smart path collapse based on width

This commit is contained in:
Nikita Galaiko 2023-03-28 10:02:58 +02:00
parent eed758a346
commit 6125d08e2a
5 changed files with 187 additions and 168 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<script lang="ts">
import Modal from '../Modal.svelte';
import { shortPath } from '$lib/paths';
import { collapsable } from '$lib/paths';
import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api';
import { currentProject } from '$lib/current_project';
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
@ -100,9 +100,7 @@
<div class="font-mono">
<span class="font-mono" use:collapsable={{ value: file[0], separator: '/' }} />

View File

@ -1,12 +1,30 @@
export function shortPath(path: string, max = 3, maxLen = 30) {
if (path.length < maxLen) {
return path;
const pathParts = path.split('/');
const file = pathParts.pop();
if (pathParts.length > 0) {
const pp = => p.slice(0, max)).join('/');
return `${pp}/${file}`;
return file;
type Params = { separator: string; value: string };
export const collapsable = (e: HTMLElement, params: Params) => {
if (e.textContent === null) return;
e.dataset['value'] = e.textContent;
const collapse = (e: HTMLElement, { separator, value }: Params) => {
e.textContent = value;
while (e.offsetWidth < e.scrollWidth) {
const parts: string[] = e.textContent.split(separator);
const firstLongPartIndex = parts.findIndex((p) => p.length > 1);
if (firstLongPartIndex === -1) return;
e.textContent = [, firstLongPartIndex),
parts[firstLongPartIndex][0], + 1)
collapse(e, params);
const onResize = () => collapse(e, params);
window.addEventListener('resize', onResize);
return {
update: (params: Params) => collapse(e, params),
destroy: () => window.removeEventListener('resize', onResize)

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import type { Session } from '$lib/sessions';
import { format, startOfDay } from 'date-fns';
import type { Delta } from '$lib/deltas';
import { shortPath } from '$lib/paths';
import { collapsable } from '$lib/paths';
import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api';
import { toHumanBranchName } from '$lib/branch';
import { list as listDeltas } from '$lib/deltas';
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
<div class="flex flex-row justify-between">
<div class="w-96 truncate font-mono text-zinc-300">
<a class="cursor-pointer" href={playerURL(dateMilliseconds, filetime[0])}>
{shortPath(filetime[0], 3, 70)}
<span use:collapsable={{ value: filetime[0], separator: '/' }} />
<div class="font-mono text-zinc-400">
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
{#each $filesStatus as activity}
<li class="list-disc">
{activity.status.slice(0, 1)}
<span use:collapsable={{ value: activity.path, separator: '/' }} />

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api';
import type { PageData } from './$types';
import Api from '$lib/api';
import { shortPath } from '$lib/paths';
import { collapsable } from '$lib/paths';
import toast from 'svelte-french-toast';
import { slide } from 'svelte/transition';
import { toHumanBranchName } from '$lib/branch';
@ -215,9 +215,8 @@
class="cursor-pointer {currentPath == activity.path ? 'text-white' : ''}"
use:collapsable={{ value: activity.path, separator: '/' }}

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
import type { PageData } from './$types';
import { derived, writable } from 'svelte/store';
import { IconPlayerPauseFilled, IconPlayerPlayFilled } from '$lib/components/icons';
