extends Control enum FileBrowserMode { WORKING_DIRECTORY, COMMIT, INDEX } export(String) var title setget _set_title export(FileBrowserMode) var mode = FileBrowserMode.WORKING_DIRECTORY setget _set_mode var shell var commit setget _set_commit var repository var open_file onready var grid = $Panel/Margin/Rows/Scroll/Grid onready var text_edit = $Panel/TextEdit onready var save_button = $Panel/TextEdit/SaveButton onready var title_label = $Panel/Margin/Rows/Title func _ready(): update() _set_mode(mode) _set_title(title) func _input(event): if event.is_action_pressed("save"): if text_edit.visible: save() func clear(): for item in grid.get_children(): item.queue_free() func update(): if grid: clear() match mode: FileBrowserMode.WORKING_DIRECTORY: if shell: var file_string = shell.run("find . -type f") var files = file_string.split("\n") files = Array(files) # The last entry is an empty string, remove it. files.pop_back() files.sort_custom(self, "very_best_sort") for file_path in files: file_path = file_path.substr(2) if file_path.substr(0, 5) == ".git/": continue var item = preload("res://file_browser_item.tscn").instance() item.label = file_path item.connect("clicked", self, "item_clicked") grid.add_child(item) FileBrowserMode.COMMIT: if commit: var files = Array(commit.repository.shell.run("git ls-tree --name-only -r %s" % commit.id).split("\n")) # The last entry is an empty string, remove it. files.pop_back() for file_path in files: var item = preload("res://file_browser_item.tscn").instance() item.label = file_path item.connect("clicked", self, "item_clicked") grid.add_child(item) FileBrowserMode.INDEX: if repository: var files = Array(repository.shell.run("git ls-files -s | cut -f2").split("\n")) # The last entry is an empty string, remove it. files.pop_back() for file_path in files: var item = preload("res://file_browser_item.tscn").instance() item.label = file_path item.connect("clicked", self, "item_clicked") grid.add_child(item) func item_clicked(item): print(item.label) open_file = item.label match mode: FileBrowserMode.WORKING_DIRECTORY: text_edit.text = helpers.read_file(shell._cwd + item.label) FileBrowserMode.COMMIT: text_edit.text = commit.repository.shell.run("git show %s:\"%s\"" % [commit.id, item.label]) FileBrowserMode.INDEX: text_edit.text = repository.shell.run("git show :\"%s\"" % [item.label]) text_edit.show() text_edit.grab_focus() func close(): text_edit.hide() func save(): match mode: FileBrowserMode.WORKING_DIRECTORY: var fixme_path = shell._cwd # Add a newline to the end of the file if there is none. if text_edit.text.length() > 0 and text_edit.text.substr(text_edit.text.length()-1, 1) != "\n": text_edit.text += "\n" helpers.write_file(fixme_path+open_file, text_edit.text) close() func _set_commit(new_commit): commit = new_commit update() func _set_mode(new_mode): mode = new_mode if save_button: save_button.visible = mode == FileBrowserMode.WORKING_DIRECTORY text_edit.readonly = not mode == FileBrowserMode.WORKING_DIRECTORY text_edit.selecting_enabled = mode == FileBrowserMode.WORKING_DIRECTORY if mode == FileBrowserMode.WORKING_DIRECTORY: text_edit.focus_mode = Control.FOCUS_CLICK else: text_edit.focus_mode = Control.FOCUS_NONE func _set_title(new_title): title = new_title if title_label: title_label.text = new_title func very_best_sort(a,b): # We're looking at the third character because all entries have the form # "./.git/bla". if a.substr(2, 1) == "." and b.substr(2, 1) != ".": return false if a.substr(2, 1) != "." and b.substr(2, 1) == ".": return true return a.casecmp_to(b) == -1