- Add a button to the `[sessionId]/+page.svelte` file for column selection
- Update the class of the button to `z-20 flex justify-end items-center overflow-hidden sticky left-0 w-1/6 text-xs leading-5`
- Add an `on:click` event to the button to update
- Change class of button from `flex justify-end items-center overflow-hidden sticky left-0 z-20 w-1/6 text-xs leading-5` to `z-20 flex justify-end items-center overflow-hidden sticky left-0 w-1/6 text-xs leading-5`
- Add a `<button>` element for column selection
- Add `on:click` event to the `<button>` element to update
- Add a function to convert a column number to a timestamp
- Change the slider to display a tooltip with the timestamp of the selected value
- Add a div to display the selected value on the timeline
- Add a function to convert a column number to a timestamp
- Change the slider to display a tooltip with the timestamp of the selected value
- Add a div to display the selected value on the timeline
- Add a new page for sessionv2 with features to load session data, deltas, list of files, prerender flag, and navigation to previous and next session
- Add a sticky header for the timeline and a list of files and entries for the timeline
- Add a link to the v2 page for project session page
- Add a new file for the session page
- Add a function to convert timestamp to column index
- Add a sticky header for the timeline
- Add a list of files for the timeline
- Add a list of entries for the timeline
- Add a new page for sessionv2 with the following features:
- Load session data
- Load deltas from the backend
- Load list of files from the backend
- Add a prerender flag
- Add a navigation to the previous and next session if available
- Add link to v2 page for project session page