
// filled with generic words! otherwise we get
// "...permission from the Yoga Instructor."
// becoming a non-title field and hurting the next
// sentence's capaiblity of being a title.
//if ( !(si->m_sentFlags & SENT_GENERIC_WORDS) )
//msp2 = NULL;
// if not in table,s kip
if ( ! msp1 && ! msp2 ) continue;
char *s = NULL;
// use exact match first if we got it
if ( msp1 ) s = *msp1;
// otherwise, use the substring match
else s = *msp2;
// Fix: "Sort by: Date | Title | Photo" so Title
// is not a title field in this case. scan for
// | after the word.
long pcount = 0;
bool hadPipeAfter = false;
for ( long j = i + 1 ; j < m_nw ; j++ ) {
if ( m_tids[j] ) continue;
if ( m_wids[j] ) break;
char *p = m_wptrs[j];
char *pend = p + m_wlens[j];
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
if ( *p == '|' ) break;
if ( p < pend ) {
hadPipeAfter = true;
// scan no more than two punct words
if ( ++pcount >= 2 ) break;
// if we hit the '|' then forget it!
if ( hadPipeAfter ) continue;
// we matched then
if ( s[0] == '+' )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_TITLE_FIELD;
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_NON_TITLE_FIELD;
// @Location
//if ( s[0] == '@' )
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_PLACE_FIELD;
// . repeat that same logic but for the table column header
// . if we are in a table and table header is "title"
// . for
// . why isn't this kicking in for which has
// "location" in the table column header
// . we set "m_headColSection" to NULL if not a header per se
// . a table can only have a header row or header column
hdr = si->m_headColSection;
// must have table header set
if ( ! hdr ) hdr = si->m_headRowSection;
// ok, set to it
long csentb = 0;
long csenta = 0;
if ( hdr && hdr->m_firstWordPos >= 0 &&
// do not allow the the header row to get its
// SENT_PLACE_INDICATED set, etc. it's a field not a value
! hdr->contains ( si ) ) {
csenta = hdr->m_firstWordPos;
csentb = hdr->m_lastWordPos+1;
h = 0;
wcount = 0;
for ( long i = csentb - 1 ; i >= csenta ; i-- ) {
// breathe
// skip if not alnum
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// set it first time?
if ( h == 0 ) h = m_wids[i];
else h ^= m_wids[i];
// max word count
if ( ++wcount >= 5 ) break;
// stop if not full yet
if ( i != csenta ) continue;
// get from table, only exact match since we are
// checking column headers
char **msp1 = (char **)s_ti1.getValue(&h);
//char **msp2 = (char **)s_ti1.getValue(j);
// the full sentence hashed yet
if ( ! msp1 ) continue;
// use exact match first if we got it
char *s = *msp1;
// we matched then
if ( s[0] == '+' ) {
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_INTITLEFIELD;
else {
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_INNONTITLEFIELD;
// @Location, like for has Location in tablcol
if ( s[0] == '@' )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_INPLACEFIELD;
bool hadDollar = false;
// fix sentences that start with stuff like "$12 ..."
if ( senta>0 &&
! m_tids[senta-1] &&
m_words->hasChar(senta-1,'$') ) {
hadDollar = true;
bool hasSpace = false;
// . just check for <eventTags> for now
// . get parent tag
Section *ps = si->m_parent;
if ( ps &&
(m_isRSSExt || m_contentType == CT_XML) &&
m_tids[ps->m_a] == TAG_XMLTAG &&
strncasecmp(m_wptrs[ps->m_a],"<eventTags>",11)==0 )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_TAGS;
if ( ps &&
(m_isRSSExt || m_contentType == CT_XML) &&
m_tids[ps->m_a] == TAG_XMLTAG &&
strncasecmp(m_wptrs[ps->m_a],"<eventTitle>",12)==0 )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_INTITLEFIELD;
// feed support
if ( ps &&
(m_isRSSExt || m_contentType == CT_XML) &&
m_tids[ps->m_a] == TAG_XMLTAG &&
"<str name=\"act_primary\">",24)==0 )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_INTITLEFIELD;
long long lastWid = 0LL;
for ( long i = senta ; i < sentb ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not alnum
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) {
// skip tags right away
if ( m_tids[i] ) continue;
// check for dollar sign and give slight
// demotion so we can avoid ticket price
// titles
//if ( m_words->hasChar(i,'$') )
// dollarCount++;
// equal sign is strange. will fix
// SSID=Truman Library for
//if ( m_words->hasChar(i,'=' ) )
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_STRANGE_PUNCT;
// blackbird buvetter has '*''s in menu, so
// prevent those from being title.
//if ( m_words->hasChar(i,'*' ) )
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_STRANGE_PUNCT;
// Unnamed Server [68%] for piratecatradio
//if ( m_words->hasChar(i,'%' ) )
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_STRANGE_PUNCT;
// back to back _ might indicate form field
char *p = m_wptrs[i];
char *pend = p + m_wlens[i];
bool strange = false;
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
if ( *p == '$' ) {
hadDollar = true;
if ( *p == '=' ) strange = true;
if ( *p == '*' ) strange = true;
if ( *p == '%' ) strange = true;
if ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) hasSpace = true;
// following meats: ____chicken ___pork
if ( *p == '_' && p[1] == '_' )
strange = true;
// need one alnum b4 parens check
if ( alphas == 0 ) continue;
if ( *p == '(' ) inParens = true;
if ( *p == ')' ) inParens = false;
if ( strange )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_STRANGE_PUNCT;
// need at least one alnum before parens check
if ( alphas == 0 ) continue;
// has colon
if ( m_words->hasChar(i,':') &&
i>senta &&
! is_digit(m_wptrs[i][-1]) )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_HAS_COLON;
// check for end first in case of ") ("
//if ( m_words->hasChar(i,')') )
// inParens = false;
// check if in parens
//if ( m_words->hasChar(i,'(') )
// inParens = true;
// check for a sane PRICE after the dollar sign.
// we do not want large numbers after it, like for
// budgets or whatever. those are not tickets!!
if ( hadDollar ) {
// require a number after the dollar sign
if ( ! is_digit(m_wptrs[i][0]) )
dollarCount = 0;
// number can't be too big!
char *p = m_wptrs[i];
long digits =0;
char *pmax = p + 30;
bool hadPeriod = false;
for ( ; *p && p < pmax ; p++ ) {
if ( *p == ',' ) continue;
if ( *p == '.' ) {
hadPeriod = true;
if ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) continue;
if ( is_digit(*p) ) {
if ( ! hadPeriod ) digits++;
// $20M? $20B?
if ( to_lower_a(*p) == 'm' )
dollarCount = 0;
if ( to_lower_a(*p) == 'b' )
dollarCount = 0;
if ( digits >= 4 )
dollarCount = 0;
// if word after the digits is million
// thousand billion, etc. then nuke it
long n = i + 1;
long nmax = i + 10;
if ( nmax > m_nw ) nmax = m_nw;
for ( ; n < nmax ; n++ ) {
if ( ! m_wids[n] ) continue;
if ( m_wids[n] == h_million )
dollarCount = 0;
if ( m_wids[n] == h_billion )
dollarCount = 0;
if ( m_wids[n] == h_thousand )
dollarCount = 0;
// reset for next one
hadDollar = false;
long long savedWid = lastWid;
lastWid = m_wids[i];
// skip if not ours directly
//if ( sp[i] != si ) continue;
// in address?
inAddressName = true;
else if ( bits[i] & D_IS_IN_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_NAME)
inAddressName = true;
else if ( bits[i] & D_IS_IN_ADDRESS )
inAddress = true;
notInAddress = true;
// . skip if in parens
// . but allow place name #1's in parens like
// (Albuquerque Rescue Mission) is for
if ( inParens ) continue;
// . in date?
// . hurts "4-5pm Drumming for Dancers w/ Heidi" so
// make sure all are in date!
if ( ! ( bits[i] & D_IS_IN_DATE ) ) inDate = false;
// "provided/powered by"
if ( ( m_wids[i] == h_provided ||
m_wids[i] == h_powered ) &&
i + 2 < sentb &&
m_wids[i+2] == h_by )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_POWERED_BY;
// pricey? "free admission" is a price... be sure
// to include in the description!
if ( m_wids[i] == h_admission && savedWid == h_free )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_HAS_PRICE;
// count alphas
if ( ! is_digit(m_wptrs[i][0]) ) alphas++;
// "B-52" as in the band (exclude phone #'s!)
else if ( i-2>0 &&
m_wptrs[i][-1] =='-' &&
!is_digit(m_wptrs[i-2][0] ) )
// "B-52s", 52s has a letter in it!
else if ( ! m_words->isNum(i) ) alphas++;
// are we a stop word?
bool isStopWord = m_words->isStopWord(i);
// .com is stop word
if ( m_wids[i] == h_com ||
m_wids[i] == h_org ||
m_wids[i] == h_net ||
// fixes mr. movie times "PG-13"
m_wids[i] == h_pg ||
m_wids[i] == h_pg13 )
isStopWord = true;
// count them
if ( isStopWord ) stops++;
// set this
if ( m_wids[i] == h_at ) hadAt = true;
// if we end on a stop word that is usually indicative
// of something like
// "Search Results for <h1>Doughnuts</h1>" as for
// url
if ( m_wids[i] == h_of ||
m_wids[i] == h_the ||
m_wids[i] == h_and ||
m_wids[i] == h_at ||
m_wids[i] == h_to ||
m_wids[i] == h_be ||
m_wids[i] == h_or ||
m_wids[i] == h_not ||
m_wids[i] == h_in ||
m_wids[i] == h_by ||
m_wids[i] == h_on ||
m_wids[i] == h_for ||
m_wids[i] == h_with||
m_wids[i] == h_from )
lastStop = true;
lastStop = false;
// ticket pricey words
if ( m_wids[i] == h_adv ||
m_wids[i] == h_dos ||
m_wids[i] == h_advance ||
m_wids[i] == h_day ||
m_wids[i] == h_of ||
m_wids[i] == h_show ||
m_wids[i] == h_box ||
m_wids[i] == h_office )
// set this
if ( ! hasSpace )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_HASNOSPACE;
// if all words one in address, penalize
if ( inAddress && ! notInAddress ) {
//tscore *= .76;
//dscore *= .76;
// since it is a street or city, nuke it harder,
// harder than a mixed case sentence really... which
// is .15.
// now is
// getting the street addresses as titles because
// the sub header is nuked so hard from MULT_EVENTS
// so nuke this even harder
// generic words
//tscore *= .001;//.12;
//dscore *= .001;//.12;
// if generic that means we are not store hours
// and this is something we do not want in the title
if ( tflags & SENT_GENERIC_WORDS )
tscore *= .99;
// a slight hit now, no hurts, blackbird
//tscore *= .99;
tflags |= SENT_IN_ADDRESS;
// . if some words in address, penalize less
// . fixes urls which have
// "45th Annual Rockhound Roundup - Gem & Mineral Show -
// Deming, NM - 09:00 AM" where Deming, NM is in address
// but the rest are not. it caused us to prefer the
// section "Thursday, 11 March, 2010" as the title and
// we wound up not getting an outlinked title bit set
if ( inAddress && notInAddress ) {
// hurt title from
// "Intermediate Salsa class on Saturdays at 11 a.m.
// at the Harwood 1114 7th Street NW ts=50.0 ds=50.0
// inaddress" to "Alb, NM" with weight of .50, so i
// changed to no penalty.
// BUT without a penalty we get event titles like
// "Albuquerque, NM 87104-1133" from trumba that
// have extended zip codes not recognized as being
// 100% in an address. and we get
// "P.O.B. 4321, zip 87196" from that are
// quite address-y but not 100% recognized as all
// address words by us!
// . BUT we are missing some nice titles for
// like "Dance to Live Tango Music,
// Fridays, 10:00pm-Midnight at the Roasted Bean
// Cafe", so let's only penalize if there is no
// "at" in the title
if ( ! hadAt ) {
// generic words
//tscore *= .90;
//dscore *= .90;
// slightly - no, hurts blackbird
//tscore *= .99;
tflags |= SENT_IN_ADDRESS;
// punish just a tiny amount to fix
// which is using
// the place name as the title and not the real event title
// which is actually AFTER the event date. BUT the problem
// is is that good titles are often mislabeled as being
// in an address name! so we can't really punish this at all
// because we will lose good titles... unless it is a
// verified place name i guess... so i changed the algo
// in Address.cpp to only set D_IS_IN_VERIFIED_ADDRESS_NAME if
// the place name is verified, not just inlined...
if ( inAddressName && ! notInAddress )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_PLACE_NAME;
// does it contain a place name?
if ( inAddressName )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_CONTAINS_PLACE_NAME;
// try to avoid mutiple-ticket- price titles
if ( dollarCount >= 2 )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_PRICEY;
// . if all words in section are describing ticket price...
// . fix bad titles for because right title
// is in SEC_MENU and perchance is also repeated on the page
// so its score gets slammed and it doesn't even make it in
// the event description. instead the title we pick is this
// ticket pricey title, so let's penalize that here so the
// right title comes through
// . pricey title was "$17 ADV / $20 DOS"
// . title in SEC_MENU is now "Ricky Nye". we should have
// "Buckwheat zydeco" too, but i guess it didn't make the
// cut, but since we set EV_OUTLINKED_TITLE anyway, it
// doesn't matter for now.
if ( dollarCount >= 1 && alphas == priceWordCount )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_PRICEY;
// single dollar sign?
if ( dollarCount >= 1 )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_HAS_PRICE;
// . if ALL words in date, penalize
// . penalize by .50 to fix
// . nuke even harder because
// was using the date of the events as the title rather than
// resorting to "Other Future Dates & Times" header
// which was penalized down to 4.7 because of MULT_EVENTS
if ( inDate ) {
// generic words
//tscore *= .001;
//dscore *= .001;
// punish just a little so that if two titles are
// basically the same but one has a date, use
// the one without the date "single's day soiree"
// vs. "single's day soiree Monday Feb 14th..."
//tscore *= .99;
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IS_DATE;
// hurts "Jay-Z" but was helping "Results 1-10 of"
if ( lastStop )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_LAST_STOP;
// check to see if text is a "city, state"
// or has a city in previous section and state in this
if ( m_aa->isCityState ( si ) )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_CITY_STATE;
// punish if only wnumbers (excluding stop words)
if ( alphas - stops == 0 )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_NUMBERS_ONLY;
// do we contain a phone number?
//if ( pt->isInTable ( &si ) )
if ( si->m_phoneXor )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_HAS_PHONE;
// end case check
char *p = NULL;
long lastPunct = si->m_sentb;
// skip over tags to fix sentence
for ( ; lastPunct < m_nw && m_tids[lastPunct] ; lastPunct++);
// now assume, possibly incorrectly, that it is punct
if ( lastPunct < m_nw ) p = m_wptrs[lastPunct];
if ( p && (p[0]==':' || p[1]==':' ) ) {
// commas also need to fix
//!(si->m_sentFlags & SENT_HAS_COMMA) &&
// . only set this if we are likely a field name
// . fix "Members of the Capitol Ensemble ...
// perform Schubert: <i>String Trio in B-flat..."
// for
//(si->m_alnumPosB - si->m_alnumPosA) <= 5 ) {
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_COLON_ENDS;
afterColon = true;
// starts with '(' or '[' is strange!
if ( senta>0 &&
( m_wptrs[senta][-1] == '(' ||
m_wptrs[senta][-1] == '[' ) )
// . if one lower case and most are upper, we can ignore
// . fixes mistakes
// . fixes "Welcome to the Academy store" for
//if ( lowerCount == 1 && upperCount >= 2 ) lowerCount = 0;
// punish if not title case
//if ( lowerCount )
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_MIXED_CASE;
// if in a tag of its own that's great! like being in a header
// tag kind of
Section *sp = si->m_parent;
// skip paragraph tags
//if ( sp && sp->m_tagId == TAG_P ) sp = sp->m_parent;
if ( sp &&
//sp->m_tagId != TAG_P &&
sp->m_firstWordPos == si->m_firstWordPos &&
sp->m_lastWordPos == si->m_lastWordPos )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_TAG;
// this is obvious
if ( si->m_sentFlags & SENT_IN_HEADER )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_TAG;
// if sent to left of us starts the parent tag and a colon
// separates us, then set both our SENT_IN_TAG bits.
// fixes where event title is "Looking Ahead:
// Portraits from the Mott-Warsh Collection, Las Cruces"
long cc = si->m_a - 1;
Section *leftSent = NULL;
if ( cc - 1 >= 0 ) leftSent = ss->m_sectionPtrs [ cc - 1 ];
if ( leftSent &&
(leftSent->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE) &&
m_words->hasChar(cc,':') &&
sp->m_firstWordPos == leftSent->m_firstWordPos &&
sp->m_lastWordPos == si->m_lastWordPos ) {
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_TAG;
leftSent->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_TAG;
// are we a url? we trust the event titles for those
//char *dom = m_url->getDomain();
//long dlen = m_url->getDomainLen();
//bool isTrumba = false;
//bool isFacebook = false;
//if ( dlen == 10 && strncmp ( dom , "" , 10 ) == 0 )
// isTrumba = true;
//if ( dlen == 12 && strncmp ( dom , "" , 12 ) == 0 )
// isFacebook = true;
//bool lastSentenceHadColon = false;
// . score each section that directly contains text.
// . have a score for title and score for description
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// now we require the sentence
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// skip if not in description right now, no need to score it!
//if ( si->m_minEventId <= 0 ) continue;
// . if we are after a colon
// . hurts "Dragonfly Lecture: BIGHORN SHEEP SONGS" for
// -sheep-songs/
// . hurts "Four Centurues: a History of Albuquerque" for
// . but now i do not penalize if the sentence before the
// colon had two or more words... see below
//if ( lastSentenceHadColon )
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_AFTER_COLON;
if ( si->m_flags & SEC_MENU )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_MENU;
if ( si->m_flags & SEC_MENU_SENTENCE )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_MENU_SENTENCE;
// why not check menu header too?
// would fix 'nearby bars' for terrence-wilson zvents url
if ( si->m_flags & SEC_MENU_HEADER )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_MENU_HEADER;
// assume we do not end in a colon
//lastSentenceHadColon = false;
long sa = si->m_senta;
long sb = si->m_sentb;
// if breaking tag between "sa" and last word of prev sentence
// AND now breaking tag between our last word and beginning
// of next sentence, that's a "word sandwich" and not
// conducive to titles... treat format change tags as
// breaking tags for this purpose...
long na = sb;
long maxna = na + 40;
if ( maxna > m_nw ) maxna = m_nw;
bool hadRightTag = true;
for ( ; na < maxna ; na++ ) {
// breathe
// stop on tag
if ( m_tids[na] ) break;
// or word
if ( ! m_wids[na] ) continue;
// heh...
hadRightTag = false;
bool hadLeftTag = true;
na = sa - 1;
long minna = na - 40;
if ( minna < 0 ) minna = 0;
for ( ; na >= minna ; na-- ) {
// breathe
// stop if had a tag on right
if ( hadRightTag ) break;
// stop on tag
if ( m_tids[na] ) break;
// or word
if ( ! m_wids[na] ) continue;
// heh...
hadLeftTag = false;
if ( ! hadRightTag && ! hadLeftTag )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_WORD_SANDWICH;
// <hr> or <p>...</p> before us with no text?
Section *pj = si->m_prev;
// keep backing up until does not contain us, if ever
for ( ; pj && pj->m_b > sa ; pj = pj->m_prev ) {
// breathe
// now check it out
if ( pj && pj->m_firstWordPos < 0 )
// must be p or hr tag etc.
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_AFTER_SPACER;
// TODO: also set if first sentence in CONTAINER...!!
// likewise, before a spacer tag
pj = si->m_next;
// keep backing up until does not contain us, if ever
for ( ; pj && pj->m_a < sb ; pj = pj->m_next ) {
// breathe
// now check it out
if ( pj && pj->m_firstWordPos < 0 )
// must be p or hr tag etc.
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_BEFORE_SPACER;
// location sandwich? punish
// "2000 Mountain Rd NW, Old Town, Albuquerque, NM 87104"
// for
if ( (bits[sa ] & D_IS_IN_ADDRESS) &&
(bits[sb-1] & D_IS_IN_ADDRESS) )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_LOCATION_SANDWICH;
// . has colon at the end of it?
// . but do allow "hours:" etc to be a title...
// . that fixes's store hours "event"
if ( m_words->hasChar(sb-1,':') &&
(sb-2<0 || m_wids[sb-2]!=h_hours) ) {
// just slight penalty, no hurts us!
// "*Practica*: 9-10pm"
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_HAS_COLON;
lastSentenceHadColon = true;
else if ( sb<m_nw && m_words->hasChar(sb,':') &&
(sb-1<0 || m_wids[sb-1]!=h_hours) ) {
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_HAS_COLON;
lastSentenceHadColon = true;
// negate if title: etc.
if ( m_wids[sb-1] == h_title )
lastSentenceHadColon = false;
if ( m_wids[sb-1] == h_event )
lastSentenceHadColon = false;
// . or if 2+ words in sentence
// . but still "Doves: For Divorced, Widowed and Separated"
// title suffers for
// KRQE_Calendar.rss
if ( sb - sa >= 2 )
lastSentenceHadColon = false;
// negate if "Saturdays: 5-6:30pm All Levels African w/ ..."
// to fix url
if ( bits[sa] & D_IS_IN_DATE )
lastSentenceHadColon = false;
// . dup slam
// . make it 2 to 1 to fix
//if ( si->m_votesForDup > 2 * si->m_votesForNotDup )
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_DUP_SECTION;
// this crap is set in XmlDoc.cpp
//if ( si->m_votesForDup > 2 * si->m_votesForNotDup &&
// si->m_votesForDup >= 1 &&
// ! (si->m_flags & SEC_HAS_NONFUZZYDATE) )
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_DUP_SECTION;
// . second title slam
// . need to telescope up for this i think
Section *sit = si;
for ( ; sit ; sit = sit->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// test
if ( ! ( sit->m_flags & SEC_SECOND_TITLE ) ) continue;
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_SECOND_TITLE;
// are we in a facebook name tag?
sit = si;
//if ( ! m_isFacebook ) sit = NULL;
if ( m_contentType != CT_XML ) sit = NULL;
for ( ; sit ; sit = sit->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// are we in a facebook <name> tag? that is event title
if ( m_isFacebook && sit->m_tagId == TAG_FBNAME ) {
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_TRUMBA_TITLE;
// for trumba and eventbrite... etc.
if ( sit->m_tagId == TAG_GBXMLTITLE ) {
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_TRUMBA_TITLE;
// stop if hit an xml tag. we do not support nested
// tags for this title algo.
if ( sit->m_tagId ) break;
// . in header tag boost
// . should beat noprev/nonextbrother combo
// . fixes
if ( si->m_flags & SEC_IN_HEADER )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_HEADER;
// lost a title because of SENT_MIXED_TEXT
// "Tango Club of Albuquerque (Argentine Tango)". should we
// split up the sentence when it ends in a parenthetical to
// fix that? let's take this out then see it can remove good
// titles...
//if ( (si->m_flags & SEC_LINK_TEXT) &&
// (si->m_flags & SEC_PLAIN_TEXT) ) {
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_MIXED_TEXT;
// same goes for being in a menu sentence
//if ( si->m_flags & SEC_MENU_SENTENCE ) {
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_MIXED_TEXT;
// . now fix which has <title> tag for each event
// . if parent section is title tag or has "title" in it
// somewhere, give us a boost
Section *ip = si->m_parent;
// if counted as header do not re-count as title too
//if ( si->m_sentFlags & SENT_IN_HEADER ) ip = NULL;
// ignore <title> tags if we are not an rss feed (trumba fix)
if ( ip && ip->m_tagId == TAG_TITLE && ! m_isRSSExt) ip = NULL;
// keep telescoping up as long as parent just contains this
// sentence, si.
for ( ; ip ; ip = ip->m_parent ) {
// parent must only contain us
if ( ip->m_firstWordPos != si->m_firstWordPos ) break;
if ( ip->m_lastWordPos != si->m_lastWordPos ) break;
// do not allow urls that could have "title" in them
if ( ip->m_tagId == TAG_A ) break;
if ( ip->m_tagId == TAG_IFRAME ) break;
if ( ip->m_tagId == TAG_FRAME ) break;
// trumba title tag? need for eventbrite too!
if ( ip->m_tagId == TAG_GBXMLTITLE ) {//&& isTrumba ) {
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_TRUMBA_TITLE;
// get tag limits
char *ta = m_wptrs[ip->m_a];
char *tb = m_wlens[ip->m_a] + ta;
// scan for "title"
char *ss = gb_strncasestr(ta,tb-ta,"title") ;
// skip if not there
if ( ! ss ) break;
// . stop if has equal sign after
// . exempts "<div title="blah">" to fix
// from getting Lyrics as a title
// for an event
if ( ss[5] == '=' ) break;
// reward
//tflags |= SENT_IN_TITLEY_TAG;
// if we are trumba, we trust these 100% so
// make sure it is the title. but if we
// have multiple candidates we still want to
// rank them amongst themselves so just give
// a huge boost. problem was was that some event
// items repeated the event date in the brother
// section below the address section, thus causing the
// true event title to get SENT_MULT_EVENTS set while
// the address place name would be selected as the
// title for one, because the address section also
// contained the event time. and the other "event"
// would use a title from its section.
//if ( isTrumba ) {
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_TRUMBA_TITLE;
// //tscore = (tscore + 100.0) * 2000.0;
// //dscore = (dscore + 100.0) * 2000.0;
//else {
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_IN_TITLEY_TAG;
// once is good enough
// get biggest
Section *biggest = NULL;
// loop over this
Section *pp = si;
long ca = si->m_firstWordPos;
long cb = si->m_lastWordPos;
// blow up until contain prev
for ( ; pp ; pp = pp->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// stop if contains prev guy
if ( pp->m_firstWordPos != ca ) break;
if ( pp->m_lastWordPos != cb ) break;
// otherwise, set it
biggest = pp;
if ( biggest && ! biggest->m_prevBrother &&
// we already give a bonus for being in header tag above
! (biggest->m_flags & SEC_IN_HEADER) ) {
//!(biggest->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
//!(biggest->m_flags & SEC_NIXED_HEADING_CONTAINER) ) {
tscore *= 1.2;
// check this if we have no prev brother only
//if ( ! biggest->m_nextBrother ||
// // or we can differ too!
// (biggest->m_nextBrother->m_tagHash !=
// biggest->m_tagHash ) ) {
// tscore *= 1.1;
// tflags |= SENT_NO_NEXT_BROTHER;
Section *bro = NULL;
if ( biggest ) bro = biggest->m_nextBrother;
// discard brother if not same tag hash
if ( bro && bro->m_tagHash != biggest->m_tagHash ) bro = NULL;
// get smallest section containing first word of bro
Section *smbro = NULL;
long fwp = -1;
if ( bro ) fwp = bro->m_firstWordPos;
if ( fwp >= 0) smbro = sp[fwp];
// discard brother if its in lower case issues and we are not
if ( smbro &&
!(biggest->m_sentFlags & SENT_MIXED_CASE) &&
(smbro->m_sentFlags & SENT_MIXED_CASE)) bro=NULL;
// if no next brother, and no prev brother, reward
if ( ! bro && (tflags & SENT_NO_PREV_BROTHER) ) {
tscore *= 1.1;
long long ch64 = si->m_contentHash64;
// fix for sentences
if ( ch64 == 0 ) ch64 = si->m_sentenceContentHash64;
// must be there
if ( ! ch64 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// combine the tag hash with the content hash #2 because
// a lot of times it is repeated in like a different tag like
// the title tag
long long modified = si->m_tagHash ^ ch64;
// repeat on page?
// hurts "5:30-7pm Beginning African w/ Romy" which is
// legit and repeated for different days of the week for
//, so ease off a bit
long chtscore = cht.getScore ( &modified ) ;
if ( chtscore > 1 )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_PAGE_REPEAT;
for ( long cc = chtscore ; cc > 1 ; cc-- ) {
//if ( chtscore == cc ) tscore *= .80;//.40;
// punish a little more for every repeat so that
// "HEADLINER" will lose to "That 1 Guy" for
//else tscore *= .99;
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_PAGE_REPEAT;
// advance to first word
//long f = a; for ( ; ! m_wids[f] && f < b ; f++ );
long f = si->m_senta;//si->m_firstWordPos;
long L = si->m_sentb;//si->m_lastWordPos;
if ( f < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( L < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// single word?
bool single = (f == (L-1));
// skip f forward until it is text we contain directly!
for ( ; f < m_nw ; f++ ) {
// breathe
// stop if we contain directly
if ( sp[f] == si ) break;
// slight penalty if first word is action word or another
// word not very indicative of a title, and more indicative
// of a menu element
bool badFirst = false;
bool skip = false;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_send ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_save ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_add ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_share ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_join ) badFirst = true;
// request a visit from jim hammond:
if ( m_wids[f] == h_request ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_contact ) badFirst = true;
// "promote your event" :
if ( m_wids[f] == h_promote ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_subscribe ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_loading ) badFirst = true;
// "last modified|updated"
if ( m_wids[f] == h_last && f+2 < m_nw &&
( m_wids[f+2] == h_modified || m_wids[f+2]==h_updated))
badFirst = true;
// special guest
if ( m_wids[f] == h_special && f+2 < m_nw &&
( m_wids[f+2] == h_guest || m_wids[f+2]==h_guests))
badFirst = true;
// directed by ... darren dunbar (
if ( m_wids[f] == h_directed && f+2 < m_nw &&
m_wids[f+2] == h_by )
badFirst = true;
// map of
if ( m_wids[f] == h_map && f+2 < m_nw &&
m_wids[f+2] == h_of )
badFirst = true;
// "more|other|venue information|info"
if ( ( m_wids[f] == h_more ||
m_wids[f] == h_venue ||
m_wids[f] == h_general ||
m_wids[f] == h_event ||
m_wids[f] == h_other ) &&
f+2 < m_nw &&
( m_wids[f+2] == h_information || m_wids[f+2]==h_info))
badFirst = true;
// phone number field
if ( m_wids[f] == h_phone ) badFirst = true;
// part of address, but we do not pick it up
if ( m_wids[f] == h_usa ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_date ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_description ) badFirst = true;
// "buy tickets from $54" for!
if ( m_wids[f] == h_buy ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_where ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_location ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_located ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_click ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_here ) badFirst = true;
// "back to band profile"
if ( m_wids[f] == h_back &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_to )
badFirst = true;
// "this week"
if ( m_wids[f] == h_this &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_week )
skip = true;
// "this event repeats 48 times" for
// its-with-dj-johnny-b-cincinnati was getting hammered by
// this algo
if ( m_wids[f] == h_this &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_event &&
f+4 < m_nw && m_wids[f+4] == h_repeats )
skip = true;
// "claim it"
if ( m_wids[f] == h_claim &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_it )
skip = true;
// "claim this event"
if ( m_wids[f] == h_claim &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_this &&
f+4 < m_nw && m_wids[f+4] == h_event )
skip = true;
// "upcoming events"
if ( m_wids[f] == h_upcoming &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_events )
skip = true;
// "other upcoming events..."
if ( m_wids[f] == h_other &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_upcoming &&
f+4 < m_nw && m_wids[f+4] == h_events )
skip = true;
// "is this your [event|venue]?"
if ( m_wids[f] == h_is &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_this &&
f+4 < m_nw && m_wids[f+4] == h_your )
skip = true;
// "feed readers..."
if ( m_wids[f] == h_feed &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_readers )
skip = true;
// "no rating..."
if ( m_wids[f] == h_no &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_rating )
skip = true;
// user reviews
if ( m_wids[f] == h_user &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_reviews )
skip = true;
// reviews & comments
if ( m_wids[f] == h_reviews &&
f+2 < m_nw && m_wids[f+2] == h_comments )
skip = true;
// skip urls
if ( (m_wids[f] == h_http || m_wids[f] == h_https) &&
f+6 < m_nw &&
m_wptrs[f+1][0]==':' &&
m_wptrs[f+1][1]=='/' &&
m_wptrs[f+1][2]=='/' ) {
skip = true;
// single word baddies
if ( single ) {
if ( m_wids[f] == h_new ) {
badFirst = true;
// fix "New" as an event title
//tscore *= .50;
// "featuring"
if ( m_wids[f] == h_featuring ) badFirst = true;
// "what:"
if ( m_wids[f] == h_what ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_who ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_tickets) badFirst = true;
// a price point!
if ( m_wids[f] == h_free ) badFirst = true;
// navigation
if ( m_wids[f] == h_login ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_back ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_when ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_contact ) badFirst = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_phone ) badFirst = true;
// stop hours from being title
if ( m_wids[f] == h_hours ) badFirst = true;
// selection menu. sort by "relevancy"
if ( m_wids[f] == h_relevancy ) badFirst = true;
// from
if ( m_wids[f] == h_tonight ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_today ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_share ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_join ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_loading ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_bookmark ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_publish ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_subscribe ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_save ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_creator ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_tags ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_category ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_price ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_rate ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_rates ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_users ) skip = true;
if ( m_wids[f] == h_support ) skip = true;
if ( badFirst )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_BAD_FIRST_WORD;
if ( skip )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_NUKE_FIRST_WORD;
Section *prevSec = NULL;
// now if SENT_HAS_COLON was set and the next sentence is
// a phone number, then we can assume we are the name of a person
// or some field for which that phone # applies
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// now we require the sentence
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// skip if not in description right now, no need to score it!
//if ( si->m_minEventId <= 0 ) continue;
// save it
Section *lastSec = prevSec;
// update it
prevSec = si;
// skip if no last yet
if ( ! lastSec ) continue;
// ok, last guy must have had a colon
if ( ! (lastSec->m_sentFlags & SENT_COLON_ENDS) ) continue;
// we must be generic, end in a period or be mixed case
// no, this hurts "Bill Holman Big Band: Composer, arranger..."
//if ( ! (si->m_sentFlags & SENT_GENERIC_WORDS) &&
// ! (si->m_sentFlags & SENT_PERIOD_ENDS) &&
// ! (si->m_sentFlags & SENT_MIXED_CASE) )
// continue;
// this is good for libraries page "children's room:"
// which has a phone number after it
if ( ! ( si->m_sentFlags & SENT_HAS_PHONE ) )
// are we like "location:"
//! ( si->m_sentFlags & SENT_IN_ADDRESS ) )
// ok, punish last guy in that case for having a colon
// and preceeding a generic sentence
//lastSec->m_titleScore *= .02;
lastSec->m_sentFlags |= SENT_FIELD_NAME;
if ( ! s_init9 ) initPlaceIndicatorTable();
if ( ! m_alnumPosValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// - indicate sentences that are place names
// - end in "theater", "hall", "bar", etc.
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// only works on sentences for now
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// sentence must not be mixed case
if ( si->m_sentFlags & SENT_MIXED_CASE ) continue;
// ignore if in menu ("the lower school" -
if ( si->m_sentFlags & SENT_IN_MENU ) continue;
if ( si->m_sentFlags & SENT_IN_MENU_HEADER ) continue;
// how many alnum words we got?
long na = si->m_alnumPosB - si->m_alnumPosA ;
// skip if only one word
if ( na <= 1 ) continue;
// skip if more than 7
if ( na > 7 ) continue;
// last word in sentence is "last"
long last = si->m_sentb - 1;
// back up if "last" is numeric like "Studio 3" or "Room 127"
for ( ; last > si->m_senta ; last-- ) {
// skip until alnumword
if ( ! m_wids[last] ) continue;
// stop if last is NOT starting with a number
if ( ! is_digit(m_wptrs[last][0])) break;
// make a phrase wid for "night club"
long long pid = 0LL;
for ( long k = last - 1 ; k >= si->m_senta ; k-- ) {
if ( ! m_wids[k] ) continue;
pid = m_pids[k];
// last word must be indicator: "theater" "center" "school"...
bool inTable = false;
if ( s_pit.isInTable(&m_wids[last]) ) inTable = true;
// check phrase id for "nightclub" for
if ( pid && s_pit.isInTable ( &pid ) )
inTable = true;
if ( ! inTable ) continue;
// the word "the" or "a" cannot preceed indicator
if ( m_wids[last-2] == h_the ) continue;
// "find a store"
if ( m_wids[last-2] == h_a ) continue;
// "use of museums"
if ( m_wids[last-2] == h_of ) continue;
// first word
long i = si->m_senta;
// "add/contact/use/search store"
if ( m_wids[i] == h_add ) continue;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_contact ) continue;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_use ) continue;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_search ) continue;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_find ) continue;
// school needs 3 words at least to fix
// "drama/music/cooking/german school"
if ( m_wids[last] == h_school && na <= 2 ) continue;
// "gift shop" is a subplace name (
if ( m_wids[last] == h_shop && m_wids[last-2]==h_gift)continue;
// "open house" is subplace name (
if ( m_wids[last]==h_house&& m_wids[last-2]==h_open)continue;
// photo/image/video/media library/gallery
if ((m_wids[last] == h_gallery||m_wids[last]==h_library) &&
(m_wids[last-2] == h_photo ||
m_wids[last-2] == h_image ||
m_wids[last-2] == h_picture ||
m_wids[last-2] == h_video ||
m_wids[last-2] == h_media ) )
// if contains "at" or "by" or blah blah, stop it
long j; for ( j = si->m_senta ; j < si->m_sentb ; j++ ) {
// breathe
// skip tags
if ( m_tids[j] ) continue;
// strange punct?
if ( ! m_wids[j] ) {
char *p = m_wptrs[j];
char *pend = p + m_wlens[j];
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
if ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) continue;
if ( *p == '\'' ) continue;
// St. John's College Bookstore
if ( *p == '.' ) continue;
// bad punct? do not set the flag then
if ( p < pend ) break;
// otherwise, we are good to go
// stop on these
if ( m_wids[j] == h_at ) break;
// presented by ....
if ( m_wids[j] == h_by ) break;
// copyright is bad
if ( m_wids[j] == h_copyright ) break;
// "proceed to west hartford center" (directs)
if ( m_wids[j] == h_to ) break;
// "... presents Swan Lake"
if ( m_wids[j] == h_presents ) break;
// " of ..."
if ( m_wids[j] == h_review ) break;
// folks from erda gardens
if ( m_wids[j] == h_from ) break;
// join us in crested butte
if ( m_wids[j] == h_join ) break;
// if hit a bad word, do not set flag then
if ( j < si->m_sentb ) continue;
// set it
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_OBVIOUS_PLACE;
if ( ! m_alnumPosValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . if sentence ends in "festival" etc. set this bit
// . or stuff like "workshop a" is ok since 'a' is a stop word
// . or stuff like 'sunday services from 9am to 10am'
// scan the sentences
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// only works on sentences for now
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// compute this
long alnumCount = si->m_alnumPosB - si->m_alnumPosA ;
// set event ending/beginning
long val = hasTitleWords(si->m_sentFlags,si->m_a,si->m_b,
if ( val == 1 )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_HASTITLEWORDS;
if ( val == -1 )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_BADEVENTSTART;
supplanted by hasTitleWords()
// . '-': if a title sentences begins with one of these words then
// . do not give bonus for SENT_EVENT_ENDING if SENT_BADEVENTSTART
// is set
// . fixes "Presented by Colorado Symphony Orchestra"
static char *s_starters [] = {
"-presented", // presented by fred, bad
//"+festival", // festival of lights, good
//"+class", // class w/ caroline & constantine
//"+lecture", // lecture on physics
//"+beginning", // beginning painting
// store these words into table
static HashTableX s_sw;
static char s_swbuf[2000];
static bool s_init8 = false;
if ( ! s_init8 ) {
s_init8 = true;
long n = (long)sizeof(s_starters)/ sizeof(char *);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// set words
char *s = s_starters[i];
Words w; w.set3 ( s );
long long *wi = w.getWordIds();
long long h = 0;
// scan words
for ( long j = 0 ; j < w.getNumWords(); j++ )
if ( wi[j] ) h ^= wi[j];
// . store hash of all words, value is ptr to it
// . put all exact matches into sw1 and the substring
// matches into sw2
s_sw.addKey ( &h , &s );
// . use the same event ending table to see if the title sentence
// begins with one of these "endings"
// . should fix "Presented By Colorado Symphony Orchestra" from
// being a good event title
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// only works on sentences for now
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// how many alnum words in it?
long na = si->m_alnumPosB - si->m_alnumPosA ;
// need at least two words
if ( na <= 1 ) continue;
// skip if too long and not capitalized
if ( na > 7 && (si->m_sentFlags & SENT_MIXED_CASE ) ) continue;
// get FIRST word in potential event title
long i = si->m_senta;
long a = si->m_senta;
long b = si->m_sentb;
// skip cruft though
for ( ; i < a ; i++ ) {
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
if ( bits[i] & D_IS_IN_DATE ) continue;
if ( bits[i] & D_IS_STOPWORD ) continue;
if ( m_wlens[i] == 1 ) continue;
// if all cruft, ignore
if ( i == b ) continue;
// go to next section if word not in our list
if ( ! s_sw.isInTable ( &m_wids[i] ) ) continue;
// must have at least one word after that
long next = i + 2;
// skip tags
for ( ; next < b && ! m_wids[next] ; next++ );
// if no more words, forget it, go to next section
if ( next >= b ) continue;
// get the string
char *str = *(char **)s_sw.getValue ( &m_wids[i] );
// check sign
//if ( str[0] == '+' )
// si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_GOODEVENTSTART;
if ( str[0] == '-' )
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_BADEVENTSTART;
// must have a sign
else { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// only works on sentences for now
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
setSentPrettyFlag ( si );
return true;
// returns +1 if has positive title words/phrases
// returns -1 if has negative title words/phrases
// return 0 otherwise
long hasTitleWords ( sentflags_t sflags ,
long a ,
long b ,
long alnumCount ,
Bits *bitsClass ,
Words *words ,
bool useAsterisk ,
long niceness ) {
// need at least two alnum words
if ( alnumCount <= 0 ) return 0;
// skip if too long and not capitalized
if ( alnumCount > 7 && (sflags & SENT_MIXED_CASE ) ) return 0;
// sanity. we need s_pit to be initialized
if ( ! s_init9 ) initPlaceIndicatorTable();
long long *wids = words->getWordIds();
nodeid_t *tids = words->getTagIds();
char **wptrs = words->getWords();
long *wlens = words->getWordLens();
long nw = words->getNumWords();
// . shortcut
// . we are also called from dates.cpp and m_bits is NULL!
wbit_t *bits = NULL;
if ( bitsClass ) bits = bitsClass->m_bits;
static bool s_flag = false;
static long long h_annual;
static long long h_anniversary;
static long long h_next;
static long long h_past;
static long long h_future;
static long long h_upcoming;
static long long h_other;
static long long h_more;
static long long h_weekly;
static long long h_daily;
static long long h_permanent; // fix permanent exhibit for collectorsg
static long long h_beginning ;
static long long h_every ;
static long long h_featuring ;
static long long h_for ;
static long long h_at ;
static long long h_by ;
static long long h_on ;
static long long h_no ;
static long long h_name ;
static long long h_in ;
static long long h_sponsored;
static long long h_sponsered;
static long long h_presented;
static long long h_i;
static long long h_id;
static long long h_begins ;
static long long h_meets ;
static long long h_benefitting ;
static long long h_benefiting ;
static long long h_with ;
static long long h_starring ;
static long long h_experience;
static long long h_w ;
static long long h_event;
static long long h_band;
static long long h_tickets;
static long long h_events;
static long long h_jobs;
static long long h_this;
static long long h_series;
static long long h_total;
static long long h_times;
static long long h_purchase;
static long long h_look;
static long long h_new;
static long long h_us;
static long long h_its;
if ( ! s_flag ) {
s_flag = true;
h_annual = hash64n("annual");
h_anniversary = hash64n("anniversary");
h_next = hash64n("next");
h_past = hash64n("past");
h_future = hash64n("future");
h_upcoming = hash64n("upcoming");
h_other = hash64n("other");
h_more = hash64n("more");
h_weekly = hash64n("weekly");
h_daily = hash64n("daily");
h_permanent = hash64n("permanent");
h_beginning = hash64n("beginning");
h_every = hash64n("every");
h_featuring = hash64n("featuring");
h_for = hash64n("for");
h_at = hash64n("at");
h_by = hash64n("by");
h_on = hash64n("on");
h_no = hash64n("no");
h_name = hash64n("name");
h_in = hash64n("in");
h_sponsored = hash64n("sponsored");
h_sponsered = hash64n("sponsered");
h_presented = hash64n("presented");
h_i = hash64n("i");
h_id = hash64n("id");
h_begins = hash64n("begins");
h_meets = hash64n("meets");
h_benefitting = hash64n("benefitting");
h_benefiting = hash64n("benefiting");
h_with = hash64n("with");
h_starring = hash64n("starring");
h_experience = hash64n("experience");
h_w = hash64n("w");
h_event = hash64n("event");
h_band = hash64n("band");
h_tickets = hash64n("tickets");
h_events = hash64n("events");
h_jobs = hash64n("jobs");
h_this = hash64n("this");
h_series = hash64n("series");
h_total = hash64n("total");
h_times = hash64n("times");
h_purchase = hash64n("purchase");
h_look = hash64n("look");
h_new = hash64n("new");
h_us = hash64n("us");
h_its = hash64n("its");
// . if it just consists of one non-stop word, forget it!
