- Added a button to each delta for selection
- Updated the `session` store to return the first session if the sessionId is not found
- Updated the `previousSession` store to return the session before the current one if it exists
- Updated the `docsNext` derived store to include the `selection` store
- Added an `if` statement for `files` in `+page.svelte`
- Changed the import of `svelte/store` to include `writable`
- Changed the `session` store to return the first session if the sessionId is not found
- Changed the `previousSession` store to return the session before the current one if it exists
- Move the `Timeline` component import from `+page.svelte`
- Initialize `selection` store in `+page.svelte`
- Update `docsNext` derived store to include the `selection` store
- Add a button to each delta for selection
- Add an `if` statement for `files` in `+page.svelte`
- Delete `contentWithDeltasApplied` function from `+page.
- Update CodeViewer component to call `mergeView?.destroy()` before recreating the merge view
- Add a function to update the two editors when values change
- Remove commented out code
- Update code to call `mergeView?.destroy()` before recreating the merge view
- Add a function to update the two editors when the values change
- Upgrade CodeViewer component to use MergeView
- Add collapseUnchanged option to MergeView
- Update @codemirror/state and @codemirror/view to latest version
- Add @codemirror/merge to dependencies and packages list
- Add @codemirror/merge dependency to package.json
- Change the `CodeViewer` value from `contentWithDeltasApplied` to `contentAtSessionStart` and `newValue` to `contentWithDeltasApplied`
- Remove `console.log` line in `src/routes/projects/[projectId]/sessions/[sessionId]/+page.ts`
- Change type of `files` from `Record<string, string>` to `any`
- Change the code viewer from an EditorView to a MergeView
- Add a newValue prop to the CodeViewer component
- Update the update function to use the new MergeView
- Add collapseUnchanged option to the MergeView
- Remove unused code related to coloring the last edit
- Add `@codemirror/merge` to the dependencies and specifiers
- Update `@codemirror/state` to version `6.2.0`
- Update `@codemirror/view` to version `6.7.3`
- Add `@codemirror/merge` to the packages list with the specified resolution and dependencies
- Export `list()` function from `deltas.ts`
- Update `TimelineDaySession.svelte` to use `list()` and `deltas` instead of `listFiles` and `files`
- Change `list()` to `export const list()`
- Add type annotations to `list()` function parameters
- Change `listFiles` to `list`
- Change `files` to `deltas`
- Change `file` to `delta`
- Add support for displaying files with deltas applied in the code viewer
- Add a type alias for `Delta` and a function to apply deltas to a string
- Add a type alias for `Delta`
- Add a function to apply deltas to a string
- Display files with deltas applied in the code viewer
- Add console log to the `load` function for debug purposes
- Add `listFiles` function from `$lib/sessions`
- Render list of files in `<div id="files">` with file name only
- Add console log to the `load` function for debug purposes
- Add `listFiles` function from `$lib/sessions`
- Render list of files in `<div id="files">` with file name only
- Update `TimelineDaySessionActivities` component to include activity message in the `title` attribute
- Update `TimelineDaySession` component to use `session.meta.startTs` and `session.meta.lastTs` for `session.startTime` and `session.endTime` respectively
- Uncomment `TimelineDaySessionActivities` component
- Change `session.activities` to `session.activity` in the `TimelineDaySession
- Change `title` attribute to include activity message
- Change `session.startTime` to `session.meta.startTs` in the `TimelineDaySessionActivities` component
- Change `session.endTime` to `session.meta.lastTs` in the `TimelineDaySessionActivities` component
- Uncomment the `TimelineDaySessionActivities` component
- Change `session.activities` to `session.activity` in the `TimelineDaySessionActivities` component
- Change
- Add link to last session in the project layout
- Change "Session" link to an anchor if there is a last session
- Add a `sessions` variable to the layout
- Add a link to the last session in the layout
- Change the "Session" link to an anchor if there is a last session
- Update layout to use flexbox
- Add draggable header, dropdown for project selection, and up-to-date indicator in the footer
- Add overflow-auto to sidebar and overflow-hidden to main content area
- Remove `position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden;` from the `<style>` tag
- Replace `flex` with `flex w-full h-full overflow-hidden`
- Wrap `
- Change header to be draggable
- Change layout to use flexbox
- Add overflow-auto to sidebar
- Add border to sidebar
- Add dropdown for project selection
- Add footer with up-to-date indicator
- Add overflow-hidden to main content area
- Remove `position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden;` from the `<style>` tag
- Add `class="fixed h-full w-full overflow-hidden"` to the `<body>` tag
- Replace `flex` with `flex w-full h-full overflow-hidden`
- Wrap `CodeViewer` in a `details` tag
- Add `Timeline` div
- Remove `<div class="">` and `</div>` from the layout
- Change link from `Week` to `Day`
- Remove the closing tag for the script section
- Refactor SessionNavBlock, SessionNav, and sessions.ts to improve UX and performance
- Add CodeViewer component for all file paths
- Update type definitions in deltas.ts
- Add links to previous and next session if they exist
- Change border padding for SessionNavBlock from `p-2` to `px-2 py-1`
- Add hover effect to SessionNavBlock border when hovered
- Move initialization of `octokit` to a separate file
- Replace `toHumanReadableTime` with `writable` store
- Replace hardcoded navigation links with `SessionNav` component
- Add `CodeViewer` component for all file paths
- Add `derived` store for `docs`
- Replace `data` with `$deltas` in `derived` store
- Replace hardcoded `debug` with `session hash`
- Add
- Fix typo in the parameters type definition of the `list_deltas` function
- Update type definition of the `export default` function to match the `list_deltas` function
- Change the class of the `session-nav` div from `my-2` to `text-sm`
- Change the `extraClasses` of the `SessionNavBlock` from `p-4` to `py-2`
- Add a link to the previous session if it exists
- Add a link to the next session if it exists
- Change `id` type in `Session` from `string` to `string;`
- Update session navigation for projects
- Add navigation for previous and next sessions
- Update navigation layout for sessions
- Add a `hover` and `extraClasses` export variable to `SessionNavBlock` component
- Add a `SessionNavBlock` component for navigating between sessions
- Add a `toHumanReadableTime` helper function
- Store the current session in a `session` variable
- Add `previousSession` and `nextSession` variables to store the previous and next session in the list
- Add logic to handle edge cases when the current session is the first or last in the list
- Add a link for the Day label in the Projects layout