use super::*; use gitbutler_branch::VirtualBranchesHandle; use gitbutler_oplog::oplog::Oplog; use itertools::Itertools; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::time::Duration; #[tokio::test] async fn workdir_vbranch_restore() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let test = Test::default(); let Test { repository, controller, project, .. } = &test; controller .set_base_branch(project, &"refs/remotes/origin/master".parse().unwrap()) .await .unwrap(); let worktree_dir = repository.path(); for round in 0..3 { let line_count = round * 20; fs::write( worktree_dir.join(format!("file{round}.txt")), make_lines(line_count), )?; let branch_id = controller .create_virtual_branch( project, &branch::BranchCreateRequest { name: Some(round.to_string()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await?; controller .create_commit( project, branch_id, &format!("commit {round}"), None, false, /* run hook */ ) .await?; assert_eq!( wd_file_count(&worktree_dir)?, round + 1, "each round creates a new file, and it persists" ); assert_eq!( project.should_auto_snapshot(Duration::ZERO)?, line_count > 20 ); } let _empty = controller .create_virtual_branch(project, &Default::default()) .await?; let snapshots = project.list_snapshots(10, None)?; assert_eq!( snapshots.len(), 7, "3 vbranches + 3 commits + one empty branch" ); let previous_files_count = wd_file_count(&worktree_dir)?; assert_eq!(previous_files_count, 3, "one file per round"); project .restore_snapshot(snapshots[0].commit_id) .expect("restoration succeeds"); assert_eq!( project.list_snapshots(10, None)?.len(), 8, "all the previous + 1 restore commit" ); let current_files = wd_file_count(&worktree_dir)?; assert_eq!( current_files, previous_files_count, "we only removed an empty vbranch, no worktree change" ); assert!( !project.should_auto_snapshot(Duration::ZERO)?, "not enough lines changed" ); Ok(()) } fn wd_file_count(worktree_dir: &&Path) -> anyhow::Result { Ok(glob::glob(&worktree_dir.join("file*").to_string_lossy())?.count()) } fn make_lines(count: usize) -> Vec { (0..count).map(|n| n.to_string()).join("\n").into() } #[tokio::test] async fn basic_oplog() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let Test { repository, controller, project, .. } = &Test::default(); controller .set_base_branch(project, &"refs/remotes/origin/master".parse()?) .await?; let branch_id = controller .create_virtual_branch(project, &branch::BranchCreateRequest::default()) .await?; // create commit fs::write(repository.path().join("file.txt"), "content")?; let _commit1_id = controller .create_commit(project, branch_id, "commit one", None, false) .await?; // dont store large files let file_path = repository.path().join("large.txt"); // write 33MB of random data in the file let mut file = std::fs::File::create(file_path)?; for _ in 0..33 * 1024 { let data = [0u8; 1024]; file.write_all(&data)?; } // create commit with large file fs::write(repository.path().join("file2.txt"), "content2")?; fs::write(repository.path().join("file3.txt"), "content3")?; let commit2_id = controller .create_commit(project, branch_id, "commit two", None, false) .await?; // Create conflict state let conflicts_path = repository.path().join(".git").join("conflicts"); std::fs::write(&conflicts_path, "conflict A")?; let base_merge_parent_path = repository.path().join(".git").join("base_merge_parent"); std::fs::write(&base_merge_parent_path, "parent A")?; // create state with conflict state let _empty_branch_id = controller .create_virtual_branch(project, &branch::BranchCreateRequest::default()) .await?; std::fs::remove_file(&base_merge_parent_path)?; std::fs::remove_file(&conflicts_path)?; fs::write(repository.path().join("file4.txt"), "content4")?; let _commit3_id = controller .create_commit(project, branch_id, "commit three", None, false) .await?; let branch = controller .list_virtual_branches(project) .await? .0 .into_iter() .find(|b| == branch_id) .unwrap(); let branches = controller.list_virtual_branches(project).await?; assert_eq!(branches.0.len(), 2); assert_eq!(branch.commits.len(), 3); assert_eq!(branch.commits[0].files.len(), 1); assert_eq!(branch.commits[1].files.len(), 3); let snapshots = project.list_snapshots(10, None)?; let ops = snapshots .iter() .map(|c| &c.details.as_ref().unwrap().title) .collect::>(); assert_eq!( ops, vec![ "CreateCommit", "CreateBranch", "CreateCommit", "CreateCommit", "CreateBranch", ] ); project.restore_snapshot(snapshots[1].clone().commit_id)?; // restores the conflict files let file_lines = std::fs::read_to_string(&conflicts_path)?; assert_eq!(file_lines, "conflict A"); let file_lines = std::fs::read_to_string(&base_merge_parent_path)?; assert_eq!(file_lines, "parent A"); assert_eq!(snapshots[1].lines_added, 2); assert_eq!(snapshots[1].lines_removed, 0); project.restore_snapshot(snapshots[2].clone().commit_id)?; // the restore removed our new branch let branches = controller.list_virtual_branches(project).await?; assert_eq!(branches.0.len(), 1); // assert that the conflicts file was removed assert!(!