// . fixes "This series" for
// . fixes "Practica" for
// . we have to have another beefy word besides just the event ending
long goodCount = 0;
for ( long k = a ; k < b ; k++ ) {
if ( ! wids[k] ) continue;
if ( bits && (bits[k] & D_IS_IN_DATE) ) continue;
if ( bits && (bits[k] & D_IS_STOPWORD) ) continue;
if ( wlens[k] == 1 ) continue;
// treat "next" as stop word "next performance" etc.
// to fix "next auction"?
if ( wids[k] == h_next ) continue;
if ( wids[k] == h_past ) continue;
if ( wids[k] == h_future ) continue;
if ( wids[k] == h_upcoming ) continue;
if ( wids[k] == h_other ) continue;
if ( wids[k] == h_more ) continue;
if ( wids[k] == h_beginning ) continue; // beginning on ...
if ( wids[k] == h_weekly ) continue; // weekly shows
if ( wids[k] == h_daily ) continue;
if ( wids[k] == h_permanent ) continue;
if ( wids[k] == h_every ) continue; // every saturday
if ( goodCount >= 2 ) break;
// . need at least 2 non-stopwords/non-dates
// . crap, what about "Bingo" - let reduce to 1
//if ( goodCount <= 1 ) return 0;
if ( goodCount <= 0 ) return 0;
// "9th annual...."
// "THE 9th annual..."
// 2012 annual
for ( long k = a ; k < b ; k++ ) {
if ( !is_digit(wptrs[k][0])) continue;
if ( k+2>=nw ) continue;
if ( wids[k+2] == h_annual ) return true;
if ( wids[k+2] == h_anniversary ) return true;
// TODO: * with <person name>
// . a host list of title-y words and phrases
// . event title indicators
// . ^ means must be in beginning
// . $ means must match the end
// . * means its generic and must have 2+ words in title
static char *s_twords[] = {
"$fest", // Fan fest
"$fest", // reggae fest
"$o-rama", // string-o-rama
"$winter fantasy",
"$the festival", // the festival of trees is held at...
"$bout", // fight
"*$series", // world series, concert series
"-this series", // fix
"-television series",
"-tv series",
"$launch", // album launch
"*$3d", // puss in boots 3d
"*$beginning", // beginning painting
"*^beginning", // beginning painting
"-^beginning in", // beginning in january
"-^beginning on",
"-^beginning at",
"*|intermediate", // drawing, intermediate
"*^beginner", // beginner tango
"*$beginners", // for beginners
"*^beg", // beg. II salsa
"*^adult", // Adult III
"$open", // french open
"-$half open", // fix
"-$we're open", // fix
"-$is open", // fix
"-$be open", // fix
"-$percent open",
"-$now open", // fix
"-$shop open", // fix
"-$office open",
"-$re open",
"-$building open", // TODO: use all place indicators!
"-$desk open", // help desk open
"open mic", // anywhere in the title
// . should fix "Presented By Colorado Symphony Orchestra" from
// being a good event title
"*$opening", // grand opening, art opening
"$spectacular", // liberty belle spectacular
"$classic", // 2nd annual cigar club classic
"$ride", // bike ride
"$rides", // char lift rides
"train ride",
"train rides",
"$summit", // tech summit
"*$overview", // BeachBound+Hounds+2012+Overview
"$talk", // Curator's+Gallery+Talk
"$discussion", // panel discussion
"^panel discussion",
"|public hearing",
"$seminars", // S.+Burlington+Saturday+Seminars
"$soiree", // single's day soiree
"-|reception desk",
"^2011 parade", // 2011 parade of homes
"^2012 parade",
"^2013 parade",
"^2014 parade",
"^2015 parade",
//"$car club", // social car club. "club" itself is too generic
//"$book club",
//"$yacht club",
//"$glee club",
//"$knitting club",
//"mountaineering club",
//"debate club",
//"chess club",
"club of", // rotary club of kirkland
"$forum", // The+bisexual+forum+meets+on+the+second+Tuesday
"$meet", // swap meet
"$swap", // solstice seed swap
"$board", // board meeting
"^board of", // board of selectmen
//"-board meeting", // i'm tired of these!!
//"-council meeting",
"*$meetings", // schedule of meetings
"*$meet", // stonegate speech meet/ track meet
"-no meeting",
"-no meetings",
"-no game",
"-no games",
"*$mtg", // State-Wide+Educational+Mtg
"$meet ups",
"$meet up",
"*meets on" , // grade 8 meets on thursday
"^meet the", // meet the doula
"$council", // parish council
"$hearing", // public hearing
"$band", // blues band
"$networking event",
"$social", // polar express social
"tour of", // tour of soulard / The+Chocolate+Tour+of+New+York
"|tour",// tour boulevard brewery
"|tours", // tours leave the main bldg...
"cruise aboard", // dog paddle motor cruise abord the tupelo
"motor cruise",
"$safari", // fishing safari
"*$trip", // photography trip
"*$trips", // photography trip
"$slam", // poetry slam
"$readings", // poetry readings
"orchestra", // middle school orchestra in the chapel
"$prelude", // music prelude
"-$website", // welcome to the blah website
"*$group", // pet loss group
"*$groups", // 12 marin art groups
"$sig", // special interest group
"-$your group", // promote your group
"-$your groups", // promote your group
"-sub group", // IPv6+Addressing+Sub-group
"-$a group", // not proper noun really
"-$the group",
"-$the groups",
"-$by group",
"-$by groups",
"-$or group",
"-$or groups",
"-$for group",
"-$for groups",
"-$sub groups",
"-$participating group",
"-$participating groups",
"-$large group",
"-$large groups",
"-$small group",
"-$small groups",
"-$age group",
"-$age groups",
"-$profit group",
"-$profit groups",
"-$dental group",
"-$dental groups",
"-$eyecare group",
"-$eyecare groups",
"-$medical group",
"-$medical groups",
"-$private group",
"-$private groups",
"-$media group", // locally owned by xxx media group
"conversation group",
"book group",
"reading group",
"support group",
"support groups",
"discussion group",
"discussion groups",
"|orientation", // Orientation+to+Floortime
// no! "$all day" "$minimum day" from is too generic for
"$day", // heritage day. kite day
"$day out", // girl's day out
"$play day",
"*day of", // day of action
"*hour of", // hour of power
"$day 2012", // local history day 2012
"*$all day",
"*$every day", // happy hour every day vs. "every day"
"*$this day",
"-$per day",
"*$days", // liberty lake days
"*$session",// sautrday evening jazz session
//"-$current exhibition", // not a good title?
"-$current session", // fixes
"-$current sessions",
"-$event session",
"-$event sessions",
"rehearsal", // misspelling
"*$practices", // Countryside+Christian+Basketball+Practices
"*$practica", // common for dance
"^guided", // guided astral travel
"*|training", // training for leaders
"*$exercise", // Sit+&+Fit+Chair+Exercise+for+Seniors
"|auction", // auction begins at
"$run", // fun run
"$trek", // turkey trek
"$trot", // turk trot
"$walk", // bird walk, tunnel walk
"$walks", // ghost walks
"$ramble", // plymouth rock ramble
"$crawl", // spring crawl, pub crawl
"$ramble", // turkey ramble
"$ceremony", // tree lighting ceremony
"$ceremoney", // misspelling
// "ceremonies" itself is too generic. gets
// "ballroom ceremonies" as part of a sales rental putch
"$opening ceremonies", // opening ceremonies
"art opening", // Art+Opening+-+Jeff+Hagen+Watercolorist
"-certificate", // Coaching+Certificate
"-$supplies", // yoga supplies
"$awards", // 2011 Vision Awards
"-$county", // always bad to have a county name in the title
"scavenger hunt",
"$celebration", // a christmas celebration
"celebration of", // celebration of giving
"celebrates", // +Band+Celebrates+a+Season+of+Red,...
"celebrate", // Celebrate Recovery
"$showdown", // sunday showdown
"|yoga", // astha yoga
"|meditation", // simply sitting meditation, meditation 4a calm
"^family", // family climb, family drum time
"$taiko", // japanese drumming
"|karaoke", // karaoke with jimmy z
"$party", // best of the city party
"-$to party", // 18+ to party
"|symposium", // event where multiple speaches made
"|symposiums", // friday night symposiums
"$pot luck",
"$night out", // girls' night out
"$showcase", // bridal showcase
"$show case", // bridal showcase
"$sideshow", // circus sideshow
"|bad minton",
"ping pong",
"$swim", // open swim, lap swim, women only swim
"|carving", // wood carving
"|tai chi",
"|balance chi",
"|judo", // kids judo
"|ju jitsu",
"|kick boxing",
"$table tennis",
"^fishing in", // fishing in the midwest
"$scouts", // cub/boy/girl scouts
"$painting", // pastel painting
"$sculpting", // body sculpting
"^body sculpting",
"^chess", // chess for kids
"$campus visit",
"*$sale", // jewelry sale: 10% off
"book sale",
"book clearance",
"$pow wow",
"$camp", // iphone boot camp / space camp
"*bootcamp", // for one word occurences
"*$tournaments", // daily poker tournaments
"$cook off",
"$bake off",
"$kick off",
"$jam", // monday night jam
"^exhibition of",
"^exhibit of",
"^evening of", // evening of yoga & wine
"group exhibition",
"group exhibit",
"$support", // Coshocton+County+Peer+Support
//"^exhibition", // exhibition: .... no. "exhibit hall"
// Graffiti Group Exhibition @ Chabot College Gallery
"food drive",
"coat drive",
"toy drive",
"blood drive",
"recruitment drive",
"waste drive",
"donor drive",
"$caroles", // 3T Potluck & Caroles
"*$demo", // Spinning demo by margarete...
"|5k", // 5k run/walk ... otter run 5k
"|8k", // 5k run/walk
"|10k", // 5k run/walk
"$thon", // hack-a-thon
"$runwalk", // run/walk
"*$relay", // Women's+Only+1/2+marathon+and+2+person+relay
"*$hunt", // egg hunt, scavenger hunt
// no, gets "write a review"
//"$review", // Bone+Densitometry+Comprehensive+Exam+Review
"*$game", // basketball game
"$game day", // senior game day
"^adoption day", // Adoption+Day,+Utopia+for+Pets
"*$gaming", // Teen+Free+Play+Gaming+at+the+Library
"*$program", // kids program, reading program
"school play",
"$experience", // the pink floyd experience
"*$programs", // children's programs
"-^register", // register for spring programs
"$101", // barnyard animals 101
"*$techniques", // Core+Training+++Stretch+Techniques
"*$technique", // course 503 raindrop technique
"*$basics", // wilton decorating basics
"^basics of",
"^the basics",
"*^basic" , // basic first aid (gets basic wire bracelet too!)
"$first aid",
"^fundamentals of",
"$fundamentals", // carving fundamentals
"^principles of",
"^intersections of",
"$gala", // the 17th annual nyc gala
"*$anonymous", // narcotics anonymous
"$substance abuse", // women's substance abuse
"$weight watchers",
"$mass", // vietnamese mass (watch out for massachussettes)
"midnight mass",
"^opening keynote",
"spelling bee",
"on ice", // disney on ice
"for charity", // shopping for charity
"a charity", // shopping for a charity
"storytime", // children's storytime
"$story", // the hershey story
"commencement", // sping commencement: undergraduate
"$walk to", // walk to end alzheimer's
"$walk 2", // walk to ...
"$walk for", // walk for ...
"$walk 4", // walk for ...
"$walk of", // walk of hope
"$encounters", // sea lion encounters
"$encounter", // sea lion encounter
"-visitor information", // Visitor+Information+@+Fort+Worth+Zoo
"*$breakfast", // 14th+Annual+Passaic+Breakfast
"presentation", // Annual+Banquet+&+Awards+Presentation
"-available soon",//Presentation+details+will+be+available+soon
"bike classic",
"$havdalah", // Children's+Donut+Making+Class+and+Havdalah
"|minyan", // what is this?
"|minyans", // what is this?
"$benefit", // The+Play+Group+Theatre+6th+Annual+Benefit
"children's church",
"sunday school",
"*$event", // dog adoption event, networking event
"-$events", // Ongoing Tango Club of Albuquerque * events at...
"-private event",
"-view event",
"-view events",
"gatherings", // all-church gatherings
"$mixer", // dallas networking mixer
// put this into the isStoreHours() function in Dates.cpp
//"-is open", // Our+Website+is+Open+for+Shopping+24/7
//"-are open", // Our+Website+is+Open+for+Shopping+24/7
//"-store hours", // Winter+Store+Hours+@+13+Creek+St.
//"-shopping hours", // extended shopping hours
//"-shop hours",
"-news", // urban planning news
"-posted", // posted in marketing at 8pm
"-driving directions",
// popular titles
"side story", // west-side story
"westside story", // west-side story
"doctor dolittle",
"mary poppins",
"harlem globetrotters",
"no chaser", // straight, no chaser
"snow white",
"charlie brown",
"pumpkin patch",
"marie osmond",
"defending the", // defending the caveman
"lion king",
"ugly duckling",
"santa claus", // santa claus is coming to town
"chorus line",
"^cirque", // cirque do soleil
"red hot", // red hot chili peppers
"street live", // sesame street live
"the beast", // beauty and the beast
"lady gaga",
"led zeppelin",
"tom petty",
"adam ant",
"kid rock",
"|annie", // little orphan annie play
"swan lake",
// popular event names?
"crafty kids",
"sit knit", // sit & knit
// popular headliners
//"larry king",
// TODO: support "*ing club"(mountaineering club)(nursing club)
// TODO: blah blah 2012 is good!!
// gerunds (| means either $ or ^)
"*$bowl", // orange bowl, super bowl
"|singing", // Children's+Choirs+Singing
"|sing along", // Messiah+Sing-Along
"^sing", // community sing
"$singers", // Lakeside+Singers+at+NCC
"|soapmaking", // Girls+Spa+Day:+Lip+balm,Perfume&Soapmaking:
"|scrapbooking", // What's+new+in+Scrapbooking
"|exhibiting", // Exhibiting+at+The+Center+for+Photography
"|healing", // Service+of+Healing
"^service of", // Service+of+Remembrance,+Healing+and+Hope
"^a healing", // a healing guide to renewing...
"^the healing",
"star gazing",
"|meditating", // Meditating+With+The+Body
"*$shooting", // Trap+shooting
"*$skills", // Resume+and+Interviewing+Skills
"|making", // making money
// no, was getting "serving wayne county since 1904"
// and a bunch of others like that
//"*^serving", // serving the children of the world
"-serving dinner",
"-serving breakfast",
"-serving lunch",
"-serving brunch",
"*^varsity", // Varsity+Swim+&+Dive+-+ISL+Diving+@+Stone+Ridge
"*^junior varsity",
"|judging", // plant judging
"rock climbing",
"|belly dancing",
"|belly dance",
"|square dancing",
"|square dance",
"|swing dancing",
"|swing dance",
"swing night",
"$speaking", // Pastor+Mike+speaking+-+December+18,+2011
"$voting", // early voting
"|making", // paper bead making
"|writing", // ENG+2201:+Intermediate+College+Writing
"|sharing", // Wisdom+of+the+Sangha:+Sharing,+Reflection...
"|decorating", // wilton decorating basics
"|reading", // Tess+Gallagher+reading+at+Village+Books
"|readings", // Tess+Gallagher+reading+at+Village+Books
"-currently reading", // Currently Reading:
"$and friends",
"*^celebrating", // Celebrating+Sankrant+2012
"*^interpreting", // intepreting for the deaf
"*^researching", // "Researching+and+Reflecting:+Sounds,+Sights
"*^reflections", // Stories:+Reflections+of+a+Civil+War+Historia
"*^mechanisms", // Mechanisms+Involved+in+Generating...
"*^finding", // finding+time+to...
"*^transforming", // Transforming+Transportation+2012
"*^making", // Making+Good+on+the+Promise:+Effective+Board+...
"*^creating", // Creating+Cofident+Caregivers
"*^giving", // Giving+in+ALLAH's+Name
"*^getting", // Getting+Out+of+Debt, Getting+to+Know...
"-getting here", // directions! bad!
"-getting there",// directions! bad!
"*^turning", // Turning+Your+Strategic+Plan+into+an+Action+Plan
"*^engaging", // Engaging+Volunteers+with+Disabilties
"*^managing", // Managing+Your+Citations+with+RefWorks
"*^entering", // entering the gates of judaism
"*^stregthening", // ...+Baptist+Church:+Strengthening+the+Core
"-managing director",
"-managing partner",
"^issues in",
"^the issues",
"*^countdown", // countdown to new year's eve sweepstakes
"*^navigating", // Navigating+the+Current+Volatility+
// defensive driving
"*|driving", // Driving+Innovation+&+Entrepreneurship
"*^using", // Using+OverDrive
"*^letting", // Letting+Poetry+Express+Your+Grief
"*^feeding", // Feeding+Children+Everywhere
"*^feeling", // Feeling+Out+of+Balance?
"*^educating", // "Educating+for+Eternity"
"*^demystifying", // like understanding (demystifying weightloss
"*^equipping", // Equipping+Ministry+-+Gospel+and+Culture
//"-^no", // no mass, no ... HURTS "no name club" too bad!!
"-$break", // fall break, winter break...
"-not be", // there will not be a dance in december
"-pollution advisory",
"-|closed", // holiday hours - museum closed, closed for xmas
"-is closing",
"-is closed",
"-be closing",
"-be closed",
"-are closing",
"-are closed",
"-$vacation", // vacation
"-^calendar", // calendar of events
"-^view", // view upcoming events inlyons
"-^suggest", // suggest a new event
"-^find us", // find us on facebook...
"-^hosted by", // Hosted by Cross Country Education (CCE)
"*^comment", // Comment+in+George+Test+Group+group
"-^purchase", // Purchase Products from this Seminar
"-in recess", // class in recess
"*^playing", // Playing+For+Change
"*$drawing", // portrait drawing
"*^growing", // Growing+Up+Adopted
"^quit smoking",
"history of", // "Headgear:+The+Natural+History+of+Horns+and+
"*^are your", // Are+Your+Hormones+Making+You+Sick?
"*^are you",
"*^when will", // When+Will+the+Outdoor+Warning+Sirens+Sound?
"*^concerned about", // Concerned+About+Outliving+Your+Income?
"*discover your", // discover your inner feelings
"*creating your", // creating your personal brand
"walking tour",
"|strategies", // speach topics
"*|coaching", // strategies for coaching
"*|watching", // watching paint dry
"ice skating",
"free screening",
"film screening",
"^screening of",
"^the screening",
"movie screening",
"$trilogy", // back to the future trilogy
"dj spinning",
"$screening", // Free+Memory+Screening
"$screenings", // Salt+Ghost+DVD+screenings+at+9+p.m
"$tastings", // Chocolate+Tastings+at+Oliver+Kita+Chocolates
"wine bar",
"open bar",
"open gym",
"open swim",
"*byob", // always a good indicator
"tea tastings",
"*coming to", // santa claus is coming to town, blah blah...
"^improv", // improv and standup
"*$circle", // past life healing circle
"^circle of", // circle of knitting (not "circle 8's" sq dnc)
"-$the market", // new on the market (house sale)
"*$market", // Los Ranchos Growers' Market
"*$markets",// fix for "Markets ((subsent))"
"$bazaar", // holiday bazaar
"$bazzaar", // holiday bazaar
"$sailing", // boat sailing
"*$sail", // free public sail
"candle lighting",
"menorah lighting",
"*$lights", // river of lights, holiday lights
"tree lighting",
"tree trimming",
"book signing",
"ribbon cutting",
"*special guest", // +&+Hits+with+special+guest+Billy+Dean
// got instead of the better title
// for
//"$music", // live music
"^music at", // music at the mission
"$of music",
//"$of jazz", // evening of jazz, jazz music
"|jazz", // children's jazz
"$feast", // a bountiful burlesque feast
//"$live", // junkyard jane live - but gets a place name "Kobo live".. so bad
"*$spree", // let it snow holiday shopping spree
"|public skating",
"^public skate",
// no caused 'state emission inspection' to come up
//"$inspection", // building life safety inspections
"*^occupy", // occupy portland
"^fundraising", // fundraising performance for ...
"$giveaway", // anniversary quilt giveaway
"town hall",
"open house",
"open houses", // then a list of times...
"pumpkin patch",
"happy hour",
"cook off",
"bake off",
"story time",
"story telling",
"story hour",
"speed dating",
// this can be a place name too easily: the empty bottle
// The Florida Rowing Center
//"^the", // IS THIS GOOD???? not for "
"bible study",
"bible studies",
"torah study",
"torah studies",
"$prayer", // bible study and prayer
"^pray", // pray in the new year
"$eve service", // christmas/thanksgiving eve service
"$penance service",
"$penance services",
"$candlelight service",
"$candlelight", // carols & candlelight
"eve worship",
"worship service",
"worship services",
"morning service",
"morning services",
"night service",
"night services",
"evening service",
"evening services",
"sunday services", // church stuff
"monday services", // church stuff
"tuesday services", // church stuff
"wednesday services", // church stuff
"thursday services", // church stuff
"friday services", // church stuff
"saturday services", // church stuff
"worship services", // church stuff
"church services", // church stuff
"sunday service", // church stuff
"monday service", // church stuff
"tuesday service", // church stuff
"wednesday service", // church stuff
"thursday service", // church stuff
"friday service", // church stuff
"saturday service", // church stuff
"day service", // memorial day service, etc.
"candleight service",
"prayer service",
"traditional service",
"traditions service",
"blended service",
"shabbat service",
"shabbat services",
"contemporary service",
"lenten service",
"celebration service",
"worship service",
"eucharist service",
"service times",
"service time",
"sunday mass",
"monday mass",
"tuesday mass",
"wednesday mass",
"thursday mass",
"friday mass",
"saturday mass",
"$taco tuesdays",
"$tasting", // wine tasting
"$tastings", // wine tastings
"*$conference", // Parent/Teacher+Conference+
"$adventure", // big bird's adventure
"^the adventures", // the adventures of...
"$workshop", // "$workshop a" for
"$workshops", // budget workshops
"$worksession", // city council worksession
"^rally", // rall to support the EPA's mercury health standards
"$rally", // pep rally
"*$night", //biker night for,family fun night
// dance club nights - hurts ritmo caliente because we lose
// that title and get "$main room, dance nights, 21+"
"*^dj", // dj frosty
"$music nights",
"$dancing", // irish traditional dancing
"$dancers", // irish ceili dancers
"$freestyle", // type of dance
"^freestyle", // type of dance
"*$fitness", // pre-natal fitness
"*$workout", // football workout
"-school of", // nix school of ballet
"$tango", // tango for beginners
"$musical", // menopause the musical
"$milonga", // type of dance
"|salsa", // Salsa in New Mexico
"$pageant", // christmas pageant
"*$education", // childbirth education
"-no class", // holday break - no classes
"-no classes",// holday break - no classes
"-last class",
"-no school",
"*$class week", // massage class week 1
"*$class level", // massage class level 1
"*$mixed level", // Hatha+Basics+Mixed+Level
"*$mixed levels",
"*$part 1", // Recent+Acquisitions,+Part+I:+Contemporary+Photos
"*$part 2",
"*$part 3",
"*$part 4",
"*$part i",
"*$part ii",
"*$part iii",
"*$part iv",
"*$class session", // massage class session 1
"-$golf course",
"-$golf courses",
"*$lessons", // Free Latin Dancing Lessons
"-$no shows", // we bill for no shows
"*$show", // steve chuke show
"-no show",
"-no shows",
"-past shows",
"-future shows",
// stuff at start
"|anniversary", // anniversary dinner, 2 year anniversary
"festival of", // Masonicare+Festival+of+Trees
"^learn to",
"*^understanding", // Understanding Heart Valves (lecture)
"*introduction to", // lecture
"*^introductory", // introductory potter's wheel
"^introduction", // ... : introduction climb
"*how to", // cheap how to succeed in business...
"-reach us", // how to reach us
"-contact us", // how to contact us
"*intro to", // lecture
"*^the story", // the story of carl kiger
"*^all about", // Class - All About Sleep Apnea
"*$an introduction", // lecture
"*$an intro", // lecture
"*^the wonder", // the wonder of kites
//"^dance", // 'dance location map'!
"*$special", // valentine's special
"*world premier",
// stuff in the middle
"*class with",
"*class w", // class w/
"*class at",
"*class on",
"*class in", // class in downtown palo alto
"*classes with",
"*classes w", // class w/
"*classes at",
"*classes on",
"-^half day", // half day of classes
"*$on display", // trains on display
"*show with",
"*dance with",
"*dancing with",
"^free dance", // free dance fusion class at ...
"*dance at",
"dancing lessons",
"*art of", // the art of bill smith
"*^art at", // art at the airport
"*meeting at",
"*meetings are", // meetings are from 7pm to 9pm
"*$and greet", // meet and greet
"$meet greet", // meet & greet
"*$and mingle", // mix and mingle
"*free lessons",
"*lessons at", // free dancing lessons at
"*dance for" // dance for the stars
// store these words into table
static HashTableX s_twt;
static char s_twtbuf[4000];
static bool s_init10 = false;
if ( ! s_init10 ) {
s_init10 = true;
long n = (long)sizeof(s_twords)/ sizeof(char *);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// set words
char *s = s_twords[i];
// set words
Words w; w.set3 ( s );
long long *wi = w.getWordIds();
long long h = 0;
// scan words
for ( long j = 0 ; j < w.getNumWords(); j++ ) {
// fix "art of" = "of art"
if (! wi[j] ) continue;
h <<= 1LL;
h ^= wi[j];
// wtf?
if ( h == 0LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . store hash of all words, value is ptr to it
// . put all exact matches into sw1 and the substring
// matches into sw2
if ( ! s_twt.addKey ( &h , &s ) ) return false;
// store these words into table
if ( ! s_init3 ) initGenericTable ( niceness );
// scan words in [a,b) for a match.
// skip if in date or stop word
// ok, now scan forward. the word can also be next to
// strange punct like a colon like
// "Hebrew Conversation Class: Beginning" for
long i = a;
long long firstWid = 0LL;
long long lastWid = 0LL;
bool hadAnnual = false;
bool hadFeaturing = false;
bool lastWordWasDate = false;
bool negMatch = false;
bool posMatch = false;
bool oneWordMatch = false;
bool hadAthon = false;
for ( ; i < b ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not alnum word
if ( ! wids[i] ) continue;
// first word?
if ( ! firstWid ) firstWid = wids[i];
// does it match a word in the table?
char **sp = (char **)s_twt.getValue ( &wids[i] );
// a match?
if ( sp ) oneWordMatch = true;
// or a two word phrase? even if we matched a one word
// phrase, try for the two because it might be a negative!
// i.e. "half open"
if ( lastWid ) {
long long combo = wids[i] ^ (lastWid<<1LL);
char **sp2 = (char **)s_twt.getValue ( &combo );
// if there use that! otherwise, leave sp alone
if ( sp2 ) sp = sp2;
if ( sp2 ) oneWordMatch = false;
// get next wid after us
long long nextWid = 0LL;
for ( long k = i + 1 ; k < b ; k++ ) {
if ( ! wids[k] ) continue;
nextWid = wids[k];
// "-getting there" to prevent "getting" from winning
if ( nextWid ) {
long long combo = (wids[i]<<1LL) ^ nextWid;
char **sp2 = (char **)s_twt.getValue ( &combo );
// if there use that! otherwise, leave sp alone
if ( sp2 ) sp = sp2;
if ( wids[i] == h_annual ) hadAnnual = true;
// must not be the first word or last word
if ( wids[i] == h_featuring && i > a && i < b-1 )
hadFeaturing = true;
// any kind of athon, hackathon, etc. sitathon
if ( wlens[i]>=8 &&
to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlens[i]-5]) == 'a' &&
to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlens[i]-4]) == 't' &&
to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlens[i]-3]) == 'h' &&
to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlens[i]-2]) == 'o' &&
to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlens[i]-1]) == 'n' )
hadAthon = true;
// any *fest too!! assfest
if ( wlens[i]>=7 &&
to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlens[i]-4]) == 'f' &&
to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlens[i]-3]) == 'e' &&
to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlens[i]-2]) == 's' &&
to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlens[i]-1]) == 't' )
hadAthon = true;
//if ( wids[i] == h_this &&
// i+2<nw && wids[i+2] == h_series )
// log("hey");
// save it
long long savedWid = lastWid;
// assign
lastWid = wids[i];
// save this
bool savedLastWordWasDate = lastWordWasDate;
// and update
lastWordWasDate = (bool)(bits && (bits[i] & D_IS_IN_DATE));
// match?
if ( ! sp ) continue;
// get the char ptr
char *pp = *sp;
// or total like "total courses: xx. total sections: yy"
if ( savedWid == h_total ) return -1;
// . if prev word was "no" then return -1
// . fix "no mass" "no class" etc.
// . oneWordMatch fixes "Straight No Chaser" play title
// which has "no chaser" in the list above
if ( savedWid == h_no && oneWordMatch ) return -1;
// fix "past conferences"
if ( savedWid == h_past && oneWordMatch ) return -1;
// aynthing starting with no is generally bad...
// like "no class" "no service", etc.
if ( savedWid == h_no && firstWid == h_no &&
// UNLESS it's "no name" - like "the no name club"
lastWid != h_name )
return -1;
// return value is true by default
bool *matchp = &posMatch;
// . is it generic? "sesssions", etc. that means we need
// 2+ alnum words, we can't have a title that is just
// "sessions"
// . if it is generic and we only have one word, forget it!
if ( *pp == '*' && alnumCount == 1 && useAsterisk )
// skip asterisk
if ( *pp == '*' )
// is it negative. complement return value then
if ( *pp == '-' ) { matchp = &negMatch; pp++; }
// anywhere?
if ( *pp != '$' && *pp != '^' && *pp != '|' ) {
*matchp = 1;
// the gerunds mismatch easily and therefore we require for
// the match to be complete that we not be mixed case. fixes
// "Looking forward to seeing you again"
long pplen = gbstrlen(pp);
if ( pp[pplen-1]=='g' &&
pp[pplen-2]=='n' &&
pp[pplen-3]=='i' &&
( sflags & SENT_MIXED_CASE ) )
// yes! must match first part of sentence
if ( (*pp == '^' || *pp == '|' ) &&
( wids[i] == firstWid ||
lastWid == firstWid ) )
*matchp = 1;
// . or if a colon was right before us...
// . Hacking+the+Planet:+Demystifying+the+Hacker+Space
if ( (*pp == '^' || *pp == '|' ) &&
i>a &&
words->hasChar(i-1,':') )
*matchp = 1;
// or date right before us
if ( (*pp == '^' || *pp == '|' ) && savedLastWordWasDate )
*matchp = 1;
// . this is always good (HACK)
// . annual party / annual spring concert/annual nye afterparty
if ( hadAnnual && *pp != '-' ) *matchp = 1;
// keep chugging if must match first word in sentence
if ( *pp == '^' ) continue;
// stop if end of the line, that counts as well
if ( i + 2 >= b ) { *matchp = 1; continue; }
// tags are good
if ( tids[i+1] ) *matchp = 1;
// fix " class,</strong>"
if ( tids[i+2] ) *matchp = 1;
// fix "workshop a" for
if ( i == b - 3 && wlens[b-1] == 1 )
*matchp = 1;
// Dance III..., Adult II...
if ( i+2 < b && wptrs[i+2][0]=='I'&&wptrs[i+2][1] == 'I')
*matchp = 1;
// Dance I ...
if ( i+2 < b && wlens[i+2]==1 && wptrs[i+2][0] == 'I' )
*matchp = 1;
// Ballet V ...
if ( i+2 < b && wlens[i+2]==1 && wptrs[i+2][0] == 'V' )
*matchp = 1;
// Ballet VI ...
if ( i+2 < b && wptrs[i+2][0] == 'V'&&wptrs[i+2][1]=='I')
*matchp = 1;
// hitting a date is ok... (TODO: test "... every saturday"
if ( bits && (bits[i+2] & D_IS_IN_DATE) ) *matchp = 1;
// a lot of times it does not treat the year as a date!
// "Radio City Christmas Spectacular 2011"
if ( i+2 < b &&
is_digit(wptrs[i+2][0]) &&
wlens[i+2]==4 &&
words->getAsLong(i+2) >= 2005 &&
words->getAsLong(i+2) <= 2040 )
*matchp = 1;
// the word for is ok? "training for grades ..."
if ( wids[i+2] == h_for ) *matchp = 1;
// how about "of"... symposium of science. celebration of ...
//if ( wids[i+2] == h_of ) *matchp = 1;
// at following is ok. Tess+Gallagher+reading+at+Village+Book
if ( wids[i+2] == h_at ) *matchp = 1;
// music by the bay
if ( wids[i+2] == h_by ) *matchp = 1;
// "in" can be a delimeter if a place name follows it like
// "the conference room" or "the Martin Building" ...
// or "Zipperdome, 123 main street"
// fix subsent:
// ... Pre-Hearing Discussion in the Conference Room...
// for
// TODO: a city/state!!!
if ( wids[i+2] == h_in ) {
*matchp = 1;
// assume none
bool gotPlaceInd = false;
// scan for place indicator or in address bit
for ( long j = i + 4 ; j < b ; j++ ) {
if ( ! isPlaceIndicator(&wids[j]) ) continue;
gotPlaceInd = true;
if ( gotPlaceInd ) *matchp = 1;
// put in subsent code
//if ( i+4<b && wids[i+2] == h_directed && wids[i+4] == h_by )
// *matchp = 1;
// Mass on January 1
if ( i+4<b && wids[i+2]==h_on && bits &&
(bits[i+4]&D_IS_IN_DATE) )
*matchp = 1;
// blah blah in the chapel / in the Park / symposium in Boise..
if ( i+6<b && wids[i+2] == h_in )
*matchp = 1;
// beginning at
if ( i+4<b && wids[i+2]==h_beginning && wids[i+4]==h_at )
*matchp = 1;
// begins at
if ( i+4<b && wids[i+2]==h_begins && wids[i+4]==h_at )
*matchp = 1;
// club meets at
if ( i+4<b && wids[i+2]==h_meets && wids[i+4]==h_at )
*matchp = 1;
// rehersal times, concert times, blah blah times
if ( i+3 == b && wids[i+2]==h_times )
*matchp = 1;
// blah blah benefitting blah blah
if ( wids[i+2] == h_benefitting ) *matchp = 1;
if ( wids[i+2] == h_benefiting ) *matchp = 1;
// blah blah party sponsored by ...
if ( i+4<b && wids[i+2] == h_sponsored ) *matchp = 1;
if ( i+4<b && wids[i+2] == h_sponsered ) *matchp = 1;
// blah blah party presented by ...
if ( i+4<b && wids[i+2] == h_presented ) *matchp = 1;
// a colon is good "Soapmaking: how to"
if ( words->hasChar (i+1,':' ) &&
// watch out for field names
wids[i] != h_event &&
wids[i] != h_band )
*matchp = 1;
// likewise a hyphen "Class - All About Sleep Apnea"
if ( words->hasChar (i+1,'-' ) &&
// watch out for field names
wids[i] != h_event &&
wids[i] != h_band )
*matchp = 1;
// or parens: Million+Dollar+Quartet+(Touring)
if ( words->hasChar (i+1,'(' ) ) *matchp = 1;
// strange punct follows?
char *p = wptrs[i+1];
char *pend = p + wlens[i+1];
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
if ( *p != ':' ) continue;
// . phone number not allowed after it!
// . fix "Adult Services: 881-001" for
long next = i + 1;
for ( ; next < b && ! wids[next]; next++ );
// no phone number, so allow this ending!
if ( next >= b ) break;
// phone number? if not, we're good!
if ( ! isdigit(wptrs[next][0]) ) break;
// crap, forget it... do not set ENDING bit
p = pend-1;
// there is no strange punct after it, so this word is
// not really the "last" word in this sentence
if ( p >= pend ) continue;
// we got some strange punct
return retVal;
// return it if we got something
if ( negMatch ) return -1;
if ( posMatch ) return 1;
if ( hadAthon ) return 1;
// blah blah featuring blah blah
if ( hadFeaturing ) return 1;// true;
// . if it has quotes, with, at, @, *ing, "w/" set it
// . if has mixed case do not do this loop
if ( sflags & SENT_MIXED_CASE ) b = 0;
long hadNonDateWord = 0;
long long lastWordId = 0LL;
bool lastWordPastTense = false;
// loop over all words in the title
for ( i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) {
if ( tids[i] ) continue;
// check for puncutation based title indicators
if ( ! wids[i] ) {
// MCL+Meet+@+Trego
if ( words->hasChar(i,'@' ) &&
// fix "Sunday Oct 4 2pm at ..." for
hadNonDateWord &&
// last word is not "tickets"!! fix
lastWordId != h_tickets &&
// only for place names not tods like "@ 2pm"
i+1<b && ! is_digit(words->m_words[i+1][0]) )
// "Chicago"
if ( i>0 &&
! tids[i-1] &&
! wids[i-1] &&
words->hasChar(i-1,'\"') )
// Event:+'Sign+Language+Interpreted+Mass'
if ( i>0 &&
! tids[i-1] &&
! wids[i-1] &&
words->hasChar(i,'\'') )
// blah blah with Tom Smith
if ( i > a &&
i+2 < b &&
(wids[i] == h_with || wids[i] == h_starring) &&
// with id doesn't count
wids[i+2] != h_i &&
wids[i+2] != h_id &&
// experience with quickbooks
(i-2<a || wids[i-2] != h_experience) &&
// with purchase
wids[i+2] != h_purchase &&
// with $75 purchase
(i+4>=b || wids[i+4] != h_purchase) )
// blah blah w/ Tom Smith
if ( i > a &&
i+2 < b &&
wids[i] == h_w &&
i+1<b &&
words->hasChar(i+1,'/') &&
// with id doesn't count
wids[i+2] != h_i &&
wids[i+2] != h_id )
// "Lotsa Fun at McCarthy's"
if ( wids[i] == h_at &&
// fix "Sunday Oct 4 2pm at ..." for
hadNonDateWord &&
// last word is not "tickets"!! fix
lastWordId != h_tickets &&
// not look at.. take a look at the menu
lastWordId != h_look &&
// what's new at the farm
lastWordId != h_new &&
// fix "Events at Stone Brewing Co"
lastWordId != h_events &&
// search jobs at aria
lastWordId != h_jobs &&
// write us at ...
lastWordId != h_us &&
// at its best
(i+2>=b || wids[i+2] != h_its) &&
// she studied at the rcm
! lastWordPastTense &&
// . lastword can't be a place indicator
// . Aquarium at Albuquerque ...
// . Museums at Harvard
! s_pit.isInTable(&lastWordId) &&
// only for place names not tods like "at 2pm"
i+2<b && ! is_digit(words->m_words[i+2][0]) )
bool isDateWord = (bool)(bits && (bits[i] & D_IS_IN_DATE));
// mark this
if ( ! isDateWord ) hadNonDateWord++;
// save this
lastWordId = wids[i];
// assume not past tense
lastWordPastTense = false;
// is it past tense like "studied"?
long wlen = wlens[i];
if ( to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlen-1]) != 'd' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlen-2]) != 'e' ) continue;
// exceptions: feed need
if ( to_lower_a(wptrs[i][wlen-3]) == 'e' ) continue;
// exceptions: ned zed bed
if ( wlen == 3 ) continue;
// probably a ton more exceptions must let's see how it does
lastWordPastTense = true;
// i guess we had something nice...
if ( i < b ) return 1; // true;
// no match
return 0;
bool Sections::isPlaceOrBusinessWord ( long i ) {
isPlaceIndicator ( &wids[i] ) return true;
if ( wids[i] == h_news ) return true;
if ( wids[i] == h_network ) return true;
// generally, allow all gerunds, anywhere in the title
// but if a noun like association or center follows them
// they do not count, they are describing a bldg or
// organization... or "news" or "club" "room" (dining room)
// "co" "company" "llc" ...
void Sections::setSentPrettyFlag ( Section *si ) {
// shortcut
sentflags_t sflags = si->m_sentFlags;
// shortcut
wbit_t *bits = m_bits->m_bits;
static long long h_click;
static long long h_here;
static long long h_link;
static long long h_the;
static bool s_init = false;
if ( ! s_init ) {
s_init = true;
h_click = hash64n("click");
h_here = hash64n("here");
h_the = hash64n("the");
h_link = hash64n("link");
if ( ! m_alnumPosValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// assume not pretty
bool pretty = false;
// . we want to record votes on pretty sentences regardless
// . the idea is is that if a turk vote changes the event
// title then more sentences may be included as part of the
// event description without every having been voted on!
bool periodEnds = (sflags & SENT_PERIOD_ENDS);
// if enough mixed case words, allow it through anyway
long numAlnums = si->m_alnumPosB - si->m_alnumPosA + 1;
if ( (sflags & SENT_MIXED_CASE) && numAlnums >= 6 &&
// watch out for urls like get?q=gbeventhash668419539....
!(sflags & SENT_HASNOSPACE) )
periodEnds = true;
// or if it has commas
bool hasComma = false;
for ( long i = si->m_senta ; i < si->m_sentb ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not word
if ( ! m_tids[i] ) continue;
if ( m_wids[i] ) continue;
if ( ! m_words->hasChar(i,',') ) continue;
hasComma = true;
if ( hasComma && numAlnums >= 3 ) periodEnds = true;
// if no period ends, nuke
if ( periodEnds ) pretty = true;
// BUT if its all generic words it is not pretty!
long lastWidPos = -1;
// assume all generic words
bool allGeneric = true;
// is all generic words?
for ( long i = si->m_senta ; i < si->m_sentb ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not word
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// ignore if it has "click here"
if ( m_wids[i] == h_here &&
lastWidPos >= 0 &&
m_wids[lastWidPos] == h_click )
// ignore if has "[click|follow] the link"
if ( m_wids[i] == h_link &&
lastWidPos >= 0 &&
m_wids[lastWidPos] == h_the )
// save it
lastWidPos = i;
// skip if generic like
if ( bits[i] & (D_CRUFTY|
// otherwise, not generic
allGeneric = false;
// if all generic, not pretty
if ( allGeneric ) pretty = false;
// powered by is not pretty
if ( sflags & SENT_POWERED_BY ) pretty = false;
// all in link is not pretty
if ( bits[si->m_senta] & D_IN_LINK ) pretty = false;
// starts with "click" is bad "Click the map to drag around..."