import { shortPath } from '$lib/paths';
import { collapsable } from '$lib/paths';
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import { CodeViewer } from '$lib/components';
import { asyncDerived } from '@square/svelte-store';
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
class="my-2 flex w-80 flex-shrink-0 flex-col rounded border-[0.5px] border-gb-700 bg-gb-900 xl:w-96"
class="my-2 flex w-80 flex-shrink-0 flex-grow-0 flex-col rounded border-[0.5px] border-gb-700 bg-gb-900 xl:w-96"
{#await richSessions.load()}
<div class="flex h-full flex-col items-center justify-center">
@ -255,9 +255,8 @@
class:text-zinc-100={$frame?.filepath === filename}
class:font-bold={$frame?.filepath === filename}
class="ml-5 text-zinc-500"
use:collapsable={{ value: filename, separator: '/' }}
@ -270,160 +269,165 @@
<div id="player" class="my-2 flex-auto overflow-auto rounded border border-zinc-700 bg-gb-900 ">
class="relative my-2 flex flex-auto overflow-auto rounded border border-zinc-700 bg-gb-900"
{#if $frame}
<div class="relative flex h-full w-full flex-col gap-2 ">
<div id="code" class="h-full w-full flex-auto overflow-auto px-2 pb-[120px]">
paddingLines={fullContext ? 100000 : context}
<div id="code" class="h-full w-full flex-auto overflow-auto px-2 pb-[120px]">
paddingLines={fullContext ? 100000 : context}
<div id="info" class="absolute bottom-[86px] left-4 rounded-lg bg-zinc-800 p-2">
<div class="flex flex-row justify-between space-x-2">
<div class="font-mono font-bold text-white">{shortPath($frame.filepath)}</div>
{new Date($frame.deltas[$frame.deltas.length - 1].timestampMs).toLocaleString('en-US')}
class="w-content absolute bottom-[86px] ml-4 flex max-w-full gap-2 rounded-lg bg-zinc-800 p-2"
class="flex-auto overflow-auto font-mono font-bold text-white"
use:collapsable={{ value: $frame.filepath, separator: '/' }}
<span class="whitespace-nowrap">
{new Date($frame.deltas[$frame.deltas.length - 1].timestampMs).toLocaleString('en-US')}
class="absolute bottom-0 flex w-full flex-col border-t border-zinc-700 bg-[#2E2E32]/75 p-2 pt-4"
class="absolute bottom-0 flex w-full flex-col border-t border-zinc-700 bg-[#2E2E32]/75 p-2 pt-4"
border-width: 0.5px;
-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(5px) saturate(190%) contrast(70%) brightness(80%);
backdrop-filter: blur(5px) saturate(190%) contrast(70%) brightness(80%);
background-color: rgba(24, 24, 27, 0.60);
border: 0.5px solid rgba(63, 63, 70, 0.50);
<div class="flex h-0 w-full justify-between">
{#each $richSessions as session}
class="inline-block h-2 rounded bg-white"
style="width: {Math.round(
(session.deltas.length / $frame.session.deltas.length) * 100
<div class="w-full">
class="-mt-3 w-full cursor-pointer appearance-none rounded-lg border-transparent bg-transparent"
<div class="playback-controller-ui mx-auto flex w-full items-center justify-between gap-2">
<div class="left-side flex space-x-8">
<div class="play-button-button-container">
{#if interval}
<button on:click={stop}>
<IconPlayerPauseFilled class="playback-button-play icon-pointer h-6 w-6" />
<button on:click={play}>
<IconPlayerPlayFilled class="icon-pointer h-6 w-6" />
<div class="back-forward-button-container ">
<button on:click={decrementPlayerValue} class="playback-button-back group">
viewBox="0 0 20 20"
class="icon-pointer h-6 w-6"