&conflicts_path.try_exists()?); // remove commit2_oid from odb let commit_str = &commit2_id.to_string(); // find file in odb let file_path = repository .path() .join(".git") .join("objects") .join(&commit_str[..2]); let file_path = file_path.join(&commit_str[2..]); assert!(file_path.exists()); // remove file std::fs::remove_file(file_path)?; // try to look up that object let repo = git2::Repository::open(&project.path)?; let commit = repo.find_commit(commit2_id); assert!(commit.is_err()); project.restore_snapshot(snapshots[1].clone().commit_id)?; // test missing commits are recreated let commit = repo.find_commit(commit2_id); assert!(commit.is_ok()); let file_path = repository.path().join("large.txt"); assert!(file_path.exists()); let file_path = repository.path().join("file.txt"); let file_lines = std::fs::read_to_string(file_path)?; assert_eq!(file_lines, "content"); assert!( !project.should_auto_snapshot(Duration::ZERO)?, "not enough lines changed" ); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn restores_gitbutler_integration() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let Test { repository, controller, project, .. } = &Test::default(); controller .set_base_branch(project, &"refs/remotes/origin/master".parse()?) .await?; assert_eq!( VirtualBranchesHandle::new(project.gb_dir()) .list_branches_in_workspace()? .len(), 0 ); let branch_id = controller .create_virtual_branch(project, &branch::BranchCreateRequest::default()) .await?; assert_eq!( VirtualBranchesHandle::new(project.gb_dir()) .list_branches_in_workspace()? .len(), 1 ); // create commit fs::write(repository.path().join("file.txt"), "content")?; let _commit1_id = controller .create_commit(project, branch_id, "commit one", None, false) .await?; let repo = git2::Repository::open(&project.path)?; // check the integration commit let head = repo.head().expect("never unborn"); let commit = &head.peel_to_commit()?; let commit1_id =; let message = commit.summary().unwrap(); assert_eq!(message, "GitButler Integration Commit"); // create second commit fs::write(repository.path().join("file.txt"), "changed content")?; let _commit2_id = controller .create_commit(project, branch_id, "commit two", None, false) .await?; // check the integration commit changed let head = repo.head().expect("never unborn"); let commit = &head.peel_to_commit()?; let commit2_id =; let message = commit.summary().unwrap(); assert_eq!(message, "GitButler Integration Commit"); assert_ne!(commit1_id, commit2_id); // restore the first let snapshots = project.list_snapshots(10, None)?; assert_eq!( snapshots.len(), 3, "one vbranch, two commits, one snapshot each" ); project .restore_snapshot(snapshots[0].commit_id) .expect("can restore the most recent snapshot, to undo commit 2, resetting to commit 1"); let head = repo.head().expect("never unborn"); let current_commit = &head.peel_to_commit()?; let id_of_restored_commit =; assert_eq!( commit1_id, id_of_restored_commit, "head now points to the first commit, it's not commit 2 anymore" ); let vbranches = VirtualBranchesHandle::new(project.gb_dir()).list_branches_in_workspace()?; assert_eq!( vbranches.len(), 1, "vbranches aren't affected by this (only the head commit)" ); let all_snapshots = project.list_snapshots(10, None)?; assert_eq!( all_snapshots.len(), 4, "the restore is tracked as separate snapshot" ); assert_eq!( project.list_snapshots(0, None)?.len(), 0, "it respects even non-sensical limits" ); let snapshots = project.list_snapshots(1, None)?; assert_eq!(snapshots.len(), 1); assert_eq!( project.list_snapshots(1, Some(snapshots[0].commit_id))?, snapshots, "traversal from oplog head is the same as if it wasn't specified, and the given head is returned first" ); assert_eq!( project.list_snapshots(10, Some(all_snapshots[2].commit_id))?, &all_snapshots[2..], ); let first_snapshot = all_snapshots.last().unwrap(); assert_eq!( ( first_snapshot.lines_added, first_snapshot.lines_removed, first_snapshot.files_changed.len() ), (0, 0, 0), "The first snapshot is intentionally not listing everything as changed" ); Ok(()) } // test operations-log.toml head is not a commit #[tokio::test] async fn head_corrupt_is_recreated_automatically() { let Test { repository, controller, project, .. } = &Test::default(); controller .set_base_branch(project, &"refs/remotes/origin/master".parse().unwrap()) .await .unwrap(); controller .set_base_branch(project, &"refs/remotes/origin/master".parse().unwrap()) .await .unwrap(); let snapshots = project.list_snapshots(10, None).unwrap(); assert_eq!( snapshots.len(), 1, "No snapshots can be created before a base branch is set, hence only 1 snapshot despite two calls" ); // overwrite oplog head with a non-commit sha let oplog_path = repository.path().join(".git/gitbutler/operations-log.toml"); fs::write( oplog_path, "head_sha = \"758d54f587227fba3da3b61fbb54a99c17903d59\"", ) .unwrap(); controller .set_base_branch(project, &"refs/remotes/origin/master".parse().unwrap()) .await .expect("the snapshot doesn't fail despite the corrupt head"); let snapshots = project.list_snapshots(10, None).unwrap(); assert_eq!( snapshots.len(), 1, "it should have just reset the oplog head, so only 1, not 2" ); }