// or "Click the link to see more..."
if ( m_wids[si->m_a] == h_click ) pretty = false;
// set it
if ( ! pretty ) return;
// we are pretty
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_PRETTY;
// punish sections that have a repeated tag hash
// - the idea being title sections are somewhat unique
// - limit repeat table recordings for each individual event
char rttbuf[4000];
HashTableX rtt;
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// now we require the sentence
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// skip if not in description right now, no need to score it!
if ( si->m_minEventId <= 0 ) continue;
// insert into table, score one
if ( ! rtt.addTerm32((long *)&si->m_tagHash) ) return false;
// now punish the repeaters
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// now we require the sentence
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// skip if not in description right now, no need to score it!
if ( si->m_minEventId <= 0 ) continue;
// insert into table, score one
long score = rtt.getScore32((long *)&si->m_tagHash) ;
// punish?
if ( score > 1 ) continue;
// yes
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_UNIQUE_TAG_HASH;
si->m_titleScore *= 1.02;
// title score boost for being part of title tag
// many event titles are repeated in the title tag
// that may be true, but also the title is generic and repeated
// again in the document body, and that hurts us!!
// TODO: consider doing this if only one event?
// get the title tag section
Section *titleSec = NULL;
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// now we require the sentence
if ( si->m_tagId != TAG_TITLE ) continue;
titleSec = si;
// . score each section that directly contains text.
// . have a score for title and score for description
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// forget if no title
if ( ! titleSec ) break;
// now we require the sentence
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// skip if not in description right now, no need to score it!
if ( si->m_minEventId <= 0 ) continue;
// get sentence
long senta = si->m_senta;
long sentb = si->m_sentb;
// do not match title tag with itself!
if ( senta >= titleSec->m_a && senta < titleSec->m_b )
// title sentence
long ta = titleSec->m_a;
long tb = titleSec->m_b;
// record max words matched
long max = 0;
bool allMatched = false;
long matchedWords = 0;
// compare to sentence in title
for ( long i = ta ; i < tb ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not alnum
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// check with title
if ( m_wids[i] != m_wids[senta] ) {
// reset matched word count
matchedWords = 0;
// reset this ptr too
senta = si->m_senta;
// ok, words match, see how many
// record max
if ( matchedWords > max ) max = matchedWords;
// advance over word we match
// advance to next alnumword
for ( ; senta < sentb && !m_wids[senta] ; senta++);
// all done?
if ( senta < sentb ) continue;
// all matched!
allMatched = true;
if ( ! allMatched ) continue;
// reward
si->m_sentFlags |= SENT_MATCHED_TITLE_TAG;
// give a little more the more words matched
// no, because the title often has the containing place name,
// like "Museum of Science and Industry" even when the page
// is talking about the "Bronzeville Blue Club" which will
// get less points because its only match 3 words...
//float minb = 2.0;
//float maxb = 3.0;
//if ( matchedWords > 10 ) matchedWords = 10;
//float bonus = minb+(maxb-minb) * ((float)matchedWords/10.0);
si->m_titleScore *= 3.0;//bonus;
si->m_descScore *= 3.0;//bonus;
#define METHOD_MONTH_PURE 0 // like "<h3>July</h3>"
#define METHOD_TAGID 1
#define METHOD_DOM 2
#define METHOD_DOW 4
#define METHOD_MAX 10
//#define METHOD_ABOVE_TOD 8 //
//#define METHOD_ABOVE_DOW 6
//#define METHOD_BR_DOM 10 // like "<br>Starting July 31..."
//#define METHOD_EMPTY_TAG 8 // like "<p></p>", now also <br><br>
#define MAXCELLS (1024*5)
class Partition {
long m_np;
long m_a[MAXCELLS];
long m_b[MAXCELLS];
class Section *m_firstBro[MAXCELLS];
// . employ the existing methods (add METHOD_MONTH_PURE,EMPTY_TAG, etc.)
// . but in scoring the partition use the SENT_* bits
// . import SEC_HAS_DOM/TOD/etc. in the SENT_* bits for simplicity
// . hash every combination of a sentence's SENT_* bits with his neighbor
// for making the scoring vector. or just hash the whole thing???
// like just all the bits of him with all the sent flags with next sentence?
// . i kinda want to manually control the methods rather than resorting to
// all combinations of sentence bits as possible delimeter hashes in order
// to keep performance fast.
// . scan each list of brothers
// . identify if it contains dom/dow dates and tod dates in brothers
// . the scan each brother in the list
// . take all combinations of up to 3 sentence flag bits from a brother section
// and use that as a delimeter
// . then evaluate the score of the resulting partition based on using that
// delimeter.
// . example: the first brother has SENT_IN_HEADER and SENT_HAS_PRICE set
// amongst other bits, so we try to use all brother sections in the list
// that have both SENT_IN_HEADER and SENT_HAS_PRICE as delimeters. and we
// score the partition based on that.
// . we score partitions by comparing each paritition cell to the others.
// i.e. how similar are they in terms of the SENT_* bits they have set?
// . the idea is too create a partition that balances the SENT_* bits
// so that each paritition has more or less the same SENT_* bits from all
// the sections that it contains.
// . example: like each partitioned section has SENT_PRICE and SENT_TOD, ...
// then that's pretty good.
// . we also hash all possible pairs of SENT_* flags between adjacent sentences
// in the same paritioned section. these gives us ordering information.
// . like an SENT_MIXED_CASE sentence follows an SENT_IN_HEADER sentence would
// result in one vector component of the vector for the partitioned cell.
// and we compare vectors from each cell in the partition with all the other
// cells in the partition to get the similarity score.
// . returns false with g_errno set on error
long Sections::addImpliedSections3 ( ) {
// . try skipping for xml
// . has a bunch of dates per event item and
// we end up using METHOD_DOM on those!
// . i think the implied section algo is meant for html really
// or plain text
if ( m_contentType == CT_XML &&
( m_isEventBrite ||
m_isStubHub ||
m_isFacebook ) )
return 0;
// for debugging -- sleep forever
//if ( g_hostdb.m_hostId == 44 ) {
// for ( ; ; ) {
// QUICKPOLL(m_niceness);
// }
// ignore brothers that are one of these tagids
bool addedPartition = false;
// scan the sections
for ( Section *sk = m_rootSection ; sk ; sk = sk->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// must be the first brother in a list of brothers
if ( sk->m_prevBrother ) continue;
// must have a brother after him
if ( ! sk->m_nextBrother ) continue;
// all least 3 brothers to make implied sections useful
if ( ! sk->m_nextBrother->m_nextBrother ) continue;
// use this to pass less args to functions then
//m_totalHdrCount = 0;
// tally some stats for thist list of brothers
long count1 = 0;
long count2 = 0;
//long bothCount = 0;
// scan the brothers now
Section *bro = sk;
// until the end of the list
for ( ; bro ; bro = bro->m_nextBrother ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// now at least two brothers must have the
// SEC_HAS_DOM/DOW set and at least two other brothers
// must have SEC_HAS_TOD set
sec_t flags = bro->m_flags;
// skip bad ones
if ( flags & badFlags ) continue;
// might also have tod set like does for
// one event title
if ( flags & (SEC_HAS_DOM|SEC_HAS_DOW) )
// but for tod, must only just be tod i guess???
if ( flags & SEC_HAS_TOD )
// how many headers with dom/dow dates do we have?
// like "Jan 23, 2010" or "Wednesdays"
//if ( ((flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) ||
// (flags & SEC_HEADING ) ) &&
// ( flags & (SEC_HAS_DOM|SEC_HAS_DOW) ) )
// m_totalHdrCount++;
//if ( (flags & (SEC_HAS_DOM|SEC_HAS_DOW) ) &&
// ( flags & SEC_HAS_TOD ) )
// bothCount++;
// . skip this list of brothers if we did not make the cut
// . i lowered to one to re-fix,, etc.
// because i fixed the SEC_HAS_DOM/DOW/TOD for implied
// sections so it is actually accurate and not inheriting
// these flags from its parent. but to keep things fast
// we still have this constraint.
if ( count1 < 1 || count2 < 1 ) continue;
// can't all be both. the whole point in the partition is
// to group tods with doms/dows.
// this was hurting which needed the
// hr partition to split up some sections so it got
// "Geeks Who Drink" as the title because it would no longer
// have the multevent penalty!
//if ( count1 + count2 == 2 * bothCount ) continue;
// hmmm... two brothers need to have dates. see what this hurts
if ( count1 < 2 && count2 < 2 ) continue;
// reset the cache
char cbuf[2048];
m_ct.set (4,0,32,cbuf , 2048 , false,m_niceness,"sect-cache");
// set this partition info for each method:
Partition parts[METHOD_MAX];
// reset these
long bestMethodScore[METHOD_MAX];
memset ( bestMethodScore , 0 , METHOD_MAX * 4 );
// ok, now we made the cut, so scan list of brothers again
// for potential partition tags. then get score of each
// partition and prefer the highest scoring one.
// reset scan
//bro = sk;
// assume no winner
long bestScore = 0;
Section *bestBro = NULL;
char bestMethod = -1;
Partition *bestPart = NULL;
// loop over all enumerated methods
for ( long m = 0 ; m < METHOD_MAX ; m++ ) {
// try skipping these
if ( m == METHOD_TAGID ) continue;
if ( m == METHOD_INNER_TAGID ) continue;
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// reset for each method
bro = sk;
// until the end of the list
for ( ; bro ; bro = bro->m_nextBrother ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip bad ones
if ( bro->m_flags & badFlags ) continue;
// grab next partition
Partition tmpp;
// . try each tagid once i guess
// . returns -1 if we already did it!
long score = getDelimScore(sk,m,bro,&tmpp);
// error? g_errno should be set
if ( score == -3 ) return -1;
// skip if not legit
if ( score == -2 ) {
// this happens we we have a TON
// of brothers!! so give up on them!
// not it happens when bro tag type
// is not compatible with method.
// like for!
// for sections around the performance
// date lines.
// strange?
if ( score == -1 ) continue;
// score now based on where you start
score = 1000000 - bro->m_a;
// is it best score for this method?
if ( score <= bestMethodScore[m] ) continue;
// store it
bestMethodScore[m] = score;
// if so, store it for this method
parts[m].m_np = tmpp.m_np;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < tmpp.m_np ; i++ ) {
// rbeathe
parts[m].m_a[i] = tmpp.m_a[i];
parts[m].m_b[i] = tmpp.m_b[i];
parts[m].m_firstBro[i] =
// skip if not best overall
if ( score <= bestScore ) continue;
// is best of all methods so far?
bestScore = score;
bestBro = bro;
bestMethod = m;
bestPart = &parts[m];
// if this list had no viable partitions, skip it
if ( bestMethod == -1 ) continue;
Partition *bestSuper = NULL;
long bestSuperMethod;
// . before inserting the winning partition see if another
// partition is a "super partition" of that and insert that
// first if it is.
// . a lot of times the super partition as a smaller score
// because one section in the partition is much larger
// than another, possibly empty, section...
// . prefer the super partition with the lest # of cells
for ( long m = 0 ; m < METHOD_MAX ; m++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if winner
if ( m == bestMethod ) continue;
// if no partition here, skip it
if ( bestMethodScore[m] <= 0 ) continue;
// shorcut
Partition *super = &parts[m];
Partition *sub = bestPart;
// need at least one partition
if ( super->m_np <= 1 ) continue;
// skip if same number of partitions or more
if ( super->m_np >= sub->m_np ) continue;
// must start ABOVE first partition
if ( super->m_a[0] >= sub->m_a[0] ) continue;
// assume it is a super partition
bool isSuper = true;
// w is cursor into the subpartitions cells/intervals
long w = 0;
// now every startpoint in the super partition must
// be right before a point in the subpartition
long k; for ( k = 0 ; k < super->m_np ; k++ ) {
// breathe
// get last partition if we have a sequence
// of empties... like if the super partition
// was <h1> tags and the sub partition was
// <h2> if we had:
// <h1>..</h1>
// <h1>..</h1>
// <h2>..</h2>
// <h1>..</h1>
// <h2>..</h2>
// then that first two adjacent <h1> tags
// should not stop the <h1> tags from
// constituting a super partition over the
// subpartition of <h2> tags
if ( k+1 < super->m_np &&
super->m_firstBro[k ]->m_alnumPosB ==
super->m_firstBro[k+1]->m_alnumPosA )
// advance "w" is need to catch up
for ( ; w < sub->m_np ; w++ )
if ( sub->m_a[w] >= super->m_a[k] )
// if w is exhausted we are done
if ( w >= sub->m_np ) break;
// . now compare to next guy in subpartition
// . the first bros must be adjacent
// . i.e. <h1> tag must be adjacent to <h2> tag
if ( super->m_firstBro[k]->m_alnumPosB ==
sub ->m_firstBro[w]->m_alnumPosA )
// crap, not a match, not a super partition
isSuper = false;
// skip if not a super partition
if ( ! isSuper ) continue;
// the best super will have the fewest partitions
if ( bestSuper && super->m_np >= bestSuper->m_np )
// we are now the best super partition
bestSuper = super;
bestSuperMethod = m;
// turn off for now
//bestSuper = NULL;
// select the winning partition
long winnerMethod = bestMethod;
Partition *winnerPart = bestPart;
// if no super paritition...
//if ( bestSuper ) {
// winnerMethod = bestSuperMethod;
// winnerPart = bestSuper;
// log it
char *ms = "";
if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_TAGID ) ms = "tagid";
if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_DOM ) ms = "dom";
if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_DOM_PURE ) ms = "dompure";
if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_ABOVE_DOM ) ms = "abovedom";
if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_DOW ) ms = "dow";
if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_DOW_PURE ) ms = "dowpure";
if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_MONTH_PURE ) ms = "monthpure";
if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_ABOVE_DOW ) ms = "abovedow";
if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_INNER_TAGID ) ms = "innertagid";
if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_ABOVE_ADDR ) ms = "aboveaddr";
//if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_ABOVE_TOD ) ms = "abovetod";
//if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_EMPTY_TAG ) ms = "emptytag";
//if ( winnerMethod == METHOD_ATTRIBUTE ) ms = "attribute";
log("sections: inserting winner method=%s",ms);
// loop over his paritions and insert each one
for ( long i = 0 ; i < winnerPart->m_np ; i++ ) {
// get partition
long a = winnerPart->m_a[i];
long b = winnerPart->m_b[i];
// if it is a container around another container
// then it is pointeless
Section *cc = m_sectionPtrs[a];
if ( cc && cc->m_a == a && cc->m_b == b ) continue;
// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! insertSubSection( sk->m_parent ,
return -1;
// ok, flag it
addedPartition = true;
// return now if added no parititions
if ( ! addedPartition ) return 0;
// we gotta fix m_nextBrother,m_prevBrother after doing this
setNextBrotherPtrs ( false );
return 1;
// . vec? now has dups!
float computeSimilarity2 ( long *vec0 ,
long *vec1 ,
long *s0 , // corresponding scores vector
long *s1 , // corresponding scores vector
long niceness ,
SafeBuf *pbuf ,
HashTableX *labelTable ,
long nv0 ,
long nv1 ) {
// if both empty, assume not similar at all
if ( *vec0 == 0 && *vec1 == 0 ) return 0;
// if either is empty, return 0 to be on the safe side
if ( *vec0 == 0 ) return 0;
if ( *vec1 == 0 ) return 0;
HashTableX ht;
char hbuf[200000];
long phsize = 200000;
char *phbuf = hbuf;
// how many slots to allocate initially?
long need = 1024;
if ( nv0 > 0 ) need = nv0 * 4;
// do not use the buf on stack if need more...
if ( need > 16384 ) { phbuf = NULL; phsize = 0; }
// allow dups!
if ( ! ht.set ( 4,4,need,phbuf,phsize,true,niceness,"xmlqvtbl2"))
return -1;
// for deduping labels
HashTableX dedupLabels;
if ( labelTable )
bool useScores = (bool)s0;
long matches = 0;
long total = 0;
long matchScore = 0;
long totalScore = 0;
// hash first vector. accumulating score total and total count
for ( long *p = vec0; *p ; p++ , s0++ ) {
// count it
// get it
long score = 1;
// get the score if valid
if ( useScores ) score = *s0;
// total it up
totalScore += score;
// accumulate all the scores into this one bucket
// in the case of p being a dup
if ( ! ht.addTerm32 ( p , score ) ) return -1;
//long zero = 0;
// see what components of this vector match
for ( long *p = vec1; *p ; p++ , s1++ ) {
// count it
// get it
long score = 1;
// get the score if valid
if ( useScores ) score = *s1;
// and total scores
totalScore += score;
// is it in there?
long slot = ht.getSlot ( p );
// skip if unmatched
if ( slot < 0 ) {
// skip if not debugging
if ( ! pbuf ) continue;
// get the label ptr
char *pptr = (char *)labelTable->getValue((long *)p);
// record label in safeBuf if provided
dedupLabels.addTerm32 ( (long *)&pptr , score );
//dedupLabels.addTerm32 ( (long *)p );
// and then skip
// otherwise, it is a match!
// and score of what we matched
long *val = (long *)ht.getValueFromSlot ( slot );
// sanity check. does "vec1" have dups in it? shouldn't...
if ( *val == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// we get the min
long minScore ;
if ( *val < score ) minScore = *val;
else minScore = score;
// only matched "min" of them times 2!
matchScore += 2 * minScore;
// he is hit too
//matchScore += *val;
// how many were unmatched?
long unmatched = *val + score - (2*minScore);
// remove it as we match it to deal with dups
// once we match it once, do not match again, score was
// already accumulated
// otherwise, remove this dup and try to match any
// remaining dups in the table
ht.setValue ( slot , &unmatched ); // &zero
//ht.removeSlot ( slot );
// for debug add all remaining into dedup table
for ( long i = 0 ; labelTable && i < ht.getNumSlots(); i++ ) {
if ( ! ht.m_flags[i] ) continue;
uint32_t *unmatched = (uint32_t *)ht.getValueFromSlot (i);
if ( *unmatched == 0 ) continue;
// use the key to get the label ptr
long key = *(long *)ht.getKeyFromSlot(i);
char *pptr = (char *)labelTable->getValue(&key);
dedupLabels.addTerm32 ( (long *)&pptr , *unmatched );
// if after subtracting query terms we got no hits, return 0.framesets?
if ( useScores && totalScore == 0 ) return 0;
if ( total == 0 ) return 0;
// . what is the max possible score we coulda had?
// . subtract the vector components that matched a query term
float percent = 100 * (float)matchScore / (float)totalScore;
// sanity
if ( percent > 100 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( ! labelTable ) return percent;
// scan label table for labels
for ( long i = 0 ; i < dedupLabels.getNumSlots(); i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip empties
if ( ! dedupLabels.m_flags[i] ) continue;
// get hash
char **pptr = (char **)dedupLabels.getKeyFromSlot(i);
// and count
long count = dedupLabels.getScoreFromSlot(i);
// get label and count
char *str = *pptr;//(char *)labelTable->getValue(&h);
if ( count != 1 ) pbuf->safePrintf ( "%s(%li) ",str,count);
else pbuf->safePrintf ( "%s ",str);
return percent;
// . returns -1 if already got score for the suggested delimeter
// . returns -2 if suggested section cannot be a delimeter for the
// suggested method
// . returns -3 with g_errno set on error
// . returns 0 if no viable partition exists which has a domdow/tod pair
// in one interval of the partition and a domdow/tod pair in another
// interval of the partition
// . otherwise returns a postive score of the strength of the partition
// . assumes all sections with the same "getDelimHash() as "delim" are the
// first section in a particular partition cell
long Sections::getDelimScore ( Section *bro ,
char method ,
Section *delim ,
Partition *part ) {
// save it
Section *start = bro;
long dh = getDelimHash ( method , delim , start );
// bro must be certain type for some methods
if ( dh == -1 ) return -2;
// did we already do this dh?
if ( m_ct.isInTable ( &dh ) ) return -1;
// ignore brothers that are one of these tagids
// get the containing section
Section *container = bro->m_parent;
// sanity check... should all be brothers (same parent)
if ( delim->m_parent != container ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// the head section of a particular partition's section
Section *currDelim = bro;
// scores
long brosWithWords = 0;
long maxBrosWithWords = 0;
long bonus1 = 0;
long bonus2 = 0;
long bonus3 = 0;
#define MAX_COMPONENTS 15000
long nva = 0;
long nvb = 0;
pva[0] = 0;
pvb[0] = 0;
long *pvec = NULL;
long *pnum = NULL;
long *pscore = NULL;
bool firstDelim = true;
float simTotal = 0;
float minSim = 101.0;
long mina1 = -2;
long mina2 = -2;
long minTotalComponents=0;
Section *prevPrevStart = NULL;
Section *prevStart = NULL;
long simCount = 0;
long inserts = 0;
long skips = 0;
// no longer allow dups, keep a count of each hash now
char vhtbuf[92000];
HashTableX vht;
vht.set ( 4, 4 ,256,vhtbuf,92000,false,m_niceness,"vhttab");
long cellCount = 0;
SafeBuf minBuf;
HashTableX labels;
labels.set ( 4,65,20000,NULL,0,false,m_niceness,"lbldbug");
HashTableX *dbt = NULL;
SafeBuf sb;
SafeBuf *pbuf = NULL;
// assign for debug DEBUG DEBUG implied sections
//dbt = &labels;
//pbuf = &sb;
long np = 0;
long nonDelims = 0;
bool ignoreAbove = true;
// if delimeter is like an hr tag without text in it, then do include
// the stuff above its first occurence as part of the partition,
// otherwise, assume the stuff above the first occurence of "delim"
// is just header junk and should not be included. fixes
// which has an "<h2>" header to the brother list
// which should not be part of the partition we use.
//if ( delim->m_firstWordPos < 0 ) ignoreAbove = false;
// reset prev sentence
Section *prevSent = NULL;
Section *lastBro = NULL;
// scan the brothers
for ( ; ; bro = bro->m_nextBrother ) {
// breathe
// skip if bad
if ( bro && (bro->m_flags & badFlags) ) continue;
// if any brother is an implied section, stop!
if ( bro && (bro->m_baseHash == BH_IMPLIED ) ) return -2;
// get its hash
long h = 0LL ;
if ( bro ) h = getDelimHash ( method , bro , start );
// . check this out
// . don't return 0 because we make a vector of these hashes
// and computeSimilarity() assumes vectors are NULL term'd
if ( bro && h == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// once we hit the delimeter we stop ignoring
if ( h == dh ) ignoreAbove = false;
// if first time, ignore crap above the first delimeter occurnc
if ( ignoreAbove ) continue;
// count the section delimeter itself in this if not firstTime,
// and then we need two sections after that...?
//long need = 3;
// i guess the first time is reduced since it started
// the secCount at 0, and normally it starts at 1 (see below)
// but if we have like an hr tag delimeter then we only
// need two sections above it. this fixed so it
// got the first implied section and no longer missed it.
//if ( firstTime ) need = 2;
// update this for insertSubSection()
lastBro = bro;
if ( h == dh )
currDelim = bro;
// count non delimeter sections. at least one section
// must have text and not be a delimeter section
if ( h != dh && bro && bro->m_firstWordPos >= 0 )
// start a new partition?
if ( h == dh ) {
// start new one
part->m_a [np] = bro->m_a;
part->m_b [np] = bro->m_b;
part->m_firstBro [np] = bro;
part->m_np = np;
// if out of buffer space, note it and just do not
// do this partition
if ( np >= MAXCELLS ) {
log("sec: partition too big!!!");
return -2;
// always extend current partition
else if ( np > 0 && bro ) {
part->m_b[np-1] = bro->m_b;
// did we finalize a cell in the paritition?
bool getSimilarity = false;
// if we hit a delimiting brothers, calculate the similarity
// of the previous brothers
if ( h == dh ) getSimilarity = true;
// if we end the list of brothers...
if ( ! bro ) getSimilarity = true;
// empty partition?
if ( vht.isTableEmpty() ) getSimilarity = false;
// turn off for now
//mdwmdwgetSimilarity = false;
// only need this for tag based method now
//if ( method != METHOD_TAGID ) getSimilarity = false;
// convert our hashtable into a vector and compare to
// vector of previous parition cell if we hit a delimeter
// section or have overrun the list (bro == NULL)
if ( getSimilarity ) {
// if we have been hashing sentences in the previous
// brothers, then hash the last sentence as a previous
// sentence to a NULL sentence after it.
// as a kind of boundary thing. i.e. "*last* sentence
// is in header tag, etc." just like how we hash the
// first sentence with "NULL" as the previous sentence.
if (!hashSentBits(NULL,&vht,container,0,dbt,NULL))
return -3;
if (!hashSentPairs(prevSent,NULL,&vht,container,dbt))
return -3;
// reset this since it is talking about sentences
// just in the partition cell
prevSent = NULL;
// inc this for flip flopping which vector we use
// what vector was used last?
if ( (cellCount & 0x01) == 0x00 ) {
pvec = pvb;
pnum = &nvb;
pscore = svb;
else {
pvec = pva;
pnum = &nva;
pscore = sva;
// reset vector size
*pnum = 0;
// convert vht to vector
for ( long i = 0 ; i < vht.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if empty
if ( ! vht.m_flags[i] ) continue;
// add it otherwise
pvec[*pnum] = *(long *)(&vht.m_keys[i*4]);
// add score
pscore[*pnum] = *(long *)(&vht.m_vals[i*4]);
// sanity
if ( pscore[*pnum] <= 0){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// inc component count
*pnum = *pnum + 1;
// how is this?
if(*pnum>=MAX_COMPONENTS){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// null temrinate
pvec[*pnum] = 0;
// . this func is defined in XmlDoc.cpp
// . vec0 is last partitions vector of delim hashes
// . this allows us to see if each section in our
// partition consists of the same sequence of
// section "types"
// . TODO: just compare pva to pvb and vice versa and
// then take the best one of those two compares!
// that way one can be a SUBSET of the other and
// we can get a 100% "sim"
float sim = computeSimilarity2( pva ,
pvb ,
sva , // scores
svb , // scores
m_niceness ,
pbuf ,
dbt ,
nva ,
nvb );
// add up all sims
if ( cellCount >= 2 ) { // ! firstTime ) {
simTotal += sim;
if ( cellCount >= 2 && sim < minSim ) {
minSim = sim;
if ( prevPrevStart ) mina1=prevPrevStart->m_a;
else mina1 = -1;
if ( prevStart ) mina2 = prevStart->m_a;
else mina2 = -1;
minTotalComponents = nva + nvb;
// copy to our buf then
if ( pbuf )
minBuf.safeMemcpy ( pbuf );
// a new head
//currDelim = bro;
// reset vht for next partition cell to call
// hashSentenceBits() into
if ( h == dh && brosWithWords >= 1 && ! firstDelim )
else if ( h == dh && ! firstDelim )
else if ( ! bro )
// sometimes we have a couple of back to back lines
// that are like "M-F 8-5\n" and "Saturdays 8-6" and we do not
// want them to make implied sections because it would
// split them up wierd like for
// had 3 sentences:
// "9 am. - 6 pm. Mon. - Sat.\n"
// "Thur. 9 am. - 7 pm. Sun. 10 am - 4 pm.\n"
// "Books, Furniture, Toys, TV's, Jewelry, Household Items\n"
// and we were making an implied section around the last
// two sentences, which messed everything up.
// so let's add this code here to fix that.
if ( h == dh &&
// this means basically back-to-back delimeters
brosWithWords <= 1 &&
// if we got a timeofday that is indicative of a schedule
(bro->m_flags & SEC_HAS_TOD) &&
! firstDelim )
return -2;
// reset some stuff
if ( h == dh ) {
firstDelim = false;
brosWithWords = 0;
prevPrevStart = prevStart;
prevStart = bro;
// . count sections.
// . now we only count if they have text to avoid pointless
// implied sections for
// . do not count delimeter sections towards this since
// delimeter sections START a partition cell
if ( bro && bro->m_firstWordPos >= 0 )
// keep a max on # of brothers with words in a given
// partition cell. if all have just one such section
// then no need to paritition at all!
if ( brosWithWords > maxBrosWithWords )
maxBrosWithWords = brosWithWords;
//if ( h == dh && delim->m_a==525 && bro->m_a>=521 &&
// container->m_a == 521 &&
// log("hey");
//if ( h == dh &&
// delim->m_a==657 &&
// //bro->m_a>=521 &&
// container->m_a == 655 &&
// method == METHOD_INNER_TAGID )
// log("hey");
// scan all sentences in this section and use them to
// make a vector which we store in the hashtable "vht"
for ( Section *sx=bro; sx &&sx->m_a<bro->m_b;sx = sx->m_next) {
// mdwmdw break;
// breathe
// skip if not sentence
if ( ! (sx->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE) ) continue;
// . store its vector components into hashtable
// . store tagids preceeding sentence
// . store tagid pairs preceeding sentence
// . store SENT_* flags
// . store SENT_* flags with prev sent SENT_* flags
// . store hash of first word? last word?
// . store SEC_HAS_MONTH/TOD/DOM/...
// . should particular singles or pairs be weighted
// more than normal when doing the final compare
// between two adjacent implied sections in
// the partition?
if (!hashSentBits(sx ,&vht,container,0,dbt,NULL))
return -3;
if (!hashSentPairs(prevSent,sx,&vht,container,dbt))
return -3;
// set this
prevSent = sx;
// stop when brother list exhausted
if ( ! bro ) break;
// cache it
if ( ! m_ct.addKey ( &dh ) ) return -3;
//if ( last != currDelim && brosWithWords >= 2 )
// inserts++;
//else if ( last != currDelim )
// skips++;
// if no winners mdwmdw
if ( minSim > 100.0 ) return -2;
if ( maxBrosWithWords <= 1 ) return -2;
if ( inserts <= 1 ) return -2;
// at least one brother must NOT be a delimeter section and have text
if ( nonDelims <= 0 ) return -2;
// . empty tags always win
// . this should not hurt anything...
// . do this AFTER we've inserted all the big sections because it
// hurts large partitions like for "AUGUST" for
// because that needs to be in one big section
// if ( method == METHOD_EMPTY_TAG ) minSim = 200.0;
//if ( minSim < 40.0 ) return -2;
//if ( minSim < 60.0 && inserts == 2 ) return -2;
// . METHOD_TAGID has to be really strong to work, since tags are
// so flaky in general
// . depends on this but shold probably use a
// METHOD_ABOVE_TOD_PURE or something or do hr splits before
// adding implied sections?
// . this should also fix from adding tagid
// based implied sections that are screwing it up by grouping its
// tods up with the address below rather than the address above,
// since the address below is already claimed by the 6pm parking time
if ( minSim < 80.00 && method == METHOD_TAGID ) return -2;
if ( minSim < 80.00 && method == METHOD_INNER_TAGID ) return -2;
// special case. require at least two DOM sections for this method.
// this fixes
// where we were splitting its <description> tag for the win your
// own home raffle so that the date of the event got into the same
// section as a location of where the home you could win was, instead
// of being in the same implied section as the event address. now
// that i added this contraint we once again partition by the double
// br tags so it works right now. we needed the METHOD_BR_DOM to fix
// which was not
// splitting well with the METHOD_DOM i guess because "skips" was
// too high? because some sentences contained just the dom and the
// event description and perhaps were seen as contentless partitions??
// perhaps we could also fix METHOD_DOM to deal with that rather than
// add this new method, METHOD_BR_DOM
// MDW: see if trumba still works without this!
//if ( method == METHOD_BR_DOM && inserts <= 2 )
// return -2;
// add the last part of the list
//if ( partition && last != currDelim && brosWithWords >= 2 )
// // if inserting implied sections, add the previous one
// if ( ! insertSubSection ( currDelim->m_parent ,
// currDelim->m_a ,
// last->m_b , // end
// // return -3 with g_errno set on error
// return -3;
// return -2 if no applicable partition of two or more intervals
//if ( inserts <= 1 ) return -2;
// super bonus if all 100% (exactly the same)
float avgSim = simTotal / simCount;
// use this now
// . very interesting: it only slighly insignificantly changes
// one url, graypanthers, if we use the avgSim vs. the minSim.
// . i prefer minSim because it does not give an advantage to
// many smaller sections vs. fewer larger sections in partition.
// . later we should probably consider doing a larger partition first
// then paritioning those larger sections further. like looking
// ahead a move in a chess game. should better partition
// methinks this way
//bonus1 = (long)(avgSim * 100);
bonus1 = (long)(minSim * 1000);
// i added the "* 2" to fix because it was starting each
// section the the <table> tag section but had a high badCount,
// so this is kind of a hack...
//long total = goodCount * 10000 - badCount * 2 * 9000;
long total = 0;
total += bonus1;
// debug output
char *ms = "";
if ( method == METHOD_TAGID ) ms = "tagid";
if ( method == METHOD_DOM ) ms = "dom";
if ( method == METHOD_DOM_PURE ) ms = "dompure";
if ( method == METHOD_ABOVE_DOM ) ms = "abovedom";
if ( method == METHOD_DOW ) ms = "dow";
if ( method == METHOD_DOW_PURE ) ms = "dowpure";
if ( method == METHOD_MONTH_PURE ) ms = "monthpure";
if ( method == METHOD_ABOVE_DOW ) ms = "abovedow";
if ( method == METHOD_INNER_TAGID ) ms = "innertagid";
if ( method == METHOD_ABOVE_ADDR ) ms = "aboveaddr";
//if ( method == METHOD_ABOVE_TOD ) ms = "abovetod";
//if ( method == METHOD_EMPTY_TAG ) ms = "emptytag";
//if ( method == METHOD_ATTRIBUTE ) ms = "attribute";
// skip this for now
//return total;
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"sec: 1stbro=%lu "
"nondelims=%li "
"total=%li "
"bonus1=%li "
"bonus2=%li "
"bonus3=%li "
"avgSim=%.02f "
"minSim=%.02f "
"totalcomps=%li "
"inserts=%li "
"skips=%li "
"containera=%li "
//"goodcount=%li badcount=%li "
"dhA=%li method=%s",
// show the difference in the two adjacent brother sections that
// resulted in the min similarity
// NOTE: using the log() it was truncating us!! so use stderr
fprintf(stderr,"sec: mina1=%li mina2=%li "
"missingbits=%s\n", mina1,mina2, minBuf.getBufStart());
// return score
return total;
char *getSentBitLabel ( sentflags_t sf ) {
if ( sf == SENT_HAS_COLON ) return "hascolon";
if ( sf == SENT_AFTER_COLON ) return "aftercolon";
//if ( sf == SENT_DUP_SECTION ) return "dupsection";
if ( sf == SENT_BAD_FIRST_WORD ) return "badfirstword";
if ( sf == SENT_MIXED_CASE ) return "mixedcase";
if ( sf == SENT_MIXED_CASE_STRICT ) return "mixedcasestrict";
if ( sf == SENT_POWERED_BY ) return "poweredby";
if ( sf == SENT_MULT_EVENTS ) return "multevents";
if ( sf == SENT_PAGE_REPEAT ) return "pagerepeat";
if ( sf == SENT_NUMBERS_ONLY ) return "numbersonly";
if ( sf == SENT_IN_ADDRESS ) return "inaddr";
if ( sf == SENT_SECOND_TITLE ) return "secondtitle";
if ( sf == SENT_IS_DATE ) return "allwordsindate";
if ( sf == SENT_LAST_STOP ) return "laststop";
if ( sf == SENT_NUMBER_START ) return "numberstarts";
//if ( sf == SENT_HASEVENTADDRESS ) return "haseventaddress";
//if ( sf == SENT_PRETTY ) return "pretty";
//if ( sf == SENT_NO_PREV_BROTHER ) return "noprevbro";
//if ( sf == SENT_NO_NEXT_BROTHER ) return "nonextbro";
if ( sf == SENT_IN_HEADER ) return "inheader";
//if ( sf == SENT_DONOTPRINT ) return "donotprint";
if ( sf == SENT_IN_LIST ) return "inlist";
if ( sf == SENT_IN_BIG_LIST ) return "inbiglist";
if ( sf == SENT_COLON_ENDS ) return "colonends";
if ( sf == SENT_IN_ADDRESS_NAME ) return "inaddressname";
if ( sf == SENT_IN_TITLEY_TAG ) return "intitleytag";
if ( sf == SENT_CITY_STATE ) return "citystate";
if ( sf == SENT_PRICEY ) return "pricey";
if ( sf == (sentflags_t)SENT_HAS_PRICE ) return "hasprice";
if ( sf == SENT_PERIOD_ENDS ) return "periodends";
if ( sf == SENT_HAS_PHONE ) return "hasphone";
if ( sf == SENT_IN_MENU ) return "inmenu";
if ( sf == SENT_MIXED_TEXT ) return "mixedtext";
if ( sf == SENT_TAGS ) return "senttags";
if ( sf == SENT_INTITLEFIELD ) return "intitlefield";
if ( sf == SENT_INPLACEFIELD ) return "inplacefield";
if ( sf == SENT_STRANGE_PUNCT ) return "strangepunct";
if ( sf == SENT_TAG_INDICATOR ) return "tagindicator";
//if ( sf == SENT_GENERIC_WORDS ) return "genericwords";
if ( sf == SENT_INNONTITLEFIELD ) return "innontitlefield";
//if ( sf == SENT_TOO_MANY_WORDS ) return "toomanywords";
if ( sf == SENT_HASNOSPACE ) return "hasnospace";
if ( sf == SENT_IS_BYLINE ) return "isbyline";
if ( sf == SENT_NON_TITLE_FIELD ) return "nontitlefield";
if ( sf == SENT_TITLE_FIELD ) return "titlefield";
if ( sf == SENT_UNIQUE_TAG_HASH ) return "uniquetaghash";
if ( sf == SENT_AFTER_SENTENCE ) return "aftersentence";
if ( sf == SENT_WORD_SANDWICH ) return "wordsandwich";
if ( sf == SENT_AFTER_SPACER ) return "afterspacer";
if ( sf == SENT_BEFORE_SPACER ) return "beforespacer";
if ( sf == SENT_LOCATION_SANDWICH ) return "locationsandwich";
if ( sf == SENT_NUKE_FIRST_WORD ) return "nukefirstword";
if ( sf == SENT_FIELD_NAME ) return "fieldname";
if ( sf == SENT_PERIOD_ENDS_HARD ) return "periodends2";
if ( sf == SENT_PARENS_START ) return "parensstart";
if ( sf == SENT_IN_MENU_HEADER ) return "inmenuheader";
if ( sf == SENT_IN_TRUMBA_TITLE ) return "intrumbatitle";
if ( sf == SENT_PLACE_NAME ) return "placename";
if ( sf == SENT_CONTAINS_PLACE_NAME ) return "containsplacename";
if ( sf == SENT_FORMTABLE_FIELD ) return "formtablefield";
if ( sf == SENT_FORMTABLE_VALUE ) return "formtablevalue";
if ( sf == SENT_IN_TAG ) return "intag";
if ( sf == SENT_OBVIOUS_PLACE ) return "obviousplace";
//if ( sf == SENT_ONROOTPAGE ) return "onrootpage";
if ( sf == SENT_HASSOMEEVENTSDATE ) return "hassomeeventsdate";
//if ( sf == SENT_EVENT_ENDING ) return "eventending";
if ( sf == SENT_HASTITLEWORDS ) return "hastitlewords";
//if ( sf == SENT_CLOSETODATE ) return "closetodate";
//if ( sf == SENT_GOODEVENTSTART ) return "goodeventstart";
if ( sf == SENT_BADEVENTSTART ) return "badeventstart";
if ( sf == SENT_MENU_SENTENCE ) return "menusentence";
if ( sf == SENT_PRETTY ) return "pretty";
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return NULL;
static sentflags_t s_sentFlags[] = {
//SENT_PERIOD_ENDS, already have periodend2
char *getSecBitLabel ( sec_t sf ) {
if ( sf == SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER ) return "headingcontainer";
if ( sf == SEC_PLAIN_TEXT ) return "plaintext";
if ( sf == SEC_HAS_TOD ) return "hastod";
if ( sf == SEC_HAS_DOW ) return "hasdow";
if ( sf == SEC_HAS_MONTH ) return "hasmonth";
if ( sf == SEC_HAS_DOM ) return "hasdom";
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return NULL;
static sec_t s_secFlags[] = {
bool addLabel ( HashTableX *labelTable ,
long key ,
char *label ) {
if ( key == 1021574190 )
log("got it");
// if in there, make sure agrees
char *ptr = (char *)labelTable->getValue (&key);
if ( ptr ) {
// compare sanity check
if ( strcmp(ptr,label) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
return true;
// see if label already exists under different key
for ( long i = 0 ; i < labelTable->m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
if ( ! labelTable->m_flags[i] ) continue;
char *v = (char *)labelTable->getValueFromSlot(i);
if ( strcmp(v,label) ) continue;
long k1 = *(long *)labelTable->getKeyFromSlot(i);
log("sec: key=%li oldk=%li",key,k1);
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// add it otherwise
return labelTable->addKey ( &key, label );
// . if sx is NULL then prevSent will be the last sentence in partition cell
// . use the hashtable
bool Sections::hashSentBits (Section *sx ,
HashTableX *vht ,
Section *container ,
uint32_t mod ,
HashTableX *labelTable ,
char *modLabel ) {
long n;
long count = 0;
char sbuf [ MAXLABELSIZE ];
if ( ! sx ) {
// if no mod, we do not hash sent bits for NULL sentences
if ( ! mod ) return true;
// mix up
uint32_t key = (mod << 8) ^ 72263;
// use that
if ( ! vht->addTerm32 ( &key) ) return false;
// if no debug, done
if ( ! labelTable ) return true;
// for debug
return true;
n = sizeof(s_sentFlags)/sizeof(sentflags_t);
// handle SENT_* flags
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ , count++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if bit is off
if ( ! (sx->m_sentFlags & s_sentFlags[i] ) ) continue;
// set key
uint32_t key = g_hashtab[count/256][count%256];
// mod it?
key ^= mod;
// now put that into our vector
if ( ! vht->addTerm32 ( &key ) ) return false;
// add to our label table too
if ( ! labelTable ) continue;
// convert sentence bit to text description
char *str = getSentBitLabel ( s_sentFlags[i] );
// store in buffer
if ( modLabel )
sprintf ( sbuf,"%s%s", modLabel,str );
sprintf ( sbuf,"%s", str );
// make sure X chars or less
if ( strlen(sbuf)>= MAXLABELSIZE-1) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// store
if ( ! addLabel(labelTable,key,sbuf ) ) return false;
n = sizeof(s_secFlags)/sizeof(sec_t);
// and for SEC_* flags
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ , count++ ) {
// breathe
// mod it with the value for sentence "sx"
if ( sx && ! (sx->m_flags & s_secFlags[i]) ) continue;
// set key
uint32_t key = g_hashtab[count/256][count%256];
// mod it?
key ^= mod;
// now put that into our vector
if ( ! vht->addTerm32 ( &key ) ) return false;
// add to our label table too
if ( ! labelTable ) continue;
// convert sentence bit to text description
char *str = getSecBitLabel ( s_secFlags[i] );
// store in buffer
if ( modLabel )
sprintf ( sbuf,"%s%s", modLabel,str );
sprintf ( sbuf,"%s", str );
// make sure X chars or less
if ( strlen(sbuf)>= MAXLABELSIZE-1) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// store
if ( ! addLabel(labelTable,key,sbuf ) ) return false;
// and tag sections we are in
for ( Section *sp = sx->m_parent ; sp ; sp = sp->m_parent ) {
// stop when not in container anymore
if ( container && ! container->contains ( sp ) ) break;
// breathe
// skip if no tag id
if ( ! sp->m_tagId ) continue;
// otherwise, use it
uint32_t key = sp->m_tagId;
// mod it?
key ^= mod;
// now put that into our vector
if ( ! vht->addTerm32 ( &key ) ) return false;
// add to our label table too
if ( ! labelTable ) continue;
// convert sentence bit to text description
char *str = getTagName(sp->m_tagId);
if ( modLabel ) sprintf ( sbuf,"%s%s", modLabel,str);
else sprintf ( sbuf,"%s", str );
// make sure X chars or less
if ( strlen(sbuf)>= MAXLABELSIZE-1) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// store
if ( ! addLabel(labelTable,key,sbuf ) ) return false;
return true;
// . if sx is NULL then prevSent will be the last sentence in partition cell
// . use the hashtable
bool Sections::hashSentPairs (Section *sx ,
Section *sb ,
HashTableX *vht ,
Section *container ,
HashTableX *labelTable ) {
// only one can be NULL
if ( ! sx && ! sb ) return true;
long n;
long count = 0;
char *str = NULL;
char sbuf [ MAXLABELSIZE ];
if ( ! sx ) {
// mix up
uint32_t mod = 9944812;
// for debug
// try to pair up with that
return hashSentBits ( sb, vht,container,mod,labelTable,sbuf);
n = sizeof(s_sentFlags)/sizeof(sentflags_t);
// handle SENT_* flags
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ , count++ ) {
// breathe
// mod it with the value for sentence "sx"
if ( sx && ! ( sx->m_sentFlags & s_sentFlags[i]) ) continue;
// set key
uint32_t key = g_hashtab[count/256][count%256];
// mod that
uint32_t mod = key << 8;
// add to our label table too
if ( labelTable ) {
// convert sentence bit to text description
char *str = getSentBitLabel ( s_sentFlags[i] );
// store in buffer
sprintf ( sbuf , "%s*", str );
// make sure X chars or less
if(strlen(sbuf)>=MAXLABELSIZE-1){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// hash sentenceb with that mod
if ( ! hashSentBits ( sb, vht,container,mod,labelTable,sbuf))
return false;
n = sizeof(s_secFlags)/sizeof(sec_t);
// and for SEC_* flags
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ , count++ ) {
// breathe
// mod it with the value for sentence "sx"
if ( sx && !(sx->m_flags & s_secFlags[i] ) ) continue;
// set key
uint32_t key = g_hashtab[count/256][count%256];
// mod that
uint32_t mod = key << 8;
// add to our label table too
if ( labelTable ) {
// convert sentence bit to text description
char *str = getSecBitLabel ( s_secFlags[i] );
// store in buffer
sprintf ( sbuf , "%s*", str );
// make sure X chars or less
if(strlen(sbuf)>=MAXLABELSIZE-1){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// hash sentenceb with that mod
if ( ! hashSentBits ( sb, vht, container,mod,labelTable,sbuf))
return false;
// and tag sections we are in
for ( Section *sp = sx->m_parent ; sp ; sp = sp->m_parent ) {
// stop when not in container anymore
if ( container && ! container->contains ( sp ) ) break;
// breathe
// skip if no tag id
if ( ! sp->m_tagId ) continue;
// otherwise, use it
uint32_t key = sp->m_tagId;
// mod that
uint32_t mod = (key<<8) ^ 45644;
// fake it
if ( labelTable ) {
// convert sentence bit to text description
sprintf(sbuf,"%s*", getTagName(sp->m_tagId) );
str = sbuf;
// if no mod, then do the pairs now
if ( ! hashSentBits ( sb,vht,container,mod,labelTable,str))
return false;
return true;
// . don't return 0 because we make a vector of these hashes
// and computeSimilarity() assumes vectors are NULL term'd. return -1 instead
long Sections::getDelimHash ( char method , Section *bro , Section *head ) {
// now all must have text!