d="M13.7101 16.32C14.0948 16.7047 14.0955 17.3274 13.7117 17.7111C13.3254 18.0975 12.7053 18.094 12.3206 17.7093L5.37536 10.7641C5.18243 10.5711 5.0867 10.32 5.08703 10.069C5.08802 9.81734 5.18374 9.56621 5.37536 9.37458L12.3206 2.42932C12.7055 2.04445 13.328 2.04396 13.7117 2.42751C14.0981 2.81386 14.0946 3.43408 13.7101 3.81863C13.4234 4.10528 7.80387 9.78949 7.52438 10.069C9.59011 12.1474 11.637 14.2469 13.7101 16.32Z"
class="fill-zinc-400 group-hover:fill-zinc-100"
<button on:click={incrementPlayerValue} class="playback-button-forward group">
viewBox="0 0 20 20"
class="icon-pointer h-6 w-6"
d="M6.28991 16.32C5.90521 16.7047 5.90455 17.3274 6.28826 17.7111C6.67461 18.0975 7.29466 18.094 7.67938 17.7093L14.6246 10.7641C14.8176 10.5711 14.9133 10.32 14.913 10.069C14.912 9.81734 14.8163 9.56621 14.6246 9.37458L7.67938 2.42932C7.29451 2.04445 6.67197 2.04396 6.28826 2.42751C5.90192 2.81386 5.90537 3.43408 6.28991 3.81863C6.57656 4.10528 12.1961 9.78949 12.4756 10.069C10.4099 12.1474 8.36301 14.2469 6.28991 16.32Z"
class="fill-zinc-400 group-hover:fill-zinc-100"
<button on:click={speedUp}>{speed}x</button>
<div class="flex h-0 w-full justify-between">
{#each $richSessions as session}
class="inline-block h-2 rounded bg-white"
style="width: {Math.round(
(session.deltas.length / $frame.session.deltas.length) * 100
<div class="align-center flex flex-row-reverse gap-2">
<button class="checkbox-button ">
class="group block cursor-pointer rounded transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out hover:bg-zinc-700 "
class="peer hidden"
<div class="w-full">
class="-mt-3 w-full cursor-pointer appearance-none rounded-lg border-transparent bg-transparent"
class="group h-8 w-8 rounded p-1.5 peer-checked:hidden"
d="M10.177 2.07944L13.073 5.21176C13.1081 5.24957 13.1319 5.2978 13.1416 5.35031C13.1513 5.40283 13.1464 5.45727 13.1274 5.50674C13.1084 5.55621 13.0763 5.59848 13.0351 5.62818C12.9939 5.65789 12.9455 5.67369 12.896 5.6736H10.75V7.0256C10.75 7.24074 10.671 7.44707 10.5303 7.5992C10.3897 7.75133 10.1989 7.8368 10 7.8368C9.80109 7.8368 9.61032 7.75133 9.46967 7.5992C9.32902 7.44707 9.25 7.24074 9.25 7.0256V5.6736H7.104C7.05449 5.67369 7.00607 5.65789 6.96487 5.62818C6.92368 5.59848 6.89157 5.55621 6.87261 5.50674C6.85365 5.45727 6.8487 5.40283 6.85838 5.35031C6.86806 5.2978 6.89195 5.24957 6.927 5.21176L9.823 2.07944C9.84622 2.05426 9.87381 2.03428 9.90418 2.02065C9.93456 2.00702 9.96712 2 10 2C10.0329 2 10.0654 2.00702 10.0958 2.02065C10.1262 2.03428 10.1538 2.05426 10.177 2.07944ZM9.25 12.9744C9.25 12.7593 9.32902 12.5529 9.46967 12.4008C9.61032 12.2487 9.80109 12.1632 10 12.1632C10.1989 12.1632 10.3897 12.2487 10.5303 12.4008C10.671 12.5529 10.75 12.7593 10.75 12.9744V14.3264H12.896C12.9455 14.3263 12.9939 14.3421 13.0351 14.3718C13.0763 14.4015 13.1084 14.4438 13.1274 14.4933C13.1464 14.5427 13.1513 14.5972 13.1416 14.6497C13.1319 14.7022 13.1081 14.7504 13.073 14.7882L10.177 17.9206C10.1538 17.9457 10.1262 17.9657 10.0958 17.9794C10.0654 17.993 10.0329 18 10 18C9.96712 18 9.93456 17.993 9.90418 17.9794C9.87381 17.9657 9.84622 17.9457 9.823 17.9206L6.927 14.7882C6.89195 14.7504 6.86806 14.7022 6.85838 14.6497C6.8487 14.5972 6.85365 14.5427 6.87261 14.4933C6.89157 14.4438 6.92368 14.4015 6.96487 14.3718C7.00607 14.3421 7.05449 14.3263 7.104 14.3264H9.25V12.9744ZM4.25 10.8112C4.44891 10.8112 4.63968 10.7257 4.78033 10.5736C4.92098 10.4215 5 10.2151 5 10C5 9.78486 4.92098 9.57852 4.78033 9.42639C4.63968 9.27426 4.44891 9.1888 4.25 9.1888H3.75C3.55109 9.1888 3.36032 9.27426 3.21967 9.42639C3.07902 9.57852 3 9.78486 3 10C3 10.2151 3.07902 10.4215 3.21967 10.5736C3.36032 10.7257 3.55109 10.8112 3.75 10.8112H4.25ZM8 10C8 10.2151 7.92098 10.4215 