
203 lines
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2020-10-14 15:48:38 +03:00
extends Control
2020-10-13 18:08:37 +03:00
var cards = [
# {
# "command": 'git add .',
# "arg_number": 0,
# "description": "Add all files in the working directory to the index.",
# "energy": 1
# },
# {
# "command": 'touch "file$RANDOM"',
# "arg_number": 0,
# "description": "Create a new file.",
# "energy": 2
# },
# {
# "command": 'git checkout -b "$RANDOM"',
# "arg_number": 0,
# "description": "Create a new branch and switch to it.",
# "energy": 2
# },
# {
# "command": 'git merge',
# "arg_number": 1,
# "description": "Merge specified commit into HEAD.",
# "energy": 1
# },
# {
# "command": 'git commit --allow-empty -m "$RANDOM"',
# "arg_number": 0,
# "description": "Add a new commit under HEAD.",
# "energy": 1
# },
2020-10-15 16:22:38 +03:00
"command": 'git checkout',
2020-10-15 16:22:38 +03:00
"arg_number": 1,
"description": "Travel to a commit!",
#"description": "Point HEAD to a branch or commit, and update the index and the working directory.",
2020-10-15 16:22:38 +03:00
"energy": 1
2020-10-15 17:11:02 +03:00
"command": 'git add .; git commit',
2020-10-15 17:11:02 +03:00
"arg_number": 0,
"description": "Make a new commit!",
2020-10-15 17:11:02 +03:00
"energy": 1
2020-10-15 16:22:38 +03:00
"command": 'git merge',
2020-10-15 16:22:38 +03:00
"arg_number": 1,
"description": "Merge the specified timeline into yours.",
2020-10-15 16:22:38 +03:00
"energy": 1
"command": 'git rebase',
"arg_number": 1,
"description": "Put the events in your current timeline on top of the specified one.",
2020-10-15 16:22:38 +03:00
"energy": 1
2020-10-22 15:36:59 +03:00
"command": 'git pull',
"arg_number": 0,
"description": "Get timelines from a colleague.",
"energy": 1
"command": 'git push',
"arg_number": 0,
"description": "Give timelines to a colleague.",
"energy": 1
# {
# "command": 'git update-ref -d',
# "arg_number": 1,
# "description": "Delete a ref.",
# "energy": 1
# },
# {
# "command": 'git reflog expire --expire=now --all; git prune',
# "arg_number": 0,
# "description": "Delete all unreferenced objects.",
# "energy": 1
# },
# {
# "command": 'git rebase',
# "arg_number": 1,
# "description": "Rebase current branch on top of specified commit.",
# "energy": 1
# },
# {
# "command": 'git push -f',
# "arg_number": 0,
# "description": "Push current branch to the remote, overwriting existing commits. Will make everyone angry.",
# "energy": 3
# },
# {
# "command": 'git pull',
# "arg_number": 0,
# "description": "Pull current branch from the remote.",
# "energy": 2
# },
2020-10-13 18:08:37 +03:00
func _ready():
2020-10-14 01:57:30 +03:00
# var path = game.tmp_prefix_inside+"/repos/sandbox/"
# helpers.careful_delete(path)
# game.global_shell.run("mkdir " + path)
# game.global_shell.cd(path)
# game.global_shell.run("git init")
# game.global_shell.run("git remote add origin ../remote")
# $Repository.path = path
# $Terminal.repository = $Repository
# var path2 = game.tmp_prefix_inside+"/repos/remote/"
# helpers.careful_delete(path2)
# game.global_shell.run("mkdir " + path2)
# game.global_shell.cd(path2)
# game.global_shell.run("git init")
# game.global_shell.run("git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore")
# $RepositoryRemote.path = path2
2020-10-13 18:08:37 +03:00
2020-10-13 19:13:42 +03:00
2020-10-13 19:58:30 +03:00
func _process(delta):
if $Energy:
$Energy.text = str(game.energy)
2020-10-14 01:57:30 +03:00
#func _update_repo():
# $Repository.update_everything()
# $RepositoryRemote.update_everything()
2020-10-13 18:29:24 +03:00
func draw_rand_card():
var deck = []
for card in cards:
# We want a lot of commit and checkout cards!
for i in range(5):
var card = deck[randi() % deck.size()]
2020-10-15 17:11:02 +03:00
func draw_card(card):
var new_card = preload("res://card.tscn").instance()
2020-10-13 18:29:24 +03:00
new_card.command = card.command
new_card.arg_number = card.arg_number
2020-10-14 01:27:37 +03:00
new_card.description = card.description
2020-10-15 17:11:02 +03:00
new_card.energy = 0 #card.energy
2020-10-14 15:48:38 +03:00
new_card.position = Vector2(rect_size.x, rect_size.y*2)
2020-10-13 18:29:24 +03:00
2020-10-13 19:58:30 +03:00
2020-10-13 18:29:24 +03:00
2020-10-13 19:58:30 +03:00
func arrange_cards():
2020-10-14 01:04:47 +03:00
var t = Timer.new()
t.wait_time = 0.05
yield(t, "timeout")
2020-10-13 19:58:30 +03:00
var amount_cards = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("cards").size()
2020-10-14 01:46:41 +03:00
var total_angle = min(50, 45.0/7*amount_cards)
2020-10-13 19:58:30 +03:00
var angle_between_cards = 0
if amount_cards > 1:
angle_between_cards = total_angle / (amount_cards-1)
2020-10-14 01:04:47 +03:00
2020-10-13 19:58:30 +03:00
var current_angle = -total_angle/2
for card in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("cards"):
2020-10-14 15:48:38 +03:00
var target_position = Vector2(rect_size.x/2, rect_size.y + 1500)
2020-10-14 01:04:47 +03:00
var target_rotation = current_angle
2020-10-13 19:58:30 +03:00
var translation_vec = Vector2(0,-1500).rotated(current_angle/180.0*PI)
2020-10-14 01:04:47 +03:00
target_position += translation_vec
2020-10-13 19:58:30 +03:00
current_angle += angle_between_cards
2020-10-14 01:04:47 +03:00
card._home_position = target_position
card._home_rotation = target_rotation
2020-10-14 01:04:47 +03:00
var tween = Tween.new()
tween.interpolate_property(card, "position", card.position, target_position, 0.5, Tween.TRANS_CUBIC, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT)
tween.interpolate_property(card, "rotation_degrees", card.rotation_degrees, target_rotation, 0.5, Tween.TRANS_CUBIC, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT)
2020-10-13 19:58:30 +03:00
2020-10-13 19:13:42 +03:00
func redraw_all_cards():
game.energy = 5
2020-10-15 17:11:02 +03:00
2020-10-13 19:13:42 +03:00
for card in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("cards"):
2020-10-15 17:11:02 +03:00
# for i in range(7):
# draw_rand_card()
for card in cards:
func add_card(command):
draw_card({"command": command, "description": "", "arg_number": 0, "energy": 0})