//if ( bro->m_firstWordPos < 0 ) return -1;
// if has no text give it a slightly different hash because these
// sections are often seen as delimeters
long mod = 0;
if ( bro->m_firstWordPos < 0 ) mod = 3405873;
// this is really a fix for the screwed up sections in
// which have
// a dom and then the tod. sometimes the dom is in the same sentence
// section as the tod and other times it isn't. so we have a list of
// dom/tod/domtod sections that are brothers. but they are partitioned
// by the br tag, but the dom following the br tag sometimes has
// extra text after it like "To be announced", so we just required
// that the first word be a date.
if ( method == METHOD_BR_DOM ) {
if ( bro->m_tagId != TAG_BR ) return -1;
// get next
Section *next = bro->m_nextBrother;
// must have section after
if ( ! next ) return -1;
// must be a sort of heading like "Jul 24"
//if ( !(next->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
// !(next->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) )
// return -1;
// section after must have dom
if ( ! (next->m_flags & SEC_HAS_DOM) ) return -1;
// now it must be all date words
long a = next->m_firstWordPos;
long b = next->m_lastWordPos;
// sanity check
if ( a < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// scan
for ( long i = a ; i <= b ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not wid
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// first word must be in date
if ( ! ( m_bits->m_bits[i] & D_IS_IN_DATE ) )
return -1;
// ok, that's good enough!
// we're good!
return 8888;
// . single br tags not allowed to be implied section delimeters any
// more for no specific reason but seems to be the right way to go
// . this hurts the url, which has single br lines
// each with its own DOM, so let's allow br tags in that case
if ( m_tids[bro->m_a] == TAG_BR && bro->m_a + 1 == bro->m_b )
return -1;
// <P></P>
if ( method == METHOD_EMPTY_TAG ) {
// . and also uses <br><br> which
// looks the same as <p></p> when rendered
// . and this is not a single br tag since that is eliminated
// by the return statement right above us
// . damn, they had the brbr in a <p> tag with other text so
// this was not fixing that ... so i took it out to be safe
// . now i need this for which use
// double brs otherwise i get mutliple locations error
if ( bro->m_tagId == TAG_BR )
return 777777;
// must be a p tag for now
if ( bro->m_tagId != TAG_P ) return -1;
// and empty. if it has alnum words in it, return -1
if ( bro->m_firstWordPos >= 0 ) return -1;
// images count as words i guess to fix
if ( containsTagId ( bro , TAG_IMG ) ) return -1;
// use a special hash
return 777777;
if ( method == METHOD_MONTH_PURE ) {
// must be a sort of heading like "Jul 24"
if ( !(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
!(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) )
return -1;
if ( ! (bro->m_flags & SEC_HAS_MONTH) )
return -1;
// skip if also have daynum, we just want the month and
// maybe the year...
if ( (bro->m_flags & SEC_HAS_DOM) )
return -1;
// now it must be all date words
long a = bro->m_firstWordPos;
long b = bro->m_lastWordPos;
// sanity check
if ( a < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// scan
for ( long i = a ; i <= b ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not wid
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// must be in date
if ( ! ( m_bits->m_bits[i] & D_IS_IN_DATE ) )
return -1;
// do not collide with tagids
return 999999;
// are we partitioning by tagid?
if ( method == METHOD_TAGID ) {
long tid = bro->m_tagId;
// . map a strong tag to h4 since they look the same!
// . should fix metropolis url
if ( tid == TAG_STRONG ) tid = TAG_H4;
if ( tid == TAG_B ) tid = TAG_H4;
if ( tid ) return tid;
// . use -1 to indicate can't be a delimeter
// . this should fix which lost
// "Wedding cakes..." as part of description because it
// called it an SEC_MENU_HEADER because an implied section
// was inserted and placed it at the top so it had nothing
// above it so-to-speak and was able to be a menu header.
if ( bro->m_baseHash == BH_SENTENCE ) return -1;
// if 0 use base hash
return bro->m_baseHash ^ mod;
// stole this function logic from getBaseHash2()
if ( method == METHOD_ATTRIBUTE ) {
// assume this
long bh = bro->m_tagHash; // Id;
// for sentence sections, etc...
if ( bh == 0 ) bh = bro->m_baseHash;
// do not allow sentences (see comment above)
if ( bro->m_baseHash == BH_SENTENCE ) return -1;
// . make heading sections different
// . this was wrong for
// so i commented it out to get the proper h3/h2 headers
//if ( bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER)
// bh ^= 0x789123;
return bh ^ mod;
if ( method == METHOD_INNER_TAGID ) {
Section *last = bro;
// scan to right to find first kid
for ( Section *nn = bro->m_next ; nn ; nn = nn->m_next ) {
// breathe
// stop if not contained
if ( ! last->contains ( nn ) ) break;
// ignore sentences because they alternate with
// the strong tags used in and
// mess things up. some are <x><strong><sent> and
// some are <x><sent>blah blah<strong>.
// THIS IS NOT THE BEST WAY to fix this issue. i think
// we need to put the sentence sections outside the
// strong sections when possible? not sure.
if ( nn->m_baseHash == BH_SENTENCE ) continue;
// stop if it directly contains text DIRECTLY
// to fix <p> blah <a href> blah</a> </p> for
//, so we stop at the <p> tag and do
// not use the <a> tag as the inner tag id.
// CRAP, we do not have this set yet...
//if ( ! ( nn->m_flags & SEC_NOTEXT ) ) break;
// just do it this way then
if ( nn->m_a +1 < m_nw &&
m_wids[nn->m_a + 1] )
if ( nn->m_a +2 < m_nw &&
! m_tids[nn->m_a+1] &&
m_wids[nn->m_a + 2] )
// update
last = nn;
// do not allow sentences (see comment above)
if ( last->m_baseHash == BH_SENTENCE ) return -1;
// make it a little different from regular tagid
return last->m_tagId ^ 34908573 ^ mod;
if ( method == METHOD_DOM ) {
// need a dom of course (day of month)
if ( ! (bro->m_flags & SEC_HAS_DOM) )
return -1;
// we require it also have another type because DOM is
// quite fuzzy and matches all these little numbers in
// xml docs like's xml feed
if ( ! (bro->m_flags &
return -1;
// if you aren't pure you should at least be in a tag
// or something. don't allow regular sentences for now...
// otherwise we get a few sections that aren't good for
// because it has a few sentences
// mentioning the day of month (april 16 2011). but those
// sections should be split by the double br tags.
if ( bro->m_sentFlags & SENT_MIXED_CASE )
return -1;
// . must be a sort of heading like "Jul 24"
// . without this we were getting bad implied sections
// for tennisoncampus because the section had a sentence
// with a bunch of sentences... BUT what does this hurt??
// . it hurts anja when we require this stuff here on
// beause it is
// unclear that her event should be boxed in...
if ( !(bro->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE) &&
!(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
!(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) )
return -1;
// do not collide with tagids
return 11111;
if ( method == METHOD_DOM_PURE ) {
// must be a sort of heading like "Jul 24"
if ( !(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
!(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) )
return -1;
if ( ! (bro->m_flags & SEC_HAS_DOM) )
return -1;
// now it must be all date words
long a = bro->m_firstWordPos;
long b = bro->m_lastWordPos;
// sanity check
if ( a < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// scan
for ( long i = a ; i <= b ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not wid
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// must be in date
if ( ! ( m_bits->m_bits[i] & D_IS_IN_DATE ) )
return -1;
// do not collide with tagids
return 55555;
if ( method == METHOD_ABOVE_DOM ) {
// we cannot have a dom ourselves to reduce the problem
// with of repeating the dom
// in the body and getting a false header.
if ( bro->m_flags & SEC_HAS_DOM )
return -1;
Section *nb = bro->m_nextBrother;
if ( ! nb )
return -1;
// skip empties like image tags
if ( nb->m_firstWordPos < 0 )
nb = nb->m_nextBrother;
if ( ! nb )
return -1;
// must be a sort of heading like "Jul 24"
//if ( !(nb->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
// !(nb->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) )
// return -1;
if ( ! ( nb->m_flags & SEC_HAS_DOM ) )
return -1;
// require we be in a tag
if ( !(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
!(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) )
return -1;
// do not collide with tagids
return 22222;
if ( method == METHOD_DOW ) {
// must be a sort of heading like "Jul 24"
if ( !(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
!(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) )
return -1;
if ( ! (bro->m_flags & SEC_HAS_DOW) )
return -1;
// do not collide with tagids
return 33333;
if ( method == METHOD_DOW_PURE ) {
// had
// "Thursdays Pay What You Wish Performances" and so it
// was not getting an implied section set, so let's do away
// with the pure dow algo and see what happens.
return -1;
// must be a sort of heading like "Jul 24"
//if ( !(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
// !(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) )
// return -1;
if ( ! (bro->m_flags & SEC_HAS_DOW) )
return -1;
// this is causing core
if ( bro->m_tagId == TAG_TC ) return -1;
// now it must be all date words
long a = bro->m_firstWordPos;
long b = bro->m_lastWordPos;
// sanity check
if ( a < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// scan
for ( long i = a ; i <= b ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not wid
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// must be in date
if ( ! ( m_bits->m_bits[i] & D_IS_IN_DATE ) )
return -1;
// do not collide with tagids
return 66666;
if ( method == METHOD_ABOVE_DOW ) {
// must be a sort of heading like "Jul 24"
if ( !(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
!(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) )
return -1;
Section *nb = bro->m_nextBrother;
if ( ! nb )
return -1;
if ( ! ( nb->m_flags & SEC_HAS_DOW ) )
return -1;
// next sentence not set yet, so figure it out
Section *sent = nb;
// scan for it
for ( ; sent ; sent = sent->m_next ) {
// breathe
// stop we got a sentence section now
if ( sent->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) break;
// might have been last sentence already
if ( ! sent )
return -1;
// . next SENTENCE must have the dow
// . should fix santafeplayhouse from making crazy
// implied sections
if ( ! (sent->m_flags & SEC_HAS_DOW) )
return -1;
// do not collide with tagids
return 44444;
if ( method == METHOD_ABOVE_ADDR ) {
// must be a sort of heading like "11. San Pedro Library"
// for
if ( !(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
!(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) )
return -1;
Section *nb = bro->m_nextBrother;
if ( ! nb )
return -1;
if ( ! nb->m_addrXor )
return -1;
// next sentence not set yet, so figure it out
Section *sent = nb;
// scan for it
for ( ; sent ; sent = sent->m_next ) {
// breathe
// stop we got a sentence section now
if ( sent->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) break;
// might have been last sentence already
if ( ! sent )
return -1;
// . next SENTENCE must have the addr
// . should fix santafeplayhouse from making crazy
// implied sections
if ( ! sent->m_addrXor )
return -1;
// do not collide with tagids
return 77777;
if ( method == METHOD_ABOVE_TOD ) {
// must be a sort of heading like "Jul 24"
if ( !(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) &&
!(bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) )
return -1;
Section *nb = bro->m_nextBrother;
if ( ! nb )
return -1;
if ( ! ( nb->m_flags & SEC_HAS_TOD ) )
return -1;
// next sentence not set yet, so figure it out
Section *sent = nb;
// scan for it
for ( ; sent ; sent = sent->m_next ) {
// breathe
// stop we got a sentence section now
if ( sent->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) break;
// next SENTENCE must have the tod
if ( ! (sent->m_flags & SEC_HAS_TOD) )
return -1;
// do not collide with tagids
return 444333;
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return 0;
// . PROBLEM: because we ignore non-breaking tags we often get sections
// that are really not sentences, but we are forced into them because
// we cannot split span or bold tags
// i.e. "<div>This is <b>a sentence. And this</b> is a sentence.</div>"
// forces us to treat the entire div tag as a sentence section.
// . i did add some logic to ignore those (the two for-k loops below) but then
// Address.cpp cores because it expects every alnum word to be in a sentence
// . now make sure to shrink into our current parent if we would not lose
// alnum chars!! fixes sentence flip flopping
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Sections::addSentenceSections ( ) {
m_numSentenceSections = 0;
sec_t badFlags =
// shortcut
Section **sp = m_sectionPtrs;
static bool s_init = false;
static long long h_in;
static long long h_at;
static long long h_for;
static long long h_to;
static long long h_on;
static long long h_under;
static long long h_with;
static long long h_along;
static long long h_from;
static long long h_by;
static long long h_of;
static long long h_some;
static long long h_the;
static long long h_and;
static long long h_a;
static long long h_p;
static long long h_m;
static long long h_am;
static long long h_pm;
static long long h_http;
static long long h_https;
static long long h_room;
static long long h_rm;
static long long h_bldg;
static long long h_building;
static long long h_suite;
static long long h_ste;
static long long h_tags;
//static long long h_noon;
//static long long h_midnight;
if ( ! s_init ) {
s_init = true;
h_tags = hash64n("tags");
h_in = hash64n("in");
h_the = hash64n("the");
h_and = hash64n("and");
h_a = hash64n("a");
h_p = hash64n("p");
h_m = hash64n("m");
h_am = hash64n("am");
h_pm = hash64n("pm");
h_a = hash64n("a");
h_at = hash64n("at");
h_for = hash64n("for");
h_to = hash64n("to");
h_on = hash64n("on");
h_under = hash64n("under");
h_with = hash64n("with");
h_along = hash64n("along");
h_from = hash64n("from");
h_by = hash64n("by");
h_of = hash64n("of");
h_some = hash64n("some");
h_http = hash64n("http");
h_https = hash64n("https");
h_room = hash64n("room");
h_rm = hash64n("rm");
h_bldg = hash64n("bldg");
h_building = hash64n("building");
h_suite = hash64n("suite");
h_ste = hash64n("ste");
//h_noon = hash64n("noon");
//h_midnight = hash64n("midnight");
// need D_IS_IN_URL bits to be valid
m_bits->setInUrlBits ( m_niceness );
// shortcut
wbit_t *bb = m_bits->m_bits;
// shortcut
Date **datePtrs = m_dates->m_datePtrs;
// shortcut. this should not include telescoped dates!!!
long maxnd = m_dates->m_numDatePtrs;
// set up nd to reference first date in the document
long nd = 0;
// what date we are currently in
Date *inDate = NULL;
// get first date
for ( ; nd < maxnd ; nd++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if empty
if ( ! datePtrs[nd] ) continue;
// skip if not in doc
if ( datePtrs[nd]->m_a < 0 )
// stop when we got one
// is the abbr. a noun? like "appt."
bool hasWordAfter = false;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// need a wid
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// get section we are currently in
Section *cs = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// skip if its bad! i.e. style or script or whatever
if ( cs->m_flags & badFlags ) continue;
// set that
long long prevWid = m_wids[i];
long long prevPrevWid = 0LL;
// flag
long lastWidPos = i;//-1;
bool lastWasComma = false;
nodeid_t includedTag = -2;
long lastbr = -1;
bool hasColon = false;
bool endOnBr = false;
bool endOnBold = false;
bool capped = true;
long upper = 0;
long numAlnums = 0;
long verbCount = 0;
// scan for sentence end
long j; for ( j = i ; j < m_nw ; j++ ) {
// skip words
if ( m_wids[j] ) {
// prev prev
prevPrevWid = prevWid;
// assume not a word like "vs."
hasWordAfter = false;
// set prev
prevWid = m_wids[j];
lastWidPos = j;
lastWasComma = false;
endOnBr = false;
endOnBold = false;
// skip if stop word and need not be
// capitalized
if ( bb[j] & D_IS_STOPWORD ) continue;
if ( m_wlens[j] <= 1 ) continue;
if ( is_digit(m_wptrs[j][0]) ) continue;
if ( !is_upper_utf8(m_wptrs[j])) capped=false;
else upper++;
// is it a verb?
if ( isVerb( &m_wids[j] ) )
//if ( bb[i] & D_IS_IN_DATE_2 ) inDate = true;
// it is in the sentence
// tag?
if ( m_tids[j] ) {
// shortcut
nodeid_t tid = m_tids[j] & BACKBITCOMP;
// "shelter: 123-4567"
// do not allow "<br>...:...<br>" to be
// the 2nd line of a sentence.
// they should be their own setence.
// should fix st. martin's center
// for which has that shelter: line.
// BUT it hurts "TUESDAYS: 7-8 song...<br>
// off-site." for texasdrums.
//if ( isBreakingTagId(tid) &&
// lastbr >= 0 &&
// hasColon ) {
// // end sentence at the prev br tag
// j = lastbr;
// break;
// treat nobr as breaking to fix
// which has it after the group title
if ( tid == TAG_NOBR ) break;
if ( tid == TAG_BR ) endOnBr = true;
if ( tid == TAG_B ) endOnBold = true;
// a </b><br> is usually like a header
if ( capped && upper && endOnBr && endOnBold )
// if it is <span style="display:none"> or
// div or whatever, that is breaking!
// fixes
if ( (tid == TAG_DIV ||
tid == TAG_SPAN ) &&
m_wlens[j] > 14 &&
m_wlens[j]) )
// ok, treat span as non-breaking for a second
if ( tid == TAG_SPAN ) continue;
// mark this
if ( tid == TAG_BR ) lastbr = j;
// certain tags like span and br sometimes
// do and sometimes do not break a sentence.
// so by default assume they do, but check
// for certain indicators...
if ( tid == TAG_SPAN ||
tid == TAG_BR ||
// fixes
// causes core dump:
tid == TAG_P || //
// fixes
tid == TAG_DIV ) {
// if nothing after, moot point
if ( j+1 >= m_nw ) break;
// if we already included this tag
// then keep including it. but some
// span tags will break and some won't
// even when in or around the same
// sentence. see that
// food delivery services url for
// the first street address,
// 5013 Miramar
if ( includedTag == tid &&
(m_tids[j] & BACKBIT) ) {
// reset it in case next
// <span> tag is not connective
includedTag = -2;
// if we included this tag type
// as a front tag, then include its
// back tag in sentence as well.
// fixes
// which has a span tag in sentence:
// ".. Club holds a <span>FREE</span>
// Cruise Night..." and we allow
// "<span>" because it follows "a",
// but we were breaking on </span>!
if ( !(m_tids[j]&BACKBIT))
includedTag = tid;
// if prev punct was comma and not
// an alnum word
if ( lastWasComma ) continue;
// get punct words bookcasing this tag
if ( ! m_wids[j+1] &&
! m_tids[j+1] &&
m_words->hasChar(j+1,',') )
// if prevwid is like "vs." then
// that means keep going even if
// we hit one of these tags. fixes
// "new york knicks vs.<br>orlando
// magic"
if ( hasWordAfter )
// if first alnum word after tag
// is lower case, that is good too
long aw = j + 1;
long maxaw = j + 12;
if ( maxaw > m_nw ) maxaw = m_nw;
for ( ; aw < maxaw ; aw++ )
if ( m_wids[aw] ) break;
bool isLower = false;
if ( aw < maxaw &&
is_lower_utf8(m_wptrs[aw]) )
isLower = true;
// http or https is not to be
// considered as such! fixes
// from getting
// sentences continued by an http://
// url below them.
if ( aw < maxaw &&
(m_wids[aw] == h_http ||
m_wids[aw] == h_https) )
isLower = false;
// this almost always breaks a sentence
// and adding this line here fixes
// "Sunday<p>noon" the
// and let's stay the same
// since its first part ends in "and"
//if ( m_wids[aw] == h_noon ||
// m_wids[aw] == h_midnight )
if ( tid == TAG_P &&
isLower &&
// Oscar G<p>along with xxxx
m_wids[aw] != h_along &&
m_wids[aw] != h_with )
isLower = false;
if ( isLower ) continue;
// get pre word, preopsitional
// phrase starter?
if ( prevWid == h_in ||
prevWid == h_the ||
prevWid == h_and ||
// fix for ending on "(Room A)"
(prevWid == h_a &&
prevPrevWid != h_rm &&
prevPrevWid != h_room &&
prevPrevWid != h_bldg &&
prevPrevWid != h_building &&
prevPrevWid != h_suite &&
prevPrevWid != h_ste ) ||
prevWid == h_for ||
prevWid == h_to ||
prevWid == h_on ||
prevWid == h_under ||
prevWid == h_with ||
prevWid == h_from ||
prevWid == h_by ||
prevWid == h_of ||
// "some ... Wednesdays"
prevWid == h_some ||
prevWid == h_at )
// seems like span breaks for
// et al and not for maybe, we
// need to download the css??? or what???
// by default span tags do not seem to break
// the line but ppl maybe configure them to
if ( tid == TAG_SPAN ) break;
// if like <font> ignore it
if ( ! isBreakingTagId(m_tids[j]) ) continue;
// only break on xml tags if in rss feed to
// fix <st1:State w:st="on">Arizona</st1>
// for
if ( tid==TAG_XMLTAG && !m_isRSSExt) continue;
// otherwise, stop!
// skip simple spaces for speed
if ( m_wlens[j] == 1 && is_wspace_a(m_wptrs[j][0]))
// do not allow punctuation that is in a url
// to be split up or used as a splitter. we want
// to keep the full url intact.
if ( j > i && j+1 < m_nw &&
(bb[j-1] & D_IS_IN_URL) &&
(bb[j ] & D_IS_IN_URL) &&
(bb[j+1] & D_IS_IN_URL) )
// was last punct containing a comma?
lastWasComma = false;
// scan the punct chars, stop if we hit a sent breaker
char *p = m_wptrs[j];
char *pend = p + m_wlens[j];
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
// punct word...
if ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) continue;
if ( *p==',' ) continue;
if ( *p=='&' ) continue;
if ( *p=='_' ) continue;
if ( *p=='$' ) continue;
if ( *p=='#' ) continue;
if ( *p=='\"' ) continue;
if ( *p==';' ) continue;
if ( *p==':' ) continue; // 10:30
if ( *p=='@' ) continue;
if ( *p=='%' ) continue;
if ( *p=='%' ) continue;
if ( *p=='+' ) continue;
if ( *p=='-' ) continue;
if ( *p=='=' ) continue;
if ( *p=='/' ) continue;
if ( *p=='*' ) continue;
if ( *p=='\'') continue; // dish 'n' spoon
if ( is_wspace_utf8(p) ) continue;
if ( *p == '.' ) break;
if ( *p == ',' ) lastWasComma =true;
// allow this too for now... no...
if ( *p == ';' ) break;
// now hyphen breaks, mostly for stuff
// in title tags like
if ( sp[j]->m_tagId == TAG_TITLE &&
*p == '-' &&
is_wspace_a(p[-1]) &&
is_wspace_a(p[+1]) &&
lastWidPos >= 0 &&
! m_isRSSExt &&
j+1<m_nw &&
m_wids[j+1] &&
// can't be in a date range
// date bits are not valid here because
// we are now called from ::set() without
// dates because dates need sentence
// sections now to set DF_FUZZY for years
( !isDateType(&prevWid)||
!isDateType(&m_wids[j+1])) &&
//( ! (bb[lastWidPos] & D_IS_IN_DATE) ||
// ! (bb[j+1] & D_IS_IN_DATE) ) &&
// fix for $10 - $12
( ! is_digit ( m_wptrs[lastWidPos][0]) ||
! is_digit ( m_wptrs[j+1][0]) ) )
// . treat colon like comma now
// . for we have
// "Summer Hours: March 15 - Oct15:
// 8 am. Mon - Fri, 7:30 am - 10 am Sun.,
// Winter Hours: Oct. 15 - March 15:
// 8 am., seven days a week"
// . and we don't want "winter hours" being
// toplogically closer to the summer hours
// . that is, the colon is a stronger binder
// than the comma?
// . but for Hours: May-Aug.. gets
// made into two sentences and Hours is
// seen as a heading section and causes
// addImpliedSections() to be wrong.
//if ( *p == ':' ) lastWasComma =true;
// . why not the colon?
if ( *p == ':' ) {
// Tags: music,concert,fun
if ( prevWid == h_tags &&
// just Tags: so far in sentence
j == i )
// flag it, but only if not in
// a time format like "8:30"
if ( j>0 && !is_digit(m_wptrs[j][-1]))
hasColon = true;
// a "::" is used in breadcrumbs,
// so break on that.
// fixes "Dining :: Visit ::
// Cal Performacnes" title
if ( p[1] == ':' )
// if "with" preceeds, allow
if ( prevWid == h_with ) continue;
// or prev word was tag! like
// "blah</b>:..."
bool tagAfter=(j-1>=0&&m_tids[j-1]);
// do not allow if next word is tag
bool tagBefore=(j+1<m_nw&&m_tids[j+1]);
// do not allow
// "<br>...:<br>" or
// "<br>...<br>:" or
// since such things are usually
// somewhat like headers. isolated
// lines ending on a colon.
// should fix st. martin's center
// for "Summer Hours: ..."
if ( lastbr >= 0 &&
( tagBefore || tagAfter ) ) {
// end sentence there then
j = lastbr;
if ( tagBefore ) break;
if ( tagAfter ) break;
// for now allow it!
// do not break http://... though
if ( p[1] == '/' ) continue;
// or 10:30 etc.
if ( is_digit(p[1]) ) continue;
if ( j>0 && is_digit(p[-1]) ) continue;
// allow trumba titles to have colons
// so they can get the TSF_TITLEY
// event title boost in Events.cpp
if ( m_isTrumba &&
sp[j]->m_tagId == TAG_TITLE )
// fix which has
// "Battle of the Bands with: The Cincy
// Rockers, Second Wind, ..."
// if last word was a lowercase
// and one of these, let it in the
// sentence
//if ( lastWidPos < 0 )
// break;
// must have been lowercase
// and must be one of these words:
if ( prevWid == h_with ||
// "Send info to: Booking"
// from
prevWid == h_to ||
prevWid == h_and )
// otherwise, break it
// . special hyphen
// . breaks up title for
// so we get better event title generation
// since will be a reepat sec
// . BUT it did not work!
if ( p[0] == (char)-30 &&
p[1] == (char)-128 &&
p[2] == (char)-108 )
// this for sure
// "Home > Albuquerque Events > Love Song ..."
if ( *p == '>' ) break;
if ( *p == '!' ) break;
if ( *p == '?' ) break;
if ( *p == '|' )
// bullets
if ( p[0] == (char)226 &&
p[1] == (char)128 &&
p[2] == (char)162 )
// if none, keep going
if ( p == pend ) continue;
// if an alnum char follows the ., it is ok
// probably a hostname or ip or phone #
if ( is_alnum_utf8(p+1) &&
// "venue:ABQ Sq Dance Center..." for
// has no space after the colon!
*p !=':' )
goto redo;
// if abbreviation before we are ok too
if ( *p == '.' && isAbbr(prevWid,&hasWordAfter) ) {
// but the period may serve a double purpose
// to end the abbr and terminate the sentence
// if the word that follows is capitalized,
// and if the abbr is a lower-case noun.
// if abbr is like "vs" then do not end sentenc
if ( hasWordAfter )
goto redo;
// set "next" to next alnum word after us
long next = j+1;
long long nwid = 0LL;
long max = next + 10;
if ( max > m_nw ) max = m_nw;
for ( ; next < max ; next++ ) {
if ( ! m_wids[next] ) continue;
nwid = m_wids[next];
// am. pm.
// if prev word was like 'm' as in am or pm
// then assume a cap word following ends sent.
// although if we got
// "At 1 p.m. Bob Jones plays"
// then we'd be wrong.
bool isAmPm = false;
if ( prevWid == h_m &&
(prevPrevWid == h_a ||
prevPrevWid == h_p ) )
isAmPm = true;
if ( (prevWid == h_am ||
prevWid == h_pm ) )
isAmPm = true;
if ( isAmPm &&
verbCount >= 1 &&
next < max &&
m_words->isCapitalized(next) &&
// exclude "5 p.m. Friday" (
! isDateType(&nwid) )
// end the sentence
// do not end sentence if like
// "8 am. Fridays", otherwise it would end
// without this statement since am is lower
// case and Fridays is capitalized
if ( isAmPm && isDateType(&nwid) )
goto redo;
// was previous word/abbr capitalized?
// if so, assume period does not end sentence.
if ( m_words->isCapitalized(lastWidPos) )
goto redo;
// if next word is NOT capitalized, assume
// period does not end sentence...
if ( next < max &&
! m_words->isCapitalized ( next ) )
goto redo;
// otherwise, abbr is NOT capitalized and
// next word IS capitalized, so assume the
// period does NOT end the sentence
// fix "1. library name" for
if ( *p == '.' &&
lastWidPos == i &&
m_words->isNum(lastWidPos) )
goto redo;
// fix for www.<b>test</b>.com in google serps
//if ( j+3<m_nw &&
// *p == '.' &&
// ( (m_tids[j+1]&BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_B ||
// (m_tids[j+1]&BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_STRONG ||
// (m_tids[j+1]&BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_I ) &&
// m_wids[j+2] )
// goto redo;
// ok, stop otherwise
// set j to this to exclude ending tags
//if ( lastWidPos >= 0 ) j = lastWidPos + 1;
// do not include tag at end. try to fix sentence flip flop.
for ( ; j > i ; j-- )
// stop when we just contain the last word
if ( m_wids[j-1] ) break;
// make our sentence endpoints now
long senta = i;
// make the sentence defined by [senta,sentb) where sentb
// defines a half-open interval like we do for almost
// everything else
long sentb = j;
// update i for next iteration
i = sentb - 1;
// if we ended on a punct word, include that in the sentence
//if ( j < m_nw && ! m_tids[j] ) sentb++;
// crap, but now sentences intersect with our tag-based
// sections because they can now split tags because of websites
// like and whose sentences
// do not align with the tag sections. therefore we introduce
// the SEC_TOP_SPLIT and SEC_BOTTOM_SPLIT to indicate
// that the section is a top/bottom piece of a split sentence.
// if both bits are set we assume SEC_MIDDLE_SPLIT.
// then we set the Section::m_senta and m_sentb to
// indicate the whole sentence of which it is a split.
// but the vast majority of the time m_senta and m_sentb
// will equal m_firstWordPos and m_lastWordPos respectively.
// then, any routine that
// so scan the words in the sentence and as we scan we have
// to determine the parent section we inserting the sentence
// into as a child section.
//Section *parent = NULL;
long start = -1;
Section *pp;
//Section *np;
long lastk = 0;
Section *splitSection = NULL;
Section *lastGuy = NULL;
for ( long k = senta ; k <= sentb ; k++ ) {
// breathe
// add final piece
if ( k == sentb ) {
// stop i no final piece
if ( start == -1 ) break;
// otherwise, add it
goto addit;
// need a real alnum word
if ( ! m_wids[k] ) continue;
// get his parent
pp = m_sectionPtrs[k];
// set parent if need to
//if ( ! parent ) parent = pp;
// and start sentence if need to
if ( start == -1 ) start = k;
// if same as exact section as last guy, save some time
if ( pp == lastGuy ) pp = NULL;
// store it
lastGuy = pp;
// . i'd say blow up "pp" until its contains "start"
// . but if before it contains start it breaches
// [senta,sentb) then we have to cut things short
for ( ; pp ; pp = pp->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// we now have to split section "pp"
// when adding the sentence section.
// once we have such a section we
// cannot use a different parent...
if ( pp->m_firstWordPos < start ||
pp->m_lastWordPos >= sentb ) {
// set it
if ( ! splitSection ) splitSection =pp;
if ( pp != splitSection)
goto addit;
// keep telescoping until "parent" contains
// [senta,k] , and we already know that it
// contains k because that is what we set it to
//if ( pp->m_a <= senta ) break;
// mark it
if ( m_wids[k] ) lastk = k;
// ok, keep chugging
// add the final piece if we go to this label
// use this flag
long bh = BH_SENTENCE;
// determine parent section, smallest section
// containing [start,lastk]
Section *parent = m_sectionPtrs[start];
for ( ; parent ; parent = parent->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// stop if contains lastk
if ( parent->m_b > lastk ) break;
// for "<span>Albuquerque</span>, New Mexico"
// "start" points to "Albuquerque" but needs to
// point to the "<span>" so its parent is "parent"
long adda = start;
long addb = lastk;
// need to update "start" to so its parent is the new
// "parent" now so insertSubSection() does not core
for ( ; adda >= 0 ; ) {
// breathe
// stop if we finally got the right parent
if ( m_sectionPtrs[adda]==parent ) break;
// or if he's a tag and his parent
// is "parent" we can stop.
// i.e. STOP on a proper subsection of
// the section containing the sentence.
if ( m_sectionPtrs[adda]->m_parent==parent &&
m_sectionPtrs[adda]->m_a == adda )
// backup
// check
if ( adda < 0 ) break;
// how can this happen?
if ( m_wids[adda] ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity
if ( adda < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// backup addb over any punct we don't need that
//if ( addb > 0 && addb < m_nw &&
// ! m_wids[addb] && ! m_tids[addb] ) addb--;
// same for right endpoint
for ( ; addb < m_nw ; ) {
// breathe
// stop if we finally got the right parent
if ( m_sectionPtrs[addb]==parent ) break;
// get it
Section *sp = m_sectionPtrs[addb];
// come back up here in the case of a section
// sharing its Section::m_b with its parent
// or if he's a tag and his parent
// is "parent" we can stop
if ( sp->m_parent==parent &&
sp->m_b == addb+1 )
// or if we ran into a brother section
// that does not contain the sentence...
// fix core dump for whose
// sentence consisted of 3 sections from
// A=7079 to B=7198. but now i am getting rid
// of allowing a lower case http(s):// on
// a separate line to indicate that the
// sentence continues... so we will not have
// this sentence anymore in case you are
// wondering why it is not there any more.
if ( sp->m_parent==parent &&
sp->m_a == addb ) {
// do not include that brother's tag
// when we have bad tag formations like for
// ry/buffalo-ny-usa/places-to-go/tourist-stops
// like <a><b>...</div> with no ending </a> or
// </b> tags then we have to get the parent
// of the parent as long as its m_b is the
// same and check that before advancing addb
// otherwise we can miss the parent section
// that we want! (this is because the kid
// sections share the same m_b as their
// parent because of they have no ending tag)
if ( sp->m_parent &&
sp->m_parent->m_b == sp->m_b ) {
sp = sp->m_parent;
goto subloop;
// advance
// stop if addb
if ( addb >= m_nw ) break;
// how can this happen?
if ( m_wids[addb] ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity
if ( addb >= m_nw ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// ok, now add the split sentence
Section *is =insertSubSection(parent,adda,addb+1,bh);
// panic?
if ( ! is ) return false;
// set sentence flag on it
is->m_flags |= SEC_SENTENCE;
// count it
// print it out
SafeBuf tt;
tt.safeReplace2 ( "\n",1,"*",1,m_niceness);
tt.safeReplace2 ( "\r",1,"*",1,m_niceness);
if ( is->m_flags & SEC_SPLIT_SENT )
tt.safePrintf(" [split]");
fprintf(stderr,"a=%li %s\n",start,tt.m_buf);
// . set this
// . sentence is from [senta,sentb)
is->m_senta = senta;//start;
is->m_sentb = sentb;//k;
// use this too if its a split of a sentence
if ( is->m_senta < is->m_a )
is->m_flags |= SEC_SPLIT_SENT;
if ( is->m_sentb > is->m_b )
is->m_flags |= SEC_SPLIT_SENT;
// stop if that was it
if ( k == sentb ) break;
// go on to next fragment then
start = -1;
parent = NULL;
splitSection = NULL;
lastGuy = NULL;
// redo this same k
long inSentTil = 0;
Section *lastSent = NULL;
// get the section of each word. if not a sentence section then
// make its m_sentenceSection point to its parent that is a sentence
for ( Section *sk = m_rootSection ; sk ; sk = sk->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// need sentence
if ( ( sk->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) {
inSentTil = sk->m_b;
lastSent = sk;
sk->m_sentenceSection = sk;
// skip if outside of the last sentence we had
if ( sk->m_a >= inSentTil ) continue;
// we are in that sentence
sk->m_sentenceSection = lastSent;
return true;
// set this
Section *firstSection = m_sectionPtrs[i];
Section *lastSection = m_sectionPtrs[j-1];
// blow up before containing each other
for ( ; firstSection ; ) {
// breathe
// stop if too much
Section *pp = firstSection->m_parent;
// stop if too much
if ( ! pp ) break;
// stop if too much
if ( pp->contains ( lastSection ) ) break;
// advance
firstSection = pp;
for ( ; lastSection ; ) {
// breathe
// stop if too much
Section *pp = lastSection->m_parent;
// stop if too much
if ( ! pp ) break;
// stop if too much
if ( pp->contains ( firstSection ) ) break;
// advance
lastSection = pp;
// if last section overflowed, cut if off
if ( lastSection != firstSection &&
// make sure it doesn't just contain the front part
// of the sentence as well as firstSection!
lastSection->m_firstWordPos > i &&
lastSection->m_lastWordPos > j ) {
sentb = lastSection->m_a;
// set a flag
// no need to do a loop
// likewise, we can't split first section either, but in
// that case, drop everything not in the first section
if ( lastSection != firstSection &&
firstSection->m_firstWordPos < i &&
firstSection->m_lastWordPos < sentb )
sentb = firstSection->m_b;
// for we have "Tools for <a>artists</a> |
// <a>labels</a> | ..." and the first sentence contains
// the anchor tag, but the 2nd sentence is a subsection of
// the anchor tag. thus giving inconsistent tag hashes
// and messing up our menu detection, so let's include
// anchor tags in the sentence to fix that!
// CRAP, this was hurting blackbirdbuvette because it was
// including the bullet delimeter and the "big" section
// computed below ended up spanning two bullet delimeted
// sections to make the sentence!! that gave us a bad event
// title that consisted of that sentence..
//if ( j < m_nw && ! m_tids[j] ) sentb++;
// sent section needs to include the initial <a>, somehow
// that is flip flopping
//Section *sa = m_sectionPtrs[senta];
//if ( m_tids[senta] && sa->contains ( senta, sentb ) )
// senta++;
// A = m_sectionPtrs[senta] and
// B = m_sectionPtrs[sentb-1]
// find the smallest section that contains both A and B.
// if A and B are the same, we are done, we are just
// a child if that section.
// . telescope both A and B up until they contain
// each other like our lasta and lastb algo !!
Section *big = m_sectionPtrs[senta];
for ( ; big ; big = big->m_parent ) {
// stop when we contain the whole sentence
if ( big->m_a <= senta &&
big->m_b >= sentb ) break;
Section *sa = m_sectionPtrs[senta];
Section *sb = m_sectionPtrs[sentb-1];
// get the two sections that are children of "big" and cover
// the first and last words of the sentence.