7.78033 10.5736C7.63968 10.7257 7.44891 10.8112 7.25 10.8112H6.75C6.55109 10.8112 6.36032 10.7257 6.21967 10.5736C6.07902 10.4215 6 10.2151 6 10C6 9.78486 6.07902 9.57852 6.21967 9.42639C6.36032 9.27426 6.55109 9.1888 6.75 9.1888H7.25C7.44891 9.1888 7.63968 9.27426 7.78033 9.42639C7.92098 9.57852 8 9.78486 8 10ZM10.25 10.8112C10.4489 10.8112 10.6397 10.7257 10.7803 10.5736C10.921 10.4215 11 10.2151 11 10C11 9.78486 10.921 9.57852 10.7803 9.42639C10.6397 9.27426 10.4489 9.1888 10.25 9.1888H9.75C9.55109 9.1888 9.36032 9.27426 9.21967 9.42639C9.07902 9.57852 9 9.78486 9 10C9 10.2151 9.07902 10.4215 9.21967 10.5736C9.36032 10.7257 9.55109 10.8112 9.75 10.8112H10.25ZM14 10C14 10.2151 13.921 10.4215 13.7803 10.5736C13.6397 10.7257 13.4489 10.8112 13.25 10.8112H12.75C12.5511 10.8112 12.3603 10.7257 12.2197 10.5736C12.079 10.4215 12 10.2151 12 10C12 9.78486 12.079 9.57852 12.2197 9.42639C12.3603 9.27426 12.5511 9.1888 12.75 9.1888H13.25C13.4489 9.1888 13.6397 9.27426 13.7803 9.42639C13.921 9.57852 14 9.78486 14 10ZM16.25 10.8112C16.4489 10.8112 16.6397 10.7257 16.7803 10.5736C16.921 10.4215 17 10.2151 17 10C17 9.78486 16.921 9.57852 16.7803 9.42639C16.6397 9.27426 16.4489 9.1888 16.25 9.1888H15.75C15.5511 9.1888 15.3603 9.27426 15.2197 9.42639C15.079 9.57852 15 9.78486 15 10C15 10.2151 15.079 10.4215 15.2197 10.5736C15.3603 10.7257 15.5511 10.8112 15.75 10.8112H16.25Z"
class="fill-zinc-100 p-4 group-hover:fill-zinc-200 "
class="group hidden h-8 w-8 rounded p-1.5 peer-checked:block"
d="M10.177 2.07944L13.073 5.21176C13.1081 5.24957 13.1319 5.2978 13.1416 5.35031C13.1513 5.40283 13.1464 5.45727 13.1274 5.50674C13.1084 5.55621 13.0763 5.59848 13.0351 5.62818C12.9939 5.65789 12.9455 5.67369 12.896 5.6736H10.75V7.0256C10.75 7.24074 10.671 7.44707 10.5303 7.5992C10.3897 7.75133 10.1989 7.8368 10 7.8368C9.80109 7.8368 9.61032 7.75133 9.46967 7.5992C9.32902 7.44707 9.25 7.24074 9.25 7.0256V5.6736H7.104C7.05449 5.67369 7.00607 5.65789 6.96487 5.62818C6.92368 5.59848 6.89157 5.55621 6.87261 5.50674C6.85365 5.45727 6.8487 5.40283 6.85838 5.35031C6.86806 5.2978 6.89195 5.24957 6.927 5.21176L9.823 2.07944C9.84622 2.05426 9.87381 2.03428 9.90418 2.02065C9.93456 2.00702 9.96712 2 10 2C10.0329 2 10.0654 2.00702 10.0958 2.02065C10.1262 2.03428 10.1538 2.05426 10.177 2.07944ZM9.25 12.9744C9.25 12.7593 9.32902 12.5529 9.46967 12.4008C9.61032 12.2487 9.80109 12.1632 10 12.1632C10.1989 12.1632 10.3897 12.2487 10.5303 12.4008C10.671 12.5529 10.75 12.7593 10.75 12.9744V14.3264H12.896C12.9455 14.3263 12.9939 14.3421 13.0351 14.3718C13.0763 14.4015 13.1084 14.4438 13.1274 14.4933C13.1464 14.5427 13.1513 14.5972 13.1416 14.6497C13.1319 14.7022 13.1081 14.7504 13.073 14.7882L10.177 17.9206C10.1538 17.9457 10.1262 17.9657 10.0958 17.9794C10.0654 17.993 10.0329 18 10 18C9.96712 18 9.93456 17.993 9.90418 17.9794C9.87381 17.9657 9.84622 17.9457 9.823 17.9206L6.927 14.7882C6.89195 14.7504 6.86806 14.7022 6.85838 14.6497C6.8487 14.5972 6.85365 14.5427 6.87261 14.4933C6.89157 14.4438 6.92368 14.4015 6.96487 14.3718C7.00607 14.3421 7.05449 14.3263 7.104 14.3264H9.25V12.9744ZM4.25 10.8112C4.44891 10.8112 4.63968 10.7257 4.78033 10.5736C4.92098 10.4215 5 10.2151 5 10C5 9.78486 4.92098 9.57852 4.78033 9.42639C4.63968 9.27426 4.44891 9.1888 4.25 9.1888H3.75C3.55109 9.1888 3.36032 9.27426 3.21967 9.42639C3.07902 9.57852 3 9.78486 3 10C3 10.2151 3.07902 10.4215 3.21967 10.5736C3.36032 10.7257 3.55109 10.8112 3.75 10.8112H4.25ZM8 10C8 10.2151 7.92098 10.4215 7.78033 10.5736C7.63968 10.7257 