Section *lasta = NULL;
Section *lastb = NULL;
// blow up sb until it contains senta, but its section right
// before it equals "big"
for ( ; sb ; sb = sb->m_parent ) {
if ( sb == big ) break;
lastb = sb;
for ( ; sa ; sa = sa->m_parent ) {
if ( sa == big ) break;
lasta = sa;
// set some simple constraints on [senta,sentb) so that we
// do no split the sections lasta and lastb. we need our new
// inserted section to contain "lasta" and "lastb" but be
// a child of "big"
long maxa ;
long minb ;
// but if these are the same as big
if ( ! lasta ) maxa = senta;
else maxa = lasta->m_a;
if ( ! lastb ) minb = sentb;
else minb = lastb->m_b;
// save for debug
//long saveda = senta;
//long savedb = sentb;
// apply the constraints
if ( senta > maxa ) senta = maxa;
if ( sentb < minb ) sentb = minb;
// ok, add the sentence sections as a subsection of "sa"
Section *is = insertSubSection ( big , senta , sentb,
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// return false with g_errno set on error
if ( ! is ) return false;
// set sentence flag on it
is->m_flags |= SEC_SENTENCE;
// make it fake to now
//is->m_flags |= SEC_FAKE;
// set its base hash to something special
//is->m_baseHash = BH_SENTENCE;
// skip over
//i = j - 1;
i = sentb - 1;
return true;
Section *Sections::insertSubSection ( Section *parentArg , long a , long b ,
long newBaseHash ) {
// debug
//log("sect: inserting subsection [%li,%li)",a,b);
// sanity check
if ( m_numSections >= m_maxNumSections ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// make a new section
Section *sk = &m_sections[m_numSections];
// clear
memset ( sk , 0 , sizeof(Section) );
// inc it
// now set it
sk->m_a = a;
sk->m_b = b;
// this makes it really fast!
//return sk;
// don't mess this up!
if ( m_lastSection && a > m_lastSection->m_a )
m_lastSection = sk;
// the base hash (delimeter hash) hack
sk->m_baseHash = 0;// dh; ????????????????????
// do not resplit this split section with same delimeter!!
sk->m_processedHash = 0; // ?????? dh;
// get first section containing word #a
Section *si = m_sectionPtrs[a];
for ( ; si ; si = si->m_prev ) {
// breathe
// we become his child if this is true
if ( si->m_a < a ) break;
// if he is bigger (or equal) we become his child
// and are after him
if ( si->m_a == a && si->m_b >= b ) break;
// . try using section before us if it is contained by "si"
// . like in the case when word #a belongs to the root section
// and there are thousands of child sections of the root before "a"
// we really want to get the child section of the root before us
// as the prev section, "si", otherwise the 2nd for loop below here
// will hafta loop through thousands of sibling sections
// . this will fail if word before a is part of our same section
// . what if we ignored this for now and set m_sectionPtrs[a] to point
// to the newly inserted section, then when done adding sentence
// sections we scanned all the words, keeping track of the last
// html section we entered and used that to insert the sentence sections
if ( m_lastAdded && m_lastAdded->m_a > si->m_a && m_lastAdded->m_a < a )
si = m_lastAdded;
// crap we may have
// "<p> <strong>hey there!</strong> this is another sentence.</p>"
// then "si" will be pointing at the "<p>" section, and we will
// not get the "<strong>" section as the "prev" to sk, which we should!
// that is where sk is the "this is another sentence." sentence
// section. so to fix that try iterating over si->m_next to get si to
// be closer to sk.
for ( ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// stop if no more eavailable
if ( ! si->m_next ) break;
// stop if would break
if ( si->m_next->m_a > a ) break;
// if it gets closer to us without exceeding us, use it
if ( si->m_next->m_a < a ) continue;
// if tied, check b. if it contains us, go to it
if ( si->m_next->m_b >= b ) continue;
// otherwise, stop
// set this
m_lastAdded = si;
// a br tag can split the very first base html tag like for
// we have
// "<html>...</html> <br> ...." so the br tag splits the first
// section!
// SO we need to check for NULL si's!
if ( ! si ) {
// skip this until we figure it out
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return NULL;
sk->m_next = m_rootSection;//m_rootSection;
sk->m_prev = NULL;
//m_sections[0].m_prev = sk;
m_rootSection->m_prev = sk;
m_rootSection = sk;
else {
// insert us into the linked list of sections
if ( si->m_next ) si->m_next->m_prev = sk;
sk->m_next = si->m_next;
sk->m_prev = si;
si->m_next = sk;
// now set the parent
Section *parent = m_sectionPtrs[a];
// expand until it encompasses both a and b
for ( ; ; parent = parent->m_parent ) {
// breathe
if ( parent->m_a > a ) continue;
if ( parent->m_b < b ) continue;
// now we assign the parent to you
sk->m_parent = parent;
sk->m_exclusive = parent->m_exclusive;
// sometimes an implied section is a subsection of a sentence!
// like when there are a lot of brbr (double br) tags in it...
sk->m_sentenceSection = parent->m_sentenceSection;
// take out certain flags from parent
sec_t flags = parent->m_flags;
// like this
flags &= ~SEC_SENTENCE;
flags &= ~SEC_SPLIT_SENT;
// but take out unbalanced!
// . remove SEC_HAS_DOM/DOW/TOD
// . we scan our new kids for reparenting to us below, so OR these
// flags back in down there if we should
flags &= ~SEC_HAS_DOM;
flags &= ~SEC_HAS_DOW;
flags &= ~SEC_HAS_TOD;
//flags &= ~SEC_HAS_DATE;
// add in fake
flags |= SEC_FAKE;
// flag it as a fake section
sk->m_flags = flags ;
// need this
sk->m_baseHash = newBaseHash;
// reset these
sk->m_firstWordPos = -1;
sk->m_lastWordPos = -1;
sk->m_alnumPosA = -1;
sk->m_alnumPosB = -1;
sk->m_senta = -1;
sk->m_sentb = -1;
sk->m_firstPlaceNum= -1;
sk->m_headColSection = NULL;
sk->m_headRowSection = NULL;
sk->m_tableSec = NULL;
sk->m_rowNum = 0;
sk->m_colNum = 0;
// interlaced section detection
if ( m_isTestColl ) {
// scan from words and telescope up
Section *s1 = m_sectionPtrs[a];
Section *s2 = m_sectionPtrs[b-1];
// check for interlace
for ( ; s1 ; s1 = s1->m_parent )
if ( s1->m_a < a &&
s1->m_b > a &&
s1->m_b < b ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// check for interlace
for ( ; s2 ; s2 = s2->m_parent )
if ( s2->m_a < b &&
s2->m_b > b &&
s2->m_a > a ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// try to keep a sorted linked list
//Section *current = m_sectionPtrs[a];
//return sk;
// for inheriting flags from our kids
// !!!!!!!!!! SPEED THIS UP !!!!!!!!!!
// . find any child section of "parent" and make us their parent
// . TODO: can later speed up with ptr to ptr logic
// . at this point sections are not sorted so we can't
// really iterate linearly through them ... !!!
// . TODO: speed this up!!!
// . TODO: use hashtable?
// . TODO: aren't these sections in order by m_a??? could just use that
//for ( long xx = 0 ; xx < m_numSections ; xx++ ) {
// set sk->m_firstWordPos
for ( long i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) {
// and first/last word pos
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// mark this
sk->m_firstWordPos = i;
// set sk->m_lastWordPos
for ( long i = b-1 ; i >= a ; i-- ) {
// and first/last word pos
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// mark this
sk->m_lastWordPos = i;
// to speed up scan the words in our inserted section, usually
// a sentence section i guess, because our parent can have a ton
// of children sections!!
for ( long i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get current parent of that word
Section *wp = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// if sentence section does NOT contain the word's current
// section then the sentence section becomes the new section
// for that word.
if ( ! sk->strictlyContains ( wp ) ) {
// now if "wp" is like a root, then sk becomes the kid
m_sectionPtrs[i] = sk;
// our parent is wp
sk->m_parent = wp;
// we gotta blow up wp until right before it is bigger
// than "sk" and use that
for ( ; wp->m_parent ; wp = wp->m_parent )
// this could be equal to, not just contains
// otherwise we use strictlyContains()
if ( wp->m_parent->contains(sk) ) break;
// already parented to us?
if ( wp->m_parent == sk ) continue;
// sentence's parent is now wp's parent
sk->m_parent = wp->m_parent;
// and we become wp's parent
wp->m_parent = sk;
// and or his flags into us. SEC_HAS_DOM, etc.
sk->m_flags |= wp->m_flags & mask;
// sanity check
if ( wp->m_b > sk->m_b ) { char *xy=NULL;*xy=0; }
if ( wp->m_a < sk->m_a ) { char *xy=NULL;*xy=0; }
return sk;
// start scanning here
Section *start = parent->m_next;
long lastb = -1;
// try just scanning sections in parent
for ( Section *sx = start ; sx ; sx = sx->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
//Section *sx = &m_sections[xx];
// skip if section ends before our sentence begins
if ( sx->m_b <= a ) continue;
// stop if beyond sk
if ( sx->m_a >= b ) break;
// skip if sn not parent
if ( sx->m_parent != parent ) continue;
// when splitting a section do not reparent if
// not in our split...
//if ( sx->m_a >= b ) continue;
// do not reparent if it contains us
if ( sx->m_a <= a && sx->m_b >= b ) continue;
// reset his parent to the newly added section
sx->m_parent = sk;
// and or his flags into us. SEC_HAS_DOM, etc.
sk->m_flags |= sx->m_flags & mask;
// sanity check
if ( sx->m_b > sk->m_b ) { char *xy=NULL;*xy=0; }
if ( sx->m_a < sk->m_a ) { char *xy=NULL;*xy=0; }
// skip if already got the xor for this section
if ( sx->m_a < lastb ) continue;
// set this
lastb = sx->m_b;
// add all the entries from this child section from the
// phone/email/etc. tables
sk->m_phoneXor ^= sx->m_phoneXor;
sk->m_emailXor ^= sx->m_emailXor;
sk->m_priceXor ^= sx->m_priceXor;
sk->m_todXor ^= sx->m_todXor;
sk->m_dayXor ^= sx->m_dayXor;
sk->m_addrXor ^= sx->m_addrXor;
// make sure did not make it zero
if ( sx->m_phoneXor && sk->m_phoneXor == 0 )
sk->m_phoneXor = sx->m_phoneXor;
if ( sx->m_emailXor && sk->m_emailXor == 0 )
sk->m_emailXor = sx->m_emailXor;
if ( sx->m_priceXor && sk->m_priceXor == 0 )
sk->m_priceXor = sx->m_priceXor;
if ( sx->m_todXor && sk->m_todXor == 0 )
sk->m_todXor = sx->m_todXor;
if ( sx->m_dayXor && sk->m_dayXor == 0 )
sk->m_dayXor = sx->m_dayXor;
if ( sx->m_addrXor && sk->m_addrXor == 0 )
sk->m_addrXor = sx->m_addrXor;
// set this perhaps
if ( sk->m_firstPlaceNum < 0 )
sk->m_firstPlaceNum = sx->m_firstPlaceNum;
// update this?
if ( sx->m_alnumPosA < 0 ) continue;
// take the first one we get
if ( sk->m_alnumPosA == -1 )
sk->m_alnumPosA = sx->m_alnumPosA;
// update to the last one always
sk->m_alnumPosB = sx->m_alnumPosB;
// a flag
bool needsFirst = true;
// . set the words ptrs to it
// . TODO: can later speed up with ptr to ptr logic
for ( long yy = a ; yy < b ; yy++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// and first/last word pos
if ( m_wids[yy] ) {
// mark this
if ( needsFirst ) {
sk->m_firstWordPos = yy;
needsFirst = false;
// remember last
sk->m_lastWordPos = yy;
// must have had sn as parent
if ( m_sectionPtrs[yy] != parent ) continue;
// "sk" becomes the new parent
m_sectionPtrs[yy] = sk;
return sk;
// for brbr and hr splitting delimeters
long Sections::splitSectionsByTag ( nodeid_t tagid ) {
// . try skipping for xml
// . has a bunch of dates per event item and
// we end up using METHOD_DOM on those!
// . i think the implied section algo is meant for html really
// or plain text
if ( m_contentType == CT_XML &&
( m_isEventBrite ||
m_isStubHub ||
m_isFacebook ) )
return 0;
long numAdded = 0;
// . now, split sections up if they contain one or more <hr> tags
// . just append some "hr" sections under that parent to m_sections[]
// . need to update m_sectionPtrs[] after this of course!!!!!
// . now we also support various other delimeters, like bullets
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// must be brbr or hr
if ( ! isTagDelimeter ( si , tagid ) ) continue;
// must have a next brother to be useful
if ( ! si->m_nextBrother ) continue;
// skip if already did this section
if ( si->m_processedHash ) continue;
// set first brother
Section *first = si;
for ( ; first->m_prevBrother ; first = first->m_prevBrother )
// breathe
// save parent
Section *parent = first->m_parent;
// mark it
first->m_processedHash = 1;
// start of insertion section is right after tag
long a = first->m_b;
// but if first is not a tag delimeter than use m_a
if ( ! isTagDelimeter ( first , tagid ) ) a = first->m_a;
// or if first section has text, then include that, like
// in the case of h1 tags for example
if ( first->m_firstWordPos >= 0 ) a = first->m_a;
// end of inserted section is "b"
long b = -1;
long numTextSections = 0;
// count this
if ( first->m_firstWordPos >= 0 ) numTextSections++;
// start scanning right after "first"
Section *last = first->m_nextBrother;
// set last brother and "b"
for ( ; last ; last = last->m_nextBrother ) {
// breathe
// stop on tag delimeters
if ( isTagDelimeter ( last , tagid ) ) {
// set endpoint of new subsection
b = last->m_a;
// and stop
// assume we are the end of the line
b = last->m_b;
// count this
if ( last->m_firstWordPos >= 0 ) numTextSections++;
// must be brbr or hr
//if ( ! isTagDelimeter ( last , tagid ) ) continue;
// got it, use the start of us being a splitter tag
//b = last->m_a;
// stop
// . insert [first->m_b,b]
// . make sure it covers at least one "word" which means
// that a != b-1
if ( a < b - 1 &&
// and must group together something meaningful
numTextSections >= 2 ) {
// do the insertion
Section *sk = insertSubSection (parent,a,b,BH_IMPLIED);
// error?
if ( ! sk ) return -1;
// fix it
sk->m_processedHash = 1;
// count it
// first is now last
first = last;
// loop up if there are more brothers
if ( first ) goto subloop;
return numAdded;
bool Sections::splitSections ( char *delimeter , long dh ) {
// . try skipping for xml
// . has a bunch of dates per event item and
// we end up using METHOD_DOM on those!
// . i think the implied section algo is meant for html really
// or plain text
if ( m_contentType == CT_XML &&
( m_isEventBrite ||
m_isStubHub ||
m_isFacebook ) )
return 0;
// use this for ultimately setting Section::m_tagHash in loop above
//long dh ;
//if ( delimeter == (char *)0x01 ) dh = 3947503;
//else dh = hash32n ( delimeter );
//long th = hash32n("<br");
// . is the delimeter a section starting tag itself?
// . right now, just <hN> tags
//bool delimIsSection = false;
//if ( delimeter != (char *)0x01 && is_digit(delimeter[2] ) )
// delimIsSection = true;
//long ns = m_numSections;
long saved = -1;
long delimEnd = -1000;
// . now, split sections up if they contain one or more <hr> tags
// . just append some "hr" sections under that parent to m_sections[]
// . need to update m_sectionPtrs[] after this of course!!!!!
// . now we also support various other delimeters, like bullets
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// sanity check
if ( i < saved ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// a quicky
if ( ! isDelimeter ( i , delimeter , &delimEnd ) ) continue;
// get section it is in
Section *sn = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// save it
//Section *origsn = sn;
// for <h1> it must split its parent section!
//if ( sn->m_a == i && delimIsSection )
// sn = sn->m_parent;
// skip if already did this section
if ( sn->m_processedHash == dh ) continue;
// or if we are <br> and the double br got it
if ( sn->m_processedHash == BH_BRBR && dh == BH_BR &&
// . might have "<br><br> stuff1 <br> stuff2 <br> ..."
// . so need to be at the start of it to ignore it then
i >= sn->m_a && i <= sn->m_a+2 ) continue;
// . or if we equal start of section
// . it was created, not processed
//if ( sn->m_a == i ) continue;
// shortcut
//Section *sk ;
// what section # is section "sn"?
long offset = sn - m_sections;
// sanity check
if ( &m_sections[offset] != sn ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// point to the section after "sn"
//long xx = offset + 1;
// point to words in the new section
//long yy = sn->m_a ;
// init this
long start = sn->m_a;
// CAUTION: sn->m_a can equal "i" for something like:
// "<div><h2>blah</h2> <hr> </div>"
// where when splitting h2 sections we are at the start
// of an hr section. i think its best to just skip it!
// then if we find another <h2> within that same <hr> section
// it can split it into non-empty sections
if ( start == i ) continue;
// save it so we can rescan from delimeter right after this one
// because there might be more delimeters in DIFFERENT
// subsections
saved = i;
// sanity check
//if ( start == i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( m_numSections >= m_maxNumSections) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// try this now
Section *sk = insertSubSection ( sn , start , i , dh );
// make a new section
sk = &m_sections[m_numSections];
// inc it
// now set it
sk->m_a = start;
sk->m_b = i;
sk->m_parent = sn;
sk->m_exclusive = sn->m_exclusive;
// the base hash (delimeter hash) hack
sk->m_baseHash = dh;
// sanity check
if ( start == i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// flag it as an <hr> section
sk->m_flags = sn->m_flags | SEC_FAKE;
// but take out unbalanced!
sk->m_flags &= ~SEC_UNBALANCED;
// and take out sentence as well FROM THE PARENT!
//sn->m_flags &= ~SEC_SENTENCE;
//sk->m_baseHash = dh;
// do not resplit this split section with same delimeter!!
if ( sk ) sk->m_processedHash = dh;
// take out the processed flag
//sk->m_flags &= ~SEC_PROCESSED;
// quick hack sanity check
//for ( long w = 0 ; w < m_numSections ; w++ ){
//for ( long u = w+1 ; u < m_numSections ; u++ ) {
// if ( m_sections[w].m_a == m_sections[u].m_a &&
// m_sections[w].m_b == m_sections[u].m_b ) {
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// take out the SEC_NOTEXT flag if we should
//if ( ! notext ) sk->m_flags &= ~SEC_NOTEXT;
// . find any child section of "sn" and make us their parent
// . TODO: can later speed up with ptr to ptr logic
// . at this point sections are not sorted so we can't
// really iterate linearly through them ... !!!
// . TODO: speed this up!!!
for ( xx = 0 ; xx < ns ; xx++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Section *sx = &m_sections[xx];
// skip if sn not parent
if ( sx->m_parent != sn ) continue;
// when splitting a section do not reparent if
// not in our split...
if ( sx->m_a >= i ) continue;
if ( sx->m_b <= start ) continue;
// reset his parent to the hr faux section
sx->m_parent = sk;
// . set the words ptrs to it
// . TODO: can later speed up with ptr to ptr logic
for ( ; yy < i ; yy++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// must have had sn as parent
if ( m_sectionPtrs[yy] != sn ) continue;
// "sk" becomes the new parent
m_sectionPtrs[yy] = sk;
// if we were it, no more sublooping!
if ( i >= sn->m_b ) {
// sn loses some stuff
sn->m_exclusive = 0;
// resume where we left off in case next delim is
// in a section different than "sn"
i = saved;
// do not process any more delimeters in this section
sn->m_processedHash = dh;
//i = sn->m_b - 1;
// update values in case we call subloop
start = i;
// skip over that delimeter at word #i
// if we had back-to-back br tags make i point to word
// after the last br tag
if ( delimeter == (char *)0x01 ) i = delimEnd;
// find the next <hr> tag, if any, stop at end of "sn"
for ( ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// stop at end of section "sn"
if ( i >= sn->m_b ) break;
// get his section
Section *si = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// delimeters that start their own sections must
// grow out to their parent
//if ( delimIsSection )
// si = si->m_parent;
// ignore if not the right parent
if ( si != sn ) continue;
// a quicky
if ( isDelimeter ( i , delimeter , &delimEnd ) ) break;
// if we were it, no more sublooping!
//if ( i >= sn->m_b ) { i = saved; continue; }
// now add the <hr> section above word #i
goto subloop;
return true;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Sections::...( ) {
key128_t end = g_datedb.makeEndKey ( m_termId , 0 );
// before looking up TitleRecs using Msg20, let's first consult
// datedb to see if we got adequate data as to what sections
// are the article sections
// get the group this list is in
unsigned long gid ;
// split = false
gid = getGroupId ( RDB_SECTIONDB , (char *)&m_startKey, false );
// we need a group # from the groupId
long split = g_hostdb.getGroupNum ( gid );
// shortcut
Msg0 *m = &m_msg0;
// get the list
if ( ! m->getList ( -1 , // hostId
0 , // ip
0 , // port
0 , // maxCacheAge
false , // addToCache
m_coll ,
&m_list ,
(char *)&m_startKey ,
(char *)&end ,
minRecSizes ,
this ,
gotSectiondbListWrapper ,
m_niceness , // MAX_NICENESS
// default parms follow
true , // doErrorCorrection?
true , // includeTree?
true , // doMerge?
-1 , // firstHostId
0 , // startFileNum
-1 , // numFiles
30 , // timeout
-1 , // syncPoint
-1 , // preferLocalReads
NULL , // msg5
NULL , // msg5b
false , // isrealmerge?
true , // allowpagecache?
false , // forceLocalIndexdb?
false , // doIndexdbSplit?
split ))
return false;
// record recall
bool needsRecall = false;
// return false if this blocked
if ( ! gotSectiondbList ( &needsRecall ) ) return false;
// if it needs a recall then loop back up!
if ( needsRecall ) goto loop;
// we are done
return true;
void gotSectiondbListWrapper ( void *state ) {
SectionVotingTable *THIS = (Sections *)state;
// record recall
bool needsRecall = false;
// return if this blocked
if ( ! THIS->gotSectiondbList( &needsRecall ) ) return;
// needs a recall?
if ( needsRecall && ! THIS->getSectiondbList() ) return;
// nothing blocked and no recall needed, so we are done
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Sections::addVotes ( SectionVotingTable *nsvt , uint32_t tagPairHash ) {
// . add our SV_TAG_PAIR hash to the m_nsvt
// . every page adds this one
// . but don't screw up m_nsvt if we are deserializing from it
if ( ! nsvt->addVote2(tagPairHash,SV_TAGPAIRHASH,1))
return false;
// . add our checksum votes as well
// . we use this for menu identification between web pages
for ( Section *sn = m_firstSent ; sn ; sn = sn->m_nextSent ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// sanity check
if ( ! sn->m_sentenceContentHash64 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// add the tag hash too!
if ( ! nsvt->addVote3 ( sn->m_turkTagHash ,
1.0 , // score
1.0 ,
true ) )
return false;
// skip if not a section with its own words
//if ( sn->m_flags & SEC_NOTEXT ) continue;
// . combine the tag hash with the content hash #2
// . for some reason m_contentHash is 0 for like menu-y sectns
long modified = sn->m_turkTagHash^sn->m_sentenceContentHash64;
// now we use votehash32 which ignores dates and numbers
//long modified = sn->m_turkTagHash ^ sn->m_voteHash32;
// . update m_nsvt voting table now
// . the tagHash is the content hash for this one
// . this will return false with g_errno set
if ( ! nsvt->addVote3 ( modified ,
1.0 , // score
1.0 ,
true ) )
return false;
// success!
return true;
SectionVotingTable::SectionVotingTable ( ) {
m_totalSiteVoters = 0;
//m_totalSimilarLayouts = 0;
// . returns false if blocked, returns true and sets g_errno on error
// . compile the datedb list into a hash table
// . we serialize this hash table into TitleRec::ptr_sectionsData during
// the reindexing process to ensure consistency
//bool Sections::gotSectiondbList ( bool *needsRecall ) {
bool SectionVotingTable::addListOfVotes ( RdbList *list,
key128_t **lastKey ,
uint32_t tagPairHash ,
long long myDocId ,
long niceness ) {
long long lastDocId = 0LL;
long long lastsh48 = 0LL;
// . tally the votes
// . the "flags" are more significant than the tag hash because
// we don't want a single tag hash dominating our list, even though
// that can still happen!
// . TODO: limit indexing of taghashes that are well represented!
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( niceness );
// get rec
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
// get the key ptr, key128_t
*lastKey = (key128_t *)rec;
// for ehre
key128_t *key = (key128_t *)rec;
// the score is the bit which is was set in Section::m_flags
// for that docid
long secType = g_indexdb.getScore ( (char *)key );
// treat key like a datedb key and get the taghash
uint32_t turkTagHash = g_datedb.getDate ( key );
// get this
long long d = g_datedb.getDocId(key);
// skip this vote if from an old titlerec of ourselves!
if ( d == myDocId ) continue;
// sanity
long long sh48 = g_datedb.getTermId ( key );
if ( sh48 != lastsh48 && lastsh48 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
lastsh48 = sh48;
// now for every docid we index one sectiondb key with a
// tagHash of zero so we can keep tabs on how many section
// voters we have. we need to limit the # of voters per site
// otherwise we have a huge sectiondb explosion.
if ( turkTagHash == 0 ) {
// now that we do compression we strip these votes
// in Msg0.cppp
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
//log("sect: got site voter");
// sanity check - make sure only one per docid
if ( d == lastDocId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
lastDocId = d;
// . the enum tag hash is the tag pair hash here as well
// . let's us know who is waiting for a quick respider once
// enough docs from this site and with this particular
// tag pair hash (similar page layout) have been indexed
// and had their votes added to sectiondb
// . then we can make better decisions as to what sections
// are repeated or menu or comment sections by comparing
// to these other documents
//if ( secType == SV_WAITINLINE ) {
// // only count him if he is our same tag layout
// if ( tagHash == m_tagPairHash ) m_numLineWaiters++;
// // do not add this vote to m_osvt, it is special
// continue;
// if we do not have this in our list of tagHashes then
// skip it. we do not want votes for what we do not have.
// this would just bloat m_osvt which we serialize into
// TitleRec::ptr_sectionsData
//if ( ! m_ot.isInTable ( &tagHash ) ) continue;
// get data/vote from the current record in the sectiondb list
SectionVote *sv = (SectionVote *)list->getCurrentData ( );
// get the avg score for this docid
float avg = 0;
if ( sv->m_numSampled > 0 )
avg = sv->m_score / sv->m_numSampled;
// now we compile large sectiondb termlists in msg0.cpp
// which means we fold keys of the same tag type and
// hash together and increment their
// "SectionVote::m_numSampled" so that for the case of
// tags of type contenthash and taghash the m_numSampled
// value is the NUMBER OF DOCUMENTS that have that
// contenthash/taghash... but for the other tag types it is
// just the number of tags in that one document that have
// that contenthash/taghash.... otherwise, before this hack
// we were getting HUGE termlists for a handful of sites
// totally slowing us down when rebuilding the index using
// the "repair" tab.
float numSampled = sv->m_numSampled;
// incorporate this vote into m_osvt. the "old" voting table.
if ( ! addVote3 ( turkTagHash ,
secType ,
avg , // score
numSampled )) // numSampled
return true;
// we are done
return true;
// this is a function because we also call it from addImpliedSections()!
void Sections::setNextBrotherPtrs ( bool setContainer ) {
// clear out
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// no! when adding implied sections we need to recompute
// brothers for these tags to avoid an infinite loop in
// adding implied sections forever
// allow columns to keep theirs! since we set in
// swoggleTable() below
//if ( si->m_tagId == TAG_TC ) continue;
// or if a swoggled table cell
//if ( si->m_tagId == TAG_TH ) continue;
//if ( si->m_tagId == TAG_TD ) continue;
si->m_nextBrother = NULL;
si->m_prevBrother = NULL;
//for ( long i = 0 ; i + 1 < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip column sections. their m_a and m_b overlap with
// one another which triggers a seg fault below... and
// we already set their m_next/prevBrother members in the
// swoggleTable() function
//if ( si->m_tagId == TAG_TC ) continue;
// shortcut
//Section *si = &m_sections[i];
// assume none
//si->m_nextBrother = NULL;
// crap this is overwriting our junk
//si->m_prevBrother = NULL;
// . skip if not a section with its own words
// . no, i need this for Events.cpp::getRegistrationTable()
//if ( si->m_flags & SEC_NOTEXT ) continue;
// must be a menu
//if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_DUP ) ) continue;
// must NOT have a unique tag hash
//if ( si->m_numOccurences <= 1 ) continue;
//Section *sj = m_sectionPtrs[wn];
Section *sj = NULL;
// get word after us
long wn = si->m_b;
long nw2 = m_nw;
// if we hit a word in our parent.. then increment wn
// PROBLEM "<root><t1>hey</t1> blah blah blah x 1 mill</root>"
// would exhaust the full word list when si is the "t1"
// section.
Section *j2 = si->m_next;
if ( j2 && j2->m_a >= si->m_b ) {
sj = j2;
nw2 = 0;
// try one more ahead for things like so we don't end up
// setting sj to the "t2" section as in:
// "<root><t1><t2>hey</t2></t1> ...."
if ( ! sj && j2 ) {
// try the next section then
j2 = j2->m_next;
// set "sj" if its a potential brother section
if ( j2 && j2->m_a >= si->m_b ) {
sj = j2;
nw2 = 0;
// ok, try the next word algo approach
for ( ; wn < nw2 ; wn++ ) {
sj = m_sectionPtrs[wn];
if ( sj->m_a >= si->m_b ) break;
// bail if none
if ( wn >= m_nw ) continue;
// NO! this is too slow!!!!! use the above loop!!!!
// yeah, in certain cases it is horrible... like if si
// is the root! then we gotta loop through all sections here
// until sj is NULL!
// try using sections, might be faster and it is better
// for our table column sections which have their td
// kids in an interlaced ordering
//for ( sj = si->m_next; sj ; sj = sj->m_next )
// if ( sj->m_a >= si->m_b ) break;
// telescope up until brother if possible
for ( ; sj ; sj = sj->m_parent )
if ( sj->m_parent == si->m_parent ) break;
// give up?
if ( ! sj || sj->m_parent != si->m_parent ) continue;
// sanity check
if ( sj->m_a < si->m_b &&
sj->m_tagId != TAG_TC &&
si->m_tagId != TAG_TC ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set brother
si->m_nextBrother = sj;
// set his prev then
sj->m_prevBrother = si;
// sanity check
if ( sj->m_parent != si->m_parent ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( sj->m_a < si->m_b &&
sj->m_tagId != TAG_TC &&
si->m_tagId != TAG_TC ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// do more?
if ( ! setContainer ) continue;
// telescope this
Section *te = sj;
// telescope up until it contains "si"
for ( ; te && te->m_a > si->m_a ; te = te->m_parent );
// only update list container if smaller than previous
if ( ! si->m_listContainer )
si->m_listContainer = te;
else if ( te->m_a > si->m_listContainer->m_a )
si->m_listContainer = te;
if ( ! sj->m_listContainer )
sj->m_listContainer = te;
else if ( te->m_a > sj->m_listContainer->m_a )
sj->m_listContainer = te;
// now
void Sections::setNextSentPtrs ( ) {
// kinda like m_rootSection
m_firstSent = NULL;
m_lastSent = NULL;
Section *finalSec = NULL;
Section *lastSent = NULL;
// scan the sentence sections and number them to set m_sentNum
for ( Section *sk = m_rootSection ; sk ; sk = sk->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// record final section
finalSec = sk;
// set this
sk->m_prevSent = lastSent;
// need sentence
if ( ! ( sk->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// first one?
if ( ! m_firstSent ) m_firstSent = sk;
// we are the sentence now
lastSent = sk;
// update
m_lastSent = lastSent;
// reset this
lastSent = NULL;
// now set "m_nextSent" of each section
for ( Section *sk = finalSec ; sk ; sk = sk->m_prev ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// set this
sk->m_nextSent = lastSent;
// need sentence
if ( ! ( sk->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// we are the sentence now
lastSent = sk;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool SectionVotingTable::addVote3 ( long turkTagHash ,
long sectionType ,
float score ,
float numSampled ,
bool hackFix ) {
HashTableX *ttt = &m_svt;
// or in bitnum
//long long vk = turkTagHash;
uint64_t vk = sectionType;
// make room for bitnum
vk <<= 32;
// combine with turkTagHash
vk |= (uint32_t)turkTagHash;
//vk |= sectionType;
// sanity
if ( sectionType < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// print out for debug
//log("section: adding vote #%li) th=%lu-%li",
// m_numVotes++,tagHash,sectionType);
// get existing vote statistics for this vk from hash table
long slot = ttt->getSlot ( &vk );
// return true with g_errno set on error
if ( slot < 0 ) {
SectionVote nv;
nv.m_score = score;
nv.m_numSampled = numSampled;
return ttt->addKey ( &vk , &nv );
// get the current voting statistics in table
SectionVote *sv = (SectionVote *)ttt->getValueFromSlot ( slot );
// incorporate this voter's voting info
sv->m_score += score;
sv->m_numSampled += numSampled;
// keep this to one
if ( hackFix )
sv->m_numSampled = 1;
return true;
// . no longer use single bit flags, sec_t
// . just use enumerated section types now
// . each section type has a score and number sampled to get that score
// . returns -1 if no data
// . otherwise returns score from 0.0 to 1.0 which is probability that
// sections with the given tagHash are of type "sectionType" where
// "sectionType" is like SEC_TEXTY, SEC_DUP, SEC_CLOCK, etc.
float SectionVotingTable::getScore ( long turkTagHash , long sectionType ) {
// make the vote key
long long vk = ((uint64_t)sectionType) << 32 | (uint32_t)turkTagHash;
//long long vk = ((uint64_t)tagHash) << 32 | (uint32_t)sectionType;
// get these
SectionVote *sv = (SectionVote *)m_svt.getValue ( &vk );
//SectionVote *osv = (SectionVote *)m_osvt.getValue ( &vk );
//SectionVote *nsv = (SectionVote *)m_nsvt.getValue ( &vk );
// return -1.0 if no voting data for this guy
//if ( ! osv && ! nsv ) return -1.0;
if ( ! sv ) return -1.0;
// combine
float score = 0.0;
float numSampled = 0.0;
if ( sv ) score += sv->m_score;
if ( sv ) numSampled += sv->m_numSampled;
// . only count ourselves as one sample
// . in the "old" voting table a single sample is a doc, as opposed
// to in the new voting table where we have one sample count every
// time the turkTagHash or contentHash occurs on the page.
//if ( nsv ) numSampled++;
// and use an average for the score
//if ( nsv ) score += nsv->m_score / nsv->m_numSampled;
// sanity check
if ( numSampled <= 0.0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// normalize
return score / numSampled;
float SectionVotingTable::getOldScore ( Section *sn , long sectionType ) {
// make the vote key
long long vk = ((uint64_t)sectionType) << 32|(uint32_t)sn->m_tagHash;
//long long vk=((uint64_t)sn->m_tagHash) << 32 | (uint32_t)sectionType;
// get these
SectionVote *osv = (SectionVote *)m_osvt.getValue ( &vk );
// return -1.0 if no voting data for this guy
if ( ! osv ) return -1.0;
// combine
float score = 0.0;
float numSampled = 0.0;
if ( osv ) score += osv->m_score;
if ( osv ) numSampled += osv->m_numSampled;
// sanity check
if ( numSampled <= 0.0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// normalize
return score / numSampled;
float SectionVotingTable::getNewScore ( Section *sn , long sectionType ) {
// make the vote key
long long vk = ((uint64_t)sectionType) << 32|(uint32_t)sn->m_tagHash;
//long long vk=((uint64_t)sn->m_tagHash) << 32 | (uint32_t)sectionType;
// get these
SectionVote *nsv = (SectionVote *)m_nsvt.getValue ( &vk );
// return -1.0 if no voting data for this guy
if ( ! nsv ) return -1.0;
// combine
float score = 0.0;
float numSampled = 0.0;
if ( nsv ) score += nsv->m_score;
if ( nsv ) numSampled += nsv->m_numSampled;
// sanity check
if ( numSampled <= 0.0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// normalize
return score / numSampled;
// just like getScore() above basically
float SectionVotingTable::getNumSampled ( long turkTagHash, long sectionType) {
// make the vote key
long long vk = ((uint64_t)sectionType) << 32 | (uint32_t)turkTagHash;
//long long vk = ((uint64_t)tagHash) << 32 | (uint32_t)sectionType;
// get these
SectionVote *sv = (SectionVote *)m_svt.getValue ( &vk );
//SectionVote *osv = (SectionVote *)m_osvt.getValue ( &vk );
//SectionVote *nsv = (SectionVote *)m_nsvt.getValue ( &vk );
// return 0.0 if no voting data for this guy
//if ( ! osv && ! nsv ) return 0.0;
if ( ! sv ) return 0.0;
// combine
float numSampled = 0.0;
if ( sv ) numSampled += sv->m_numSampled;
// . only count ourselves as one sample
// . in the "old" voting table a single sample is a doc, as opposed
// to in the new voting table where we have one sample count every
// time the tagHash or contentHash occurs on the page.
//if ( nsv ) numSampled++;
// sanity check
if ( numSampled <= 0.0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// normalize
return numSampled;
// just like getScore() above basically
float SectionVotingTable::getOldNumSampled ( Section *sn , long sectionType ) {
// make the vote key
long long vk=((uint64_t)sectionType) << 32 | (uint32_t)sn->m_tagHash;
//long long vk=((uint64_t)sn->m_tagHash) << 32 | (uint32_t)sectionType;
// get these
SectionVote *osv = (SectionVote *)m_osvt.getValue ( &vk );
// return 0.0 if no voting data for this guy
if ( ! osv ) return 0.0;
// combine
float numSampled = 0.0;
if ( osv ) numSampled += osv->m_numSampled;
// sanity check
if ( numSampled <= 0.0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// normalize
return numSampled;
// . returns false if no article
// . otherwise sets a and b to the range in word #'s and returns true
void Sections::getArticleRange ( long *start , long *end ) {
// assume no section
*start = -1;
*end = -1;
// if no article, skip all!
if ( ! m_hadArticle ) return ;
// return if we got it
if ( m_articleEndWord != -2 ) {
*start = m_articleStartWord;
*end = m_articleEndWord;
long a = -1;
long b = -1;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// shortcut
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// skip if not article section
if ( ! ( sn->m_flags & SEC_ARTICLE ) ) continue;
// keep a range going
if ( sn->m_a < a || a == -1 ) a = sn->m_a;
// and the end of the range
if ( sn->m_b > b || b == -1 ) b = sn->m_b;
// set them
m_articleStartWord = a;
m_articleEndWord = b;
// sanity check. if m_hadArticle was set, we should have something
if ( (a == -1 || b == -1) && m_hadArticle ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set the range to return it
*start = m_articleStartWord;
*end = m_articleEndWord;
// . store our "votes" into datedb
// . each vote key is:
// siteAndTagPairHash(termId)|tagHash(date)|secTypeEnum(score)|docId
// . to index a tag hash the section's flags must NOT have SEC_NOTEXT set.
// . TODO: do not index a key if the secTypeEnum (section type) is already well
// represented in list we read from datedb
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . returns true on success
bool SectionVotingTable::hash ( long long docId ,
HashTableX *dt ,
uint64_t siteHash64 ,
long niceness ) {
// let's try skipping this always for now and going without using
// sectiondb. we do not use it for the test parser anyway and we
// seem to do ok... but verify that!
//return true;
// . do not index more recs to sectiondb if we have enough!
// . this is now in XmlDoc.cpp
//if ( m_totalSiteVoters >= MAX_SITE_VOTERS ) {
// //log("sect: got %li site voters. skipping.",m_totalSiteVoters);
// return true;
// sanity check
if ( dt->m_ks != sizeof(key128_t) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( dt->m_ds != sizeof(SectionVote) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( getKeySizeFromRdbId ( RDB_SECTIONDB ) != 16 ){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// if we did not have enough voters from our site with our same
// page layout, then wait in line. when we get enough such voters
// we will be respidered quickly theoretically.
// MDW: disable this for now since it is causing a parsing
// inconsistency since when we re-read the list from sectiondb
// for the parsing inconsistency check in XmlDoc.cpp, it sometimes
// sets m_waitInLine to true... which is strange... wtf?
// guilty url:
uint64_t termId = siteHash64 & TERMID_MASK;
// . now for tallying the # of voters per site we use tagHash of 0
// . we use this to check for a MAX_SITE_VOTERS breach in XmlDoc.cpp
key128_t k = g_datedb.makeKey ( termId ,
// 0 is the tagHash
0 ,
// score/secType
docId ,
false );
// make a fake section vote
SectionVote sv;
sv.m_score = 0;
sv.m_numSampled = 0;
// . hash it
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! dt->addKey ( &k , &sv ) ) return false;
// . add all votes in m_nsvt into Sectiondb
// . we don't add m_osvt because we got those from Sectiondb!
// . however, we do serialize both tables in the TitleRec and we
// only serialize m_nsvt right now because of SEC_DUP having
// been computed by volatile Msg20s.. to ensure parsing consistency
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_svt.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( niceness );
// skip if empty
if ( m_svt.m_flags[i] == 0 ) continue;
// get key
uint64_t vk = *(uint64_t *)m_svt.getKey(i);
// get section type from key
long sectionType = vk >> 32;
//long sectionType = vk & 0xffffffff;
// sanity check
if ( sectionType > 255 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( sectionType < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// and tagHash from key
uint32_t secHash32 = vk & 0xffffffff;
// check for "what"
//if ( tagHash == (unsigned long)-1024871986 )
// log("hey");
//long tagHash = vk >> 32;
// make the record key first
key128_t k;
k = g_datedb.makeKey ( termId , // termId
secHash32 , // date field
sectionType , // score
docId ,
false ); // delete key?
// the data of the record is just the SectionVote
SectionVote *sv = (SectionVote *)m_svt.getValueFromSlot(i);
// sanity check. this is reserved for line waiters i guess
if ( sv->m_numSampled == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
uint64_t sh = g_datedb.getTermId(&k);
if ( sh != termId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
long long d = g_datedb.getDocId(&k);
if ( d != docId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! dt->addKey ( &k , sv ) ) return false;
// log this for now! last hash is the date format hash!
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"section: added tagHash=0x%lx "
// "sectionType=%li score=%.02f numSampled=%.02f",
// tagHash,sectionType,sv->m_score,sv->m_numSampled);
return true;
// add docid-based forced spider recs into the metalist
char *Sections::respiderLineWaiters ( char *metaList ,
char *metaListEnd ) {
// these are from the parent
//Url *url ,
//long ip ,
//long priority ) {
// shortcut
char *p = metaList;
char *pend = metaListEnd;
// not if we ourselves had to wait in line! that means there were not
// enough voters!
if ( m_waitInLine ) return p;
// MDW: disable this for now since it is causing a parsing
// inconsistency since when we re-read the list from sectiondb
// for the parsing inconsistency check in XmlDoc.cpp, it sometimes
// sets m_waitInLine to true... which is strange... wtf?
// guilty url:
return p;
//long now = getTimeSynced();
// host hash
//long h = hash32 ( url->getHost() , url->getHostLen() );
// make sure not 0
//if ( h == 0 ) h = 1;
// now add the line waiters into spiderdb as forced spider recs
for ( ; ! m_list.isExhausted() ; m_list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// does it match us?
long tagPairHash = m_list.getCurrentDate();
// skip if not line waiter
if ( tagPairHash != m_tagPairHash ) continue;
// key128_t
key128_t *key = (key128_t *)m_list.getCurrentRec();
// get section type of this sectiondb vote/key
long secType = g_indexdb.getScore ( (char *)key );
// must be this
if ( secType != SV_WAITINLINE ) continue;
// get docid
long long docId = m_list.getCurrentDocId();
// store the rdbId
// . store in the meta list
// . similar to how we do it in Links::setMetaList()
SpiderRequest *sreq = (SpiderRequest *)p;
// reset it
// now set these
sreq->m_fromSections = 1;
sreq->m_urlIsDocId = 1;
sreq->m_fakeFirstIp = 1;
// copy url
// fake
long firstIp = hash32n(sreq->m_url);
if ( firstIp == -1 || firstIp == 0 ) firstIp = 1;
sreq->m_firstIp = firstIp;
// set the key!
sreq->setKey( firstIp, m_docId , false );
// advance p
p += sreq->getRecSize();
// sanity check
if ( p > pend ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// debug
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"section: respider line waiter d=%lli",docId);
return p;
#define TABLE_ROWS 25
// . print it out
// . we can't just loop over the sections because some sections have
// words between the subsections they contain,
// . so we have to loop over the individual "words"
bool Sections::print ( SafeBuf *sbuf ,
HashTableX *pt ,
HashTableX *et ,
HashTableX *st2 ,
HashTableX *at ,
HashTableX *tt ,
//HashTableX *rt ,
HashTableX *priceTable ) {
sbuf->safePrintf("<b>Sections in Document</b>\n");
// section sanity checks
for ( long i =0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get section
Section *sn = &m_sections[i]; // Ptrs[i];
// get parent
Section *sp = sn->m_parent;
if ( ! sp ) continue;
// check if contained
if ( sn->m_a < sp->m_a ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( sn->m_b > sp->m_b ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
char **wptrs = m_words->getWords ();
long *wlens = m_words->getWordLens ();
nodeid_t *tids = m_words->getTagIds();
long nw = m_words->getNumWords ();
// check words
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get section
Section *sn = m_sectionPtrs[i];
if ( sn->m_a > i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( sn->m_b <= i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
bool hadWords = false;
Section *lastSection = NULL; // TagHash = -1;
Section *dstack[MAXTAGSTACK];
long ns = 0;
long printedi = -1;
// first print the html lines out
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get section
Section *sn = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// print if ending
if ( ns>0 && dstack[ns-1]->m_b == i && ! hadWords )
// if this word is punct print that out
if ( ! m_wids[i] && ! m_tids[i] ) {
// do not reprint
printedi = i;
// punch out some </divs>
for ( ; ns>0 && dstack[ns-1]->m_b == i ; ns-- ) {
//sbuf->safePrintf("</div id=0x%lx>\n",
// . put in a div if its a new section changing front tag
// . section might not start with a tag, like the bullet
if ( //tids[i] &&
//! ( tids[i] & BACKBIT ) &&
sn->m_a == i &&
lastSection != sn ) {
// punch out some </divs>
//for ( ; ns>0 && dstack[ns-1] == i ; ns-- )
// sbuf->safePrintf("</div>\n");
// store the sections in this array
Section *spbuf[20];
// one div per parent!
Section *sp = sn;
long qq = 0;
for ( ; sp && sp->m_a == sn->m_a ; sp = sp->m_parent )
spbuf[qq++] = sp;
// sanity check
if ( qq > 20 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// flag for printing
//bool printed = false;
// for sanity check
Section *lastk = NULL;
bool printFirstWord = false;
// now reverse loop for div sections
for ( long k = qq-1 ; k >= 0 ; k-- ) {
// get it
Section *sk = spbuf[k];
// must be good
if ( lastk &&
( sk->m_a > lastk->m_a ||
sk->m_b > lastk->m_b )) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// save it
lastk = sk;
// flag
if ( sk->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE )
printFirstWord = true;
// only make font color different
long bcolor = (long)sk->m_tagHash& 0x00ffffff;
long fcolor = 0x000000;
long rcolor = 0x000000;
uint8_t *bp = (uint8_t *)&bcolor;
bool dark = false;
if ( bp[0]<128 && bp[1]<128 && bp[2]<128 )
dark = true;
// or if two are less than 50
if ( bp[0]<100 && bp[1]<100 ) dark = true;
if ( bp[1]<100 && bp[2]<100 ) dark = true;
if ( bp[0]<100 && bp[2]<100 ) dark = true;
// if bg color is dark, make font color light
if ( dark ) {
fcolor = 0x00ffffff;
rcolor = 0x00ffffff;
// start the new div
//sbuf->safePrintf("<div id=0x%lx "//e%li "
sbuf->safePrintf("<div "
"border:#%06lx 1px solid;"
// print event id range
if ( sk->m_minEventId >= 1 )
sbuf->safePrintf("%li-%li ",
// push that
//if ( (sk->m_flags & SEC_FAKE) &&
// sk->m_b > sk->m_a + 1 )
// dstack[ns++] = sk->m_b - 1;
dstack[ns++] = sk;//->m_b;
// print word/tag #i
if ( printedi<i && !(sk->m_flags&SEC_FAKE)) {
// only print the contents once
printedi = i; // = true;
// "<br>" might be a sequnce of brs
long last = i;
if ( tids[i] == TAG_BR )
last = sk->m_b - 1;
char *end = m_wptrs[last] +
long tlen = end - wptrs[i];
// only encode if it is a tag
if ( tids[i] )
false );
//false );
// print the flags
if ( sk )
sbuf->safePrintf("A=%li ",sk->m_a);
//safePrintf("fwp=%li ",sk->m_firstWordPos);
// print tag hash now
if ( sk )
sbuf->safePrintf("hash=0x%lx ",
if ( sk->m_contentHash)
sbuf->safePrintf("ch=0x%lx ",
//else if ( sk->m_contentHash2 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("ch2=0x%lx ",
// (long)sk->m_contentHash2);
else if ( sk->m_sentenceContentHash )
sbuf->safePrintf("sch=0x%lx ",
// show dup votes if any
if ( sk->m_votesForDup )
sbuf->safePrintf("dupvotes=%li ",
if ( sk->m_votesForNotDup )
sbuf->safePrintf("notdupvotes=%li ",
printFlags ( sbuf , sk , false );
// print the item tables out
long long *ph = (long long *)pt->getValue(&sk);
long long *eh = (long long *)et->getValue(&sk);
//bool isInRt = false;
//if ( rt ) isInRt = rt->isInTable(&sk);
bool inPriceTable = false;
if ( priceTable )
inPriceTable =
// get addr index ptr if any (could be mult)
long acount = 0;
long long sh = 0LL;
if ( at ) {
long slot = at->getSlot(&sk);
slot=at->getNextSlot(slot,&sk)) {
// get min
Place **pp;
pp = (Place **)at->
// get hash
long long tt=(*pp)->m_hash;
// get max
if ( ! sh || tt > sh ) sh = tt;
// count them
// date #
//long *ti = (long *)tt->getValue(&sk);
// print those out
if ( ph )
sbuf->safePrintf("hasphone ");
if ( eh )
sbuf->safePrintf("hasemail ");
//if ( isInRt )
// sbuf->safePrintf("hasregistration ");
if ( inPriceTable )
sbuf->safePrintf("hasprice ");
//if ( sk )
//sbuf->safePrintf("dh=0x%lx ",
if ( sh )
if ( sh && acount >= 2 )
sbuf->safePrintf(" (%li total)",
if ( isHardSection(sk) )
sbuf->safePrintf("hardsec ");
//if ( ph )
// sbuf->safePrintf("phonehash=%llx ",*ph);
//if ( eh )
// sbuf->safePrintf("emailhash=%llx ",*eh);
// consider actually print the address out
// if you want to, but don't show the pointer
// because it causes problems in the diff
// that the qa loop does.
// addr #
//if ( ai )
//sbuf->safePrintf("addrindex=%li ",*ai);
//if ( ai )
//sbuf->safePrintf("hasaddress ");
// tod #
//if ( ti )
// sbuf->safePrintf("hastod ");//,*ti);
//if ( sk->m_numAddresses > 0 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("na=%i ",
// sk->m_numAddresses);
//if ( sk->m_numPlaces > 0 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("np=%i ",
// sk->m_numPlaces);
sbuf->safePrintf("</i> ");
// assume had no words
hadWords = false;
if (printFirstWord && !tids[i] )
sbuf->htmlEncode(wptrs[i],wlens[i],false );
// update it
lastSection = sn;
// based on depth
//for ( long k = 0 ;
// lastSection != sn && k < sn->m_depth + 1 ;
// k++ )
// sbuf->safePrintf("-");
// print word/tag #i
if ( tids[i] != TAG_BR && i>printedi )
sbuf->htmlEncode(wptrs[i],wlens[i],false );
// update it
lastSection = sn;
// assume had words
if ( m_wids[i] || tids[i] ) hadWords = true;
bool unbal = (ns > 0 );
for ( long i = 0 ; i < ns ; i++ )
// sanity check
if ( unbal )
sbuf->safePrintf("<br><b>%li UNBALANCED SECTIONS</b><br><br>",
// print header
char *hdr =
"<table border=1>"
"<td><b>sec #</b></td>"
"<td><b>XOR</b></td>" // only valid for contentHashes
"<td><b>alnum words</b></td>" // contained in section
"<td><b>parent word range</b></td>"
"<td><b># siblings</b></td>"
"<td><b>text snippet</b></td>"
//"<td>votes for static</td>"
//"<td>votes for dynamic</td>"
//"<td>votes for texty</td>"
//"<td>votes for unique</td>"
long rcount = 0;
long scount = 0;
// show word # of each section so we can look in PageParser.cpp's
// output to see exactly where it starts, since we now label all
// the words
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
for ( Section *sn = m_rootSection ; sn ; sn = sn->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// see if one big table causes a browser slowdown
if ( (++rcount % TABLE_ROWS ) == 0 )
// get it
//Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
//Section *sn = m_sorted[i];
// skip if not a section with its own words
//if ( sn->m_flags & SEC_NOTEXT ) continue;
char *xs = "--";
char ttt[100];
if ( sn->m_contentHash ) {
long modified = sn->m_tagHash ^ sn->m_contentHash;
xs = ttt;
// shortcut
Section *parent = sn->m_parent;
long pswn = -1;
long pewn = -1;
if ( parent ) pswn = parent->m_a;
if ( parent ) pewn = parent->m_b;
// print it
"<td><nobr>%li to %li</nobr></td>"
"<td><nobr>" ,
sn->m_numOccurences);//totalOccurences );
// now show the flags
printFlags ( sbuf , sn , false );
// first few words of section
long a = sn->m_a;
long b = sn->m_b;
// -1 means an unclosed tag!! should no longer be the case
if ( b == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }//b=m_words->m_numWords;
if ( sn->m_minEventId >= 1 )
// 70 chars max
long max = 70;
long count = 0;
char truncated = 0;
// do not print last word/tag in section
for ( long i = a ; i < b - 1 && count < max ; i++ ) {
char *s = wptrs[i];
long slen = wlens[i];
if ( count + slen > max ) {
truncated = 1;
slen = max - count;
count += slen;
// boldify front tag
if ( i == a ) sbuf->safePrintf("<b>");
// boldify front tag
if ( i == a ) sbuf->safePrintf("</b>");
// if we truncated print a ...
if ( truncated ) sbuf->safePrintf("<b>...</b>");
// then print ending tag
if ( b < nw ) {
long blen = wlens[b-1];
if ( blen>20 ) blen = 20;
// now print the NEW voting table
sbuf->safePrintf("<b>NEW Section Voting Table (nsvt)</b>\n");
sbuf->safePrintf("<i>tagHash is combined with sectionType to make the "
"key in sectiondb. The data is everything else. "
"*The tagHash is XOR'ed with the contentHash for the "
"contentHash "
"section type, and is the tagPairHash for the "
"tagPairHash section type.</i>");
// print table header
char *hdr2 =
"<table border=1>"
HashTableX *st = &m_nsvt;
rcount = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < st->m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if empty
if ( ! st->m_flags[i] ) continue;
// see if one big table causes a browser slowdown
if ( (++rcount % TABLE_ROWS ) == 0 )
// get the key
uint64_t k = *(uint64_t *)st->getKey ( i );
// get the data
SectionVote *sv = (SectionVote *)st->getValueFromSlot ( i );
// parse key
long tagHash = (long)(k & 0xffffffff);
long sectionType = (long)(k >> 32);
//long tagHash = (long)(k >> 32);
//long sectionType = (long)(k & 0xffffffff);
// convert to string
char *st = getSectionTypeAsStr ( sectionType );
float avg = 0.0;
if ( sv->m_numSampled > 0 ) avg = sv->m_score/sv->m_numSampled;
sv->m_numSampled ,
avg );
// now print the OLD voting table
sbuf->safePrintf("<b>OLD Section Voting Table (osvt)</b>\n");
sbuf->safePrintf("<i>numSampled is # of docs that had tagHash or "
// print table header
st = &m_osvt;
rcount = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < st->m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if empty
if ( ! st->m_flags[i] ) continue;
// see if one big table causes a browser slowdown
if ( (++rcount % TABLE_ROWS ) == 0 )
// get the key
uint64_t k = *(uint64_t *)st->getKey ( i );
// get the data
SectionVote *sv = (SectionVote *)st->getValueFromSlot ( i );
// parse key
long tagHash = (long)(k & 0xffffffff);
long sectionType = (long)(k >> 32);
//long tagHash = (long)(k >> 32);
//long sectionType = (long)(k & 0xffffffff);
// convert to string
char *st = getSectionTypeAsStr ( sectionType );
float avg = 0.0;
if ( sv->m_numSampled > 0 ) avg = sv->m_score/sv->m_numSampled;
sv->m_numSampled ,
avg );
sbuf->safePrintf("<table border=1 cellpadding=3>\n");
"<tr><td><nobr><b>Section Type</b></nobr></td>"
"<tr><td>texty</td><td>An average "
"score of 0.0 means the "
"section does not have any words that are not "
"in anchor test. An average "
"score of 1.0 means the section "
"has words, none of which are in anchor text."
"<tr><td>clock</td><td>An average "
"score of 1.0 means "
"section identified as "
"containing a clock. An average "
"score of 0.0 mean it contains "
"a date that is definitely not a clock."
"<tr><td>eurdatefmt</td><td>An average "
"score of 1.0 means "
"the section contains a date in european format, "
"which means day first, not month. An average "
"score of 0.0 "
"means the section contains a date that is NOT in "
"european format.</td></tr>\n"
"All unique adjacent tag ids are hashed to form "
"this number which represents the overal strucutre "
"of the document. The tagHash is the tagPairHash "
"in this case."
"The tagHash in this case is really "
"the content hash of the words in the section XORed "
"with the original tagHash."
// must be \0 terminated
if ( sbuf->m_buf[sbuf->m_length] ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
return true;
void Sections::printFlags ( SafeBuf *sbuf , Section *sn , bool justEvents ) {
sec_t f = sn->m_flags;
// sbuf->safePrintf("addresscontainer ");
//if ( f & SEC_EVENT )
// sbuf->safePrintf("hasevent ");
//if ( f & SEC_MULT_EVENTS_1 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("multevents1 ");
//if ( f & SEC_MULT_EVENTS_2 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("multevents2 ");
//if ( f & SEC_MULT_DATES )
// sbuf->safePrintf("multdates ");
//if ( f & SEC_SUBSECTION )
// sbuf->safePrintf("subsection ");
//if ( f & SEC_VENUE_PAGE )
// sbuf->safePrintf("venuepage ");
// sbuf->safePrintf("multaddresses ");
//if ( f & SEC_MULT_PLACES )
// sbuf->safePrintf("multplaces ");
if ( justEvents ) return;
if ( f & SEC_TOD_EVENT )
sbuf->safePrintf("todevent ");
sbuf->safePrintf("hrcontainer ");
//if ( f & SEC_TOD_EVENT_2 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("containsmulttodevents ");
//if ( f & SEC_TOD_EVENT_3 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("containsmulttodevents ");
//if ( sn->m_numTods >= 1 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("numtods=%li ",sn->m_numTods );
sbuf->safePrintf("hasregistration ");
if ( f & SEC_HAS_PARKING )
sbuf->safePrintf("hasparking ");
sbuf->safePrintf("nixedheadingcontainer ");
sbuf->safePrintf("headingcontainer ");
if ( f & SEC_HEADING )
sbuf->safePrintf("heading ");
sbuf->safePrintf("hasnonfuzzydate ");
if ( f & SEC_TAIL_CRAP )
sbuf->safePrintf("tailcrap ");
if ( f & SEC_STRIKE )
sbuf->safePrintf("strike ");
if ( f & SEC_STRIKE2 )
sbuf->safePrintf("strike2 ");
sbuf->safePrintf("secondtitle ");
//if ( f & SEC_HAS_EVENT_DATE )
// sbuf->safePrintf("haseventdate " );
// sbuf->safePrintf("hasnoneventdate " );
sbuf->safePrintf("eventbrother " );
sbuf->safePrintf("ignoreeventbrother " );
sbuf->safePrintf("storehourscontainer ");
sbuf->safePrintf("datelistcontainer " );
sbuf->safePrintf("pubdatecontainer ");
sbuf->safePrintf("tableheader ");
//if ( f & SEC_HAS_DATE )
// sbuf->safePrintf("hasdate " );
if ( f & SEC_HAS_DOM )
sbuf->safePrintf("hasdom " );
if ( f & SEC_HAS_MONTH )
sbuf->safePrintf("hasmonth " );
if ( f & SEC_HAS_DOW )
sbuf->safePrintf("hasdow " );
if ( f & SEC_HAS_TOD )
sbuf->safePrintf("hastod " );
sbuf->safePrintf("haseventdomdow " );
//if ( f & SEC_HAS_TODINMENU )
// sbuf->safePrintf("hastodinmenu " );
sbuf->safePrintf("menusentence " );
if ( f & SEC_MENU )
sbuf->safePrintf("ismenu " );
if ( f & SEC_MENU_HEADER )
sbuf->safePrintf("menuheader " );
//if ( f & SEC_LIST_HEADER )
// sbuf->safePrintf("listheader " );
if ( f & SEC_CONTAINER )
sbuf->safePrintf("listcontainer " );
sbuf->safePrintf("inputheader " );
sbuf->safePrintf("inputfooter " );
if ( f & SEC_LINK_TEXT )
sbuf->safePrintf("linktext " );
if ( f & SEC_PLAIN_TEXT )
sbuf->safePrintf("plaintext " );
//if ( f & SEC_NOT_MENU )
// sbuf->safePrintf("notmenu " );
//if ( f & SEC_MAYBE_MENU )
// sbuf->safePrintf("maybemenu " );
//if ( f & SEC_DUP )
// sbuf->safePrintf("dupsection " );
//if ( f & SEC_IS_MENUITEM )
// sbuf->safePrintf("menuitem " );
//if ( f & SEC_SENTENCE )
// sbuf->safePrintf("sentence ");
if ( f & SEC_FAKE ) {
//sbuf->safePrintf("hrtag ");
// extra it
//if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_HR )
// sbuf->safePrintf("hrtagdelim ");
//if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_BR )
// sbuf->safePrintf("brtagdelim ");
//else if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_H1 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("h1tagdelim ");
//else if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_H2 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("h2tagdelim ");
//else if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_H3 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("h3tagdelim ");
//else if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_H4 )
// sbuf->safePrintf("h4tagdelim ");
//else if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_BRBR )
// sbuf->safePrintf("brbrdelim ");
if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_BULLET )
sbuf->safePrintf("bulletdelim ");
else if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_SENTENCE )
sbuf->safePrintf("<b>sentence</b> ");
else if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_IMPLIED )
sbuf->safePrintf("<b>impliedsec</b> ");
//else if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_IMPLIED_LIST )
// sbuf->safePrintf("<b>impliedLIST</b> ");
else { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( f & SEC_SPLIT_SENT )
sbuf->safePrintf("<b>splitsent</b> ");
if ( f & SEC_NOTEXT )
sbuf->safePrintf("notext ");
if ( f & SEC_MULTIDIMS )
sbuf->safePrintf("multidims ");
sbuf->safePrintf("hasdateheaderrow ");
sbuf->safePrintf("hasdateheadercol ");
if ( sn->m_colNum )
sbuf->safePrintf("colnum=%li ",sn->m_colNum );
if ( sn->m_rowNum )
sbuf->safePrintf("rownum=%li ",sn->m_rowNum );
if ( sn->m_headColSection )
sbuf->safePrintf("headcola=%li ",sn->m_headColSection->m_a);
if ( sn->m_headRowSection )
sbuf->safePrintf("headrowa=%li ",sn->m_headRowSection->m_a);
if ( f & SEC_IN_TABLE )
sbuf->safePrintf("intable ");
//if ( f & SEC_ARTICLE )
// sbuf->safePrintf("inarticle ");
if ( f & SEC_SCRIPT )
sbuf->safePrintf("inscript ");
if ( f & SEC_NOSCRIPT )
sbuf->safePrintf("innoscript ");
if ( f & SEC_STYLE )
sbuf->safePrintf("instyle ");
//if ( f & SEC_FIRST_HIDDEN )
// sbuf->safePrintf("infirstdivhide ");
if ( f & SEC_HIDDEN )
sbuf->safePrintf("indivhide ");
if ( f & SEC_SELECT )
sbuf->safePrintf("inselect ");
if ( f & SEC_MARQUEE )
sbuf->safePrintf("inmarquee ");
//if ( f & SEC_A )
// sbuf->safePrintf("inhref ");
if ( f & SEC_IN_TITLE )
sbuf->safePrintf("intitle ");
if ( f & SEC_IN_HEADER )
sbuf->safePrintf("inheader ");
sbuf->safePrintf("unbalanced " );
if ( f & SEC_OPEN_ENDED )
sbuf->safePrintf("openended " );
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < (long)sizeof(turkbits_t)*8 ; i++ ) {
// uint64_t mask = ((turkbits_t)1) << (turkbits_t)i;
// if ( ! ((sn->m_turkBits) & mask ) ) continue;
// sbuf->safePrintf("%s ",getTurkBitLabel(mask));
// sentence flags
sentflags_t sf = sn->m_sentFlags;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i++ ) {
// get mask
uint64_t mask = ((uint64_t)1) << (uint64_t)i;
if ( sf & mask )
sbuf->safePrintf("%s ",getSentBitLabel(mask));
//if ( f & SEC_HAS_DATE )
// sbuf->safePrintf("hasdate ");
//if ( ! f ) sbuf->safePrintf("&nbsp;");
char *getSectionTypeAsStr ( long sectionType ) {
//if ( sectionType == SV_TEXTY ) return "texty";
if ( sectionType == SV_CLOCK ) return "clock";
if ( sectionType == SV_EURDATEFMT ) return "eurdatefmt";
if ( sectionType == SV_EVENT ) return "event";
if ( sectionType == SV_ADDRESS ) return "address";
if ( sectionType == SV_TAGPAIRHASH ) return "tagpairhash";
if ( sectionType == SV_TAGCONTENTHASH ) return "tagcontenthash";
if ( sectionType == SV_TURKTAGHASH ) return "turktaghash";
//if ( sectionType == SV_DUP ) return "dup";
//if ( sectionType == SV_NOT_DUP ) return "notdup";
//if ( sectionType == SV_TEXTY_MAX_SAMPLED ) return "textymaxsmpl";
//if ( sectionType == SV_WAITINLINE ) return "waitinline";
if ( sectionType == SV_FUTURE_DATE ) return "futuredate";
if ( sectionType == SV_CURRENT_DATE ) return "currentdate";
if ( sectionType == SV_PAST_DATE ) return "pastdate";
if ( sectionType == SV_SITE_VOTER ) return "sitevoter";
// sanity check
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return "unknown";
// . returns (char *)-1 with g_errno set on error
// . XmlDoc.cpp calls this to fill in TitleRec::ptr_sectionsData for storage
// . because sectiondb is volatile we need to store m_osvt, which is a tally
// of all the relevant votes for our sections that we extracted from
// sectiondb
char *Sections::getSectionsReply ( long *size ) {
// assume none
*size = 0;
// how much buf do we need?
m_bufSize = m_osvt.getStoredSize();
// returning NULL is valid
if ( m_bufSize == 0 ) return NULL;
// make buf
m_buf = (char *)mmalloc ( m_bufSize , "sdata" );
if ( ! m_buf ) return (char *)-1;
// store it
long bytes = m_osvt.serialize ( m_buf , m_bufSize );
// sanity check
if ( bytes != m_bufSize ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// save this
*size = bytes;
// good
return m_buf;
// . returns (char *)-1 with g_errno set on error
// . XmlDoc.cpp calls this to fill in TitleRec::ptr_sectionsData for storage
// . because sectiondb is volatile we need to store m_osvt, which is a tally
// of all the relevant votes for our sections that we extracted from
// sectiondb
char *Sections::getSectionsVotes ( long *size ) {
// assume none
*size = 0;
// how much buf do we need?
m_bufSize2 = m_nsvt.getStoredSize();
// returning NULL is valid
if ( m_bufSize2 == 0 ) return NULL;
// make buf
m_buf2 = (char *)mmalloc ( m_bufSize2 , "sdata" );
if ( ! m_buf2 ) return (char *)-1;
// store it
long bytes = m_nsvt.serialize ( m_buf2 , m_bufSize2 );
// sanity check
if ( bytes != m_bufSize2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// save this
*size = bytes;
// good
return m_buf2;
bool Sections::isHardSection ( Section *sn ) {
long a = sn->m_a;
// . treat this as hard... kinda like a div section...
// fixes date from stealing address of another date
// because the span tags are fucked up...
// . crap, no this prevents and other urls
// from telescoping to header dates they need to telescope to.
// the header dates are in span tags and if that is seen as a hard
// section bad things happen
//if ( m_tids[a] == TAG_SPAN ) return true;
if ( ! isBreakingTagId(m_tids[a]) ) {
// . if first child is hard that works!
// . fixes "<blockquote><p>..." for
if ( sn->m_next &&
sn->m_next->m_tagId &&
// fix "blah blah<br>blah blah" for sentence
sn->m_next->m_tagId != TAG_BR &&
sn->m_next->m_a < sn->m_b &&
isBreakingTagId(sn->m_next->m_tagId) )
return true;
// otherwise, forget it!
return false;
// has sub dates in br-based implied sections that need
// to telescope to their parent above
if ( m_tids[a] == TAG_BR ) return false;
//if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_BRBR ) return false;
//if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_BR ) return false;
if ( sn->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) return false;
// xml tag exception for treat <st1:Place>... as soft
if ( (m_tids[a] & BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_XMLTAG && ! m_isRSSExt )
return false;
//if ( sn->m_baseHash == BH_IMPLIED ) return false;
// try to fix for allowing a tod range to extend to
// the DOW in the paragraph before it
//if ( (m_tids[a]&BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_P ) return false;
//if (m_baseHash == BH_H1 ) return true;
//if (m_baseHash == BH_H2 ) return true;
//if (m_baseHash == BH_H3 ) return true;
//if (m_baseHash == BH_H4 ) return true;
//if (m_baseHash == BH_BULLET ) return true;
return true;
bool Sections::setMenus ( ) {
// set SEC_LINK_ONLY on sections that just contain a link
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if not a href section
if ( si->m_baseHash != TAG_A ) continue;
// try that out
Section *sk = si;
// loop back up here
// mark that
sk->m_flags |= SEC_LINK_TEXT;
// set boundaries
long a = sk->m_a;
long b = sk->m_b;
// mark parents as long as they have no more text than this!
sk = sk->m_parent;
// stop if no more
if ( ! sk ) continue;
// check
long i;
for ( i = sk->m_a ; i < a ; i++ )
if ( m_wids[i] ) break;
// skip this section if has text outside
if ( i < a ) continue;
// try the right side
for ( i = b ; i < sk->m_b ; i++ )
if ( m_wids[i] ) break;
// skip this section if has text outside
if ( i < sk->m_b ) continue;
// try the next parent
goto subloop;
for ( Section *sk = m_rootSection ; sk ; sk = sk->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// we are the first item
Section *first = sk;
// must be a link text only section
if ( ! ( sk->m_flags & SEC_LINK_TEXT ) ) continue;
// skip if used already
if ( sk->m_used == 78 ) continue;
// reset
//bool added = false;
// use si now
Section *si = sk;
// loop back up here
// mark it
si->m_used = 78;
// save it
Section *last = si;
// scan brothers
si = si->m_nextBrother;
if ( ! si ) continue;
// . hard tag ids must match
// . likes to put span, bold, etc.
// tags throughout their menus, so this fixes that
//if ( si->m_hardSection->m_tagId !=
// last->m_hardSection->m_tagId ) continue;
// . must have same tag id, baseHash
// . no wholefoods has a different id for each, but we
// should match the tag id!
//if ( si->m_baseHash != last->m_baseHash ) continue;
if ( si->m_tagId != last->m_tagId ) continue;
// stop if not link text
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_LINK_TEXT ) ) continue;
// it is link text
si->m_flags |= SEC_MENU;
// and the first one too
first->m_flags |= SEC_MENU;
// repeat
goto subloop2;
// . this just returns if already set
// . sets Bits::m_bits[x].m_flags & D_IN_LINK if its in a link
// . this bits array is 1-1 with the words
// shortcut
wbit_t *bb = m_bits->m_bits;
sec_t flag;
// set SEC_PLAIN_TEXT and SEC_LINK_TEXT for all sections
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// need alnum word
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// get our flag
if ( bb[i] & D_IN_LINK ) flag = SEC_LINK_TEXT;
else flag = SEC_PLAIN_TEXT;
// get section ptr
Section *sk = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// loop for sk
for ( ; sk ; sk = sk->m_parent ) {
// skip if already set
if ( sk->m_flags & flag ) break;
// set it
sk->m_flags |= flag;
Section *last = NULL;
// . alernatively, scan through all anchor tags
// . compare to last anchor tag
// . and blow up each to their max non-intersection section and make
// sure no PLAIN text in either of those!
// . this is all to fix which has various span
// and bold tags throughout its menu at random
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// . if we hit plain text, we kill our last
// . this was causing "geeks who drink" for blackbirdbuvette
// to get is SEC_MENU set because there was a link after it
if ( si->m_flags & SEC_PLAIN_TEXT ) last = NULL;
// skip if not a href section
if ( si->m_baseHash != TAG_A ) continue;
// . if it is a mailto link forget it
// . fixes from detecting a bad menu
char *ptr = m_wptrs[si->m_a];
long plen = m_wlens[si->m_a];
char *mailto = strncasestr(ptr,plen,"mailto:");
if ( mailto ) last = NULL;
// bail if no last
if ( ! last ) { last = si; continue; }
// save last
Section *prev = last;
// set last for next round, used "saved" below
last = si;
// get first "hard" section encountered while telescoping
Section *prevHard = NULL;
// blow up last until right before it contains us
for ( ; prev ; prev = prev->m_parent ) {
// record?
if ( ! prevHard && isHardSection(prev) )
prevHard = prev;
// if parent contains us, stop
if ( prev->m_parent->contains ( si ) ) break;
// if it has plain text, forget it!
if ( prev->m_flags & SEC_PLAIN_TEXT ) continue;
// use this for us
Section *sk = si;
// get first "hard" section encountered while telescoping
Section *skHard = NULL;
// same for us
for ( ; sk ; sk = sk->m_parent ) {
// record?
if ( ! skHard && isHardSection(sk) ) skHard = sk;
// if parent contains us, stop
if ( sk->m_parent->contains ( prev ) ) break;
// if it has plain text, forget it!
if ( sk->m_flags & SEC_PLAIN_TEXT ) continue;
// . first hard sections encountered must match!
// . otherwise for we lose "A B C ..." as
// title candidate because we think it is an SEC_MENU
// because the sections before it have links in them, but
// they have different hard sections
if ( prevHard && ! skHard ) continue;
if ( ! prevHard && skHard ) continue;
if ( prevHard && prevHard->m_tagId!=skHard->m_tagId ) continue;
// if this href section splits a sentence, then do not
// let it be a menu. fixes which has
// "<a>Songwriter Showcase and Open Mic</a>
// <a>with Mike Kuntz</a>"
// getting detected as a two-link menu system
// . NO! hurts some other menus that have just spaces
// separating the terms!
Section *se;
se = prev;
for ( ; se ; se = se->m_parent )
if ( se->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) break;
if ( se &&
( se->m_firstWordPos != prev->m_firstWordPos ||
se->m_lastWordPos != prev->m_lastWordPos ) )
se = si;
for ( ; se ; se = se->m_parent )
if ( se->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) break;
if ( se &&
( se->m_firstWordPos != sk->m_firstWordPos ||
se->m_lastWordPos != sk->m_lastWordPos ) )
// ok, great that works!
prev->m_flags |= SEC_MENU;
sk ->m_flags |= SEC_MENU;
// now remove menus that are just two links
// IF they are not exactly the same tag hash?????
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// need a menu section
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_MENU ) ) continue;
// skip if processed
if ( si->m_used == 101 ) continue;
// must be a list of menu sections
Section *next = si->m_nextBrother;
if ( ! next ) continue;
if ( ! ( next->m_flags & SEC_MENU ) ) continue;
// is 3rd set?
Section *third = next->m_nextBrother;
// unset?
bool unset = 0;
if ( ! third ) unset = true;
else if ( ! ( third->m_flags & SEC_MENU ) ) unset = true;
// init it
Section *sj = si;
// do a full loop
for ( ; sj ; sj = sj->m_nextBrother ) {
// breathe
// mark it
sj->m_used = 101;
// stop if we hit third and unset is true
if ( sj == third && unset ) break;
// unset?
if ( unset ) sj->m_flags &= ~SEC_MENU;
// . set text around input radio checkboxes text boxes and text areas
// . we need input tags to be their own sections though!
//for ( Section *sk = m_rootSection ; sk ; sk = sk->m_next ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// need a tag
if ( ! m_tids[i] ) continue;
// must be an input tag
if ( m_tids[i] != TAG_INPUT &&
m_tids[i] != TAG_TEXTAREA &&
m_tids[i] != TAG_SELECT )
// get tag as a word
char *tag = m_wptrs[i];
long tagLen = m_wlens[i];
// what type of input tag is this? hidden? radio? checkbox?...
long itlen;
char *it = getFieldValue ( tag , tagLen , "type" , &itlen );
// skip if hidden
if ( itlen==6 && !strncasecmp ( it,"hidden",6) ) continue;
// get word before first item in list
long r = i - 1;
for ( ; r >= 0 ; r-- ) {
// skip if not wordid
if ( ! m_wids[r] ) continue;
// get its section
Section *sr = m_sectionPtrs[r];
// . skip if in div hidden section
// . fixes
if ( sr->m_flags & SEC_HIDDEN ) continue;
// ok, stop
// if no header, skip
if ( r < 0 ) continue;
// we are the first item
//Section *first = sk;
//long firsta = i;
Section *first = m_sectionPtrs[i];
setHeader ( r , first , SEC_INPUT_HEADER );
// and the footer, if any
r = i + 1;
for ( ; r < m_nw && ! m_wids[r] ; r++ ) QUICKPOLL(m_niceness);
// if no header, skip
if ( r >= m_nw ) continue;
// we are the first item
//Section *first = sk;
//long firsta = i;
//Section *first = m_sectionPtrs[i];
setHeader ( r , first , SEC_INPUT_FOOTER );
long long h_copyright = hash64n("copyright");
// copyright check
// the copyright symbol in utf8 (see Entities.cpp for the code)
char copy[3];
copy[0] = 0xc2;
copy[1] = 0xa9;
copy[2] = 0x00;
// scan all years, lists and ranges of years, and look for
// a preceeding copyright sign. mark such years as DF_COPYRIGHT
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
// skip if tag
if ( m_tids[i] ) continue;
// do we have an alnum word before us here?
if ( m_wids[i] ) {
// if word check for copyright
if ( m_wids[i] != h_copyright ) continue;
// must have copyright sign in it i guess
else if ( ! gb_strncasestr(m_wptrs[i],m_wlens[i],copy))
// mark section as copyright section then
Section *sp = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// flag as menu
sp->m_flags |= SEC_MENU;
sec_t ff = SEC_MENU |
// set SEC_MENU of child sections of SEC_MENU sections
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// must be a link text only section
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & ff ) ) continue;
// ignore if went down this path
if ( si->m_used == 82 ) continue;
// save it
//Section *parent = si;
// get first potential kid
Section *sk = si->m_next;
// scan child sections
for ( ; sk ; sk = sk->m_next ) {
// stop if not contained
if ( ! si->contains ( sk ) ) break;
// mark it
sk->m_flags |= (si->m_flags & ff); // SEC_MENU;
// ignore in big loop
sk->m_used = 82;
for ( Section *sk = m_rootSection ; sk ; sk = sk->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if not in a menu
if ( ! ( sk->m_flags & SEC_MENU ) ) continue;
// get his list container
Section *c = sk->m_listContainer;
// skip if none
if ( ! c ) continue;
// already flagged?
if ( c->m_used == 89 ) continue;
// do not repeat on any item in this list
c->m_used = 89;
// flag all its brothers!
Section *zz = sk;
for ( ; zz ; zz = zz->m_nextBrother )
// bail if not in menu
if ( ! ( zz->m_flags & SEC_MENU ) ) break;
// if broked it, stop
if ( zz ) continue;
// ok, every item in list is a menu item, so try to set header
// get word before first item in list
long r = sk->m_a - 1;
for ( ; r >= 0 && ! m_wids[r] ; r-- )
// if no header, skip
if ( r < 0 ) continue;
setHeader ( r , sk , SEC_MENU_HEADER );
// unset SEC_MENU if a lot of votes for not dup
for ( Section *sk = m_rootSection ; sk ; sk = sk->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if not in a menu
if ( ! ( sk->m_flags & SEC_MENU ) ) continue;
// . check him out
// . this is only valid for sections that have SEC_NO_TEXT clr
if ( sk->m_votesForNotDup <= sk->m_votesForDup ) continue;
// ok, more likely not a dup i guess
sk->m_flags &= ~SEC_MENU;
// and every parent
for ( Section *sp = sk ; sp ; sp = sp->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// stop if clear
if ( ! ( sp->m_flags & SEC_MENU ) ) break;
// unset it
sp->m_flags &= ~SEC_MENU;
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// must be a link text only section
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_MENU ) ) continue;
// set this
bool gotSentence = ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE );
// set SEC_MENU of the sentence
if ( gotSentence ) continue;
// parent up otherwise
for ( Section *sk = si->m_parent ; sk ; sk = sk->m_parent ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// stop if sentence finally
if ( ! ( sk->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// not a menu sentence if it has plain text in it
// though! we have to make this exception to stop
// stuff like
// "Wedding Ceremonies, No preservatives, more... "
// from from being a menu sentence
// just because "more" is in a link.
if ( sk->m_flags & SEC_PLAIN_TEXT ) break;
// set it
sk->m_flags |= SEC_MENU_SENTENCE;
// and stop
// sanity check - must have sentence
//if ( ! sk ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// just this here
// . now set generic list headers
// . list headers can only contain one hard section with text
// . list headers cannot have a previous brother section
for ( long i = 0 ; i + 1 < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// shortcut
Section *si = &m_sections[i];
// get container
Section *c = si->m_listContainer;
// skip if no container
if ( ! c ) continue;
// skip if already did this container
if ( c->m_used == 55 ) continue;
// mark it
c->m_used = 55;
// flag it
c->m_flags |= SEC_CONTAINER;
// skip the rest for now
// get first word before the list container
long r = c->m_a - 1;
for ( ; r >= 0 && ! m_wids[r] ; r-- ) QUICKPOLL(m_niceness);
// if no header, skip
if ( r < 0 ) continue;
// now see if the containing list section has an outside header
//setHeader ( r , c , SEC_LIST_HEADER );
//Section *maxhdr = setHeader ( r , c , SEC_LIST_HEADER );
// skip if none
//if ( ! maxhdr ) continue;
// if it was a header, mark the list it is a header of
//maxhdr->m_headerOfList = c;
static bool s_init = false;
static long long h_close ;
static long long h_send ;
static long long h_map ;
static long long h_maps ;
static long long h_directions ;
static long long h_driving ;
static long long h_help ;
static long long h_more ;
static long long h_log ;
static long long h_sign ;
static long long h_change ;
static long long h_write ;
static long long h_save ;
static long long h_share ;
static long long h_forgot ;
static long long h_home ;
static long long h_sitemap ;
static long long h_advanced ;
static long long h_go ;
static long long h_website ;
static long long h_view;
static long long h_add;
static long long h_submit;
static long long h_get;
static long long h_about;
// new stuff
static long long h_back; // back to top
static long long h_next;
static long long h_buy; // buy tickets
static long long h_english; // english french german versions
static long long h_click;
if ( ! s_init ) {
s_init = true;
h_close = hash64n("close");
h_send = hash64n("send");
h_map = hash64n("map");
h_maps = hash64n("maps");
h_directions = hash64n("directions");
h_driving = hash64n("driving");
h_help = hash64n("help");
h_more = hash64n("more");
h_log = hash64n("log");
h_sign = hash64n("sign");
h_change = hash64n("change");
h_write = hash64n("write");
h_save = hash64n("save");
h_share = hash64n("share");
h_forgot = hash64n("forgot");
h_home = hash64n("home");
h_sitemap = hash64n("sitemap");
h_advanced = hash64n("advanced");
h_go = hash64n("go");
h_website = hash64n("website");
h_view = hash64n("view");
h_add = hash64n("add");
h_submit = hash64n("submit");
h_get = hash64n("get");
h_about = hash64n("about");
h_back = hash64n ("back");
h_next = hash64n ("next");
h_buy = hash64n ("buy");
h_english = hash64n ("english");
h_click = hash64n ("click");
// . when dup/non-dup voting info is not available because we are
// more or less an isolated page, guess that these links are
// menu links and not to be considered for title or event description
// . we completely exclude a word from title/description if its
// SEC_MENU is set.
// . set SEC_MENU for renegade links that start with an action
// verb like "close" or "add" etc. but if their # of non dup votes
// is high relative to their # of dup votes, then do not set this
// because it might be a name of a band like "More" or something
// and be in a link
// . scan all href sections
// set SEC_LINK_ONLY on sections that just contain a link
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if not a href section
if ( si->m_baseHash != TAG_A ) continue;
// set points to scan
long a = si->m_a;
long b = si->m_b;
// assume not bad
bool bad = false;
long i;
// scan words if any
for ( i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) {
// skip if not word
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// assume bad
bad = true;
// certain words are indicative of menus
if ( m_wids[i] == h_close ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_send ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_map ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_maps ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_directions ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_driving ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_help ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_more ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_log ) break; // log in
if ( m_wids[i] == h_sign ) break; // sign up/in
if ( m_wids[i] == h_change ) break; // change my loc.
if ( m_wids[i] == h_write ) break; // write a review
if ( m_wids[i] == h_save ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_share ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_forgot ) break; // forgot your pwd
if ( m_wids[i] == h_home ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_sitemap ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_advanced ) break; // adv search
if ( m_wids[i] == h_go ) break; // go to top of page
if ( m_wids[i] == h_website ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_view ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_add ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_submit ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_get ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_about ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_back ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_next ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_buy ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_english ) break;
if ( m_wids[i] == h_click ) break;
bad = false;
// skip if ok
if ( ! bad ) continue;
// get smallest section
Section *sm = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// . exempt if lots of non-dup votes relatively
// . could be a band name of "More ..."