7.44891 10.8112 7.25 10.8112H6.75C6.55109 10.8112 6.36032 10.7257 6.21967 10.5736C6.07902 10.4215 6 10.2151 6 10C6 9.78486 6.07902 9.57852 6.21967 9.42639C6.36032 9.27426 6.55109 9.1888 6.75 9.1888H7.25C7.44891 9.1888 7.63968 9.27426 7.78033 9.42639C7.92098 9.57852 8 9.78486 8 10ZM10.25 10.8112C10.4489 10.8112 10.6397 10.7257 10.7803 10.5736C10.921 10.4215 11 10.2151 11 10C11 9.78486 10.921 9.57852 10.7803 9.42639C10.6397 9.27426 10.4489 9.1888 10.25 9.1888H9.75C9.55109 9.1888 9.36032 9.27426 9.21967 9.42639C9.07902 9.57852 9 9.78486 9 10C9 10.2151 9.07902 10.4215 9.21967 10.5736C9.36032 10.7257 9.55109 10.8112 9.75 10.8112H10.25ZM14 10C14 10.2151 13.921 10.4215 13.7803 10.5736C13.6397 10.7257 13.4489 10.8112 13.25 10.8112H12.75C12.5511 10.8112 12.3603 10.7257 12.2197 10.5736C12.079 10.4215 12 10.2151 12 10C12 9.78486 12.079 9.57852 12.2197 9.42639C12.3603 9.27426 12.5511 9.1888 12.75 9.1888H13.25C13.4489 9.1888 13.6397 9.27426 13.7803 9.42639C13.921 9.57852 14 9.78486 14 10ZM16.25 10.8112C16.4489 10.8112 16.6397 10.7257 16.7803 10.5736C16.921 10.4215 17 10.2151 17 10C17 9.78486 16.921 9.57852 16.7803 9.42639C16.6397 9.27426 16.4489 9.1888 16.25 9.1888H15.75C15.5511 9.1888 15.3603 9.27426 15.2197 9.42639C15.079 9.57852 15 9.78486 15 10C15 10.2151 15.079 10.4215 15.2197 10.5736C15.3603 10.7257 15.5511 10.8112 15.75 10.8112H16.25Z"
class="fill-zinc-600 p-4 group-hover:fill-zinc-200 "
{#if !fullContext}
<input type="number" bind:value={context} class="w-14 rounded py-1 pl-2 pr-1" />
<div class="playback-controller-ui mx-auto flex w-full items-center justify-between gap-2">
<div class="left-side flex space-x-8">
<div class="play-button-button-container">
{#if interval}
<button on:click={stop}>
<IconPlayerPauseFilled class="playback-button-play icon-pointer h-6 w-6" />
<button on:click={play}>
<IconPlayerPlayFilled class="icon-pointer h-6 w-6" />
<div class="back-forward-button-container ">
<button on:click={decrementPlayerValue} class="playback-button-back group">
viewBox="0 0 20 20"
class="icon-pointer h-6 w-6"
d="M13.7101 16.32C14.0948 16.7047 14.0955 17.3274 13.7117 17.7111C13.3254 18.0975 12.7053 18.094 12.3206 17.7093L5.37536 10.7641C5.18243 10.5711 5.0867 10.32 5.08703 10.069C5.08802 9.81734 5.18374 9.56621 5.37536 9.37458L12.3206 2.42932C12.7055 2.04445 13.328 2.04396 13.7117 2.42751C14.0981 2.81386 14.0946 3.43408 13.7101 3.81863C13.4234 4.10528 7.80387 9.78949 7.52438 10.069C9.59011 12.1474 11.637 14.2469 13.7101 16.32Z"
class="fill-zinc-400 group-hover:fill-zinc-100"
<button on:click={incrementPlayerValue} class="playback-button-forward group">
viewBox="0 0 20 20"
class="icon-pointer h-6 w-6"
d="M6.28991 16.32C5.90521 16.7047 5.90455 17.3274 6.28826 17.7111C6.67461 18.0975 7.29466 18.094 7.67938 17.7093L14.6246 10.7641C14.8176 10.5711 14.9133 10.32 14.913 10.069C14.912 9.81734 14.8163 9.56621 14.6246 9.37458L7.67938 2.42932C7.29451 2.04445 6.67197 2.04396 6.28826 2.42751C5.90192 2.81386 5.90537 3.43408 6.28991 3.81863C6.57656 4.10528 12.1961 9.78949 12.4756 10.069C10.4099 12.1474 8.36301 14.2469 6.28991 16.32Z"
class="fill-zinc-400 group-hover:fill-zinc-100"
<button on:click={speedUp}>{speed}x</button>
<div class="align-center flex flex-row-reverse gap-2">
<button class="checkbox-button ">
class="group block cursor-pointer rounded transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out hover:bg-zinc-700 "
class="peer hidden"
class="group h-8 w-8 rounded p-1.5 peer-checked:hidden"
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