//if ( sm->m_votesForNotDup > sm->m_votesForDup ) continue;
// if bad mark it!
sm->m_flags |= SEC_MENU;
return true;
// "first" is first item in the list we are getting header for
void Sections::setHeader ( long r , Section *first , sec_t flag ) {
// get smallest section containing word #r
Section *sr = m_sectionPtrs[r];
// save orig
Section *orig = sr;
// save that
//Section *firstOrig = first;
// blow up until just before "first" section
for ( ; sr ; sr = sr->m_parent ) {
// forget it if in title tag already!
if ( sr->m_flags & SEC_IN_TITLE ) return;
// any brother means to stop! this basically means
// we are looking for a single line of text as the menu
// header
//if ( sr->m_prevBrother ) return;
// stop if no parent
if ( ! sr->m_parent ) continue;
// parent must not contain first
if ( sr->m_parent->contains ( first ) ) break;
// if we failed to contain "first"... what does this mean? i dunno
// but its dropping core for
if ( ! sr ) return;
// save that
Section *biggest = sr;
// check out prev brother
Section *prev = biggest->m_prevBrother;
// if we are in a hard section and capitalized (part of the
// SEC_HEADING) requirements, then it should be ok if we have
// a prev brother of a different tagid.
// this will fix which has a list of header tags
// and ul tags intermingled, with menus in the ul tags.
// should also fix which has alternating
// dd and dt tags for its menus. now that we got rid of
// addImpliedSections() we have to deal with this here, and it will
// be more accurate since addImpliedSections() was often wrong.
if ( prev &&
//(orig->m_flags & SEC_CAPITALIZED) &&
//!(orig->m_flags & SEC_ENDS_IN_PUNCT) &&
(orig->m_flags & SEC_HEADING) &&
prev->m_tagId != biggest->m_tagId )
prev = NULL;
// but if prev brother is a blank, we should view that as a delimeter
// BUT really we should have added those sections in with the new
// delimeter logic! but let's put this in for now anyway...
if ( prev && prev->m_firstWordPos < 0 )
prev = NULL;
// if the header section has a prev brother, forget it!
if ( prev ) return;
// . if we gained extra text, that is a no-no then
// . these two checks replaced the two commented out ones above
// . they allow for empty sections preceeding "sr" at any level as
// we telescope it up
if ( biggest->m_firstWordPos != orig->m_firstWordPos ) return;
if ( biggest->m_lastWordPos != orig->m_lastWordPos ) return;
// . scan all subsections of the header section
// . only allowed to have one hard section containing text
Section *hdr = biggest;
for ( long i = biggest->m_a ; i < biggest->m_b ; i++ ) {
// need word
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// get smallest *hard* section containg word
Section *sp = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// get first hard section
for ( ; ! sp->isHardSection() ; sp = sp->m_parent ) ;
// if we had a different one already, that is bad! we can't
// be a header section then!
if ( firstHard && firstHard != sp ) return;
// flag it
firstHard = sp;
sp->m_used = 33;
// . now blow up first until just before it hits biggest as well
// . this fixes reverbnation on the nextBrother check below
for ( ; first ; first = first->m_parent ) {
// stop if parent is NULL
if ( ! first->m_parent ) break;
// stop if parent would contain biggest
if ( first->m_parent->contains ( biggest ) ) break;
// if after blowing it up "first" contains more than just menu
// sections, then bail. that really was not a menu header!
// fixes reverbnation url that thought "That 1 Guy" was a menu header.
if ( flag == SEC_MENU_HEADER ) {
Section *fx = first;
for ( ; fx ; fx = fx->m_next ) {
// stop when list is over
if ( fx->m_a >= first->m_b ) break;
// ignore if no next
if ( fx->m_flags & SEC_NOTEXT ) continue;
// thats bad if SEC_MENU not set, it should be for all!
if ( fx->m_flags & SEC_MENU ) continue;
// we got these now
if ( fx->m_flags & SEC_MENU_SENTENCE ) continue;
// otherwise, bad!
//if ( ! ( fx->m_flags & SEC_MENU ) ) return;
// strange?
if ( ! sr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// scan until outside biggest
long lastb = biggest->m_b;
// . make sure sr does not contain any list in it
// . scan all sections between sr and "saved"
for ( ; sr ; sr = sr->m_next ) {
// stop if over
if ( sr->m_a >= lastb ) break;
// if we have a brother with same taghash we are
// part of a list
if ( sr->m_nextBrother &&
sr->m_nextBrother->m_tagHash == sr->m_tagHash &&
sr->m_nextBrother != first )
if ( sr->m_prevBrother &&
sr->m_prevBrother->m_tagHash == sr->m_tagHash &&
// for footers
sr->m_prevBrother != first )
// restart loop
sr = biggest;
// ok, not part of a list, flag it
for ( ; sr ; sr = sr->m_next ) {
// stop if over
if ( sr->m_a >= lastb ) break;
// flag each subsection
sr->m_flags |= flag; // SEC_MENU_HEADER;
// mark it
//if (flag == SEC_LIST_HEADER ) sr->m_headerOfList = firstOrig;
// . set SEC_HEADING and SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER bits in Section::m_flags
// . identifies sections that are most likely headings
// . the WHOLE idea of this algo is to take a list of sections that are all
// the same tagId/baseHash and differentiate them so we can insert implied
// sections with headers.
// . then addImpliedSections() uses the SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER bit to
// modify the base hash to distinguish sections that would otherwise all
// be the same!
// . should fix and to have proper implied sections
// . it is better to not add any implied sections than to add the wrong ones
// so be extra strict in our rules here.
bool Sections::setHeadingBit ( ) {
long headings = 0;
// scan the sections
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if directly contains no text
//if ( si->m_flags & SEC_NOTEXT ) continue;
// SEC_NOTEXT is not set at this point
long fwp = si->m_firstWordPos;
if ( fwp == -1 ) continue;
// we must be the smallest container around this text
if ( m_sectionPtrs[fwp] != si ) continue;
// . make sure we are in our own hard section
// . TODO: allow for bold or strong, etc. tags as well
bool hasHard = false;
long a = si->m_firstWordPos;
long b = si->m_lastWordPos;
// go to parent
Section *pp = si;
Section *biggest = NULL;
bool inLink = false;
// . we need to be isolated in our own hard section container
// . TODO: what about "<b>Hi There <i>Bob</i></b>" as a heading
// . i guess that will still work!
for ( ; pp ; pp = pp->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// stop if breached
if ( pp->m_firstWordPos != a ) break;
if ( pp->m_lastWordPos != b ) break;
// record this
if ( pp->m_tagId == TAG_A ) inLink = true;
// record the biggest section containing just our text
biggest = pp;
// is it a hard section?
if ( isHardSection(pp) ) hasHard = true;
// . allow bold and strong tags
// . fixes which has the dates of the
// month in strong tags. so we need to set
// SEC_HEADING for those so getDelimHash() will
// recognize such tags as date header tags in the
// METHOD_DOM algorithm and we get the proper
// implied sections
if ( pp->m_tagId == TAG_STRONG ) hasHard = true;
if ( pp->m_tagId == TAG_B ) hasHard = true;
// need to be isolated in a hard section
if ( ! hasHard ) continue;
// . must be a <tr> or <p> tag... for now keep it constrained
// . fixes where we were allowing
// <td> cells to be headings in a row... kinda strange
// . allow SEC_HEADING and SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER to be set
// here at least and nixed in the 2nd loop. that way we
// can use SEC_NIXED_HEADING_CONTAINER in the algo
// in Dates.cpp that sets SEC_TOD_EVENT
// . WELL, i turned this off 11/8/11 and didn't seem to
// be needed! this should be tagid independent anyhow.
if ( biggest->m_tagId != TAG_TR &&
// if we don't allow <td> cells we miss out on
// Santa_Fe_NM.html
biggest->m_tagId != TAG_TD &&
biggest->m_tagId != TAG_TABLE &&
// fix
biggest->m_tagId != TAG_DT &&
biggest->m_tagId != TAG_P &&
biggest->m_tagId != TAG_P2 &&
biggest->m_tagId != TAG_H1 &&
biggest->m_tagId != TAG_H2 &&
biggest->m_tagId != TAG_H3 &&
biggest->m_tagId != TAG_H4 &&
// fix to allow dates in strong tags to be
// headings so our getDelimHash() works. see comment
// above regarding
biggest->m_tagId != TAG_STRONG &&
biggest->m_tagId != TAG_B )
// now make sure the text is capitalized etc
bool hadUpper = false;
//bool hadLower = false;
long lowerCount = 0;
bool hadYear = false;
bool hadAlpha = false;
long i;
// scan the alnum words we contain
for ( i = a ; i <= b ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// . did we hit a breaking tag?
// . "<div> blah <table><tr><td>blah... </div>"
if ( m_tids[i] && isBreakingTagId(m_tids[i]) ) break;
// skip if not alnum word
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// skip digits
if ( is_digit(m_wptrs[i][0]) ) {
// skip if not 4-digit year
if ( m_wlens[i] != 4 ) continue;
// . but if we had a year like "2010" that
// is allowed to be a header.
// . this fixes because the events
// under the "2010" header were telescoping
// up into events in the "December 2009"
// section, when they should have been in
// their own section! and now they are in
// their own implied section...
long num = m_words->getAsLong(i);
if ( num < 1800 ) continue;
if ( num > 2100 ) continue;
// mark it
hadYear = true;
// mark this
hadAlpha = true;
// is it upper?
if ( is_upper_utf8(m_wptrs[i]) ) {
hadUpper = true;
// skip stop words
if ( m_words->isStopWord(i) ) continue;
// . skip short words
// . November 4<sup>th</sup> for
if ( m_wlens[i] <= 2 ) continue;
// is it lower?
if ( is_lower_utf8(m_wptrs[i]) ) lowerCount++;
// stop now if bad
//if ( hadUpper ) break;
if ( lowerCount >= 2 ) break;
// is it a header?
bool isHeader = hadUpper;
// a single year by itself is ok though too
if ( hadYear && ! hadAlpha ) isHeader = true;
// not if we had a lower case guy
//if ( hadLower ) isHeader = false;
// allow for one mistake like we do in Events.cpp for titles
if ( lowerCount >= 2 ) isHeader = false;
// . mark as bad? we need at least one upper case word!
// . seeing too many all lower case non-headers!
//if ( ! hadUpper ) continue;
// if we broke out early, give up
//if ( i < b ) continue;
if ( ! isHeader ) continue;
// ok, mark this section as a heading section
si->m_flags |= SEC_HEADING;
// mark all parents to up to biggest
biggest->m_flags |= SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER;
// mark all up to biggest now too! that way the td section
// gets marked and if the tr section gets replaced with a
// fake tc section then we are ok for METHOD_ABOVE_DOW!
for ( Section *pp = si; // ->m_parent ; (bug!)
pp && pp != biggest ;
pp = pp->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// a hack!
if ( inLink ) biggest->m_flags |= SEC_LINK_TEXT;
// count them
// bail now if no headings were set
if ( ! headings ) return true;
// . now scan sections again and scan each list of brothers
// whose m_used is not set to 33
// . if it is set to 33 that means we already scanned it
// . and unset SEC_HEADING if brothers are not all the same tr or p tag
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip if not a heading container
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER) ) continue;
// skip if already did
if ( si->m_used == 33 ) continue;
// we got one, get the brother list
Section *bro = si;
// back up to first brother
for ( ; bro->m_prevBrother ; bro = bro->m_prevBrother )
// breathe
// skip NIXED for now
// save it
Section *first = bro;
// are we a bad list?
char bad = 0;
// now do the full scan
for ( ; bro ; bro = bro->m_nextBrother ) {
// breathe
// . must all be the same baseHash (kinda like tagId)
// . the WHOLE idea of this algo is to take a list
// of sections that are all the same tagId/baseHash
// and differentiate them so we can insert
// implied sections with headers
//if ( bro->m_baseHash != si->m_baseHash ) bad = 1;
// has all <p> tags but with different
// attributes... so fix that...
if ( bro->m_tagId != si->m_tagId ) bad = 1;
// if has link text and is heading, that is bad
if ( ( bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER ) &&
( bro->m_flags & SEC_LINK_TEXT ) )
bad = 2;
// mark it
bro->m_used = 33;
// if not bad, keep it
if ( ! bad ) continue;
// clear the whole list
bro = first;
// scan again
for ( ; bro ; bro = bro->m_nextBrother ) {
// breathe
// skip if not set
if ( ! ( bro->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER ) )
// unset
bro->m_flags &= ~SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER;
// note it for Dates.cpp to use
return true;
void Sections::setTagHashes ( ) {
if ( m_numSections == 0 ) return;
// now recompute the tagHashes and depths and content hashes since
// we have eliminate open-ended sections in the loop above
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
for ( Section *sn = m_rootSection ; sn ; sn = sn->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// these have to be in order of sn->m_a to work right
// because we rely on the parent tag hash, which would not
// necessarily be set if we were not sorted, because the
// parent section could have SEC_FAKE flag set because it is
// a br section added afterwards.
//Section *sn = m_sorted[i]; // sections[i];
// shortcut
long long bh = (long long)sn->m_baseHash;
//long long fh = sn->m_tagId;
// sanity check
if ( bh == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if no parent, use initial values
if ( ! sn->m_parent ) {
sn->m_depth = 0;
sn->m_tagHash = bh;
sn->m_turkTagHash = sn->m_turkBaseHash;//m_tagId;
//sn->m_turkTagHash = bh;
//sn->m_formatHash = fh;
// sanity check
if ( bh == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( sn->m_parent->m_tagHash == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . update the cumulative front tag hash
// . do not include hyperlinks as part of the cumulative hash!
sn->m_tagHash = hash32h ( bh , sn->m_parent->m_tagHash );
// now use this for setting Date::m_dateTagHash instead
// of using Section::m_tagHash since often the dates like
// for are in a <tr id=xxxx> where xxxx changes
sn->m_turkTagHash =
//hash32h ( sn->m_tagId, sn->m_parent->m_turkTagHash );
hash32h ( sn->m_turkBaseHash,
sn->m_parent->m_turkTagHash );
sn->m_colorHash = hash32h ( bh , sn->m_parent->m_colorHash );
//else sn->m_formatHash=sn->m_parent->m_formatHash;
// if we are an implied section, just use the tag hash of
// our parent. that way since we add different implied
// sections for root than we do the kid,
// the section voting should still match up
if ( bh == BH_IMPLIED ) {
sn->m_tagHash = sn->m_parent->m_tagHash;
sn->m_turkTagHash = sn->m_parent->m_turkTagHash;
// sanity check
// i've seen this happen once for
// sn->m_parent->m_tagHash = 791013962
// bh = 20020
if ( sn->m_tagHash == 0 ) sn->m_tagHash = 1234567;
// depth based on parent, too
//if ( tid != TAG_A ) sn->m_depth = sn->m_parent->m_depth + 1;
//else sn->m_depth = sn->m_parent->m_depth ;
sn->m_depth = sn->m_parent->m_depth + 1;
bool Sections::containsTagId ( Section *si, nodeid_t tagId ) {
// scan sections to right
long a = si->m_a + 1;
// scan as long as contained by us
for ( ; a < m_nw && a < si->m_b ; a++ ) {
// breathe
if ( m_tids[a] == tagId ) return true;
return false;
bool Sections::setTableStuff ( ) {
char tbuf[1024];
HashTableX tdups;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_dates->m_numDatePtrs ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Date *di = m_dates->m_datePtrs[i];
// skip if none
if ( ! di ) continue;
// get section
Section *si = di->m_section;
// skip if not in body
if ( ! si ) continue;
// need to be in a table
Section *ts = si->m_tableSec;
// skip if none
if ( ! ts ) continue;
// if already did, forget it!
if ( tdups.isInTable ( &ts ) ) continue;
// add it
if ( ! tdups.addKey ( &ts ) ) return false;
// do it
if ( ! setTableDateHeaders ( ts ) ) return false;
return true;
// . does table have a date header row or column?
// . we need this for our weekly schedule detection algorithm
// . many sites have a row header this is the days of the week
// . sometimes they have tods in the first column, and sometimes they
// just put the tods and tod ranges in the table cells directly.
// . sets Section::m_flags SEC_HASDATEHEADERCOL/ROW for JUST the table
// section if it indeed has such date headers
// . Dates::isCompatible() looks at that table flag to see if it should
// apply special processing when deciding if two dates should be paired
// . then we set DF_TABLEDATEHEADERROW/COL for the dates in those
// header rows/cols so that we can set SF_RECURRING_DOW if the dow date
// was in the header row/col
bool Sections::setTableDateHeaders ( Section *ts ) {
// skip if only one row and column
if ( ! ( ts->m_flags & SEC_MULTIDIMS ) ) return true;
char adtbuf[1000];
HashTableX adt;
adt.set ( 4 , 0 , 64 , adtbuf, 1000, false,m_niceness,"adttab");
// sanity check
//if ( ! m_firstDateValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// return right away if table contains no dates
//long dn = ts->m_firstDate - 1;
//if ( dn < 0 ) return true;
long dn = 0;
Section *headerCol = NULL;
Section *headerRow = NULL;
for ( long i = dn ; i < m_dates->m_numDatePtrs ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Date *di = m_dates->m_datePtrs[i];
// skip if nuked. part of a compound, or in bad section.
if ( ! di ) continue;
// must be in table
if ( di->m_a < ts->m_a ) continue;
// stop if out of table
if ( di->m_a >= ts->m_b ) break;
// sanity check
if ( di->m_a < 0 ) continue;
// if it is a single tod then make sure not like "8.32"
if ( di->m_flags & DF_FUZZY ) continue;
// get date's section
Section *si = di->m_section;
// must be in that table.. in subtable?? then skip...
if ( si->m_tableSec != ts ) continue;
// get the table cell section
Section *cell = si;
for ( ; cell ; cell = cell->m_parent ) {
if ( cell->m_tagId == TAG_TD ) break;
if ( cell->m_tagId == TAG_TH ) break;
// how does this happen?
if ( ! cell ) continue;
// . do not add our hash if not just a date
// . we are not header material if more than just a date
wbit_t *bb = NULL;
if ( m_bits ) bb = m_bits->m_bits;
bool hasWord = false;
for ( long j = cell->m_a ; j < cell->m_b ; j++ ) {
if ( ! bb ) break;
if ( ! m_wids[j] ) continue;
if ( bb[j] & D_IS_IN_DATE ) continue;
hasWord = true;
// we are not date header material if we got more than
// just a date in our td/th cell
if ( hasWord ) continue;
// get date types
datetype_t dt = di->m_hasType;
// see if same date type in prev row or col
long row = si->m_rowNum;
long col = si->m_colNum;
long prevRow = row - 1;
long prevCol = col - 1;
long h;
// zero is invalid row
if ( prevRow >= 1 && ! headerCol ) {
h = hash32h ( prevRow , col );
h = hash32h ( (long)ts , h );
h = hash32h ( dt , h ); // datetype
if ( adt.isInTable ( &h ) ) {
headerCol = cell;
// zero is invalid col
if ( prevCol >= 1 && ! headerRow ) {
h = hash32h ( row , prevCol );
h = hash32h ( (long)ts , h );
h = hash32h ( dt , h ); // datetype
if ( adt.isInTable ( &h ) ) {
headerRow = cell;
// add our hash
h = hash32h ( row , col );
h = hash32h ( (long)ts , h );
h = hash32h ( dt , h ); // datetype
if ( ! adt.addKey ( &h ) ) return false;
// set flags in all cells of table
sec_t sef = 0;
if ( headerCol ) sef |= SEC_HASDATEHEADERCOL;
if ( headerRow ) sef |= SEC_HASDATEHEADERROW;
// bail if none
if ( ! sef ) return true;
// just set on table now to avoid confusion
ts->m_flags |= sef;
// . set DF_ISTABLEHEADER on dates in the headrow and headcol
// . then we can set SF_RECURRING if its a dow because its a
// weekly schedule then
// . we are setting implied sections so we do not have telescoped
// dates at this point.
for ( long i = dn ; i < m_dates->m_numDatePtrs ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Date *di = m_dates->m_datePtrs[i];
// skip if nuked. part of a compound, or in bad section.
if ( ! di ) continue;
// in row?
Section *ds = di->m_section;
// must be in body
if ( ! ds ) continue;
// stop if beyond table
if ( ds->m_a >= ts->m_b ) break;
// must be in table
if ( ds->m_tableSec != ts ) continue;
// is date in a header column?
if ( headerCol && headerCol->m_colNum == ds->m_colNum )
// is date in a header row?
if ( headerRow && headerRow->m_rowNum == ds->m_rowNum )
return true;
bool Sections::swoggleTables ( ) {
// . turn this off for now because it is too confusing
// . really just need to rewrite the entire table and re-set
// the sections class!!
return true;
Section *lastTable = NULL;
// scan dates until we find one in a table
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_dates->m_numDatePtrs ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Date *di = m_dates->m_datePtrs[i];
// skip if nuked. part of a compound, or in bad section.
if ( ! di ) continue;
// sanity check
if ( di->m_a < 0 ) continue;
// get section
Section *si = di->m_section;
// must be in a table
if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_IN_TABLE ) ) continue;
// get our table we are swoggling
Section *ts = si->m_tableSec;
// seems like this happens for bad sections like
// display:none hidden sections etc.
if ( ! ts ) continue;
// bail if already did it
if ( ts == lastTable ) continue;
// set it
lastTable = ts;
// swoggle that table
if ( ! swoggleTable ( i , ts ) ) return false;
return true;
// . swoggle the table at section "ts"
// . start at date #dn
bool Sections::swoggleTable ( long dn , Section *ts ) {
char adtbuf[1000];
HashTableX adt;
adt.set ( 4 , 0 , 64 , adtbuf, 1000, false,m_niceness,"adttab");
bool adjacentColumns = false;
bool adjacentRows = false;
for ( long i = dn ; i < m_dates->m_numDatePtrs ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
Date *di = m_dates->m_datePtrs[i];
// skip if nuked. part of a compound, or in bad section.
if ( ! di ) continue;
// sanity check
if ( di->m_a < 0 ) continue;
// if it is a single tod then make sure not like "8.32"
if ( di->m_flags & DF_FUZZY ) continue;
// get date's section
Section *si = di->m_section;
// must be in that table
if ( si->m_tableSec != ts ) break;
// get date types
datetype_t dt = di->m_hasType;
// see if same date type in prev row or col
long row = si->m_rowNum;
long col = si->m_colNum;
long prevRow = row - 1;
long prevCol = col - 1;
long h;
if ( prevRow >= 0 ) {
h = hash32h ( prevRow , col );
h = hash32h ( (long)ts , h );
h = hash32h ( dt , h ); // datetype
if ( adt.isInTable ( &h ) ) {
adjacentColumns = true;
if ( prevCol >= 0 ) {
h = hash32h ( row , prevCol );
h = hash32h ( (long)ts , h );
h = hash32h ( dt , h ); // datetype
if ( adt.isInTable ( &h ) ) {
adjacentRows = true;
// add our hash
h = hash32h ( row , col );
h = hash32h ( (long)ts , h );
h = hash32h ( dt , h ); // datetype
if ( ! adt.addKey ( &h ) ) return false;
// bail if nobody adjacent or both!
if ( ! adjacentColumns && ! adjacentRows ) return true;
if ( adjacentColumns && adjacentRows ) return true;
if ( adjacentColumns ) return true;
Section *next = NULL;
Section *tailSec = NULL;
// . remove <tr> sections from the doubly linked list of sections
// . up <tr> children's m_parent in the loop below though
for ( Section *si = ts ; si ; si = next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get next in case excised
next = si->m_next;
// stop if out of table
if ( si->m_a >= ts->m_b ) break;
// remember next section after last row
tailSec = si->m_next;
// skip if not td section or th
if ( si->m_tagId != TAG_TR ) continue;
// excise from linked list
si->m_prev->m_next = si->m_next;
si->m_next->m_prev = si->m_prev;
// its a doubly linked list
si->m_next->m_prev = si->m_prev;
si->m_prev->m_next = si->m_next;
// sanity
si->m_next = NULL;
si->m_prev = NULL;
#define MAXCOLS 50
Section *colSections[MAXCOLS];
Section *lastColCell[MAXCOLS];
Section *lastColKid [MAXCOLS];
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAXCOLS ; i++ ) {
colSections[i] = NULL;
lastColCell[i] = NULL;
lastColKid [i] = NULL;
long maxColnum = 0;
// scan the <td> sections in the table
for ( Section *si = ts ; si ; si = next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get next in case excised
next = si->m_next;
// stop if out of table
if ( si->m_a >= ts->m_b ) break;
// skip if not td section or th
if ( si->m_tagId != TAG_TD && si->m_tagId != TAG_TH ) continue;
// parent must be table now since we excised row
if ( ! si->m_parent ) continue;
// must be parent of excised row of THIS table, not a td
// in another table inside this one
if ( si->m_parent->m_parent != ts ) continue;
// excise ourselves so we can re-add in a better place
//si->m_prev->m_next = NULL; // si->m_next;
//si->m_next->m_prev = si->m_prev;
// its a doubly linked list
//si->m_next->m_prev = si->m_prev;
//si->m_prev->m_next = si->m_next;
// shortcut
long colnum = si->m_colNum;
// cram everything into last column in case of too many cols
if ( colnum >= MAXCOLS ) colnum = MAXCOLS-1;
// sanity
if ( colnum < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get col section. starts at colnum=1, not 0!
Section *cs = colSections[colnum];
// make a new col section if haven't already
if ( ! cs ) {
// overflow check
if ( m_numSections >= m_maxNumSections) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// insert it
cs = &m_sections[m_numSections++];
// count them as well
if ( colnum > maxColnum ) maxColnum = colnum;
// get the previous colnum from us that is non-NULL,
// but use the table itself if we are the first.
Section *prevCol = NULL;
for ( long pc = colnum - 1; pc >= 1 ; pc-- ) {
if ( ! colSections[pc] ) continue;
prevCol = colSections[pc];
// the column sections are in a brother list
cs->m_prevBrother = prevCol;
if ( prevCol ) prevCol->m_nextBrother = cs;
// make it an implied section
cs->m_baseHash = BH_IMPLIED;
// reset these
cs->m_headColSection = NULL;
cs->m_headRowSection = NULL;
cs->m_firstWordPos = -1;
cs->m_lastWordPos = -1;
cs->m_firstPlaceNum= -1;
cs->m_senta = -1;
cs->m_sentb = -1;
cs->m_a = si->m_a;
cs->m_b = si->m_b;
cs->m_parent = ts;
cs->m_tagId = TAG_TC;
cs->m_flags = 0;
cs->m_flags |= SEC_NOTEXT;
// store in temp array
colSections[colnum] = cs;
// get it
if ( si->m_a == 1156 && si->m_b == 1171 )
// col sec is our new parent, not the <tr> section we erased
si->m_parent = cs;
// update col section's m_b
if ( si->m_b > cs->m_b ) cs->m_b = si->m_b;
// assume not in brother list
si->m_prevBrother = NULL;
si->m_nextBrother = NULL;
// and in the doubly linked list we now follow the
// last one in the colsection
Section *lastCell = lastColCell[colnum];
// insert into brother list if we are not the first
if ( lastCell ) {
lastCell->m_nextBrother = si;
si->m_prevBrother = lastCell;
// get last section in this th/td cell
Section *lastKid = si;
// endpoint of that th/td cell
long b = lastKid->m_b;
// and find the true last kid in this cell
for ( ; lastKid ; lastKid = lastKid->m_next ) {
// breathe
// stop if we are the last section period
if ( ! lastKid->m_next ) break;
// keep looping as long as the "lastKid"
// section is contained in this td/th cell
if ( lastKid->m_next->m_a >= b ) break;
// stitch the th/td cells in the same column together
Section *prevLastKid = lastColKid[colnum];
// link this cell up with the previous section it should be w/
if ( prevLastKid ) {
prevLastKid->m_next = si;
si->m_prev = prevLastKid;
else {
si->m_prev = cs;
cs->m_next = si;
// this td/th section is not connected to anything else yet.
// if we do not connect it right above we will connect it up
// in the loop below.
// no, we can't do this because it messes up our scan for
// this for loop!
//lastKid->m_next = NULL;
// we are the new last kid for this col #
lastColCell[colnum] = si;
lastColKid [colnum] = lastKid;
// now set the m_prev/m_next members of each column section
Section *prevLastKid = NULL;
for ( long i = 1 ; i <= maxColnum ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// get it
Section *cs = colSections[i];
// skip if empty
if ( ! cs ) continue;
// get last section in this column
Section *lastKid = lastColKid[i];
// insert column into linked list with the lastKid
// of the previous column
if ( prevLastKid ) {
cs->m_prev = prevLastKid;
prevLastKid->m_next = cs;
else {
cs->m_prev = ts;
ts->m_next = cs;
// assume we are the final lastKid and will not be connected
// with the "prevLastKid" logic above
lastKid->m_next = tailSec;
tailSec->m_prev = lastKid;
// set this now
prevLastKid = lastKid;
return true;
// make this replace ::print() when it works
bool Sections::print2 ( SafeBuf *sbuf ,
long hiPos,
long *wposVec,
char *densityVec,
char *diversityVec,
char *wordSpamVec,
char *fragVec,
HashTableX *st2 ,
HashTableX *tt ,
Addresses *aa ,
bool forProCog ) {
//sbuf->safePrintf("<b>Sections in Document</b>\n");
// save ptrs
m_sbuf = sbuf;
//m_pt = pt;
//m_et = et;
//m_at = at;
//m_priceTable = priceTable;
m_aa = aa;
m_hiPos = hiPos;
m_wposVec = wposVec;
m_densityVec = densityVec;
m_diversityVec = diversityVec;
m_wordSpamVec = wordSpamVec;
m_fragVec = fragVec;
char **wptrs = m_words->getWords ();
long *wlens = m_words->getWordLens ();
//nodeid_t *tids = m_words->getTagIds();
long nw = m_words->getNumWords ();
// check words
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get section
Section *sn = m_sectionPtrs[i];
if ( sn->m_a > i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( sn->m_b <= i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// print sections out
for ( Section *sk = m_rootSection ; sk ; ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// print this section
printSectionDiv ( sk , forProCog );
// advance
long b = sk->m_b;
// stop if last
if ( b >= m_nw ) break;
// get section after that
sk = m_sectionPtrs[b];
if ( forProCog ) return true;
// print header
char *hdr =
"<table border=1>"
"<td><b>sec #</b></td>"
"<td><b>XOR</b></td>" // only valid for contentHashes
"<td><b>alnum words</b></td>" // contained in section
"<td><b>parent word range</b></td>"
"<td><b># siblings</b></td>"
"<td><b>text snippet</b></td>"
//"<td>votes for static</td>"
//"<td>votes for dynamic</td>"
//"<td>votes for texty</td>"
//"<td>votes for unique</td>"
long rcount = 0;
long scount = 0;
// show word # of each section so we can look in PageParser.cpp's
// output to see exactly where it starts, since we now label all
// the words
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
for ( Section *sn = m_rootSection ; sn ; sn = sn->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// see if one big table causes a browser slowdown
if ( (++rcount % TABLE_ROWS ) == 0 )
// get it
//Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
//Section *sn = m_sorted[i];
// skip if not a section with its own words
//if ( sn->m_flags & SEC_NOTEXT ) continue;
char *xs = "--";
char ttt[100];
if ( sn->m_contentHash64 ) {
long modified = sn->m_tagHash ^ sn->m_contentHash64;
xs = ttt;
// shortcut
Section *parent = sn->m_parent;
long pswn = -1;
long pewn = -1;
if ( parent ) pswn = parent->m_a;
if ( parent ) pewn = parent->m_b;
// print it
"<td><nobr>%li to %li</nobr></td>"
"<td><nobr>" ,
sn->m_numOccurences);//totalOccurences );
// now show the flags
printFlags ( sbuf , sn , false );
// first few words of section
long a = sn->m_a;
long b = sn->m_b;
// -1 means an unclosed tag!! should no longer be the case
if ( b == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }//b=m_words->m_numWords;
// 70 chars max
long max = 70;
long count = 0;
char truncated = 0;
// do not print last word/tag in section
for ( long i = a ; i < b - 1 && count < max ; i++ ) {
char *s = wptrs[i];
long slen = wlens[i];
if ( count + slen > max ) {
truncated = 1;
slen = max - count;
count += slen;
// boldify front tag
if ( i == a ) sbuf->safePrintf("<b>");
// boldify front tag
if ( i == a ) sbuf->safePrintf("</b>");
// if we truncated print a ...
if ( truncated ) sbuf->safePrintf("<b>...</b>");
// then print ending tag
if ( b < nw ) {
long blen = wlens[b-1];
if ( blen>20 ) blen = 20;
return true;
bool SectionVotingTable::print ( SafeBuf *sbuf , char *title ) {
// title = "new/old section voting table"
sbuf->safePrintf("<b>%s</b>\n",title );
sbuf->safePrintf("<i>turkTagHash is combined with sectionType to "
"make the "
"key in sectiondb. The data is everything else. "
"*The turkTagHash is XOR'ed with the contentHash "
"for the contentHash "
"section type, and is the tagPairHash for the "
"tagPairHash section type.</i>");
// print table header
char *hdr2 =
"<table border=1>"
HashTableX *st = &m_svt;
long rcount = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < st->m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if empty
if ( ! st->m_flags[i] ) continue;
// see if one big table causes a browser slowdown
if ( (++rcount % TABLE_ROWS ) == 0 )
// get the key
uint64_t k = *(uint64_t *)st->getKey ( i );
// get the data
SectionVote *sv = (SectionVote *)st->getValueFromSlot ( i );
// parse key
long turkTagHash = (long)(k & 0xffffffff);
long sectionType = (long)(k >> 32);
//long tagHash = (long)(k >> 32);
//long sectionType = (long)(k & 0xffffffff);
// convert to string
char *st = getSectionTypeAsStr ( sectionType );
float avg = 0.0;
if ( sv->m_numSampled > 0 ) avg = sv->m_score/sv->m_numSampled;
sv->m_numSampled ,
avg );
sbuf->safePrintf("<table border=1 cellpadding=3>\n");
"<tr><td><nobr><b>Section Type</b></nobr></td>"
"<tr><td>texty</td><td>An average "
"score of 0.0 means the "
"section does not have any words that are not "
"in anchor test. An average "
"score of 1.0 means the section "
"has words, none of which are in anchor text."
"<tr><td>clock</td><td>An average "
"score of 1.0 means "
"section identified as "
"containing a clock. An average "
"score of 0.0 mean it contains "
"a date that is definitely not a clock."
"<tr><td>eurdatefmt</td><td>An average "
"score of 1.0 means "
"the section contains a date in european format, "
"which means day first, not month. An average "
"score of 0.0 "
"means the section contains a date that is NOT in "
"european format.</td></tr>\n"
"All unique adjacent tag ids are hashed to form "
"this number which represents the overal strucutre "
"of the document. The turkTagHash is the tagPairHash "
"in this case."
"The turkTagHash in this case is really "
"the content hash of the words in the section XORed "
"with the original turkTagHash."
// must be \0 terminated
if ( sbuf->m_buf[sbuf->m_length] ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
return true;
bool Sections::printSectionDiv ( Section *sk , bool forProCog ) {
// enter a new div section now
// only make font color different
long bcolor = (long)sk->m_colorHash& 0x00ffffff;
long fcolor = 0x000000;
long rcolor = 0x000000;
uint8_t *bp = (uint8_t *)&bcolor;
bool dark = false;
if ( bp[0]<128 && bp[1]<128 && bp[2]<128 )
dark = true;
// or if two are less than 50
if ( bp[0]<100 && bp[1]<100 ) dark = true;
if ( bp[1]<100 && bp[2]<100 ) dark = true;
if ( bp[0]<100 && bp[2]<100 ) dark = true;
// if bg color is dark, make font color light
if ( dark ) {
fcolor = 0x00ffffff;
rcolor = 0x00ffffff;
// start the new div
m_sbuf->safePrintf("<div "
"border:#%06lx 1px solid;"
bool printWord = true;
if ( ! sk->m_parent && sk->m_next && sk->m_next->m_a == sk->m_a )
printWord = false;
// print word/tag #i
if ( !(sk->m_flags&SEC_FAKE) && sk->m_tagId && printWord )
// only encode if it is a tag
m_sbuf->htmlEncode(m_wptrs[sk->m_a],m_wlens[sk->m_a],false );
//if ( forProCog )
// m_sbuf->safePrintf("A=%li ",sk->m_a);
if ( forProCog && sk->m_stats.m_numUniqueSites >= 2 ) {
// do not count our own site!
"<font size=-1>"
"<a href=\"/search?"
// turn off summary deduping
// turn ON site clustering
"</i> "
, sk->m_sentenceContentHash64
if ( forProCog && (sk->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE) ) {
sec_t f = sk->m_flags;
//if ( f & SEC_SENTENCE )
// m_sbuf->safePrintf("sentence " );
m_sbuf->safePrintf("menusentence " );
if ( f & SEC_MENU )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("ismenu " );
if ( f & SEC_MENU_HEADER )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("menuheader " );
//if ( sk->m_sentenceContentHash64 &&
// sk->m_sentenceContentHash64 ) // != sk->m_contentHash64 )
// m_sbuf->safePrintf("sch=%llu ",
// sk->m_sentenceContentHash64);
// show dup votes if any
//if ( sk->m_votesForDup )
// m_sbuf->safePrintf("dupvotes=%li ",sk->m_votesForDup);
//if ( sk->m_votesForNotDup )
// m_sbuf->safePrintf("notdupvotes=%li ",
// sk->m_votesForNotDup);
if ( ! forProCog ) {
// print the flags
m_sbuf->safePrintf("A=%li ",sk->m_a);
// print tag hash now
m_sbuf->safePrintf("taghash=%lu ",(long)sk->m_tagHash);
m_sbuf->safePrintf("turktaghash=%lu ",(long)sk->m_turkTagHash);
if ( sk->m_contentHash64 )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("ch=%llu ",sk->m_contentHash64);
if ( sk->m_sentenceContentHash64 &&
sk->m_sentenceContentHash64 != sk->m_contentHash64 )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("sch=%llu ",
if ( sk->m_lastLinkContentHash32 )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("llch=%lu ",
if ( sk->m_leftCell )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("leftcellA=%li ",
if ( sk->m_aboveCell )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("abovecellA=%li ",
printFlags ( m_sbuf , sk , false );
if ( isHardSection(sk) )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("hardsec ");
// get addr index ptr if any (could be mult)
long acount = 0;
//long long sh = 0LL;
long pi = sk->m_firstPlaceNum;
long np = m_aa->m_numSorted;
for ( ; pi >= 0 && pi < np ; pi++ ) {
Place *p = m_aa->m_sorted[pi];
// stop if not in section any more
if ( p->m_a >= sk->m_b ) break;
// get hash
//long long tt = p->m_hash;
// get max
//if ( ! sh || tt > sh ) sh = tt;
// count them
// print those out
if ( sk->m_dateBits )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("datebits=0x%lx ",
if ( sk->m_phoneXor )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("phonexor=0x%lx ",sk->m_phoneXor);
if ( sk->m_emailXor )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("emailxor=0x%lx ",sk->m_emailXor);
if ( sk->m_priceXor )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("pricexor=0x%lx ",sk->m_priceXor);
if ( sk->m_todXor )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("todxor=0x%lx ",sk->m_todXor);
if ( sk->m_dayXor )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("dayxor=0x%lx ",sk->m_dayXor);
if ( sk->m_addrXor )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("addrxor=0x%lx ",sk->m_addrXor);
if ( acount >= 2 )
m_sbuf->safePrintf(" (%li places)",acount);
// now print each word and subsections in this section
long a = sk->m_a;
long b = sk->m_b;
for ( long i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// . if its a and us, skip
// . BUT if we are root then really this tag belongs to
// our first child, so make an exception for root!
if ( i == a && m_tids[i] && (sk->m_parent) ) continue;
// . get section of this word
// . TODO: what if this was the tr tag we removed??? i guess
// maybe make it NULL now?
Section *ws = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// get top most parent that starts at word position #a and
// is not "sk"
for ( ; ; ws = ws->m_parent ) {
if ( ws == sk ) break;
if ( ! ws->m_parent ) break;
if ( ws->m_parent->m_a != ws->m_a ) break;
if ( ws->m_parent == sk ) break;
// if it belongs to another sections, print that section
if ( ws != sk ) {
// print out this subsection
printSectionDiv ( ws , forProCog );
// advance to end of that then
i = ws->m_b - 1;
// and try next word
// ignore if in style section, etc. just print it out
if ( sk->m_flags & NOINDEXFLAGS ) {
m_sbuf->htmlEncode(m_wptrs[i],m_wlens[i],false );
// boldify alnum words
if ( m_wids[i] ) {
if ( m_wposVec[i] == m_hiPos )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("<a name=hipos></a>");
if ( i < MAXFRAGWORDS && m_fragVec[i] == 0 )
if ( m_wids[i] && m_wposVec[i] == m_hiPos )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("<blink style=\""
// print that word
m_sbuf->htmlEncode(m_wptrs[i],m_wlens[i],false );
if ( m_wids[i] && m_wposVec[i] == m_hiPos )
// boldify alnum words
if ( m_wids[i] ) {
if ( i < MAXFRAGWORDS && m_fragVec[i] == 0 )
// and print out their pos/div/spam sub
if ( m_wids[i] ) {
m_sbuf->safePrintf("<sub "
"border:black 1px solid;"
if ( m_densityVec[i] != MAXDENSITYRANK )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("/<font color=purple><b>%li"
if ( m_diversityVec[i] != MAXDIVERSITYRANK )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("/<font color=green><b>%li"
if ( m_wordSpamVec[i] != MAXWORDSPAMRANK )
m_sbuf->safePrintf("/<font color=red><b>%li"
return true;
bool Sections::verifySections ( ) {
// make sure we map each word to a section that contains it at least
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
Section *si = m_sectionPtrs[i];
if ( si->m_a > i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( si->m_b <= i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// must have checksum
if ( m_wids[i] && si->m_contentHash64==0){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// must have this set if 0
if ( ! si->m_contentHash64 && !(si->m_flags & SEC_NOTEXT)) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( si->m_contentHash64 && (si->m_flags & SEC_NOTEXT)) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
for ( Section *sn = m_rootSection ; sn ; sn = sn->m_next )
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// sanity check
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
for ( Section *sn = m_rootSection ; sn ; sn = sn->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// get it
//Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
// get parent
Section *sp = sn->m_parent;
// skip if no parent
if ( ! sp ) continue;
// make sure parent fully contains
if ( sp->m_a > sn->m_a ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( sp->m_b < sn->m_b ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// and make sure every grandparent fully contains us too!
sp = sp->m_parent;
goto subloop3;
// sanity check
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
Section *sn = &m_sections[i];
if ( sn->m_a >= sn->m_b ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check, make sure each section is contained by the
// smallest section containing it
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSections ; i++ ) {
for ( Section *si = m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
//Section *si = &m_sections[i];
//if ( ! si ) continue;
//for ( long j = 0 ; j < m_numSections ; j++ ) {
for ( Section *sj = m_rootSection ; sj ; sj = sj->m_next ) {
// breathe
// skip if us
if ( sj == si ) continue;
// skip column sections because they are artificial
// and only truly contain some of the sections that
// their [a,b) interval says they contain.
if ( sj->m_tagId == TAG_TC ) continue;
// or if an implied section of td tags in a tc
if ( sj->m_baseHash == BH_IMPLIED &&
sj->m_parent &&
sj->m_parent->m_tagId == TAG_TC )
// get him
//Section *sj = &m_sections[j];
// skip if sj does not contain first word in si
if ( sj->m_a > si->m_a ) continue;
if ( sj->m_b <= si->m_a ) continue;
// ok, make sure in our parent path
Section *ps = si;
for ( ; ps ; ps = ps->m_parent )
if ( ps == sj ) break;
// ok if we found it
if ( ps ) continue;
// sometimes if sections are equal then the other
// is the parent
ps = sj;
for ( ; ps ; ps = ps->m_parent )
if ( ps == si ) break;
// must have had us
if ( ps ) continue;
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// make sure we map each word to a section that contains it at least
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_nw ; i++ ) {
Section *si = m_sectionPtrs[i];
if ( si->m_a > i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( si->m_b <= i ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
return true;
bool Sections::isTagDelimeter ( class Section *si , nodeid_t tagId ) {
// store
Section *saved = si;
// . people embed tags in other tags, so scan
// . fix "<strong><em><br></em><strong><span><br></span> for
// homepage
for ( ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// stop if si not contained in saved
if ( ! saved->contains ( si ) ) return false;
// stop if got it
if ( tagId != TAG_BR && si->m_tagId == tagId ) break;
// tag br can be a pr or p tag (any vert whitespace really)
if ( tagId == TAG_BR ) {
if ( si->m_tagId == TAG_BR ) break;
if ( si->m_tagId == TAG_P ) break;
// treat <hN> and </hN> as single breaking tags too
nodeid_t ft = si->m_tagId & BACKBITCOMP;
if ( ft >= TAG_H1 && ft <= TAG_H5 ) break;
// fix which has <p>...<table> as
// a double space
if ( si->m_tagId == TAG_TABLE ) break;
// . skip if has no text of its own
// . like if looking for header tags and we got:
// <tr><td></td><td><h1>stuff here</h1></td></tr>
// we do not want the <td></td> to stop us
if ( si->m_firstWordPos < 0 ) continue;
// stop if hit alnum before tagid
//if ( si->m_alnumPosA != saved->m_alnumPosA )
// return false;
// stop if hit text before hitting tagid
if ( si->m_lastWordPos != saved->m_lastWordPos )
return false;
// done?
if ( ! si ) return false;
//if ( si->m_tagId != tagId ) return false;
if ( tagId != TAG_BR ) return true;
// need double brs (or p tags)
long a = si->m_a + 1;
//if ( a + 2 >= m_nw ) return false;
//if ( m_tids[a+1] == TAG_BR ) return true;
//if ( m_wids[a+1] ) return false;
//if ( m_tids[a+2] == TAG_BR ) return true;
// homepage has some crazy br tags
// in their own em strong tags, etc.
long kmax = a+10;
if ( kmax > m_nw ) kmax = m_nw;
for ( long k = a ; k < kmax ; k++ ) {
if ( m_wids[k] ) return false;
if ( m_tids[k] == TAG_BR ) return true;
if ( m_tids[k] == TAG_P ) return true;
if ( m_tids[k] == TAG_TABLE ) return true;
// treat <hN> and </hN> as single breaking tags too
nodeid_t ft = m_tids[k] & BACKBITCOMP;
if ( ft >= TAG_H1 && ft <= TAG_H5 ) return true;
return false;
// . this maps a section ptr to if it contains registration info or not
// . we use this so we can ignore addresses in "registration" sections
// . now we also include old years to ignore addresses in sentences like
// "since its first opening in 2003 at gerschwin theater" talking about
// past events
// . returns false with g_errno set on error
bool Sections::setRegistrationBits ( ) {
//if ( m_regTableValid ) return &m_regTable;
if ( m_setRegBits ) return true;
//if ( ! m_regTable.set ( 4 , 0 , 128,NULL,0,false,m_niceness ) )
// return NULL;
// make a keyword table
static HashTableX s_kt;
static bool s_ktinit = false;
static char s_ktbuf[1200];
static long long h_registration;
static long long h_registrar;
static long long h_registrations;
static long long h_reservation;
static long long h_reservations;
static long long h_register;
static long long h_sign;
static long long h_up;
static long long h_signup;
static long long h_tickets;
static long long h_purchase;
static long long h_request;
static long long h_requesting;
static long long h_get;
static long long h_enroll;
static long long h_buy;
static long long h_presale ;
static long long h_pre ;
static long long h_sale ;
static long long h_on ;
static long long h_to ;
static long long h_sales ;
static long long h_deliver;
static long long h_picks;
static long long h_box; // box office for
static long long h_office;
static long long h_ticket;//ticket window for
static long long h_online;
static long long h_window;
static long long h_patron;
static long long h_service;
static long long h_services;
static long long h_phone;
static long long h_hours;
static long long h_end ;
static long long h_begin ;
static long long h_start ;
static long long h_stop ;
static long long h_parking;
static long long h_performance;
static long long h_dates;
static long long h_take;
static long long h_takes;
static long long h_place;
static long long h_doors;
static long long h_open;
static long long h_event;
static long long h_details;
if ( ! s_ktinit ) {
s_ktinit = true;
// assign these
h_registrar = hash64n("registrar");
h_registration = hash64n("registration");
h_registrations= hash64n("registrations");
h_reservation = hash64n("reservation");
h_reservations = hash64n("reservations");
h_register = hash64n("register");
h_sign = hash64n("sign");
h_up = hash64n("up");
h_signup = hash64n("signup");
h_tickets = hash64n("tickets");
h_purchase = hash64n("purchase");
h_requesting = hash64n("requesting");
h_request = hash64n("request");
h_get = hash64n("get");
h_enroll = hash64n("enroll");
h_buy = hash64n("buy");
h_presale = hash64n("presale");
h_pre = hash64n("pre");
h_sale = hash64n("sale");
h_on = hash64n("on");
h_to = hash64n("to");
h_sales = hash64n("sales");
h_deliver = hash64n("deliver");
h_end = hash64n("end");
h_begin = hash64n("begin");
h_start = hash64n("start");
h_stop = hash64n("stop");
h_parking = hash64n("parking");
h_performance = hash64n("performance");
h_dates = hash64n("dates");
h_take = hash64n("take");
h_takes = hash64n("takes");
h_place = hash64n("place");
h_doors = hash64n("doors");
h_open = hash64n("open");
h_event = hash64n("event");
h_details = hash64n("details");
h_box = hash64n("box");
h_office = hash64n("office");
h_ticket = hash64n("ticket");
h_online = hash64n("online");
h_window = hash64n("window");
h_patron = hash64n("patron");
h_service = hash64n("service");
h_services = hash64n("services");
h_phone = hash64n("phone");
h_hours = hash64n("hours");
h_picks = hash64n("picks");
// populate it
// support parking stuff now
// this maps a section ptr to the places it contains
//HashTableX *at = m_addresses->getPlaceTable ();
// this maps a section ptr to the dates it contains
//HashTableX *tt = m_dates->getTODTable ();
// shortcut
//long long *wids = m_wids;
m_bits->setInLinkBits ( this ); // m_sections );
// scan all words
for ( long j = 0 ; j < m_nw ; j++ ) {
// breathe
// skip punct words
if ( ! m_wids[j] ) continue;
// if it is an old date with a year fixes "Since its openining
// at Gerschwin THeater in Oct 30, 2003 Wicked has sold out"
// for
// 113475645-wicked
// Optionally we could check for "Since * opening at *"
// This seems to hurt to many other events, so let's
// try the option.
if ( (m_bits[j] & D_IS_IN_DATE) ) {
// must be a year
long num = m_words->getAsLong(j);
if ( num < 1700 ) continue;
if ( num >= 2009 ) continue;
// get section
Section *sk = m_sections->m_sectionPtrs[j];
// assume a year
if ( ! m_regTable.addKey ( &sk ) ) return false;
// skip it
// shortcut
long long wid = m_wids[j];
// "ictickets office" for
// Default.aspx?id=1036
// CAUTION: this maps tickets,ticketing -> ticket
if ( m_wlens[j] >= 7 ) {
char *p = m_wptrs[j];
char *pend = p + m_wlens[j];
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
if ( to_lower_a(p[0]) == 't' &&
to_lower_a(p[1]) == 'i' &&
to_lower_a(p[2]) == 'c' &&
to_lower_a(p[3]) == 'k' &&
to_lower_a(p[4]) == 'e' &&
to_lower_a(p[5]) == 't' )
wid = h_ticket;
// skip if not in table
if( ! s_kt.isInTable(&wid)) continue;
// get next word
long max = j + 10; if ( max > m_nw ) max = m_nw;
// assume right after us
long next = j + 2;
// set nextWid to its id
long long nextWid = 0LL;
for ( ; next < max ; next++ ) {
if ( ! m_wids[next] ) continue;
// grab it
nextWid = m_wids[next];
// for loop below
// stop
// and the next after that
long long nextWid2 = 0LL;
for ( ; next < max ; next++ ) {
if ( ! m_wids[next] ) continue;
// grab it
nextWid2 = m_wids[next];
// stop
// . ignore if in a link
// . fixes "buy tickets"
// . i think that tingley colesium url has that too!
if ( (m_bits->m_bits[j]) & D_IN_LINK ) continue;
// synonyms
if ( nextWid == h_tickets ) nextWid = h_ticket;
if ( nextWid2 == h_tickets ) nextWid2 = h_ticket;
// reset flag
char gotIt = 0;
// is it register?
if ( wid == h_register ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_registrar ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_registration ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_registrations ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_reservation ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_reservations ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_phone && nextWid == h_hours ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_sign && nextWid == h_up ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_signup ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_buy && nextWid == h_ticket ) gotIt = 1;
//if ( wid == h_buy && nextWid == h_online ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_purchase&&nextWid==h_ticket ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_get && nextWid==h_ticket ) gotIt = 1;
// for that jimmy kimmel live url "requesting tickets online"
if ( wid == h_request && nextWid==h_ticket) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_requesting && nextWid==h_ticket) gotIt = 1;
// "after requesting your tickets"
if ( wid == h_requesting && nextWid2==h_ticket) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_ticket && nextWid==h_request) gotIt = 1;
// "purchase single tickets" or "purchase * tickets"
// to fix
if ( wid == h_purchase && nextWid2==h_ticket ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_patron && nextWid ==h_services) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_patron && nextWid ==h_service ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_phone && nextWid ==h_hours ) gotIt = 1;
// "give them tickets to" for santafe playhouse url
// to cancel out "Max's or Dish n' Spoon" as a place
// (for Address.cpp's call to isTicketDate())
if ( wid == h_ticket && nextWid == h_to ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_presale ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_on && nextWid == h_sale ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_pre && nextWid == h_sale ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_sales && nextWid == h_end ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_sales && nextWid == h_stop ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_sales && nextWid == h_begin ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_sales && nextWid == h_start ) gotIt = 1;
// deliver saturdays and sundays -
if ( wid == h_deliver ) gotIt = 1;
// The Taos Ski Shuttle picks up guests daily at 9:15am
if ( wid == h_picks && nextWid == h_up ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_box && nextWid == h_office ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_ticket&& nextWid == h_window ) gotIt = 1;
if ( wid == h_ticket&& nextWid == h_office ) gotIt = 1;
// try to fix whose event is at a parking lot!
if ( wid == h_parking ) gotIt = 2;
// ticket: or tickets: fix for
//if (wid==h_ticket && m_wptrs[j][m_wlens[j]]==':') gotIt = 1;
if ( ! gotIt ) continue;
// skip if in title
Section *sk = m_sectionPtrs[j];
// telescope up to sentence
for ( ; sk ; sk = sk->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// stop if sentence
if ( sk->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) break;
// sk is NULL if in "bad" section like an <option> tag
// in which case we skip it i guess
if ( ! sk ) continue;
// if in a menu like "register" for continue
if ( sk->m_flags & SEC_MENU ) continue;
// save it
//Section *orig = sk;
long sa = sk->m_firstWordPos;
//long sb = sk->m_lastWordPos;
//bool expanded = false;
Section *lastsk = NULL;
// are we in a header section?
//bool heading = ( sk->m_flags & SEC_HEADING );
// ok, now telescope up this section
// get first word
//long fw = sk->m_a - 1;
// find alnum right before that
//for ( ; fw >= 0 ; fw-- )
// if ( wids[fw] ) break;
// get first word below us
//long fw2 = sk->m_b;
// scan for it
//for ( ; fw2 < m_nw ; fw2++ )
// if ( wids[fw2] ) break;
// telescope until we contain a good place
for ( ; sk ; sk = sk->m_parent ) {
// stop if includes words above our sentence
//if ( sk->m_a <= fw ) break;
if ( sk->m_firstWordPos < sa ) break;
// save it
lastsk = sk;
// did we expand?
//if ( sk->m_lastWordPos != sb ) expanded = true;
// stop if we hit a title tag
//if ( sk->m_tagId == TAG_TITLE ) break;
// . stop if this section is in a list of other
// . we should hash each sections tag hash along with
// their parent section ptr for this
//if ( sk->m_container ) break;
// add it
//if ( ! m_regTable.addKey ( &sk ) ) return false;
// flag it as well
if ( gotIt == 1 ) sk->m_flags |= SEC_HAS_REGISTRATION;
else sk->m_flags |= SEC_HAS_PARKING;
// stop if includes new words below
//if ( sk->m_b > fw2 ) break;
//if ( sk->m_lastWordPos > sb ) break;
// or td hit. fixes
if ( sk->m_tagId == TAG_TD ) break;
if ( sk->m_tagId == TAG_TR ) break;
if ( sk->m_tagId == TAG_TABLE ) break;
if ( sk->m_tagId == TAG_FORM ) break;
// . we can extend maxsb if we are a heading only
// . this fixes which has "registration"
// in the first non-header sentence of a section and
// then in the second sentence has the critical date
// "Thanksgiving" which we need to telescope to to
// get our events.
// . now that we only telescope "sk" if the key word
// was in a "heading" we fix that.
//if ( sk->m_b > sb && ! heading ) break;
Section *nb = sk->m_nextBrother;
// this did fix, but now we only
// allow SEC_HEADING_CONAINER to be set on a list
// of brothers that have <tr> or <p> tags, and not
// the <td> tags as used in
// get next brother
// . skip implied sections as those are often wrong
// . this fixed from allowing
// the "Buy Tickets..." heading to telescope up
// to the whole row in the registration table,
// because its brother got encapsulated in an
// implied section.
//for ( ; nb ; nb = nb->m_next )
// // stop if not implied
// if ( nb->m_baseHash != BH_IMPLIED ) break;
// do not telescope more if we have a next brother
if ( nb &&
// can't use tagHash because implied sections
// changed it!
//nb->m_tagHash == sk->m_tagHash &&
nb->m_tagId == sk->m_tagId &&
// . ignore br tag sections
// . often the header is "registration" then there
// is a br tag and the registration info like in
( sk->m_baseHash != BH_BR &&
sk->m_baseHash != BH_BRBR ) )
// stop if title tag hit
long a = sk->m_a;
if ( m_tids[a] == TAG_TITLE ) break;
// . stop if we hit a place
// . this was causing which had the
// address then the times of the registration to
// mess up
//if ( at->isInTable(&sk) ) break;
// or a time!
// might have registration at a particular time
// on the same day as other events all at the same
// place like for
// crap this breaks which just happens
// to have like everything in a table...
//if ( tt->isInTable(&sk) ) break;
// the whole thing might have been registration!
// so don't let sk become NULL. this went NULL for
// the txt doc:
// RC_09ConfReg_bro_FNL.txt which basically had no
// sections
if ( ! sk->m_parent ) break;
// if the biggest section with the registration sentence
// at the top of it contains multiple sentences, then
// that should be good enough...
sk = lastsk;
// sanity check
if ( ! sk ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// shortcut
Section **sp = m_sectionPtrs;
// now unset SEC_HAS_REGISTRATION for sections that seem
// to contain sentences that are specifically about the
// event or actual performance
// now completely ignore "sb" and starting at word #i
// scan until we hit a breaking tag (excluding br) or
// we hit a phrase that identifies the end of the reservation
// sections. like "Performance Dates" for
// and for we should stop at the </tr> tag
// so we can pick up that "Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM" that
// we were missing because "sb" stopped short.
for ( long i = j ; i < sk->m_b ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// stop if certain tag id
if ( m_tids[i] ) {
// get tag id
nodeid_t tid = m_tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP;
// mapchannels has "buy tickets" in a td cell
if ( tid == TAG_TD ) clearIt = true;
if ( tid == TAG_TR ) clearIt = true;
if ( tid == TAG_TABLE ) clearIt = true;
if ( tid == TAG_FORM ) clearIt = true;
// skip if punct
if ( ! m_wids[i] ) continue;
// get section
Section *si = sp[i];
// certain words will stop us
if ( i+2<m_nw ) {
// fix for
if ( m_wids[i ] == h_performance &&
m_wids[i+2] == h_dates )
goto clear;
// fix
if ( m_wids[i ] == h_take &&
m_wids[i+2] == h_place )
goto clear;
if ( m_wids[i ] == h_takes &&
m_wids[i+2] == h_place )
goto clear;
// fix
if ( m_wids[i ] == h_doors &&
m_wids[i+2] == h_open )
goto clear;
// fix
if ( m_wids[i ] == h_event &&
m_wids[i+2] == h_details )
goto clear;
// mark it
if ( gotIt == 1 ) si->m_flags |= SEC_HAS_REGISTRATION;
else si->m_flags |= SEC_HAS_PARKING;
for ( ; si ; si = si->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// clear flag
si->m_flags &= ~SEC_HAS_REGISTRATION;
si->m_flags &= ~SEC_HAS_PARKING;
// this messes up too many other pages. the better approach
// to fix is to consider those events
// outlinked titles because of the "DETAILS" link. then
// we can go to the correct page and get the correct tod
// ranges.
// get largest section containing us. just our sentence.
// then get next brother of that. that whole brother
// should be under our influence. assuming we do not have
// any dates in our section...
Section *gs = orig;
// require it to be a heading i guess
if ( ! ( gs->m_flags & SEC_HEADING ) ) gs = NULL;
// blow it up into the biggest container of just "orig"
for ( ; gs ; gs = gs->m_parent ) {
if ( ! gs->m_parent ) break;
if ( gs->m_parent->m_alnumPosA != gs->m_alnumPosA )
if ( gs->m_parent->m_alnumPosB != gs->m_alnumPosB )
// this is non-NULL if registration indicator was in a heading
if ( gs ) {
// get the brother section after that heading
Section *bro = gs->m_nextBrother;
// mark all sections in "bro" as registration
for ( Section *ss = bro ; ss ; ss = ss->m_next ) {
if ( ss->m_a >= bro->m_b ) break;
ss->m_flags |= SEC_HAS_REGISTRATION;
// . try to fix which has one sentence which
// we see as two:
// "Advance reservations are accepted on Monday - Thursday from "
// 9 AM to 5 PM" and "Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM."
// . assume hours are registration dates is better to be wrong
// and call them registration dates than the other way around because
// we do not want to give wrong dates
// . now scan the sections
// . look at the lists of brothers
// . if a brother is in the table , then assume all brothers after
// him are in the table as well
for ( Section *si = m_sections->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ){
// breathe
// skip if not in table
//if ( ! m_regTable.isInTable ( &si ) ) continue;
if ( ! (si->m_flags & SEC_HAS_REGISTRATION) ) continue;
// skip if already scanned
if ( si->m_used == 88 ) continue;
// scan brothers
for ( Section *nb = si ; nb ; nb = nb->m_nextBrother ) {
// breathe
// mark all his brothers as reg too!
nb->m_flags |= SEC_HAS_REGISTRATION;
// mark it
nb->m_used = 88;
m_setRegBits = true;
return true;
//m_regTableValid = true;
//return &m_regTable;
sentflags_t getMixedCaseFlags ( Words *words ,
wbit_t *bits ,
long senta ,
long sentb ,
long niceness ) {
long long *wids = words->getWordIds();
long *wlens = words->getWordLens();
char **wptrs = words->getWordPtrs();
long lowerCount = 0;
long upperCount = 0;
bool firstWord = true;
bool inParens = false;
for ( long i = senta ; i < sentb ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if not alnum
if ( ! wids[i] ) {
// skip tags right away
if ( wptrs[i][0]=='<' ) continue;
// check for end first in case of ") ("
if ( words->hasChar(i,')') ) inParens = false;
// check if in parens
if ( words->hasChar(i,'(') ) inParens = true;
// skip if in parens
if ( inParens ) continue;
// are we upper case?
bool upper = is_upper_utf8(wptrs[i]) ;
// are we a stop word?
bool isStopWord = words->isStopWord(i);
// . if first word is stop word and lower case, forget it
// . fix "by Ron Hutchinson" title for
if ( isStopWord && firstWord && ! upper )
// make sure both flags are returned i guess
// allow if hyphen preceedes like for
//'s "Kay-lee"
if ( i>0 && wptrs[i][-1]=='-' ) upper = true;
// if we got mixed case, note that!
if ( wids[i] &&
! is_digit(wptrs[i][0]) &&
! upper &&
(! isStopWord || firstWord ) &&
// . November 4<sup>th</sup> for
// . added "firstword" for "on"
// title prevention for
(wlens[i] >= 3 || firstWord) )
// turn off
firstWord = false;
// . don't count words like "Sunday" that are dates!
// . fixes "6:30 am. Sat. and Sun.only" for
// and "3:30 pm. - 4 pm. Sat. and Sun., sandwiches"
// . fixes's
// "San Francisco Symphony Chorus sings Bach's
// Christmas Oratorio"
// . fixes "7:00-8:00pm, Tango Fundamentals lesson" for
// . fixes "Song w/ Joanne DelCarpine (located" for
// . "Loren Kahn Puppet and Object Theater presents
// Billy Goat Ball" for
if ( bits[i] & D_IS_IN_DATE ) upper = false;
// . was it upper case?
if ( upper ) upperCount++;
sentflags_t sflags = 0;
if ( lowerCount > 0 ) sflags |= SENT_MIXED_CASE_STRICT;
if ( lowerCount == 1 && upperCount >= 2 ) lowerCount = 0;
// . fix "7-10:30pm Contra dance"
// . treat a numeric date like an upper case word
if ( (bits[senta] & D_IS_IN_DATE) &&
// treat a single lower case word as error
lowerCount == 1 &&
// prevent "7:30-8:30 dance" for i guess
upperCount >= 1)
lowerCount = 0;
if ( lowerCount > 0 ) sflags |= SENT_MIXED_CASE;
return sflags;
uint32_t getSectionContentTagHash3 ( Section *sn ) {
// sanity check
if ( sn->m_firstWordPos < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// hash the tagid of this section together with its last
// 3 parents for a total of 4
uint32_t th = sn->m_tagId;
// telescope up through the next 3 parents
long pcount = 0;
for ( Section *ps = sn->m_parent; ps ; ps = ps->m_parent ) {
// limit to 3
if ( ++pcount >= 4 ) break;
// incorporate it
th = hash32h ( (uint32_t)ps->m_tagId , th );
// accumulate the tag hash
//th = hash32 ( th , sn->m_tagHash );
// . hash that like in XmlDoc::getSectionVotingTable()
// . combine the tag hash with the content hash #2
return th ^ sn->m_contentHash;
// identify crap like "Good For Kids: Yes" for etc. so we don't
// use that crap as titles.
bool Sections::setFormTableBits ( ) {
if ( ! m_alnumPosValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// scan all sentences
for ( Section *si = m_firstSent ; si ; si = si->m_nextSent ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// must be sentence
//if ( ! ( si->m_flags & SEC_SENTENCE ) ) continue;
// shortcut
sentflags_t sf = si->m_sentFlags;
// . fortable field must not end in period
// . i.e. "Good For Kids:"
if ( sf & SENT_PERIOD_ENDS ) continue;
// get next sent
Section *next = si->m_nextSent;
// this stops things..
if ( ! next ) continue;
// must not end in period either
if ( next->m_sentFlags & SENT_PERIOD_ENDS ) continue;
Section *ps;
// must be the only sentences in a section
ps = si->m_parent;
for ( ; ps ; ps = ps->m_parent ) {
if ( ps->contains ( next ) ) break;
// how does this happen?
if ( ! ps ) continue;
// must not contain any other sentences, just these two
if ( ps->m_alnumPosA != si ->m_alnumPosA )
if ( ps->m_alnumPosB != next->m_alnumPosB )
// get first solid parent tag for "si"
Section *bs = si->m_parent;
for ( ; bs ; bs = bs->m_parent ) {
if ( bs->m_tagId == TAG_B ) continue;
if ( bs->m_tagId == TAG_STRONG ) continue;
if ( bs->m_tagId == TAG_FONT ) continue;
if ( bs->m_tagId == TAG_I ) continue;
// if none, bail
if ( ! bs ) continue;
// get the containing tag then
nodeid_t tid = bs->m_tagId;
// must be some kind of field/value indicator
bool separated = false;
if ( tid == TAG_DT ) separated = true;
if ( tid == TAG_TD ) separated = true;
// if tr or dt tag or whatever contains "next" that is not
// good, we need next and si to be in their own dt or td
// section.
if ( bs->contains ( next ) ) separated = false;
// fix "Venue Type: Auditorium" for kimo theater
if ( sf & SENT_COLON_ENDS ) separated = true;
// must be separated by a tag or colon to be field/value pair
if ( ! separated ) continue;
// if either one has dates, let is slide.
// fix "zumba</td><td>10/26/2011" for
if ( si ->m_flags & sdf ) continue;
if ( next->m_flags & sdf ) continue;
// label them
si ->m_sentFlags |= SENT_FORMTABLE_FIELD;
next->m_sentFlags |= SENT_FORMTABLE_VALUE;
return true;
// just loop over Addresses::m_sortedPlaces
void Sections::setAddrXors ( Addresses *aa ) {
// sanity check
if ( ! aa->m_sortedValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// loop over the places, sorted by Place::m_a
long np = aa->m_numSorted;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < np ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// get place #i
Place *p = aa->m_sorted[i];
// get the address?
Address *ad = p->m_address;
// assume none
long h = 0;
// or alias
if ( ! ad ) ad = p->m_alias;
// or just use place hash i guess!
if ( ! ad )
h = (long)p;
else if ( ad->m_flags3 & AF2_LATLON )
h = (long)p;
// otherwise hash up address street etc.
else {
h =(long)ad->m_street->m_hash;
h ^=(long)ad->m_street->m_streetNumHash;
//h ^= ad->m_adm1->m_cid; // country id
//h ^= (long)ad->m_adm1Bits;
//h ^= (long)ad->m_cityHash;
h ^= (long)ad->m_cityId32;
// sanity check
//if ( ! ad->m_adm1Bits ||
// ! ad->m_cityHash ) {
if ( ! ad->m_cityId32 ) {
//! ad->m_adm1->m_cid ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get first section containing place #i
Section *sp = m_sectionPtrs[p->m_a];
// telescope all the way up
for ( ; sp ; sp = sp->m_parent ) {
// breathe
// propagate
sp->m_addrXor ^= h;
if ( ! sp->m_addrXor ) sp->m_addrXor = h;
bool Sections::setTableRowsAndCols ( Section *tableSec ) {
//long rowCount = -1;
long colCount = -1;
long maxColCount = -1;
long maxRowCount = -1;
Section *headCol[100];
Section *headRow[300];
long rowspanAcc[300];
long maxCol = -1;
long minCol = 99999;
long maxRow = -1;
long minRow = 99999;
long rowCount = 0;
// init rowspan info
for ( long k = 0 ; k < 300 ; k++ ) rowspanAcc[k] = 1;
Section *prev = NULL;
Section *above[100];
memset ( above,0,sizeof(Section *)*100);
// scan sections in the table
for ( Section *ss = tableSec->m_next ; ss ; ss = ss->m_next ) {
// breathe
// stop if went outside of table
if ( ss->m_a >= tableSec->m_b ) break;
// table in a table?
Section *p = ss->m_parent;
for ( ; p ; p = p->m_parent ) {
if ( p->m_tagId == TAG_TABLE ) break;
// must not be within another table in our table
if ( p != tableSec ) continue;
// shortcut
nodeid_t tid = ss->m_tagId;
// . ok, we are a section the the table "tableSec" now
// . row?
if ( tid == TAG_TR ) {
colCount = 0;
// . column?
// . fix which has "what" in a <th> tag
if ( tid != TAG_TD && tid != TAG_TH ) continue;
// . must have had a row
if ( rowCount <= 0 ) continue;
// . did previous td tag have multiple rowspan?
// . this <td> tag is referring to the first column
// that has not exhausted its rowspan
for ( ; colCount<300 ; colCount++ )
if ( --rowspanAcc[colCount] <= 0 ) break;
// is it wacko? we should check this in Dates.cpp
// and ignore all dates in such tables or at least
// not allow them to pair up with each other
long rslen;
char *rs = getFieldValue ( m_wptrs[ss->m_a] , // tag
m_wlens[ss->m_a] , // tagLen
"rowspan" ,
&rslen );
long rowspan = 1;
if ( rs ) rowspan = atol2(rs,rslen);
//if ( rowspan != 1 )
// tableSec->m_flags |= SEC_WACKO_TABLE;
if ( colCount < 300 )
rowspanAcc[colCount] = rowspan;
//Section *cs = m_sectionPtrs[i];
// update headCol[] array to refer to us
if ( rowCount == 1 && colCount < 100 ) {
headCol[colCount] = ss;
// record a max since some tables have
// fewer columns in first row! bad tables!
maxColCount = colCount;
// update headRow[] array to refer to us
if ( colCount == 0 && rowCount < 300 ) {
headRow[rowCount] = ss;
// same for this
maxRowCount = rowCount;
// set our junk
if ( colCount < 100 && colCount <= maxColCount )
ss->m_headColSection = headCol[colCount];
if ( rowCount < 300 && rowCount <= maxRowCount )
ss->m_headRowSection = headRow[rowCount];
// start counting at "1" so that way we know that a
// Sections::m_col/rowCount of 0 is invalid
ss->m_colNum = colCount;
ss->m_rowNum = rowCount;
ss->m_tableSec = tableSec;
// . sets Section::m_cellAbove and Section::m_cellLeft to
// point to the td or th cells above us or to the left of us
// respectively.
// . use this to scan for dates when telescoping
// . if date is in a table and date you are telescoping to is
// in the same table it must be to your left or above you in
// the same row/col if SEC_HASDATEHEADERROW or
// SEC_HASDATEHEADERCOL is set for the table.
// . so Dates::isCompatible() needs this function to set
// those ptrs
// who was on our left?
if ( prev && prev->m_rowNum == rowCount )
ss->m_leftCell = prev;
// who is above us?
if ( colCount<100 && rowCount>=2 && above[colCount] )
ss->m_aboveCell = above[colCount];
// update for row
prev = ss;
// update for col
if ( colCount<100) above[colCount] = ss;
// first word position in section. -1 if no words contained.
if ( ss->m_firstWordPos >= 0 ) {
if ( colCount > maxCol ) maxCol = colCount;
if ( colCount < minCol ) minCol = colCount;
if ( rowCount > maxRow ) maxRow = rowCount;
if ( rowCount < minRow ) minRow = rowCount;
// propagate to all child sections in our section
long maxb = ss->m_b;
Section *kid = ss->m_next;
for ( ; kid && kid->m_b <= maxb ; kid = kid->m_next ) {
// breathe
// skip if belongs to another table already
if ( kid->m_tableSec &&
tableSec->contains ( kid->m_tableSec) )
// set his junk
kid->m_colNum = colCount;
kid->m_rowNum = rowCount;
kid->m_headColSection = ss->m_headColSection;
kid->m_headRowSection = ss->m_headRowSection;
kid->m_tableSec = ss->m_tableSec;
// . require at least a 2x2!!!
// . AND require there have been text in the other dimensions
// in order to fix the pool hours for
// TODO!!!
// . TODO: allow addlist to combine dates across <td> or <th> tags
// provided the table is NOT SEC_MULTIDIMS...
if ( maxRow != minRow && maxCol != minCol )
tableSec->m_flags |= SEC_MULTIDIMS;
return true;
// . "<table>" section tag is "sn"
// . set SEC_TABLE_HEADER on contained <td> or <th> cells that represent
// a header column or row
bool Sections::setTableHeaderBits ( Section *ts ) {
static char *s_tableFields [] = {
// . these have no '$' so they are exact/full matches
// . table column headers MUST match full matches and are not
// allowed to match substring matches
// use '$' to endicate sentence ENDS in this
"-contact", // contact: john
"-neighborhood", // yelp uses this field
"-convenor", // graypanthers uses convenor:
"-convenors", // graypanthers uses convenor:
"-caller", // square dancing
"-call", // phone number
"-price range",
"@event location",
// store these words into field table "ft"
static HashTableX s_ft;
static char s_ftbuf[2000];
static bool s_init0 = false;
if ( ! s_init0 ) {
s_init0 = true;
long n = (long)sizeof(s_tableFields)/ sizeof(char *);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// set words
char *s = s_tableFields[i];
Words w; w.set3 ( s );
long long *wi = w.getWordIds();
long long h = 0;
// scan words
for ( long j = 0 ; j < w.getNumWords(); j++ )
if ( wi[j] ) h ^= wi[j];
// . store hash of all words, value is ptr to it
// . put all exact matches into ti1 and the substring
// matches into ti2
if ( ! s_ft.addKey ( &h , &s ) ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
long colVotes = 0;
long rowVotes = 0;
long maxCol = 0;
long maxRow = 0;
Section *sn = ts;
// scan the sections in the table
for ( ; sn ; sn = sn->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// stop if leaves the table
if ( sn->m_a >= ts->m_b ) break;
// skip if in another table in the "ts" table
if ( sn->m_tableSec != ts ) continue;
// must be a TD section or TH section
if ( sn->m_tagId != TAG_TD && sn->m_tagId != TAG_TH ) continue;
// get max
if ( sn->m_rowNum > maxRow ) maxRow = sn->m_rowNum;
if ( sn->m_colNum > maxCol ) maxCol = sn->m_colNum;
// must be row or col 1
if ( sn->m_colNum != 1 && sn->m_rowNum != 1 ) continue;
// header format?
bool hdrFormatting = (sn->m_flags & SEC_HEADING_CONTAINER);
// is it a single format? i.e. no word<tag>word in the cell?
if ( sn->m_colNum == 1 && hdrFormatting ) colVotes++;
if ( sn->m_rowNum == 1 && hdrFormatting ) rowVotes++;
// skip if not heading container
if ( ! hdrFormatting ) continue;
// look for certain words like "location:" or "venue", those
// are very strong indicators of a header row or header col
for ( long i = sn->m_a ; i < sn->m_b ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
if ( ! s_ft.isInTable ( &m_wids[i] ) ) continue;
if ( sn->m_colNum == 1 ) colVotes += 10000;
if ( sn->m_rowNum == 1 ) rowVotes += 10000;
bool colWins = false;
bool rowWins = false;
// colWins means col #1 is the table header
if ( colVotes > rowVotes ) colWins = true;
// rowWins means row #1 is the table header
if ( colVotes < rowVotes ) rowWins = true;
// do another scan of table
sn = ts;
// skip loop if no need
if ( ! rowWins && ! colWins ) sn = NULL;
// if table only has one row or col
if ( maxRow <= 1 && maxCol <= 1 ) sn = NULL;
// scan the sections in the table
for ( ; sn ; sn = sn->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// stop if leaves the table
if ( sn->m_a >= ts->m_b ) break;
// skip if in another table in the "ts" table
if ( sn->m_tableSec != ts ) continue;
// must be a TD section or TH section
if ( sn->m_tagId != TAG_TD && sn->m_tagId != TAG_TH ) continue;
// it must be in the winning row or column
if ( rowWins && sn->m_rowNum != 1 ) continue;
if ( colWins && sn->m_colNum != 1 ) continue;
// flag it as a table header
sn->m_flags |= SEC_TABLE_HEADER;
// propagate to all kids as well so the sentence itself
// will have SEC_TABLE_HEADER set so we can detect that
// in setSentFlags(), because we use it for setting
Section *kid = sn->m_next;
for ( ; kid && kid->m_b <= sn->m_b ; kid = kid->m_next ) {
// breathe
// skip if does not belong to our table
if ( kid->m_tableSec &&
kid->m_tableSec != sn->m_tableSec ) continue;
// set it
kid->m_flags |= SEC_TABLE_HEADER;
// scan the cells in the table, NULL out the
// m_headColSection or m_headRowSection depending
sn = ts;
// scan the sections in the table
for ( ; sn ; sn = sn->m_next ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// stop if leaves the table
if ( sn->m_a >= ts->m_b ) break;
// skip if in another table in the "ts" table
if ( sn->m_tableSec != ts ) continue;
// must be a TD section or TH section
if ( sn->m_tagId != TAG_TD && sn->m_tagId != TAG_TH ) continue;
// if its a header section itself...
if ( sn->m_flags & SEC_TABLE_HEADER ) {
sn->m_headColSection = NULL;
sn->m_headRowSection = NULL;
// keep going so we can propagate the NULLs to our kids
// get its hdr
Section *hdr = sn->m_headColSection;
// only if we are > row 1
//if ( sn->m_rowNum >= 2 ) hdr = sn->m_headColSection;
// must have table header set
if ( hdr && ! ( hdr->m_flags & SEC_TABLE_HEADER ) )
// but if we are not in the first col, we can use it
//sn->m_colNum == 1 )
sn->m_headColSection = NULL;
// same for row
hdr = sn->m_headRowSection;
// only if we are col > 1
//if ( ! hdr && sn->m_colNum >= 2 ) hdr = sn->m_headRowSection;
// must have table header set
if ( hdr && ! ( hdr->m_flags & SEC_TABLE_HEADER ) )
// . but if we are not in the first row, we can use it
// . m_rowNum starts at 1, m_colNum starts at 1
//sn->m_rowNum == 1 )
sn->m_headRowSection = NULL;
// propagate to all child sections in our section
Section *kid = sn->m_next;
for ( ; kid && kid->m_b <= sn->m_b ; kid = kid->m_next ) {
// breathe
// skip if does not belong to our table
if ( kid->m_tableSec != ts ) continue;
// set his junk
//kid->m_colNum = sn->m_colNum;
//kid->m_rowNum = sn->m_rowNum;
kid->m_headColSection = sn->m_headColSection;
kid->m_headRowSection = sn->m_headRowSection;
//kid->m_tableSec = sn->m_tableSec;
return true;
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Threads.h"
Sectiondb g_sectiondb;
Sectiondb g_sectiondb2;
// reset rdb
void Sectiondb::reset() { m_rdb.reset(); }
// init our rdb
bool Sectiondb::init ( ) {
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . key+4+left+right+parents+dataPtr = sizeof(key128_t)+4 +4+4+4+4
// . 32 bytes per record when in the tree
long node = 16+4+4+4+4+4 + sizeof(SectionVote);
// . assume avg TitleRec size (compressed html doc) is about 1k we get:
// . NOTE: overhead is about 32 bytes per node
//long maxTreeNodes = g_conf.m_sectiondbMaxTreeMem / node;
long maxTreeMem = 200000000;
long maxTreeNodes = maxTreeMem / node;
// . we now use a disk page cache for sectiondb as opposed to the
// old rec cache. i am trying to do away with the Rdb::m_cache rec
// cache in favor of cleverly used disk page caches, because
// the rec caches are not real-time and get stale.
// . just hard-code 5MB for now
long pcmem = 5000000; // = g_conf.m_sectiondbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
key128_t k;
uint32_t sech32 = (uint32_t)rand();
uint64_t sh64 = (uint64_t)rand() << 32LL | rand();
uint8_t secType = 23;
long long docId = ((uint64_t)rand() << 32 | rand()) & DOCID_MASK;
k = makeKey2 ( sech32,
false ); // del key?
if ( g_sectiondb.getSectionHash(&k) != sech32 ){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( g_sectiondb.getSiteHash(&k) != sh64 ){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( g_sectiondb.getSectionType(&k) !=secType){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( g_sectiondb.getDocId(&k) != docId ){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// do not use any page cache if doing tmp cluster in order to
// prevent swapping
if ( g_hostdb.m_useTmpCluster ) pcmem = 0;
long pageSize = GB_INDEXDB_PAGE_SIZE;
// init the page cache
if ( ! m_pc.init ( "sectiondb",
pcmem ,
pageSize ) )
return log("db: Sectiondb init failed.");
// initialize our own internal rdb
if ( ! m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"sectiondb" ,
true , // dedup same keys?
sizeof(SectionVote) , // fixed record size
// avoid excessive merging!
-1 , // min files 2 merge
maxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , // balance tree?
// turn off cache for now because the page cache
// is just as fast and does not get out of date
// so bad??
0 ,
0 , // maxCacheNodes
false , // half keys?
false , // saveCache?
&m_pc , // page cache ptr
false , // is titledb?
false , // preloadcache?
16 ))// keySize
return false;
return true;
// init the rebuild/secondary rdb, used by PageRepair.cpp
bool Sectiondb::init2 ( long treeMem ) {
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . key+4+left+right+parents+dataPtr = sizeof(key128_t)+4 +4+4+4+4
// . 32 bytes per record when in the tree
long node = 16+4+4+4+4+4 + sizeof(SectionVote);
// . NOTE: overhead is about 32 bytes per node
long maxTreeNodes = treeMem / node;
// initialize our own internal rdb
if ( ! m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"sectiondbRebuild" ,
true , // dedup same keys?
sizeof(SectionVote) , // fixed record size
50 , // MinFilesToMerge
treeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , // balance tree?
0 , // MaxCacheMem ,
0 , // maxCacheNodes
false , // half keys?
false , // sectiondbSaveCache
NULL , // page cache ptr
false , // is titledb?
false , // prelaod cache?
16 ))// keySize
return false;
return true;
bool Sectiondb::addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify ) {
if ( ! m_rdb.addColl ( coll ) ) return false;
if ( ! doVerify ) return true;
// verify
if ( verify(coll) ) return true;
// if not allowing scale, return false
if ( ! g_conf.m_allowScale ) return false;
// otherwise let it go
log ( "db: sectiondb verify failed, but scaling is allowed, passing.");
return true;
bool Sectiondb::verify ( char *coll ) {
log ( LOG_INFO, "db: Verifying Sectiondb for coll %s...", coll );
Msg5 msg5;
Msg5 msg5b;
RdbList list;
key128_t startKey;
key128_t endKey;
if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_SECTIONDB ,
coll ,
&list ,
&startKey ,
&endKey ,
1024*1024 , // minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree ,
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
0 , // niceness
false , // err correction?
NULL , // cache key ptr
0 , // retry num
-1 , // maxRetries
true , // compensate for merge
-1LL , // sync point
&msg5b ,
false )) {
return log("db: HEY! it did not block");
long count = 0;
long got = 0;
for ( list.resetListPtr() ; ! list.isExhausted() ;
list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
key128_t k;
unsigned long shardNum = getShardNum ( RDB_SECTIONDB , &k );
if ( shardNum == getMyShardNum() ) got++;
if ( got != count ) {
log ("db: Out of first %li records in sectiondb, "
"only %li belong to our group.",count,got);
// exit if NONE, we probably got the wrong data
if ( count > 10 && got == 0 )
log("db: Are you sure you have the right "
"data in the right directory? "
log ( "db: Exiting due to Sectiondb inconsistency." );
return g_conf.m_bypassValidation;
log ( LOG_INFO, "db: Sectiondb passed verification successfully for "
"%li recs.", count );
return true;
bool Sections::setListFlags ( ) {
return true;
// scan all sentences
for ( Section *si = m_firstSent ; si ; si = si->m_nextSent ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// shortcut
sentflags_t sf = si->m_sentFlags;
// . fortable field must not end in period
// . i.e. "Good For Kids:"
if ( sf & SENT_PERIOD_ENDS ) continue;
// get next sent
Section *next = si->m_nextSent;
// this stops things..
if ( ! next ) continue;
// must not end in period either
if ( next->m_sentFlags & SENT_PERIOD_ENDS ) continue;
Section *ps;